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EP 20 P Easy



Electrical architecture 3

Electrical DATA SHEET 4


CAN BUS checking 4


EP20P 5

Bills of material / Sensors and actuator description 6


Components 12

Components location 12

Electro brake 13

Tiller print board 13

Description 13

Tiller print board Input / Output 14

Tiller print board controls 14

Contactors 18

Sensors 18

Drive and pump Controller 21

Connections / Connectors overview 21

Power .- tightening torque 22

Input/Output 22

Settings and parameters 24

(for copying parameter settings to multiple controllers) 84

Monitor menu 85

Drive controller control 98

Maintenance 98

Controller exchange 99

Variateur de direction 100


Connections 100

Entrées / Sorties 101

Variateur de direction - paramètres 102

Monitoring menu 134

Steering principle 140

Steering sensor: 141

Steering setting 144

Steering controller control 145

Display 146


Traction controller troubleshooting 148

By LED 149

By display 151

By Diagnostic tool J397711 152

Connection to traction controller: Dedicated connector 153

Connection to steering controller: Directly on the controller 154

Traction controller fault code table 156

Steering controller diagnosis and troubleshooting 170

Steering controller fault code table 171


80.1 Electrical architecture


80.2 Electrical DATA SHEET

Gerbeurs Capacité - Tension Ref Ref Ref carte Bus Ref Outil
kg Variateur Variateur timon diagnostiq
Traction & de ue
pompe Direction
Stackers Capacity - Voltage Traction & Steering Butterfly Bus Diag. tool
kg pump controller PCB P/N
controller P/N
EP 20 P 2000 24V 54000517 54000544 J552807 CAN J397711


Tiller head PCB , traction controller, steering controller are connected to Can Bus.

As well diagnostic tool J397711 is connected to the Can Bus when it is used.

80.3.1 CAN BUS checking

● Check proper connection of each of these 3 components

● Check continuity of each Can Bus cable
● Measure #59 Ω directly on the Can Bus (out of voltage) for bus continuity checking

80.4Circuit diagrams

80.4.1 EP20P

80.4.2 Bills of material / Sensors and actuator description

Nom / Name Composant Component Value/ Pin variateur de Pin variateur de

Valeur traction direction
+12V +12V variateur de +12V traction J1-25
traction controller
Analog 1 Pas utilisé not used J1-24
B- Alimentation 0V 0V Drive B-
variateur de controller
traction power supply
B- Alimentation 0V 0V steering B-
variateur de controller
direction power supply
B+ Alimentation +24V Drive B+
+24V variateur de controller
traction power supply
B+ Alimentation +24V steering B+
+24V variateur de controller
direction power supply
Coil 0V interne du Drive J1-13
variateur de controller
traction internal 0V
Debug unit console Calibrator J1-25 J1-28 J1-7 J1-1 J1-2 J1-3
Driver 3 Bobine du pump J1-4 J1-13
contacteur de contactor coil
Driver 4 Bobine Lowering valve J1-3 J1-13
d'électrovanne de coil
Driver 5 Pas utilisé not used J1-2
Driver 6 Sortie relais Back up alarm J1-19
buzzer marche relay
Driver 7 Relais de klaxon Horn relay coil J1-20 J1-13

EMbrake Bobine Electrobrake J1-5 J1-13

d'électrofrein coil

Fault ouput Sortie sécurité EPS safety J3-1

direction output for main
alimentation contactor
FU1 Fusible 1 Fuse 1 200 A
(Variateur de (Traction
traction) controller)
FU2 Fusible 2 Fuse 2 (Pump) 150A
FU3 Fusible 3 Fuse 3 B+
(variateur de (Steering
direction) controller)
FU4 Fuse 4 ( clef de Fusible 4 (Key 10 A
contact) switch)
HH Klaxon Horn
Home Doigt d'indexage 0° Toggle J3-3
0° 1 switch 1
Home (NC) Doigt d'indexage 0°Toggle J2-1
0° 2 switch 2
Instru IDB BDI J1-7 J1-25 J1-1 J1-3
KM1 Contacteur Main contactor - B+
KM2 Contacteur de Pump -
pompe contactor
KSI Entrée contact à Key switch J1-1
clef input
M1 Moteur de Drive motor AC 2.2
traction kW
M1 Alimentation 1 du Supply DC M1
moteur de steering motor
direction 1
M2 Moteur de pompe Pump Motor DC 3
M2 Alimentation 1 du Supply DC M2
moteur de steering motor
direction 2
M3 Moteur de Steering motor DC 0.2
direction kW
Main contactor Bobine du Main contactor J1-6
KM1 contacteur de Coil

Position encoder encodeur moteur Traction motor J1-26 J1-31

de traction encoder J1-32 J1-7

Position encoder encodeur moteur Steering motor J3-11 J3-2 J3-9

de direction encoder J3-10 J2-5 J2-6

Position sensor Capteur d'angle Tiller head J3-7 J3-6 J3-13

timon angle sensor J3-14
S1 Arrêt d'urgence Emergency -
stop switch
S2 Contact à clef Key switch - J1-1
Switch 16 Contact barrière Guard switch J1-14
Switch 3 Micro de timon Interlock J1-9 J3-4
Switch 4 micro de Pedal J1-10
plateforme retracting
Switch 5 arrêt levage Lifting J1-11
fourches hautes limitation
Switch 6 Homme mort Death man J1-12
plateforme platform pedal
Switch 7 Contact EM REV/ Belly J1-22
Switch 8 Pas utilisé not used J1-33
Temp sesor Entrée capteur de Temperature J1-8
température sensor input
TILLER PCB + belly Carte timon + J1-22(belly) CanL CanL J3-12
belly J1-35 CanH CanH J3-8
U Phase U Phase U U
V Phase V Phase V V
W Phase W Phase W W

80.4.3 Circuit drawing description

Mise sous tension/ connecting battery and key switch

Timon baissé/ tiller used


Accélération/ traction

Lavage/ lift

Descente/ lowering

Klaxon / horn

80.5 Components

80.5.1 Components location


80.5.2 Electro brake

● Check wiring/ continuity

● Check with ohmmeter resistance: 17 Ω (min 16.1 max 17.9 Ω)
● Check free wheel diode inside controller

80.5.3 Tiller print board Description
Tiller print board is a multi-functional tiller head controller board.

Main Purpose:

- Butterfly for forward and backward speed control (by Can Bus)
- Butterfly for neutral brake and reverse braking(by Can Bus)
- Belly button (direct switch to the controller)
- Lift/Low(by Can Bus)
- Initial Lift/Low(by Can Bus)
- Tortoise mode(by Can Bus) Tiller print board Input / Output

J.2.1: Can L
J.2.2: Can H
J.2.3: Belly switch
J.2.7: 0 V Supply
J.2.8: 24V supply Tiller print board controls

- Check 24V supply
- Check Belly button working
- Check butterfly output in tester menu of the drive controller since information come to the drive
controller by Can Bus Tiller print board Teach Mode

PCB need to be fitted into the tiller head cover.


Picture A: View and Orientation for rotation left and rotation right, Connectors JP14 and JP15 must be


Attention!: Lift 2 JP14 and Lower 2 JP15 must be connected (Config 0)

1/ Switch OFF power supply

2/ Move Jumper from position “P(arking)” PIN 7-8

to position “T(each)” PIN 3-4 on SV2

Attention!: During the teach procedure of the PCB is the communication to the controller

3/ Switch ON the power supply; LCD MOD1 shows ZERO

4/ To teach the mechanical neutral position of the speed control be sure that the butterfly is in mechanical
neutral position, then push the button Lift 2 on JP14 to enter the neutral band,

(If nothing is connected on JP14, use tortoise button by disconnecting him and connecting him on JP14)

LED 4 of the LCD switch on

-->value is stored

5/ Turn the Butterfly up to the mechanical stop in “rotation right”, see Picture A

6/ Hold on the Butterflies in this position and push Lift 2 on JP14 to enter the value

(If nothing is connected on JP14, use tortoise button by disconnecting him and connecting him on JP14)

-->value is stored,

LED 2 of the LCD switches ON

7/ Turn the Butterflies up to the mechanical stop

in “rotation left”, see Picture A

8/ Hold on the Butterflies in this position and push Lower 2 on JP15 to enter the value

value is stored,

(If nothing is connected on JP15, use tortoise button by disconnecting him and connecting him on JP15)

LED 6 of the LCD switches ON

9/ return Butterflies back into Neutral-position

9a/ Optional: Teach process of proportional-switches: Press each of them slowly until end of way and hold it
for 1 second

10/ Move the jumper from position “T(each)” PIN 3-4 to position “P(arking)” PIN 7-8,

decimal-dot of the LCD switches ON


11/ Teach procedure is completed

12/ Switch OFF the power supply and check truck proper working Contactors Line contactor

Impedance = 46 Ω Pump contactor

Impedance = 17 Ω Sensors Square proximity switches

Square proximity switches are used to detect platform status, arm status, dead man on platform

and tiller status. They are activated by metal shape.


There 4 such a switch:

Function Status LED Status LED

status status

Platform status Platform Off Platform up On


Arm status Arms up On Arms down Off

Dead man on platform Driver on On Driver out of Off

theplatform the platform

Tiller Tiller down On Tiller up Off

Arm status
20/174 Lifting limitation switch

This switch stop pump when lift get maximum position (before mechanical and hydraulic stop)

Its pin 1 is positive, pin 2 is signal, pin 3 is negative, input signal is switching value.

80.5.4 Drive and pump Controller

This controller control pump and traction motors

Traction motor is AC motor.

Pump motor is DC motor. Connections / Connectors overview

22/174 Power .- tightening torque

Drive controller power connectors screws tightening torque is 10.2 ±1.1 N·m

Not respecting this torque will cause controller damage Input/Output

PIN Nom / Description Description

B- B- 0V Drive controller power supply Alimentation 0V variateur de
B+ B+ +24V Drive controller power supply Alimentation +24V variateur de
J1-1 KSI Key switch input Entrée contact à clef
J1-2 Driver 5 not used Pas utilisé
J1-3 Driver 4 Lowering valve coil Bobine d'électrovanne de descente
J1-4 Driver 3 pump contactor coil Bobine du contacteur de pompe

J1-5 EMbrake Electrobrake coil Bobine d'électrofrein

J1-6 Driver 1 Main contactor KM1 Coil Bobine du contacteur de ligne KM1
J1-7 I/O GND 0V Traction motor encoder 0V encodeur moteur de traction
J1-8 Temp Temperature sensor input Entrée capteur de température
J1-9 Switch 3 Interlock Micro de timon
J1-10 Switch 4 Pedal retracting switch/ Platform micro de plateforme
J1-11 Switch 5 Lifting limitation arrêt levage fourches hautes
J1-12 Switch 6 Death man platform pedal Homme mort plateforme
J1-13 Coil Drive controller internal 0V 0V interne du variateur de traction
J1-14 Switch 16 Guard switch Contact barrière
J1-19 Driver 6 Back up alarm relay
J1-20 Driver 7 Horn relay coil Relais de klaxon
J1-22 Switch 7 EM REV/ Belly Contact anti-écrasement
J1-22 Switch 7 Carte timon + belly PCB + belly
J1-23 CanH CanH CanH
J1-24 Analog 1 not used Pas utilisé
J1-25 +12V +12V traction controller +12V variateur de traction
J1-26 +5V Traction motor encoder encodeur moteur de traction
J1-28 TX Data calibrator port série calibrateur
J1-29 RX Not used pas utilisé
J1-31 PHASE A Traction motor encoder PHASE A PHASE A encodeur moteur de
J1-32 PHASE B Traction motor encoder PHASE B PHASE B encodeur moteur de
J1-33 Switch 8 not used Pas utilisé
J1-35 CanL CanL CanL
U U Phase U Phase U
V V Phase V Phase V
W W Phase W Phase W Settings and parameters




Max Speed 100 – 8000 Defines the maximum requested motor rpm at full
Max_Speed_SpdMx rpm throttle. Partially- applied throttle is scaled
0x3840 0x00 100 – 8000 proportionately; e.g., 40% applied throttle
corresponds to a request for 40% of the set Max
Speed Value.
If Max_Speed_SpdMx is set <10 rpm (through
VCL or CAN), the throttle request is zeroed
NOTE: The maximum motor rpm is subject to the
Kp 0 – 100% Determines how aggressively the speed
Kp_SpdMx controller attempts to match the speed of the
0 – 8192
0x3841 0x00 motor to the commanded speed. Larger values
provide tighter control.
If the gain is set too high, you may experience
oscillations as the controller tries to control speed.
If it is set too low, the motor may behave sluggishly
and be difficult to control.
Ki 5 – 100% The integral term (Ki) forces zero steady state
Ki_SpdMx error, so the motor will run at exactly the
50 – 1000
0x3842 0x00 commanded speed. Larger values provide tighter
If the gain is set too high, you may experience
oscillations as the controller tries to control speed.
If it is set too low, the motor may take a long time
to approach the exact commanded speed.
Accel Rate 0.1 – 30.0 s Sets the rate (in seconds) at which the speed
Accel_Rate_SpdMx command increases when throttle is applied.
100 – 30000
0x3843 0x00 Larger values represent slower response.
Decel Rate 0.1 – 30.0 s Sets the rate (in seconds) that is used to slow down
Decel_Rate_SpdMx the vehicle when the throttle is reduced. Larger
100 – 30000
0x3847 0x00 values represent slower response.
Brake Rate 0.1 – 30.0 s Sets the rate (in seconds) at which the vehicle
Brake_Rate_SpdMx slows down when brake is applied or when throttle
100 – 30000
0x3848 0x00 is applied in the opposite direction. Larger values
represent slower response.
Pump Enable* On / Off This parameter should be programmed On to
|AC_Pump_Enable_SpdM operate a pump motor rather than a vehicle drive
On / Off
|AC_Pump_Enable_SpdM_ motor. The speed-controller responsiveness and
Bit0 [Bit 0]
stability are enhanced for pump-motor
0x3896 0x00 applications.
Regen Lower Enable* On / Off This parameter works together with Pump Enable
Regen_Lower_Enable_S On / Off as follows:
pdM 1) When Pump Enable = On and Regen
Regen_Lower_Enable_S Lower Enable = On, the pump motor can turn in
pdM_Bit0 [Bit 0] both the forward and the reverse direction. In
0x3877 0x00 this case, the pump can be used as the Lower
function (reverse). The pump motor, when
“driven in reverse by a load” will also regen
current in a similar fashion to a drive-motor
regenerative braking.
2) When Pump Enable = On and Regen
Lower Enable = Off, the pump motor can turn

only in the forward direction. In this case, a

hydraulic valve is typically used for the Lower
3) When Pump Enable = Off, the Regen
Lower Enable parameter has no effect on the
control system.
*This parameter appears twice in the parameter menu structure. Changing the value of this
parameter affects the same parameter in Speed Mode.



Max Speed 100 – 8000 Defines the maximum requested motor rpm at full
Max_Speed_SpdM rpm throttle. Partially-applied throttle is scaled
0x3011 0x00 100 – 8000 proportionately; e.g., 40% applied throttle
corresponds to a request for 40% of the set Max
Speed Value.
If Max_Speed_SpdM is set <10 rpm (through VCL or
CAN), the throttle request is zeroed.
NOTE: The maximum motor rpm is subject to the
constraints on page 24.
Kp 0 – 100% Determines how aggressively the speed controller
Kp_SpdM attempts to match the speed of the motor to the
0 – 8192
0x3012 0x00 commanded speed. Larger values provide tighter
If the gain is set too high, you may experience
oscillations as the controller tries to control speed. If
it is set too low, the motor may behave sluggishly
and be difficult to control.
Ki LS 5 – 100% The Ki LS parameter sets the Ki for low vehicle
Ki_SpdM speeds. The integral term (Ki) forces zero steady
50 – 1000
0x3015 0x00 state error, so the motor will run at exactly the
commanded speed. Larger values provide tighter
If the gain is set too high, you may experience
oscillations as the controller tries to control speed.
If it is set too low, the motor may take a long time
to approach the exact commanded speed.
Ki HS 5 – 100% The Ki HS parameter sets the integral term (Ki) for
Ki_HS_SpdM high vehicle speeds; see description of Ki LS.
50 – 1000
0x301D 0x00



Kvff 0 – 500 A This velocity feedforward term is designed to
Kvff_SpdM 0 – 5000 improve throttle responsiveness and speed controller
0x3014 0x00 performance, especially at low speeds.
For traction systems, set it to 50–70% of the current
needed to maintain a very low speed, unloaded, on
flat ground.
For a pump system, set it to the lowest load current
(i.e., the current running at the minimum load).
Alternatively, the responsiveness of a pump speed
control loop can be significantly enhanced by using
a VCL program to continuously update this
parameter to the appropriate value as each pump
load is requested.
Build Rate 0.1 – 5.0 s Determines how fast the Kvff term builds up.
100 – 5000 For traction systems, if you feel or hear the
mechanical slop pick up abruptly when you move the
0x3093 0x00 throttle from neutral to a very small value, slowing
the build rate (i.e., setting it to a higher value) will
soften the feel.
For a pump system, start with this parameter at the
minimum setting. Slowing it down (i.e., setting it to a
higher value) will reduce speed overshoot if too much
feedforward has been commanded.
Release Rate 0.1 – 5.0 s Determines how fast the Kvff term releases. If the
Vel_FF_Release_Rate release seems too abrupt, slowing the release rate
100 – 5000
_SpdM (i.e., setting it to a higher value) will soften the feel.
0x3094 0x00 It should be set fast enough (i.e., at a low enough
value) to prevent the vehicle from running on after
throttle release.



Kaff 0 – 500 A This acceleration feedforward term is designed to
Kaff_SpdM 0 – 5000 improve throttle responsiveness and speed
0x3013 0x00 controller performance at all speeds. It can be
thought of as a “quick start” function which can
enhance responsiveness at all speeds.
Using your present accel and decel rates, observe
the average current you are running at full throttle at
low speeds while accelerating without load on flat
ground, and set Kaff to 50–70% of that value.
NOTE: If any accel rate parameters get changed,
this parameter will need to be changed also.
Kbff 0 – 500 A This braking feedforward term is designed to improve
Kbff_SpdM braking responsiveness at all speeds.
0 – 5000
0x3019 0x00 Using your present decel rates, observe the
average current you are running at full throttle
braking, and set Kbff to that value.
Build Rate 0.1 – 5.0 s Determines how fast the Kaff and Kbff terms build up.
100 – 5000 For traction systems, if you feel or hear the
mechanical slop pick up abruptly when you move the
0x3095 0x00 throttle from neutral to a very small value, slowing
the build rate (i.e., setting it to a higher value) will
soften the feel.
For a pump system, start with this parameter at the
minimum setting. Slowing it down (i.e., setting it to a
higher value) will reduce over-shoot if too much
feedforward has been commanded.
Release Rate 0.1 – 5.0 s Determines how fast the Kaff and Kbff terms release.
Acc_FF_Release_Rate It should be set fast enough (i.e., at a low enough
100 – 5000
_SpdM value) to prevent the vehicle from running on after
0x3096 0x00 throttle release.


Full Accel Rate HS 0.1 – 30.0 s Sets the rate (in seconds) at which the speed
Full_Accel_Rate_HS_S command increases when full throttle is applied at
100 – 30000
pdM high vehicle speeds. Larger values represent slower
0x307F 0x00 response. See Figure 7 for relationship between Full
Accel Rate HS, Full Accel Rate LS, and Low Accel
Full Accel Rate LS 0.1 – 30.0 s Sets the rate (in seconds) at which the speed
command increases when full
Full_Accel_Rate_LS_S 100 – 30000 throttle is applied at low vehicle speeds.
0x3016 0x00
Low Accel Rate 0.1 – 30.0 s Sets the rate (in seconds) at which the speed
Low_Accel_Rate_Spd command increases when a small amount of throttle
100 – 30000
M is applied. This rate is typically adjusted to affect low

0x3081 0x00 speed maneuverability.

Neutral Decel Rate HS 0.1 – 30.0 s Sets the rate (in seconds) that is used to slow down
the vehicle when the
Neutral_Decel_Rate_H 100 – 30000 throttle is released to neutral at high vehicle speeds.
0x3018 0x00
Neutral Decel Rate LS 0.1 – 30.0 s Sets the rate (in seconds) that is used to slow down
the vehicle when the
Neutral_Decel_Rate_L 100 – 30000 throttle is released to neutral at slow vehicle speeds.
0x3070 0x00
Full Brake Rate HS 0.1 – 30.0 s Sets the rate (in seconds) at which the vehicle slows
Full_Brake_Rate_HS_S down from high speeds when full brake is applied or
100 – 30000
pdM when full throttle is applied in the opposite direction.
0x301B 0x00 See Figure 8 for relationship between Full Brake
Rate HS, Full Brake Rate LS, and Low Brake Rate.
Full Brake Rate LS 0.1 – 30.0 s Sets the rate (in seconds) at which the vehicle slows
Full_Brake_Rate_LS_S down from low speeds when full brake is applied or
100 – 30000
pdM when full throttle is applied in the opposite direction.
0x3077 0x00
Low Brake Rate 0.1 – 30.0 s Sets the rate (in seconds) at which the vehicle slows
down at all speeds when
Low_Brake_Rate_Spd 100 – 30000 a small amount of brake is applied or when a small
M amount of throttle is
0x301A 0x00 applied in the opposite direction.
The Low Brake Rate parameter should always be set
less than or equal to
the Neutral Decel Rate LS, Neutral Decel Rate HS,
Full Brake Rate LS and Full
Brake Rate HS.


Partial Decel Rate 0.1 – 30.0 s Sets the rate (in seconds) that is used to slow down
Partial_Decel_Rate_S the vehicle when the throttle is reduced without being
100 – 30000
pdM released to neutral. Larger values represent slower
0x3082 0x00 response.
HS (High Speed) 0 – 100% Sets the percentage of the Typical Max Speed above
HS which the “HS” parameters will be used.
0 – 32767
0x3076 0x00
LS (Low Speed) 0 – 100% Sets the percentage of the Typical Max Speed below
LS which the “LS” parameters will be used.
0 – 32767
0x3075 0x00
Reversal Soften 0 – 100% Larger values create a softer reversal from regen
Reversal_Soften braking to drive when near zero speed. This helps
0 – 30000
0x3074 0x00 soften the transition when the regen and drive
current limits are set to different values.
Note: This parameter is not mode-specific and
appears in two places. Changing the value of this
speed-mode parameter affects the parameter listed
in: Program » Torque Mode » Response » Fine
Tuning » Reversal Soften.

Max Speed Accel 0.1 – 30.0 s In some applications, the Max Speed value is
Max_Speed_Accel_S changed frequently, through VCL or over the
100 – 30000
pdM CANbus. The Max Speed Accel parameter controls
0x384A 0x00 the rate at which the maximum speed setpoint is
allowed to change when the value of
Max Speed is raised. The rate set by this parameter
is the time to ramp from 0 rpm to Typical Max Speed
For example, suppose Max Speed is raised from
1000 rpm to 4000 rpm. If Typical Max Speed is 5000
rpm and the rate is 10.0 seconds, it will take
10.0 X (4000–1000) ÷ 5000 = 6.0 seconds to ramp
from 1000 rpm to 4000 rpm.
Max Speed Decel 0.1 – 30.0 s This parameter works like the Max Speed Accel
Max_Speed_Decel_S parameter, except that it controls the rate at which
100 – 30000
pdM the maximum speed setpoint is allowed to change
0x3846 0x00 when the value of Max Speed is lowered.
For example, suppose you change Max Speed from
4500 rpm to 2500 rpm. If Typical Max Speed is 5000
rpm, and the rate is 5.0 seconds, it will take
5.0 X (4500–2500) ÷ 5000 = 2.0 seconds to ramp
from 4500 rpm to 2500 rpm.


Restraint Forward 0 – 100% Increases torque when on a steep hill in order to
Restraint_Forward_S limit roll-forward speed. Setting this parameter too
0 – 32767
pdM high may cause oscillations in the motor as it
0x3020 0x00 attempts to limit the roll-forward speed.
Restraint Back 0 – 100% Increases torque when on a steep hill in order to limit
Restraint_Back_Spd roll-back speed. Setting this parameter too high may
0 – 32767
M cause oscillations in the motor as it attempts to limit
0x301F 0x00 the roll-back speed.
Soft Stop Speed 0 – 500 Defines the speed below which a much slower decel
Soft_Stop_Speed rpm rate is used.
0x3027 0x00 0 – 500 A setting of zero disables the function. NOTE: This
parameter works only in Speed Mode and Speed
Mode Express.
Soft Stop Speed is useful for vehicles that have fast
deceleration and vehicles operating on ramps using
the Position Hold function.
With vehicles that have fast deceleration, the driver
may find the final speed reduction to zero rpm
uncomfortable; the vehicle may even rock back as a
result of tire wind-up. Soft Stop Speed allows the
vehicle to slow at the same fast rate until it reaches
the set threshold, at which point it changes to a
slower (softer) deceleration rate. However, if the
threshold is set too high, the vehicle will feel like it is
“running on.”
When throttle is released on a ramp, the vehicle may
roll back before Position Hold (see below) takes
control. Soft Speed Stop can be used to reduce the
amount of rollback, but shouldn’t be set so high the
vehicle drives up the ramp after the throttle is


Position Hold Enable On / Off Allows the Position Hold mode to be entered at zero
PCF throttle when the vehicle comes to a stop.
|Position_Hold_Enable On / Off
Bit0 [Bit 0] NOTE: EM Brake Type = 2 also enables the Position
0x3893 0x00 Hold function
Position Hold Timeout 0.0 – This parameter plus the Position Hold Settling Time
Time 20.0 s parameter sets the maximum time the vehicle will stay
Position_Hold_Timeout_ in Position Hold before releasing the hold and going
Time 0 – 625
into Restraint mode. Setting the parameter to zero
0x388C 0x00 disables this timeout function, which means the
Position Hold will be held. Activating the interlock
resets the timer.
Kp 2 – 100% Determines the stiffness with which position is
Kp_Position_Hold regulated when in Position Hold mode. High Kp will
82 – 2048
0x388A 0x00 produce less rollback on a ramp, but more bouncing;
see Kd below. Too much Kp will cause instability.
Kd 0 – 100% Determines the damping in Position Hold mode. Some
Kd_Position_Hold damping must be present in the control system to keep
0 – 8192
0x388D 0x00 the vehicle from oscillating slowly (“bouncing”). High Kd
will improve the dynamic response of the Position Hold
controller, but too much Kd will cause fast instability.
Zero Speed Threshold 5 – 100 Determines the speed below which the EM brake will be
Zero_Speed_Threshold rpm commanded to set. Setting this speed too high may
0x306F 0x00 5 – 100 cause a jerky stop when the EM brake sets and stops
the motor.
This parameter appears twice in the menu structure.
Changing the value of this parameter affects this (same)
parameter in the EM Brake Control menu, page 49.
This parameter is re-named for os31. It is the same
as the previous Set
Speed Threshold parameter.
Zero Speed Threshold 0 – 480 Determines how long motor speed must be below
Time ms Zero_Speed_Threshold to declare zero speed.
Time 0 – 60 This parameter appears twice in the menu structure.
Changing the value of this parameter affects this (same)
0x30DA 0x00
parameter in the EM Brake Control menu, page 49.
This is a new parameter for os31
Position Hold Settling 0 – 5000 Determines how long the position hold function is
Time ms allowed to operate before the EM brake is set. This time
Position_Hold_Settling_ should be set long enough for the position hold to settle.
Time 0 – 156
This parameter appears twice in the menu structure.
0x3024 0x00
Changing the value of this parameter affects this (same)
parameter in the EM Brake Control menu, page 50.
This parameter is re-named in os31. It is the same
as the previous Set Speed
Settling Time parameter.

Entry Rate 5 – 100% When the vehicle transitions from forward speed to
Entry_Rate_Position_Ho reverse speed or from reverse speed to forward
50 – 1000
ld speed (for example when coming to a stop going up a
0x383B 0x00 steep ramp) Position Hold is automatically entered
immediately at zero speed regardless of this
This parameter applies when the vehicle needs to be
brought to a stop without the assistance of gravity (for
example when moving forward down a ramp).
This rate determines how quickly zero speed is
attained after the ramped speed request reaches
zero. Setting this parameter too high will make the
stop seem very abrupt and may even cause the
vehicle to roll back slightly. When the parameter is set
lower the vehicle take longer to come to a stop and
enter Position Hold mode.
Exit Rollback 0 – 100% This function is applicable when the Torque Preload
Reduction Enable function has been Disabled (Off) or the Torque
0 – 2048
Exit_Rollback_Reduction Preload Cancel Delay timer has expired (see EM
0x3844 0x00 Brake menu). Exit Rollback Reduction is only intended
for use with EM Brake Type = 2, for EM Brake Type =
1 (or 0) set Exit Rollback Reduction = 0.
Exit Rollback Reduction introduces an additional
control function for the speed controller to reduce
rollback on a ramp after a throttle command is
applied from a stop. For example, suppose the
vehicle is on a ramp facing upwards and, after a
forward throttle request, the vehicle rolls back slightly
before climbing the ramp (again, assuming the
torque preload function is inactive). As the vehicle
rolls back,
this additional term will be added to the torque request
until forward speed is sensed, to attempt to minimize
rollback. The effect increases with percentage, and is
disabled when = 0%. Setting the value too high may
introduce temporary oscillations.
If the Torque Preload Cancel Delay parameter
expires before the throttle is re- engaged, the torque
preload [Position Hold] memory will be cleared. In
such a case, setting Exit Rollback Reduction to > 0%
will reduce unintended roll. (see page 51).


Pump Enable* On / This parameter should be programmed On to
|AC_Pump_Enable_SpdM Off operate a pump motor rather than a vehicle drive
|AC_Pump_Enable_SpdM_ motor. Speed controller responsiveness and
Bit0 [Bit 0] On /
Off stability are enhanced.
0x3896 0x00
Regen Lower Enable* On / This parameter works together with Pump Enable
Regen_Lower_Enable_S Off as follows:
pdM On / 1) When Pump Enable = On and Regen
Regen_Lower_Enable_S Off Lower Enable = On, the pump motor can turn in
pdM_Bit0 [Bit 0] both the forward and the reverse direction. In
0x3877 0x00 this case, the pump can be used as the Lower
function (reverse). The pump motor, when
“driven in reverse by a load” will also regen
current in a similar fashion to a drive-motor
regenerative braking.
2) When Pump Enable = On and Regen
Lower Enable = Off, the pump motor can turn
only in the forward direction. In this case, a
hydraulic valve is typically used for the Lower
3) When Pump Enable = Off, the Regen
Lower Enable parameter has no effect on the
control system.
*This parameter appears twice in the parameter menu structure. Changing the value of this
parameter affects the same parameter in Speed Mode Express.


Max Speed 500 – 8000 Defines the maximum allowed motor rpm for torque
Max_Speed_TrqM rpm control mode (independent of throttle position). In
0x3021 0x00 500 – 8000 torque control mode, full throttle requests 100% of
the available torque. Partially-applied throttle is
scaled proportionately; e.g., 40% applied throttle
corresponds to a request for 40% of the available
NOTE: The maximum motor rpm is subject to the
constraints on page 24.
Kp 0 – 100% Determines how aggressively the speed controller
Kp_TrqM attempts to limit the speed of the motor to Max
0 – 8192
0x3023 0x00 Speed. Larger values provide tighter control.
If Kp is set too high, you may experience oscillations
as the controller tries to control speed. Setting Kp
too low may result in a top speed much higher than
Max Speed.

Ki 5 – 100% The integral term (Ki) forces zero steady state error,
Ki_TrqM so the motor speed will be limited to Max Speed.
50 – 1000
0x3025 0x00 Larger values provide faster control.
If the gain is set too high, you may experience
oscillations as the controller tries to limit speed. If it
is set too low, it may take a long time for the motor to
approach Max Speed from overspeed.
Kd 0 – 100% Provides damping as the vehicle approaches top
Kd_TrqM speed, thereby reducing overshoot. If Kd is set too
0 – 8192
0x3836 0x00 high, the vehicle may take too long to reach top
speed. If Kd is set too low, the vehicle may overshoot
top speed, especially when traveling downhill.


Accel Rate 0.1 – 30.0 s Sets the rate (in seconds) at which the motor
100 – 30000 torque increases to full when full throttle is applied.
0x3026 0x00 Larger values represent slower response.
Accel Release Rate 0.1 – 2.0 s Determines how quickly deceleration will be
100 – 2000 initiated when the throttle is released while the
0x3028 0x00 vehicle is still accelerating. If the release rate
is fast (i.e., set to a low value), the transition is
initiated abruptly. The transition is smoother if the
release rate is set to a higher value (slower
transition); however, setting the rate too high can
cause the vehicle to feel uncontrollable when the
throttle is released, as it will continue to drive for a
short time.
Brake Rate 0.1 – 5.0 s Adjusts the rate (in seconds) at which braking
100 – 5000 torque builds as the vehicle transitions from drive
0x3029 0x00 to braking when direction is reversed, the brake
pedal is applied, or neutral braking begins. Lower
values represent faster times and therefore faster
braking; gentler braking is achieved by setting the
braking rate to a higher value.
Brake Release Rate 0.1 – 2.0 s Adjusts the rate (in seconds) at which braking
100 – 2000 torque releases as as the vehicle transitions from
0x3831 0x00 braking to drive.
Neutral Braking 0 – 100% Neutral braking occurs progressively when the
Neutral_Braking_TrqM throttle is reduced toward the neutral position or
0 – 32767
0x302E 0x00 when no direction is selected. The neutral braking
parameter is adjustable from 0 to 100% of the
regen current limit (see Current Limits menu, page
Neutral Taper Speed 200 – 6000 Determines the motor speed below which
Neutral_Taper_Speed_TrqM rpm neutral braking current is adjusted when
0x302F 0x00 200 – 6000 throttle is reduced; see Figure 9.
The neutral braking current is linearly reduced by
the product of the parameters, Neutral Braking x
Regen Current Limit, at the Neutral Taper Speed to
the Creep Torque current at zero rpm motor speed.
NOTE: Setting the taper speed too low may cause
oscillations in the motor.
Forward Full Restraint 100 – Sets the speed point at which the full regen
Speed 32000 rpm current will be applied to restrain the vehicle from
Forward_Full_Restraint_Spe rolling forward. Although this speed is never
ed _TrqM 100 –
32000 actually reached, it does set the slope of the
0x386D 0x00 restraint strength and can be thought of as a
gain; see Figure 9. Setting this parameter too low
can cause oscillations.
Back Full Restraint Speed 100 – Sets the speed point at which the full regen current
Back_Full_Restraint_Speed 32000 rpm will be applied to restrain the vehicle from rolling in
_TrqM _TrqM reverse (backward). Although this speed is never
100 –
0x386E 0x00 actually reached, it does set the slope of the
restraint strength and can be thought of as a gain;
see Figure 9. Setting this parameter too low can

cause oscillations.


Creep Torque 0 – 100% Determines the amount of torque applied to the
Creep_Torque_TrqM vehicle at a stop with no throttle input, to emulate the
0 – 32767
0x3071 0x00 feel of an automatic transmission automobile; see
Fig. 9.
WARNING! When interlock is engaged, creep torque
allows vehicle propulsion if a direction is selected
even though no throttle is applied. Care should be
taken when setting up this parameter.
If pedal braking is enabled (page 48), creep torque is
progressively disabled as brake is applied so as to
prevent the motor from driving into the brakes and
thus wasting energy.
Creep Torque and Neutral Taper Speed interact to
create the slope of the torque response as the
vehicle approaches zero speed; see Figure 9. If the
vehicle oscillates as it coasts down toward zero
speed, try lowering Creep Torque or increasing
Neutral Taper Speed.
Brake Full Creep 25 – 100% Determines the amount of brake pedal input that
Cancel will fully cancel the creep torque. Amount of
8192 – 32767
Brake_Full_Creep_Can cancellation is proportional to the brake input.
0x3837 0x00
Creep Build Rate 0.1 – 5.0 s Determines how fast the programmed creep torque
Creep_Build_Rate_Trq builds when a direction is selected.
100 – 5000
0x3832 0x00
Creep Release Rate 0.1 – 5.0 s Determines how fast the programmed creep torque
Creep_Release_Rate_T releases when the brake is cancelling the creep
100 – 5000
rqM torque or when the direction switches are cleared
0x3833 0x00 (neutral).
Gear Soften 0 – 100% Adjusts the throttle take-up from linear (0%
Gear_Soften_TrqM setting) to an S curve. Larger values create softer
0 – 5000
0x302A 0x00 throttle take-up, in forward and reverse. Softening
is progressively reduced at higher speeds; see
Figure 10.
Brake Taper Speed 200 – 6000 rpm Determines the motor speed below which the
Brake_Taper_Speed_Tr maximum braking current is linearly reduced from
200 – 6000
qM 100% to 0% at zero speed; see Figure 11. Setting the
0x300F 0x00 taper speed too low for the braking current will cause
oscillations in the motor as it attempts to brake the
vehicle to a stop on very steep slopes.
Taper speed is applicable only in response to brake
pedal input; it does not affect direction reversal
braking or neutral braking.
If the vehicle is in restraint when the brake is
pressed, the applied braking torque is affected by
both Brake Taper Speed and Forward (or Back) Full
Restraint Speed. If the vehicle oscillates in this
mode, it may be necessary to increase one or more
of these parameters.

Reversal Soften 0 – 100% Larger values create a softer reversal from regen
Reversal_Soften braking to drive when near zero speed. This helps
0 – 3000
0x3074 0x00 soften the transition when the regen and drive
current limits are set to different values
Note: This parameter is not mode-specific and
appears in two places. Changing the value of this
torque-mode parameter affects the parameter listed
in: Program » Speed Mode » Response » Fine
Tuning » Reversal Soften.
Max Speed Decel 0.1 – 30.0 s In some applications, the Max Speed value is
Max_Speed_Decel_Trq changed frequently, through VCL or over the
100 – 30000
M CANbus. The Max Speed Decel parameter controls
0x3835 0x00 the rate at which the maximum speed setpoint is
allowed to change when the value of
Max Speed is lowered. The rate set by this parameter
is the time to ramp from Typical Max Speed rpm to 0
For example, suppose you change Max Speed from
3000 rpm to 1000 rpm. If Typical Max Speed is 5000
rpm, and the rate is 5.0 seconds, it will take
5.0 X (3000–1000) ÷ 5000 = 2.0 seconds to ramp
from 3000 rpm to 1000 rpm.


Drive Current Limit 5 – 100% Sets the maximum RMS current the controller will
Drive_Current_Limit supply to the motor during drive operation, as a
1638 –
0x305B 0x00 32767 percentage of the controller’s full rated current.*
Reducing this value will reduce the maximum drive
NOTE: Changing this parameter requires the
re-setting of the ACIM FW Base Speed parameter
(page 56).
Regen Current Limit 5 – 100% Sets the maximum RMS regen current, as a
Regen_Current_Limit percentage of the controller’s full rated current.* The
1638 –
0x305C 0x00 32767 regen current limit applies during neutral braking,
direction reversal braking, and speed limiting when
traveling downhill.
Brake Current Limit 5 – 100% Sets the maximum RMS regen current during braking
Brake_Current_Limit when a brake command is given, as a percentage of
1638 –
0x305D 0x00 32767 the controller’s full rated current.* Typically the brake
current limit is set equal to the regen current limit.
The brake current limit overrides the regen current
limit when the brake input is active.
EMR Current Limit 5 – 100% Sets the maximum RMS current allowed for braking
EMR_Current_Limit and drive when in emergency reverse. The
1638 –
0x3037 0x00 32767 emergency reverse current limit is a percentage of
the controller’s full rated current.*
Interlock Brake 5 – 100% Sets the maximum RMS regen current during
Current Limit interlock braking, as a percentage of the controller’s
1638 –
Interlock_Brake_Curren full rated current.*
t_Limit 32767
0x309D 0x00

*The full rated current depends on the controller model;

see specifications in Table D-1 for the rated current of your model.


PL Nominal Speed 100 – 4000 Sets the base speed that will be used in the drive
PL_Nominal_Speed rpm limiting map and regen limiting map.
0x305E 0x00 100 – 4000 NOTE: Changing this parameter requires the
re-setting of the ACIM FW Base Speed parameter
(page 56).
Delta Speed 50 – 1000 Sets the width of the delta increment that will be
PL_Delta_Speed rpm used in the drive limiting map and regen limiting
0x305F 0x00 50 – 1000 map.


Nominal 0 – 100%
0 – 32767
0x3060 0x00
Plus Delta 0 – 100%
PL_Drive_Nominal_Plus These parameters define the percentage of
0 – 32767 drive current limit that will be applied at the
0x3061 0x00 speeds defined by the nominal speed and delta
Plus 2xDelta speed parameters. The resulting map allows
0 – 100%
PL_Drive_Nominal_Plus the controller to reduce the drive current as a
0 – 32767 function of speed.
0x3062 0x00 Reducing the power requirements at certain
Plus 4xDelta 0 – 100% speeds restricts performance. This can be
PL_Drive_Nominal_Plus useful for reducing motor heating. It can also
0 – 32767
_4xDelta be used to keep consistent vehicle power with
0x3063 0x00 changing battery state-of-charge.
Plus 8xDelta 0 – 100% Figure 12 illustrates these parameters’ typical
PL_Drive_Nominal_Plus usage.
0 – 32767
0x3064 0x00


Nominal 0–
PL_Regen_Nominal 100%
0x3065 0x00 0–
Plus Delta 0–
PL_Regen_Nominal_Plu 100% These parameters define the percentage of
s_Delta regen current limit or braking current limit that
0x3066 0x00 will be applied at the speeds defined by the
nominal speed and delta speed parameters.
Plus 2xDelta 0–
PL_Regen_Nominal_Plu The curve can be shaped to limit the
s_2xDelta available torque at various speeds. One
0– possible use is to compensate for the
0x3067 0x00
32767 torque-speed characteristic of the motor.
Plus 4xDelta 0– Figure 13 illustrates two typical usages of these
PL_Regen_Nominal_Plu 100% parameters.
0x3068 0x00
Plus 8xDelta 0–
PL_Regen_Nominal_Plu 100%
0x3069 0x00

Throttle Type PCF 1–5 These E and SE controllers accept a variety of throttle
inputs. The throttle type
Throttle_Type 1–5 parameter can be programmed as follows:
0x3000 0x00
1. 2-wire rheostat, 5 kΩ–0 input
2. single-ended 3-wire 1 kΩ–10 kΩ
potentiometer, or 0–5 V voltage source
3. 2-wire rheostat, 0–5 kΩ input
4. wigwag 3-wire 1 kΩ–10 kΩ potentiometer, or
0–5 V voltage source
5. VCL input (VCL_Throttle)
NOTE: Do not change this parameter while the
controller is powering the motor. Any time this
parameter is changed a Parameter Change Fault
(fault code 49) is set and must be cleared by
cycling power; this protects the controller and the
Forward Deadband 0.00 – 5.00 V Defines the wiper voltage at the throttle deadband
threshold. Increasing the Forward_Deadband 0 – 32767 throttle deadband setting will
increase the neutral range. This parameter 0x3001 0x00 is especially useful with
throttle assemblies that do not reliably return to a
well-defined neutral point, because it allows the
deadband to be defined
wide enough to ensure that the controller goes into
neutral when the throttle mechanism is released.
Forward Map 0 – 100% Modifies the vehicle’s response to the throttle input.
Setting the throttle map
Forward_Map 0 – 32767 at 50% provides a linear output response to throttle
position. Values below
0x3002 0x00 50% reduce the controller output at low throttle
settings, providing enhanced slow speed
maneuverability. Values above 50% give the vehicle
a faster, more responsive feel at low throttle settings.
The map value is the percentage of controller
output at half throttle [(deadband + max)/2].
Forward Max 0.00 – 5.00 V Defines the wiper voltage required to produce 100%
controller output.
Forward_Max 0 – 32767 Decreasing the throttle max setting reduces the wiper
voltage and therefore
0x3003 0x00 the full stroke necessary to produce full controller
output. This parameter allows reduced-range
throttle assemblies to be accommodated
Forward Offset 0 – 100% Defines the initial controller output generated when
the throttle is first rotated
Forward_Offset 0 – 32767 out of the neutral deadband. For most vehicles, a
setting of 0 is appropriate.
0x3004 0x00 For heavy vehicles, however, increasing the offset
may improve controllability by reducing the amount
of throttle required to start the vehicle moving.
Reverse Deadband 0.00 – 5.00 V
Reverse_Deadband 0 – 32767
0x3005 0x00
Reverse Map 0 – 100%
Reverse_Map 0 – 32767
0x3006 0x00 The four Throttle Reverse parameters are the same
as their Throttle Forward counterparts, and apply

Reverse Max 0.00 – 5.00 V when the throttle direction is reversed.

Reverse_Max 0 – 32767
0x3007 0x00
Reverse Offset 0 – 100%
Reverse_Offset 0 – 32767
0x3008 0x00
Throttle Filter 0.5 – 125.0 Hz Sets the low pass filter cutoff frequency for the
throttle pot wiper input. Higher Throttle_Filter 131 – 32767 values will make the throttle more
responsive to quick changes. Lower values 0x3030 0x00 will make the throttle less
responsive to electrical noise.
NOTE: All four throttle adjustment parameters — Deadband, Map, Max, Offset — condition the
raw throttle voltage into a single % throttle command, as shown in Figure 14 on the previous page.


HPD SRO Type PCF 0–3 Determines the type of HPD (High Pedal Disable) /
HPD_SRO_Type SRO (Static Return to Off) protection. One type of
0x30CF 0x00 checks is available for material-handling vehicles, and
two types for golf-style vehicles.
If any of the HPD/SRO checks finds an input
sequencing problem, an HPD/ Sequencing Fault
(flash code 47) is set.
0. HPD/SRO feature is disabled.
1. HPD/SRO enabled for material-handling
HPD: If throttle input is received before interlock
SRO: If direction input is received before interlock
The HPD/SRO check is made when the
interlock input changes from Off to On. If the
throttle input >25% or a direction input is On, an
HPD/ Sequencing Fault is set.
The HPD/Sequencing Fault is cleared by returning
the throttle input to
<25% or the direction inputs to Off.
2. Golf-style HPD that allows direction reversal
while driving.
HPD: Throttle input received before interlock, or
throttle input received before direction input while
vehicle is stationary.
SRO: None.
The HPD check is made when the interlock
input or direction inputs are Off and the vehicle
is stationary. If the throttle input >25%, an HPD/
Sequencing Fault is set.
No SRO check is made with this type, so the order
of the interlock and direction inputs does not
The HPD/Sequencing Fault is cleared by returning
the throttle input to
<25% or the direction inputs to Off.
3. Golf-style HPD that prevents direction
reversal while driving.
HPD: If throttle input is received before interlock or
direction input.
SRO: None.
HPD check is made when the interlock input or
direction inputs are Off.
If the throttle input >25%, an HPD/Sequencing
Fault is set. The check is done regardless of
vehicle speed, so reversing direction with throttle
>25% will result in a fault.

No SRO check is made with this type, so the order

of the interlock and direction inputs does not matter
The HPD/Sequencing Fault is cleared by returning
the throttle input to
<25% or the direction inputs to Off.
Sequencing Delay 0.0 – Typically the sequencing delay feature allows the
Sequencing_Delay 5.0 s interlock switch to be cycled within a set time (the
0x3009 0x00 0– defined sequencing delay), thus preventing
1250 inadvertent activation of HPD/SRO. This feature is
especially useful in applications where the interlock
switch may bounce or be momentarily cycled during
VCL Throttle Enable On / When programmed On, the throttle processing with
|VCL_Throttle_Enable Off fault detection will operate normally; however, the
|VCL_Throttle_Enable_B throttle command will require VCL to define the
it0 [Bit 0] On /
Off connection between the OS_Throttle and
0x3099 0x00 VCL_Throttle variables. This allows VCL flexibility
and customization of throttle processing, while still
allowing Throttle_Type 1–4 with throttle fault
detection. Figure 15 (page 105) illustrates these
throttle chains.

Brake Pedal Enable On / Off Determines whether the brake input and algorithm are
enabled, making the
|Brake_Pedal_Enable On / Off brake throttle part of the motor control command.
|OptionBits1 [Bit 3]
0x306A 0x00
Brake Type PCF 1–5 These E and SE controllers accept a variety of brake
inputs. The brake type
Brake_Type 1–5 parameter can be programmed as follows:
0x300A 0x00
1. 2-wire rheostat, 5 kΩ–0 input
2. Single-ended 3-wire 1 kΩ–10 kΩ
potentiometer, 0–5 V voltage source
3. 2-wire rheostat, 0–5 kΩ input
4. (not applicable)
5. VCL input (VCL_Brake)
NOTE: Do not change this parameter while the
controller is powering the motor. Any time this
parameter is changed a Parameter Change Fault
(fault code 49) is set and must be cleared by
cycling power; this protects the controller and the
Brake Deadband 0.00 – 5.00 V
Brake_Deadband 0 – 32767
0x300B 0x00
Brake Map 0 – 100%
Brake_Map 0 – 32767
0x300C 0x00 The four Brake throttle adjustment parameters
Brake Max 0.00 – 5.00 V are the same as their Drive throttle
Brake_Max 0 – 32767 counterparts; see descriptions and Figure 14.
0x300D 0x00
Brake Offset 0 – 100%
Brake_Offset 0 – 32767
0x300E 0x00
Brake Filter 0.5 – 125.0 Hz Sets the low pass filter cutoff frequency for the pot2
wiper input. Higher
Brake_Filter 131 – 32767 values will make the brake more responsive to quick
changes. Lower values
0x3031 0x00 will make the brake less responsive to electrical
VCL Brake Enable On / Off When programmed On, the brake processing with
fault detection will
|VCL_Brake_Enable On / Off operate normally; however, the brake command will
require VCL to define
|VCL_Brake_Enable_Bit0 [Bit 0] the connection between the OS_Brake and
VCL_Brake variables. This allows
0x301E 0x00 VCL flexibility and customization of throttle
processing, while still allowing Brake_Type 1–3
with brake fault detection. Figure 15 (page 105)
illustrates these brake chains.


Brake Type PCF 0–2 This brake type parameter determines how the
EM_Brake_Type EM brake responds to the interlock input,
0x3097 0x00 throttle, and vehicle motor speed.
0. EM brake function disabled. The EM brake
driver (PWM2) is released to general I/O
use with VCL.
1. EM brake controlled by interlock. The
controller will command the EM brake to
release whenever the interlock is closed
(Interlock = On). If interlock braking is
enabled and the interlock opens when the
vehicle is moving at motor speed greater
than Set_Speed_Threshold, the controller
will brake the vehicle to a stop (with
interlock braking) and then command the
EM brake to set. If the vehicle motor speed
is less than this threshold, the EM brake will
engage after the Sequencing_Delay has
If interlock braking is disabled, the EM
brake will engage after the
Sequencing_Delay has expired.
2. EM brake controlled by interlock and
neutral. The controller will command the
EM brake to set whenever the throttle
command is zero and motor speed is less
than Set_Speed_Threshold. Position Hold
will be enabled automatically.
Pull In Voltage 0 – 100% The EM brake pull-in voltage allows a high
EM_Brake_Pull_In_Voltage initial voltage when the EM brake first turns on,
0 – 32767
0x3072 0x00 to ensure brake release. After 1 second, this
peak voltage drops to the EM brake holding
Note: The Battery Voltage Compensated
parameter controls whether the pull-in and
holding voltages are battery voltage
Holding Voltage 0 – 100% The EM brake holding voltage allows a
EM_Brake_Holding_Voltage reduced average voltage to be applied to the
0 – 32767
0x3098 0x00 brake coil once the brake has been released.
This parameter must be set high enough to
hold the brake released under all shock and
vibration conditions the vehicle will be
subjected to.
Note: The Battery Voltage Compensated
parameter controls whether the pull-in and
holding voltages are battery voltage
Battery Voltage Compensated On / Off This parameter determines whether the EM
|EM_Brake_Battery_Voltage_Comp brake pull-in and holding voltages are battery
ensated On / Off
voltage compensated. When set On, the
ensated_Bit0 pull-in and holding voltages are compensated
[Bit 0] relative to the set Nominal Voltage (see
0x302D 0x00 Battery Menu, page 62). In other words, the
output voltage is adjusted to compensate for
swings in battery voltage, so the percentage is
relative to the set Nominal Voltage—not to the
actual voltage.
For example, suppose Nominal Voltage is set
to 48V and Holding Voltage is set to 75%
(36V) to the output driver. Now suppose the
bus voltage dips to 40V. If Battery Voltage
Compensated = On, the output will still be
36V (Nominal Voltage × Holding Voltage) to
the coil. If Battery Voltage Compensated =
Off, the output will be 30V (Actual Voltage ×
Holding Voltage) to the coil.
Set EM Brake On Fault On / Off When programmed On, the controller’s
operating system will set the
|EM_Brake_Set_Upon_Fault On / Off electromagnetic brake when a fault occurs that
has a fault action of
|EM_Brake_Set_Upon_Fault_Bit0 ShutdownEMBrake. See the Troubleshooting
[Bit 0] Chart, Chapter 10, for a
0x309B 0x00 list of all the faults that have a fault action of
Zero Speed Threshold 5 – 100 Determines the speed below which the EM
Zero_Speed_Threshold rpm brake will be commanded to set. Setting this
0x306F 0x00 5 – 100 speed too high may cause a jerky stop when
the EM brake sets and stops the motor.
This parameter appears twice in the menu
structure. Changing the value of this
parameter affects this (same) parameter in the
Position Hold menu, page 38.
This parameter is re-named for os31. It is
the same as the previous Set Speed
Threshold parameter.
Zero Speed Threshold Time 0 – 480 Determines how long motor speed must be
ms below Zero_Speed_
Zero_Speed_Threshold_Time 0 – 60 Threshold to declare zero speed.
0x30DA 0x00 This parameter appears twice in the menu
structure. Changing the
value of this parameter affects this (same)
parameter in the Position
Hold menu, page 38.
This is a new parameter for os31




Position Hold Settling Time 0 – 5000 Determines how long the position hold function
Position_Hold_Settling_Time ms is allowed to operate before the EM brake is
0x3024 0x00 0 – 156 set. This time should be set long enough for the
position hold to settle.
This parameter appears twice in the menu
structure. Changing the value of this
parameter affects this (same) parameter in the
Position Hold menu, page 38.
This parameter is re-named for os31. It is
the same as the previous Set Speed
Settling Time parameter.
Brake Set Time 40 – Estimated time for the EM brake to physically
EM_Brake_Set_Time 2000 ms set after the holding voltage is released. This
0x30DB 0x00 5 – 250 determines how long the controller waits, after
removing voltage from the brake, before
released the torque. This should be set longer
than the actual brake setting time to ensure
the vehicle doesn’t move before the brake fully
This is a new parameter for os31.
Torque Release Time 40 – Time to release torque after EM Brake has
EM_Brake_Torque_Release_Time 2000 ms set and motor has stopped
0x30DC 0x00 5 – 250 (EMBrakeEngagedAndStopped state).
This is a new parameter for os31.
Brake Release Time 40 – Estimated time for the EM brake to physically
EM_Brake_Release_Time 2000 ms release after the pull- in voltage is applied.
0x3073 0x00 5 – 250 This is used to ensure the position hold torque
buildup is complete before the brake releases.
When set too low, the vehicle may experience
rollback on EM brake release.
This parameter is re-named for os31. It is
the same as the previous Release Delay
Torque Preload Time 0 – 800 Estimated worst-case time to build up the
ms torque required to hold
EM_Brake_Torque_Preload_Time 0 – 100 the vehicle stationary on a hill prior to EM brake
0x3090 0x00 This is used in conjunction with Release Delay
to determine when
to release the brake and allow the speed
request to slew away from
This parameter is re-named for os31. It is
the same as the
previous Torque Preload Delay parameter
Torque Preload Enable On / Off When enabled, this function eliminates
|EM_Brake_Torque_Preload_Enabl rollback when the throttle is re-engaged on a
e On / Off
ramp by forcing the vehicle to first enter
e_Bit0 [Bit 0] position- hold before setting the EM brake,
and then “remembering” the amount of torque
0x389D 0x00
that was necessary to hold it on the ramp.
When throttle is re-engaged, this value is
loaded in the motor before the EM brake is
released. The torque value is cleared
automatically when KSI power is cycled.
Off = When a valid throttle input is received,
the speed controller will start with no
torque preload as soon as the Release
Delay expires. This will allow some
rollback when the EM brake releases.
This rollback can be reduced by raising
the Exit Rollback Reduction parameter in
the Position Hold Menu (page 38).
On = When a valid throttle input is received,
the speed controller will start with a pre-set
torque as measured by position-hold when
the vehicle came to a stop.
Save Torque Preload On/Off This parameter controls whether the EM
|Save_Torque_Preload Brake torque preload is saved over a
|Save_Torque_Preload_Bit0 [Bit 0] keyswitch cycle. If
0x38C9 0x00 Torque_Preload_Cancel_Delay is nonzero
and this parameter = On, the timer starts
again upon
startup (KSI cycle) such that the countdown is
from the full value of the
Torque_Preload_Cancel_Delay parameter.
This is a new parameter for os31.
NOTE: *This parameter is applicable only when Speed Mode or Speed Mode Express is selected and
either Position Hold Enable = On or EM Brake Type = 2.


Torque Preload Cancel Delay 0 – 120 s The timer starts after the EM brake is set. If
EM_Brake_Torque_Preload_ the timer expires before the throttle is
0 – 15000
Cancel_Delay re-engaged, the torque preload memory will
0x3091 0x00 be cleared. Setting this parameter to zero
disables the timer, i.e., the preload is never
cancelled. The purpose of this delay is to
prevent the vehicle from lunging forward if it is
unloaded on a hill such that the torque
measured by position-hold is no longer valid.
NOTE: This parameter is applicable only when
Torque Preload Enable
= On (see parameter, previous page).
EM Brake Fault Motor Revs 1.0 – 20.0 Defines the allowable number of motor
EM_Brake_Fault_Motor_Revs revolutions after the EM brake is set before an
10 – 200
0x3894 0x00 EM Brake Failed to Set fault is issued (fault
code 92).


Main Enable On / Off When programmed On, the controller’s
|Main_Enable native software controls the main
On / Off
|OptionBits1 [Bit 0] contactor when the interlock is enabled;
when programmed Off, the contactor is
controlled by VCL.
0x306A 0x00 NOTE: With Main Enable programmed
Off, the controller will not be able to
open the main contactor in serious
fault conditions and the system will
therefore not meet EEC safety
Main Interlock Type 0–1 When set to 0, the main contactor and
Main_Interlock_Type interlock each work as determined by
0x386F 0x00 their respective parameters.
When set to 1, the main contactor will
pull in with KSI (like a Type 2 interlock)
but the interlock input (pin 9, Switch 3)
enables/disables drive and engages
interlock braking (like a Type 0 or Type 1
Pull In Voltage 0 – 100% The main contactor pull-in voltage
Main_Pull_In_Voltage parameter allows a high initial voltage
0 – 32767
0x303C 0x00 when the main contactor driver first turns
on, to ensure contactor closure. After 1
second, this peak voltage drops to the
contactor holding voltage.
NOTE: The Battery Voltage
Compensated parameter (below)
controls whether the pull-in and holding
voltages are battery voltage
Holding Voltage 0 – 100% The main contactor holding voltage
Main_Holding_Voltage parameter allows a reduced average
0 – 32767
0x303D 0x00 voltage to be applied to the contactor coil
once it has closed. This parameter must
be set high enough to hold the contactor
closed under all shock and vibration
conditions the vehicle will be subjected
NOTE: The Battery Voltage
Compensated parameter (below)
controls whether the pull-in and holding
voltages are battery voltage



Battery Voltage Compensated On / Off This parameter determines whether the

|Main_Driver_Battery_Voltage_Compens main pull-in and holding voltages are
ated On / Off
battery voltage compensated. When set
ated_Bit0 [Bit 0] On, the pull-in and holding voltages are
set relative to the set Nominal Voltage
0x302C 0x00
(see Battery Menu, page 62). In other
words, the output voltage is adjusted to
compensate for swings in battery voltage,
so the percentage is relative to the set
Nominal Voltage—not to the actual
For example, suppose Nominal Voltage
is set to 48V and Holding Voltage is set
to 75% (36V) to the output driver. Now
suppose the bus voltage dips to 40V. If
Battery Voltage Compensated = On, the
output will still be 36V (Nominal Voltage
x Holding Voltage) to the coil. If Battery
Volt- age Compensated = Off, the output
will be 30V (Actual Voltage × Holding
Voltage) to the coil.
Interlock Type 0–2 Three interlock options are available:
Interlock_Type 0–2 0 = interlock turns on with switch 3.
0x303E 0x00 1 = interlock controlled by VCL
2 = interlock turns on with KSI.
Open Delay 0.0 – 40.0 Applicable only when Interlock Type = 0
Open_Delay s or 1. The delay can be set to allow the
0x303F 0x00 0 – 10000 contactor to remain closed for a period
of time (the delay) after the interlock
switch is opened. The delay is useful for
preventing unnecessary cycling of the
contactor and for maintaining power to
auxiliary functions that may be used for
a short time after the interlock switch has
Weld Check Enable On / Off When programmed On, the controller
|Weld_Check_Enable performs a test to make sure the main
On / Off
|OptionBits1 [Bit 2] contactor is open (not welded shut)
0x306A 0x00 before it is commanded to close. This
test is not performed if this parameter is
Off. The main contactor driver, however,
is always protected from short circuits.
Main DNC Check Enable On / Off When programmed On, the controller
|Main_DNC_Check_Enable performs a test immediately after the
On / Off
|OptionBits4 [Bit 7] main contactor is commanded to close,
0x306D 0x00 to make sure the contactor has in fact
closed. The test is not performed if this
parameter is programmed Off. The main
contactor driver, however, is always
protected from short circuits.
Main DNC Runtime Threshold 0.0 – Sets the threshold used for the ongoing
Main_DNC_Runtime_Threshold 200.0 V check that ensures the main contactor
0x3032 0x00 0– remains closed while in operation. The
12800 Main DNC Runtime Threshold is the
maximum voltage difference between the
Keyswitch and Capacitor voltages. When
the voltage difference is above this
threshold, and the battery current is low,
a Main Did Not Close fault will be set.
Setting this parameter lower will increase
the sensitivity of the fault detection.
Setting this parameter too low may cause
false fault trips due to normal voltage
drops between the keyswitch and
capacitor voltages.
Setting this parameter = 0 V will disable
the Main Did Not Close fault check.
Precharge Enable On / Off Turns the precharge feature on and off.
|Precharge_Enable Precharge provides a limited current
On / Off
|OptionBits2 [Bit 6] charge of the controller’s internal
0x306B 0x00 capacitor bank before the main contactor
is closed. This decreases the arcing that
would otherwise occur when the
contactor is closed with the capacitor
bank discharged.



PD Enable PCF On / Off Determines how the PWM of the proportional driver is
|PD_Enable On / Off When programmed On, it is controlled by the controller’s PD
current control software. When
|OptionBits1 [Bit programmed Off, it is controlled by the VCL function Put_PWM
6] (PWM5, value); see Figure
0x306A 0x00 17, page 109.
Hyd Lower On / Off When programmed On, lowering is controlled by throttle
Enable position.
|Hyd_Lower_Enab On / Off When programmed Off, lowering is controlled by the VCL
le variable VCL_PD_Throttle; see
|OptionBits1 [Bit Figure 17, page 109.
0x306A 0x00
PD Max Current 0.00 – *The lift-lowering speed is determined by the aperture of the
PD_Max_Current 2.00 A proportional valve. This parameter sets the maximum allowed
0x3040 0x00 0 – 607 current through the valve, which in turn defines its aperture.
PD Min Current 0.00 – *Sets the minimum allowed current through the proportional
PD_Min_Current 2.00 A valve. Most proportional valves need a non-zero closed
0x3041 0x00 0 – 607 current in order to start opening immediately when Lower is
PD Dither % 0 – 100 % *Dither provides a constantly changing current in the coil to
PD_Dither_Perce produce a rapid back-and- forth motion of the valve; this
0 – 32767
nt keeps the valve lubricated and allows low-friction, precise
0x3042 0x00 movement. The PD Dither % parameter specifies the amount
of dither as a percentage of the PD max current, and is
applied in a continuous cycle of add%-subtract%.
PD Dither Period 16 – 112 *Sets the period for proportional valve dither.
PD_Dither_Period ms
0x3043 0x00 1–7
PD Kp 1 – 100 % *Sets the proportional gain of the current feedback controller.
PD_Kp Higher gains force the control loop to respond quickly but may
82 – 8192
0x3044 0x00 cause oscillations.
PD Ki 1 – 100 % *Sets the integral gain of the current feedback controller.
PD_Ki Integral gain tries to force the error to zero. Higher gains
327 –
0x3045 0x00 32767 force the control loop to respond quickly but may cause
*These parameter descriptions
assume the proportional driver is
being used to drive a proportional
valve, and that the PD current
control software is active
(PD_Enable = On).


Contactor Enable On / Off When programmed On, VCL functions control Driver 3 as
the hydraulic pump
|Hydraulic_Contactor On / Off contactor.
|OptionBits4 [Bit 1] On: The VCL function Start_Pump() will close the pump
contactor according to the
0x306D 0x00 defined pull-in and holding voltages. The VCL function
Stop_Pump() will open
the pump contactor.
Off: Driver 3 will be available for general VCL usage.
Start_Pump() and Stop_
Pump() will not have any effect.
Pull In Voltage 0 – 100% The pull-in voltage parameter allows a high initial voltage
when the contactor
Driver3_Pull_In_Volta 0 – 32767 driver first turns on, to ensure contactor closure. After 1
ge second, this peak voltage
0x3864 0x00 drops to the contactor holding voltage.
NOTE: This voltage will be battery voltage compensated.
Holding Voltage 0 – 100% The holding voltage parameter allows a reduced
Driver3_Holding_Volt average voltage to be applied to the contactor coil once
0 – 32767
age it has closed. This parameter must be set high enough
0x3865 0x00 to hold the contactor closed under all shock and
vibration conditions the vehicle will be subjected to.
NOTE: This voltage will be battery voltage compensated.



Driver1 Checks On / Off
|Driver1_Checks_En On / Off
|OptionBits2 [Bit 1]
0x306B 0x00
Driver2 Checks The five Checks Enable parameters are used to
On / Off
Enable enable driver and coil fault detection at the five
|Driver2_Checks_En On / Off individual drivers (at Pins J1-6, J1-5, J1-4, J1-3, and
able J1- 2). When a Driver Checks parameter is enabled,
|OptionBits2 [Bit 2] the associated driver, driver wiring, and driver load are
0x306B 0x00 checked to verify that the driver correctly drives the
Driver3 Checks On / Off load both high and low. The checks will occur
Enable regardless of the PWM output
|Driver3_Checks_En On / Off
of the driver. The checks will detect both open and
able shorted conditions. When a fault is detected, the
|OptionBits2 [Bit 3]
controller opens the driver and issues a fault code.
0x306B 0x00
If nothing is connected to a driver, its Checks Enable
Driver4 Checks On / Off
Enable parameter should be set Off.
|Driver4_Checks_En On / Off NOTE: Short circuit protection is always active at
able these five drivers, regardless of how Checks Enable is
|OptionBits2 [Bit 4] set.
0x306B 0x00
PD Checks Enable On / Off
On / Off
|OptionBits2 [Bit 5]
0x306B 0x00
External Supply 0 – 200 Sets the upper threshold of the combined current of
Max mA the 5V and 12V external supplies. At or above this
External_Supply_Ma threshold a fault will be created that can be read by
x 0 – 800
0x3046 0x00
External Supply Min 0 – 200 Sets the lower threshold of the combined current of
External_Supply_Min mA the 5V and 12V external supplies. At or below this
0x3047 0x00 0 – 800 threshold a fault will be created that can be read by


PWM Frequency 100 – 1000 This single parameter defines the frequency of Drivers
PWM_Frequency Hz 1 through 4.
0x3938 0x00 100 – 1000

Typical Max Speed 500 – 8000 Set this parameter to the typical maximum motor
Typical_Max_Speed rpm speed of the vehicle. This value does not need to be
0x304D 0x00 500 – 8000 set precisely; an estimate will do. All of the vehicle
response rates are normalized to Typical Max
For example, suppose Typical_Max_Speed is fixed
at 6000 rpm, and Full_Accel_Rate_LS_SpdM = 3.0
If Max_Speed_SpdM = 6000 rpm, it will take 3.0
seconds to accelerate from zero to top speed
(6000 rpm).
If Max_Speed_SpdM = 3000 rpm, it will take 1.5
seconds to accelerate from zero to top speed
(3000 rpm).
If Max_Speed_SpdM = 1000 rpm, it will take 0.5
seconds to accelerate to accelerate from zero to
top speed (1000 rpm)



Motor Technology 0–1 Set this parameter to the type of motor in your vehicle:
0–1 0 = ACIM (Induction Motor)
0x3814 0x00
1 = SPM (Surface PM Motor).
NOTE: A Parameter Mismatch Fault will result
unless the Feedback Type (page 59) matches the
Motor Technology setting:
If Motor Technology = 0 (ACIM), then Feedback Type
must = 1 (quadrature encoder). If Motor Technology
= 1 (SPM), then Feedback Type must = 2 (Sin/Cos


Test Enable 0–1 Enables ACIM (induction motor) characterization with
quadrature encoder to
IM_AutoChar_Test_Enab 0–1 begin once Test Throttle is asserted.
0x3800 0x00 See Chapter 8A for the complete description of the
ACIM motor
characterization procedure.
Test Throtte –1 – 1 Begins ACIM characterization if the Test Enable is
IM_Test_Throttle asserted. This parameter is also used to change the
–1 – 1
0x3034 0x00 direction of the motor to the forward direction during
ACIM motor characterization.
Important: If the motor starts to turn in the
positive-rpm vehicle speed direction, set Test
Throttle = 1. If it turns in the negative-rpm direction,
set Test Throttle = −1.
See Chapter 8A for the complete description of the
ACIM motor characterization procedure.
Motor Poles 2–8 This parameter is used to select the number of poles
before beginning the
IM_MotorData6 1–4 ACIM motor characterization procedure.
0x3805 0x00 See Chapter 8A for the complete description of the
ACIM motor
characterization procedure and how this parameter is
Max Test Speed 500 – 8000 rpm This parameter is used to set the maximum motor
speed allowed during ACIM
IM_AutoChar_Max_Test_ 500 – 8000 motor characterization.
0x38A0 0x00 See Chapter 8A for the complete description of the
ACIM motor
characterization procedure and how this parameter is
Max Test Current 10 – 100% This parameter is used to set the maximum motor
current allowed during
IM_AutoChar_Max_Test_ 3277 – 32767 ACIM motor characterization.
0x38A1 0x00 See Chapter 8A for the complete description of the
ACIM motor
characterization procedure and how this parameter is
SlipGain 0.00 – 200.00 This parameter is adjusted during ACIM motor
characterization to tune the
IM_MotorData8 0 – 20000 motor to deliver the maximum torque per amp.
0x3819 0x00 See Chapter 8A for the complete description of the
ACIM motor
characterization procedure and how this parameter is
Current Reg Tuning 0–1 This parameter is typically applicable for previously
Test Enable auto-characterized (Type 0) induction motors. It
IM_CR_Tuning_Test_En performs only the current regulation tuning portion
of the motor characterization on existing Type 0
0x388B 0x00 motors (e.g., prior to os26/30). To begin, clear any
existing faults, then set the Interlock = On and this
parameter = 1. Similar to the auto-characterization
routine steps in
Chapter 8A, then set Test Enable = 1 followed by
setting Test Throttle = 1. The controller will run the
tuning test and issue a Parameter Change Fault
when finished.
If a new (or existing Type 0) motor is
auto-characterized following the steps in Chapter 8A,
do not use this parameter, as it is automatically
included in the full auto-characterization routine.
Consult your Curtis distributor or support engineer for
further assistance based on your motor and its



FW Base Speed 200 – 12000 Sets the speed at which modulation depth has
FW_Base_Speed rpm reached 100% (all available voltage is used) and
0x3857 0x00 200 – 12000 where field weakening begins. This parameter is
scaled by an internal motor characterization
parameter, so the setting of FW Base Speed should
always be done using the tuning test, which will take
into account the scaling factor. Entering a speed
observed from a torque vs. speed plot should not be
done, as this number fails to take into account the
internal scaling factor.
This parameter needs to be set during initial
setup (chapter 7) and reset each time the Motor
Type or the low speed current limit is changed.
For example, if the Drive_Current_Limit (page 43) or
PL_Drive_Nominal (page 44) parameters are
lowered, reset this FW Base Speed parameter.
To determine the correct value, perform this “base
speed” tuning test. The test should be run with
batteries that have a reasonable charge. In either
Speed Mode or Torque Mode, set their accel rates to
be fast—so the motor will
be accelerating at full current during the test. Next,
set this FW Base Speed parameter to 6000 rpm
(i.e., at a high-enough speed that its value will not
interfere with the test result). From a stop, apply full
throttle and accelerate to a high-speed beyond the
expected base speed. After the motor settles at this
speed for a moment, release the throttle to stop the
test. Note the value displayed in Monitor »
Controller » Motor Tuning » Base Speed Captured
(page 76), and enter this value for this FW Base
Speed parameter setting.
For traction motors, the test restarts each time the
vehicle comes to a stop and the throttle is released,
so be sure to note the Base Speed Captured value
before driving away.
For pump motors, follow the instructions in Chapter
8A, Part 2b.
Field Weakening 0 – 100% Sets the amount of field weakening allowed while
Drive driving the motor. Field Weakening Drive will affect
0 – 1024
Field_Weakening_Dri efficiency and torque only at speeds above the
programmed FW Base Speed. Low settings will
0x3033 0x00 result in better efficiency but less torque; higher
settings will result in more torque and less
efficiency. A setting of zero will disable field
weakening, thus resulting in the highest efficiency
and lowest torque above base speed.
To keep motor and controller heating to a minimum
(high efficiency), Field Weakening Drive should be
set just high enough to meet the high speed
performance specifications. (Typical high speed
performance specifications are maximum drive
speed with full load, or maximum lift speed with full
load.) The drive current limiting map (Fig. 12, page
44) can also be used to restrict performance at all
The maximum setting of the Field Weakening Drive
parameter depends on the type of motor
characterization that was used.
If the ACIM motor was dyno characterized (i.e.,
sent to the Curtis factory for characterization on
the motor dyno), Field Weakening Drive can be
set anywhere in the range of 0% (lowest torque,
highest efficiency) to 100% (highest torque, lowest
If the ACIM motor was auto characterized (i.e.,
characterized using the ACIM motor characterization
procedure in Chapter 8A), the range is restricted by
the results of the Field Weakening Test. For these
motors, Field Weakening Drive can be set anywhere
in the range of 0% (lowest torque, highest efficiency)
to Max Field Weakening Drive (highest torque,
lowest efficiency) result. For auto characterized
motors, setting Field Weakening Drive greater than
the maximum setting found in the Field Weakening
Test will result in poorer efficiency and less torque as
the motor will be operating “over the slip curve.”
NOTE: The Field Weakening Drive setting will have
no effect at motor speeds below FW Base Speed.



Weakening Rate 0– Sets the control loop gains for field weakening.
Drive 100% Setting the rate too low may create surging in the
Field_Weakening_Rat vehicle as it accelerates at mid to high speeds.
e_Drive 0–
500 Setting the rate too high may create high frequency
0x383C 0x00 oscillations (usually audible) when the vehicle
accelerates at mid to high speeds.
Min Field Current 0 – 800 A Sets the field current when no torque is requested
Min_Field_Current from the motor. This current pre-fluxes the motor and
0 – 8000

0x3821 0x00 can improve initial take-off at the expense of some

battery consumption.


Swap Two Phases PCF On / If, after Swap Encoder Direction has been set
Swap_Two_Phases_Option Off correctly, the vehicle drives in the wrong direction
Bits3 [Bit 3] (i.e., drives forward when in reverse, and vice
On / versa), try changing the setting of the Swap Two
0x306C 0x00
Off Phases parameter. This parameter has the same
effect as physically swapping the cables on any
two of the three motor phase connections.
Positive motor speed must be in the forward
direction in order for the emergency reverse
feature to operate properly.
NOTE: Do not change this parameter while the
WARNING controller is powering the motor. Any time this
parameter is changed a Parameter Change Fault
(fault code 49) is set and must be cleared by
cycling power; this protects the controller and the
Adjusting this parameter can be hazardous.
For instructions, see Chapter 7, Step 12 (page
Motor Type PCF 0– This parameter references a predefined table of
IM_Motor_Type 324 motor parameters for many AC induction motors.
0x3809 0x00 Presently, 323 motors are defined for os31. Motor
0– Type 0 is reserved for using the
324 auto-characterization procedure in Chapter 8A.
NOTE: Changing this parameter requires the
re-setting of the FW Base Speed parameter
(page 56). Other parameters may also need to
be reset or evaluated by following the Initial
Setup and Tuning Guide chapters instructions.
Consult your Curtis distributor or support
engineer for information how to set this
parameter based on your application and motor.


LOS Upon Encoder Fault On / Off Limited Operating Strategy (LOS) is typically used to
|LOS_Upon_Encoder_Fault drive the vehicle back to a repair center at very low
On / Off
|LOS_Upon_Encoder_Fault_ speeds in the event the motor encoder fails.
Bit0 [Bit 0]
Following an encoder failure ((either Encoder Fault
0x308F 0x00
(fault code 36) or Stall Detected (fault code 73)), and
after the Interlock is cycled, the vehicle enters LOS
mode thus allowing drive without motor encoder
In LOS mode, the ability to achieve maximum
torque—even for a very short time—is considered
more important than smoothness.
When LOS mode is entered, the Encoder LOS fault
(fault code 93) becomes active and the encoder fault
((either Encoder Fault (fault code 36) or Stall
Detected (fault code 73)) is cleared.
When this parameter is programmed On, LOS mode
will be entered in the event of an encoder fault
followed by an Interlock cycle.
When programmed Off, in the event of an encoder
fault the encoder fault remains and drive is disabled.
LOS Max Speed 100 – 2000 This parameter indirectly defines the maximum speed
Enc_LOS_Max_Speed rpm for LOS mode by setting the maximum frequency that
0x3083 0x00 100 – 2000 corresponds to LOS Max Speed. In LOS mode the
throttle commands a frequency that is interpolated
linearly between zero (at Throttle Command = 0%)
and the programmed LOS
Max Speed (at Throttle Command = 100%).
LOS Max Current 100 – 650 In LOS mode, a partial or full throttle command will
Enc_LOS_Max_Current A result in the maximum current set by this parameter.
0x3085 0x00 1000 – This current setting is clamped by the controller’s
6500 rated current.
LOS Max Mod Depth 15 – 100% In LOS mode, the maximum modulation depth acts
Enc_LOS_Max_Mod_Depth to limit the current at higher speeds. This parameter
177 – 1182
0x3084 0x00 should be set such that the modulation depth limit is
reached prior to the LOS Max Speed limit, so that
the motor current will fall off from LOS Max Current
at higher speeds. This may allow the vehicle to
drive longer in LOS mode, as it lessens the chance
of the motor or controller overheating.
LOS Accel Rate 2.0 – 15.0 Defines the rate (in seconds) at which the frequency
Enc_LOS_Accel_Rate s increases when full throttle is applied, while
0x3086 0x00 2000 – operating in LOS mode. This parameter should be
15000 set to a slow rate (high parameter value) so the
frequency command has a very slow slew rate to
ensure that the max torque point is hit for a
reasonable period of time; this decreases the
probability of going over the slip curve, and allows
ramps or obstacles to be overcome.

LOS Decel Rate 2.0 – 15.0 Defines the rate (in seconds) at which the frequency
Enc_LOS_Decel_Rate s decreases when throttle is released, while operating
0x3087 0x00 2000 – in LOS mode.




Test Enable 0–1 This parameter is used to start the SPM motor
PMAC_AutoChar_Test_E characterization procedure.
See Chapter 8B for the complete description of the
0x3862 0x00
SPM motor characterization procedure.
Test Throtte –1 – 1 Begins characterization if a Test Enable is asserted.
PMAC_Test_Throttle* This parameter is used to change the direction of the
–1 – 1
0x30D1 0x00 motor to the forward direction during SPM motor
*Note: revised characterization.
variable name Important: If the motor starts to turn in the
for os31 (i.e., positive-rpm vehicle speed direction, set Test
the "PMAC" part
of the variable Throttle = 1. If it turns in the negative-rpm direction,
name was set Test Throttle = −1.
"SPM" in os30, See Chapter 8B for the complete description of the
and was added for ACIM motor characterization procedure and how this
"Test_Throttle"). The terms parameter is used.
Surface Permanent Magnet
(SPM) and Permanent
Magnet AC (PMAC) motors
used within this manual
refer to the same motor

Max Test Speed 1000 – 6000 This parameter is used to set the maximum motor
rpm speed allowed during SPM
PMAC_AutoChar_Max_T 1000 – 6000 motor characterization.
0x38C1 0x00 See Chapter 8B for the complete description of the
SPM motor
characterization procedure and how this parameter is
Max Test Current 10 – 30% This parameter is used to set the maximum motor
speed allowed during SPM
PMAC_AutoChar_Max_T 3277 – 9831 motor characterization.
0x38C2 0x00 See Chapter 8B for the complete description of the
SPM motor
characterization procedure and how this parameter is




Feedback Type 1–2 Set this parameter to the type of position feedback
Feedback_Type device in your vehicle:
0x382E 0x00
1 = quadrature
encoder 2 =
Sin/Cos sensor.
NOTE: A Parameter Mismatch Fault will result unless
the Feedback Type matches the Motor Technology
setting :
If Motor Technology = 0 (ACIM), then Feedback Type
must = 1 (quadrature encoder). If Motor Technology =
1 (SPM), then Feedback Type must = 2 (Sin/Cos
Swap Feedback On / Changes the motor encoder’s effective direction of
Direction PCF Off rotation. The encoder provides data used to
Swap_Feedback_Directi On / calculate motor position and speed. This parameter
on OptionBits3 [Bit 0] Off must be set such that when the motor is turning
0x306C 0x00 forward, the controller reports back a positive motor
Positive motor speed must be in the forward
direction in order for the emergency reverse
feature to operate properly.
NOTE: Do not change this parameter while the
controller is powering the motor. Any time this
parameter is changed a Parameter Change Fault
(fault code 49) is set and must be cleared by cycling
power; this protects the controller and the operator.
Adjusting this parameter can be hazardous. For
instructions, see Chapter 7, Step 10 (page 83).


Encoder Steps PCF 32 – 256 Sets the number of encoder pulses per revolution.
Encoder_Steps This must be set to match the encoder; see motor
32 – 256
0x304B 0x00 nameplate or its technical data for this information.
NOTE: Do not change this parameter while the
controller is powering the motor. Any time this
parameter is changed a Parameter Change Fault
(fault code 49) is set and must be cleared by cycling
power; this protects the controller and the operator.
Adjusting this parameter can be hazardous;
setting it improperly may cause vehicle
malfunction, including uncommanded drive.
For instructions, see Chapter 7, Step 8 (page


Fault Detection Enable On / Off When programmed On, encoder fault checking is
enabled. Three fault
|Encoder_Fault_Detection_Enab On / Off conditions are checked: Encoder Fault (fault
le code 36, Stall Detected
|Encoder_Fault_Detection_Enab (fault code 73), and Encoder Pulse Error (fault
le_Bit0 [Bit 0] code 88).
0x389C 0x00
Encoder Pulse Fault Detect 0.0 – 3.0 s Defines the minimum time it takes for the
Time controller, while the vehicle is in motion, to
0 – 94
Encoder_Pulse_Fault_Detect_Ti detect that the encoder and the Encoder
Steps parameter do not match. When the
0x393E 0x00 Encoder Steps setup is
incorrect, the motor controller cannot properly
calculate AC motor field orientation. The loss of
field orientation can cause the motor to spin up
toward full speed once any throttle is applied.
This parameter sets a timer that starts once
the throttle has been moved and then
released, the drive current is significant, and
the motor is still accelerating. Note that the
motor can spin at high rpm for several
seconds before conditions allow the controller
to properly detect a fault.
An Encoder Pulse Error (fault code 88) is
declared when this fault is detected.
Setting the parameter to zero will disable this
fault detection.
Fault Stall Time 0 – 10 s Sets a timer when no motor encoder movement
Enc_Fault_Stall_Time is detected.
0 – 5000
0x3089 0x00 In Speed Modes: If no motor encoder movement
is detected for the programmed Fault Stall Time,
a Stall Detected fault (fault code 73) is issued.
In Torque Mode: If no motor encoder movement
is detected for the programmed Fault Stall Time,
with maximum throttle applied, a Stall Detected
fault (fault code 73) is issued.


Sin Cos Fault 5.0 – 20.0% Defines the allowable percent change in the Sin or
Threshold Cos feedback. A Sin/Cos Sensor Fault (fault code
51 – 205
Sin_Cos_Fault_Thresh 36) is declared if this threshold exceeded five times
sequentially. The default value is 12.0%.
0x3878 0x00
Sin Cos Fault 20.0 – 100.0% Defines the % allowable change in the SIN or COS
Threshold High feedback (high value used
Sin_Cos_Fault_Thresh 205 – 1024 for first 30 seconds after interlock). This will allow the
old_High controller to adjust for
0x38CD 0x00 slight variances if the sensor was changed.
This is a new parameter for os31.

Sin Cos Fault Time 10 – 1000 ms A Sin Cos Sensor fault (fault 36) will be generated if
Sin_Cos_Fault_Time the sensor is outside the tolerance for 10ms during
10 – 1000
0x38CE 0x00 this amount of time.
This is a new parameter for os31.
Sin Min* 0 – 100% Minimum output by the Sin/Cos sensor on the Sin
Feedback_Sin_Min channel. Input detected at Position Feedback A
0 – 1023
0x3863 0x00 (pin 31). The value is set during the SPM motor
characterization procedure. The default value is
Sin Max* 0 – 100% Maximum output by the Sin/Cos sensor on the Sin
Feedback_Sin_Max channel. Input detected at Position Feedback A
0 – 1023
0x385C 0x00 (pin 31). The value is set during the SPM motor
characterization procedure. The default value is
Cos Min* 0 – 100% Minimum output by the Sin/Cos sensor on the Cos
Feedback_Cos_Min channel. Input detected at Position Feedback B
0 – 1023
0x385F 0x00 (pin 32). The value is set during the SPM motor
characterization procedure. The default value is
Cos Max* 0 – 100% Maximum output by the Sin/Cos sensor on the Cos
Feedback_Cos_Max channel. Input detected at Position Feedback B
0 – 1023
0x382F 0x00 (pin 32). The value is set during the SPM motor
characterization procedure. The default value is
*These are read-only parameters, useful when cloning controllers to verify these settings, and if
the proper SPM (PMAC) auto-characterization was preformed.
The four Sin/Cos Min and Max parameters’ default value is zero. This prevents the running of
SPM/PMAC motors without performing the auto- characterization.
See Chapter 8B for the SPM/PMAC Auto Characterization procedure.
Contact your Curtis distributor or support engineer to resolve any Sin/Cos sensor errors or their
parameter values.
Motor: Temperature control menu


Sensor Enable On / Off When programmed On, the motor temperature
|MotorTemp_Sensor_Enable cutback and the motor temperature
On / Off
|OptionBits3 [Bit 1] compensation features are enabled. This
parameter can be used only if a temperature
sensor has been properly configured.
0x306C 0x00 The motor temperature cutback feature will
linearly cut back the current from 100% to
0% between the Temperature Hot and
Temperature Max temperatures. The motor
temperature compensation feature will
adapt the motor control algorithms to
varying motor temperatures, for improved
efficiency and more consistant
Sensor Type 1–5 Five sensor types are predefined in the
MotorTemp_Sensor_Type software:.
0x307B 0x00 Type 1 KTY83–122
Type 2 2× Type 1, in series
Type 3 KTY84–130 or KTY84–150
Type 4 2× Type 3, in series
NOTICE Type 5 PT1000.
Custom sensor types can be set up easily, if
none of the five predefined types is
appropriate for your application. Please
contact your Curtis distributor or support
NOTE: The industry standard KTY
temperature sensors are silicon temperature
sensors with a polarity band; the polarity
band of a KTY sensor must be the end
connected to I/O Ground (pin 7).
Sensor Offset –20 – Often the sensor is placed in the motor at a
MotorTemp_Sensor_Offset 20°C location with a known offset to the critical
0x305A 0x00 –200 – temperature; the offset can be corrected with
200 this parameter. The parameter can also be
used to correct a known offset in the sensor
Braking Thermal Cutback Enable On / Off When programmed On, drive current and
|MotorBrakingThermalCutback_Ena regen braking current will be cut back based
ble On / Off
on motor temperature. All forms of regen
ble_Bit0 [Bit0] braking current (Regen_Current_Limit,
Brake_Current_Limit, EMR_Current_ Limit,
0x386C 0x00
Interlock_Brake_Current_Limit) includes
emergency reverse braking, interlock braking,
brake input braking, direction reversal braking,
neutral braking, and speed limit braking.
When programmed Off, only drive current (and
not regen braking current) will be cut back

based on motor temperature.

If the vehicle has mechanical brakes, setting
this parameter to On may help reduce motor
Temperature Hot 0 – 250°C Defines the temperature at which current
0 – 2500 cutback begins.
0x304E 0x00
Temperature Max 0 – 250°C Defines the temperature at which current is cut
0 – 2500 back to zero.
0x304F 0x00
MotorTemp LOS Max Speed 100 – 3000 When a Motor Temp Sensor Fault (fault code
MotorTemp_LOS_Max_Speed rpm 29) is set, a LOS (Limited Operating Strategy)
0x308A 0x00 100 – 3000 mode is engaged. The maximum speed is
reduced to the programmed Max Speed in the
operating mode (Max_Speed_SpdMx,
Max_Speed_SpdM, Max_Speed_TrqM) or to
\the MotorTemp_LOS_Max_Speed, whichever
is lower.

Battery menu


Nominal Voltage 24 – 96 V Must be set to the vehicle’s nominal battery pack
Nominal_Voltage voltage. This parameter is used in determining the
1536 –
0x3048 0x00 overvoltage and undervoltage protection
6144 thresholds for the electronic system. See page 25
for Over, Under, and Brownout voltage definitions
and constraints.
NOTE: In all cases the OS default Nominal
Voltage is the highest value in the controller’s
range (See Table D-1). Always check and adjust
parameter whenever using a lower nominal
voltage. Scaling is 64 counts per volt.
For example, controller 1238E-65XX has a 48–80
voltage range. Therefore, when using a 48 volt
battery, the Nominal_Voltage parameter will be
3072 (64 × 48 = 3072) in your VCL program, or
as the raw (decimal) value in TACT.
Kp UV 0.0 – When the battery voltage goes below the
Batt_Kp_UV 100.0% / V undervoltage threshold (page 25), a closed loop
0x380E 0x00 0 – 1024 PI (Proportional/Integral) controller is enabled in
Ki UV an attempt to keep the battery voltage from
0 – 100%
Batt_Ki_UV drooping. It accomplishes this by cutting back the
0 – 16384 drive current, thereby reducing the load on the
0x380F 0x00
The Kp term is the proportional gain and is set in
units of % cutback per volt; for example, a
setting of 25 would provide full current cutback
with 4 V of droop.
The Ki term is the integral gain. Integral gain will
accumulate the voltage droop and attempt to bring
the battery droop back to 0 V. Higher gains will
react more strongly and quickly.
Typically, Kp UV and Ki UV are used together to
provide the best response. If the linear response
of the previous AC controllers is preferred, set Ki
UV = 0.
User Overvoltage 105 – 200% The value of this parameter is a percentage of the
User_Overvoltage Nominal Voltage setting. The User Overvoltage
269 – 512
0x3049 0x00 parameter can be used to adjust the overvoltage
threshold, which is the voltage at which the
controller will cut back regen braking to prevent
damage to the electrical system.
Typically this parameter is changed only when the
controller is being used in an application at the low
end of the controller’s range: such as
a 48–80V controller being used in a system with a
48 V battery pack. In this case, the overvoltage
threshold can be raised by setting the User
Overvoltage to a higher value. The overvoltage
threshold can never be raised above the
controller’s power base maximum voltage rating.

User Undervoltage 0 – 95% The value of this parameter is a percentage of the

User_Undervoltage Nominal Voltage setting. The User Undervoltage
0 – 242
0x304A 0x00 parameter can be used to adjust the undervoltage
threshold, which is the voltage at which the
controller will cut back drive current to prevent
damage to the electrical system.
Typically this parameter is changed only when
the controller is being used in an application at
the high end of the controller’s range: such as a
24–36 V controller being used in a system with a
36V battery pack. In this case, the undervoltage
threshold can be lowered by setting the User
Undervoltage to a lower value. The undervoltage
threshold can never be lowered below the
controller’s power base minimum voltage rating.
Battery menu cont'd


Reset Volts Per Cell 0.900 – 3.000 V The reset voltage level is checked only once, when
BDI_Reset_Volts_Per_ the main contactor first closes. Note that the BDI
900 – 3000
Cell Reset Percent parameter also influences the
0x3170 0x00 algorithm that determines whether BDI Percentage
is reset to 100%. Reset Volts Per Cell should
always be set higher than Full Volts Per Cell.
Reset Voltage Level = Reset Volts Per Cell ×
number of cells in the battery pack.*
Full Volts Per Cell 0.900 – 3.000 V The full voltage level sets the B+ (capacitor
BDI_Full_Volts_Per_Ce voltage) that is considered to be 100%
900 – 3000
ll state-of-charge; when a loaded battery drops
0x3171 0x00 below this voltage, it begins to lose charge.
Capacitor Voltage is viewable in the programmer’s
Monitor » Battery menu.
Full Voltage Level = Full Volts Per Cell × number of
cells in the battery pack.*
Empty Volts Per Cell 0.900 – 3.000 V The empty voltage level sets the Capacitor Voltage
that is considered to be
BDI_Empty_Volts_Per_ 900 – 3000 0% state-of-charge.
0x3172 0x00 Empty Voltage Level = Empty Volts Per Cell ×
number of cells in the
battery pack.*
Discharge Time 0 – 600 minutes Sets the minimum time for the BDI algorithm to
BDI_Discharge_Time count down the BDI Percentage from 100% to
0 – 600
0x3173 0x00 0%. The BDI algorithm integrates the time the
filtered capacitor voltage is below the state of
charge voltage level. When that cumulative time
exceeds the Discharge Time / 100, the BDI
Percentage is decremented by one percentage
point and a new state of charge voltage level is
State of Charge Level = [(Full Voltage Level -
Empty Voltage Level) x BDI Percentage / 100] +
Empty Voltage Level.
BDI Reset Percent 0 – 100% When a battery has a high BDI percentage, its
BDI_Reset_Percent float voltage at KSI On can sometimes cause
0 – 100
0x3174 0x00 false resets. The BDI Reset Percent parameter
addresses this problem by allowing the user to
define a BDI Percentage value above which the
BDI Percentage variable will not reset.
When KSI is first powered on, the BDI
Percentage variable will reset to 100% only if
((Keyswitch Voltage > Reset Voltage Level)
and (BDI Percentage < BDI Reset Percent)).
*To determine the number of cells in the battery pack, divide the Nominal Voltage setting (page 62) by
the battery chemistry’s nominal volts-per-cell.
Lead-acid: 2.0 V/cell, nominal.
Note: For non lead-acid batteries, including Lithium-Ion battery packs, use the pack’s or cell
manufacturer’s approved Battery Management System (BMS) for determining BDI.



Metric Units On / Off When this parameter is programmed On, the
|Metric_Units distance variables (Vehicle Odometer, Braking
On / Off
|OptionBits3 [Bit 5] Distance Captured, Distance Since Stop, Distance
0x306C 0x00 Fine, and the Capture Distance variables) will
accumulate and display in metric units (km,
meters, or decimeters). When programmed Off,
the distance variables will accumulate and display
in English units (miles, feet, or inches).
Distance variables are displayed in the Monitor »
Vehicle menu.
Speed to RPM 10.0 – 3000.0 This parameter affects the vehicle speed displayed
Speed_to_RPM in the Monitor » Motor menu, and also modifies the
100 – 30000
0x304C 0x00 VCL variable Vehicle_Speed; it does not affect
actual vehicle performance. The value entered for
Speed to RPM is a conversion factor that scales
motor speed to vehicle speed.
KPH to RPM: (G/d)*5305, where G = gear ratio, d
= tire diameter [mm]. MPH to RPM: (G/d)*336.1,
where G = gear ratio, d = tire diameter [in].
Capture Speed 1 0 – 8000 rpm The controller captures the time it takes the
Capture_Speed_1 motor to go from 0 rpm to the programmed
0 – 8000
0x3079 0x00 Capture Speed. The result is stored as “Time to
Speed 1” in the Monitor » Vehicle menu. This
timer starts every time the motor accelerates
from zero speed.
Capture Speed 2 0 – 8000 rpm This parameter allows a second capture speed to
Capture_Speed_2 be defined, and works identically to Capture Speed
0 – 8000
0x3886 0x00 1. The result is stored as “Time to Speed 2” in the
Monitor » Vehicle menu.
Capture Distance 1 1 – 1320 The controller captures the time it takes the
Capture_Distance_1 vehicle to travel from 0 rpm to the programmed
1 – 1320
0x307A 0x00 Capture Distance. The result is stored as “Time to
Dist 1” in the Monitor » Vehicle menu. This timer
starts every time the vehicle accelerates from zero
Note: For accurate distance measuring, the Speed
to RPM parameter must be set correctly.
With the Metric Units parameter programmed Off,
distance is in units of feet. With Metric Units
programmed On, distance is in units of meters.
Capture Distance 2 1 – 1320 This parameter allows a second capture distance
Capture_Distance_2 to be defined, and works identically to Capture
1 – 1320
0x3883 0x00 Distance 1. The result is stored as “Time to Dist 2”
in the Monitor » Vehicle menu.
Capture Distance 3 1 – 1320 This parameter allows a third capture distance to
Capture_Distance_3 be defined, and works identically to Capture
1 – 1320
0x3884 0x00 Distance 1. The result is stored as “Time to Dist
3”in the Monitor » Vehicle menu.

Quick Links:
Monitor » Vehicle Speed Vehicle Odometer Time to Speed 1 Time to Speed 2 Time to Distance 1 Time
to Distance 2 Time to Distance 3



EMR Enable On / Off Determines whether the emergency
On / Off reverse function is active. On = emergency
|OptionBits1 [Bit 1]
0x306A 0x00 reverse is enabled.
Off = emergency reverse is disabled.
EMR Type 0–3 Determines where the input comes from for
0–3 emergency reverse. 0 = emergency reverse
0x3036 0x00
activated by switch 1 (pin 24).
1 = emergency reverse is activated by VCL
functions \Enable_Emer_Rev() and
2 = emergency reverse activated by switch 1 (pin
24), but only if the vehicle is moving forward
(forks trailing) when emergency reverse is
3 = emergency reverse is activated by VCL
functions Enable_Emer_Rev() and
Disable_Emer_Rev(), but only if the vehicle is
moving forward (forks trailing) when
emergency reverse is activated.
EMR Dir Interlock On / Off Determines whether the interlock switch must be
turned off after
|EMR_Dir_Interlock On / Off emergency reverse before the vehicle can be driven
|EMR_Dir_Interlock_Bit0 On = interlock and throttle and direction must all be
[Bit 0] cleared.
0x389F 0x00 Off = only throttle and direction must be cleared.
EMR Time Limit 0.0 – 30.0 s Defines how long emergency reverse is allowed to
EMR_Time_Limit be active after the vehicle is moving in the reverse
0 – 3750
0x303B 0x00 direction. This timer will restart if the vehicle ever
goes forward while emergency reverse is still
active. The allowable range is 0–30 seconds,
where 30 seconds is a special case of no time out.
When emergency reverse times out, the Emer Rev
Timeout fault is set. Cycling the emergency reverse
input will clear the Emer Rev Timeout fault.
To stop the vehicle after an EMR event (not move in
reverse direction), set this parameter to 0.
EMR Speed 50 – 6000 rpm Defines the maximum reverse speed of the motor
EMR_Speed (in motor rpm), when emergency reverse is
50 – 6000
0x3038 0x00 active. The motor speed in reverse during an
emergency reverse event will be the lesser of
EMR_Speed and either Max_Speed_SpdMx (for
Speed Mode Express) or Max_Speed_SpdM (for
Speed Mode).
Emergency Reverse is not valid for Torque Mode.
See Fig.16, Control Mode Processing, on page 108.
EMR Accel Rate 0.1 – 3.0 s Sets the rate (in seconds) at which the vehicle
EMR_Accel_Rate accelerates in the opposite direction after it has
100 – 3000
0x3039 0x00 been brought to a stop. If the vehicle is already
traveling in the reverse direction below the EMR
Speed, the EMR Accel Rate will bring the vehicle to
the EMR Speed.
EMR Decel Rate 0.1 – 3.0 s Sets the rate (in seconds) at which the vehicle
EMR_Decel_Rate brakes to a stop when emergency reverse is
100 – 3000
0x303A 0x00 activated and the vehicle is moving forward. If the
vehicle is already traveling in the reverse direction
above the EMR Speed, the EMR Decel Rate will
bring the vehicle down to the EMR Speed.




EMR Enable On / Off Determines whether the emergency reverse function is active.
|EMR_Enable On / Off On = emergency reverse is enabled.
|OptionBits1 Off = emergency reverse is disabled.
[Bit 1]
0x306A 0x00
EMR Type 0–3 Determines where the input comes from for emergency reverse.
EMR_Type 0–3 0 = emergency reverse activated by switch 1 (pin 24).
0x3036 0x00 1 = emergency reverse is activated by VCL functions
\Enable_Emer_Rev() and Disable_Emer_Rev().
2 = emergency reverse activated by switch 1 (pin 24), but only if
the vehicle is moving forward (forks trailing) when emergency
reverse is activated.
3 = emergency reverse is activated by VCL functions
Enable_Emer_Rev() and Disable_Emer_Rev(), but only if the
vehicle is moving forward (forks trailing) when emergency
reverse is activated.
EMR Dir On / Off Determines whether the interlock switch must be turned off after
|EMR_Dir_Int On / Off emergency reverse before the vehicle can be driven again.
|EMR_Dir_Int On = interlock and throttle and direction must all be cleared.
[Bit 0]
0x389F 0x00 Off = only throttle and direction must be cleared.
EMR Time 0.0 – 30.0 s Defines how long emergency reverse is allowed to be active
Limit 0 – 3750 after the vehicle is moving in the reverse direction. This timer
EMR_Time_L will restart if the vehicle ever goes forward while emergency
imit reverse is still active. The allowable range is 0–30 seconds,
0x303B 0x00 where 30 seconds is a special case of no time out.
When emergency reverse times out, the Emer Rev Timeout fault
is set. Cycling the emergency reverse input will clear the Emer
Rev Timeout fault.
To stop the vehicle after an EMR event (not move in reverse
direction), set this parameter to 0.
EMR Speed 50 – 6000 Defines the maximum reverse speed of the motor (in motor
EMR_Speed rpm rpm), when emergency reverse is active. The motor speed in
0x3038 0x00 50 – 6000 reverse during an emergency reverse event will be the lesser of
EMR_Speed and either Max_Speed_SpdMx (for Speed Mode
Express) or Max_Speed_SpdM (for Speed Mode).
Emergency Reverse is not valid for Torque Mode. See Fig.16,

Control Mode Processing, on page 108.

EMR Accel 0.1 – 3.0 s Sets the rate (in seconds) at which the vehicle accelerates in the
Rate 100 – 3000 opposite direction after it has been brought to a stop. If the
EMR_Accel_ vehicle is already traveling in the reverse direction below the
Rate EMR Speed, the EMR Accel Rate will bring the vehicle to the
0x3039 0x00 EMR Speed.
EMR Decel 0.1 – 3.0 s Sets the rate (in seconds) at which the vehicle brakes to a stop
Rate 100 – 3000 when emergency reverse is activated and the vehicle is moving
EMR_Decel_ forward. If the vehicle is already traveling in the reverse direction
Rate above the EMR Speed, the EMR Decel Rate will bring the
0x303A 0x00 vehicle down to the EMR Speed.



CANopen Interlock On / Off When programmed On, CAN NMT State must = 5
(operational state)
|CANopen_Interlock_E On / Off in order for the interlock to be set; see Monitor »
nable CAN Status menu, page 78.
|OptionBits3 [Bit 2]
0x306C 0x00
CAN Node ID 1 1 – 127 The Node ID for the primary microprocessor is
CAN_Node_ID_1 determined by the state of switches 5 and 6 at
1 – 127
0x3140 0x00 KSI turn on:
Node_ID_1 is selected when Sw 6 =
Off and Sw 5 = Off Node_ID_2 is
selected when Sw 6 = Off and Sw 5 =
On Node_ID_3 is selected when Sw 6
= On and Sw 5 = Off Node_ID_4 is
selected when Sw 6 = On and Sw 5 =
If the selected parameter has a Node ID of zero,
the Node_ID_1 parameter is used. If the
Node_ID_1 parameter is also zero, a default ID of
38 is used.
CAN Node ID 2 1 – 127 See description of Node ID 1.
1 – 127
0x3141 0x00
CAN Node ID 3 1 – 127 See description of Node ID 1.
1 – 127
0x3146 0x00
CAN Node ID 4 1 – 127 See description of Node ID 1.
1 – 127
0x3147 0x00
Supervisor Node ID 1 – 127 Sets the Node ID for the supervisor
Supervisor_Node_ID microprocessor. The Node ID is the first 7 bits of
1 – 127
0x3872 0x00 the 11-bit identifier (the COB ID).
Baud Rate –3–4 Sets the CAN baud rate for the CANopen Slave
CAN_Baud_Rate system:
0x3142 0x00 – 3 = 20 kbit/s, – 2 = 50 kbit/s, – 1 = 100 kbit/s, 0 =
125 kbit/s,
1 = 250 kbit/s, 2 = 500 kbit/s, 3 = 800 kbit/s, 4 =
1000 kbit/s.
Heartbeat Rate 16 – 200 ms Sets the rate at which the CAN heartbeat messages
CANopen_Heart_Beat_ are sent from the CANopen Slave system.
4 – 50
0x1017 0x00
PDO Timeout Period 0 – 200 ms Sets the PDO timeout period for the CANopen
CAN_PDO_Timeout_P Slave system. After the slave controller has sent a
0 – 50
eriod PDO-TX (MISO), it will declare a PDO Timeout
0x3149 0x00 Fault if the master controller has not sent a reply
PDO-RX (MOSI) message within the set time.
Either PDO1 MOSI or PDO2 MOSI will reset the
timer. Setting the PDO Timeout Period = 0 will
disable this fault check.
Emergency Message 16 – 200 ms Sets the minimum rate between CAN emergency
Rate messages from the CANopen Slave system. This
4 – 50
CANopen_Emergency_ prevents quickly changing fault states from
generating so many emergency messages that
0x3148 0x00 they flood the CANbus.
Suppress CANopen 0–1 When Suppress CANopen Init is set = 1, at KSI On
Init the initialization of the CANopen system is
Suppress_CANopen_In suppressed. Typically this is done so that the VCL
program can make changes to the CANopen
0x3143 0x00 system before enabling it (by setting the variable
Suppress_CANopen_Init = 0 and running the
Setup_ CAN( ) function).



Reset Controller 0–1 Setting this parameter = 1 will reset the controller.
ResetController This reset is similar to resetting by cycling the
0x3B05 0x00 keyswitch. Reset Controller has the advantage of
resetting without causing the parameter block to
be reloaded into the 1313/1314 programmer.

(for copying parameter settings to multiple controllers)
Once a controller has been programmed to the desired settings, these settings can
be transferred as a group to other controllers, thus creating a family of “clone”
controllers with identical settings.
Cloning only works between controllers with the same model number and
software version. For example, the 1313/1314 programmer can read all the
information from a 1236E-5421 controller and write it to other 1236E-5421
controllers; however, it cannot write that same information to 1236E- 5521 or
1236SE-5621 controllers.
To perform cloning, plug the programmer (1313 or 1314) into the controller that has
the desired settings. While the steps using the 1313 versus the 1314 are slightly
different in terms of screen images, the basic concept is the same: Save the
parameters from the controller to clone, which is the act of saving a “.CPF” file (Curtis
Program File) using the Save/Save As . . . operations. When saving the CPF file,
chose a file name with meaning as this CPF file is used to write (clone) its data to
subsequent controllers.
For example, using the 1314 PC Programming Station, with the controller to be
updated connected, select “open” in the File menu, then navigate to the above
mentioned (saved) CPF file, which will be loaded (indicated) below the menus bar. In
the Communication menu, select the “Save file to connected system (F6)” icon, and
follow the prompts to copy the settings into the controller being cloned (i.e., the
“connected System” or controller). The 1313 is slightly different, working off the SD
card where the CPF file was saved versus the PC’s hard drive, and then using the
“Restore” feature to download the settings into the controller being cloned.
For cloning Dual Drive controllers, the Master controller parameters will also be
loaded into Slave controller, then the parameters for the Slave-vs-Master must be
adjusted using the 1313/1314, as corresponds to the differences between the master
and slave dual-drive controllers. See the separate Dual Drive manual, p/n 53097-DD,
for the specific steps to preform for cloning/setup of the Master and Slave Dual-Drive
Note: Using either programmer (1313/1314), the prompts will offer “Advanced Cloning” .
Advanced Cloning is advisable ONLY under the direction of your Curtis distributor or
support engineer, because it restores all parameters, including those at a higher
(hidden level). Due to possible conflicts, select “No” in the 1313 prompt, or do not
“check” the box in the 1314).
85/174 Monitor menu

Through its Monitor menu, the diagnostic tool provides access to real-time data during vehicle
operation. This information is helpful during diagnostics and troubleshooting, and also while
adjusting programmable parameters and the vehicle’s initial setup
Monitor Menu: INPUTS
Throttle Command –100.0 – Throttle request to slew rate block.
Throttle_Command 100.0%
0x3216 0x00 –32767 –
Throttle Multiplier –200.0 – Multiplies or divides the throttle signal; useful in VCL
200.0% throttle processing
Throttle_Multiplier –256 – 256 (see Throttle Processing on page 104 and Figure 15
0x3213 0x00 on page 105).
Mapped Throttle –100.0 – Mapped throttle request.
Mapped_Throttle –32767 – (see Throttle Processing on page 104 and Figure 15
0x3211 0x00 32767 on page 105).
Throttle Pot 0.00 – 5.50 Voltage at throttle pot wiper (pin 16).
Throttle_Pot_Raw V
0x3215 0x00 0 – 36044
Brake Command 0.0 – Brake request to slew rate block.
Brake_Command 0 – 32767 (see Brake Processing on page 106 and Figure 15
0x321A 0x00 on page 105)
Mapped Brake 0.0 – Mapped brake request.
Mapped_Brake 0 – 32767 (see Brake Processing on page 106 and Figure 15
0x3212 0x00 on page 105)
Pot2 Raw 0.00 – 5.50 Voltage at pot2 wiper (pin 17).
Pot2_Raw V
0x3217 0x00 0 – 36044
PD Throttle 0.00 – Proportional driver current request.
100.00 %
PD_Throttle 0 – 32766 (see Interfacing the Proportional Current Driver and
0x3210 0x00 Figure 17 on page 109)
Steer Pot 0.00 – 6.25 Voltage at steer pot wiper (pin 17) on Dual Drive
V traction slave.
Steer_Pot_Raw 0 – 32767 (reference the Dual Drive supplement manual:
0x38BB 0x00 53097_E&SEDD_os31)
Steer Angle –90 – 90 Steer angle degrees calculated in Dual Drive traction
Steer_Angle master.
–90 – 90
0x38BA 0x00
Interlock On / Off Interlock input on or off. The source of the interlock
input is determined by
|Interlock_State On / Off the Interlock Type parameter.
|System_Flags1 [Bit 0] from Switch 3 (pin 9) if Interlock Type = 0
0x322B 0x00 from VCL function if Interlock Type = 1

from KSI (pin 1) if Interlock Type = 2.

Emer Rev On / Off Emergency reverse input on or off. The source of the
emergency reverse
|EMR_State On / Off input is determined by the EMR Type parameter:
|System_Flags1 [Bit 1] from Switch 1 (pin 24) if EMR Type = 0, or 2.
0x322B 0x00 from VCL function if EMR Type = 1.
Analog 1 0.00 – 10.00 Voltage at analog 1 (pin 24).
Analog1_Input V
0x3204 0x00 0 – 1023
Analog 2 0.00 – 10.00 Voltage at analog 2 (pin 8).
Analog2_Input V
0x3205 0x00 0 – 1023
Switch 1 On / Off Switch 1 on or off (pin 24).
|Sw_1 On / Off
|Switches [Bit 0]
0x3226 0x00
Switch 2 On / Off Switch 2 on or off (pin 8).
|Sw_2 On / Off
|Switches [Bit 1]
0x3226 0x00

Monitor Menu: INPUTS, cont’d

Switch 3 On / Off Switch 3 on or off (pin 9).
|Sw_3 On / Off
|Switches [Bit 2]
0x3226 0x00
Switch 4 On / Off Switch 4 on or off (pin 10).
|Sw_4 On / Off
|Switches [Bit 3]
0x3226 0x00
Switch 5 On / Off Switch 5 on or off (pin 11).
|Sw_5 On / Off
|Switches [Bit 4]
0x3226 0x00
Switch 6 On / Off Switch 6 on or off (pin 12).
|Sw_6 On / Off
|Switches [Bit 5]
0x3226 0x00
Switch 7 On / Off Switch 7 on or off (pin 22).
|Sw_7 On / Off
|Switches [Bit 6]
0x3226 0x00
Switch 8 On / Off Switch 8 on or off (pin 33).
|Sw_8 On / Off
|Switches [Bit 7]
0x3226 0x00
Driver 1 Input On / Off Driver 1 input on or off (pin 6).
|Sw_9 On / Off
|Switches [Bit 8]
0x3226 0x00
Driver 2 Input On / Off Driver 2 input on or off (pin 5).
|Sw_10 On / Off
|Switches [Bit 9]
0x3226 0x00
Driver 3 Input On / Off Driver 3 input on or off (pin 4).
|Sw_11 On / Off
|Switches [Bit 10]
0x3226 0x00
Driver 4 Input On / Off Driver 4 input on or off (pin 3).
|Sw_12 On / Off
|Switches [Bit 11]
0x3226 0x00
PD Input On / Off Proportional driver on or off (pin 2).
|Sw_13 On / Off
|Switches [Bit 12]
0x3226 0x00
DigOut6 Input On / Off Digital Out 6 input on or off (pin 19).
|Sw_14 On / Off
|Switches [Bit 13]
0x3226 0x00
DigOut7 Input On / Off Digital Out 7 input on or off (pin 20).
|Sw_15 On / Off
|Switches [Bit 14]

0x3226 0x00
Switch 16 On / Off Switch 16 on or off (pin 14).
|Sw_16 On / Off
|Switches [Bit 15]
0x3226 0x00

Monitor Menu: OUTPUTS

Analog Out 0.00 – 10.00 Voltage at Analog output (pin 30).
Analog_Output V Note: 1232E and 1232SE controllers do not include
0x321D 0x00 0 – 32767 this Analog output.
Digital Out 6 On / Off Digital Out 6 output on or off (pin 19).
|Dig6_Output On / Off
|System_Flags1 [Bit 3]
0x322B 0x00
Digital Out 7 On / Off Digital Out 7 output on or off (pin 20).
|Dig7_Output On / Off
|System_Flags1 [Bit 4]
0x322B 0x00
Driver 1 PWM 0 – 100% Driver 1 PWM output (pin 6).
0 – 32767
0x321F 0x00
Driver 2 PWM 0 – 100% Driver 2 PWM output (pin 5).
0 – 32767
0x3220 0x00
Driver 3 PWM 0 – 100% Driver 3 PWM output (pin 4).
0 – 32767
0x3221 0x00
Driver 4 PWM 0 – 100% Driver 4 PWM output (pin 3).
0 – 32767
0x3222 0x00
PD PWM 0 – 100% Proportional driver PWM output (pin 2).
0 – 32767
0x321E 0x00
PD Current 0.00 – 2.00 Current at proportional driver (pin 2).
PD_Current A
0x321C 0x00 0 – 607
5 Volts 0.00 – 6.25 Voltage at +5V output (pin 26).
Five_Volts_Output V
0x3202 0x00 0 – 1023
12 Volts 0.00 – 12.00 Voltage at +12V output (pin 25).
Twelve_Volts_Output V
0x3522 0x00 0 – 768
Ext Supply Current 0 – 200 mA Combined current of the external +12V and +5V
Ext_Supply_Current voltage supplies (pins 25 and 26).
0 – 800
0x3229 0x00
Pot Low 0.00 – 6.25 Voltage at pot low (pin 18).
Pot_Low_Output V
0x3203 0x00 0 – 1023

Monitor Menu: BATTERY

BDI 0 – 100% Lead-acid battery discharge indicator (BDI).
BDI_Percentage Effectively the battery’s remaining state-of-charge.
0 – 100
0x3308 0x00 NOTE: For non lead-acid batteries, including
Lithium-Ion battery packs, use the pack’s or cell
manufacturer’s approved Battery Management
System (BMS) for determining the BDI
Capacitor Voltage 0.0 – 200.0 Voltage of controller’s internal capacitor bank at B+
Capacitor_Voltage V terminal.
0x324C 0x00 0 – 12800
Keyswitch Voltage 0.0 – 105.0 Voltage at KSI (pin 1).
Keyswitch_Voltage V
0x324D 0x00 0 – 10500

Monitor Menu: MOTOR

Motor RPM –12000 – Motor speed in revolutions per minute.
Motor_RPM_Display 12000 rpm Filtered for display on the 1313/1314. No CAN
–12000 – Index is assigned to this monitor variable. Possible
12000 usage for a tachometer, due to the filtered
(smoothing) nature of this VCL variable over the
Motor_RPM variable (see Motor RPM in monitor
Controller » Motor Tuning » Motor_RPM, page 76).
Max Speed Controller 0 – 12000 rpm Displays the maximum allowed speed, which
Limit clamps the upper limit of the Max Speed
0 – 12000
Max_Speed_Controller_Li parameters. It is the least of the three motor-speed
constraints described on page 24.
0x3559 0x00
Temperature –100 – 300°C Temperature sensor readout.
–1000 – 3000
0x320B 0x00
MotorSpeed A –12000 – Motor encoder phase A speed in revolutions per
MotorspeedA 12000 rpm minute. This can be used to verify that phase A of
0x35D1 0x00 –12000 – the encoder is operating correctly. MotorSpeed A
12000 should equal MotorSpeed B in a properly operating
motor encoder.
MotorSpeed A does not indicate direction.
MotorSpeed B –12000 – Motor encoder phase A speed in revolutions per
MotorspeedB 12000 rpm minute. This can be used to verify that phase B of
0x35D2 0x00 –12000 – the encoder is operating correctly. MotorSpeed B
12000 should equal MotorSpeed A in a properly operating
motor encoder.
MotorSpeed B does not indicate direction.
Sin Input A 0 – 1023 Input at Position Feedback A (pin 31).
0 – 1023
0x38C5 0x00
Cos Input B 0 – 1023 Input at Position Feedback B (pin 32).
0 – 1023
0x38C6 0x00
Rotor Position –32768 – The displayed value will never exceed 4095. 0 –
rotor_position_raw 32767 4095 maps to mechanical 0°– 360°.
0x38C7 0x00 –32768 –

Monitor Menu: CONTROLLER

Current (RMS) 0.0 – RMS current of the controller, taking all three phases
Current_RMS 1000.0 A into account.
0x3209 0x00 0 – 10000
Modulation Depth 0.0 – Percentage of available voltage being used.
Modulation_Depth 100.0%
0x3208 0x00 0 – 1182
Frequency –500 – 500 Controller electrical frequency.
Frequency Hz
0x3206 0x00 –3000 – 3000
Temperature –100 – 300°C Controller internal temperature.
–1000 – 3000
0x322A 0x00
Main State 0 – 10 Main contactor state:
Main_State 0 – 10 0 = open
0x3223 0x00 1 = precharge
2 = weld check
3 = closing delay
4 = missing check
5 = closed (when Main Enable = On)
6 = delay
7 = arc check
8 = open delay
9 = fault
10 = closed (when Main Enable = Off).
EMBrake State 0–4 EM brake state:
EMBrakeState 0–4 0 = engaged
0x3892 0x00 1 = releasing
2 = released
3 = engaging
4 = engaged and vehicle stopped.
Regen On / Off On when regen braking is taking place; Off when it is
|Regen_State On / Off
|System_Flags1 [Bit 2]
0x322B 0x00
Master Timer 0 – 429496729.5 s The master timer is a timer of the total hours the
controller is powered on
Master_Timer O – 4294967295 (keyswitch hours). The master timer is controlled by
0x3160 0x00 the OS software and cannot be reset.
VCL Error Module 0 – 65535 A VCL Runtime Error (fault code 68) will store
additional information about
Last_VCL_Error_Modu 0 – 65535 the cause of a VCL runtime error in the VCL Error
le Module and VCL Error variables. The resulting
0x3473 0x00 0 – 65535 non-zero values can be compared to the runtime
VCL Error VCL module ID and error code definitions listed in
0 – 65535
Last_VCL_Error the controller’s OS SysInfo file, which should help
0x3472 0x00 pinpoint the VCL error that caused the runtime

Monitor Menu: CONTROLLER, cont’d

Motor Characterization 0 – 23* A Motor Characterization Fault (fault code 87) will
Error store additional information in the Motor
Motor_Characterization_ 0 – 23 Characterization Error variable:*
Error 0 = sequencing error. Normally caused by turning off
0x3899 0x00 Motor Characterization Test Enable before
running the test.
1 = encoder signal seen but step size not
auto-detected; set up Encoder Steps manually
2 = motor temp sensor fault
3 = motor temp hot cutback fault
4 = controller overtemp
cutback fault 5 = controller
undertemp cutback fault 6
= undervoltage cutback
7 = severe overvoltage fault
8 = encoder signal not seen, or one or
both channels missing 9 = motor
parameters out of characterization range.
20 = Sin/Cos sensor
not found 21 =
phasing not detected
22 = Sin/Cos sensor characterization failure
23 = started characterization procedure while motor
Parameter Mismatch 0–2 A Parameter Mismatch Fault Fault (fault code 99)
Error will store additional information in the Parameter
Parameter_Mismatch_Err 0–2 Mismatch Error variable:
or 0 = none
0x388F 0x00 1 = Dual Motor Enable = On, and Control Mode
Select is not set to either 0-Speed Mode
Express or 1-Speed Mode
2 = Feedback Type is incompatible with Motor
Technology setting.
Supervision Error 0–4 A Supervision Fault (fault code 77) will store
Supervision_Error 0–4 additional information in the Supervision Error
0x3897 0x00 variable:
0 = none
1 = watchdog timeout
comms 2 = power
supply fault detected
3 = queue fault
4 = ALU fault detected.
The Supervisor Fault (flash code 77) has several
causes. The most common cause is when one of

the digital inputs is stuck in the range between the

guaranteed high threshold and the guaranteed low
threshold for more than 100 milliseconds. See
Digital Input specifications, page 14.
Errors 1 and 9 apply to
ACIM motors only. Errors
20–23 apply to SPM motors
Errors indicate the motor characterization data is invalid, except in the case of Error 1.
This monitor variable will read “0” during normal operation (i.e., no characterization fault code 87).

Monitor Menu: CUTBACKS

Motor Temp Cutback 0 – 100% Displays the current available as a result of \the
motor temperature cutback
MotorTempCutback 0 – 4096
A value of 100% indicates no cutback in current.
0x3581 0x00
Controller Temp 0 – 100% Displays the current available as a result of the
Cutback controller temperature
cutback function.
ControllerTempCutback 0 – 4096
A value of 100% indicates no cutback in current.
0x35F3 0x00
Undervoltage Cutback 0 – 100% Displays the current available as a result of the
undervoltage cutback
UndervoltageCutback 0 – 4096
A value of 100% indicates no cutback in current.
0x3605 0x00
Overvoltage Cutback 0 – 100% Displays the current available as a result of the
overvoltage cutback
OvervoltageCutback 0 – 4096
A value of 100% indicates no cutback in current.
0x3604 0x00

Monitor Menu: MOTOR TUNING

Motor RPM –32768 – Motor speed in revolutions per minute.
Motor_RPM 32767 rpm This is the raw value (compare to the filtered value
–32768 – under the Motor menu, page 73). Use Motor_RPM
0x3207 0x00 for VCL and CAN applications.
Base Speed 0 – 65535 rpm Displays the value of the motor base speed
Captured captured in the most recent
Base_Speed_Capture 0 – 65535 acceleration. This value is used to set the FW Base
d Speed parameter, using
the FW Base Speed set procedure described on
page 56 or using the ACIM
0x35BE 0x00 motor characterization procedure (Chapter 8A).
Test Field Current 0 – 800 A Field test current reading to be used during the
Test_Field_Current 0 – 800 ACIM motor characterization procedure (Chapter
0x3873 0x00

Monitor Menu: VEHICLE

Vehicle Speed –3276.8 – Vehicle speed, in units of MPH or KPH, depending on
Vehicle_Speed 3276.7 the setting of the Metric Units parameter (see Program
0x320A 0x00 –32768 – 32767 » Vehicle menu).
For accurate speed estimates, the Speed to RPM
parameter must be set correctly.
Vehicle Odometer 0.0 – 10000000.0 Vehicle distance traveled, in units of miles or km,
depending on the setting of
Vehicle_Odometer 0 – 100000000 the Metric Units parameter in the Vehicle parameters
0x3200 0x00 For accurate distance measurements, the Speed to
RPM parameter must be
set correctly.
Vehicle Acceleration 0.000 – 10.000 g Vehicle acceleration. This is a calculated value. The
Speed to RPM parameter
Vehicle_Acceleration 0 – 10000 must be set correctly for an accurate measurement.
0x35C1 0x00
Time to Speed 1 0.00 – Time taken for the vehicle to go from zero rpm to the
Time_to_Capture_Spe 128.00 s programmed Capture Speed 1 (see Program »
ed_1 Vehicle menu) during its most recent such
0 – 32000
0x35BF 0x00 acceleration.
Time to Speed 2 0.00 – Time taken for the vehicle to go from zero rpm to the
Time_to_Capture_Spe 128.00 s programmed Capture Speed 2 (see Program »
ed_2 Vehicle menu) during its most recent such
0 – 32000
0x35BB 0x00 acceleration.
Time Between 0.00 – Time taken for the vehicle to go from programmed
Speeds 128.00 s Capture Speed 1 to programmed Capture Speed 2
Time_Between_Captur (see Program » Vehicle menu) during its most recent
e_ Speeds 0 – 32000
such acceleration.
0x35C4 0x00
Time to Dist 1 0.00 – 128.00 s Time taken for the vehicle to travel from zero rpm to
the programmed Capture
Time_to_Capture_Dist 0 – 32000 Distance 1 (see Program » Vehicle menu) during its
ance_1 most recent such trip.
0x3612 0x00 For accurate distance measurements, the Speed to
RPM parameter must be
set correctly.
Time to Dist 2 0.00 – 128.00 s Time taken for the vehicle to travel from zero rpm to
the programmed Capture
Time_to_Capture_Dist 0 – 32000 Distance 2 (see Program » Vehicle menu) during its
ance_2 most recent such trip.
0x3613 0x00 For accurate distance measurements, the Speed to
RPM parameter must be
set correctly.
Time to Dist 3 0.00 – 128.00 s Time taken for the vehicle to travel from zero rpm to
the programmed Capture
Time_to_Capture_Dist 0 – 32000 Distance 3 (see Program » Vehicle menu) during its
ance_3 most recent such trip.
0x3614 0x00 For accurate distance measurements, the Speed to
RPM parameter must be
set correctly.
Braking Distance 0.0 – 1000000.0 Distance traveled by the vehicle starting with vehicle
Captured braking (initiated by throttle reversal, brake pot,
0 – 40000000
Braking_Distance_Cap VCL_Brake, or interlock braking) and ending when
tured Motor_RPM = 0. Units are meters or feet, depending
0x3201 0x00 on the setting of the Metric Units parameter.
For accurate distance measurements, the Speed to
RPM parameter must be set correctly.
Distance Since Stop 0.0 – 1000000.0 Distance traveled by the vehicle starting from a
Distance_Since_Stop stop. In effect, the vehicle is used as a tape
0 – 40000000
0x324E 0x00 measure. (In other words, if you travel 300 feet
forward and then 300 feet in reverse, the distance
would be 600.) The distance is continuously
updated and will stop (and restart) when
Motor_RPM = 0.
For accurate distance measurements, the Speed to
RPM parameter must be set correctly. Units are
meters or feet, depending on the setting of the
Metric Units parameter.
Distance Fine –214748364.8 – Position measurement. Net distance in both the
Distance_Fine_Long 214748364.7 forward and reverse directions. (In other words, if
0x3616 0x00 you travel 20 inches forward and then 20 inches in
–2147483648 – reverse, the distance would be zero.) The distance is
2147483647 continuously updated and will roll over when the
variable goes over the limits. Resets to zero on key
cycle. Units are decimeters or inches, depending on
the setting of the Metric Units parameter.
For accurate distance measurements, the Speed to
RPM parameter must be set correctly.
NOTE: All vehicle calculations assume no tire slippage. Quick Links:
Vehicle Menu parameters p.64
to RPM
1, 2
Capture Distance 1, 2, 3

Monitor Menu: CAN STATUS

CAN Node ID 0 – 127 Displays the controller’s Node ID.
0 – 127
0x3145 0x00
CAN NMT State 0 – 127 Controller CAN NMT state:
CAN_NMT_State 0 – 127 0=initialization, 4=stopped, 5=operational,
0x3328 0x00 127=pre-operational.
PDO1 MOSI Byte 0 – 232 Mapping objects for PDO1 MOSI’s eight bytes.
PDO1 MISO Byte 0 – 232 Mapping objects for PDO1 MISO’s eight bytes.
PDO2 MOSI Byte 0 – 232 Mapping objects for PDO2 MOSI’s eight bytes.
PDO2 MISO Byte 0 – 232 Mapping objects for PDO2 MISO’s eight bytes.
*Each of these byte maps is a submenu containing 8 variables, one for each byte. Each variable is 32
bits. Drive controller control

Checking as to be done as follow:
1/ Error code
2/ Connections and wiring
3/ Controller supply see (
4/ Input output see ( Maintenance
Controller has no user repair parts. Do not try to open, repair or alter the controller. Otherwise it may
damage the controller and also invalid the guarantee.

It’s suggested to keep the controller clean and dry, periodically check and get rid of diagnose historical files.


Periodically clean the outside controller is good for preventing corrosion or other controller fault from dirty,
dust and chemical, which is part of the environment and always exist in battery power supply system.

Be careful when operating the truck power supplied by battery. Including but not limit to the following:
correct training, wear goggles, do not wear loose clothing and jewelry.

Carry out maintenance according to the following cleaning procedure. Never clean the controller with high
pressure washer.

– Remove battery to disconnect power.

– Connect load(like contactor coil or horn) between controller B+ and B- to discharge controller capacity.

– Clean dirt or corrosive on the power and signal binding post. Wipe the controller with wet cloth, dry the
controller before connecting the battery. Controller can’t suffer the water impact with pressure.

– Make sure the wiring is correct and fastened.


Strictly prohibit water in the product. Strictly prohibit operating with electricity. Strictly prohibit reverse
polarity. Strictly prohibit motor short circuit. Controller exchange

Motor controller, fuse protector and fuse are installed on the electronic control mounting bracket,

when mounting the controller, apply heat conduction silicon grease to its bottom.

Avant tout échange de variateur, les contrôles suivants sont à effectuer :

1. Contrôle de la batterie :
a. Tension et densité batterie chargée.
b. Isolation par rapport au châssis

2. Contrôle du moteur
3. Contrôle des faisceaux de puissance moteur et batterie

80.5.5 Variateur de direction Connections
101/174 Entrées / Sorties

PIN Nom / Description Description

B- B- 0V Drive controller Alimentation 0V variateur de
power supply traction
B+ B+ +24V Drive Alimentation +24V variateur de
controller power traction
J1-1 RX Data calibrator port série calibrateur
J1-2 I/O GND 0V steering 0V variateur de direction
J1-3 TX Data calibrator port série calibrateur
J1-4 +12V +12V steering +12V variateur de direction
J3-1 Fault ouput EPS safety output Sortie sécurité direction
for main contactor alimentation contacteur principal
J3-3 Home 1 0° Toggle switch 1 Doigt d'indexage 0° 1
J2-1 Home 2 0° Toggle switch 2 Doigt d'indexage 0° 2
M1 M1 Supply DC steering Alimentation 1 du moteur de
motor 1 direction
M2 M2 Supply DC steering Alimentation 1 du moteur de
motor 2 direction
J3-11 +5V steering motor encodeur moteur de direction
J3-2 PHASE A Steering motor PHASE A encodeur moteur de
encoder PHASE A direction
J3-9 PHASE B Steering motor PHASE B encodeur moteur de
encoder PHASE B direction
J3-10 GND 0V steering 0V variateur de direction
J2-5 PHASE A2 Steering motor PHASE A2 encodeur moteur de
encoder PHASE A2 direction
J2-6 PHASE B2 Steering motor PHASE B2 encodeur moteur de
encoder PHASE B2 direction
J3-7 Position Tiller head angle Capteur d'angle timon
sensor sensor

J3-6 Analog 1 Tiller head angle Entrée capteur d'angle timon-

sensor input signal1 Signal 1
J3-13 Analog 2 Tiller head angle Entrée capteur d'angle timon-
sensor input signal2 Signal 2
J3-14 Pot low 0V steering 0V variateur de direction
J3-4 Switch 3 Interlock Micro de timon
J3-12 CanL CanL CanL
J3-8 CanH CanH CanH Variateur de direction - paramètres



Command 0–2 This parameter determines input device Command

Input type which will be used as the steer Analog 1
Device command for Primary:

(0x334000, 0 = Analog Pot

1 = CAN command input

2 = Quadrature encoder input

Supervision 0 – 3 This parameter determines input device Command

Input type which will be used as the steer Analog 2
Device command for Supervisor:
8bits) 0 = Analog Pot

1 = CAN command input

2 = Quadrature encoder input

3 = None (No supervisor device is

connected, only a single primary device
is used)

Using this setting may make the

system non-compliant with EN 13849,
and may cause a higher probability of

dangerous failure, and must be

evaluated by the OEM.

When the Supervision Command

Device is set to 3, steer command
supervision is disabled. This option is
provided to allow systems not
compliant with EN 13849 to be set up
without having to supply connections to
the supervisory inputs from the single
primary input device.

Absolute Off/On The sensor is in absolute position

Mode mode when this parameter is set to On.
(0x334700, 0/1 The sensor is in relative position mode
8bits) when this parameter is set to Off.

Define the steering work mode only for

CAN command input device.

Command 0 – 1000ms Defines the steer command filter time

Input Gain constant. Larger values provide longer
(0x334200, filter time constant.



Command 0 – 5.50V Defines the command analog1 wiper Command

Analog1 voltage required to produce a steer Encoder 1A

(0x333000, 0 – 3605 position command of full left.(Steer Command

16bits) Command = –100% = Left Stop) Encoder 1B

Command 0 – 5.50V Defines the command analog1 wiper Command

Analog1 voltage required to produce a steer Encoder 2A

(0x333100, 0 – 3605 position command of center.(Steer Command

16bits) Command = 0% = 0°) Encoder 2B

Command 0 – 5.50V Defines the command analog1 wiper

Analog1 voltage required to produce a steer

(0x333200, 0 – 3605 position command of full right.

(Steer Command = 100% = Right Stop)

Command 0 – 5.50V Sets the minimum threshold for

Analog1 analog1 pot input. If command wiper
Fault Min

(0x333300, 0 – 3605 voltage goes below this threshold for

16bits) 60 msec, a fault is issued.

Command 0 – 5.50V Sets the maximum threshold for

Analog1 analog1 pot input. If command wiper
Fault Max

(0x333400, 0 – 3605 voltage rises above this threshold for

16bits) 60 msec, a fault is issued.

Command 0 – 5.50V Defines the command analog2 wiper

Analog2 voltage required to produce a steer

(0x333500, 0 – 3605 position command of full left.

(Steer Command = –100% = Left Stop)

Command 0 – 5.50V Defines the command analog2 wiper

Analog2 voltage required to produce a steer

(0x333600, 0 – 3605 position command of center.

(Steer Command = 0% = 0°)

Command 0 – 5.50V Defines the command analog2 wiper

Analog2 voltage required to produce a steer

(0x333700, 0 – 3605 position command of full right.

(Steer Command = 100% = Right Stop)

Command 0 – 5.50V Sets the minimum threshold for

Analog2 analog2 pot input. If command wiper
Fault Min

(0x333800, 0 – 3605 voltage goes below this threshold for

16bits) 60 msec, a fault is issued.

Command 0 – 5.50V Sets the maximum threshold for

Analog2 analog2 pot input. If command wiper
Fault Max

(0x333900, 0 – 3605 voltage rises above this threshold for

16bits) 60 msec, a fault is issued.



CAN Steer 0 – 1 Sets the CAN command data transform

Device Type type:

(0x336B00, 0 = Both CAN1 and CAN2 commands

8bits) to the primary

1 = CAN1 command to the primary and

CAN2 command to the supervisor.

CAN Steer 32768 – Defines the position (in counts)

Center 32767 required to produce a steer command
Offset of (0x336500, 16bits) center position
(Steer Command = 0%). This allows a
service technician to recalibrate center
without having to physically adjust the

CAN2 Steer 32768 – Defines the position (in counts)

Center 32767 required to produce a steer command2
Offset of (0x336600, 16bits) center position
(Steer Command2 = 0%). This allows a
service technician to recalibrate center
without having to physically adjust the

CAN Steer 32768 – 0 Defines the total CAN steer command

Left Stop to sensor counts to produce a steer
Center (0x336700, 16bits) –command from the
center position (Steer Command = 0%)
to the full left position (Steer Command
= –100%). Left Stop to Center is always
a negative number.

CAN Steer 0 – 32767 Defines the total CAN steer command

Right Stop sensor counts to produce a steer
to Center (0x336800, 16bits) command from the
center position (Steer Command = 0%)
to the full right position (Steer
Command = 100%). Right Stop to
Center is always a positive number.

CAN Steer OFF / ON Changes the direction (left or right) of

Swap the CAN steer command input.
Direction 0/1 (0x336900, 8bits)

CAN2 Steer OFF / ON Changes the direction (left or right) of

Swap the CAN2 steer command input.
Direction 0/1 (0x336A00, 8bits)



Left Stop to –32768 – 0 Defines the total steer command

Center encoder counts to produce a steer
(0x333A00, –32768 – 0 command from the center position
16bits) (Steer Command = 0%) to the full left
position (Steer Command = –100%).

Left Stop to Center is always a

negative number.

Right Stop 0 – 32767 Defines the total steer command

to Center encoder counts to produce a steer

(0x333B00, 0 – 32767 command from the center position

16bits) (Steer Command = 0%) to the full right
position (Steer Command = 100%).
Right Stop to Center is always a
positive number.

Left Stop to –32768 – 0 Defines the total steer command

Center encoder counts to produce a steer
Supervisor –32768 – 0 command from the center position
(0x333C00, (Steer Command = 0%) to the full left
16bits) position (Steer Command = –100%) for
the supervisor.

Left Stop to Center is always a

negative number.

Right Stop 0 – 32767 Defines the total steer command

to Center encoder counts to produce a steer
Supervisor 0 – 32767 command from the center position
(0x333D00, (Steer Command = 0%) to the full right
16bits) position (Steer Command = 100%) for
the supervisor.

Right Stop to Center is always a

positive number.

Swap OFF / ON Change the encoder1’s effective

Encoder1 direction of rotation.
Direction 0/1
(0x334500, The parameters must be set such that
8bits) when the tiller head is turning right, the
steer motor speed is positive.

Swap OFF / ON Change the encoder2’s effective

Encoder2 direction of rotation.
Direction 0/1
(0x334600, The parameters must be set such that
8bits) when the tiller head is turning right, the
steer motor speed is positive.

Steer 0° − 80° Determines how far the steer command

Command may lead the wheel position if the
Lead Clamp 0 – 14563 command is changing too rapidly for
(0x337500, the wheel position to keep up. This
16bits) parameter is only for the encoder
command application (Command Input
Device Type=2) and is ignored for other
Command Input Device Types.



Left Stop –120.0° – 0° Defines the steer command output of

(0x335000, full left.
16bits) –21845 – 0

P1 Input –100.0% – Defines the steer command input in %

(0x335100, 0% for P1 Input.
–16384 – 0

P1 Output –120.0° – 0° Defines the steer command output in

(0x335200, degree for P1 Output.
16bits) –21845 – 0

P2 Input –100.0% – Defines the steer command input in %

(0x335300, 0% for P2 Input.
–16384 – 0

P2 Output –120.0° – 0° Defines the steer command output in

(0x335400 degree for P2 Output.
16bits) –21845 – 0

P3 Input –100.0% – Defines the steer command input in %

(0x335500, 0% for P3 Input.
–16384 – 0

P3 Output –120.0° – 0° Defines the steer command output in

(0x335600, degree for P3 Output.
16bits) –21845 – 0

P4 Input 0% – Defines the steer command input in %

(0x335700, 100.0% for P4 Input.
0 – 16383

P4 Output 0° – 120.0° Defines the steer command output in

(0x335800, degree for P4 Output.
16bits) 0 – 21844

P5 Input 0% – Defines the steer command input in %

(0x335900, 100.0% for P5 Input.
0 – 16383

P5 Output 0° – 120.0° Defines the steer command output in

(0x335A00, degree for P5 Output.
16bits) 0 – 21844

P6 Input 0% – Defines the steer command input in %

(0x335B00, 100.0% for P6 Input.
0 – 16383

P6 Output 0° – 120.0° Defines the steer command output in

(0x335C00, degree for P6 Output.
16bits) 0 – 21844

Right Stop 0° – 120.0° Defines the steer command output of NAME

(0x335D00, full right.
16bits) 0 – 21844


E RANGE Encoder 1A

Position 0–1 Set this parameter to match the type of Position

Feedback device you will be using for position Encoder 1B
Device feedback:

0 = Analog Sensor

1 = Quadrature Encoder

(0x34F000, 0 – 1 Position
8bits) Encoder 2A

Supervision 0 – 2 This parameter determines the device Position

Feedback type which will be used as position 2 Encoder 2B
Device 0–2 feedback:
8bits) 0 = Analog Sensor

1 = Quadrature Encoder

2 = None (No supervisor device is

connected, only a single primary device
is used)

These parameters define which inputs

will be used to determine the primary
and supervisory steer position

0 = Analog sensor steer pot position

feedback, where Analog 1 and Analog
2 inputs are connected to two
potentiometers as redundant feedback

pots. When analog position feedback is

used, two channels are required.



Position 0 – 5.50V Defines the position analog 1 wiper

Analog1 voltage when the steer position
Left Stop

(0x34F300, 0 – 3605 feedback is at the Left Stop.(Wheel

16bits) Position = Left Stop)

Position 0 – 5.50V Defines the position analog 1 wiper

Analog1 voltage when the steer position

(0x34F400, 0 – 3605 feedback is at the center

16bits) position.(Wheel Position = 0°)

Position 0 – 5.50V Defines the position analog 1 wiper

Analog1 voltage when the steer position
Right Stop

(0x34F500, 0 – 3605 feedback is at the Right Stop.(Wheel

16bits) Position = Right Stop)

Position 0 – 5.50V Sets the minimum threshold for analog

Analog1 1 pot of position feedback.
Fault Min

(0x34F600, 0 – 3605 If the position wiper voltage goes below

16bits) this threshold for 60 msec. a fault is

Position 0 – 5.50V Sets the maximum threshold for analog

Analog1 1 pot of position feedback.
Fault Max

(0x34F700, 0 – 3605 If the position wiper voltage rises above

16bits) this threshold for 60 msec. a fault is

Position 0 – 5.50V Defines the position analog 2 wiper

Analog2 voltage when the steer position
Left Stop

(0x34F800, 0 – 3605 feedback is at the Left Stop.(Wheel

16bits) Position = Left Stop)

Position 0 – 5.50V Defines the position analog 2 wiper

Analog2 voltage when the steer position

(0x34F900, 0 – 3605 feedback is at the center

16bits) position.(Wheel Position = 0°)

Position 0 – 5.50V Defines the position analog 2 wiper

Analog2 voltage when the steer position
Right Stop

(0x34FA00, 0 – 3605 feedback is at the Right Stop.(Wheel

16bits) Position = Right Stop)

Position 0 – 5.50V Sets the minimum threshold for analog

Analog2 2 pot of position feedback.
Fault Min

(0x34FB00, 0 – 3605 If the position wiper voltage goes below

16bits) this threshold for 60 msec. a fault is

Position 0 – 5.50V Sets the maximum threshold for analog

Analong2 2 pot of position feedback.
Fault Max

(0x34FC00, 0 – 3605 If the position wiper voltage rises above

16bits) this threshold for 60 msec. a fault is



Encoder1 8 – 256 Sets the number of the encoder pulses

Steps of per revolution of rotor motor encoder 1.
steering Adjusting this parameter can be
hazardous; setting it improperly may
80 – 2560

(0x34E700, cause vehicle malfunction, including

16bits) uncommanded steer motor drive.

Encoder2 8 – 256 Sets the number of the encoder pulses

Steps of per revolution of rotor motor encoder 2.
Adjusting this parameter can be
(0x34E900, 80 – 2560 hazardous; setting it improperly may
16bits) cause vehicle malfunction, including
uncommanded steer motor drive.

Swap OFF / ON This parameter changes the encoder1

Encoder1 effective direction of rotation. It must be
Direction set such that when the tiller head is
turning right, the steer motor speed is
(0x34EA00, 0 / 1 positive.

Swap OFF / ON This parameter changes the encoder2

Encoder2 effective direction of rotation. It must be
Direction set such that when the tiller head is
turning right, the steer motor speed is

Auto Center 0 / 1 Defines which event will trigger the

Type controller to center the steered wheel.

0 = Auto Center after homing.

(0x34ED00, 1 = Auto Center after homing and every
8bits) interlock.

Center –180.0° – The Center Offset is the difference

Offset 180° between the zero position (center) for

(0x34EE00, –32768 – the application and the home reference

16bits) 32767 position (found during homing).

During homing, the home position is

found and once the homing is

completed the zero position is offset

from the home position by adding the

Center Offset to the home position. All

subsequent absolute moves shall be

taken relative to this new zero position,

including Auto Center. If the home

switch is at the same position as

center, set Center Offset to zero.

Center OFF / ON Enables/disables the center auto

Compensati compensation feature.
on 0/1
In case of losing pulses or incorrectly
(0x4E6700, pulse counting issue happens to
position feedback encoder, the position
error will be accumulated and cannot

be recovered until recycling KSI. The

optional home auto calibration feature

is used to eliminate the position error

accumulation for position encoder, turn

on the Center Compensation, to enable

the home auto calibration feature.



Input Type 0 – 2 This parameter defines which inputs

(0x378600, will be used to determine Home
8bits) 0–2 position. 0 = Single NO switch

1 = Single switch with NO and NC


2 = Two switches with the same NO


Home on OFF / ON This parameter defines when the

Interlock homing function is activated. OFF:
(0x378800, 0 / 1 Home when keyswitch is turned on
ON: Homing on first interlock. If the
interlock signal is turned off during
homing, the homing procedure is
paused and will resume when the
interlock gets active again.

Homing 0–4 This parameter defines which method

Direction is use to find Home position. 0 = Left of
Method 0–4 positive Home switch
8bits) 1 = Right of positive Home switch 2 =
Right of negative Home switch 3 = Left
of negative Home switch 4 = Center of
positive Home switch

Methods 0 and 1 use a Home switch

that is On if the wheel is to the right of it
and Off if the wheel is to the left of it. At
the start of homing the wheel will move
to the left if the Home switch is On and
to the right if it is Off. The home
position is just to the left of the switch
transition in method 0 and just to the
right of the switch transition in method

Homing on the positive Home switch

Method 0

Method 1

Home Switch

Methods 2 and 3 use a Home switch

that is On if the wheel is to the left of it
and Off if the wheel is to the right of it.
At the start of homing the wheel will
move to the right if the Home switch is
On and to the left if it is Off. The home

is just to the right of the switch

transition in method 2 and just to the
left of the switch transition in method 3.

Homing on the negative Home switch

Method 2 Method 3

Home Home Switch

Method 4 uses a Home switch that is
On if the wheel is just on it and Off if
the wheel is not on it. At the start of
homing the wheel will move in the
direction saved in EEPROM at the last
shutdown. The home position is just at
the switch transition period. Only single
feedback quadrature encoder and
single home switch are supported for
this method.

Homing 0 – 100% Defines the speed of the steering motor

Speed during the homing function, as a

(0x378900, 0 – 32767 percentage of the steer motor Max

16bits) Speed. The lower the set value of
Homing Speed, the more accurate the
homing will be; it is therefore
recommended that Homing Speed be
set as low as tolerable. Although higher
values will allow the homing function to
be completed more quickly, the results
will be less consistent than with lower

Homing 0 – 20.0s This parameter defines the allowable

Timeout time for homing to find home. A Home

(0x378B00, 0 – 200 Position Not Found fault is issued if the

16bits) homing exceeds the Homing Timeout
setting without finding home.

Homing –10.0° – This parameter is active only when the

Compensati 10.0° Homing Direction Method = 4. It
on (deg)

(0x378C00, –1820 – compensates for homing to zero

16bits) 1820 position from either direction.



Nominal 24.0 – Sets the vehicle’s nominal battery

Voltage 60.0V voltage.

(0x33AA00, 2400 –
16bits) 6000

Interlock 0–4 Defines which inputs will be used to

Type determine an interlock. 0 = KSI
(0x34B000, 0 – 4 (interlock turns on with keyswitch)
1 = Single NO Interlock Switch 1

2 = Interlock turns on with NO Interlock

Switch 1 and NC Interlock switch 2 3 =
Interlock turns on with NO Interlock
Switch 1 and NO Interlock Switch 2 4 =
From CAN bus message

Fault 0 – 8.0s This parameter applies only when a

Steering steer fault action of either “Warning
Timeout then

(0x381F00, 0 – 80 Shutdown” or “Hold then Shutdown” is

16bits) triggered. It sets a delay from when
either of these fault actions is set to
when the fault output turns off.

Interlock 0– This parameter sets the traction motor

Enable 2000rpm speed above which interlock will
Speed automatically be enabled, thus enabling
(0x34B500, 0 – 2000 steering.
Specifying 0 disables this function.

Steering OFF / ON When programmed ON the steering

Suspension suspension feature will shut down the
(0x339200, 0 / 1 steering PWM if the traction speed is
8bits) zero and no further steering command
is applied for 5 seconds to save battery



Main on OFF / ON Determines when the main relay is

Interlock activated.
(0x34C200, 0 / 1
8bits) OFF: Main relay is activated when
keyswitch is turned on ON: Main relay
is activated when interlock is on

Pull-In 60.0% – The relay pull-in voltage parameter

Voltage 100.0% allows a high initial voltage when the
(0x34C600, relay driver first turns on, to ensure
16bits) 2457 – contactor closure. After 1 second, the
4095 pull-in voltage drops to the holding
voltage. The voltage is a percentage of
the nominal voltage.

Holding 60.0% – The relay holding voltage parameter

Voltage 100.0% allows a reduced average voltage to be
(0x34C800, applied to the relay coil once it has
16bits) 2457 – closed. The voltage is a percentage of
4095 the nominal voltage. This parameter
must be set high enough to hold the
relay closed under all shock and
vibration conditions the vehicle will be
subjected to.

Main DNC 0 – 10.0V Sets the threshold used for the ongoing
Threshold check that ensures the main contactor
(0x34C300, 0 – 1000 remains closed while in operation. The
16bits) Main DNC Threshold is the maximum
voltage difference between the
Keyswitch and Capacitor voltages.

Setting this parameter = 0 V will disable

the Main Did Not Close fault check.

Open Delay 0 – 40.0s The open delay can be set to allow the
(0x34CA00, steer relay to remain closed for a
16bits) 0 – 400 period of time (the open delay) after the
interlock is turned off. The delay is
useful for preventing unnecessary
cycling of the relay.

Sequencing 0 – 1000ms Allows the interlock switch to be cycled

Delay within a set time, thus preventing
(0x34B700, 0 – 1000 inadvertent deactivation of the steering
16bits) control.



Steer 2.0° – 90.0° This parameter defines the maximum

Command difference allowed between the two
Tolerance 364 – steer command inputs (Command
(0x336400, 16383 Analog 1 and Command Analog 2). If
16bits) the programmed tolerance is
exceeded, a fault is issued. A setting of
90.0° turns off this fault check.

Wheel 2.0° – 90.0° This parameter defines the maximum

Position difference allowed between the two
Tolerance 364 – position feedback outputs (Analog
(0x379000, 16383 Position 1 and Analog Position 2). If the
16bits) programmed tolerance is exceeded, a
fault is issued. A setting of 90.0° turns
off this fault check.

Home 2.0° – 90.0° This parameter defines the maximum

Reference difference allowed between the two
Tolerance home

(0x379100, 364 – reference inputs (Home Switch 1 and

16bits) 16383 Home Switch 2). A setting of 90.0°
turns off this fault check.

Encoder OFF / ON This parameter defines when the

Fault Check encoder fault detection is activated.
(0x570400, 0 / 1

5V Supply 1 0 – 100mA This parameter defines the minimum

Current Min current threshold of external 5V supply
(0x36A800, 0 – 100 1 for the ‘5V Supply failure’ fault
16bits) detection.

A value of 0mA turns off the minimum

current check.

The minimum current check function

CAUTION does not support a sensor (pot or
encoder) with an operation current < 5

If the setting is 0, it may cause a higher

probability of dangerous failure due to
the disabled disconnected fault
detection of the command/position
sensor power supply wires, and must
be evaluated by the OEM.

5V Supply 2 0 – 100mA This parameter defines the minimum

Current Min current threshold of external 5V supply
(0x36A900, 0 – 100 2 for the ‘5V Supply failure’ fault
16bits) detection.

A value of 0mA turns off the minimum

current check.

The minimum current check function

does not support a sensor (pot or
encoder) with an operation current < 5

Stall 0 – 500rpm This parameter defines the speed

Steering below which the steer motor will be
Speed 0 – 500 considered stalled if it remains below
(0x352A00, this speed for the length of time defined
16bits) by the Stall Timeout parameter. When
this condition is detected, the Motor
Stalled fault is issued. A setting of Stall
Speed = 0 turns off this fault check.

Stall 0 – 2500ms This parameter defines the timeout

Timeout time for the motor stalled fault check.
(0x352B00, 0 – 2500

Stall PWM 25% – This parameter clamps the PWM of the

(0x352C00, 100% steer controller’s output if a steer motor
16bits) stalled fault is declared and the target
4096 – PWM is greater than the stall PWM
16383 value or the motor current is greater
than 95% of the drive current limit.



Error 2.0° – 90.0° Defines the maximum difference

Tolerance allowed between Steering Command
(0x379200, 364 – (deg) and Wheel Position (deg). The
16bits) 16383 difference can be seen in the monitor
variable Following Error (deg).If the
programmed Error Tolerance (deg) is
exceeded for the programmed Error
Time while the wheel speed is less than
the programmed Speed Tolerance, a
Following Error fault is issued.A setting
of Error Tolerance (deg) = 90.0° turns
off this fault check.

Speed 0 – 500rpm This parameter defines the minimum

Tolerance allowed speed for the steered wheel.
(0x382400, 0 – 500
16bits) This is a second condition for the
Following Error check. By checking the
velocity of the steered wheel (first
derivative of Wheel Position) this check
ensures that the steered wheel is
moving in the correct direction at or
above the minimum allowed speed.
The wheel speed can be seen in the
monitor variable Motor RPM. A setting
of Speed Tolerance = 0.0 removes the
influence of steered wheel speed from
the Following Error check.

Setting Speed Tolerance to a value

greater than zero (thus enabling the
influence of wheel speed in the
Following Error check) should allow the
Error Tolerance (deg) and Error Time

parameters to be set lower without

false fault trips.

Setting Error Time lower allows the

Following Error fault to be detected
more quickly.

Error Time 0.1 – 10.0s Defines how long Error Tolerance (deg)
(0x379700, can be exceeded if the steered wheel is
16bits) 25 – 2500 not moving in the right direction with a
Wheel Speed equal to or greater than
the Speed Tolerance.Since the first
derivative (Wheel Speed) is inherently
noisy, the timer is implemented as a
count-up/count-down timer (Following
Error Time accumulated) where the
fault time is set by the parameter Error
Time.Example: If Error Tolerance (deg)
= 5 and Speed Tolerance = 10, the
Following Error Time Accumulated will
count up when the Error Tolerance is
>5 and the Wheel Speed <10.
Following Error Time Accumulated will
count down if either the Error Tolerance
≤ 5 or the Wheel Speed ≥10. Error
Time must be set long enough for the
steered wheel to reverse direction and
reach the minimum speed (Speed
Tolerance) under the worst case

Detection 0–1 Defines the error timer counting

Method method:

(0x379800, 0 = Count only after the command input

16bits) has stopped. 1 = Always count.



Drive 10 – 60 A Defines the maximum current the

Current controller will supply to the steer motor
Limit during

(0x343B00, 40 – 240 drive state.


Regen 10 – 60 A Defines the maximum current the

Current controller will supply to the steer motor
Limit during

(0x344100, 40 – 240 regen state.


Boost OFF / ON Enable/Disable the boost feature.

(0x343300, 0 / 1 When enabled the current limit will be
8bits) increased 10A above the current
settings (Drive Current Limit and Regen
Current Limit), the max boost current is

Note: The controller heatsink

temperature is less than 75°C.

Boost Time 0 – 10.0s Set the maximum time that the boost
(0x343500, current is allowed.
16bits) 0 – 625



Max Speed 0 – Defines the maximum allowed steer

(0x352300, 8000rpm motor RPM.
0 – 8000

Gear Ratio 0 – 500.0 Defines the total gear ratio of gear box,
(0x368600, including its speed reducing
16bits) 0 – 8000 mechanism.

Current 0 – 50A This parameter should be set to the

Rating motor current rating provided by the
(0x368300, 0 – 200 motor manufacturer.

Max Current 0 – 120s Defines the maximum time the motor is

Time allowed to run at the drive current limit.
0 – 120


Cutback 0 – 100% When the motor overheats, the drive

Gain current is cut back until it reaches the
(0x368500, 0 – 255 programmed Current Rating. The
16bits) Cutback Gain determines how quickly
this cutback will be initiated once the
programmed Max Current Time has
expired. A higher setting provides
faster cutback.

Motor 0 – 1500 Specifies the steered motor resistance

Resistance mOhm that the controller uses for motor speed
(0x369100, estimation.
16bits) 0 – 1500
The steered motor resistance data
should be provided by the motor
manufacturer or by measurement

Specifying 0 disables the steered motor

CAUTION speed estimation feature.

Specifying 0 may cause a higher

probability of dangerous failure for
single position encoder applications,
and must by evaluated by the OEM.

Disable OFF / ON 0 Enable or disable Motor Polarity Fault

Motor –1 detection.

CANOPEN CAN OFF / ON This parameter enables the CAN Not

Required Operational fault detection.
(0x32BA00, 0 / 1
8bits) When programmed On, a fault check is
made to verify that the steering
controller is set (via the CAN bus) to
CAN NMT State = Operational within
80ms of the interlock being applied.

Baud Rate Sets the CAN baud rate:

(0x200101, –1 = 100 Kbps

−1 – 4 0 = 125 Kbps

−1 – 4 1 = 250 Kbps

2 = 500 Kbps

3 = 800 Kbps

4 = 1 Mbps

Node ID 1 – 127 Sets the Node ID of the Primary.

16bits) 1 – 127

Node ID 1 – 127 Sets the Node ID of the Supervisor.

(0x32A700, 1 – 127

Heartbeat 16 – 200ms Sets the rate at which the CAN

Rate heartbeat messages are sent from the
(0x101700, 4 – 50 1220E controller.



RPDO1 0– Defines the RPDO1 Event Time and

Event Time 65535ms the time threshold for the PDO1
(0x140005, Time-out fault.
16bits) 0 – 65535

RPDO1 0– Defines RPDO1 COB-ID Value.

(0x140001, F

RPDO1 Mapping (see sub menu below)


RPDO2 0– Defines the RPDO2 Event Time.

Event Time 65535ms
16bits) 0 – 65535

RPDO2 0– Defines RPDO2 COB-ID Value.

(0x140101, F

RPDO2 Mapping (see sub menu below)

TPDO1 0– Defines the TPDO1 Event time.

Event Time 65535ms
16bits) 0 – 65535

TPDO1 0– Defines TPDO1 COB-ID Value.

(0x180001, F

TPDO1 Mapping (see sub menu below)

TPDO2 0– Defines the TPDO2 Event time.

Event Time 65535ms
16bits) 0 – 65535

TPDO2 0– Defines TPDO2 COB-ID Value.

(0x180101, F


(see sub
menu below)



Length 0–8 Defines the maximum supported

(0x160000, sub-index.
8bits) 0–8

Map 1 0– Default mapping to Traction Motor

0xFFFFFFF Speed.
(0x160001, F

Map 2 0– Default mapping to Traction is Ready.

(0x160002, F

Map 3 0– Default mapping to CAN Interlock.


(0x160003, 0 –
32bits) 0xFFFFFFF

Map 4 0– Default mapping to CAN Command 1.


(0x160004, 0 –
32bits) 0xFFFFFFF

Map 5 0– Default mapping to CAN Command 2.


(0x160005, 0 –
32bits) 0xFFFFFFF

Map 6 0– No mapping.
(0x160006, F

Map 7 0– No mapping.
(0x160007, F

Map 8 0– No mapping.
(0x160008, F



Length 0–8 Defines the maximum supported

(0x1A0000, sub-index.
8bits) 0–8

Map 1 0– Default mapping to the steering wheel

0xFFFFFFF position.
(0x1A0001, F



Length 0–8 Defines the maximum supported

(0x1A0000, sub-index.
8bits) 0–8

Map 1 0– Default mapping to the steering wheel

0xFFFFFFF position.
(0x1A0001, F

Map 2 0– Default mapping to the present flashing

0xFFFFFFF fault code.
(0x1A0002, F

Map 3 0– Default mapping to the traction cutback

0xFFFFFFF data.
(0x1A0003, F

Map 4 0– Default mapping to the traction fault

0xFFFFFFF action.
(0x1A0004, F

Map 5 0– Default mapping to enable traction.

(0x1A0005, F

Map 6 0– Default mapping to steer command.

(0x1A0006, F


Map 7 0– No mapping.
(0x1A0007, F

Map 8 0– No mapping.
(0x1A0008, F



Position Kp 0 – 100.0% Determines how aggressively the steer

controller attempts to match the steer

(0x378000, 0 – 32767 position to the commanded steer

16bits) position. Larger values provide tighter
control. If the gain is set too high, you
may experience oscillations as the
controller tries to control position. If it is
set too low, the motor may behave
sluggishly and be difficult to control.
Position Kp can be fine-tuned using the
Steering Sensitivity parameters.

Velocity Kp 0 – 100.0% Determines how aggressively the steer

(0x382B00, controller attempts to match the steer
16bits) 0 – 32767 velocity to the determined velocity to
reach the desired position. Larger
values provide tighter control. If the
gain is set too high, you may
experience oscillations as the controller
tries to control velocity. If it is set too

low, the motor may behave sluggishly

and be difficult to control.

Velocity Ki 0 – 100.0% The integral term (Ki) forces zero

steady state error in the determined

(0x382A00, 0 – 32767 so the motor will run at exactly the

16bits) determined velocity. Larger values
provide tighter control. If the gain is set
too high, you may experience
oscillations as the controller tries to
control velocity. If it is set too low, the
motor may take a long time to
approach the exact commanded



Length 0–8 Defines the maximum supported

(0x160100, sub-index.
8bits) 0–8

Map 1 0– Default mapping to Sypglass data 1 for

0xFFFFFFF gauge 840.
(0x160101, F

Map 2 0– Default mapping to Sypglass data 2 for

0xFFFFFFF gauge 840.
(0x160102, F

Map 3 0– Default mapping to Sypglass data 3 for

0xFFFFFFF gauge 840.
(0x160103, F


Map 4 0– Default mapping to Sypglass data 4 for

0xFFFFFFF gauge 840.
(0x160104, F

Map 5 0– Default mapping to Sypglass data 5 for

0xFFFFFFF gauge 840.
(0x160105, F

Map 6 0– Default mapping to Sypglass data 6 for

0xFFFFFFF gauge 840.
(0x160106, F

Map 7 0– Default mapping to Sypglass data 7 for

0xFFFFFFF gauge 840.
(0x160107, F

Map 8 0– Default mapping to Sypglass data 8 for

0xFFFFFFF gauge 840.
(0x160108, F



Length 0–8 Defines the maximum supported

(0x1A0100, sub-index.
8bits) 0–8

Map 1 0– Default mapping to the inverted enable

0xFFFFFFF traction.
(0x1A0101, F

Map 2 0– Default mapping to the inverted traction

0xFFFFFFF cutback.
(0x1A0102, F

Map 3 0– Default mapping to the switches state.

(0x1A0103, F

Map 4 0– Default mapping to the switches state

0xFFFFFFF of supervisor.
(0x1A0104, F

Map 5 0– Default mapping to the command

0xFFFFFFF analog input 2.
(0x1A0105, F

Map 6 0– Default mapping to the auxiliary analog

0xFFFFFFF input of supervisor.
(0x1A0106, F


Map 7 0– No mapping.
(0x1A0107, F

Map 8 0– No mapping.
(0x1A0108, F



LS 0 – 100% Defines the steering sensitivity at very

Sensitivity low traction speeds (i.e., near zero
(0x380000, 0 – 16383 traction rpm), as a percentage of the
16bits) programmed Position Kp. Sensitivity is
typically reduced at low speeds to
prevent excessive hunting for the
commanded position.

HS 0 – 100% Defines the steering sensitivity at high

Sensitivity traction speeds, as a percentage of the
(0x380100, 0 – 16383 programmed Position Kp. Sensitivity is
16bits) typically reduced at high speeds to
make the vehicle easier to drive.

Low Speed 0 – Defines the percentage of Traction

(0x380200, 8000rpm Motor Max Speed at which 100%
16bits) sensitivity will start to be applied as the
0 – 8000 vehicle accelerates.

Mid Speed 0 – Defines the percentage of Traction

(0x380300, 8000rpm Motor Max Speed at which 100%

0 – 8000 sensitivity will start to decrease as the

vehicle decelerates.

High Speed 0 – Defines the percentage of Traction

(0x380400, 8000rpm Motor Max Speed at and above which
16bits) the programmed HS Sensitivity value
0 – 8000 will be applied.



Reset hour OFF / ON When set to Yes, will set the hour meter
meter to zero hours.
(0x4E6600, 0 / 1

Restore OFF / ON When set to Yes, will reset all

Parameters programmable parameters to their
(0x4E4600, 0 / 1 factory default settings.
8bits) Monitoring menu

Through its Monitor menu, the diagnostic tool provides access to real-time data during vehicle
operation. This information is helpful during diagnostics and troubleshooting, and also while
adjusting programmable parameters and the vehicle’s initial setup.


Target Speed (0x384000, –8000 – 8000rpm Steer motor speed target for
16bits) –8000 – 8000 the position control loop.
Target Position (0x336100, –120.0° – 120° Wheel position target for the
16bits) –21845 – 21844 position control loop (in
Target Position 2 (0x334900, –120.0° – 120° Wheel position target for the
16bits) –21845 – 21844 position 2 control loop (in
Steer Command 1 –100% – 100% The Operator’s Steer
Command1 (in percent) that
is the input into the

(0x336000, 16bits) –16384 – 16383 map. The output of the

command map is the Target
Position (deg)
Steer Command 2 –100% – 100% The Operator’s Steer
Command2 (in percent) that
is the input into the
(0x337000, 16bits) –16384 – 16383 map. The output of the
command map is the Target
Position (deg)
Speed Request (0x384100, –100% – 100% This monitor value indicates
16bits) –16384 – 16383 the calculated speed PWM
Command Analog 1 Input 0 – 5.50V Command Analog 1 input
(0x3B2400, 16bits) 0 – 3605 voltage.
Command Analog 2 Input 0 – 5.50V Command Analog 1 input
(0x3B4600, 16bits) 0 – 3605 voltage.
CAN Steer Command –16384 – 16383 The incoming CAN steering
command 1 communicated
on CAN bus. The CAN
(0x336200, 16bits) –16384 – 16383 object is mapped into PDO1
message in default.
CAN2 Steer Command –16384 – 16383 The incoming CAN steering
command 2 communicated
on CAN bus. The CAN
(0x336300, 16bits) –16384 – 16383 object is mapped into PDO1
message in default.
Wheel Position (0x378500, –120.0° – 120° The final wheel position 1 (in
16bits) –21845 – 21844 degrees).
Wheel Position 2 –120.0° – 120° The final wheel position 2 (in
(0x378E00, 16bits) –21845 – 21844
Stop Position Reached OFF / ON Flag indicating the Stop
(0x379400, 8bits) 0/1 position has been reached.
Position Analog 1 Input 0 – 5.50V Position feedback Analog 1
(0x3B2500, 16bits) 0 – 3605 input voltage.
Position Analog 2 Input 0 – 5.50V Position feedback Analog 2
input voltage.
(0x3B4700, 16bits) 0 – 3605

Position Encoder1 Counts –2147483648 – 2147483647 Encoder1 counts from home

from Home position. The steer motor
rotating should
(0x379500, 32bits) –536870912 – 536870911 change the counts; a move
left of home position will be
negative counts, and a move
right of home will be positive
Position Encoder2 Counts –2147483648 – 2147483647 Encoder2 counts from home
from Home position. The steer motor
rotating should
(0x379600, 32bits) –536870912 – 536870911 change the counts; a move
left of home position will be
negative counts, and a move
right of home will be positive
Following Error –180° – 180° Following Error = Steer
Command minus Wheel
Position. If the difference
(0x501400, 16bits) –32768 – 32767 exceeds the programmed
Following Tolerance, a fault
is issued.
Steer Command Error –180° – 180° Steer Command Error =
Steer Command minus Steer
Command 2. If the
(0x501600, 16bits) –32768 – 32767 difference exceeds the
programmed Steer
Command Tolerance, a fault
is issued.
Wheel Position Error –180° – 180° Wheel Position Error =
Wheel Position minus Wheel
Position 2. If the difference
(0x501500, 16bits) –32768 – 32767 exceeds the programmed
Wheel Position Tolerance, a
fault is issued.
Home Reference Error –180° – 180° Home Reference Error =
Home Reference minus
Home Reference 2. If the
(0x501800, 16bits) –32768 – 32767 difference exceeds the
programmed Home
Reference Tolerance, a fault
is issued.


Interlock State (0x301200, OFF / ON This monitor value indicates
8bits) 0/1 the interlock status.
Interlock Switch 1 OFF / ON This monitor value indicates
(0x332000, 8bits) 0/1 the interlock switch 1 status.
Interlock Switch 2 OFF / ON This monitor value indicates
(0x332100, 8bits) 0/1 the interlock switch 2 status.
Home Switch 1 (0x332200, OFF / ON This monitor value indicates
8bits) 0/1 the home switch 1 status.
Home Switch 2 (0x323600, OFF / ON This monitor value indicates
8bits) 0/1 the home switch 2 status.
Fault Output Feedback OFF / ON This monitor value indicates
(0x350000, 8bits) 0/1 the Fault Output feedback
status. If it is unmatched with
the fault output status, a fault
is issued.
Auxiliary Analog Input 0 – 5.50V This monitor value indicates
(0x3B4400, 16bits) 0 – 3605 the Auxiliary Analog input
Fault Output (0x340100, OFF / ON This monitor value indicates
8bits) 0/1 the Fault Output status.
Fault Output Supervisor OFF / ON This monitor value indicates
(0x340000, 8bits) 0/1 the Supervisor Fault Output
Main Driver (0x34CC00, OFF / ON This monitor value indicates
8bits) 0/1 the main relay driver status.
Battery Voltage (0x339300, 0 – 105.00V Voltage of battery.
16bits) 0 – 10500
Capacitor Voltage 0 – 105.00V Voltage of steer controller’s
(0x34C100, 16bits) 0 – 10500 internal capacitors bank.
Keyswitch Voltage 0 – 105.00V Voltage of key switch.
(0x339800, 16bits) 0 – 10500
Motor Voltage (0x368700, 0 – 80.00V Voltage measured between
16bits) 0 – 8000 the steer motor connectors.
External 5V Supply 1 0 – 20.00V Voltage measured at the
(0x36AA00, 16bits) 0 – 2000 +5V output 1
External 5V Supply 2 0 – 20.00V Voltage measured at the

(0x36AC00, 16bits) 0 – 2000 +5V output 2

External 12V 0 – 20.00V Voltage measured at the
Supply (0x36AB00, 16bits) 0 – 2000 +12V output
5V Supply 1 Current 0 – 500mA Current measured at +5V
(0x36A000, 16bits) 0 – 500 output 1
5V Supply 2 Current 0 – 500mA Current measured at +5V
(0x36A100, 16bits) 0 – 500 output 2
Temperature (0x300000, –50°C – 100°C Controller’s internal
16bits) –500 – 1000 temperature.
Motor RPM (0x384300, –8000 – 8000 rpm Steer motor speed in
16bits) –8000 – 8000 revolutions per minute.
Motor RPM 2 (0x384400, –8000 – 8000 rpm Steer motor speed 2 in
16bits) –8000 – 8000 revolutions per minute.
Motor Current (0x308500, –100 – 100A Current of the steer motor.
16bits) –400 – 400
Motor Temp Cutback 0 – 100% Current cutback, as a
percentage of max current,
during motor over-
(0x343900, 16bits) 0 – 4095 temperature. 100% = no
Hour Meter (0x4E1400, 0 – 9999999.9h Number of hours KSI has
32bits) 0 – 99999999 been active.
Boost (0x343000, 8bits) OFF / ON Flag indicates the boost
0/1 status.
Supervision Fault Type 0 – 0xFFFFFFFF Indicate the Supervision fault
(0x284006, 32bits) 0 – 0xFFFFFFFF type.
This menu can only be found
on 1313/1314 programmer.
See Supervision Fault Type
Traction Connected OFF / ON Indicate the connection
(0x4E6300, 8bits) 0/1 between 1220E and traction
CAN NMT State 0 – 127 Controller NMT state 0 =
4 = stopped
5 = operational
127 = pre-operational

(0x32A400, 8bits) 0 – 127

Traction Motor RPM –8000 – 8000 rpm This monitor value indicates
(0x310400, 16bits) –8000 – 8000 the Traction motor speed in
revolutions per minute.
Traction is Ready OFF / ON This monitor value is sent by
(0x310300, 8bits) 0/1 the traction controller over
the CAN bus to indicate
whether the traction
controller is ready. Typically
implemented in the traction
controller VCL to indicate
that the traction main
contactor is closed.
CAN Interlock (0x34B800, OFF / ON This monitor value is sent by
8bits) 0/1 the traction controller over
CAN bus to indicate whether
the interlock is enable.
This flag is used by the
1220E only when Interlock
Type = 2.
Enable Traction OFF / ON This monitor value is sent
(0x310000,8bits) 0/1 from the steer controller to
enable the traction controller.
Traction Cutback 0 – 100% This monitor variable is sent
(0x310100,8bits) 0 – 100 from the steer controller to
cut back the speed of the
traction motor.
Traction Fault Action 0 – 10 This monitor Variable sent
from the steer controller to
trigger a
(0x310200,8bits) 0 – 10 fault action in the traction
0 = no fault
1 = stop traction
2 = reduce traction speed
3 = no action
174 Steering principle

La direction électrique est une direction électrique asservi en position

141/174 Steering sensor: Toggle inductive sensor

This an inductive sensor

At startup this switch determines with wether the wheel came is left or right positioned compare to toggle

If it is on the right, steering motor will turn anticlockwise in order to switch toggle switch for steering wheel

If it is on the right, steering motor will turn anticlockwise in order to switch toggle switch for steering wheel

Sensor calibration

When power is on of the truck, the driving system will adjust the driving wheel

in the middle position automatically. You can check if the driving wheel is in the

middle or not by the Zero position switch. If the zero position switch is facing the

circle on the gear, as picture 1 shows, it means the driving wheel is in the middle.

whose status should look like picture 2. If it failed to match, it can be adjust by the

angle sensor to realize the calibration of zero position switch.

143/174 Twice encoder in steering motor

Both encoders are integrated in the sensor at the top of the steering motor.

2 encoders are required in order allowing redonancy for steering safety.

Each one measure angle toggle switch 0 ° (wheel straight) position.

174 Tiller angle sensor

The pin 1 of the angle sensor is positive, pin2, 3 are signals, pin 4 is negative,The input signal is analog
(0-5V). Steering setting

Since the toggle switch is properly positioned, only the tiller head can be adjusted if tiller is not

Tiller angle sensor adjustment:

First step:Releasing the tigthening bolts of angle sensor.

Step 2: If the wheel is left skewed, please rotate the angle sensor right. If the wheel is right skewed, then
rotate the angle sensor left. Until the zero position switch is facing the circle on the gear.

Ajustement en désserrant ces 2 vis Steering controller control

Checking as to be done as follow :

1/ Error code/ Connections and wiring

3/ Controller supply (see §

4/ Input output (see §

174 Display
Display shows:

Battery level green

Niveau batterie

Hourmeter green

Km/H after green

starting driving/
Affichage vitesse
en déplacement

Error codes / red If there is any default, the light of the

Codes erreur display will be changed from
green to light, and there is
error code at the same time.
Multiple faults will be displayed
in turn

If there are 2 error code at the same time, for example”3.1, 3.6”, The first 3.1 means

the error in driving controller, the second 3.6 means the error in steering controller.

Single error code”SET 3.6” means the error in steering controller. SET refers steering

controller. Single error code”TRA 3.8” means the error in traction controller. TRA refers

driving controller.

Error code will be showed as follows:


Diagnostic tool P/N: J397711

80.6.1 Traction controller troubleshooting

Diagnostic organigram

Traction Controller diagnosis and troubleshooting

Le variateur de traction peut détecter les pannes ou informations d’erreurs dans les différentes situations.

Diagnostics information can be obtained in three ways:

①by reading the two fault codes displayed on the instrument (the first two fault code for drive controller, the
second two fault code for steering controller)

②by observing the fault codes issued by the Status LEDs;

③by reading the display on the programmer

The pair of LEDs built into the Traction controller (one red, one yellow) produce flash codes displaying all
the currently set faults in a repeating cycle. By LED

Affichage Information

LED light is off Controller power is not on; or vehicle has dead
battery; or other severe damage.

LED light flashes yellow Controller is in normal working status.

LED light is often red Controller failed to supervise or did not load
software. Restart KSI cycle, load software if

LED flashes yellow or red alternately Controller has detected a fault.

Red and yellow lights flash alternately in a repeated interval when there detects fault. Each code consists of
two digits. The red LED flashes once to indicate that the first digit of the code will follow; the yellow LED
then flashes the appropriate number of times for the first digit. The red LED flashes twice to indicate that
the second digit of the code will follow; the yellow LED flashes the appropriate number of times for the
second digit.

For example:fault name “Battery Undervoltage” (relevant code 23).

In the handheld programmer fault menu, display word “Undervoltage Cutback”; and the current battery
voltage display on the monitor menu(“Keyswitch Voltage”).

LED status indicator light shows as follows:

Red Yellow Red Yellow

✱ ✲✲ ✱✱ ✲✲✲

(First digit) (2) (2ènd digit) (3)

The numerical codes used by the yellow LED are listed in the troubleshooting chart (Table 6), which also
lists possible fault causes and describes the conditions that set and clear each fault.


This fault codes provide the following information:

– Fault code

– Display fault name on the Curtis programmer


– Display caused by the fault

– Probable fault reason

– Fault deep reason

– Troubleshooting

When there is fault, if it’s affirmed not the wiring error or truck malfunction, you can try to restart through key
switch. If fault still exists, please turn down key switch, check if the connector of pin 35 connects right or
gets dirt, after repair and clean , reconnect, and then start again. By display
Error code and its meaning

Usually, the steering electrical controller default will cause the error code 3.1 of

driving electrical controller. For an example”3.1, 4.1”, if the error code 4.1 of steering

electrical controller be solved, driving electrical controller 3.1 will disappear at the same


Error code 4.1 means:The input power of the analog port of the steering electrical

controller is out of range. The analog input signal of this port comes from the angle

sensor. Therefore, when this fault occurs, the first step is to detect whether the wiring the harness related to
the angle sensor is broken or disconnected. The second step is to easure the input signal of the angle
sensor to see if it is within the range of 0.1-5V. If not, replace the angle sensor,pls.

TRA5.2 is a custom error tiller communication error of the drive electrical controller .

Solutions: 1. Check whether the CAN communication wires between the drive electrical

the controller and the tiller are disconnected or connected. 2. Measure whether the

resistance at both ends of the CAN communication wires is 60 ohms or not , Whether the

voltage is about 2.5V or not, 3. Check whether the power supply of the tillere is normal, 4.

Replace the tiller.

TRA4.7 is an error of the operation sequence of the drive electrical controller. The

causes of this error are: the key switch, interlock switch, direction switch, and accelerator

input sequence failure; solution: 1. Check the operation sequence of each switch to

eliminate the operation problem; 2. Check the status of each switch, if there is an

abnormal status, replace the corresponding fault switch. By Diagnostic tool J397711

Diagnostic tool is a handheld tool that allows user programming, testing and

diagnosing the traction motor controller, refer to the following picture. Program

setting handheld terminal owns one menu navigation key, one data Inc/Dec key and

three bookmark keys to control all programmable functions.

Display window includes a seven-line 128 × 64 pixel LCD screen, this screen

can show the test and pictures at the same time, visible in the lightest condition,

and adjust program to set menu.

Program is driven by the menu, and enters the next menu by pressing menu

navigation button. When the program is connected to motor controller, all motor

controller information uploads to the handheld programmer.

153/174 Connection to traction controller: Dedicated connector

174 Connection to steering controller: Directly on the controller


Display screen:It can show seven-line tests and pictures at the same time.

Menu navigation key: Move the cursor on the screen up or down to pass the menu

list(up or down arrow),open or close submenu(right or left arrow)

Data Inc/Sec key: Alter data values by display cursor.

Bookmark key:Three bookmark keys allow you to return fast or reach your favor or

often use menu interface without through the menu navigation. Press on the relevant

bookmark button for 4 seconds, it can store relevant menu interface to this button.

Press the relevant bookmark key, it can skip to the corresponding menu interface of

your chosen bookmark. After closing the programmer, the bookmark button will not

be kept.

80.6.2 Traction controller fault code table

Programmer display Deep fault

Code Probable fault reason
Fault display reason/troubleshooting
12 Controller Overcurrent 1. External short of Reason:Phase current
Motor stops working phase U,V,W motor exceeds limited current
Main connector disconnects connections Troubleshooting:restart the
EM brake shutdown Throttle 2.Motor parameters do not key switch
3.Controller malfunction
Pump stops working
13 Current Sensor Fault 1. Leakage to vehicle Reason:Deviation reads out
Motor stops working frame from phase U,V, or W to controller current sensor.
Main connector disconnects 2.Controller malfunction Troubleshooting:restart the
Electromagnetic brake disconnects key switch
Throttle invalid
Brake, Pump stops working
14 Precharge Failed 1. External load on positive Reason:Key switch input
Motor stops working terminal of the capacitor that voltage failed to charge the
Main connector disconnects prevents the capacitor from capacitor.
Electromagnetic brake disconnects charging. Troubleshooting : Reset or
Throttle invalid re-input interlock switch
Brake through VCL function
Pump stops working precharge().

15 Controller Severe Undertemp 1. Severe controller Reason:Radiator

Motor stops working working environment. temperature is lower than
Main contactor disconnects -40℃.
Electromagnetic brake disconnects Troubleshooting:Raise the
temp above -40℃, restart
Throttle failure
the key switch or interlock
Pump stops working
16 Controller Severe Overtemp 1. Severe Reason:Radiator
Motor stops working controller working temperature is higher than
Main contactor disconnects environment. 95℃.
Electromagnetic brake disconnects 2.Truck overloads. Troubleshooting:Drop the
temp below 95℃. Restart
Throttle failure 3.Incorrect controller
mounting the key switch or interlock
Brake, pump stops working

17 Severe Undervoltage 1.Setup error of battery Reason: When MOSFEET
Driving torque reduce parameter. axle working, capacitor
2. Power consumption
voltage is lower than the
of non controller system. minimum voltage limit.
3.Too large battery
impedance. Troubleshooting : Raise the

4.Battery disconnects. capacitor voltage.

5. Fuse protector
disconnect, or the main
contactor disconnect.

Programmer Deep fault

Code display Probable fault reason
Fault display
18 Severe Overvoltage 1.Setup error of battery Reason:When MOSFEET
Motor stops working parameter. axle working, capacitor
Main contactor 2.High battery impedance.
voltage exceeds the minimum
3. Battery
disconnects voltage limit.
disconnects when regenerative
Electromagnetic brake Troubleshooting : Reduce
breaking. the voltage and then restart
disconnects Throttle
invalid the key
Brake switch.
Pump stops working
21 Controller Undertemp 1. Controller works in Reason:Radiator
Cutback No limited condition. temperature is lower

fault(unless VCL set 2. Severe controller than-25℃.

Troubleshooting : Make the
the incurred fault) working environment.
radiator temperature higher
22 Controller Overtemp 1. Severe controller Reason : Radiator
Cutback Drive or working environment. temperature exceeds 85℃.

regenerative 2.Truck overloads. Troubleshooting : Reduce

braking torque reduces. 3.Incorrect controller mounting
23 Undervoltage Cutback 1.Insufficient battery power. Reason : Too low capacitor
Driving torque reduces 2.Setup error of battery voltage.
parameter. Troubleshooting:Raise
3. Power consumption of capacitor voltage.
non controller system.
4.Too large battery impedance.
5.Battery disconnects.
6. Fuse protector
sconnects or main contactor

24 Overvoltage Cutback During regenerative braking, Reason:When MOSFEET

Regenerative braking regenerative braking current axle working, capacitor
torque reduces. cause the raising of battery voltage exceeds the

voltage. maximum voltage limit.

1.Setup error of battery Troubleshooting : Reduce
parameter. capacitor voltage.
2.Too large battery impedance.
3. When regenerating
braking, battery disconnects.
25 +5V Supply Failure 1. External load impedance is Reason: 5V supply outside
No fault(unlessVCL set too low. the 5V±10% range
the incurred fault) Troubleshooting : Bring
within range.
26 Digital Out 6 Failure 1. External load impedance is Reason: Digital Output 6
Digital Out 6 driver is not too low. current exceeds15mA.
active. Troubleshooting:Adjust load,
“set_digout()” by VCL, and
27 Digital Out 7 Overcurrent 1. External load impedance is Reason:Digital Output 7
The Digital Out 7 driver current exceeds15mA.
too low.
is not active
Troubleshooting:Adjust load,

Programmer Deep fault

Code display Probable fault reason
Fault display
“set_digout()” by VCL, and
28 Motor Temp Hot Cutback 1. Motor temperature Reason:Input voltage value
Driving torque reduced. reaches or exceeds of motor temperature sensor
parameter limit, thus cause is 0 or larger than 10V.
current output reduce. Troubleshooting : Return the
2. Motor temperature motor temperature to be
parameters incorrect. within the permitted limits.
3. If motor does not apply
temperature sensor,
programming parameter “Temp
compensation” and “Temp
cutback” must set

29 Motor Temp Sensor Fault 1. Motor temperature Reason:Input voltage value
Max. speed drops to LOS sensor is connected wrongly. of motor temperature sensor
status and motor 2. If motor does not apply is 0 or larger than 10V.
temperature cutback temperature sensor, Troubleshooting: Adjust input
invalid. programming parameter “Temp voltage value of motor

compensation” and “Temp temperature sensor to the

cutback” must set normal
“OFF”. scope.
31 Coil 1 Driver Open/Short 1.Connected load open or Reason: Driver 1 (pin 6) is
Driver 1 output shut short. either open or shorted. This
2.Connecting pin stained.
fault can be set only when
3.Wrong wiring.
“Main Enable” set to “OFF”.
open or
short circuit, restart output.
31 Main Contactor Coil 1.Connected load open or Reason: Main contactor
Open/Short short. driver (pin 6) is either open or
Motor stops working 2.Connecting pin stained.
shorted. This fault can be set
Main contactor 3.Wrong wiring.
only when “Main Enable” set
to “ON”.
Electromagnetic brake
disconnects Throttle open circuit/short circuit,
invalid restart output.
Pump stops working
32 Coil2 Driver Open/Short 1.Connected load open or Reason: Driver 2 output(pin
Driver 2 output shut short. 5) is either open or shorted.
2.Connecting pin stained.
This fault can be set only
3.Wrong wiring.
when “EM brake Type” set to
open or
short circuit, restart output.
32 EM Brake Open/Short 1.Connected load open or Reason: EM Brake
short. output(pin 5) is either open or
Electromagnetic brake
2.Connecting pin stained.
disconnects Throttle shorted. This fault only
3.Wrong wiring.
invalid occurs when “EM brake
Brake Type” set to 0.

open or

Programmer Deep fault

Code display Probable fault reason
Fault display
short circuit, restart output.
33 Coil3 Driver Open/Short 1.Connected load open or Reason:Driver 3 output (pin 4)
Driver 3 output shut short. is either open or shorted
2.Connecting pin stained. Troubleshooting:Correct open or
3.Wrong wiring. short circuit, restart output.
34 Coil4 Driver Open/Short 1.Connected load open or Reason:Driver 3 output (pin 3)
Driver 4 output shut short. is either open or shorted
2.Connecting pin stained. Troubleshooting:Correct open or
3.Wrong wiring. short circuit, restart output.
35 PD Open/Short 1.Connected load open or Reason:PD(pin 2) is either open
PD shut short. or shorted Troubleshooting:
2.Connecting pin stained. Correct open or
3.Wrong wiring. short circuit, restart output.
36 Encoder Fault 1.Motor encoder error. Reason:Encoder fault
Electromagnetic brake 2.Wrong wiring. Troubleshooting:Restart key
disconnects switch.
37 Motor Open 1.Motor phase is open. Reason:Motor phase, U,V,W
Motor stops working 2.Wrong wiring. detected open
Main contactor Troubleshooting:Check phase
disconnects and restart the key switch.
Electromagnetic brake
disconnects Throttle
Pump stops working
38 Main Contactor Welded 1.Main contactor tips are Reason:Main contactor keep
Motor stops working welded. too much connecting, capacitor
Main contactor 2. Motor phases U
voltage can’t discharge.
disconnects and V is disconnected or Troubleshooting:Restart the key
Electromagnetic brake open. switch
disconnects Throttle 3. An alternate voltage

invalid path is providing a current to

Brake capacitor( B+ connection

Pump stops working terminal)

39 Main Contactor Did Not 1.Main contactor does not Reason:When the main
Close close contactor is closed, capacitor
Motor stops working 2. Contactor contacts
voltage does not charge B+
Main contactor have oxidized, melted, or voltage.
disconnects connection status is Troubleshooting:Check the
Electromagnetic brake unstable. contactor, restart the key
disconnects Throttle 3.External load on the switch.
4.Fuse protector disconnects.
Pump stops working
41 Throttle Wiper High 1. Throttle pot wiper voltage Reason: Throttle pot wiper(pin
Throttle invalid too high 16) voltage is higher than the
high fault threshold(can be
with the VCL function

Programmer Deep fault

Code display Probable fault reason
Fault display
Troubleshooting: Reduce
the throttle pot wiper
4 Throttle Wiper Low 1. Throttle pot wiper voltage too Reason: Throttle pot
2 Throttle invalid low wiper(pin 16) voltage is
lower than the low fault
threshold(can be changed
with the VCL function
Troubleshooting: Raise the
throttle pot wiper voltage
4 Pot 2 Wiper High 1. Pot 2 wiper voltage too high Reason:Pot 2 wiper(pin 17)
3 Full brake voltage is higher than the
high fault threshold(can be
changed with the VCL
function setup_pot_faults())
Troubleshooting: Reduce
the pot
wiper voltage
4 Pot2 Wiper Low 1. Pot 2 wiper voltage too low. Reason: Pot 2 wiper(pin 17)
4 Full brake voltage is lower than the low
fault threshold(can be
changed with the VCL
function setup_pot_faults())
the pot
wiper voltage
4 Pot Low Overcurrent 1. Potentiometer impedance is Reason: Pot low end (pin
5 Throttle 18) exceeds 10mA.
too low.
invalid Full Troubleshooting: Reduce
low end
current, restart the key

4 EEPROM Failure 1. Error writing to the EEPROM. Reason:Controller system

6 Motor stops It may be caused by VCL writing tries to write into EEPROM
Main contractor to EEPROM, or CANBUS, or but failed.
stops. EM brake incorrect parameter editing. Troubleshooting:Download
stops Throttle correct software(OS), set
stops Interlock correct parameter, and then

stops Driver1-4 restart the key switch.

PD stops
4 HPD/Sequencing Fault 1. Wrong sequence setting Reason:The wrong input of
7 Throttle invalid of key start, interlock, direction key start, interlock, direction
and throttle input sequence and throttle cause HPD and
setting. sequencing fault.
2. Wiring, switch key, interlock,

Programmer display Deep fault

Code Probable fault reason
Fault display reason/troubleshooting
direction or throttle input fault. Troubleshooting : Re-input
according to correct sequence.
47 Emer Rev HPD 1. Emer Rev already finished, Reason:After Emer Rev
Throttle invalid but the throttle, forward or finishes, each input does not
reverse input and interlock do return to neutral, that cause the
not return to neutral. fault.
Troubleshooting : Re-input
according to correct sequence.
49 Parameter Change Fault 1. In order to protect truck Reason:Parameter change
Motor stops working safety, change of certain needs restart of the key switch.
Main contractor stops special parameter is only valid Troubleshooting:Restart the
working EM brake stops after restart the key switch. key switch
working Throttle invalid
Pump stops working
52 TH PDO 1. Communication failures. Handle damaged or poor
Timeout contact communication circuit。
Motor stops
Pump stops
Handle control button all
68 VCL RunTime Error 1. VCL runtime. Reason:VCL runtime error.
Motor stops Troubleshooting:Edit VCL
Main contactor software and correct, check
stops EM brake new software to make correct
stops parameter matching; restart

Accelerator the

stops Interlock key switch.

stops Driver 1-4

Pump stops

69 External Supply Out of 1. External load on 5V Reason:Upper limit of external

and 12V supplies too high or power supply(total current:
too low. 5V(pin 26) and 12V(pin 25) is
2. Parameter error in the defined by External Supply Max
Checking Menu, like and lower limit is defined by
“ExtSupply Max”,,“Ext Supply External Supply Min
Min” Troubleshooting:Adjust external
71 OS General 1. Inner controller invalid. Reason:Inner controller invalid.
Motor stops Troubleshooting:Restart the
Main contactor key switch.
stops EM brake
stops Interlock

Programmer display Deep fault

Code Probable fault reason
Fault display reason/troubleshooting
Driver 1-4
stop PD
stops Brake
Pump stops
72 PDO Timeout 1. Time between CAN PDO Reason:Time between CAN
Interlock stops messages received exceeds PDO messages received
CAN NMT State PDO Timeout Period exceeds PDO Timeout Period
set to Troubleshooting:Restart the key
Preoperational switch, or accept CAN NMT
73 Stall Detected 1.Motor is stalled. Reason:No motor encoder is
EM brake stops 2.Motor encoder fault. detected.
Switch the control mode 3.Wiring damaged. Troubleshooting:Throttle
to LOS(Limited 4. Problem with power Command=0,Motor RPM=0
operation status) supply for motor encoder. Restart the key switch, or
detect the effective signal of
motor encoder in LOS mode,
and set the parameter to
Command=0,Motor RPM=0.

87 Motor Characterization 1. Refer to the following code Reason: Motor matching

Fault during motor matching: process failure.
Motor stops 0=Normal Troubleshooting:Correct the
Main contactor fault and restart the key switch.
1= Controller receives encoder
stops EM brake
signal, but pulse value not
defined. Set pulse value manually
2= Motor temperature sensor
stops Brake
Pump stops
3= Motor high temperature
cutback failure
4= Motor overtemp cutback
failure 5= Motor low temperature
cutback failure
6= Low voltage cutback failure
7= High pressure cutback f
failure 8= Controller can’t detect
encoder signal and passage
signal disappears.
9= Motor parameter setting
exceeds the scope.
89 Motor Type Fault 1. Motor type parameter Reason:Motor Type parameter
values exceed the range setting value is an illegal value.
Troubleshooting:Reset and

Programmer Deep fault

Code display Probable fault reason
Fault display
restart the key switch.
9 VCl/OS Mismatch 1. The controller VCL does Reason:The controller VCL
1 Motor stops does not match OS.
not match OS.
Main contactor Troubleshooting:Update new
stops EM brake VCL and OS.
stops Interlock
1-4 output
stops PD
Pump stops
9 EM Brake Failed 1. Truck continues to Reason:After EM brake
2 locks, the truck still moves.
to Set EM Brake move after the EM brake has
failure Throttle been commanded to set Troubleshooting:Check if the
invalid 2.Small EM braking force. throttle works normal.

9 Encoder LOS (Limited 1. LOS activated due Reason:LOS activated due to

3 motor installing or encoder
Operating Strategy) to motor installing or
encoder fault. fault. Troubleshooting:
2.Wrong wiring. Restart the key switch,if it is
3.Truck is stalled caused by motor installing,
make sure encoder work
under normal condition,
Throttle Command=0,Motor
9 Emer Rev 1. Emer Rev timeout Reason:Emer Rev function
4 activated to operate until
Timeout EM activated due to EMR
Brake failure Timer overdue Emer Rev timing end.
Throttle invalid 2. Emer Rev switch is Troubleshooting:Check Emer

always at ON position. Rev switch.


9 Illegal Model Number 1. Controller model Reason:Controller model

8 Motor stops can’t be identified
can’t be identified.
Main contactor 2. Software and Troubleshooting:Choose
stops EM brake hardware do not match. correct controller, and
stops Throttle 3.Controller damage. download correct controller

stops software.

Pump stops
9 Dualmotor Parameter Enable parameter of Reason:When the dual
9 Mismatch drive software enabled,
dualmotor is set as ON, and
Close main control mode should set as
control mode selecting
contactor Close 0(Speed Mode Express) or
parameter not set as 0
EM brake Close 1(Speed Mode), otherwise
(Speed Mode Express) or 1
accelerator (Speed Mode) there will be fault.
Brake and close the pump Troubleshooting:Adjust to
value and switch KSI.

80.6.3 Steering controller diagnosis and troubleshooting

Steering controller is capable of detecting faults of various kinds of cases.As shown in
troubleshooting table, steering controller failure usually affect the traction controller.

You can get controller fault information in two ways:

① through the instrument display on two two fault code to obtain the fault information (the first two
fault code for walking controller, the second two fault code for steering controller);

②by reading the display of information on the handheld programmer.

Handheld programmer will be cleared after shows that since the last time to now all the history of
the fault information.The programmer shows wrong name.

For example, the Command Analog1 Out of Range (41) code.

In the handheld programmer error menu will display the word "Command Analog1 Out of
Range".Actual voltage according to the monitor menu (the Command Input » Analog Input » Analog
to 1).

80.6.4 Steering controller fault code table

Code display Probable fault reason
Fault display
23 Motor Polarity Fault
Steering 1. Steering motor is the cathode.
stops Drive 2. The encoder phase sequence counter.
36 Motor Stalled 1.Steering system resistance is
too large. 2.To meet the
stops Drive
mechanical limit.
3.The median detection switch failure.
37 Motor Open
Steering 1.Steering motor cable connector contact is
stops Drive not good. 2.The steering motor carbon
stops brush poor contact.

41 Command Analog1 Out Of

Range 1.Direction Angle sensor connection line
Steering open circuit 2.Direction Angle sensor is
stops Drive
42 Command Analog2out Of Range
Steering 1.Direction Angle sensor connection line open
stops Drive circuit. 2.Direction Angle sensor is damaged.
47 Encoder Fault 1.The encoder connection line
open circuit. 2.To encoder
stops Drive
3.To damage of the encoder.
53 Home Position Not Found
Steering 1.Home switch in the distance detection
stops Drive distance too far. 2.The damage of a switch
73 Following Error
Steering 1.Steering resistance is too
stops Drive large. 2.The steering motor
stops fault.

Attachment:Table for bolt’s tightening torque

Unité: N·m
4.6 5.6 6.6 8.8

6 4~5 5~7 6~8 9~12

8 10~12 12~15 14~18 22~29

10 20~25 25~31 29~39 44~58

12 35~44 44~54 49~64 76~107

14 54~69 69~88 83~98 121~162

16 88~108 108~13 127~15 189~252

7 7
18 118~147 147~18 176~21 260~347
6 6
20 167~20 206~26 245~31 369~492
6 5 4
22 225~28 284~34 343~43 502~669
4 3 1
24 294~37 370~44 441~53 638~850
0 1 9
27 441~51 539~68 637~78 933~124
9 6 4 4
Note:·Use entirely 8.8 grade bolt in the important joint position.

·Bolt’s grade can be found in the head of the bolt, if it can’t be found, the grade is 8.8.

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