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Throughout the history of humankind, human comportments can be on a par with a double-
edged sword. Human behavior is influenced by innumerable interpretations of "right" and
"wrong", which also appears to be linked to preserving one's moral ideals and suppressing
perceived moral breaches. Conversely, some philosophers may view certain practices as the
pinnacle of moral virtue, while others may perceive them as the peak of cruelty, wickedness and
evil. Consistently, Kantianism and Utilitarianism, for example, are two ethical philosophies that
reveal the “ethical” insight of a given action. Yet, these two philosophies
adopt various ethical stances. Man's unethical practices have pervaded diverse spheres of life to
the extent that it can be encountered in a wide range of fields. One area where man's unethical
behavior has been demonstrated is evident in Chu et al (2020)’s argument where there had been
unethical distribution of ventilators during the COVID-19 crisis. Another field whereby illegal
practices have been displayed is tangible in Gascoyne et al (2021)’s research that depicts that the
promotion of unhealthy foods has resulted in many health problems among the Australian
adolescents. A third frame that shows unethical performances is illustrated in Vaidya and Bobdey
(2020)’s argument, through which unethical behaviors can be seen among medical physicians.
Taken together, there are many questions that spring to mind. One investigatory question is that:
What are the probable ethical dilemmas that might be found in various professions? Therefore,
the purpose of this research is to investigate the possible unethical behaviors that might prevail in
a variety of professions, including the fields of military, of medicine, and digital marketing.


As a conclusion, these results indicate that there are a variety of approaches that prove
the prevalence of ethical dilemmas. As discussed above, unethical behaviors are likely to be
practiced in different domains of life, including the medical field, the world of digital marketing,
and the military area. To summarize, the provided results within the military area provide
important insights of an ethical dilemma which may be evident through bioethical issues, stressful
interrogations, dual loyalty and the humanitarian role during armed conflicts. Similarly, results
within the medical field significantly exhibits an ethical dilemma which can be noticeable through
the allocation of ventilators during the coronavirus 2019 pandemic, especially in periods of scarce
resources. Also, within the world of digital marketing, these practices seem to be apparent through
unhealthy dietary habits among Australian adolescents as a result of unethical approaches of food
and drink marketing on social media. Thus, the findings of this review clearly demonstrate the role
that divergent viewpoints can play in the solution of ethical issues. Future research needs to be
done to explore the application of Utilitarian and Kantian ethical frameworks. Therefore, this
leads to the arousal of several questions, one of which: To what extent might some ethical
frameworks possibly clash with the fundaments of human rights?

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