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TOEIC: Advanced Describing Motion Vocabulary Set 1

1. agile (adjective) To be able to move quickly.

2. converge (verb) To come together.
3. dash (verb) To sprint; to run fast for a short distance.
4. deposit (verb) To place something in a particular location, often on
the ground or on a surface.
5. displacement (noun) The action of putting something out of its usual
6. elude (verb) To get away from.
7. handover (noun) The act of passing possession of something to
another party.
8. hurdle (verb) To pass by leaping over.
9. inanimate (adjective) Not capable of living and moving.
10. maneuver (verb) To carefully move something or someone to a differ-
ent position.
11. momentum (noun) The quantity of motion possessed by a moving
12. onward (adjective) To continue moving forward.
13. oscillate (verb) To vary from one point to another in regular inter-
14. penetrate (verb) To pierce through.
15. permeate (verb) To pass through something and spread all over.
16. propel (verb) To cause to move forward or to a certain direction.
17. scuttle (verb) To move hurriedly and carelessly.

TOEIC: Advanced Describing Motion Vocabulary Set 1

18. slump (verb) Lean over, fall hard.

19. stem (verb) To originate from something; to cause something.

20. targeted (adjective) Aimed at something particular.

21. tip (verb) To make something fall over.

22. tremor (noun) A shaking motion.

23. uproot (verb) To take something away from where it has settled;
to destroy its stability.

24. agile Which word has the following synonyms?

athletic, energetic, lithe, lively

25. converge Which word has the following synonyms?

assemble, concentrate

26. dash Which word has the following synonyms?

bolt, dart, hurry, sprint, gallop

27. displacement Which word has the following synonyms?

dislocation, move, movement, rearrangement, shift

28. elude Which word has the following synonyms?

avoid, escape, dodge, sidestep

29. handover Which word has the following synonyms?

relinquishing, surrender, hand-off, giving, ceding

30. hurdle Which word has the following synonyms?

evade, conquer, vault over, leap over

31. inanimate Which word has the following synonyms?

cold, dull, dead, inactive, inert

32. momentum Which word has the following synonyms?

impetus, drive, foce, impulsion

33. onward
TOEIC: Advanced Describing Motion Vocabulary Set 1

Which word has the following synonyms?

onwards, beyond, forward

34. oscillate Which word has the following synonyms?

fluctuate, wave

35. penetrate Which word has the following synonyms?

pierce, puncture, gore, perforate

36. permeate Which word has the following synonyms?

seep, penetrate, infuse

37. propel Which word has the following synonyms?

thrust, drive, push

38. scuttle Which word has the following synonyms?

scamper, scurry, hasten

39. slump Which word has the following synonyms?

collapse, crash

40. targeted Which word has the following synonyms?


41. tremor Which word has the following synonyms?

shiver, vibration, quake

42. uproot Which word has the following synonyms?

displace, extract, exterminate

43. converge Which word has the following antonyms?

disperse, scatter, differ

44. handover Which word has the following antonyms?

taking, possession, acquirement, conquest

45. hurdle Which word has the following antonyms?

crash, collide, yield, surrender

46. inanimate

TOEIC: Advanced Describing Motion Vocabulary Set 1

Which word has the following antonyms?

animate, living, lively

47. oscillate Which word has the following antonyms?

set, hold

48. penetrate Which word has the following antonyms?

patch, mend, repair

49. permeate Which word has the following antonyms?

dehydrate, dry, take out

50. propel Which word has the following antonyms?

pull, hinder, repress

51. scuttle Which word has the following antonyms?

walk, slow down, stall

52. targeted Which word has the following antonyms?


53. tremor Which word has the following antonyms?

sitllness, hush, calm, lull

54. uproot Which word has the following antonyms?

plant, settle, entrench

55. agile The athlete won many medals.

56. converged The group at the bar to proceed with their fun.

57. dashed He to the bathroom when the bell rang.

58. deposited The garbage truck a lot of trash in the landfill.

59. displacement The forest fire caused a of both animals and hu-
mans living in the area.

60. elude They chased me down the street, but I was able to
them by turning down an alley.

TOEIC: Advanced Describing Motion Vocabulary Set 1

61. handover After the of the company was complete, employees

were forbidden contact with the former owner.

62. hurdle She will easily over the narrow stream.

63. inanimate I love taking photos of interesting objects.

64. maneuver We'll have to the bed through the door.

65. momentum The car gained as it barreled down the hill, making
it impossible to stop it.

66. onward The knight trodded .

67. oscillates A pendulum around a fixed point.

68. penetrate Use a needle to the cloth and pull the thread

69. permeated Her perfume throughout the room when she

passed by.

70. propel My ambitions in life me to do better in school.

71. scuttled The mouse away when the cat pounced on it.

72. slumped The man onto the couch after a hard day at work.

73. stem All our conclusions from specific research and ex-

74. targeted The audience for this product includes teenagers

and children.

75. tipped The pole fell after I it over.

76. tremor There was a in her leg as she struggled to stand up.

77. uproot Accepting my new job across the country meant I had to
my family from the town I had called home.


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