TOEIC - Intermediate Personal Qualities Vocabulary Set 3 PDF

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TOEIC: Intermediate Personal Qualities Vocabulary Set 3

1. brave (adjective) Someone courageous, ready to face fear and

2. competitiveness (noun) The ability or desire to be as good as or better than
3. cruel (adjective) Used to describe someone who is particularly
evil and causes harm to others intentionally.
4. decisive (adjective) Having the ability to make effective decisions
confidently and quickly.
5. elegant (adjective) Having quality or grace.
6. experienced (adjective) Used to describe somebody that has extensive
knowledge on a particular topic.
7. fragile (adjective)
Who is vulnerable, weak.
8. hostile (adjective) One who shows ill will and intent, dislike to-
wards someone/something.
9. integrity (noun) The characteristic of being morally upright and
having strong principles.
10. intellectual (adjective) One based on intellectual abilities; a sharp
understanding and thought.
11. outstanding (adjective) Used to describe something that is really good.
12. potential (noun) Ambition and talent that can lead to success.
13. power (noun) The physical energy to do something.
14. rational (adjective) A reasonable, sober person/one who is capa-
ble of logical thinking and reasoning.
15. remarkable (adjective) One who is significant, outstanding, brilliant,
impressive, unusual.

TOEIC: Intermediate Personal Qualities Vocabulary Set 3

16. respectable (adjective) One who has respect, reputation; creditable.

17. responsible (adjective) Used to describe someone who has a respon-
sibility towards someone; to have control over someone;
to be worthy of something.
18. selective (adjective) Related to selection as a result of careful selec-
19. brave Which word has the following synonyms?
fearless, courageous, heroic
20. competitiveness Which word has the following synonyms?
aggressiveness, ambition, determination
21. cruel Which word has the following synonyms?
barbarous, brutal, harsh, evil, inhuman
22. decisive Which word has the following synonyms?
resolute, firm, determined, strong-willed, assertive
23. elegant Which word has the following synonyms?
chic, dignified, exquisite, fancy, opulent
24. experienced Which word has the following synonyms?
capable, competent, qualified
25. fragile Which word has the following synonyms?
delicate, feeble,
infirm, shivery
26. hostile Which word has the following synonyms?
adverse, belligerent, bitter, contentious, contrary
27. integrity Which word has the following synonyms?
honesty, honor, decency
28. intellectual Which word has the following synonyms?
cerebral, creative, highbrow, mental, psychological, ratio-

TOEIC: Intermediate Personal Qualities Vocabulary Set 3

29. outstanding Which word has the following synonyms?

distinguished, eminent, excellent, exceptional

30. potential Which word has the following synonyms?


31. power Which word has the following synonyms?

energy, force, strength

32. rational Which word has the following synonyms?

deliberate, enlightened, impartial, analytical, balanced

33. remarkable Which word has the following synonyms?

exceptional, important, impressive, miraculous

34. respectable Which word has the following synonyms?

appropriate, creditable, decent, honorable, mediocre

35. responsible Which word has the following synonyms?

answerable, culpable, guilty, important, liable, pledged

36. selective Which word has the following synonyms?

careful, choosy, discriminatory

37. brave Which word has the following antonyms?

afraid, fearful, careful

38. cruel Which word has the following antonyms?

compassionate, decent, considerate, nice

39. decisive Which word has the following antonyms?

indecisive, doubtful, hesitant, dubious, weak

40. elegant Which word has the following antonyms?

dull, plain, ugly, unfashionable, inelegant

41. experienced Which word has the following antonyms?

incompetent, ignorant, inexperienced

42. fragile

TOEIC: Intermediate Personal Qualities Vocabulary Set 3

Which word has the following antonyms?

able, healthy

43. hostile Which word has the following antonyms?

agreeable, aiding, favorable, friendly, good, helpful, help-

44. integrity Which word has the following antonyms?

disgrace, deceit, dishonor

45. intellectual Which word has the following antonyms?

body, physical, imbecile

46. outstanding Which word has the following antonyms?

bad, common, inferior, insignificant

47. potential Which word has the following antonyms?

impotence, inability, incompetence, weakness

48. power Which word has the following antonyms?

weakness, inactivity

49. rational Which word has the following antonyms?

careless, confused, irrational, illogical

50. remarkable Which word has the following antonyms?

average, common, familiar, inconsequential

51. respectable Which word has the following antonyms?

extraordinary, improper, insufficient, intolerable, unaccept-

52. responsible Which word has the following antonyms?

innocent, right, unaccountable, impotent, incapable, in-

53. selective Which word has the following antonyms?

careless, thoughtless, undemanding

54. brave soldiers risked their lives to defend their country.

TOEIC: Intermediate Personal Qualities Vocabulary Set 3

55. competitiveness Atheletes are known for their fierce .

56. cruel Half of our employees left the company because of our
new manager.

57. decisive The chess player was known for being fast and .

58. elegant Lindsey's dress was deemed the most of the night.

59. experienced The new hire is a very project manager so once she
starts leading the project team, things should quickly get
back on track.

60. fragile My grandmother was a person who was affected by

other people's sadness.

61. hostile The army watched our border all night.

62. integrity A person of like, my father, is well appreciated.

63. intellectual This exercise revealed the candidate's and logical


64. outstanding The student's grades impressed everyone.

65. potential The student's academic success shows a lot of .

66. power The strong man used all his to lift the rock.

67. rational In challenging times, one should be and spend

money in moderation.

68. remarkable He was when he played comic characters

69. respectable He published a scientific text in a astronautical


70. responsible At school, he was a child. Everyone is for

their own actions.

71. selective
TOEIC: Intermediate Personal Qualities Vocabulary Set 3

The woman did not want to sit anywhere because

she had to pick the perfect spot.


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