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TOEIC: Beginner Time Vocabulary Set 1

1. after (conjunction) A period of time that follows another event.

2. always (adverb) At all times, in every instance.
3. appointment (noun) A specified date or time to meet someone.
4. before (preposition) Happening earlier than something else.
5. begin (verb) To start, commence with something.
6. daily (adjective) An activity or action that is repeated every day.
7. early (adjective;adverb) Sooner than usual; before expected
8. forward (adverb) Towards the future.
9. immediately (adverb) Done straight away; done instantly with no de-
10. keep (verb) To continuously do something.
11. later (adverb) Arriving or occurring after a given point.
12. minute (noun) Sixty seconds.
13. present (adjective) Occurring currently.
14. present (noun) Occurring right now.
15. right away (idiom/phrase) Very quickly, immediately; to do something
as a matter of urgency.
16. term (noun) A period of time that marks the duration of some-
17. today (adverb;noun) This present day.
18. usually (adverb) Typically, commonly, most of the time.
19. year

TOEIC: Beginner Time Vocabulary Set 1

(noun) A time period consisting of 365 days. The period it

takes for the Earth to go around the Sun.

20. after Which word has the following synonym?


21. always Which word has the following synonyms?

constantly, regularly, repeatedly

22. appointment Which word has the following synonyms?

meeting, arrangement, interview

23. before Which word has the following synonyms?

in front of

24. begin Which word has the following synonyms?

commence, establish, do

25. daily Which word has the following synonyms?

constantly, everyday, regular, routine, ordinary

26. early Which word has the following synonyms?

too soon, prematurely, sooner

27. forward Which word has the following synonyms?

ahead, onward, along, out

28. immediately Which word has the following synonyms?

at once, directly, fortwith, rapidly, promptly

29. later Which word has the following synonyms?

afterward, next, thereafter

30. present Which word has the following synonym?


31. present Which word has the following synonym?


32. right away

TOEIC: Beginner Time Vocabulary Set 1

Which word has the following synonyms?


33. term Which word has the following synonyms?

period, run, time, stretch

34. today Which word has the following synonyms?

now, currently, at present, this day, as of now

35. usually Which word has the following synonyms?

normally, frequently, often, generally

36. always Which word has the following antonym?


37. before Which word has the following antonyms?


38. begin Which word has the following antonyms?

close, end, conclude

39. daily Which word has the following antonyms?

abnormal, different, irregular, uncommon

40. early Which word has the following antonyms?

late, later

41. forward Which word has the following antonyms?

backward, back

42. immediately Which word has the following antonyms?

later, eventually, never

43. later Which word has the following antonyms?

before, earlier, previously

44. present Which word has the following antonyms?

past, future

45. right away

TOEIC: Beginner Time Vocabulary Set 1

Which word has the following antonyms?


46. today Which word has the following antonyms?

yesterday, tomorrow, future, past

47. usually Which word has the following antonyms?

rarely, infrequently, uncommonly

48. after I will go out I finish my homework.

49. always New York is cold at this time of year.

50. appointment I have an at the dentist.

51. before Let's grab coffee the meeting.

52. begin I like to every literary essay with a quote.

53. daily commutes are a pain for many office workers.

54. early My brother and I hated the movie, so we left .

55. forward Our country has to move !

56. immediately Go there and apologize to her !

57. keep Using this machine will the water flowing in the

58. later I arrived than expected due to car troubles.

59. minute I will be there in a .

60. present The situation is not looking good, but it will become
better in the future.

61. present We have to be realistic when discussing the .

62. right away I need to get my homework done so I have time to

play video games.
TOEIC: Beginner Time Vocabulary Set 1

63. term The next presidential made the citizens feel hope-

64. today is a beautiful day.

65. usually He gets up early in the morning to go for a jog.

66. year It took over a for me to save enough money to buy

the expensive computer I wanted.


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