TOEIC - Intermediate Politics, Government, and Society Vocabulary Set 5 PDF

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TOEIC: Intermediate Politics, Government, and Society Vocabulary Set 5

1. alliance (noun) A pact based on similar interests that should ben-

efit both parties.
2. authority (noun) A term to denote someone in power and respected.
Can be a person or an official body.
3. boycott (noun) A total ban on any sort of physical or economic
relations with someone.
4. bureau (noun) An office, department, or organization used for
handling a specific type of business or providing informa-
5. civil servant (noun) One employed by the government in the public
6. demonstration (noun) A public show of collective feelings in the form of a
march, protest or rally.
7. diplomat (noun) A country or government's official representative
responsible to manage international relationships.
8. dominate (verb) To rule, make decisions for, control, or express
power over.
9. emigrate (verb) To travel from one's home country to a new country
to live in it.
10. governor (noun) Someone tasked with running or elected to run a
11. legislate (verb) To make or pass laws within the confines of a legal
12. migration (noun) An event of moving to live to another location.
13. nationality (noun) One's status that they belong to a certain country.
14. nominate (verb) To name a candidate for something officially.

TOEIC: Intermediate Politics, Government, and Society Vocabulary Set 5

15. policy (noun) A proposed rule or principle to be put to action in

order to govern and direct behavior.
16. propaganda (noun) Ideas or statements which aims to influence the
opinion of others.
17. protocol (noun) The formal process or set of regulations controlling
events of state or government.
18. rank (noun) A level in the organization's hierarchy that denotes
the significance of the individual holding it, such as in the
19. registered (adjective) Officially recognized or listed.
20. socialist (adjective) Relating to something or someone that advo-
cates socialism.
21. spending (noun) Amount of money spent by a government or orga-
22. alliance Which word has the following synonyms?
union, treaty, league
23. authority Which word has the following synonyms?
government, power, law
24. boycott Which word has the following synonyms?
25. bureau Which word has the following synonyms?
agency, department, division, office
26. civil servant Which word has the following synonyms?
public servant, bureaucrat, official
27. demonstration Which word has the following synonyms?
rally, protest, march, parade, sit-in
28. diplomat

TOEIC: Intermediate Politics, Government, and Society Vocabulary Set 5

Which word has the following synonyms?

ambassador, delegate, representative

29. dominate Which word has the following synonyms?

to control, to command, to govern, to overpower, to lead

30. emigrate Which word has the following synonyms?

depart, migrate, leave

31. governor Which word has the following synonyms?

leader, satrap, viceroy, executive

32. legislate Which word has the following synonyms?

enact, constitute, enforce

33. migration Which word has the following synonyms?

relocation, resettlement

34. nationality Which word has the following synonyms?

citizenship, origin

35. nominate Which word has the following synonyms?

appoint, assign, choose, elect

36. policy Which word has the following synonyms?

action, administration, arrangement, code, guideline

37. propaganda Which word has the following synonyms?

buildup, campaign, publicity

38. protocol Which word has the following synonyms?

order, courtesy, obligation

39. rank Which word has the following synonyms?

level, position, status

40. registered Which word has the following synonyms?

official, recognized, certified, enrolled

41. spending

TOEIC: Intermediate Politics, Government, and Society Vocabulary Set 5

Which word has the following synonyms?

expenditure, outlay, cost

42. alliance Which word has the following antonyms?

antagonism, detachment, disagreement, discord

43. authority Which word has the following antonyms?

inferiority, lack, powerlessness

44. dominate Which word has the following antonyms?

to obey, to submit, to follow

45. emigrate Which word has the following antonyms?

immigrate, remain, stay

46. governor Which word has the following antonyms?

subject, vassal, serf

47. legislate Which word has the following antonyms?

deny, overrule, veto

48. nominate Which word has the following antonyms?

dismiss, remove, oust

49. protocol Which word has the following antonyms?

bad manners, impoliteness, crudeness

50. registered Which word has the following antonyms?

unofficial, guest, unrecognized, unregistered

51. spending Which word has the following antonyms?

deposit, hoard, savings

52. alliance The two countries formed an to fight against their

common enemy.

53. authority Only an official can give you your ID.

54. boycott The gas has been going on for weeks.

TOEIC: Intermediate Politics, Government, and Society Vocabulary Set 5

55. bureau The Federal of Investigation is looking into the case

so they can identify whether anything illegal happened.

56. civil servant As a , she had generous pension benefits.

57. demonstrations He frequently attends anti-war .

58. diplomat Mexico has sent a to the international conference.

59. dominate Kings dominated their subjects.

60. emigrated After she to Sierra Leone, I missed my friend dearly.

61. governor The announced that he would not be running in the

next election.

62. legislating The lawmakers spent several weeks at a time new

bills before disbanding for the year.

63. migration The from Poland to the US was a wise decision for

64. nationality They say the painter was of American .

65. nominated The class a president.

66. policy The political party that just came to power is discussing
the implementation of a new .

67. propaganda The politician's opponent was spreading against


68. protocol The officer is prohibited by from delivering any

official justification.

69. rank He is overjoyed because his son has recently been pro-
moted to the of colonel.

70. registered He is a member of our club.

71. socialist
TOEIC: Intermediate Politics, Government, and Society Vocabulary Set 5

He shared his views to the crowd during the meet-

72. spending Government on education needs to increase.


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