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1. Customer Segments

Three key consumer segments are targeted by our IoT-based smart baby cradles: working
parents of new-borns from India's Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities, healthcare experts, and childcare
facilities. exclusively in India overall.

Working parents of young children make up a sizable portion of our clientele because they
frequently have demanding work schedules and require dependable and secure baby care
options. They can receive real-time updates on their baby's health and wellbeing and be able
to remotely watch their baby's activities thanks to our smart baby cradle. For working parents
who are unable to be with their infants during the day, this aspect is extremely crucial.

Healthcare professionals including nurses, gynaecologists, and paediatricians are also a

crucial market for our company. They can refer their patients who are first-time parents and
require dependable baby care solutions to our smart baby cradles. They can also keep an eye
on the wellbeing of infants using our product in their clinics and hospitals. For medical
professionals who wish to give their patients the finest care possible, this function is very

Another market for our firm is care facilities, such day-care centres and nursing homes. They
can keep an eye on numerous babies at once to make sure they are secure and healthy with
our smart baby cradles. This functionality is crucial for childcare facilities that want to
simultaneously provide high-quality care for several infants.

These client groups are all concentrated in India's Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities, where there is a
significant market for dependable and cutting-edge baby care products. Our smart baby
cradles are created to satisfy the requirements of various clientele groups and offer them a
cutting-edge, secure, and safe infant care solution.

2. Value Proposition

Our IoT-based smart baby cradle offers several distinctive value propositions that distinguish
it from other baby cradles on the market. First, our intelligent baby cradle offers babies a
secure and cosy sleeping space. By controlling the baby's resting posture, temperature, and
airflow, it is intended to prevent sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Parents may rest easy
knowing that their baby is resting in a secure and comfortable environment thanks to this

Second, our smart baby cradle continuously monitors the infant's wellbeing and activity
levels. The infant's temperature, heart rate, sleep pattern, and movement are all observed.
Using this tool, parents and medical professionals may see potential health issues early on
and take the necessary action. Thirdly, our intelligent baby cradle provides superior and
accurate tracking of the infant's wellbeing and activities. It provides precise and trustworthy
information on the health and wellbeing of the infant using cutting-edge sensors and
algorithms. This function makes sure that parents and medical experts can rely on the
information our smart baby cradle provides.

The functions of our intelligent baby cradle may also be controlled remotely. Parents and
medical experts can adjust the cradle's settings, including the temperature, vibration, and
music, using a smartphone app. Parents can use this function from any location at any time to
keep an eye on and manage their baby's environment.

The value proposition of our IoT-based smart baby cradle comprises offering a secure and
comfortable sleeping environment, ongoing observation of the infant's well-being and
activities, observation of the highest calibre and accuracy, and remote control of its functions.
Our smart baby cradle is an inventive and dependable choice for parents and medical experts
who desire the best for their infants because of these qualities.

3. Channels

To reach our target market segments, our IoT-based smart infant cradles are supplied through
several channels. We employ a distribution strategy with multiple channels that includes:

Stores: In India's Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities, we sell our smart baby cradles through retail
establishments including baby stores and furniture stores. These retailers provide customers
the chance to examine and handle our product before making a purchase. In order to inform
clients about the features and advantages of our smart baby cradles, we regularly provide in-
store demos.

Website: Our smart baby cradles are shown on a special website that also offers clients
comprehensive details on the features, advantages, and cost of the product.
Our website allows customers to place orders, and we deliver their orders right to their door.

To increase credibility and confidence, our website also includes client testimonials and

Social media: We market our smart baby cradles through social media channels like
Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to connect with our target client groups. We provide
interesting and instructive content, such blog articles, videos, and infographics, to tell
customers about the advantages of our offering. In order to reach potential clients in India's
Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities, we also launch targeted social media ads.

Events: To promote our innovative baby cradles and connect with potential clients, we take
part in trade fairs, baby expos, and other occasions. These gatherings give us the chance to
personally meet and converse with customers, healthcare providers, and care facilities.
Additionally, we offer live demonstrations and respond to any inquiries clients may have
regarding our product.

Our Internet of Things (IoT)-based smart infant cradles are sold in stores, online, on social
media, and at events. Our ability to efficiently reach our target consumer segments and offer
them a dependable and cutting-edge baby care solution is made possible by our multichannel
distribution approach.

4. Customer Relationships

Our customer relationship approach is focused on giving our clients outstanding support and
service. We put a lot of effort into creating lasting relationships with our clients by offering
them pre-sales, post-sales, and educational tools.

Pre-sales: By conducting product demos, responding to any inquiries, and providing

thorough information about the features and advantages of our smart baby cradle, we give
consumers a personalised and educational purchasing experience. Customers can test out our
products for free before making a purchase during this time.

Post-sales: After a consumer makes a purchase, we continue to support and help them.
Whenever consumers have questions or issues, our customer support team is here to help. For
any problems that might emerge with our intelligent baby cradle, we also provide a warranty
and repair service.
Educational content and resources: To assist clients in using our intelligent baby cradle
efficiently, we offer them instructional materials and content. This includes instruction
videos, how-to instructions, and user manuals. In order to inform clients about the advantages
of our product and how to utilise it efficiently, we also provide online webinars and training

Feedback: We welcome client feedback regarding their use of our intelligent baby cradle.
We make product and customer service improvements using user input. In order to better
serve their requirements, we also use user feedback to develop and enhance our instructional
resources and content.

Revenue Streams

Our primary sources of income are from offering dependable and cutting-edge baby care
solutions to customers. Sales, subscriptions for supplemental features, maintenance, and
repair are how we make money.

Sales: Our IoT-based smart infant cradles are where we get most of our revenue. Through a
variety of channels, including retail stores, our website, social media, and events, we offer our
goods. Our product is reasonably priced to appeal to the working parents of young children,
healthcare workers, and childcare facilities in Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities in India.

Subscription for additional features: Customers have the choice to subscribe to extra
capabilities like sending reports straight to the paediatrician. Customers receive additional
value and convenience from this subscription-based income stream, which also helps our
company continue to make money.

Maintenance and repairs: For our sophisticated baby cradles, we provide maintenance and
repair services. Customers who need repairs or maintenance for their items pay for this
service. Customers who desire additional security for their investments can also choose from
our selection of extended warranty plans.

Key Resources

Our core resources are concentrated in the design, production, and upkeep of our IoT-based
smart infant cradle. Technology, software developers, testers, UI/UX designers, assembly
workers, maintenance and repair workers, and finance are some of these resources.
Technology: Our sophisticated baby cradle makes use of wireless communication, sensors,
and microprocessors. To ensure that our product matches the high standards of our customers,
we make investments in the newest technologies.

Software developers: The software that drives our smart infant cradle is created and
maintained by our software developers. They guarantee the dependable operation of our
product as well as its ability to be upgraded with fresh features.

Testers: Our testers make sure that the high requirements we set for our product are met by
our intelligent baby cradle. Before our product is made available to customers, they perform
thorough testing to find any faults or problems that need to be fixed.

UI/UX designers: Our UI/UX designers produce an easy-to-use interface for our intelligent
infant cradle. They make sure that our product satisfies the requirements of our target
consumer groups and is simple to use and comprehend.

Assembling personnel: Our intelligent infant cradle is put together by our assembly team.
They make sure that the highest levels of quality and safety are used in the assembly of our

Maintenance and repair personnel: Our maintenance and repair staff oversee providing
continuing assistance and maintenance for our intelligent baby cradle. They make sure that
our product continues to function properly and meets the high criteria of our clients.

Funding: To invest in cutting-edge technology, attract qualified personnel, and expand our
business, we need cash. To ensure that we have the means to launch our product and offer
ongoing assistance to our consumers, we rely on funding from investors, grants, and other

5. Key Activities

Our primary business operations revolve around creating, manufacturing, marketing, and
disseminating our IoT-based smart baby cradle. These processes involve design and
development, hardware, and software integration, assembling, marketing, and sales.

Design and development: We conceptualised, designed, and developed our smart infant
cradle as part of our design and development work. This includes designing the product and
creating the software that supports it, as well as investigating and determining the needs of
our target consumer segments.
Integration of hardware and software: Both hardware and software are required for the
operation of our smart baby cradle. In order to deliver an accurate and dependable baby care
solution, our integration operations involve making sure that the hardware and software
components of our product operate harmoniously together.

Assembling: Our building tasks include putting together our clever baby cradle. In order to
achieve the greatest levels of quality and safety, this entails locating premium materials and
components and assembling them.

Marketing and Sales: Promoting and selling our smart baby cradle to our target consumer
groups are part of our marketing and sales operations. This entails designing a brand identity,
creating marketing materials, promoting through a variety of channels, including social
media, events, and physical stores, as well as identifying potential customers, engaging in
sales outreach, and helping clients all along the way.

Key Partners

Our ability to successfully design, develop, market, and sell our IoT-based smart baby cradle
depends on the success of our key partners. We rely on our major partners to give us the
parts, knowledge, and services we need to deliver an excellent and dependable baby care
solution. Suppliers of sensors and semiconductors, distributors, payment processors, and
attorneys are some of our most important partners.

Suppliers of sensors and chips: To find the sensors and chips necessary for the proper
operation of our smart baby cradle, we collaborate with chip and sensor manufacturers. These
vendors give us dependable sensors and chips of the highest calibre, enabling our device to
precisely track a baby's vital indications like heart rate, breathing rate, and body temperature.

Distributors: Our smart baby cradle is made available to our target client segments across
India thanks to our partnerships with distributors. These distributors assist us in reaching
clients in various areas and give us useful information about regional markets and client

Payment processors: To facilitate financial transactions for our product, we collaborate with
payment processors. These payment processors assist us in managing the financial parts of
our business and allow us to provide our consumers with a simple and secure payment
Lawyers: To make sure that our business activities adhere to statutory requirements and laws,
we collaborate with solicitors. These solicitors advise and assist us legally in matters like
contract negotiations, intellectual property protection, and abiding by legal requirements.

Cost Structure

Our cost structure considers every expense related to creating, promoting, and selling our
IoT-based smart infant cradle. These expenses consist of the following:

Sensors and Monitors: Our smart baby cradle's sensors and monitors are essential parts that
allow us to precisely track a baby's vital signs like heart rate, breathing rate, and body
temperature. One of the biggest costs in our cost structure is the price of the sensors and

Maintenance: Repairs, replacements, and software updates are all part of the maintenance
costs for our smart baby cradle that we incur to keep it accurate and dependable.

Advertising: Our advertising charges cover the costs related to promoting our intelligent
baby cradle through a variety of platforms, including social media, events, and physical

Salaries: Software developers, testers, UI/UX designers, assembly, maintenance, and repair
staff, as well as marketing and sales teams, all have salaries and perks to pay for.

Cradles: We will work with a company to purchase the actual cradles that hold the sensors
and monitors rather than making them ourselves. Our cost structure will include the cost of
the cradles as a key expense.

Team 3
Lahari - VP22MGMT010001
Dineshwar - VP22MGMT0100022
Sai Suma - VP22MGMT0100039
Karthik - VP22MGMT0100061
Anjali - VP22MGMT0100182

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