TOEIC - Intermediate Feelings, Emotions, and Opinions Vocabulary Set 5 PDF

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TOEIC: Intermediate Feelings, Emotions, and Opinions Vocabulary Set 5

1. appalling (adjective) Used to describe something that is so unpleas-

ant or bad that you can not believe it.
2. apprehension (noun) A feeling of indecisiveness or anxiety.
3. claim (verb) To state something and argue it is true.
4. claim (noun) Something stated and said to be true.
5. conservative (adjective) Holding onto past and traditional views and is
reluctant to change.
6. despair (noun) A feeling of hopelessness or desperation.
7. desperate (adjective) A sense of state of distress or hopelessness in
the face of adversity or a dangerous experience.
8. evidently (adverb) Can be understood easily and clearly.
9. fascinating (adjective) Very interesting.
10. favor (noun) A positive feeling or attitude towards somebody
11. fulfill (verb) To emotionally complete something; to sucessfully
perform a physical task.
12. liking (noun) A notable fondness.
13. ordeal (noun) An unpleasant or difficult experience.
14. position (noun) An opinion a person holds on a matter.
15. reluctant (adjective) Not being willing to do a particular action or
16. satisfy (verb) To fulfill someone's expectations and desires; reach
someone's criteria.
17. suspense (noun) A nervous/excited feeling while waiting for some-
thing to happen and you are uncertain about the results.

TOEIC: Intermediate Feelings, Emotions, and Opinions Vocabulary Set 5

18. tense (adjective) Feeling nervous, can't relax.

19. terrified (adjective) One who is very scared because of some-


20. appalling Which word has the following synonyms?

disgusting, sickening, terrifying, shocking, frightening

21. apprehension Which word has the following synonyms?

anxiety, angst, worry, unease

22. claim Which word has the following synonyms?

declare, maintain

23. claim Which word has the following synonyms?

allegation, assertion, call

24. conservative Which word has the following synonyms?

traditional, conventional, old-fashioned

25. despair Which word has the following synonyms?

anguish, desperation, discouragement, gloom, melan-
choly, misery, pain, sorrow

26. desperate Which word has the following synonyms?

despondent, futile, vain, dire, urgent

27. evidently Which word has the following synonyms?

plainly, obviously, undoubtedly

28. fascinating Which word has the following synonyms?

captivating, enticing, engrossing, absorbing

29. favor Which word has the following synonyms?

respect, esteem, goodwill.

30. fulfill Which word has the following synonyms?

attain, realize, accomplish

31. liking

TOEIC: Intermediate Feelings, Emotions, and Opinions Vocabulary Set 5

Which word has the following synonyms?

affection, bias, fancy

32. ordeal Which word has the following synonyms?

calvary, agony, nightmare, torment

33. position Which word has the following synonyms?


34. reluctant Which word has the following synonyms?

averse, cautious, hesistant, uncertain, wary

35. satisfy Which word has the following synonyms?

amuse, appease, delight, elate

36. suspense Which word has the following synonyms?

frenzy, whirl, hubbub

37. tense Which word has the following synonyms?

nervous, anxious, worried

38. terrified Which word has the following synonyms?

alarmed, awed, frozen, scared

39. apprehension Which word has the following antonyms?

calm, relaxation, freedom

40. conservative Which word has the following antonyms?

changeable, inconsistent, unsteady

41. despair Which word has the following antonyms?

happiness, joy, pleasure, peace, keep, pursue

42. desperate Which word has the following antonyms?

calm, gentle, hopeful, confident

43. evidently Which word has the following antonyms?

doubtfully, questionably, mistakably

44. fascinating

TOEIC: Intermediate Feelings, Emotions, and Opinions Vocabulary Set 5

Which word has the following antonyms?

boring, disinteresting, dull

45. favor Which word has the following antonyms?

disrespect, illwill.

46. fulfill Which word has the following antonyms?

abandon, cancel

47. liking Which word has the following antonyms?

aversion, impartiality, repulsion

48. ordeal Which word has the following antonyms?

pleasure, comfort

49. reluctant Which word has the following antonyms?

bold, careless, confident, definite, sure

50. satisfy Which word has the following antonyms?

bore, disappoint, frustrate

51. suspense Which word has the following antonyms?

settlement, decision

52. tense Which word has the following antonyms?

confident, unafraid, laidback

53. terrified Which word has the following antonyms?


54. appalling Her actions earlier were so that everyone still can't
believe it happened.

55. apprehension The feeling of overtook the neighbor when the

police came.

56. claimed The defendant he was not guilty.

57. claim The defendant's was false.

TOEIC: Intermediate Feelings, Emotions, and Opinions Vocabulary Set 5

58. conservative There is a clash between modern policies and the

part of society.

59. despair After the boy's relationship fell through, he was sent down
a spiral of .

60. desperate You know what they say: times call for mea-

61. evidently Jessie was the worst singer in yesterday's singing


62. fascinating She found this morning's lecture absolutely .

63. favor Even though we have different opinions, I will always hold
him in high .

64. fulfill I will my dream of becoming an astronaut.

65. liking The strawberry ice cream wasn't quite to his .

66. ordeal The school could be an for some kids.

67. position The professor's on the matter shocked many.

68. reluctant Gerald was to accept the offer at the company as

he was not sure if it was in good financial health.

69. satisfy The students cannot the demands of their professor

because he is too demanding.

70. suspense She was in waiting for his response to her email.

71. tense The argument with her boss had left her feeling
about going into work tomorrow.

72. terrified I was because of the noise in the dark room.


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