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VDIXXX10.1177/1040638720966299Immunomagnetic separation PCR assay for pathogenic LeptospiraTomckowiack et al.

Full Scientific Report

Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation

Analytical evaluation of an immunomagnetic 2021, Vol. 33(1) 52­–58

© 2020 The Author(s)
Article reuse guidelines:
separation PCR assay to detect pathogenic
DOI: 10.1177/1040638720966299
Leptospira in cattle urine samples
obtained under field conditions

Camilo Tomckowiack, Claudio Henriquez, Alfredo Ramirez-Reveco,

Priscila Muñoz, Bernardita Collado, Daniel Herzberg, Hugo Folch,
Miguel Salgado1

Abstract. Clinical manifestations of leptospirosis are diverse and very similar to other febrile diseases, hence early and
accurate detection of subclinical infections is a key element in disease control. We evaluated immunomagnetic separation (IMS)
capture technology coupled with a standard quantitative PCR (qPCR) system for the detection of pathogenic Leptospira in urine
samples from 803 cows from dairy herds with a history of clinical cases of leptospirosis. The urine samples were first processed
in a purification step, then subdivided into 2 subsamples, one that continued to DNA extraction and direct qPCR, and one that
was pretreated by IMS before continuing to DNA extraction and qPCR. Overall, 133 of 803 (16.6%) samples were IMS-qPCR
positive, whereas only 92 of 803 (11.5%) were positive when using direct qPCR. Statistically significant differences were
observed between the mean estimated Leptospira load between the IMS-qPCR and the direct qPCR positive urine samples. The
IMS-qPCR technology revealed a larger number of positive results and higher bacterial loads than direct qPCR. This difference
is most likely the result of the high antigen-binding capacity and capture efficiency of the IMS system. The use of polyclonal
antibodies produced by the inoculation of 3 synthetic peptides, which make up the extracellular regions of the LipL32 protein,
provided a high detection capacity to the IMS-qPCR technique, resulting in performance superior to direct qPCR.

Key words: immunomagnetic separation qPCR; Leptospira; leptospirosis; LipL32.

Introduction Immunomagnetic separation (IMS) has been reported to

be used for Leptospira detection.5 This concentration method
Leptospirosis, a bacterial zoonotic disease with a worldwide can be coupled with any test for Leptospira detection regard-
distribution, is caused by spirochetes of the genus Leptospira less of whether it is based on antigens, genes, phage binding,
and encompasses a wide spectrum of clinical diseases in or growth in culture media. If effective, IMS can provide
humans, including multi-organ failure with a high mortality cleaner samples (i.e., free of contaminating microbes or PCR
rate.10 Farming activities were recognized as an important inhibitors) and a higher yield of Leptospira (i.e., improved
risk factor before animal host species were identified.1 analytical sensitivity) via a one-step, low-cost procedure.5
Rodents were first identified as a potential source of human The combination of IMS and PCR increases both test
infection, followed by dogs.2,4 The role of livestock as reser- specificity and sensitivity.13,17,18 There remain some hurdles
voirs was not determined until several decades later.4 Fre-
quently, abortion or stillbirth is the only clinical sign detected
in adult cattle infected by pathogenic Leptospira.8 Infected Instituto de Medicina Preventiva Veterinaria (Tomckowiack, Collado,
calves usually develop a severe, acute form of the disease Salgado), Instituto de Farmacología y Morfofisiología (Henriquez),
(with clinical signs such as fever, jaundice, and hematuria) Instituto de Ciencias Clínicas Veterinarias (Herzberg) and Instituto de
that is frequently fatal.2 Ciencia Animal (Ramirez-Reveco), Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias,
Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile; Instituto de Inmunología,
Because of the diversity of clinical signs, the detection of
Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile
pathogenic Leptospira is difficult and depends upon a variety (Muñoz, Folch).
of laboratory assays such as the detection of specific anti-
bodies by microscopic agglutination test, indirect hemag- 1
Corresponding author: Miguel Salgado, Instituto de Medicina
glutination assay, or ELISA. In addition, Leptospira or their Preventiva Veterinaria–Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, Universidad
components may be detected in urine or tissues by culture, Austral de Chile, Saelzer Building 5° Floor, Campus Isla Teja, Valdivia,
dark field microscopy, immunostaining, or PCR.1,4,6 50 90000, Chile.
Immunomagnetic separation PCR assay for pathogenic Leptospira 53

to widespread use of the IMS-PCR technology for Lepto- Polyclonal antibody production
spira detection in veterinary specimens. The analytical sensi-
In order to produce polyclonal antibodies against LipL32 (an
tivity of the IMS method has been evaluated with only a
outer membrane lipoprotein7), 3 peptide chains (EP3, EP4,
small number of Leptospira strains and under experimental
and EP6),9 each with a size of ~20 kDa, were chemically
conditions.5 We describe herein the development, optimiza-
synthesized (this mixture hereafter referred to as P2).
tion, and analytical evaluation of an IMS–quantitative PCR
Sequences of these LipL32 epitopes have been described in
(IMS-qPCR) protocol to facilitate the detection of patho-
silico as the most immunogenic and are found outside the
genic Leptospira from cattle urine samples obtained under
leptospiral bacterial cell wall.9 A glutaraldehyde cross-link-
field conditions.
ing protocol with hemocyanin carrier protein (Imject Blue
carrier protein; Thermo Fisher Scientific) was performed on
Materials and methods the peptides, as described previously,11 with some modifica-
tions. Briefly, 10 mg of hemocyanin was incubated with 1 mg
Study population and sample collection of each peptide in the presence of 0.15% glutaraldehyde
Sampling was conducted among 15 smallholder and 23 (MilliporeSigma) at room temperature for 2 h. The reaction
medium-size dairy farms located in the Los Ríos and Los was terminated by the addition of 1/10 (v/v) of 1 M glycine,
Lagos regions of southern Chile, between October 2016 and and the sample was dialyzed against 0.1 M borate buffer
January 2017. Verbal consent was obtained from all farmers (18.55 g of boric acid; 2,850 mL of H2O; pH 8.5) for 24 h at
who participated in the study. The smallholder farmers are 4°C. From this protocol, an emulsion was made with 200 μg
subsistence farmers who produce < 100,000 L of milk/y, and of each of the peptides and Freund complete adjuvant
their cattle graze outside year-round and are fed little or no (MilliporeSigma), with 1 mL injected subcutaneously in 4
concentrate. The medium-size herds represent the typical different locations on the back of a 2.5-kg New Zealand male
dairy farms of the area in terms of breed (Holstein), herd size rabbit. The laboratory animal was provided by the Instituto
(200–500 animals), and management practices (graze in de Salud Pública (Chilean Government). This rabbit was
rotational paddocks year-round, milked twice a day, 305-d managed in strict accordance with the recommendations in
milk production, 220,000–4,500,000 L/y). the Guide for Use of Animals for Research of the Universi-
A targeted sampling strategy was used to maximize the dad Austral de Chile (
likelihood of testing Leptospira-infected cattle by selecting vicerrectoria-investigacion-desarrollo-y-creacion-artistica/
herds with a history of clinical leptospirosis, mainly associ- utiles/subcomite-en-uso-de-animales-en-investigacion,
ated with Pomona and Hardjo serovars. We collected 803 Spanish.). The animal was housed in an individual metal
urine samples from adult cattle from the 38 study herds. In cage with free access to food and water. Polyclonal antibod-
order to detect pathogenic Leptospira in each of the sam- ies were obtained from the rabbit serum and stored at −20°C
ples, urine samples (25 mL) were collected by direct stimu- until use. The serum was used directly to perform the IMS
lation of the vulvar area. Urine samples were kept at room without any purification step.
temperature until they were transferred and processed, on
average within 4 h, at the Laboratorio de Enfermedades
Polyclonal antibody validation
Infecciosas, Instituto de Medicina Preventiva Veterinaria,
Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, Universidad Austral de In order to evaluate the binding of the anti-LipL32 antibody
Chile. to the target protein in pathogenic Leptospira, one strain
Detection of pathogenic Leptospira in urine specimens (107 bacteria/mL) of each of 6 serovars (Table 1) was used.
was conducted through a comparative approach based on The Leptospira strains were provided by the National Collab-
both direct qPCR and IMS-qPCR from each urine sample. orating Centre for Reference and Research on Leptospirosis
Each urine sample was centrifuged at 4,000 × g for 15 min; (Amsterdam, The Netherlands). The cultures were homoge-
the pellet was then resuspended in 1 mL of phosphate- nized in the extraction buffer (50 mM Tris, pH 8.0; 1 mM
buffered saline (PBS; 137 mM NaCl, 2.7 mM KCl, 4.3 mM EDTA; 100 mM NaCl; 1 mM phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride).
Na2HPO4, 1.4 mM KH2PO4 [pH 7]), transferred to a 1.5-mL The Leptospira cells were disrupted by tip sonication at
microcentrifuge tube, and re-centrifuged at 11,000 × g for 70% in an ice bath with two 10-s rounds. Samples were
5 min. Finally, the supernatant was discarded, and the pellet quantified (Bradford reagent; MilliporeSigma). Twenty µg
was resuspended in 1 mL of PBS. After this first cleaning and of whole protein extract was separated by SDS-PAGE and
purification step, the sample was subdivided, with a 100-μL electro-transferred to a 0.45-µm nitrocellulose membrane
aliquot used for DNA extraction and direct qPCR and another (GE Healthcare). Membranes were blocked with 1% bovine
100-μL aliquot undergoing a pretreatment step of immune serum albumin (BSA) in 0.2% Tween-20 for 1 h at room
separation before proceeding with DNA extraction and direct temperature. Primary antibody (1:1,000 v/w) incubation was
qPCR. performed overnight, using continuous stirring at 4ºC. The
Tomckowiack et al.

Table 1.  Details of Leptospira strains used in evaluation of an immunomagnetic separation PCR assay to detect pathogenic Leptospira
in bovine urine samples.

Species Serogroup Serovar Strain

L. borgpetersenii Tarassovi Tarassovi Perepelitsin
L. interrogans Canicola Canicola Hond Utrecht IV
L. interrogans Icterohaemorrhagiae Icterohaemorrhagiae Icterohaemorrhagiae
L. interrogans Pomona Pomona Pomona
L. interrogans Sejroe Hardjo Ar
L. interrogans Australis Bratislava Jez Bratislava
All reference strains were provided by the National Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research on Leptospirosis (Amsterdam, The Netherlands).

following day, membranes were washed in 0.2% Tween-20 was added and the mixture incubated for 30 min at 37°C.
solution in Tris-buffered saline (TBS; pH 7.4) and then incu- The mixture was then washed with 1 mL of PBS, centri-
bated with anti-rabbit IgG–horseradish peroxidase second- fuged twice (11,000 × g, 5 min), and finally 0.5 mL
ary antibody (1:2,000 v/w; Santa Cruz Biotechnology) for (containing 5.0 × 105) of the coated beads was added.
1 h at room temperature. Finally, the immunoreactive signal Magnetic separation of pathogenic Leptospira from urine
was revealed with a solution of luminol–hydrogen peroxide samples and the subsequent washing steps were carried out
(ECL; Thermo Scientific) and digitally displayed (LI-COR (Invitrogen BeadRetriever system; Life Technologies).
Odyssey Fc system; Biosciences). Primary antibody speci- Leptospira were selectively concentrated from the 0.5 mL
ficity was evaluated in parallel by the use of primary anti- of processed samples obtained from the coated magnetic
body that had been pre-adsorbed with immunogenic peptides beads protocol, as described above. The final product of
(P2) overnight. the IMS process was suspended in 0.5 mL of PBS for DNA
extraction and purification followed by qPCR, as described
Indirect immunofluorescence
To demonstrate the binding of the anti-LipL32 antibody to
DNA extraction and purification
the membrane of pathogenic Leptospira, an immunocyto-
chemistry assay was performed using L. interrogans serovar The sample obtained from the IMS step or direct from the
Icterohaemorrhagiae strain Icterohaemorrhagiae (Table 1). re-suspended bacterial pellet was mixed with 500 μL of lysis
Smears of this Leptospira strain were prepared on slides, buffer (2 mM EDTA, 400 mM NaCl, 10 mM Tris-HCl [pH
fixed with 2% paraformaldehyde in 2.5 mM MgCl2, and then 8.0], and 0.6% SDS) and 5 μL of proteinase K (10 μg/μL;
blocked with 5% BSA in 0.2% Tween-20 in TBS for 60 min MilliporeSigma) in a 1.5-mL microcentrifuge tube (Eppen-
at room temperature. Samples were incubated overnight with dorf; MilliporeSigma). The mixture was incubated at 56°C
the primary antibodies (1:50 v/w) in a moist chamber at 4°C. for 1 h, then 500 μL of 100% ethanol was added. The tubes
As a negative control, the primary antibody was not added. were left standing for 2 min at room temperature before being
In a second control, the primary antibody was pre-absorbed vortexed for 5 s and centrifuged (11,000 × g, 5 min). The
with the immunogenic peptides (P2). Next, incubation with supernatant was discarded, and the pellet was washed once
the secondary antibody was performed, with antibodies in 200 μL of 70% ethanol by re-suspension and centrifuged
conjugated to fluorochrome Alexa 488, for 60 min at room as described above. Next, the pellet was re-suspended in
temperature. Bacterial DNA was counterstained with 2 µM 50 μL of sterile distilled water. The tubes were placed in a
propidium iodide and washed twice in TBS. Finally, the dry heating block (Eppendorf) at 100°C for 5 min. The solu-
slides were mounted, and stained cells were visualized tion was centrifuged briefly (16,000 × g, 30 s) to remove any
and evaluated in an inverted epifluorescence microscope contaminating material. Finally, a 25-μL aliquot of superna-
(DMI3000 B; Leica) coupled to a digital camera (DFC 425 tant was placed into a new tube (Eppendorf) to be used as a
C; Leica). The images obtained were processed with Adobe template for PCR.
Photoshop 6.0.
qPCR from urine samples
Use of coated magnetic beads
The DNA templates obtained from either the IMS prepara-
Magnetic beads coated with anti-rabbit antibodies (M-280 tion or directly from the re-suspended pellet obtained from
sheep anti-rabbit IgG; Dynabeads) were used. The 100-µL the urine were analyzed (LightCycler 2.0; Roche), using a
aliquot of the resuspended urine pellet was subjected to the TaqMan probe and targeting the LipL32 gene, which is spe-
following pre-treatment. First, a 100-µL aliquot of the cific for pathogenic Leptospira species.16 The amplification
polyclonal antibody produced against LipL32 (1:1,000) mixture for each sample was as follows: 0.7 μM of primers,
Immunomagnetic separation PCR assay for pathogenic Leptospira 55

0.15 μM of probe, 10 μL of TaqMan universal master mix Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-rank test was used. For all
(Roche), and 5 μL of DNA template, in a total volume of statistical analyses, p ≤ 0.05 was considered significant.
20 μL. Samples were amplified using the following para­ Statistical analyses were done using Prism 6 software
meters: initial denaturation at 95°C for 2 min, followed by 40 (GraphPad).
cycles of denaturation at 95°C for 5 s, and annealing/elonga-
tion at 58°C for 30 s. Negative and positive controls to con-
firm the validity of the reaction were used as well as negative
and positive controls of DNA extraction. The Roche system The SDS-PAGE Coomassie blue stain showed a similar
reports crossing point (Cp) values reflecting the number of pattern for all 6 pathogenic Leptospira strains (Fig. 1A). The
pathogenic Leptospira in the sample, and a Cp > 40 was specific immunoreactivity of a major band of the expected
regarded as a negative result. molecular size (32 kDa) in all strains was confirmed by
western blot (Fig. 1B). Minor bands of different molecular
weights were detected, possibly derived from cleavage of
In vitro evaluation of the IMS-qPCR Leptospira
the LipL32 target protein. A specific band of low molecular
detection capacity weight (< 9 kDa) was expected for P2 (Fig. 1B). A markedly
The IMS-qPCR detection system was first subjected to an in diminished immunoreaction was observed when antibody
vitro preliminary evaluation. Five pure cultures of patho- was pre-absorbed with P2 immunogenic peptide for all bac-
genic Leptospira (L. interrogans serovar Icterohaemor­ terial protein samples (Fig 1C). In the sample containing the
rhagiae strain Icterohaemorrhagiae; L. interrogans serovar P2 immunogenic peptide used to produce antibodies, a total
Bratislava strain Jez Bratislava; L. interrogans serovar Cani- loss of immunoreactivity was observed with the pre-absorbed
cola strain Hond Utrecht IV; L. interrogans serovar Pomona antibody (Fig. 1C).
strain Pomona; L. borgpetersenii serovar Tarassovi strain A negative indirect immunofluorescence result was
Perepelitsin) were used. From these pure cultures, Lepto- obtained when cell samples were incubated with only sec-
spira concentration was estimated using direct qPCR accord- ondary antibodies (Fig. 1D). With the same technique, the
ing to the genome-equivalent estimation principle described signal was compatible with the presence of LipL32, with a
below. Four dilutions with a known concentration of Lepto- positive and strong signal for LipL32 in all cells present in
spira (101, 102, 103, and 104 bacteria/mL) were then evalu- the smears, including those cells with a polymorphic size
ated by IMS-qPCR using the same quantification method. pattern (Fig. 1E). A weak signal was obtained when cell sam-
ples were incubated using the anti-Lip32 antibody that had
been pre-absorbed with P2 immunogenic peptides (Fig. 1F).
Estimation of pathogenic Leptospira shedding The IMS-qPCR technique with polyclonal antibodies was
level optimal at 1:1,000 serum dilution (data not shown). In the in
Pathogenic Leptospira cell numbers (genome equivalents) vitro evaluation, statistically significant differences were
were estimated according to a published protocol3 using the observed from dilutions 101–104 (Fig. 2). The quantitative
molecular weight of the genome of L. interrogans serovar analysis of IMS-qPCR when used on pure cultures showed
Hardjo type Prajitno strain Hardjo-prajitno (GenBank acces- that detection of Leptospira loads of < 102 bacteria/mL was
sion EU357983.1) to establish a standard curve for estima- not possible.
tion of Leptospira numbers by Roche 2.0 real-time PCR, Urine samples from the 38 cattle herds were positive for
according to the following equation: leptospires by both direct qPCR and IMS-qPCR, with a
greater number detected by the latter. Overall, 133 of 803
DNA concentration ( ng / µL ) (16.6%) of the urine samples were IMS-qPCR positive; only
92 of 803 (11.5%) were direct qPCR-positive (p = 0.0001;
genomeequivalent =
× 6.022 × 1023 / mol−1 ) Table 2). More specifically, 41 samples positive by IMS-
( )
4.659 × 106 base pairs × qPCR within the range of 100–103 bacteria/mL gave negative
results for direct qPCR (Table 3). Statistically significant dif-
(1×10 ng / g × 660g / mol )
ferences in median load estimation values of the positive
( accesion EU357983.1)( base mass ) samples were observed between the IMS-qPCR assay (4.69
log10 bacteria/mL for the 133 positive urine samples) and the
direct qPCR assay (1.49 log10 bacteria/mL for the 92 positive
Statistical analysis
urine samples; Fig. 3).
The pathogenic Leptospira detection results obtained by
direct PCR and IMS-qPCR were compared using the
McNemar test. Bacterial load differences detected by the 2
detection systems were assessed. Because both direct PCR Our results confirm specific binding of our anti-LipL32 anti-
and IMS-qPCR results were not normally distributed, the body in the outer membrane region of pathogenic Leptospira,
Tomckowiack et al.

Figure 1.  Detection of LipL32 protein in pathogenic Leptospira. A–C. Each gel consists of the following: lanes 1, 9 = molecular
weight standards (SDS-PAGE proteins or immunoblotting proteins; lane 2 = lysates from L. interrogans serovar Icterohaemorrhagiae
strain Icterohaemorrhagiae; lane 3 = L. interrogans serovar Bratislava strain Jez Bratislava; lane 4 = L. interrogans serovar Canicola strain
Hond Utrecht IV; lane 5 = L. interrogans serovar Pomona strain Pomona; lane 6 = L. interrogans serovar Hardjo strain Ar; lane 7 = L.
borgpetersenii serovar Tarassovi strain Perepelitsin; lane 8 = saline buffer. A. Proteins stained with Coomassie stain. SDS-PAGE gel for total
protein lysate (20 µg) of 6 strains (lanes 2–7) and immunogenic peptide (lane 10). B. Western blot analysis for 20 µg of total protein using
serum anti-LipL32 (rabbit). Arrowhead indicates the strong immunodetection signal. C. Western blot analysis (negative control) of total
protein using serum antibodies (anti-LipL32) pre-absorbed overnight with immunogenic peptide. Arrowhead indicates immunodetection
signal for LipL32. For both B and C, arrow indicates peptide detection. These are representative images from 3 independent determinations.
D–F. Indirect immunofluorescent detection of LipL32 protein in L. interrogans serovar Icterohaemorrhagiae strain Icterohaemorrhagiae.
An absent (D), strong (E), and weak (F) in situ signal is shown when using only secondary antibodies, primary serum antibodies, and pre-
absorbed serum antibodies, respectively. Asterisks in D indicate DNA staining cells with propidium iodide (2 µg/mL); arrow and arrowhead
in E indicate elongated or curly cells; asterisks in F indicate the displacement of the primary antibody–antigen binding produced when using
pre-absorbed antibody. Bars = 20 µm. These are representative images from three independent determinations.

which is consistent with knowledge of the LipL32 protein as decrease of LipL32 protein in the outer membrane is
an immunogenic target.1,7 This finding was a key element for expected,14 possibly because of down-regulation of the
the implementation of the IMS proposed protocol to be used LipL32 gene when the pathogen is in a non-infectious envi-
in urine samples. ronment. In contrast, LipL32 protein is normally expressed in
The IMS-qPCR technique, when used on pure cultures pathogenic Leptospira from infected tissue, and the O-anti-
with known concentrations of pathogenic Leptospira, had gen from Leptospira LPS is significantly reduced, leaving
limited recovery capacity, resulting in lower sensitivity than LipL32 more exposed.12 Therefore, the natural Leptospira
qPCR. On the other hand, different results were observed infectious state may influence the difference in efficiency
from pathogenic Leptospira obtained from clinical urine of the IMS-qPCR protocol. The fact that LipL32 is over-
samples, especially in bacterial load estimation values of expressed and more exposed on the surface would improve
the positive samples. This better performance with clinical the binding capacity of our anti-LipL32 antibodies and
samples may be explained by the fact that, for Leptospira enhance the separation efficiency of IMS when used on
strains under laboratory experimental conditions, a significant clinical samples. The IMS-qPCR technology that we used
Immunomagnetic separation PCR assay for pathogenic Leptospira 57

Figure 3.  Comparison of the bacterial load detection (cells/mL)

for the 133 urine samples positive in the immunomagnetic separation
qPCR (IMS-qPCR) assay and the 92 urine samples positive in the
direct qPCR assay. *** = p < 0.05 significant difference on paired
Figure 2. Analytical sensitivity estimation of the immuno-
magnetic separation qPCR (IMS-qPCR) compared with direct
There are several possible reasons for the dramatically
qPCR for pathogenic Leptospira in different dilutions of pure
cultures, expressed in bacteria/mL. Plots represent the mean (central higher sensitivity of IMS-PCR than direct PCR that we
bar) ±1 SD for different culture populations. Statistically significant found. Most of these explanations are focused on the effec-
differences were observed from dilutions 101–104 (p < 0.05). tiveness of an IMS system defined by its antigen-binding
capacity or capture efficiency.18 Furthermore, although direct
PCR loses sensitivity because of PCR inhibitors in urine
Table 2.  Cross-classification of direct qPCR and
immunomagnetic separation qPCR (IMS-qPCR) results on
samples,15 the IMS-qPCR can remove PCR inhibitors during
803 urine samples. the processing of clinical urine samples. Hence the IMS-
qPCR technique improves the analytical sensitivity over tra-
Result of direct qPCR ditional techniques. For direct qPCR assays, inhibitors may
Result of
IMS-qPCR Positive Negative Total be removed using specialized DNA extraction kits, but those
kits are expensive, making the IMS-qPCR even more advan-
Positive 86 47 133 tageous.
Negative 6 664 670 The development of the IMS-PCR technique with anti-
Total 92 711 803 bodies against only Leptospira borgpetersenii serovar Hardjo
has been reported.17 An improvement in diagnostic sensitiv-
ity in bovine urine samples has been reported for the same
Table 3.  Frequency distribution of positive direct qPCR
serovar.19 However, in both these reports, the application was
results for 133 urine samples with the indicated bacterial load as
determined by immunomagnetic separation (IMS) qPCR.
limited to one serogroup. Our results show a detection capac-
ity for multiple serogroups and serovars of Leptospira. A
IMS-qPCR result expressed No. of the same urine samples previous study5 produced monoclonal antibodies targeting
as estimated bacteria/mL positive in direct qPCR the LipL32 antigen using a recombinant protein instead of
100–103 (42) 1 peptides as we did. However, unlike our study, the difference
104–105 (49) 43 in bacterial concentration detection between PCR and IMS-
106–107 (42) 42 PCR reported in this prior study was only 1 log10 value.5
Our novel detection tool had a much higher analytical
n in parentheses.
sensitivity than direct urine qPCR. This high capacity to
detect Leptospira-infected animals that shed the pathogen in
on clinical samples provided results that yielded a signifi- low concentration will significantly strengthen leptospirosis
cantly higher number of positive results and with a higher control efforts in cattle herds.
estimated bacterial load (> 3 log10 differences) than direct
qPCR in cattle clinical urine samples obtained under field Acknowledgments
conditions. We thank all of the farmers for helping with sample collection.
Tomckowiack et al.

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