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Research Report

How Can Movement Quality Be

Promoted in Clinical Practice?
A Phenomenological Study of
Physical Therapist Experts
Liv Helvik Skjaerven, Kjell Kristoffersen, Gunvor Gard
L.H. Skjaerven, PT, MSc, is Associ-
ate Professor, Department of
Background. In recent years, physical therapists have paid greater attention to Physiotherapy, Faculty of Health
body awareness. Clinicians have witnessed the benefits of supporting their patients’ and Social Sciences, Bergen Uni-
learning of movement awareness through the promotion of their movement quality. versity College, Møllendalsvei 6,
5009 Bergen, Norway. Address all
Objective. The aim of this study was to investigate how physical therapist experts correspondence to: liv.skjerven@
promote movement quality in their usual clinical settings.
K. Kristoffersen, DSSc, is Psychiat-
Design. A phenomenological research design that included a sampling strategy ric Nurse and Professor, Faculty of
Health and Sport, University of
was devised. Using specific criteria, 6 lead physical therapists nominated a group of
Agder, Kristiansand, Norway.
physical therapist experts from the fields of neurology, primary health care, and
mental health. Fifteen informants, 5 from each field, agreed to participate. G. Gard, PT, PhD, is Professor, De-
partment of Health Sciences, Luleå
University, Luleå, Sweden, and As-
Methods. In-depth interviews were conducted with a semistructured interview sociate Professor, Department of
guide. The informants were invited to simply describe what they had experienced to Health Sciences, Lund University,
be successful therapeutic processes for promoting movement quality. Each interview Lund, Sweden.
was audiotaped and transcribed. The data analysis was based on a multistep model. [Skjaerven HL, Kristoffersen K,
Gard G. How can movement qual-
Results. Three main themes emerged from the data. First, the physical therapists’ ity be promoted in clinical prac-
embodied presence and movement awareness served as a precondition and an tice? A phenomenological study
orientation for practice. Embodied presence is a bodily felt sense, a form of personal of physical therapist experts. Phys
Ther. 2010;90:1479 –1492.]
knowing that evokes understanding and fosters meaning. Second, creating a platform
for promoting movement quality revealed implementation of psychological attitudes. © 2010 American Physical Therapy
Third, action strategies for promoting movement quality suggested a movement Association
awareness learning cycle and components for clinical use.

Conclusions. This study demonstrated specific attitudes and skills used by phys-
ical therapist experts to promote movement quality in their clinical practice. These
results may serve as a therapeutic framework for promoting movement quality in
clinical physical therapy, although further research is needed.

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October 2010 Volume 90 Number 10 Physical Therapy f 1479

Promoting Movement Quality in Clinical Practice

linical physical therapy is a ture of Husserl,7 Fromm,8 Pearls,9 aware. According to this theory, a
practical process that includes Buber,10 Sartre,11 and Merleau- lack of awareness is expressed in the
motivating patients to become Ponty.12 Merleau-Ponty viewed the body and can be observed as dys-
involved in the learning process.1 body as the center of all human qual- functional movements, that is, move-
Physical therapists must have spe- ities, such as perception, thoughts, ments lacking vitality, flow, rhythm,
cific attitudes and skills to be able to and feelings, characterizing the per- and unity.26,28 Clinicians have expe-
present effective treatments in such ceptual processes as belonging to rienced the benefits of dealing with
a way that patients become person- the body. For him, perception was the 3-fold contact problem, although
ally involved.2 This statement is sup- the prereflective background for any further research is needed.
ported by important knowledge analytic thought. Particular emphasis
gained from research on expertise in was placed on the opportunity for a Basic body awareness therapy has
physical therapy.3 In recent years, person to learn through an increased been used in physical therapy in
physical therapists and researchers ability to become aware and to ex- Scandinavia for more than 30
have paid greater attention to body perience. Every practical experience years.29 –32 Basic body awareness
awareness.4 Consequently, there is a was a physical interaction with the therapy is a movement awareness
need to study the process of promot- world, and every practical under- modality consisting of a structured
ing movement quality from an standing was states of conscious- rehabilitation program33 with valid
awareness perspective, especially ness, as well as states in the body.12 and reliable assessment tools.30,34,35
with regard to the therapeutic com- It is used in multiple clinical settings,
ponents and action strategies that A similar development is found in the including primary health care, pain
are used in clinical settings. theory and practice of awareness train- rehabilitation, and psychiatric physi-
ing within modern dance, through the cal therapy, and in health promo-
Awareness theory reveals a problem work of Duncan,13 Laban,14,15 Wig- tion. Qualitative studies of basic
of definition because it is derived man,16 and Graham,17 and within body awareness therapy have identi-
from human consciousness and ex- actor training, through the work of fied factors important for the rela-
periences. Consciousness encom- Stanislavski,18 Chekhov,19 Gro- tionship between patients and phys-
passes both awareness and atten- towski, and Lecoq et al.21 Gaining
20 ical therapists.36 –39
tion.5 Awareness can be defined as awareness is described as the gate-
an attentive, relaxed, and alert pres- way to movement learning.22 The Randomized controlled studies show-
ence, not analogous to concentra- theory and practice of movement ing positive effects of basic body
tion. Being aware means continually awareness therapies have developed awareness therapy have been per-
monitoring internal and external en- for more than 100 years in Western formed in different physical therapy
vironments; it is possible to be aware culture. A review of the literature contexts, for psychiatric disorders,40,41
of stimuli without making them the reveals a variety of modalities, the and for chronic pain treatment.42– 45 A
center of attention. Attention is a most influential being those of Alex- qualitative study focusing on per-
process that includes focusing on ander,23,24 Feldenkrais,25 Gindler,16 ceived main treatment effects of basic
conscious awareness, thereby pro- and Selver.16 Movement principles body awareness therapy in patients
viding heightened sensitivity to derived from these modalities are with schizophrenia showed positive
experiences.5,6 used in medical and psychothera- treatment effects.46 A cross-sectional
peutic contexts. study rating body awareness in people
Within philosophy, the holistic view with eating disorders concluded that
developed in a variety of theoretical The French movement educator and basic body awareness might be of-
directions, as evident in the litera- psychotherapist Dropsy presented fered as a therapeutic tool in establish-
the hypothesis of the 3-fold contact ing a realistic body image.47 An effect
problem.26,27 A review of the litera- study investigating a training program
ture on movement traditions reveals with basic body awareness therapy for
Available With
This Article at a similar hypothesis.16,23,25 Dropsy violinists and a reference group described the 3-fold contact problem showed that the musicians might
as a lack of awareness of the physical benefit from the program.48 An ef-
• Audio Abstracts Podcast body and internal life, of the physical fect study of basic body awareness
environment, and of the relationship therapy for patients with irritable
This article was published ahead of
print on August 5, 2010, at to other people. It represents a part bowel syndrome showed that im- of reality from which a person is cut proved body awareness had a favor-
off and of which a person is not able influence on their ability to take

1480 f Physical Therapy Volume 90 Number 10 October 2010

Promoting Movement Quality in Clinical Practice

care of their own resources.49,50 Ap- A shift in health care toward a an expert.1,68 Our aim in using phe-
plied research in a primary care set- person-centered approach has led to nomenology was to transform clini-
ting showed that basic body aware- people assuming a greater responsi- cians’ experiences into textual
ness therapy had a positive effect on bility for their own health.60 Clini- expression.63
the fundamental experiences of cians have witnessed the benefits of
women with chronic muscular encouraging patients to become Sampling Strategy
pain.51,52 Research on basic body aware in order to learn about and A selection process for gathering a
awareness therapy in a group con- gain insight into their conditions.55,61 group of physical therapist experts
text revealed positive effects for pa- Scientific evidence for movement as informants was designed. Lead
tients with personality disorders53,54 awareness as an integral part of phys- physical therapists from a university
and fibromyalgia.55 In a literature ical therapy is scarce. It is therefore hospital and primary health care cen-
study, Gard reviewed basic body necessary to identify the therapeutic ters in the southwestern part of Nor-
awareness therapy for patients with components relevant to movement way were invited to nominate experts
chronic pain and concluded that the guidance through a phenomenologi- from 3 fields: neurology, primary
therapy can reduce pain and in- cal design before scientific research health care, and mental health. Two
crease health-related quality of life.56 can be conducted. Because we be- lead physical therapists from each of
lieve that physical therapist experts those 3 fields were included in the
Important elements for promoting possess tacit knowledge of a variety nomination committee.
the quality of functional movements of therapeutic components and strat-
in clinical practice have been pre- egies (knowledge based on empirical The mandate for the committee was
sented as part of a process that in- evidence),62 we consulted them in to nominate clinician experts on the
cludes the gradual awareness of how order to access this knowledge and basis of the following 4 criteria: a
to relate to the ground, the vertical find explicit answers to our research record of successfully promoting
axis, centering, breathing, and flow.29 questions. Accordingly, the aim of movement quality when treating pa-
Quality of movement has been de- this study was to investigate the clin- tients with complicated diagnoses,
scribed as involving posture, breath- ical experiences of a group of phys- known to have developed a profes-
ing, coordination of movement, flexi- ical therapist experts by inviting sional ability for recognizing move-
bility, and centering.32 A case study them to describe, through inter- ment detail, a professional attitude
revealed a structure for the phenome- views, how they promote movement about using his or her own move-
non of movement quality.33 In later quality in their usual clinical settings. ment awareness, and more than 3
qualitative studies, 4 perspectives of years of practice in the field. The
the phenomenon— biomechanical, Method committee would nominate infor-
physiological, psycho-socio-cultural, A phenomenological approach was mants of both sexes who were treat-
and existential— emerged and demon- chosen to study the clinical experi- ing patients of all ages.
strated the richness and complexity of ences of physical therapists in pro-
human movement.57,58 moting movement quality. Phenom- Fifteen physical therapists, 5 from
enological research aims for simple each of the 3 fields, agreed to be
Because human movement is a core descriptions of a universal essence.63 informants (Table). Three infor-
aspect of physical therapy, the phe- It is directed toward components of mants worked with children: 1 with
nomenon of movement quality was which the informants may not be children born prematurely, 1 at a
further investigated with a phenom- conscious.64 The focus of phenome- child psychiatric unit, and 1 at a
enological study design. A move- nology is the everyday world in school or preschool unit. The infor-
ment quality model, comprising an which people are living in the phe- mants had postgraduate education in
overview of basic movement ele- nomenon.64 A phenomenological ap- the Bobath system (4 physical thera-
ments and aspects, was formulated proach is useful for deepening the pists), the Feldenkrais and Laban
from the data.59 Promoting move- understanding of clinical process- systems (1 therapist), Norwegian
ment quality in accordance with the es.65,66 As researchers, we were in- psychomotor physical therapy (3
movement quality model revealed terested in obtaining descriptions of therapists), basic body awareness
that more therapeutic components how physical therapist experts pro- therapy (3 therapists), the Pikler
and differentiated strategies are mote movement quality in clinical concept (1 therapist), treating pa-
needed for physical therapists to pro- settings. Such descriptions are best tients with chronic pain (2 thera-
mote the biomechanical, physiologi- obtained through interviews.67 The pists), and training athletes at a
cal, psycho-socio-cultural, and exis- ability to recognize what is signifi- high level (1 therapist). On the ba-
tential aspects of movement. cant is one of the characteristics of sis of the sampling strategy, nomi-

October 2010 Volume 90 Number 10 Physical Therapy f 1481

Promoting Movement Quality in Clinical Practice

Table. interviews through written informed

Characteristics of Participating Physical Therapists consent.70
Variable No. Approximate % Median Range
Data Analysis
Age at interview (y) 48 38–68
Data analysis was based on the
30–39 2 13
model described by Giorgi64 and
40–49 8 53 modified by Malterud.65,66,71 The
50–59 2 13 analysis consisted of 4 steps. In step
60–68 3 20 1, each interview was read several
Years as physical therapist 24 12–38
times to obtain an overall sense of
the content. Step 2 involved identi-
10–19 5 33
fying discrete meaning units in every
20–29 7 47
line of each interview, with a focus
30–39 3 20 on the phenomenon under study. As
Years in 1 of the 3 fields considered 16 6–28 the researchers became aware of a
3–9 5 33 change in the meaning of the text, it
10–19 6 40
was broken down into a new mean-
ing unit and identified by marks in
20–29 4 27
the text. In step 3, the meaning units
were coded and grouped into
Men 2 13 themes by examination of the origi-
Women 13 87 nal text. Main themes and categories
were identified on the basis of the
informants’ expressed experiences.
nation criteria, and 15 informants tions from the interviewer. They The movement awareness learning
from 3 specialties, the sample was were encouraged to restrict their de- cycle category emerged at this step.
considered to be sufficient for the scriptions to their actual clinical ex- Step 4 consisted of a synthesis of
study. periences and to simply describe themes and underlying categories,
what they experienced to be suc- producing a consistent structure of
Data Collection cessful therapeutic processes that the phenomenon being studied. Dur-
In-depth interviews were con- promoted movement quality. ing the analytic process, the authors
ducted with an interview guide constantly and systematically re-
consisting of semistructured ques- Each interview lasted about 90 min- turned to the original text, initially
tions (Appendix).69 utes and was audiotaped and tran- alone and then together, to achieve a
scribed by the first author.69 Analysis consensus.
Before the interviews, all informants began shortly after the initial collec-
were given written information tion of data and revealed new as- Validation was integral to the whole
about the main focus of the inter- pects.67 The interviews were com- study.69 Validity is the part of quali-
view, that is, the experts’ descrip- pleted in 8 months. Two thirds of tative research that pertains to the
tions of how they promoted move- the interviews were conducted at extent to which observations reflect
ment quality in clinical settings. In the informants’ workplaces, and one the phenomenon being studied.69
the one-to-one interview situation, third were conducted at the first au- During the analytic process, the re-
the informants were initially invited thor’s workplace. As a reliability searchers sought to bracket preun-
to describe their clinical experi- check, the informants read the tran- derstanding to achieve distance from
ences. They were encouraged to scribed interviews and were encour- what was already known. Bracket-
deepen aspects of the initial descrip- aged to provide any additional infor- ing is the process of setting aside or
tions. The situation was an open- mation. All confirmed the accuracy suspending presuppositions about
ended communication between a re- of the content. the phenomenon being studied.64
searcher and an informant.67 It was Validation was carried out by contin-
important for the interviewer to ex- All informants were healthy. In ac- ually checking, critically reviewing,
hibit openness to new and unex- cordance with ethics considerations, questioning, and interpreting the
pected phenomena.69 The infor- their willingness to participate was findings for movement awareness
mants were invited to express confirmed and ensured before the traditions from a theoretical point of
themselves without any preconcep- view. Structured situations were cre-

1482 f Physical Therapy Volume 90 Number 10 October 2010

Promoting Movement Quality in Clinical Practice

Figure 1.
Main themes and underlying categories for promoting movement quality.

ated for appropriate dialogue on va- were developed by systematically ana- presence and own movement aware-
lidity with patients, graduates with a lyzing and coding the text as one uni- ness (Box 1). Embodied presence is a
bachelor of science degree, post- ty.67,70 The quotations are examples of bodily felt sense, a form of personal
graduate physical therapist students, statements made, and the strongest knowing that evokes understanding
and physical therapist clinicians, and most meaningful quotations are and fosters meaning.71
teachers, and researchers. presented. Data from all informants
were included. The study revealed that the physical
Role of the Funding Source therapist’s embodied presence was
The Faculty of Health and Social Sci- The 3 themes revealed by the data of considerable therapeutic impor-
ences, Bergen University College, were as follows: a therapist’s own tance. The ability to be mentally and
provided the funding for this study. movement awareness—a precondi- physically attentive, here and now,
No restrictions were connected with tion for promoting movement quality, was considered to be the basis for
the funding. a platform for promoting movement professional communication. The
quality, and action strategies for pro- therapist’s own movement aware-
Results moting movement quality. All of the ness was considered a precondition
The results presented here include the themes are illustrated in Figure 1. for observing, understanding, and
data actually obtained on how a group promoting movement quality. A per-
of experts promote movement quality. A Therapist’s Own Movement sonal process of movement aware-
The data were developed directly Awareness—a Precondition for ness learning for therapists that was
from the experts’ statements and in- Promoting Movement Quality similar to the process for patients
cluded 3 main themes and underlying Theme 1 consisted of 2 categories: provided basic support for clinical
categories. The presented quotations the physical therapist’s embodied observation, reasoning, and action.

October 2010 Volume 90 Number 10 Physical Therapy f 1483

Promoting Movement Quality in Clinical Practice

Box 1.
Theme 1: Physical Therapist’s Own Movement Awareness—A Precondition for Promoting Movement Quality

Category 1: Physical Therapist’s Embodied Presence

Being present in my whole body, in the movements, is fundamental for helping others to search for movement quality. The
patient’s learning requires the physical therapist’s bodily presence, being here and now. If I am not present, it is impossible to
capture what happens in the patient’s movements. Being stable and grounded in my own movements affects the
communication and the patient’s movements.
Category 2: Physical Therapist’s Own Movement Awareness
I communicate movement through being in movement and by being in rhythm. I influence the patient through my own
closeness to movement. This requires a different pedagogy than training from a biomechanical point of view. It is not possible to
help the patient’s process further than your own understanding. The therapist’s degree of movement awareness informs the
guiding skills. It is what makes it possible to provide appropriate words or actions in the situation.

A Platform for Promoting “mother.” The physical environment were identified as separate and im-
Movement Quality and the atmosphere in the room portant learning steps for the pa-
Theme 2 consisted of 6 categories: were important for facilitating move- tient. The informants underlined the
attitudes of trust and acceptance, ment quality, for both the patient importance of strengthening the pa-
building a relationship, seeing move- and the therapist. tient’s experience of mastery in
ment resources, seeing movement everyday situations. Therapeutic dia-
processes, the role of “father” and Action Strategies for Promoting logue, conceptualization, and reflec-
“mother,” and creating the physical Movement Quality tion about the newly acquired move-
environment (Box 2). By “platform,” Theme 3 consisted of 5 categories: ment quality were highlighted as
we mean a base for promoting move- the movement awareness learning being important for further learning
ment quality; by “movement re- cycle, being in movement, guidance and preparing for the next step in
sources,” we mean movement po- versus correction, use of words, and the process. The relationship of the
tentials (already in the patient); and internal and external movement steps is illustrated in Figure 2.
by “physical environment,” we mean references.
the physical conditions in the treat- The remaining 4 categories (being in
ment room, including space for free The first category represented the movement, guidance versus correc-
movement. strategy of movement awareness tion, use of words, and internal and
learning, consisting of 7 interrelated external movement references) were
The physical therapist’s attitudes of and overlapping steps (Box 3). action strategies found to be impor-
trust and acceptance in relation to tant for learning (Box 4).
the patient were important through- Gaining closer contact with the body
out therapy. The physical therapist was considered to be essential for Being in movement, repeating, and
had to be open, unbiased, and non- developing movement quality and focusing on the exercises over a cer-
judgmental to create and build a re- provided a basis for exploring new tain time period helped the patient
lationship and to communicate with ways of moving. Encouraging explo- become increasingly aware. In this
the patient. A focus on movement ration was found to be important for way, the patient became familiar
resources was a means of involving stimulating the patient’s curiosity with the movements. The therapeu-
and motivating the patient. The in- and involvement in learning. Silence tic challenge was to make the repe-
formants described the importance was important for learning when the tition meaningful for the patient. The
of being able to recognize even small patient was exploring new ways of data showed that the physical thera-
changes in movement quality and moving and was a means of strength- pists acted as guides, coaching and
how these changes determined fur- ening the experience. Movement ex- guiding movements toward health
ther development. Two roles of the periences were found to be essential and function rather than correcting
physical therapist were identified. In for integrating new ways of moving, and stressing movement perfection.
one role, the therapist provided di- gaining understanding, and becom- It was important for the therapists to
rection and advanced the therapeu- ing consciously aware. Creating introduce an optimal amount of
tic process, a role as “father.” In the meaning and being able to translate learning aspects when guiding move-
other role, the therapist provided movement experiences by integrat- ment quality; introducing too many
empathetic support, a role as ing them into daily life situations aspects would interfere with learn-

1484 f Physical Therapy Volume 90 Number 10 October 2010

Promoting Movement Quality in Clinical Practice

ing. Words of encouragement, in- ity, and action strategies for clinical theory has a phenomenal aspect, and
cluding metaphors and deliberate implementation (Fig. 1). The move- clinically it involves the senses that
use of the therapist’s voice, facili- ment awareness learning cycle was play a dominant role in how therapists
tated learning. The informants de- identified as a strategy used by the perceive and use information.
scribed situations in which they clinician experts (Fig. 2).
could observe the patient’s lack of A phenomenological research design
contact with the body and determine Discussion was chosen to study the complexity
when it was necessary for them to The focus of the present study was of therapeutic components used by a
act on the patient’s need for contact observing how a nominated group of group of clinician experts.67 A sam-
by using internal and external move- physical therapist experts promote pling strategy was designed to in-
ment references. movement quality. In recent years, clude the nomination of a group of
greater attention has been paid to experts according to specific crite-
Summary of Results movement awareness. Thus, it was ria. None of the researchers were
The data were synthesized into 3 necessary to clarify the therapeutic involved in the nomination process.
main themes: the physical therapist’s components and action strategies This strategy was considered to
own movement awareness as a pre- that are used by physical therapists. strengthen the study. Half of the in-
condition and an orientation for The therapeutic approach used for formants had undertaken postgradu-
promoting movement quality, a plat- promoting movement quality through ate education that included training
form for promoting movement qual- awareness requires competence. The in movement awareness. However,

Box 2.
Theme 2: Platform for Promoting Movement Quality

Category 1: Attitudes of Trust and Acceptance

It is a challenge to accept the patient fully and to carry this throughout therapy, still bringing the patient forward. I must accept
what happens. I ask myself: What is the need for this particular person to proceed in therapy in a positive direction? Trust and
acceptance are psychological aspects important for bringing therapy forward.
Category 2: Building a Relationship
Creating a relationship is vital for the outcome of therapy. In the first meeting, I create a platform for a further relationship. I
search to see the unique human being, learning how she is acting and relating. Creating trust and calmness in the patient, I am
simultaneously doing the same in me. If I find inner calmness, I am in harmony with myself, and I communicate this. I choose
simple movements from everyday life to help the patient to experience trust and calmness when moving.
Category 3: Seeing Movement Resources
We have a professional challenge: In education, the main focus is on the illness. We learn mostly about pathology, deviations
from the norm, illness, and dysfunction. We focus on “red” all the time. It is my experience that we need to highlight the
patient’s own resources. We need to have “green” in our focus, learn to observe, and act on it. It gives the patient motivation
and bodily trust: “There is something inside me that can be found.” What is important for the patient is that I also act on the
movement resources, not only on pathology.
Category 4: Seeing Movement Processes
I give a seed and look for a movement response, inviting the emergence of a new quality. I nourish any positive change, guiding
the person to find more control. I prepare body and mind, coordinating them. This requires listening from both of us. I search
for what might be “buried” in the body, to bring it forth and to reintegrate it. I do this by guiding movement processes step by
step—helping the patient to become aware.
Category 5: The Role of “Father” and “Mother”
We have to listen, being calm and accepting, in the role of “father” and “mother” and . . . at the same time, bring the therapy
forward, bringing the patient into a new terrain, supporting the patient to try new ways and habits of moving; this is like being
in the role of a “father”; as [a] therapist, it is necessary to balance between the two.
Category 6: Creating the Physical Environment
The physical environment and the atmosphere are important. If the training room is too noisy—a radio that interrupts the
attention with too much happening—it distracts the patients and disturbs their movement quality. When I help the patient to
establish inner references in the body, it demands a bodily focus and awareness both in the patient and therapist.

October 2010 Volume 90 Number 10 Physical Therapy f 1485

Promoting Movement Quality in Clinical Practice

Box 3.
Theme 3: Action Strategies for Promoting Movement Quality—Steps in the Movement Awareness Learning Cycle (Category 1)

Step Description
1: Contact The patient is unable to apprehend how to perform the movements if her attention
is directed outward, away from the body. It is as if she is not bodily present, as if
keeping a distance from the body. The patient needs guidance to come into
contact with how she is moving. The first step is to create contact with the body,
for example, to contact the vertical axis.
2: Explore As [a] physical therapist, you teach the patient the process of exploring and
searching—it is basic for making new movement experiences. The exploration is in
itself important for the learning when it is done in silence.
3: Experience Movement experience is a strong learning factor. What you have experienced you
remember; it reaches the patient at a deeper level;. . . suddenly she is experiencing
a lightness in the movements she had not found before—and just then, she finds a
beautiful rhythm. She was playing with the balloon, and the movement was so
beautiful; it was a new firmness in the movement. I had never seen the girl move
like this. She had a sense of rhythm and was experiencing it; it became part of her
consciousness, and she could repeat it . . . re-create it. I think it was because it
became a special experience for her.
4: Integrate You need involvement from the patient for the movement to become more
integrated; integration develops gradually. The person needs to practice to learn
details in a slow tempo first in order to keep the same level of integration in a faster
speed. When the movement is integrated, it becomes harmonious. I am helping the
patient to connect between the parts and the whole, body and mind. The aim is to
integrate the movement in the person, even in relation to feelings.
5: Create meaning I invent situations to help the patients to connect the awareness training to daily
life. It lends meaning for the patient to see the connection between the therapeutic
situation and daily life, and it helps the patient to transfer what she has learned into
everyday life. Then we do not only exercise for the benefit of the physical body, but
we add meaning to training, which gives a bodily understanding.
6: Master When she (the patient) gained the experience of moving in a light and easy way,
she had a sense of being. She reported that she was mastering in a new and
improved way; this became a personal reward; being in movement became a
valuable experience by itself—she gained the ability to recognize that she could
master, herself.
7: Reflect and conceptualize Finding words, talking, and reflecting on the movement experiences follows after
the movement training. The two go hand in hand: movement and reflection. It is
important to give the patient time, first to experience movement, then to find
words to express the experiences in order to learn how to move more efficiently.

none of the informants were inter- nomenological approach was con- an essence, not to search for differ-
viewed about their postgraduate ed- sidered relevant as the basis for fur- ences between the fields included in
ucation or their movement aware- ther research because of the use of the study. The first author has inves-
ness development. The interviewer interviews.69 A possible limitation tigated movement quality through
saw their background data after all of the present study was that no self-experience, clinical practice, re-
interviews were completed, so as observations of treatment sessions viewing literature, teaching, and ac-
not to be influenced by the or interviews with patients were ademic discourse in various profes-
information. performed. sional settings for many years. This
depth of experience was considered
The aim of the present study was to The approach used for the system- to strengthen the quality of the inter-
search for key therapeutic compo- atic analysis of qualitative data de- views and consequently the data, but
nents with a potential for promoting pends on the research aim and ma- might have represented a limitation
movement quality. In-depth inter- terial.64,65,67,70 For the present study, had a stringent analytic process not
views were used to gather the ex- we followed the recommendations been followed. We attempted to
perts’ unique descriptions to capture made by Giorgi64 and modified by bracket earlier studies to maintain
perceptual experiences.72 A phe- Malterud.65 The aim was to extract

1486 f Physical Therapy Volume 90 Number 10 October 2010

Promoting Movement Quality in Clinical Practice

distance and a critical view through-

out the study.64
Conceptualize Contact
The transcribed interviews con- Reflect
tained rich and nuanced data consist-
ing of detailed examples describing
therapeutic experiences. All of the
experts were deeply involved in
their patients’ search for enhanced Master Explore
movement quality, and they showed
great therapeutic creativity in guid-
ing movements. Three main themes
were related to the promotion of
movement quality (Fig. 1).
A Therapist’s Own Movement meaning
Awareness—a Precondition for
Promoting Movement Quality
The physical therapist’s embodied Integrate
presence was found to be important
Figure 2.
for promoting movement quality. Movement awareness learning cycle.
Embodied presence brings the possi-
bility of intimacy or familiarity be-
tween mind and body and of the
coordination between them.28,72 It is dation on which the therapist builds tions for patients that served as a
an expanded attention where being support for the patient,72 and it of- platform for promoting movement
and knowing meet.72 Embodied fers the therapist a way of sharing quality. It is well known that
presence is different from knowl- aspects of movement with the pa- therapist-patient encounters are im-
edge that creates abstract explana- tient. If the therapist lacks sensitiv- portant for learning.79 The physical
tions and is less easily brought into ity to movement nuances, it is dif- therapist’s genuineness, acceptance,
practice.72 Presence has been de- ficult to observe such delicate trust, and empathetic understanding
scribed as a hidden agent for learn- nuances in others.14,26,59 Sensitivity are basic facilitators for learning.80
ing.73 Through presence, the thera- to nuances can be strengthened by With increased awareness of the way
pist focuses attention on the patient developing the physical therapist’s in which the therapeutic process is
and on what is going on at that mo- own sense of movement quali- perceived by the patient, the thera-
ment.5,74 When physically present, ty.58,76 It can be learned from situ- pist increases the likelihood of signif-
the therapist makes himself or her- ations in which theoretical knowl- icant learning.79,81 It is important to
self available to the patient; doing so edge meets experiences.26,77 provide the patient with opportuni-
has a positive treatment effect.22,74 ties to experience learning situations
The patient has to understand what The present study showed that the that give rise to trust and accep-
the therapist proposes to learn physical therapist’s embodied pres- tance. Doing so will establish a good
how to take an active role and to ence and own movement awareness relationship and simultaneously
take responsibility during treatment. were preconditions for guiding pa- strengthen curiosity, initiative, and
Presence improves the dynamics tients. These are central compo- motivation, all important compo-
of the relationship, the communica- nents in movement therapy tradi- nents of a successful interaction.37
tion, and the movement dialogue.74 tions.14 –16,22,23,25,78 Several of the This form of learning differs mark-
Research supports the importance experts in the present study had edly from an evaluative and technical
of the physical therapist’s em- been involved in education in approach.81 It is a resource-oriented
bodied presence in treatment which self-experience was integral. approach that empowers the pa-
situations.31,40,41 tient.82 The present study showed
A Platform for Promoting that therapists promoted movement
The therapist’s own bodily aware- Movement Quality quality by supporting patients’ per-
ness is important for the effective- The present study showed that phys- sonal control, self-reliance, and abil-
ness of therapy.5,73,75 It is the foun- ical therapists created learning situa-

October 2010 Volume 90 Number 10 Physical Therapy f 1487

Promoting Movement Quality in Clinical Practice

Box 4.
Theme 3: Action Strategies for Promoting Movement Quality—Components for Clinical Use (Categories 2 Through 5)

Category 2: Being in Movement

Awareness training is different from training the physical body, counting repetitions. Look at the child: She repeats the
movement a hundred times. It is as if by repetition the learning gets to the core. She explores, experiences, and enjoys the
repetition. I teach her to stay in the movement, to find rest and become familiar with the new quality. This gives respect for the
movement. It must not be a superficial experience but a true recognition of what is happening. Sometimes I rush too quickly to
the next exercise. As physical therapists, we are action oriented, wanting to bring in “this and that.” But the patient needs time
to digest, develop, and understand in order to learn.
Category 3: Guidance Versus Correction
It is a trap to think that this quality is not good enough and to correct it. Then I easily intervene, correcting the movement from
outside. Instead, I need to help the person to become aware and to find what she is carrying inside, directing the attention to
different movement aspects. I am guiding so that the person can catch it—becoming bodily and consciously aware and to
Category 4: Use of Words
It is easy to give too many learning aspects at the same time and to use too many words. If I talk too much, I can disturb a
movement sensation. Detecting when to be active and when to wait requires a therapeutic awareness. I use some key words to
let the patient move, “taste,” and experience, also using my voice. This is an important aspect. The language I use must be
specific and differentiated when guiding movement experiences. I use metaphors from life or nature to stimulate the movement
Category 5: Internal and External Movement References
Patients may have few internal and external movement references. The body needs a motor stability in order to move in space
and, at the same time, a perceptual experience of how to move in relation to the environment. Moving is an interplay between
internal and external references; both are necessary for the movement to be functional and the training to be effective. I choose
between the two, depending on the patient’s response. I offer time and opportunity for the patient to receive feedback from
inside. In my experience, teaching the patient to gain internal feedback is underestimated, as in the example of staying in touch
with the ground and being stable in the vertical axis.

ity to change, in keeping with a choice when deciding which role is tate change in patients permeates
health-oriented perspective.83 appropriate.33 Research on the func- the profession, and different philo-
tion of these roles is needed. sophical orientations and theories
The physical therapist is in charge of exist to support this statement.2 Fig-
providing a developmental direction Creation of the physical environment ure 2 shows the 7 identified steps of
during therapy. The present study in treatment situations is underesti- movement awareness learning and
identified 2 therapeutic roles. In one mated in physical therapy. The physi- how they relate to each other in a
role, the therapist is responsible for cal conditions and atmosphere in the cyclical form. Periodically recurring
the choice of exercises, insight, and room are influential in facilitating phenomena can be described as cy-
understanding; involvement, learn- movement quality. It is important for clical, meaning that the output of
ing, and growth are the goals. In the the patient to be given physical and one set of processes often serves as
other role, the therapist provides emotional conditions to explore, ex- the input of another. Figure 2 shows
empathetic support for the patient, perience, and integrate aspects of that the therapists’ view of therapy
listens, observes, and accepts.26,80,82 movement. The physical environment is not linear but is a cyclical pro-
These 2 roles are described in the is an integral component in movement cess. The result is seen in the light
literature as the roles of “father” and therapy traditions.22,25 It is our view of the movement awareness tradi-
“mother.” The different roles allow that such components are equally rel- tion.14 –16,23,25,78 Similar therapeutic
patients to expand their physical and evant in physical therapy. processes have been described by
mental potential and support the Dropsy.26 A parallel is found in the
physical therapist’s clinical choices. Action Strategies for Promoting learning model described by Kolb,85
Both are important in therapy be- Movement Quality building on the work of Dewey and
cause they represent different as- Physical therapists are involved in his theory of experiential learning.86
pects of the pedagogical initiative.26 guiding patients to learn. The identi- The therapist acts as a coach, shifting
The therapist makes a reasoned fication of action strategies to facili- the focus to facilitate movement

1488 f Physical Therapy Volume 90 Number 10 October 2010

Promoting Movement Quality in Clinical Practice

awareness and guiding the patient to awareness.14,90 In the present study, To transfer basic movement ele-
explore, experience, integrate, and several of the therapists reported ments and aspects in such a way that
become aware and conscious of that they chose to repeat the exer- the patient becomes aware of them
what strategies to use. Inviting the cises by moving along with the pa- and can use them in daily life is a
patient to explore is different from tients while providing guidance. The challenge for the physical therapist.
using external correction and fo- therapists mirrored the patients, The movement pedagogy is consid-
cusing on perfection.17 The thera- showing them how to develop the ered crucial in the movement tradi-
pist asks for patient involvement movement. This approach provides tions, as in basic body awareness
through internal and external feed- the patients with an internal image therapy.13–18,21–23,25,78,92,93 Specific
back.87 This form of learning can- of the quality of the movement, guidance helps the patient find new
not be achieved through formal which is often difficult for them to movement patterns from within the
instruction.79 discover.26 The therapists function body rather than imposing new
as nonverbal communicators.62 As movement patterns on the patient
The therapist’s choice of words for patients and physical therapists ex- from outside. The therapeutic ap-
movement guidance is seldom dis- plore movements together, thera- proach is not aimed at mechanical,
cussed. There is a difference be- pists suggest the direction and pa- mindless movements. Promoting
tween academic concepts and con- tients endeavor to find, develop, and movement awareness involves phys-
cepts for clinical use.33 Metaphors become conscious of it. The infor- ical and mental processes; it involves
can be used in therapeutic situations mants in the present study created the entire person. Such an approach
to make abstract knowledge mean- situations in which patients could places high demands on the physical
ingful and bridge the gap between explore, repeat, and experience therapist’s own movement aware-
theory and practice.88,89 In meta- movements by truly participating in ness. To be aware of patients’ reac-
phors, an object or idea is referred to them and then reflect on the tions to movements and where pa-
by means of another, thereby illus- experience.85 tients are in the process, therapists
trating possible new aspects.69 The must be aware of how they commu-
use of metaphors in physical therapy How Can Movement Quality Be nicate their own movements. There-
can lead to new movement experi- Promoted in Clinical Practice? fore, it is considered crucial for ther-
ences and meanings and therapeutic Physical therapists are mostly edu- apists to become familiar with and
change.88 They can help patients un- cated to focus on physical training develop movement awareness in or-
derstand and learn. The data in the and sports, and their identity is der to provide appropriate guidance
present study indicated that the ther- firmly rooted in this concept of edu- for patients and to pursue profes-
apeutic use of metaphors can facili- cation.91 It has a strong hold on the sional development. The results of
tate learning, although research is profession. The phenomenon of the present study suggest a basis for
needed to discover which meta- movement quality is comprehensive a discourse on which therapeutic
phors are useful and in what thera- and complex, involving essential el- components are effective and on the
peutic situations they can be used. ements and aspects of movement.59 education of physical therapists.
It is connected to movement re-
According to theory, there are 3 sources and to a person’s experience Conclusion
types of movement learning: learn- and ability to perceive.59 Movement In this article, we define movement
ing through movement, learning awareness is not given much atten- awareness, present qualitative de-
about movement, and learning while tion in physical therapy education. scriptions, and provide data from in-
being in movement.90 Learning One major factor contributing to the terviews regarding clinician experts’
through movement is accomplished lack of value placed on this practical views of how they facilitate move-
by teaching physical activities to knowledge is the difficulty in making ment quality in their patients. In re-
stimulate specific achievements. it explicit.91 The challenges for the cent years, physical therapists have
Learning about movement is accom- physical therapist are to learn reli- witnessed the benefits of supporting
plished by teaching movement as an able tools for identifying the pa- their patients’ learning of movement
academic subject. In learning by be- tient’s needs and to acquire specific awareness. Consequently, there is a
ing in movement, the emphasis is on attitudes and skills for providing need to clarify what is required of
movement development as a process movement guidance. It is important therapists when promoting move-
to be experienced by and integrated to foster reflective attention to how ment quality. The data from the
in the person. This type of learn- to promote movement quality and to present study revealed 3 main
ing is valuable for changing move- further develop the necessary thera- themes: the physical therapists’ em-
ment habits and improving self- peutic strategies to achieve this goal. bodied presence and movement

October 2010 Volume 90 Number 10 Physical Therapy f 1489

Promoting Movement Quality in Clinical Practice

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Semistructured Interview Guide

Introductory Questions:

Can you tell me how you promote movement quality in your clinical practice?

Do you remember a clinical story or an occasion when you had success with promoting movement quality, treating
a patient with a complicated diagnosis?

Can you describe, with as much detail as possible, a situation in which you realized that your patient became aware
and acquired learning?

What happened in that particular episode?

How did you act when guiding the process toward a change in movement quality?

Can you describe, in detail, how you started and proceeded?

1492 f Physical Therapy Volume 90 Number 10 October 2010

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