TOEIC - Advanced Describing Qualities Vocabulary Set 2 PDF

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TOEIC: Advanced Describing Qualities Vocabulary Set 2

1. abysmal (adjective) Used to describe something extremely bad.

2. anomaly (noun) Any deviation from the standard.
3. blatant (adjective) Obvious and without shame. Often used to
describe negative behaviors.
4. burdensome (adjective) To be difficult, annoying, or to burden someone.
5. deviation (noun) An instance when one goes astray of physical or
moral path.
6. exemplary (adjective) Used as an example for being very good and
desirable in the future.
7. exhaustive (adjective) Containing every possible element; entirely
8. insufferable (adjective) What is excessive and difficult to bear; too
extreme to endure.
9. irreparable (adjective) Unable to be repaired or restored to a former
10. mirage (noun) An optical illusion as a result of hot air in the desert
causing objects to appear that aren't really there.
11. misbehavior (noun) Inappropriate behavior.
12. monotonous (adjective) Something that lacks variety.
13. mundane (adjective) Boring because it is so ordinary.
14. optimal (adjective) Being the best possible result or course of
15. orthodox (adjective) Considered generally acceptable.
16. potent (adjective) Having strength, power or influence.

TOEIC: Advanced Describing Qualities Vocabulary Set 2

17. simulate (verb) To duplicate the appearance of something.

18. stupor (noun) A state of mind where a person is nearly uncon-

scious and unable to think clearly. Usually in reference to
being drunk.

19. tiresome (adjective) Used to describe a person or activity that

makes someone tired.

20. worn (adjective) Showing signs of wear and tear, or having lost
its freshness or newness due to use.

21. abysmal Which word has the following synonyms?

awful, terrible, atrocious

22. anomaly Which word has the following synonyms?

aberration, abnormality, deviation, inconsistency

23. blatant Which word has the following synonyms?

outright, overt, shameless, unabashed

24. burdensome Which word has the following synonyms?

cruel, oppressive, harsh, grievous

25. deviation Which word has the following synonyms?

aberration, alteration, detour, diversion

26. exemplary Which word has the following synonyms?

admirable, commendable, ideal, excellent

27. exhaustive Which word has the following synonyms?

all-inclusive, complete, extensive, thorough

28. insufferable Which word has the following synonyms?


29. irreparable Which word has the following synonyms?

irreplaceable, irreversable, broken, destroyed

30. mirage

TOEIC: Advanced Describing Qualities Vocabulary Set 2

Which word has the following synonyms?

illusion, hallucination, apparition

31. misbehavior Which word has the following synonyms?

misconduct, mischief, disobedience

32. mundane Which word has the following synonyms?

dull, banal, boring, prosaic

33. optimal Which word has the following synonyms?

excellent, efficient, greatest

34. orthodox Which word has the following synonyms?

accepted, approved, conventional

35. potent Which word has the following synonyms?

strong, powerful, forceful, effective, influential

36. simulate Which word has the following synonyms?

mimic, replicate, resemble

37. stupor Which word has the following synonyms?

lethargy, listlessness, insensibility

38. tiresome Which word has the following synonyms?

annoying, exhausting, tedious, tiring, strenuous

39. worn Which word has the following synonyms?

worn, aged, wasted, used

40. abysmal Which word has the following antonyms?

good, pleasant, wonderful

41. anomaly Which word has the following antonyms?

conformity, normality, regularity, sameness

42. blatant Which word has the following antonyms?

concealed, hidden

43. burdensome

TOEIC: Advanced Describing Qualities Vocabulary Set 2

Which word has the following antonyms?

easy, light

44. deviation Which word has the following antonyms?

consistency, conformity, harmony

45. exemplary Which word has the following antonyms?

awful, unworthy, poor, incorrect

46. exhaustive Which word has the following antonyms?

incomplete, partial, limited

47. irreparable Which word has the following antonyms?

fisable, mendable, repairable, replaceable

48. misbehavior Which word has the following antonyms?

obedience, manners

49. mundane Which word has the following antonyms?

strange, exciting, amazing

50. optimal Which word has the following antonyms?

suboptimal, substandard, paltry

51. orthodox Which word has the following antonyms?

unorthodox, unconventional

52. potent Which word has the following antonyms?

weak, feeble, helpless, ineffective, impotent

53. stupor Which word has the following antonyms?

vigor, vitality, enthusiasm

54. tiresome Which word has the following antonyms?

easy, stimulating, light

55. worn Which word has the following antonyms?

new, fresh, unused

56. abysmal

TOEIC: Advanced Describing Qualities Vocabulary Set 2

You need to practice writing more because your writing

skills are !

57. anomaly These temperatures are an for this time of year.

58. blatantly The new employee insulted the team lead's sug-

59. burdensome The widow's thoughts brought her to seeking pro-

fessional help.

60. deviations The experiment showed possible .

61. exemplary He had an work ethic and was rewarded for it by

getting multiple raises in his salary.

62. exhaustive I must have lost my wallet somewhere because after an

search of my house and car, I still can't find it.

63. insufferable The smell from oil refinery was spreading.

64. irreparable The boat suffered damage when it crashed into the
shoreline, and thus had to be disassembled.

65. mirage When we got lost in the desert, we thought we saw an

oasis but it turned out to be just a .

66. misbehavior will not be tolerated.

67. monotonous I know that show, and it is too for my taste.

68. mundane My work consists of tasks that are mind-numbing.

69. optimal She came up with an solution that produced the

most effective results with minimal work needed.

70. orthodox In the debate competition, he had to challenge

views on what it means to be a family.

71. potent His speech was and moving.

TOEIC: Advanced Describing Qualities Vocabulary Set 2

72. simulate The lotion I used to a suntan was effective.

73. stupor After his girlfriend ended their relationship, he went out
and got himself into a drunken .

74. tiresome Kevin quit his job because it was !

75. worn Her jacket made her look inappropriate.


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