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House using GLUT

Satyajit Sarker
Section–4, Intake–38
B.Sc. Engg in CSE, BUBT
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Rasterisation or Rasterization is a the task of taking image

described in vector graphics format and convert it into a
raster image (pixel or dot) for output into a video display or
printer. It is also known as scan conversion.
OpenGL Utility Toolkit or GLUT is a toolkit for making simple
OpenGL program using C++.
This project uses GLUT to draw a house using various line.

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Why have I chosen this project?

The main reason why I chose this project is that currently I am

only capable of completing this project. Also the Instructor
instructed us to do a project using GLUT and various graphics
scan conversion algorithm.

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Features of the Project

This project has very simple feature

Simple house drawing using simple line

Lines that form house has individual colour

Features white background

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What Algorithms have used here?

Here I only used only line drawing algorithms

For Wall and Door I used Bresenham Line Algorithm

For the Roof I used Digital Differential Analyzer (DDA) Algorithm

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Snapshot of Output

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I only used GL_POINTS to only draw 2D vertices

It only outline the house structure

There is no animation

Very Simple

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Future Works

This can be expanded in future

The house can be build using Polygon

The the whole polygon can be filled with colour

Animation can be added

The House can be build as 3D model

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In conclusion, this is a simple project drawing house using

GLUT framework. This is very simple project which has lot of
are to improve in future.

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Thank You.

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