Eapp Q2

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Is a document that describes the process, progress, and results of technical or scientific


- Scientific Report

A type of questionnaire that requires choosing a response from different choices.

- Multiple Choice Questionnaires

A writer bases his or her thesis on,

- Premise

This section provides explanation of data gathering , interpretation of data and processes
the survey.

- Method

In writing a position paper, how would you ensure validity of your claims?

- use evidences and facts.

An adjective clause that is not essential to the noun it describes,

- non-restrictive clause

A statement regarding the expected findings of the research.

- Hypothesis Statement

A type of questionnaire that requires free responses.

- Text Open-ended

Should be avoided in formulating questions.

- Biases

A position paper is also called,

- point of view paper

Provides explanation of why the research topic is significant.

- Introduction

Consist of structured questions to be answered by the respondents.

- Survey Questionnaires
The important concepts of a position paper should have,

- a premise and thesis

Lists all articles or books cited in your report.

- Literature Cited

Provides explanation of data gathering , interpretation of data and processes of the survey.

- Method

Self- evident truth should be avoided in presenting your position.

- True

First person is allowed in writing a position paper if,

- you include anecdote from your own experience.

Presents the findings of the research.

- Conclusions

Is a planned, organized, factual presentation of information prepared for a specific purpose

and for a specific audience.

- Report

Using the second person implies that ,

- your reader has become either the target or the accomplice of the writer.

A writer bases his or her thesis on,

- premise

Providing a strong claim on your position paper also needs to acknowledge,

- the opposing points.

An adjective clause that is not essential to the noun it describes,

- non-restrictive clause

A statement regarding the expected findings of the research.

- Hypothesis Statement

First person is allowed in writing a position paper if,

- you include anecdote from your own experience.

A statement regarding the expected findings of the research.

- Hypothesis Statement

Be consistent in the use of tense throughout a paragraph--do not switch between past and

- True

Presents the findings of the research.

- Conclusions

An adjective clause that is not essential to the noun it describes,

- non-restrictive clause

Which among the list is included in the introduction of a concept paper?

- purpose statement

Presents the summary of the study.

- Conclusions/ Implications

Presents basic findings.

- Results/ Findings of the Study

Abstract does not outline the methods you used in your objectives.

- False

Presents the implication of the study.

- Conclusions/ Implications

Mayor Sadiq Khan attended a church service near the building "to remember" victims of the

- Object

A writer bases his or her thesis on,

- Premise

Abstract should draw conclusions about the implications of your project.

- True
The purpose of a position paper is to ,

- convince the reader to accept your claim.

An abstract describes the content and scope of the project and identifies the project's
objective, its methodology and its findings, but no conclusions, or intended results.

- False

Similar to a term paper and that it presents a broader topic and requires more sources.

- Research Paper

How does the concept paper use in the field of research?

- a guide for the implementation of the program or full proposal

Consist of structured questions to be answered by the respondents.

- Survey Questionnaires

Using the second person implies that ,

- your reader has become either the target or the accomplice of the writer.

Provides description of the participants.

- Method

Is a planned, organized, factual presentation of information prepared for a specific purpose

and for a specific audience.

- Report

Provides explanation of why the research topic is significant.

- Introduction

In writing a concept paper,why is there a need to state the problem and the goal of the

- to develop potential solutions or investigations into project ideas

It presents data such as tables, figures and graphs.

- Results/Discussion

Is a document that describes the process, progress, and results of technical or scientific

- Scientific Report
Describes the participants, the method used in getting the results.

- Methods

First person is allowed in writing a position paper if,

- you include anecdote from your own experience.

Numbers should be spelled out when they begin a sentence.

- True

A type of questionnaire that requires choosing a response from different choices.

- Multiple Choice Questionnaires

Provides statistical significance level, effect size.

- Results/ Findings of the Study

Includes supporting documentation like statistical data, facts, historical data or ongoing
issues surrounding the problem.

- Rationale

Presents the summary of the implication of the study.

- Conclusion

Objections to your positiong.

- Counterclaims

It presents the summary of the data from the experiments and discussions of their

- Results/Discussion

It presents the literature review.

- Introduction

The deadly fire at the Grenfel Tower has led "to growing public anger".

- object of the preposition

Self- evident truth should be avoided in presenting your position.

- True
Alphabetical listing of all works cited by the last names of the authors.

- Literature Cited

The Results section should convince readers that the project is interesting, valuable, and
worth investigating further.

- False

Abstract should state the main objective and rationale of your project.

- True

"To trace" the missing people is the mayor's concern in helping the victim's families.

- Subject

Avoid using the pronoun in third person.

- False

Providing a strong claim on your position paper also needs to acknowledge,

- the opposing points.

A personal response and evaluation of what you read or watch

- Critique Paper

Includes the timeline of the project.

- Project description

The method section of the abstract should explain how you went about solving the problem
or exploring the issue you identified as your main objective.

- True

It presents the research focus and the purpose.

- Statement of the problem

An explanation on how you will measure success of your project.

- Evaluation

It seeks to answer what is the problem about.

- Statement of the Problem

Goals and objectives of the project.

- Project description

The musician's way of helping the victims is fund "raising".

- Complement

Presents answers if the study close the gap in step 1.

- Conclusions/ Implications

Lists of all articles or books cited in your report.

- Literature Cited

An adjective clause that gives essential information about the noun is,

- restrictive clause

Pronoun "I" is not used in scientific writing.

- True

A brief summary of a research article.

- Abstract

A type of abstract that highlight essential points.

- Informational Abstracts

A brief overview of your paper

- Abstract Paper

The abstract should close with a statement of the project's implications and contributions to
its field.

- True

A type of abstract written under 100 words.

- Descriptive Abstracts

States the resources neededto carry out the project.

- Budget

Presents the processes in getting the results.

- other's opinions
List of sources on the research topic.

- Bibliography

Is a document that describes the process, progress, and results of technical or scientific

- Scientific Report

A type of questionnaire that requires choosing a response from different choices.

- Multiple Choice Questionnaires

A writer bases his or her thesis on,

- Premise

This section provides explanation of data gathering , interpretation of data and processes
the survey.

- Method

In writing a position paper, how would you ensure validity of your claims?

- use evidences and facts.

An adjective clause that is not essential to the noun it describes,

- non-restrictive clause

A statement regarding the expected findings of the research.

- Hypothesis Statement

A type of questionnaire that requires free responses.

- Text Open-ended

Should be avoided in formulating questions.

- Biases

A position paper is also called,

- point of view paper

Consist of structured questions to be answered by the respondents.

- Survey Questionnaires
The important concepts of a position paper should have,

- a premise and thesis

Lists all articles or books cited in your report.

- Literature Cited

Provides explanation of data gathering , interpretation of data and processes of the survey.

- Method

Self- evident truth should be avoided in presenting your position.

- True

First person is allowed in writing a position paper if,

- you include anecdote from your own experience.

Presents the findings of the research.

- Conclusions

Is a planned, organized, factual presentation of information prepared for a specific purpose

and for a specific audience.

- Report

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