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CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Plans daily lessons using Plans single lessons or Plans differentiated Plans differentiated Plans differentiated
available curriculum and sequence of lessons using instruction based on instruction, which is based instruction that provides
information from district additional assessment knowledge of students’ on broad knowledge of systematic opportunities
and state required information on student academic readiness, students. Matches for supporting and
assessments. academic readiness, academic language, resources and specific extending student
language, cultural diverse cultural strategies to students’ learning based on
4.1 Using knowledge background, and individual backgrounds, and diverse learning needs comprehensive
of students’ academic development. individual cognitive, social, and cultural backgrounds. information on students.
readiness, language emotional, and physical
proficiency, cultural development to meet their
background, and individual needs.
individual Planning addresses bias,
development to plan Is aware of impact of bias Becomes aware of Examines potential stereotyping, and Engages students in the
instruction. on learning. potential areas of bias and sources of bias and assumptions about analysis of bias,
seeks to learn about stereotyping when cultures an members of stereotyping, and
culturally responsive planning lessons. Uses cultures. 11/6/22 assumptions.
pedagogy. 9/25/21 culturally responsive 4/19/23
pedagogy in planning.

When lesson planning, I I have planned some I have a good idea of the
have begun incorporating lessons where we dig more strengths and weakness of
facts about different into the historical context my students since I
cultures that music we are and significance of songs watched them grow
learning is based on. (ex: African American musically and personally
9/25/21 spirituals) and challenge last year. I plan instruction
students to place and activities that plays to
themselves in those shoes these strengths and
in their own words. weaknesses. In third
grade, we learned about
Native American music
and had a discussion
about respecting different
cultures, and
viewing/participating in
activities to help us see
things in a new way. We
talked about the parallels
of our Catholic sacred
music to the sacred music
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
of the tribes. We then
drew connections
between Native American
instruments and the
instruments we have in
the classroom, and
participated in a drum
circle of a Karok tribe
song. 11/6/22
Same! Students learn
abour and experience
diverse music, and
discover similarities and
differences between that
culture and the
Catholic/American culture
that they know. Students
feel safe to ask questions
and share their personal
experiences and opinions.
Communicates learning Establishes and shares Establishes and Establishes and articulates Establishes and
objectives for a single learning goals for skill communicates to students learning goals to students articulates comprehensive
lesson to students based development with clear learning goals for that integrate content short-term and long-term
4.2 Establishing and on content standards and students in single lessons content that are accessible, standards with students’ learning goals for
articulating goals for available curriculum. and sequence of lessons. challenging, and strengths, interests, and students. Assists students
student learning 9/25/21 5/7/22 differentiated to address learning needs. to articulate and monitor
students’ diverse learning learning goals.
needs. 11/6/22 4/19/23
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
This is something I am Activities/lesson goals are Activities and lesson goals Activities and lesson goals
working on. I sometimes posted on the board and are posted on the board are posted on the board
forget to say the goals and verbally reviewed at the and verbally reviewed and verbally reviewed
only remember halfway beginning of each class. during class. I give during class. I give
through the activity Middle school is starting scaffolded options to scaffolded options to
where I will mention the SMART goals, but not strive for depending on strive for depending on
purpose. 9/25/21 consistently yet. difficulty level (ex: focus difficulty level, and
on and improve on playing students self-monitor and
the new chord, transitions can determine which goal
between 2 chords, or they aim for personally.
playing all chord changes Students reflect on their
smoothly). Students performance, and share
self-monitor and can their goals aloud. We also
determine which goal they discuss how these small
should aim for personally. skill goals fit into the
bigger picture of what
they will be able to do

Uses available curriculum Begins to plan curriculum Establishes short- and Refines sequence of Utilizes extensive
for daily, short- and units that include a series long-term curriculum long-term plans to reflect knowledge of curriculum,
4.3 Developing and long-term plans. of connected lessons and plans for subject matter integrations of curriculum content standards, and
sequencing are linked to long-term concepts and essential guidelines, frameworks, assess learning needs to
long-term and planning to support related academic language and assessed instructional design cohesive and
short-term student learning. and formats that support needs to ensure student comprehensive long- and
instructional plans to student learning. 5/7/22 learning. 11/6/22 short-term instructional
support student plans that ensure high
learning levels of learning.
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
For elementary classes, I With hindsight at the end I have refined the I use my resources from
have multiple lessons that of this year, I have started sequence of lessons within GamePlan to create
reinforce a concept with organizing lessons into my long-term lesson plans cohesive lessons around a
the help of our GamePlan more defined short and using GamePlan and my musical concept. I am
book. For middle school, long term curriculum own resources. starting project-based
there is nothing for me to plans and units. learning with my middle
go off of but I am working schoolers. I am also doing
on isolating concepts like a 6-week movie music
scales and planning several unit that culminates in a
activities around it. soundtrack recording
9/25/21 session at Disneyland.
This will give the students
a hands-on learning
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
Plans instruction that Selects strategies for single Incorporates differentiated Plans instruction using a Plans instruction
incorporates strategies lessons or sequence of instructional strategies wide range of strategies to incorporating a repertoire
suggested by curriculum lessons that respond to into ongoing planning that address learning styles of strategies specifically
guidelines. students’ diverse learning addresses culturally and meet students’ meet students’ diverse
needs. 9/25/21 responsive pedagogy, assessed language and language and learning
4.4 Planning
students’ diverse language, learning needs. Provides needs and styles to
instruction that
and learning needs and appropriate support and advance learning for all.
styles. challenges for students.
Is aware of student Seeks to learn about 4/19/23 Facilitates opportunities
strategies to meet the
content, learning, and students’ diverse learning Uses assessments of Integrates results from a for students to reflect on
learning needs of all
language needs through and language needs students’ learning and broad range of their learning and the
data provided by the site beyond basic data. 5/7/22 language needs to inform assessments into planning impact of instructional
and district. planning differentiated to meet students’ diverse strategies to meet their
instruction. 11/6/22 learning and language learning and language
needs. needs.

I differentiate instruction I intentionally differentiate I intentionally

with different seating instruction that is specific differentiate instruction
formations, modeling, to the learning and that is specific to my
student modeling, visuals, language needs of my students’ diverse language
and audio. 9/25/21 students within each class. and learning needs.
I’ve been asking my 8th Students reflect and
I continue to differentiate graders to submit self-assess themselves
instruction as mentioned. I self-assessment sticky using a 1-5 rating system
also use more small notes at the end of class so based on questions I ask
group/partner activities. I that I can analyze the data them. Students also have
try to get to know my and look for trends of the opportunity to share
students more and ask things students want help what was difficult for
them how they learn best, with. I then use those them and what went well.
and try to integrate those findings to plan
strategies into my lessons. instruction.
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
Implements lessons and Begins to adapt plans and Makes adjustments and Makes ongoing Anticipates and plans for a
uses materials from materials in single lessons adaptations to adjustments to wide range of adaptations
curriculum provided. or sequences of lessons to differentiate instructional instructional plans and to lessons based on in
address students’ learning plans. Uses culturally uses a variety of materials depth analysis of
4.5 Adapting
needs. 9/25/21 responsive pedagogy and as the instructional needs individual student needs.
instructional plans
additional materials to arises to support student
and curricular
support students’ diverse learning. 11/6/22 Engages with students to
materials to meet the
learning needs. 5/7/22 identify types of
assessed learning
adjustments in instruction
needs of all students.
that best meet their
learning goals.

Through informal I still do a lot of informal My lesson plans act as a I make ongoing
assessment, I have made assessment to make base for what I want to adjustments to my
adjustments in moving adjustments in planning teach, but depending on instruction based on my
forward or taking an extra and pacing. In my how students behave or assessment of my
day to reinforce a musical GamePlan book, I do a how much they students and use a variety
concept. 9/25/21 better job of adapting understand/struggle, I of resources to teach. I
activities to my students’ make adjustments on the also check in with
knowledge level, fly or make notes to spend students to see what we
personalities, and more time on a specific need to adjust to practice
behavior. concept next class. playing something more
accurately (slow down,
speed up, smaller chunks,

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