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After have read the article about sunscreen I have learned a few things that I did not know.

I honestly
never knew that sun screen had an expiration date. I do not use it because I have yet to find one that I
will not break out with, but my children hate it when we go outside and I lather it all over them. They
get mad especially when I put it in their hair. Also I have never understood what the difference in the
SPF was. SPF is just how much of the suns rays it blocks out. So from reading the article it seams that an
SPF 30 is actually just about the same as an SPF 50. You still need to apply it every few hours and
anytime you were sweating a lot or in the water. Even though it may say it is water proof you still need
to reapply it. Why you may as because I know I have before. Just because it says its water proof does not
mean it is all still on your skin. The water weakens the protection sunscreen has on your skin. This article
relates to the integumentary system in many different ways. The way it relates the most is that the skin
is our largest organ and it is there to protect every organ, bone, and joint in our body. With out taking
proper care of our skin we are putting our insides at risk of damage.

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