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Guidelines for Accreditation

Vocational Education Courses

National Institute of Open Schooling

Department of Vocational Education
A-24/25, Institutional Area, Sector – 62
NOIDA, Uttar Pradesh – 201309
Website : ,
National Institute of Open Schooling

Guidelines for Accreditation of Vocational Education Courses

Norms relating to the procedure for submitting and considering proposals for
grant of Accreditation to the Institutions:

Types and categories of 1. Following types of organizations who have a vision

organizations eligible for providing vocational education and training
to submit application through Open Schooling, ensuring quality, credibility
and sustenance, are eligible to submit their
applications for accreditation to NIOS.

i) The organization which sets up and maintains the

institution should be registered as a society under the
Societies Registration Act 1860 or a Public Trust
constituted under the law in force for the time being
and should be functioning regularly, in the best
interest of the public, for at least 3 years on the date
of application.

ii) Any institution/school affiliated to a recognized State

Board of Education/ CBSE/ ICSE for
Secondary/Senior Secondary level.

iii) Any Govt. Industrial Training Institute or Private

Industrial Training Centre affiliated to National
Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) or State
Council for Vocational Training (SCVT).

iv) A private or public limited company or a public

sector undertaking provided that creation of such
training facilities are within the scope of its objective
as laid down in its Memorandum of Association or it
sponsors a society or a trust as provided sub clause.

v) Govt. sponsored organizations like Jan Shikshan

Sansthan (JSS) or Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs)
District Institute of Education and Training (DIET).

Provided that the application for accreditation from

Govt. institutions shall be sent through the concerned
Administrative Department of the Govt.

Procedure for 2. An institution applying for accreditation to the NIOS
submitting application shall apply to the Director, Vocational Education
Department in the prescribed form (copy enclosed) in
duplicate accompanied by such processing fees as
may be prescribed by the NIOS and shall satisfy the
NIOS that it fulfills all the conditions prescribed for
accreditation and the instructions issued by the NIOS
from time to time.
3. Applications for accreditation of new institutions or
for accreditation for an additional course or courses,
in case of institutions already accredited, shall be
made to the Director, Vocational Education
Department not later than 31st August of the year
proceeding the year in which it is proposed to open
the institutions /course.
Chairman, NIOS may entertain application for
accreditation after the prescribed date, if the
institution, shows sufficient reasons for its inability
for not submitting the application by the prescribed
4. Applying institutions are required to deposit a
processing fee of Rs.20000/- in the form of Demand
Draft drawn in favour of “Secretary, NIOS” payable
at concerned Regional Centre of NIOS. If the
applying institution is an AVI (Accredited
Vocational Institution) of NIOS and applying for
additional Vocational course, they are required to
deposit Rs.5000/- per trade, as processing fee in the
form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of
“Secretary, NIOS” payable at concerned Regional
Centre of NIOS.
5. On receipt of such applications, a preliminary scrutiny
shall be done in the Deptt. of Vocational Education to
check whether the institution/applicant is eligible for
considering accreditation and the necessary
documents, viz. processing fee etc. is attached. The
institutions found eligible shall be issued
acknowledgment letter and issued a consideration
number. Applications received without processing
fess will be summarily rejected.

6. The applications so short-listed will be put up before a

Screening Committee constituted by Chairman,
NIOS. The Screening Committee shall examine the
adequacy of the infrastructure, academic and allied
facilities vis-à-vis the general and specific norms
prescribed for the courses applied, based on the
information/documents supplied with the
application and the authenticity of such documents.
The committee will short list the institutions, found
suitable for carrying out inspection; and the
institutions by whom the information provided is
inadequate or is incomplete or not supported by
required documents and needs further
clarifications/additional documents.
7. For the institutions recommended by the Screening
Committee, inquiry and inspection shall be made, as
the Chairman NIOS deems necessary, by a competent
person or persons authorized on his behalf by the
Chairman with regard to the fulfillment of conditions
of accreditation and such other matters as he/she
may think necessary and relevant.
Inspection 8. The Inspection Team, would be given a copy of the
application and supporting documents submitted by
the applicant. The team would be required to verify
all the details and documents from original sources.
Any discrepancy shall be recorded specifically with
their own observations.
9. The team would assess the suitability of the institution
on the basis of parameters laid down for different
10. General standards for Accreditation of Institution
shall be as per Annexure ‘A’ .
11. Specific guidelines for each course shall be such as
prescribed from time to time. There is a separate
booklet consisting of details of equipments, tools
and infrastructure required for each trade.
12. The Inspection Team, shall be required to submit their
report on the prescribed format of Inspection Report

Consideration by 13. The Accreditation Advisory Committee of NIOS shall

Accreditation Advisory consider the recommendations of the Inspection
Committee. Committee. No Institution shall be considered for

granting accreditation unless:
i) it actually has suitable and adequate physical
facilities in terms of space, accommodation,
sanitation, laboratories and workshop, equipment,
library and reading room, furniture and other
infrastructural facilities as specified by NIOS from
time to time, for maintenance of requisite standards
as mentioned in the guidelines.
ii) there are teachers and other employees who
have the laid down qualifications and other eligible
criteria and who are in number required as per the
norms laid down by NIOS from time to time.
iii) it has adequate financial resources to ensure its
financial stability, continued maintenance and
iv) the Accreditation Advisory Committee is
satisfied about the need of the setting up of the
institution for running such courses as are proposed
to be introduced, taking into consideration the
existing training facilities, scope for wage/self
employment, the past trends of employments of the
passed out trainees in that district/state/region, in its
best judgment.
Provided that Accreditation Advisory Committee
can decide to put on hold, accreditation of a new
institute or for introduction of new courses in
existing institutions in a state, district, region, if in
the opinion of the committee the existing training
facilities are adequate considering the scope for
wage self employment, the trends of employment of
passed out trainees or for any other reason
considered appropriate in its best judgment.
14. Where the accreditation is granted, it shall be
intimated to the institute by the Secretary of the
NIOS, along with such specific conditions, if any,
which are required to be completed by the institution
before the start of the training.

Provisional 15. Accreditation granted initially to an institution shall be
Accreditation provisional in nature and shall be required to be
renewed after two years.
16. It shall be open to the NIOS to reject a request for
accreditation in part or in whole mentioning the courses
of study and the number of students to be admitted and
also impose such other conditions, if any, as it may deem
17. The procedure followed for the grant of affiliation shall
apply mutatis mutandis to continuation of accreditation
from time to time and for opening of new courses.
18. The Institution shall be required to provide signatories of
the coordinator who would operate a Bank Account that
has to be opened by Institution to undergo all financial
transactions in order to function on behalf of NIOS.
19. The institutions shall be further required to enter into
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with NIOS
providing for the various terms and conditions to be
fulfilled by the institution.
Withdrawal of 20. Where misrepresentation or suppression of material facts
Accreditation and particulars, the NIOS may, after giving the
Society/Trust of the Institution, as the case may be, a
reasonable opportunity of showing cause against the
proposed action, in addition to any other action under
any other law, withdraw the accreditation granted to the
institution, as the case may be.
21. In case of breach of any terms and conditions and/or
non-compliance of directions/guidelines given by NIOS
in the context of assigned tasks, the NIOS reserves the
right to suspend or cancel the accreditation of the
institution with or without any notice. The liability of
transfer of learners etc. after the closure will be that of
the AVI. Among other things, the NIOS reserves the
right to withdraw accreditation and or impose penalty of
Rs.15,000/- (Rs. Fifteen thousand only) in case the AVI is
found indulging in any of the following

A. Failure to provide necessary academic and

administrative support to the learners as per
prescribed norms fixed by NIOS.

B. Charging from the learners over and above the

amount prescribed by NIOS.

C. Accepting extra money towards service charges

or for any other items/tasks.

D. Non-distribution of learning materials supplied

by NIOS to learners within stipulated time.

E. Charging additional money for distribution of

NIOS learning materials to the learners.

F. Non-maintenance of Records of attendance of

Practical hours and progress card of each

G. Non-maintenance of proper records of financial

transactions, and stocks received from NIOS.

H. Financial irregularities relating to use of NIOS

funds for purposes other than those laid down by

I. Promoting and propagating an idea/objective

which is against the solidarity, sovereignty or
unity of the country.

J. Deterioration of physical facilities and

unwillingness to improve them to meet
minimum requirements in terms of satisfactory
classrooms, laboratory, workshops, work centres,
and library facilities.

K. Refusal to provide building and staff for the

conduct of NIOS Examinations.

L. Abetting unfair means in examination.

M. Inadequate supervision of the Examination

Centre enabling learners to use unfair
means/mass copying during the examination at
the centre.

N. Admission of less than 10 learners for two

consecutive years.

O. Non-fulfillment of conditions of partnership as

spelled out in Memorandum of Understanding
(MoU) executed with NIOS.

P. Poor academic performance of the AVI

functioning for two consecutive years and not
being able to keep the desired performance.

Q. Any other misconduct in connection with the

admission, examination and other assigned tasks
which in the opinion of NIOS warrant immediate
withdrawal of accreditation of the institution.

R. Non-disclosure of any region-specific

information which may lead to the closure of the
AVI during the academic session.

S. Usage of NIOS material for imparting education

in the coaching/remedial classes by charging any
amount which is not prescribed in NIOS norms.

T. Enrolling learners beyond the accreditation

allotted by NIOS to it.

National Institute of Open Schooling
Department of Vocational Education

General Standards for Accreditation Institution/Programmes

Sl. Parameter Explanation
1. Name and Address of the x Name and address should be as per the
Applicant registration certificate of the Society/Trust
2. Proof of registration on the x Registration should be genuine and valid.
applicant Society/ Trust and The Society must be registered for at least
Memorandum of three years on the date of application.
x Trust/Society should be authorize as per
registration on Memorandum of
Association to operate in the State.
3. Background of members/ x Experience of members/trustees in
trustees of the Society/ Trust industry or vocational education at senior
levels or in management of educational
institutions is desirable.

x Reputation of the Society/Trust in the

4. Track record of Society/ x Experience of establishment and
Trust in the field of management of educational institutions is
vocational education desirable.

x Conduct of any unauthorized/illegal

educational activity would be a
5. Detailed plan for x This should be assessed from the
establishment of the justification for selection of courses, space
institution and its growth and financial requirements, equipments,
strategy for ensuring quality in education,
6. Head of the Institute and x The Society should have an Academic
Faculty Advisory Committee of professional to
guide its activities.

x The institution should be headed by a

qualified and experienced person. There
should be a group of professional for
teaching/training of students.

7. Declaration by the Trust/ x The Trust/Society should ideally not have
Society that it is not involved a court case against any statutory body
in any court case or dispute concerned in any area of professional
which can affect smooth education. In case there is one, the same
running of the institution. In would be considered for its effect on
case there are court cases of accreditation to be accorded.
disputes, details should be
submitted. x The properties or finances of the
Society/Trust should not be under any
dispute or their use constrained under
court direction.

x There should also be no existing or likely

legal hurdle to smooth functioning of the
8. Infrastructure for accreditation x The institute should have required space,
(building, equipment, equipments, furniture, furnishings, and
furniture, furnishings, support facilities etc. for running the course
support facilities, etc.) applied for accreditation as per laid down
9. Management of funds of the x Audit certificates for last two years
Society/Trust. required.

x Income tax clearance certificate required.

10. Location details of the x Location should be:
building from which the
institution is functioning x in a hygienic and non-congested area

x conducive to conduct of education in a

proper atmosphere.

x easily accessible by public transport to

students and staff.
11. Features of building(s) from x Provided with safe staircases or lifts.
which the institution is
functioning. x Airy with sufficient natural light in the
classrooms, laboratories and workshops.

x Structurally sound and of good quality


x Legally constructed with completion and

fire safety certificates obtained.

x Provided with legal water and electricity


x Provided with proper and adequate


x Provided with water purifiers (not filters)

and water coolers of adequate capacity for
the student and staff.

x Provided with a stand by generator of

appropriate capacity of operating
laboratory and workshop equipment and
for fans, light, etc.

x Permitted for use as an educational


x If rented, rent lease deed should be


x If owned, registration papers for both the

buildings and land should indicate legal
possession by the Society/Trust.

Application For grant of Accreditation of Vocational Courses
(To be filled by the Applicant Organization/ Institution)
(For General Institution)
For New Accreditation For Additional Trade for Existing AVI no.
1. Name of the School/Institute:
2. Complete Address :
Block/Tehsil/Taluq : District:
State: Pin: Email:
Phone/Fax No: Mobile:
3. Name of the Principal / Vice Principal (as Coordinator):
Contact Telephone No. : Mobile:
4. Name of the Vocational Courses of NIOS for which accreditation is being sought. (* Please see overleaf.) Name of Course Course Code no. Proposed intake/No. of batches
5. Infrastructure (available for NIOS courses)
Teaching Class Rooms(course wise): Number of Hall Number of Lab(course wise) Library
6. Status of Institutions Campus Building: Own Rented Covered Area
7. Tools & Equipments (course wise) for proposed courses (to be submitted separately for each course) Name of Name of the No. of Teacher Specification of the Quantity Date of
Courses Tools/Equipments (Trade wise) Tools/Equipments in Stock the purchase

8. Medium of Instruction: Hindi English Urdu Arabic Other

9. Name and address of Trust/Society:
10. Year of Registration: Registration No. Period of Registration:
11. Bank Draft Details:
Amount: Bank Name Draft No. Date:
12. a) Name of the Board with which affiliated (if) (enclose copy):
b) Affiliation No: c) Year of Affiliation
d) Is the affiliation Permanent/Temporary (mention the period):
13. Supporting Documents: Attached Not Attached

14. Date: Place: Name & Sign of Principal

(with official stamp

This is to certify that all the above information furnished regarding the Institution/School is correct and authentic
to the best of my knowledge.

(Signature of the Principal/Headmaster)

(Name with Rubber Stamp)

Date: ................................
Place: ...............................

Certificate of Endorsement
(By President/Chairman/Manager of the Institution/Society/Organization)

1. Certified that the Institution (Name)

applying for Accreditation of Vocational Education Courses of NIOS is fully owned by
(Name of the Society/Trust).

2. Certified that the Society/Trust has obtained a certificate from competent local authority
regarding the Health and Sanitary conditions of the building of the institution.

3. Certified that building housing the institution and other structure has been declared safe
(including fire safety) by the competent local authority.

4. Certified that the information/particulars furnished above are Correct and authentic to best of our

(Signature of the President/Chairman/Manager of the applying institution/Society)

(Name of the President/Chairman/Manager with Rubber Stamp)

Date: ................................
Place: ...............................

Note: * In case institute applying for more than (5) five trades, enclose separate sheet and fees of
Rs. 5000/- is also applicable for each additional trade.








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Checklist of documents required with Application for grant of Vocational Courses Accreditation

Sl No. Particulars of the Documents

1 Application of institute
(Application form to filled through online on NIOS website)

2 The Processing fee should be paid through Online mode

(Processing fee submission details to be attached with application )

3 Copy of the Certificate of Registration of the Society/Trust

4 Copy of the Memorandum of Association (MoA) and Rules and Regulations

5 List of members of the Governing Body of the Society/Trust

6 Justification Note for taking up NIOS Study Centre

7 Resolution of the Management for taking up NIOS Study Centre

8 Copy of documents pertaining to the land of the Institute/School (Ownership/Rent Deed/

Lease Deed/ Building Map )
9 Copy of Audited Statement of income and expenditure of the Society/school for the past
three years vetted by the Chartered Accountant

10 i. List of Faculty trade wise-( As per norms of particular trade with their documents of
professional qualification, indicating their designations, experience, length of service in
the institution)
ii. List of supporting staff

11 List of Tools & Equipments trade wise- (As per norms of particular trade).

12 i. Photographs of the Building and Infrastructure/Tools/Equipments of the Institute/

ii. CD of Inspection process
13 Duly filled, Signed & Stamped MOU & Coordinator Proforma
14 Copy of recognition/approval from Rehabilitation Council of India/ or having certificate of
Registration under persons with Disability (PWD) Act, 1995 (For SAIED Institution)
15 English translated copy of the documents duly attested by Notary Public along with copy in
Regional Medium

16 Other miscellaneous documents, if any


fȢ]_ €ȯ Ǔ›f  ˜ˆȫȡ £ȡ”“ MOU for AVIs

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National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS)
Ĥ˜ ”ȡŠȹ @First Party ǑƮȢ™ ”ȡŠȹ /Second Party
šȡƶȢ™ ˜ǕƠ ǒƭȡ›™Ȣ Ǔž¢ȡ  Ȳèȡ“ (f“]_jf ) (f“]_jf  Ʈȡšȡ ĤיȡǓ™ å™ȡ ȡǓ™€  Ȳèȡ)
f-24-25] ^Ȳ èŠȣҙǗž“› fǐš™ȡ]  ȰȊš-62] ‡Ȫ fȢ]_/\ڙ™“ €Ʌġ €ȯ “ȡ˜  ȯ ‡ȡ“Ȣ ‡ȡȢ ¡Ȱ @
“ȪfŒȡ-201309 (`.Ĥ.) (Institution accredited by NIOS)
National Instit ute of Open Schooling (NIOS) Known as AVI/Study Centre
A-24/25, Institutional Area, Sector-62,
Noida-201309 (U.P.)


1. ĤȡšȲ — ˜Ʌ f€  Ȳèȡ“ (fȢ]_) \èȡ™Ȣ ȫš ”š ĤיȡǓ™ ¡Ȫ‚ȡ@ f“]_jf   ˜™- ˜™ ”š fȢ]_ €ȯ Ǔ›f
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Initially an Institution (AVI) would be accredited provisionally. This term can be
extended by the NIOS on continuous compliance & fulfilment of the terms & conditions
laid down by the NIOS from time to time for the AVI.

2. f“]_jf  Ʈȡšȡ ĤיȡǓ™  Ȳèȡ/Ĥ˜Ǖ ¡ȣ fȢ]_ €ȯ  ˜Û™€ ¡ɉ‚ȯ kš ǒ–“ȡ Ǒ€ Ȣ Œš \ȡ ”¢”ȡ €ȯ €ȡ™[
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f“]_jf   ȯ \“Ǖ˜Ȫ‘“ ›ȯ“ȯ €ȯ Ǔ›f ǕšȲ  ǗǓ… Ǒ€™ȡ ‡ȡf @ €ȯ› ǒžȯŸ ”ǐšǔèǓ ˜Ʌ ¡ȣ, ™Ǒ‘ f“]_jf 
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˜Ʌ “ȡǓ˜ €š  €ȡ ¡Ȱ @  ˜Û™€ €ȯ Ǿ” ˜Ʌ ”¡›ȯ €ȡ™[ €š …Ǖ€ȯ å™ǒƠ €ȡ f“]_jf  ”š Ǒ€ Ȣ —Ȣ Ĥ€ȡš €ȡ
‘ȡȡ ˜ȡۙ “¡ȣȲ ¡Ȫ‚ȡ@
Ĥיȡ™“ €ȯ ”æ…ȡ, f“]_jf  €ȡ \ڙ™“ €Ʌġ  ˜Û™€ €ȯ Ǔ“™ȲğŽ ˜Ʌ €ȡ™[ €šȯ ‚ȡ@
The Principal/Head of the Institution accredited by the NIOS will be the Coordinator of
the AVI and will work without any fear or favour. In case the Principal resigns or is
substituted by another person, the new incumbent shall be the Co-ordinator of the AVI.
The powers of the Co-ordinator are non-transferable. The change of the Co-ordinator
should be intimated to the NIOS immediately for obtaining the approval of NIOS. Only in
exceptional circumstance, subject to the approval of NIOS, the Principal/Head of the
Institution may nominate Vice Principal or a Senior Officer as the Co-ordinator of the
AVI. The person who had been acting as a Co-ordinator earlier will have no claim
whatsoever against the NIOS in any manner.
After accreditation, Study Centre of NIOS will function under the control of the Co-

3. ”ǐšǔèǓ™ɉ €ȧ ȡ׀ȡǓ›€ ]æ™€ȡjȲ €ȯ \“Ǖ ȡš  ˜™- ˜™ ”š f“]_jf  Ʈȡšȡ ȡȲǓ† kš  ȲĤȯǒŸ ^ 

Ĥ€ȡš €ȯ €ȡ™ɟ kš ‚ǓǒǓ’™ɉ €ȯ \ǓǐšÈ fȢ]_ f“]_jf  €ȧ jš  ȯ Ǔ“à“Ǔ›ǔ €ȡ™[ €šȯ ‚ȡ:


The AVI shall perform the following functions on behalf of NIOS besides such other acts,
deeds and functions as may be desired and communicated by NIOS from time to time
according to the exigencies of the circumstances:

3.1 f“]_jf  Ʈȡšȡ Ǔ“’ȡ[ǐš ˜Ǘ㙠”š ȡ Ǔ“™˜ɉ  žɟ kš ĤǑЙȡjȲ €ȯ \“Ǖ ȡš f“]_jf  ǒšǔŽ€ȡ €ȧ
ǒ–Đȧ €šȯ ‚ȡ@ fȢ]_ Ʈȡšȡ Ĥȯž-”Ǘ[ ”šȡ˜ž[ Ǔ“:žǕ〠Ǒ‘™ȡ ‡ȡf‚ȡ@
Sale of Prospectus of Vocational Education Courses of NIOS at the price as indicated
and in accordance with the terms and conditions and procedures laid down by NIOS.
The AVI shall organise pre-admission counselling free of charge.

3.2 f“]_jf  “ȯ ”Ȳ‡Ȣ€šŽ €š“ȯ ȡ›ȯ Ǔž¢ȡǓ[™ɉ €ȧ  ¡ȡ™ȡ €ȯ Ǔ›f h“-›ȡ^“ Ĥȯž €ȧ  Ǖǒ’ȡ ]šȲ — €ȧ ¡Ȱ @
\Ȭ fȢ]_ f“]_jf  ˜Ʌ h“ ›ȡ^“ Ĥȯž ›ȯ“ȯ ȡ›ȯ Ǔž¢ȡǓ[™ɉ €ȧ ˜‘‘ €šȯ ‚ȡ kš `“€ȡ “ȡ˜ȡȲ€“ €šȯ ‚ȡ
ǔ‡Û¡Ʌ h“ ›ȡ^“ ĤŽȡ›Ȣ Ʈȡšȡ fȢ]_ ]–ȲǑŠ Ǒ€™s ‚™ȯ ¡ɇ @
NIOS has introduced the facility of on-line admission in order to facilitate the learner in
registering with it. Therefore, the AVI shall facilitate and enroll the learner, who has
taken on-line admission in NIOS and has been allotted the AVIs through its on-line

3.3 f“]_jf  Ʈȡšȡ ĤיȡǓ™ å™ȡ ȡǓ™€ Ǔž¢ȡ ”ȡәИɉ ˜Ʌ Ĥȯž €ȯ Ǔ›f Ǔ“’ȡ[ǐš ǓǓ™ɉ ˜Ʌ •Ȩ˜ɟ €ȯ  ȡ
Ǔ“’ȡ[ǐš žǕ〠›ȯ“ȡ ‡Ȫ “€‘ \ȡ  Ȳ–ȲǓ’ fȢ]_ €ȯ  ˜Û™€ €ȯ ”¢ ˜Ʌ ‘ȯ ™ –ɇ€ Ĝȡ݊ €ȯ Ǿ” ˜Ʌ ¡Ȫ‚ȡ@
fȢ]_ Ĥיȯ€ —šȯ ¡Ǖf ]ȯ‘“ €ȧ ˜Ǘ› ĤǓ f“]_jf  €Ȫ \ĒȯǒŸ €šȯ ‚ȡ kš Ǒ‘žȡ-Ǔ“‘ȶ žɉ €ȯ \“Ǖ ȡš Ǔ“’ȡ[ǐš
 ˜™ȡǓ’ ˜Ʌ f€ğ €ȧ ‚_ žǕ〠šȡǓž €ȡ f“]_jf  €ȡ \Ȳž f“]_jf  €ȯ  Ȳ–ȲǓ’ ¢ȯğȢ™ €ȯÛġ €Ȫ —ȯ‡ȯ‚ȡ@
fȢ]_ Ĥיȯ€ Ĥȯž •Ȩ˜[ €ȧ ‘ 
Ǘ šȣ ĤǓ kš ` €ȯ ™¡ȡȱ “ȡ˜ȡȲǑ€ Ǔž¢ȡǓ[™ɉ €ȯ ǒšŽ €ȡ ”Ǘšȡ ǐšȯ €ȨŒ[ šȯ‚ȡ kš
™Ǒ‘ f“]_jf  Ʈȡšȡ ǒšŽ ˜ȡȲ‚ȡ ‡ȡf‚ȡ – ` ȯ ĤèǕ €šȯ ‚ȡ@ ™Ǒ‘ fȢ]_ …ȡ¡ȯ Ȫ \”“Ȣ ^͆ȡ“Ǖ ȡš \”“ȯ
Ǒ¡è ȯ €ȡ žǕ〠€˜ ›ȯ  €ȡ ¡Ȱ @
Acceptance of forms within notified dates for admission to Vocational Education
Courses accredited by the NIOS along with the prescribed fee either in cash or through
bank draft drawn in favour of the Coordinator of the AVI concerned. The AVI shall
forward the original copy of each filled-in Application Form and shall remit to NIOS
share of fee collected, to the concerned Regional Centre of NIOS within stipulated time
period as per guidelines. The AVI shall keep copy of each admission form and complete
record of the particulars of learners enrolled with it and produce it promptly to NIOS, if
desired. The AVI may charge less fee as per its discretion out of its share.

3.4 f“]_jf  Ʈȡšȡ Ǔ“’ȡ[ǐš ĤǑЙȡ €ȯ \“Ǖ ȡš Ĥȯž žǕ〠kš Ĥȯž •Ȩ˜ɟ €Ȫ èȢ€ȡš €š“ȯ €ȯ –ȡ‘ fȢ]_
Ǔž¢ȡǓ[™ɉ €Ȫ Ǔ“’ȡ[ǐš ĤȪ•ȡ˜ȡ[/ĤȡǾ” ˜Ʌ \èȡ™Ȣ Ĥȯž ”ğ ‡ȡšȣ €šȯ ‚ȡ @ ‡Ȫ Ǔž¢ȡȸ  —Ȣ Ǔ“™˜ɉ kš žɟ €Ȫ
”Ǘšȡ €šȯ ¡ɇ kš ǔ‡“€ȯ Ĥȯž •Ȩ˜[ €ȯ  ȡ Ǔ“’ȡ[ǐš žǕ〠 ˜™ ”š ĤȡƯ ¡Ȫ ‚™ȯ ¡ɇ , `Û¡Ʌ f“]_jf  Ʈȡšȡ Ĥȯž
Ǒ‘™ȡ ‡ȡf‚ȡ kš Ĥȯž €ȧ ”Ǖǒƴ €ȧ ‡ȡf‚Ȣ@
After acceptance of admission fee and the application forms in accordance with the
procedure laid down by NIOS, the AVI shall issue Provisional Admission Letters to the
learners in the prescribed proforma/format. Admission of those learners who fulfil all
terms and conditions and whose Application Forms along with prescribed fee are
received within time shall be admitted and confirmed by NIOS.

3.5 fȢ]_ Ǔž¢ȡǓ[™ɉ €Ȫ f“]_jf   ȯ ĤȡƯ ”¡…ȡ“ ”ğ (]_-€ȡŒ[ ) Ǔ“:žǕ〠‡ȡšȣ €šȯ ‚ȡ kš  ǕǓ“ǔƱ €šȯ ‚ȡ Ǒ€
Ĥיȯ€ Ǔž¢ȡȸ €Ȫ ”¡…ȡ“ ”ğ ‡ȡšȣ Ǒ€™ȡ ‚™ȡ ¡Ȱ șɉǑ€ ™¡ f“]_jf  ”šȣ¢ȡjȲ ˜Ʌ –Ȱ‹“ȯ €ȯ Ǔ›f ¡Ȩ› ǑŠ€Š
€ȡ —Ȣ €ȡ™[ €šȡ ¡Ȱ @ fȢ]_ f“]_jf  ¢ȯğȢ™ €ȯÛġ Ʈȡšȡ Ĥ‘ȡ“ Ǒ€f ‚f Ĥȯž  Ȳ–Ȳ’Ȣ ǒšŽ €ȧ ‡ȡȱ…  Ǘ…Ȣ
 ×™ȡǒ” €šȯ ‚ȡ kš ` ˜Ʌ  ȲžȪ’“ €šȯ ‚ȡ ȡ Ǔ“‘ȶ žȡ“Ǖ ȡš ` ȯ ›ȫŠȡf‚ȡ @ Ǔž¢ȡǓ[™ɉ €Ȫ  ›ȡ¡ ‘ȣ ‡ȡf Ǒ€ ‡Ȱ ȯ

¡ȣ ”¡…ȡ“ ”ğ ĤȡƯ ¡Ȫ ȯ ` ˜Ʌ Ǒ‘™ȯ ‚f ǒšŽ ‡ȡȲ… ›Ʌ kš  ×™ȡǒ” €šɅ @ ™Ǒ‘ €Ȫ_ \Ǔ“™Ǔ˜ȡ ”ȡ™Ȣ ‡ȡȢ
¡Ȱ Ȫ  ȲžȪ’“ €ȯ Ǔ›f ` €ȧ  Ǘ…“ȡ f“]_jf  ¢ȯğȢ™ €Ʌġ €Ȫ ‘ȣ ‡ȡf @
The AVI shall issue Identity Cards (I-cards) to the learners received from NIOS free of
charge and would ensure that no learner is without an I-card as it also serves as Hall
Ticket for appearing in the NIOS Examinations. The AVI shall verify and correct the
Check List of the admission data provided by NIOS Regional Centre and return it as per
the instructions. On receipt of I-card, the learner may be advised to check the
particulars given therein and verify the same. In case some discrepancy is noticed, the
same may be informed to NIOS Regional Centre for correction.

3.6 fȢ]_ “ȡ˜ȡȲǑ€ Ǔž¢ȡǓ[™ɉ €Ȫ f“]_jf  Ʈȡšȡ —ȯ‡Ȣ ‚_ \ڙ™“  ȡ˜ĒȢ Ǔ“ȬžǕ〠kš ǒ–“ȡ ‘ȯ šȣ Ǒ€f ǒǐš
€šȯ ‚ȡ @ ™Ǒ‘ Ǔ“’ȡ[ǐš ǓǓ™ɉ ˜Ʌ \ڙ™“  ȡ˜ĒȢ ĤȡƯ “¡ȣȲ ¡ȪȢ ¡Ȱ Ȫ fȢ]_ €Ȫ f“]_jf   ȯ ĤȡƯ €š“Ȣ
¡Ȫ‚Ȣ kš Ǔž¢ȡǓ[™ɉ €Ȫ žȢē ǒǐš €š“Ȣ ¡Ȫ‚Ȣ @ ™Ǒ‘ \ڙ™“  ȡ˜ĒȢ €ȡ `”™Ȫ‚ “¡ȣȲ Ǒ€™ȡ ‡ȡȡ ™ȡ \Ǔ’€
˜ȡğȡ ˜Ʌ ¡Ȱ Ȫ Ǔž¢ȡǓ[™ɉ €Ȫ ǒǐš €š“ȯ €ȧ ǓǓ  ȯ ‘Ȫ ˜¡ȣ“ȯ €ȯ —Ȣš ` ȯ f“]_jf  ˜Ʌ ‡˜ȡ €šȡ“ȡ ¡Ȫ‚ȡ@
The AVI shall distribute to the enrolled learners the learning material supplied by NIOS
free of charge and without any delay. In case of non-receipt of learning material within
the stipulated date, the AVI shall endeavour to procure it from NIOS and distribute it to
the learners expeditiously. In case the instructional material is unused or in excess, the
account of the same would be submitted to NIOS within a period of 2 months from the
stipulated date of distribution to the learners.

3.7 fȢ]_ Ǔž¢ȡǓ[™ɉ  ȯ Ǔ“’ȡ[ǐš ”šȣ¢ȡ žǕ〠ĤȡƯ €šȯ ‚ȡ kš Ǔ“’ȡ[ǐš ǓǓ™ɉ ˜Ʌ ¡ȣ žǕ〠ǒšŽ/‘èȡȯ«  Ǒ¡
f“]_jf  €ȯ ¢ȯğȢ™ €Ʌġ €Ȫ —ȯ‡ȯ‚ȡ @ ™Ǒ‘ ”šȣ¢ȡ žǕ〠 ˜™ ”š —ȯ‡ȡ “¡ȣȲ ‡ȡȡ Ȫ Ǒ€ Ȣ —Ȣ Ĥ€ȡš €ȯ ‘ȡɉ
¢Ǔ”ǗǓ[ kš \ۙ ǔèǓ™ɉ €ȯ Ǔ›f fȢ]_ `׏š‘ȡ™Ȣ ¡Ȫ‚ȡ @
The AVI shall accept the prescribed examination fee from learners and remit the same
with details/documents to the concerned Regional Centre of NIOS within the stipulated
dates. The AVI will be liable for any claims, damages and other consequences in case
the examination fee is not forwarded in time.

3.8 žȰǔ¢€ Ÿ[ €ȯ ‘ȫšȡ“ fȢ]_ Ʈȡšȡ …›ȡf ‡ȡ š¡ȯ ”ȡәИ (˜ɉ) €ȧ ”ȡә…™ȡ[ ˜Ʌ Ĥ‘ȡ“ Ǒ€f ‚f ˜ȡ‚[Ǔ“‘ȶ žɉ €ȯ
\“Ǖ ȡš fȢ]_ å™ǒƠ‚  Ȳ”€[ €ȡ™[И (”Ȣ Ȣ”Ȣ) kš Ĥȡ™ȪǓ‚€ ĤǓž¢Ž €ȡ™[И (”ȢŠȣ”Ȣ) €ȡ ]™Ȫ‡“ Ǔ“ȬžǕã€
€šȯ ‚ȡ @
During the academic year, the AVI shall conduct free of charge the Personal Contact
Programmes (PCPs) and Practical Training Programmes (PTPs) as per the guidelines
provided in the curriculum of the course(s) offered by the AVI.

3.9 fȢ]_ ǒǓ—Û“ ”ȡәИɉ ˜Ʌ ™Ǒ‘ €Ȫ_ ]Ȳǐš€ ˜Ǘã™ȡȲ€“ Ǔ“Ǒ‘[ ƴ ¡Ȫ‚ȡ Ȫ Ǔ›ǔ €ȡ™ɟ Ĥ™Ȫ‚ ‚ǓǒǓ’™ɉ
”ǐš™Ȫ‡“ȡjȲ ]Ǒ‘ Ʈȡšȡ Ǔž¢ȡǓ[™ɉ €ȡ Ǔ“ȬžǕ〠]Ȳǐš€ ˜Ǘã™ȡȲ€“ ]™Ȫǔ‡ €šȯ ‚ȡ kš ^  €ȡ™[ €ȯ Ǔ›f Ǔ“’ȡ[ǐš
Ǒ‘žȡ-Ǔ“‘ȶ žɉ €ȯ \“Ǖ ȡš f“]_jf  €ȯ  Ȳ–ȲǓ’ ¢ȯğȢ™ €ȯÛġ €Ȫ ^ €ȯ \Ȳ€ —ȯ‡ȯ‚ȡ @
The AVI shall conduct free of charge the Internal Assessment of its learners through
assignments, practicals, activities, projects etc. as prescribed in various courses, if any
and forward the awards to the concerned Regional Centre of NIOS, as per the guidelines
provided for this purpose.

3.10 ™Ǒ‘ ]æ™€ȡ ¡Ǖ_ Ȫ fȢ]_ €Ȫ f“]_jf  €ȯ Ǔ“‘ȶ žȡ“Ǖ ȡš f“]_jf  €ȧ  ȡ[‡Ǔ“€ ”šȣ¢ȡfȱ ]™Ȫǔ‡
€š“Ȣ ¡ɉ‚Ȣ kš  —Ȣ ]æ™€ ‚Ȫ”“Ȣ™ȡ kš €ȡ™[¢˜ȡ –“ȡf š“Ȣ ¡Ȫ‚Ȣ kš  ȡ[‡Ǔ“€ ”šȣ¢ȡ ]™Ȫǔ‡ €š“ȯ
€ȯ Ǔ›f Ǒ€ Ȣ Ĥ€ȡš €ȯ \Ǔ’€ȡš €ȡ ‘ȡȡ “¡ȣȲ €šȯ ‚ȡ@ fȢ]_ €ȡ  ˜Û™€ €Ʌġ \’Ȣ¢€ €ȯ Ǿ” ˜Ʌ €ȡ™[ €šȯ ‚ȡ@


The AVI shall conduct external examinations of NIOS only, if required, and as directed
by NIOS in a free and fair manner and will maintain all necessary confidentiality and
efficiency and will not claim any right for conducting the external examination. The co-
ordinator of AVI will act as Centre Suptd.

3.11 fȢ]_ f“]_jf  €ȯ Ǔ›f €ȡ™[ €šȯ ‚ȡ kš \”“ȯ ›ȡ— €ȯ Ǔ›f Ǔž¢ȡǓ[™ɉ f“]_jf  ™ȡ Ǒ€ Ȣ \ۙ
\Ǔ’€ȡšȣ €Ȫ ’Ȫȡ “¡ȣȲ ‘ȯ ‚ȡ@ fȢ]_ €ȧ ‚ǓǒǓ’™ɉ ˜Ʌ Ǒ€ Ȣ –ȡ¡šȣ  ‘è™ €ȯ ¡è¢ȯ” €ȧ \“Ǖ˜Ǔ “¡ȣȲ ¡Ȫ‚Ȣ@
The AVI shall work for the cause of NIOS and shall not exploit the learners, NIOS or any
other authority for gaining any undue favour. No outside person will be allowed to
interfere in the functioning of AVI.

3.12 f“]_jf  €ȯ ˜ȡ“Ǖ ȡš kš  ˜™- ˜™ ”š fȢ]_ €Ȫ Ǒ‘™ȯ ‚f Ǔ“‘ȶ žɉ €ȯ \“Ǖ ȡš fȢ]_ €Ȫ Ǔž¢ȡǓ[™ɉ €ȯ
Ǔ›f ]æ™€ èÍ†ȡ  •ȡ_ ¡ȡ‘ȡš ȡȡšŽ ”ȡ“Ȣ žȫ…ȡ›™ɉ kš \ۙ  Ǖǒ’ȡjȲ €ȯ  Ȳ–Ȳ’ ˜Ʌ  —Ȣ
]æ™€ȡjȲ €Ȫ ”Ǘšȡ €š“ȡ ¡Ȫ‚ȡ@
The AVI shall fulfill all requirements regarding sanitation, cleanliness, proper ventilated
environment, water, toilets and other facilities required for the learners in the opinion of
NIOS and as communicated to the AVI from time to time.

4. fȢ]_ ǒšǔŽ€ȡjȲ €ȧ ǒ–Đȧ  Ȳ–Ȳ’Ȣ ›ȯȡ kš ǒǓ—Û“ å™ǒƠ™ɉ €Ȫ Ǒ€f ‡ȡ š¡ȯ —Ǖ‚ȡ“ €ȯ ǒšŽ ǒšǔŽ€ȡ €ȧ
ǒ–Đȧ  ˜ȡƯ ¡Ȫ“ȯ  ȯ 60 Ǒ‘“ɉ €ȯ —Ȣš ‘ȯ “ȯ €ȯ Ǔ›f `ƣš‘ȡ™Ȣ ¡Ȫ‚ȡ \ۙȡ 10/- ǽ. ĤǓǑ‘“ €ȯ Ǒ¡ ȡ–  ȯ ‡Ǖ˜ȡ[“ȡ Ǔ›™ȡ
The AVI shall be liable to furnish accounts of sale of the prospectus and details of the
payments made to various persons within a period of 60 days after the closure of sale of
prospectus, failing which penalty @ Rs. 10/- per day shall be levied on it.

5. fȢ]_ €Ȫ f“]_jf  €ȯ Ǔ“‘ȶ žɉ fȲ žɟ €ȯ \“Ǖ ȡš `”™ǕƠ €¢ȡfȱ] Ĥ™Ȫ‚žȡ›ȡfȱ] €ȡ™[žȡ›ȡfȱ] €ȡ™[ €ȯÛġ]
”Ǖ菀ȡ›™ kš \ۙ  Ǖǒ’ȡfȱ Ĥ‘ȡ“ €š“Ȣ ¡ɉ‚Ȣ kš `“€ȡ ššȡ €š“ȡ ¡Ȫ‚ȡ @
The AVI shall provide and maintain proper classrooms, laboratories, workshops, work
centres, library and other facilities as per the directions and conditions laid down by NIOS.

6. fȢ]_ €ȯ Ǔ›f ˜ȡ“€ €ȡ™[ ĤŽȡ›Ȣ (f j”Ȣ) ^   ˜ˆȫȡ £ȡ”“ f˜j™Ǘ €ȡ ¡ȣ \Ȳ‚ ¡Ȱ kš f j”Ȣ €ȯ  —Ȣ
Ĥȡ’ȡ“  —Ȣ fȢ]_ €ȯ Ǔ›f –ȡڙ ¡ɇ @  —Ȣ fȢ]_ “f f j”Ȣ €ȯ \“Ǖ ȡš  ȡšȯ €ȡ™[ €šɅ ‚ȯ kš Ǔ ƨȡȲ kš 噝¡ȡš
‘Ȫ“ɉ Ǻǒƴ™ɉ  ȯ ^ €ȡ ”ȡ›“ €šɅ ‚ȯ@
The Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for AVI forms the part of this MOU and all
provisions of the SOP in force are binding on all the AVIs. All the AVIs will discharge all the
functions, as per the SOP and follow it in letter and spirit.

7. fȢ]_ €Ȫ `“  —Ȣ žɟ] Ǔ“‘ȶ žɉ kš \“Ǖ‘ȯžɉ €ȡ ”ȡ›“ €š“ȡ ¡Ȫ‚ȡ ǔ‡Û¡Ʌ f“]_jf   ˜™- ˜™ ”š \”“ȯ ˜ǕƠ
fȲ ‘šǗ è Ǔž¢ȡ (jŒȣf›) €ȡ™[И €ȯ Ǔ›f kš ˜ǕƠ Ǔž¢ȡ €ȯ ›ê™ɉ €Ȫ  ȲȪŸ‡“€ Ǿ”  ȯ ĤȡƯ €š“ȯ €ȯ Ǔ›f ‡ȡšȣ
€šȯ ‚ȡ@
The AVI must comply with all such terms, directions and instructions which may be issued
from time to time by NIOS for the purpose of its Open and Distance Learning (ODL)
programme and endeavour for achieving the objectives of open learning.

8. fȢ]_ f“]_jf  Ʈȡšȡ ‚Ǒ‹ ‘›ɉ €Ȫ \ڙ™“ €ȯÛġ €ȡ Ǔ“šȣ¢Ž €š“ȯ ‘ȯ ‚ȡ fȲ  ¡™Ȫ‚ €šȯ ‚ȡ @
The AVI will allow and co-operate in the inspection of the AVI by the teams constituted by


9.  ˜Û™€ f“]_jf  Ʈȡšȡ \›‚  ȯ Ǒ‘f ‚f \Ǔ’€ȡš €ȯ \“Ǖ ȡš f€ –… –ɇ€ ȡȡ Ȫ›Ʌ‚ȯ kš ` €ȡ Ǒ¡ ȡ–
The Co-ordinator shall open and maintain a Savings Bank Account as per the authorization
given by NIOS separately.

10. šȡƶȢ™ ˜ǕƠ ǒƭȡ›™Ȣ Ǔž¢ȡ  Ȳèȡ“ Ǔž¢ȡǓ[™ɉ €ȯ `”™Ȫ‚ €ȯ Ǔ›f hǑŒ™Ȫ kš ȢǑŒ™Ȫ €Ȱ ȯŠ fȢ]_ (\ڙ™“ €ȯÛġ)
€Ȫ Ǔ“ȬžǕ〠Ĥ‘ȡ“ €š“ȯ €ȡ Ĥ™ȡ  €šȯ ‚ȡ@ fȢ]_ \”“ȯ ȢǑŒ™Ȫ kš Šȯ ›Ȣǒ‡“ ȡ hǑŒ™Ȫ €Ȱ ȯŠ …›ȡ“ȯ ȡ›ȯ
`”€šŽɉ €ȡ Ǔ“ȬžǕ〠`”™Ȫ‚ f“]_jf  Ʈȡšȡ ‘ȣ ‚_ hǑŒ™Ȫ/ȢǑŒ™Ȫ  ȡ˜ĒȢ €ȯ Ǔ›f €šȯ ‚ȡ @ fȢ]_ Ǔž¢ȡǓ[™ɉ €ȯ
›ȡ— €ȯ Ǔ›f ˜ǕƠ ǒƭȡ ȡŽȢ €ȯ Ĥ ȡšŽ ¡ȯ Ǖ €ȡ™[И ˜Ʌ `Ǔ… è›ȪŠɉ €ȡ Ĥȡ’ȡ“ €šȯ ‚ȡ @
The NIOS shall endeavour to provide Audio and Video Cassettes free of charge to the AVI for
the use by the learners. The AVI will use its Video and Television and Audio Cassettes
players free of charge for making use of Audio/Video material supplied by NIOS. The AVIs
should make provision of suitable slots in the programmes for broadcast of Mukt Vidya
Vani for the benefit of learners.

11. Ǒ€ Ȣ Ǔ“™˜ fȲ ž[ €ȯ —Ȳ‚ ¡Ȫ“ȯ kš/\ȡ  Ǖ”Ǖ‘[ €ȡ™ɟ €ȯ –ȡšȯ ˜Ʌ f“]_jf  Ʈȡšȡ Ǒ‘f ‚f Ǔ“‘ȶ žɉ €ȡ ”ȡ›“ “
€š“ȯ ”š f“]_jf  €ȯ ”ȡ   Ǘ…“ȡ ‘ȯ €š \ȡ ǒ–“ȡ  Ǘ…“ȡ Ǒ‘f fȢ]_ €Ȫ èǓ‚ ™ȡ –Ȳ‘ €š“ȯ €ȡ \Ǔ’€ȡš ¡Ȱ @
–Ȳ‘ ¡Ȫ“ȯ €ȯ –ȡ‘ Ǔž¢ȡǓ[™ɉ ]Ǒ‘ €ȯ èȡ“ȡȲšŽ ]Ǒ‘ €ȡ `ƣš‘ȡǓ™× fȢ]_ €ȡ ¡Ȫ‚ȡ@ \ۙ –ȡɉ €ȯ \ǓǐšƠ ™Ǒ‘
ĤיȡǓ™ å™ȡ ȡǓ™€  Ȳèȡ €Ȫ Ǔ“à“Ǔ›ǔ ˜Ʌ  ȯ Ǒ€ Ȣ —Ȣ Ĥ€ȡš €ȧ \“Ǖ”™ǕƠȡ/\Ǔ“™Ǔ˜ȡ ˜Ʌ  Ȳ›Ê“ ”ȡ™ȡ ‚™ȡ
Ȫ f“]_jf  €ȯ ”ȡ  Ĥיȡ™“ €Ȫ ȡǒ”  ›ȯ“ȯ ȡ 15000/- ǽ. (”Ȳġ¡ ¡‡ȡš ǽ”f €ȯ›) ‡Ǖ˜ȡ[“ȡ ›ȯ“ȯ €ȡ \Ǔ’€ȡš
 Ǖšǔ¢ ¡Ȱ :-
In case of breach of any terms and conditions and /or non-compliance of
directions/guidelines given by NIOS in the context of assigned tasks, the NIOS reserves the
right to suspend or cancel the accreditation of the institution with or without any notice.
The liability of transfer of learners etc. after the closure will be that of the AVI. Among other
things, the NIOS reserves the right to withdraw accreditation and impose a penalty of Rs.
15,000/- (Rs. Fifteen thousand only) in case the AVI is found indulging in any of the
following improprieties/irregularities:

11.1 f“]_jf  Ʈȡšȡ Ǔ“ǔƱ Ǔ“™˜ɉ €ȯ \“Ǖ ȡš Ǔž¢ȡǓ[™ɉ €Ȫ ]æ™€ žȰǔ¢€ kš Ĥžȡ Ǔ“€  ¡ȡ™ȡ “ ‘ȯ “ȡ@
Failure to provide necessary academic and administrative support to the learners as
per prescribed norms fixed by NIOS.

11.2 Ǔž¢ȡǓ[™ɉ  ȯ f“]_jf  Ʈȡšȡ Ǔ“’ȡ[ǐš žǕ〠šȡǓž  ȯ \Ǔ’€ žǕ〠›ȯ“ȡ@
Charging fee from the learners over and above the fee prescribed by NIOS.

11.3  ȯȡ žǕ〠\ȡ Ǒ€ Ȣ \ۙ ˜ȡ˜›ȯ/€ȡ™ɟ €ȯ Ǔ›f \ǓǐšƠ šȡǓž ›ȯ“ȡ@
Accepting extra money towards service charges or for any other items/tasks.

11.4 Ǔ“’ȡ[ǐš  ˜™ ˜Ʌ f“]_jf  Ʈȡšȡ ‘ȣ ‚_ \ڙ™“  ȡ˜ĒȢ €ȡ ǒšŽ Ǔž¢ȡǓ[™ɉ €Ȫ “ €š ”ȡ“ȡ@
Non-distribution of study material supplied by NIOS to learners within stipulated time.

11.5 Ǔž¢ȡǓ[™ɉ  ȯ f“]_jf  \ڙ™“  ȡ˜ĒȢ €ȯ ǒšŽ €ȯ Ǔ›f \ǓǐšƠ ”Ȱ ȯ ›ȯ“ȡ@
Charging additional money for distribution of NIOS study material to the learners.

11.6 f“]_jf   ȯ ĤȡƯ ǒƣȢ™ ›ȯ“‘ȯ “ kš èŠȨ€ €ȡ  ¡ȣ ǐš€ȨŒ[ –“ȡ€š “ š“ȡ@
Non-maintenance of proper records of financial transactions and stocks received from

11.7 f“]_jf  Ʈȡšȡ Ǒ‘f ‚f €ȡ™ɟ €ȯ \ǓǐšƠ f“]_jf  `”™Ȫ‚  ȯ  Ȳ–ȲǓ’ ǒƣȢ™ \Ǔ“™Ǔ˜ȡfȱ@
Financial irregularities relating to use of NIOS funds for purposes other than those
laid down by NIOS.

11.8 €Ȫ_ g ȯ ǒ…ȡš ™ȡ `Ƨȯ æ™ €Ȫ ǒ€Ǔ  ™ȡ Ĥ…ȡǐš €š“ȡ ‡Ȫ ‘ȯ ž €ȧ  ȲĤ—Ǖƣȡ] f€ȡ ™ȡ \ȲŒȡ €ȯ ǒǽƨ ¡Ȫ@
Promoting and propagating an idea/objective which is against the solidarity,
sovereignty or unity of the country.

11.9  ȲȪŸ‡“€ €¢ȡfȱ] Ĥ™Ȫ‚žȡ›ȡfȲ €ȡ™[žȡ›ȡfȲ] €ȡ™[ €ȯÛġ kš ”Ǖ菀ȡ›™ ^יȡǑ‘ —ȫǓ€  Ǖǒ’ȡjȲ ˜Ʌ €˜Ȣ kš
ۙǗ“˜ ]æ™€ȡjȲ €ȧ ”ǗǓ[ €ȯ Ǔ›f `Û¡Ʌ  Ǖ’ȡš“ȯ ˜Ʌ \ǽǓ…@
Deterioration of physical facilities and unwillingness to improve them to meet
minimum requirements in terms of satisfactory classrooms, laboratory, workshops,
work centres and library facilities.

11.10 f“]_jf  ”šȣ¢ȡjȲ €ȯ ]™Ȫ‡“ €ȯ Ǔ›f —“ kš €˜[…ȡšȣ ‘ȯ “ȯ  ȯ ˜“ȡ €š“ȡ@

Refusal to provide building and staff for the conduct of NIOS Examinations.

11.11 ”šȣ¢ȡ ˜Ʌ ‚› €ȡ™ɟ €Ȫ –±ȡȡ ‘ȯ “ȡ@

Abetting unfair means in examination.

11.12 ”šȣ¢ȡ €ȯÛġ €ȡ \”™ȡ[Ư ”™[ȯ¢Ž ǔ‡  ȯ €ȯÛġ ”š ”šȣ¢ȡ €ȯ ‘ȫšȡ“ Ǔž¢ȡȸ \“ǕǓ…  ȡ’“ɉ €ȡ `”™Ȫ‚/ ȡ˜ǗǑ¡€
“€› €šȯ ¡ɇ @
Inadequate supervision of the Examination Centre enabling learners to use unfair
means/mass copying during the examination at the centre.

11.13 ›‚ȡȡš ‘Ȫ Ÿɟ € 10  ȯ €˜ Ǔž¢ȡǓ[™ɉ €ȡ Ĥȯž@

Admission of less than 10 learners per course for two consecutive years.

11.14 f“]_jf  Ʈȡšȡ Ȱ™ȡš Ǒ€f ‚f  ˜ˆȫȡ £ȡ”“ (f˜j™Ǘ) ˜Ʌ ‘ȣ ‚_ —ȡ‚Ȣ‘ȡšȣ €ȧ žɟ €Ȫ ”Ǘšȡ “ €š“ȡ@
Non-fulfilment of conditions of partnership as spelled out in Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) executed with NIOS.

11.15 ›‚ȡȡš ‘Ȫ Ÿɟ € \ڙ™“ €ȯÛġ €ȯ Ǿ” ˜Ʌ fȢ]_ €ȯ šȡ– žȰǔ¢€ ”ǐšŽȡ˜ kš ` ȯ ‹Ȥ€ €š“ȯ ˜Ʌ  ˜[ “
Poor academic performance of the AVI functioning for two consecutive years and not
being able to keep the desired performance.

11.16 Ĥȯž] ”šȣ¢ȡ kš \ۙ Ǒ‘f ‚f €ȡ™ɟ  ȯ  Ȳ–ȲǓ’ €Ȫ_ \ۙ –Ǖšȡ 噝¡ȡš] ǔ‡  ȯ f“]_jf  €ȧ Ǻǒƴ ˜Ʌ  Ȳèȡ
€ȡ Ĥיȡ™“ ǕšȲ ȡ”  ›ȯ ›ȯ“ȡ …ȡǑ¡f@
Any other misconduct in connection with the admission, examinations and other
assigned tasks which in the opinion of NIOS warrants immediate withdrawal of
accreditation of the institution.

11.17 ¢ȯğ  ȯ  Ȳ–ǔے Ǒ€ Ȣ g Ȣ ǒžȯŸ ‡ȡ“€ȡšȣ €ȡ Ǖ›ȡ ȡ “ €š“ȡ ǔ‡  ȯ fȢ]_ žȰǔ¢€  ğ €ȯ ‘ȫšȡ“ –Ȳ‘ —Ȣ ¡Ȫ
 €ȡ ¡Ȱ @
Non-disclosure of any region-specific information which may lead to the closure of the
AVI during the academic session.

11.18 f“]_jf  €ȯ Ǔ“™˜ɉ €ȯ ǒǽƨ \ǓǐšƠ žǕ〠›ȯ€š €ȪǓ…Ȳ‚/ ¡ȡ™€ €¢ȡjȲ ˜Ʌ Ǔž¢ȡ Ĥ‘ȡ“ €š“ȯ €ȯ Ǔ›f
f“]_]_jf   ȡ˜ĒȢ €ȡ Ĥ™Ȫ‚@
Usage of NIOS material for imparting education in the coaching/remedial classes by
charging any amount which is not prescribed in NIOS norms.

11.19 f“]_jf  Ʈȡšȡ Ǔ“’ȡ[ǐš  Ȳəȡ  ȯ \Ǔ’€ Ǔž¢ȡǓ[™ɉ €ȡ “ȡ˜ȡȲ€“ €š“ȡ@

Enrolling learners beyond the accreditation allotted by NIOS to it.

12. f“]_jf  \”“ȯ €˜[…ȡǐš™ɉ €ȯ ‘› \ȡ Ǔ“™ǕƠ ĤǓǓ“Ǔ’ Ʈȡšȡ Ǒ€ Ȣ —Ȣ €ȡ™[ Ǒ‘  ”š Ǒ€ Ȣ —Ȣ  ˜™ ǒ–“ȡ
€Ȫ_ ”Ǘ[  Ǘ…“ȡ Ǒ‘f fȢ]_ €ȯ €ȡ™[] ˜Ǘ›—Ǘ  Ǖǒ’ȡjȲ] Ĥžȡ Ǔ“€ €ȡ™ɟ ]Ǒ‘ €ȡ Ǔ“šȣ¢Ž €š  €ȡ ¡Ȱ @
NIOS can, at any point, inspect the working, infrastructure, administrative functioning
etc., of the AVI without prior notice on any working day by a team comprising of official
of NIOS or official deputed by NIOS.

13. Ǔ“šȣ¢Ž €š“ȯ ”š ™Ǒ‘ ”ȡ™ȡ ‚™ȡ Ǒ€ fȢ]_ €ȡ €ȡ™[ 菚ȣ™ “¡ȣȲ ¡Ȱ Ȫ Ĥיȡ™“ šƧ Ǒ€™ȡ ‡ȡf‚ȡ kš Ǔž¢ȡǓ[™ɉ
€ȯ èȡ“ȡȲšŽ €ȡ …[ fȢ]_ `‹ȡf‚ȡ @
Upon inspection, if the functioning of the AVI is not found upto the mark and
accreditation is thereafter withdrawn, the cost involved in shifting the learners would be
borne by the AVI.

14. ™Ǒ‘ fȢ]_ \”“Ȣ  ȯȡfȱ ‡ȡšȣ š“ȯ ˜Ʌ \ ˜[ ¡Ȱ Ȫ ¡ Ĥיȡ™“ ›ȫŠȡ  €ȡ ¡Ȱ ”šÛǕ Ǒ€ Ȣ —Ȣ ”ǐšǔèǓ ˜Ʌ
 ğ €ȯ –Ȣ… ˜Ʌ g ȡ “¡ȣȲ Ǒ€™ȡ ‡ȡf‚ȡ@ Ǒ€ Ȣ —Ȣ ˜ȡ˜›ȯ ˜Ʌ Ǔž¢ȡǓ[™ɉ ]Ǒ‘ €ȯ èȡ“ȡȲšŽ ˜Ʌ ›‚Ȣ ›ȡ‚ €ȡ
—Ǖ‚ȡ“ fȢ]_ Ʈȡšȡ Ǒ€™ȡ ‡ȡf‚ȡ@
The AVI may also surrender its accreditation if it is not able to continue the services,
but that shall not happen in the middle of the term under any circumstances. In such
condition, the cost involved in shifting the learners etc., would be borne by the AVI.
™Ǒ‘ f˜j™Ǘ  ȯ `הۓ \ȡ ` €ȯ  Ȳ–’ Ȳ ˜Ʌ ǑƮȢ™ ”ȡŠȹ kš Ĥ˜ ”ȡŠȹ €ȯ –Ȣ… €Ȫ_ ǒȡ‘ ¡Ȫȡ ¡Ȱ
Ȫ ¡ ǒȡ‘ Ĥ˜ ”ȡŠȹ Ʈȡšȡ Ǔ“™ǕƠ f€˜ȡğ ˜Ú™è €Ȫ Ǒ‘™ȡ ‡ȡf‚ȡ ǔ‡ €ȡ Ǔ“Ž[™ ǑƮȢ™ ”ȡŠȹ €ȯ
Ǔ›f \ȲǓ˜ fȲ –ȡڙ ¡Ȫ‚ȡ @







15. ™Ǒ‘ ‘Ȫ“ɉ ”ȡǑŠ[ ™ɉ €ȯ –Ȣ… ˜Ʌ €Ȫ_ ǒȡ‘ ¡Ȫȡ ¡Ȱ Ȫ  —Ȣ ˜ȡ˜›ȯ “ȪfŒȡ €ȯ ۙȡ™ȡ›™ ˜Ʌ Ǔ“”Šȡf ‡ȡ™Ʌ‚ȯ kš
¢ȯğȡǓ’€ȡš Ǔ •[ “ȪfŒȡ (`.Ĥ.) €ȯ ۙȡ™ȡ›™ɉ €ȡ ¡Ȫ‚ȡ@
In case of any dispute arising out of the relation between the parties, the jurisdiction of
the Courts and Tribunals will be at the Court of Law, NOIDA (UP) only.

16. ™Ǒ‘ `”™ǕƠ

[ Ǔ“™˜ kš žɏ ǑƮȢ™ ”ȡŠȹ €Ȫ èȢ€ȡ™[ ¡ɇ Ȫ ¡ ]” \”“Ȣ èȢ€Ǚ Ǔ “Ȣ…ȯ Ǒ‘f ‚f èȡ“ ”š
¡èȡ¢š €š€ȯ €šɅ ǔ‡  ȯ ǒƭȡ›™/ Ȳèȡ €Ȫ a”š Ǔ“’ȡ[ǐš Ǔ“™˜ kš žɟ €ȯ \“Ǖ ȡš ȡ —ǒç™ ˜Ʌ ›ȡ‚Ǘ Ǒ€f
‡ȡ“ȯ ȡ›ȯ Ǔ“™˜ɉ kš žɟ €ȯ \“Ǖ ȡš \ڙ™“ €ȯÛġ €ȯ Ǿ” ˜Ʌ €ȡ™[ €š“ȯ €ȯ Ǔ›f \“Ǖ˜Ǔ ‘ȣ ‡ȡ  €ȯ@
In case the above stated terms and conditions are accepted by the Second Party,
acceptance thereof be indicated by putting signatures in the space provided below, so
that the School/Institution may be allowed to act as an AVI in accordance with the
terms and conditions stipulated herein above and subject to such terms & conditions
which may be enforced in future in the facts and circumstances.


[  ˜ˆȫȡ £ȡ”“ ˜Ʌ Ǒ‘f ‚f Ǔ“™˜ɉ kš žɟ ”š ¡˜ȡšȣ èȢ€Ǚ Ǔ €ȯ Ǿ” ˜Ʌ, ¡˜ Ǒ‘“
˜ȡ¡  “ Q ‘Ȫ ¡‡ȡš ........................... €Ȫ ¡èȡ¢š €šȯ ¡ɇ @


We put our hands on this ________________ day of ________________ month Two Thousand
__________________ as a token of our accepting the terms and conditions as set forth in the
above Memorandum of Understanding.

f“]_jf  €ȯ Ǔ›f kš ` €ȧ jš  ȯ  Ȳèȡ“ €ȯ Ǔ›f kš ` €ȧ jš  ȯ

For and on behalf of NIOS For and on behalf of the Institution

¡èȡ¢š/Signature ¡èȡ¢š/Signature
“ȡ˜/Name “ȡ˜/Name
 Ǔ… (f“]_jf ) ”‘“ȡ˜/Ĥȡ…ȡ™[/Ĥ˜Ǖ
Secretary (NIOS) Designation (Principal/Head)

€ȡ™ȡ[›™Ȣ ˜Ǖ¡š/Official Stamp €ȡ™ȡ[›™Ȣ ˜Ǖ¡š/Official Stamp

èȡ“/Place èȡ“/Place
ǓǓ/Date: ǓǓ/Date:

‚ȡ¡ ‚ȡ¡
Witnesses Witnesses

1. ______________________ 1. _____________________
(¡èȡ¢š) (¡èȡ¢š)
(Signature) (Signature)
“ȡ˜ kš ”ȡ “ȡ˜ kš ”ȡ
Name & Address Name & Address
______________________ ____________________
______________________ ____________________
______________________ ____________________

2. ______________________ 2. _____________________
(¡èȡ¢š) (¡èȡ¢š)
(Signature) (Signature)
“ȡ˜ kš ”ȡ “ȡ˜ kš ”ȡ
Name & Address Name & Address
______________________ ____________________
______________________ ____________________
______________________ ____________________


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