TOEIC - Advanced Cause and Effect Vocabulary Set 1 PDF

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TOEIC: Advanced Cause and Effect Vocabulary Set 1

1. ameliorate (verb) To make something easier or better.

2. amenable (adjective) Describing something that can be changed or
acted upon.
3. ascribe (verb) To attribute to a source or cause; to credit or assign.
4. calculation (noun) The planning of actions beforehand.
5. conditional (adjective) Happening only if a certain conditions occurs.
6. corollary (noun) A statement or proposition that follows from anoth-
er previous proposition.
7. curb (noun) Something that restrains, controls or checks.
8. degrade (verb) To break down or decline to a lower state.
9. diversify (verb) To make something more varied.
10. drastic (adjective) Used to describe something with significant
consequence, especially if done in desperation or anger.
11. drastically (adverb) A sudden and significant effect of or by some-
thing, especially a change.
12. efficacy (noun) Capacity to produce something in testing condi-
13. empower (verb) To make something more powerful or to give some-
thing more power.
14. enact (verb) To make something happen.
15. fluctuate (verb) To change irregularly.
16. opt (verb) To choose whether to support or withdraw from

17. prioritize

TOEIC: Advanced Cause and Effect Vocabulary Set 1

(verb) To do something before another thing; to value

something more than something else.

18. recurring (adjective) Happening again or often.

19. residue (noun) A stain; something that remains after removal.

20. ruminate (verb) To think about something thoroughly.

21. ameliorate Which word has the following synonyms?

alleviate, lighten, mitigate

22. amenable Which word has the following synonyms?

agreeable, responsive, susceptible

23. ascribe Which word has the following synonyms?

attribute, credit, impute, assign, refer, charge

24. conditional Which word has the following synonyms?

provisional, contingent, dependent

25. corollary Which word has the following synonyms?

analogy, upshot

26. curb Which word has the following synonyms?

restraint, barrier, restriction

27. degrade Which word has the following synonyms?

lower, deteriorate, reduce

28. diversify Which word has the following synonyms?


29. drastic Which word has the following synonyms?

dire, forceful, harsh, radical

30. drastically Which word has the following synonyms?

acutely, excessively, hugely, immensely, strikingly

31. efficacy

TOEIC: Advanced Cause and Effect Vocabulary Set 1

Which word has the following synonyms?

ability, capability, capacity

32. enact Which word has the following synonyms?

cause, affect

33. fluctuate Which word has the following synonyms?

oscillate, vary, veer, waver, vascillate

34. opt Which word has the following synonyms?

decide, elect, prefer

35. prioritize Which word has the following synonyms?

emphasize, value, arrange, list

36. recurring Which word has the following synonyms?

reappearing, common, frequent, returning

37. residue Which word has the following synonyms?

stain, leftovers, dregs, excess, surplus

38. ruminate Which word has the following synonyms?

ponder, contemplate, consider

39. ameliorate Which word has the following antonyms?

aggravate, harm, hurt, injure, worsen

40. amenable Which word has the following antonyms?

unsusceptible, unaccountable

41. conditional Which word has the following antonyms?

independent, unconditional

42. corollary Which word has the following antonyms?

beginning, cause, start

43. curb Which word has the following antonyms?

freedom, encouragement

44. degrade

TOEIC: Advanced Cause and Effect Vocabulary Set 1

Which word has the following antonyms?

promote, improve, upgrade, elevate, glorify

45. drastic Which word has the following antonyms?

nice, calm

46. drastically Which word has the following antonyms?

little, mildly, moderately

47. efficacy Which word has the following antonyms?

inability, incapability, ineffectualness

48. empower Which word has the following antonyms?

to enfeeble, to sap, to weaken

49. fluctuate Which word has the following antonyms?

remain, stay, continue, persist

50. opt Which word has the following antonyms?

disregard, ignore, neglect

51. prioritize Which word has the following antonyms?

equate, balance, postpone, delay

52. recurring Which word has the following antonyms?

rare, one-time, unique, one-of-a-kind

53. residue Which word has the following antonyms?

base, core, foundation, essence

54. ameliorate Politicians are currently drafting a new law designed to

homelessness in the city.

55. amenable The terms of this contract are .

56. ascribed She his foul mood to hunger.

57. calculation Her platform is based on political of what voters

in her district care the most about in hopes it will garner
enough votes for her to win.

TOEIC: Advanced Cause and Effect Vocabulary Set 1

58. conditional Love is rarely in nature.

59. corollary The drop in profit was the of the impending crisis.

60. curb The police are trying to keep a on petty theft.

61. degrade Perfume may in direct sunlight.

62. diversify The company's new goal is to its offerings.

63. drastic The board reluctantly decided on restructuring in

order to save the company.

64. drastically Karyl's family was shocked by how her health had
declined over the past year.

65. efficacy The of the experimental drug is quite impressive.

66. empowers The new law the President to have more control
over the media.

67. enacting Mike has dedicated his life to change in his commu-

68. fluctuate They said my mood will during the pregnancy, but
I was okay most of the time.

69. opt The extracurricular was purely ional, allowing stu-

dents to in at their discretion.

70. prioritize He should finding a job before moving out on his


71. recurring The detective's brother is a character in the mystery


72. residue I couldn't get the ketchup out of my favorite sweat-


73. ruminate I had to over my next actions to ensure I took the

correct next step.
TOEIC: Advanced Cause and Effect Vocabulary Set 1


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