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Unitate de înv.: Colegiul Tehnic „Costin D.

Nenițescu” Pitești
Disciplina: Limba engleză
Profesor: Vintila Ovidiu
Clasa: a IX-a (L2 – 2 ore/săptămână)
Profil: Tehnic
Filiera: Tehnologică
Manual: English My Love, editura EDP
Anul școlar: 2022-2023
Conf. OM 3411/16.03.2009


Conținuturi Competențe Activități de învățare Resurse Evaluare

(detalieri) specifice
No. of classes: 10
Vocabulary: At the Airport 1.1 -ask students: “Do you like to travel?”, “Have you Flashcards Systematic observation
Function: giving and requesting 1.4 travelled recently?”, “How do you like to travel?” Worksheets Homework
information; expressing an opinion; 3.1 -ask them what they know about airports and Dictionary Project – describing places
describing places 3.2 travelling by plane Pictures Formative evaluation
Grammar: present tenses; adverbs of 4.3 -using the picture on page 6, reorder the sentences Textbook
frequency; stative verbs; adverbs of time from ex. II.1/p6 in order to show what passengers do Individual work
in an airport before boarding a plane Group work
-discuss the unknown words/expressions
-solve ex.V/p8 – match the tickets in the pictures
with the sentences
Vocabulary: Around London 1.1 -write on the blackboard the names of the sights in Flashcards Systematic observation
Function: giving and requesting 1.3 London and ask students to match them with the Worksheets Homework
information; expressing an opinion; 3.2 pictures from their textbook (p. 9-10) Dictionary Formative evaluation
comparing past and present actionc 4.2 -ask what do all those places have in common and if Pictures
Grammar: present tenses; adverbs of 4.3 they can guess the topic of the lesson Textbook
frequency; stative verbs; adverbs of time; -students read the texts on pages 9-10 to check their Individual work
past tenses predictions about the sights Group work
-tell students to identify the unknown words, write
them on the blackboard and in groups of 4-5 students
try to understand the meaning of the word from
context and explain/translate them
-make up sentences of their own using the new words
from the texts
Type of interaction: Student-teacher, teacher-students,
-Homework: ex.3/p11
Vocabulary: The Tower of London - give students some sentences in the present tense, Flashcards Systematic observation
Function: giving and requesting 1.1 past tense and present perfect tense Worksheets Homework
information; expressing an opinion; 1.3 -ask what differences they can see and if they can Dictionary Formative evaluation
talking about past and present actions 3.2 recognize any of the tenses Pictures
Grammar: past tensess; adverbs of 4.3 -by looking at the examples, ask students to say how Textbook
frequency; stative verbs; adverbs of time the tenses are formed Individual work
-discuss the other aspects of the tenses: general rules, Group work
adverbs etc.
-in pairs solve ex III/p11
-ask what the words in bold mean and what their role
-discuss question tags
Type of interaction: Student-teacher, teacher-students,
-Homework: exercise II page 11
Vocabulary: A Day In London 1.1 -tell students to imagine that they are travelling to Flashcards Systematic observation
Function: giving and requesting 1.3 London as part of a school exchange link. Om the Worksheets Homework
information; expressing an opinion; 2.1 plane they are doing a quiz on London. Students Dictionary Formative evaluation
talking about past and present actions 3.2 answer the questions from ex.I/p18 (in groups of Pictures
Grammar: past tensess; adverbs of 4.2 four) Textbook
frequency; stative verbs; adverbs of time 4.3 -students get one point for every roght answer. The Individual work
team that has the most points wins Group work
-solve ex.II/p18 – use the right tense to find out what
Dan wrote to one of his friends
-practice writing wh-questions, Yes/No questions and
question tags by solving ex.IV/p19
Type of interaction: Student-teacher, teacher-students,
-Homework: exVII/p20
No. of classes: 8
Vocabulary: Escape routine 1.2 -write the word “hobbies” on the blackboard and the Flashcards Systematic observation
Function: giving and requesting personal 2.1 students think of some possible hobbies Worksheets Homework
information; expressing an opinion; 2.2 -students answer the following questions: “Do you Dictionary Formative evaluation
talking about past actions; expressing 3.1 have a hobby?”, “What is it?”,”Do you know anyone Pictures
preferences; describing places, persons, 3.4 who has an unusual hobby?”, “What is it?” Textbook
events 4.1 -point to the pictures in the textbook and ask students Individual work
Grammar: past tenses; adverbs, used to + 4.2 to choose the right names for the hobbies shown in Group work
verb the pictures
-students tell their partners the things they like or
don’t like using the expressions from the language
-in groups of four, the students associate the hobbies
from exII.1/p21 with the ideas from the box at
ex.III.1/p22;then decide upon: the four most
attractive hobbies, the four most dangerous hobbies,
two advantages and two disadvantages of having a
hobby (using the language box)
-solve ex.IV/p22 – read the text about a hobbies
turned into a full-time job, and fill each gap with a
word from the table above the text
-ask students to read the paragraphs from ex.V.1/p23
and find phrases or sentences in each paragraph
which show why each person finds their hobby
-answer the questions from ex.V.2/p23

Type of interaction: Student-teacher, teacher-students,


-Homework: exVI/p23
Vocabulary: Hooken On ... 1.2 -ask students to read the excerpt from a newspaper Flashcards Systematic observation
Function: giving and requesting personal 2.1 article from ex.I.1/p24. They have to guess which Worksheets Homework
information; expressing an opinion; 2.2 hobby it refers to. The same word is needed to fill Dictionary Formative evaluation
talking about past actions; expressing 3.1 each space and there are several clues in the text Pictures Project – describing
preferences; describing places, persons, 3.4 -tell the students that one of the pictures from the Textbook persons and their
events exercise suggests the answer Individual work preferences
Grammar: past tenses; adverbs, used to + -ask students to look at the diagram from ex.III.1/p25 Group work
verb and explain the term of non-perfect synonyms
-tell students to look at the non-perfect synonyms in
the box next to the diagram and choose the right one
to complete the sentences from the exercise
-explain the term of “homographs”
-solve ex.II.2.b/p25

Type of interaction: Student-teacher, teacher-students,


-Homework: exercise III.3 page 26

Vocabulary: Collections and Collectors 1.2 -ask students if they collect anything and what, and if Flashcards Systematic observation
Function: giving and requesting personal 2.2 it was difficult to start Worksheets Homework
information; expressing an opinion; 3.1 -show flashcards with the items from exII(having the Dictionary Formative evaluation
talking about past actions; expressing 3.4 name of the object on the back) Pictures Project – describing
preferences; describing places, persons, 4.1 -in groups of five guess the names of the objects Textbook persons and their
events 4.2 -the group that has the most points wins Individual work preferences
Grammar: past tenses; adverbs, used to + -read the letter from page 27 and make a list of Group work
verb collections mentioned (pair work)
-solve ex.4b/p28 – fill in the gaps from the sentences
using the right word associations from the list

Type of interaction: Student-teacher, teacher-students,


-Homework: exercise III.2 page 28

exercise VI page 29

Vocabulary: Possessions/ Treasured 1.2 -bring a set of different objects(coins, books, Flashcards Systematic observation
Objects 2.1 watches…) and ask students to describe them Worksheets Homework
Function: giving and requesting personal 2.2 -tell students to look at the REMEMBER box for Dictionary Formative evaluation
information; expressing an opinion; 3.1 help Pictures
talking about past actions; expressing 3.4 -write the following table on the blackboard: Textbook
preferences; describing places, persons, 4.1 smooth rough soft hard Individual work
events 4.2 Group work
Grammar: past tenses; adverbs, used to + -write the nouns in the appropriate column
verb -solve ex.II.2/p31 – complete the sentence with an
appropriate adjective from ex.III.1/p31

Type of interaction: Student-teacher, teacher-students,


-Homework: exercise III.4 page 32

Group the words from exercise VI.3 page 35 under
the headings “positive” and “negative” (suggest using
1.2 a dictionary)
2.1 -ask students to read the titles from ex.I.1/p33. Then
2.2 read the article from ex.I.2/p33 and decide which title
3.1 would be more appropriate
3.4 -translate the sentences from ex.II/p33
4.1 -give students worksheets to practice the Simple Past
4.2 Perfect and the Past Perfect Continuous

-Type of interaction: Student-teacher, teacher-

students, student-student;

-Homework exercise I.3 page 33

Unit 3 MUSIC
No. of classes: 4
Vocabulary: Here Today, Gone tomorrow 1.1 -discuss the questions from ex.I/p39 Flashcards Systematic observation
Function: giving and requesting personal 1.3 -read the text from ex.II/p39 and answer the Worksheets Homework
information; expressing an opinion; 2.3 questions on the text Dictionary Formative evaluation
talking about future actions; expressing 3.3 -tell the students to look at the verbs in the text. Ask Pictures
personal point of view; describing places, 4.3 which ones express a future action and if they can Textbook
persons, events recognize the tenses Individual work
Grammar: future tenses; means of -discuss the tenses which express future actions Group work
expressing future; punctuation; intonation
Type of interaction: Student-teacher, teacher-students,
- give students worksheets on future tenses
-solve ex.VI/p41 – put the verbs in the correct form
-ask students to read the dialogue from ex.VII.1/p41,
then translate the dialogue

Type of interaction: Student-teacher, teacher-students,


-Homework: exercise VI.2 page 41- students have to

bring from home the operating instructions from
some similar device, read them in class and let the
others guess what it is.
-Homework exercise III page 40

Vocabulary: The History of Rock Music 1.1 -ask students if they can see any connection between Flashcards Systematic observation
Function: giving and requesting personal 1.3 music and clothes Worksheets Homework
information; expressing an opinion; 2.1 -discuss the fact that the clothes people wear can Dictionary Formative evaluation
talking about future actions; expressing 2.3 convey certain feelings and attitudes towards life. Pictures Project – describing a
personal point of view; describing places, 3.3 Ask them to give examples Textbook music star/type of music
persons, events 3.4 -explain the notion of “skimming”, then ask students Individual work
Grammar: future tenses; means of 4.3 to skim the text from ex.II.1/p42 and decide its main Group work
expressing future; punctuation; intonation purpose. Students have four variants to choose from.
-solve ex .III/p43 – scan the text and answer the
- ex.II.1/p46 – in groups read the magazine cuttings.
Every group reads an article, discusses its main
points with the members of the group and then the
group presenter tells the other groups about the
information in the article. The students take notes.

Type of interaction: Student-teacher, teacher-students,


-Homework: exercise IV.1 page 44

Unit 4 FOOD
No. of classes: 4
Vocabulary: Wayne’s Half the Man 1.3. - give students matching worksheets: “first of all Flashcards Systematic observation
Function: giving and requesting personal 3.1. DICE/ the carrots into small pieces.”, “When they are Worksheets Homework
information; expressing an opinion; 3.4. boiled Mash/ the potatoes with a mixer.”, “You must Dictionary Formative evaluation
expressing personal point of view; 4.3. not forget to BAKE/the bread in a heated oven.”, “At Pictures
describing places, persons, events the end you should GRATE/some cheese over the Textbook
Grammar: plural of nouns, irregular pasta.” Individual work
nouns, Genitive case -ask questions: “What do the sentences have in Group work
common?”’ “Can you guess what we are going to talk
about today?”
-ask students to look at the pictures from ex.I/p51 and
in pairs solve the tasks
-students read the title “Success Story: Wayne’s Half
the Man” and predict the main idea of the text
-students read the sentences from ex.II.1/p52 and
choose their predictions
-ask students to skim the text in order to find out the
main idea and check their predictions
-tell students to read the text out loud paying
attention to details
-students have to identify unknown words from the
text and try to explain them from context

Type of interaction: Student-teacher, teacher-

students, student-student;

Homework: exercise III.1 page 53

Vocabulary: It`s a Bargain! 1.2. - ask students what they know about healthy eating Flashcards Systematic observation
Function: giving and requesting personal 2.2. -discuss the main food groups Worksheets Homework
information; expressing an opinion; 2.3. -ask students to solve ex.III/p54 Dictionary Formative evaluation
expressing personal point of view; 3.1. -students solve ex.V.1/p55 while paying attention to Pictures Descriptive essay –
describing places, persons, events the useful language boxes. The dialogue will be acted Textbook traditionsl food
Grammar: plural of nouns, irregular out in class Individual work
nouns, Genitive case -solve ex.V.2/p55 – the students choose two topics Group work
from each column(pair work)
students read the text “Unpleasant Situation” and try
to answer the questions around the text
-ask students to what the most questions refer
-tell students to give the definition of the noun
-give students the main rules of forming the plural of
nouns and ask them to give examples

Type of interaction: Student-teacher, teacher-students,


Homework: exercise VI page 56

No. of classes: 8
Vocabulary: Images 1.1. -students look at the picture from page 66. They have Flashcards Systematic observation
Function: giving and requesting personal 2.1. to say what the girl’s face expresses. They can choose Worksheets Homework
information; expressing an opinion; 2.3. from: shyness, surprise, joy, embarrassment, Dictionary Formative evaluation
expressing personal point of view; 2.4. playfulness. They must explain their choice and give Pictures
describing places, persons, events 2.5. a title to the picture Textbook
Grammar: modal verbs, means of 4.1. -exercise II.1 page 66 in pairs, students read the text Individual work
expressing modality and try to guess the meaning of the words in italics Group work
then use them in sentences of their own
-the teacher asks students to look at the dictionary
definitions and find the missing words from the list

Type of interaction: Student-teacher, teacher-

students, student-student

Homework: exercise IV.2 page 67

Vocabulary: Moving Images 2.1. -some sentences containing genitive apostrophe, are Flashcards Systematic observation
Function: giving and requesting personal 2.3. written on the blackboard; Worksheets Homework
information; expressing an opinion; 2.4. -students are supposed to make the difference Dictionary Formative evaluation
expressing personal point of view; 2.5. between genitive apostrophe used in the sentences Pictures Project – describing a
describing places, persons, events written on the blackboard. (example: This is Emily’s Textbook film/ actor
Grammar: modal verbs, means of room. That is the boys’ room.) Individual work
expressing modality -the genitive apostrophe is explained to students. Group work
- students are supposed to give similar examples;
-in pairs students are supposed to rewrite some
sentences with the genitive apostrophe in the correct
-many students go to the blackboard.
Type of interaction: Student-teacher, teacher-students,
-homework: the students are given some sentences to
Vocabulary: Adjectives 2.3 -some sentences containing possessive adjectives are Flashcards Systematic observation
Function: giving and requesting personal 3.2 written on the blackboard Worksheets Homework
information; expressing an opinion; 4.2 -students are asked the following question: “How do Dictionary Formative evaluation
expressing personal point of view; you say these sentences in your language?” Pictures
describing places, persons, events Textbook
Grammar: possessive adjectives, order of -after some minutes of discussion the teacher tells the Individual work
adjectives students that these words are called possessive Group work
-all the possessive adjectives are written on the
-students are supposed to repeat the possessive
adjectives and give their own examples.
-students are supposed to solve exercise 5 from page
37. In turns they go to the blackboard.
Type of interaction: Student-teacher, teacher-students,

No. of classes: 6
Vocabulary: Adjectives 1.5 -some sentences containing possessive adjectives are Flashcards Systematic observation
Function: giving and requesting personal 2.3 written on the blackboard Worksheets Homework
information; expressing an opinion; 2.5 -students are asked the following question: “How do Dictionary Formative evaluation
talking about past actions; expressing 4.2 you say these sentences in your language?” Pictures
personal point of view; describing places, Textbook
persons, events -after some minutes of discussion the teacher tells the Individual work
Grammar: Adverbs, types of adverbs students that these words are called possessive Group work
-all the possessive adjectives are written on the
-students are supposed to repeat the possessive
adjectives and give their own examples.
-students are supposed to solve exercise 5 from page
37. In turns they go to the blackboard.
Type of interaction: Student-teacher, teacher-students,
Homework: Project about favourite clothing items
No. of classes: 8
Vocabulary: Ready, steady, go! 1.1 -the teacher asks the students: what sports do you Flashcards Systematic observation
Function: giving and requesting personal 2.1 enjoy practicing/watching?, Do you ever go in for Worksheets Homework
information; expressing an opinion; 2.3 competitions or championships?’ Do you know Dictionary Formative evaluation
talking about past actions; expressing 3.2 anyone who goes in for an unusual kind of sport? Pictures
personal point of view; describing places, 4.2 -students look at the list on page 111 and identify the Textbook
persons, events activities which they would regard as sports. Individual work
Grammar: Conditionals -discussion on persuading and making excuses Group work
-exercise IV page 112-fill each gap with the suitable
verb from the box

Type of interaction: Student-teacher, teacher-students,

Vocabulary: The Olympic Games 1.1. -the teacher and the students discuss the topic :the Flashcards Systematic observation
Function: giving and requesting personal 2.1. Olympic Games Worksheets Homework
information; expressing an opinion; 2.3. -exercise II page 114 – fill in the gaps with a suitable Dictionary Formative evaluation
talking about past actions; expressing 2.5. word from the list Pictures
personal point of view; describing places, 4.1. -debating and discussing – exercise V.1 page 115 Textbook
persons, events Individual work
Grammar: Conditionals Type of interaction: teacher-students, students- Group work
teacher, student-student

-homework: exercise III page 114

Vocabulary: If only I could .... 2.1. - The teacher gives the students handouts with a Flashcards Systematic observation
Function: giving and requesting personal 2.2. song. The teacher tells the students to watch a short Worksheets Homework
information; expressing an opinion; 3.1. video and pay attention to the type of sentences and Dictionary Formative evaluation
talking about past actions; expressing 4.1. verbs. Pictures
personal point of view; describing places, The teacher asks: ‘Do you like the song?’, ‘What Textbook
persons, events would you do with a million dollars?’, ‘What type of Individual work
Grammar: Conditionals sentences can you notice in the text?’ ‘How do you Group work
know?’, ‘Give me some examples of verbs.
The teacher shows them a powerpoint presentation
with the second conditional.
She asks the students to match the beginning of some
sentences with their endings. The students will find 3
conditional sentences.
The teacher asks them: ‘What do the following
sentences express?’
The students are given some worksheets(worksheet
number 3). In pairs they must solve the first exercise.
The teacher explains : ‘You are supposed to choose
the correct form of the verb.’
-In groups of four, students have to solve exercise 2.
They must identify the conditional sentences and
underline the verbs.
The group that finds many verbs is the winner.

The teacher checks the exercise.

Type of interaction: teacher-students, students-

teacher, student-student

-homework: exercise 5 on the worksheet

No. of classes: 6
Revision 1.9 Reading Textbook Portfolio
Exercises-all types 3.1 Matching exercises Blackboard Whiteboard Final Test
4.2 Speaking Worksheets
Rephrasing exercises
Pair work
Group work
Planificarea nu include săptămâmile de practică
În modulele III, IV și V, clasele a IX-a au câte o săptămână de practică

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