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Electrical resistivity tomography along the Himalayan Frontal Thrust in the

northwestern Frontal Himalaya for active tectonics studies

Article  in  Modeling Earth Systems and Environment · December 2019

DOI: 10.1007/s40808-019-00604-z


2 425

5 authors, including:

G. Philip N. Suresh
Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology


Medha Singh Rekha Yadav

Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology


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Modeling Earth Systems and Environment


Electrical resistivity tomography along the Himalayan Frontal Thrust

in the northwestern Frontal Himalaya for active tectonics studies
Gautam Rawat1   · G. Philip1 · N. Suresh1 · Medha1 · Rekha Yadav1

Received: 27 December 2018 / Accepted: 6 May 2019

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

Dependence of ground resistivity upon mineral content, porosity, degree of water saturation in the rock and fluid content
makes it ideal for imaging and understanding the subsurface. Results of resistivity imaging, used for active tectonics studies
at Kala Amb region in the northwestern Frontal Himalaya are discussed. Study area is selected across the exposed section of
the Himalayan Frontal Thrust based on a previous trench excavation survey. An electrical resistivity tomography 2D profile
survey is conducted along two lines in Kala Amb region. The lines are selected with the primary objective of extending the
features identified in the trench section into the subsurface. The study found to be helpful in understanding the efficacy of
this method for the recognition and geometrical characterisation of faults across morphotectonic scarps or fault traces in a
region which experienced late Quaternary tectonic activity. The inverted resistivity model has lateral and vertical resistivity
variations according to different depositional units in the area. The presence of a north dipping fault at 54-m distance from
zero electrode position towards south clearly distinguishes two separate lithological units. The liquefaction feature identi-
fied on the trench wall section which is also inferred from the resistivity section appears to be originated from greater depth.
Similarity of resistivity features and spatial distance of two profiles allow us to interpret the lateral continuity of subsurface
features and to identify the thickness of Quaternary deposit over river bed level.

Keywords  Electrical resistivity tomography · Active tectonics · HFT · Kala Amb

Introduction such as electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), ground-

penetrating radar (GPR) and seismic tomography (ST) can
One of the aspects of active tectonic studies in a seismo- be employed in these studies. ERT technique basically pro-
genic region is to identify and to characterize major active vides resistivity distribution of subsurface (Dahlin 2001).
faults. In doing so primary emphasis is made on geometri- These noninvasive techniques can provide more information
cal, kinematical, and chronological parameters of the mor- regarding extension of surface features as compared to the
pho-structural features, if any, on the surface or in a trench information obtained from the deep trench excavation. Resis-
(Caputo et al. 2003). Near surface geophysical imaging tivity of the subsurface depends upon the lithology, mineral
can add another dimension to our understanding towards content, porosity, degree of water saturation in the rock, fluid
the analysis of seismic hazard assessment of the region. It content, permeability and clay content. Wide variations of
can also offer reasonable information about the lithology resistivity in different lithological units make ERT technique
in terms of their physical properties. Different techniques ideal for imaging and understanding the subsurface for a
wide range of applications (Li et al. 2015; Marescot et al.
* Gautam Rawat 2003, 2008; Szokoli et al. 2017, etc.). We present here the result of an ERT survey which is carried out in Kala Amb
G. Philip region of northwestern Frontal Himalaya. In the survey area a trench was earlier excavated for active tectonic studies and
N. Suresh significant neotectonic observations have also been reported (Philip et al. 2012). The purpose of the present survey is
to evaluate and validate the efficacy of ERT investigations
Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, 33 GMS Road,
Dehradun, Uttarakhand 248001, India

Modeling Earth Systems and Environment

towards the recognition and geometrical characterisation of units, from A (oldest) to H (youngest) (Fig. 3). The units are
fault traces. comprised of sub-angular to angular, pebble to boulder clasts
and are matrix to clasts supported. The hand-log (Fig. 3) of
the trench wall has helped reconstruction of the litho-strati-
Study area graphic succession of the deposits, which mainly consist of
clastic deposits of fluvial origin (Quaternary alluvium) over-
The study area is located in the vicinity of the Himalayan lying the Middle Siwaliks (Tertiary rocks). Compositionally
Frontal Thrust (HFT) at Singhauli village near Kala Amb the clasts consist of gray and pink sandstone indicating its
located in the northwestern Frontal Himalaya (Fig. 1). In this derivation from the Tertiary mountain ranges. The thickness
region, the general strike of HFT is NW–SE. North of the of the individual sedimentary sub-litho-units ranges between
HFT, the Siwalik foreland basin exists whereas the southern 20 cm and more than 2 m. Three parallel to sub-parallel thrust
side of HFT is the piedmont zone and widely known as the faults (Fault 0, I and II) within the HFT zone are clearly iden-
Indo-Ganga Alluvial Plain (IGAP). At this place, Middle tified and marked within the exposed section of the trench.
Siwalik Tertiary rocks are thrusted over the IGAP. Siwalik Along Fault I, the Middle Siwalik sandstone has thrusted over
sediments consist of sandstone and mudstone, whereas the their counterpart in the Quaternary alluvial deposits. The
alluvium is deposited by various streams emerging from the thrust Fault I is, therefore, the southern boundary of Siwalik
Siwalik and is commingled of unconsolidated gravels, sand sandstone. The trench log also shows prominent upward sand
and mud in the piedmont zone. The presence of discontinu- injection of fine-grained silty clay, gravel matrix with differ-
ous fault scarps in the region indicates active deformation ent pebbles of shape and size and sandy clay material. Further
along the HFT. the Quaternary deposits consist of clayey sand, loamy sand,
large-sized boulders, pebbles are observed in the trench section
About the earlier trench excavation toward south of Fault II (Philip et al. 2012).

For paleoseismological studies, a trench (32 × 4 × 8 m) was Methodology

excavated in the year 2010 along the left bank in Singhauli
Nala which exits to the IGAP at Singhauli village (Fig. 2). The Data acquisition
Singhauli Nala is mainly a monsoonal stream and as reported,
three different levels of terrace are observed around the stream. DC resistivity method conventionally requires four electrodes.
The detailed geology of the area and findings of the trench Two electrodes termed as current electrodes and are used for
excavation survey are already reported (Philip et al. 2012). current injection and remaining two electrodes known as the
Based on variations of color, matrix, size, and the distribution potential electrodes, are used for the measurement of resulting
of the clasts, it was possible to distinguish individual sedimen- potential differences.
tary units within the excavated section. Besides the Middle
Siwalik sandstone, the lithological units composed of boul- 𝜌a = G , (1)
ders, pebbles, gravels, sand and mud units, which are divided
into seven separate principal sedimentary sub-lithological

Fig. 1  a Satellite image (SRTM) showing the location of the study area. b Geological map showing major lithological and structural features of
the Frontal Himalaya around Kala Amb (Srivastava et al. 1981; Philip et al. 2012)

Modeling Earth Systems and Environment

Fig. 2  a Landform map of the area around the ERT survey carried Siwaliks and Quaternary alluvium (Qt) are also mapped. b Goog-
out at Singhauli. The rectangle (dotted line in black) shows cor- leEarth image showing the array of electrodes along Singhauli Nala
responding area in figure b. Different levels of terraces (T1–T3), (line A) and on the fluvial terrace T2 (line B). The probable trace of
abandoned course (Ac) of Singhauli Nala (shown in dotted arrows), the Himalayan Frontal Trust (HFT) in concurrence with the ERT sur-
Active landslide (As), Denudo-structural hills (DsH) of the Middle vey is also marked on the image

Fig. 3  Trench log of the left bank of Singhauli Nala near Kala Amb in the trench log indicate the activities of the HFT. The large-sized
showing repeated reactivation of the HFT in the frontal area. The dif- induced liquefaction feature (Unit-J) and the deformed and dismem-
ferent litho-units (A–B) are individually identified based on the clast bered units are also observable in the trench log (Philip et al. 2012)
and matrix type and distribution. Three distinct faults recognisable

where V is the potential difference in mV, I is the current electrode configuration. Thus, using ERT system, data col-
intensity in mA and G is the geometrical factor that depend lection for many electrode configurations with optimized
on the electrode geometry. Conventional resistivity surveys array parameters can be achieved. In the present study, we
with four electrodes require change of electrode position and have used ARES II 10 channel ERT system with 48 elec-
distance between the electrodes manually as per the prede- trodes. The ERT 2D profile survey is conducted along two
termined configuration of electrode array. parallel profiles which also aligned parallel to the earlier
Development of microprocessor-based multichannel excavated trench. The first ERT profile, line A, is along
electrical resistivity system conveniently allows fast and the river bed and very close and parallel to the trench
accurate measurements using multiple electrodes (Dahlin excavated in the year 2010 (Fig. 2). We have deployed
2001). Programming interface in data logger or control- 48 electrodes with 4-m electrode spacing to delineate the
ler help setup of measurement parameters of selected subsurface extension of prominent features such as thrust,

Modeling Earth Systems and Environment

liquefaction feature exposed in the trench. The second line 12 data level for WS configuration. The minimum geo-
‘B’ is selected on the Singhauli Nala’s terrace toward NW metric factor used is 25.1 and maximum geometric factor
of river bed profile (Fig. 2). The objective of this line is is 645.1. For profile B, there are total 529 datum points
to obtain information about the lateral continuation of the and 23 data levels. The minimum geometric factor is 25.1
geological features as identified in line A, with a possibil- and maximum geometric factor used is 1372.2 for WS
ity of estimating thickness of the fluvial terrace deposits. electrode array. Figure 4 illustrates the pseudosection of
Different ERT arrays have different imaging resolution and measured and calculated apparent resistivity along line A
sensitivity. Wenner Schlumberger (WS) and Wenner (WN) and line B for WS configuration.
configurations are less affected with noise as compared Visualization of measured apparent resistivity (top sec-
to other configurations (Dahlin and Zhou 2004) and have tions) in Figs. 4 and 5 indicates the quality of data. No
similar resolution. Berge (2014) has shown the effective- outlier values are present in the measured resistance data
ness of imaging using WS and WN electrode configura- which are clearly observed in smooth variation of meas-
tion in paleoseismological studies in Izmir bay, Turkey. ured apparent resistivity. The measured apparent resistiv-
We have also selected WS and WN configuration for both ity pseudosection primarily indicates three zones of resis-
the profiles. For profile A, 389 measurements made with tivity variations.

Fig. 4  Measured (top) and calculated (bottom) apparent resistivity pseudosection along line A (on the riverbed)

Fig. 5  Measured (top) and calculated (bottom) apparent resistivity pseudosection along line B (on the terrace)

Modeling Earth Systems and Environment

Data processing lines show approximately near similar resistivity variations

except difference in their respective depth level. From north
The processing of the data is performed using Res2Dinv to south, three distinguished zones of different resistivity
software (Loke and Barker 1996) from M/s Geotomosoft (A, B and C) values can be identified in the inverted section
software. Apparent resistivity values are inverted for 2D of both ERT lines. The variability of litho-facies suggests
resistivity section. Uniform half space of resistivity equal the possibility of resistivity variation across already identi-
to average of observed apparent resistivity is used as initial fied thrust faults. Observing the litho-section as shown in
model. Inversion parameters are optimized by performing Fig. 3, the identification of thrust faults can be carried out
number of inversions by changing different parameters. based on resistivity contrast. The resistivity zone marked
Iterative incomplete Gauss–Newton method is used to solve as C (Fig. 6) is a sub-vertical feature emerging from depth.
the least square equations of inversion scheme. Smoothness The width of this feature is nearly same as in the ERT line
constraints are applied on model resistivity values as well as B (Fig. 6b) and is horizontal at the top of zone A, whereas
on model perturbation vectors. This method thereby attempts in the ERT line A, this feature emerges from depth, with
to fit observed and calculated data in iterative manner. some lateral extension mostly toward southward thereafter
The final inversion is achieved in fourth iterations with trending sub-vertically to the surface, at 52–64 m distance
3.8 as absolute error of convergence. The inverted resistivity as marked along the profile (Fig. 6a). The sub-vertical emer-
model has lateral and vertical resistivity variations according gence of this feature to the surface is considered to be the
to lateral and vertical extent of different depositional litho- lithological boundary between the piedmont deposit (Qua-
logical units in the area (Fig. 3). The RMS error achieved ternary) in the south and the Siwalik (Tertiary) sandstone in
for Singhauli Nala (line A) is 3.8 and for resistivity profile the north. As per the resistivity section image, a fault plane
(line B) on the fluvial terrace, NW of Singhauli Nala is 1.91. is interpreted north of this emergence (marked with dashed
white line). This fault as interpreted in the resistivity sec-
tion also coincides with the Fault I marked on the trench log
Results and discussion (Fig. 3). Sub-vertical emergent feature also coincides with
the liquefaction feature observed in the trench log. The fea-
The inverted resistivity model for both the profiles has ture considered as the liquefaction, shows a resistivity in the
lateral and vertical resistivity variations which are reason- range of 50–80 Ω-m probably because of the moist sand. The
ably comparable to lateral and vertical extent of different zone toward north of this fault plane, where Siwalik sand-
depositional units in the area. From Fig. 6, both the ERT stones exposed, is highly fractured/sheared and coincides

Fig. 6  Resistivity sections obtained after inversion of ERT line car- log is aligned with resistivity section at a. The major three units as
ried out a along Singhauli Nala (River bed) site and b or fluvial ter- per the contrasting resistivity are A and C. D is inferred as liquefac-
race situated NW of Singhauli Nala and sub-parallel to line A. Trench tion

Modeling Earth Systems and Environment

with the HFT. It is suggested that the resistivity of this zone Space Application Centre, Ahmedabad and the Wadia Institute of Him-
is comparatively low owing to the presence of water filled alayan Geology, Dehradun for their continuous support and encourage-
ment for carrying out the study.
up in the secondary pore space of these fractured rocks as
compared to the dry sandstone. To the south of the fault
plane the Quaternary deposits, marked as ‘B’ in the pied-
mont zone are also inferred. Quaternary sediments belong
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unit as a different resistivity zone and vertical displacements tocene and Holocene large magnitude earthquakes along Hima-
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will surely serve as guiding reference towards planning and Geophys. https​://​8-017-0199-3
finalizing a site for paleoseismological studies where trench Publisher’s Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to
excavation is as integral component of the study. jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.

Acknowledgements  The authors are grateful to the Chairman, ISRO

for sponsoring the study under the collaborative programme between
WIHG and ISRO-SAC. We are also grateful to the Directors of the


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