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TOEIC: Intermediate Describing Motion Vocabulary Set 2

1. bounce (verb) To move up and down quickly and repeatedly.

2. circulate (verb) To move through a closed system or space.
3. collision (noun) A violent impact between two objects; physical
contact in which bodies exert pressure and force on each
4. cruise (verb) To move at a specific speed and direction.
5. decline (verb) To move downward, to descend, to fall, to weaken.
6. disperse (verb) For something to be scattered, especially over a
significant range.
7. divert (verb) To put something off of an intended course.
8. ease (verb) To move something in a deliberate, cautious, and
slow way.
9. float (verb) To lie or move on the surface of water.
10. hang (verb) Suspended, hang without support.
11. pedestrian (noun) Used to describe someone who walks rather than
12. pedestrian (adjective) Relating to something designed for walking.
13. proceed (verb) To go forward or move along a course.
14. progress (verb) To move forward and develop.
15. revolve (verb) To move in a circle around the central point
16. rotate (verb) To spin around an axis.
17. run (verb) To flow along a path, e.g., liquid.
18. run (verb) To move softly over a surface.

TOEIC: Intermediate Describing Motion Vocabulary Set 2

19. run (noun) The movement of a liquid; a flow.

20. smooth (verb) Make a flat surface; solve the problem successfully.

21. smooth out (phrasal verb) To even out a relationship or surface.

22. surround (verb) To be all around something.

23. tumble (verb) To fall down, often while turning several times.

24. bounce Which word has the following synonyms?

jump, bob, jounce

25. circulate Which word has the following synonyms?

disperse, disseminate, spread

26. collision Which word has the following synonyms?

demolishment, head-on

27. cruise Which word has the following synonyms?

journey, coast

28. decline Which word has the following synonyms?

descend, drop, dip, fall, lower

29. disperse Which word has the following synonyms?

diffuse, dissipate, separate, spread, propagate

30. divert Which word has the following synonyms?

turn, redirect, alter

31. ease Which word has the following synonyms?

to cajole, to edge, to scoot

32. float Which word has the following synonyms?

drift, glide, hover, sail, swim

33. hang Which word has the following synonyms?

attach, bend, cover, dangle, decorate

34. pedestrian
TOEIC: Intermediate Describing Motion Vocabulary Set 2

Which word has the following synonyms?

passerby, walker, hiker

35. proceed Which word has the following synonyms?

advance, continue, press on

36. progress Which word has the following synonyms?

develop, grow, improve

37. revolve Which word has the following synonyms?

rotate, whirl, orbit

38. rotate Which word has the following synonyms?

revolve, spin, turn, whirl

39. run Which word has the following synonyms?

flow, course, follow, stream, trickle

40. run Which word has the following synonyms?

glide, trace, slide, skate

41. run Which word has the following synonyms?

flow, trickle, drip, rush, gush

42. smooth Which word has the following synonyms?

flatten, level off, level out, make flat

43. surround Which word has the following synonyms?

envelope, enclose, beset

44. tumble Which word has the following synonyms?

fall, trip, stumble

45. circulate Which word has the following antonyms?

collect, conceal, gather, hide, secret

46. collision Which word has the following antonyms?

avoidance, building, compliment, construction, creation,

TOEIC: Intermediate Describing Motion Vocabulary Set 2

47. decline Which word has the following antonyms?

ascend, go up, rise, increase

48. disperse Which word has the following antonyms?

accumulate, collect, gather, unite

49. ease Which word has the following antonyms?

to bungle, to manhandle

50. float Which word has the following antonyms?

drown, sink

51. hang Which word has the following antonyms?

detach, remove, straighten, unfasten, do

52. proceed Which word has the following antonyms?

retreat, retrogress, stop

53. progress Which word has the following antonyms?

stagnate, stop

54. run Which word has the following antonyms?

drag, yank, crawl

55. smooth Which word has the following antonyms?

make rough

56. surround Which word has the following antonyms?

free, uncover, release

57. bounced The ball up and down as the boy played with it.

58. circulate After the virus has passed, antibodies in our body.

59. collision When two calves approach at too high a speed, a

occurs between them.

60. cruising The plane is at 450 knots.

61. declining Thankfully, crime seems to be in our city.

TOEIC: Intermediate Describing Motion Vocabulary Set 2

62. dispersed The concert crowd after the band left the stage.

63. diverting We're funds from the Welsh bank account.

64. eased Danny his vintage car out of the garage.

65. float The otters towards the riverbanks.

66. hang up the jackets in the hallway.

67. pedestrian The fast car almost hit the .

68. pedestrian People who are on foot must stay on the lane.

69. proceed The people wants to from outside the gates.

70. progressed The party slowly through the forest.

71. revolves The Earth around the Sun.

72. rotate The Ferris wheel needed to be fixed because it wouldn't


73. run In the spring, the mountain snow will melt and
through the valley.

74. run The craftsman would his finger over the wooden
frame to make sure it was perfectly smooth.

75. run The woodcutters let the river's carry logs from the
forest to the town.

76. smoothed They the uneven surfaces of the walls before paint-
ing the room.

77. smoothed out We the edges of the carpets when we installed

them in the new rooms.

78. surround The rolling green hills the tiny village.

79. tumbled The clumsy child down the slope.

TOEIC: Intermediate Describing Motion Vocabulary Set 2


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