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TOEIC: Advanced Feelings, Emotions, and Opinions Vocabulary Set 1

1. abhorrence (noun) A feeling one has when perceiving something

disgusting and disturbing.
2. disarm (verb) To make someone less hostile and angry.
3. distraught (adjective) Describes someone worried enough to focus
on something.
4. facetious (adjective) Making jokes and being funny when it is
5. hysteria (noun) A state of uncontrollable emotion (laughter, cry-
ing, anger) and exaggerated behavior that a person
cannot control.
6. imposing (adjective) Commanding respect, especially because of
large size or fame; intimidating.
7. imposition (noun) The action of inflicting or having something im-
posed on you.
8. inhibition (noun) A feeling that prevents us from behaving natural-
9. involuntary (adjective) Being done without conscious or willing
10. lethargy (noun) A state of laziness or apathy.
11. marvel (verb) To show surprise/admiration.
12. mentality (noun) A particular way of thinking or attitude towards
13. orientation (noun) Something or someone's relative position on a
certain issue or topic.
14. outlet (noun) An exit for something, be it physical or metaphor-

TOEIC: Advanced Feelings, Emotions, and Opinions Vocabulary Set 1

15. penitence (noun) The condition of being sorrowful for sins commit-
16. preferential (adjective) Showing a greater liking for one thing over
17. repulse (verb) To horrify or disgust.
18. stigma (noun) In relation to a feeling of disgust or disapproval
felt by many towards something or someone.
19. unconscionable (adjective) To an immoral or unreasonable extent.
20. abhorrence Which word has the following synonyms?
hatred, revulsion, repulsion
21. disarm Which word has the following synonyms?
appease, placate, pacify
22. distraught Which word has the following synonyms?
hysterical, agitated, anxious.
23. facetious Which word has the following synonyms?
amusing, flippant, frivolous
24. hysteria Which word has the following synonyms?
agitation, excitement, frenzy, madness, panic
25. imposing Which word has the following synonyms?
commanding, grand, majestic, intimidating
26. imposition Which word has the following synonyms?
obtruding, pressing, inflicting, forcing
27. involuntary Which word has the following synonyms?
automatic, compulsory, forced, unintentional
28. lethargy Which word has the following synonyms?
disinterest, inactivity, indifference, languor

TOEIC: Advanced Feelings, Emotions, and Opinions Vocabulary Set 1

29. marvel Which word has the following synonyms?

amazement, shock, surprise

30. mentality Which word has the following synonyms?

outlook, mindset, attitude

31. orientation Which word has the following synonyms?

introduction, adjustment, location, direction

32. outlet Which word has the following synonyms?

channel, release, vent

33. penitence Which word has the following synonyms?

contrition, repentance, contriteness

34. preferential Which word has the following synonyms?

discriminatory, preferred, special, privileged, favored

35. repulse Which word has the following synonyms?

disgust, offend, gross out, nauseate

36. stigma Which word has the following synonyms?

aspersion, criticism, dislike

37. unconscionable Which word has the following synonyms?

unbelievable, unfair, exorbitant, criminal

38. abhorrence Which word has the following antonyms?

affection, adoration

39. disarm Which word has the following antonyms?

enrage, enfuriate, anger

40. distraught Which word has the following antonyms?

unworried, happy, calm.

41. facetious Which word has the following antonyms?

formal, grave, serious, unfunny

42. hysteria

TOEIC: Advanced Feelings, Emotions, and Opinions Vocabulary Set 1

Which word has the following antonyms?

calm, calmness, collectedness, peace

43. imposing Which word has the following antonyms?

meek, humble, modest

44. imposition Which word has the following antonyms?

abandon, unburden

45. involuntary Which word has the following antonyms?

deliberate, intentional, planned, voluntary

46. lethargy Which word has the following antonyms?

action, concern, interest, regard

47. marvel Which word has the following antonyms?

blame, condemn, criticise

48. orientation Which word has the following antonyms?

disorientation, mix up

49. outlet Which word has the following antonyms?

closure, entrance, entry

50. penitence Which word has the following antonyms?

approval, satisfaction, happiness

51. repulse Which word has the following antonyms?

attract, lure, welcome, pull in

52. stigma Which word has the following antonyms?

credit, honor, modesty

53. unconscionable Which word has the following antonyms?

fair, decent, just, appropriate

54. abhorrence The criminal's actions during the trial only made the jury
feel .

55. disarm

TOEIC: Advanced Feelings, Emotions, and Opinions Vocabulary Set 1

The best way to a rude customer is to be ex-

tremely nice to them so they recognize how rude they
are being and act nicer towards you.

56. distraught My father was when I broke my leg.

57. facetious His jokes in the middle of the board meeting were en-
tirely .

58. hysteria The crowd had general when they saw the most
prominent music star on stage.

59. imposing The castle was an shape in the grassy hills.

60. imposition I can't believe she expects me to finish this on top of

everything I already have, what an !

61. inhibitions Teenagers usually lose all when they drink a little

62. involuntary Nicole's traumatic experience witnessing a car crash

often caused her to reactions, like tensing up,
whenever she heard loud noises.

63. lethargy A wave of hit her the moment she collapsed on

the bed, exhausted from the long day of work.

64. marvel She could only at the work she saw in front of

65. mentality He had the same bourgeois as the rest of his

affluent family.

66. orientation The party's is strictly leftist.

67. outlet Fishing became an for when he needed to take

a break from city life.

68. penitence She can only forgive him if he shows for his faults.

TOEIC: Advanced Feelings, Emotions, and Opinions Vocabulary Set 1

69. preferential The teacher was known for giving treatment to

the boys.

70. repulse No meal could such an adventurous eater.

71. stigma People from lower - income areas tend to receive more
than those from higher income areas.

72. unconscionable They are charging an fee for their streaming



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