TOEIC - Intermediate Interactions Between People Vocabulary Set 1 PDF

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TOEIC: Intermediate Interactions Between People Vocabulary Set 1

1. abusive (adjective) Speaking in a manner that is rude, insulting, or

2. aid (noun) Any sort of help.
3. aid (verb) To provide help to someone.
4. circulate (verb) Move from person to person.
5. compromise (noun) An action or concession which all parties can agree
to in exchange for conceeding some wants or wishes.
6. compromise (verb) To lower one's standard in the face of internal or
external factors.
7. coordinate (verb) To bring together or integrate different parts or ele-
ments in an organized way.
8. crowded (adjective) Used to describe a location that has several
people or animals in a relatively limited space.
9. distract (verb) To make an individual lose focus.
10. distract (verb) To divert attention away from an intended point.
11. encourage (verb) To increase another person's motivation and pro-
vide them with support.
12. encouragement (noun) The state of motivating an individual towards a
particular goal.
13. hurry (verb) To urge someone to act quickly.
14. impose (verb) To be an inconvenience.
15. influence (verb) To be able to affect or control others.
16. lecture (noun) A critique or scolding.
17. lecture (verb) To critique or scold someone.

TOEIC: Intermediate Interactions Between People Vocabulary Set 1

18. negative (adjective) Refusing a proposal.

19. service (noun) Helping or assistance provided to someone.

20. unanimous (adjective) In total agreement.

21. abusive Which word has the following synonyms?

insulting, offensive, rude

22. aid Which word has the following synonyms?

encouragement, assist, help

23. aid Which word has the following synonym?


24. circulate Which word has the following synonyms?

disseminate, spread

25. compromise Which word has the following synonyms?

agreement, settlement, accomodation, bargain

26. compromise Which word has the following synonyms?

settle, bargain

27. coordinate Which word has the following synonyms?

organize, harmonize, arrange, align, match, orchestrate

28. crowded Which word has the following synonyms?

cramped, full, jam-packed, packed, crammed

29. distract Which word has the following synonyms?

disturb, perplex, trouble

30. distract Which word has the following synonyms?


31. encourage Which word has the following synonyms?

boost, reassure, motivate

32. encouragement

TOEIC: Intermediate Interactions Between People Vocabulary Set 1

Which word has the following synonyms?

inspiration, motivation

33. influence Which word has the following synonyms?

affect, alter, arouse, impress

34. service Which word has the following synonyms?

assistance, help, aid

35. unanimous Which word has the following synonyms?

harmonious, unified, universal, undivided

36. abusive Which word has the following antonyms?

kind, nice, respectful

37. aid Which word has the following antonyms?

bully, coerce, harass

38. compromise Which word has the following antonyms?

disagreement, dispute, dissent

39. compromise Which word has the following antonyms?

disagree, dispute, quarrel

40. coordinate Which word has the following antonyms?

disintegrate, muddle, confuse, disarrange

41. crowded Which word has the following antonyms?

deserted, empty, uncongested

42. encourage Which word has the following antonyms?

discourage, dishearten, deter, disuade

43. encouragement Which word has the following antonyms?

discouragement, demotivation

44. influence Which word has the following antonyms?

impotence, weakness, powerlessness

45. unanimous

TOEIC: Intermediate Interactions Between People Vocabulary Set 1

Which word has the following antonyms?

divided, split, partial, opposing

46. abusive The child got in trouble because of his words to-
wards other children.

47. aid The areas affected by the disaster received .

48. aid You should always someone in distress.

49. circulated The rumor that he was a cheat quickly in the town.

50. compromise A was reached which allowed the project to move


51. compromise Neither side wishes to so an agreement has yet to

be reached.

52. coordinate Conductors must the orchestra.

53. crowded People were warning that the stadium would be


54. distracting Carmen was annoyed at how much Gerald's singing kept

55. distracts I'm not a fan of all the orange in the painting: it too

56. encourage Our coach tried to us after the hard loss.

57. encouragement Ichiro decided to take his family on vacation to Morocco

upon the of his wife.

58. hurry up with the food preparation; the guests are coming.

59. impose He should know better than to himself like that.

60. influenced I have been to think social media is funny.

61. lecture He gave me a stern about my addiction.

TOEIC: Intermediate Interactions Between People Vocabulary Set 1

62. lecturing They kept me like I was a child.

63. negative When asking for volunteers to work on Christmas, they

unsurprisingly received a lot of responses.

64. service We did the neighbors a and freed up space in the


65. unanimous The judges awarded the fighter with a victory.


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