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2 The Cold War from 1945 to 1980 | VIDEO

Learning Objective: Explain the continuities and changes in Cold War policies from 1945 to 1980.

Cold War
not so happy about the ascendancy of the
democratic united states and those folks
happen to live in the soviet union as
you can imagine after the war was over
everyone just wanted to go
back to normal life but the growing
tension between the u.s and the soviet
union would make that impossible so
instead of going back to normal what we
got was the cold
war which when being defined is a
conflict between two belligerents in
which neither engages in open warfare
with the other in other words a cold war
is more of a battle of ideologies than a
war with all the pew pew in the bang
bang but the thing is the tension was so
thick that it really could have erupted
into actual fighting at any moment 

there had been tensions between the u.s
and the soviet union stretching all the
way back to the russian revolution in

from the moment of its birth the
united states could see that communism
was an
ugly baby and it needed to just stay in
its crew and that's essentially what the
cold war was about the ugly baby of
soviet communism would patently
not stay in its crib and wanted to crawl
everywhere it could and claimed whatever
it grabbed the united states however was
staunchly opposed to this kind of
authoritarian communism and instead
wanted to make the world into a
democratic capitalist utopia and the
thing is
both of these ideologies are
expansionist by nature like each of them
rest until the world is remade into its
image so that was the central question
of the cold war would the world be
remade into the image of soviet
communism or would the world be remade
into the image of democratic capitalism
now the mistrust between these two
powers began even before

Joseph Stalin
first the allies agreed that when the
war was over central and eastern
european countries would hold free
elections but joseph stalin the leader
of the soviet union decided he'd rather
keep soviet troops stationed in those
countries after the war and therefore
create a kind of buffer zone between
russia and germany you know on one hand
you can hardly blame the guy for wanting
this like after all in both world wars
germany had done immense damage to

Buffer Zones

Division of Germany

Division of Berlin

Winston Churchilll/Iron Curtain

Truman Doctrine

Marshall Plan

Berlin Blockade

Berlin Airlift


Warsaw Pact

Nuclear Proliferation/Arms Race

Mutual Assured Destruction

Proxy Wars
● Korean War

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