Collective Analysis APA Style Tables Group 3 She Said PDF

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Table 1

Causal factors of sexual harassment (as seen in the film She Said)

Operational Definitions Elements Instances

Environmental Variables

Societal Sex ratio Sex Ratio is measured as the ratio of the Male predominance in management at All important positions at Miramax were held by males
number of individuals of one sex to that of Miramax including the CEO, Harvey's legal counsel (Lanny
the other sex, or the ratio of allocation in Davis), ex-accountant (Irwin Reiter) and ex-CFO (John
each (Sapir et al., 2008) Schimdt). The only visible female representation was by
Lisa Bloom who was Weinstein's Lawyer.

The gender ratio at the NY Times office was more or

Equitable employee composition in less equal. Additionally, two female journalists mentored
terms of gender at NY Times by a female editor in chief led an investigation on
systemic sexual harassment at the workplace.

Socio-economic Inequalities Socio-economic inequality can be defined as Economic vulnerability of the victim Laura Madden, Rowena Chiu & Zelda Perkins, all were
"the differences in social class, education at the beginning of their career in the Miramax company
and/or household income across groups of when Harvey harassed them. Harvey fed off this
children, young people and families". socio-economic vulnerability by asking them to 'not ruin
(Darmody et al., 2020) their friendship' and careers by being with him for just '5

Societal-sex role attitudes Societal sex role attitudes refers to views Issues faced by women in the film Rose McGowan told Jodi that she is not inclined to talk
held by individuals regarding the roles men industry not taken seriously to the Times because when she had spoken about Harvey
and women should play in society. (Horst, earlier, her statement was put in the styles section of the
2014). NYT. She told Jodi - “It does damage to shout, and
nobody will listen.”

Normalisation of sexual harassment by When Meghan asked Lanny, Harvey's Lawyer, about the
powerful men number of settlements and if the number was normal, he
said, “There were about eight to twelve settlements and
yes it is normal for a man.

Men harass Megan, Jodi, and Rebecca in the restaurant

Expectation from women to respond while they discuss work. The women respond by
favourably to men's advances screaming back at the men for their inappropriate
comments. The men then call them "frigid bitches."
Megan apologizes for her outburst, but Jodi tells her not
to apologize.

For using the same inappropriate words as Trump to

recite a poem at the women's march, Ashley Judd lost a
Double standards for men and women very big advertising contract. Meanwhile, he got elected
as president despite it.

The film also contrasts the above situations with positive

change in society. Megan and Jodi are family women.
Positive change - women being Their husbands supported them, taking on more
encouraged to work domestic roles in the family. Ron, Jodi's husband is also
a colleague at the New York Times- and there seems no
apparent conflict amidst them with relation to parenting
roles and job responsibilities.

Legal Sanctions Sanctions, in law and legal definition, are Misleading legal advice When Zelda and Rowena, assistants to Harvey in their
penalties or other means of enforcement early 20s, wanted to take a case of Rowena presumably
used to provide incentives for obedience being raped by Harvey to court, their lawyer advised
with the law, or with rules and regulations them against it and instead told them to settle – Zelda
(Black, 1990). mentions to Jodi in a scene.

Forcing victims to sign Non-Disclosure Multiple of Harvey's victims speak up about being
Agreements coerced to sign NDAs, and hence not being able to talk
about their experiences with Harvey.

Failure of regulatory mechanisms and When Megan tries to find records of a sexual harassment
policies. case filed against Miramax in 2001, she is told that the
complaint no longer exists due to the government
“policy,” which states that if a case remains untouched
and unsolved for more than 3 years, it will be erased
from records.

Jodi and Megan tell their superiors that the sexual

Ineffective sexual harassment laws. harassment laws are so weak that even if a case is taken
to court, it will not hold up.

Organizational Variables

Task design According to Hackman and Oldham (1976), Employees asked to perform Laura Madden felt that she was the problem when
the job characteristics model of task design non-job-related tasks. Harvey Weinstein asked her for a massage, saying it was
recognizes that certain job characteristics “part of the job”.
contribute to certain psychological states and
that the strength of employees’ need for Zelda Perkins, a former assistant, had no choice but to
growth has an important moderating effect comply with Weinstein's requests for massages and he
made sexual advances towards them in exchange for
career advancement.

Worker proximity Proximity refers to the physical distance Physical distance from the perpetrator Physical distance was used as a shielding strategy by the
between people measured in the employees to insulate themselves from sexual
measurement unit. Proximity is dictated by harassment. As mentioned by Zelda, they were advised
workflow, task interdependence, and by their coworkers to take a seat away from Harvey
coordination needs (Kiesler & Cummings, instead of sitting close to him on the sofa to safeguard
2002). themselves.

Organisation climate Naylor, Pritchard, & Ilgen (1980) define Protecting the abuser and keeping their Reiter, a former accountant at Miramax realises all the
Organizational climate as organizational abuse discreet transfers he had made to the women were were actually
characteristics that communicate tolerance of cases of sexual harassment and violence. In another
sexual harassment. scene, it is depicted that Pamela tries to keep Laura
silent, coaxing her into thinking Harvey was "generous"
and she should push against "cockroach journalists".

Normalising cases of sexual harassment, When Megan probes Lanny to get a rough estimate on
payoffs and settlements the numbern of payoffs- Lanny admits that 8-12 payoffs
are standard and normal.
He defends Harvey, claiming that men from his time do
not gauge the concept of concept and its importance.

Culture of fear & intimidation Laura says to Jodi about Weinstein : "He built the
silence, and people complied. He produced fear and
Zelda Perkins says to Jodi Kantor "Harvey wanted
people to submit to him. And if they didn't he'd roar. And
he'd spit. He could destroy someone in seconds."

Employee composition Employee composition refers to the Racial diversity at the NY Times office Dean Baquet was a black person who held an executive
demographic makeup of a workforce, position at the NY Times. He guided Jodi and Meghan at
including factors such as age, gender, crucial pints throughout the investigation and even knew
ethnicity, education level, and work a way around dealing with Harvey Weinstein.
experience (Klein et al.,1994)

Formal status/ power The power differential is the enhanced Using power to subjugate victims Harvey is an untouchable figure in Hollywood who uses
differentials amount of role power that accompanies any power to quiet the victims. Ashley shared how he
position of authority (Barstow, 2008). trapped her in his hotel room and forced himself on her.
When she tried to address it in public, he destroyed her

Women’s complicity in SH Lisa Bloom, a powerful lawyer, supports Harvey’s acts

of SH and states that she’d protect him from the ‘roses of
the world’

Individual Variables
Attitudinal differences Attitudinal differences in the context of Attitude towards women in media/films Initially, Megan was sceptical about investigating SH in
sexual harassment refer to differences in Hollywood instead of common women since they are
person's beliefs, values and attitudes more visible in the society. Jodi countered it mentioning
regarding sexual harassment. This can that actresses might be facing SH but might be unable to
include changes in their understanding of speak up.
what constitutes sexual harassment, the
seriousness of the issue and the impact it has
on individuals (Terpstra & Baker, 2010).
Acceptance of Sexual Harassment as a Lanny, on record, said that men of a certain age do not
privilege of gender and age understand the concept of consent and they are still
trying to evolve and understand the meaning of consent
to justify Weinstein's actions.

Differential treatment of Men and Harvey’s tone over a phone call was different for Dean
Women (a male), in which he was polite, respectful and Megan
(a female), in which it was aggressive and demanding.

Motivational differences Sexual harassment viewed as a conscious, Lack of motivation in victims Mary, an ex-employee of Miramax refused to talk to Jodi
motivated attempt on the part of men to and said that she didn't "think people would want to talk"
defend "their work" and their position of as she hung up on Jodi.
economic privilege (Terpstra & Baker, 2010)
Rose McGowan did not want to talk to Jodi as she had
"talked about it in the past and nothing happened" and
that she had put herself on the line before and "it made
no difference".
Personality Differences Personality factors are the unique way in Normalisation of SH in Hollywood and Harvey Weinstein seldom showed conscientiousness
which each individual thinks, acts, and feels sense of entitlement displayed by characterized by impulse control and orderliness. It was
throughout life. (Ciccarelli, 2013). perpetrator evident from Reiter's rage and angst towards him and the
number of 'settlements' that have been done despite
going in for therapy (during his interaction with Jodi).

Cognitive differences Factors that lead to mental activity that goes Using euphemisms to control the Victims refrain from using the vocabulary related with
on in the brain when a person is processing narrative among victims SH and instead use terms like ‘worst possible thing’,
information—organizing it, understanding it, ‘Bullying’, and ‘emotional abuse’.
and communicating it to others (Ciccarelli,

Physiological Differences Differences in the physiology of men and Preying on young, physically smaller Jodi discusses Ashley Judd's written work about being
women, i.e., differences in which their women sexually harassed by a famous Hollywood producer in
bodies function normally the 90's, with her husband. She says,"I am a nasty
woman. I'm not as nasty as using little girls as Pokemon
before their bodies..."

Demographic differences Demographic data refers to biological Violence primarily perpetrated towards While young white women were the primary targets of
information such as age, race, sex, ethnicity, young women in their early 20s, the perpetrator, an Asian woman, Rowena Chiu, and a
and socioeconomic information - expressed belonging to various ethnicities Filipino-Italian model, Ambra Battilana Gutierrez, also
statistically - including employment, faced harassment at his hands.
education, income, marriage rates, birth and
death rates, and more.

Occupational Status Gwyneth Paltrow and Ashley Judd both experienced

sexual harassment from Harvey Weinstein at the
beginning of their careers.

Socialisation of the victim Socialization refers to the developmental Upbringing of an immigrant household Roweena Chiu mentioned how her upbringing in an
processes through which individuals acquire and acceptance of the ideas of immigrant household limited her from reporting
the values, behaviors, and motivations submission whatever had happened 25 years ago like being taught to
necessary to become competent members of keep her head down and not draw attention towards her. .
a culture. In terms of the victim, it implies
how the victim may be brought up and how
it affects their attitude towards Sexual
harassment. (Morowski, 2014).

Victim-blaming inculcated as a As Laura tells Jodi about her experience with Weinstein,
patriarchal value she recalls thinking that it was she who was sexualising
the moment when Harvey had asked her to give him a
massage, thus blaming herself for his indecent behavior.

Socialization of the perpetrator Socialization refers to the developmental Carrying forward traditional ideas of “Older men are trying to change their perceptions about
processes through which individuals acquire males being more powerful and consent and consensual relationships”. This was Lanny's
the values, behaviors, and motivations authoritative than females comment when asked about why did Harvey engage in
necessary to become competent members of such untoward behavior despite being sent for therapy
a culture. In terms of the victim, it implies for self -work and improvement.
how the perpetrator may be brought up and
how it affects their attitude and behaviour
and thoughts towards Sexual harassment
(Morowski, 2014).
Table 2
Types of Sexual Harassment (as seen in the film She Said)

Variable Operational Definitions Elements Instances

Behaviour as perceived by the It is influenced by a number of factors such Victims questioning themselves Laura questioned herself if she sexualised the massage
recipient as the organizational process and climate situation with Harvey since other assistants engaged in
dimensions, type of immediate coping giving a massage which for her was uncomfortable.
response, individual variables such as age, Consequently, she was engulfed with shame.
sex, marital status of the offender, etc.
(Terpstra & Baker, 1986).
Being privy to indecent acts The harasser, Harvey puts women in uncomfortable
sexual situations which violate them by acting indecent
in front of them, such as masturbating or taking showers
. without consent.

Defamation It was difficult for actresses to find jobs elsewhere after

they would leave Miramax and others would assume that
they had slept with him. Zelda went away to Guatemala
for five years with a friend and worked with horses
because she could never work in the industry again.

Emotional manipulation Harvey would use sentences like "I swear on my wife
and my kids that I did not assault that young woman"
causing emotional manipulation every time when he was
confronted about his conduct.

Bullying Zelda explained that she saw two assistants shivering

and crying sitting beside Harvey and he was sitting there
as if nothing was wrong about the situation.
Behaviour exhibited by the Any directed or undirected behavior of a Sense of entitlement. Weinstein's sense of entitlement was evident in Zelda's
offender sexual nature that interferes with an explanation of his behaviors when things didn't go the
individual's performance or creates an way he wanted, which usually included people
unpleasant working environment (Terpstra & submitting to him. Zelda explained that Harvey was
Baker, 1986). either happy or frustrated which led him to spit, throw
tantrums and unleashed his ability to ruin someone's
career in seconds.

Aggressive response to the reporters; no Weinstein aggressively asks the reporters about the
guilt. victims who have spoken up, and denies having ever
made settlements when asked about them on call.
Types of sexual harassment (Fitzgerald's classification)

Gender harassment Gender harassment refers to crude sexual Demanding inappropriate or sexual Laura Madden reported being asked to provide massages
verbal and nonverbal behaviors conveying favors from employees to Weinstein, as well as being asked to undress while he
insulting, hostile, and degrading attitudes masturbated to her.
about one‘s gender, gender identity, or
sexual orientation. (Fitzgerald et al., 1995). Zelda Perkins was tasked with visiting Weinstein's hotel
and facilitating his morning routine by waking him up,
preparing the shower, and assisting him in getting out of
bed. During this process, it was common for Weinstein
to be naked.

Pertinent sexism and misogyny Megan Twohey and Jodi Kantor had an unpleasant
encounter at a bar when a man attempted to make
advances towards them When declined, he verbally
abused them and called Megan a “frigid bitch”.

Unwanted sexual attention Sexually charged verbal and nonverbal

behaviour that is disrespectful, offensive, Sexual advances in professional space. Throughout the film, women employees at Miramax
undesired, and unreciprocated is referred to actively take steps to not draw Harvey's attention.
as unwanted sexual attention (Fitzgerald et They are advised to wear puffer jackets, sit in the
al., 1995) armchair and never next to him on the sofa.

Sexual coercion/Quid Pro Sexual Coercion refers to subtle or explicit Career advancement contingent upon Rose McGowan, Ashley Judd, and Zelda and the wire
Quo efforts to make job rewards contingent on sexual cooperation recording of Ambra Gutierrez mentioned that, if
sexual cooperation (Fitzgerald et al., 1995). everyone did whatever Harvey wanted them to, he would
help them out in their careers but if refused, he could
simply destroy them in seconds.
ILO Classification

Hostile work environment Hostile working environment is the one in Culture of Fear Harvey has been allowed to make unreasonable and
which the conduct creates conditions that are frequently unacceptable demands of his female
intimidating or humiliating for the victim colleagues. He wants them to be there for him at all
(ILO). times, to attend to all his needs, especially those of a
sexual kind.

Sexual Intimidation
When Harvey speculated that Gwyneth was involved in
the NYT reporters' investigation, he turned up at her
residence without invitation during a party.

Intimidation through unwanted verbal

threats Laura Madden was called by her colleague Pamela (from
Miramax) to not talk about what happened and remain
silent about it.

Table 3 Responses and Outcomes of Sexual Harassment (as seen in the movie She Said)
Duration of Victim Perpetrator
Operational Definition
Consequences Element Instance Element Instance
STATES Immediate Internalization When Laura reveals about her initial Nil
experience with Harvey Weinstein, she
Cognitive state refers to the information tells Jodi that she felt that she "was the
processing in a human brain, which is related problem" and "the one sexualising it",
to memory and perception, as well as upon refusing his request to give him a
thinking and reasoning. Affective state refers massage.
to any kind of sentimental condition, often in
which someone's feelings control their Loss of agency Laura Madden, when describing her
consciousness. experience with Harvey, talks about
how she told herself to just "get through
it" and "do it", despite her feeling
completely terrified of the entire
situation. During the entire narrative, a
sense of loss of agency can be observed
as Laura found herself to comply and
give in to the situation.

Long Term Difficulty in On hearing that Megan wants to talk to Rationalisation The perpetrator, Harvey
being vulnerable her about her experience with Harvey, of SH Weinstein, had rationalised
Harvey's ex-assistant in Queens shuts sexual harassment. This is
down. Similarly, when Jodi reaches out evident through the countless
to Laura, she appears distressed and women he has harassed through
denies to talk about her experience. the years without any
repentance, as well as through
the revelation made by Irwin
Reiter when he was in
conversation with Jodi that
Harvey still continues to harass
Fear of In multiple conversations
Defamation between Harvey Weinstein and
the people from The New York
Feelings of After Rowena resigns from her job at Times who were involved in the
Isolation, the London Office, she decides to join story about him, Harvey
Depression and the Hong Kong branch of Miramax, expresses fear in the form of
Suicidal thinking that she would be able to being paranoid about the
Ideation manage as it would take her far away allegations that had been made
from the situation. However, in her job against him, about the actresses
there, she felt extremely isolated and being involved in it (with a
alone. She felt as if she could not talk to strong emphasis on Gwyneth
anyone about what had happened with Paltrow) etc
her and fell into depression, wanting
and contemplating to die by suicide.
From her narrative, it also seemed as if
she considered herself to be a failure at
a lot of things in life.
Feelings of Laura Madden, while describing her
Shame experience, tells Jodi about how she felt
about it after years by saying that it had
"dictated a certain direction" that her
life took. She also adds that she felt as
if it was "a huge error of judgement" on
her side that had "sort of marked" her
and all her decisions and that she felt
"such shame" that she let that happen to


The effects of sexual harassment on

physiological functioning could be the Immediate Shivering & While getting interviewed by Jodi, an
measurement of changes in heart rate, blood trembling ex-Miramax executive in reference to
pressure, cortisol levels, or sleep patterns in Zelda and Rowena recounted "there
response to a specific incident or chronic were these two assistants...And they
exposure to sexual harassment. It includes were sitting there trembling. they were
self-reported symptoms or experiences of
physical discomfort, fatigue, or illness that literally... vibrating, one with fear and
are associated with the experience of sexual the other with anger."
Long Term Nil


Behavioural responses in the context of Immediate Humour & Zelda Perkins talked about using either Short-term Zelda explained how, after
sexual harassment at the workplace refer to Aggression humour or aggression to "fend-off" compliant Harvey harassed Rowena and
the actions or behaviors that individuals Harvey, whenever he would try to make behaviour Zelda confronted him, he
engage in as a result of experiencing or any advances towards her. stemming from followed her "like a lamb" out
witnessing unwanted sexual behavior or guilt and fear of the meeting and she realized
advances in that moment that he was
guilty of assault.

Compliance Laura Madden, in her experience with

Harvey, came off to be very compliant
in terms of the requests he was making.
She also mentioned that even though
she felt terrified, she just told herself to
get through it.

Anger and During the Venice Film Festival, when

confrontation Rowena had come up to Zelda, the
latter went straight to Harvey's room to
confront him.

Long Term Hesitation and During the course of the movie, it was
Refusal to speak evident every victim could not muster
up the courage to speak up against the
injustice. The secretary at Miramax
(who lived in Queens) was initially
hoping to talk with the reporters,
however, it was briefly after her
interaction with Twohey that she
refused to go on record. Similarly,
Laura Madden, before receiving a call
from the Miramax office, was avoiding
the NY Times altogether.

Table 4
Organizational Consequences of Sexual Harassment (as seen in the movie She Said)
Operational definition Elements Instances in the Film
Reduced job Job involvement is the internalization of values about the Perceived isolation After being harassed, leaving Miramax, and then ultimately joining
involvement goodness of work or the importance of work in the worth hindering work Miramax Hong Kong, Rowena felt isolated in her experience and
of the person, and perhaps it thus measures the ease with found it difficult to remain fully present and involved in her job and
which the person can be further socialized by an even attempted committing suicide.
organization. (Lodahl & Kejner, 1965)

Reduced job Job Performance: Actions or behaviours relevant to the Distraction of According to Zelda, she was frequently called upon to attend to
performance organization’s goals; measured in terms of each employees from Weinstein's personal requests, which included unusual tasks such as
individual’s proficiency (Landy & Conte, 2013). primary waking him up, running a shower for him, and getting him out of
responsibilities bed. These demands often took time away from employees' primary
job responsibilities, and contributed to a work environment that was
challenging to navigate.
Reduced Judd, in the movie says that after she spoke up against Harvey, she
Opportunity at work was unable to work as earlier, Harvey blackballed her career, she
would stand with other actresses and he would blank her, there were
roles which she was up for, that mysteriously she did not get

Reduced job Spector (1997), while referring job satisfaction, Dissatisfaction with Rowena, in her interview with Jodi mentions how difficult it was to
satisfaction mentions as to simply how workers feel about the supervisor work with Harvey, especially when they would read scripts together.
their jobs and different aspects of their jobs and the She mentioned having to wear an extra pair of tights in case she
extent to which workers like (satisfaction) or dislike needed time to escape.
(dissatisfaction) their job. He also proposed that job
satisfaction can be measured through nine facets -
including pay, promotion, supervision, benefits, rewards,
operation procedure, co-workers’ relations, work itself
and communication (Spector, 1985)

Absenteeism The employee’s reduced ability to go to work, due to Irregularity from Even after getting a job at the Hong Kong Office of Miramax,
experienced problems caused by stressful work Work Rowena could not help but remain absent from work on a regular
conditions (De Boer et al.,2002). basis. This was shared by her during her interaction with Jodi.

Turnover Organizational Turnover refers to the process of Quitting or resigning The ex-assistant at Queens who worked at Miramax 25 years ago
employees leaving their job or organization of due to harassment said that she had a ' business dispute' with Miramax. Though, she did
employment within the context of human resources not speak about it explicitly, it is clear that she has to leave the
(Riann, 2016) company after the incident of sexual harassment.
(All I can tell you is that…I had a business dispute with Miramax. It
was resolved. Amicably. And we have agreed not to discuss it.)

Harvey assaulted Rowena, and that led to Zelda getting enraged and
confronting Weinstein. Both she and Rowena left Miramax
thereafter, and they tried to file a case, but their lawyer advised them
against it.

It was implied in Laura's interview with Jodi that she had to leave
the job after the incident of sexual harassment.
Medical These include paying medical insurance claims for No Therapeutic Zelda, in conversation with Jodi, revealed that those who got the
expenses employees who sought professional help because of Intervention compensation weren’t even allowed to see a therapist independently.
emotional or physical stress resulting from sexual They had to take permission from Miramax to see a doctor.
harassment and paying sick leave to employees who
missed work because of sexual harassment (Terpstra &
Baker, 2010).

Legal expenses McDonald (2012) has spoken about the costs of Lawsuit settlement Over a phone call with Meghan, David Glasser who is an employee
investigating the complaint and the legal costs arising costs at Miramax confirmed that it was accurate to use the figure of 8-12
from actions brought against the organisation as direct settlements for the purposes of their article.
organisational costs of workplace sexual harassment.

Organisational Dutton and Dukerich 1991 defines image in terms of the Departure of Irwin Reiter (Harvey's accountant for 30 years) left Miramax and
Image costs views held by internal stakeholders, as “the way they Long-standing later even helped Jodi Kantor with the Memo which made the
believe others see the organization, to gauge how Employees evidence concrete, because the instances of 'mistreatment of women'
outsiders are judging them” (p. 520) were multiplying and the company was facing financial issues.

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