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Chapter 1: Organizational Background
1.1 Introduction…………………….…….………….6
1.2 Organizational overview……….…….……….…6
1.3 Organizational Systems…….……….…………...6
1.3.1 Ecosystem……….…………….……………..7
1.4 Business Statement…….……….………………..7
1.4.1 Vision……….……………….……………….7
1.4.2 Mission…………...………….…………….....7
1.4.3 Goals and objectives………………...……......7
1.4.4 Organizational structure……….………...…....7
1.5 SWOT analysis……………...…………...………..8
Chapter 2: Data Collection
1.1 Introduction……………………………………….10
2.2 Interview………………………………………......10
2.2.1 Interview Preparation……………….................10
2.2.2 Interview questions objectives mapping…...….12
2.2.3 Interview Analysis…………………………….13 The current system GAP analysis……….13
2.3 Questionnaire………………………………………14
2.3.1 Questionnaire Preparation……………………...14
2.3.2 Questionnaire Questions objectives mapping….15
2.3.3 Questionnaire Analysis………………………...17
2.4 Documents Analysis………………………………..18
Chapter 3: Problem Definition
3.1 Introduction………………………………………..20
3.2 Scope definition…………………………………...20
3.2.1 Current situation statement……………………20
3.3 Problem Statement………………………………..21
Chapter 4: Alternative Analysis
4.1 Introduction………………………………………..23
4.2 Proposed systems…………………………………..23
4.2.1 Systems description…………………………….23

4.2.2 Weighted score technique……………………..24
4.2.3 Recommended solution………………………..24
4.3 Feasibility Study…………………………………...25
4.3.1 Operational Feasibility………………………….25
4.3.2 Technical Feasibility……………………………25
Chapter 5: System Analysis
5.1 Introduction………………………………………...27
5.2 Current system……………………………………..27
5.2.1 A Context Diagram…………………………….27
5.2.2 DFD 0………………………………………….28
5.2.3 Child Diagram………………………………....29
5.3 Proposed system…………………………………....29
5.3.1 A Context Diagram…………………………….29
5.3.2 DFD 0…………………………………………..30
5.3.3 Child Diagram………………………………….31
5.4 Data Dictionary……………………………………..32
5.4.1 Data Flow Dictionary ………………………......32
5.4.2 Data Structure…………………………………...32

Chapter 6: System Design

6.1 Introduction………………………………………...36
6.2 Input Design………………………………………..36
6.3 Output Design………………………………….…..38
Chapter 7: User manual
7.1 Implementations………………………………….……..41

In this report, we’ll discuss various aspects of the current system for our
chosen business along with its proposed system that’ll enhance many
processes eventually. As we started by stating the background of the
business which includes the organizational statement, overview, system, and
structure. And a SWOT analysis has also been conducted. Moving on to the
next part of the report, which will focus on the data collection process. The
main goal here is to gather as much information from the owner as possible
to find out the requirements for the new system. Moreover, the problem will
be defined by mentioning the scope of the business, and both the current
situation and problem statement, which highlights the current system’s
issues that need to be fixed, the objectives that must be met the specific
requirements and constraints. We also did an analysis to evaluate alternative
options for the current system, it’s conducted by analyzing different
alternatives and then choosing the most appropriate option that’ll help the
business owner to achieve the desired goals, and then applying the
feasibility study from a technical and operational perspective. The system
analysis depicts data flow in diagrams and provides a clear view of data
sequences in both the current and proposed systems, as well as the data
dictionary. Furthermore, the system design focuses on the system interface
that includes inputs and outputs from the system. Finally, a ‘user manual’ is
provided to make the steps of using the new system easier for new users.

Chapter 1: Organizational Background

1.1 Introduction:

This chapter discusses the organizational background, such as an overview of the

suggested business work, the culture, and the effects of enterprise environmental
factors. Furthermore, the way the system works, the scope of the business, and the
ecosystem describe it. Moreover, the business statement includes a vision, mission,
goals, objectives, and organizational structure.

1.2 Organizational Overview:

Stitches "Ghorza" brand is a new Saudi brand specialized in embroidery, it sells via
Instagram. Its distinguishing feature is that each piece is custom-made based on the
customer's preferences. Hence there are many options, colors, and sizes. Previously,
the demand was weak, but with the days the number of orders increased, and the
number of customers increased and there was demand pressure on the orders, which
caused a delay in the delivery of orders. Moreover, the business owner makes offers
during special occasions such as Eid-al Fitr, Eid al-Adha, national day, and more.
Also, local customers are treated. Furthermore, the enterprise environmental factors
include two types of factors: internal and external. Firstly, the internal factor consists
of the owner's capabilities such as ensuring customer satisfaction and for the
community is a virtual organization. While external includes legal and policies which
are electronic invoices-VAT and economic competition.

1.3 Organizational system:

Generally, the system is manual since it receives, confirms, preserves, and
communicates all through Instagram. As the inside of the system "what's inside?" It
delivers materials، design, and Invoices. Whereas the outside of the system "What's
out?" includes order material, payment, and final product.


1.4 Business statement:

1.4.1 Vision:
"Ghorza" Stitch's visions are to make their mark "made with love for the one you
1.4.2 Objective:
Is to improve the application reception service by quick completion of requests,
improve client service speed by answering queries, and develop means of payment.

1.4.3 Goals:
Stand to reduce costs, develop better marketing plans, and improve the quality of

1.4.4 Organizational structure:

The structure of these small businesses consists of a senior manager responding to
queries, stitches, design, shipping orders, and marketing through social media.

SWOT analysis

Offer the product Late requests and Brand Less interest in

widely and match pressure to recognition and Instagram and
the customer respond to market demand competitors
expectations. numerous are increasing. increase.

Chapter 2: Data Collection

2.1 Introduction:
Data collection is the process of gathering and measuring information in an
established system that helps to answer questions. Furthermore, Interview questions
should be meaningful to users. Also, it’s an important method for collecting data
because it reveals information about interviewees' opinions, feelings, goals, and key
human-computer interactions. Moreover, the questionnaires are useful in gathering
information from key organization members by getting opinions likewise when all
the options may be listed.

2.2 Interview:

2.2.1 Interview Preparation:

We prepared an interview with Razan: Ghorza's owner, to find out her
requirements for the system. We arranged the interview in funnel structure
form, starting with 10 open questions for more details about its requirements
and giving it freedom of expression to gain attention and spontaneity. Then
10 closed questions to collect key points and reliable data that are easy to

2.2.2 Interview questions objectives mapping:

Open Q:

Questions Objectives

1. How does the customer make 1. Find out the proper way to
orders? receive orders

2. Where does the process order 2. Know the beginning process


3. What needs to happen next? 3. Understanding the sequence of


4. How does the confirmation 4. Check the confirmation of the

process of the order happen? order

5. How long does it take for the 5. Check the estimated time for
customer to receive the order delivery

6. When will the order process fail? 6. Find the reasons for order

7. Describe any problems you are 7. Collecting and listing problems

currently experiencing with the

8. What are the critical objectives 8. Setting goals

of your business?

9. What are the biggest frustrations 9. Solve the biggest frustrations

you’ve experienced during being
in e-commerce?

10. What items will be available for 10. Determine the products
purchase on the website?

Closed Q:

Questions Objectives

1. Do you distinguish between the 1. Distinguishing loyal customers

old and the new customer? {1-
Yes 2- No}

2. Would you rather have a website 2. Determine the preferred solution

or applications? {1- Yes 2- No}

3. Who will have access to the new 3. Determine the limitation of access
4. [ 1- the owner 2- employee 3-

5. Who will be the administrator of 4. Determine the manager
the new system?
6. [ 1-the owner 2- employee
3- all]

7. How much is your budget? 5. Estimate the budget

8. [1-less than 20000 2-less than
30000 3-more than 30000]

9. Do you have the right knowledge 6. Determine the level of experience

and experience in managing a and if he needs training
new system? {1- Yes 2- No}

10. How many orders are received 7. Specify the number of daily orders
per day?
11. [ 1-less than 5 2- 5 to 10 3-
more than 10]

12. What additional information 8. Collect additional System

would you like the new system to Requirements
13. [ 1-tax invoice 2-stock
information 3-all]

14. Do you have customer service? 9. Determine the existence of the

15. {1- Yes 2- No} customer service

16. Do you provide discounts and 10. Determine whether offers and
offers? {1- Yes 2- No} discounts are provided or not

2.2.3 Interview Analysis:
After the interview, it became clear to us how the current system is working, as
everything is manual, starting with receiving orders only through direct messages,
then verifying the availability of stock, the payment process only by bank transfer, the
process of fulfilling the order takes about two weeks. The current system faces many
problems, including request failure if there is a shortage of resources, the
accumulation of messages, and the loss of customer information. Also, it became
clear to us the reasons for the owner's need for a new system to solve the issues the
current system is facing. We have outlined the most important requirements for the
new system, the website is preferred over the application, all employees and managers
have access, the budget is not more than $30,000, The owner has experience in
managing the new system, so they need training for at least one day. The daily orders
are limited to no more than 10 orders a day, provide tax invoices, inventory
information, customer service, and add discounts and offers. The current system GAP analysis:

GAP ANALYSIS Current state Action plan Desire state

A limited number of orders are An unlimited number of

Performance & being accepted, and orders are Develop a computerized orders, website
order process being processed through system automated process.
Instagram direct messages.

Create an inventory Organized inventory

Inventory Random, unknown amount of management system. orders and have a list of
stock. all materials.

Develop a scheduling
system to schedule the
Delivery Delayed orders delivery of orders No delay in orders

Provide a data store for

Customer Loss of information after the customer information Ability to save
information order customer data

2.3 Questionnaire:

2.3.1 Questionnaire Preparation:

This questionnaire was created for the owner Razan, and we discovered
through these questions the Owner's satisfaction with the old system, the
new system, and what she requires. We used nominal and interval questions
in this questionnaire to collect the necessary information for the system, as
well as whether the owner is concerned with the system's design or its use.
On April 20, the survey was sent via email. Accordingly, the Owner's
requirements and system problems were discovered using this questionnaire.

This is the form:

2.3.2 Questionnaire Questions objectives mapping:
Nominal Questions:

Questions Objectives

1. What colors do you want for the 1. Identify the requiring colors in the
system? system

2. How much can you afford for new 2. Knowing the client's budget
system development?

3. Is training necessary before using 3. Identifying the user's level of

the new system? experience

4. What are the features you expect to 4. Understanding the features that the
be in the new system? customer requires

5. What methods do you want to 5. Knowing the owner’s selected

enable to buy in the system? payment methods

6. The new system should display the 6. Determining whether printing the
option to add a print button for the invoice is important to the user

7. Do you want the new system to be 7. Find out the capabilities of the new
dynamic or static? system

Interval Questions:

Questions Objectives

1. I'm satisfied with the current 1. Measure the satisfactions of

system current system

2. I need the new system to be secure 2. Checks importance of system


3. The new system will solve the 3. Extent the problem solving of
problem of high demand orders high demand order

4. The new system will be able to 4. Ensure that the system will
handle a growing amount of work work efficiently as required

5. The new system can be modified 5. Determine the ability of

easily modifications of the system.

6. I allow buying with the currency of 6. Facilitate and make the

customer’s country payment process more flexible.

7. It will be easier to use and order 7. Increase the system efficiency

from the new system

8. provide the ability to modify the 8. Determine the ability of
order modifications of the order.

9. I will need the new system to 9. Determine the importance of

provide an invoice the invoice.

10. I prefer to apply” paying in 10. Extent customer facilities.


11. The order placed when customers 11. Check the response efficiency
requested. of the system.

2.3.3 Questionnaire Analysis:

We deduced from the questionnaire that the owner is concerned about a
variety of factors. Most of the owner requirements are to add features to the
system, ensure safety and achieve the goal of responding to the greatest
number of customers. We also noticed that the owner is concerned about the
system's design. On the contrary, the owner insisted on creating a simple
system and preferred at least one day of training. The owner's budget for
system adjustments was $30,000.

2.4 Document Analysis:

The current documentation process of order details is written on paper; therefore, the
data is not stored in any kind of file, resulting in data loss. There are also no backup
records in case of loss or damage. Also disorganized and randomly written
information. However, the new suggested system contains a data store that’ll help
maintain huge amounts of data from different customers and suppliers. Moreover, we
suggest a form to organize information.

Chapter 3: Problem Definition

3.1 Introduction:
The scope of ‘Ghorza’ involves every activity performed by the business,
including taking orders, shipping, receiving, and confirming funds. Also, the
scope refers to all daily operations of the business, particularly those
activities required to secure revenue. Moreover, the current situation of
‘Ghorza’ will be highlighted, in addition to the right methods that the
business should embrace or consider to stay competitive in the market.
Lastly, the problem statement describes the issues, objectives, requirements,
and constraints of the business. The objectives are also ranked according to
their importance given certain circumstances.

3.2 Scope definition:

After analyzing the current situation of the "Ghorza" Stitch and identifying its main
problems and requirements, a proposed system for solving the problem is required.
The proposed system will provide customers with all the general information about
the products. It will also allow customers to customize their products and modify
their orders. Also, it will provide the means to store customer information.
Moreover, facilitate the order process and avoid delays. Furthermore, the system
will accept an unlimited number of orders with quick responses. In addition, it will
apply inventory management that automatically updates inventory.

3.2.2 Current Situation Statement:

Meeting customer expectations and delivery requirements should be a priority for
every business in the world. We can't just accept late deliveries as a 'routine’ and be
okay about it. This leads to irreparable damage to the customer relationship.
Relationships, brand reputation, and trust are paramount to a future of strong sales,
profits, and growth, and without the right metrics, this can be a damaging ongoing
issue if it goes unnoticed. To stay competitive in the market, The business owner of
'"Ghorza "Stitches must embrace digital transformation. It streamlines their business
activities and gives them a more self-contained view of business success. In this way,
they can fully exploit new opportunities and gain a good presence in the market.

3.3 Problem Statement:
Stitches "Ghorza" brand is a new Saudi embroidered brand that sells on Instagram. It
stands out since it creates components based on the preferences of the customer. It is
experiencing demand pressure on orders, which has resulted in a delay in orders'

1-The system is manual.
2-Delay in the delivery of orders.
3-No option to modify orders.
4-The stock is random.
5-customer information is not stored.
6-limited accepted orders.

1- Provide a computerized system. 1

2- Develop a scheduling system to schedule delivery of orders 2

3- Create an option on the website to modify the order within 2 days. 6

4- Develop inventory management systems. 5

5- store customer information data. 3

6-accept unlimited number of orders. 4

1- The system must be secure

2- The system must be easy to use by non-technical people.

1- Development costs must not exceed 30,000 SR

Chapter 4: Alternative Analysis

4.1 Introduction:
Therefore, this chapter will discuss the alternatives analysis, determining the best for
your project will require effort, study, research, and a thorough grasp of the many
possibilities. Hence alternative analysis includes evaluation of many options to choose
the best one for achieving goals. Moreover, it’s important to use the weighted score
technique which relies on specific criteria and weight to decide. Furthermore,
explaining the feasibility study factors such as operational and technical and how they
affect the chosen project for the system.

4.2 Proposed systems

4.2.1 System description:

Alternative1: Website
Develop a new website that will allow the customer to order directly without having
to go through the manual steps. The website will provide the ability to choose colors,
sizes, pictures, or letters stitches. Also, the website provides multiple channels to
respond to the customer through email, and phone numbers. The website will allow
customers to cancel and change their orders automatically. Furthermore, the website
will be connected to a data store that will keep crucial information. Moreover, create
an inventory management system, developing a scheduling system to schedule the
delivery of orders. The website will support all browsers.

Alternative2: Application
Develop a new application that allows customers to order online easily. The
application will be linked to a data store to save customer information and support the
customer if needed. Furthermore, linking the application to the database, data means
and data storage to keep the inventory in check. The application will be created on
(iOS and android).

4.2.2 Weighted score technique:

Project Criteria Weight Score Weighte

d score

Cost 2 2 4

Development risk 2 1 2
Solve problems 3 3 9

Improving customer 1 2 2

Total score 17

Cost 2 1 2

Development risk 2 1 2

Application Solve problems 3 2 6

Improving 1 1 1
customer service

Total score 11

4.2.3 Recommended solution:

Depending on the weighted score technique result, creating a website is the most
appropriate option for Ghorza. The website will provide all information on products
and the personalization process as well as the availability of products before ordering
and accept an unlimited number of orders. Furthermore, customers will also be able to
place orders and pay for them online or payment on delivery. Also, it will be linked to
the inventory management to be acquainted with the inventory. In addition, the
website will allow direct connection with suppliers. Moreover, it provides the means
to store customer information, it also provides offers and coupons.

4.3 Feasibility Study:

4.3.1 Operational Feasibility

The new system allows customers to submit and customize their orders and operate
easily. However, having a new website might not be an easy step for the business
owner at first, but the manager will manage to adapt to it because they have the
needed technical skills and basic knowledge about the website and how it works in
general. Also, they will be able to get the work done after 1-2 days of training and
learning about the different methods of handling a website as a business owner.

4.3.2 Technical Feasibility

Given the current hardware available to the owner of Ghorza, and after determining
the type of equipment (iPad and laptop), we estimated that its age is modern and
project life can continue for the next three years. Just need to rent cloud services for
more space and scalability, to bear more current and future workloads. Relative to the
small size of the company. According to the software for development website and
software, we found that the best option would be to use (SAAS) software as a
service). Due to the owner's requirements, and the lack of IT staff, so save time and

Chapter 5: System Analysis

5.1 Introduction:
System analysis shows a flow of data in diagrams. It will explain the steps and
sequences of data flow in the "current system" as well as the "proposed system",
through the Context diagram, data flow diagram DFD0, and Child diagrams, to show
important, representative parts and understand the flow of the current "Ghorza"
system. It also explains how the proposed system will operate and shows the
important parts of the recommended solution. Also, the system analysis will show us
details of the "data dictionary structure”.

5.2 Current system

5.2.1 A Context Diagram:

5.2.2 DFD0:

5.2.3 Child Diagram:

5.3 Proposed system

5.3.1 A Context Diagram:

5.3.2 DFD0:

5.3.3 Child Diagram:

5.4 Data Dictionary

5.4.1 Data Structure ‘new customer form’:

Data flow ‘new customer form’

Customer information =
Customer Name +
E-mail +
Password +
Phone Number +
Gender +
Date of birth +

Customer Name =
First name +
Second name

Gender =
Male +

Address =
Street Address +
City +
State / Province +
Postal / Zip code

5.4.2 Data Structure ‘order form’:

Data flow ‘order form’

Communication =
Name +
E-mail +
Phone Number +

Shipping Address =
Registered Address +
New Address +
Current Location
Ordered Products =
Picture Of Piece +
Quantity +
Color +
Size +
Price +

Additional Information =
Special Instructions +
Send As Gift

5.4.3 Data Structure ‘payment form’:

Data flow ‘payment form’

Payment Information =
Payment Method +
Card Number +
Verification Code +
Expiry Date +

Chapter 6: System Design

6. 1 Introduction:

This chapter is about system design, specifically the interface that includes inputs and
outputs. The input design connection between the information system and the user. In
addition, it is designed in such a method that provides security and convenience whilst
maintaining privacy. In contrast, the output design is the most critical feature of any
system. As a result of the decision on how the data will be dispersed for immediate
use as well as the production of the hard copy.

6.2 Input Design:


6.3 Output Design:


Chapter 7: User manual



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