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the Chemistry of
Lust, Love, and

According to:

Anthropologist Helen Fisher (2016)

there are three stages of falling in
love. In each stage, a different set of
brain chemicals run the show.
These stages are lust, attraction
and attachment.

Helen Fisher


When people are in the stage of lust, they
feel physically attracted and drawn to their
object of affection.

Driven by the desire for sexual


The hypothalamus of the brain plays a big

role in this, stimulating the production of
the sex hormones testosterone and
estrogen from the testes and ovaries.
Characteristic that causes pleasure or

A person may begin to be obsessed about

their object of affection and crave for his

Attraction has brain pathways that controls

“reward” behavior, which explains the first
few months of a relationship.
stage involves wanting to make a more
lasting commitment to your loved one.

Driven by the desire for sexual


The hypothalamus of the brain plays a big

role in this, stimulating the production of
the sex hormones testosterone and
estrogen from the testes and ovaries.
Six Love Styles

John Lee
Six Love Styles of John Lee

1. Eros (EH-ros). Love is based on a strong sexual and emotional component.

1. Eros (EH-ros). Love is based on a strong sexual and emotional

2. Agape (AH-gah-pay). This is altruistic and selfless love.
3. Storge (Store-gay). This is love-related friendship and based on
nonsexual affection.
Six Love Styles of John Lee

1. Eros (EH-ros). Love is based on a strong sexual and emotional component.

4. Ludus. For ludic lovers, love is just a game, something for fun or
5. Mania. This is characterized by an intense feeling which may lead to
obsessive and possessive love towards the loved one.
6. Pragma. This is a practical and business-like love.
1 Intimacy. Includes the desire to give and
receive emotional closeness, support, caring

Triangular and sharing

Theory of

Love 2 Passion. Hot component of love which can be

described as intensely romantic or sexual

by Robert Sternberg
3 Commitment. This is the cold component
of love.
Types of love based
on the above

Robert Sternberg
Types of love

1 Liking (Intimacy). emotional intimacy and has no passionate intention for long-term commitment

2 Infatuation (Passion). associated with a high degree of physiological arousal. There is only
passion without intimacy or commitment.

3 Empty love (Commitment). involves only commitment. A relationship. With no intimacy and

4 Romantic love (Passion and Intimacy).combination of both passion and intimacy which may be
present during the first phase of a relationship.
Types of love

5 Companionate love (Intimacy and Commitment). components are both intimacy and commitment
which is experienced in long committed friendship or marriage where passion has faded.

6 Fatuous love (Passion and Commitment). combination of passion and commitment experienced by
a couple who spent a short time in courtship and suddenly decided to get married.

7 Consummate love (Passion, Intimacy, and Commitment). exists a healthy balance of passion,
intimacy, and commitment shared by couples considered to be ideal for each other.

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