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400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, Pa. 15096

Variable Speed
Constant Frequency (VSCF)
Aircraft Electrical
E. B. Canfield and J. W. Summerford
Equipment Div.
General Electric Co.

Aerospace Meeting
Airport Sheraton Inn, Los Angeles 771002
November 14-17, 1977
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Copyright © Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. 1977

All rights reserved.
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Variable Speed
Constant Frequency (VSCF)
Aircraft Electrical
E. B. Canfield and J. W. Summerford
Aircraft Equipment Div.
General Electric Co.

m THE EARLY 1960's, in quest of more

reliable 400 Hz aircraft power systems, the
U. S. Navy sponsored the development of
VSCF systems using cycloconverters. It
was recognized that a primarily electronic
control system had the capability of achiev
ing the desired reliability, and that the new
technology system could offer other advan
tages to the user. In 1971, General Electric
received the first production contract for a
VSCF system; a 20 kva retrofit system for
the A-4 aircraft. Today, there are over
400 systems in operation, demonstrating
excellent performance and reliability. The
selection of VSCF for the F-18, 40 kva
power generating system is further evidence
that VSCF is a mature system, offering per
formance and system advantages.
The rapid growth of electronic technology control and protective circuits (Fig. 1).(1)*
will continue to improve the reliability and The generator is ordinarily driven from
expand the functional capability of future the engine auxiliary gearbox. Preferred
systems. maximum input speeds range from 23,000
to 27,000 RPM, depending on the system
SYSTEM DESCRIPTION rating. The generator is usually six phase

A VSCF system consists of a high fre

quency, brushless generator and a solid *Numbers in parenthesis designate refer
state frequency converter with associated ences at end of paper.

This paper describes the operation, de precision 3-phase, 115/200V, 400 Hz air
sign, performance, and application of high craft power, using the cycloconverter
reliability, variable speed constant fre principle. Systems have been built with
quency (VSCF) aircraft electric power gen ratings from 20 to 150 kva. For a 75 kva
erating systems. A high frequency, multi system, the weight to rating ratio is about
phase, brushless generator supplies power 1.6 lbs/kva and rated load efficiency is
to a frequency converter which conditions 80%. Predicted MTBF for current systems
the variable frequency generator output into is in the 2000 to 6000 hour range.
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wave. The gating of the two rectifier banks
is shown in Fig. 4. The solid jagged lines
indicate the conduction period of the recti
fiers connected to the generator lines. These
are the unfiltered outputs of the two rectifier
banks. The heavy smooth lines represent
the filtered output of the cycloconverter.
Notice that both rectifier banks are program
med to gate over the entire 360 degrees of
the output wave and each bank can supply
either polarity of voltage. The positive half
of the output voltage wave may be formed by
operating either the positive bank in the rec
tifying mode or the negative bank in the in
verting mode; and conversely, for the nega
tive half of the output voltage wave. The
rectifying and inverting modes define the di rection
of power flow. Power flows toward the
load in the rectifying mode and toward the source
and operates at output frequencies up to in the inverting mode. The point of switching
3600 Hz (Fig. 2). This high frequency power rectifier banks occurs where the current
is delivered to three identical cycloconverters goes through zero and depends upon the
that convert it to 400 Hz, three-phase power. load power factor. The
Each cycloconverter is followed by a filter two filtered output waves of Fig. 4 are
that removes the ripple frequency compo identical in magnitude and phase. When the
nents from the output. With a 6-phase gen rectifier banks are programmed in this manner,
erator, there are 12 thyristors in each no distortion is produced when the load
cycloconverter that are gated by modulators current is transfer ed from one bank to
to form the 400 Hz output wave. The modu the other. The transfer of current be tween
lators which use the biased cosine method banks is natural, i. e., no additional control
for gating the thyristors mix firing waves is required to make the transfer. The
derived from the generator lines and the cycloconverter is a voltage source so the
400 Hz reference wave. load determines the flow of current in the
The 3-phase, 400 Hz reference waves rectifier banks. The
are derived from a crystal reference and a thyristors are gated to produce low harmonics
digital wave generator to produce three 120 of the 400 Hz wave. Therefore, the
degree phase displaced waves having less output filter is sized to remove only the rectifier
than 0.5% harmonic distortion. The output ripple frequency components. Since the
voltage waves are compared with the refer ripple frequency is high, a smal output filter
ence waves by means of negative feedback may be used. A simple LC filter is used
to improve the linearity of the cycloconverter with the inductance contained in the
and to reduce the output impedance. Thus,
the cycloconverter with the feedback loop is
a high power amplifier that produces an out
put wave which is a replica of the reference
wave at a much higher power level.
The 400 Hz output voltage is regulated by
means of individual phase voltage regulators
that adjust the amplitude of the 400 Hz ref
erence waves. Since each phase is regulated
separately, there is negligible voltage unbal
ance in the line-to-neutral output voltages
even with large unbalances in load.
CYCLOCONVERTER - Fig. 3 shows the
cycloconverter(2)* for a single output phase.
A 6-phase rectifier connection with an inter
phase transformer is used. Two phase con
trolled rectifier banks generate the 400 Hz
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interphase transformer in the form of leak (1)No frequency transients

age inductance. A feed-thru type capacitor is (2)Short duration voltage transients
used to improve the filtering at high frequen (3)Negligible voltage unbalance
cies to meet the electromagnetic interference (4)Low output impedance
requirement of MIL-STD-461. The VSCF output frequency is determined
GENERATOR - VSCF system generators by a small digital wave generator that is not
are currently wound rotor salient pole ma disturbed by the load torque. Thus, load
chines utilizing the same basic elements as transients do not affect the system output
conventional 400 Hz aircraft generators frequency.
(Fig. 5). They are oil lubricated and cooled, The voltage transients during application
and consist of a main machine, a rotating and removal of load are short duration. Since
rectifier brushless exciter, and a small per the generator field time constant does not
manent magnet generator (PMG) to provide enter the converter voltage regulating loop,
exciter field power and control power for the the loop dynamics are very fast and the sys
system. Since system output voltage regula tem voltage recovers quickly during applica
tion is accomplished in the cycloconverter
circuits, it is practical to use an unregulated
PMG as the primary power source, signifi
cantly simplifying the generator. We are
presently working on an Air Force develop
ment contract to build a 150 kva VSCF
starter/generator system utilizing a Samar
ium Cobalt PMG.


advantages of the VSCF system result from
the solid state switches (thyristors) that are
used to generate the 400 Hz waves and the
fast feedback loop dynamics used to control
the devices. Some of these advantages are:
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tion and removal of loads. reset is required to re-energize the system

Since there is one cycloconverter for and to reconnect it to the load bus. This
each output phase, individual phase voltage manual reset is accomplished by turning the
regulation is used to eliminate the voltage VSCF control switch off and back on. The
unbalance caused by unbalanced loads. High system is also de-energized and disconnected
loop gain and low source impedance hold the from the load bus when the drive speed falls
phase voltages within close tolerances under below the specified limit.
all loads from no load to rated load.
The negative feedback and filter capacitors BUILT-IN-TEST (BIT) - Reduced main
reduce the output impedance of the electrical tenance costs and increased confidences in
system. The low output impedance reduces protective circuit operation are the prime
the load induced harmonics generated by non objectives of BIT. The BIT uses the system
linear loads such as transformer-rectifiers, protection circuits and a minimum of addi
and greatly decreases subcycle voltage tran tional hardware.
sients resulting from operation of switching The VSCF BIT circuits continuously
devices and fault clearing. monitor all protection signals, and perform
PROTECTION - The protection circuits end-to-end test on all control and protection
continuously monitor the following param logic as long as power is turned on. Indica
eters to protect the load equipment from tors display the most likely failed line re
degraded power quality: placeable unit with a high degree of confi
dence. In addition, automatic confidence
checks on the operation of passive protective
circuits are made during each period of
operation of the system, to assure that the
protective is available in the event of a sys
tem failure.


low number of interconnections be
tween the generator and the converter in a
VSCF system make it extremely versatile
with regard to the location of the converter.
The converter and generator can be separate
packages interconnected by shielded high
frequency feeder cables, (e.g., A-4 aircraft
application) or they can be integrated into a
single package (e.g., F-18). Installation and
cooling considerations determine the optimum
configuration for a given application.
GENERATOR - A high speed (23,000 to
27,000 RPM) input to the generator is desir
able for minimum system weight. Additional
system reliability and weight reduction may
be achieved by integrating the generator oil
system with the engine accessory gearbox.
Incorporating the necessary pumps in the
engine gearbox has minor impact on the gear
box design and permits use of a common heat
exchanger. All oil connections to the gener
ator can be made through transfer tubes in
A discrete (ON/OFF) signal is generated the mounting flange, eliminating external
for each parameter exceeding the specified plumbing.
limit. The presence of any fault condition Recent generator designs incorporate a
causes the VSCF to be de-energized and dis dry cavity oil system eliminating contact of
connected from the load bus by the bus con the oil with the insulation system. The oil
tactor (BC). If a disconnect results, manual comes in contact only with shaft bearings and
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rotating seals. Potential problems due to in duction and ease of maintenance. All the low
sulation shedding or other oil contamination level control, protection, built-in-test (BIT),
sources within the machine are eliminated and logic interface circuitry is contained in
making a shared oil system with the engine plug-in printed wiring boards. Test points
gearbox advantageous, offering system sim are available to facilitate trouble shooting,
plification and increased reliability. and are brought out to a connector for com
A typical VSCF generator is a wound patability with computer automated trouble
rotor, brushless, oil cooled and lubricated shooting.
synchronous machine containing an integral When the converter is separated from
permanent magnet generator and a rotating the generator, shielded high frequency seven
rectifier exciter. The permanent magnet conduct feeder cables connect the units.
generator rotor, exciter rotor, and main rotor Since the cables are thermal limited rather
are mounted on a common shaft. The one than voltage drop limited, their weight
piece hollow steel shaft contains the rotating compares favorably with the 400 Hz feeders
rectifiers. High speed oil lubricated bearings that would be required otherwise. In addi
of M-50 tool steel support the ends of the tion to its primary function of containing
shaft. Circumferential seals are mounted EMI, the cable shielding minimizes exposure
inboard of the bearings to contain the bearing of the electrical system to lightning, static
oil and to insure that free oil will not be in discharge, and electromagnetic pulse for
troduced into the machine cavity. military applications. The large filter
A cast aluminum frame contains the capacitor on each 400 Hz phase also provides
stators and external electrical connectors, an excellent means of suppressing these
as well as the oil connections between the factors on the 400 Hz output.
generator and the auxiliary gearbox. Oil On applications where relatively low
from the gearbox is supplied through an inlet temperature oil (80°C) is available for cool
port in the generator flange. The stator ing purposes, the integral package has many
section is cooled first by oil directed through advantages. In the integral design, the con
passages behind the stator core. Heat is verter is essentially wrapped around the
then removed from the rotor section by oil generator. The interface between the genera
flowing inside the hollow shaft and through tor and converter sections serves as a double
oil tubes in the main rotor magnetics. Com sided heat sink, with inlet oil cooling both
pleting its flow through the cooling path, the the electronics and the generator stator
oil is returned to the auxiliary gearbox sump section. Integral packages appear feasible
via an exit oil port in the mounting flange. in ratings up to 60 or 75 kva at present. A
Additional drain ports are provided to handle 40 kva integral VSCF system was selected
bearing return oil and any leakage that may for the F-18 aircraft. (3) It has a maximum
occur. operating speed of 26,250 rpm and utilizes
The insulation system is a combination of a shared oil system with the airframe
oil resistant, high temperature materials. mounted accessory gearbox. Unit weight
It is made primarily of polyimides (duPont is 75 pounds, and rated load efficiency is
"Kapton" and "Vespel") and epoxides (GE 78 percent.
"Novalac"). Internal wiring is in accordance
with MIL-STD-454 requirement 69 with PERFORMANCE
most connections brazed.
CONVERTER - Converters can be cooled The VSCF system offers many perfor
either by air or oil. Present designs are of mance advantages in addition to its high
the "cold plate" type, where the cooling reliability and low maintenance costs.
medium is used to cool the plate, and does EFFICIENCY - The full load efficiency
not impinge directly on the components. This is better than 80% for a 60 kva system. This
method makes it possible to use either air or high efficiency is the result of the cyclo
oil cooled plates, with minimum effect on the converter circuit which converts the genera
converter package. In VSCF converters, the tor frequency to 400 Hz in a single stage
control and protection circuits remain essen having only one semiconductor voltage drop
tially the same regardless of the power rating. in the path from the generator to the load.
Only the generator and the converter power VOLTAGE REGULATION - The output
related components such as interphase trans voltages are regulated by individual phase
formers, filter capacitors, and SCR's change. voltage regulators, thus, unbalanced loads
Modular design of the converter components to not produce unbalanced voltage. The in
in functional groups allows for efficient pro dividual phases are regulated within 115 ± 1
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feedback techniques at frequencies below 3000

Hz and by the output filter above 3000 Hz. The
typical total waveform distortion for non VSCF
systems is 3% at most loads and speeds with
a specifcation limit of 4%. The low out
The converter voltage regulators control
the gating of the thyristors and not the genera
tor field. Since the long field time constant
is not in the regulating loop, the loop dyna
mics are very fast permitting only short
duration voltage transients on application and
removal of load. Fig. 6 shows a typical
voltage transient of less than 8 millisec on
removal of rated load.
IENTS - The VSCF output frequency is not
affected by generator speed. The converter
output is a replica of the 400 Hz reference
wave which is controlled by a crystal to
better than 500 parts/million. Shock loads
and input speed changes do not affect the
crystal frequency and have negligible effect
of the output frequency of the VSCF system.
7 compares the output impedance of the VSCF
system with the output impedance of a 400
Hz aircraft generator. The VSCF system has
significantly lower impedance at the high frequencies
which reduces the load induced harmonics
caused by non-linear loads such as
transformer rectifiers. The effect of the low
output impedance is shown in Fig. 8. This
figure compares the voltage waveforms of
a 30 kva aircraft generator and a 20 kva VSCF
system with the same transformer rectifier
load (28 volts, 100 amperes dc). The
aircraft generator waveform (top) has a 2%
distortion at 4400 Hz. The VSCF wave form
(bottom) was not affected. Waveform
distortion is reduced by nega tive
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put impedance assures negligible degradation
of the waveform by load induced harmonics
when the VSCF system is installed in the
A summary of the performance of a 30/40
kva VSCF system is shown in Table 1. The
continuous rating is 40 kva with the overloads
based on the 30 kva rating.

VSCF channel weight is competitive with

other systems of the same rating, and in con
trast to hydromechanical devices and controls
in which wear increases proportionally with
load, VSCF has very few parts subject to
mechanical wear. There are only two bearings
and seals. Therefore, a VSCF system can
be operated at its full rating continuously
without significant adverse impact on life or
reliability. A 60/75 kva system with a shared
oil system and an input speed range of 11,500
to 23,000 rpm would weight 120 pounds. A
150 kva system with similar characteristics
would weight about 200 pounds. The 60/75
kva converter would occupy 1,600 cubic inches
and the 150 kva converter would occupy about
3,000 cubic inches. System efficiency is
above 80% for both ratings. Current con
verters contain approximately 1,200 elec
tronic parts. MTBF's range from 2,000 to
6,000 hours, depending on the environment
and mission profile.
plified because the drive dynamics do not enter
The versatility of the VSCF concept makes into the control loops. Torque disturbances,
it adaptable to a wide range of both installa gear backlash, and rotor inertia cause no sys
tion and electrical requirements. Integral tem stability problems.
or separate packages may be used, as the STARTER OPERATION (4) - The VSCF
application requires. Possible cooling system can be used to start the aircraft engine
methods include shared or independent oil, with the addition of a small amount of control
ram air, electronic bay air, or combinations circuitry. Power can flow through a cyclo
of these methods. converter in either direction, and the rotating
The system is capable of both isolated and machine can act as either a generator or a
parallel operation. When operated isolated, motor. In the start mode, the system func
it can be synchronous with other operating tions as a brushless dc machine when 400 Hz
channels, maintaining most of the benefits of power is applied to the converter low frequency
parallel operation and the system reliability terminals. After the start is completed, the
of independent sources. This consideration system automatically reverts to the generating
is important where redundant avionic equip mode and supplies 400 Hz power to the air
ment is required for aircraft operation and craft load equipment. No major power cir
safety. cuit changes are required to provide the
start function.
operation, load division is achieved by biasing SUMMARY
voltage and frequency with signals proportional
to the current circulating between systems . In VSCF has demonstrated significantly im
the VSCF system, the control problem is sim proved reliability, maintainability, and power
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quality with over 400 systems now in operation. REFERENCES

Continued development resulted in the integral
system selected for the F-18, and many other 1.H. G. Carlson, "VSCF Technology."
system options including engine start capability Technical Proceedings of General Electric
are possible. Continued growth in electronic Aircraft Electrical Power Seminar held in
technology provides further opportunity for im Binghamton, New York, May 10-11, 1977.
provement as new devices and materials become
available. 2.W. McMurray, "The Theory and
With frequency variations eliminated and Design of Cycloconverters." The MIT
voltage transients reduced because of the fast Press, 1972.
dynamic response and low output impedance
of the system, the stresses on components in 3.
H. G. Carlson and R. N. Wright,
the utilization equipment are reduced, im "VSCF Aircraft Electrical Power." IEE
proving overall aircraft reliability. 1977 National Aerospace and Electronics
High reliability and advanced maintenance Conference, May 17-19, 1977.
concepts result in a system with long life that
is relatively easy to troubleshoot and repair, 4.D. L. Lafuze, "VSCF Engine Start
thus insuring the lowest cost of ownership for Capability." Technical Proceedings of
the user. General Electric Aircraft Electrical Power
Seminar held in Binghamton, New York,
May 10-11, 1977.
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advanced in papers or discussion are the author's and are tions Division.
his responsibility, not the Society's. Discussion will be Persons wishing to submit papers to be considered for presentation or publica
printed with the paper if it is published in SAE Transactions. tion through SAE should send the manuscript or a 300 word abstract of a pro
posed manuscript to: Secretary, Engineering Activities Board, SAE.
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