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Pediatric Diagnostic

Labs for Primary Care:

An Evidence-based

Rita Marie John

Pediatric Diagnostic Labs for Primary
Care: An Evidence-based Approach
Rita Marie John

Pediatric Diagnostic
Labs for Primary Care:
An Evidence-based
Rita Marie John
School of Nursing
Columbia University
New York, NY, USA

ISBN 978-3-030-90641-2    ISBN 978-3-030-90642-9 (eBook)

© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature
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This book is written for primary care providers who care for children. The
book will meet the need of primary care providers to increase their knowl-
edge of diagnostic labs and how to interpret them. While guidelines have
been developed to guide clinicians in ordering diagnostic laboratory tests
during a well-child visit, the interpretation of diagnostic labs must be orga-
nized. The clinician seeing patients who present with various complaints can-
not order tests in a disorganized way. The clinician must rule out the
worst-case scenarios and consider which diagnostic laboratory tests will pro-
vide the best information to determine the diagnosis.
The ordering of diagnostic laboratory tests and their interpretation was not
well taught when I became a nurse practitioner in the late 1970s. Today, many
programs have limited time to teach all the different tests and interpret them.
This book will fill in that gap and update clinicians who were trained several
years ago.
Diagnostic laboratory stewardship involves using the right test for the
right patient at the right time (Morjaria & Chapin 2020). The tendency to
overutilize diagnostic tests has been well documented in multiple studies,
with an estimate that one out of five lab tests is unnecessary (Zhi et al. 2013).
Clinicians must understand which test will answer their diagnostic questions.
It is important to note that 60% to 70% of medical decisions are based on
diagnostic laboratory results (Molinaro et al. 2012). Therefore, understanding
the limitation of tests is critical to the proper diagnosis.
Parents have access to diagnostic laboratory tests and get very concerned
when they see a result flagged with high and low, even when the result is only
.1 over or under the normal value. Carefully explaining the interpretation of
the result is key to alleviating anxiety and increasing understanding of the
result. Ordering more tests when the results are not significant can lead to
over-ordering of diagnostic laboratory tests. The clinician must be able to
completely understand the results to explain the results to concerned
The format of each chapter is designed to address common presenting
complaints in the primary care office. The organization is designed so that the
laboratory tests follow an explanation of a variety of diagnoses. The book has
12 chapters, and chapters 2 to 12 are divided by systems. Each of the authors
has clinical experience in their section and gives insight into the differential
diagnosis and the clinical guidelines if the guidelines are available.

vi Foreword

The book's first chapter reviews how to interpret laboratory tests and hope-
fully increases the reader's understanding of what false-negative or false-­
positive results mean. The molecular panels can be very helpful in diagnosing
infectious diseases. Still, the clinician must understand that ordering diagnos-
tic laboratory tests with a low pretest likelihood may cause diagnostic errors.
Baird (2019) pointed out that a low pretest likelihood may increase diagnostic
mistakes. Newer and more accurate tests have led to a greater ability to diag-
nose, but not with absolute certainty (Bindraban et  al. 2018). Lippi et  al.
reported that the rate of inappropriate laboratory tests ranges from 23% to
67%. Therefore, understanding pre- and post-test probability will improve
the clinician's diagnostic accuracy.
Chapter 2 reviews the care of pregnant adolescents. Frequently, the pri-
mary care provider makes the diagnosis of intrauterine pregnancy. The prob-
lems of getting the adolescent involved with proper obstetrical care can
depend on insurance and local availability. This chapter gives an insight into
the management of pregnant adolescents.
Chapter 3 discusses the care of the newborn. It reviews the interpretation
of possible laboratory tests that might be ordered and the importance of new-
born screening. Congenital infections are discussed in detail, including the
new febrile well-appearing newborn guidelines. Chapter 4 focuses on the
well-child and the variety of screening tests that are recommended. There is
a discussion regarding the pitfalls of drug screening. Chapter 5 discusses
point-of-care (POC) testing. This chapter includes information on COVID
testing as well as several common POC tests. POC is a rapidly expanding
area, and clinicians must be aware of the availability of point-of-care testing
so that patient treatment can be expedited.
Chapter 6 discusses pediatric infectious diseases and the variety of avail-
able laboratory tests. Children frequently present to the office with a fever,
and a knowledge of infectious diseases diagnostic testing can help pinpoint
the child's diagnosis. The limitations and pitfalls of the variety of tests are
reviewed to aid the clinician in understanding the results.
Clinicians today have the advantage of genetic diagnostic tests to aid them
in determining the cause for the presenting complaint. Many clinicians were
trained before the advent of the broad variety of diagnostic genetic tests. The
diagnostic potential of the newer technology of genetic tests in pediatric
patients allows early timely and specific interventions to improve clinical out-
comes. Understanding the limitation of these tests can be very helpful.
Chapter 8 reviews a variety of hematological problems. Chapter 8 reviews
a systematic approach to the interpretation of the CBC. The clinician orders
hematological tests based on the patient's history, the family history, and the
physical exam. The child with anemia may have a problem with another sys-
tem, such as the gastrointestinal, renal, or endocrine system, or have a rheu-
matological disorder. Chapters 9–12 review these systems. The reader can
improve their knowledge of a variety of laboratory tests.
I hope that the reader will review each chapter utilizing the cases to rein-
force the readers. There are boxes of key learning throughout each chapter to
reinforce the reader's knowledge. There are several questions with rationales
at the end of each chapter for review.
Foreword vii


Baird G.  The Choosing Wisely initiative and laboratory test stewardship.
Diagnosis. 2019;6(1):15–23.
Bindraban RS, Ten Berg MJ, Naaklgeboren CA, Kramer MHH Vansolinge
WW, Nanayakkara PWB. Reducing test utilization in a hospital setting: a
narrative review. Ann Lab Med. 2018;38:402–12.
Morjaria S, Chapin KP. Who to test, when and for what? J Molecular Diag.
Molinaro RJ, Winkler AM, Kraft CS, Fantz CR, Stowell SR, Ritchie JC,
Koch DD, Heron S, Liebzeit J, Santen SA, Guarner J. Teaching laboratory
medicine to medical students: implementation and evaluation. Arch Pathol
Lab Med. 2012;136(11):1423-9.
Zhi M, Ding EL, Theisen-Toupal, J. Whelan, J. Arnaout R. The landscape of
inappropriate laboratory testing: a 15-year meta-analysis. PLoS one.

"Sometimes it takes a mountain" is a popular song that speaks clearly to all

the people that helped me get this book to publication. First and foremost, I
want to acknowledge all my authors who spent hours preparing their chap-
ters. They took time away from their busy lives to write their chapter. I appre-
ciate their dedication and knowledge. I know that every reader will learn
something from this book no matter how much experience they have. The
authors have clinical expertise that will certainly help the practicing clinician.
My sincere thanks to each of them.
I want to acknowledge my husband, who has always supported me in my
clinical and academic endeavors. He has been a source of encouragement and
support. He understood that this book was one of my career goals. He under-
stood when I was in the office working for hours. I am blessed to have had
him in my life for greater than 50 years.
I want to thank my previous editors, who helped me develop chapters for
their books. I would specifically like to acknowledge Margaret Brady, who
guided me through multiple chapters for Pediatric Primary Care. Chapter
writing can be challenging for the novice author, and it takes patience to deal
with delays.
I want to thank my students at Columbia and the PNPs that attended my
conferences over the past 21 years. Their questions gave me the idea for this
book. I learned from students what they needed to know and what I could
accomplish during their education. This book is an extension of what I learned
from them.
I want to thank my pediatric nurse practitioner and physician colleagues
who worked with me along the way. Dr. Susan Margolin, Dr. Chitra Reddy,
Dr. Maria Toft, Dr. Geraldine Nelson, and Jeanne Gibian, CPNP, who worked
with me at the University of Medicine and Dentistry in Newark, NJ (now
Rutgers’s Medical School). We would have lively discussions about labora-
tory test interpretation. Dr. Frank Cunningham and the Newark Beth Israel
Pediatric ED physician staff also increased my knowledge of laboratory diag-
nostic tests. Finally, to the staff at Springfield Pediatric Group, who continued
to enhance my knowledge of diagnostic laboratory tests.
Finally, I would like to thank my editor at Springer publishing, Marie-Elia
Come-Garry, and my project manager, Smitha Diveshan, for their support
and understanding in completing this project. I appreciate their publishing
expertise and acknowledgment that the pandemic interfered with the comple-
tion of this book.


1 Pediatric Diagnostic Lab Tests: An Overview ������������������������������   1

Arlene Smaldone and Rita Marie John
2 Laboratory Screening and Diagnostic Testing
in Antepartum Care ������������������������������������������������������������������������  29
Adena Bargad and Hannah VogtSchaller
3 Care of the Newborn������������������������������������������������������������������������  67
Rita Marie John, Ashley N. Gyura, Emily R. Harrison,
and Bobbie Salveson
4 The Well Pediatric Primary Care Visit
and Screening Laboratory Tests ���������������������������������������������������� 101
Rita Marie John
5 Point-of-Care Testing in Primary Care������������������������������������������ 135
Laura Britton Stace
6 Care of the Child with an Infectious Disease
or Immunological Defect ���������������������������������������������������������������� 171
Ashley N. Gyura and Emily R. Harrison
7 Genetics and Pediatric Patient�������������������������������������������������������� 239
Rita Marie John and Angela Kenny
8 Hematology�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 263
Rita Marie John and Caroline Anne Bell
9 Care of the Child with a Gastrointestinal Disorder���������������������� 319
Anna L. Rundle, Nicole Baron, and Rita Marie John
10 Care of the Child with a Renal Problem���������������������������������������� 365
Deanna Schneider and Clare Cardo McKegney
11 Care of the Child with a Pediatric Endocrine Disorder �������������� 413
Rebecca Crespi, Leigh Pughe, and Amy Dowd
12 Care of the Child with a Possible Rheumatological Disorder������ 461
Rita Marie John and Kathleen Kenney-Riley

Pediatric Diagnostic Lab Tests:
An Overview
Arlene Smaldone and Rita Marie John

Learning Objectives tions, but the interpretation of the results must

After completing the chapter, the learner should sometimes also be age-adjusted to be correctly
be able to interpreted. Commercial laboratories vary as to
whether they appropriately report the normal
1. Distinguish differences in pediatric blood age-adjusted ranges for children. Some values,
sample collection from that of adults and such as total bilirubin levels in newborns, quickly
identify the differences in pediatric patients change over a short period. A total bilirubin level
that can affect lab results. considered within the normal range for a 3-day-­
2. Define concepts fundamental to diagnostic old infant would indicate a disease state in a
testing: disease prevalence, pretest probabil- 2-week-old infant. Young infants can rapidly
ity, and post-test probability. change from well to critically ill in a matter of
3. Interpret characteristics of diagnostic tests: hours, and they have little fat and glycogen
sensitivity, specificity, positive likelihood reserves. The newborn’s body composition is
ratio, and negative likelihood ratio. higher in water, making dehydration a real risk if
4. Summarize the problems of overutilization the infant experiences significant GI loss or defi-
and underutilization of diagnostic laboratory cient fluid intake. The newborn kidney has more
tests. difficulty compensating for an increased loss of
Some laboratory tests like the tests that com-
1.1  nique Issues in Pediatric
U prise the newborn screening panel are used to
Blood and Urine Collection diagnose rare inborn errors of metabolism, hema-
tological, and endocrine disorders, or vanillyl-
Children are not small adults, and this is certainly mandelic acid or homovanillic acid is used to
true when it comes to diagnostic laboratory tests. diagnose neuroblastoma. Some disorders, like
Not only is the task of obtaining samples for type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia, and obesity, are far
diagnostic testing problematic for our youngest more common in children today. Therefore, the
patients and children with chronic health condi- clinician must screen and monitor lipid levels,
glucose, and liver function tests in children with
obesity. The skillset of the clinician who cares for
A. Smaldone (*) · R. M. John children must be broad with a solid understand-
Columbia University School of Nursing, ing of the biochemical and hematological changes
New York City, New York, USA that occur in children as they grow.

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 1

R. M. John (ed.), Pediatric Diagnostic Labs for Primary Care: An Evidence-based Approach,
2 A. Smaldone and R. M. John

Age-related differences in the interpretation 1.1.2 C

 ollection of Pediatric Blood
of laboratory results are common. Measurement and Urine Samples
of alkaline phosphatase (AP), insulin-like
growth factor-1 (IGF-1), IGF binding proteins, The methods used to obtain blood include heel or
and neutrophil counts are good examples. AP is finger stick, venipuncture, and withdrawal of
primarily expressed in the liver and the bone. specimens from umbilical or central lines. The
Children below the age of 5  years have a sig- method employed will vary according to the age
nificant elevation of the AP, likely due to and circumstance of the child. A parent or guard-
decreased enzyme clearance. AP concentra- ian can soothe the child during the procedure;
tions then decline and remain stable until the however, parents or guardians are often not the
child enters puberty, when AP levels increase best people to help restrain them. Adequate
significantly due to bone growth. Neither eleva- teaching about gentle techniques for restraint
tion requires a workup if the elevations are should be used. Medical restraint is rarely needed
within the normal variation for the child’s age in pediatrics. There are times when phlebotomy
(Ridefelt et al. 2014). The levels of insulin-like should not be attempted if the child is too com-
growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and IGF binding pro- bative and may injure themselves or the phlebot-
teins also vary in childhood and are elevated omist. Blood collection via a phlebotomy/heel
during periods of rapid growth (Blankenstein stick requires meticulous attention to pain reduc-
et  al. 2015). The neutrophil count during tion by applying a topical anesthetic agent or
infancy is markedly lower than during adoles- using techniques such as hypnotism, blowing
cence; the neutrophil count increases through- bubbles, mindfulness, or buzzing or vibrating
out early childhood until it reaches adult levels devices (Gaglani and Gross 2018).
during early adolescence (Segel and Halterman Heel or finger sticks. In children less than
2008). 6 months of age, heel sticks can be used, while
for infants between 6  months and 1  year,
although heel sticks are preferred, obtaining a
1.1.1 B
 lood Sampling in Pediatric specimen by finger stick is acceptable. Lancets
Patients are specific for each procedure and are not inter-
changeable; therefore, finger stick lancets should
Infants and young children have a smaller total not be used to collect a sample via a heel stick
blood volume. For example, a newborn weighing and vice versa. Some heel stick devices have a
between 6 and 7 pounds has an average blood quick-moving pendulum blade, and its use to
volume of approximately 300 ml, whereas a 40- obtain a specimen from the finger will cause
to 45-pound child has a blood volume of 1700 ml. excessive bleeding. It is important to avoid the
Therefore, blood samples need to be collected bone when puncturing the skin to obtain a speci-
and analyzed using pediatric-specific vials to men, as this can cause osteomyelitis (Yuksel
minimize blood loss. Limiting the amount of et al. 2007). Before heel stick collection, the heel
blood for testing in hospitalized and sick pediat- should be warmed to increase blood flow, and
ric patients will decrease iatrogenic anemia sec- the lateral or medial plantar surface should be
ondary to frequent blood sampling. The clinician used, as seen in Picture 1.1. The use of finger
needs to consult with the lab to ensure that vials stick or heel collection requires very small col-
are used appropriately for the patient’s size and lection tubes called bullets. Bullets are associ-
the minimum amount of blood that the lab needs ated with a higher rejection rate secondary to
to run the requested test. Reduced volume tubes hemolysis, especially if the person collecting the
enable the clinician to collect less blood and still sample uses excessive force to squeeze the heel
have the right amount of tube preservatives or finger. If the collection is prolonged, clotting
required for the test. is more likely with these tubes.
1  Pediatric Diagnostic Lab Tests: An Overview 3

Urine collection. In infants, the bladder

capacity is smaller and empties within
4  hours. Nitrite-producing bacteria need
around 4  h to produce nitrites in the urine
during a urinary tract infection. Urinary cath-
eterization is the correct way to collect a
specimen for a urine culture in children under
2 years (Jackson 2015). In contrast, a bagged
urine sample can be used in pediatric patients
who are not toilet trained and over 2 years. A
urine collection bag must be put on an infant
Picture 1.1  Areas for a heel stick. From: https://pixabay. who has a clean, dry peritoneum. Wringing
com/photos/baby-­feet-­new-­born-­child-­newborn-­1025398/ out a diaper or collecting urine by placing
cotton balls in the diaper is never advised. It
Tube order: The tube collection order is allows fibers and chemicals to get into the
important as the additives from one tube can con- sample, interfering with the test results. It
taminate the subsequent tube. Therefore, when can be very challenging to collect a 24-h
using a needle, butterfly, or transfer device, the urine sample in a young child. A study of 241
order of specimen collection is important. For adults showed that more than half (51.5%) of
phlebotomy, blood cultures should be collected 24-h samples were collected incorrectly
first to avoid contamination. Following this, tubes (Boyd et al. 2018). If a 24-h urine sample is
without additives are collected, followed by tubes needed, the child’s first void of the day is dis-
with weaker anticoagulants (i.e., sodium citrate), carded; the 24-h collection period begins
and lastly, tubes with stronger anticoagulants after the first void. All urine specimens are
(i.e., EDTA). collected during the day and night; the 24-h
In contrast, when collecting specimens via a sample concludes with the first void on the
heel or finger stick, the blood starts to clot right second day. Generally, the collection con-
away, so anticoagulated tubes should be collected tainer is kept refrigerated during the collec-
first, and any specimen that can be clotted should tion period. In general, spot urine for
be collected last. The clinician must remember creatinine and protein is often done in place
that certain anticoagulants such as EDTA can of 24-h collections (Kaminska et al. 2020).
cause platelet clumping (Tan et  al. 2016; Fang
et  al. 2015; Nagler et  al. 2014) and, to get an
accurate result, a different anticoagulant must be 1.1.3 Handling and Timing
used for the follow-up exam. of the Specimen before
Venipuncture. In children between 1 and Processing
2 years, while a finger stick can be used for speci-
men collection, a venipuncture may be necessary The temperature requirements of the specimen
if the quantity of blood required is larger than can after it is drawn must be carefully considered.
be obtained via a finger stick. For children over For example, the result of an erythrocyte sedi-
2 years of age, venipuncture should be employed mentation rate will be higher if the sample was
to obtain the specimen. A butterfly with a syringe subject to higher temperatures (Bray et  al.
is better in children and adolescents with small 2016). If the specimen is sent to an outside lab,
veins that may collapse if a transfer device is the sample must not be drawn during the week-
used. The suction amount can be more precisely end when delivery will be delayed. Most speci-
controlled using a butterfly and a syringe leading mens, once received by the lab, are run within a
to a successful venipuncture. 24-h period.
4 A. Smaldone and R. M. John

Table 1.1  Definition of terms

Key Learning in Pediatric Blood and Urine Term Definition/mathematical formula
Collection Diagnostic A test that measures what it is supposed
• The size of the blood tube for collection accuracy to measure
False A negative test result in a child who has
must consider the patient’s size and the negative (FN) the disease
minimum amount needed for processing False positiveA positive test result in a disease-free
the sample. (FP) child
• Interpretation of the diagnostic labora- Negative The change in the odds of having a
tory test results must be age-adjusted to likelihood diagnosis for patients with a negative
ratio (LR−) test
be correctly interpreted. LR− = (1 − sensitivity)/specificity
• A heel stick may be used for infants, pro- Negative The probability that a child with a
viding you have the appropriate tubes for predictive negative test result does not have the
the collection. For children over 2 years value (NPV) disease
NPV = TN/(TN + FN)
of age, venipuncture should be used. A
Positive The number of times more likely that a
butterfly with a syringe is better in pediat- likelihood negative test comes from an individual
ric patients with small veins as the vein ratio (LR+) with the disease rather than from an
may collapse if a transfer device is used. individual without the disease
LR+ = sensitivity/(1 − specificity)
• Certain anticoagulants such as EDTA
Post-test The likelihood that an event will occur
can cause platelet clumping, resulting in probability following a positive or negative test result
a low platelet count. Pretest The probability that a patient has the
probability disease before the diagnostic test is
Prevalence The probability that a patient has the
disease after the results of the
1.2 Key Concepts diagnostic test
in the Interpretation of Lab Positive The probability a child with a positive
Tests predictive result does have the disease
value (PPV) PPV = TP/(TP + FP)
Precision The reproducibility of a test to give the
1.2.1 Overview same result if repeated on the same
patient sample
Clinicians order clinical tests to either screen for a Reference The test is considered to be the most
disease’s presence before symptoms are present or standard accurate way to test for a disease
to diagnose a disease’s presence. In both cases, the Reliability The repeatability or reproducibility of a
laboratory test that would give you a
clinician must understand the basic properties of similar result with repeat testing
diagnostic tests: sensitivity and specificity. Sensitivity The probability that a child with the
Sensitivity (Sn) and specificity (Sp) determine a disease will test positive
laboratory test’s accuracy relative to a reference or Sensitivity = TP/TP + FN
“gold” standard (Trevethan 2017). Sn measures true Specificity The probability that a child without any
disease will test negative
positives, and Sp measures true negatives (Borysiak Specificity = TN/TN + FP
et  al. 2016). A perfect clinical test will correctly True negative A person without a disease who has a
identify all patients with the disease and all patients (TN) negative test result
who do not have the disease. Unfortunately, this is True positive A person with a disease who has a
rarely the case; therefore, some test results may (TP) positive test result
reflect either false positives or false negatives.
Therefore, clinicians must acquire a basic under- established tests used for new purposes (e.g., ultra-
standing of test properties to choose tests with sound used to diagnose pediatric pneumonia), the
acceptable test properties so that false positives and new test’s performance is compared to a reference
false negatives may be minimal and test results can standard. Table 1.1 p­ rovides definitions and mathe-
be interpreted properly. When new clinical tests are matical formulas for terms that will be explained
developed (e.g., detection of COVID-19) or more further throughout the chapter.
1  Pediatric Diagnostic Lab Tests: An Overview 5

In evaluating whether to order a diagnostic subtract the mean from the upper or lower limit
test, there are many important considerations, of the normal range (4.9–4.2  =  0.7). Using this
including: information, the range for three SDs from the
mean would be 4.2 ± (3*0.7), representing a 99%
• How does the test you are ordering compare confidence interval range between 2.7 and 5.6.
with other laboratory tests? However, it would then be important to evaluate
• What will the lab test do to help you care for the patient for signs of hypokalemia or hyperkale-
the patient? mia if the patient falls out of the range of the 95%
• Would you still order the test if the patient did confidence interval. It is important to recognize
not have insurance? that a K of 3.4 might be normal for that patient.
• Can you interpret the test? A good example of this is seen with the TSH
• How will the results of the test affect your in hypothyroidism. A TSH slightly above normal
clinical decision-making? Which is the best within the 99% confidence interval range may
test to eliminate the differentials and deter- not indicate overt hypothyroidism. The TSH nor-
mine the diagnosis? mally found in children with hypothyroidism is
• Does testing improve the patient’s health well above three SDs from the mean.
outcomes? Choosing a diagnostic lab test requires
• How much does the test cost? Is the test thoughtful consideration of the tests’ parameters
cost-effective? and whether the diagnostic test is the best one to
• Were the test parameters (sensitivity, specific- rule out the worst-case scenarios and confirm the
ity, accuracy, precision, and predictive values) most likely diagnosis.

1.2.3 T
 he Relevance of Sensitivity
1.2.2 P
 recision, Mean, and Standard and Specificity
Deviation in the Diagnostic Process

Precision is the reproducibility and repeatability The underlying reason for ordering a diagnostic
of the test. Repeatability refers to the repeatabil- test is based on knowledge of the disease’s under-
ity of the test in a single laboratory, whereas lying pathophysiology and the test’s relationship
reproducibility refers to the repeatability of the to the disease process. Most laboratory tests are
test in different laboratories. It is the closeness of ordered as part of a diagnostic process—the patient
different independent measurements for a set of presents with a symptom that prompts the clini-
experimental tests (Borysiak, 2016). cian to order a test. A laboratory test with poor
The range of normal values for a test is decided accuracy can lead to an inaccurate diagnosis due to
by its 95% confidence interval or two standard missing a condition where it exists (a false-nega-
deviations (SDs) from the mean. For diagnostic tive test result) or producing a positive test result
laboratory tests, some ranges of normal are very when the patient does not have a disease (a false-
narrow, whereas others are much wider. When a positive test result). Other factors in the diagnostic
result falls slightly outside the lower or upper process, such as history, symptoms, physical
limits of the 95% confidence interval, the clini- examination findings, and other test results, must
cian must consider whether the child’s lab value balance the possibility of an inaccurate test result.
may represent a value within the 99% confidence Furthermore, a test’s sensitivity and specific-
interval (three SDs from the mean). ity can vary in different clinical scenarios because
The 99% confidence interval can easily be cal- of changing biological variables, with age being
culated. For example, if a child has a potassium especially important. For example, although the
(K) of 3.4 and the normal range is 3.5–4.9, first, “mono spot” test is extremely sensitive in adults
calculate the mean value for K (calculated as and older children, its sensitivity is less than 50%
[3.5 + 4.9]/2 = 4.2). To calculate an SD’s width, in young children (Sumaya and Ench 1985).
6 A. Smaldone and R. M. John

1.2.4 Test Accuracy Sensitivity is the test’s ability to identify patients

with the disease and is calculated as the number of
The concepts of sensitivity and specificity help true positives (TP) divided by the number of true
describe the validity and accuracy of a labora- positives plus false negatives (TP + FN). Figure 1.1
tory or other clinical test. The higher the sensitiv- illustrates this concept. Twenty children in a sam-
ity and specificity, the more useful the test. The ple of one thousand children have Lyme disease.
test result will never be negative if a patient has The children are tested using the enzyme-linked
the condition (there are no false negatives) if the immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test. Eighteen (true
test is 100% sensitive. A positive test is always positive) of the 20 children test positive, and two
accurate (no false positives) if the test is 100% children test negative (false negative).
specific. Another way of remembering this is that
Sensitivity  TP /  TP  FN  18 / 20  90%
specificity has a p (needs an N) and reflects the
true negative rate. Specificity is the ability of a test to identify
Table 1.2 illustrates the concept of false posi- patients who do not have the disease and is calcu-
tives (those without the target condition who test lated as the number of those who are disease-free
positive for the condition) and false negatives and test negative (TN) divided by the number of
(those with the target condition who test nega- true negatives plus false positives (TN  +  FP)
tive) of a new diagnostic test compared against a (Baeyens et al. 2019). Of the 980 children who do
reference standard. not have Lyme disease. Of these, 960 children test
negative (TN), and 20 children test positive (FP).

Specificity  TN /  TN  FP   960 / 980  97.9%  98%

In this sample of children, while 38 children person truly has the disease. If a test has low sen-
tested positive, 20 of those children did not have sitivity, patients with the condition will be missed
Lyme disease. The test had 90% sensitivity; how- and are therefore not useful. When a test has high
ever, there is a risk of false positives. If the ELISA specificity, it will correctly detect most people
test is positive for Lyme disease, a Western blot free of that disease (TN), but some people with
test is usually performed to confirm the diagnosis. the disease will test negative (FN).
Two-tier testing illustrates the diagnostic principle A test with poor specificity will result in a
that while the result of a diagnostic test can patient having a positive test result (FP) when
increase the probability and level of suspicion that they are, in fact, healthy. A test with high speci-
a person has the disease, additional testing is often ficity will have a low false-positive rate. Highly
required to confirm the diagnosis. specific laboratory and clinical tests are used to
A test with high sensitivity will correctly confirm the presence of a disease. Specificity is
detect patients with the disease (TP), but some independent of the disease rate in a geographic
people who do not have the disease will also test area. It should be remembered that a highly spe-
positive (FP). Therefore, a positive test does not cific test is unlikely to produce false-positive
mean that the clinician can be confident that the results.

Table 1.2  Concepts of false positives and negatives

Reference standard
Target condition: positive Target condition: negative
Tests positive with a new diagnostic test True positive (TP) False positive (FP)
Tests negative with a new diagnostic test False negative (FN) True negative (TN)
Sensitivity = TP/TP + FN Specificity = TN/TN + FP
1  Pediatric Diagnostic Lab Tests: An Overview 7

Fig. 1.1 Clinical
illustration of test 20 children have 980 children do
sensitivity and Lyme Disease not have Lyme (Prevalence 2%)
specificity Disease

Sensitivity 90% Specificity 98%

18 children 2 children 20 children 960 children

positive negative (false) positive negative

A test’s sensitivity and specificity are inversely 1.3.1 Appraising the Quality

related as the sensitivity of a test increases, the of a Study Evaluating
specificity decreases and vice versa. A test may Performance
be better suited to either screen for a disease or of a Diagnostic Test
diagnose the disease based on a test’s sensitivity
and specificity. Clinicians must always consider When considering using a new test, the clinician
the purpose for which they have ordered the test: should evaluate the study’s quality that determined
is it to screen for disease or assist in diagnosing the new test’s diagnostic accuracy. The Centre for
or confirming the presence of disease? For diag- Evidence-based Medicine on Diagnostic Accuracy
nosis or confirmation of the presence of disease, (2020) suggests that clinicians appraise five key ele-
the clinician must also consider the child’s symp- ments of diagnostic studies (Centre for Evidence-
toms, risk history, results of other tests, and clini- Based Medicine,­content/
cal experience to balance these risks. uploads/2014/04/diagnostic-­s tudy-­a ppraisal-­
worksheet.pdf). Most required information can be
found in a study’s methods section; test characteris-
1.3 Evidence-Based Practice tics information is reported in the results section.
and Diagnostic Tests
1. The sample of subjects to whom the test
The evidence informing practice decisions accu- was administered was representative of the
mulates and changes over time. New laboratory or spectrum of patients who would benefit
other clinical tests are developed, whereas older from its use in practice. Ideally, the new test
established tests may be effectively utilized for should be administered to all (those with mild,
new purposes. In both cases, diagnostic accuracy, moderate, and severe disease) representing
sensitivity, and specificity of the new or repur- the target disorder. The study sample should
posed test must be established. Researchers test have either been randomly selected or con-
the new test’s diagnostic accuracy in high-­quality secutively admitted to the study in order to
cross-sectional design studies where the new test’s minimize selection bias.
performance compared to the current reference 2. Both the new test and the reference stan-
standard provides level 2 evidence. A meta-analy- dard were obtained for each subject
sis of high quality in which test accuracy data regardless of one test result. The reference
reported in several studies where the new test has standard should be a test as close to the truth
been evaluated is synthesized across studies pro- as possible.
vides level 1 evidence and a higher level of evi- 3. An independent blind comparison should
dence than a single study (Centre for be made between the new test and the ref-
Evidence-Based Medicine 2020). erence standard. An independent blind com-
8 A. Smaldone and R. M. John

parison means that the person who interprets an example of nine meta-­analyses (Brown et  al.
one test should not be aware of another test’s 2020; Chartrand et  al. 2015; Cui et  al. 2019;
results. When a test may be subject to inter- Holtman et al. 2016; Lean et al. 2014; Lee and Yun
pretation, such as an X-ray, a blind compari- 2019; Pereda et al. 2015; Yoon et al. 2017; Zhao and
son is more important. Yuan 2019) examining diagnostic test performance
4. Test characteristics for the new test’s diag- across a range of pediatric conditions.
nostic accuracy and how the test performs
in the population being tested are presented.
As described earlier, test accuracy, determined 1.4 Purpose of Laboratory
by a test’s sensitivity and ­specificity, informs Testing
the clinician how well a test can identify people
with or without the condition. Positive and 1.4.1 Screening Tests
negative predictive values and positive and
negative likelihood ratios inform the clinician An effective screening test should detect a dis-
regarding how well the test performs in the ease. At the same time, it is asymptomatic or in a
population. These values can be calculated latent period to be treated early, thereby mitigat-
using the test’s sensitivity and specificity and ing the disease process. HIV screening in adoles-
will be discussed later in the chapter. Of note, cents is an example of a screening test that has
predictive values are dependent on the preva- fostered earlier identification and treatment of
lence of the condition in the population in HIV, improving the illness course. Based on
which the study was conducted. Predictive val- strong evidence, the US Preventive Services Task
ues have less utility when community preva- Force (USPSTF) recommends that clinicians
lence differs from the population in which the screen all adolescents aged 15  years and older
study was conducted. Likelihood ratios are not and younger adolescents at increased risk of
dependent on disease prevalence and are more infection for HIV (USPSTF 2019). Most patients
useful in clinical practice settings. with a positive screening test need further testing
Online evidence-based practice tools are to confirm the presence of the disease. Other
available to simplify the calculation of test commonly used screening tests in pediatrics
characteristics (https://www.ebm-­tools.knowl- include lead tests, cholesterol screening, and The clinician newborn screening for inborn metabolism errors.
can easily calculate all diagnostic test charac- A good screening test must be highly sensitive.
teristics by entering information for the num- If a test has low sensitivity, many patients with the
ber of true and false positives and true and false condition will be missed. When screening for a
negatives reported in an individual study. disease’s presence before symptoms are present,
5. The methods for performing the test were the clinician does not want to miss disease detec-
described in sufficient detail to allow tion through false negatives. The clinician would
replication. rather identify false positives because, on confir-
matory testing, the person will test negative. A
positive test result does not necessarily indicate a
1.3.2 S
 ystematic Reviews and Meta-­ condition is present. However, when a test is
Analyses of Diagnostic highly sensitive, the clinician can have a high level
Accuracy Studies of confidence that someone who tests negative will
not have the disease, illustrated by the mnemonic
When evidence accumulates, and a sufficient num- SnNout. When a test has high Sensitivity, a
ber of individual studies examining a particular test Negative test helps to rule out the disease.
have been conducted, researchers will synthesize For example, when performing newborn screen-
data from these studies using systematic review ing for inborn errors of metabolism, we would want
meta-analytic methods to increase certainty regard- a highly sensitive test since we want to identify all
ing diagnostic test performance. Table 1.3 provides newborns who have the disease but have no symp-
Table 1.3  Systematic reviews and meta-analyses of diagnostic accuracy studies
Sensitivity Specificity
Author Year Test Reference standard Target condition Studies (95% CI) (95% CI) LR+ (95% CI) LR− (95% CI)
Brown et al. 2020 CRP Microbiological Late-onset newborn 22 0.98 (0.90–1.00) 0.30 (0.21–0.41)
culture infection
Chartrand 2015 RADT RT-PCR, immuno-­ Respiratory 63 0.81 (0.78–0.84) 0.96 (0.95–0.98)
et al. fluorescence, viral syncytial virus
Cui et al. 2019 Procalcitonin Acute appendicitis 7 0.62 (0.57–0.66) 0.86 (0.82–0.89) 5.3 (1.8–15.8) 0.29 (0.15–0.58)
Complicated 4 0.89 (0.84–0.93) 0.90 (0.86–0.94) 7.7 (3.7–16.1) 0.12 (0.05–0.27)
Holtman 2016 CRP Endoscopy IBD diagnosis in 9 0.63 (0.51–0.73) 0.88 (0.80–0.93) 5.1 (2.8–9.4) 0.42 (0.30–0.59)
et al. ESR symptomatic 11 0.66 (0.58–0.73) 0.84 (0.80–0.88) 4.2 (3.3–5.3) 0.41 (0.33–0.50)
Platelet count children 8 0.55 (0.36–0.73) 0.88 (0.81–0.93) 4.7 (2.9–7.7) 0.51 (0.34–0.76)
Hemoglobin 9 0.37 (0.24–0.52) 0.90 (0.83–0.94) 3.7 (2.3–5.9) 0.70 (0.57–0.86)
Albumin 6 0.48 (0.31–0.66) 0.94 (0.86–0.98) 8.3 (3.7–18.7) 0.55 (0.40–0.76)
1  Pediatric Diagnostic Lab Tests: An Overview

FCal 10 0.99 (0.92–1.00) 0.65 (0.54–0.74) 2.8 (2.1–3.7) 0.01 (0.00–0.13)

Lean et al. 2014 RADT (molecular Throat culture Group A 7 0.92 (0.89–0.95) 0.99 (0.97–0.99)
technique) streptococcal
Lee, Yun. 2019 Ultrasound X-ray Elbow fracture 10 0.96 (0.88–0.99) 0.89 (0.82–0.94)
Pereda et al. 2015 Ultrasound Chest X-ray Pneumonia 8 0.96 (0.94–0.97) 0.93 (0.90–0.96) 13.7 (6.4–36.8) 0.04 (0.03–0.12)
Yoon et al. 2017 MR enterography Histopathologic Active 18 0.83 (0.75–0.89) 0.93 (0.90–0.95)
test findings inflammation with
known or suspected
Zhao et al. 2019 FeNO Guideline criteria Asthma 20 0.57 (0.47–0.67) 0.61 (0.46–0.75)
CRP C reactive protein, MR magnetic resonance, IBD inflammatory bowel disease, RADT rapid antigen detection test, RSV respiratory syncytial virus, 95% CI = 95% confidence
10 A. Smaldone and R. M. John

toms. To assure that no newborn with the disease is symptomatic disease cost. A screening test
missed, we understand that the test will over-iden- should not be ordered if the detection of the con-
tify newborns with false positives (FP). Further test- dition does not improve health outcomes. A
ing is needed to confirm an inborn error of screening test must be highly sensitive (detecting
metabolism in those with a positive test. While a a disease that is present). Ideally, the test should
test’s sensitivity is critical for screening tests, it is also have high specificity. However, few screen-
also important that specificity is not too low; other- ing tests have both high sensitivity and specific-
wise, the rate of false-­positive results will be high. ity. Therefore, a screening test result always
In newborn screening for phenylketonuria requires confirmation with another test to deter-
(PKU), we accept a false-positive rate higher mine if a condition is truly present.
than we would like to avoid missing a case of
PKU.  Most screening tests are offered in two
stages. The first testing stage is less expensive, 1.4.2 Diagnosis and Laboratory
invasive, and inaccurate, leading to false posi- Tests
tives. The second stage of testing is more expen-
sive and more invasive and has greater sensitivity Clinicians frequently use laboratory and other
and specificity. Follow-up testing will have high clinical tests to help make a diagnosis. While
specificity and a low false-positive rate and can sensitivity and specificity provide important
be used on the positive initial screening patients. information to evaluate a diagnostic test, it does
The World Health Organization (WHO) has not provide information regarding the probability
identified other considerations for good screen- of whether a child has or does not have a disease.
ing tests. These are summarized in Box 1.2. Before testing, the clinician must consider the
prevalence of the disease in the community and
the child’s history and physical exam findings,
Box 1.2  WHO Screening Guidelines which have raised the clinician’s suspicion that a
disease may be present. Since diagnostic tests are
1. The health problem must be important not perfect and run the risk of both false-positive
and affect a substantial number of and false-negative results, the clinician must con-
people. sider the probability of disease before the test is
2. A recognizable asymptomatic or early conducted (pretest probability) and how much a
mildly symptomatic disease detection positive test will raise that level of certainty
can be effectively treated. (post-test probability).
3. The health condition test must have a The prevalence of the disease in the community
high level of accuracy, and the patient is the proportion of people in the community who
must accept the screening test. have the condition and can be calculated as the
4. Screening, diagnosis, and treatment number of cases divided by the total number of
must be economically balanced within people in the population. Epidemiological studies
the disease’s societal burden (Wilson provide estimates of disease prevalence in differ-
and Jungner 1968). ent populations. The clinician may not know the
true prevalence of the disease in the population.
However, the clinician has an index of suspicion
Screening tests should be ordered (1) if the about the probability of disease, which leads him/
test will detect the condition earlier than it would her to order the test. Here, this index of suspicion
have been detected without screening and (2) if can be considered as an estimate of pretest proba-
the early treatment will make a significant differ- bility. For example, the pretest probability that a
ence in the outcome. The screening test does not child who went hiking with his family in a state
necessarily need to be inexpensive, but it should with endemic Lyme disease has Lyme disease is
be cost-effective compared to society’s potential higher than that of a similar child who went hiking
1  Pediatric Diagnostic Lab Tests: An Overview 11

but presents with knee swelling and a history of a a negative antigen test, 3 have a positive COVID
tick bite. The presence of a bulls-eye lesion would rapid test result (FP), and 1302 have a negative test
further increase the pretest probability. The test result (TN). A contingency table would be com-
result provides a­dditional information to inform pleted to calculate the sensitivity and specificity of
the clinician’s diagnostic process (post-test proba- the COVID rapid test (illustrated in Table 1.4).
bility). A positive test result will increase the prob- Using data from the contingency table, the
ability, whereas a negative test result will decrease rapid test’s sensitivity and specificity are 81.5%
probability levels. and 99.8%, respectively, compared to the PCR
When the purpose of ordering a test is to nasopharyngeal swab. While this is purely an
inform the diagnosis of a condition, the test must example, a few points about diagnostic tests’ util-
be highly specific so that false-positive test ity should be made. First, while PCR antigen test-
results are minimized, and a positive test result ing obtained by nasopharyngeal swab is used
can help to rule in the presence of a disease. If the here as the reference standard, the test is imper-
test has low specificity, many patients who do not fect, and results vary based on sampling quality
have the condition will have a false-positive test. (Watson et  al. 2020). Based on the test perfor-
When a test is highly specific, the clinician can mance presented here, the COVID rapid test
have a high level of confidence that someone who would not be a good screening test because the
tests positive for the condition will have the dis- number of false negatives is high. However, the
ease, illustrated by the mnemonic SpPin. When a test’s specificity is very high, illustrating that a
test has high Specificity, a Positive test helps to positive test result would help confirm the pres-
rule in the diagnosis (Sackett et al. 2000). ence of COVID in a child presenting with symp-
The following example illustrates how a new toms. The clinician would need to interpret a
test’s diagnostic test properties would be deter- negative test result with caution. A single nega-
mined in the children’s population. In this exam- tive test might not be informative for clinical
ple, the test performance evaluated is a COVID decision-making, particularly if the child pre-
rapid test assessed by a saliva sample, and the ref- sented with symptoms suggestive of COVID-19.
erence standard is PCR antigen testing obtained by There was a history of exposure in the family or
the nasopharyngeal swab. A sample of 1500 chil- at school. The additional information obtained
dren with cough and fever are evaluated with both from positive and negative likelihood ratios will
tests; using the reference standard, 195 children be presented later in this chapter.
have a positive antigen test result, and 1305 chil-
dren have a negative antigen test result. The preva-
lence of COVID in this sample determined by the 1.4.3 Establishment of Test Value
reference standard is 13%. Of the 195 children Cutoffs
with a positive antigen test result, 159 have a posi-
tive COVID rapid test result (TP), and 36 have a A diagnostic test aims to be accurate as possible,
negative test result (FN). Of the 1305 children with but the interpretation of test results must always

Table 1.4  Contingency table illustration of test sensitivity and specificity: COVID antigen test
COVID positive COVID negative
Tests positive with COVID rapid test True positive (TP) False positive (FP)
159 3
Tests negative with COVID rapid test False negative (FN) True negative (TN)
36 1302
Sensitivity = TP/TP + FN Specificity = TN/TN + FP
      = 159/(159 + 36)       = 1302/(1302 + 3)
      = 159/195       = 1302/1305
      = 81.5%       = 99.8%
12 A. Smaldone and R. M. John

be balanced with other test results (Borysiak phocytes, the sensitivity changes to 56% and the
et al., 2016). specificity changes to 98%. As the atypical lym-
A given test’s normal range reflecting the 95% phocytes count increases to ≥40%, the specific-
confidence interval will affect the test’s sensitiv- ity of a test increases to 100%, while the
ity (Borysiak et al., 2016). The clinical cutoff for sensitivity decreases to 25% (Ebell 2004). Note
a test depends on the clinical use of the particular that as test specificity increases, sensitivity
test. For example, suppose the test is to diagnose decreases. The two case studies below are the
the presence of a deadly disease. In that case, the diagnostic testing and the symptoms of infec-
clinical cutoff must have a high specificity to pre- tious mononucleosis.
vent errors in diagnosing a deadly condition. In
contrast, life-threatening but treatable diseases
require a high sensitivity to ensure that even mild 1.4.4 Real-Life Examples
forms of the disease can be recognized and
treated (Borysiak et al., 2016). If the cutoff for a A 12-year-old child presents to an urgent care
disease is too low, the clinician will identify too center with a 7-day fever history and generalized
many children who do not have the disease; if the fatigue. The physical exam is positive for tonsil-
cutoff is too high, children who have milder lopharyngitis, bilateral cervical adenopathy, and
symptoms but would benefit from treatment will an enlarged spleen 2  cm below the left costal
be missed. In the diagnostic process, some tests margin. The clinician suspects infectious mono-
have thresholds to aid the clinician with test nucleosis and orders a heterophil antibody test,
interpretation. and the test result is positive. Based on the test’s
In some cases, the primary test’s diagnostic sensitivity and specificity in this age group and
accuracy can be improved if another test is added. the clinical presentation, the clinician confirms
The mono spot or heterophile antibody test for the diagnosis of infectious mononucleosis with
infectious mononucleosis is a good example. the family.
Although this test has good test accuracy (sensi- In contrast, a 2-year-old presents a fever of
tivity 81–95%; specificity 98–100%) for people 102° for 6 days and complains of a sore throat.
over 10 years of age, it has low sensitivity (<50%) Positive physical exam findings include cervical
in younger children (Marshall-Andon and Heinz adenopathy and an enlarged spleen 2 cm below
2017). In children under 4, the test’s sensitivity the left costal margin. The heterophile antibody
decreases to between 10% and 50%, making it a test is negative, and a complete blood count with
far less accurate test (Marshall-Andon and Heinz differential shows 12% atypical lymphocytes. To
2017). Further, heterophile antibodies remain confirm a diagnosis of infectious mononucleosis,
positive for 1 year, so a positive result may not be the clinician would need to do further EBV anti-
the reason for the current presentation (Marshall- body testing.
Andon and Heinz 2017). Cases 1 and 2 illustrate that the interpretation
A test specificity can be improved when two of the heterophile antibody test would differ in
or more tests are used. For example, when a two children with a similar presentation of symp-
positive heterophile antibody test for mononu- toms but different ages. With a high degree of
cleosis is augmented with a complete blood certainty, the clinician could tell the family of the
count with differential, the sensitivity increases. 12-year-old that the child has infectious mono-
As the proportion of atypical lymphocytes nucleosis based on a positive test. However, a
increases, test specificity increases. A child with positive heterophile antibody test for the younger
symptoms suggestive of infectious mononucle- child was insufficient, and additional testing was
osis and a positive heterophile antibody test has needed because of poor test sensitivity. The pro-
≥10% atypical lymphocytes, with a sensitivity portion of atypical lymphocytes was in a range of
of 75% and a specificity of 92%. As the atypical suspicion but did not confirm the diagnosis
lymphocytes increase to ≥25% atypical lym- requiring further testing.
1  Pediatric Diagnostic Lab Tests: An Overview 13

Test sensitivity and specificity should not be result. A positive predictive value (PPV) is the
misinterpreted as the probability of disease pres- probability that the patient has the disease if the
ence. While sensitivity and specificity provide test result is positive. A negative predictive value
important information to evaluate diagnostic test (NPV) is the probability that the patient does not
performance, it does not provide probability have the disease if the test result is negative. Of
information about whether a child does or does note, both PPV and NPV estimations are depen-
not have a disease. Test results help to increase or dent on the prevalence of the disease in the sam-
decrease the level of diagnostic certainty. A clini- ple from which the accuracy of the test was
cian has a level of suspicion based on a child’s studied.
history, symptoms and physical exam findings, PPV is calculated as the number of true posi-
and community prevalence of the disease, which tives. These persons have disease confirmed by
prompts him/her to order a diagnostic test. This is the reference standard and a positive test result,
considered a pretest probability. A positive test divided by all persons with a positive test result
result will increase suspicion of the disease’s (true positive + false positive). NPV is calculated
presence, whereas a negative test result will as the number of true negatives, persons who do
decrease suspicion. This change in the level of not have the disease, and a negative test result,
suspicion is considered a post-test probability. divided by all persons with a negative test result
The post-test probability increases or decreases (true negative + false negative).
based on the test’s sensitivity and specificity, To illustrate these concepts, let’s estimate
determining likelihood ratios. the PPV and NPV using data presented in
Table 1.4, where a new rapid COVID test was
compared to COVID antigen testing. The sam-
1.5  ow Will a Test Perform
H ple comprised 1500 children from a low-income
in a Patient Population? community who were hard hit by the virus who
presented to emergency rooms with COVID
A diagnostic test aims to either increase or symptoms and tested with both the new and ref-
decrease the level of certainty that a disease is erence standard tests. In 159 children, both
present. Prevalence of disease in the community tests were positive (TP), and three children had
and patient history, signs, and symptoms inform a positive rapid test but a negative antigen test
the clinician’s certainty level before ordering a (FP). The prevalence of COVID-19 in this sam-
diagnostic test. These factors constitute a pretest ple of 1500 children was 10.6%, and the PPV
probability: how a positive test result will increase was 98.1%.
the certainty of a disease or a negative test will
decrease the level of certainty of disease depend- PPV = TP/(TP + FP)
ing on the test’s specific performance characteris- PPV = 159/(159 + 3)
tics. This section will discuss positive and PPV = 159/162
negative predictive values and positive and nega- PPV = 98.1%
tive likelihood ratios and their specific utilities to
the clinician. In this sample, 1302 children had a negative
result for both the rapid and antigen tests (TN),
and 36 children had a positive antigen test but
1.5.1 Positive and Negative had a negative rapid test result (FN). The NPV in
Predictive Values this sample was 97.3%

Sensitivity and specificity focus on the probabil- NPV = TN/(TN + FN)

ity of findings given the presence or absence of NPV = 1302/(1302 + 36)
disease. Predictive values focus on the probabil- NPV = 1302/1338
ity of disease given a positive or negative test NPV = 97.3%
14 A. Smaldone and R. M. John

In this example, both the PPV and NPV are

very high. Using these estimates would suggest Key Learning about Sensitivity and
that the probability that the patient has the dis- Specificity
ease if the test result is positive is 98.1%. The • The higher the sensitivity and specific-
probability that the patient does not have the ity, the more useful the test.
­disease is 97.3% if the test result is negative. • When a test is highly specific, the clini-
However, the prevalence of COVID in the sam- cian can have a high level of confidence
ple on which this study was based was much that someone who tests positive for the
higher than in the community where the clini- condition will have the disease, illus-
cian practices. In the clinician’s community, the trated by the mnemonic SpPin. When a
disease prevalence was 0.5% for children. test has high Specificity, a Positive test
Community prevalence can often differ from helps to rule in the diagnosis.
the prevalence in which a new test is • A test with poor specificity will result in
evaluated. a patient having a positive test result
Although a test’s sensitivity and specificity do (FP) when he/she is, in fact, healthy. A
not change with disease prevalence, a test’s posi- test with high specificity will have a low
tive and negative predictive value is altered by a false-positive rate. SnNout. When a test
population’s prevalence. The prevalence of a con- has high Sensitivity, a Negative test
dition may also vary by age group. The following helps to rule out the disease.
provides a few examples of age-related • The prevalence of a disease may be
differences. affected by seasonal variations. It is
important to consider this when order-
ing a laboratory test.
1.5.2 Real-Life Examples

1. While all 2-year-old children are less than

3½ feet tall, a 15-year-old adolescent who is 1.5.3 Positive and Negative
3½  feet tall needs to be evaluated for short Likelihood Ratios
stature and pituitary dysfunction.
2. Hemoglobin of 9.0  g/dl is normal for a
Unlike positive and negative predictive values,
1-month-old infant but would need a likelihood ratios are not dependent on either dis-
workup for iron deficiency anemia in ease prevalence of the sample on which the test’s
adolescents. sensitivity and specificity were based or commu-
3. An elevated alkaline phosphatase level is nor- nity prevalence of the disease. Likelihood ratios
mal in a growing child, but an elevated alka- can inform the clinician of the magnitude of
line phosphatase level in an 18-year-old change that a positive or negative test result has
female would require further diagnostic on post-test probability. Table  1.5 presents the
evaluation. formulas for calculating likelihood ratios.
Positive likelihood ratio: A positive or negative
The prevalence of disease may also be lab result must be put into the context of the pos-
affected by seasonal fluctuation. For example, sible diagnosis for which the test is performed to
strep pharyngitis prevalence among children is
much higher in June than in early spring. For
these reasons, PPV and NPV have less diagnos- Table 1.5  Formulas for estimating positive and negative
tic utility unless the clinician is sure that the likelihood ratios
prevalence of the disease in the study sample is Test characteristic Formula
similar to the local community or age group Positive likelihood ratio Sensitivity/(1 − Specificity)
prevalence. Negative likelihood ratio (1 − Sensitivity)/Specificity
1  Pediatric Diagnostic Lab Tests: An Overview 15

determine the result’s accuracy (Fierz and Bossuyt .1 99

2020). A positive likelihood ratio (LR+) provides .2

an answer to the question: “how many times more
likely is it that a positive test result will occur in .5 95
children with the disorder compared to those with-
out the disorder?” (Akobeng 2006). It can be said 1 1000 90
the LR is the percentage of sick children who have 2 200 80
the disease versus the percentage of people who 100
are well who have a positive test result. One of the 5 50 70

advantages of LR is that the clinician can deter- 20 60

10 50
mine the pretest probability of the child having the 10
5 40
disease based on demographic, prevalence, and 2
20 30
individual child considerations. % 1 %
30 20
Positive likelihood ratios are calculated as .5
40 .2
sensitivity/1 − specificity). For example, Pereda 10
50 .1
et al. (2015) reported that ultrasound sensitivity 60 .05
and specificity to diagnose pneumonia in symp- 70 .02

tomatic children are 96% and 93%, respectively. .01

A test with LR+ greater than 10 means that the .005 2
test is a good test to rule in the disease. A test 90 .001 1
with LR− less than 0.1 means it is a good test to
rule out a disease. LR+ and LR− values of this 95 .5
magnitude will generate significantly large and
conclusive changes from pretest to post-test .2
probability. If the LR+ is greater than 10 or the
99 .1
LR− is less than 0.01, there is a good chance that Pretest Likelihood Posttest
the test results will be conclusive. Smaller LR Probability Ratio Probability
values mean that the test will not improve post-­
Fig. 1.2  Fagan’s nomogram
test probability significantly and, therefore, will
not help improve clinician certainty regarding
whether a disease is present. presentation and physical examination finding. If
the child’s test result is positive, LR+ is plotted Fagan’s Nomogram on the nomogram; if the test result is negative,
A practical way for the clinician to utilize likeli- LR− is plotted (middle scale of nomogram).
hood ratios estimated from the sensitivity and Connecting pretest probability and likelihood
specificity of a test to improve diagnostic cer- ratio using a straight line will provide an estimate
tainty is to plot the values using Fagan’s nomo- of post-test probability based on the test result.
gram (Caraguel and Vanderstichel 2013). Fagan’s In the clinical setting, the LR can interpret the
nomogram is based on Bayes’ theorem, which results of a wide range of clinical tests (Crewe
describes the probability of an event (in this case, and Rowe 2011). An online calculator to plot
a diagnosis) based on prior knowledge of condi- Fagan’s nomogram using test characteristics can
tions (pretest probability and positive or negative be found at­bin/test-
test result) that might be related to the event.
Figure 1.2 illustrates Fagan’s nomogram. Pretest Using the online calculator estimates the
probability is plotted (scale on the left side of post-­test probability of a positive ultrasound to
nomogram) using either community prevalence diagnose pneumonia in case 3. Pretest probabil-
of the condition or the clinician’s estimation of ity was 25%, and LR+ is 13.7 and LR− is 0.04.
clinical certainty based on the child’s clinical Figure  1.3 illustrates the change from pretest
16 A. Smaldone and R. M. John

0.1 99 Table 1.6  Magnitude of LR effect on post-test probabil-

ity (McGee S, 2002)
Positive likelihood values Negative likelihood values
LR+ of 2 increases the LR− of 0.5 decreases
0.5 95 post-test probability by post-test probability by
15% 15%
1 1000 90 LR+ of 5 increases the LR− of 0.2 decreases
500 post-test probability by post-test probability by
2 200 30% 30%
100 LR+ of 10 increases the LR− of 0.1 decreases
50 70 post-test probability by post-test probability by
20 60 45% 45%
10 10 50
5 40
20 2 30 exam. Based on the child’s history and exam
1 findings, the clinician suspects community-­
30 20
acquired pneumonia and estimates the pretest
50 0.1 10 probability to be 25%. The ultrasound is positive.
60 0.05 How will a positive test improve the clinician’s
0.02 5 level of certainty?
0.01 Using sensitivity and specificity, LR+ can be
0.005 2 estimated.
90 0.001 1
LR+ = sensitivity/(1 − specificity)
95 0.5 LR+ = 0.96/(1 − 0.93)
LR+ = 0.96/0.07
0.2 LR+ = 13.7
99 0.1
Considering the same child, how will a nega-
Prior Likelihood Posterior
Prob. ratio Prob. tive ultrasound test result help the clinician make
the diagnosis? The negative likelihood ratio
Fig. 1.3  Using Fagan’s nomogram to ascertain the post-­ (LR−) can be estimated using the test’s sensitiv-
test probability ity and specificity.

LR− = (1 − sensitivity)/specificity
probability to post-test probability using LR− = (1 − 0.96)/0.93
Fagan’s nomogram. Post-test probability was LR− = 0.04/0.93
increased to approximately 82% following a LR− = 0.04
positive ultrasound result (illustrated by the
blue line) and decreased to 1.5% following a Based on likelihood ratios, the increase or
negative ultrasound result (illustrated by the red decrease in post-test probability can be estimated.
line). The higher the LR+, the more the LR increases
the post-test probability. In the example, the pre-
test probability was 25%; therefore, a positive
1.5.4 Real-Life Example test with an LR+ of 13.7 will increase the post-­
test probability to 70%. Conversely, an LR−
An 8-year-old child presents to the emergency would decrease the post-test probability to 0%.
room with fever and cough for the past 2  days Table 1.6 demonstrates how LR affects post-test
and has diminished breath sounds on physical probability.
1  Pediatric Diagnostic Lab Tests: An Overview 17

1.5.5 Receiver Operating In early spring, a 7-year-old child presents

Characteristic (ROC) Curve with a sore throat, acute onset of fever (103 °F),
and one episode of vomiting. You know that the
A receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve incidence of strep is higher at this time of year.
represents the plot of the true positive rate against The family reports a recent outbreak of strep
the false-positive rate within different cut points throat at their child’s school. The physical exam is
for a diagnostic test. ROC curves are derived remarkable for erythematous, hypertrophied ton-
from clinical prediction rules. The shape of ROC sils, and palatal petechiae.
is calculated by knowing the LRs at various spots
along the ROC curve (Fierz and Bossuyt 2020).
The AUC displays the probability that a test will
correctly identify a person with the disease with
greater accuracy than a person without the dis-
ease. A test with higher AUC has higher likeli-
hood ratios and is, therefore, more cost-effective
and discriminatory. AUC can be categorized to
describe test performance: AUC between 0.9 and
1.0 is very good; 0.8 and 0.89 is good; 0.7 and
0.79 is fair, 0.6 and 0.69 is poor. A test with AUC
between 0.5 and 0.59 is not discriminatory and
should not be used. The graph depicted in Fig. 1.4
illustrates three ROC curve plots. The red curve Your practice site now offers a point-of-care
illustrates a test with good test performance (POC) polymerase chain reaction (PCR) Roche
(AUC 0.85); the black curve illustrates a test with cobas® Liat® Strep A test as well as the tradi-
fair test performance (AUC 0.70); and the orange tional rapid antigen detection test (RADT) with a
line illustrates 0.5 AUC. confirmatory backup culture for negative tests. As
a clinician, you consider the child’s age, clinical
history, and assessment and are sure the examin-
1.5.6 Real-Life Example: Case 1 er’s technique for acquiring the sample is meticu-
lous. The patient’s insurance will cover both
The following two case studies will illustrate approaches. What things should you consider?
how to use the concepts reviewed in this section. Your pretest clinical suspicion of strep is high.
Given the time of year and recent outbreaks of
strep throat, the disease’s prevalence is higher
than your usual. You review the recent data of
T sensitivity and specificity. In two meta-analyses,
R RADT testing had a sensitivity of 86% (79–92%)
U and 87% (84–89%) and a specificity of 92% (88–
+ 95%) and 96% (95–97%), respectively (Stewart
R et al. 2014; Lean et al. 2014). If a backup culture
A was performed, the sensitivity was 71.8%, and
E the specificity was 100% (Rao et al. 2019). The
POC PCR Roche cobas Liat® Strep A test had a
sensitivity of 95.5% and a specificity of 99.3%
FALSE POSITIVE RATE (Rao et al. 2019).
Based on the child’s presenting symptoms,
Fig. 1.4  Test performance illustrated by receiver operat-
history of a recent outbreak of strep throat at
ing characteristic curves
18 A. Smaldone and R. M. John

school, and time of year, you estimate the pretest (Quidel 2020). You consider its use as a first-line
probability at 40%. The RADT, because of its test for your patients and then using chlamydia
poorer sensitivity, requires a backup test for con- nucleic acid amplification test as a backup. What
firmation. The POC PCR Roche cobas Liat® do you need to consider using a rapid point-of-­
Strep A test has very high sensitivity and excel- care chlamydia test with a backup nucleic ampli-
lent specificity. For these reasons, you will plan fication test? Understanding the prevalence,
to apply the mnemonic of SpPin. If the POC PCR sensitivity, and specificity is the first step. The
Roche cobas Liat® Strep A test is positive, how prevalence of the disease is 11% in your popula-
much will the test result increase post-test tion. The test’s sensitivity is fair (82%), but the
probability? test specificity is excellent (99%). This means
To answer this question, you need to calcu- that there will be very few false-positive results.
late the LR+ and LR− using either the formu- Using this test’s reported sensitivity and specific-
las or an online calculator such as the one ity and a prevalence of 11%, The LR+ is 82, and
found here:­bin/ the LR− is 0.18. The LR+ is 136 and the LR− is We know that a positive LR greater than ten
0.05. A positive test result will increase post- and a negative LR less than 0.1 will generate
test probability from 40% to 99%, and a nega- significantly large and conclusive changes from
tive test result will decrease post-test pretest to post-test probability. The positive LR
probability from 40% to approximately 3.5%. of 82 is significant and will increase the pretest
You can see that a backup culture is unneces- probability of disease from 11% before con-
sary with this test. The test has other distinct ducting the test to approximately 91% and iden-
advantages since there will be fewer unneces- tifying adolescents who need treatment. The
sary antibiotic prescriptions. point-of-care result is quickly obtained, enabling
While strep throat is self-limiting, a clinician early treatment and avoiding complications
treats strep throat to prevent rheumatic fever. A from untreated infections due to lack of follow-
test with high specificity has few false positives. up. However, because the test has only fair sen-
Therefore, there is less overprescribing with sitivity, there will be false negatives for those
antibiotics. who have chlamydia if you use this test for
screening adolescents for the presence of
1.5.7 Real-Life Example The NAAT test has a much higher sensitivity
(99%), and therefore the recommendations for a
A clinician works at an inner-city clinic where NAAT test as a first-line screening test make
the prevalence of chlamydia among sexually sense (American Academy of Pediatrics [AAP]
active adolescent females is 11%. The clinician 2018; Workowski et  al. 2021). However, one
has some difficulty in getting adolescents back must also consider the probability of follow-up
for treatment after a positive chlamydia nucleic for treatment. For example, if the return to fol-
acid amplification. Chlamydia trachomatis is the low-­up were only 65%, then using a rapid point-­
most common sexually transmitted disease glob- of-­care test with a sensitivity of 82% and a
ally, with possible adverse outcomes of infertility specificity of 99% would allow for cost-effective
and pelvic inflammatory disease. Regular screen- treatment of adolescents who had chlamydia. To
ing for chlamydia in sexually active women decide on the right course for your population,
under the age of 25 is recommended due to the the clinician must consider the prevalence, test-
high prevalence of the disease. ing cost, treatment costs, and complications,
A rapid point-of-care chlamydia test has a along with test characteristics, as discussed
sensitivity of 82% and a specificity of 99% above.
1  Pediatric Diagnostic Lab Tests: An Overview 19

diagnoses can be made by history and another

Key Learning about Likelihood Ratios 5–10% comes after the physical exam. Diagnostic
• The best way to use likelihood ratios stewardship points to the need to consider pretest
estimated from the sensitivity and speci- probability before ordering a diagnostic lab test
ficity of a test to improve diagnostic cer- (Morjaria and Chapin 2020).
tainty is to plot the values using Fagan’s
• It is important to consider the pretest 1.6.1 Diagnostic Stewardship
diagnostic probability when ordering a
diagnostic laboratory test. The tendency to overutilize diagnostic tests has
• The higher the LR+, the more the LR been well documented in multiple studies, with an
increases the post-test probability. estimate that one out of five lab tests is unneces-
• A positive LR greater than 10 and a neg- sary (Zhi et al. 2013). The goal of diagnostic stew-
ative LR less than 0.1 will generate sig- ardship is to use the right test for the right patient
nificantly large and conclusive changes at the right time to generate the right diagnosis
from pretest to post-test probability. (Morjaria and Chapin 2020). The number, type,
complexity, and diversity of clinical diagnostic
laboratory tests have grown enormously over the
past 50  years. While newer tests have improved
1.6 Diagnostic Reasoning the clinician’s ability to diagnose a wide variety of
illnesses earlier, the reality of the overutilization of
Missed diagnosis is the most common, expen- lab tests has increased healthcare costs. The deci-
sive, and harmful form than any other types of sion to order a test should be guided by careful
error. According to the 2015 Institute of Medicine clinical evaluation, recognition of a clinical syn-
report, it makes up to 20% of all diagnostic errors drome, and estimation of the pretest likelihood of
(Balogh et al. 2015). There are several types of the condition for which the test is obtained
diagnostic error types. Cognitive error is a broad (Messacar et al. 2017). Diagnostic stewardship in
category that includes confirmation bias, anchor- a patient who likely has an infectious disease
ing bias, anchoring bias, and availability bias. means that the clinician will use an appropriate
Confirmation bias is not considering evidence diagnostic laboratory test to guide treatment to
that might change your initial diagnostic impres- avoid antimicrobial resistance and optimize patient
sion. In contrast, anchoring bias is when the clini- outcomes (Patel and Fang 2018). Clinicians often
cian fixates on a certain feature of the clinical order common tests for patients without symp-
presentation rather than considering other clini- toms specific to the disease process. Positive tests
cal information, which would lead to a different may result in unnecessary therapy as the results
diagnosis. Availability bias is sticking with the may represent false-positive findings or result
first likely diagnosis rather than considering other from colonization rather than true infection.
possible causes. Instead of a pure knowledge The first molecular tests for identifying infec-
deficit, the cognitive error tends to be more tious disease agents were first available 27 years
related to how information is processed when ago, but there has been a marked increase in these
making the clinical diagnostic decision. tests (Graf and Pancholi 2020). Readily available
Clinicians must recognize potential cognitive molecular panels may worsen diagnostic mis-
biases to avoid cognitive errors. Taken time out to takes, particularly when there is a low pretest
think about the clinical presentation and the pos- likelihood of disease (Baird 2019). Newer and
sible diagnoses is a way of avoiding cognitive more accurate tests have led to a greater ability to
diagnostic errors. It is estimated that 80% of diagnose, but not with absolute certainty
20 A. Smaldone and R. M. John

(Bindraban et  al. 2018). Data suggest that the shown that the time allotted for education regard-
actual rate of inappropriate laboratory tests ing clinical diagnostic testing in medical schools
ranges between 23% and 67% (Lippi et al. 2015). is limited (Smith et al. 2014). No study has exam-
The plethora of laboratory tests and the cost asso- ined the amount of time allocated to clinical diag-
ciated with those tests are significant factors in nostic testing in either nurse practitioner or
rising healthcare costs (Vegting et  al. 2012). physician assistant education. Clinicians are
Overutilization of lab tests and the resultant challenged as they choose between various diag-
false-positive and false-negative test results cause nostic laboratory tests to help them make the best
further testing and imaging that may lead to inva- diagnostic and therapeutic decisions. It is esti-
sive procedures causing patient harm (Harb et al. mated that 70–80% of a child’s medical records
2019) and excessive medical costs (Iams et  al. is composed of laboratory data (Hallworth 2011).
2016). Diagnostic excess leads to excessive labo- Defensive medicine is another reason for
ratory testing without much additional informa- overordering tests. Clinicians sometimes order
tion (Kazmierczak 1999). tests that are not indicated to decrease the expo-
The patient’s desire for laboratory tests can sure to malpractice liability and make sure that
also lead the clinician to over-order tests; find- they do not miss something. A recent review of
ings of a recent review demonstrated that 53% of the medical malpractice problem showed that
the time, the clinician’s order for a diagnostic test 34% of physicians had been sued during the
was influenced by patients (The ABIM length of their careers. The rate of malpractice
Foundation 2014). Evidence-based care discour- increases as the amount of time the clinician has
ages clinician’s ordering unindicated diagnostic been practicing (American Medical Association
tests. Over-testing can cause additional costs and 2020). The most current data about nurse practi-
may lead to incidental findings that lead to fur- tioners being named primary defendants is esti-
ther testing without elucidating the diagnosis. mated at a 1.1% rate (American Academy of
Thus, overordering is not without risks and may Nurse Practitioners [AANP] 2020). While it is
lead to additional stress on guardians and chil- true that clinicians need to rule out worse-case
dren. Clinicians need to utilize shared decision-­ scenarios (Buppert 2018), this should be done
making and make sure families understand why based on the history and the assessment along
their requested tests are not needed and must with the prevalence of the disease. The practice
address their concerns and their values. While of defensive medicine is resulting in increased
these kinds of conversations can be time-­ healthcare spending (Kessler 2011). Estimation
consuming, they can strengthen relationships is that our present liability systems are about $56
between the clinician and the patient (Rolfe and billion annually, with approximately 80% of the
Burton 2013). cost related to defensive medicine (Mello et  al.
The development of new and improved old 2010). The perception of liability risk is a major
diagnostic laboratory tests has challenged clini- driver of defensive medicine. Ensuring that fami-
cians’ ability to interpret the tests correctly lies are happy with their care and that clinicians
(Kazmierczak 1999). Incorrectly choosing or do not miss something is a source of increased
misinterpreting diagnostic test results is another healthcare costs.
reason for diagnostic medical errors (Balogh
et  al. 2015). While there has been considerable
focus on reducing procedure error, institutions 1.6.2 Underordering Diagnostic
and educational institutions have not devoted the Laboratory Tests
same time and effort to reduce errors in diagnos-
tic laboratory tests (Bindraban et  al. 2018; Clinical guidelines are constantly changing. It
Laposata 2018: Smith et al. 2014). Studies have is critical for the clinician to track the current
1  Pediatric Diagnostic Lab Tests: An Overview 21

screening guidelines from the AAP, Centers for passing on the test’s cost to the employee by
Disease Control (CDC), US Preventive increasing the patient out-of-pocket spending,
Services Task Force (USPSTF), and specialty and reducing insurer spending by negotiating
organizations. HIV screening in adolescents is contracts with laboratories. One study showed
an example of an underutilized test in primary that the use of reference pricing for laboratory
care. An estimated 14% of Americans who tests reduced spending by $4.08 million over
have HIV do not know they are infected with 3 years for one company (Robinson et al. 2016).
the virus (CDC 2015). The 2017 HIV Some Internet sites provide information to help
Surveillance Report indicated that starting at clinicians see the healthcare costs of lab tests.
age 15, there was a significant increase in HIV Healthcare Bluebook is easy to use and reports
diagnoses (CDC, 2017). There remain signifi- cost results from five labs near your zip code
cant gaps in testing with missed opportunities (
for HIV testing during routine healthcare sumerfront). Clear health costs (https://clear-
encounters (Dailey et  al. 2017). Keeping up is another site to determine
with the latest guidelines can be daunting. healthcare procedure costs near your zip code.
Still, the clinician can receive help by utilizing These sites are examples of how you learn about
Choosing Wisely and PubMed and requesting healthcare costs before ordering tests. The
email updates from MMWR, FDA, and other American College of Radiology has developed
specialty organizations (Baird 2019). appropriateness criteria to help clinicians make
The goal of avoiding the under- and overuti- effective decisions about imaging. It should be
lization of tests has been tried by educational remembered that sometimes an expensive test
plans (Kobewska et al. 2015), use of diagnostic may be the most appropriate option to deliver
management teams (Verna et  al. 2019), use of high-value care when the test facilitates an accu-
interdisciplinary teams (Seegmiller et al. 2013), rate and fast diagnosis leading to prompt
utilizing diagnostic experts (Laposata 2018), use treatment.
of a clinical laboratory consult (Burke 2003), use There are several initiatives to promote the
of clinical guidelines (Iams et al. 2016), and by better use of lab tests. High-value care is a prior-
clinical decision support with computer-­ity for clinicians. Provision of unnecessary ser-
generated alerts (Jackups et  al. 2017). The sus- vices, inefficient delivery, and missed prevention
tainability of these interventions over time has opportunities lead to inefficient health care. The
rarely been studied (Bindraban et  al. 2018). American College of Physicians has taken on
While the intervention is reported as successful, the high-value care initiative to improve the use
the target for reducing the overuse of the test was of clinical practice guidelines, education about
not preset before the intervention. Publication high-value care by training videos and case
bias is certainly a factor as interventions that do studies, and education for patients regarding
not show a positive effect are rarely published. high-­value care. Their website has several links
Therefore, it is nearly impossible to determine to internal medicine cases that will teach you
what kind of intervention is the most effective in more about this concept. The Choosing Wisely
changing inappropriate test utilization (Bindraban campaign was also developed to avoid over- and
et al. 2018). underutilizing diagnostic tests; several national
Healthcare providers are poorly trained organizations have posted their guidelines. A
regarding the cost of the laboratory tests they phone application is also available. The
order, and patients are not aware of the test costs American College of Physicians and the
until they receive the bill. Employers have devel- American Board of Internal Medicine launched
oped several programs to reduce the cost of labo- the Choosing Wisely Campaign (Cassel and
ratory tests, including using only certain labs, Guest 2012).
22 A. Smaldone and R. M. John

2. What is the prevalence of strep tonsillitis in

Key Learning about Ordering Diagnostic this population?
Laboratory Tests 3. What is the sensitivity of the RST test?
• Instead of a pure knowledge deficit, the 4. What is the specificity of the RST test?
cognitive error tends to be more related 5. What is the positive likelihood ratio (LR+)?
to how information is processed when 6. What is the negative likelihood ratio (LR−)?
making the clinical diagnostic decision. 7. Using the prevalence of strep tonsillitis in
Clinicians must recognize potential cog- this sample as the pretest probability and
nitive biases to avoid cognitive errors. Fagan’s nomogram, what is the post-test
Overordering and underordering labora- probability of strep tonsillitis if the RST test
tory tests is a reason for misdiagnosis. is positive? What is the post-test probability
• Diagnostic stewardship encourages cli- of strep tonsillitis if the RST test is
nicians to understand the pretest proba- negative?
bility of the disease before ordering a .1 99
test. The clinician can then order the
right test for the right person at the right
.5 95
• Several websites can help you deter-
mine the best screening and diagnostic 1 1000 90
lab tests. These include the Choosing 500
Wisely Campaign, AAP, CDC, US 2 200 80
Preventive Services Task Force 70
5 50
(USPSTF), and specialty organizations. 20 60
• Cost of diagnostic laboratory tests can 10 50
be determined by zip code using 5 40
Healthcare Bluebook or Clear Health 20 2 30
% 1 %
Costs. 30 20
40 .2
50 .1 10
60 .05
Questions 70 .02
Questions 1–7 apply to the following scenario: 80
.005 2
1500 children are tested for strep tonsillitis using .002
a rapid strep test (RST). Of these, 27 have a posi- 90 .001 1
tive RST. A gold standard backup throat culture
95 .5
was also performed on all children. Of those who
have a negative RST result, 1468 also have a neg-
ative throat culture. Of those with a positive RST,
20 have a positive throat culture. 99 .1
Pretest Likelihood Posttest
1. Using these data, complete the contingency Probability Ratio Probability

table below
Disease present (D+) Disease absent (D−)
Test positive (T+) True positive (TP)a False positive (FP)b TP + FP(a + b)
Test negative (T-) False negative (FN)c True negative (TN)d FN + TN(c + d)
TP + FN(a + c) FP + TN(b + d) Total(a + b + c + d)
1  Pediatric Diagnostic Lab Tests: An Overview 23

8. Procalcitonin (PCT), C-reactive protein were used in a group of 175 sick hospitalized
(CRP), and white blood cell count (WBC) infants; blood culture results (bacterial vs.
have all been proposed as tests to distinguish non-bacterial) were the reference standard.
infants with bacterial infection from those Examine the ROC curves of the three tests.
without bacterial infection. All three tests







No discrimination
0.2 PCT
0.1 WCC

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

1 – Specificity

Which test had the best overall 25%. The lab test has an LR+ of 10 and an
performance? LR− of 0.5. The test result is positive. Using
(a) PCT the nomogram below, what is the post-test
(b) CRP probability that the disease is present, given
(c) WBC that the patient has a positive test?
9. The prevalence of a disease in your popula- (a) 45%
tion is 10%. A patient presents to the clinic (b) 60%
with symptoms suggestive of the disease, (c) 75%
thereby raising your suspicion of disease to (d) 90%
24 A. Smaldone and R. M. John

10. Which of the following statements most

(b) The area under the curve is a measure of
accurately describes likelihood ratios? overall test accuracy.
(c) An area under the curve (AUC) 0.77 can
.1 99 be interpreted as excellent test

.5 95

1 1000 1. Using these data, complete the contingency

500 table below
2 200 80
100 Target disorder (strep
50 70 tonsillitis) by throat
20 60 culture
10 10 50 Present Absent
5 40 Index Positive True False 27
20 2 30 test RST positive (a) positive
% 1 % result 20 (b)
30 20
.5 7
40 .2 Negative False True 1473
50 .1 10
RST negative (c) negative
60 .05 5 (d)
70 .02 1468
.01 25 (a + c) 1475 1500
.005 2 (b + d)
90 .001 1

95 .5
2. What is the prevalence of strep tonsillitis in
this population?
Disease prevalence is calculated by divid-
99 .1 ing the number of strep cases validated by
Pretest Likelihood Posttest the reference standard (in this case, throat
Probability Ratio Probability culture) by the number of children in the
(a) Likelihood ratios depend on disease Prevalence = a + c/a + b + c + d
prevalence. = 20 + 5/20 + 5+ 7 + 1468
(b) A positive likelihood ratio greater than 3 = 25/1500
means the test is useful. = 0.0166
(c) Likelihood ratios help clinicians decide = 1.7%
how certain they can be about the pres- 3. What is the sensitivity of the RST test?
ence of disease after conducting a diag- Sensitivity reflects the number of true
nostic test. positives divided by the number of people
(d) A negative likelihood ratio greater than 1 who have the disease validated by the refer-
means the test is useful. ence standard. The sensitivity of the RST test
11. Which of the following statements best describes in this sample is 80%.
the utility of a receiver operator curve (ROC)? Sensitivity = a/a + b.
(a) The closer the curve comes to the = 20/25
45-degree diagonal, the more accurate = 0.80
the test is. = 80%
1  Pediatric Diagnostic Lab Tests: An Overview 25

4. What is the specificity of the RST test? 0.1 99

Specificity reflects the number of true 0.2
negatives divided by the number of people
without the disease validated by the ­reference 0.5 95
standard. The specificity of the RST test in 1 1000 90
this sample is 99.5%. 500
Specificity = d/c + d. 200 80
= 1468/1475 50 70
= 0.9952 20 60
= 99.5% 10 10 50
5 40
5. What is the positive likelihood ratio (LR+)? 2 30
The positive likelihood ratio (LR+) 1
30 0.5
reflects test sensitivity divided by 40 0.2
1-­specificity. The LR+ of this test is 160. 50 0.1 10
LR+ = sensitivity/(1 − specificity) 60 0.05
70 0.02
= 0.80/(1-0.995) 0.01
= 0.80/0.005 80
0.005 2
= 160 90
0.001 1
6. What is the negative Likelihood ratio (LR−)?
The negative likelihood ratio (LR−) 95 0.5

reflects 1-sensitivity/specificity. The LR− of

this test is 0.20.
LR− = 1-sensitivity/specificity 99 0.1
Prior Likelihood Posterior
= (1-0.80)/0.995 Prob. ratio Prob.
= 0.20/0.995
= 0.20
7. Using the prevalence of strep tonsillitis in Procalcitonin (PCT), C-reactive protein
this sample as the pretest probability and (CRP), and white blood cell count (WBC)
Fagan’s nomogram, what is the post-test have all been proposed as tests to distin-
probability of strep tonsillitis if the RST test guish infants with bacterial infection from
is positive? What is the post-test probability those without bacterial infection. All three
of strep tonsillitis if the RST test is tests were used in a group of 175 sick hospi-
negative? talized infants; blood culture results (bacte-
Using Fagan’s nomogram to determine rial vs. non-bacterial) were the reference
the post-test probability of strep tonsillitis standard.
when the RST test is positive, plot disease 8. Answer: a
prevalence 1.7% as prior or pretest probabil- The ROC is a plot of a test’s sensitivity
ity, and the LR+ 160. The post-test probabil- against 1-specificity and illustrates overall
ity has increased from 1.7% to approximately test performance. A curve that hugs the outer
73%. edges of the graph represents a test with high
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post-test probability of strep tonsillitis if the curves presented, the PCT had the best over-
RST test is negative, plot disease prevalence all test performance.
1.7% as prior or pretest probability, and the 9. Answer: c
LR− 0.20. The post-test probability has The blue line in the figure below illus-
decreased from 1.7% to approximately trates the estimation of the post-test proba-
26 A. Smaldone and R. M. John

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Laboratory Screening
and Diagnostic Testing
in Antepartum Care

Adena Bargad and Hannah VogtSchaller

Learning Objectives 9. Identify modes of fetal surveillance to evaluate

After completing the chapter, the learner should the health of the fetus throughout pregnancy.
be able to: 10. Recognize issues related to confidentiality,
pregnancy options counseling, and social
1. Describe qualitative versus quantitative preg- determinants of health in caring for pregnant
nancy tests and interpret them. adolescents.
2. List the routine lab tests for an initial prena-
tal visit.
3. Discuss testing for sexually transmitted 2.1 Introduction
infections in pregnant adolescents.
4. Discuss routine late pregnancy screening The developmental and psychosocial demands of
tests for gestational diabetes and Group Beta adolescence make teens and young adults partic-
Strep. ularly vulnerable to sexual and reproductive
5. Explain the difference between screening health risks. Despite major declines in recent
and diagnostic testing for aneuploidies and years, primarily attributable to the increased
the different associated screening protocols availability and use of highly effective contracep-
and testing procedures available. tives, the birth rate among adolescents aged
6. Understand the use of cfDNA to screen for 15–19  in the USA remains considerably higher
chromosomal abnormalities and to identify than the international average in high-income
fetal blood and Rh type. countries (Lindberg et  al. 2018; World Bank
7. Discuss carrier screening for genetic 2018a; World Bank 2018b). Girls aged 15–19
conditions. have the highest rates of both unintended preg-
8. Identify the diagnostic criteria for nancy (mistimed or unwanted pregnancy) and
preeclampsia. rapid repeat pregnancy (within less than 2 years)
of any age group of women in the USA
(Guttmacher Institute 2019). Adolescent preg-
nancy is associated with both maternal and neo-
A. Bargad (*) natal risks, including but not limited to increased
Columbia University School of Nursing, risk for anemia and infections, preterm labor and
New York, NY, USA birth, and neonatal low birth weight and respira-
tory distress syndrome (Jeha et al. 2015). While
H. VogtSchaller these risks have been variously attributed to both
Denver Health, Denver, CO, USA

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 29

R. M. John (ed.), Pediatric Diagnostic Labs for Primary Care: An Evidence-based Approach,
30 A. Bargad and H. VogtSchaller

physiologic and social factors, there is consensus birth weight, congenital anomalies, unintentional
that without adequate prenatal care and socioeco- injuries, and maternal complications of preg-
nomic and emotional support, teen parents and nancy (Black et al. 2015).
their children experience a wide range of long-­ While most states allow minors to receive con-
term educational, socioeconomic, and develop- fidential prenatal, labor/delivery, and postpartum
mental disadvantages (Leftwich and Alves 2017). care, pediatric providers should be familiar with
minors’ rights to access and consent to prenatal
care and practice under state laws. The Guttmacher
2.2 Health Disparities Institute maintains updated resources regarding
the laws that govern a minor’s ability to access
Importantly, these disadvantages are dispropor- prenatal care (Guttmacher Institute 2021). The
tionately experienced by poor adolescent moth- Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine
ers of color and their children. Those in the child (SAHM), the American Academy of Pediatrics
welfare system are at particularly high risk for (AAP), and the American College of Obstetrics
unintended pregnancy and its potential adverse and Gynecology (ACOG) jointly provide detailed
sequelae (Fasula et  al. 2019; Penman-Aguilar guidance regarding confidentiality issues as they
et  al. 2013). Indeed, disadvantaged social con- pertain to insurance and billing for adolescent
texts have been consistently associated with teen health-care providers (SAHM, AAP, and ACOG
pregnancy and birth. Significant racial and eth- 2016). It should be noted that pregnancy among
nic, geographic, and socioeconomic disparities in preteens or in early adolescence is rare and should
teen pregnancy, teen birth, and maternal and neo- always raise suspicion for sexual abuse or non-
natal adverse consequences persist. However, consensual sex. Providers must also be aware of
there is consensus that adolescent pregnancy pre- mandated child abuse reporting laws in their states.
vention alone cannot ameliorate the myriad social Pregnant adolescents often present initially
determinants of health that underlie perinatal with generalized abdominal, genitourinary, and/or
health disparities or the associated intergenera- menstrual complaints and may deny sexual activ-
tional social and economic disadvantages experi- ity. Therefore, pediatric health-care providers
enced disproportionately by teen parents and should have a low threshold for considering preg-
their children (Fuller et  al. 2018). Segregated nancy as a differential diagnosis in adolescent
neighborhoods and schools, living in food des- females with such complaints. Pediatric providers
erts, and disproportionate exposure to environ- should be prepared to provide pregnancy testing,
mental toxins are just a few societal contributors patient-centered pregnancy decision-­making sup-
to perinatal health disparities for pregnant ado- port, and basic pregnancy resolution options
lescents and adults in marginalized communities counseling, including pregnancy continuation,
(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention abortion, and adoption plans. Adolescents should
2020a, b, c, d, e, f). always be asked how they would feel about a pos-
Further, there is considerable evidence for a itive pregnancy test before a test is performed so
biopsychosocial model of the impact of racism that the provider can be prepared with appropriate
on health. The chronic stress of actual or even support and interventions. Finally, the teen’s feel-
perceived racism has detrimental effects on ings around whether and how they might share the
health in general and adverse birth outcomes in information with parents, guardians or partners
particular (Black et  al. 2015; Braveman et  al. should also be explored.
2017; Lee et al. 2018). All these social determi- When an adolescent decides to continue a
nants play an important role in the significantly pregnancy, professional society guidelines, indi-
higher infant mortality rates among Black preg- vidual risk assessment, and individual needs will
nant teens aged 15–19 relative to their White and determine the schedule of prenatal visits and
Latinx counterparts from largely preventable laboratory testing. At a minimum, the AAP’s
causes, including preterm labor and birth, low Guidelines for Perinatal Care (Kilpatrick et  al.
2  Laboratory Screening and Diagnostic Testing in Antepartum Care 31

2017), written jointly by the AAP’s Committee a missed menses. The accuracy of over-­ the-­
on the Fetus and Newborn and ACOG’s counter and point-of-care urine tests varies.
Committee on Obstetric Practice, recommend an While false positives are rare, false negatives are
initial visit in the first trimester, monthly visits common, especially in the first few weeks after
until 28  weeks, visits every 2–3  weeks up to conception (Cole 2012). Serum pregnancy tests
36 weeks gestation, and then weekly visits until can be reliably positive 7–10 days after fertiliza-
delivery. However, both professional organiza- tion. More information about point-of-care preg-
tions emphasize that clinical judgment should nancy tests and their pitfalls can be found in
tailor the schedule of visits to the individual preg- Chap. 5, Section 5.8.2.
nant patient’s needs consistent with achieving
prenatal care’s fundamental goals. These goals Urine Pregnancy Test
include early and accurate estimation of A urine pregnancy test is a “qualitative” test,
­gestational age, assessing maternal and fetal risk meaning that results indicate only positive or
factors and ongoing assessment of maternal-fetal negative with no specified quantification of HCG
well-being, providing timely patient education, level. High sensitivity urine pregnancy tests
offering reassurance and referrals as needed, and (HSPT) read positive when the serum HCG level
completing routine laboratory screening and test- reaches 25 mIU/mL.
ing. Thoroughly executing these prenatal care
elements helps prevent preterm birth (delivery Serum Pregnancy Test
before 37  weeks), a leading cause of neonatal Serum tests can be either qualitative or quantita-
death and long-term disability (CDC 2020a). In tive, the quantitative tests providing a numeric
addition, new recommendations for preventive level in mIUs/mL of HCG in the bloodstream.
postpartum health including much earlier post Serum HCG levels rise in early pregnancy at a
partum visits and assessments can reduce mater- predictable rate. Serial levels can be used to
nal and neonatal morbidity and mortality and assess whether early pregnancies are developing
encourage long-term health and well-being for normally or abnormally, as in ectopic pregnancy
both mother and child (ACOG 2018e, reaffirmed or an early pregnancy loss (miscarriage).
2021). Table  2.1 shows expected serum HCG levels
associated with particular conditions and at vari-
ous points in pregnancy.
2.3 Laboratory Tests
and Pregnancy
Table 2.1  Serum HCG levels associated with conditions
Pregnancy can be confirmed by urine or serum and points in pregnancy
pregnancy testing or by ultrasound. Both urine HCG level in serum
and serum pregnancy tests detect human chori- Condition/gestational age (mIU/mL)
onic gonadotropin (HCG), the “pregnancy hor- Non-pregnant <5
mone.” HCG is initially released by the fertilized Equivocal (requires 6–25
egg and later by the placenta. Still, it is not detect-
9–12 weeks gestational age 25,000–300,000 (peak)
able in urine or blood until after implantation of Intrauterine gestational sac 1500–3000 (practice site
the fertilized egg in the uterine lining. visible on ultrasound protocols vary)
4-12 weeks post-delivery or <5
Viable normal pregnancy Serial levels typically
2.3.1 Understanding Pregnancy
double over 72 hours
Diagnostic Testing Ectopic pregnancy or early Serial levels plateau or
pregnancy loss decrease over 72 hours
Urine pregnancy tests are usually positive by 14 Sources: ACOG 2018a; Larsen et  al. 2013; American
days after fertilization and are most reliable after Pregnancy Association 2020
32 A. Bargad and H. VogtSchaller

2.4 Diagnostic Testing

to Confirm Gestational Age

Early and accurate gestational age determina-

tion is of primary importance in prenatal care
and should be documented clearly in the medi-
cal record. Assessments of fetal growth and
well-­being, timing and interpretation of labo-
ratory tests, and decision-making about inter-
ventions to prevent pre- and post-term births
depend entirely on the accuracy of early preg-
nancy dating and the assigned estimated deliv-
ery date (EDD). Based on considerable
evidence, ACOG, the American Institute of
Ultrasound in Medicine, and the Society for Fig. 2.1  Ultrasound of intrauterine pregnancy. Photo
Maternal-Fetal Medicine endorse ultrasound in courtesy of R. Bargad
the first trimester up to and including 13 weeks
6  days (13 6/7) estimated gestational age sign of pregnancy (visible at approximately
(EGA) as the most accurate method to deter- 3–5  weeks), the yolk sac (a membranous sac
mine or confirm gestational age (ACOG that serves several nutritive purposes and is
2017a). Therefore, redating a pregnancy based only visible with an intrauterine pregnancy
on discrepancies between the EDD as deter- (visible at approximately 5.5  weeks), and the
mined by the last menstrual period (LMP) and fetal pole or embryo (visible at approximately
the EDD established by ultrasound should 6  weeks). The pregnancy pictured in Fig.  2.1
rarely be done. Table  2.2 shows the recom- meets the visual criteria for a normal, intrauter-
mended parameters for redating pregnancy ine pregnancy at approximately 6  weeks EGA
when such discrepancies exist. with a gestational sac that is located at the fun-
Providers of early pregnancy care should be dus, elliptical in shape, and eccentrically
able to identify the physical landmarks of early implanted on the endometrium. The image also
pregnancy in ultrasound images. Figure  2.1 demonstrates the double decidual ring sign or
illustrates the earliest physical landmarks of choriodecidual reaction. The hyperechoic
pregnancy visible on ultrasound. These land- (white) concentric rings surrounding the
marks include the gestational sac, the fluid- anechoic (black) gestational sac where the
filled cavity or chorionic cavity that is the first decidua of the uterus and the decidua of the
gestational sac intersect. Note that embryonic
cardiac motion is visible on ultrasound at
Table 2.2  Guidelines for redating gestational age (EGA) 5.5–6 weeks.
and estimated date of delivery (EDD)
Gestational age range in Redate if the discrepancy
weeks based on last between ultrasound dating 2.5 Initial Visit
menstrual period (LMP) and LMP is as follows
First trimester
The clinician working in primary care may be the
≤8 6/7 >5 days
first person to identify a pregnant adolescent.
9 0/7 to 13 6/7 >7 days
14 0/7 to 15 6/7 >7 days Initial visits with the obstetrical clinician can be
16 0/7 to 21 6/7 >10 days delayed due to overwhelming demand. The pri-
22 0/7 to 27 6/7 >14 days mary care clinician may order initial labs, start
28 0/7 and beyond >21 days prenatal vitamins, and order the first obstetrical
Adapted from ACOG 2017a ultrasound, depending on the resources.
2  Laboratory Screening and Diagnostic Testing in Antepartum Care 33

2.5.1 Routine Prenatal Labs dures such as amniocentesis or chorionic villus

sampling, with conditions such as placenta previa,
A routine laboratory test panel is performed for placental abruption, or with abdominal trauma,
all pregnant patients at their initial prenatal visit. pregnancy loss, or abortion. The resultant mater-
The need for supplemental testing is based on nal production of antibodies to the fetal blood is
individual risk factors or patient preferences. an immunologic response referred to variously as
ACOG’s Obstetric Patient Record Forms, includ- maternal Rh sensitization, isoimmunization, or
ing an Antepartum Record, Obstetric Medical alloimmunization. When these antibodies cross
History Form, and Postpartum Care Plan Form, the placenta, they can destroy an Rh-positive
detail the recommended form and content for fetus’s red blood cells. In severe cases, maternal
documentation of laboratory and diagnostic tests RhD alloimmunization results in hemolytic dis-
in antepartum and postpartum care and are avail- ease of the newborn (HDN) marked by congenital
able here:­ neurologic consequences for the infant (kernic-
information/obstetric-­patient-­record-­forms. terus) or even neonatal death (hydrops fetalis).
The fetus in the first pregnancy with maternal-­ ABO and Rh Blood Typing fetal Rh incompatibility is generally unaffected
A pregnant woman’s blood type is designated given that the primary risk of exposure to fetal
using the standard ABO blood typing system, blood is during delivery. Still, the risk for mater-
which includes whether her blood is positive or nal anti-RhD antibody production increases with
negative for Rh (Rhesus) factors or antigens. Rh each subsequent pregnancy. An injection of anti-
antigens are a set of proteins on the red cell sur- ­ D immune globulin such as Rhogam protects
face that play a role in cell membrane integrity. maternal alloimmunization by preventing the
While there are more than 50 known Rh antigen maternal antibody immune response to
types, five account for the most significant clini- Rh-positive fetal red blood cells and effectively
cal issues (identified as D, C, c, E, and e anti- preventing HDN.  This medication is routinely
gens). The presence or absence of the RhD given to Rh-negative women at 28 weeks of preg-
antigen on red blood cells determines whether a nancy, within 3 days postpartum when the neo-
person is Rh-positive (antigen present) or nate is determined to be Rh D-positive and/or
Rh-negative (antigen absent). RhD antigen posi- during pregnancy at the time of any procedure or
tivity or negativity is inherited, and the event that is high risk for the intermixing of fetal
Rh-positive gene is dominant, resulting in and maternal blood (ACOG 2017b).
approximately 85% of the US population being
Rh-positive (Garratty et  al. 2004). Importantly, Antibody Screen
suppose an Rh-negative person conceives a baby It is standard of care in the USA to routinely
with an Rh-positive person. In that case, the fetus screen all pregnant people, regardless of blood
could have Rh-positive blood, a dynamic referred type, for the presence of any red blood cell anti-
to as maternal-fetal Rh incompatibility, which bodies in the maternal circulation with an anti-
can have dire consequences for the fetus. If pater- body screen or indirect Coombs test. Red blood
nity is certain, the father of the baby of an cells are incubated with maternal plasma, mixed
Rh-negative pregnant woman can be tested, and, with Coombs serum, and examined for agglutina-
if the father of the baby is also negative, the fetus tion, the visible expression of the aggregation of
is not at risk. antibodies. In maternal-fetal Rh incompatibility,
With maternal-fetal Rh incompatibility, an if the red cells are coated with maternal anti-D
Rh-negative mother can develop antibodies to the antibodies, the indirect Coombs test is consid-
fetal Rh-positive blood when any fetal blood ered positive. Note that a direct Coombs test is
enters the maternal circulation. This fetomaternal performed directly on red blood cells, not plasma,
blood exchange occurs primarily at the time of as when a hemolytic disease of the newborn is
delivery. It can also occur during antenatal proce- suspected.
34 A. Bargad and H. VogtSchaller

An indirect Coombs titer can then be calcu- Noninvasive Prenatal Testing
lated to determine the approach to management. for Fetal Blood and Rh Type
An antibody titer reflects the concentration of Importantly, advances in noninvasive prenatal
antibodies in solution over serial dilutions. In the testing (NIPT) that allow for the detection of cell-­
case of prenatal antibody testing, a positive indi- free fetal DNA (cfDNA) in the maternal serum
rect Coombs titer higher than 1:4 should be con- have made prenatal fetal blood typing, including
sidered indicative of alloimmunization. Titers 1:8 Rh typing, reliable as early as the tenth week of
or lower can be managed by serial monitoring of pregnancy via a single maternal blood sample
maternal antibody titers, but titers 1:16 or higher (see more on NIPT below). Some countries have
require fetal monitoring and assessment by ultra- already replaced routine Rh-D immunoglobulin
sonography or serial amniocentesis (Cacciatore prophylaxis of all Rh-negative women with tar-
et al. 2009). While other tests exist for maternal geted Rh-D immunoglobulin prophylaxis only
antibody screening, including gel microcolumn for Rh-D negative women whose fetus’s blood
assay and automated enzymatic methods, they type is determined at 24–27 weeks (or earlier) via
are not recommended for routine use. Ultimately, NIPT to be Rh-positive. Some of the benefits of
accurate quantitation of fetal red blood cells in targeted prophylaxis include eliminating or
the maternal circulation is necessary to determine greatly reducing the need for postpartum cord
adequate immunoglobulin (Rhogam) dosage. blood or neonatal heel-stick blood sampling,
Several tests are used for this purpose, including increasing the worldwide availability of Rh-D
the qualitative Rosette test, the quantitative immunoglobulin, and reducing overall costs
Kleihauer-Betke test (acid elution assay), and associated with obstetric and neonatal care.
flow cytometry. The flow cytometry method is However, in most countries, including the USA,
preferred and processes maternal blood through the current protocol remains to routinely admin-
an instrument at high speed, separating and ister anti-D immune globulin to non-sensitized,
counting fetal blood cells resulting in a comput- RhD-negative pregnant women in the 28th week
erized, digital readout of the degree of maternal of gestation and again postpartum, unless the
alloimmunization (Farias et al. 2016). fetal cord blood is phenotyped and the neonate is
Less common causes of HDN include anti- also Rh-negative (Runkel et al. 2020).
bodies directed against antigens of the Kell blood
group (e.g., anti-K and anti-k), Kidd blood group Complete Blood Count
(e.g., anti-Jka and anti-Jkb), Duffy blood group A complete blood count (CBC), including hemo-
(e.g., anti-Fya), and MNS and s blood group anti- globin and hematocrit, is performed at the initial
bodies. ABO maternal-fetal incompatibilities can prenatal visit and is repeated at 24–28 weeks to
also occur among type O women carrying a fetus screen for anemia. One of the normal hemato-
with a different blood type. HDN due to ABO logical changes of pregnancy is the “dilutional”
incompatibility is usually less severe than Rh anemia created by a greater increase in plasma
incompatibility. In contrast to the Rh antigens, volume (45%) relative to the increase in red cell
the ABO blood group antigens are expressed by mass (25%). This disproportionate dynamic
various fetal tissues, reducing the binding of tar- results in the physiologic decrease of the red cell
get antigens on the fetal RBCs alone (Dean count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit levels, requir-
2005). As a result, ABO maternal-fetal incompat- ing trimester-­ specific standards for diagnosing
ibility generally results in mild jaundice and has anemia in pregnancy. Table  2.3 indicates the
not been found to increase in severity with subse- trimester-­specific criteria for anemia in preg-
quent pregnancies (Blackburn 2017). Any posi-
tive antibody screen/direct Coombs requires Table 2.3  Diagnosis of anemia in pregnancy
further testing to determine the specific type of First trimester Hgb < 11.0 g/dL Hct < 33%
maternal-fetal incompatibility, the degree of Second trimester Hgb <10.5 g/dL Hct < 32%
maternal alloimmunization, and subsequent neo- Third trimester Hgb < 11.0 g/dL Hct 33%
natal risk for HDN and related consequences. Adapted from ACOG 2017c, 2021
2  Laboratory Screening and Diagnostic Testing in Antepartum Care 35

nancy. A review of the evaluation of the pediatric Normal adult hemoglobin contains 95–98% hemo-
patient with anemia can be found in Sect. 8.6. globin A (two alpha-chains and two beta-­chains),
Iron deficiency anemia, a microcytic anemia, 2–3% hemoglobin A2, and 1–2% fetal hemoglo-
is by far the most common cause of anemia in bin. Hemoglobin electrophoresis is a laboratory
pregnancy and has been associated with a wide test whereby an electrical current is passed through
range of adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes, the hemoglobin in a blood sample, causing the dif-
including increased risk for cesarean birth, post- ferent hemoglobin types to separate into different
partum hemorrhage, preterm birth, low birth bands. The blood sample is then compared to a
weight, deficits in early neonatal behavioral and healthy sample to determine which types of hemo-
cognitive indices, and increased perinatal mortal- globin are present and in what proportion.
ity (Dilla et al. 2013; Rahman et al. 2016; Menon In the USA, all newborns are screened with
et al. 2016). Formulations contain 30 mg of rec- hemoglobin electrophoresis as part of routine
ommended daily iron intake in pregnancy. ACOG newborn screening. In pregnant patients, screen-
and the CDC recommend routine low dose iron ing for hemoglobinopathies with a hemoglobin
supplementation starting in the first trimester electrophoresis test is sometimes reserved for
(ACOG 2021). Experts recommend additional populations known to be at increased risk for
supplementation as needed for anemia in preg- thalassemia (patients from some regions of
nancy with a follow-up CBC and serum ferritin Africa, the Caribbean, the Mediterranean, the
3–4 weeks after therapy is initiated to evaluate the Middle East, South America, Southeast Asia, or
adequacy of the response. ACOG recommends the Western Pacific) or SCD (African-American,
that women with hematocrit <30% near term have South American, Caribbean) or patients with any
an active type and cross-match at delivery for abnormal red cell indices (ACOG 2017b).
potential blood transfusion (ACOG 2017d). However, given changing migration patterns,
interethnic coupling, and the ethnic diversity of Platelet Count large urban areas, most obstetric providers rou-
Platelet counts in uncomplicated pregnancies tinely order hemoglobin electrophoresis for their
gradually decrease at approximately the same obstetric patients to rule out potential hemoglo-
rate throughout pregnancy. This physiologic, ges- binopathies. More information about hemoglobin
tational thrombocytopenia results from expanded electrophoresis can be found in Chap. 8, Sects.
intravascular volume and increased aggregation 8.8.2,, and 8.11, and Table 2.4 reviews the
of platelets in the spleen and the placenta result- differential lab findings for selected hematologi-
ing in lower peripheral platelet levels (Reese cal conditions in pregnancy.
et al. 2019). Therefore, decreased platelet counts
between 100,000 and 150,000/μL in pregnancy Urine Culture/Screen
are considered normal. However, platelet counts Hormonal and anatomic changes in pregnancy
below 100,000/μL usually result from underlying provoke renal adaptations that result in
medical conditions, including immune thrombo- increased urinary stasis and decreased resis-
cytopenia, preeclampsia, or HELLP (hemolysis, tance to bacteria. The result is an increased risk
elevated liver enzymes, and low platelet count) for urinary tract infection that can more rapidly
syndrome. When the platelet count falls below progress to pyelonephritis. Both are associated
150,000/μL, evaluation and continued monitor- with adverse maternal and fetal outcomes,
ing are warranted, and in patients with pre- including preeclampsia, preterm birth, and low
eclampsia or HELLP syndrome, low platelet birth weight (Matuszkiewicz-Rowinska et  al.
levels may require induction of labor (Reese 2015; Yan et al. 2018). Therefore, professional
et al. 2018). guidelines recommend that all pregnant patients
be screened via a urine culture and sensitivity at Hemoglobin Electrophoresis the initial prenatal visit. Unlike in non-pregnant
Blood contains different types of hemoglobin, the patients, asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB) in
oxygen-carrying substance in red blood cells. pregnant patients that meets colony-forming
36 A. Bargad and H. VogtSchaller

Table 2.4  Differential laboratory findings for hematologic conditions in pregnancy

MCH (pg/ Ferritin
Condition MCV (fL) cell) (mg/dL) Hgb electrophoresis Management
IDA NML or Nml or <12 Nml Hgb A Supplement
<80 <27
Thalassemia <80 <25 NML Alpha: Hgb Bart’s or Hgb H Test FOB
Microcytic Beta: Reduced or absent HgbA; Genetics
elevated HgbA2; increased Hgb F Amniocentesis
Refer to MFM
Sickle cell NML or NML or NML Decreased or absent Hgb A Test FOB
decreased Decreased Hgb S or C Genetic amniocentesis
Refer to MFM
Folate >100 NML Nml Hgb A Supplement
deficiency Macrocytic
B12 >100 NML Nml Hgb A Supplement
deficiency Macrocytic
Adapted from ACOG 2017d; Lazar et al. 2019

Table 2.5  Laboratory testing for urinary tract infection in pregnancy

Test Population/timing Characteristics Pertinent results
Urine culture All pregnant women at the initial Identifies asymptomatic ASB: ≥100,000 cfu/mL
and sensitivity visit bacteriuria Symptomatic: Any CFL
Women with UTI symptoms Identifies and quantifies Any amount of GBS in clean-­
q trimester: DM, sickle cell trait specific organisms and catch midstream urine specimen
q month: Treated for asymptomatic antibiotic sensitivities requires intrapartum prophylaxis
bacteriuria (ASB) current
pregnancy or recurrent UTIs
Urinalysis Women with symptoms Faster processing than Nitrites, WBC/leukocyte esterase,
(microscopic culture WBC casts, RBCs/heme, bacteria
Urine dip Women with symptoms Fastest, screening only, Nitrites, WBC/leukocyte esterase,
(reagent strip) Routine q prenatal care visit inexpensive, lowest RBCs/heme
sensitivity and specificity
Adapted from Aurthur and Walsh 2019

unit (CFU) count criteria is treated in preg- Note that evidence regarding an association
nancy to prevent maternal and fetal morbidity between the use of the most common antibiotics
and mortality. A test of cure is recommended for UTIs, nitrofurantoin and sulfonamides, and
after completing the recommended antibiotic congenital disabilities has been mixed. ACOG
course (Kilpatrick et  al. 2017). E. coli is the guidelines recommend these agents for first-line
most common pathogen identified in symptom- use in the second and third trimesters but in the
atic and asymptomatic urinary tract infections first trimester only when no alternative antibiot-
originating from the periurethral; however, sev- ics are available (ACOG 2017e). Table  2.5
eral other pathogens can cause UTIs in preg- reviews the different laboratory testing for uri-
nancy, including Klebsiella pneumoniae, nary tract infection options, interpretations, and
Proteus mirabilis, Enterobacter species, recommendations for pregnant patients. Note
Staphylococcus saprophyticus, and Proteus that negative nitrites do not rule out infection,
species. Groups B streptococcus is an impor- RBCs and WBCs can reflect vaginal discharge,
tant pathogen in pregnancy that can result in WBC casts are common in pyelonephritis, and
invasive GBS disease and sepsis in the newborn leukocyte esterase increases the likelihood of the
(discussed separately below). presence of infection (Aurthur and Walsh 2019).
2  Laboratory Screening and Diagnostic Testing in Antepartum Care 37 Urine Dipstick

The utility of routine urine dipstick/reagent strip Proteinuria:
testing at every prenatal visit to detect proteinuria
as a diagnostic criterion for preeclampsia has • >300 mg per 24-hour urine collection
been debated for years. Preeclampsia is a preg- • Protein/creatinine ratio 0. > 3 mg/dL.
nancy complication characterized by high blood • Urine dipstick reading of >2+ (used
pressure and signs of kidney and liver organ dam- only if other quantitative methods not
age. Based on studies indicating minimal predic- available).
tive utility in low-risk, asymptomatic patients,
the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) In the absence of proteinuria, new-onset
recommends against screening for preeclampsia hypertension with the new onset of any of
with point-of-care urine dipsticks in asymptom- the following:
atic patients. Both the USPSTF and ACOG rec-
ommend that the best laboratory studies to • Thrombocytopenia with a platelet count
confirm a diagnosis of preeclampsia are a 24-hour less than 100 × 109/L.
urine collection or protein to creatinine ratio (P-C • Renal insufficiency: creatinine concen-
ratio) in a single voided urine. A ratio > 0.3 mg/ trations >1.1 mg/dL or doubling of the
dL has been shown to meet or exceed 300  mg serum creatinine concentration from a
protein in a 24 hr. urine collection and is diagnos- previous result.
tic for preeclampsia. Also, both the USPSTF and • Impaired liver function: elevated blood
ACOG agree that proteinuria is often but not concentrations of liver transaminases to
always present in the setting of preeclampsia, and twice normal concentration.
guidelines indicate that the diagnosis of pre- • Pulmonary edema.
eclampsia can be made without proteinuria when • New-onset headache unresponsive to
other clinical signs are present. In contrast, given medication and not accounted for by
the well-established accuracy and predictive alternative diagnoses or visual
validity for preeclampsia of blood pressure read- symptoms.
ings, the USPSTF and ACOG have concluded
substantial benefits for routine blood pressure Adapted from American College of
screenings at every prenatal visit (US Preventive Obstetrics and Gynecologists 2013
Services Task Force, Bibbins-Domingo,
Grossman, Curry, Barry, and Davidson 2017;
ACOG 2020a). Box 2.1 outlines the diagnostic
criteria for preeclampsia. 2.5.2 Real-World Example

Box 2.1 Diagnostic Criteria for Preeclampsia

A 15 year old presents for a sick visit reporting
daily nausea and vomiting and fatigue for a few
Elevated blood pressure: weeks. A urine pregnancy test is positive and, on
exam, the uterine fundus is at the symphysis,
• If a pregnant woman who is more than consistent with approximately 12 weeks EGA.
20 weeks of gestation and who had pre- The patient reports consensual sex with a same
viously normal blood pressure has a BP age partner. She is vague and mildly upset in
>140 mm Hg/ 90 mm Hg done on two response to being asked how she feels about the
occasions at least 4 hours apart. positive pregnancy test. Patient education is pro-
• If the BP >160 mm Hg/110 mm Hg on vided on all pregnancy resolution options: con-
two separate occasions within a short tinuation, termination, and adoption and
interval (minutes). resources for each are given. The patient’s social
supports are assessed, and she is encouraged to
38 A. Bargad and H. VogtSchaller

discuss the situation with a trusted adult. Given cervical cells on the face of the cervix common
the patient’s indecision, an ultrasound to confirm during adolescence, can also favor acquiring both
pregnancy dating is ordered for the next day, rou- viruses and bacteria. Importantly, recent esti-
tine prenatal labs are drawn, prenatal vitamins mates indicate youth ages 15–24 account for
are provided and a follow up appointment is nearly half of all newly acquired STIs annually
scheduled for 1 week while the patient is encour- (CDC 2021a).
aged to make a decision regarding the pregnancy
as soon as possible.
2.6.1 Testing for Sexually
Transmitted Infections
Key Learning About Diagnosing Pregnancy,
Rh Incompatibility, and Routine Urine
Some infections are transmitted in utero, while
Dipstick Testing in Prenatal Care
others are transmitted only during labor and
• Urine pregnancy tests are reliably posi- delivery or breastfeeding. As of 2020, all states
tive 14 days after fertilization. have laws that explicitly allow minors to give
• Serum pregnancy tests can be reliably informed consent to receive STD diagnosis and
positive 7–10 days after fertilization. treatment services (CDC 2021b). Pediatric pro-
• First trimester ultrasound is the most viders should be prepared to emphasize
reliable method for dating a pregnancy. ­confidentiality, which has been shown to increase
• ABO and Rh factor blood typing and anti- STI testing and treatment among teens (Leichliter
body screening are routine in pregnancy. et al. 2017). CDC guidelines recommend that all
• The fetus in the first pregnancy with pregnant people under 25 be routinely screened
maternal-fetal Rh incompatibility is for the STIs discussed below when they present
generally unaffected but the risk for for prenatal care (CDC 2019a). To prevent con-
maternal anti-RhD antibody production genital syphilis, pregnant adolescents who are at
increases with each subsequent preg- high risk should be screened at 28  weeks and
nancy. An injection of anti-D immune delivery (Workowski et al. 2021).
globulin such as Rhogam prevents
maternal alloimmunization and HDN. Gonorrhea and Chlamydia
• Urine culture and sensitivity is routine Gonorrhea and chlamydia can cause neonatal
at the initial visit. conjunctivitis and pneumonia when transmitted
• Urine dipstick for protein has low pre- during labor and delivery. Nucleic acid amplifi-
dictive validity for preeclampsia in low- cation testing (NAAT) via clinician- or patient-­
risk, asymptomatic pregnant patients, collected (equivalent sensitivity and specificity)
but routine blood pressure screening at vaginal swab is the preferred testing method;
every prenatal visit is recommended. however, cervical and urine samples can also be
used (Rönn et al. 2019; CDC 2014). Pharyngeal
or rectal swabs should be collected for patients
2.6 Sexually Transmitted reporting oral and/or anal sexual behaviors. In
Infections pregnancy, a test of cure for chlamydia should be
performed 4  weeks after treatment and again
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) during 3 months after treatment (Workowski et al. 2021).
pregnancy have been associated with preterm Pregnant adolescent patients should be re-­
labor and birth, neonatal congenital infections screened in the third trimester regardless of STI
and anomalies, and neonatal death. Female anat- history in the current pregnancy.
omy increases the risk of acquiring STIs as the Pregnant women aged <25  years are at
thin vaginal epithelium and moist vaginal envi- increased risk for gonorrhea, and the risk
ronment allow bacteria to penetrate and grow increases when there are other STIs or have mul-
easily. Cervical ectropion, the exposure of endo- tiple partners or the partner has an STI. Therefore,
2  Laboratory Screening and Diagnostic Testing in Antepartum Care 39

they should be screened for gonorrhea during the HIV testing is part of the routine prenatal lab
first prenatal visit and, if the risk continues, panel unless they specifically decline it (ACOG
should be screened again in the third trimester 2018b). Documentation is required if a pregnant
(Workowski et al. 2021). Additional information patient declines HIV testing. When the patient’s
about point-of-care tests for STIs is found in HIV status is unknown at the time of delivery,
Chap. 4, Section 4.9. CDC guidelines state newborn testing should be
performed as soon as possible so that antiretrovi- Syphilis ral prophylaxis can be offered to HIV-exposed
Syphilis easily crosses the placenta, potentially infants. Women should be informed that a posi-
causing long-term adverse effects on any fetal tive HIV test in the infant confirms that the
organ system, and 40% of newborn (congenital) mother is also infected with HIV and that neona-
syphilis cases result in miscarriage, stillbirth, or tal antiretroviral prophylaxis benefits are maxi-
neonatal death (CDC 2020b). Increasing rates of mized when initiated ≤12  h after birth (ACOG
congenital syphilis are largely due to gaps in test- 2018b). Perinatal HIV testing laws vary among
ing and treatment during prenatal care (Kimball states as to whether they require testing in the
et al. 2020). Providers are responsible for know- third trimester, at labor and delivery if prenatal
ing area prevalence rates, available via CDC or HIV testing/status is not documented, or of the
local health department surveillance reports. The newborn, with or without maternal consent, when
CDC recommends retesting in the third trimester the mother’s HIV status is unknown (Salvant-­
and before delivery for high-risk patients. Some Valentine and Poulin 2018). Testing is via nucleic
states require syphilis testing at delivery, with acid test (NAT); antigen/antibody combination
penalties imposed on providers who fail to do so assay tests capable of detecting HIV-1 antibod-
(CDC 2020c). ies, HIV-2 antibodies, and HIV-1 p24 antigen; or
Screening is via one of the following tests: antibody-only tests (rapid tests) with reactive
non-treponemal tests (rapid plasma reagin (RPR), antigen/antibody combination immunoassays
venereal disease research laboratory (VDRL), tested further with an HIV-1/HIV-2 antibody dif-
toluidine red unheated serum test (TRUST)) or ferentiation assay (supplemental testing) and
treponemal tests (fluorescent treponemal anti- confirmatory testing based on institutional testing
body absorption (FTA-ABS), microhemaggluti- algorithms (Branson et al. 2014). More informa-
nation test for antibodies to T. pallidum tion about HIV can be found in Chap. 6, Sects.
(MHA-TP), T. pallidum particle agglutination 6.3.5 and 6.4.6 and in Chap. 4, Sect. 4.9.2.
assay (TPPA), T. pallidum enzyme immunoassay
(TP-EIA), chemiluminescence immunoassay Hepatitis B Virus
(CIA), Syphilis Health Check (point of care, Hepatitis B virus does not cross the placenta, so
rapid test)). Confirmatory testing depends on most infections occur during labor and delivery or
institutional serologic testing algorithms and postpartum with infant exposure to maternal
availability. More information about syphilis can blood or secretions (Dionne-Odom et  al. 2016).
be found in Chap. 6, Section 6.4.1. All pregnant women are screened for HBV,
regardless of prior testing or vaccination status, HIV by testing for the hepatitis B surface antigen
HIV can be transmitted anytime during preg- (HBsAg) (Workowski et  al. 2021). Reactive
nancy, labor, and delivery or during breastfeed- HBsAg tests can indicate either acute infection or
ing; however, maternal and neonatal antiviral chronic carrier status, and further antigen and
treatment has been shown to reduce prenatal antibody testing are required to determine mater-
transmission risk by 99% (CDC 2006). The CDC, nal status accurately. The risk of perinatal trans-
ACOG, and AAP all endorse universal screening mission is greatest if acquired in the third trimester
for all pregnant patients as early as possible using and if further testing indicates they are HBeAg
an opt-out approach, legal in all US states and positive, indicative of acute or chronic infection
territories, whereby patients are informed that with active viral replication and infectivity.
40 A. Bargad and H. VogtSchaller

The HBV vaccine series and a single HBIG visual, and auditory congenital anomalies.
dose prevent chronic HBV in most exposed Women who are not immune can be offered vac-
infants. Pregnant patients should be re-screened cination postpartum.
in the third trimester for any first trimester posi-
tive results if they remain in a high-risk group for Rubella IgG
reinfection or if they engage in high-risk behav- Rubella immunity is assessed routinely during the
iors including using non-medical drugs, exchang- initial prenatal lab panel via serologic enzyme
ing sex for money or drugs, or living in high immunoassay testing for rubella IgG only (CDC
infection prevalence areas, are symptomatic, or 2020d). Specific reference ranges vary by the lab-
have partners in any of those risk groups oratory; however, results are always reported as
(Kilpatrick et al. 2017). More information about negative, equivocal, or positive. A positive result
hepatitis B can be found in Chap. 6, Sect. 6.5.2. indicates the presence of IgG and immunity.
Negative or equivocal results can be f­ollowed up Trichomonas, Bacterial with further laboratory testing with enzyme immu-
Vaginosis, and HSV noassays for IgM antibodies; however, the CDC
The CDC currently recommends against routine warns against false-positive IgM results and rec-
screening of asymptomatic pregnant patients for ommends IgG and IgM retesting 5–10 days after
bacterial vaginosis, trichomonas, and herpes sim- an initial positive IgM result (CDC 2020c). IgG
plex virus (HSV) (CDC 2019a). More informa- avidity testing, an indication of the acuity of
tion about HSV can be found in Chap. 6, Section rubella infection, can help to distinguish acute
6.3.4, and information about trichomonas and infection (IgM positive, low avidity, rising IgM)
other sexually transmitted infections can be versus a false positive or re-infection (IgG and
found in Chap. 4, Sects. 4.9 and 4.9.1. IgM positive, high avidity) (CDC 2020d).

2.7  ther Infectious Diseases:

O 2.7.2 HSV
TORCH Infections
HSV screening is not routinely recommended
The TORCH acronym was originally intended to and can be considered for pregnant patients who
aid in the diagnosis of neonatal congenital infec- engage in high-risk behaviors or are in a high-­
tions by grouping those marked by rashes or skin risk group or if their sexual partner is HSV posi-
lesions and included toxoplasmosis (T), other tive, as HSV testing can be useful for discordant
agents (O, syphilis), rubella (R, German mea- partners in guiding sexual behavior, particularly
sles), cytomegalovirus (C), and herpes simplex in the third trimester when a new infection would
virus (H). Of these original TORCH infections, pose the greatest risk to the fetus (CDC 2020e).
ACOG recommends routine screening only for HSV testing is discussed in Chap. 6, Sect. 6.3.4.
syphilis (discussed above) and rubella. Chapters
3 and 6 have more details about these infections.
2.7.3 Hepatitis C

2.7.1 Rubella The 2020 CDC updated guidelines state that all
pregnant patients should be screened for hepatitis
While rubella has been essentially eliminated in C virus (HCV) unless geographic prevalence
the US population since 2004, periodic outbreaks rates are <0.1% (Schillie et al. 2020). Note that
occur, and infection, particularly in the first half the 2020 USPSTF guidelines state that all preg-
of pregnancy, can result in congenital rubella nant adults should be screened for HCV and that,
syndrome (CRS). CRS encompasses a range of given the increasing prevalence of hepatitis C
sequelae from spontaneous abortion to cardiac, virus (HCV) in women aged 15–44 and in infants
2  Laboratory Screening and Diagnostic Testing in Antepartum Care 41

born to HCV-infected mothers, clinicians “may 2.7.5 Screening for Tuberculosis

want to consider” screening pregnant persons
younger than 18  years old (Chou et al. 2020). While the overall incidence of tuberculosis (TB)
More information about hepatitis C can be found among adolescents in the USA is low, the inci-
in Chap. 6, Sect. 6.5.3. dence is disproportionately higher among adoles-
Numerous other infectious agents can cause cents of all non-White racial or ethnic groups,
congenital infections and should be considered in adolescents living in US-affiliated islands, or
the complex differential diagnosis of neonatal con- adolescents whose parents are from
genital infections. These agents include parvovirus tuberculosis-­
­ endemic countries (Cowger et  al.
B19, enterovirus, varicella, Group Beta Strep 2019). Congenital neonatal TB infection is rare but
(GBS, discussed separately below), hepatitis A, is associated with considerable morbidity and mor-
and emerging infections like Ebola and Zika tality. The majority of neonatal infections are
viruses. Laboratory testing for infectious diseases acquired postpartum via exposure to maternal aero-
involves pathogen-specific serological testing for solized contagious respiratory secretions. Untreated
IgG and IgM and the appropriate interpretation for TB poses greater potential risks to the developing
acuity and perinatal transmissibility. It should be fetus and the newborn than maternal treatment with
noted that some states have instituted routine standard medication regimens, and, while TB med-
infant screening for toxoplasmosis and targeted ications cross the placenta and are found in breast
screening for cytomegalovirus in newborns with milk, they are not teratogenic (Malhamé et  al.
hearing deficits. However, there is a consensus that 2016; Gould and Aronoff 2016). Importantly, the
universal screening for TORCH infections is nei- symptoms of tuberculosis are nonspecific and can
ther cost-effective nor a productive diagnostic mimic normal physiologic changes in pregnancy
approach and that newborns should be tested with that result in increased respiratory rate, poor appe-
the appropriate diagnostic samples (e.g., amniotic tite, and fatigue. Still, symptoms compatible with a
fluid, serum, blood, urine, nasopharyngeal or con- diagnosis of TB should always be evaluated, but
junctival swab) for specific pathogens based on the AAP/ACOG Guidelines for Perinatal Care
specific symptoms and the entire clinical picture (Kilpatrick et al. 2017) do not recommend routine
including a maternal history of exposures (de Jong TB screening for low-risk women. They do, how-
et al. 2013). Section 3.4 of Chap. 3 reviews com- ever, recommend TB screening for pregnant
mon infections in the newborn. patients with the following high-risk factors:

• Known HIV infection.

2.7.4 C
 ervical Cancer and Human • Close contact with individuals known or sus-
Papilloma Virus Screening pected to have TB.
• Medical risk factors are known to increase the
Guidelines for frequency of cervical cancer screen- risk of disease if infected (such as diabetes,
ing via pap smear or human papilloma virus lupus, cancer, alcoholism, and drug addiction).
(HPV) testing do not change for pregnant patients. • Birth in or emigration from high-prevalent
Pediatric providers should generally not have countries.
cause to perform cervical cancer or HPV screen- • Being medically underserved.
ing as all professional organizations’ guidelines • Homelessness, living or working in long-term
indicate that such screening should not be initiated care facilities, such as correctional institu-
until age 21. The most recent American Cancer tions, mental health institutions, and nursing
Society Guidelines (ACS 2020) recommend that homes (Kilpatrick et al. 2017).
this screening not be initiated until age 25 and that
the preferred screening method is primary HPV There are two types of tests available to screen
testing (as opposed to a pap smear) via cervical pregnant patients for TB infection, the tuberculin
swab (Fontham et al. 2020). skin test (TST or Mantoux test) and a blood test,
42 A. Bargad and H. VogtSchaller

an interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA). These 2.8 Blood Lead Level Screening
are discussed in detail in Chap. 6, Section 6.4.2.
Blood lead levels increase during pregnancy due
to physiologic changes in calcium metabolism in
2.7.6 Real-Life Example the bone that facilitate the bioavailability of lead in
the bloodstream. Maternal lead levels correlate
A 15 year-old patient presents for an initial prena- with neonatal cord blood levels confirming that
tal visit at 12 weeks EGA. She has no complaints. lead crosses the placenta, and prenatal lead expo-
Routine prenatal labs were done including routine sure at a wide range of levels has been associated
screening for GC, CT, HIV, and Hep C. Results with several adverse perinatal outcomes, including
were positive for GC and CT which were treated spontaneous abortion, gestational h­ypertension,
per CDC protocol and expedited partner therapy low birth weight, and impaired neurodevelopment.
was provided. Patient education on condom use At present, ACOG (2019), in line with the CDC,
for STI prevention and STI rescreening every tri- does not recommend routine lead screening for all
mester was discussed. pregnant patients in favor of a risk-based approach
which calls for state and local health departments
to provide clinicians with guidelines to inform
Key Learning about Sexual Transmitted
population-specific screening guidelines.
Recent public health crises in Flint, Michigan,
• The CDC, ACOG, and AAP all endorse and East Chicago, Indiana, have brought to light
universal screening for HIV for all preg- that children in many communities in the USA,
nant patients as early as possible using particularly in poor communities of color, are at
an opt-out approach. high risk for lead exposure (Sacks and Balding
• For GC and CT, NAAT testing via clini- 2018). Thousands of municipalities across the
cian- or patient-collected (equivalent country have been identified as high-risk lead
sensitivity and specificity) vaginal swab exposure areas, particularly in urban and indus-
is the preferred testing method; how- trial parts of the country, and these high-risk
ever, cervical and urine samples can also areas closely correlate with elevated blood levels
be used. in children (Frostenson and Kliff 2016; Marshall
• HSV screening is not routinely et  al. 2020). Pregnant women have exposures
recommended. similar to young children, providing a rationale
• Syphilis easily crosses the placenta, for universal risk assessment of pregnant women
potentially causing long-term adverse based on questionnaires already in use to identify
effects on any fetal organ system, and children at risk which have been shown to have
40% of newborn (congenital) syphilis acceptable sensitivity and specificity for identify-
cases result in miscarriage, stillbirth, or ing pregnant women with elevated lead levels
neonatal death. (Gardella 2001). Risk factors for lead poisoning
• Pregnant patients should be re-screened are found in Chap. 4, Sect. 4.4.
in the third trimester for any first-­ Table 2.6 outlines blood level parameters and asso-
trimester positive results if they remain ciated recommended follow-up testing in pregnancy.
in a high-risk group for reinfection or if
they engage in high-risk behaviors.
• The 2020 CDC updated guidelines state 2.9  ate Pregnancy Laboratory
that all pregnant patients should be Screening and Testing
screened for hepatitis C virus (HCV)
unless geographic prevalence rates are Testing in the last trimester includes testing for
<0.1%. gestational diabetes, for Group B Strep (GBS),
and potentially for rupture of membranes. These
2  Laboratory Screening and Diagnostic Testing in Antepartum Care 43

Table 2.6  Recommended blood lead level follow-up during pregnancy

Venous blood <5 mcg/
lead level dL 5–14 mcg/dL 15–24 mcg/dL 25–44 mcg/dL ≥45 mcg/dL
Recommended None Within Within 1 month, Within 1–4 weeks, Within 24 hrs.; interval
follow-up testing needed 1 month and at then q 2–3 months then q months and frequency depends on
delivery and at delivery at delivery trending levels; at
(maternal) (maternal or cord (maternal or cord delivery (maternal or cord
blood) blood) blood)
Note: Specialist referral
required and
recommended against
Adapted from ACOG (2019)

tests are included here for pediatric providers of hood overweight and obesity and metabolic syn-
obstetrical care in primary care settings for ado- drome in the offspring (Garcia-Vargas et al. 2012;
lescents who might not get regular, specialty Vounzoulaki et al. 2020; Wang et al. 2018). While
obstetric care. the risk of GDM increases with maternal age,
several other risk factors, including overweight/
obesity, having a first-degree relative with diabe-
2.9.1 G
 estational Diabetes Mellitus tes, or being a member of higher risk racial or
Screening (24–28 Weeks) ethnic groups, increase GDM risk among preg-
nant adolescents to the same degree as pregnant
The normal hormonal and metabolic changes of adults.
pregnancy promote insulin resistance in the late There is currently little to no consensus among
second and third trimesters of pregnancy, provid- the different national and international profes-
ing the fetus with a consistent and adequate sup- sional organizations regarding screening guide-
ply of nutrients. Most pregnant people maintain lines or diagnostic criteria for GDM.  The main
euglycemia despite this physiologic insulin resis- issues that drive guideline variations include
tance; however, those who cannot produce whether or not to screen asymptomatic pregnant
enough extra insulin necessary to maintain eug- people before 24  weeks EGA, what screening
lycemia are at risk for developing gestational dia- regimen to use, and what glucose levels are diag-
betes mellitus (GDM). The American Diabetes nostic for GDM.  The lack of consensus results
Association (ADA) defines GDM as diabetes from evaluations of the available evidence that
diagnosed in the second or third trimester of differentially weigh the benefits and harms of
pregnancy which was not overt diabetes before screening asymptomatic women early in preg-
the pregnancy (ADA 2020). GDM complicates nancy and the lack of an evidence-based cutoff
up to 16% of pregnancies in the USA (Correa threshold for the maternal glucose level at which
et al. 2015). The resultant alterations in fetal glu- adverse perinatal outcomes occur. Essentially,
cose and lipid metabolism commonly provoke the strategies vary in their risk for over- or under-
excessive fetal growth or macrosomia. diagnoses (sensitivity and specificity), and there
Macrosomia underlies many of the adverse out- are data to support various strategies and diag-
comes associated with GDM, including preterm nostic criteria. Further research is needed to
labor and birth, the need for cesarean birth, and resolve the ongoing debates regarding the screen-
neonatal birth injuries (ACOG 2018c). While for ing, diagnosis, and treatment of GDM (Bilous
most people euglycemia returns almost immedi- et al. 2021).
ately after delivery, GDM increases the risk for The majority of US obstetric care providers
developing type 2 diabetes mellitus later in life adhere to the ADA (2020) and ACOG (2018c)
and is also an independent risk factor for child- guidelines which call for universal screening at
44 A. Bargad and H. VogtSchaller

24–28  weeks. Both professional organizations Hyperglycemia and Adverse Perinatal Outcomes
also agree that early screening at the initial prena- Study Cooperative Research Group et  al. 2008)
tal visit should be considered for high-risk study. In addition to the ADA supporting the one-­
patients who are overweight or obese step protocol as an option, it is endorsed by sev-
(BMI  ≥  25  kg/m2 or  ≥  23  kg/m2 in Asian eral international professional organizations
Americans) and have one or more of the follow- including the International Federation of
ing additional risk factors for diabetes: Gynecology and Obstetrics, the Australasian
Diabetes in Pregnancy Society, and the WHO as
• History of GDM or birth of an infant weighing well as the Endocrine Society in the USA.
≥4000  g in a previous pregnancy or adoles- Step 1 is the 1-h glucose challenge test
cent’s mother with a history of DM or GDM (OGCT), whereby the patient (non-fasting)
during the adolescent’s gestation. drinks a concentrated glucose solution (50  g of
• First- or second-degree relative with diabetes. sugar dissolved in 8 oz. of water) and has plasma
• Sedentary lifestyle. glucose levels assessed after 1 h. In using a single
• Hgb A1C ≥5.7% (39  mmol/mol); impaired step, the protocol acts simultaneously as a screen-
glucose tolerance or impaired fasting glucose ing and diagnostic test. A fasting plasma glucose
on any previous testing. level is drawn, and a 75-gram oral glucose load is
• High-risk race/ethnicity (African American, administered, after which 1- and 2-h plasma glu-
Latino, Native American, Asian American, cose levels are assessed. Only one abnormal
Pacific Islander). value is required for the diagnosis of GDM. The
• History of cardiovascular disease, elevated specific plasma glucose cutoff level for a positive
HDL or triglycerides, hypertension screen is 130, 135, or 140 mg/dL. The cutoff is
(≥140/90 mmHg), or hypertension therapy. generally based on community prevalence rates
• Other clinical conditions associated with insu- of GDM, and ACOG favors a cutoff of ≥135 mg/
lin resistance (severe obesity, hyperandro- dL. Levels above the cutoff threshold prompt the
genic disorder). second step, with the exception that a plasma glu-
cose level ≥ 200 mg/dL at the first step is consid-
If an early (first trimester) screening test is ered diagnostic for GDM.
negative, laboratory screening is repeated at
24–28 weeks gestation. If an early screening test Screening for Gestational
is positive, but follow-up diagnostic testing is Diabetes: The Two-Step Method
negative, only the diagnostic testing must be Step 2 is a 3-h glucose tolerance test (OGTT)
repeated at 24–28 weeks gestation. whereby the patient’s blood (plasma or serum)
Two screening and diagnostic methods are glucose level is assessed after an overnight fast
endorsed by the ADA, a two-step and a one-step (no caloric intake for at least 8  h). The patient
method. The two-step method, also endorsed by drinks a concentrated glucose solution (100 g of
ACOG and the National Institutes of Health sugar dissolved in 8 oz. of water), and blood glu-
(NIH), currently remains the most common pro- cose levels are assessed at 1, 2, and 3  h post-­
tocol utilized in the USA. glucose solution administration. There are
different criteria for cutoff levels for abnormal Screening for Gestational results, one proposed by the National Diabetes
Diabetes: The One-Step Data Group (NDDG 1979) and the other by
Method Carpenter and Coustan (1982). Again, one is not
The one-step method was advanced by the recommended over the other, but providers and
International Association of Diabetes and institutions are encouraged to adopt and adhere
Pregnancy Study Group (IADPSG) based on to a single standardization protocol. While the
results of a large-scale, prospective study of standard practice has long required two abnormal
GDM called the Hyperglycemia and Adverse levels out of the four assessed to diagnose GDM,
Pregnancy Outcomes (HAPO; HAPO ACOG endorses the use of either one or two
2  Laboratory Screening and Diagnostic Testing in Antepartum Care 45

abnormal values based on a growing body of evi- when daily self-monitoring indicates that the
dence that even one abnormal value is associated goal of glycemic control is not being met by
with adverse perinatal outcomes (Cheng et  al. nutritional and exercise-based interventions
2009; ACOG 2018c). (class A2GDM). Patient self-glucose monitoring
Table 2.7 indicates the diagnostic cutoff crite- includes four daily capillary blood glucose lev-
ria for GDM. Glucose levels greater than or equal els, and based on expert opinion, the following
to the thresholds meet the criteria for the diagno- are the abnormal level thresholds: fasting,
sis of GDM. One or two abnormal levels may be ≥95 md/dL; 1-hour postprandial, ≥ 140 mg/dL;
used to diagnose the two-step protocols depend- 2-hour postprandial, ≥120  mg/dL; and
ing on patient population and practice protocols; 2  a.m.–6  a.m., ≤60  mg/dL) (ACOG 2018d).
just one abnormal level is needed in the one-step Management also involves the increased fre-
protocol. quency of prenatal visits, additional maternal and
fetal monitoring, and possibly planned induction Other Laboratory Tests Used, of labor or C-section. Multiple barriers exist to
but Not Recommended pregnant adolescents modifying their diet and
for Gestational Diabetes exercise and carefully monitoring their glucose
A urine dipstick positive for glycosuria with a levels. A team approach utilizing social workers,
normal blood glucose level is common in preg- dieticians, and diabetes educators is necessary to
nant women. Pregnancy is associated with reduc- ensure optimal outcomes.
tions in reabsorption of glucose, resulting in Finally, a systematic review of the literature
higher rates of urinary excretion. Therefore, gly- found that patients with GDM have nearly ten
cosuria has both poor positive and negative pre- times the risk of developing type 2 diabetes mel-
dictive validity for GDM. Similarly, the sensitivity litus (T2DM) later in life than people who do not
of hemoglobin A1C, a measure of average blood have GDM.  The authors further concluded that
sugar levels over the previous 2–3 months, can be GDM could essentially be a reliable predictor of
affected by race/ethnicity, hemoglobinopathies, later development of T2DM (Vounzoulaki et al.
HIV, and pregnancy itself (second trimester). All 2020). It follows that postpartum follow-up is
of these factors alter the relationship of A1C to key to identifying T2DM in the GDM popula-
plasma blood sugar levels. tion; however, numerous studies have indicated
For this reason, A1C is not the preferred that adherence to postpartum screening guidelines
screening or diagnostic test for GDM, especially
after the second trimester. However, the ADA
(2020) uses standard diagnostic criteria for overt Table 2.7  Diagnostic cutoff criteria for GDM
diabetes in high-risk pregnant patients screened Two-step Two-step One-step
in the first trimester. The ADA Standard Criteria Carpenter and National International Association
for the Diagnosis of Diabetes is found in Chap. 4, Coustan Diabetes of Diabetes and
(1982) Data Group Pregnancy Study Groups
Table 4.9. These criteria can be used for high-risk (plasma or (1979) Consensus Panel et al.
pregnant patients screened in the first trimester, serum level) (plasma (2010)
and the ADA guidelines further specify that “in level) (plasma level)
the absence of unequivocal hyperglycemia, diag- Fasting: Fasting: Fasting: 92 mg/dL
95 mg/dL 105 mg/dL 1 hour: 180 mg/dL
nosis requires two abnormal test results from the
1 hour: 1 hour: 2 hours: 153 mg/dL
same sample or in two separate test samples” 180 mg/dL 190 mg/dL
(ADA 2020, p. S16). 2 hours: 2 hours:
There is consensus in the scientific and medi- 155 mg/dL 165 mg/dL
3 hours: 3 hours:
cal communities that interventions improve gly-
140 mg/dL 145 mg/dL
cemic control and perinatal outcomes (Hartling
Adapted from Carpenter and Coustan 1982; National
et al. 2013). Nutrition and exercise therapy is the Diabetes Data Group 1979; International Association of
cornerstone of treatment for GDM (class Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups Consensus Panel
A1GDM), with the addition of insulin therapy et al. 2010
46 A. Bargad and H. VogtSchaller

is poorly followed by both patients and providers adequately treat during labor to prevent vertical
(Seidu and Khunti 2012). Some studies (Hale transmission (ACOG 2020b).
et al. 2012; Hunt et al. 2010) estimate that more Universal screening for GBS is recommended
than half of GDM patients do not receive the fol- for every pregnant person regardless of the planned
low-up screenings recommended by the ADA mode of delivery. Screening is performed during
(2020), which include the following: the third trimester, between 36 0/7 and 37
6/7  weeks gestation. The sample is collected by
• Four to twelve weeks postpartum screening swabbing the introitus of the vagina first and then,
with a 75-g oral glucose tolerance test and with the same swab, the rectum through the anal
clinically appropriate non-pregnancy diagnos- sphincter (ACOG 2020b). The swab should be
tic criteria. moved from side to side or rotated at the collection
• Lifelong screening for the development of site, allowing several seconds to absorb organisms.
diabetes or prediabetes at least every 3 years Cervical, perianal, perirectal, or perineal speci-
(fasting blood glucose, random plasma glu- mens are unacceptable, and a speculum should not
cose, or A1C). be used for culture collection. The swab is placed
• Prediabetic patients with a history of GDM in a tube with a transport medium, and the lab
should receive intensive lifestyle interventions order is for Group B Streptococcus colonization
and/or metformin to prevent diabetes. detection culture with reflex to susceptibilities.
Importantly, if any prenatal urine culture is posi-
The same barriers that can prevent adolescents tive for GBS bacteremia at any point in a preg-
from adequately managing GDM could prevent nancy, treatment is required both at the time of
adequate follow-up postpartum screening. One detection and during labor. In that case, the
study suggests that a normal postpartum day two 36–38-week GBS screening can be omitted.
screening OGTT before hospital discharge after Because GBS can be a transient infection, it is
delivery appears to exclude type 2 diabetes at the reassessed in each pregnancy to determine if treat-
4–12-week screening test and may be useful ment is indicated. GBS status should be docu-
given the challenges of follow-up after discharge mented in the patient’s prenatal chart so that
(Carter et  al. 2018). Finally, the ADA recom- delivery providers know the need for treatment
mends that once females with diabetes reach upon admission to the hospital. Finally, screening
puberty, preconception counseling should be a during subsequent pregnancy can be entirely omit-
routine part of their health care (ADA 2020). ted for patients with a history of an infant diag-
nosed with GBS early-onset disease since these Group B Streptococcal patients should automatically be treated during
Screening (36–38 Weeks) labor in subsequent pregnancies (ACOG 2020b).
For some people, Group B Streptococcal (GBS), a
gram-positive bacterium, is a natural part of the gas-
trointestinal and vaginal microbiome. Colonization 2.9.2 Testing for Rupture
in the vagina and rectum occurs in 10–30% of preg- of Membranes
nant women and may be transient or continuous
colonization. GBS infection is the most frequent Some studies have shown that the incidence of
neonatal infection. Without adequate treatment in prelabor rupture of membranes (PROM) and pre-
labor, it has a 50% chance of vertical transmission, term PROM is higher in adolescent pregnancies
with 1–2% of those cases developing into GBS (Marković et al. 2020; Bostancı Ergen et al. 2017),
early-onset disease in the newborn. GBS early- so all providers who care for adolescents may need
onset disease is defined as symptom development, to diagnose PROM. PROM refers to the rupture of
most frequently sepsis and pneumonia, during the the amniotic sac before the onset of labor contrac-
first 7 days of life. GBS screening during the prena- tions and, when labor doesn’t begin within 24  h
tal period is vital to ensure delivery providers can after the rupture, can pose a risk for infection.
2  Laboratory Screening and Diagnostic Testing in Antepartum Care 47

Preterm PROM is a rupture of membranes that not recall her LMP. Physical exam and ultrasound
occurs before 37 weeks, and it poses all the conse- were consistent with pregnancy of 40 weeks
quent risks of prematurity. Fluid samples can be EGA, nitrazine strip testing was positive for
evaluated for nitrazine strip/pH testing (amniotic amniotic fluid, and the cervix was fully dilated
fluid pH is ≥7 compared to vaginal pH = 3.8–4.5), indicating active labor. Within 30 min of her
microscopic observation of ferning (the character- arrival at the ED, she delivered a healthy infant.
istic unique crystallization pattern of amniotic The adolescent reported she was unaware she
fluid when it dries), evaluation for the presence of was pregnant because she associated her symp-
fetal fibronectin (a protein at the interface of the toms over the past 10 months with GI upset
amniotic sac and the uterine lining), or commer- which was common for her. In addition, she was
cially available tests for the presence of other used to many months of amenorrhea, related to
amniotic proteins (ACOG 2020c). obesity which can result in anovulatory cycles. Nitrazine Strip/pH Testing

Key Learning about Third-Trimester
The diagnosis of PROM and preterm PROM is
based on history, physical examination, and posi-
tive point-of-care testing. Digital exams are • Testing in the last trimester includes
avoided to reduce the risk of infection. A sterile testing for gestational diabetes, for
speculum exam allows observation of fluid at the Group B Strep (GBS), and potentially
cervical os and pooling of fluid in the vagina. for rupture of membranes.
ROM is typically diagnosed based on history and • GBS infection is the most frequent neo-
exam, but no single observation or test confirms natal infection, and GBS screening should
ROM.  For example, observation of pooling of be done at 36–38 weeks of gestation.
fluid in the posterior fornix of the vagina via a • PROM refers to the rupture of the amni-
sterile speculum exam alone is not diagnostic for otic sac before the onset of labor con-
rupture of membranes without confirmation via tractions and, when labor doesn’t begin
ferning or nitrazine testing (Hunter 2015). within 24 h after the rupture, can pose a
risk for infection. Point of Care Fetal Fibronectin • Fluid samples from the mother can be
Tests/Amniotic Proteins evaluated for nitrazine strip/pH testing,
The sensitivity of point-of-care fetal fibronectin microscopic observation of ferning, eval-
tests and the specificity of point-of-care tests for uation for the presence of fetal fibronec-
amniotic proteins have been called into question. tin, or commercially available tests for
Neither is to be used independently of other the presence of other amniotic proteins.
assessments to diagnose ROM (ACOG 2020c).
Both term PROM and preterm PROM will neces-
sitate patients to have further workup and moni-
toring at a hospital with labor and delivery 2.10 Fetal Surveillance
capacity and possibly a NICU.
2.10.1 Methods of Fetal Surveillance

2.9.3 Real-Life Example In addition to augmented laboratory testing, many

obstetric conditions may warrant increased fetal
A 17 year old, BMI 44, presents to the ED report- surveillance during pregnancy. Some obstetric
ing abdominal pain and states “I feel like I’m care providers with experience, training, and dem-
peeing on myself.” Her history included irregular onstrated competence may engage in interprofes-
menses since menarche including long stretches sional collaborative care for patients with
of up to several months of amenorrhea. She could pre-existing conditions or gestational conditions
48 A. Bargad and H. VogtSchaller

requiring additional fetal surveillance. There are T  he Contraction Stress Test
guidelines for increased fetal surveillance for (CST)
intrauterine growth restriction, gestational diabe- The contraction stress test (CST) assesses fetal
tes, or hypertensive disorders. Some of the basic heart rate in response to maternal contractions
clinical tools for additional fetal surveillance are induced by intravenous Pitocin or patient self-­
discussed briefly below. In general, fetal surveil- stimulation of the nipples if they are not occur-
lance methods include monitoring fetal heart rate, ring naturally at the time of the test (ACOG 2014,
fetal movement, amniotic fluid levels, or umbilical reaffirmed 2020). The CST is used far less fre-
artery blood flow. These methods help identify the quently than the NST. Since the CST can induce
risk for fetal hypoxia and/or whether the fetus is labor, it is contraindicated when labor and deliv-
neurologically intact. Note that, minimally, con- ery would be contraindicated (e.g., preterm ges-
sultation, but likely referral to obstetric or mater- tation, placenta previa, maternal history of uterine
nal-fetal medicine specialists, would be required surgery). For this reason, the majority of profes-
when additional fetal surveillance is necessary. sional organizations recommend the use of NSTs
versus CSTs for antenatal fetal surveillance The Nonstress Test (NST) (Johnson et al. 2018). The fetal heart rate is traced
The nonstress test (NST) records a fetal heart rate and observed for the presence or absence of late
tracing from an external ultrasonographic monitor decelerations. Late deceleration is a gradual
on the maternal abdomen for at least 20 minutes. decline of the fetal heart rate over at least 30  s
Normal fetal heart rate is between 110 and from start to nadir that occurs after the contrac-
160  bpm. The NST assesses the baseline fetal tion peak. This late deceleration pattern indicates
heart rate (sustained fetal heart rate for 2 min out poor fetal recovery from the stressor of the con-
of 10) and accelerations and decelerations from traction. If late decelerations follow ≥50% of
the baseline. Acceleration is defined as an increase contractions, the test is considered positive/
above the baseline by at least 15 bpm for at least abnormal.
15 seconds, or for a fetus ≤32 6/7 weeks gestation
or less, at least 10 bpm for at least 10 s (ACOG A  mniotic Fluid Index (AFI)
2014, reaffirmed 2020; Glantz and Bertoia 2011). and Maximum Vertical
A normal, reactive NST has two heart rate accel- Pocket (MVP)
erations from baseline within 20 minutes, which Amniotic fluid index (AFI) and maximum verti-
is reassuring of fetal well-­being because accelera- cal pocket (MVP) measure the level of amniotic
tions reflect an appropriate increase in heart rate fluid volume via abdominal ultrasound.
in response to fetal movement, suggesting that the Amniotic fluid volume is considered a fetal vital
fetus is neurologically intact and not acidotic. An sign as it reflects the function of several fetal
abnormal, n­ onreactive NST with no accelerations organ systems. AFI measures the anteroposte-
after 40 mins with or without vibroacoustic stimu- rior diameters in centimeters of the deepest,
lation, such as clapping near the maternal abdo- unobstructed pocket of amniotic fluid in four
men or using a device such as an artificial larynx quadrants of the uterus and adds them together.
(Hasanpour et al. 2013), warrants further testing An 8–18  cm AFI score is normal, while mea-
as a biophysical profile (discussed below). NSTs surements under 8  cm and over 24  cm require
are used to monitor fetal well-being weekly or further assessment. The MVP is the deepest
twice weekly for many conditions in pregnancy unobstructed vertical pocket in any quadrant of
and for post-­term pregnancies or to evaluate a the uterus, and ≥2 cm is considered within nor-
maternal report of decreased fetal movement, and mal limits.
standards for the evaluation of fetal heart rate trac-
ings were established by the National Institute of Biophysical Profile (BPP)
Child Health and Human Development Workshop A biophysical profile (BPP) combines five differ-
Report on Electronic Fetal Monitoring (Macones ent elements, including the NST and AFI assess-
et al. 2008). ments, to produce a score out of 10 possible points
2  Laboratory Screening and Diagnostic Testing in Antepartum Care 49

(2 if the element is present, 0 if not present). BPP movement patterns in the 2  weeks before fetal
scores of 8–10 are normal, 5–7 are equivocal/ demise. While no single method of fetal move-
abnormal, 4 or less is abnormal and indicates fetal ment counting is superior to another, one com-
distress requiring emergency delivery. It can be mon method considers ten movements in 2 h to
used for routine or scheduled surveillance for be reassuring. The mean time to a count of 10 is
high-risk maternal and fetal conditions, a further approximately 21  min (Moore and Piacquadio
assessment of a non-reactive NST, or further 1989). More importantly, all pregnant patients
assessment of an abnormal AFI. The five elements should be educated that fetal movement is an
include (ACOG 2014, reaffirmed 2020): important indicator of fetal well-being. Any sig-
nificant change in fetal movement patterns should
1. Nonstress test – 2 points for a reactive test. be reported to a provider.
2. Fetal breathing movements – 2 points for one
or more episodes of rhythmic fetal breathing
within a 30-minute timeframe. 2.10.2 Real-Life Example
3. Fetal movement – 2 points for three or more
body or limb movements within a 30-minute A 17 year old at 38 weeks EGA followed her pro-
timeframe. viders instructions and called to report decreased
4. Fetal tone  – 2 points for one or more fetal fetal movement for the past 12 hours. The pro-
extensions and return to flexion within a vider sent the teen to Labor and Delivery where
30-minute timeframe. the NST was nonreactive and BPP score was 5.
5. Amniotic fluid volume – 2 points for a single The infant was delivered via emergency c-sec-
vertical pocket of greater than 2 cm. tion, was determined to be low birth weight,
spent 3 days in the NICU and was discharged to U  mbilical Artery Doppler home doing well.
Doppler velocimetry is an ultrasound technique
Key Learning about Fetal Surveillance
used to assess circulation in many clinical condi-
tions. Flow velocity in the umbilical artery of • A nonstress test (NST) records a fetal
growth-restricted fetuses differs from normally heart rate tracing from an external ultra-
developing fetuses, and abnormal velocity wave- sonographic monitor on the maternal
forms are associated with neonatal morbidity and abdomen for at least 20 min.
mortality. Umbilical artery Doppler waveforms • A biophysical profile includes a non-
can also differentiate pathological growth restric- stress test, fetal breathing movements,
tion from a small but healthy developing fetus. Its fetal body/limb movement, fetal tone,
use is associated with significantly reduced still- and amniotic fluid volume. Each ele-
birth rates in the setting of fetal growth restric- ment is scored 0–2 points and a score of
tion. (ACOG 2014, 2021). 8–10 is reassuring.
• A contraction stress test (CST) assesses Maternal-Fetal Movement fetal heart rate in response to maternal
Assessment contractions induced by intravenous
Maternal perception of decreased fetal activity Pitocin or patient self-stimulation of the
has long been associated with an increased risk of nipples if they are not occurring natu-
stillbirth (Sadovsky and Yaffe 1973; Leader et al. rally at the time of the test.
1981). Heazell et  al. (2018) found that women • Education about fetal movement is
who experienced a stillbirth reported less overall important as decreased fetal activity is
monitoring of fetal activity. They reported that associated with stillbirth. Ten move-
providers did not instruct them to monitor fetal ments in 2 h are considered within nor-
activity. Also, they reported a significantly mal ranges.
decreased or a marked increase in the usual fetal
50 A. Bargad and H. VogtSchaller

2.11 Genetic Screening 2.11.1 Prenatal Screening Versus

and Testing Diagnostic Testing

The number and complexity of prenatal genetic Patients and providers need to be clear about the
screening and diagnostic tests have grown expo- difference between screening and diagnostic test-
nentially in recent years with technological ing. Screening tests assess whether a pregnant
advances in genetics and genomics. Currently patient is at increased risk for having an affected
available options allow for noninvasive, highly fetus, while diagnostic tests definitively diagnose
sensitive, and specific prenatal screening for and whether a condition is present in the fetus of a
diagnosis of hundreds of genetic conditions. patient identified to be at elevated risk. The only
Prenatal diagnosis of fetal genetic conditions and diagnostic tests for genetic disorders in prenatal
congenital anomalies can help pregnant patients care are chorionic villus sampling (CVS) or
and their families prepare to care for an infant amniocentesis, and ultrasound alone can diag-
with special needs or inform the decision on nose certain structural anomalies, including heart
whether to continue or terminate a pregnancy. defects or open neural tube defects (ONTDs) like
Prenatal genetic screening and testing results spina bifida. The remaining tests, including first-
must be communicated to consider further diag- and second-trimester integrated or sequential
nostic testing and all management options. screening for aneuploidy, carrier testing for
Given the evolving complexity of the genetic genetic conditions, or cell-free DNA testing, are
screening and testing landscape, patient-centered all considered screening tests that only estimate
counseling and shared decision-making that fos- the chances that a fetus will have a condition.
ter patient autonomy and informed consent are of These tests also vary in their sensitivity, the
utmost importance. All providers who offer pre- degree to which the test correctly identifies a
natal genetic testing must understand the risks, fetus with a condition, and specificity, the degree
benefits, and limitations of available screening to which the test correctly identifies a fetus with-
and testing options and be prepared to utilize out a condition. Therefore, follow-up diagnostic
genetics professionals to interpret genetic testing testing is always necessary to confirm any screen-
results (ACOG 2018d; Knutzen and Stoll 2019). ing test result. It is important to note that ACOG
Health-care providers who do not have the neces- recommends offering all screening and diagnos-
sary knowledge of genetics to counsel patients tic options to all pregnant patients regardless of
appropriately should refer to a genetic counselor age or risk profile, with appropriate and thorough
or maternal-fetal medicine specialist. Numerous counseling regarding the risks, benefits, and limi-
resources exist to inform providers which screen- tations of any approach and the opportunity to
ing or diagnostic tests should be offered based on accept or decline any or all such testing (ACOG
availability, insurance coverage, and timing of a 2020d).
patient’s entry into prenatal care. Table 2.8 shows Once the patient has been counseled on the
a selection of genetics-related resources. testing options (screening or diagnostic testing or

Table 2.8  Genetics counseling resources

Organization/resource URL
National Society of Genetic Counselors
NIPT cFDNA Screening Predictive Value Calculator
National Society of Genetic Counselors
Finding a genetic counselor
Genetic Support Foundation/Washington State
Department of Health Video Series
ACOG Cell-Free DNA Infographic­health/infographics/
Table developed by authors
2  Laboratory Screening and Diagnostic Testing in Antepartum Care 51

neither), if they choose screening testing, they pregnant patients regardless of ancestry. While
must be counseled on the screening test options expanded carrier screening panels can include
available to them for their gestational age. There hundreds of genetic disorders, ACOG recom-
are several screening protocols; however, only mends that, at a minimum, an expanded carrier
one should be used at a time. Further, only one screening panel should routinely include screen-
protocol may be appropriate to offer given the ing for cystic fibrosis, spinal muscular atrophy,
EGA, community or institutional standards of thalassemia, and hemoglobinopathies (ACOG
practice, or insurance coverage issues. Patients 2017f).
should be counseled that a negative or normal Any positive genetic screening result should
screening test result does not rule out all risk, and prompt screening of the reproductive partner
each testing protocol has the potential for false-­ because, if both parents are carriers of the same
negative results. The tests include ultrasound and genetic condition, their offspring have a 25%
maternal blood tests that assess protein biomarker chance of having the condition, a 50% chance of
levels or analytes produced by the placenta, being a carrier, and a 25% chance of not having
which can be found in the maternal circulation or being a carrier of the condition. If both parents
and correlate with different aneuploidies and have positive carrier screening tests for the same
NTDs. In general, regarding ultrasound and ana- condition, diagnostic testing (CVS or amniocen-
lytes, the greater the number of individual pieces tesis) appropriate to fetal EGA can be offered.
of information that contribute to the screening Table 2.9 reviews the increased carrier frequency
test picture, the more sensitive and specific it of particular genetic conditions by ancestry, reli-
becomes, providing a more accurate estimate of able resources for condition information, screen-
the presence of an anomaly in an affected fetus ing recommendations, and associated genetic
and decreasing the likelihood of falsely identify- mutation and condition characteristics.
ing increased risk when none exists. C  arrier Screening for Genetic 2.11.2 First-Trimester Screening

Mutations can cause a genetic disorder in one First-trimester screening includes ultrasound
gene (e.g., cystic fibrosis, thalassemia, or sickle measurement of the nuchal fold, or nuchal trans-
cell disease), a combination of gene mutations lucency, and two analytes, pregnancy-associated
and environmental factors (e.g., many cancers, plasma protein-A (PAPP-A) and human chori-
type 2 diabetes, obesity), or damage to the struc- onic gonadotropin (HCG). The nuchal fold is a
ture or number of chromosomes (e.g., Trisomy fluid-filled space on the dorsum of the fetal neck.
21 or Down syndrome). Carrier screening for A measurement ≥3.0 mm is considered enlarged,
genetic conditions identifies autosomal recessive and the degree of enlargement correlates with the
disorders that can be inherited throughout gener- degree of increased risk. The ultrasound portion
ations of a family without anyone’s knowledge. is independently associated with an increased
While carrier screening is ideally performed risk of fetal aneuploidies and other structural
before pregnancy as part of preconception care, abnormalities. Elevated or decreased analyte lev-
most carrier screening is performed at an initial els are differentially associated with different
prenatal visit. fetal anomalies. For example, elevated HCG is
Some genetic conditions have higher preva- associated with an increased risk for Trisomy 21
lence rates within specific populations, and tar- (Down syndrome).
geted screening, limited to those high-risk
populations, is one screening option. However, Cell-Free DNA (cfDNA)
given that the USA is a multiracial and multieth- cfDNA is a screening test using a maternal blood
nic country, ACOG (2017f) recommends offering sample that can be performed beginning at
expanded or panethnic carrier screening to all 9 weeks of gestation. To date, while ACOG and
52 A. Bargad and H. VogtSchaller

Table 2.9  Increased carrier frequency by ancestry/population

High-risk Carrier
Condition and resource ancestry frequency Genetic mutation and condition characteristics
Cystic fibrosis Caucasian 1/29 Mutation in the CFTR gene: Result in a buildup of thick Ashkenazi 1/29 mucus in the lungs and GI tract; average life span of
What-­is-­CF/ Jewish 30–40 years
Tay-Sachs disease Ashkenazi 1/30 Mutation in the hexosaminidase subunit alpha (HEXA)
http://www.curetay-­sachs. Jewish 1/15–1/30 gene results in fatty deposits in the brain; average life span
org/ French 1/27 of 3–5 years
Cajun (LA)
Canavan disease Ashkenazi 1/40–58 Mutations in the ASPA gene results in the accumulation of Jewish NAA in brain tissue, resulting in damage to white matter;
disorders/All-­disorders/ life span up to 10 years
Familial dystonia Ashkenazi 1/27 Mutations in several genes result in involuntary muscle Jewish contractions, twisting of specific body parts, tremors, and
rare-­diseases/dystonia/ other uncontrolled movements; average life span of
30 years
Spinal muscular dystrophy Caucasian 1/47 Mutation in the SMN1 gene on chromosome 5 causes Asian 1/59 failure to produce the survival motor neuron (SMN)
Ashkenazi 1/67 protein; results in motor neuron loss in the spinal cord and
Jewish lower brainstem, muscle weakness, and atrophy; average
life span of 2 years
Fragile X syndrome Females 1/151 Mutation in the FMR1 gene decreases the production of Males 1/458 the protein FMRP needed for brain development; results in
characteristic physical features and developmental and
intellectual delays; normal life span
Adapted from Jordan 2019. Additional sources: websites of national organizations as indicated

the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine recom- gent screening, that utilize cfDNA following
mend all screening and diagnostic options avail- first- and/or second-trimester screening results
able be offered to all pregnant women regardless have shown high levels of sensitivity and speci-
of age or risk, current guidelines recommend the ficity relative to CVS and amniocentesis and are
use of cfDNA only in high-risk populations as its increasingly being investigated and introduced
sensitivity and specificity depend on the patient’s (Galeva et al. 2019).
background risk level and several other factors, It is important to note that, at the time of the
making false positives common in low-risk popu- publication of this text, a paradigm shift in the
lations (ACOG 2020d). Because maternal blood field of antepartum screening for fetal genetic
has maternal and fetal cfDNA, which is more and chromosomal disorders is on the horizon.
accurately placental DNA, the test’s accuracy The usefulness of NT assessment and the various
relies on the fetal fraction of total cf. DNA in the screening paradigm options indicated in
maternal bloodstream. Notably, cfDNA is used to Table 2.10 are under investigation given the ease
diagnose fetal sex and blood type (with 96.6% and rapidly increasing availability and affordabil-
sensitivity and 98.9% specificity), but, while it is ity of cfDNA testing and its robust sensitivity and
the most sensitive and specific screening test for specificity for detecting both common and rare
the common aneuploidies, it is not currently con- chromosomal abnormalities (Huang et al. 2018;
sidered diagnostic for chromosomal conditions Kane et al. 2021). cfDNA testing is also poten-
because the placental karyotype and fetal karyo- tially poised to largely replace invasive CVS and
type can differ somewhat molecularly (Brison amniocentesis procedures (discussed below).
et al. 2018; Pertile et al. 2017; Wright et al. 2012). Prenatal care providers should remain vigilant
Note that new protocols, particularly for contin- for professional society guideline updates from
2  Laboratory Screening and Diagnostic Testing in Antepartum Care 53

Table 2.10  Current prenatal screening and diagnostic testing options

Detection rates
Gestational age for Trisomy 21a
timing of test Tests and analytes (test sensitivity)
Screening tests
First trimester Ultrasound: Nuchal translucency (NT) NT alone: 60–70%
10–14 weeks Papp-A and hCG Analytes alone: 67%
Combined: 85%
Second trimester Routine ultrasound: Anatomy scan Ultrasound alone: 73%
15–18 weeks Triple screen 3 analytes alone: 60–70%
Quad screen 4 analytes alone: 75–80%
Combined: 83%
Integrated screening Combines: 85–96%
First-trimester NT, Papp-A, and hCG
With second-­trimester quad screen and anatomy scan
Final results: Only after second-­trimester testing
Sequential First-trimester NT, Papp-A, hCG 93–95%
Stepwise If positive, no second-trimester screening tests (proceed to
Contingent diagnostic testing)
If negative: Proceed to second-trimester screening
First-trimester NT, Papp-A, and hCG
Next tests “contingent” on first-trimester level of risk:
High: Diagnostic testing
Moderate: second-­trimester screening
Low risk: No further testing
NIPT Cell-free DNA (cfDNA) 99–100 (false-­positive
9+ weeks Massive and targeted DNA sequencing rate: <0.2)
Diagnostic tests
Amniocentesis Amniotic fluid 99.5 (false-­positive rate: <
15+ weeks Karyotyping, CMA, or direct DNA sequencing 0.04%)
(typically 15–20)
CVS Placental chorionic villi 98% (false-­positive rate:
10–14 weeks Karyotyping, CMA, or direct DNA sequencing <0.04%)
Adapted from Bunt and Bunt 2014; Latendresse and Deneris 2015; ACOG 2016, reaffirmed 2020; Malone et al. (2005);
Alldred et al. 2012; Simpson 2013; Latendresse 2015
False-positive rate: 4–5% unless otherwise indicated

the American College of Obstetrics and guides the insertion of a needle through the
Gynecology and the Society for Maternal-Fetal abdominal wall and into the uterus to obtain a
Medicine regarding recommended modes and sample of the amniotic fluid. An advantage of
protocols for antepartum screening for fetal amniocentesis over CVS is that amniotic fluid
aneuploidies and other conditions. can also be tested for alpha-­fetoprotein to diag-
nose open neural tube defects (Knutzen and Diagnostic Testing Options: Stoll 2019). Both procedures can be done with
Chorionic Villus Sampling a local anesthetic. Most women describe only
and Amniocentesis mild cramping pain with these procedures and
During chorionic villus sampling, performed can return to non-strenuous activities the same
between 10 and 13  weeks gestation, the pro- day. A recent systematic review of the literature
vider removes a small sample of the placenta’s and updated meta-analysis concluded that CVS
chorionic villi using an ultrasound-guided nee- and amniocentesis do not significantly increase
dle via a transabdominal or transcervical the risk of miscarriage over the background risk
approach to obtain fetal DNA directly. During that prompted the testing. The safety profile is
amniocentesis, performed between 15 and the same for both procedures (Salomon et  al.
22  weeks gestation, ultrasound visualization 2019).
54 A. Bargad and H. VogtSchaller

The samples obtained from CVS and amnio- Analyte levels are reported as an MoM or
centesis can be examined using several pro- multiple of the median, indicating how far the
cesses, including molecular DNA testing, test result deviates from the median (middle)
karyotyping, fluorescent in situ hybridization value of a large set of results obtained from unaf-
(FISH), or chromosomal microarray analysis fected pregnancies. An MoM ≥2.0 or 2.5 (lab
(CMA). Each method of analysis differs in the dependent) is considered abnormal, and, to reit-
conditions it is most useful for detecting. erate, abnormal screening test results reflect
Molecular DNA detects genetic mutations. increased risk but always require follow-up for
Karyotyping is a laboratory technique whereby definitive diagnosis. Most importantly, because
an image of stained chromosomes highlights normal ranges for the analytes are specific to
abnormal chromosome numbers or structures. EGA, maternal age, race/ethnicity, and BMI, the
FISH also allows for visualization of chromo- accuracy of these patient demographics on labo-
somes but can detect minute parts of chromo- ratory testing orders is of utmost importance for
somal microdeletions or duplications that the accuracy of risk level assessment and should
karyotyping cannot detect. CMA screens the be confirmed when any screening test indicates
whole genome for copy number variants (ACOG elevated risk. Table 2.10 reviews test timing, ana-
2016, reaffirmed 2020). lytes, and, for example, detection and false-­
positive rates for the different screening and
diagnostic tests for Trisomy 21 (Down
2.11.3 Second-Trimester Screening Aneuploidy
Second-trimester screening for fetal anomalies While chromosomal abnormalities are signifi-
includes a routine ultrasound anatomy scan at cantly more common with advanced maternal
18–23  weeks for all pregnant women regardless age, particularly after age 35, they can occur in
of risk factors or screening protocol choice. This any pregnancy (Mikwar et al. 2020). Aneuploidies
ultrasound provides a complete survey of the fetal are an abnormal number of chromosomes in a
anatomy and biometry and assesses the amniotic cell, while microdeletions refer to whole missing
fluid level and the placental location. In the con- chromosomes, and copy number variants are
text of aneuploidies, this ultrasound can detect duplications of small parts of chromosomes
soft markers of the physical abnormalities the (Rose et  al. 2020). The trisomy aneuploidies,
aneuploidy would produce. If these soft markers Down syndrome (Trisomy 21), Patau syndrome
are identified on ultrasound, a review of prior test- (Trisomy 13), and Edwards syndrome (Trisomy
ing and future testing options would be discussed 18), result from a third chromosome, instead of
(Latendresse and Deneris 2015; Rose et al. 2020). the normal two, on the identified chromosome
number for a total of 47 chromosomes in each Triple and Quadruple Screen cell, instead of the normal total of 46 (22 from the
In addition to the anatomy scan ultrasound, mother, 22 from the father, and 1 sex chromo-
second-­trimester screening can include a triple some from each parent). Klinefelter syndrome,
screen for the analytes alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), the most common sex chromosome-related disor-
human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), and uncon- der, results in males having an extra X sex chro-
jugated estriol (uE3), a quadruple (quad) screen mosome (XXY). It should be made clear to
which includes the three triple screen analytes plus patients that the results of either screening or
dimeric inhibin A (DIA) or a Penta screen which diagnostic testing for aneuploidies will not lead
includes all four quad-screen analytes plus hyper- to treatment options but can inform decision-­
glycosylated human chorionic gonadotropin making during pregnancy and after delivery
(h-hCG). Integrated sequential or contingent test- (Latendresse and Deneris 2015). The complexity
ing protocols combine first- and second-trimester of screening tests for aneuploidies requires thor-
screening results in different ways. ough pretest and posttest counseling and referral
2  Laboratory Screening and Diagnostic Testing in Antepartum Care 55

to genetic counseling for patients with risk fac- 2.11.5 Real-Life Example
tors and accurate interpretation of positive
screening results (ACOG 2020d; Latendresse An 18 year old who has a younger sister with Cystic
and Deneris 2015). Fibrosis states she is currently trying for a preg-
nancy with her male partner who has a child with an
NTD. Preconception genetic testing is recom-
2.11.4 Neural Tube Defects mended for both she adn her partner, and a referral
to a genetic counselor is made. Folic acid 400mcg
Neural tube defects (NTDs) result from the fail- daily is recommended to be started the same day
ure of the closure of the neural tube during with the explanation that it can help to prevent
embryological development, either at the cranial NTDs when taken in the first 4 weeks of pregnancy,
end (anencephaly) or the caudal end (myelome- before she may even know she is pregnant.
ningocele or spina bifida). NTDs have a genetic
component such that maternal or paternal per-
sonal history of an NTD or having a prior child
with an NTD increases the risk or having an Key Learning about Screening for Genetic
affected pregnancy (March of Dimes 2022). and Chromosomal Abnormalities
However, the genetics are not well understood • Carrier screening for heritable condi-
and specific genetic tests for NTD have yet to be tions is ideally done preconception so
developed (Dupépé et al. 2017). It is well estab- that explanations of genetic risk can be
lished, however, that the risk for NTDs increases offered before pregnancy.
with certain maternal characteristics, such as, • Second-trimester screening for aneu-
diabetes or obesity, and can also occur as a result ploidies and NTDs can include a triple
of teratogenic exposures from medications, such screen for the analytes alpha-fetoprotein
as opioids or some anti-seizure medications, and (AFP), human chorionic gonadotropin
some environmental exposures, such as high (hCG), and unconjugated estriol (uE3),
body temperature. The risk for NTDs is highest a quadruple (quad) screen which
when exposures occur when the neural tube includes the three triple screen analytes
forms in the first month of pregnancy (Copp et al plus dimeric inhibin A (DIA) or a Penta
2017; Egbe 2015; March of Dimes 2022; screen which includes all four quad-
Rasmussen et al. 2008). The severity of clinical screen analytes plus hyperglycosylated
manifestations ranges for the different NTDs human chorionic gonadotropin.
from mild to fatal. The diagnosis of an NTD • cfDNA is a screening test using a mater-
requires specialized, interprofessional, collabora- nal blood sample that can be performed
tive care among maternal-fetal medicine, neona- beginning at 9 weeks of gestation. The
tology, pediatric neurosurgery, and genetics test has a high degree of sensitivity and
(ACOG 2017g; ACOG 2020d; Latendresse and specificity for fetal sex, Rh type, and
Deneris 2015). Because numerous, large-scale, aneuploidies and is increasingly becom-
randomized clinical trials (Medical Research ing a routine prenatal lab test that may
Council 1991) found adequate folic acid intake to replace cumbersome screening proto-
be directly associated with decreases in the cols for analytes.
occurrence NTDs, the CDC and USPSTF have • Neural tube defects have a genetic com-
recently recommended that all reproductive-age ponent that is not well understood, how-
women have a daily folic acid intake of 400mcg ever daily folic acid intake of 400mcg in
for the prevention of NTDs which can occur even the first weeks of pregnancy can aid in
before a person knows they are pregnant (CDC the prevention of NTDs, the vast major-
2019b). Up to 95% of neural tube defects can be ity of which are detected on routine, 2nd
detected by the routine second-­trimester anatomy trimester anatomy scan.
scan ultrasound alone.
56 A. Bargad and H. VogtSchaller

2.12 Summary and Conclusions ized, ongoing postpartum care with earlier

postpartum contact (all women within 3 weeks)
Advanced practice pediatric providers with and medical evaluation (BP check 3–10  days
experience, training, and demonstrated compe- postpartum), recognizing that preventive postpar-
tence could engage in preconception, prenatal, tum health care can encourage long-term health
and postpartum collaborative care and provide and well-­being for both mother and child (ACOG
appropriate referrals to obstetricians and mater- 2018e, reaffirmed 2021).
nal-fetal medicine specialists as needed. In car- Also, it is clear that digital technologies, from
ing for pregnant adolescents, pediatric providers the internet to mobile phones to gaming, all increas-
are tasked with ordering and interpreting the ingly influence adolescents’ lives. Numerous digi-
necessary laboratory tests to maximize maternal tal technological interventions show promise for
and fetal well-being. Understanding pregnancy improving adolescents’ sexual and reproductive
testing and interpretation and preparing to pro- health behaviors, including antepartum health
vide pregnancy decision-making counseling; behaviors and perinatal outcomes (Immanuel and
conducting, ordering, and interpreting early Simmons 2021; Mesnick et al. 2013). Finally, pedi-
ultrasounds for gestational age dating; and atric providers can rely on regularly updated ante-
ordering the routine prenatal lab panel all serve partum laboratory testing guidelines provided by
to identify those pregnant teens potentially at obstetric care professional organizations such as
risk for poor perinatal outcomes. Early screen- the American College of Obstetrics and
ing for genetic conditions and chromosomal Gynecology, Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine,
anomalies is part of routine antepartum care. All CDC, and USPSTF. By adhering to evidence-based
screening and testing options are offered to all guidelines, following state laws regarding minors’
pregnant patients, regardless of age or risk fac- rights to access and consent to prenatal care, pedi-
tors, but commensurate with EGA, test avail- atric providers can ensure they can tailor obstetric
ability, and institutional protocols. The care to the unique needs of the adolescents they
increasingly complex field of genetic testing serve. By helping to ensure adolescents have
requires patient-centered pre- and post-test healthy pregnancies, pediatric providers of adoles-
counseling that explains the benefits and limita- cent pregnancy care can play a role in reducing
tions of the complex array of screening and test- adverse perinatal outcomes and positively influ-
ing options and utilizes genetic professionals’ ence the lifelong health trajectories for adolescent
expertise. Testing results can inform patient parents and their children.
decision-­ making regarding pregnancy
­continuation or the need for increased fetal sur- Questions
veillance via the various modes of fetal surveil-
lance available. 1. Which of the following is/are true regarding
In addition to quality antepartum care, com- pregnancy testing?
prehensive preconception health education and (a) Urine pregnancy tests are reliably posi-
adherence to postpartum care and screening rec- tive 14 days after fertilization, but most
ommendations could substantially decrease reliable after a missed menses.
young parents and their children’s health bur- (b) False-positive urine pregnancy tests are
dens. Addressing social determinants of health rare, but false negatives are common,
and providing health interventions that are especially in the first few weeks after
culturally consonant with the communities they conception.
are intended to serve can help target persistent (c) Serial quantitative HCG tests can iden-
health disparities that disproportionately impact tify normally or abnormally developing
the most vulnerable adolescents (King-Bowes pregnancies because HCG levels rise at a
et al. 2018). Recent paradigm shifts in the deliv- predictable rate in early pregnancy.
ery of postpartum care propose more individual- (d) All the above.
2  Laboratory Screening and Diagnostic Testing in Antepartum Care 57

2. Which of the following is/are true regarding (a) Glycosuria on urine dipstick.
determining the estimated gestational age (b) First- or second-degree relative with
(EGA) of a pregnancy? diabetes.
(a) Last menstrual period (LMP) is always (c) BMI>30 (answer and rationale do not
the most accurate method to date a need to be changed).
pregnancy. (d) B and C.
(b) ACOG endorses first-trimester ultra- 7. An adolescent patient with an uncomplicated
sound as the most accurate method to pregnancy has walked into your clinic today
determine or confirm EGA. at 36  weeks EGA with no complaints but
(c) Discrepancies between the EGA estab- asking for a prenatal checkup. She states she
lished by LMP and first-trimester ultra- missed several OB appointments due to a
sound should always favor the LMP lack of transportation. Which screening test
dating. should you perform?
(d) Structural landmarks like the gestational (a) Group Beta Strep (GBS).
sac, yolk sac, and fetal pole aren’t visible (b) Glucose challenge test (GCT).
on ultrasound before 6 weeks EGA. (c) Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG).
3. What is included in a routine prenatal lab (d) cfDNA.
panel? 8. A pregnant adolescent patient is 11  weeks
(a) CBC, blood type and RH, hemoglobin EGA. You are explaining her options for test-
electrophoresis, urine culture and sensi- ing for chromosomal abnormalities (aneu-
tivity, and select STIs. ploidies) appropriate for her EGA. Which of
(b) CBC, blood type and RH, lead levels, the following options will you discuss?
urine culture and sensitivity, and select (a) Screening with ultrasound for nuchal
STIs. translucency (NT) and blood test for two
(c) CBC, blood type and RH, cfDNA, urine analytes, Papp-A and hCG; screening
culture and sensitivity, and select STIs. via noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT)
(d) CBC, blood type and RH, antibody for cell-free DNA (cfDNA), or diagnos-
screen, hepatitis C virus, HBsAg, rubella tic testing via amniocentesis.
immunity, urine culture and sensitivity, (b) Screening with ultrasound for nuchal
and select STIs. translucency (NT) and a for two ana-
4. Which of the following STIs are included in lytes, Papp-A and hCG, screening via
a routine lab panel in prenatal care for an NIPT for cfDNA, or diagnostic testing
adolescent? via chorionic villus sampling (CVS).
(a) Gonorrhea, chlamydia, HIV, and syphilis. (c) Screening with an ultrasound for nuchal
(b) Gonorrhea, chlamydia, herpes simplex translucency (NT) and a “quad screen”
virus (HSV), and syphilis. blood test for four analytes, NIPT for
(c) Gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomonas, cfDNA, or diagnostic testing via
and bacterial vaginosis. amniocentesis.
(d) Gonorrhea, chlamydia, HIV, and human (d) Screening with an ultrasound for nuchal
papilloma virus (HPV). translucency (NT) and a “Penta
5. Which screening test is most appropriately screen” blood test for five analytes,
performed at 24–28 weeks EGA? NIPT for cfDNA, or expanded carrier
(a) Group Beta Strep (GBS). screening.
(b) Oral glucose challenge test (OGCT). 9. cfDNA testing relies on the fetal (placental)
(c) Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). fraction of total cf. DNA in the maternal
(d) Syphilis. bloodstream and:
6. Which of the following would indicate a (a) Can reliably determine fetal sex and
pregnant teen’s needing an early screen for blood and Rh type after the ninth week
gestational diabetes? of gestation.
58 A. Bargad and H. VogtSchaller

(b) Is the most sensitive and specific screen- fetal growth restriction and hypertensive
ing test for common aneuploidies. disorders of pregnancy.
(c) Is rapidly replacing other cumbersome (b) The contraction stress test (CST) is used
screening protocols due to its ease, rap- more often than a non-stress test (NST)
idly increasing availability and sensitiv- because it is associated with less risk of
ity and specificity for detecting both inducing labor.
common and rare chromosomal (c) All pregnant patients should be educated
abnormalities. that fetal movement is an important indi-
(d) All the above. cator of fetal well-being.
10. When can the diagnosis of preeclampsia be (d) A biophysical profile (BPP) combines
made after 20 weeks EGA without protein- several methods of fetal surveillance,
uria when other clinical signs are present? including the NST, CST, and umbilical
(a) BP >130  mm Hg/90  mm Hg on two Doppler velocimetry.
occasions, 4  h apart or BP >150  mm
Hg/110  mm Hg on two separate occa- Rationale
sions within a short interval (minutes).
(b) BP >140  mm Hg/90  mm Hg on two 1. Answer: d
occasions, 4  h apart or BP >160  mm HCG is not detectable in urine or blood
Hg/110  mm Hg on two separate occa- until after implantation of the fertilized egg
sions within a short interval (minutes). in the uterine lining. As a result, urine preg-
(c) BP >130  mm Hg/100  mm Hg on two nancy tests can be positive as soon as
occasions, 4  h apart or BP >150  mm 7–10  days after fertilization, are more reli-
Hg/110  mm Hg on two separate occa- able 14 days after fertilization (not 7 days
sions within a short interval (minutes). after implantation), and are most reliable
(d) BP >140  mm Hg/100  mm Hg on two after a missed menses. False negatives are
occasions, 4  h apart or BP >130  mm common if done before implantation. Serum
Hg/110 mm Hg on two separate occa- HCG levels rise predictably in early preg-
sions within a short interval nancy such that levels double every 2–3 days
(minutes). in normally developing pregnancies and pla-
11. Which of the following is an example of tar- teau or decrease in ectopic or early preg-
geted screening for genetic mutations? nancy loss.
(a) Offering all patients screening for cystic 2. Answer: b
fibrosis, spinal muscular atrophy, thalas- Early and accurate gestational age deter-
semia, and hemoglobinopathies as mination is of primary importance in prena-
ACOG recommends. tal care and ACOG, endorses ultrasound in
(b) Offering Tay-Sachs disease screening the first trimester up to and including
only to patients of Ashkenazi Jewish and 13 weeks 6 days (13 6/7). Estimated gesta-
French Canadian descent. tional age (EGA) is the most accurate method
(c) Offering screening for genetic disorders to determine or confirm gestational age.
as part of preconception care. Redating a pregnancy based on discrepancies
(d) Offering a reproductive partner genetic between the EDD as determined by the last
screening following a positive genetic menstrual period (LMP) and the EDD estab-
screening result for the pregnant patient. lished by ultrasound should rarely be done.
12. Which of the following is true regarding fetal Whether LMP or ultrasound dating is used
surveillance to ensure fetal well-being? depends on the degree of discrepancy. The
(a) The use of umbilical artery Doppler gestational sac and yolk sac are visible on
velocimetry has not been associated with ultrasound as early as 3–5  weeks and the
significantly reduced stillbirth rates in fetal pole by 6 weeks.
2  Laboratory Screening and Diagnostic Testing in Antepartum Care 59

3. Answer: d cannot produce enough insulin to adapt to

Hemoglobin electrophoresis and lead this resistance, glucose levels will rise com-
levels are not considered routine in an initial mensurately, so testing at 24–28 weeks will
lab panel and instead rely on a risk-based maximize identifying patients with
approach that may target at-risk populations GDM. HCG is the basis for pregnancy test-
(hemoglobin electrophoresis) and comply ing, syphilis is screened for early in preg-
with local health departments’ guidelines nancy and again in the third trimester for
population-specific screening guidelines high-risk patients, and GBS screening is per-
(lead screening) or institutional protocols. formed at 36–37 weeks EGA, near term, to
While cfDNA will eventually become a rou- determine if treatment during labor is
tine lab test, it can only be done after 10 required.
weeks EGA. The 2020 CDC updated guide- 6. Answer: d
lines state that all pregnant patients should While the risk of GDM increases with
be screened for hepatitis C virus (HCV) maternal age, several other risk factors,
unless geographic prevalence rates are including overweight/obesity, having a first-­
<0.1%. degree relative with diabetes, or being a
4. Answer: a member of higher-risk racial or ethnic
CDC guidelines recommend that all preg- groups, increase GDM risk among pregnant
nant people less than 25  years old be rou- adolescents to the same degree as pregnant
tinely screened for gonorrhea, chlamydia, adults. A urine dipstick positive for glycos-
HIV, and syphilis. Rates of chlamydia are uria with a normal blood glucose level is
consistently highest among females aged common in pregnant women. Pregnancy nor-
15–24, and rates of gonorrhea are highest mally results in increased reabsorption of
among males aged 15–24  years. The CDC, glucose and higher urinary excretion rates.
ACOG, and AAP all endorse universal Therefore, glycosuria has both poor positive
screening for HIV for all pregnant patients as and negative predictive validity for GDM.
early as possible using an opt-out approach, 7. Answer: a
legal in all US states and territories, whereby GBS screening is performed at
patients are informed that HIV testing is part 36–37 weeks EGA, near term, to determine
of the routine prenatal lab panel unless they if treatment during labor is required.
specifically decline it. Increasing rates of Screening for GDM occurs from 24 to
congenital syphilis are largely due to gaps in 28  weeks EGA because insulin resistance
testing, and routine screening as part of an increases naturally during the second trimes-
initial prenatal lab panel is recommended. ter of pregnancy, so screening at that time
Herpes simplex virus, trichomonas, and bac- will maximize identifying patients who are
terial vaginosis would only be tested if a unable to increase insulin production result-
pregnant patient’s partner was positive and/ ing in GDM. HCG is the basis for pregnancy
or the patient was symptomatic. Adolescents testing, and cfDNA tests for chromosomal
should never be tested for HPV. abnormalities are currently offered primarily
5. Answer: b to high-risk patients.
The majority of US obstetric care provid- 8. Answer: b
ers adhere to the ADA (2020) and ACOG At 11 weeks EGA, a first-trimester screen-
(2018c) guidelines which call for universal ing protocol is appropriate based on the
screening for gestational diabetes at detectable levels of specific analytes at that
24–28  weeks. Screening for GDM occurs time and the ability to visualize the nuchal
from 24 to 28  weeks EGA because insulin fold. cfDNA can be offered any time from
resistance increases naturally during the sec- 9  weeks EGA.  It requires fetal/placental
ond trimester of pregnancy. For women who DNA to reach a certain level in the maternal
60 A. Bargad and H. VogtSchaller

circulation to achieve a high degree of sensi- specific criteria for preeclampsia are stated
tivity and specificity. CVS can be offered as in option b: BP >140 mm Hg/ 90 mm Hg on
early as 10  weeks, but amniocentesis is two occasions, 4  h apart or BP >160  mm
offered after 15 weeks EGA to decrease the Hg/110  mm Hg on two separate occasions
risk of miscarriage. Quad and Penta screens within a short interval (minutes).
are offered as part of second-trimester 11. Answer: b
screening as the analytes tested need time to Some genetic conditions have higher
reach testable levels in the maternal circula- prevalence rates within specific populations.
tion. Expanded carrier screening refers to Targeted screening refers to limiting screen-
offering a range of genetic tests to people ing for those conditions to those high-risk
regardless of ancestry or risk. populations, such as offering Tay-Sachs dis-
9. Answer: d ease screening only to patients of Ashkenazi
Advances in noninvasive prenatal testing Jewish and French Canadian descent. The
(NIPT) that allow for detecting cell-free fetal USA is a multiracial and multiethnic coun-
DNA (cfDNA) in the maternal serum have try, so ACOG recommends offering expanded
identified fetal sex and blood and Rh type or panethnic carrier screening to pregnant
reliable as early as the ninth week of preg- patients regardless of ancestry. Screening for
nancy via a single maternal blood sample. genetic disorders is ideally performed as part
Some countries have already replaced rou- of preconception care but can be either tar-
tine Rh-D immunoglobulin prophylaxis of geted or expanded screening. Following a
all Rh-negative women with targeted Rh-D pregnant patient’s positive screening result
immunoglobulin prophylaxis only for Rh-D for being a carrier of a gene for a genetic dis-
negative women whose fetus’s blood type is order, the patient’s reproductive partner
determined at 24–27  weeks (or earlier) via should always be tested to determine whether
NIPT to be Rh-positive. While it is the most the fetus is at risk for expressing the
sensitive and specific screening test for the condition.
common aneuploidies, it is not currently 1 2. Answer: c
considered diagnostic for chromosomal con- Maternal perception of decreased fetal
ditions because the cfDNA reflects the activity has long been associated with an
­placental karyotype, which can differ some- increased risk of stillbirth. All pregnant
what from fetal karyotype molecularly. New patients should be educated that fetal move-
protocols, particularly for contingent screen- ment is an important indicator of fetal well-­
ing, that utilize cfDNA following first and/or being. Any significant change in fetal
second-trimester aneuploidy screening movement patterns should be reported to a
results have shown high sensitivity and spec- provider. Abnormal velocity waveforms
ificity relative to CVS and amniocentesis. detected by umbilical artery Doppler velo-
10. Answer: b cimetry are associated with neonatal morbid-
Both the USPSTF and ACOG agree that ity and mortality. Its use is associated with
proteinuria is often but not always present in significantly reduced stillbirth rates in fetal
the setting of preeclampsia, and guidelines growth restriction and hypertensive disorders
indicate that the diagnosis of preeclampsia of pregnancy. The CST is used far less than
can be made without proteinuria when other the NST because it poses a risk for inducing
clinical signs are present. In contrast, given labor since it induces contractions. A bio-
the well-established accuracy and predictive physical profile (BPP) combines five differ-
validity for preeclampsia of blood pressure ent elements: the NST, the AFI, fetal
readings, the USPSTF and ACOG have con- breathing movements, fetal body/limb move-
cluded substantial benefit for routine blood ments, and fetal tone (extension and
pressure screenings at every visit, and the flexion).
2  Laboratory Screening and Diagnostic Testing in Antepartum Care 61

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Care of the Newborn
Rita Marie John, Ashley N. Gyura,
Emily R. Harrison, and Bobbie Salveson

Learning Objectives 7. Characterize the pitfalls of newborn labora-

After completing the chapter, the learner should tory tests.
be able to: 8. Synthesize the various clinical presentations
of congenital infections and evaluate the
1. Identify components of the newborn screen- proper diagnostic laboratory tests for evaluat-
ing process and common terminology. ing the newborn with a possible congenital
2. Recognize the Recommended Uniform infection.
Screening Panel (RUSP) of conditions on the 9. Understand the limitations of evaluating a
newborn screening panel and understand spe- newborn with a possible congenital infection.
cific state differences.
3. Be aware of potential errors in the newborn
screening process and how to avoid them. 3.1 Introduction
4. Acquire resources for the management of pos-
itive newborn screening results. At the time of delivery, routine laboratory
5. Recognize ethical concerns existing in new- screening tests can vary slightly from institution
born screening. to institution, and newborn screening can vary
6. Understand and evaluate different tests done from state to state. Laboratory tests are done
in the newborn period. during the first days of life, depending on the
maternal history, the child’s gestational, clinical
symptoms, and risk factors. The result of new-
R. M. John (*)
born screening is critical and must be diligently
School of Nursing, Columbia University,
New York, NY, USA obtained and followed. In some states, like
e-mail: Washington state, two newborn screenings are
A. N. Gyura · E. R. Harrison done to avoid missing a treatable disease. A
Department of Infectious Disease, Children’s complete maternal history and neonatal exam
Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota, are done routinely based on the American
Minneapolis, MN, USA
Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommenda-
B. Salveson tions. A complete history and physical of the
ARNP - Department of Genetics, Mary Bridge
newborn should be done within 24 h in a healthy
Children’s Health Center/Multicare,
Tacoma, WA, USA full-term newborn; however, it should be done
University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 67

R. M. John (ed.), Pediatric Diagnostic Labs for Primary Care: An Evidence-based Approach,
68 R. M. John et al.

as soon as possible to help identify any congeni- lection, sample transport, sample processing,
tal conditions. Bilirubin is assessed by visual result review, communicating normal and
inspection, phone applications, transcutaneous abnormal results, follow-up of abnormal
devices, and total serum or plasma bilirubin. results, verification of diagnosis, public and
The total serum or plasma bilirubin remains the providers’ education, and continuous quality
gold standard for identification and manage- improvement.
ment to prevent extreme neonatal hyperbilirubi- A screening test does not confirm or rule out
nemia. Congenital infections can be symptomatic a condition. Rather, it identifies an individual
or asymptomatic, and therefore, close follow-up who may have the condition, so definitive diag-
and maternal education about fever in the new- nostic testing can be performed to determine if
born period must be emphasized. Even with the condition is truly present. In NBS, a false
maternal monitoring of Group B Streptococcus positive is defined as a positive screening result
infection, this disease continues to be a source for an infant unaffected by the disorder. A false
of sepsis in the newborn period. negative would be a negative screening result
for an infant who is affected. False-negative
results would be catastrophic and defeat the
goal of the NBS program. Therefore, a screen-
3.2 The Newborn Period ing test must tolerate some false-positive results
to minimize or eliminate false-negative results.
The pregnant female has routine diagnostic test- The screening test’s sensitivity must approach
ing done to identify possible conditions the new- 100% to accomplish this (Goldenberg et  al.
born may have, as discussed in Chap. 2. Prenatal 2016). In NBS, false-positive rates range from
tests may be negative, but the mother can still 0.07% to 0.33% and positive predictive values
have the condition if she is infected before she from 8% to 18%. When averaged out, there is
seroconverts. Therefore, the mother may have generally one true positive for every 5–15 false-
been infected before developing an immune positive cases (Mak et  al. 2019). The rate of
response. Thus, diseases like syphilis and human false positives underscores the importance of
immunodeficiency may be negative on the ante- framing a positive NBS result as something
natal screen. Also, there is a risk of a false-­ requiring follow-up. Until the diagnostic testing
negative test being done at the time of birth. The is complete, no family should be told their baby
clinician needs to complete the history and do a has a disorder.
physical, even if all the antenatal diagnostic labs
are normal. Conditions on the NBS Panel
The newborn screening started in the 1960s
when Robert Guthrie, MD, Ph.D., developed a
blood test that could detect phenylketonuria
3.2.1 Overview of Newborn (PKU), an inherited metabolic condition, in
Screening asymptomatic newborns. Since that time, the
number of conditions that can be detected on the
Newborn screening (NBS) is recognized as one NBS has expanded to include more than 60 dis-
of the most successful public health programs orders—metabolic, endocrine, hematologic,
in the United States (Caggana et al. 2013). The respiratory, immunologic, and lysosomal/per-
goal of NBS is to detect asymptomatic, treat- oxisomal storage disorders (Caggana et  al.
able conditions early enough to intervene and 2013). Since public health law falls under state
improve outcomes. NBS is not a single test but governments’ jurisdiction, each state determines
rather a process that includes blood sample col- its own program, and differences exist between
3  Care of the Newborn 69

states. The differences between state programs others (collectively referred to as inborn errors of
are seen in Box 3.1. metabolism); endocrine disorders, hemoglobin-
opathies, immunodeficiencies, and lysosomal
and peroxisomal disorders (collectively referred
Box 3.1  Areas of Variations between States
to as storage disorders); cystic fibrosis, and spinal
• Number of disorders included in the muscular atrophy. Two other conditions, hearing
panel. loss and congenital heart disease, are detected
• Testing methodology. using point-of-care testing techniques and are not
• Lab reference values for disorders. discussed in this chapter.
• How and to whom results are reported.
• Who is responsible for ordering diag-
nostic testing. 3.3 Newborn Screening Process
• Mandatory testing versus parental con-
sent for screening. 3.3.1 Sample Collection
• Cost to the patient.
• Parent education. Blood is collected from the infant on a specific
• The state’s method of follow-up. collection card, ordered from the state depart-
ment of health NBS program. The collection card
Adapted from Caggana et al. (2013). consists of a demographic/information form
attached to five filter paper circles. Blood is typi-
cally collected via heel stick, between 24 and
48 h of life at the location of birth. Some states
Federal guidelines for evaluating which disor- recommend a second sample collected at
ders to include in the newborn screening have 7–15 days as well. The filter paper and informa-
been developed by the American College of tion form must remain intact, and the form must
Medical Genetics (ACMG) Newborn Screening be accurately completed.
Expert Group and the Secretary’s Advisory Each circle on the collection card is concave,
Committee on Heritable Disorders Newborns and care should be taken to collect a single large
and Children. The federal guidelines help address drop of blood in the circle’s center, allowing cap-
discrepancies in the number of conditions illary action to fill the circle. Many state websites
between states. This committee reports to the have videos and informational posters demon-
Health Resources and Services Administration strating this procedure. Filling the circle with
(American College of Medical Genetics Newborn multiple small drops of blood or layering drops
Screening Expert Group [ACMGNSEG] 2006). may result in errors. The spot should be as uni-
A rigorous, evidence-based application process formly visible on both sides of the collection card
was developed, and new conditions are reviewed as possible. Once all the spots on the card are
to determine inclusion on a panel. Currently, 35 filled, the card is air-dried for a minimum of 4 h,
primary and 26 secondary disorders are on the then sent to the designated NBS lab within 24 h.
Recommended Uniform Screening Panel (RUSP) These spots are collectively referred to as dried
(Table 3.1). To date, all states screen for at least blood spots (DBS).
30 of the 35 conditions on the RUSP
(Recommended Uniform Screening Panel 2020). Methods Used for Newborn
Most of the conditions on the RUSP are Screening
detected from dried blood spots. These include Before the 1990s, the laboratory methodology for
organic acidemias, amino acid disorders, urea NBS was based on bacterial inhibition methods,
cycle disorders, fatty acid oxidation defects, and which yielded a sensitivity and specificity of
70 R. M. John et al.

Table 3.1  Disorders in the recommended uniform screening panel (as of July 2018)
Primary Secondary
Organic acidemias
Propionic acidemia (PA) Methylmalonic acidemia with homocystinuria
Methylmalonic acidemia (MMA) Malonic acidemia
Isovaleric acidemia (IVA) Isobutyrlglycinuria
Glutaric acidemia type 1 (GA-1) 2-Methylbutyrlglycinuria
3-Methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase deficiency 3-Methylglutaconic aciduria
3-Hydroxyl-3-Methylglutaric aciduria 2-Methyl-3-hydroxybutyric aciduria
Holocarboxylase deficiency
Beta-ketothiolase deficiency
Fatty acid oxidation disorders
Carnitine uptake/carnitine transport defect (CUD/CTD) Short-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (SCAD)
Medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency Medium/short-chain L3 hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase
(MCAD) deficiency (M/SCHAD)
Very long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency Glutaric acidemia type II (GA-II)
Long-chain L-3 hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase Medium-chain ketoacyl-CoA thiolase deficiency
deficiency (LCHAD)
2,4-Dienoyl-CoA reductase deficiency
Carnitine palmitoyltransferase deficiency type I (CPT-I)
Carnitine palmitoyltransferase deficiency type II (CPT-II)
Carnitine acylcarnitine translocase deficiency (CACT)
Amino acid disorders/urea cycle disorders
Classic phenylketonuria (PKU) Benign hyperphenylalaninemia (Hyperphe)
Maple syrup urine disease (MSUD) Biopterin defect in cofactor biosynthesis
Tyrosinemia type I Biopterin defect in cofactor regeneration
Homocystinuria (HCY) Tyrosinemia type II
Argininosuccinic aciduria Tyrosinemia type III
Citrullinemia type I (CIT) Hypermethioninemia
Citrullinemia type II
Sickle cell disease Various other hemoglobinopathies
Sickle beta-thalassemia
Sickle cell hemoglobin C disease
Primary congenital hypothyroidism
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Other disorders
Biotinidase deficiency Galactopimerase deficiency
Cystic fibrosis (CF) Galactokinase deficiency
Classic galactosemia T cell-related lymphocyte deficiencies
Glycogen storage disorder type II (Pompe disease)
Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID)
Mucopolysaccharidosis type I (MPS I)
X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD)
Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA)
Point-of-care test
Critical congenital heart disease
Congenital hearing loss
Source: United States Health Resources and Services. Retrieved on December 19, 2020, from
3  Care of the Newborn 71

92%and 99.9%, respectively (Mak et  al. 2019). abnormal, diagnostic testing must be completed
In the early 1990s, the adaptation of tandem mass to confirm or rule out a condition. However, this
spectrometry (MS/MS) to dried blood spots testing’s urgency depends on the disorder; but it
allowed for the expansion of NBS from 6 condi- should be done quickly, so monitoring and treat-
tions to over 35 with a sensitivity and specificity ment may be initiated if the infant is found to
of 99% and 99.995% (Mak et  al. 2019). have the disorder (Fabie et al. 2019). If the infant
Additionally, MS/MS methodology allows for has any concerning symptoms (Table  3.2), this
greater throughput and rapid turnaround time. should be communicated to the reporting agency.
Other laboratory methods used in NBS analysis The PCP may be instructed to send the infant to
include radioimmunoassay, immunofluorescent the nearest emergency department for immediate
assay, colorimetric assay, isoelectric focusing, evaluation.
high-performance liquid chromatography, and Many of the concerning symptoms mimic sep-
molecular testing (Caggana et  al. 2013). New sis, making it important to communicate the
technologies, like microfluidic techniques, are infant’s screened positive disorder for emergency
being developed to include multiple testing meth- department personnel. Refrain from referring to
ods to be performed simultaneously. These tech-
niques are often referred to as “lab on a chip” and
have the potential to increase the speed of results Table 3.2  Concerning neonatal symptoms of NBS disor-
ders on the RUSP
by allowing screening to be done at the hospital’s
Disorder Concerning symptoms
clinical lab (Caggana et al. 2013).
Organic acidemias Poor feeding, lethargy,
Amino acidemias vomiting, hypotonia,
Urea cycle disorders hypothermia, seizures,
3.4  otification of NBS Results
N abnormal urine order
and Follow-Up of Abnormal Fatty acid disorders Poor feeding, hypoketotic
hypoglycemia, jaundice,
Screening hepatomegaly, hypotonia,
muscle weakness,
Each state has a standard process for the notifica- cardiomyopathy, arrhythmia
tion of NBS results. Typically, the results are pro- Hemoglobinopathies Splenomegaly
vided to the person or institution sending the Endocrinopathies Neonatal salt wasting,
atypical genitalia, prolonged
collection card, and the primary care provider jaundice, puffy face
(PCP) is included on the collection card. Most Galactosemia Poor feeding, jaundice,
states have an online verification system to allow abnormal liver functions, E.
the PCP to check their patients’ NBS results. If coli sepsis (in males)
this is not available, all states offer telephonic Biotinidase deficiency Poor feeding, hypotonia,
result retrieval.
Cystic fibrosis Meconium ileus, poor
Primary care providers should become famil- feeding, wheezing
iar with their state’s process and learn how to Pompe disease Poor feeding, hypotonia,
access newborn screening results for their dilated hypertrophic
patients. When seeing a newborn, providers can cardiomyopathy, heart failure
Mucopolysaccharidosis Umbilical hernia, diarrhea
check NBS results and report them to the family. type I
Lack of notification does not indicate a normal Immunodeficiency Signs of infection
screen, as collection cards may have been com- disorders
pleted inaccurately or incompletely, making noti- X-linked No symptoms in neonates
fication difficult. adrenoleukodystrophy
Spinal muscular atrophy Poor feeding, hypotonia,
If an NBS is positive, the PCP should follow abnormal respiratory
the instructions provided for the next steps, either breathing pattern—
repeating the NBS or assisting the family in pur- Abdominal breathing
suing prompt diagnostic testing. When an NBS is Adapted from Fabie et al. (2019)
72 R. M. John et al.

the NBS as “the PKU,” which implies the infant and added to the NBS panel and changes in the
has screened positive for PKU when the correct process, and changes in condition cut-off values.
diagnostic testing is for a different disorder. Education of the public is typically a joint
All of the NBS panel conditions have a spec- effort between the PCP and the state. Every state
trum of phenotypic presentation, from critical has resources available for parent education,
neonatal-onset to milder attenuated. The pheno- including brochures, videos, and other online
typic presentation may depend on the genetic resources. Many states have this information
mutation(s), other comorbidities, and the available in several languages. Parent education
amount or quality of enzyme produced. Delaying about the NBS ideally occurs before delivery, but
diagnostic testing because an infant appears there is a wide variation in the quality and timing
normal is not a decision made by the PCP but of this education.
rather in partnership with the specialty center
specific to the disorder. The ACMG has devel-
oped ACT sheets and algorithms to help PCPs 3.4.3 Ongoing Quality
understand the next steps to take when a new- Improvement
born has screened positive for a condition on the
NBS (ACMG ACT Sheets and Algorithms States collect data on each component of the
2001). The sheets can easily be obtained on the NBS process and publish reports dictated by their
ACMG site. These sheets include additional state law. Annual reports are typically found on
conditions found on some state panels that are the state NBS website. When new conditions are
not on the RUSP. added to the panel, there is often increased scru-
tiny to assure the cut-off values can be adjusted to
avoid too many false-positive results (Yusuf et al.
3.4.1 Verification of Diagnosis 2019).
Screening result data are reviewed during the
Once diagnostic testing results confirm a disor- Association of Public Health Laboratories’ meet-
der, a referral for follow-up with a specialist ings to examine the NBS process further and
should be made. The specialist type depends on make recommendations or changes based on data
the disorder and may include metabolic (or bio- analysis (American College of Medical Genetics
chemical) geneticists, genetic counselors, dieti- Newborn Screening Expert Group 2006).
cians, endocrinologists, hematologists,
immunologists, pulmonologists, and neurolo-
gists. Clinicians are not expected to manage care 3.5 Considerations and Issues
for many rare disorders detected or counsel the Affecting NBS Results
family on treatment options. Management of
children with rare disorders can be viewed as a 3.5.1 Prematurity and Illness
team approach, coordinating care between spe-
cialists and PCP. Premature and very ill infants have a higher
chance of false-positive NBS results. Gestational
age, exposure to steroids, blood transfusion, birth
3.4.2 Education of Health weight, antibiotics, and nutrition may affect the
Professionals and Public results.

All state health departments maintain a website

dedicated to NBS, and many provide webinars 3.5.2 Maternal Conditions/Diet
and provider handbooks to assist PCPs in under-
standing how their process functions. Providers Occasionally, a positive newborn screen detects a
are notified of new conditions being considered maternal condition. A positive screen may also be
3  Care of the Newborn 73

caused by maternal dietary deficiency like B12 or awareness would be to obtain parental consent.
carnitine, resulting from a vegan diet. Maternal Only Maryland, Wyoming, and the District of
medications like steroids, radioactive iodine, or Columbia require parental consent before the
propylthiouracil can result in newborn screenings blood sample collection (Gurian et al. 2006).
positive for endocrine disorders (Fabie et  al.
3.6.2 Result Ambiguity

3.5.3 Process Errors For some disorders, the diagnostic tests do not
always provide a clear, predictable prognosis.
Errors in sample collection result in a delay of Disorders like X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy
screening results and require a repeat screen to be (X-ALD) rarely display symptoms until age 3 but
collected. This delay can put an infant at risk if require lab monitoring and MRI screening to ini-
he/she has one of the disorders. Collection errors tiate treatment for maximum effectiveness.
include insufficient quantity for testing, damaged Milder or benign forms of a condition may be
filter paper, wet specimen, supersaturated speci- diagnosed, for example, 3MCC or hyperphenyl-
men, contaminated specimen, serum rings, clot- alaninemia. This can confuse how often to moni-
ted or layered specimen, and no blood collected tor labs, whether the condition will become
on the card. Incomplete or inaccurate completion symptomatic, or if treatment is required (Fabie
of the demographic/information form may result et al. 2019).
in delays in communicating screening results. If Pseudodeficiency mutations are known to
cards are not dried correctly or stored in extreme decrease enzyme activity without causing dis-
heat or cold, inaccurate results increase. ease. Genetic analysis also discovers mutations
Collection cards should not be held and batched or variants of unknown significance, leading to
but rather transported every 24  h to expedite uncertainty and requiring ongoing monitoring for
processing. symptoms. A genetics specialist should interpret
this information and report to parents (Fabie et al.
3.6 Ethical Issues

3.6.1 Parental Education 3.6.3 Unintentional Results

and Consent
The time between receiving an abnormal NBS
Unfortunately, parents may be confused about result and negative diagnostic results can be a
the process of NBS or even unaware their baby source of parental anxiety. Even after parents are
has been screened. Early discharge from the hos- informed that the NBS was a false positive, anxi-
pital, parental exhaustion, and information over- ety can persist. Incorrect result reporting occurs
load contribute to this lack of knowledge. Parental when parents are told their baby has a disorder
education about newborn screening varies widely, before finalizing diagnostic testing. Some of the
from a pamphlet included in the discharge mate- disorders include genetic testing, and subsequent
rials to obstetricians discussing the NBS as a part parental testing may uncover misattributed pater-
of the birth experience. nity. Carrier status may be detected rather than
Newborn screening is mandatory in all states being affected by a disorder. This disclosure con-
and the District of Columbia. In all states except tradicts the bioethical value of autonomy or “the
Nebraska, parents may opt out of screening right not to know.” In NBS, this information
(Gurian et  al. 2006). However, parents must be becomes a piece of the explanation regarding
fully aware that the test is being performed to results (The President’s Council on Bioethics
make that choice. One way to increase parental 2008).
74 R. M. John et al.

3.6.4 Consideration for Other ogies. This variability continues to cause inequity

Family Members between states (Fabie et al. 2019).

When a new diagnosis is made, this may have

reproductive or health implications for other fam- 3.7  pecific Information about
ily members. Parents should be educated on the Screening Tests
importance of sharing this information but are not
legally obligated to do so. Genetic information is a 3.7.1 Specific Screening Tests
protected health information, and providers cannot
discuss this information with other family mem- The expansion of newborn tests will vary from
bers without the patient or guardian’s permission. state to state. For example, only 36 states screen
for spinal muscular atrophy as of this writing,
even though there are disease-modifying treat-
3.6.5 S
 torage of Blood Spot ments (CureSMA 2021). Individual states add
Specimens diseases to their newborn screening from the
RUSP by either an executive order or legislative
All states have protocols defining the long-term action. Newborn screening for genetic disorders
storage of the dried blood spots once the screening such as cystic fibrosis, spinal muscular atrophy,
process is completed. Dried blood spots have been and severe combined immune deficiency can
de-identified and used for quality control, the make a long-term difference in the outcome of a
development of new tests, and other research. child’s life due to the early treatment. Practitioners
Parental concern about the overuse of their child’s must be vigilant in their awareness of state differ-
blood and fears of genetic profiling prompted some ences in newborn screening programs.
states to require parental consent for any use of the
de-identified specimens beyond the original test Congenital Hypothyroidism
(Fabie et  al. 2019; American College of Medical Congenital hypothyroidism is done in all 50 states
Genetics Newborn Screening Expert Group 2006). and is found in one out of 2000 births. It is asymp-
tomatic at birth and must be treated early to avoid
neurocognitive defects. It is the most common
3.6.6 Resource Inequity abnormality reported on newborn screening and is
discussed in detail in the Endocrine chapter.
Most states require a fee for newborn screening.
This fee is typically included in the billing for Hemoglobinopathy Screening
birth. Diagnostic testing for positive screening is Patients who screen positive for sickle cell dis-
not always a part of the NBS fee, and laboratory ease need confirmatory blood work to start peni-
and specialist visits may cost more than some cillin prophylaxis and family education. Sickle
families can afford. If an infant has a disorder, cell screening is universally done in all 50 states
specialist visits, monitoring labs and procedures, and has decreased the mortality in the first 5 years
special formulas, and treatment medications can of life from 25% to <3% (Kato et al. 2018). The
be prohibitively expensive without insurance section on hemoglobinopathies and follow-up is
coverage. Even with insurance, determination of found in Chap. 8.
coverage is variable and a source of frustration
for providers and families (The President’s
Council on Bioethics 2008). 3.7.2 Real-Life Examples
Despite efforts to decrease the variability of
conditions screened for between states, there are A 7-day-old breastfed infant was seen in a fol-
still differences in the conditions on state panels. low-­up visit due to poor weight gain. The neonate
Some states are also involved in pilot studies that was now gaining weight. The clinician noted that
allow for expanded screening using new technol- the newborn screening was not in the chart and
3  Care of the Newborn 75

called the state for the newborn screening result. 3.7.3 P

 ossible Diagnostic Labs
The child was identified with possible Following Delivery
hypothyroidism. The child had confirmatory
blood work done, and the mother’s contact infor- Routine labs during the early neonatal period
mation was obtained. Twelve hours later, the will vary between institutions. Blood that is
child was started on Levothyroxine to treat the ordered results from possible problems such as
child’s hypothyroidism after the laboratory tests hyperbilirubinemia, hypoglycemia, or early-
confirmed the initial newborn screening result. onset sepsis. The AAP recommends universal
A 3-day-old male was discharged home with his screening of all infants for bilirubin by either
mother. On the fifth day of life, the child was seen in transcutaneous bilirubin or total serum bilirubin
the pediatric office, and the clinician called for the (AAP, 2004). This section will discuss the diag-
newborn screening results. The child was identified nostic lab tests that are ordered to rule out pos-
as having SMA because it is a genetic test. An imme- sible health problems.
diate appointment was made with a pediatric neuro- Newborns need monitoring for problems that
muscular specialist. A repeat genetic test was done, can be treated to prevent any complications. A
along with a screen for anti-AAV9 antibodies. The newborn that is LGA is at risk for hypoglyce-
genetic test confirmed a deletion of SMN1, and anti- mia, and a newborn that is late preterm or pre-
AAV9 antibodies were negative (Al-Zaidy, Mendel, term is at higher risk for hyperbilirubinemia. All
2019). The genetic test confirmed SMA. The child newborns are at risk for early-onset sepsis,
was given a prophylactic dose of prednisolone 1 m/ although this is more common in premature
kg/day orally 24 h before administering onasemno- infants. Chapter 2 reviewed screening the
gene abeparvovec (Zolgensma) via a one-time infu- mother at 35–38  weeks gestation for Group B
sion over 1  h. This gene-modifying therapy was Streptococcus.
approved for use in 2019. It provides a new copy of
the gene responsible for human SMN protein. CBC
This section will focus on newborn differences
in the CBC.  RBC disorders in the neonatal
Key Learning about Newborn Screening
period can present with jaundice, polycythemia,
• Newborn screening programs successfully and anemia (Watchko 2015). The breakdown of
detect rare diseases in infants to allow for the RBC causes jaundice. Jaundice can result
early intervention and treatment. from immune-­mediated conditions (see Chap. 2
• These disorders are genetic and require and Sect., RBC enzyme defects (see
lifelong treatment, managed by a Sects. and, RBC membrane
specialist. defects (see Sect. 8.10.1), and hemoglobinopa-
• As testing methodologies improved, the thies (see Sect. 8.11). In the newborn, congeni-
number of disorders on the screening tal infections such as parvovirus,
panel has increased, from a single test in cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis, and syphilis
the 1960s to over 60 conditions in some can cause anemia (Prefumo et  al. 2019).
states. Inherited newborn disorders that cause fetal
• Federal guidelines were developed to anemia include lysosomal storage disease,
recommend which conditions to include Diamond-­Blackfan and Fanconi anemia, alpha
in the NBS to achieve equity in testing thalassemia, pyruvate kinase deficiency, glu-
between states. cose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency,
• As of 2018, all states test for 30 of the and congenital erythrocyte membrane disorders
35 recommended conditions. such as spherocytosis and elliptocytosis
• Providers are encouraged to become (Prefumo et al. 2019).
familiar with their state’s NBS program The newborn CBC varies depending on the
and the procedures to retrieve results. gestation age and varies during the first month of
life. Alloimmune hemolytic disease of the fetus
76 R. M. John et al.

and newborn is due to transplacental transmis- average amount of hemoglobin within the circu-
sion of one of three antigens—ABO, rhesus (Rh), lating RBC and is calculated by taking the hemo-
or minor red cell antigens (i.e., Kell, Duffy, Kidd globin/erythrocyte count. In a term newborn,
antigens)—leading to hemolysis, jaundice, and RBC is much larger than the average adult with
anemia. While RhD antigen and the development an average MCV around 105 fL (range of 113 to
of anti-D antibodies cause severe anemia, anti- 97 fL), and in a 26-week-old infant, the MCV is
bodies to Duffy, Kell, and MNS systems are considerably larger, with a range of 133 to 102 fL
another cause of more severe anemia. It is unusual and a mean around 117 fL. The MCHC does not
for ABO hemolytic disease to cause severe ane- change during gestation, and an abnormally high
mia (Fasano 2016). The clinician should evaluate MCHC may indicate spherocytosis (Christensen
the CBC as outlined in Table 8.8. The compo- et al. 2009).
nents are discussed below as it pertains to the Platelet count and size. Thrombopoietin
newborn CBC. (Tpo) is the regulator of megakaryopoiesis and
Hematocrit/hemoglobin. The results of the production of platelets. The difference
hematocrits and hemoglobin depend on the ges- depending on gestational age is not seen in that
tational age of the newborn. For example, the preterm and term infants as they have similar lev-
hematocrit in the high 30s in a 27-week-old els of Tpo. A surge in platelet counts is seen in
infant would fall within the normal range but both term and preterm infants between the sec-
would be abnormal in a term or late preterm ond and third weeks. Platelet elevations are seen
infant. The mean reference range for a newborn in infection, iron deficiency, and postoperatively
between 22 and 30 weeks falls in the 40s, whereas due to thrombopoietic factors, including Tpo.
the late preterm and term infant have a normal The normal platelet count for a term newborn and
Hct above 50 (Christensen et  al. 2009). late preterm is greater than 650,000, much higher
Polycythemia is defined by a hematocrit >65% in than the upper limit of normal of 400,000 in chil-
a term newborn. The causes of polycythemia dren and adults (Christensen et  al. 2009). The
include passive transfusion due to a twin-to-twin MPV rises during the first two postnatal weeks
transfusion, placental insufficiency, infant of a reaching its normal value.
diabetic mother, and aneuploidies including tri- Thrombocytopenia in newborns is rare for
somy 21 (Watchko 2015). healthy newborns but is more common in sick
Erythrocyte abnormalities. In newborns infants in the NICU.  The causes are increased
with Rh incompatibility, nucleated erythroblasts, destruction, increased loss, and less production.
polychromatophils, reticulocytes, and schisto- Immune-mediated destruction is the most com-
cytes are seen in the peripheral blood smear and mon cause, and it is the result of alloimmune dis-
anemia. The presence of schistocytes and the orders and auto-immune destruction. Neonatal
increase in reticulocytes result from the hemo- alloimmune destruction can be severe with plate-
lytic process. Blister cells are found in G-6PD let counts as low as 1000, which is more common
deficiency and other red cell enzymopathies. in firstborn children. Autoimmune-mediated
Spherocytosis results from altering the cellular thrombocytopenia can result from maternal anti-
surface-to-volume ratio due to reducing the IgG bodies due to lupus, maternal immune thrombo-
red cell membrane caused by the reticuloendo- cytopenia, or another collagen vascular disorder.
thelial system (Geaghan 2011). Fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytope-
Erythrocyte indices. The MCV is directly nia (FNAIT) is the most common cause of a low
measured using laser optics or aperture-­ platelet count, and this alloimmune disorder is
impedance technology (Christensen et al. 2009). caused by platelet opsonization from maternal
The MCHC is calculated using the formula antibodies, leading to platelet destruction
hemoglobin (g/dL/hematocrit L/L. It reflects the (Zdravic et al. 2016).
concentration of hemoglobin within the average White blood cells. The neutrophil count
red blood cell (RBC). The MCH measures the increases following delivery in infants over
3  Care of the Newborn 77

36 weeks gestation, with lower preterm infants’ tion of the coagulation tests in the newborn
values. The neutrophil count in infants ≥36 weeks period is difficult as the reference ranges are
is 2700  μL to 13,000  μL.  For infants from affected by the laboratory variability of reagents
28 weeks to 36 weeks, the range was 1000 μL to and the type of instruments used (Jaffray et  al.
12,500 μL For infants ≤28 weeks, the range was 2016). Also, the laboratory usually does a small
1300–15,300  μL (Christensen et  al. 2009). proportion of coagulation studies on newborn
Immature neutrophils are highest at the time of and premature infants, and therefore, there should
delivery, with a fall starting at 12 h to 3 days. be good communication between the lab and the
Most neonatal cytopenias are transient and clinician (Eberl 2020). False-positive and false-­
result from maternal hypertension, sepsis, negative values for aPTT and PT tests are com-
immune disorders, and viral infections. However, mon in the neonatal period (Pal et al. 2015). Most
rare genetic mutations can lead to bone marrow coagulation factors are lower than adult levels,
failure with decreased numbers of all three lines and adult levels are not reached until 6  months
of the blood’s cellular components as found in (Pal et  al. 2015). Table  3.3 shows some differ-
amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia, Fanconi ences in the neonatal coagulation test results. As
anemia, Shwachman-Diamond syndrome, and a result of all the factors, these tests should be
dyskeratosis congenita. Single lineage disorders interpreted with a hematologist.
include thrombocytopenia absent radii syndrome
and cytopenia absent radii syndrome, as well as
severe congenital neutropenia or Kostmann syn-
Table 3.3  Neonatal coagulation system differences
drome (Rivers and Slayton 2009). Fortunately,
Coagulation test Difference
these disorders are rare.
aPTT (measure of the intrinsic Activated by exposed
pathway) collagen Clotting Tests and Coagulation •  Both aPTT and PT can be It can be very
Disorders abnormal due to variations prolonged by minor
Disorders of neonatal coagulation causing bleed- decreases in the
of coagulation factors within
factors of the intrinsic
normal limits or due to lupus
ing can result from an inherited coagulation dis- anticoagulants. pathway
order. They should be suspected when the family Term infant >55 is the
history is positive, or there is continued oozing 95th percentile
from the umbilical stump or excessive bleeding PT (measure of the extrinsic Activated by tissue
pathway) factors that are
from a heel or venipuncture, a cephalohematoma, released by damaged
or a large caput succedaneum without a history of cells
a traumatic delivery. The inherited coagulation Sensitive to a mild
disorders include von Willebrand disease, hemo- reduction of
philia, other factor deficiencies, and thrombocy- Term infant 0.15 in
topenia, whereas acquired coagulation disorders the term infant
include vitamin K deficiency, thrombocytopenia, Fibrinogen (measure of the Close to adult range
and disseminated intravascular coagulation final common pathway), factor Fibrinogen range-term
V, VIII, and von Willebrand infant-1.50 to 3.73
(Eberl 2020). Vitamin K deficiency can occur
when there is no history of administration of vita- Factors II, VII, IX, X (vitamin 50% of adult levels at
min K at birth, or there is a maternal history of K dependent factors) and birth
medication use interfering with vitamin K. Acute factors XI, XII, prekallikrein, 30% (range of
liver disease can also cause excessive bleeding at high-molecular-weight 20%–79%) in
kininogen (contact factors) 24–29 weeks’
birth due to poor utilization of vitamin K, activa- gestation infant
tion of the coagulation and fibrinolytic system, Anticoagulants-antithrombin 60%
and decreased synthesis of coagulation. Anticoagulant-Protein C 36%
There are significant differences between neo- Anticoagulant-Protein S 39%
natal and adult coagulation tests. The interpreta- Adapted from Jaffray et al. (2016); Pal et al. (2015)
78 R. M. John et al. Direct Antigen Test or Direct ability of the fetus’s tissue that carries the blood
Coombs group antigen to bind to maternal antibodies, as
During the first trimester of pregnancy, ABO, Rh well as the weak expression of the blood group
(D), and antibody screen is performed on the antigens A and B that are present on the RBC
mother using the indirect antigen test or indirect (Geaghan 2011).
Coomb’s test since the maternal antibodies are The direct antigen test (DAT) is no longer rou-
unbound or nonagglutinating (Geaghan 2011; tinely done on cord blood since ABO incompati-
Fasano 2016). This test is positive when there is a bility rarely is the cause of significant hemolytic
transplacental transfer of antibodies, a well-­ disease. Also, the DAT is frequently negative in
known physiologic phenomenon. When the ABO incompatibility, and the cord blood is unre-
mother’s and baby’s blood are mixed during the liable and may give a false-positive result. If
pregnancy or the delivery, the mother’s anti-Rh there is a positive Coombs test, this does not
antibodies will adhere to the baby’s RhD-positive mean that the baby will develop hyperbilirubine-
RBC, causing lysis. Rh isoimmune hemolytic mia. The cord blood is usually kept for about
disease (also known as erythroblastosis fetalis, 7 days if blood testing is needed. The DAT looks
blood group incompatibility, or isoimmuniza- for maternal antibodies that are present in the
tion) is discussed in Chap. 2 and is prevented by newborn’s red cells. The neonatal erythrocytes
anti-D immunoglobulin (Rhogam) prophylaxis. are incubated with anti-human (IgG) antibodies.
The American College of Obstetricians and If the newborn has maternal blood group antibod-
Gynecologists (ACOG) gives the mother targeted ies, the test will be positive. If the DAT test is
antenatal anti-D prophylaxis around 28 weeks of negative, an eluate test should be done (Van
gestation and after delivery if the mother is Rossum et al. 2015).
Rh-negative and the baby is Rh-positive (ACOG
2017). However, the clinician must recognize Blood Type
that an Rh-negative mother will carry an RhD-­ Selective blood typing may be done if the mother
negative fetus about 38–40%. Therefore, the is O blood type or Rh-negative or it can be done
administration of anti-D Ig at 28 weeks may be routinely depending on the institution’s policy.
unnecessary (Fasano 2016). New noninvasive As noted, the blood group can be O if there is no
prenatal diagnosis methods involve using fetal antigen around the RBC, A if there is A antigen
DNA extracted from the maternal serum to look on the RBC, B if there is B antigen on the RBC,
for RhD-positive circulating fetal DNA using and AB if both antigens are present on the
molecular techniques (Fasano 2016). RBC. Suppose the mother is type O and the baby
Alloimmunized RhD mothers are more common has paternally inherited antigen present on their
in low-income countries where women do not RBC, so the baby is either type A, B, or AB. In
receive this prophylaxis due to a lack of post-­ that case, the antigen-negative mother may
partum care. Chap. 2, Sects. and, develop antibodies that bind to the RBC, causing
go into this in greater detail. hemolysis (Fasano 2016). Keep in mind that if a
The most common cause of hemolytic disease mother is O negative and the baby is A, B, or AB
of the newborn is ABO incompatibility or hetero- positive, the ABO setup will predominate, and so
specificity (Geaghan 2011). While it is possible the degree of hemolysis will be less than if there
to have kernicterus secondary to ABO hemolysis, was just an RhD incompatibility.
it is rare. In ABO incompatibility, A or B antigens Minor blood group incompatibilities other
of the ABO blood group or antigens of one of the than RhD can cause neonatal hyperbilirubinemia
other blood group systems cause hemolysis and without any ABO or RhD incompatibility. These
subsequent jaundice. While 20% of infants have minor blood groups include Kell, c, C, E, and e
ABO maternal blood group incompatibility, only and can be asymptomatic or have a full range of
1 in 150 to 3000 develop ABO hemolytic disease mild anemia with hyperbilirubinemia and reticu-
leading to jaundice. This difference is due to the losis to fetal hydrops (Agrawal et al. 2020).
3  Care of the Newborn 79 Genetic Testing direct or conjugated bilirubin and total bilirubin

for Undiagnosed Perinatal (TB) should be done. If the direct bilirubin is
Diseases elevated, a referral to a liver specialist should be
A genetic disease can contribute to a perinatal made. The pathophysiology of bilirubin in liver
disorder. While karyotyping and chromosomal disease is discussed in detail in Chap. 9. The AAP
microarray have helped identify heart, kidney, recommends that infants be assessed for visible
and nervous system disorders, recent advances in jaundice every 8 to 12  h (Ip et  al. 2004). The
genome sequencing (GS) and exome sequencing methods of measuring bilirubin include transcu-
(ES) can help identify the critically ill newborn. taneous bilirubin (TcB) or direct TB measure,
Testing the sick neonate using these techniques especially when neonatal jaundice is difficult to
has helped identify over 50% of the diagnoses in assess due to darkly pigmented neonates.
these infants (Hays and Wapner 2021). These Serum bilirubin. Bilirubin is measured from
techniques are discussed in detail in Chap. 12. the blood using the diazo method. The analysis
The benefits of genetic testing include early iden- reports the direct and total bilirubin. The indirect
tification and improved management of the child bilirubin is done by calculating the total minus
with a syndrome, helping to decide on end-of-life the direct bilirubin. The direct bilirubin estimates
care if the disorder has a poor prognosis, and pro- the conjugated bilirubin, and the indirect biliru-
moting family planning. Exome sequencing is bin estimates the unconjugated bilirubin. The
less resource-intensive to do and is easier to inter- direct bilirubin can overcalculate the conjugated
pret. While GS may give added details about bilirubin as the diazo reagent interacts with both
copy number variants (CNV) and noncopy num- the bilirubin bound to albumin and the conju-
ber variants, the information may not prove that gated bilirubin (Anderson and Calkins 2020).
useful in clinical practice (Hays and Wapner In contrast, the indirect bilirubin will underes-
2021). timate the unconjugated bilirubin as only a por-
tion will react with a diazo reagent. It is important Bilirubin to get a direct bilirubin to make sure the child
A neonate may have several blood tests done dur- does not have biliary atresia. Other quantitative
ing the first weeks of life to assess for hyperbili- methods including high-performance liquid
rubinemia. Noninvasive measurements are more chromatography, enzymatic assay, and direct
commonly used as a screening tool. spectrophotometry are more accurate but are
The measurement is done by visual inspec- more expensive.
tion, transcutaneous methods, and the gold stan- Transcutaneous bilirubin methods.
dard of plasma or serum bilirubin. The AAP Transcutaneous methods are quick and reduce
recommends that screening for jaundice should the need for blood sampling. Transcutaneous
be done by transcutaneous methods or by total bilirubinometry (TCB) has been studied the
serum bilirubin, or based on risk factors (Ip et al. most, and it seems more useful in clinical prac-
2004). While a total bilirubin ≥95th percentile tice. It tends to underestimate the total bilirubin.
can be identified, the USPTF failed to find evi- The results are influenced by postnatal age, the
dence that identifying these infants improved type of TCB device, race/ethnicity, gestational
clinical outcomes. There is concern that this may age, and the measurement site. The device is
lead to overtreatment (Muchowski 2014). more accurate in the very-low birthweight infant
However, the risk of neurodevelopmental prob- (Fonseca et al. 2012; Bhutani et al. 2000; Nagar
lems is a concern of clinicians when the baby et al. 2013, 2016). Several devices are available
appears jaundice. Total serum bilirubin, which is with a range in sensitivity of 68% to 100% and a
then plotted on, can help determine specificity of 21–88%. The dev phone applica-
the need for follow-up. tions that take a picture of the baby’s skin and
Jaundice is not normal in the 24  h of life estimate the bilirubin are in development but are
(Anderson and Calkins 2020). In these infants, not available.
80 R. M. John et al.

Visual inspection. Visual inspection using the 2021). Neonates will develop physiological jaun-
Kramer scale assesses jaundice by the clinician dice after the first 24  h of life (Anderson and
pressing on the skin with the fingertip. Jaundice Calkins 2020). It is abnormal to see jaundice in
is usually seen when the bilirubin exceeds 5 mg/ the first 24 h or to see the bilirubin increase by
dL (Anderson and Calkins 2020). There are five more than 5  mg/dL per day or 0.2  mg/dL per
dermal zones: the face and neck, chest and upper hour. A bilirubin that is greater than the 95th per-
abdomen, lower abdomen and upper thighs, legs centile on the bilitool would also be considered
down to the ankles, and palms and soles. Jaundice pathological. Physiologic jaundice should resolve
presenting in the lower abdomen and upper thighs by 2–3  weeks of life and would be considered
is felt to be ≥11.7, and jaundice that reaches the pathologic if jaundice persists beyond 3  weeks
palms and soles is felt to be ≥14.6 (Kramer (Anderson and Calkins 2020).
1969). This method has a sensitivity of 70% to Bilirubin production is from the heme degra-
80%. Research suggests that this method is inac- dation cascade in which heme-containing com-
curate (Keren et al. 2009; Moyer et al. 2000). It is pounds break down into heme and, in the presence
better used in the neonate with jaundice that does of heme oxygenase, break down into biliverdin.
not extend to the lower abdomen, and it is more Biliverdin, in the presence of biliverdin reduc-
accurate in fair-skinned infants. Visual inspection tase, breaks down into unconjugated or indirect
can be used for ruling out jaundice and is never bilirubin. Due to the RBC’s shortened lifespan in
recommended for infants undergoing photother- the term newborn, a two- to threefold increase in
apy as it causes bleaching (Okwundu and Saini bilirubin production occurs. Premature infants
2021). have a shorter RBC lifespan resulting in higher
Icterometry. Icterometry using the Ingram bilirubin production rates. The breakdown of
icterometer, biliruler, and bilistrip has shown to heme is increased due to stress, cytokines, endo-
have variable results in studies. The biliruler could toxin, stress, heavy metals, and UV radiation (Du
miss 10–15% of jaundiced infants, and the bilir- et al. 2021). Biliverdin and bilirubin are antioxi-
uler had a sensitivity of 84.5% and a specificity of dants that are cellular protective. The increase in
83.0% (Lee et al. 2019). The Ingram icterometer bilirubin preload from RBC breakdown and the
showed wide variation and was particularly inac- inability to conjugate the bilirubin to dispose of
curate for values ≥15, and it was removed from the bilirubin. IHB is either physiologic or patho-
the market. Bilistrip is newer and more studies are logic. The physiological reason for TIH results
needed (Okwundu and Saini 2021). from increased enterohepatic circulation and
For neonates who meet phototherapy thresh- increased productions complicated by decreased
olds, the bilirubin should be followed and plotted clearance and impaired conjugation. The patho-
on A phone application called bilib- logic causes of TIH and direct hyperbilirubine-
aby can guide care and uses to guide mia are discussed further in Chap. 9.
the need for continued therapy. Hemolytic disease of the fetus and the new-
Transient indirect hyperbilirubinemia (TIH) born (HDFN) is most commonly caused by the
occurs when the newborn’s production exceeds incompatibility of the major blood groups (ABO
the newborn’s ability to eliminate bilirubin incompatibility) and can also be caused by minor
(Anderson and Calkins 2020). Excess bilirubin blood group antigens (Geaghan 2011). The allo-
production can occur due to excess red blood cell immunization of blood group antigens causes
(RBC) hemolysis, causing excess bilirubin and/ placental transfers of maternal antibodies and
or impaired hepatic conjugation, allowing biliru- results in a spectrum of clinical diseases ranging
bin levels to increase. The infant’s ability to con- from anemia, hyperbilirubinemia to kernicterus,
jugate bilirubin is based on the amount of fetal hydrops, and death. While Rh incompatibil-
bilirubin conjugating enzyme called uridine ity requires a previous exposure and sensitization
dephosphoglucuronsyltransferase (UGTA1), for hemolytic disease of the newborn to occur,
which is low in the newborn period (Du et  al. ABO incompatibility can occur in the firstborn
3  Care of the Newborn 81

child. While 20% of infants have ABO incompat- Thompson-Branch and Havranek 2017). About
ibility, the incidence of hemolytic disease as a 6–7% of pregnant women have gestational diabe-
sequela is far lower, only occurring in 1:1150 to tes using ACOG guidelines, but 18% would have
1:3000. gestational diabetes using the American Diabetes
The most common immune cause of severe Association. In general, infants who are small for
hemolysis and hyperbilirubinemia is Rh isoim- gestational age, large for gestational ages, late
mune hemolytic disease and ABO incompatibil- preterm infants, and infants of mothers who have
ity (Geaghan 2011). The nonimmune causes diabetes are at risk for low glucose (AAP
include RBC enzymopathies such as glucose-­6-­ Committee on Fetus and Newborn and ACOG
phosphate (G6PD) deficiency and RBC mem- Committee on Obstetric Practice 2017). These
brane defects such as hereditary spherocytosis infants will generally respond to treatment and
and elliptocytosis. Other nonimmune causes maintain euglycemia by 48  h of life (Tas et  al.
include infection, sequestration, and polycythe- 2020).
mia. Decreased bilirubin clearance is caused by Congenital hyperinsulinism (HI) is the most
poor bilirubin uptake and decreased activity of common reason for persistent hypoglycemia that
UGTA1 (Anderson and Calkins 2020). Gilbert is nonketotic and results from dysregulated insu-
syndrome is a diagnosis of exclusion that causes lin (Tas et  al. 2020). A congenital HIN panel
mild jaundice in times of stress. When patients includes common genes that cause this. Neonates
have Gilbert syndrome with G6PD, they are at with growth hormone or cortisol deficiency are
higher risk for severe indirect hyperbilirubine- also at risk for persistent hypoglycemia. Neonates
mia. Other causes include congenital hypothy- with inborn errors of metabolism may have per-
roidism, maternal diabetes, pyloric stenosis, and sistent neonatal hypoglycemia. The disorders of
intestinal obstruction. inborn errors of metabolism include amino acid
The BIND score is used to triage infants with abnormalities (maple syrup urine disease), disor-
extreme hyperbilirubinemia as total bilirubin ders of glycogen (hepatic glycogen storage dis-
≥25 mg/dL requires timely intervention to avoid eases), disorders of glucose metabolism
acute bilirubin encephalopathy (ABE) or kernic- (hereditary fructose intolerance), and disorders
terus. The BIND score uses mental status, muscle of fatty acids (short and medium change acyl-­
tone, and cry pattern to evaluate the infant for coenzyme dehydrogenase deficiency, galactose-
ABE (Hameed and Hussein 2021). The adverse mia, carnitine palmitoyltransferase deficiency,
neurological outcomes of untreated hyperbiliru- types I and II, and long-chain 3-hydroxy and
binemia are well known, and making sure that very-long-chain acyl-coenzyme A dehydroge-
neonates are followed closely is critical in pre- nase deficiency) (Thompson-Branch and
venting these outcomes. Havranek 2017). Endocrinologists and geneti-
cists will be consulted to manage the conditions Glucose discussed in this paragraph.
Some infants are at greater risk for hypoglycemia Healthy term infants without any predisposing
due to maternal history (maternal diabetes, pre- maternal history do not need routine glucose
eclampsia, eclampsia, or hypertension), birth his- screening (AAP Committee on Fetus and
tory (premature or postmature delivery, perinatal Newborn and ACOG Committee on Obstetric
stress, birth asphyxia, fetal distress, meconium Practice 2017). There is disagreement in what is
aspiration), or infant history (large for gestational considered normal plasma glucose in the neo-
age, intrauterine growth restriction, symptoms of nate. The Pediatric Endocrine Society recom-
hypoglycemia, identified genetic symptoms such mends a cut-off of 50  mg/dL regardless of risk
as Beckwith Wiedemann, Soto syndrome, or factors, and the AAP recommends a cut-off of
abnormal features such as microphallus, or mid- 45 mg/dL. The clinical signs are not specific but
line facial defects, or family history of a genetic include the signs and symptoms seen in Table 3.4.
form of hypoglycemia (Thornton et  al. 2015; Glucose should be measured within minutes on
82 R. M. John et al.

Table 3.4  Signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia Apt Test, Kleihauer-Betke Test,
Symptom Signs Rosette Tests, and Flow
•  Poor feeding •  Tachypnea Cytometry
•  Weak cry •  Apneic episode The Apt test, Kleihauer-Betke test (acid elution
•  High-pitched cry •  Cyanosis
•  Lethargy •  Diaphoresis test), and the Rosette test detect fetal RBC. The
•  Weak cry Apt test is a qualitative test used in newborns that
•  Jittery vomit blood in the first few days of life to deter-
•  Floppy
mine if the blood is from the mother or the baby.
•  Seizures
•  Hemodynamic instability The Apt test is done by mixing the emesis with
Adapted from Tas et al. (2020); AAP Committee on Fetus water, spinning it down, and taking the cells to
and Newborn and ACOG Committee on Obstetric Practice qualitative evaluate the conversion of oxyhemo-
2017 globin to hematin. The cells are combined with
sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide
(Chicaiza et al. 2014). Adult hemoglobin is dena-
any infant with clinical signs of hypoglycemia. tured from this process and will turn brown. Fetal
The pathophysiology of this hypoglycemia is hemoglobin is more resistant and will turn pink.
hyperinsulinism causing low glucose. During the The test can be used in a newborn that vomits
first hours after birth, the mean plasma glucose blood after delivery.
(PG) concentration in normal newborns is The Rosette test is a quantitative test to detect
between 55 and 60 mg/dL. After 48 h, the infant the amount of fetomaternal blood mixing. The
has a glucose similar to pediatric levels of Kleihauer-Betke test is used to adjust the
70–100 mg/dL (Adamkin 2011, 2016). RhoGam based on the amount of mixing that has
Glucometers are point-of-care testing devices occurred. When the maternal blood is mixed with
that are the most common way to screen glucose. citric acid phosphate buffer, the fetal cells will
The glucometer uses glucose oxidase as the turn pink after acid elution is added, whereas the
reducing agent to measure capillary blood sugar maternal RBCs will be like ghost cells as the
(Tas et al. 2020). The capillary blood sugar may hemoglobin leaves the RBC.  The method
differ from PG by 11%. Continuous glucose involves counting fetal cells and using a formula
meters in the newborn are problematic due to to determine fetomaternal hemorrhage and then
hemodynamic instability and prematurity; there- determining the amount of Rhogram to be given
fore, routine clinical use is not recommended in the post-partum period (Geaghan 2011).
(Tas et al. 2020). Flow cytometric methods have been devel-
Pitfalls of glucose testing. Technical factors oped to target the RhD blood group on fetal
and artifacts may influence the interpretation of a RBC or to use a different method to target fetal
PG value. Whole blood glucose values are about hemoglobin. The flow cytometric techniques
15% lower than PG concentrations, and due to can be more accurate but are not in widespread
RBC glycolysis, if there is a delay in processing use as it is more expensive. The Kleihauer-Betke
the specimen, there can be a drop in glucose con- test is also used to distinguish maternal blood
centration by as high as 6  mg/dL per hour from fetal blood. Fetal hemoglobin is resistant
(Thornton et  al. 2015). Point-of-care tests are to acid elution, and maternal hemoglobin A is
convenient, but their accuracy can be 10–15 susceptible.
points different when hypoglycemia occurs. In
the first 2  days of life, hypoglycemia does not C-Reactive Protein (CRP)
cause hyperketonemia. However, in patients with The C-reactive protein (CRP) and the erythrocyte
G6PD, the plasma lactate will rise if the PG is sedimentation rate (ESR) are two tests used to
<70, and in patients with defects of fatty acid oxi- evaluate the newborn with possible sepsis. The
dation, lethargy and tachycardia occur when the CRP is an acute-phase protein that will increase
PG falls below 70. before the ESR in response to both acute and
3  Care of the Newborn 83

chronic inflammatory conditions as part of the Procalcitonin

innate immune response (Agrawal 2005; Taylor Procalcitonin (PCT) is a hormone that is the pre-
et al. 2020). The CRP activates the classic com- cursor of calcitonin. Procalcitonin is produced in
plement system, promotes the clearance of bacte- the thyroid to regulate serum calcium concentra-
rial lysis products, and prevents immune tions. PCT has utility as a marker of infection,
activation (Taylor et al. 2020). It rises rapidly in sepsis, and systemic inflammation. It has been
response to infection but falls quickly on the res- identified as having a predictive value in neonatal
olution of the inflammatory process. A CRP level sepsis (Chiesa et al. 2004; Bhandari 2014),
of <1 mg/dL (10 mg/L) is generally considered PCT crosses the placenta, and levels can be
normal for clinical predictive purposes, and a high in neonates even after an uncomplicated
CRP < 2 mg/dL can assist with ruling out a seri- delivery. PCT levels in neonates fluctuate during
ous bacterial infection (SBI) when the duration the first 48 h of life and by gestational age, requir-
of the disease is >12 h (Putto et al. 1986; Van den ing careful assessment of normative values and
Bruel et al. 2011). Normal CRP ranges for neo- cut-offs (Table 3.5) (Chiesa et al. 2004). The sensi-
nates vary within the first 48  h, as noted in tivity and specificity of PCT predictive value
Table 3.5. The combination of an elevated procal- change drastically with the varying thresholds that
citonin of greater than 2  ng/mL and CRP of define positivity in current publications, hindering
>10 mg/dL has been shown to increase the likeli- comparisons of PCT across institutions (Woll et al.
hood of sepsis in a newborn (Galetto-Lacour 2017). PCT elevation occurs within 2–6 h of a trig-
et al. 2003). ger, peaking at 12–48 h once the trigger is removed.
CRP does not cross the placenta; therefore, its Compared to CRP, PCT elevations are observed
presence in neonates is indicative of de novo pro- earlier, peaks earlier, and have more rapid normal-
duction (Weinberg and D’Angio 2016). ization after the stimulus has resolved.
Consecutive CRP measurements in neonates
with concern for infection are useful, as a normal Blood Cultures
CRP > 24 h after the first clinical suspicion has a Neonatal sepsis is separated into early and late
high negative predictive value for neonatal SBI onset. Early-onset sepsis is typically considered
(Bhandari 2014; Mathers and Pohlandt 1987). A vertical transmission from mother to the newborn,
recent systematic review and meta-analysis con- whereas late-onset typically results from environ-
cluded that CRP as part of an initial evaluation is mental exposure. According to recent AAP clini-
not accurate enough to predict late-onset sepsis cal guidelines, the cut-off between early-onset and
(Brown et al. 2020); however, the CRP is best if late-onset is 72 h (Puopolo et al. 2019). Late-onset
trended or checked after 24 h into illness. sepsis occurs for up to 3 months of life. Obtaining
Pitfalls. In neonates, many factors can lead to a blood culture is the standard of care before
a transient rise in CRP values, including, but not administering antibiotics (Kim et  al. 2020). As
limited to, meconium aspiration, respiratory dis- noted, diagnostic tests such as CRP have low spec-
tress, and intraventricular hemorrhage. ificity for infection in an infant that appears well
Consecutive CRP measurements are useful in (Hooven and Polin 2019; Polin 2012), and procal-
ruling out SBI in these neonates (Stol et  al. citonin, although more sensitive than a CRP, has
2019). less specificity (Kim et al. 2020).

Table 3.5  C-reactive protein and procalcitonin upper limit of normal (95th percentile) for term infants
Birth 24 h 48 h >72 h
CRP 0.5 mg/dL 1.4 mg/dL 1.2 mg/dL 1.0 mg/dL
PCT 0.7 ng/mL 20 ng/mL 2 ng/mL <0.1 ng/mL
Adapted from Chiesa et al. (2004); Chiesa et al. (2011)
CRP C-reactive protein, PCT procalcitonin, mg/dL milligrams per deciliter
84 R. M. John et al.

In evaluating neonatal sepsis, the standard of around time (Pantell et al. 2021). Similarly, in the
care is to collect a blood culture in a pediatric same 1-h time, multiplex meningoencephalitis
blood culture collection system (Puopolo et  al. panels can test the CSF for 14 potential CSF
2019). Urine cultures are not needed in an infant pathogens. If HSV signs are present, then do CSF
less than 72 h of age. Modern automated blood PCR for HSV, surface swabs of the mouth, naso-
culture detection systems are accurate if there are pharynx, conjunctivae, and anus for an HSV cul-
1–2 viable bacterial colony-forming units which ture (Pantell et al. 2021).
usually mean that 1  mL of blood is needed PCR tests’ disadvantages include high cost,
(Schelonka et al. 1996). Automated blood culture risk of contamination causing false-positive
systems are available and can identify most bac- results, limited pathogens that can be detected or
terial organisms within a 24-h period. tested, and the inability to do resistance testing.
The time to a positive result is under 24  h The risk of false negative can result from an
using modern blood culture systems (Puopolo insufficient blood sample, resulting in a small
et al. 2019). For optimal bacterial isolation, one bacterial load (Huber et al. 2020). A recent meta-­
blood culture bottle should be filled with a mini- analysis on molecular assays and sepsis in neo-
mum of 1–1.5 mL of blood for children less than nates reported an average sensitivity of 0.90 and
11  kg and 7.5  mL for children between 11 and specificity of 0.93 (Pammi et  al. 2017). More
17  kg (Huber et  al. 2020). Contamination of information about the evaluation of the well-­
blood cultures occurs between 1% and 3% of the appearing febrile newborn is found in Sect. 3.8.
time, resulting in unnecessary treatment (Revell
and Doern 2017). Empiric antibiotics should be
administered in critically ill infants despite nega- 3.7.4 Real-Life Examples
tive cultures (Puopolo et al. 2019). If the clinician
wants to optimize isolation of rare strict anaero- A Group B strept negative mother delivered an
bic species, one aerobic and one anaerobic cul- appropriate for gestation age infant at 40 weeks.
ture bottle may be used, although the common The mother had an unremarkable prenatal history
anaerobic species. It should be noted that the and labor and delivery. The bottle-fed neonate was
common neonatal pathogens of Group B in the newborn nursery without any problems until
Streptococcus, Escherichia coli, and
the end of the second day of life. The neonate was
Staphylococcus aureus will grow under anaero- noted to have poor feeding with less than 1-ounce
bic conditions (Puopolo et al. 2019). Repeat blood intake after 4 h. The mother thought the baby did
cultures should be done if a neonate develops not look right. The attending examined the infant,
new symptoms after four days of treatment and the exam was negative. A sepsis workup was
(Al-Lawama and Badran 2015). considered 2  h later when the infant was again
noted to be feeding poorly. A sepsis workup was Molecular Methods done, the child was moved to the ICU, and antibiot-
in Possible Septic Infants ics were started. The initial workup showed a CRP
The advantages of PCR tests are the need for of 10.4  mg/dL and a procalcitonin of 8.8  ng/
small blood volumes (usually 1 mL) and the abil- mL.  The CBC was remarkable for an elevated
ity to detect intracellular or slow-growing patho- WBC count with a left shift. Four hours later, the
gens. PCR results often provide more conclusive newborn developed apnea, and resuscitation efforts
results than culture (Blaschke et  al. 2012; were unsuccessful.
Banerjee et  al. 2015; Salimnia et  al. 2016). A A first-born, full-term neonate with A-positive
positive blood culture can be evaluated with blood was born to a mother who was O positive.
nested multiplex polymerase chain reaction The direct Coombs test was negative. By 72  h,
(PCR) testing of positive blood cultures test and jaundice was noted to the thighs, and serum bili-
can identify not only bacterial pathogens but also rubin was 13, which is a lower risk. The hct was
antimicrobial resistance genes in a 1-h turn-­ 45%. The child was followed, and the bilirubin
3  Care of the Newborn 85

slowly dropped to a normal level by the begin- 3.8 Evaluation of the Well

ning of the third week of life. The child was felt Newborn with a Fever
to have ABO incompatibility. A subsequent preg-
nancy was not unaffected, despite having the The AAP published new guidelines for the care
same blood group. of the well newborn with fever. Prenatal GBS
screening and immunization against
Streptococcus pneumoniae are two factors that
Key Learning about Newborn Laboratory
have led to changes in the bacterial causes of
neonatal sepsis (Pantell et al. 2021). Escherichia
• The interpretation of the CBC in the coli has evolved as the most common organism
neonate requires an understanding of causing bacteremia and is the leading or second
the changes that occur during the first leading cause of bacterial meningitis in neo-
months of life. nates from ages 1 to 60 days. Listeria monocy-
• The interpretation of the coagulation togenes is now considered a rare cause of
tests in the newborn period is difficult as neonatal bacterial disease. New guidelines for
the reference ranges are affected by the evaluating the febrile infant were released in
laboratory variability of reagents and 2021 that divide the evaluation of neonates into
the type of instruments used. three categories—ages 8–21  days, ages
• Infants with ABO incompatibility and 22–28 days, and lastly, ages 29–60 days. These
hyperbilirubinemia may have hemolysis guidelines differ from previous practices where
without a positive Coombs test, and not the febrile neonate under 30 days would receive
every infant with a positive Coombs test a complete evaluation and likely be hospitalized
has hyperbilirubinemia. pending culture results. The infant between 30
• The gold standard of accurately diag- and 90  days who was well-appearing would
nosing hyperbilirubinemia remains a receive IM ceftriaxone pending culture results
serum bilirubin test, and results should of blood, urine, and CSF.  The guidelines are
be plotted on to determine meant for the infant who has the characteristics
the risk of severe hyperbilirubinemia. seen in Box 3.2.
• A neonate with risk factors such as small
for gestational age, large for gestational
age, intrauterine growth restriction, and
infants of a diabetic mother should be Box 3.2  Characteristics of Well Febrile
evaluated for hypoglycemia. There are Infants for Use with 2021 Guidelines
short- and long-term consequences to • The febrile infant should be well
hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia. Normal appearing.
glucose levels should be maintained in • Have a history of a rectal temperatures
infants older than 48–72 h of age unless ≥38.0 °C or 100.4 °F in the home within
there are underlying health problems. 24 h or a clinical setting.
• The infant with early-onset sepsis can- • Have a gestational age between 37 and
not be diagnosed by using procalcitonin, under 42 weeks.
CBC, or CRP alone. Positive blood cul- • Age is between 8 and 60 days from dis-
tures are needed to confirm the diagno- charge from a newborn nursery or home
sis of sepsis, although, in a sick infant, a delivery.
negative blood culture would not pre-
clude sepsis. New PCR methods for
identifying bacteria are not yet the stan-
dard of care. The guidelines do not apply to infants in the
following categories.
86 R. M. John et al.

It should be kept in mind that the difference

Box 3.3  Neonates Less than 60 Days Who between a well-appearing or sick neonate is not
Would Be Excluded from the Guidelines as easy as writing it. The evaluation of the febrile
• Neonates less than 37 weeks. newborn is even more challenging if the infant
• Infants under 14 days who had a history does not yet have a social smile (McCarthy et al.
of maternal fever, any infection, and/or 1982). There is a risk that 1–2.1% of neonates
any antimicrobial use. will have viral and bacterial infections (Pantell
• Neonates who have a high likelihood of et al. 2021).
neonatal HSV infection. While WBC, absolute neutrophil counts,
• Neonates who have a sign of a focal band count, and the neonate’s appearance were
bacterial infection. previously used to evaluate the infant, the new
• Neonates with a strong clinical likeli- guidelines emphasize the importance of
hood of RSV bronchiolitis. C-reactive protein and procalcitonin as inflam-
• Neonates with a known immunocom- matory markers in neonatal sepsis. As previ-
promised or genetic condition of ously discussed in the point-of-care testing,
immunodeficiency. C-reactive protein is available as a point-of-
• Medically fragile neonates. care test. Procalcitonin is the most effective
• Neonates who received immunizations laboratory test for risk stratification but may
within 48 h of fever. not be available around the clock. Table  3.6
• Neonates who have had recent surgery summarizes the workup of the well-­appearing
or have congenital or chromosomal neonate who presents with fever in primary
abnormalities. care.

Table 3.6  Work-up of the well-appearing neonate with fever

Age Diagnostic workup Comments
8–21 days of age •  Urine and blood culture •  Elevation of inflammatory markers include
•  CSF for cell count, gram stain, glucose, the following:
protein, bacterial culture, and enterovirus •  Procalcitonin >0.5 ng/mL,
PCR if a seasonal increase in enterovirus or •  CRP > 20 mg/L
pleocytosis in CSF •  ANC > 4000 to 5200/mm
•  May get inflammatory markers (IM) including
procalcitonin, C-reactive protein and CBC (for
evaluation of WBC, ANC and band count)
•  HSV culture should be done if maternal
history or physical exam is positive for
vesicles, seizures
22 to 28 days of age •  Urinalysis first and if positive do urine If the IM is abnormal, do CSF. Abnormal IM
culture obtained via suprapubic or includes fever and the markers above
•  If the urine culture is positive, there is no need
to do CSF in a well-appearing infant
•  Blood culture
•  IM as outlined in the above row. If
abnormal, consider lumbar puncture for CSF
29 to 60 days •  Urinalysis
•  Blood culture
•  IM (procalcitonin along with ANC or
•  Can do urine culture via catheterization or
suprapubic if urinalysis is positive
•  HSV is rare but should be done if the signs of
HSV are present (see Box 3.4)
Adapted from Pantell et al. (2021)
3  Care of the Newborn 87

3.9 Congenital Infection 3.9.2 Congenital Cytomegalovirus

3.9.1 Herpes Simplex Virus
Congenital CMV (cCMV) infection is the most
Both HSV 1 and HSV 2 cause disease in the neo- common congenital infection in the developed
nate (Pinninti and Kimberlin 2018). HSV in the world. It is estimated to occur in ~0.5 to 0.7% of
neonate will present in one of three ways: (1) skin, all live births in the United States (Dollard et al.
eye, and mucous membrane disease (SEM), (2) dis- 2007; Kenneson and Cannon 2007). Although
seminated disease with or without CNS involve- symptomatic infection is only evident in approx-
ment, or (3) CNS disease. SEM and disseminated imately 10% of cCMV infections, cCMV
disease present in the first 2 weeks of life, with CNS remains the leading infectious cause of neurode-
disease, typically presenting between the second velopmental disability and congenital hearing
and third weeks of life (AAP 2018). Regardless of loss (AAP 2018). Even if the child is asymp-
maternal history of HSV, testing should be consid- tomatic, hearing loss can occur during the
ered in neonates presenting with sepsis syndrome; child’s early years, with the average age of late-
fever, particularly in the first 3 weeks of life; a vesic- onset hearing loss being 44  months.
ular rash, although the rash may look atypical in Approximately 50% of either symptomatic or
neonates; or seizures of unknown etiology. asymptomatic infants have progressive sensori-
The recommendations for a newborn with possi- neural hearing loss (Fowler and Boppana 2018).
ble HSV infection include (1) cerebral spinal fluid for Recent reviews showed that infection with CMV
indices and HSV DNA PCR; (2) swab for viral cul- in the neonate could occur with maternal reacti-
ture or PCR from the base of the vesicles; (3) swab vation of CMV or reinfection with a different
from the mouth, nasopharynx, conjunctiva, and rec- CMV strain during pregnancy (Wang et  al.
tum for viral culture or PCR; and (4) whole blood for 2011; deVries et  al. 2013). Mass testing of all
HSV DNA PCR.  Alanine aminotransferase levels neonates for CMV is not recommended (Fowler
(ALT) are often elevated in disseminated disease and and Boppana 2018). Term and preterm infants
can be a helpful adjuvant test (Pinninti and Kimberlin can acquire CMV peri- and postnatally due to
2018). The tests for HSV are discussed in Sect. 6.4.5, exposure to maternal cervicovaginal secretions
and the ALT is discussed in both the well-child chap- during delivery and the ingestion of breast milk
ter and liver section in the GI chapter. after delivery and may present with a sepsis-like
syndrome (Hodinka 2015).
Serology may be helpful in pregnancy to
Box 3.4  Signs of Possible HSV in the Neonate
determine whether the pregnant woman is sus-
• Genital HSV lesions in the mother. ceptible to CMV. Infants with a sepsis-like syn-
• Maternal history of fevers from 2 days drome without evidence of other bacterial,
before to 2 days after delivery. fungal, or viral causes (such as HSV) may also
• Neonate has vesicles or mucous mem- have CMV testing performed. CMV testing
brane ulcers. should be performed within the first 3 weeks of
• Neonate has seizures or hypothermia. life for newborns who present with any of the
• Neonate has CSF pleocytosis but a neg- following: signs and symptoms consistent with
ative Gram stain. cCMV not explained by other causes, abnormal
• CBC has leukopenia or thrombocytopenia. neuroimaging consistent with CMV, docu-
• Neonate has elevated alanine amino- mented sensorineural hearing loss, infants born
transferase levels. to mothers with known or suspected primary or
reactivation CMV during pregnancy, and immu-
Adapted from Pantell et al. (2021). nocompromised newborns (Luck et  al. 2017;
Rawlinson et al. 2017).
88 R. M. John et al. Urine and/or Saliva for CMV 3.9.3 Syphilis

The diagnosis of congenital cytomegalovirus-­
infected neonates includes PCR of saliva, urine, or Maternal-to-child transmission occurs due to in
both within the first 3 weeks of life, although ide- utero transplacental passage of infection or pos-
ally as soon as possible after suspicion develops sibly due to neonatal exposure to infected secre-
(Luck et al. 2017; Rawlinson et al. 2017). In one tions during birth (AAP 2018; Soreng et  al.
multicenter study, CMV PCR in urine had a sensi- 2014). There has been a steady increase in con-
tivity of 100% and specificity of 99% (de Vries genital syphilis in the United States, with 1870
et al. 2012). Another study of saliva PCR showed cases reported in 2017 (CDC 2021b). All neo-
a sensitivity >97% and specificity of 99% nates born to women with reactive serologic tests
(Boppana et al. 2010). Positive urine or saliva PCR for syphilis need a physical exam looking for
establishes the diagnosis for cCMV when per- intrauterine growth restriction, jaundice, snuffles
formed before 21 days of life (Luck et al. 2017). (rhinitis), cataracts, seizures, hepatosplenomeg-
Importantly, saliva samples for PCR testing should aly, skin rash, pseudoparalysis of Parrot (paraly-
be taken immediately before or at least 1 h after sis of an extremity), or nonimmune hydrops
feeding in breastfed newborns, as false-positive fetalis (Cooper and Sanchez 2018). However, at
results have been reported due to contamination birth, 50% of infants with congenital syphilis
with CMV from breastmilk (Koyano et al. 2013). may be asymptomatic. Untreated infants will
PCR assay of newborn dried blood spots (DBS) often have clinical manifestations by 3 weeks to
has also been studied and is available at select 6 months (Larsen et al. 1995).
research laboratories. However, the test has vari- Given the non-specific symptoms of active
able sensitivity depending on the laboratory, and syphilis, known latency periods, and the impor-
therefore a negative test cannot definitively rule tance of identifying pregnant women with syphi-
out cCMV (Wang et  al. 2015; Boppana et  al. lis, the primary care clinician should have a high
2011). Serologic testing is not useful in diagnosing clinical suspicion to screen for syphilis in preg-
cCMV as a positive CMV IgG may represent a nancy. Pediatric clinicians care for infants born to
maternal passive transfer of antibody, and CMV mothers with syphilis, so they should be familiar
IgM is highly insensitive in neonates (Britt 2016). with testing in these children.
Early post-natal infection. Post-natal infec-
tion can be acquired through saliva and breast- VDRL and RPR
milk. CMV excretion typically begins 3–12 weeks Serologic testing in infants measures passively
after exposure. A positive CMV PCR within the transferred antibodies from mother to infant, so
first 3  weeks of life is considered evidence of nontreponemal and treponemal antibodies par-
congenitally acquired infection; a positive CMV tially reflect maternal serology. Venous blood
PCR after the first 3 weeks of life may be consid- from mother and infant should be sent for the
ered postnatally acquired. However, a negative same nontreponemal test; cord blood should not
CMV result during the first 3 weeks of life is nec- be tested. The VDRL and the RPR are nontrepo-
essary to diagnose post-natal infection and nemal serological tests for congenital syphilis.
exclude cCMV. Early post-natal CMV infection The same nontreponemal test must be sent on the
diagnosis may be made utilizing PCR of saliva, mother and the infant (Cooper and Sanchez
urine, or both. Retrospectively, a positive DBS 2018). When the nontreponemal test is fourfold
PCR could confirm cCMV in infants with a posi- higher (2 dilutions higher) than the mother’s titer,
tive CMV PCR after 3 weeks of life. Still, a nega- congenital syphilis should be considered (CDC
tive DBS PCR cannot rule out cCMV in these 2021b); however, a lack of this increase in an
infants due to variable sensitivity (Wang et  al. infant with positive exam findings or an infant
2015; Boppana et al. 2011). Serologic testing in with a positive darkfield test or PCR of lesions or
these infants has the same limitations described body fluid does not exclude syphilis. Only 22%
for infants with cCMV. of infants with congenital syphilis have a
3  Care of the Newborn 89

nontreponemal titer higher than their mother’s, so To completely exclude HIV in nonbreastfed
lower titers do not exclude congenital syphilis infants <12  months born to HIV-infected moth-
(Larsen et al. 1995; Peeling, Ye 2004). A compre- ers, there must be two separate negative HIV
hensive clinical approach, including consider- DNA or RNA PCR assays obtained when the
ation of maternal treatment and risk for reinfection infant is ≥1  month and again at ≥4  months.
plus infant examination, should guide the diagno- Another way to exclude HIV in an infant born to
sis of congenital syphilis (AAP 2018). Any infant HIV-infected mother is to do two negative anti-
with syphilis should also be evaluated for HIV as body tests at least 1 month apart when the infant
there is an increase in HIV infections in patients is ≥6  months. There should be no evidence of
with syphilis (Cooper and Sanchez 2018). HIV infection in both these instances, either clin-
ical or laboratory evidence (AAP 2018).

3.9.4 HIV
3.9.5 ZIKA Virus
Children born to known HIV-infected mothers
acquire passive maternal antibodies; therefore, Infants born to mothers with possible ZIKV
immunoassays are not recommended to diagnose exposure during pregnancy should be tested for
HIV infection in perinatally exposed infants or ZIKV if they are (1) symptomatic or (2) asymp-
children <18 months. tomatic with laboratory evidence of possible
maternal ZIKV infection during pregnancy. HIV DNA and HIV RNA PCR Clinical findings consistent with congenital
Assays ZIKV syndrome include severe microcephaly,
Diagnostic testing for HIV-exposed infants with decreased brain tissue, ocular abnormalities, con-
HIV DNA or RNA PCR assays is recommended genital contractures, and hypertonia (Mlakar
at 14–21 days of age. If these results are negative, 2016).
repeat testing should be performed at 1–2 months For symptomatic pregnant patients with pos-
of age and 4 to 6 months. Infants with a higher sible exposure to ZIKV and/or DENV, sample
risk of perinatal HIV transmission may be tested collection should occur within 12  weeks of
at birth (0 to 2 days) and 2 to 6 weeks after dis- symptom onset and is reviewed in Fig. 3.1. The
continuing antiretroviral prophylaxis (Panel on exact timing of infection cannot be determined
Antiretroviral Therapy and Medical Management from serologic testing alone; infants born to
of Children Living with HIV 2020). If a woman women with positive serology during pregnancy
presents in labor and her HIV status is unknown, should have ZIKV testing to determine the risk
she should undergo expedited HIV screening for congenital ZIKV (Sharp et al. 2019). Dengue
with a combined HIV antigen/antibody test virus (DENV) and chikungunya virus (CHIKV)
(Chadwick et al. 2020). evaluations should also be initiated in patients
An infant with perinatal HIV exposure is con- with suspected ZIKV as these viruses have simi-
sidered infected if two samples from two differ- lar clinical manifestations and geographic distri-
ent time points test positive by HIV DNA or butions (Miller et al. 2018).
RNA PCR assay. Testing requirements for
excluding HIV in nonbreastfed infants born to PCR Testing for Infants
HIV-infected mothers are reviewed in Chap. 6, with Possible ZIKV Exposure
Box 6.3. For infants who have met definitive For asymptomatic pregnant women with ongoing
exclusion with two or more negative DNA or possible ZIKV exposure, PCR testing should be
RNA PCR tests, an HIV immunoassay collected offered three times during pregnancy as part of
at 18 to 24 months may be performed to confirm routine obstetric care. The optimal timing and
the loss of passively acquired maternal antibody frequency of testing are unknown. Serologic test-
to HIV (AAP 2018). ing is not recommended for asymptomatic
90 R. M. John et al.

Sample collection ≤12

weeks post-symptom onset

ZIKV PCR (urine, serum)

DENV PCR (serum)



Acute DENV Perform

Acute ZIKV infection
infection DENV & ZIKV PRNTs

DENV < 10 DENV ≥ 10 DENV ≥ 10 DENV < 10

ZIKV ≥ 10 ZIKV < 10 ZIKV ≥ 10 ZIKV < 10

Recent Recent Recent No evidence of

ZIKV DENV flavivirus recent ZIKV or
infection* infection* infection* DENV infection

Fig. 3.1  Zika and dengue virus testing algorithm for Flavivirus infection should undergo testing for congenital
symptomatic, pregnant patients with risk for both viruses. ZIKV. ZIKV zika virus, DENV dengue virus, PCR poly-
* The exact timing of infection cannot be determined from merase chain reaction, IgM immunoglobulin M, PRNTs
serologic testing. Infants born to mothers with laboratory plaque reduction neutralization tests. Adapted from Sharp
evidence of acute or recent ZIKV infection or unspecified et al. (2019). Source: CDC, MMWR

pregnant women, as IgM results cannot reliably 3.9.6 Hepatitis B

determine when ZIKV exposure occurred due to
the potential for persistently positive IgM anti- The primary care clinician may care for infants
bodies (Oduyebo et al. 2017). born to HBsAg-positive mothers. These infants
All infants suspected of congenital ZIKV syn- should receive HBV vaccine and hepatitis B
drome should have ZIKV testing initiated as soon immune globulin at birth or within 12 h of birth
as possible after birth. Figure 3.2 reviews testing to reduce HBV transmission. Infants should then
for an infant with possible ZIKV infection in receive a follow-up HBV vaccine at 1 to 2 months
utero. ZIKV PCR and IgM in CSF should be con- and 6  months, followed by post-immunization
sidered for all infants with symptoms consistent testing for HBsAg and anti-HBs at 9–12 months
with congenital ZIKV infection. CSF testing may (AAP 2021). Testing for hepatitis B is discussed
also be considered in asymptomatic infants born in detail in Chap. 6, Sect.
to women with possible ZIKV exposure who
have negative initial testing or if CSF is obtained
for other reasons. Infants with clinical indications 3.9.7 Hepatitis C
for testing, who were not tested near birth, can
have ZIKV PRNTs sent at age  ≥  18  months to Infants born to HCV-positive mothers are at risk
confirm or exclude congenital ZIKV infection of perinatal transmission of HCV.  All children
(Adebanjo et al. 2017). born to HCV-positive mothers should have HCV
3  Care of the Newborn 91

Sample collection as soon

as possible after birth

ZIKV PCR* (urine, serum)

ZIKV IgM* (serum)


Any result ZIKV IgM Nonnegative ZIKV IgM – ZIKV IgM

Confirmed congenital Unlikely congenital

ZIKV infection ZIKV infection**

ZIKV ≥ 10 ZIKV < 10

Probable congenital Suggestive of false

ZIKV infection positive IgM

Fig. 3.2  Testing for infants with possible zika virus during pregnancy. **Unlikely if specimens are collected
exposure in utero. * Consider CSF testing for ZIKV PCR within the first few days after birth, and the clinical evalu-
and IgM in infants who (1) have possible ZIKV exposure ation is normal; clinicians should remain alert for new
and have symptoms consistent with congenital ZIKV findings of congenital ZIKV infection. ZIKV zika virus,
infection, regardless of maternal results, or (2) are asymp- PCR polymerase chain reaction, IgM immunoglobulin M,
tomatic with negative ZIKV PCR in urine/serum and PRNTs plaque reduction neutralization tests. Adebanjo
negative ZIKV IgM in serum but born to a mother with et al. (2017). Source: CDC, MMWR
laboratory evidence of possible maternal ZIKV infection

antibody testing at 18  months when maternal an early negative HCV RNA PCR may not defini-
antibody has waned (AAP 2018; AASLD-IDSA tively exclude infection (Polywka et al. 2006).
2018). Earlier testing is typically not indicated as New HCV RNA PCR assays may have
the risk of maternal-to-child transmission is rela- improved sensitivity and specificity for diag-
tively low. Children often remain asymptomatic, nosing perinatally acquired HCV infection in
and there is currently no approved therapy for the first 6 months of life (Gowda et al. 2020).
HCV in children younger than 3  years (AAP All HCV perinatally exposed infants who
2021). have HCV RNA PCR testing, regardless of
results, should have definitive HCV antibody HCV RNA PCR testing at 18  months (AASLD-IDSA 2018).
HCV RNA PCR testing can be considered as Many infants born to mothers with HCV are
early as 2 months; however, the benefit is debated never appropriately screened (Chappell et al.
(AASLD-IDSA 2018). Some perinatally HCV-­ 2018; Epstein et al. 2018; Kuncio et al. 2016;
infected infants can spontaneously clear HCV Watts et al. 2017), so clinicians must remem-
infection in infancy (Ceci et al. 2001; Ketzinel-­ ber to perform HCV testing in these infants.
Gilad et al. 2000; Shebl et al. 2009), making an An HCV RNA PCR can be sent at 2 to
early positive HCV RNA PCR result of unclear 6 months, especially when there is concern a
utility. Children with perinatally acquired HCV child may be lost to follow-up, if the family
infection can also have fluctuations in viremia, so prefers early testing, or if antiviral therapy
92 R. M. John et al.

becomes available for younger children the skin and mucosa barriers entering the lym-
(AASLD-­IDSA 2018; AAP 2021). phatic system and infecting the patient (Wagner
et al. 2016). It can also be acquired by eating food
infected with Reduviidae feces, and this method
3.9.8 Congenital Toxoplasmosis of transmission is an emerging route of infection.
While transmission via blood transfusion or
Transplacental transmission of the parasite organ transplantation occurs, it is less common.
Toxoplasma gondii resulting in congenital toxo- Vertical transmission from mother to child occurs
plasmosis can occur during the acute phase of in approximately 5%, depending on the degree of
acquired primary maternal infection. A full labo- parasitemia in the mother (Wagner et al. 2016).
ratory investigation for congenital toxoplasmosis Healthy appearing but congenitally infected
should occur when (1) there is documented or infants may not be symptomatic in infancy, but
suspected maternal infection during pregnancy 20% to 40% of children will develop fatal heart
and/or (2) a newborn has clinical manifestations disease after asymptomatic infection (Edwards
of congenital toxoplasmosis, and there was no et al. 2019). Conduction abnormality is an early
maternal serologic testing for toxoplasmosis dur- manifestation, but a progressive dilated cardio-
ing pregnancy. Notably, 80 to 90% of infants with myopathy can manifest as sudden death (Edwards
congenital toxoplasmosis are asymptomatic at et al. 2018). Infants with congenital Chagas dis-
birth, and those that are symptomatic may have ease are missed due to a lack of disease knowl-
symptoms that mimic other congenital infec- edge and disease awareness. The diagnosis must
tions, such as CMV. The classic triad of hydro- be considered in infants born to immigrants from
cephalus, intracerebral calcification, and Latin America (Edwards et al. 2018). Diagnostic
chorioretinitis is only seen in a small number of testing in the newborn is discussed below, but a
infected newborn infants (Peyron et al. 2016). clinical examination is important along with
All neonatal samples with concern for con- direct blood microscopic exam (Wagner et  al.
genital toxoplasmosis should be sent to a toxo- 2016). If the mother has tested positive for
plasma reference lab for testing specific panels Chagas disease during prepregnancy, the CDC
with high diagnostic accuracy (Montoya 2002). (2021a) advised using whole blood from the
infant or cord blood if there was no maternal
blood contamination. Three tests could be done:
3.9.9 Chagas Disease (1) microscopic examination of blood (Giemsa
stain for T. cruzi trypomastigotes), (2) PCR, or if
Chagas disease is caused by a protozoan, the mother was not tested during pregnancy, but
Trypanosoma cruzi. The parasite is endemic in there is suspicion of Chagas disease, Chagas dis-
Central and South America, with an estimated ease serology to detect maternal antibody.
5–6 million persons infected (Bern 2015). It is
estimated that 40,000 women of childbearing age Direct Microscopic Examination
are infected and have chronic Chagas disease The Giemsa stain is a gold standard staining tech-
(Edwards et al. 2018; Edwards et al. 2019). This nique used for thin and thick smears of blood.
means that between 63 and 315 infected neonates During an acute infection, the trypanosomes can
are born every year in the US (CDC 2021b). be seen with thick-thin smears or concentration
Congenital Chagas disease is symptomatic in techniques.
10–40% of neonates and can present with ane-
mia, thrombocytopenia, hepatosplenomegaly, PCR
prematurity, and jaundice (Bern and Montgomery In the acute phase or during early reactivation,
2009; Edwards et al. 2019). The disease can be blood PCR is highly sensitive. The use of PCR
transmitted by vector via the reduviid insect or in patients with chronic disease has a sensitivity
kissing bug (Triatominae subfamily) since the of 60–90%. With quantitative PCR, an elevated
feces left on the skin after a blood meal can cross parasite count indicated an increased risk of
3  Care of the Newborn 93

transmission to the neonate. PCR may help dence of CMV infections among adolescents in
detect newborns with congenital infection. Still, the community, it was presumed that this child had
it is limited due to false-positive results from an asymptomatic neonatal CMV infection.
nonviable parasites and lack of availability in
most diagnostic labs outside of tertiary centers
(Wagner et al. 2016). If PCR and Giemsa stain- Key Learning about Congenital Infections
ing are negative at birth, the CDC recommends • Congenital neonatal infections may be
repeating the Giemsa stain and the PCR at asymptomatic at birth, and screening must
4–6  weeks. If the results are negative at 4 to be considered depending on the maternal
6  weeks, serology should be done at 9 to history, the neonatal exam, and the com-
12 months (CDC 2021a). munity incidence of infectious diseases.
• Congenital CMV is best identified by
PCR of saliva, urine, or both within the Serology first 3 weeks of life.
Serological methods include enzyme-linked • At birth, 50% of infants with congenital
immunosorbent assay, indirect hemagglutination syphilis are asymptomatic and untreated
assays and indirect immunofluorescence. Due to infants will often have clinical manifes-
cross-reactivity, two different serological tests tations by 3 weeks to 6 months.
are advised (Wagner et  al. 2016). Pregnancy • Neonates exposed to HIV need to be fol-
women from endemic areas should be screened lowed closely. Diagnostic testing for HIV-
with serologic testing. A child over 9 months can exposed infants with HIV DNA or RNA
be screened with serology, but this test is not rec- PCR assays is recommended at 14–21 days
ommended as the sole test in the newborn period of age. If these results are negative, repeat
(Gomes et al. 2019). Whole family screening is testing should be performed at 1–2 months
advised once an index case is identified (Wagner of age and 4–6 months.
et  al. 2016). If the serology is negative at 9 to • Neonates born to women with positive
12  months, Chagas disease is excluded (CDC serology during pregnancy should have
2021b). ZIKV testing to determine the risk for
congenital ZIKV.
• Neonates exposed to hepatitis B in utero
3.9.10 Real-Life Examples should be treated within 12 h with HBIG
and hepatitis B vaccine, with follow-up
A 4-year-old female who lived in an inner city vaccines at 1 and 6  months. Following
was seen for a well-child visit. The 19-year-old immunization, testing for HBsAg and
mother reported no significant history. The anti-HBs is recommended 1–2  months
physical exam was normal. Table 3.7 shows the after the last vaccine.
result of the hearing screen was during the visit. • Congenital toxoplasmosis is asymptom-
An audiological exam confirmed moderate sen- atic in 80–90% of neonates, and those that
sorineural hearing, and the child was fitted for are symptomatic may have symptoms that
hearing aids. An ENT referral and genetic referral mimic other congenital infections.
were initiated, which failed to reveal the source of • Chagas disease tends to be a missed
the child’s hearing loss. Based on the high inci- diagnosis. While universal screening of
mothers who come from Central or
Table 3.7  Hearing screen results South America is not yet recommended,
HZ Decibels the disease should be considered in a
500 20 neonate with anemia, thrombocytope-
1000 40 nia, hepatosplenomegaly, prematurity,
2000 50 and jaundice.
4000 65
94 R. M. John et al.

Questions (a) Direct antiglobulin test.

(b) Hemoglobin electrophoresis.
1. A mother asks if she can opt-out of the PKU (c) Kleihauer-Betke test.
test. Which of the following is the best (d) Reticulocyte count.
response? 7. You are seeing a newborn for a well visit, and
(a) The PKU test and NBS test are the mother tells you that the older sibling
interchangeable. was diagnosed with fifth disease (parvovirus
(b) The PKU test is one of many tests done B19) while she was pregnant. What would
during the newborn screening to identify you expect on a CBC in a newborn exposed
treatable disorders. to parvovirus in utero?
(c) The PKU test identifies babies with a (a) Anemia due to decreased RBC
PKU deficiency, and the baby will be production.
symptomatic within a few days of birth. (b) Anemia due to increased RBC
(d) The PKU test must be done. destruction.
2. An African American male has prolonged (c) Anemia due to blood loss.
jaundice. He has normal direct bilirubin and (d) Anemia due to a fetomaternal
elevated total bilirubin. The mother is A+, transfusion.
and the child is 0+. What is the most likely 8. Who is responsible for communicating nor-
diagnosis? mal newborn screening results to the
(a) Physiologic jaundice. family?
(b) ABO setup. (a) The primary care provider.
(c) RhD incompatibility. (b) The genetics department.
(d) G6PD deficiency. (c) The state where the child was born.
3. When is the optimal timing for a newborn 9. What is usually part of the management of
metabolic screening to be done in a full-term neonates with ABO incompatibility?
infant? (a) Phototherapy.
(a) 6–11 h after the first feeding (b) Serial monitoring of bilirubin and hemo-
(b) 12–23 h after birth globin levels.
(c) 24 h after the first feeding (c) Administration of Rhogam.
(d) At the time of birth. (d) Partial exchange transfusion.
4. A newborn has a positive Coombs test and 10. Which of the following is a non-treponemal
anemia. What is the most likely diagnosis? test for syphilis?
(a) Diamond-Blackfan anemia. (a) VDRL.
(b) Hemorrhage. (b) FPT-ABS.
(c) Isoimmune hemolytic anemia. (c) FTA-ABS.
(d) Aplastic anemia. (d) TRUST.
5. You receive the results of a CBC on a new- 11. A healthy full-term 72-hour-old infant has
born. It shows the following—decreased indirect bilirubin of 18.2 and a direct of 0.1
hemoglobin level, normal reticulocyte count, (normal 0.1–0.8). Using as a
negative Coombs’ test, and decreased guide, what is the next step?
MCV. What is the most likely cause of this (a) Order an abdominal ultrasound.
anemia? (b) Do a CBC.
(a) Alpha thalassemia. (c) Do an exchange transfusion.
(b) Hereditary spherocytosis. (d) Initiate phototherapy.
(c) Rh incompatibility. 12. A neonate has type O-negative blood, and
(d) G6PD deficiency. the mother has type B-negative blood. Which
6. What test distinguishes fetal RBCs from of the following is the most likely scenario?
maternal RBCs?
3  Care of the Newborn 95

(a) The neonate will develop mild tion. B is the best answer as it is the only
hemolysis. correct statement. The PKU test is one part
(b) The neonate will develop moderate of the newborn screening. Newborn screen-
hemolysis. ing identifies children with treatable disor-
(c) The neonate will develop severe ders before they become symptomatic.
hemolysis. Newborn screening is an opt-out test that a
(d) The neonate will have no problems. mother can opt-out of, but clinicians must
13. Infants diagnosed with a disorder on the
explore why they declined the test and edu-
NBS panel are always symptomatic. cate them about newborn screening benefits.
(a) True. 2. Answer: D
(b) False. There is no ABO setup nor RhD incom-
14. A 40-week pregnant mother arrives via air- patibility in this patient as the mother is A+
plane from Peru. She delivers a 4-pound, and the infant is O+. Physiologic jaundice is
five-ounce neonate with hepatosplenomeg- not usually prolonged. G-6PD deficiency is
aly, anemia, and thrombocytopenia. Which the correct answer to this question.
of the following diagnostic laboratory tests 3. Answer: C
should be done to evaluate the child? The best time to do a newborn screening
(a) A Giemsa stain with a PCR for is after the baby has been fed for 24 h. If a
Trypanosoma cruzi DNA in blood. newborn screening is done at the time of
(b) A VDRL. birth or on the first day after a feeding, cer-
(c) An HIV. tain PKU tests can give a false-negative
(d) All of the above. result.
15. A well-appearing 34-day-old neonatal male 4. Answer: C
presents with a fever of 101.6 to the primary Isoimmune hemolytic anemia is the cor-
care office. The mother reports that his older rect answer as hemorrhage, aplastic anemia,
sibling had a viral infection lasting 24  h, and Diamond-Blackfan syndrome may cause
2 days ago. The mother states that she had no anemia but not a positive Coombs’ test.
infection during the pregnancy and was 5. Answer: A
Group B Streptococcus negative. There was Only alpha thalassemia will cause a
no history of maternal fever or antibiotic use. decreased MCV, anemia with a normal retic-
The physical exam is normal. Based on the ulocyte count. The other three choices should
new guidelines, what is the next step? cause an elevated reticulocyte count due to
(a) Blood, urine, and CSF cultures along the body’s attempt to raise the blood count
with a chest X-ray. by releasing premature RBCs or
(b) Blood, urine and CSF cultures along reticulocytes.
with inflammatory markers. 6. Answer: C
(c) Blood culture, urinalysis, and inflamma- The Kleihauer-Betke test or acid elution
tory markers. test is one test to determine the amount of
(d) Blood culture and inflammatory fetal RBC. It is a quantitative test. None of
markers. the other tests will determine fetal RBCs.
7. Answer: A
Rationale Parvovirus causes a red cell aplasia fol-
lowing infection. Fetuses infected with par-
1. Answer: B vovirus during the pregnancy can develop
In this case, the mother needs more severe anemia leading to heart failure and
knowledge about the purposes of newborn hydrops fetalis. Parvovirus does not cause
screening and would need extensive educa- red cell destruction or blood loss.
96 R. M. John et al.

8. Answer: A Chagas disease should be ruled out (CDC

The primary care provider is responsible 2021a), and a VDRL would also be impor-
for following up on the newborn screening. tant to rule out congenital syphilis.
They must make sure that the child receives 1 5. Answer: C
the appropriate care after a positive newborn Blood cultures, urinalysis, and inflamma-
screening is done. Treatment with levothy- tory markers would be the initial workup in a
roxine can be initiated for the neonate with a child from 29 to 60 days.
positive screen for hypothyroidism.
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and hospital admission for a baby with urea References
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The Well Pediatric Primary Care
Visit and Screening Laboratory

Rita Marie John

Learning Objectives already been exposed to lead (Ettinger et  al.

After completing the chapter, the learner should 2019). The AAP has a periodicity table outlining
be able to: the timing of well visits and the screening sched-
ule. This chapter will review standard screening
1. Evaluate different tests recommended when as well as common issues that arise during a well
seeing a child during a well-child visit. visit.
2. Characterize the pitfalls of screening tests
used during a well-child visit.
3. Synthesize screening that is fundamental to 4.1 Introduction
caring for a child with obesity.
4. Summarize the screening recommendation Well-child visits are the foundation of pediatric
for adolescents. care. The clinician has the opportunity to evaluate
the child’s growth and development, give antici-
Screening during well childcare is based on patory guidance, address the guardian’s concerns,
the principles that the early identification of the evaluate the child’s mental and physical health,
child at risk for diseases will prevent and/or treat and order screening tests as indicated by the AAP
illness. For example, in a toddler at risk for lead periodicity table. Routine labs should not be done
poisoning, early identification of a slightly ele- without a reason. Diagnostic stewardship points
vated lead level can prevent further adverse out- to the need to have a reason for ordering the test,
comes from lead poisoning. Despite the value of and there are several guidelines to help the clini-
early screening and intervention services, many cian order the right test. Choosing Wisely is
practices fail to screen pediatric patients at sig- another initiative that addresses laboratory test
nificant risk for the problem (Wakai et al. 2018). stewardship (Baird 2019). The Choosing Wisely
The goal of primary prevention is to remove lead initiative was started in the United States to avoid
from the home before the child is exposed. In overutilization of healthcare. There is a phone
contrast, secondary prevention includes lead test- application as well as a website to help clinicians
ing and follow-up to identify a child who has stay current with evidence-based guidelines.

R. M. John (*)
School of Nursing, Columbia University,
New York, NY, USA

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 101
R. M. John (ed.), Pediatric Diagnostic Labs for Primary Care: An Evidence-based Approach,
102 R. M. John

4.2 The Newborn Visit HIV Screening

HIV screening is done during pregnancy and
A family bringing a newborn home experiences repeated as part of the newborn care as clinically
stress related to the transition of having a new indicated. The test may still be negative as the
baby and learning how to care for the infant. New mother may be infected and has not yet serocon-
mothers experience significant hormone changes verted. A positive HIV newborn screen and the
and have to recover from childbirth. Families needed follow-up will be discussed in Chap. 3,
with children already in the home must learn to and general information about HIV is reviewed
adjust their schedules and help children adjust to in Sect. 6.4.6.
a new sibling’s presence.
Bright Futures and the American Academy of Newborn Bilirubin
Pediatrics [AAP] recommend visits 3–5 days and Newborns need to be screened for hyperbilirubi-
again by 1 month (AAP 2021; Hagan et al. 2017). nemia before the nursery discharge or at the first
Also, if the mother is breastfeeding, the recom- newborn visit if they are born in a birthing facil-
mendation is that the child is seen at 2–3  days ity or home (Hagan et al. 2017). While follow-up
following hospital discharge to make sure the for hyperbilirubinemia will be discussed in Chap.
weight is appropriate, answer the mother’s con- 3, the clinician must ensure normal direct biliru-
cerns, and see how the baby is doing. The priority bin was done in the nursery. Any newborn with
for the first visit must be the concerns of the par- persistent hyperbilirubinemia should have both
ents. Meeting the parent’s needs helps the parents the direct (conjugated) and total bilirubin
meet the child’s needs (Hagan et  al. 2017). If repeated. The bilirubin should be plotted for risk
there are concerns about the newborn or the on
parental adjustment, the clinician should see the
family before the 1-month visit. If the newborn
has hyperbilirubinemia, the newborn should be Key Learning about Newborn Well Visits
seen for a follow-up visit based on the recom- • Meeting the needs of the newborn
mendation of Detailed information guardians is important for them to meet
about hyperbilirubinemia will be discussed in the newborn’s needs.
Chap. 3. • All newborn screening must be followed
up. States may require repeat newborn
screening on all newborns.
4.2.1 Newborn Screening Hypothyroidism is the most common
Follow-Up endocrine problem found on newborn
screens and should be followed up
It is the responsibility of the clinician to follow within 24 h whenever possible.
up on the newborn screening. While the AAP rec- • Hyperbilirubinemia must be followed
ommends visits at 3–5 days and again by 1 month, carefully. All newborns with persistent
the results may not be available for a few days hyperbilirubinemia must have a total
following a visit at 3 days. A clinician needs to and direct bilirubin obtained, and it
develop a system for follow-up on the newborn should be repeated based on plotting the
screen following any newborn visit or visit dur- results on
ing the first month of life. Clinicians may also see
patients from countries where newborn screening
is limited or not done. It is important to consider
diseases that normally would have been picked 4.2.2 Real-Life Example
up at a newborn screening but may not have been
done in the country of origin. Newborn screening A one-week-old came for a well check 3  days
is discussed in detail in Chap. 3. after the original visit. The newborn screen was
4  The Well Pediatric Primary Care Visit and Screening Laboratory Tests 103

obtained and was positive for hypothyroidism. 4.3 Anemia Screening

Repeat blood was drawn after a complete expla-
nation was given. The mother gave two phone Iron deficiency is a global problem and a com-
numbers to reach her. The follow-up lab mon nutritional deficiency with a prevalence
obtained on the day of the visit was consistent among 1–3-year-olds of 8%–14%. Full-term
with hypothyroidism. The mother failed to infants deplete their iron stores by 6–9  months,
answer the phone despite calling several times a with iron deficiency occurring by 9–12 months.
day. It was decided that the police would be sent Children under 24  months are at risk for iron
to the home to assure that she came in for medi- deficiency due to rapid growth and the change to
cation. The mother came into the clinic accom- whole milk from iron-fortified formula and breast
panied by the police officers. A social work milk (Wood and Sperling 2019). There are two
consult was obtained after a complete explana- periods where iron deficiency is more common—
tion was given. The mother reported that she did in toddlerhood and for female adolescents. The
not want anything to be wrong with her child. recommendations from the various organization
The child was started on Synthroid, an endo- stem from the changes mentioned above.
crine follow-up appointment was given, and the The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
follow-up in the clinic was also given for and the World Health Organization (WHO) recom-
1  week. The labs returned to normal, and the mend screening for anemia with hemoglobin (Hb)
mother was excellent in giving the medication at 1 year of age; however, the US Preventive Task
and keeping all follow-­up appointments. The Force (USPTF) did not find any evidence to recom-
mother ultimately thanked the provider for her mend any universal screening. The AAP does rec-
diligence in making sure that the child was ommend that at 4 months and every recommended
treated. well visit, a nutrition history should be done look-
ing for risk factors for anemia. Table 4.1 outlines

Table 4.1  Recommendations for anemia screening

Organization Age of screening Screen-based on risk factors
AAP periodicity •  12 months All children are screened at 12 months regardless of risk
table factors with a hematocrit or hemoglobin
Take nutrition history as well as history for blood loss
Bright futures A screen with hematocrit or Risk factors:
hemoglobin at ages below based on Children from families who have:
risk factors: •  Low income
•  9–12 months •  Eligible for WIC
•  15–18 months (six months after •  All recently arrived refugees
initial screen) •  Infants and children who are migrants
•  Annually from ages 2–5 years
A screen before six months based Risk factors:
on risk factors Preterm and low-birth-weight infants fed infant formula
without iron
Only screen based on risk factors Risk factors:
  •  Screen all children from 5 to 10 •  History of low iron intake
  •  Screen adolescent children from •  Special healthcare needs
12 to 18 •  Previous history of iron deficiency
Adolescent females 12–18 Screen every 5–10 years during well visits
Adolescent females 12–18 years An annual screening if they have risk factors
•  Extensive menstrual or other blood loss
•  Low iron intake, a previous diagnosis of iron-deficiency
Screen every 5–10 years during routine health examinations
Adapted from: Hagan et  al. (2017), Committee on Practice and Ambulatory Medicine; Bright Futures Periodicity
Schedule Workgroup [CPAM-BF] [2019]
104 R. M. John

the recommendation for screening based on risk as gastrointestinal tract (Wang et al. 2019). Whether
outlined by Bright Futures and the AAP (Hagan in small or large concentrations, exposure to lead
et al. 2017). exposure has adverse effects on the central ner-
The AAP periodicity table does recommend a vous system, hematopoietic system, and skeletal,
screening history for iron deficiency throughout renal, and reproductive systems (Mitra et  al.
adolescence (CPAM-BF 2019). Due to rapid 2017). The effect of lead on the brain leads to
growth, menstruation, and overall lower body iron, cognitive and behavioral effects. At lead levels of
adolescent females are at increased risk of iron- ≤5  μg/dl, the child will have lower academic
deficiency anemia (Sekhar et al. 2015). As a result,achievement, lower IQ scores, and
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention attention-­
­ related behavioral problems. At lead
[CDC] recommends anemia screening for repro- levels of ≤10  μg/dl, there are also delays in
ductive-age females every 5–10  years and annu- puberty, decreased postnatal growth, and
ally for those with risk factors. This is consistentdecreased hearing. There is limited evidence
with Bright Futures’ 2017 recommendation to regarding decreased kidney function. Therefore,
annually screen females with extensive blood loss there is no safe level of lead (Council on
from menstrual bleeding, low iron intake, or iron Environmental Health 2016; Wood and Sperling
deficiency history. Bright Futures also recom- 2019). Lead toxicity may also be a factor involved
mends that screening for iron deficiency be done in antisocial behaviors. From 1980 to 2010, there
every 5–10  years during routine exams (Hagan was a decline in blood lead levels over 10 in chil-
et  al. 2017). An analysis of the National Health dren from 1 to 5 years, decreasing from 88.2% to
and Nutrition Examination Survey confirms a 0.9% (CDC 2011). The CDC’s National
higher prevalence of iron-­ deficiency anemia in Surveillance Data from 2016 reported that
women (Sekhar et  al. 2015). None of the guide- approximately 3% of children still have lead lev-
lines recommend a complete CBC but rather rec- els ≥5 μg/dL and 1% of children still have lead
ommend a Hb as an initial screening. levels ≥10 μg/dL (CDC 2020).
Different bodies have different recommenda-
tions, including contradictory recommendations
4.3.1 Real-Life Examples from the USPSTF, the AAP, and the CDC.  The
clinical guidelines from the AAP endorse tar-
A 12-month-old presented for a well visit. The geted testing of children of 12–24 months of age
child was very pale, although active and not ill-­ who live in communities where ≥25% of housing
appearing. The mother’s history was unremark- was built before 1960, or there is a prevalence of
able, and she reported switching to whole milk at children’s blood lead concentrations ≥5 mcg/dL
11 months of age. The physical exam was normal (≥50 ppb) in ≥5% of the population (Council on
except for pallor. A Hb was ordered and reported Environmental Health 2016). The Centers for
as 4.1. A stat CBC showed marked microcytosis Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) requires
with a low RBC and MCV. The mother was que- blood lead tests for 1–2-year-old children cov-
ried again about the child’s formula intake. She ered by Medicaid. CMS recommends performing
later admitted to changing formula at 4 months of a capillary or venous blood lead test (not the
age, thus accounting for the iron deficiency questionnaire). If there has been no previous lead
severity. screen and the child is between 24 and 72 months,
a lead test must be done regardless of the verbal
lead screening questionnaire results (Medicaid.
4.4 Lead Screening and Testing gov 2021). Lead screening involves using a ques-
tionnaire, whereas lead testing is blood testing by
Lead is a common environmental hazard and can either capillary or venous blood (Council on
lead to significant neurological effects as infants Environmental Health 2017). If there has been no
and children’s brains absorb lead easily from the previous lead screen and the child is between 24
4  The Well Pediatric Primary Care Visit and Screening Laboratory Tests 105

and 72 months, a lead test must be done r­ egardless Table 4.2 CDC recommendations for screening all
newly arrived refugee infants, children, adolescents, and
of the verbal lead screening questionnaire results
pregnant and lactating women and girls
( 2021). Lead screening involves
using a questionnaire, whereas lead testing is screening Population
blood testing by either capillary or venous blood Initial lead exposure 1.  All refugee infants and
(Council on Environmental Health 2017). screening with a blood children ≤16 years of age
The USPSTF found evidence for using ques- test 2.  Refugee adolescents
tionnaires or other clinical prediction tools to >16 years of age if there is
a high index of suspicion
identify pediatric patients who might be at risk or clinical signs/symptoms
but not pregnant women. The USPSTF also of lead exposure
found adequate evidence that capillary blood 3.  All pregnant and lactating
testing accurately identifies patients with elevated women and girlsa
Follow-up testing with •  All refugee infants and
blood levels. Still, they did not find sufficient evi- a blood test, children ≤6 years,
dence to screen for elevated leads in patients 3–6 months after initial regardless of the initial
5  years and younger and pregnant women (US testing screening result
Preventive Services Task Force 2019a, 2019b). •  Children and adolescents
7–16 years with EBLL at
Aside from the federal guideline differences, the initial screening
clinician may also note differences in state and •  Consider repeat testing in
local recommendations (Michel et al. 2020). The adolescents >16 years of
basics of a good history and knowledge of risk age with risk factors
factors may help the clinician determine who Department of Health and Human Services, Centers
for Disease Control (CDC) Retrieved on December 14,
needs lead screening. All federal bodies agree
2020, from
that high-risk children between 1 and 2 years of guidelines/lead-­guidelines.html
age need to be screened (Weitzman 2019). a
 All newly arrived pregnant or breastfeeding women
In contrast, the CDC has developed a schedule should be prescribed a prenatal or multivitamin with ade-
quate iron and calcium. Referral to a healthcare provider
for screening refugees and pregnant women,
with expertise in high-risk lead exposure treatment and
summarized in Table 4.2. To complicate the vary- management may indicate EBLLs
ing differences around the guidelines, the clini-
cian needs to take a good history, screen for risk
factors, and decide on the most appropriate action exposure is the optimal strategy. Lead ingestion
to minimize lead poisoning risk. The real-life and absorption are higher in the first 3 years of life,
examples at the end of the section below may with a peak between 18 months and 36 months of
provide insight into the importance of history. age. Taking a history of possible environmental
Lead testing is done in young children due to hazards and pica behaviors is important. Lead
their pica behavior and exposure to environmental paint in houses varies by the age of the house. A
risks of lead from the soil, dust, air, food, and house built between 1978 and 1998 contains about
water. Lead is found more commonly in children 2.8% lead paint hazards, but a house built from
that live near manufacturing facilities; in older 1960 to 1977 has an 11.4% risk of lead paint haz-
housing with lead-based paint, old toys, or toys ards. In older housing built from 1940 to 1959,
that have entered the marketplace with lead paint lead paint risk is 39%, but in houses built before
on them; in drinking water with contaminated 1940, there is a 67% risk of lead hazards (United
pipes; and parental occupations with take-home States Department of Health and Human Services
lead and mining lead (Dignam et  al. 2019). 2011). Household dust, water contamination, and
Children who live in older housing are at increased residential soil also are areas of concern (Council
risk of having a lead ≥5 μg/dL. There are no treat- on Environmental Health 2016).
ments that will alleviate the effects of lead toxicity, Screening questionnaires used in primary care
so preventing lead toxicity is very important. may fail to identify children who have elevated
Identification and elimination of sources of lead blood lead levels (Ossiander 2013). However,
106 R. M. John

they may help identify lead poisoning sources in 4.4.1 Lead Screening Techniques
the house (Council on Environmental Health
2016). Screening for lead must be accompanied Capillary Lead Screening
by explaining the results and nutrition counseling In many private practices, blood lead is done on
about the importance of iron-rich foods and capillary samples using a point-of-service
calcium-­containing foods. Children with a diet machine called LeadCare. LeadCare is approved
deficient in lead and calcium absorb more lead for both capillary and venous samples. Capillary
from their GI tract into their blood (Kordes 2017). samples are less expensive and easier to perform
Similarly, diets with adequate calcium and iron and eliminate the need to send out the sample.
may allow the child to excrete more lead (Schmidt Pitfalls of capillary lead screening. Due to lead
2017). It should also identify household hazards, dust in the environment, there is an increased risk of
screen for iron adequacy, and screen with devel- false positive using a finger stick. The acceptable
opmental tests to identify delays (Council on margin of error in point-of-care lead tests is the
Environmental Health 2016). The longer the greater of ±4 μg/dL or ± 10% for proficiency testing
child has lead toxicity, the longer the lead levels’ programs approved under the Clinical Laboratory
decline will take since lead accumulates in the Improvement Amendments of 1988. Also, testing
bones (Schmidt 2017). Oral chelation is consid- variability across laboratories may contribute to
ered once the child’s lead level is ≥45  mcg/ false readings (Parsons et al. 2001).
dL.  Chelation therapy used to treat lead levels Wang et al. reported a sample of 3898 children
may need to be repeated if the lead rises again. It screened by capillary samples for the lead
is important to closely follow patients at risk for between 2011 and 2017. In that study, 2330 or
lead poisoning and initiate dietary and household 55% were identified as false positives. They
measures to avoid further lead contact. Table 4.3 urged that providers obtain a venous sample for
reviews risk factors for lead poisoning. confirmatory testing,

Table 4.3  Risk factors for lead poisoning

Risk factors for lead poisoning
House The child lives in or frequently visits houses built before 1950
The child lives in or frequently visits a house built before 1978 that is
undergoing renovations in the past six months
Folk remedies Ask about the use of any medications from the native countries
Ayurvedic medications may be formulated with mercury, arsenic, and lead
(Bissell et al. 2015)
Child characteristics A child with a developmental delay or an older child with an intellectual
impairment. An older child or adolescent with a neurodevelopmental disorder
that presents with oral behaviors or pica
Imported candy, toys, jewelry Be cautious about toys from China, Mexico, and South America
Imported cosmetics Eye cosmetics such as kohl (eyeliner used in the Middle East, India, Africa)
Surma (powder used in the eyes is from India)
Household hazards Pottery, ceramics, dishware,
Paint chips from lead-based paint
Tea kettle
Vinyl miniblinds
Water from lead solder, pipes, valves, and fixtures
Outdoor soil
Parental occupations Painter
Ceramic workers
Construction workers
Furniture refinishers
Radiator repair workers
Sibling or playmate Does a sibling or playmate have lead poisoning?
Adapted from Bissell et  al. (2015), Council on Environmental Health (2016), Department of Health and Human
Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2020); Mayans (2019), Obeng-Gyasi (2019)
4  The Well Pediatric Primary Care Visit and Screening Laboratory Tests 107 Venous Lead Screening Elevated Zinc Protoporphyrin

A venipuncture avoids the risk of contamination and Free Erythrocyte
from lead dust when the venipuncture site is Protoporphyrin
properly cleaned. The blood is analyzed using Elevated zinc protoporphyrin (ZP) levels or free
atomic absorption spectrometry, anodic stripping erythrocyte protoporphyrin (FEP) levels are pres-
voltammetry, or inductively coupled plasma mass ent in moderate to severe lead poisoning but can
spectrometry. If an elevated lead is found after be elevated iron-deficiency anemia. In the case of
the first venous screen, the child must be seen FEP, the level may not be elevated until the blood
back based on the schedule outlined by the CDC level is over 25–35.
(see Table 4.4). After the second screen is posi- Free erythrocyte protoporphyrin is elevated in
tive, the patient’s follow-up with an elevated lead iron deficiency and will be elevated in lead toxic-
will need further lead testing as outlined by the ity. Zinc protoporphyrin is directly measured
CDC and included in Table 4.5. using hematofluorometry but is considered a sec-
ondary by-product and, therefore, not as accurate
in the confirmation of lead toxicity (Harada,
4.4.2 Other Markers of Lead Toxicity Miura 1984).

All of the other markers of lead toxicity are not Delta Aminolevulinic Acid
specific or sensitive and cannot be used to diag- (ALAD)
nose lead toxicity. ALAD is a nonspecific marker of lead intoxica-
tion. A recent study looked at an inverse relation-
Table 4.4  Follow-up of venous lead screening for levels ≥5
ship between lead exposure and low levels of
Blood lead level (μg/dL) Time to confirmation testing delta-aminolevulinic acid (ALAD) in pregnant
≥5–9 1–3 months
women. In this study, ALAD activity was signifi-
10–44 1 week–1 month*
cantly lower in pregnant women with lead levels
45–59 48 h
60–69 24 h ≥5 (La-Llave-León et  al. 2017). The effects of
≥70 Urgently as emergency test lead in bone marrow arise mainly from lead inter-
Department of Health and Human Services, action with some enzymatic processes involved
CDC.  Retrieved on December 14, 2020, from https:// in heme syntheses, such as the inhibition of­blls.htm ALAD and ZP variations.

Table 4.5  Schedule for follow-up blood lead testing CBC
after confirmation testinga It should be noted that with lead levels ≥20 μg/
Venous dL, a workup for iron deficiency, including a Hct
blood lead Early follow-up testing Later follow-up
or Hb, should be initiated. Children with signifi-
levels (μg/ (2–4 tests after testing after
dL) identification) BLL declining cant lead poisoning may have neither anemia nor
≥5–9 3 monthsb 6–9 months microcytosis, although mild anemia with baso-
10–19 1–3 monthsb 3–6 months philic stippling on a peripheral smear can be
20–24 1–3 monthsb 1–3 months seen.
25–44 2 weeks–1 month one month
≥45 As soon as possible As soon as
4.4.3 Real-Life Examples
Department of Health and Human Services,
CDC.  Retrieved on December 14, 2020, from https://­blls.htm A breastfeeding Pakistani newborn was seen in
 Seasonal variation of BLLs exists and may be more appar- follow-up at the 1-month visit. She was noted to be
ent in colder climate areas. Greater exposure in the summer mildly irritable and did not respond to the clini-
months may necessitate more frequent follow-ups
 Some clinicians may choose to repeat blood lead tests on cian’s usual techniques of calming the baby. Black
all new patients within a month to ensure that their BLL staining was noted around the eye. When ques-
level is not rising more quickly than anticipated tioned about the source, the mother responded that
108 R. M. John

it was a substance from her country put in the eye 4.5 Routine Dyslipidemia
to ensure the baby’s normal vision. She was unable Screening
to identify the name of the substance.
Further research was done, and it was deter- Promoting cardiovascular health is important,
mined that the child had kohl put into her eye. A but clinicians are faced with several things to
lead level drawn and repeated showed the infant’s do during a primary care visit. Screen for dys-
lead level was 16. Counseling was initiated, and a lipidemia may not be a priority. It should be
kohl substitute was agreed on. The child’s lead recognized that identifying a child with dyslip-
returned to <5 by the four-month visit. idemia has the added benefit of identifying a
A 14-year-old female with an intellectual parent with this problem. There is a 50% chance
impairment presented acutely with status epilepti- that a parent will be recognized when a child is
cus. The child had no history of seizures in the identified with a familial hyperlipidemia disor-
past. The lab studies were normal except for sig- der (Blackett et  al. 2018). The National
nificant microcytic anemia consistent with IDA. A Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) and
careful history revealed significant risk factors for the AAP promote a low-fat diet in childhood to
lead poisoning, including living in housing built in establish a healthy, lifelong diet and to lower
1940, pica behavior, restrictive dietary behavior, lipids across the population. The prevention of
and sibling with lead poisoning. A stat venous lead adult cardiovascular disease is important for the
showed a lead level of 79. The child was admitted long-term health of our children. The reasons
for chelation therapy. Discharge planning included for the lack of screening in children is clini-
moving the family to newer housing and educating cian’s lack of knowledge about lipid disorders,
them about improving dietary intake. Aside from disagreement with the guidelines, and uncer-
chelation therapy, the child was started on multivi- tainty about the treatment approaches (Dixon
tamins and therapeutic iron. et  al. 2014; Herrington et  al. 2019; Blackett
et al. 2018).
The 2018 guidelines from the American
Key Learning about Anemia and Lead Heart Association and American College of
Screening Cardiology (ACC) stated that universal lipid
• A dietary history is important in identi- screening at 9–11  years and again at
fying pediatric patients that may need 17–21  years of age was given a
screening for IDA or lead. B-nonrandomized (B-NR) level of evidence
• Lead levels should be done on all (LOE) and a IIb strength of recommendation.
patients receiving Medicaid between The B-NR LOE is a moderate quality of evi-
ages one and two. dence from observational studies. The class IIb
• Evaluating risk factors for both IDA and recommendation is weaker but may be reason-
lead helps identify at-risk children. able (Writing Committee, Cholesterol Clinical
• A venous blood lead must confirm an Practice Guidelines 2018). The AAP regularly
elevated capillary lead. revises its recommendations for screening for
• An elevated venous blood lead must be dyslipidemia. At present, it has been updated
confirmed within a set time based on the to occur once between 9 and 11  years of age
degree of elevation. and once between 17 and 21  years of age.
• Based on history, adolescents with Targeted screening should be done in children
developmental disabilities or neurode- 2–8 and 12–16 if there is dyslipidemia or early
velopmental disorders should be CVD in first-degree family members, smoking
screened for anemia and/or lead. history, or hypertension. The presence of risk
conditions such as type 1 or type 2 diabetes
4  The Well Pediatric Primary Care Visit and Screening Laboratory Tests 109

mellitus, chronic renal disease, post-orthotopic

cardiac or renal transplantation, nephrotic syn- Box 4.1  Examples of Types of Genetic
drome, HIV, a history of Kawasaki disease, or Dyslipidemia
chronic inflammatory disease is also a reason Familial hypercholesterolemia.
to target screen patients (NHLBI 2011). Homozygous.
Approximately one in five children are believed • ↑↑ LDL-C
to have dyslipidemia (Kit et  al. 2015), and Heterozygous.
identifying those children may also help iden- • ↑ LDL-C
tify parental dyslipidemia. Familial defective apolipoprotein.
The American Association of Clinical • ↑ LDL-C
Endocrinologists and the American College of Familial combined hyperlipidemia*.
Endocrinology recommend that children at risk • Type IIa: ↑ LDL-C, autosomal domi-
for familial hyperlipidemia due to a family his- nant, tendon xanthoma.
tory of early cardiovascular disease or early ele- • Type IV: ↑ VLDL-C, ↑ TG, autoso-
vated cholesterol should be screened at 3 years, mal dominant.
ages 9–11 years, and again at age 18. They fur- • Type IIb: ↑ LDL-C, ↑ VLDL-C, ↑
ther recommend that adolescents older than TG, polygenic, early CVD in family
16 years be screened every 5 years and more fre- members.
quently if they have one of the risk factors for • Types IIb and IV (autosomal domi-
hyperlipidemia. A lipid profile is the recom- nant) often with ↓ HDL-C.
mended screening and includes total cholesterol Polygenic hypercholesterolemia.
(TC), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol • ↑ LDL-C
(HDL-­ C), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol Familial hypoalphalipoproteinemia.
(LDL-C), triglycerides (TG), very low-density • ↓ HDL-C
lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDL-C), and non- Dysbetalipoproteinemia.
HDL-C.  The USPTF (2016) does not recom- • TC:250–500 mg/dL.
mend any routine screening for lipidemia in • ↑ IDL-C,
asymptomatic pediatric patients under 20, citing • ↑ Chylomicron remnants
a lack of evidence. They agree that intensive • TG: 250–600 mg/dL.
dietary interventions are safe but of uncertain
clinical significance. Retrieved from: Expert Panel on
There are primary disorders of lipid Integrated Guidelines for Cardiovascular
metabolism that result from genetic defects in Health and Risk Reduction in Children and
lipid synthesis and metabolism. Familial hyper- Adolescents, National Heart, Lung, and
cholesterolemia is an autosomal dominant Blood Institute [NHLBI] (2011) (https://
disorder and the most common primary dyslip-
idemia (Viigimaa et  al. 2018). Primary TG in lines_sum.pdf).
children and adolescents usually presents in
adulthood, but in the face of obesity and insulin
resistance, it can present in adolescence. A Hypertriglyceridemia results from either
parental history may be helpful, but on physical increased production or reduced clearance of tri-
exams, eruptive, palmer, or tuberoeruptive xan- glycerides. While the etiology can be primary or
thomas may be present (Shah and Wilson 2015). secondary hypertriglyceridemia, it is likely to be
Box 4.1 lists some examples of genetic mixed. Hypertriglyceridemia is complicated by a
dyslipidemia. high-fat and high-carbohydrate diet, sedentary
110 R. M. John

lifestyle, obesity, and type 2 diabetes (Valaiyapathi only 6.6% of well children were screened with an
et  al. 2017). A high TG is associated with increase in screening if the patient had known
decreased HDL-C, increased non-HDL levels, risk factors of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, or
increased apoB, and higher low-density lipopro- another endocrine disorder. Still, fewer than 10%
tein levels (Valaiyapathi et al. 2017). Table 4.6 is of children with parental dyslipidemia or over-
a brief review of the primary and secondary weight BMI were screened (Herrington et  al.
hypertriglyceridemia. 2019).
In a recent survey study of 548 subjects, 34%
performed no screening, 50% screened selec-
tively, and only 16% performed universal screen- 4.5.1 Lipid Screening Tests
ing. The perceived barriers included a lack of
comfort in addressing lipid disorders in 43% and The initial screening is allowed to be fasting or non-
unfamiliarity with the guidelines in 57%. The fasting. If the child is nonfasting, a TC and HDL-C
majority of the participants were uncomfortable should be ordered as these are stable in the nonfast-
in managing lipid disorders, and 57% were ing state. From these measures, the non-HDL-C is
against the use of lipid-lowering agents (Dixon calculated. If the non-HDL-C is greater than 145, a
et  al. 2014). The identification of children with fasting lipid profile should be done (Kavey 2015). A
dyslipidemia and management can reduce future repeat fasting screening should be done whenever
cardiovascular risk. In a retrospective cohort the results are elevated, and the two results should
study of children from 2009 to 2013 that evalu- be averaged. The repeat lipid screen should be done
ated 1,736,032 children from ages 2 to 18 years two weeks later but not more than three months
to see if they had been screened for dyslipidemia, apart (NHLBI 2011). The usual abnormal findings

Table 4.6  Primary and secondary hypertriglyceridemia

Primary hypertriglyceridemia Secondary hypertriglyceridemia
Primary hypertriglyceridemia Endocrinopathies
  •  Incidence of 1 in 500 •  Uncontrolled type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus
  •  TG 200–1000 mg/dL •  Obesity
  •  Associated with very increased VLDL •  Metabolic syndrome
  •  ↑ TG •  Hypothyroidism
Severe hypertriglyceridemia (≥ 1000 mg/dL) •  Hypercortisolism
  •  ↑ chylomicrons Medications
  •  ↑ VLDL-C •  Second-generation antipsychotics
  •  ↑TG •  Sirolimus
Lipoprotein lipase deficiency •  Antiretroviral therapy–protease inhibitors
  •  Autosomal recessive •  Beta-blockers
  •  Incidence 1:500,000 to 1:1000,000 •  Bile acid sequestrants
  •  TG > 10,000 mg/dL •  Estrogen and anabolic steroids
  •  Associated with very high chylomicrons •  Retinoids
Mixed hypertriglyceridemia •  Antidepressants
Familial combined hyperlipoproteinemia •  Anabolic steroids
  •  One of the most common Pregnancy
  •  0.5%–1% of population Liver diseases
  •  3 X more common than familial hypercholesterolemia •  Acute hepatitis
  •  Also, elevated LDL and low HDL Excessive alcohol intake
  •  Incidence of 1/5000
  •  Increased chylomicrons and VLDL
Increased total cholesterol
Retrieved from Blackett et al. (2015), Shah and Wilson (2015), NHLBI (2011)
4  The Well Pediatric Primary Care Visit and Screening Laboratory Tests 111

on screening are low HDL and high triglycerides. Low-Density Lipoprotein
Table  4.8 outlines acceptable values for lipids. Cholesterol (LDL-C)
Again, it cannot be stressed enough that the current LDL-C can be indirectly or directly measured.
guidelines recommend that an abnormal result be When it is indirectly measured, it is calculated
repeated a second time before any diagnosis of dys- using the Friedewald formula (see Table  4.7).
lipidemia (Daniels 2015). However, there are limitations to this formula as
it assumes that the ratio of the cholesterol to the Cholesterol triglycerides is constant. The formula is not
Overview. TC and lipoprotein carriers of choles- accurate when the triglycerides are either too
terol—LDL, VLDL, and HDL—relate to cardio- low or too high, and the formula cannot be used
vascular risk factors. Prevention of heart disease with a triglyceride greater than 400. When the
should start in childhood, and therefore screening triglycerides are over 400  mg/dL, the direct
for risk factors is important. LDL-C is considered method of measuring TG will be higher, and the
the “bad” cholesterol as it is the dominant form indirect method will be lower. The formula can-
of atherogenic cholesterol. VLDL-C is also a not be used in TG > 400 when there are chylomi-
problem as it is the main carrier of triglycerides. crons in the plasma and if the patient has type III
VLDL cholesterol (VLDL-C) has atherogenic familial hypercholesterolemia (Sundjaja and
qualities, while HDL is not atherogenic. The Pandey 2020).
combination of LDL-C and VLDL-C is called
non-HDL-C and is considered more atherogenic Non-high-Density Lipoprotein
than either substance alone. Within LDL and Cholesterol (Non-HDL-C)
VDL is a protein called apolipoprotein B (apoB). Non-HDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol are
Similar to non-HDL-C, apoB has more atheroge- better tools for risk assessment for cardiovascular
nicity than LDL-C alone (Grundy et al. 2019). An disease than LDL-C (Sacks, Jensen 2018). Non-­
elevation of the TG causes an increase in high-­ HDL-­C is calculated by using the formula in
density lipoprotein and low-density lipoproteins, Table 4.7.
causing HDL degradation and LDL particle for-
mation (Blackett et al. 2015). High-Density Lipoprotein
Cholesterol plays an important role in cell Cholesterol (HDL-C)
membranes and makes fat-soluble vitamins, High-density lipoprotein cholesterols (HDL-C)
hormones, and bile acids. Animal-based foods are biological cholesterols protecting humans
are the primary source of cholesterol in the against atherosclerosis and cardiovascular dis-
body. Cholesterol elevations can be secondary
to diabetes, renal and cardiac transplant,
Table 4.8  Evaluating lipid results
chronic kidney disease, nephrotic syndrome,
Kawasaki disease, HIV infection, thyroid disor- Type of lipid Acceptable Borderline High
Total cholesterol <170 170–199 >200
ders, other endocrine disorders, or oral contra-
HDL cholesterol <40 40–45 >60
ceptive drugs (Herrington et al. 2019; Sundjaja LDL-C <110 110–129 >130
and Pandey 2020). Non-HDL-C <120 120–144 >145
ApoB <90 90–109 >110
Apolipoprotein A-1 <115 >120
Table 4.7  Formula to calculate the LDL-C and non-­
Apolipoprotein A-1 <115 >120 115–120
HDL cholesterol
TG 0–9 years <75 75–99 >100
LDL-C = [Total cholesterol] – [high-density TG 10–19 year <90 90–129 >130
lipoprotein-­cholesterol] – [triglyceride]/5
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (2011);
Non-HDL = Total cholesterol – HDL cholesterol
National Institutes of Health; U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services (2011) Retrieved from https://www.
Adapted from Sundjaja and Pandey (2020)
112 R. M. John

ease (CVD). HDL is not only a carrier of choles- HDL-C and ApoA1 significantly lower CVD risk
terol for redistribution and removal from humans (Sacks, Jensen 2018). The pattern of the associa-
but is a more complex protein and phospholipids tion between HDL and CVD is not linear as it
with many functions (Sacks, Jensen 2018). plateaus when the HDL cholesterols reach
When the HDL cholesterol is low, there is an >75 mg/dL (men) and >90 mg/dL (women). The
increased risk for CHD. CVD risk significantly AMORIS (Apolipoprotein-related Mortality
increases when HDL decreases from 40 to Risk) study done in adults showed that patients
30 mg/dL. with increased levels of apoB had increased CVD
If a cell has more cholesterol than it needs for risk. Increased ApoA1 was protective against
optimal cell function, it transfers the excess choles- CVD in men and women (Waldius et al. 2001).
terol by cholesterol efflux. HDL is the main player ApoA1 and apoB 100 are separate tests and are
for this movement, along with apoB lipoprotein, not included in most lipid panels.
VLDL, and LDL (Sacks, Jensen 2018). HDL,
which is identified by the presence of apoA1, circu- ApoB 100
lates for 2–4 days. HDL serves as a mover of cho- ApoB 100, also known as Apo B, is used if there
lesterol. The cholesterol taken up by the HDL is is a family history of early CVD to determine
delivered to the liver, where it is excreted in the individual risk. Apo B is the main protein con-
bile, organs to make steroid hormones, and the stituent of lipoproteins, especially LDL and
intestine for transintestinal cholesterol efflux. As a VLDL. It would not be ordered in pediatrics but
result of HDL’s role in cellular cholesterol extrac- might be ordered by a lipid specialist. Cholesterol-­
tion and the role in reverse cholesterol transport, rich apoB-containing lipoproteins’ central role in
HDL is anti-­atherogenic. A low HDL cholesterol causing atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease
concentration is considered to be a value below (CVD) is now fully understood. LDL is the prin-
35 mg/dL and high HDL >60 mg/dL. HDL choles- cipal force in the formation of atherosclerotic
terol values are also used in the calculation of LDL plaques. The confirmation of a direct cause
cholesterol. Table 4.8 outlines how to evaluate lipid between plasma cholesterol sitting on apoB-­
results. containing lipoproteins to atherosclerosis led to
statins development (Shapiro and Fazio 2017). Lipoprotein A
Lipoprotein A is a low-density lipoprotein (LDL) Triglycerides (TG)
particle in which apolipoprotein(a) (apo[a]) Approximately 10.7% of adolescents have a TG
attaches to the apolipoprotein(b) (apo[b]) compo- level over 150  mg/dL.  Secondary TG elevations
nent of the LDL particle via a disulfide bridge. are primarily the result of obesity, diabetes, renal
Elevated Lp(a) is causally implicated in disease, and liver disease (Jacobson 2020).
CVD. There is a lack of standardization, so optimal Primary TG elevations can result from a lipopro-
cutoffs are a subject of intense debate. Lp(a) struc- tein lipase deficiency or type V hyperlipoprotein-
ture is highly heterogeneous due to many different emia, but these are rare diseases accounting for
apo(a) isoforms within the population. An individ- less than 6% of patients with elevated TG.  An
ual’s Lp(a) level is about 80–90% genetically elevation of the triglyceride level of about 500 mg/
determined and is fully expressed by 1–2 years of dL puts the patient at risk for pancreatitis (Blackett
age, with adult levels by 5 years. It is inherited in an et al. 2015).
autosomal codominant inheritance pattern. The Bogalusa study reported an increase in
the blood vessel’s intima-media thickness when ApoA1 the TG is elevated between 150 and 499  mg/
Apolipoprotein A1 (ApoA1) is a primary protein dL.  However, the LDL and the VLDL, repre-
associated with HDL particles playing an impor- sented in the non-HDL-C, predict cardiovascular
tant role in reverse cholesterol transport. High risk better than TG (Blackett et al. 2015).
4  The Well Pediatric Primary Care Visit and Screening Laboratory Tests 113

Pitfalls of lipid testing. Lipids and lipopro-

teins only change minimally in response to nor- Key Learning about Dyslipidemia
mal food intake. Avoiding the fasting states • Children and adolescents should be screened
improves the likelihood that the screen will be for dyslipidemia once between ages 9 and 11
done since it avoids the need for the blood draw to and once between ages 17 and 21.
be done early in the day and avoid hypoglycemia • Targeted screening should be done in
in patients with diabetes (Langsted and children 2–8 and 12–16 if there is dys-
Nordestgaard 2019). The postprandial state is the lipidemia or early CVD in first-degree
usual state of the patient. Therefore, the lipids family members, smoking history, or
done when the patient is not fasting reflects what hypertension.
the patient is doing most of the day. Drawing a • The presence of risk conditions such as
lipid profile at any time also makes it much easier type 1 or type 2 diabetes mellitus,
for the lab to schedule the test (Scartezini et  al. chronic renal disease, post-orthotopic
2017). The TC, HDL-C, non-HDL-C, and LDL-C cardiac or renal transplantation,
do not change significantly if the patient does not nephrotic syndrome, HIV, a history of
fast. The TG levels may not change significantly Kawasaki disease, or chronic inflamma-
if a regular meal is consumed. If the TG level is tory disease is also a reason to target
>400, the test should be repeated after a 12-h fast screen patients.
(Scartezini et al. 2017). • If the lipids’ results are elevated, a
repeat lipid screen should be done two Genetic Testing when Familial weeks later, but not more than three
Dyslipidemia Is Identified months apart.
In their 2018 consensus panel report, the ACC
advised that FH genetic testing should be the stan-
dard of care for patients and their relatives with a
possible or definitive FH diagnosis. The genetic
testing should include looking at the genes for 4.6 Screening for Tuberculosis
low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR), propro- Infection (LTBI)
tein convertase subtilisin/kexin 9 (PCSK9) and
apolipoprotein B (apoB) (Grundy et  al. 2019). Tuberculosis is a leading cause of death from
Other possible genes should be added depending an infectious disease worldwide (Walzi et  al.
on the results of lipid profile and physical exam. 2018). Screening for mycobacterium tubercu-
Genetic testing is discussed in Chap. 7. losis exposure is no longer done annually and
is done as risk assessment. Risk assessment
includes screening for TB after exposure in a
4.5.2 Real-Life Example household, school, daycare center, or closed
setting. The CDC recommends that screening
A 12-month-old was seen for a well-child visit. A for LTBI focus travel, birth, previously living
finger-stick Hct was done, and the serum was outside of the United States and close contact
noted to be turbid in appearance. A repeat sample with an infectious individual. The Bright
confirmed the turbid serum. A lipid panel was Futures Guidelines ask the following three
ordered, and the results showed elevated choles- questions to do a risk assessment for
terol and a triglyceride level over 10,000. The tuberculosis:
toddler was referred for further diagnosis and
management to a lipid specialist and a pediatric • Was your child or any household member
cardiologist. A diagnosis of a lipoprotein lipase born in or has the child traveled to a country
deficiency was made. where tuberculosis is common (including
114 R. M. John

Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Eastern the CDC or WHO is not recommending using an
Europe)? IGRA in children younger than 5  years of age
• Has your child had recent contact with an (Carvalho et  al. 2018; CDC 2020a); however,
adult who has tuberculosis or had a positive many experts now use IGRAs to test for tuber-
tuberculosis test? culosis infection down to 2 years of age (Lamb
• Is your child infected with HIV? (Hagan et al. and Starke 2017). While there is increasing evi-
2017). dence that an IGRA may be an adequate test in
children from two to five, at present, all guide-
The child with a TB infection (exposure to TB lines state that an individual is at risk for LTBI
or latent TB infection) must be identified and if either the TST or IGRA is positive (Hasan
treated to avoid active TB disease. The World et al. 2018). Tuberculosis is discussed in depth
Health Organization states that a tuberculin skin in Sect. 6.4.2.
test is recommended in children younger than
5  years exposed to an adult with tuberculosis.
The American Thoracic Society, the Infectious 4.7 Urinalysis
Diseases Society, and the CDC (2020a) endorse
TB skin testing over TB blood tests for children There are no longer any recommendations for
less than 5 years old (Holmberg et al. 2019). An routine urinalysis as part of the well-child visit;
interferon-γ release assay (IGRA) (either however, screening is recommended for high-risk
QuantiFERON TB Gold [QFT] or T-SPOT) is children for renal disease. A urinalysis is recom-
used in children 5 years and over. The QFT mea- mended for children with diabetes following
sures the IFN-γ secreted by the patient’s T lym- acute trauma to the abdomen, including the flank,
phocyte, whereas the T-SPOT measures the or a history of hemolytic uremic syndrome, post-­
number of IFN-γ-secreting lymphocytes. Both glomerulonephritis, or Henoch-Schonlein pur-
IGRAs utilize a positive and negative control, pura. The urinalysis should be followed in
and if either control fails, the results are reported patients with these conditions until negative
as indeterminate (QFT) or invalid (T-SPOT). For (Hains and Spencer 2017).
the T-SPOT, an invalid result is borderline. There
is no risk quantification based on the patient’s
risk factors (Dunn et  al. 2016). The economic 4.8  he Child Who Is Overweight
advantages of using IGRA rather than TST have or Obese
yet to be determined (Auguste et al. 2016).
The AAP recommends screening for pediatric
obesity at every well-child visit (Barlow and
4.6.1 IGRA Versus TST Expert Committee 2007). Obesity is associated
with insulin resistance, which, in turn, drives
IGRAs have higher specificities than a TST. TST hypertension, glucose intolerance, and dyslipid-
is less specific for latent tuberculosis infection, emia (Blackett et al. 2018). The US Preventive
especially in children who have been vaccinated Task Force [USPTF] recommended screening
with BCG.  IGRAs and TST have similar sensi- for obesity starting at age six (2017). Both
tivities, but the IGRA in a BCG vaccinated child groups cite significant obesity complications,
or adult is 85–95% versus 45–60% for including psychological issues, asthma, adverse
TST.  Neither IGRA nor TST is sensitive in cardiometabolic effects, orthopedic problems,
immunocompromised children with severe tuber- and endocrine problems. The clinical guidelines
culosis. Neither blood test can differentiate TB for caring for the child who is overweight or
infection from TB as a disease. obese comes from the AAP, the Pediatric
There is controversy regarding IGRA perfor- Endocrine Society, and the North American
mance in children under 5 years, which is why Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology,
4  The Well Pediatric Primary Care Visit and Screening Laboratory Tests 115

Hepatology, and Nutrition (Barlow and Expert The Pediatric Endocrine Society has recom-
Committee 2007; Krebs et  al. 2007; Magge mendations for specific screening in the child with
et al. 2017; Styne et al. 2017; Vos et al. 2017). obesity. They recommend screening for prediabe-
There is fairly good agreement on the recom- tes and dyslipidemia (Styne et al. 2017). The rec-
mended diagnostic screening evaluating for ommendations for dyslipidemia follow the expert
complications for the child with overweight panel report (NHLBI 2011). According to the
(body mass index [BMI] > 84th to 94th percen- Pediatric Endocrine Society, screening for predia-
tile) or obesity (>95th percentile). Screening for betes using a HbA1c, as recommended by the
risk factors of diabetes, hypertension, and dys- American Diabetes Association, is unpredictable
lipidemia should be done in all children with in pediatrics since there is an ethnic variation that
obesity (Chung et  al. 2018). This chapter will is not well understood (Styne et  al. 2017). Iron-
focus on the diagnostic screening tests needed deficiency anemia (Christy et al. 2014), sickle cell
when evaluating a child who is overweight or disease, and other hemoglobinopathies (Lacy et al.
obese. 2017) may alter the results of the HbA1c. Due to
poor performance of A1C, an oral glucose toler-
ance test (OGTT) is the recommended screening
4.8.1 Diabetic Screening test for cystic fibrosis-­ related diabetes (Moran
et al. 2010). A HbA1c also will miss acute type 1
The AAP has recommended that children over diabetes. The advantages of a HbA1c include no
10 years of age with a BMI >84th percentile or a fasting, less variability than glucose, less subject to
BMI over the 95th percentile with any of the risk acute changes, and increased screening by clini-
factors seen in Box 4.2 be evaluated for prediabe- cians when they order HbA1c.
tes or type 2 diabetes. The Endocrine Society points out that HbA1c
is a poor predictor since it underestimates the rate
of prediabetes and diabetes in children. It is also
poorly correlated with blood glucose in certain
ethnic groups and therefore not an optimal diag-
Box 4.2  Risk Factors for Screening for
nostic tool. A fasting or random glucose or an
Prediabetes or Type 2 Diabetes
oral glucose tolerance test is needed in high-risk
• Family history of type 2 diabetes. children based on the medical history, family his-
• Signs of insulin resistance or conditions tory, race/ethnicity, or any other risk factors for
associated with insulin resistance (dys- diabetes. The Endocrine Society points out that
lipidemia, small-for-gestational-age, the best test for a patient with dysglycemia is the
hypertension, acanthosis nigricans, 2-h glucose tolerance test. This test is 100%
polycystic ovarian disease). effective and is cost-efficient at $390 per case. A
• Race/ethnicity (Black American, Native HbA1c as an initial screen is the least effective
American. Latino, Asian American, with a range of 7–32% and most expensive with
Pacific Islander). the cost of testing and follow-up, ranging from
• Use of atypical antipsychotic $938 to $3370 per case. Since the HbA1c leads to
medications. several additional tests and misses children with
• Maternal history of gestational diabetes obesity and prediabetes/diabetes, it is not a good
or a history of diabetes during the first-line test in children with obesity. It should
pregnancy. not be used in patients with a hemoglobin variant,
including SCT (Lacy et  al. 2017). Table  4.9
Adapted from Styne et al. (2017) shows how to evaluate the results of diagnostic
lab tests done to evaluate for diabetes.
116 R. M. John

Table 4.9  Diagnostic lab test, prediabetes, and diabetes

Diagnostic lab test Prediabetes Diabetesa Comments
Fasting morning 100–125 mg/dL ≥125 mg/dL Fasting for at least 8 h without calorie intake
2-h plasma glucose 140–199 mg/dL ≥200 mg/dL Use a loading dose of 1.75 g/kg of body weight of
glucose to a maximum of 75 gm
Random plasma Not applicable ≥200 mg/dL In patients with classic symptoms of
glucose hyperglycemia such as polydipsia or polyuria or
patients with a hyperglycemic crisis
Hemoglobin A1c 5.7–6.4% Screening
Adapted from Styne et al. (2017), Lacy et al. (2017), Christy et al. (2014), Moran et al. (2010)
 Diagnosis is confirmed if two or more of these tests are above the threshold or if the same test is above the threshold

4.8.2 Dyslipidemia Screening 4.8.4 N

 onalcoholic Fatty Liver
Disease (NAFLD)
In a child with obesity, there are excess free fatty
acids (FFA) to the liver from high-fat diets and the NAFLD is the most common liver disorder, with
excess adipose tissue release of FFA (Valaiyapathi possible hepatomegaly and splenomegaly present
et al. 2017). As a result, hepatic TG production and on the exam. NAFLD incidence increases with
secretion of TG-rich VLDL increase. Consumption increasing weight and male children (Shah et al.
of a high-carbohydrate diet causes chronic stimu- 2018). The spectrum of disease activity ranges
lation of VLDL overproduction. Lipoprotein from NAFLD to hepatic steatosis to NASH and,
lipase is stimulated by insulin, and this results in finally, fibrosis and cirrhosis. In patients with
postprandial TG excursions. A child with obesity obesity and elevation of liver enzymes, the dis-
is at a higher risk of abnormal lipid screening. ease can be thought of as two different subtypes:
Children with obesity and an average of two (1) nonalcoholic fatty liver (hepatic steatosis
abnormal lipid screening should be counseled without inflammation) and (2) NASH.  Patients
extensively following the NHLBI guidelines with with NASH have hepatocyte injury with inflam-
a repeat lipid rescreen in 6 months. mation, resulting in fibrosis resulting in a greater
risk of cirrhosis and, later, hepatocellular carci-
noma (McDaniel 2019). Patients with NASH
4.8.3 P
 olycystic Ovarian Syndrome typically have mildly elevated AST and ALT
(PCOS) (usually less than 4 times normal), with a De
Ritis ratio usually less than 1.0. The range can
PCOS is the most common endocrine problem in occur through childhood, and there is an increas-
females (Azziz et  al. 2018). The discussion of ing number of liver transplants related to obesity
this is outlined in the endocrine section. It is asso- and liver disease. Children may be asymptom-
ciated with hyperinsulinemia and insulin resis- atic, and clinicians need to be aware of the impor-
tance, but insulin levels are not recommended as tance of screening (Shah et al. 2018). If the child
a screening test for insulin resistance (Azziz et al. is symptomatic with significant ALT elevation,
2018). they should be referred to a pediatric gastroenter-
ologist or hepatologist (Koot & Nobili 2017). Evaluation of Elevated Children with increased adiposity are at
Androgen increased risk for NAFLD (Barlow and Expert
Total and free testosterone levels and SHBG are Committee 2007; Vos et  al. 2017). NAFLD is
recommended to evaluate elevated androgen lev- higher among children with obstructive sleep
els. This topic is discussed in detail in the endo- apnea, obesity, diabetes, prediabetes, obstructive
crine section. sleep apnea, and panhypopituitarism. Caucasian,
4  The Well Pediatric Primary Care Visit and Screening Laboratory Tests 117

Asian, and Hispanic children are at greater risk, further evaluation to rule out other causes of the
but Hispanics are at the greatest risk with a four- elevation.
fold prevalence (Shakir et al. 2018). The recom- Of interest, the European Society of Pediatric
mendation from both the NASPGHAN and the Gastroenterology and Nutrition recommends
AAP is to start screening for NAFLD at age screening with an ALT and ultrasound imaging.
9–11 years. Despite these clear guidelines from several spe-
cialty groups, a recent study found that even in a ALT and AST pediatric weight management clinic with 1312
The Vos et al. (2017) recommends all obese chil- patients, only 64.5% had liver enzymes in their
dren and overweight children with other risk fac- management (Ferguson et  al. 2018). Screening
tors (insulin resistance, central adiposity, for NAFLD is not uniformly performed in clini-
prediabetes or diabetes, dyslipidemia, sleep cal practice (Koot & Nobili 2017). It is important
apnea, or a family history of nonalcoholic steato- to do ALT routinely when seeing patients with
hepatitis [NASH or NAFLD]) should be screened obesity or patients with overweight and risk fac-
for NAFLD with alanine aminotransferase (ALT) tors. Follow-up in 3 months is needed to evaluate
every 2–3  years. This recommendation has the for the persistently elevated liver enzyme. Any
highest strength of recommendation backed by child with elevation for more than twice the upper
good level evidence. They recommend screening limit for 3 months should be referred to a pediat-
the child before age 10 when the child has severe ric hepatologist or gastroenterologist (Shakir
obesity, a family history of NAFLD/NASH, or et al. 2018). In a study reported by Shakir et al.
hypopituitarism with a strength of evidence 2018, there was an association between NASH
ranked at two. and diabetes, pointing to the importance of
The NASPGHAN recommends the upper screening for diabetes in obese children or chil-
limit of normal in children is 22 U/L for girls and dren with overweight and risk factors who have
26  U/L for boys rather than lab normal. If the elevated liver enzymes.
ALT is more than twice the upper limit for more
than three months, the child should be referred AST
for other chronic hepatitis causes. However, if the AST is found in the heart, kidney cells, muscles,
ALT is over 80, the child should be referred for and liver, unlike ALT, primarily from the liver
evaluation. The child with aspartate aminotrans- (McDaniel 2019). It is also found in the RBC. An
ferase (AST)/ALT greater than 1 or with ALT increase in AST without an increase in ALT sug-
levels greater than 80 and splenomegaly needs gests a cause other than the liver. These enzymes
further evaluation by specialists. The are located in the liver’s hepatocytes; thus, an
NASPGHAN also recommends that if the obesity elevation suggests liver damage (Kwo et al.
increases or the child develops risk factors for 2017). Since ALT is found in the hepatocyte cyto-
NAFLD such as OSA or type 2 diabetes, the plasm (cytosol), it is released first when there is
child will be rescreened earlier (Vos et al. 2017). damage to the liver (Agrawal et al. 2016). AST is
They do not recommend routine ultrasound found in both the cytosol and the mitochondria,
imaging. However, new ultrasound modalities and there is a delayed release of AST during liver
need more study and may be incorporated into disease. The elevation of the liver enzymes may
future guidelines combining ultrasound and ALT not reflect the extent of liver damage, and, in
testing (Koot & Nobili 2017). some cases, very high ALT can be seen in acute
In contrast, the AAP (Barlow and Expert hepatitis with complete resolution (Agrawal et al.
Committee 2007) recommends screening using 2016).
ALT and AST every 2 years starting at age 10. If The De Ritis ratio is the ratio of AST to ALT
the ALT or AST is twice the normal, specialty that can help determine the cause of the liver
consultation is advised. Clinicians must remem- damage. For example, in a patient with acute
ber that NAFLD is a diagnosis of exclusion, and hepatitis, the De Ritis ratio is <1 due to ALT’s
the persistent elevation of liver enzymes needs outpouring from the hepatocyte. In patients with
118 R. M. John

NAFLD, the ratio is elevated but generally not

over 2 (McDaniel 2019). In patients with hepatic children with other risk factors (insulin
steatosis, hepatitis, and cirrhosis, the ratio is gen- resistance, central adiposity, prediabetes
erally equal to or greater than 2 with an AST that or diabetes, dyslipidemia, sleep apnea,
rarely exceeds 300 IU/dL. Further workup for the or a family history of nonalcoholic ste-
child with persistently elevated AST ≥ 80 or the atohepatitis [NASH] or [NAFLD])
symptomatic child will be discussed in the liver should be screened for NAFLD with
section but will include alkaline phosphatase alanine aminotransferase (ALT) every
(ALP) and GGT. 2–3 years.
The R ratio has been included in the (Kwo et • The AAP (Barlow and Expert
al. 2017) to calculate whether the injury is chole- Committee 2007) recommends screen-
static, hepatocellular, or mixed using the follow- ing using ALT and AST every two years
ing formula: R = (ALT value/ALT upper limit of starting at age 10.
normal)/(ALP value/ALP upper limit of
If the R ratio is >5, the liver injury is hepato- 4.8.5 Real-Life Example
cellular, whereas an R ratio of less than 2 identi-
fies the liver injury as cholestatic. If the R ratio is A 15-year-old female presented for a well visit
between 2 and 5, this indicates a mixed pattern. A for the first time. Her weight was three standard
detailed discussion of other liver functions will deviations above the 95th percentile, and her
be found in the section on liver disease in the GI height was on the 50th percentile. Her BMI was
chapter. over the 95th percentile. Her fasting glucose was
Pitfalls of these AST and ALT. As discussed 95, her cholesterol was 224, her triglycerides
in Chap. 1, minor elevations of a few points do were 155, and her HDL cholesterol was 35. A
not always mean liver disease. The results screen for fatty liver disease was done, and her
should be repeated when there are minor eleva- ALT was 267, and her AST was 275. The rest of
tions in the AST/ALT before further workup. her comprehensive metabolic profile was normal.
Since AST is also found in RBCs, hemolysis Due to the marked elevation, a complete workup
(either pathogenic or hemolyzed from the blood for other liver disease was done and was negative.
draw itself) causes elevations in the The child was referred to a liver specialist who
AST. Usually, if the reason for the elevation is felt her increased BMI was the cause of the
hemolysis from the blood draw, the potassium is abnormal diagnostic tests. She advised intensive
also similarly elevated. lifestyle changes, and after six months of follow-
­up, the child’s ALT and AST were dropping, and
she lost 15 pounds. A year later, her diagnostic
laboratory tests were normal, and her BMI was in
Key Learning about the Child with Obesity the overweight range.
• The asymptomatic child with obesity
needs to be screened for prediabetes and
diabetes. 4.9 Special Adolescent Issues
• Children with obesity and an average of
two abnormal lipid screening should be 4.9.1 Screening for Sexually
counseled extensively following the Transmitted Infection (STI)
NHLBI guidelines with a repeat lipid
rescreen in 6 months. The rate of STIs is about one in four adoles-
• The NASPGHAN (2017) recommends cents (Shafii and Levine 2020). The AAP rec-
that all obese children and overweight ommends routine screening for sexually
transmitted infections as part of the adolescent
4  The Well Pediatric Primary Care Visit and Screening Laboratory Tests 119

well-child visit. Screening for STIs is also rec- more common in adolescents due to the nature
ommended by the CDC, USPTF, the American of the cervical mucosa. A survey of pediatri-
Academy of Family Physicians, and the cians reported 46% did routine STI screening,
American Academy of Obstetricians and and 27% reported HIV routine screening
Gynecologists. The screening rate for STIs (Henry-Reid et al. 2010). Adolescents less than
among adolescents is well below STI incidence 15  years of age are less likely to be screened.
in adolescents (Shafii and Levine 2020). Lack of time, cultural barriers, discomfort with
Chlamydia (CT) and gonorrhea (GC) are the sexual subjects, and adolescent concerns about
most common STIs in adolescence. Box 4.3 confidentiality all play a role in why STI screen-
lists risk factors for an STI with CR or GC. CT ing is not part of routine care. Table  4.10
and GC can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease reviews the needs for routine screening in spe-
and scarring with subsequent infertility. CT is cial populations as recommended by the AAP.

Table 4.10  Screening for sexually transmitted infections in special populations

Screen for GC Screen for
and CT Screen for syphilis Screen for HIV trichomonas
Females 35 and Yearly •  If risk factors Annual screen from Consider
younger entering 13 to 64 (CDC 2015) screening (CDC
juvenile detention or Screen adolescents 2015)
jails once between 16 and
18 in high-prevalence
communities (AAP
2021) (opt-out
Females who have Yearly If risk factors Annual screen and Consider
been exposed to CT repeat as indicated by screening
and/or GC history or symptoms
Females who are First trimester First prenatal visit First prenatal visit and Consider
pregnant with a repeat in Retest early in the third retest if high-risk screening (CDC
the final trimester trimester behavior, symptoms, 2015)
at increased risk Retest at delivery if at high or history of partner
risk with HIV
HIV-positive females Yearly Annually or more frequently N/A
if local prevalence is high or
risk factors
Sexually active males Yearly Consider screening N/A
in juvenile detention
facilities, jails, national
job training programs,
STI clinics
High school clinics
Adolescent clinics
Men having sex with Yearly •  Annually for MSM N/A
other men (MSM) Urine, rectal, (Centers for Disease Control
pharyngeal and Prevention 2015)
•  Repeat every three to six
months if at increased risk
HIV positive Yearly Annually or more frequently N/A
Urine, rectal, if local prevalence is high or
pharyngeal risk factors
Adapted from Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2015; AAP
(2018); Levy et al. (2019)
120 R. M. John

Box 4.3  Risk Factors for CT, GC, and Syphilis sex with someone else while they
With risk factors were still in a sexual relationship
with you?”
• Prior GC, CT infection in the past year. 2. Practices
• Partner with multiple other partners. • “To understand your risks for STDs,
• Sex worker or transactional sex. I need to understand the kind of sex
• IV drug use and/or partners who are you have had recently.”
drug users. • “Have you had vaginal sex, meaning
• High prevalence population. ‘penis in vagina sex’?” If yes, “Do
• More than one sex partner in the past year. you use condoms: never, sometimes,
or always?”
Adapted from Department of Health and
• “Have you had anal sex, meaning
Human Services, Centers for Disease Control
‘penis in rectum/anus sex’?” If yes,
and Prevention (2015) and Levy et al. (2019)
“Do you use condoms: never, some-
times, or always?”
The most common STIs in order of incidence • “Have you had oral sex, meaning
are human papillomavirus (HPV), chlamydia (CT), ‘mouth on penis/vagina’?”
trichomoniasis, gonorrhea (GC), and genital herpes • For condom answers:
(Levy et al. 2019). Adolescents are at higher risk • If “never”: “Why don’t you use
for sexually transmitted infections due to unpro- condoms?”
tected sex and greater biological susceptibility • If “sometimes”: “In what situa-
(AAP red Book 2021). The importance of having tions (or with whom) do you use
time to discuss confidential issues during a well- condoms?”
child adolescent visit remains a barrier to deliver- 3. Prevention of pregnancy
ing reproductive care. The clinician must clarify • “What are you doing to prevent
the type of sexual activity (oral, vaginal, anal) and pregnancy?”
partner gender. There are several ways of evaluat- 4. Protection from STDs
ing the adolescent for STIs, including NAAT, cul- • “What do you do to protect yourself
ture, and POC NAAT such as GeneXpert (Cepheid). from STDs and HIV?”
BINX 10 was approved March 2021 by the FDA as 5. Past history of STDs
a point-of-care test to give results in 30  min • “Have you ever had an STD?”
(Mybinxhealth 2021). The CDC has published a • “Have any of your partners had an
mnemonic called the 5 P’s seen in Box 4.4: STD?”

Additional questions to identify HIV

Box 4.4  The Five P’s: Partners, Practices, and viral hepatitis risk include:
Prevention of Pregnancy, Protection from
STDs, and Past History of STDs • “Have you or any of your partners ever
1. Partners injected drugs?”
• “Do you have sex with men, women, • “Have you or any of your partners
or both?” exchanged money or drugs for sex?”
• “In the past two months, how many • “Is there anything else about your sexual
partners have you had sex with?” practices that I need to know about?”
• “In the past 12  tmonths, how many
partners have you had sex with?” Department of Health and Human
• “Is it possible that any of your sex Services, CDC.  Retrieved from: https://
partners in the past 12 months had
4  The Well Pediatric Primary Care Visit and Screening Laboratory Tests 121

All states allow minors to give their consent fication test (NAAT) since it has the highest sen-
for testing for sexually transmitted diseases. sitivity and specificity (Levy et  al. 2019;
Forty-five states allow clinicians to treat partnersWorkowski et  al. 2021). Screening with a urine
of the adolescents they are treating (CDC 2020b). sample is preferred in males and has the same
Expedited partner therapy can stop the chain of sensitivity and specificity as a urethral swab
transmission to other sexual partners (AAP Red without the discomfort. Self-collected vaginal
Book: Report of the Committee on Infectious swabs are preferred for female patients as they
Diseases (AAP red Book 2021). are preferred among female adolescents with
higher sensitivity than clinician-collected swabs Nucleic Acid Amplification Tests (Shafii and Levine 2020). Urine collection can be
for Chlamydia (CT) done, but self-collected vaginal swabs have a
and Gonorrhea (GC) high sensitivity and specificity. Self-­collection
All adolescent females less than 25 should be can be easily taught using CDC educational
screened annually for STIs. There is a clear rec- material. NAATs are acceptable for detection of
ommendation to screen asymptomatic female CT in either vaginal or urine specimens from pre-
adolescents annually (<25 years) for CT and gon- pubescent girls (Centers for Disease Control and
orrhea (GC) (Shafii and Levine 2020; Workowski Prevention 2015). There are no recommendations
et  al. 2021). For adolescents of both sexes who for test of cure for CT testing unless there is a
have HIV, annual screening for CT and GC question about adherence, if there are persistent
should be done. If an adolescent female is preg- symptoms, or reinfection is suspected
nant, they should have a CT and GC screening in (Workowski et  al. 2021). However, adolescent
the first trimester and, depending on risk, have it females and males treated for gonorrhea should
repeated in the third trimester. Urogenital infec- have a retest 3  months following treatment
tion with CT is diagnosed by different methods whether their sex partners were treated or not. It
including vaginal swabs, cervical swabs, or first-­ is important to schedule the follow-up visit at the
void urine (Workowski et al. 2021). time of treatment. When retesting at 3 months is
There is no specific recommendation for not a possibility, clinicians should retest at the
screening adolescent males (Workowski et  al. next visit, preferably <12  months after initial
2021). If an adolescent male has sex with another treatment (Workowski et al. 2021).
male (MSM), they should have annual urine and The advantage of point-of-care technology or
rectal screening for GC and a GC pharyngeal near the point of care technology is to allow the
screening. MSM should be screened annually for patient to be treated while they are being seen in
syphilis. Adolescent males with a CT urethral the healthcare system. The field of point-of-care
infection are diagnosed by either testing a first-­ technology for CT and GC tests is constantly
void urine or doing a urethral swab, with the for- changing, and newer technologies are being
mer being preferred and just as accurate. Routine developed that will need to be studied in a popu-
screening of asymptomatic adolescents is also lation that is not at high risk of CT and GC. At
not recommended for syphilis, herpes simplex, present, many of the studies of the devices for
trichomoniasis, or hepatitis. More frequent point of care or near the point of care have speci-
screening can be done based on risk factors such ficities and sensitivities done in research studies
as a history of an STI within the past 24 months, on high-risk populations (Herbst de Cortina et al.
new partners, multiple partners in the past year, a 2016; Murtagh 2019). These tests will be dis-
partner with an STI, inconsistent condom use, cussed in detail in Chap. 5.
use of IV drugs, transactional sex, or being incar-
cerated (Levy et al. 2019; Workowski et al. 2021). Culture for CT and GC
NAATs are the most sensitive tests for these Cultures are not routinely used as they are more
specimens and are the recommended test for expensive and require considerable technical
detecting C. trachomatis infection. GC and CT expertise. However, culture for CT from rectal
testing’s gold standard is the nucleic acid ampli- specimens in girls and boys is recommended in
122 R. M. John

prepubescent children suspected of being sexu- 2015). The United States Preventive Services Task
ally assaulted. The meatal swab should be cul- Force recommends that clinicians screen all ado-
tured in males, and in females, nonurogenital lescents aged 15 years and older and younger ado-
sites should be cultured for CT. Vaginal cultures lescents at increased risk of infection for HIV (US
can be done in prepubescent girls suspected of Preventive Services Task Force 2019b). Most
being sexually assaulted. patients with a positive screening test need further
testing to confirm the presence of the disease. HIV Complement Fixation for CT is discussed in detail in Sect. 6.3.5, and point-of-
CT serology using complement fixation is ham- care testing is discussed in Chap. 5.
pered by a lack of standardization and a high
level of experience to interpret. It is not a recom-
mended way to screen for CT. The presence of a 4.9.3 Syphilis
particular antigen or antibody in the patient
serum is confirmed based on whether comple- The testing for syphilis is discussed in detail in
ment fixation is present. Sect. 6.4.1. Point-of-Care Tests for CT

Point-of-care testing minimizes the lack of fol- 4.9.4 Trichomonas Vaginalis
low-­up in that the patient received the results
while still being seen. The rapid POC tests have The three most common vaginitis types are bacte-
high specificity regardless of specimen types rial vaginosis, vulvovaginal candidiasis, and tricho-
(range 97–100%); however, the pooled sensitiv- monas vaginalis (TV). Traditionally, the Amsel
ity is much lower (36–62%). For chlamydia, the criteria or Nugent score determined bacterial vagi-
USA-made tests include ACON Chlamydia nosis (see Box 4.5). In contrast, candidiasis was
(ACON Laboratories, USA), BINX 10, Clearview diagnosed by looking for budding yeast on a wet
Chlamydia (Abbott, USA), HandiLab-C mount or getting back a positive culture. Clinical
(HandiLab, USA), and QuickVue (Quidel, USA). symptoms or physical exam findings were the rea-
These tests will be discussed in detail in Chap. 5. son for doing the culture or wet mount (Schwebke
et  al. 2018). Patient self-­ diagnosis is wrong
50–66% of the time (Sobel 2007; Powell et  al.
4.9.2 HIV Screening 2014), and up to 40% of women do not get the cor-
rect diagnosis at the initial office visit using the
The AAP recommends HIV screening during the methods above (Carr et al. 2005). Today DNA tar-
well adolescent should occur at least once in a gets can be used for the direct detection of the bac-
healthcare setting starting at age 15 (Hsu and terial associated with bacterial vaginosis. The BD
Rakhmanin 2021). Take out in contrast. the CDC MAX vaginal panel is an automated assay used for
advises annual HIV screening from age 13–64 in this purpose (Kawa et al. 2021). Aptima® Bacterial
all healthcare settings. There is no longer any rec- Vaginosis and Aptima BV/CV are two NAAT tests
ommendation for consent, but the adolescent for identifying the three most common vaginitis
should be informed that an HIV test will be done. causes approved by the FDA in 2019.
The patient can be offered the option of opting out Trichomoniasis is thought of as the most prev-
of the testing (Centers for Disease Control and alent nonviral STI around the world (Workowski
Prevention 2015). The CDC also advises that test- et  al. 2021). TV infection is associated with an
ing for HIV be done when an adolescent is being increased risk of HIV (Mavedzenge et al. 2010)
treated for a sexually transmitted infection, even if and a prolonged HPV infection (Shew et al. 2006).
they had a recent test. All pregnant teens should be It also leads to a higher risk of other STIs and, if
screened for HIV as part of their routine prenatal left untreated during pregnancy, leads to 1.4 times
care (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention higher rate of premature delivery of low-birth-
4  The Well Pediatric Primary Care Visit and Screening Laboratory Tests 123

weight babies, small for gestational age, and pre-

mature rupture of membranes (Donders et  al. Nugent score involved a quantitative
2009; Workowski et al. 2021). Seventy to eighty- estimate of the concentration of the follow-
five percent of patients with TV have minimal or ing bacteria noted in a Gram stain
no genital symptoms. This means that untreated
infections can linger from months to years 1. Lactobacillus.
(Workowski et al. 2021). The classic presentation 2. Small Gram-negative and G
­ ram-­variable
is greenish, frothy, malodorous vaginal discharge rods (e.g., G. vaginalis, Bacteroides,
with an inflamed cervix termed strawberry cervix Prevotella, Porphyromonas, Peptostrep-
(AAP, 2018). The incubation period can start after tococcus)
5 days and last as long as 28 days. There are sev- 3. Curved Gram-variable rods (e.g.,
eral diagnostic tests used to diagnose the condi- Mobiluncus).
tion. While TV can be found on wet mount, this
method is far less reliable than biochemical detec- Adapted from Amsel et  al. (1983);
tion, with a reported sensitivity of 51–63% (AAP, Nugent et al. (1991)
2018) to 44–68% (Workowski et  al. 2021).
Microscopy is no longer recommended (Kawa
et  al. 2021). The three methods for detecting Antigen-Based Testing for TV
trichomonas vaginalis are antigen-based, nucleic Using Immunochromatographic
acid hybridization, or nucleic acid amplification- Capillary Flow
based assays or nucleic acid hybridization OSOM Rapid Test can give results in 10–15 min
(Schwebke et  al. 2018). The CDC 2015 guide- with a sensitivity of 82–95% and specificity of
lines recommended NAAT as the preferred 97–100%, compared with wet mount, culture,
method to diagnose TV infection (Centers for and transcription-mediated amplification. It is
Disease Control and Prevention 2015). The point- only approved in females. OSOM test is a point-­
of-care tests include the Aptima T. vaginalis assay of-­care test, is equipment-free, and has Clinical
(Beckton Dickinson), OSOM lateral flow test, Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA)
AmpliVue test, the Solana test, and the GeneXpert waiver. Tests for TV will be discussed in
test (Gaydos et al. 2017; Workowski et al. 2021). Chap. 5.
Solana trichomonas assay (Quidel) is a rapid test
for the qualitative detection of T. vaginalis DNA
yielding results in around 40  min (Workowski DNA Hybridization Probe
et  al. 2021). Retesting is recommended for all Affirm VPIII can give results in 45  min using
sexually active adolescents at <3 months after ini- vaginal swab specimen in either a point-of-care
tial treatment (Workowski et al. 2021). testing or laboratory testing. The test is not
approved in males.

Box 4.5  Ansel Criteria and Nugent Score for

Bacterial Vaginosis Nucleic Acid Amplification Test
Amsel criteria (3 of 4 signs or symptoms (NAAT)
for positive diagnosis) DNA probe technology finds target organisms
based on their genetic DNA. The APTIMA
1. Thin, homogenous vaginal discharge. CV/TV assay and the BD Probe Tec TV Q
2. Presence of clue cells (vaginal epithelial amplified DNA assay are commercially avail-
cells studded with adherent coccobacilli able tests with FDA approval for testing vagi-
on microscopic examination) nal swage, urine specimens, and endocervical
3. Vaginal pH >4.5. samples. These tests cannot be used for treat-
4. Positive whiff test results. ment success as nucleic acids from TV are per-
sistent in genital cultures. The BD probe has a
124 R. M. John

sensitivity of 93.1–93.2% depending on

whether the specimen is self-collected versus Key Learning about STI
clinician-collected, respectively. The specific- • Screening for STIs is recommended by
ity is 99.3 whether the specimen is self-col- the AAP, CDC, USPTF, the American
lected or clinician-collected (Kara et al. 2021). Academy of Family Physicians, and the
The APTIMA CV/TV assay tests for candida American College of obstetricians and
vaginalis and TV.  The AmpliVue and the Gynecologist.
Solana tests are molecular amplified assays • There are similar outcomes with vaginal
and must be done in a lab with a one-hour com- obtained or provider-obtained vaginal
pletion time. samples once the patient is taught how
to do it.
• Expedited partner therapy can stop the Culture of T Vaginalis chain of transmission to other sexual
Cultures of TV using Diamond media or the partners.
InPouch system (BioMed Diagnostics) had been • Point-of-care testing will increase, and a
the most sensitive method for TV detection recent CLIA-waived POCT test was
before the different molecular methods were approved for GC and CT.
available. The sensitivity of culture ranges from • While the number and age of starting
75% to 96% and the specificity is under 100% screening for HIV tests may vary, it is
(Workowski et al. 2021). clear that if an adolescent has a positive
screen for an STI, an HIV screen should
be done. These tests are opt-out tests.
4.9.5 Real-Life Example This means the adolescent should be
told the provider wants to do the test but
A 17-year-old female presented with a 2-week that the adolescent has an option to
history of vaginal discharge but no abdominal refuse testing.
pain or discomfort. She reported having vagi- • Seventy to eighty percent of patients
nal sex only with three different male sexual with TV are asymptomatic. New POCT
partners in the past year. All of her partners testing for trichomonas is more accurate
were her age, and she had sex willingly with- than using microscopy.
out any pressure. She reported that she had • Females, unlike males, commonly pres-
been dating each of the boyfriends at different ent asymptomatically with STI, point-
times. She reported consistent condom use. ing to the need to routinely screen for
She is previously healthy, and there is no previ- these infections to avoid complications
ous screening done for any sexually transmit- of infertility and pelvic inflammatory
ted diseases, including HIV. disease.
Her physical exam is unremarkable. There is
some mildly yellow vaginal discharge seen on the
external exam. Based on the AAP recommenda- Drug Screening
tions, a molecular test for STIs using a patient-­ Children and adolescents are at risk for substance
obtained vaginal sample and a point-of-care HIV abuse disorders. The problem of substance abuse
test was done. The adolescent lived in a low-risk in pediatric patients over 12 is not rare. In 2017,
area for HIV, and her HIV test was negative. The the rate of nonmedical use of psychotherapeutic
NAAT test was negative for GC and CT. A point-­ drugs was 2.2%, whereas in adolescents 12 and
of-­care test for trichomonas was positive, and the over, 11.2% admitted to any illicit drug use for
child was treated. the previous month (National Center for Health
4  The Well Pediatric Primary Care Visit and Screening Laboratory Tests 125

Statistics 2020). The nonmedical use of prescrip- tools can be administered to the patient in the
tion drugs, along with designer drugs, has caused waiting room or administered by any healthcare
overdose deaths, fueling concerns among clini- professional. The S2BI asks one question about
cians and parents alike. Overdose deaths involv- various commonly abused substances, including
ing synthetic opioids such as fentanyl and designer drugs and prescription drugs. It is a
tramadol (not including methadone) continued to complete screening, and the online version
increase in 2018 (rate of 9.9/100,000). Cocaine decides the patient’s level of risk for substance
and psychostimulants with abuse potential abuse based on the response. The BSTAD is a
accounted for 4.5/100,000 deaths in 2018, shorter version and focuses on smoking, alcohol,
increasing from 2017’s rate of 4.3/100,000. The and marijuana but does not ask for a wider vari-
age-adjusted rate of drug overdose deaths involv- ety of commonly abused substances. The AAP
ing psychostimulants with abuse potential and the National Institute on Drug Abuse have
increased fivefold from 2012 to 2018 (Hedegaard online versions of both the BSTAD and the S2BI,
et al. 2020). Clinicians need to be aware of abuse which are available at https://www.drugabuse.
potential when prescribing psychostimulants to gov/nidamed-­m edical-­h ealth-­p rofessionals/
adolescents, and therefore screening all adoles- screening-­t ools-­p revention/screening-­t ools-­
cents for drug use by use of approved screening adolescent-­substance-­use/adolescent-­substance-­
tools is critical. Screening for tobacco, alcohol, use-­screening-­tools. Despite this, parents or
or drug use is recommended yearly from 11 to schools will ask for drug screening.
21 years.
A clinician must decide how to handle a Immunoassay Urine Drug
guardian’s request to do a drug screening when Testing
doing an adolescent exam. In some school dis- When ordered, urine drug testing (UDT) is usu-
tricts, the school is allowed to screen the child ally done by immunoassay as a first-line screen-
without the adolescent’s permission. If the drug ing. UDT can be done in a clinical laboratory or
test is positive, disciplinary action can follow using a point-of-care device. Point-of-care
without regard for the test’s sensitivity and speci- (POC) devices, both using a strip or a urine cup,
ficity. It would not be uncommon for the adoles- offer the advantages of quick turnaround and
cent to be brought in by the guardian after the detection of several classes of drugs.
testing is done since the adolescent has been sus- Immunoassay tests employ the use of antibodies
pended from school. In emergency rooms, ado- to detect a drug’s presence. POC within an
lescents may present with bizarre behavior, and a office setting is quick, but the reliability depends
urine drug screen is ordered to evaluate for pos- on the user’s skill and understanding of the
sible drug use. Clinicians need to understand the results. The common traditional drug classes in
variety of toxidromes (how the drugs present a screen include barbiturates, benzodiazepines,
clinically) for illicit drugs. Adolescents and chil- cocaine (metabolite benzoylecgonine), metha-
dren with chronic pain may be screened to ensure done, cannabinoids (tetrahydrocannabinol), opi-
that they are taking the drugs and that the medica- ates (codeine, hydrocodone, hydromorphone,
tion is not being diverted for money. Aside from morphine), phencyclidine (PCP), and metha-
obtaining the adolescent’s permission to screen, done (Krasowski et al. 2020). Positive immuno-
the clinician must consider the false-positive and assay results must be confirmed by confirmatory
false-negative drug testing results. testing utilizing techniques of gas chromatogra-
phy-mass spectrometry (GC-­MS), liquid chro- Screening Tools matography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS), or
The AAP and the National Institute on Drug high-performance liquid chromatography
Abuse recommended two tools: Brief Screener (HPTLC) (Mahajan 2017).
for Tobacco, Alcohol, and other Drugs (BSTAD) Drug testing can be done on urine, blood, hair,
and Screening to Brief Intervention (S2BI). The sweat, nail clipping, meconium, and saliva
126 R. M. John

(Moeller et al. 2017). Urine screening is the most combining drug screening with history, physical
common method as urine is available in large examination, and pertinent past medication
amounts, involves no invasive procedures, is records and reviewing the prescription drug-­
inexpensive, and contains the drug and drug monitoring program (PDMP).
metabolites in higher concentrations than serum Each state has its PDMP.  The PDMP is an
equivalents (Kapur & Alesksa 2020, Mahajan electronic database that monitors the prescription
2017). The disadvantages of urine screening of controlled substances in the state. The pharma-
include ease of adulteration, short to an interme- cist will enter the information about a prescrip-
diate window of detection, patients feeling like tion into the database so that providers will know
criminals when a witnessed urine collection is whether a patient has been to multiple clinicians
required, and difficulty to provide a spontaneous seeking a drug. However, states have varying
specimen. While blood, hair, sweat, and saliva regulations about whether a clinician must check
are available methods, the use of these methods is the database before prescribing a controlled sub-
limited by short windows of detection (blood, stance (CDC 2020c).
saliva), ease of detection (hair), high cost (hair), Enzyme immunoassays. Enzyme immunoas-
low concentration (saliva), lack of data on cross-­ says (EIA) involve using chemically linked anti-
reactivity (saliva), invasive testing (blood), and bodies or antigens that detect the drug. There are
two visits (sweat) (Mahajan 2017). three main types of immunoassays used (Moeller
Immunoassay is used as first-line testing since et  al. 2017); however, the two most common
it is quick, can be done using point-of-care test- immunoassays used are enzymatic and fluores-
ing, and is inexpensive. It can help the clinician cent. In talking about drug screening, competitive
make initial treatment decisions providing the binding is used, and the patient’s sample com-
clinician recognizes the weaknesses that result in petes with the labeled drug for the specific bind-
both false-positive and false-negative results. ing sites on the antibody. When binding occurs, it
UDT using urine is limited by drug-drug interac- causes a color change in the solution, fluoresce
tions, drug-disease interactions, dilution, urine under light, or induction of radiation or light sig-
pH, a lag time between ingestion and urinary nal that can be measured (Kapur & Alesksa
excretion, and genetics. It is limited as it only 2020). Immunoassays are fast and automated and
provides a snapshot of the drug present when the can be done with small values; however, they
sample is collected (Kapur & Alesksa 2020). A lack specificity and can only be used for certain
morning sample tends to be more concentrated drug classes. Some laboratories will provide
and is recommended (Mahajan 2017). The patient information on how to interpret the test results.
can make a diluted sample look more yellow by The clinician can also contact the laboratory if
ingesting Vitamin B or niacin or several products they have a concern or question about the test
(Stealth, Urine Luck, Instant Clean, Klear, results.
Whizzles, UrinAid) available over the Internet to Pitfalls of immunoassay urine drug testing
get a negative drug screening (Kapur & Alesksa by immunoassay (UDT). While urine drug
2020). The labs now can detect some but not all screen is used in primary care, the clinician must
of the adulterants used by adolescents (Kapur & recognize they lack the specificity and sensitivity
Alesksa 2020). There may be signs of residue in and therefore are plagued with inappropriate
the sample. There is reasonable agreement results. Parents will request a drug screen for the
between urine drug tests and an adolescent report adolescent, but the clinician must understand that
of drug use (Gignac et al. 2005). a common urine drug screening panel does not
While positive results on an immunoassay screen for designer drugs and has a limited panel
require confirmation of the positive result, a neg- of drugs. The majority of IASs look for amphet-
ative result is not sent out for further testing amine, cocaine, marijuana, PCP, and a limited
despite the risk of it being a false negative. The number of opiates (codeine, morphine, and the
risk of false negative stresses the importance of by-product of heroin 6-monoacetylmorphine).
4  The Well Pediatric Primary Care Visit and Screening Laboratory Tests 127

The test will only report a positive opiate screen, decongestant). The laboratory may report cross-­
but it will not distinguish between the three sub- reactivity. The immunoassay is inconsistent or
stances. There is an inconsistent or lack of ability unable to detect semisynthetic (hydrocodone,
to detect the semisynthetic opioids (oxycodone, oxymorphone, buprenorphine) and synthetic opi-
hydromorphone, oxymorphone, buprenorphine) oids (fentanyl, methadone, pentazocine, and
and synthetic opioids (meperidine, fentanyl, meperidine) (Mahajan 2017). Medications such
methadone) (Mahajan 2017). The difficulty is as proton pump inhibitors and nonsteroidal anti-­
that opioids and benzodiazepines have extensive inflammatory drugs can cross-react with cannabi-
steps before their conjugated metabolites can be noid immunoassays (Moeller et  al. 2017). A
detected (Kapur & Alesksa 2020). These sub- higher threshold of detection can miss the patient
stances are common prescriptions and are fre- who is using the drug. Finally, the immunoassay
quent sources of abuse and overdose in the United cannot distinguish between the parent drug and
States. Many adolescents also use designer drugs, its active metabolite (Saitman et al. 2014).
herbal drugs of abuse, and synthetic cannabi- The clinician needs to know what immunoas-
noids such as “spice” or “K2” (Moeller et  al. say the laboratory uses as not all labs use the
2017). While there are immunoassays or POCT same immunoassay detection method or thresh-
to detect the known substances, the designer old values. Asking the clinical laboratory sci-
drugs are always altered to avoid detection. ences for more information about the test is very
Certain designer drugs such as salvia require important before interpreting any urine immuno-
GC-MS, LC-MS, or HPTLC to detect them assay drug screen (Nelson et al. 2016). A work-
(Moeller et al. 2017). The laboratory establishes ing relationship with the lab helps discuss the
the cutoffs, but if the patient has only a small results (Moeller et al. 2017).
amount of a particular drug, they may be reported Laboratory error, rapid metabolism of the
as negative as the results fall below the cutoff. drug, mislabeling of the specimen, and faulty
The cost of testing is linked to the number of equipment can result in a false-negative result. A
drugs analyzed (Mahajan 2017). Insurances may negative result occurs if the opioid or its metabo-
not cover the cost of random testing of adoles- lite falls below the test’s threshold of detectabil-
cents or frequent screening as they may limit the ity. A pseudo false positive occurs due to
number of times a patient can be tested in a year. cross-reactivity with another drug during the
The clinician needs to be aware of the pitfalls immunoassay. Drug testing using immunoassay
before ordering the test. The first step is to point needs to be backed up with chromatographic
out to the parent the limitations of the testing and methods.
the possibility that the adolescent could be using
drugs and the test could be negative. The next Chromatographic
step is to get permission from the adolescent to Methods (CM)
do a urine drug screen. Immunoassays suffer sig- The confirmatory drug screen is done by chro-
nificant limitations, including cross-reactivity matographic methods (Moeller et  al. 2017).
with other drugs and substances, resulting in Chromatographic techniques do not require a
false positives. An immunoassay screen results drug-specific reagent and can detect multiple
cannot distinguish between opiates when a posi- drugs in a single analysis. The main chromato-
tive result is reported. If an adolescent is taking graphic methods (CM) used in toxicological drug
dextromethorphan, diphenhydramine, fluoroqui- evaluation are thin-layer chromatography
nolones, quinine, or rifampin, the result for opi- (CM-TLC), high-performance liquid chromatog-
ates will be positive due to false-positive results raphy (HPTLC), and gas chromatography. The
(Mahajan 2017). Amphetamine screens can drugs are separated and then detected using
also be positive if the adolescent takes several techniques—ultraviolet, fluorescent,
pseudoephedrine, ranitidine, amantadine, bupro- flame ionization, and mass spectrometry.
pion, fluoxetine, or L-methamphetamine (nasal Chromatographic techniques with mass
128 R. M. John

spectrometry are commonly used to confirm The mother’s concern was addressed in a fol-
drugs of abuse (Kapur & Alesksa 2020). Federal low-­up interview after the history and physical
cutoff concentrations for CM for the workplace were complete. The limitations of the test were
are higher to avoid false positives (Moeller et al. explained to the mother. The adolescent was will-
2017). Urine is the most common way to detect ing to satisfy her mother. A drug screening was
drugs due to concentrations about 100 times returned as negative.
greater than blood samples (Ahadi et al. 2011).
Pitfalls of chromatographic methods. Due
Key Learning about Drug Screening
to potential false-positive and false-negative
UDT immunoassay testing, confirmatory testing • Due to the limitations of drug screening,
with GC-MS and LC-MS/MS should be done to the use of a screening questionnaire
avoid the legal consequences and possible school should be done.
dismissal (Moeller et al. 2017). These tests have • Immunoassays are commonly done as
high specificity and sensitivity to detect the par- first-line screening for urine drug testing
ticular substance. However, there is always a pos- (UDT).
sibility of laboratory error, mislabelling, or the • UDT can be done in a clinical labora-
sample being adulterated. tory or using a point-of-care device. The
clinician needs to understand the limita-
tion of immunoassays.
4.9.6 Real-Life Example • Chromatographic methods must be
done to confirm a positive drug screen.
A 16-year-old female presented for a well visit.
She was interviewed separately from the parents.
While the child was filling out a Patient Health
Questionnaire for Adolescents and Drug Abuse– Questions
Brief Screener for Tobacco, Alcohol, and other 1. Which of the following is recommended by
Drugs (BSTAD), the single mother was inter- the American Academy of Pediatrics?
viewed separately to elicit her concerns. The (a) Start to screen children for dyslipidemia
mother was adamant about doing a drug screen- between 9 and 11 years of age.
ing without the child’s knowledge, just in case. (b) Children should not be screened for dys-
The mother was asked about specific symptoms lipidemia unless they have a family his-
for depression and drug use, and the review of tory of CVD or hyperlipidemia.
symptoms was negative. The clinician explained (c) Lipid screening should only be done
to the mother that drug screening was not done fasting.
without the adolescent permission. The adoles- (d) All children should have an initial screen
cent screenings were reviewed and scored, and for dyslipidemia between 2 and 8 years.
the results were unremarkable. With the adoles- 2. A 5-year-old developmentally delayed child
cent’s permission, the results were shared with is observed frequently putting objects in his
the mother, but she insisted she wanted the test mouth. His previous lead levels were all
done. below 10, and there is no history of housing
The adolescent was also asked about drug use changes. He started Kindergarten three
and reported that her best friend had used mari- months ago. The mother reports that she does
juana at a party. Based on her friend’s experience, not know the building’s age, but it is not new.
she reported that she did not want to use any What is the best approach to the management
drugs. She did report tasting beer at a party and of this child?
thought it was disgusting. The adolescent gave (a) Do a lead screening.
the clinician permission to do the drug screening (b) Do a free erythrocyte protoporphyrin
to satisfy her mother’s unrelenting request. (FEP).
4  The Well Pediatric Primary Care Visit and Screening Laboratory Tests 129

(c) Do nothing as his lead has been normal. 7. A mother brings a 16-year old into the
(d) Encourage the child to stop putting office due to a positive drug screen done in
things in his mouth. school. The child denies any drug use, and
3. A 7-year-old male presents for a well visit. the Brief Screener for Tobacco, Alcohol,
The history and physical are unremarkable and other Drugs (BSTAD) is negative. The
except that his 39-year-old father had a myo- mother shows you the result of urine
cardial infarction 1 month ago. Which of the immunoassay, which is positive for opi-
following screening laboratory tests are indi- ates. The mother reports the child is taking
cated for the child? diphenhydramine for allergies. What is the
(a) Anemia screen. next step?
(b) Lipid panel. (a) Tell the mother that the child is taking
(c) Lipoprotein A. opiates since the screening is positive.
(d) Liver function test. (b) Ask the mother to stop giving the child
4. A 10-year-old African American male with diphenhydramine for 1 month and repeat
sickle cell trait presents for a well visit. His the urine immunoassay.
weight is at least two standard deviations above (c) Tell the mother the positive opiate result
the 95th percentile, and his height is following is from the ingestion of
his curve on the 75th percentile. What screening diphenhydramine.
would be appropriate for this child? (d) Do a high-performance liquid chroma-
(a) Lead screening, total cholesterol (TC), tography urine specifically looking at an
high-­density lipoprotein (HDL), CBC, extended opiate panel.
AST, and serum insulin level. 8. A 17-year-old female denies any form of
(b) TC, HDL, aspartate aminotransferase sexual activity in the past year during a well
(AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT). visit. She reports having multiple boyfriends
(c) Fasting glucose, lipid panel, AST, ALT. before this past year but denies any male or
(d) CBC, hemoglobin A1c, TC. female partners for the last year. She has
5. A newborn is seen for the two-week visit never been screened with a lipid panel, HIV
during the morning session. What should be screen, or any STD. What is the best approach
done if the newborn screen is not in the to her care?
chart? (a) She is due for a lipid panel this visit.
(a) Assume that if the history and physical (b) Do a lipid panel and HIV screen at this
is normal and the newborn screen was visit.
done. (c) Do a lipid panel, HIV screen, and a pel-
(b) Remind the staff to call for the newborn vic exam for STD screening.
screen, and move on to the next patient. (d) Do a lipid panel, HIV screen, and nucleic
(c) Call the state’s newborn screening office, acid amplification tests (NAATs) for C.
and have the mother wait until you have trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
the result.
(d) Ask the mother if the newborn screen Rationale
was received at home and if it was 1. Answer: A
normal. The AAP recommends screening for dys-
6. When should an 11-year-old with two abnor- lipidemia between 9 and 11 years of age and
mal lipid panel screens done four weeks between 17 and 21 years. There is no need to
apart come back for a repeat screen? fast for an initial screening for dyslipidemia,
(a) One month including total cholesterol and an HDL-­
(b) Three months C.  Children who have a significant family
(c) Six months history of CVD should be screened between
(d) One year 2 and 8 years.
130 R. M. John

2. Answer: A up. If you see a patient after the hours that the
In this patient, the best approach is to newborn screening office is open, do get sev-
screen the child for lead poisoning. An FEP is eral ways to contact the mother. Remember,
not specific enough to evaluate the lead level. hypothyroidism is asymptomatic at this age,
Given the child’s developmental status, just and it is very important to treat these infants
telling him to stop putting things in his mouth (Wassner 2018).
is not the most effective choice. Given the 6. Answer: C
mother’s uncertainty about the building’s age The child should return for a repeat lipid
and the child’s behavior in the office, it would panel at 6 months or as soon as possible after
be best to do the lead test. six months. Lifestyle changes take time to
3. Answer: B initiate and carry through. This is the earliest
Cardiovascular disease before the age of the lipid panel should be done.
55 years should warrant more investigation. 7. Answer: D
It is recommended that all children above the In this patient, the result should be
age of 2  years should be screened if they repeated with a chromatographic method.
have a family history of premature cardio- The use of diphenhydramine may be the
vascular disease. Familial hypercholesterol- cause of the positive result on the opiate
emia can manifest at a very early age. screen. Positive results from an immunoas-
Therefore, a family history of such a disease say test need to be repeated with gas chroma-
should raise suspicion and is an indication tography/mass spectrometry or
for screening. high-performance liquid chromatography
4. Answer: C (Standridge et al. 2010).
In this patient, a lead screening is not 8. Answer: D
needed. A serum insulin level is a research Shafii and Levine (2020) recommended
test and is not recommended by the Endocrine screening for HIV and sexually transmitted
Society’s guidelines on obesity. Choice B diseases using NAAT technology to screen
does not screen for prediabetes or diabetes. for C. trachomatis and Neisseria gonor-
Answer C is the best answer. If the patient is rhoeae. The STD guidelines (Workowski
fasting for the glucose level, a lipid panel et al. 2021) recommend NAAT testing. While
should be done, especially given obesity. this 17-year-old is not reporting current sex-
Screening for fatty liver disease with an ALT ual activity, she has not been previously
and AST is the recommendation of the screened. It is important to remember that
AAP.  A hemoglobin A1c is unreliable in a the AAP recommends a repeat lipid screen
patient with inherited hemoglobin variants between 17 and 21 years.
and should not be done in a patient with SCT
(Lacy et al. 2017).
5. Answer: C Websites
You must make sure you have the newborn
screen results before the mother leaves. While
the mother may have given you contact infor- labs/resources/BFN_Anemia.pdf
mation, the phone number can change
between the time she leaves and you have the PMC4348148/#R2
results. Moving on to the next patient can be
done if the mother is waiting for the results. pediatrics/137/6/e20160714A.full.pdf
Make sure you have the screening results in
the chart before the end of the day. You can guidelines_sum.pdf
never assume that someone else will follow
4  The Well Pediatric Primary Care Visit and Screening Laboratory Tests 131

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glyceridemia in the pediatric population. Pediatr Rev. Further Reading
Viigimaa M, Heinsar S, Lovie D, Katsimardou A, Piperi- American Academy of Pediatrics. Periodicity Table 2021.
dou A, Duishvili D.  New horizons in the pathogen- Retrieved January 25, 2022 from https://downloads.
esis, pathophysiology and treatment of familial
hypercholesterolemia. Curr Pharm Des. 2018;24:
Point-of-Care Testing
in Primary Care
Laura Britton Stace

Learning Objectives  After completing the 8. Synthesize the limitation of POCT CRP and
chapter, the learner should be able to: its potential future uses in the United States.

1. Discuss POCT and use this knowledge to

assess the test result. 5.1 Introduction
2. Comprehend the potential limitations of
POCT and know the appropriate gold stan- Point-of-care testing (POCT) in pediatric pri-
dard test for the medical condition where mary care is essential for primary care clinicians
indicated. to make a timely and accurate diagnosis. POCT
3. Differentiate the CLIA-waived POCT versus is even more important in rural and underserved
tests that are not CLIA-waived. settings where access to hospital laboratories
4. Identify children with strep pharyngitis signs may be less available. During the current
and symptoms and avoid strep testing chil- COVID-­19 pandemic, the combined use of tele-
dren with a viral presentation. medicine and drive-through POCT can aid pedi-
5. Identify the need for COVID-19 testing and atric primary care clinicians in determining a
order and interpret COVID-19 testing for diagnosis and treatment plan. If an in-person
symptomatic or asymptomatic exposed exam is necessary, rapid POCT may determine
children. what personal protective equipment (PPE) and
6. Correctly recommend the need for influenza cleaning protocols are required. However, for
testing and understand the limitations of rapid POCT to be beneficial, it also has to be accurate.
influenza diagnostic tests (RIDTs). Although there are many different POCTs that
7. Discriminate when to use POCT HIV, glu- can be employed in the pediatric primary care
cose, HbA1c, and hCG tests in pediatric pri- setting, this chapter will focus on the following
mary care and understand the pitfalls of each rapid tests: Group A streptococcus (GAS), influ-
test. enza A & B, SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV), C-reactive pro-
tein (CRP), human chorionic gonadotropin
(hCG), and hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c). The emer-
L. B. Stace (*)
Valley Health Page Memorial Hospital, gence of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, has
Luray, VA, USA highlighted the importance of rapid testing in the
James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA, USA primary care setting and highlighted the impor-
e-mail: tance of accurate testing.

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 135
R. M. John (ed.), Pediatric Diagnostic Labs for Primary Care: An Evidence-based Approach,
136 L. B. Stace

5.2 Overview of Point-of-Care complexity, and (3) CLIA-waived. The latter is

Testing for use in primary care offices. POCT must be
CLIA-waived, which means they have US Food
POCT should be cost-effective, have sufficient and Drug Administration (FDA) clearance for
diagnostic accuracy and reliability, impact the home or office use. A CLIA-waived test should
patient outcome, have clinical benefit, be user-­ not require the specimen’s processing before it is
friendly and rapid (ideally less than 15 min), and tested (Samuel 2020). It is important to note that
have adequate operational technology geared to a CLIA test of moderate or high complexity must
the environment of the application (Keitel et al. be done in the clinical laboratory. Still, the turn-
2018). There are many benefits to pediatric pri- around time for these tests is quicker, so the
mary care POCT. POCT avoids specimen trans- patient could wait for the results and receive
portation and processing (Patel and Suh-Lailam treatment during the visit. There are three kinds
2019). The shorter turnaround improves medical of POCT tests at present. Box 5.1 outlines them.
decision-making and can improve patient care,
leading to improved patient satisfaction. The
POCT techniques only need a small specimen Box 5.1 Types of Point-of-Care Tests
volume, which is ideal for pediatric settings. • Direct detection of antigen.
Most ambulatory pediatric primary care clini- • Detects antigen-antibody complex
cians have access to at least one, if not several, typically by using lateral flow assay
POCT options to help diagnose and manage dif- or a variant of this technology.
ferent common pediatric illnesses and conditions. • Detection of antibody.
Onsite testing greatly reduces the turnaround • Finger-stick assays for detection of
time for results and adds to a clinician manage- antibody to a specific pathogen.
ment plan. An additional benefit of POCT is dis- • Direct detection of pathogen’s RNA/
tinguishing between viral and bacterial infections, DNA.
which is important for antibiotic stewardship and • Current nucleic acid amplification
may decrease antibiotic prescribing. During the tests (NAAT) directly detect the
COVID-19 pandemic, quick identification of pathogen’s genomic material in the
COVID-19 will lead to better patient outcomes patient’s sample (i.e., PCR for
and decrease the spread of COVID-19  in com- COVID-19, influenza, or Group A
munities. The COVID outbreak has confirmed strep).
the importance of doing POCT tests in nontradi-
tional testing sites. For a POCT to make a mean-
ingful difference, the test must be easy to perform CLIA-waived POCT must employ simple
by a non-laboratorian, and it must be accurate methodologies so that inaccurate results are neg-
enough not to need confirmation (Samuel 2020). ligible and pose no harm if the test is employed
incorrectly (Nichols 2007). Trained, experienced
laboratory clinicians run moderate- to high-­
5.2.1 POCT and CLIA Regulations complexity CLIA-approved POCT in hospital
laboratories, but clinical staff performs CLIA-­
POCT in pediatric primary care has benefits and waived POCT.  Therefore, training and ongoing
risks associated with POCT use. Federal regula- testing of competency for clinical staff who per-
tions such as the Clinical Laboratory Improvement form POCT testing are needed. Competency
Amendments of 1988 (CLIA ‘88) are minimum should be initially checked with repeat testing at
standards regarding validation and quality con- 6 and 12  months. The College of American
trol for a laboratory test. There are different lev- Pathologists and Joint Commission regulations
els of CLIA approval for diagnostic lab tests. The require observation of technique when doing
levels include (1) high complexity, (2) moderate POCT tests, along with written exams. The office
5  Point-of-Care Testing in Primary Care 137

must record quality control and test results, is if the test is positive, what is the probability
including demonstrating problem-solving skills that the patient does have the disease. If the test is
(Nichols 2007). negative, the negative predictive value is the
POCT should be properly stored and should probability that the patient does not have the dis-
have timely quality control checks as determined. ease. Test sensitivity is a test’s ability to correctly
Some outpatient locations performing CLIA-­ identify those with the disease or the true positive
waived POCT are part of their hospital systems rate. Test specificity is a test’s ability to identify
laboratory certification, and other freestanding those without the disease or the true negative
clinician offices could hold their certificate of rate. When deciding which test to use and cor-
waiver (CoW). Federal law states the laboratories rectly interpret the significance of a test result,
and freestanding offices that hold CoW do not the clinician should be aware of the positive and
have to adhere to CLIA regulations dealing with negative predictive values and the disease preva-
quality management and proficiency testing (PT), lence in the community. Pre-test probability and
leading to concerns about quality issues (Babady post-test probability for a diagnosis add to sensi-
et  al. 2019). CoW laboratories make up about tivity and specificity and help determine pre- and
71% of all CLIA laboratories (Babady et  al. post-test likelihood ratios (Akobeng 2007a, b). A
2019). Quality concerns in early 2000 lead to manufacturer may publish data regarding their
CMS initiating a program to visit 2% of CoW test sensitivity and specificity or publish data
laboratories every year; however, the program regarding the positive and negative predictive
was discontinued in 2016 (Scott 2021). Therefore, values. If a positive or negative predictive value
there are potential problems for CoW laborato- was listed instead of sensitivity and specificity, it
ries in clinician offices, and the importance of is noted in the text. The pros and cons of the
quality checks and proficiency training among POCT are seen in Table 5.1.
staff is stressed to ensure the reliability of POCT
in primary care pediatrics.
A physician, nurse practitioner, or physician 5.2.2 Collection Sites for POCT
assistant can be an acting laboratory director for
CLIA waiver of an outpatient practice The collection sites for POCT vary according to
POCT.  Nurse practitioners and nurses may be the test. Certain tests are not approved for certain
responsible for other clinical staff competency collection sites. This must be considered when
checks, POCT quality checks, documentation, using POCT. The clinician must be sure that the
and review. Clinicians should evaluate the posi- POCT can be used for that site. For example, in
tive and negative predictive values of the test. As bullous impetigo, a POCT test for strep throat is
a general reminder, the positive predictive value not an approved use for the test.

Table 5.1  Pros and cons of POCT tests

Pros Cons
1.  Alleviate waiting and anxiety 6.    Negative POCT antigen-­based testing has limited value due to
2.  Allows clinician to initiate therapy inadequate sensitivity (Samuel 2020)
immediately 7.    Patients do not understand POCT testing and need further
3.  Reduces need for follow-up with test explanation about the need for backup
results 8.    Costs of POCT and lack of insurance reimbursement
4.  Optimal use of healthcare resources 9.    A negative result does not necessarily mean the child does not
5.  Improves care of patients who do not have the disease
come back for follow-up 10.  Patients still want treatment despite negative tests
11.  The staff has difficulty integrating POCT into their workflow,
citing time constraints
12.  The staff may be reluctant to do POCT
Adapted from Samuel (2020), Kozel and Burnham-­Marusich (2017)
138 L. B. Stace Throat Specimen Collection

The clinician should have the correct swab that
correlates with the rapid POCT.  The clinician
should perform hand hygiene and don gloves
before specimen collection. During the
COVID-­19 pandemic, particularly if there is a
concern for COVID-19 coinfection, the clini-
cian should consider additional protection such
as mask (surgical loop mask or N95), face
shield or eye protection, and gown following
PPE requirements of the facility. Simultaneous
throat culture collection should be done to
avoid repeat throat swabbing, if the POCT
needs a backup throat culture if negative. The
rapid test should be nearby and ready to run
following the specimen c­ ollection. The patient Fig. 5.1  Shoulder hug
should be correctly identified with two patient
identifiers and the swab labeled correctly with
patient information.
The clinician should instruct the child to
open wide and say “ahh” “ha, ha” or ask the
child to “roar like a lion” while sticking out
their tongue and opening their mouth. It may be
preferable for some children to use a comfort
holding technique such as a shoulder hug or
supine hold. Figures 5.1 and 5.2 shows different
positions that can be used to obtain the speci-
men securely. A supine hold is also best for face
or head procedures in young children. The par-
ents recline on the exam table with the child in
their lap facing away in this hold. The parent
secures the child’s arms by giving a hug and Fig. 5.2  Supine hold
wraps their legs over the child’s ankles
(Nationwide Children’s 2016).
A tongue depressor can be used to depress the to take a toy directly from the treasure box due to
tongue. The clinician should direct the swab’s tip infection control concerns.
to the back of the child’s pharynx and rub the
swab across the posterior pharynx to include Nasal Swab (NS), Mid-Turbinate
bilateral tonsils. Avoid touching the swab to the Specimens (MTS), and
tongue, buccal surfaces, or lips. The rapid test Nasopharyngeal Specimen
should be run as soon as possible following the Collection
swab. Clinicians working with children may use POCT influenza and COVID testing specimen
distraction techniques such as music, iPhone/ sites include nasal swab (NS), nasopharyngeal
iPad video, and reward techniques such as stick- swab (NPS), or nasopharyngeal wash or aspirate
ers, popsicles, or treasure box toys. Staff should (Shulman 2016). The anterior nasal swab is a
hand out treasure or toys; do not allow the patient commonly used collection site for RIDT in pedi-
5  Point-of-Care Testing in Primary Care 139

atric primary care since it is an easier sample col- caregiver’s lap, facing out, and instruct the parent
lection method in children. Anterior nasal swabs to hug the child from behind to hold the arms down.
appear to be as accurate as nasal washes in the Instruct the caregiver to cross their legs over the
pediatric population for RIDTs. Therefore, this child’s legs to prevent the child from kicking
method is preferred to requiring less time, techni- (Nationwide Children’s 2016; Morgan et al. 2020).
cal experience, and decreased risk for aerosol For preschool-aged and young school-aged
formation (Cruz et al. 2010). children, consider using the back-to-chest, shoul-
Nasopharyngeal wash or aspirate is typically der hug, or supine hold (refer to Figs. 5.5 and 5.6
not CLIA-waived for the primary care office. A back-to-chest, Fig. 5.1 shoulder hug, and Fig. 5.2
more recent study conducted in 2017, conducted supine hold). For other POCT requiring capillary
with both children and adults, compared naso- blood, the clinician may consider chest-to-­chest
pharyngeal swab to mid-turbinate swab and nasal
swab for accuracy and discomfort on laboratory
run RT-PCR. They found that mid-turbinate spec-
imens (MTS) were more comfortable than naso-
pharyngeal and nearly as sensitive (Frazee et al.
2018). This study did not compare the accuracy
of RIDT using molecular methods and specimen
collection location. Figure 5.3 shows the varying
location of nasal collection sites.
Clinicians may choose to use distractors such as
iPad video or music before, during, and after the
test. Comfort positioning or holds depend on the
patient’s age, and an area test will be obtained. For
infants, ask the parent to hold the infant in their
arms; consider swaddling as illustrated in Fig. 5.4.
Alternatively, swaddle the infant, and place the
infant on a safe, firm surface with the parent stand-
ing alongside. For toddlers, consider using the
back-to-chest hold, in which the child sits on the Fig. 5.4  Infant swaddle

Fig. 5.3  Nasal specimen collection site Fig. 5.5  Back-to-chest hold
140 L. B. Stace

Fig. 5.7  Chest-to-chest hold

Fig. 5.6  Back-to-chest hold

patient’s eye tearing is common. Leave the swab
in place for several seconds, then rotate it, and
or back-to-chest hold (refer to Fig. 5.7 chest-to- remove it from the nares. The sample should be
chest and Figs. 5.5 and 5.6 back-to-chest). tested as soon as possible. Nasal wash and aspi-
Clinicians should follow the guidelines for rate collection techniques will not be discussed,
specimen collection outlined in their specific as they are atypical for collection methods for
influenza or COVID-19 kit. However, an exam- pediatric primary care POCT (Morgan et  al.
ple of nasal collection technique includes using 2020).
the nasal swab that is provided in your POCT
kit: gently insert the sterile swab in the nares
until resistance is met at the level of the turbi-
nates (less than once inch into the nostril, shorter 5.3 POCT for Group
distance in younger children), rotate the swab a A Streptococcal Infection
few times against the nasal wall, and remove
from a nostril. The sample should be tested as Sore throat is one of the most common pediatric
soon as possible. Some tests require the sample complaints. Although viral infections are the
to be obtained from both nostrils, and others main reason for pediatric sore throats, it is impor-
only require unilateral collection. Less often tant to rule out Group A streptococcus (GAS) to
used is the nasopharyngeal collection technique avoid this infection’s sequela. The most common
for POCT influenza or COVID-19. In this collec- cause of bacterial pharyngitis in pediatrics is
tion technique, the child’s head should be tilted Group A streptococcus (GAS). The gold standard
back 70 degrees. The swab should be inserted for the diagnosis of streptococcal pharyngitis is
into the nostril, keeping the swab near the nose’s throat culture. However, throat cultures are lim-
septum floor while gently pushing the swab into ited since they take 24–48 h to result. Therefore,
the posterior nasopharynx. Stop when resistance in children with symptoms consistent with strep
is met. The anatomical reference for depth is the pharyngitis, rapid POCT strep testing is often
length from the patient’s nostril to the ear. The employed in the primary care setting. Table 5.2 is
5  Point-of-Care Testing in Primary Care 141

Table 5.2  Differential diagnosis of acute sore throat in pediatrics

Organisms Clinical syndrome Common additional symptoms or history
Infectious causes
Group A Pharyngitis, tonsillitis, scarlet Tender lymphadenopathy, HA, fever, abdominal
streptococcus fever discomfort
Group C and G Pharyngitis, tonsillitis Similar symptoms as GAS
Arcanobacterium Scarlatiniform rash, pharyngitis More common in adolescents, resembles EBV infection,
haemolyticum pruritus, fever, cough
Neisseria Tonsillopharyngitis Cervical lymphadenopathy, fever, high-risk sexual
gonorrhoeae behavior or history of sexual assault
Corynebacterium Diphtheria pharyngitis with Fever, malaise, loss of appetite, swollen neck, trouble
diphtheriae gray pseudomembrane breathing
Mixed anaerobes Vincent’s angina, gingival Halitosis, bleeding gums, cervical adenopathy
Fusobacterium Lemierre’s syndrome, High fever, trouble breathing or swallowing, cervical
necrophorum peritonsillar abscess, tonsillitis lymphadenopathy, hemoptysis
Francisella tularensis Tularemia (oropharyngeal), Fever; mouth ulcers; cervical, parotid, or retropharyngeal
tonsillitis lymphadenopathy; a recent history of eating or drinking
possibly contaminated food or water (i.e., hunting, hiking,
camping, handling sick or dead animals, eating
undercooked game meat such as rabbits)
M. pneumoniae and Pharyngitis Cough, fever, bronchitis, pneumonia
C. pneumoniae
Haemophilus Epiglottitis (drooling, open Otitis media, high fever, cough, pneumonia, bacteremia,
influenzae type b mouth) meningitis
(Hib) Under-vaccinated or unvaccinated child
Adenovirus Pharyngitis Conjunctivitis, fever, upper respiratory symptoms such as
rhinorrhea or cough, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, and
stomach pain
Herpes simplex virus Gingivostomatitis, anterior Fatigue, fever, decreased appetite, dehydration
1 and 2 mouth lesions
Coxsackievirus Herpangina, vesicles posterior Fever; additional vesicles on hands, feet, and occasionally
pharynx buttocks/upper thighs (hand, foot and mouth disease);
irritability; decreased appetite; dehydration; most common
summer and fall
Rhinovirus Nasopharyngitis, upper Common cold symptoms such as rhinorrhea, congestion,
respiratory infection or low-grade fever, sneezing, clear eye discharge
common cold (URI)
Coronavirus Nasopharyngitis, URI Common cold symptoms such as rhinorrhea, congestion,
cough, low-grade fever, sneezing, clear eye discharge
Novel COVID-19 Nasopharyngitis, URI Common cold symptoms as above; some children may
SARS-CoV-2 have a more severe course to include high fever, headache,
myalgias, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, loss of taste and
smell, bronchitis/pneumonia, tachypnea, respiratory
distress; sequelae include multisystem inflammatory
syndrome in children (MIS-C)
Influenza A & B Nasopharyngitis, pharyngitis Cough, fever, myalgias, fatigue, congestion, rhinorrhea,
pneumonia, respiratory distress, bronchitis, bronchiolitis
Parainfluenza Cold, croup, mild sore throat Rhinorrhea, cough, fever, stridor, croupy/barking cough
that is worse at night
142 L. B. Stace

Table 5.2 (continued)
Organisms Clinical syndrome Common additional symptoms or history
Epstein-Barr virus Infectious mononucleosis, Most common viral cause of mono. Symptoms include
(EBV) exudative pharyngitis, fever, myalgia, lymphadenopathy including posterior
tonsillitis cervical, fatigue, malaise, headache, abdominal pain,
hepatosplenomegaly, prolonged course, maculopapular
exanthem following beta-­lactam antibiotic use
Cytomegalovirus Infectious mononucleosis, mild Has a similar presentation to EBV, usually not
(CMV) pharyngitis accompanied by posterior cervical lymphadenopathy, less
likely to have exudative tonsillitis, less common in
pediatrics, prominent liver involvement and elevated
Human Primary acute HIV infection, Flu-like symptoms including fever, fatigue,
immunodeficiency sore throat, tonsillitis lymphadenopathy, arthralgia and myalgia, diarrhea, rash
virus (HIV)
Allergic rhinitis Mild sore or itchy throat due to Congestion, rhinorrhea, sneezing, itchy eyes, cough,
environmental allergies seasonal or exposure-related, no fever, on physical exam
may include cobblestone appearance on the pharynx, pale
boggy nasal mucosa, allergic shiners, conjunctivitis with
clear watery discharge
Accidental ingestion Oropharyngeal burns, mouth Drooling, swelling of the pharynx, breathing difficulty,
of caustic chemical pain abdominal pain, bloody vomiting, history of a known or
suspected ingestion
Gastroesophageal Sore throat Heartburn worsened after acid food ingestion, history of
reflux reflux following eating, abdominal pain
Adapted from John (2019), Shulman (2015)

a review of the common causes of pharyngitis in tonsillar swelling, and age between 3 and
children and adolescents. 14 years. The American Academy of Pediatrics
(AAP) and the Infectious Diseases Society of
America (IDSA) only recommend antibiotic
5.3.1 C
 linical Indications for Strep treatment for confirmed strep pharyngitis based
Testing on rapid antigen detection test (RADT) or throat
culture (Shapiro et  al. 2017; McIsaac et  al.
Clinical indications for strep testing can include 1998). In adults, the American Academy of
acute onset of symptoms, including sore throat, Family Physicians (AAFP) supports testing or
fever, tender or swollen lymph nodes, and empiric treatment for a Centor score greater than
absence of cough or significant nasal symptoms. or equal to 4 (Centor Score 2021; Kalra et  al.
GABHS is most common in children 5–13 years 2016; McIsaac et al. 1998. Shephard et al. 2015)
of age (Kalra et al. 2016). Children may have a reported a sensitivity of 27.5% and a specificity
headache and abdominal discomfort or nausea. of 79.7% when using clinical assessment
GABHS is more common in late winter or early (CAST) alone. CAST also had poor predictive
spring. accuracy, and as a result, 86.9% of patients
While the modified Centor Score is used in would take unnecessary antibiotics if CAST
adults, it is not recommended in children. The alone was used to diagnose GAS (Shephard et al.
Centor scoring system uses five criteria to judge 2015). The low sensitivity of clinical exam
whether the adult needs to test for strep. The cri- means that either POCT for strep or culture is
teria are a fever >38 degrees Celsius, absence of advised in children aged 3  years or more
cough, swollen tender anterior cervical nodes, (Shulman et al. 2012).
5  Point-of-Care Testing in Primary Care 143

5.3.2 Differential Diagnosis false-positive tests on children who are strep car-
of Throat Symptoms riers (Shapiro et  al. 2017). The RADT is per-
formed by obtaining a throat swab, and then
The diagnosis of sore throat is a common pre- typically, the antigen test is run by nursing or
senting complaint. Table 5.2 reviews the differen- other clinical support staff. The test typically
tial diagnosis around complaints of throat pain. takes about 5 min, and most employed in primary
care settings are optical antigen tests.
With this test, the throat swab specimen parti-
5.3.3 T
 ypes of Rapid Antigen cles are mixed with the reagent and then move
Detection Tests along the test strip to a test line coated with a
GAS carbohydrate cell wall antigen. If GAS is
The older RADT has a sensitivity of 85.6% and a present in the sample, it will create a colored line,
specificity of 95.4% (Cohen et al. 2016). Based indicating a positive result. The absence of color
on the RADT’s sensitivity, a clinician will detect along the test line indicates a negative result
86 of 100 children with strep pharyngitis, and 14 (Thompson and McMullen 2020). There also
of 100 children would be missed and not receive must be a control line; without this line, the test is
antibiotic treatment, thus explaining the reason invalid. Several new devices are CLIA-waived
for backup testing with a culture (Cohen et  al. for rapid strep detection. The manufacturers
2016). report a sensitivity and specificity of >95%.
There is a review that reported a lower sensitivity Latex Agglutination (LA) Assays of 85% (Lean et al. 2014).
Latex agglutination (LA) assays are no longer
used in clinical practice: the sample is placed in Third-Generation Tests
the presence of latex beads coupled with GAS-­ Optical immunoassay (OIA). Third-generation
specific antibodies; the result is determined by tests are less commonly used due to their cost,
observing the agglutination of the beads if they but the test’s sensitivity and specificity are higher.
are related to the specific antigen in the sample. OIA tests involved placing the sample mixed
The first-generation tests should not be used in with a reagent on a silicon membrane. If there is
clinical practice. Latex agglutination assay has a an antigen-antibody complex present, there is a
range of sensitivities from 53% to 92% and has a change in the optical properties of the inert mem-
specificity below 90% (Miceika et  al. 1985; brane. A systematic review reported the summary
White et al. 1986). estimates of several OIA tests as 86.2% sensitiv-
ity and 93.7% specificity (Cohen et  al. 2016; Second-Generation Tests Thompson and McMullen 2020). The authors
Enzyme immunoassay. Enzyme immunoassays concluded that optical immunoassays and
(EIA) are second-generation tests where the enzyme immunoassays have similar accuracy
throat swab is mixed with reagent and then placed (P-value equal to 0.23).
in a well at the end of a nitrocellulose strip. As it Combination POCT for strep. Some of
migrates, it forms an antigen-antibody complex. these new devices, such as the BD Veritor System,
They are the most widespread and most used combine lateral flow assay with an optical reader
RADTs in clinical practice. Clinicians should use to increase accuracy. Another example of a device
caution with RADT.  RADT should be used for for rapid strep is the Sofia Strep A FIA (fluores-
children with acute symptoms consistent with cent immunoassay). While the devices may be
GAS. The clinician should avoid testing in chil- slightly more accurate than the traditional simple
dren with overtly viral presentations to avoid lateral flow assay, they are also more expensive.
144 L. B. Stace Molecular Methods could lead to poor specimen collection and false-­
There are newer rapid POCTs that use poly- negative results.
merase chain reaction (PCR) tests or isothermal Occasionally, specimen collection may be so
nucleic amplification. These tests have improved difficult that the result’s accuracy is questionable.
sensitivity compared to the RADT. As a result, In these instances, clinicians should use their
some authors feel they do not require backup clinical judgment regarding test interpretation,
when negative (Pritt et al. 2016), but the guide- diagnosis, and management. If another care team
lines do not clearly state this (Shulman et  al. member obtained the test, they should inform the
2012). The tests include the Roche cobas strep clinician that the specimen collection was diffi-
A assay with a sensitivity of 95% and a specific- cult. Researchers found that the posterior phar-
ity of 94.2%, Abbott strep A and strep A2 assay ynx swab was superior to the oral swab in
with a sensitivity of 98.5% and a specificity of children. The RADT sensitivity and specificity
93.4%, and the Cepheid Xpert Xpress strep A were 80.6% and 100%, respectively, from the
assay with a sensitivity of 99.4% and a specific- posterior pharynx swab but dropping when an
ity of 94.1% (Thompson and McMullen 2020). oral specimen was obtained to 19.4% sensitive
However, there is considerable concern about and 100% specific (Fox et al. 2006).
Group A strep carriage when the PCR is weakly Additional pitfalls of using POCT strep tests
positive (Cohen et  al. 2016). For molecular include swabbing children with symptoms con-
tests, the time for the result ranges from 2 to sistent with a viral illness such as cough, oral
18  min, depending on the test. Table  5.3 is a vesicles, conjunctivitis, coryza, diarrhea, and
sample of rapid strep tests and their viral exanthem. If a patient has overt viral fea-
differences. tures, a rapid test should not be done as 5–21% of
asymptomatic children are GAS carriers, result-
ing in overuse of antimicrobial therapy (Shapiro
5.3.4 B
 arriers and Pitfalls to POCT et al. 2017). Due to COVID, children may pres-
Strep Tests ent with a sore throat but have predominant viral
features such as cough and rhinorrhea. If they are
Clinicians working with children know that one inappropriately tested for strep pharyngitis, there
pitfall of an accurate test is the actual test collec- is a risk of inappropriately treating a child with a
tion. Not all children are cooperative for speci- virus with antibiotics. There is an increase in the
men collection, i.e., throat swab. Therefore, possible risk of missing COVID-19 diagnosis by
improper technique or an uncooperative child not testing for COVID.  Unfortunately, this

Table 5.3  Sample of rapid strep tests with times and statistics
Test Type/platform Time Sensitivity Specificity
QuickVue Dipstick Strep Lateral flow immunoassay/ none 5 min 92% 98%
A Test
QuickVue In-Line Strep A Lateral flow immunoassay/none 5 min 92% 99%
BD Veritor System Strep Lateral flow and optical reader/BD Veritor 5 min 96.6% 95.5%
Quidel Sofia Strep A FIA Immunofluorescence-based lateral flow/Sofia 5 min 90.6% 96.1%
Alere i Strep A Molecular/Alere i 8 min 95.9% (culture) 94.6%
98.7%a (culture)
(PCR) 98.5%a
Information for this table is based on the manufacturer package insert
Alere i Strep A manufacturer insert lists sensitivity and specificity based on comparison to throat culture. However, an
independent study compared Alere i Strep A to Strep A laboratory PCR and found higher sensitivity and specificity
(Cohen et al. 2015)
5  Point-of-Care Testing in Primary Care 145

clinical misstep has implications for the child’s infants and toddlers aged 2  years and younger
diagnosis and management and poses a public and older children with underlying risk factors
health risk. for severe flu illness. In the absence of testing,
clinicians relied on clinical diagnosis and prompt
Key Learning about POCT Strep Pharyngitis treatment with antiviral if indicated for high-risk
groups. With the new onset of COVID-19, RIDT
• Backup cultures are needed in children who is particularly important.
test negative for RADT but have symptoms of
strep pharyngitis.
• Know the sensitivities and specificities of the 5.4.1 Overview of Influenza
POCT strep test you are using and whether a and co-Pathogens
backup culture is required.
• Do not be pressured into the screening with a Influenza often presents in children as acute-­
RADT for a child with overtly viral symptoms. onset illness with high fever, headache, rhinor-
• Children that are carriers of strep may have a rhea, sore throat, dry cough, and body aches.
weakly positive PCR test for strep. Some children may present with gastrointestinal
symptoms in addition to the more commonly
listed symptoms above. Very young children
5.3.5 Real-Life Example under 2 years are more likely to become very sick
and require hospitalization. Although the most
A six-year-old presented with a 12-h onset of common cause of bronchiolitis is respiratory syn-
sore throat, fever, abdominal pain, and anorexia. cytial virus (RSV), influenza may also cause
There was tonsillar erythema and exudate with bronchiolitis in infants. POCT flu testing can
palatal petechiae and anterior cervical nodes of reduce antibiotic use (Lee et al. 2019). Other than
1.5 cm on the exam. The guardian was concerned RSV and influenza, other differential diagnoses
about COVID-19, but the child was without for viral respiratory infection include the com-
upper respiratory symptoms, cough, nausea, mon cold, parainfluenza, and mycoplasma pneu-
vomiting, or loss of smell or taste. There was no monia (John 2019). COVID-19 is an important
known COVID-19 exposure in the past 2 weeks; differential to rule out, given the risk of transmis-
however, there was a known strep pharyngitis sion to high-risk populations.
exposure recently. A RADT was negative, and a
throat culture was sent out. The child was given
supportive treatment and told to stay home from 5.4.2 Clinical Indications
school pending send out testing. Due to high for Influenza Testing
community prevalence of COVID-19, testing for
COVID 19 was obtained and was negative. Two Generally, COVID-19 has a more gradual onset
days later, the backup culture was positive, and than influenza, but COVID-19 testing may also be
the child was started on amoxicillin. indicated for children presenting with flu-like
symptoms. Children may commonly have viral
coinfections with both flu and COVID; a positive
5.4  apid Influenza Diagnostic
R flu test does not rule out COVID-19. Reassuringly,
Tests (RIDTs) social distancing and masking measures seem to
have decreased the spread of other common pedi-
During the COVID-19 pandemic, RIDT is impor- atric viral respiratory infections such as influenza
tant. Influenza and COVID-19 may likely have and respiratory syncytial virus. Therefore, coin-
similar features to include fever and cough in fection does not seem to be prevalent thus far in
children. RIDT is particularly important for the 2020–2021 winter season in the United States.
146 L. B. Stace

5.4.3 Differential Diagnosis influenza antigen (CDC 2020a). RIDTs detect

of Influenza influenza viral antigen in 10–15 min, and the sen-
sitivity ranges from 50% to 70% and the specific-
The child who presents with influenza-like symp- ity greater than 90% (CDC 2020b). Sensitivity
toms may have another virus that can present for Influenza B is lower than sensitivity for
with similar symptoms. However, it is important Influenza A.  Some rapid tests can differentiate
to recognize that fever and cough in a between A and B. Rapid tests cannot differentiate
­sick-­appearing child can present as community-­ between seasonal influenza A and novel influenza
acquired pneumonia or a coinfection of pneumo- A. Table 5.4 lists examples of CLIA-waived rapid
nia with influenza. While the winter season is the antigen tests for influenza.
most common season to see influenza infection,
the H1N1 epidemic was from April through Influenza Rapid Molecular Tests
September 2009. The CDC stresses the impor- Recently there have been developments in
tance of considering COVID-19 and other differ- FDA-­ cleared nucleic acid detection-based
entials such as influenza and community-­acquired tests for influenza that are CLIA-waived. In
pneumonia (CDC 2020a). 2015, the first CLIA-waived molecular test for
influenza was approved (Babady et al. 2019).
As of August 2020, there are 7 CLIA-waived
5.4.4 Types of Rapid Influenza rapid nucleic acid tests, shown in Table  5.5.
Diagnostic Tests (RIDTs) The technology used is an isothermal amplifi-
cation-based technology that eliminated the Influenza RIDT Using Influenza need for hardware with temperature cycling
Antigen capabilities (Samuel 2020).
As of August 2020, there were 16 CLIA-waived There are additional POCT molecular flu tests
rapid influenza diagnostic tests (RIDTs) detect that include testing for other viruses to include

Table 5.4  Examples of CLIA-waived rapid antigen influenza diagnostic tests

Sensitivity Specificity
Test Platform Specimen Time flu A/B flu A/B
Abbott BinaxNOW DIGIVAL Nasopharyngeal or nasal swab 15 min A 84.3% A 94.7%
Influenza A & B Card 2 direct B 89.5% B 99.4%
Becton Dickinson BD Veritor Nasopharyngeal or nasal swab 11 min PPA NPA
Veritor Flu A + B reader or BD direct A 81.3% A 95.6%
Veritor plus B 77.8% B 100%
Quidel Corp Sofia FIA Nasopharyngeal or nasal swab Sofia: 15 min Nasal Nasal
Sofia Influenza A + B Analyzer and direct (nasopharyngeal wash Sofia 2: A 90% A 95%
FIA Sofia 2 FIA and aspirate samples are of 3–15 min B 89% B 96%
Analyzer moderate complexity, not for
office use)
Quidel Corp QuickVue None Nasal or nasopharyngeal swab 10 min or less PPA NPA
Influenza A + B direct A 81.5% A 97.8%
B 80.9% B 99.1%
Sekisui OSOM Ultra None Nasal or nasopharyngeal swab 10 min A 90.3% A 96.7%
Plus Flu A&B Test direct B 88% B 99.2%
Table partially adopted from CDC (2020a). Rapid influenza diagnostic tests (RIDTs) Table 2: Available FDA-cleared
rapid influenza diagnostic tests (antigen detection only) (Frazee et al. 2018)
Not an exhaustive list of all tests
Sensitivity/specificity or positive predictive agreement (PPA)/negative predictive agreement (NPA) is based on manu-
facturer package inserts and nasal swab data when available
5  Point-of-Care Testing in Primary Care 147

Table 5.5  CLIA-waived nucleic acid influenza detection tests

Sensitivity Specificity
Test Platform Sample Time A/B A/B
Abbott ID NOW ID NOW NPS, NS direct or NPS <15 min A 96.3% A 97.4%
Influenza A & B 2 Platform and NS in VTM B 100% B 97.1%
Xpert Xpress Flu GeneXpert NPS, NS in VTM 30 min PPA NPA
Xpress A 98.9% A 97.6%
B 98.4% B 99.3%
Mesa Biotech Accula Accula Dock NS direct <30 min A 97% A 94%
Flu A/Flu B B 94% B 99%
Roche cobas Influenza cobas Liat NPS in VTM <30 min A 100% A 96.8%
A/B Assay Analyzer (approximately B 100% B 94.1%
22 min) Samuel 2020
Sekisui Silaris Influenza Silaris Dock NPS direct <30 min A 97% A 94%
A&B B 94% B 99%
Adapted from CDC Table 3: FDA-cleared nucleic acid detection-based tests for influenza (CDC 2020a) Samuel 2020,
and Babady et al. 2019. Sensitivity/specificity or positive predictive agreement (PPA)/negative predictive agreement
(NPA) is based on manufacturer package inserts and based on nasal swab data if applicable

RSV such as the Roche cobas Influenza A/B and RIDT indicate a higher sensitivity than the
RSV Assay. There is also dual viral POCT for reviewed published studies. Influenza POCT
influenza and COVID-19. These include the changed clinician management in ambulatory
Quidel Sofia 2 Flu  +  SARS Antigen FIA.  A care, reducing the use of routine blood tests
rapid POC CR platform, cobas Liat, Roche (20%), reducing blood cultures (18%), and
Diagnostics, was approved to detect COVID-19 reducing chest radiography (19%) (Lee et  al.
and influenza A and B in November 2020 (Tran 2019). These results suggest POCTs have a role
et al. 2020). This test is a PCR and more accurate in reducing diagnostic uncertainty for children
than antigen testing. PCR is still considered the with ILI [influenza-like illness], but the impact
gold standard for both influenza and COVID-19. on patient outcomes remains unclear. Antibiotic
This test is CLIA-waived. The point-of-care cobas prescribing was not affected by testing, but pre-
SARS-CoV-2 & Influenza A/B Assay uses a naso- scriptions for antiviral medication more than
pharyngeal sample and takes 20  min to run. For doubled. POCTs did not affect the time in the
SARS-CoV-2 detection, the POCT cobas Liat is emergency department or the number of patients
highly accurate; in one study, PPA was 100%, and returning for care (Lee et al. 2019). In children
NPA was 97.4% (Hansen et al. 2021). Given this under 2 years, the sensitivity for influenza POCT
high sensitivity and specificity of rapid PCR test- is the highest likely due to higher viral load in
ing, follow-up laboratory testing is not required. young children (Cruz et al. 2010).
Guidelines for interpretation of the test.
Influenza POCTs are specific >98%, but rapid
antigen detection tests (RADTs) have low sensi- 5.4.5 Barriers and Pitfalls
tivity compared with nucleic acid amplification of Influenza RIDT Testing
tests (53–54% versus 92–95%) (Lee et al. 2019).
Therefore, a negative result should not deter- The pitfalls of influenza RIDT include a greater
mine treatment. If the clinician has a strong clin- false-negative rate when the influenza burden is
ical suspicion for influenza in a high-risk patient, high in the community. False negatives can also
it is appropriate to initiate antiviral treatment. occur if an adequate sample is not obtained or if
Interestingly manufacturer package inserts for testing occurs too late in the illness.
148 L. B. Stace

Conversely, false positives are not very com-

mon, but they can occur during low influenza Key Learning about Influenza
activity, such as in the summer months when the • Children at high risk for more severe
influenza burden is low. If the clinician suspects a influenza include the following:
false-negative result, it can be confirmed with the • Ages under 5  years with particular
more accurate laboratory molecular assay. caution in children less than 2 years
Testing is most accurate within 3–4 days of onset or a history of prematurity.
of illness (CDC 2020c). • Children with chronic illnesses
RIDTs previously were antigen tests with including asthma, heart disease, kid-
molecular tests exclusively done in laborato- ney disease, liver disease, diabetes,
ries. The low sensitivity of the antigen tests obesity, compromised immune
causes cases to be missed. The new CLIA- systems.
waived rapid molecular influenza tests are more • Unvaccinated children.
sensitive, but there are concerns about environ- • Influenza is characterized by an acute
mental or amplicon contamination from broken onset of illness in a sick child with a
pouches or cartridges (Babady et  al. 2019). high fever, headache, cough, sore throat,
RIDT is less expensive and may be more sensi- and dry cough symptoms.
tive early in illness due to the high viral load • Most POCT in ambulatory care is rapid
(Cruz et al. 2010). antigen tests, which have lower sensitiv-
ity than molecular influenza tests.
• If the clinician has strong clinical suspi-
5.4.6 Real-Life Example cion, treat with antiviral if appropriate,
regardless of test results. Testing is most
In January, a six-year-old presented to the pri- accurate within 3–4  days of onset of
mary care office 6 h after being in the ED. The illness.
child’s history included a 2-day history of fever,
persistent dry cough, anorexia, running nose,
headache, sore throat, and body aches. The child
who had no risk factors for severe influenza was 5.5  OCT for SARS-CoV-2 or
diagnosed with a viral illness after an RIDT was COVID-19
negative. The guardian brought him to the office
since she felt he “was sicker than he usually Initially, children were thought to be less likely to
gets.” The physical exam was remarkable for acquire and transmit COVID-19 and were less
decreased breath sounds on the right base, tachy- likely to become severely ill with COVID-19.
pnea between 56 and 62, mild intercostal retrac- Therefore, when test availability was scarce, tests
tions, and suprasternal retractions. The child also were initially reserved for healthcare workers and
had a 2 cm spleen tip palpable. The RIDT in the hospitalized patients, predominately adults.
office was positive, but the child was sicker than However, as our knowledge of COVID-19 has
expected, and a bacteria coinfection was sus- expanded, clinicians recognize that most children
pected. The child was admitted via the ED to the do not become severely ill with COVID-19 rather
PICU after a chest X-ray confirmed a lung have mild COVID-19 infections. Adolescents
abscess, later identified as Staphylococcus may be just as likely as adults to spread
aureus, one of the three common coinfections COVID-­19 (Park et  al. 2020). Several notable
with influenza (Morris et al. 2017). In this case, outbreaks occurred as children across the United
the clinical presentation was more important States returned from summer camps, schools,
than whether the child had a positive or negative and universities (Szablewski et al. 2020, Wilson
RIDT. et al. 2020).
5  Point-of-Care Testing in Primary Care 149

5.5.1 Clinical Indications 5.5.3 Types of POCT COVID-19 Tests

for COVID-­19 Testing
POCT COVID-19 testing and evidence are rap-
Clinical symptoms that warrant COVID-19 test- idly evolving. A low threshold for testing a child
ing can include fever, chills, cough, shortness of with COVID-19 like symptoms has public health
breath or difficulty breathing, sore throat, implications and household contact implica-
fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, the tions. Current CDC guidelines recommend that
new loss of taste or smell, congestion or runny people exposed to a contact with COVID-19
nose, nausea or vomiting, abdominal pain, and should quarantine regardless of initial COVID-
diarrhea (Patel 2020). Unlike adults, children 19 testing results unless they are up-to-date on
may not be able to confirm or deny loss of taste COVID-19 vaccinations or have a confirmed his-
or smell. The child or parent may describe that tory of COVID-19 in the past 90 days. Current
their child has a decrease in appetite or that their CDC guidelines offer new guidelines that allow
favorite food or drink “tastes different.” the patient to quarantine for 5 days and if asymp-
Neurological symptoms and signs include anos- tomatic, may come off of quarantine on days
mia, and less commonly, Guillain-Barré syn- 6-10 as long as they wear a well fitting mask. It
drome, acute flaccid myelitis, and febrile is recommended to obtain testing at least 5 days
seizures (Christy 2020). after the exposure and to continue to monitor for
symptoms. If symptoms develop, immediate
isolation is required.
5.5.2 Differential Diagnosis coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/quarantine-
of COVID-19 isolation.html. According to the AAP, asymp-
tomatic exposures should be tested at least
The differential diagnosis for COVID-19 4  days after exposure (2020). The CDC states
includes influenza; respiratory syncytial virus that a positive antigen test is likely reliable. Still,
(RSV); upper respiratory infection (URI) from a negative antigen test should be confirmed with
different viruses including rhinovirus and regu- PCR if the pre-test probability is high or the
lar coronaviruses; croup due to a variety of dif- patient has symptoms or a known exposure
ferent viruses, including adenovirus; strep (CDC 2020e). For asymptomatic exposures,
pharyngitis; acute bacterial sinusitis; acute oti- only PCR testing should be used. The FDA has
tis media; mycoplasma pneumonia; bacterial approved Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)
pneumonia; pertussis; viral or bacterial gastro- for many tests. Tables 5.6 and 5.7 illustrate sev-
enteritis; foreign body ingestion/aspiration eral tests along with the manufacturer’s sensitiv-
pneumonia; and allergic rhinitis/environmental ity, specificity, time to run the test, and whether
allergies. Whether in person or via telehealth, a it is CLIA-waived. As this chapter goes to print,
complete history and exam may help narrow many new COVID-19 antigen home and self-test
the differential diagnosis. COVID-19 is cov- kits are now available over the counter. The
ered in the pediatric infectious disease Chap. 6, focus of this chapter is POCT in the office set-
Section 6.4.10. ting and therefore home-testing will not be
While the disease is generally milder in chil- addressed in depth. However, generally speak-
dren, it can present a similar presentation to ing, a positive home COVID antigen test is very
adults, especially in children with underlying likely a true positive and isolation should begin.
pulmonary diseases (Christy 2020). The new A negative home Covid test should be repeated
delta variant seems to be making children sicker in 24–36 hours, or a confirmation COVID-19
and has caused an increase in hospitalizations PCR should be obtained, or consultation with a
(Fiore 2021). Children can present with MIS-C in healthcare provider regarding clinical scenario
a clinical presentation that is similar to Kawasaki and interpretation of test results should occur
disease. prior from ending isolation.
150 L. B. Stace COVID Antibody Tests rently on the market as of November 2020. It is

The antibody testing is unlikely to help screen or inexpensive, takes 15 min to run, and is highly sen-
diagnose symptomatic infections early in infection. sitive and specific, as outlined in the table. It can
Still, it may help determine the immune status of also be paired with a mobile app called NAVICA,
asymptomatic patients, epidemiology, or diagnos- enabling the results to be scanned like a boarding
ing patients presenting with possible COVID-19 pass when entering an event (Abbott 2021).
sequela (Hanson et al. 2020). When used in The Quidel Sofia and Sofia 2 SARS
COVID-19 outbreaks, rapid antibody tests can be a Antigen Fluorescent Immunoassay use
reliable screening tool (Mathur and Mathur 2020). immunofluorescence-­based lateral flow to detect
Antibody tests may also be helpful in patients pre- nucleocapsid protein from SARS-CoV-2. The kit
senting late in illness with negative molecular tests. comes with a self-contained test cassette, reagent
Rapid antibody tests can use rapid lateral flow tubes, reagent solution, pipettes, and nasal swab,
immunoassay, with an example being COVID-19 although alternatively, the purchaser can request
IgG/IgM rapid test cassette (whole blood/serum/ a nasopharyngeal swab. The specimen is run
plasma). Still, this test is run in a clinical laboratory quickly on a nearby Sofia machine, and it takes
but not in the office. Rapid lateral flow immunoas- 15 min for the machine to give results. The Sofia
says identify IgM and IgG antibodies to help iden- machine can also run additional POCT such as
tify recent COVID-19 infections. Seroconversion influenza and RSV. The positive predictive value
occurs after 7  days of symptomatic infection in for SARS-CoV-2 is 96.7%, and a negative pre-
50% and 14 days in all patients (Tang et al. 2020). dictive value is 100% per manufacturer.
Recent treatment guidelines recommended against A new combo Sofia test Quidel Sofia 2
the use of serologic testing for the sole basis of a Flu  +  SARS Antigen FIA includes testing for
diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 (National Institutes of both COVID-19 and influenza with one swab.
Health (NIH) 2021). The guidelines recommend Table  5.6 is a review of some of the currently
that a molecular or antigen test be used with the approved rapid antigen tests.
knowledge that a repeat test should be considered
in patients with a high likelihood of COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2 PCR
based on exposure and clinical presenta- The gold standard for diagnosing acute
tion (NIH 2021). COVID-­ 19 infection is still the SARS-CoV-2
PCR run from a nasopharyngeal sample. POCT COVID-19 Antigen Tests However, initially, the PCR tests were laboratory-­
Currently, antigen testing for COVID-19 identi- based only. Even more recently, rapid molecular
fies target proteins. The rapid COVID-19 antigen PCR tests have been waived for use in a primary
tests are the most commonly used for POCT that care setting.
are newly available under emergency use authori- Most rapid COVID-19 tests can be run with a
zation. Primary care clinicians need to be aware nasal swab, which young children better tolerate
of the sensitivity and specificity and negative and than NP swabs. Self-swabbing for older school-­
positive predictive values of the test they use in aged children and adolescents may be feasible
their office. A reflex molecular diagnostic test for nasal swabs but should be directly observed
should be collected if a child presents clinically by the clinician to ensure an adequate specimen
with signs of SARS-CoV-2 infection but has a is obtained (AAP 2020). For direct respiratory
negative antigen test (NIH 2021). testing in the era of COVID-19, the clinician
Examples of POCT COVID-19 antigen tests. wears PPE to include facemask (N95 preferred),
Following a super spreader event, the Abbott face shield or goggles, gown, and gloves.
BinaxNOW was distributed to nursing homes, Appropriate precautions should be used to limit
schools, and the White House. The Abbott aerosolization for in-office swabbing, and the
BinaxNOW is the only self-contained POCT test room must be thoroughly cleaned between
that does not require additional machinery cur- patients (Pondaven-Letourmy et al. 2020).
5  Point-of-Care Testing in Primary Care 151

Table 5.6  Examples of COVID-19 rapid antigen tests

Test PPA/NNA Time to run the test
Abbott BinaxNOW COVID-19 Ag Card 84.6%/98.5% 15 min (no
instrumentation required)
Quidel Sofia SARS Antigen FIA 96.7%/100% 15 min
Quidel Sofia 2 Flu + SARS Antigen FIA SARS 95.2%/ 100% 15 min
Flu A 90%/ 95%
Flu B 89%/ 96%
BD Veritor System for Rapid Detection of SARS-CoV-2 84%/100% 15 min
Access Bio CareStart COVID-19 Antigen Test 87.2%%/100% 10 min
LumiraDx SARS-CoV-2 Ag Test 97.6%/96.6% 12 min
Table adapted from Fiore 2020, FDA 2021, Tang et al. 2020, manufacturer’s inserts and is based on nasal swab when
applicable. Since the creation of this table, many additional COVID-19 Home Tests have become available

Table 5.7  Examples of molecular COVID-19 tests

Time to run the test (does CLIA-waived/
Test PPA/PNA not include transport time) POCT
Abbott ID NOW 100%/100% 13 min Yes
Roche cobas SARS-CoV-2 100%/100% 3.5 h No
Roche cobas SARS-CoV-2 Nucleic Acid TestCOVID 100%/100% 20 min Yes
for use on cobas Liat System Flu A 98.4/96.5%
Flu B 97.9%/ 99.4%
Panther Fusion SARS-CoV-2 Assay 100%/100% 3 h No
Cepheid Xpert Xpress SARS-CoV-2 Test 97.8%/95.6% 45 min Yes
Cepheid Xpert Xpress SARS-Cov-2/Flu/RSV COVID 97.9%/100% 36 min Yes
Flu A 100%/100%
Flu B 100%/99%
RSV 100%/100%
Thermo Fisher TaqPath 100%/100% 4 h No
Labcorp COVID-19 RT-PCR Test 100%/100% 24 h No
Information for table obtained from FDA (2021). Additional sensitivity and specificity as well as positive and negative
predictive values from the manufacturer package insert

Example of molecular tests. Molecular test- The clinician should be prepared to explain and
ing is more sensitive for SARS-CoV-2 than rapid answer all of these questions and concerns before
antigen testing. Current guidelines, as discussed ordering and obtaining testing. It may help
previously, recommend reflex PCR if rapid anti- remind parents that we use a similar rapid test
gen testing is negative. However, there has been with secondary confirmation testing for strep
recent development of CLIA-waived rapid SAR-­ pharyngitis. If a parent seems likely to decline
CoV-­2 tests to alleviate the need for confirmation two tests, it may be preferable to offer only the
testing. Table  5.7 outlines examples of some of more accurate PCR. Some families disbelieve or
the molecular COVID-19 tests along with infor- downplay the danger of COVID-19, whereas oth-
mation about timing to result and whether the test ers may mistrust the test itself. Parental refusal of
is CLIA-waived. the COVID-19 test does occur for various rea-
sons, including concerns about any pain or dis-
comfort associated with the test or that the child
5.5.4 B
 arriers and Pitfalls of POCT will be “exposed” to the virus during the testing.
COVID-19 Tests Other barriers include lack of transportation to
the testing site, lack of clinicians comfortable
Despite rapid innovation in COVID-19 testing, with obtaining samples from young infants, and
there are still many pitfalls and barriers to testing. parental concern regarding the cost. The child
152 L. B. Stace

may be uncooperative for the test, and the family difficult to interpret the results. caution with
may not want to subject their child to any repeat COVID-19 PCR as it may be difficult to
restraints. interpret results.
The rapid nasal antigen test is attractive to The emergency use approval for a particular
many parents due to nasal specimen collection SARS-CoV-2 diagnostic test varies. Some tests
with less associated discomfort. Due to the lower have been authorized for screening, and other
sensitivity of the rapid antigen tests, it is tests can only be used if the clinician suspects
recommended to repeat testing with COVID-19 COVID-19 infection, whether the child is asymp-
PCR tests if the rapid antigen is negative. Many tomatic, pre-symptomatic, or symptomatic (Food
parents have difficulty understanding the need for and Drug Administration (FDA) 2021). As a rule
two tests and seem satisfied with an initial nega- of thumb, antigen tests should only be used in
tive rapid test and, as a result, refuse to follow up symptomatic patients suspected of COVID-19.
PCR. Typically molecular tests can be used for asymp-
Pitfalls include a possible lower sensitivity tomatic and pre-symptomatic patients exposed to
and specificity of the antigen testing. There is COVID-19 and symptomatic patients suspected
considerable variation in the results depending to have COVID-19. Table  5.8 gives specific
on the test used. The molecular COVID-19 can examples of when to use.
pick up residual viral nucleic acid fragments that
may be present due to a previous infection. If a
child has had confirmed COVID-19 in the past 90 5.5.5 Respiratory Multiplex Tests
days and symptoms resolved completely, and
then new symptoms present, the clinician should BioFire Respiratory Panel 2.1 EZ is a multiplex
attempt to find an alternative diagnosis and use molecular test available for POCT, CLIA-waived
caution with repeat COVID-19 PCR as it may be testing for 19 different respiratory viruses. The

Table 5.8  COVID-19 “who, what, when” test guidance

Who to test When to test What test to order
Symptomatic child with or Suspicion is high SARS-CoV-2 NAAT
without known exposure with Immediate testing 1. Rapid COVID Antigen Test if
any of the following symptoms: available, with reflex to
Fever, chills, cough, congestion, SARS-CoV-2 NAAT (PCR) if
runny nose, loss of taste or smell, rapid test negative
shortness of breath or difficulty 2. Alternatively only obtain a
breathing, body aches, fatigue, SARS-CoV-2 NAAT (PCR)
headache, sore throat, nausea,
vomiting, or diarrhea
Asymptomatic exposed child: In Per AAP, delayed testing at least 4 days after SARS-CoV-2 NAAT preferred
close contact with a confirmed or exposure. Further testing after the initial for asymptomatic exposed patient
suspected COVID-19 contact. negative test should be guided by
Close contact is defined as less symptomatology. A negative test after
than 6 feet for 15 min exposure does not negate the need to
cumulatively. Clinicians may quarantine
consider testing for exposures of Newer CDC guidelines suggest a negative
shorter duration or greater test on day 5 may assist for early release
distance on a case-by-case basis from quarantine
Indirectly exposed child: Indirect No test is needed unless the child becomes No test needed
exposure to an exposed contact symptomatic, exposed contact becomes
and not directly with an infected symptomatic/tests positive, avoidance of
person, child asymptomatic exposed contact while they quarantine
Child needing test to return to No test is needed; the child may return to No test is needed; the clinician
school after confirmed infection school based on CDC guidelines regarding may write a letter
5  Point-of-Care Testing in Primary Care 153

Table 5.8 (continued)
Who to test When to test What test to order
The parent thinks the child may Minimum of 2 weeks since the infection has Either SARS-CoV-2 IgG or total
have had COVID-19 infection passed, IDSA guidelines recommend antibody (IgM, IgG)
previously but is now recovered antibody test 3–4 weeks after symptom onset
Pediatric patient presenting to Immediate testing and admission Both nucleic acid amplification
ambulatory setting or ED with test (SARS-CoV-2 NAAT) and
signs of MIS-C antibody testing to provide
evidence on current or past
COVID-19 infection
A child with confirmed N/A No COVID-19 test needed;
COVID-19 infection who needs a children with mild to moderate
return to sports clearance COVID-19 should contact PCP
for return to sports guidance once
the criteria to come off of
quarantine are met; if cardiac
screening questions or abnormal
exam, additional evaluation to
include EKG and referral to a
cardiologist may be needed.
Children with severe COVID-19
should be restricted from exercise
for 3–6 months postinfection and
cleared by cardiology
Infant perinatally exposed to At 24 h of age, and again at 48 h (in PCR, single swab nasopharynx or
confirmed or suspected hospital), if negative and discharged home single swab throat followed by
COVID-19 mother and becomes symptomatic, the clinician nasopharynx or two separate
should retest. Otherwise, infant and guardian swabs from both sites submitted
stay on quarantine with continued use of as 1 test; some centers use
hand hygiene and masking anterior nasal swabs
If initially positive at 24 h, consider
follow-up testing at 48–72-h intervals to see
if the infant has cleared the virus from
mucosal sites
Adapted from AAP (2020), Hanson et al. (2020), Jenco (2021), CDC (2020k).

BioFire Respiratory Panel 2.1 EZ tests for SARS-­ Routine care of an otherwise healthy child should
CoV-­2; adenovirus; coronavirus 229E; coronavi- not merit the use of these tests (Baird 2019).
rus HKU1; coronavirus NL63; coronavirus OC43;
human metapneumovirus; human rhinovirus/
enterovirus; influenza A, including subtypes H1, 5.5.6 Real-Life Example
H3, and H1–2009; influenza B; parainfluenza
virus; respiratory syncytial virus; Bordetella par- An eight-year-old presented to the office two and
apertussis; Bordetella pertussis; Chlamydia one-half weeks after a positive COVID rapid
pneumoniae; and Mycoplasma pneumoniae PCR test. The child’s symptoms included fever,
(BioFire 2021). Four types of parainfluenza virus abdominal pain, diarrhea, conjunctivitis, poly-
(PIV1, PIV2, PIV3, and PIV4) can be detected morphous rash, and shortness of breath. By the
and reported as parainfluenza virus detected. The mother’s history, the child had an uneventful
BioFire RP2.1 EZ is authorized as a POCT and recovery from COVID but developed his present
has a CLIA Certificate of Waiver, Certificate of symptoms 24 h ago. Based on the mother’s his-
Compliance, or Certificate of Accreditation. tory and how ill the child appeared, multisystem
Diagnostic stewardship points to the need for cli- inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) was
nicians to use these tests for a specific reason. considered along with Kawasaki disease. The
154 L. B. Stace

child was admitted to the hospital. Laboratory new and is employed in a variety of ambulatory
testing was consistent with MIS-C since the child and inpatient settings. POCT CRP is currently
had elevated serum ferritin, CRP, D-dimer, ala- used most frequently in limited-resource commu-
nine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransfer- nities where access to other testing is limited. A
ase, creatine kinase, blood urea nitrogen, and benefit of POCT CRP is it has been shown to
serum creatinine levels. The child was success- decrease antibiotic prescribing in children with
fully treated for MIS-C. acute viral respiratory illnesses (Tsao et al. 2020;
Keitel et al. 2017). A study performed in the neo-
Key Learning about POCT for COVID-19 natal intensive care unit found that POCT CRP
compares favorably to laboratory CRP with
1. Making sure that the test specimen is properly POCT results coming back on average 4 min. In
obtained is key to getting the best possible contrast, laboratory results took over 4 h (Prince
results. et al. 2019).
2. POCT antigen testing is not as accurate as
PCR testing. In a child who you suspect has
COVID, a PCR test should be done. 5.6.2 T
 ypes of POCT CRP Diagnostic
3. There are over 340 tests that received emer- Tests
gency authorization for use in the United
States. The test’s sensitivity and specificity ProciseDx applied for FDA approval for its
vary greatly, and the clinician should evaluate Procise CRP assay in July 2021. ProciseDx is a
the results of the tests based on each test’s POCT for C-reactive protein that gives a CRP
sensitivity and specificity. result in 2–5 min (Westlake 2020). FebriDx is a
4. Antibody testing can be done at a minimum of POCT multiplex lateral flow assay that gives
2 weeks after an illness, with the IDSA rec- results in 10 min. It has a sensitivity and speci-
ommending 3–4 weeks. ficity of 80–95% (Tsao et al. 2020). This test is
indicated for use in patients presenting with
acute respiratory infections and detects CRP
5.6  OCT C-Reactive Protein
P and myxoma resistance protein 1 (MxA). MxA
(CRP) is a marker for viral infection, whereas CRP is a
marker for bacterial infection. FebriDx is an all-
An overview of C-reactive protein (CRP) is dis- in-one test that uses a finger-stick blood sample.
cussed in Chap. 6, Section 6.3.2. CRP is a protein This test is currently available in Europe,
produced in the liver and rises in response to Canada, the United Kingdom, Pakistan,
infection or inflammation. CRP should be higher Singapore, and Malaysia.
in bacterial infection than in viral infection; Additional POCT CRP includes NycoCard
­however, the cutoff value to differentiate viral and Afinion. A French study conducted in
versus bacterial is somewhat disputed. CRP and 2017 evaluated the use of a POCT CRP Afinion
PCT (procalcitonin) are often used together and in a pediatric emergency department in chil-
are helpful to detect pneumonia and meningitis in dren presenting with fever (Roulliaud et  al.
children (Tsao et al. 2020). 2018). They reported a decrease in average
emergency room time and decreased other lab
tests and imaging due to using the test
5.6.1 C
 linical Indications for POCT (Roulliaud et al. 2018).
CRP Testing The use of POCT CRP in this study indicated
there might be an economic benefit. A Thailand
Due to an earlier rise in CRP when a child is ill, a study reported that POCT CRP testing reduced
POCT CRP can be used to determine a possible antibiotic resistance’s economic costs with POCT
cause of the patient’s complaint. POCT CRP is CRP test that costs $1 (Althaus et al. 2019).
5  Point-of-Care Testing in Primary Care 155

5.6.3 Pitfalls of POCT CRP Testing nia (Alcoba et al. 2017). The investigators in this
study felt these two steps could decrease the need
POCT CRP tests are not readily available for use for antibiotic coverage and chest radiographs in
in the United States. A systemic review and meta-­ pediatric emergency departments. This study did
analysis of POCT in pediatric ambulatory care not specifically list POCT CRP but stated the
found that POCT CRP may be beneficial in low- CRP test was rapidly available (Alcoba et  al.
to middle-income countries in reducing antibiotic 2017).
prescribing for acute respiratory illnesses but not
in high-income countries (Van Hecke et al. 2020). Key Learning about POCT for CRP
As discussed in Chap. 6, one of the pitfalls of
POCT CRP is the large range of CRP values 1. A POCT for CRP is not readily available for
(Tsao et al. 2020). While some evidence points to use in the United States.
a higher CRP in bacterial illness, the cutoff is 2. May provide additional ancillary data and
unclear since there is a wide range of normal. assist with diagnosis in a resource-poor or
According to the CDC, about 30% of antibiotics rural setting and serve to decrease antibiotic
prescribed in the United States primary care are prescribing.
unnecessary (CDC 2020f). While CRP levels 3. A large range of CRP values make it difficult
may be higher in bacterial illness than in viral ill- to determine cutoff between viral and bacte-
ness and a higher value of >8–10 mg/L is more rial infection.
likely to be a bacterial cause, the test is not per- 4. The technology or platforms for using POCT
fect (Andreola et al. 2007; Lee et al. 2020). CRP tests for CRP are widely used. For example,
does not adequately differentiate between viral the Alere Afinion™ platform for running
and bacterial pneumonia and therefore is not rec- POCT used for HbA1c is used in primary care
ommended for immunized children treated out- clinics.
patient (Tsai et al. 2020).
CRP is highly sensitive and moderately spe-
cific at identifying bacterial illness. A Southeast 5.7 POCT Human
Asia study of children and adults presenting Immunodeficiency Virus
febrile to primary care reported a CRP sensitivity (HIV) Testing
of 86% and specificity of 67% with a threshold of
20 mg/L (Althaus et al. 2019). While POCT CRP Rapid POCT HIV testing allows patients to be
alone may not be enough to diagnose bacterial tested and receive their results in the same office
pneumonia in the United States and other devel- visit. The rapid test can be performed in the clinic
oped countries, a recent study performed in three instead of being sent to a lab. Most rapid tests
pediatric emergency departments in Switzerland identify antibodies to HIV in the blood or, less
used CRP as a three-step process to identify chil- frequently, sputum instead of identifying the
dren at high risk for community-acquired pneu- virus itself. Therefore, rapid tests are screening
monia (CAP) (Alcoba et al. 2017). The first step tests. Initial testing could be nonreactive; how-
was evaluating for clinical signs indicating pneu- ever, if the potential exposure were within
monia to include two out of three of the follow- 3  months, another test may be indicated. If the
ing: unilateral hypoventilation, grunting, and rapid test is positive, this should be considered a
absence of wheezing. If two out of three clinical preliminary positive, and confirmation laboratory
signs were positive, the second step was to obtain testing should be done (Broeckaert and
a CRP. By adding CRP as a second step with a Challacombe 2015). Some newer POCT molecu-
cutoff of 40 mg/L, the investigators could rule out lar tests identify RNA and are used in other coun-
pneumonia with a 92% sensitivity rate and a neg- tries, but these tests are not currently FDA
ative predictive value of 87% for pneumonia with approved in the United States. There are three
consolidation and 94% for complicated pneumo- types of HIV tests available today—the nucleic
156 L. B. Stace

acid tests to detect HIV ribonucleic acid (RNA), PCR or HIV qualitative RNA, and then follow-up
the antibody tests to detect HIV IgM and/or IgG testing is done at 1–3  months of life and
antibodies, and the confirmatory antigen/anti- 4–6 months of life (CDC 2016). If all three tests
body combination test that detect HIV IgM, HIV are negative, the infant is considered HIV-
IgG, and HIV p24 antigen (CDC 2020g). negative. If two positives on any of these tests,
then the infant is considered HIV-positive. HIV
culture, HIV p24 antigen assay, and immune
5.7.1 C
 linical Indications for POCT complex-dissociated p24 antigen assay are not
HIV Testing recommended for infants less than 1  month of
age (NIH 2019). HIV antibody assay should not
Clinical indications for testing include known be used in cases of perinatal exposure in children
exposure to HIV, including possible perinatal less than 18 months of age, as it could result in a
exposure, high-risk behavior such as unprotected false-positive result (NIH 2019). If a newborn is
sexual activity or intravenous illicit drug use, delivered and maternal HIV status is unknown,
routine preventative care screening to identify the newborn may also undergo rapid HIV testing.
asymptomatic patients, and the patient presenting However, in known prenatal exposures, rapid
with symptoms suspicious for HIV. POCT is not recommended as a testing method
According to the American Academy of for infants in the United States.
Pediatrics Bright Futures and the United States
Preventative Services Task Force, adolescents
should be screened for HIV once between 15 5.7.2 Differential Diagnosis of HIV
and 18 years of age (Hagan et al. 2017; United
States Preventive Services Task Force et  al. Children who present with symptoms such as
2019). Adolescents at increased risk of HIV lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, failure
infection should be tested annually along with to thrive, chronic or recurrent diarrhea, pneumo-
other sexually transmitted diseases (STD) test- nia, recurrent bacterial or fungal infections such
ing. Those at high risk for HIV who should be as oral candidiasis and other opportunistic infec-
screened at least annually include people who tions, chronic parotid swelling, and progressive
inject substances and their sexual partners, peo- neurological deterioration should be considered
ple who exchange sex for money or illicit sub- for HIV testing (NIH 2019). The differential
stances, sexual partners of people with HIV, diagnosis of HIV includes influenza-like illnesses
sexually active men who have sex with men caused by a virus, immunodeficiency disorders,
(MSM), heterosexuals who themselves or their and mononucleosis-like illnesses caused by
partners have had greater or equal to one sexual viruses, including CMV and EBV.
partner since their most recent HIV test, and
those receiving treatment for hepatitis, tubercu-
losis, or other sexually transmitted diseases 5.7.3 D
 ifferential Diagnosis for HIV
(CDC 2020h). in Pediatric Patients
Perinatal transmission in the United States
and other developed countries is rare due to uni- Pediatric HIV diagnosis is relatively rare in most
versal antenatal testing, antiviral medications, areas in the United States. There are certain areas
cesarean births, and abstaining from breastfeed- and patient populations that are at higher risk.
ing (CDC 2021, 2022). In underdeveloped coun- Due to HIV testing in pregnancy, very few
tries where access to safe water to make formula infants are born to mothers whose HIV status is
is limited, breastfeeding is still encouraged unknown. The availability of rapid testing of
regardless of the HIV status of the mother. In the mothers at delivery decreases this likelihood
United States, perinatally exposed infants are even further. Other than perinatal transmission,
tested within the first 48 h of life with HIV DNA older children rarely contract HIV through
5  Point-of-Care Testing in Primary Care 157

sexual abuse and accidental puncture wound Spooner et  al. researched using a new POCT
from a discarded needle, bite wound, physical called Alere q HIV-1/2 Detect, which detects
fight, or sports activity. However, these transmis- HIV RNA from a finger stick or, in the case of
sion methods are relatively rare (CDC 2016; infants, a heel stick with results in 50 min (2019).
NIH 2019). Adolescents may contract HIV This study found that mothers and healthcare cli-
through high-risk sexual behavior or the use of nicians preferred HIV POCT since it decreased
intravenous substances. the likelihood of delayed results or lack of fol-
The primary care clinician needs to review low-­ up. All infants testing positive could be
the newborn discharge summary at first well- started quickly on antiviral medication. The study
baby check to verify the mother was tested and found POCT HIV testing for early infant diagno-
was HIV-negative. If a child previously thought sis is an accurate and acceptable test that allowed
to be HIV-negative with no known exposure early ART for all infants who tested positive and
begins to exhibit signs or symptoms of HIV, were born in birth facilities (Spooner et al. 2019).
HIV should promptly be ruled out. In a child By using a POCT HIV, there was a threefold
over 18 months of age, if HIV is suspected, HIV increase in initiating antiretroviral therapy within
screening should be done with HIV antibody 60 days in a child who was newly diagnosed with
assays plus confirmation antibody test or viro- HIV (Van Hecke et al. 2020).
logic detection test (NIH 2019). As previously
discussed, antibody testing may be negative in Antibody Tests
acute early infection, and follow-­up virologic Several antibody CLIA-waived rapid tests
testing is necessary. The differential diagnosis include DPP HIV 1/2 Assay, HIV 1/2 STAT-PAK,
could include immunodeficiency due to immu- INSTI HIV-1/HIV-2 Antibody Test, OraQuick
nosuppressive therapy, congenital immunodefi- Advance Rapid HIV-1/2 Antibody Test, SURE
ciency, inflammatory bowel disease, DiGeorge CHECK HIV 1/2 Assay, and Uni-Gold
syndrome, chronic allergies, cystic fibrosis, Recombigen HIV-1/2. These tests are single-use,
graft-versus-host disease, congenital newborn with test results back within 2–25  min. These
infections, or ataxia-telangiectasia (King and tests are used with whole blood, although some
Hammarström 2018. can also be run from saliva. One test, Determine
HIV-1/2 Ag/Ab Combo Test, is an antigen and
antibody rapid test. It is a single-use test that
5.7.4 Types of Diagnostic Tests detects IgM, IgG antibodies and reports Ag and
for POCT HIV Ab separately. It is CLIA-waived and uses whole
blood specimens such as a finger stick. Different
The benefits of using rapid POCT HIV include: types of CLIA-waived rapid HIV POCT tests are
results are available within minutes, and the per- found in Table 5.9.
son receives results at the time of visit.
Alternatively, laboratory tests sent out to a lab
can take several days to complete, and studies 5.7.5 Barriers and Pitfalls
have shown that sometimes patients cannot be for POCT HIV
reached to relay results (Pai et  al. 2015).
Additional benefits include: rapid testing may Pai et  al. researched barriers to implementing
increase access to testing, thereby increasing the rapid and POCT tests for HIV across patients,
likelihood of early diagnosis. Outside the United clinicians, and health systems (2015). The study
States, where the burden of HIV-positive mothers found that patient-level barriers to POCT HIV
delivering infants is higher such as in South include lack of awareness of accuracy, time con-
Africa, the birth and 10 weeks HIV-PCR presents straints, privacy concerns, fear of receiving the
challenges, including loss of follow-up and result in the clinic setting, and costly confirma-
delayed results (Spooner et al. 2019). A study by tion testing. In the study, some patients preferred
158 L. B. Stace

Table 5.9  CLIA-waived rapid HIV POCT

specifically (finger- Time for
stick whole blood blood
Test Detection when available) Specimen types results
Chembio DDP HIV-1/2 Antibodies 99.8%/100% Finger-stick or whole 10 min
HIV-1 and 2 venous blood or oral fluid
Chembio SURE CHECK Antibodies 99.7%/99.9% Finger-stick or whole blood 15 min
HIV 1/2 Assay HIV-1 and 2
Clearview HIV 1/2 Antibodies 99.7%/ 99.9% Finger-stick or whole 15 min
STAT-PAK HIV-1 and 2 venous blood
Determine HIV-1/2 Ag/Ab Antibodies 99.9%/ 100% (low Finger-stick whole blood 20 min
Combo Test HIV-1 and 2, risk pt.) or 99.7%
HIV-1 p24 (high risk pt.)
INSTI HIV-1/HIV-2 Antibodies 99.8%/99.5% Finger-stick whole blood <2 min
Antibody Test HIV-1 and 2
OraQuick advance Rapid Antibodies 99.6%/100% Finger-stick or whole 20 min
HIV-1/2 Antibody Test HIV-1 and 2 venous blood or oral fluid
Uni-Gold Recombigen Antibodies 100%/99.7% Finger-stick or whole 10 min
HIV-1/2 HIV-1 and 2 venous blood
Partially adapted from CDC 2020i, and manufacturer package insert

time to prepare for the result, so they preferred and study, these tests are highly sensitive and
traditional laboratory testing instead of rapid specific.
POCT.  Barriers on the clinician level included Pitfalls to rapid POCT HIV tests include that
challenges integrating POCT into clinical work- when used with finger-stick whole blood, they
flow, time, cost, attitude, and staff reluctance to are not as sensitive near the time of infection as
do POCT. Barriers at the healthcare level included antigen or antibody tests performed on plasma
implantation, cost, and concerns with accuracy. (CDC 2020i).
POCT HIV testing was one of the first POCT for
sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and there-
fore initial POCT was not as accurate as they are 5.7.6 Real-Life Example
today. Unfortunately, this concept continues to
linger in both the medical community and A five-month-old comes for his first visit to the
patients alike. In high-prevalence areas, HIV office. There are no previous medical records
POCT can have an accuracy of 98–99%. available. The mother reports two hospitaliza-
However, in lower prevalence settings, there can tions for sepsis at 1 and 4  months. The child’s
be an increase in false results. birth weight was 8 pounds. Today, you note that
There have been concerns that certain rapid the child is small for age and is growing on the
POCT HIV tests are not as accurate as other labo- fifth percentile for weight and height and the 25th
ratory tests for HIV. However, the INSTI HIV-1/ percentile for head circumference. The exam is
HIV-2 has a sensitivity of 99.6% and a specificity remarkable for small 1 cm anterior cervical nodes
of 99.3% (Broeckaert and Challacombe 2015). and a spleen tip. Based on the history, you con-
The Determine HIV-1/2 Ag/AB Combo has a sider a complement disorder. You decide to do a
sensitivity of 99.9% and a specificity of 99.8% CBC with differential, HIV DNA PCR, immuno-
(Broeckaert and Challacombe 2015). These val- globulins, and total complement (C50) as well as
ues verify slightly from manufacturer-reported C3 and C4. HIV testing was negative. The child’s
data; however, as you can see, based on the table C50 was low, and an immunologist’s further
5  Point-of-Care Testing in Primary Care 159

diagnostic workup showed a complement com- rates fell 10% for teens 15–17 years and 6% for
ponent 2 deficiency. teens 18–19 years of age (CDC 2020j).

Key Learning about POCT for HIV 5.8.1 C

 linical Indications for POCT
1. Detect intracellular HIV-1 nucleic acids Pregnancy Tests
typically present 10–14 days after HIV
exposure, either in the form of viral Adolescent reported history may be vague and
RNA in plasma or proviral DNA in can sometimes be purposely misleading due to
peripheral blood mononuclear cells. privacy or safety concerns. The pediatric clini-
2. The oral fluid testing device that mea- cian should have a low threshold to test for preg-
sures HIV antibody in mucosal transu- nancy in adolescent females. An adolescent
date. It is well accepted and used in patient may present to primary care for confirma-
many outreach settings (Committee on tion of a positive pregnancy test at home. Early
Pediatric Aids et  al. 2011 reaffirmed pregnancy signs such as breast tenderness, lower
2016, COVID-19 2021). back pain, abdominal cramping, nausea or vomit-
3. A positive rapid HIV test is considered ing, or missed menstruation may be reported.
a “preliminary positive,” and confirma- Irregular menstruation or amenorrhea and uri-
tion HIV screening should be performed nary tract symptoms may be other clinical indica-
with a fourth-generation antibody/anti- tions to obtain POCT pregnancy testing. Also,
gen test. initiation of contraception or reporting recent
4. Western blot is no longer recommended. unprotected intercourse may be other reasons to
5. Detects HIV-1 and HIV-2 antibodies employ rapid pregnancy screening. A POCT
and the HIV-1 p24 antigen, with supple- urine hCG should be performed in all female
mental testing after a reactive assay to adolescents that present with amenorrhea, even if
differentiate between HIV-1 and HIV-2 the patient denies previous sexual intercourse. If
antibodies. the parent is involved in the visit and depending
on state law, the clinician may wish to explain to
the parent and patient that a baseline POCT urine
hCG is standard of care in all women of child-
bearing age presenting with amenorrhea. Lower
5.8 POCT Pregnancy Screening abdominal pain may indicate a tubal or normal
pregnancy, and a POCT urine hCG test can help
Many pediatric clinicians continue to care for rule out pregnancy as the cause.
adolescents through at least 18  years of age,
while some continue care until 21  years.
Adolescent pregnancy is on the decline in most 5.8.2 T
 ypes of POCT Pregnancy
areas of the United States; however, rapid, dis- Tests
creet pregnancy testing is still needed in primary
care. Unfortunately, the United States still has POCT qualitative urine hCG used in most clinic
one of the highest adolescent pregnancy rates settings can identify pregnancy by the first day of
compared to other developed countries the missed period. POCT urine hCG can typi-
(Hornberger 2017). According to the CDC, ado- cally detect hCG at a level of 25 IU/L (Hornberger
lescent pregnancy is declining due to increased 2017). POCT serum hCG tests are also on the
availability and use of birth control and absti- market but are less commonly used in a clinical
nence. The most current statistics from the CDC setting as they are moderate complexity and more
show a birth rate of 18.8 per 1000 teens. The birth invasive due to the need for venipuncture. The
160 L. B. Stace

result on either qualitative urine or serum hCG is serum hCG is preferred when the clinician sus-
positive or negative. pects pregnancy and the POCT is negative; or the
clinician wants the most accurate test to confirm Rapid Urine Immunoassay or rule out pregnancy (Furtado et al. 2012) quan-
Overall, POCT hCG tests are accurate and easy titative hCG can also help clinician to estimate
to use. However, certain circumstances increase how far along a pregnancy is. Laboratory quanti-
the risk for false results. Suppose the pediatric tative serum hCG is more sensitive and can detect
clinician has a strong suspicion of false results on hCG at 1 IU/L. The negative predictive value of
POCT.  In that case, the POCT hCG could be both laboratory qualitative and quantitative serum
repeated in several days, or a serum hCG could hCG is 99.9% (Furtado et al. 2012).
be sent to the laboratory. As with other POCT In the adolescent population specifically, cau-
tests, the benefit to POCT is rapid results within tion should be used in confidential send-out test-
minutes; the patient can be informed of the posi- ing, as contacting the adolescent at home may be
tive result during the visit, allowing the appropri- more difficult without parental knowledge, par-
ate education and referral to take place within the ticularly if adolescents don’t have access to their
office visit. POCT for pregnancy is typically a own telephone. Cost comparison from 2019, the
lower-cost test. reimbursement rate for POCT urine hCG was
The pediatric clinician should have access to $8.61, and quantitative serum hCG testing was
rapid urine immunoassays that test for the pres- $16.73 (Latifi et al. 2019).
ence of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).
HCG is a chemical created by trophoblast tissue
found in early embryos, eventually becoming 5.8.3 B
 arriers and Pitfalls of POCT
part of the placenta (Betz and Fane 2020). Most Pregnancy Tests
POCT urine hCG tests use hCG monoclonal anti-
bodies specific to hCG beta-subunit to detect The most common reason for a false-negative
hCG in the specimen. Typically, several drops of result is human error, particularly at home tests
a urine sample are added to the test well, and (Hornberger 2017). The clinician should observe
after several minutes, a control line will appear. the test for a control line (typically blue) and a test
The additional appearance of a test line indicates line (typically pink/red). The test is only consid-
a positive result. The urine sample can be ran- ered accurate if the control line appears. A faint
dom; however, a first-morning sample may be test line is still considered a positive. However,
more concentrated in early pregnancy and this should not be confused with an evaporation
increase the likelihood of a true positive. line, and a colorless streak may appear in the test
Office-based tests can detect concentrations line area if read after the recommended time as
ranging from 12 to 50 mIU/L, and some home the urine dries on the test strip. It is important to
pregnancy tests can detect concentrations as low read the test result at the exact time recommended
as 5.5 mIU/L (Latifi et  al. 2019). POCT urine by the manufacturer. Suppose there is reported
hCG has a sensitivity of 90–97% and specificity unprotected sexual activity in the past 3  weeks
of 99.2% in the first weeks following missed and a POCT urine hCG is negative at the time of
menstruation (Latifi et al. 2019). visit. In that case, a repeat test in 2 weeks is war-
ranted, or a laboratory hCG test could be obtained. Nonpoint of Service Pregnancy False-negative could occur due to testing too
Tests early but also due to testing late in the first tri-
The most accurate pregnancy test is the mester due to the hook effect. The hook effect
laboratory-­based quantitative serum hCG, which can occur when the urine has an excess of hCG,
measures and provides an hCG value. This test is which prevents the necessary antibody-antigen-­
used less often than its counterparts and takes antibody sandwich formation, causing a false-­
longer to perform. However, the quantitative negative result (Latifi et al. 2019). False negatives
5  Point-of-Care Testing in Primary Care 161

are most likely to occur between 8 and 14 weeks 3. POCT urine hCG should be performed in all
gestation but can occur as early as 6 weeks. It can cases of adolescent amenorrhea regardless of
also occur with dilute urine specimens (Betz and reported sexual activity.
Fane 2020). 4. POCT urine hCG should be read promptly per
False-positive results are less likely and differ manufacturer time recommendation.
based on whether serum or urine specimen.
Serum false positives can be due to recent or sub-
clinical abortions, gestational trophoblastic dis- 5.9 POCT for Hemoglobin A1C
ease, malignancies, heterophile antibodies,
rheumatoid factors, and IgA deficiency (Betz and Hemoglobin A1C (HA1C) measures the mean
Fane 2020). Other rare causes of false-positive blood glucose levels in red blood cells for the
serum hCG may include renal failure on hemodi- past 3 months. A POCT for hemoglobin A1C can
alysis, recent blood transfusion from donor blood provide real-time results to the clinician enabling
with hCG, and medications for weight loss or fer- efficient and effective management decisions.
tility that contain exogenous hCG (Betz and Fane The majority of POCT HA1C uses a drop of
2020). False-positive results on POCT urine hCG whole capillary blood. The different analytical
may include blood or protein in the urine, human methods used in POCT HA1C include cation
error in result interpretation, ectopic production exchange chromatography, immunoassay, affin-
or exogenous hCG, and certain medications such ity chromatography and enzymatic assay (English
as anticonvulsants, hypnotics, and tranquilizers et al. 2020). However, studies show a significant
(Betz and Fane 2020). Testing too soon after a difference with POCT HbA1c being lower than
recent delivery or miscarriage could also result in laboratory-based HbA1C, especially in pediatric
a false-positive result. In an older population, (0–13 years) and female patients (Clark and Rao
menopause can sometimes trigger a false-­positive 2017). The authors point out that the difference
hCG result. may be related to differences in pediatric and
female there is some physiological difference in
pediatric and female subcutaneous capillary
5.8.4 Real-Life Example beds. Moffett’s et al. 2011 study pointed out that
14% of patients did not follow up on laboratory
A 16-year-old had a chief complaint of right referrals after being seen by the clinician, point-
lower quadrant pain for 3  days duration. The ing to the value of POCT.
child denies fever and has a good appetite. She
does complain of the new onset of heartburn over
the past 2 weeks. The child has a normal exam. 5.9.1 C
 linical Indication for POCT
Rovsing sign, Markle heel jar test, and rebound HbA1c
were all negative. A POCT urine pregnancy test
was positive. An ultrasound of the pelvis con- Clinical indications for HbA1c include concern
firmed the patient was 8 weeks pregnant. for signs or symptoms indicating diabetes and the
management of prediabetic patients or confirmed
Key Learning about POCT Pregnancy Tests diabetic patients. POCT HbA1c may be used in
clinical settings to manage known diabetics but
1. POCT HCG is very accurate. If there is strong should not be used for a new diagnosis of diabe-
clinical concern and POCT is negative, the tes (O’Brien and Sacks 2019). The majority of
clinician may reflex to laboratory serum hCG studies have been in adults. The pediatric primary
or repeat POCT urine hCG in 2 weeks. care clinician is a likely member of the care team
2. False negative most commonly early (due to to diagnose pediatric diabetes with either a POCT
low HCG levels) or late (due to hook effect) in or laboratory glucose or a laboratory HbA1c or
the first trimester. both. However, most likely pediatric diabetes
162 L. B. Stace

will be managed in pediatric endocrinology clin- CLIA-waived tests. Unlike the AC1Now, the
ics, and therefore POCT HbA1c is more likely to Afinion system states there is no influence from
be utilized in this setting. common Hb variants like HBC, HbD, HbE, and
Screening for type 2 diabetes mellitus in the HbS.
obese child is found in the well-child chapter, and A HA1c of 6.5% or higher on two separate
the use of HbA1c is also found in the section on occasions is diagnostic for diabetes in adults. As
diabetes in the endocrine chapter. stated, the use of HA1C for diagnosis in children
is still somewhat controversial, particularly for
type 2 diabetes (Atteih and Ratner 2020). Normal
5.9.2 Types of POCT HbA1c HbA1c in the non-diabetic patient is 4–5.6%.
Prediabetes is considered from 5.7% to 6.4%. For
The FDA approved the handheld AC1Now and children with T1DM, the A1c goal is less than
the DCA Vantage Analyzer for POCT HbA1c as 7.5%, higher than the adult goal of less than 7%,
CLIA-waived devices. These devices are due to concern for increased risk for hypoglyce-
approved for monitoring but not diagnosing dia- mia in children. For children with T2DM, the
betes. In contrast, the FDA approved the Afinion goal is less than 7% if on metformin alone (Atteih
HbA1c Dx assay for both monitoring and diag- and Ratner 2020).
nosing diabetes. However, the Afinion HbA1c
must be used in a clinical laboratory since it is a
moderately complex device. The National 5.9.3 B
 arriers and Pitfalls of POCT
Glycohemoglobin Standardization Program HbA1c
(NGSP) certified all three POCT HA1C for use
(Whitley et al. 2015). The evidence is conflicting on the accuracy of
The DCA Vantage Analyzer is a multiparam- POCT HbA1c. O’Brien and Sacks found a
eter POCT with a CLIA-waived for HbA1c using wide variability of POCT HbA1c (2019).
1 microliter finger stick with results in 6 min. The However, other studies have found that POCT
platform also may provide albumin, creatinine, HbA1c is comparable to laboratory HbA1c
and albumin-to-creatine ratio, although these when the value is 9–13.9% (Agrawal et  al.
tests are of moderate complexity. A potential 2018). POCT HbA1c is unreliable in levels of
downfall of this system is the expensive 14% and greater, and therefore children with
platform. known marked elevations should only have
The handheld AC1Now is a CLIA-waived laboratory HbA1c. Nathan et al. compared the
portable device with reported 99% accuracy POCT Alere Afinion assay to the laboratory
with results in 5  min using a five-microliter Premier Affinity assay and found that the two
blood sample. The Afinion HbA1c is a bench- tests performed similarly (Afinion HbA1c
top model that is CLIA-waived. It requires 2019). However, there was a difference in the
1.5 microliter blood volume of capillary performance of the POCT and whether the
blood or anticoagulated venous blood and operator was a physician or a medical assistant
takes 3 min to run. (Nathan et al. 2019).
The FDA approved the Afinion HbA1c Dx There is a paucity of literature regarding pri-
assay (Abbott) as the first rapid point-of-care test mary care pediatrics and POCT HbA1c.
to diagnose diabetes and assess a patient’s risk of However, in adult patients in primary care prac-
developing the disease. The new clearance for the tices without POCT, HbA1c were nearly four
expanded diagnostic indication is specific to lab- times more likely to miss follow-up HbA1c labs
oratories with CLIA certification to perform tests than practices with POCT HbA1c (Crocker
that are of moderate or higher complexity and et  al. 2020). Interestingly, while rapid testing
does not extend to those that can only perform seems to increase glycemic control in adults, it
5  Point-of-Care Testing in Primary Care 163

does not seem to affect pediatric control 5.10 Conclusion

(Agrawal et al. 2018; Agus et al. 2010). Despite
that, both these studies found that POCT HbA1c In conclusion, POCT in the primary care setting
is more convenient for families, and children continues to be an important resource for clini-
often report that a finger stick is less painful cians. When used appropriately, POCT can be
than venipuncture. Evidence indicates that con- incredibly helpful in providing safe, timely, and
tinuous glucose monitors or an insulin pump is accurate patient care. Certain POCTs, when used
more likely to reduce HbA1c levels in newly properly, can help maintain antibiotic steward-
diagnosed children with type 1 diabetes mellitus ship. Other POCTs can help diagnose or manage
(Patton et  al. 2019). Another benefit of POCT chronic disease processes directly from the clinic.
HbA1c was less frequent clinician-patient com- In the age of the COVID-19 pandemic and the
munication between visits, resulting in time continued threat of new pathogens, correctly
saved for the clinician (Van Hecke et al. 2020; identifying the cause of the illness is important
Agus et al. 2010). Thus, the clinician will have for the treatment and management of the pediat-
real-time results and will be able to make medi- ric patient. As previously discussed, positive and
cation modifications based on those results negative predictive values and an awareness of
instead of the traditional laboratory method disease prevalence in the community may help
where the clinician must wait on the lab and fol- determine pre- and post-test probability for an
low up after the visit with a telephone call. individual, then sensitivity and specificity alone.
Pitfalls of using HbA1c include the test may be The likelihood ratios using Fagan’s nomogram
unreliable in patients with abnormal red cell life may provide additional data on the accuracy of a
span or morphology, such as sickle cell disease test for a specific patient and are discussed in
and spherocytosis (Atteih and Ratner 2020). Chap. 1 (Akobeng 2007a, b). As a clinician order-
POCT HbA1c may also be less reliable than ing and utilizing POCT in primary care, it is criti-
laboratory tests with higher HbA1c, particularly cal to evaluate the test for cost, diagnostic
above 14% (Agrawal et al. 2018). accuracy and reliability, patient outcome, ease of
use, timeliness, and operational technology suit-
ing clinics’ environment (Keitel et al. 2018).
Key Learning about POCT HbA1c
• A CLIA-waived POCT HbA1c is Questions
designed to assist in the management of
diabetes and not for use in the initial 1. You are the acting laboratory director for
diagnosis. your pediatric clinic’s CLIA waiver. What do
• One of the major benefits of POCT your responsibilities include in this role?
HbA1c is the decreased need for the (a) To make sure that you are using the
pediatric patient to have venipuncture CLIA-waived tests in the office.
and go to the lab. It also decreases the (b) To make sure the entire staff understands
need for clinician follow-up telephone how to run the tests.
calls regarding labs. (c) To make sure that the billing is done
• The POCT HbA1c may be less reliable correctly.
than laboratory tests if HA1C is above (d) To make sure quality checks are done
14%. and the staff is fully competent.
• The use of this technology is more prac- 2. The clinician orders a rapid antigen strep
tical in the pediatric endocrinology test, and the result is negative. What addi-
office than in the primary care pediatric tional tests should be ordered?
office. (a) No further testing is needed.
(b) Do a backup throat culture.
164 L. B. Stace

(c) Treat the child with antibiotics since you 8. What is the most appropriate indication for
suspected strep tonsillitis. the clinicians to use POCT HbA1c?
(d) Do a streptozyme. (a) It should be used to make management
3. Which of the following would be the best test decisions in a pediatric patient with
to do for confirming COVID-19 in a pediat- known diabetes.
ric patient? (b) It should be used on all pediatric patients
(a) A COVID-19 antibody test. for diagnosing type 1 and type 2
(b) A COVID-19 antigen test. diabetes.
(c) A COVID-19 PCR test. (c) It should be used on pediatric patients
4. A mother is at the clinic wanting to know if over 10 for diagnosing type 2 diabetes.
her child is still contagious 1 month after the (d) It has no place in the management of
child had a positive PCR test. The child has pediatric patients.
clinically recovered. She wants another PCR 9. It is June, and you see a 5-year-old with
test for COVID-19 done. What is the best tachypnea, retractions, and a pulse oxygen of
approach to her request? 95%. There are decreased breath sounds on
(a) Repeat the PCR test for COVID-19. the right base. Which of the following diag-
(b) Explain that there is no need to do a fol- nostic tests would be the most helpful?
low-­up test. (a) POCT CRP.
(c) Explain that the PCR test might be (b) POCT for strep.
falsely positive. (c) POCT for COVID-19.
(d) B & C. (d) POCT for influenza.
5. If the clinician has strong suspicion for influ- 10. What is a potential cause of a false-negative
enza in a high-risk pediatric patient, but the POCT hCG at the end of the first trimester of
antigen RIDT is negative, what is the next pregnancy?
best step? (a) The hook effect.
(a) Reassure the family that the child does (b) Concentrated urine sample.
not have influenza. (c) Following the manufacturer’s
(b) Treat the child with antiviral instructions.
(c) Repeat the antigen RIDT test.
6. What is the preferred test for SARS-CoV-2 Rationale
(COVID-19) in an asymptomatic
individual? 1. Answer: D
(a) A COVID-19 antibody test. The laboratory director for a CoW labora-
(b) A COVID-19 antigen test. tory is responsible for competency checks of
(c) A COVID-19 molecular test. other clinical staff, POCT quality checks,
7. The clinician sees a 17-year-old for well-­ documentation, and review (Nichols 2007,
child check and orders a rapid HIV test. The Babady et al. 2019, Nichols et al. 2020).
POCT HIV is positive. What is the next step? 2. Answer: B
(a) Tell the adolescent that the test is posi- A negative rapid antigen strep test should
tive and he is infected with HIV. be confirmed with laboratory throat culture
(b) Confirm that the test is positive, and (Shapiro et al. 2017; Shulman 2015; Shulman
order a repeat rapid HIV. et al. 2012).
(c) Confirm that the preliminary results are 3. Answer: C
positive, and order a fourth-generation The test with the highest sensitivity and
antibody/antigen test. specificity is the molecular test for
(d) Confirm that the preliminary results are COVID-19.
positive, and order a Western Blot. 4. Answer: D
5  Point-of-Care Testing in Primary Care 165

A molecular COVID-19 will pick up viral pneumonia. A POCT for strep is unlikely to
nucleic acid that is present due to a previous be a true positive in June, and strep would
infection, and there is no need to do follow- not present in this way.
­up testing in a well-appearing child. 1 0. Answer: A
5. Answer: B The hook effect occurs when there is an
Due to the limited sensitivity and predic- excess hCG in the urine, causing antibody
tive values of antigen RIDT, the clinician saturation and preventing the formation of an
should treat the child with an antiviral if antibody-antigen-antibody sandwich. This
influenza infection is strongly suspected would cause a false-negative result (Latifi
(John 2019; Lee et al. 2019). et  al. 2019). This is most likely to occur
6. Answer: C between 8 and 14  weeks’ gestation but can
As a general rule, the PCR test is pre- occur as early as 6 weeks. Other causes of a
ferred for asymptomatic individuals. false negative on urine POCT HCG include
Potential symptoms of COVID-19 include dilute urine specimens (Betz and Fane 2020).
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Care of the Child with an Infectious
Disease or Immunological Defect
Ashley N. Gyura and Emily R. Harrison

Learning Objectives Baird 2019). Due to the emergence of resistant

After completing the chapter, the learner should strains and complex patient scenarios, new infec-
be able to: tious disease tests provide rapid results with
greater sensitivity than previously available.
1. Differentiate diagnostic lab tests used in pedi- Diagnostic test stewardship asks clinicians to
atric infectious diseases. consider whether the right patient is receiving the
2. Evaluate the clinical indications for diagnos- right test at the right time (Messacar et al. 2017).
tic tests in a variety of pediatric infections. The information in this chapter and the point of
3. Critique diagnostic tests with an understand- care chapter provides an overview of the avail-
ing of their pitfalls. able infectious disease testing.
4. Prioritize the best diagnostic tests to develop a
5. Discriminate different laboratory tests used in 6.2 Methods for Infectious
infectious diseases. Disease Testing

Laboratory detection of bacteria, fungi, and

6.1 Introduction viruses is a fundamental and complex process
that plays a critical role in therapeutic decision-
The child who presents with a history of fever or making. Serology, antigen detection, molecular
symptoms that point to an infectious disease testing, culture, and direct tissue visualization are
needs specific testing for a clinician to verify the the foundation of infectious disease testing.
diagnosis. It is important to understand the differ-
ent types of tests and their limitations. There has
been an explosion in the field of molecular test- 6.2.1 Serology
ing. Rapid molecular testing allows for a depth of
interrogation that cannot be obtained with con- The immune system produces immunoglobulins
ventional microbiology (Graf and Pancholi 2020; (Ig) in response to immunogenic antigens. There
are five Ig classes: IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG, and
IgM. Infectious disease testing focuses primarily
on the detection of IgG and IgM. Antibody test-
A. N. Gyura (*) · E. R. Harrison
Department of Infectious Disease, Children’s ing is performed most commonly on serum or
Minnesota, St Paul, MN, USA plasma, but other body fluids can be analyzed.

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 171
R. M. John (ed.), Pediatric Diagnostic Labs for Primary Care: An Evidence-based Approach,
172 A. N. Gyura and E. R. Harrison

Upon exposure to a new antigen, immature B Avidity testing can also help determine the
lymphocytes differentiate into plasma cells, which, time elapsed since exposure. Avidity is the
in turn, secrete soluble antibodies. The time course antibody-­ antigen interaction’s overall strength,
and amount of antibody produced depend on the strengthening with time since initial exposure
infectious agent, the antigen’s immunogenicity, and repeat exposures (Theel 2019). There is low
and the host immune status. Typically, an initial avidity early in infection, followed by increased
antibody response with IgM is detectable 5–7 days avidity later in infection. Timing of infection dur-
after exposure; then, IgG becomes detectable ing pregnancy may be particularly important to
7–10 days after exposure (Theel 2019). IgM levels assess the risk of congenital infection.
soon wane, while IgG levels increase, so that by Interpretation of avidity can be complicated by
2–3 months after exposure, only IgG levels remain the persistence of low avidity IgG antibodies that
detectable. Often IgG can remain detectable for can persist for months to years. Therefore, low
life, even without repeated exposure. With future avidity IgG does not always represent acute
exposure to the same antigen, resting memory B infection.
cells will rapidly stimulate antibody production— There are different serologic testing methods
predominately IgG with some production of used to detect antibodies and antigens. Benefits
IgM. Detection of IgG may not indicate protection and limitations are summarized in Table  6.1.
against reinfection. Pathogens are tested with different assays stan-
Serologic tests can give qualitative or quanti- dardized by laboratory protocol; the clinician
tative results. Quantitative results are reported typically does not select the type of
with a titer, which is the greatest dilution of the immunoassay.
sample with the detectable antibody activity. A
higher titer indicates more antibodies present Agglutination Assay
than a lower titer (e.g., 1:64 is higher than 1:4). Agglutination assays rely on antigen binding to
Since there can be variability in measuring titers, its corresponding antibody to cause visible
a fourfold (or 2-dilution) difference is considered clumping, which is considered a positive reac-
a significant change. tion. IgM is a large molecule with multiple bind-
The presence of IgM antibodies may indicate ing sites for antigens, making it more efficient at
acute infection. However, IgM can persist for agglutination than IgG, which has few binding
months or years after exposure, so detection may sites. Examples include the monospot test for
not always indicate acute infection. False-positive detection of heterophile antibodies that are often
IgM results may occur due to polyclonal B cell acti- present in Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection
vation and cross-reactivity between closely related and rapid plasma reagin (RPR) and venereal dis-
pathogens. It may take 1–2  weeks for IgM to ease research laboratory (VDRL) tests for detec-
become detectable; therefore, a negative result does tion of syphilis. The assay can also result in false
not exclude early disease. The presence of IgG anti- negatives due to the prozone phenomenon when
bodies indicates past exposure either through infec- there is a lack of agglutination due to excessive
tion or vaccination. A single IgG value cannot antibodies in the sample (Theel 2019).
determine the stage of infection; high IgG titers do
not necessarily indicate recent infection. Complement Fixation
Change in antibody titers over time can pro- Complement fixation (CF) is a two-step process
vide more conclusive evidence of recent infec- that uses complement to lyse indicator red blood
tion. Antibody titers from an acute sample cells (RBCs). In the first step, patient serum is
collected soon after exposure are compared to mixed with lab-derived antigen plus standardized
titers from a convalescent sample collected complement. If corresponding antibodies are
2–4  weeks later. Recent infection is confirmed present in the patient sample, they will form com-
when converting from negative to positive titers plexes with the antigen and bind (“fix”) circulat-
(seroconversion) or a fourfold rise in antibody ing complement. In step two, RBCs are added to
titers. the sample. If antibody-antigen complexes are
6  Care of the Child with an Infectious Disease or Immunological Defect 173

Table 6.1  Benefits and limitations of common immunoassays

Test Benefits Limitations
Agglutination assay Inexpensive Limited sensitivity
Easy to perform Possibility of prozone phenomenon
Semiquantitative False positives, particularly in the
presence of rheumatoid factor
Complement fixation Very sensitive Technically difficult
Semiquantitative Long turnaround time
The only method for less commonly
tested pathogens
Neutralization assay Confirmatory assay Technically difficult
Immunofluorescent assay Easy to perform Requires special equipment
Semiquantitative Difficult to interpret
Chemiluminescent immunoassay Very sensitive Requires special equipment
Western blot and immunoblot Confirmatory assay Subjective interpretation by
laboratory technicians
Enzyme immunoassays Commonly used False positives, particularly in the
More objective presence of rheumatoid factor
Readily automated
Adapted from Theel (2019)

present, complement is fixed, and RBCs are cently labeled antibodies to detect an antigen in
saved from lysis. However, if no antibodies are tissue or body fluid. Indirect IFAs incubate the
present, the complement remains active and will antigen of interest with the patient sample for
lyse RBCs. CF may be the only method available detection of patient antibodies. An antibody-­
for less commonly tested pathogens. However, antigen complex is formed, and secondary fluo-
many CF assays have been replaced by enzyme rescently labeled antibodies to human IgG or
immunoassays (EIAs). IgM are added to detect the complexes present. Neutralization Assay Chemiluminescent

Neutralization assays detect the presence of neu- Immunoassays
tralizing antibodies, which are antibodies that can Chemiluminescent immunoassays (CIAs) use
reduce viral infectivity. The plaque reduction chemiluminescent labels tagged on an antigen,
neutralization test (PRNT) is one method used in antibody, or enzyme reactant. The labels are
which a patient sample is incubated at serial dilu- detected during the oxidation of compounds that
tions with a live virus. If neutralizing antibody is emit light.
present, it will inactivate the virus. The mixture is
then inoculated into wells and assessed days later Western Blot and Immunoblot
for plaque formation, indicating a live virus with- These assays demonstrate proteins that are recog-
out neutralizing antibodies. This assay may be nized by patient antibodies. In Western blot,
done as confirmatory testing by a reference labo- pathogen-specific proteins are separated into
ratory. For example, PRNT for anti-Zika virus bands by electrophoresis according to molecular
(ZIKV) IgM may be performed as a highly spe- weight or charge and then transferred to a filter
cific confirmatory test since other immunoassays paper. Pre-blotted membranes can also be used.
are limited by cross-reactivity of ZIKV antibod- The immobilized proteins are incubated with
ies with other flaviviruses. patient serum; patient antibodies to specific sepa-
rated proteins are visualized with enzymes conju- Immunofluorescent Assay gated to antihuman antibodies. Results are
Immunofluorescent assays (IFAs) use fluores- reported with the number of bands to which a
cently labeled antibodies to detect antigens or sample has active antibodies and are interpreted
antibodies in serum. Direct IFAs use fluores- based on a specific band pattern. These assays are
174 A. N. Gyura and E. R. Harrison

used for confirmatory testing, as in the detection Molecular testing can be point of care or labora-
of antibodies to Borrelia burgdorferi. tory-based. There are two main methods, non-
amplified nucleic probes and nucleic acid Enzyme Immunoassay amplification tests, which are described below.
EIAs are assays that use enzymes as labels. Box 6.1 provides examples of commonly used
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is molecular diagnostic tests.
often used interchangeably with EIA; however, it
specifically refers to an assay in which the anti- Non-amplified Nucleic Acid
body-antigen complex adheres to a solid matrix Probes
and a second enzyme-labeled antibody is used for Nucleic acid probes are RNA or DNA seg-
detection. The process can be referred to as “cap- ments with reporter molecules that bind to a
ture” or “sandwich” since the patient antibodies complementary nucleic acid sequence in a
are “sandwiched” between the solid phase antigen clinical specimen. Often these probes cannot
and the labeling antibody. Enzyme labels can be be used to test clinical specimens directly
fluorescent, luminescent, or chromogenic. Early because too few organisms are present.
assays had low sensitivity and specificity for IgM, However, non-amplified nucleic acid probes
although updated procedures have improved may be useful in clinical settings where a high
(Theel 2019). Table  6.1 reviews the benefits and number of organisms are present (e.g., group A
limitations of common immunoassays. streptococcus pharyngitis or genital infection
with Neisseria gonorrhoeae or Chlamydia tra-
chomatis). Probes also have utility in identify-
6.2.2 Antigen Detection ing organisms already isolated in cultures,
such as mycobacteria or dimorphic fungi
Antigen testing identifies target proteins in a clini- (Nolte and Wittwer 2016).
cal specimen. Rapid immunoassays, specifically
lateral flow immunoassays, are a commonly used Nucleic Acid Amplification Tests
format for antigen testing. While useful in infec- Nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) are
tious disease testing, this is also the format used at widely used tests to amplify small amounts of
home or for rapid pregnancy tests. An antigen of genetic material for detection. NAATs can be
interest in the patient sample is captured by dedi- performed on many different specimen types.
cated antibodies, which, if present, appear as a vis- Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a common
ible line on the test strip. There is also a control technique; other NAAT techniques include tran-
band to confirm the test is working properly. Rapid scription-based amplification methods, strand
antigen testing has many uses, including detecting displacement amplification, and loop-mediated
HIV (especially in low-resource settings), malaria, amplification.
Streptococcus pneumoniae, and group A strepto- PCR uses DNA polymerase to synthesize
coccus. Antigen testing is often inexpensive and many copies of a nucleic acid target sequence.
easy to use, requires no specialized equipment, Conventional PCR techniques are used for DNA
and has rapid turnaround time, making it ideal for amplification. Reverse transcriptase PCR was
point-of-care testing. However, these assays gen- developed to amplify RNA targets by first con-
erally have lower sensitivity, cannot be automated, verting an RNA template to DNA and then pro-
and require subjective test interpretation. ceeding through PCR amplification. Nested PCR
refers to PCR amplification followed by a second
round of PCR on the product of the first round.
6.2.3 Molecular Diagnostics Nested PCR improves the sensitivity and speci-
ficity of testing but increases the risk of amplify-
Molecular tests detect the genetic material of a ing sample contaminants. Real-time PCR
pathogen, either RNA, DNA, or nucleic acids. performs amplification and analysis simultane-
6  Care of the Child with an Infectious Disease or Immunological Defect 175

ously to provide results more quickly. Multiplex

PCR panels are available that can amplify multi- Cerebrospinal fluid
ple targets simultaneously. Meningitis/encephalitis multiplex panel
PCR results may be either qualitative or quan- (detects bacteria and viruses).
titative. Quantitative PCR testing can measure Multiple specimen types
the initial number of copies present in the sam- Varicella-zoster virus (specimen: superfi-
ple, which can be clinically useful in following cial swabs, cerebrospinal fluid, blood).
response to therapy, such as monitoring HIV Herpes simplex virus (specimen: superfi-
viral load. cial swabs, cerebrospinal fluid, blood).
NAATs generally have high sensitivity and
specificity. However, they are susceptible to con- Adapted from Murray et al. 2021
tamination, which may lead to false positives.
Detection of genetic material does not confirm
the presence of viable infectious material.
6.2.4 Culture

Conventional cultures remain a widely used

method of detection for bacteria and fungi.
Box 6.1 Examples of Molecular Diagnostic
However, the use of viral cultures to assist with
Tests by Commonly Tested Source of
clinical decision-making has diminished with the
development of accurate and accessible molecu-
Respiratory lar methods of viral detection. Importantly, cul-
Respiratory multiplex panel (detects ture-based methods rely on optimal environmental
bacteria and viruses). elements for growth; deviations from the optimal
Group A streptococcus. collection, storage, transport, and processing can
Mycoplasma pneumoniae. decrease the likelihood of organism recovery.
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
aureus. Specimen Collection
Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The goal of microbial culture is to isolate and
Genitourinary identify organisms that are causing infection. A
Chlamydia trachomatis. key factor in specimen collection is avoiding
Neisseria gonorrhoeae. introducing colonizing bacteria from the collec-
Trichomonas vaginalis. tion site through appropriate disinfecting tech-
Group B streptococcus. niques and optimized collection devices or
Bacterial vaginosis. obtaining samples during surgical procedures.
Ideally, the sample should be collected soon after
disease onset and before antimicrobial therapy
initiation. Specimen collection type should be
Hepatitis viruses (A, B, C).
considered carefully based on anatomic site to
Blood multiplex panel for positive blood
optimize pathogen detection while preventing
culture (detects bacteria and yeast).
nonpathogenic or colonizing organism growth.
Carbapenem resistance in gram-nega-
For example, when collecting a sample for bacte-
tive bacteria.
rial culture from the urinary tract, a midstream or
Stool catheterized urine may be considered appropri-
Enteric multiplex panel (detects bacte- ate, whereas “bagged” urine from infants is con-
ria, viruses, and parasites). sidered inappropriate (Thomson 2002). Specimen
Clostridium difficile. selection and collection guides are often made
available to clinicians specific to their
176 A. N. Gyura and E. R. Harrison

organization, and standardized guides can also be Antimicrobial Susceptibility

found online (Miller et al. 2018). Testing
The primary purpose of performing susceptibility Specimen Storage testing is to guide decision-making for individual
and Transport children. Selecting the appropriate antimicrobial
After collecting the specimen, the viability of the medication to which a particular organism is sus-
organism depends on proper storage and trans- ceptible can both optimize infection-related out-
port. The transport system should be chosen comes and reduce overall mortality (Kollef
according to current guidelines. (Clinical and 2000). A secondary but important purpose for
Laboratory Standards Institute [CLSI] 2019). performing susceptibility testing is to amass data
The transport system is particularly important on the patient population of a particular facility
when specimens cannot be immediately taken to or organization to create an antibiogram (Reller
the laboratory after collection. Fastidious et al. 2009).
microbes are especially sensitive to environmen- An antibiogram is a composite profile of anti-
tal conditions and may have unusual transport microbial susceptibility testing results of a spe-
and storage requirements to optimize detection cific organism to routinely tested and clinically
(Wilson et al. 2015). Institutional laboratory test useful antimicrobial drugs in a given population
guides or manuals for specimen storage and (Barlam et al. 2016). An antibiogram is useful for
transport should be followed closely to maintain clinicians in making antibiotic choices when a
the microorganism’s viability. pathogen is not isolated or susceptibilities are not
yet available. For example, the choice of empiric Specimen Processing therapy for a Staphylococcus aureus skin and soft
Four primary elements promote the growth of an tissue infection may differ significantly in
organism (Lagier et  al. 2015). First, different geographical or organizational areas known to
organisms require different nutrients to promote have elevated rates of methicillin-resistant
optimal growth. Culture media contains the Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Clinicians
appropriate nutrients to sustain a microbe and should be aware of the current antimicrobial sus-
can vary in different ingredients, allowing the ceptibility profiles in their area or facility to
medium to select for or against certain microbes. effectively treat patients.
Second, different organisms utilize different Methods. A basic understanding of the meth-
methods of metabolizing compounds to create ods utilized for susceptibility testing is useful
energy for growth, and the atmosphere should be when interpreting results. Susceptibility testing
adjusted for the specific organism that is being can be performed utilizing qualitative or quantita-
isolated. For example, aerobic bacteria require tive methods. Qualitative susceptibility testing,
oxygen for growth, while anaerobic bacteria can- primarily the disk diffusion or Kirby-Bauer
not grow in the presence of oxygen. Facultative method, utilizes small, antibiotic-impregnated
organisms are the most versatile and can adapt to disks placed onto an agar plate that has been inoc-
either aerobic or anaerobic conditions (Hentges ulated with the organism. The antibiotic mole-
1996). Third, organisms have optimum tempera- cules diffuse out from the disk and inhibit the
tures for growth. Last, the incubation time needed organism’s growth in the area around the disk
to grow a pathogen differs dramatically based on based on its susceptibility to the drug. This area,
the organism. Although many clinical pathogens or zone diameter, in which the organism growth is
will grow within 24–48 h, some pathogens may inhibited is measured and compared to standard-
require a much longer incubation time (Wilson ized measurements. Although this method is sim-
et al. 2015). When there is a high suspicion for an ple and inexpensive, it can also be prone to error
unusual or specific organism, the clinician should depending on the antimicrobial, organism, and
notify the laboratory to optimize culture light source position. This method does not pro-
techniques. vide a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC).
6  Care of the Child with an Infectious Disease or Immunological Defect 177

Quantitative methods are considered the refer- medication despite a “susceptible” interpretation
ence methods for susceptibility testing as they to vancomycin. Also, susceptibility in vitro does
have high reproducibility (Kuper et  al. 2009). not always predict clinical success in  vivo, nor
Examples of quantitative methods include agar does resistance in  vitro always predict failure
dilution, the E test, and broth micro- and macro- in  vivo. The “90/60” rule was developed after
dilution. Importantly, quantitative methods of observations that infections caused by suscepti-
susceptibility testing can measure the MIC, ble isolates respond to appropriate therapy
defined as the lowest concentration of a specific approximately 90% of the time. In contrast,
antibiotic that inhibits an organism’s visible infections caused by resistant isolates respond to
growth (Andrews 2001). In the modern microbi- inappropriate therapy about 60% of the time (Rex
ology laboratory, there are now many different and Pfaller 2002).
automated methods used to perform susceptibil- There are also certain situations where a par-
ity testing and provide MICs. Importantly, these ticular resistance factor may indicate clinical fail-
automated methods must be consistent with the ure more than the MIC or the interpretative
quantitative reference methods. category (Doern and Brecher 2011). For exam-
Interpretation. Once complete, the results ple, extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs)
are compared to a set of standard interpretations, can be produced by some members of the
known as breakpoints, which define susceptibil- Enterobacteriaceae family, such as Escherichia
ity and resistance to antimicrobials. Depending coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae. Despite having
on the method used, these breakpoints are low MICs to beta-lactam antimicrobials in vitro,
expressed either as a concentration or a zone a strain of Escherichia coli expressing an ESBL
diameter (Turnidge and Paterson 2007). is likely to result in clinical treatment failure if
Breakpoints are set by both the Food and Drug treatment is attempted with a beta-lactam antibi-
Administration (FDA) and the Clinical and otic (Yang et al. 2010).
Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI), a non-
profit, globally recognized standards develop- Viral Cultures
ment organization. The established breakpoints Culture-based systems have been considered the
allow the organism to be classified into three gold standard for virus isolation for decades
interpretive categories for each antimicrobial (Hodinka 2013). Traditional cell culture methods
tested: susceptible, intermediate, or resistant. The utilize different cell lines (e.g., primary rhesus
interpretive categories, laboratory findings, and monkey kidney cells or primary rabbit kidney
clinical application of antimicrobial breakpoints cells) inoculated with a sample, incubated, and
are described in Table 6.2. monitored daily for changes to the cells that indi-
Although the interpretive categories are a cate isolation of a virus. This method allows the
practical necessity for most busy clinicians, there detection of various viruses; however, it requires
are considerations even within these interpreta- significant time for incubation, is labor-intensive,
tions. Routinely, the MICs of specific antimicro- and is associated with high costs to purchase and
bials do not require comparison to choosing an maintain the various cell lines (Hematian et  al.
effective treatment, as antimicrobials have differ- 2016). Novel methods of viral culture have
ent established breakpoints. The MIC can be decreased the necessary incubation time down to
important regardless of the interpretive category 1–2 days. For example, shell vial cultures modi-
in some critical infections such as bacteremia or fied the traditional cell culture to reduce virus
endocarditis. For example, in invasive MRSA detection time to 16–72 h. This method involves
infections, a vancomycin MIC of 1–2 ug/mL may inoculation of the specimen into cells grown on
be associated with treatment failure despite being coverslips, which are then centrifuged and incu-
considered susceptible per the established break- bated (Ginnocchio et al. 2015). Regardless of the
point (Soriano et al. 2008). In this scenario, a cli- method, viral cultures often require specialized
nician may consider transitioning to a different facilities and technician expertise.
178 A. N. Gyura and E. R. Harrison

Table 6.2  Interpretation and clinical application of antimicrobial susceptibility breakpoints

Interpretive Laboratory finding
category Qualitative Quantitative (MIC) Clinical application
Susceptible Zone diameter ≥ MIC ≤ established The organism is likely to respond to treatment with a
established breakpoint standard antimicrobial dosage
Susceptible N/A N/A Only reported for select antimicrobial/microbe
dose-dependent combinations
Increased doses, dose frequency, or change in infusion
times can predict susceptibility
Intermediate Zone diameter MIC close to “Buffer zone” between the susceptible and resistant
between achievable serum categories to prevent serious interpretive errors
susceptible and concentration for a May consider the antimicrobial when it concentrates at
resistant standard dose of the site of infection (such as in urine)
breakpoints antimicrobial May consider the antimicrobial if higher than standard
dosages can be safely utilized
Resistant Zone diameter ≤ MIC ≥ established The organism is unlikely to respond to treatment with
established breakpoint standard antimicrobial dosage
breakpoint The dosage needed to treat will cause toxicity in
MIC minimum inhibitory concentration
Adapted from Turnidge and Paterson (2007), Nielsen et al. (2019)

6.2.5 Direct Visualization and Tissue 6.3.1 Erythrocyte

Biopsy Sedimentation Rate

When diagnosis remains unclear after less invasive Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is a com-
testing, tissue and fluid samples from suspected mon and inexpensive laboratory test. ESR mea-
infection sites can be tested. Specimens can be sures the distance that red blood cells (RBCs)
examined for histologic features of infection, incu- separate from plasma and fall in a vertical col-
bated for culture growth, or submitted for molecu- umn of anticoagulated whole blood over 1  h
lar testing. Biopsy should be guided by the (International Committee for Standardization
suspected organism or condition and pursued in in Hematology 1973). However, automated
collaboration with surgery or interventional radiol- methods are becoming more widely used in
ogy. For example, if there is suspicion for nontu- many laboratories (Jou et  al. 2011).
berculous mycobacterium lymphadenitis, Sedimentation is affected by the RBCs’ size
excisional biopsy is recommended rather than inci- and shape, the hemoglobin concentration, and
sion and drainage or fine needle aspirate (Griffith the ratio of plasma proteins. RBCs normally
et  al. 2007). Even a well-executed tissue biopsy have a negative charge that prevents them from
may not collect a specimen with active infection. A clumping together; the presence of increased
negative biopsy cannot exclude infection. plasma proteins, such as fibrinogen and other
acute phase reactants, can neutralize these
charges. This allows the RBCs to form stacks,
6.3 Markers of Inflammation called rouleaux, which settle very quickly,
increasing the ESR when inflammation is pres-
Inflammatory markers can be very useful as ent (McPherson and Mcpherson 2011). The
ancillary tests in infectious disease testing, often ESR generally rises 24–48 h after the onset of
providing clues for distinguishing viral from bac- inflammation and declines slowly, which may
terial infection or determining the severity of ill- align with the complete resolution of inflamma-
ness. Table  6.3 compares commonly used tion more closely than other acute phase reac-
inflammatory markers. tants (Ramsay and Lerman 2015).
6  Care of the Child with an Infectious Disease or Immunological Defect 179

Table 6.3  Comparison of inflammatory markers

Time to Relative elevation during infection
elevation Bacterial Fungal Viral Elevation in non-infectious conditions
Erythrocyte 24–48 h High High Normal or mildly Autoimmune/autoinflammatory
sedimentation elevated conditions, malignancy, post-IVIG
C-reactive protein 4–12 h High High Normal or mildly Autoimmune/autoinflammatory
elevated conditions, tissue necrosis, trauma,
It can be elevated burns, inflammatory bowel disease,
in adenovirus, malignancy
CMV, influenza
Procalcitonin 3–6 h High High Normal Severe trauma, burns, extensive surgical
procedures, T-lymphocyte antibody
therapy, graft-versus-host disease
Ferritin Days High to * High Macrophage activating syndrome or
very high hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis,
iron overload, hemolytic anemia,
rheumatologic disease
Serum amyloid A 3–6 h High High High Acute pancreatitis, rejection in kidney
transplant, liver disease, autoimmune
disease, insulin resistance, obesity,
amyloidosis, and some tumors
Adapted from Zhang et al. (2019). *Data on fungal illness impacting ferritin level is lacking
h hours, IVIG intravenous immunoglobulin, CMV cytomegalovirus

The clinical indications for an ESR are the ESR. Interpretation should consider other factors
result of a careful history and physical. It is indi- that increase and decrease the ESR, as listed in
cated when there is clinical suspicion of systemic Table 6.5.
inflammation, as seen in infection, autoimmu- ESR often does not differ significantly
nity, autoinflammatory conditions, and malig- between viral and bacterial infections in children
nancy. ESR is not sensitive or specific enough to with febrile illnesses of short duration (Virkki
be the sole indicator of most disease processes. et  al. 2002). Bacterial and fungal infections of
Variations in ESR response prohibit its use in dif- longer duration will often have elevated ESR val-
ferentiating serious or invasive infections from ues. ESR is usually <30 mm/h in viral infections
milder infections (Batlivala 2009). ESR is used in (Putto et al. 1986). Some viral infections, such as
the diagnostic algorithm of atypical Kawasaki adenovirus, influenza, and cytomegalovirus, can
disease to indicate that further laboratory testing produce a much higher ESR (Cavallo et al. 2017;
and an echocardiogram should be performed Barone et al. 2000). ESR values >40 mm/h can
(McCrindle et al. 2017). The Jones criteria for the assist with differentiation between patients with
diagnosis of acute rheumatic fever also use ESR septic arthritis and those with transient synovitis
elevation of >30 millimeters per hour (mm/h) (Caird et  al. 2006), and the ESR is elevated in
and > 60 mm/h. in high-risk and low-risk popula- 94% of patients with acute osteoarticular infec-
tions, respectively (Gewitz et al. 2015). tions (Spruiell et al. 2017). Chronic or subacute
The interpretation of the normal values for osteomyelitis can present with normal or slightly
ESR depends on age and sex, and individual labs elevated ESR values (Ceroni et  al. 2014). An
may vary in their reference ranges. Generally extreme elevation of ESR >100  mm/h warrants
accepted normal ranges are listed in Table  6.4. further investigation, with infection as the most
Notably, the ESR also increases with age, with common cause (Abbag and Al Qahtani 2007).
approximately a 0.85  mm/h. increase every ESR is almost universally elevated in
5 years beyond puberty (Miller et al. 1983). Any Kawasaki disease, and extreme elevations are
process that elevates fibrinogen may elevate the associated with coronary artery involvement
180 A. N. Gyura and E. R. Harrison

Table 6.4  Normal erythrocyte sedimentation rate by age occurring somewhere in the body (Agrawal
Age Normal range 2005). It was named after observations in the
One month to 12 years ≤20 mm/h 1930s that it reacts with C-polysaccharides of
>12 yearsa Males: ≤15 mm/h pneumococcal cell walls (Tillett and Francis
Female: ≤20 mm/h
1930). CRP is produced primarily by hepato-
Adapted from Miller et  al. (1983), Long and Vodzak cytes in response to interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6,
mm/h millimeters per hour and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) as
 Every 5  years beyond puberty, the normal erythrocyte part of the innate immune response (Khalil
sedimentation rate increases by approximately 0.85 mm/h and Al-Humadi 2020). CRP levels rapidly
increase within 4–12 h of a stimulus and have
Table 6.5  Possible influencing factors on erythrocyte a doubling time of 8 h. CRP peaks at 2–3 days
sedimentation rate at levels 100–1000 times normal, and once the
Increased ESR Decreased ESR resolution of the inflammatory process begins,
Infection Polycythemia the levels fall rapidly (Long and Vodzak
Anemia Extreme leukocytosis 2018). The main pathophysiologic role of
IVIG Sickle cell
Pregnancy Spherocytosis CRP is to recognize foreign pathogens, stimu-
Obesity Disseminated intravascular late opsonization, and activate the classical
Hypoalbuminemia coagulation pathway of the complement system (Marnell
(nephrotic syndrome) Valproic acid et  al. 2005). Several different methods of
Macrocytosis Congestive heart failure
Malignancy Glucocorticoids measuring CRP provide rapid and reliable
Autoimmune conditions Technical factors (cold results, including EIAs, monoclonal-anti-
Autoinflammatory specimen, sample > 2 h body-based methods that measure agglutina-
conditions old) tion (Chiesa et al. 2004).
Technical factors (tilted Cachexia
tube, warm specimen)
A CRP is indicated when there is a suspicion
Advanced age of acute or chronic inflammation or infection and
Renal failure can be elevated in rheumatologic disease, infec-
Hypercholesterolemia tion, necrosis, trauma, burns, and malignancy.
Adapted from Brigden (1999) CRP is frequently utilized in combination with
ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate, IVIG intravenous
other tests as part of a sepsis panel or fever of
unknown origin workup (Downes et  al. 2018;
Downes et  al. 2016). CRP has been studied
(Ghelani et  al. 2013). Periodic fever syndromes extensively as a marker for bacterial infection in
often also present with ESR elevations, with ESR children. Many of these studies have attempted to
resolution to normal ranges between flares identify a cutoff value for predicting serious bac-
(Dancey et al. 2012). An elevated ESR value has terial infection (SBI) in children (Chiu et  al.
been shown to correlate well with flares in 2019; Sanders et al. 2008). Despite this, a single
patients with systemic lupus erythematosus CRP cutoff value has not been identified to rule
(Fernando and Isenberg 2005), and prolonged in or rule out bacterial illness in a febrile child
ESR elevation is considered a poor prognostic (Andreola et al. 2007).
feature in juvenile idiopathic arthritis (Beukelman CRP is often trended in pediatric musculo-
et al. 2011). skeletal infections to assess early response to
therapy and assist with the timing of the transi-
tion from intravenous to oral antibiotic therapy
6.3.2 C-Reactive Protein (Wood and Johnson 2016). CRP is also useful in
some inflammatory disorders such as Kawasaki
C-reactive protein (CRP) is an acute-phase disease, which utilizes an elevated CRP within
protein that increases in response to both the diagnostic algorithm to indicate that further
acute and chronic inflammatory conditions laboratory testing and an echocardiogram should
6  Care of the Child with an Infectious Disease or Immunological Defect 181

be performed ((McCrindle et  al. 2017). CRP is CRP should be carefully interpreted if done
used as a marker of disease activity in Crohn’s very early in the course of illness (Pratt and Attia
disease and, in some studies, has been useful in 2007). The liver synthesizes CRP.  Therefore,
the differential diagnosis of inflammatory bowel hepatic failure may impair CRP production and
disease (Vermeire et al. 2004). should not be relied upon as a marker of infection
When interpreting CRP, clinicians should in individuals with overwhelming sepsis and ful-
note that some laboratories report CRP in mil- minant hepatic failure (Silvestre et al. 2010).
ligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) while others
report the results in milligrams per liter (mg/L).
Normal CRP ranges are variable by laboratory 6.3.3 Procalcitonin
and method. A CRP level of <1  mg/dL
(10  mg/L) is generally considered normal for Procalcitonin (PCT) is the precursor of calcito-
clinical predictive purposes, and a CRP < 2 mg/ nin, a hormone produced in the thyroid to regu-
dL can assist with ruling out an SBI when the late serum calcium concentrations. PCT is
duration of the disease is >12  h (Putto et  al. primarily produced in the C cells of thyroid tissue
1986; Van den Bruel et  al. 2011). Generally, in healthy individuals; when an infectious or
CRP levels are higher in bacterial illness than inflammatory stimulus is introduced, essentially
in viral illness (Tsai et al. 2020), with a value all parenchymal tissues and cell types in the body
>8–10 mg/dL more likely to be associated with begin to produce PCT, resulting in a rapid
a bacterial infection (Andreola et al. 2007; Lee increase in PCT levels (Standage and Wong
et al. 2020). Notably, this is not consistent and 2011). Animal models have demonstrated that
should not be used as the sole indicator for ini- the introduction of an infection or endotoxin
tiation or discontinuation of antimicrobial ther- results in PCT elevation within 2–6 h and a peak
apy (Nohynek et al. 1995). Certain viruses such at 12–48  h (Zannoni et  al. 2012; Standage and
as adenovirus, cytomegalovirus, influenza, Wong 2011). Compared to CRP, PCT elevations
measles, and mumps can also increase CRP lev- are observed earlier, peak earlier, and have more
els to >10 mg/dL (Appenzeller et al. 2002). In rapid normalization after the stimulus has
children with fever and leukocytosis >25,000, a resolved.
high CRP concentration was strongly associ- Although PCT has been studied extensively,
ated with the presence of an SBI.  In contrast, the optimal clinical indication remains unclear.
for children in the same study, a CRP < 3.4 mg/ PCT has utility as a marker of infection, sepsis,
dL had a low positive predictive value for SBI and systemic inflammation. It has been identified
(Kim et al. 2019). as having a predictive value in neonatal sepsis
Some studies have shown that CRP levels (Chiesa et al. 2004; Vermeire et al. 2004), pyelo-
>10–15 mg/dL are associated with greater treat- nephritis (Xu et  al. 2014), SBI in children pre-
ment failure and development of coronary lesions senting with fever without a source (Andreola
in Kawasaki disease (Kim et  al. 2016), but this et al. 2007; Luaces-Cubells et al. 2012), bacterial
has not been demonstrated consistently infection or coinfection in lower respiratory tract
(Rahbarimanesh et  al. 2005; Kim et  al. 2015). infections (Principi and Esposito 2017: Kotula
Significant variations in CRP elevations exist 3rd et  al. 2018), and SBI in febrile neutropenic
among inflammatory disorders and should be pediatric oncology patients (Lin et al. 2012; Arif
interpreted accordingly. Crohn’s disease and and Phillips 2019), among others. Meta-analyses
rheumatoid arthritis are often associated with conducted to standardize PCT use for therapeutic
elevated CRP values. In contrast, systemic lupus decision-making have produced conflicting evi-
erythematosus, ulcerative colitis, and dermato- dence, and its utility for diagnosis and prognosis
myositis may have normal to mildly elevated of the disease remains uncertain (Becker et  al.
CRP values despite the presence of inflammation 2008). Current PCT assays are FDA-approved to
disease (Vermeire et al. 2004). aid clinicians in the following scenarios: risk
182 A. N. Gyura and E. R. Harrison

assessment of critically ill patients for progres- associated with increased mortality. Studies have
sion to severe sepsis and septic shock, assessment evaluated different ferritin levels as markers of
of mortality in critically ill patients, decision- severe disease; ranges of >300  ng/mL to
making regarding antibiotic therapy for a patient >3000  ng/mL are associated with worse out-
with suspected or confirmed lower respiratory comes in children with sepsis (Garcia et al. 2007;
tract infection, and decision-making regarding Bennett et al. 2011; Tonial et al. 2017). In chil-
antibiotic discontinuation for patients with sus- dren with severe sepsis, a ferritin level of
pected or confirmed sepsis (Microbiology >1980 ng/mL is associated with increased mor-
Devices Panel of the Medical Devices Advisory tality when combined with an elevated CPR of
Committee 2016). Notably, this use of PCT is >40.8 mg/L (Carcillo et al. 2017). In severely ill
based primarily on adult data. patients with elevated ferritin and CRP, extreme
Consensus interpretation of normative values systemic hyperinflammation as in macrophage
of PCT is difficult due to conflicting cutoff activating syndrome (MAS) or hemophagocytic
points for abnormal values and differences in lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) should be consid-
assays in clinical studies. A normal PCT level in ered. Ferritin in these children should be >500 ng/
uninfected adults was found to be 0.033 ± 0.003 mL but can be >10,000  ng/mL (Taylor et  al.
nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL) via a highly 2020). Elevated ferritin is also found in patients
sensitive research assay (Lee 2013); currently with iron overload and chronic hemolytic ane-
available commercial assays are not as sensitive mias and rheumatologic disease such as systemic
and therefore are unable to detect such low lev- juvenile idiopathic arthritis and refractory
els. The first commercial assay for procalcitonin Kawasaki disease and is associated with lower
measurement has a lower limit sensitivity of survival before bone marrow transplant (Taylor
0.5  ng/mL.  The second-generation PCT assay et al. 2020).
has a lower limit of sensitivity 0.05 ng/mL, an
important distinction for clinicians to make
when interpreting results (Long and Vodzak 6.3.5 Serum Amyloid A
2018). PCT crosses the placenta, and levels can
be high in neonates even after an uncomplicated Serum amyloid A (SAA) is an apolipoprotein
delivery. mainly synthesized by the liver. It can be elevated
during viral, bacterial, and fungal infections.
During acute phase response, SAA rises within
6.3.4 Ferritin 3–6 h, peaks within 24–48 h, and returns to base-
line quickly due to its short half-life (Todorov
Ferritin is a protein involved in iron storage but is et al. 2019; Zhang et al. 2019).
also an acute phase reactant. It is hypothesized to During viral infections, SAA may peak around
sequester iron from infectious agents that may 10–100  μg/mL from a baseline of 1 μg/mL.
use iron as a nutrient source (Taylor et al. 2020). During bacterial or fungal infection, SAA may
In severe infections with sepsis, high levels of reach 10–1000 μg/mL (Zhang et al. 2019). SAA
proinflammatory cytokines stimulate ferritin pro- can also be elevated in late-onset sepsis in pre-
duction (Garcia et al. 2007). Ferritin rises within term infants, acute pancreatitis, rejection in kid-
days of illness onset and can remain elevated for ney transplant recipients, liver disease,
weeks after the acute inflammatory process has autoimmune disease, insulin resistance, obesity,
resolved (Birgegard et al. 1978). amyloidosis, and some tumors. Unlike CRP,
Ferritin can be elevated in both viral and bac- which can be decreased by corticosteroids, SAA
terial infections. In EBV infection, ferritin can be is not affected by corticosteroids (Zhang et  al.
moderately elevated (median level of 431 ng/mL) 2019). SAA may help identify early viral disease
(van de Veerdonk et al. 2012). In severe bacterial as it may be elevated in the setting of normal
sepsis and septic shock, elevated ferritin has been CRP (Zhang et al. 2019).
6  Care of the Child with an Infectious Disease or Immunological Defect 183

6.3.6 Other Markers 6.4 Specific Viral Infections

of Inflammation
6.4.1 Epstein-Barr Virus
Many other acute-phase proteins can increase or
decrease with inflammation. Markers including EBV is a member of the Herpesviridae family of
ceruloplasmin, haptoglobin, hepcidin, fibrino- DNA viruses and is a known cause of many clini-
gen, α1-acid glycoprotein, and D-dimer can cal syndromes, including infectious mononucleo-
increase with inflammation (Bu et  al. 2016; sis (IM), post-transplant lymphoproliferative
Gabay and Kushner 1999; Hedegaard et al. 2015; disease, and malignancies. The clinical presenta-
Lee et  al. 2018). Others, such as albumin, tion of primary EBV infection ranges from
decrease with inflammation (Gabay and Kushner asymptomatic to self-limited mononucleosis in
1999). Levels of cytokines, such as IL-1, IL-6, healthy individuals to progressive infections in
IL-8, and TNF-α, can be measured, with different patients with immune system disorders (Cohen
cytokine response patterns seen in different dis- 2000). More than 90% of adults worldwide are
ease states (Gabay and Kushner 1999; Hedegaard seropositive for EBV, and the age of primary
et al. 2015). infection varies substantially according to socio-
economic factors (Dowd et al. 2013).
The clinical presentation of primary EBV
Key Learning about Methods of Testing for infection in children varies with patient age.
Pediatric Infectious Diseases Young, healthy children are often asymptomatic
• Typically, IgM rises before the IgG, and or develop nonspecific symptoms. In contrast,
the IgG will stay elevated for a longer approximately 50% of adolescents and adults
period. develop symptomatic IM. IM is a clinical entity
• Antigen testing is a common method characterized by pharyngitis, cervical lymph
used in point-of-care testing. This test- node enlargement, fatigue, and fever; more than
ing method does allow for rapid results 10% of patients also develop splenomegaly, pala-
but is less accurate than PCR testing. tal petechiae, and hepatomegaly (Cohen 2000).
• Molecular methods detect the genetic Approximately 90% of IM is caused by EBV
material of a pathogen, either RNA, (Hurt and Tammaro 2007). A rash can occur,
DNA, or nucleic acids. PCR is a com- although this is more common in patients treated
mon method of nucleic acid amplifica- with amoxicillin or other penicillins (American
tion that can report both qualitative and Academy of Pediatrics [AAP] 2018). Although
quantitative results. IM is a self-limiting illness, diagnosis may mini-
• NAATs generally have high sensitivity mize complications as well as prevent unneces-
and specificity. However, they are sus- sary treatments.
ceptible to contamination, which may There are several methods for EBV detection,
lead to false positives. Positivity may including serology, molecular testing, and direct
not represent the presence of a viable visualization. In addition to nonspecific hetero-
organism. phile antibodies, several methods can be utilized
• For effective culture, optimal collection, for serologic testing, such as IFAs, EIAs and
storage, transport, and processing are key. ELISAs, immunoblot, and avidity testing.
• Antibiograms can help guide empiric Molecular techniques are also important tools for
antimicrobial therapy. the direct detection of EBV DNA, and a quantita-
• Inflammatory markers are nonspecific tive PCR is commonly used for measuring EBV
and must be interpreted with the viral load. In situations where direct visualization
patient’s history and clinical presenta- is necessary, in situ hybridization is the gold stan-
tion in mind. dard for detecting EBV-infected cells in tissues
and tumors (Gartner and Preiksaitis 2015).
184 A. N. Gyura and E. R. Harrison

Several diagnostic tests are used to diagnose an viral capsid antigen (VCA), IgG antibody to the
EBV infection, and the common ones are listed Epstein-Barr nuclear antigen (EBNA-1), and IgG
below. antibody to EBV early antigen-diffuse (EA-D)
(Luaces-Cubells et al. 2012). EBV-specific serol- Heterophile Antibody Tests ogy remains the method of choice for the exclu-
Heterophile antibody tests, commonly called the sion or diagnosis of EBV infection, but challenges
monospot, are latex agglutination tests that iden- remain in interpreting these results. If VCA IgG,
tify heterophile antibodies. These antibodies are VCA IgM, EA-D, and EBNA-1 are performed in
primarily IgM and develop during the first conjunction with the heterophile antibodies, 32
2  weeks of illness (American Academy of possible serological patterns could be generated,
Pediatrics 2018). Heterophile antibody tests can and disagreement remains on interpreting certain
be useful in children ≥4  years when IM is sus- patterns (Klutts et al. 2009). Typically, VCA IgG
pected. A negative test should be supplemented and VCA IgM occur in high titers early in infec-
by EBV-specific serology (Marshall-Andon and tion, whereas EBNA-1 is not present for weeks to
Heinz 2017). Although more expensive and less months after infection onset. EA-D is not required
timely, EBV-specific serology is useful in diag- for the routine assessment of EBV infection but
nosing EBV in children <4 years, in patients with could be helpful in some situations. For example,
heterophile-negative IM, and in patients present- a highly positive EA-D in the presence of VCA
ing with symptoms that are not classic for IM IgG and EBNA-1 may indicate reactivation rather
(American Academy of Pediatrics 2018). than past infection (Katz 2018). Table  6.6
Pitfalls. Heterophile antibody tests are quali- describes possible interpretations of common
tative tests; a positive test indicates that hetero- serological patterns.
phile antibodies are present. In addition to EBV, Importantly, other causes of IM should be
heterophile antibodies can be found in acute HIV considered if serologic markers are not consistent
infection, lymphoma, or other infections, making with acute EBV infection. These include acute
this a nonspecific test for acute EBV infection. In HIV; CMV; toxoplasmosis; rubella; hepatitis A
adolescents, heterophile antibody tests’ sensitivi- and B viruses; human herpesviruses 6, 7, and 8;
ties range from 81% to 95% (Bruu et al. 2000). and adenovirus (Katz 2018). Streptococcal phar-
However, it has been demonstrated that only yngitis also has significant overlap in presenta-
5–50% of children <4 years develop heterophile tion and often cannot be distinguished clinically
antibodies following an acute EBV infection from IM.
(Womack and Jimenez 2015: Sumaya and Ench
1985). One study found a sensitivity of 27% in
children <2  years and 76% in children
25–48  months (Horwitz et  al. 1981), while Table 6.6  Serologic markers in the diagnosis of Epstein-­
Barr virus infection
another identified the sensitivity to be 38% in
children ≤12  years (Linderholm et  al. 1994). Possible VCA VCA EA-­ EBNA
interpretation IgM IgG D IgG
Heterophile antibodies can be elevated up to
EBV-naive − − − −
1 year after infection; therefore, positive hetero-
Early primary + + +/− −
phile antibodies can be considered diagnostic of infection
acute EBV infection only when combined with a Convalescent +/− + +/− +/−
finding of >10% atypical lymphocytes on a com- (3 months)
plete blood count (CBC) (American Academy of Past infection − + +/− +
Pediatrics 2018). Reactivation − + + +
Adapted from American Academy of Pediatrics (2018),
Katz (2018) EBV-Specific Serology VCA viral capsid antigen, IgM immunoglobulin M, IgG
EBV-specific serology includes EBV-specific immunoglobulin G, EA-D early antigen-diffuse, EBNA-1
antibodies, such as IgG and IgM antibodies to the Epstein-Barr nuclear antigen, EBV Epstein-Barr virus
6  Care of the Child with an Infectious Disease or Immunological Defect 185 Molecular Methods competent patients but are rare (Harrison 2014;
Molecular methods, such as PCR, are useful in Micallef and Galea 2018). In immunocompro-
high-risk patients when a quantitative result is mised hosts, end-organ disease and severe, life-
needed to monitor disease status and are espe- threatening complications of CMV disease are of
cially helpful when evaluating EBV status in significant concern. Symptoms may develop
immunocompromised patients (AbuSalah et  al. from primary infection, infection with a different
2020). They are more expensive and are not CMV strain, or reactivation of the latent virus,
needed in previously healthy children. leading to significant morbidity and mortality in
this patient population (Kenneson and Cannon
2007). Congenital CMV is discussed in the new-
Key Learning about the Laboratory born section.
Diagnosis of Epstein–Barr Virus In immunocompetent children or adolescents,
• Serology is the method of choice for the CMV testing may be indicated in heterophile
diagnosis of EBV infection. antibody-negative IM or as part of the clinical
• Heterophile antibodies are nonspecific investigation for prolonged fevers (Pass 2018).
for EBV, but in combination with >10% Immunocompromised patients often present with
atypical lymphocytes, they are consid- fever, malaise, leukopenia, and CMV symptoms
ered diagnostic for acute EBV infection. associated with the underlying disease process.
• Heterophile antibodies/monospot should Serology helps determine if a patient has ever
only be tested in children ≥4 years due been infected, which may be of particular impor-
to high false-negative rates in younger tance in pregnant women, blood and organ
children. donors, and organ transplant candidates (Pass
• Serological patterns can be difficult to 2018).
interpret, and expert consensus has not The laboratory diagnosis of CMV infection
occurred on all possible patterns. depends upon the specific CMV disease under
• Molecular testing, including quantifica- consideration. Other methods, including PCR,
tion of the virus, may be helpful for antigenemia, and culture isolation, are also avail-
high-risk patients. able (Hodinka 2015). Several diagnostic tests are
used to diagnose a CMV infection, and the com-
EBV Epstein-Barr virus. mon ones are listed below. Serological Assays for CMV

6.4.2 Cytomegalovirus Various serologic assays are available to detect
CMV IgG and IgM, including IFA, latex agglu-
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a member of the tination, and EIAs. ELISAs are the most com-
Herpesviridae family of DNA viruses. CMV monly used serologic assay for identifying
infections manifest differently depending on the CMV IgM and have been found to have a posi-
age and immune status of the host. The majority tive predictive value of only 49% for primary
of immunocompetent children and adolescents CMV infection (De Paschale et al. 2010). The
who acquire CMV infection postnatally are diagnosis of primary CMV infection is best
asymptomatic, with only 1–10% of CMV- accomplished by identifying CMV IgM pres-
infected individuals developing symptoms (Adler ence in one sample while testing for CMV IgG
and Marshall 2007). When symptoms are pres- in two patient samples at least 2 weeks apart to
ent, they may include symptoms similar to IM or document seroconversion (American Academy
mild influenza-like illness (Hodinka 2015). Other of Pediatrics 2018). CMV IgG avidity testing
manifestations of CMV disease, such as CMV may help some situations, as CMV IgG of low
colitis, encephalitis, pneumonia, and migratory avidity is produced during the first few weeks
polyarthritis, have been described in immuno- to months after primary infection. CMV IgG of
186 A. N. Gyura and E. R. Harrison

high avidity is produced with past or non-pri- PCR may represent shedding unrelated to clinical
mary infections (Hodinka 2015). Therefore, disease. The definitive diagnosis of CMV disease
demonstration of low-avidity CMV IgG anti- in the immunocompromised or post-transplant
body improves the specificity of a positive population often relies on detecting CMV in a
CMV IgM result for diagnosis of primary infec- specimen of the affected tissue to demonstrate
tion (Pass 2018). end-organ disease (Kotton et al. 2018). The test-
Immunocompetent children or adolescents. ing methods for different pediatric populations
Serologic detection may be utilized in a healthy are summarized in Table 6.7.
child or adolescent to confirm primary CMV
infection. Notably, CMV IgM has poor specific-
ity for primary CMV infections; some individu- 6.4.3 Real-Life Example
als have persistent IgM for over 1  year after
infection. IgM can also be produced during rein- An 11-year-old presented with a one-week his-
fection with a different CMV strain viral reacti- tory of sore throat, enlarged cervical adenopathy
vation (Prince and Lapé-Nixon 2014). of 1.5 cm, fatigue, myalgia, and fever. A mono-
Immunocompromised children or adoles- spot was negative, and EBV serology was nega-
cents. Serology and viral cultures are not particu- tive. The child’s clinical presentation resembled
larly useful in this population for diagnosing mononucleosis, and on day 11, CMV serology
symptomatic disease because most patients are was sent, which showed a positive CMV IgM and
seropositive and may shed virus intermittently IgG.  CMV was suspected as the cause of the
(Adler and Marshall 2007). mononucleosis, and the child recovered after
24 days of illness. Cultures for CMV
Cultures of the urine, saliva, and blood for CMV
may be positive during acute infection. However, 6.4.4 Varicella-Zoster Virus
this should be used as supporting evidence rather
than confirmation of diagnosis (Adler and Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) is a member of the
Marshall 2007). Herpesviridae family of DNA viruses. Primary
infection with VZV causes varicella, commonly PCR Testing for CMV called chickenpox. The virus develops latency in
Immunocompromised children or adolescents. sensory ganglia and can reactivate to cause her-
The diagnosis of CMV in immunocompromised pes zoster, commonly called shingles.
children or adolescents can be highly compli- Reactivation occurs with both wild-type VZV
cated. Individuals at particularly high risk of and vaccine-type VZV (Arvin 2018).
CMV infection include solid organ transplant and The classic presentation in unvaccinated indi-
hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients if viduals is a low-grade fever with a generalized,
either the donor or the recipient is seropositive, as pruritic, maculopapular vesicular rash in varying
well as individuals with HIV and other primary or stages of development and resolution, including
acquired immune disorders that affect T lympho- papules, vesicles, and crusted lesions (American
cytes or natural killer cells (Pass 2018). Routine Academy of Pediatrics 2018). Breakthrough vari-
CMV quantitative PCR testing may be utilized as cella cases, defined as chickenpox occurring
a screening tool for immunocompromised indi- >42 days after vaccination, can present with atyp-
viduals during high-risk periods. In post-trans- ical clinical symptoms such as fewer and predom-
plant patients, assays that quantify virus levels inantly maculopapular lesions without vesicles
may be more useful, such as the quantitative PCR (Weinmann et al. 2008). Varicella is more likely to
(American Academy of Pediatrics 2018). cause severe disease in young infants, adoles-
However, even detection of CMV by quantitative cents, and adults. Progressive and severe
Table 6.7  Overview of cytomegalovirus testing strategies in pediatric populations
Testing strategies in various populations
Testing method Immunocompetent Immunocompromised cCMV Postnatal CMV Comments
PCR Qualitative X Xa X X Sensitive, rapid
DBS – – X X Highly variable sensitivity
Only performed at select research laboratories
Not all infants with cCMV are viremic at birth
Quantitative – X X X Useful for monitoring therapy
Serology IgM X – – – Low specificity for primary CMV infection
Very low sensitivity in newborns
IgG X X – – Detection of seroconversion in primary CMV infection
Screening to determine serostatus (pregnant women, immunocompromised,
transplant candidates, blood/organ donors)
Not useful in newborns due to passive transfer of maternal antibody
Viral culture X Xa X X Standard tube culture: 2–4 weeks for results, not suitable for screening
6  Care of the Child with an Infectious Disease or Immunological Defect

Shell vial assay: Rapid, expensive, variable sensitivity

Adapted from Britt (2016), Hodinka (2015), Pass (2018)
cCMV congenital cytomegalovirus, CMV cytomegalovirus, PCR polymerase chain reaction, DBS dried blood spot, IgM immunoglobulin M, IgG immunoglobulin G
 Positive qualitative PCR testing or viral culture in immunocompromised individuals may not indicate active disease
188 A. N. Gyura and E. R. Harrison

disseminated disease may occur in immunocom- Control and Prevention 2015a). Laboratory tech-
promised children and healthy children on high- niques for PCR testing allow differentiation of
dose steroids (Roderick and Finn 2012; Dowell wild-type and vaccine strains of VZV.
and Bresee 1993). Complications of varicella in
healthy and immunocompromised children may Serology
occur, including bacterial superinfection, central Serologic testing is rarely indicated in the diag-
nervous system involvement, pneumonia, throm- nosis of acute infection. A fourfold increase in
bocytopenia, Reye syndrome, myocarditis, hepa- VZV IgG titers between acute and convalescent
titis, and hemorrhagic complications (Ziebold samples utilizing a standard serologic assay can
et al. 2001). Clinical diagnosis of varicella is less retrospectively confirm a diagnosis, although this
reliable in the post-vaccine era. The classic macu- is unreliable in immunocompromised individuals
lopapular vesicular rash is seen less frequently, (American Academy of Pediatrics 2018). IgG
and the rash in vaccinated patients may lack vesi- titers persist for life after primary infection. They
cles or resemble other rashes. Therefore, labora- may be useful as a screening tool to determine a
tory testing or epidemiological linkage to a typical person’s immune status, guide decisions about
case or laboratory-confirmed case should be the need for varicella vaccine, and evaluate the
sought to confirm varicella infection (Centers for risk of infection or reactivation in individuals
Disease Control and Prevention 2015a). Herpes receiving immunosuppressive therapy (Arvin
zoster (shingles) typically manifests with acute 2018). All currently available commercial assays
neuralgia preceding the development of a unilat- for VZV IgM have poor sensitivity and specific-
eral vesicular eruption in the distribution of a sen- ity and should not be used to diagnose infection
sory nerve and may disseminate in (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
immunocompromised children (Centers for 2015a). VZV laboratory testing is summarized in
Disease Control and Prevention 2015a). For epi- Table 6.8.
demiological purposes, primary care clinicians
should confirm all suspected cases of herpes zos-
ter in individuals <18 years. 6.4.5 Herpes Simplex Virus
The laboratory diagnosis of varicella can be
made using direct fluorescent antibody (DFA) Herpes simplex virus (HSV) is a member of the
methods, PCR, viral culture, or a significant rise Herpesviridae family of DNA viruses. There are
in varicella IgG. two distinct HSV types, identified as HSV-1 and
HSV-2. Traditionally, HSV-1 caused orolabial Direct Fluorescent Antibody infections, and HSV-2 caused genital infections.
(DFA) Methods However, both types can cause orolabial, genital,
A vesicular scraping for DFA staining can dem- and neonatal disease. Due to increasing sexual
onstrate VZV. This method is less sensitive than preferences for oral sex, an increasing number of
VZV PCR and cannot distinguish a wild-type genital and neonatal herpes in the United States
from a vaccine-strain virus (American Academy are HSV-1. However, HSV-2 is still predominant
of Pediatrics 2018). at this time (Pinniti and Kimberlin 2018; Alkhar
et al., 2017). After primary infection, HSV-1 and Viral Culture HSV-2 remain latent in sensory neural ganglia
Viral culture for VZV, while specific, is less sen- and may reactivate periodically (Kimberlin and
sitive than PCR and can take up to 14 days to iso- Prober 2018).
late (Miller et al. 2018). Common clinical syndromes in children and
adolescents may include orolabial lesions or gin- PCR givostomatitis; genital herpes; keratoconjunctivi-
The current diagnostic method of choice test for tis; cutaneous infections such as a herpetic
varicella is PCR of vesicular fluid, crusts, scabs, whitlow, herpes gladiatorum, or eczema herpeti-
or maculopapular scraping (Centers for Disease cum; and central nervous system disease such as
6  Care of the Child with an Infectious Disease or Immunological Defect 189

Table 6.8  Laboratory testing for varicella-zoster virus reactivation from primary infection (Kimberlin
Method Specimen Comments and Prober 2018).
PCR Vesicular fluid, Rapid, sensitive,
(recommended) crusts/scabs, specific. Nucleic Acid Amplification Tests
maculopapular Can distinguish
scraping, biopsy wild-type from HSV PCR is preferred over culture in detecting
tissue, CSF vaccine-type HSV from genital ulcers or vesicles and other
DFA Vesicular Rapid and specific mucocutaneous lesions due to improved sensitiv-
scraping Less sensitive than ity over culture (Strick and Wald 2006). PCR of
CSF is the diagnostic method of choice for cen-
Viral culture Vesicular fluid, Specific
maculopapular Less sensitive than tral nervous system disease, using an assay that
scraping, biopsy PCR and DFA distinguishes between HSV-1 and HSV-2 (Miller
tissue, CSF Less timely than et  al. 2018). The diagnosis of neonatal HSV
infection should include testing of surface speci-
IgG Serum Acute and
convalescent mens (including the mouth, nasopharynx, con-
specimens may be junctivae, and anus), skin vesicles, CSF, and
used for whole blood via PCR (or culture, if PCR is
retrospective unavailable) for HSV-1 and HSV-2 (American
It may be useful for Academy of Pediatrics 2018). Individual labora-
screening of tories have developed many PCR assays, although
immunity there are now several FDA-approved HSV PCR
IgM Serum Not recommended tests with reported sensitivities and specificities
for use
>95% (Binnicker et  al. 2014). Notably, perfor-
Adapted from American Academy of Pediatrics (2018)
mance characteristics of skin and mucous mem-
VZV varicella-zoster virus, PCR polymerase chain reac-
tion, CSF cerebrospinal fluid, DFA direct fluorescent anti- brane specimens from neonates who are
body, IgG immunoglobulin G, IgM immunoglobulin M suspected of having HSV have not been studied.
In HSV encephalitis, PCR assay can yield nega-
tive results early in the disease course (American
HSV encephalitis (American Academy of Academy of Pediatrics 2018).
Pediatrics 2018).
Several diagnostic tests are used to diagnose Viral Culture
an HSV infection, and the common ones are Culture is the most specific method for diag-
listed below. nosing an active HSV infection, and HSV
grows readily in traditional cell culture and Serology shell vial culture. An enzyme-linked, virus-
Serology can help determine exposure status to inducible system (ELVIS) is a commercially
HSV-1 and HSV-2 but should not be used as a available rapid culture technique with a turn-
primary diagnostic test and is not useful in neo- around time of less than 1 day (Kowalski et al.
nates. Type-specific IgG antibodies indicate pre- 2002). Viral cultures may be performed on cor-
vious exposure to the corresponding viral neal scrapings, ocular swabs, neonatal surface
serotype but do not differentiate past infection swabs, and oral or genital lesion swabs. The
from active infection unless seroconversion is sampling timing is important for viral cultures.
documented (Miller et  al. 2018). Commonly HSV can be detected in >90% of genital lesions
used ELISAs for anti-HSV IgG have sensitivi- sampled during the vesicular stage instead of
ties between 80% and 98% (Liermann et  al. 25% from the crusted stage (Moseley et  al.
2014). Anti-HSV IgM assays have unacceptably 1981). The specificity of viral culture for HSV
high false-positive rates, and they cannot reli- is nearly 100%; however, the sensitivity can
ably differentiate HSV-1 and HSV-2. An ele- range anywhere from 30% to 95% depending
vated anti-HSV IgM can also occur with on the clinical context, the sample obtained,
reactivation and, therefore, cannot distinguish and the timing of sample collection within the
190 A. N. Gyura and E. R. Harrison

course of the disease. Also, sample collection Qualitative HIV-1 DNA
methods, storage, and transport can negatively and RNA PCR
affect sensitivity (LeGoff et al. 2014). These assays detect intracellular HIV-1 nucleic
acids that are typically present 10–14 days after
HIV exposure, in the form of either viral RNA in
6.4.6 HIV-1 Virus plasma or proviral DNA in peripheral blood
mononuclear cells. It may be used to diagnose
HIV is an RNA virus classified into types 1 and 2. HIV-1 for children <24  months and individuals
HIV-1 is more common than HIV-2 in the United with acute or early HIV-1 infection. This test may
States, but HIV-2 should be considered in patients also be utilized for early detection of HIV-1
with exposure from West Africa or exposure to an infection in children and adolescents who may be
HIV-2-infected individual (Miller et  al. 2018). receiving combination antiretroviral prophylaxis
For most populations, the recommended initial or preemptive treatment (Branson and Owen
screening for HIV-1 and HIV-2 is a fourth-gener- 2015). For diagnosis of acute HIV outside the
ation antigen/antibody combination immunoas- neonatal period, qualitative HIV-1 DNA and
say. DNA and RNA assays for HIV-1 are reviewed RNA PCR tests have high specificity; false nega-
below; there are currently no molecular tests tives may occur in the first 10  days after infec-
approved by the FDA for HIV-2, although spe- tion, but high sensitivity is achieved after day 10.
cialized facilities may be able to perform this In perinatally exposed infants, the specificity of
testing on individuals known to have HIV-2 qualitative PCR testing is high; the sensitivity is
(Branson et al. 2014). low at birth but is >90% at age 2–4  weeks and
HIV DNA or RNA assays are recommended reaches 100% at ages 3 and 6  months (Lilian
in conjunction with an immunoassay (e.g., et al. 2012).
fourth-generation antigen/antibody combination An “undetected” result indicates that the assay
assay) in children and adolescents outside the could not detect HIV-1 DNA and/or RNA within
neonatal period to diagnose acute retroviral syn- the specimen, while a “detected” result is consis-
drome, commonly known as acute HIV.  Acute tent with HIV-1 infection. A first-time positive
retroviral syndrome is characterized by nonspe- result should be repeated as soon as possible to
cific mononucleosis-like symptoms, including confirm the diagnosis.
fever, malaise, lymphadenopathy, and skin rash
(American Academy of Pediatrics 2018). There Quantitative HIV-1 RNA PCR
are high levels of false-negative immunoassay The quantitative HIV-1 RNA PCR, also known as
results early after virus acquisition, so molecular a viral load, measures the quantity of HIV-1
tests are preferred in this time period. Molecular nucleic acid RNA in plasma. HIV RNA is typi-
testing can also be used to confirm a new diagno- cally detectable in plasma 10–14 days after HIV
sis of HIV and obtain information on viral load exposure. It may be used to diagnose HIV-1 for
(Branson et al. 2014). children <24 months and individuals with acute
The timing of various diagnostic tests related or early HIV-1 infection. This test is primarily
to HIV exposure can dramatically affect the test’s used to obtain a baseline viral load before therapy
sensitivity and specificity. The sensitivity of initiation and monitor disease progression or
molecular testing in patients with established viral load changes during treatment (American
HIV infection may also be lowered due to natural Academy of Pediatrics 2018). HIV-1 RNA
or therapeutic viral suppression (Miller et  al. viral load assays have a high sensitivity and
2018). specificity when used to diagnose HIV infection
in HIV-exposed infants and suspected acute HIV- HIV Immunoassays infected patients (Lee et al. 2012).
Immunoassays are found in Chap. 5 under point- An “undetected” result indicates that the assay
of-care tests. was unable to detect HIV-1 RNA within the spec-
6  Care of the Child with an Infectious Disease or Immunological Defect 191

imen. If RNA is detected, results are generally Testing for ZIKV depends on the presence of
reported in copies/mL. The quantification result symptoms and a patient’s pregnancy status.
range varies by the test and the manufacturer. Dengue virus (DENV) and chikungunya virus
Assays known as “ultrasensitive” may provide a (CHIKV) evaluations should also be initiated in
result that indicates HIV-1 RNA is detected but is patients with suspected ZIKV as these viruses
below the lowest quantification limit of the assay. have similar clinical manifestations and geo-
Possible causes may include false-positive graphic distributions (Miller et  al. 2018). The
results, very early HIV-1 infection, or a very low testing algorithm for symptomatic, non-pregnant
plasma HIV-1 viral load. patients with risk for both ZIKV and DENV is
In children and adolescents outside the neona- described in Fig.  6.1. Two diagnostic tests are
tal period with positive HIV DNA or RNA PCR used to diagnose a ZIKA infection and are listed
results, a repeat sample should be sent as soon as below.
possible to confirm the diagnosis. Positive PCR
testing confirms the diagnosis of HIV. NAAT to Confirm the Presence
ZIKV RNA may be detectable by NAAT several
6.4.7 Zika Virus days before to several days after symptom onset
and can be found in serum, whole blood, urine,
Zika virus (ZIKV) is an RNA virus of the and saliva. ZIKV RNA is only present transiently
Flaviviridae family. This virus is transmitted to in body fluids; therefore, a negative PCR does not
humans primarily through the bite of an infected rule out infection (American Academy of
Aedes species mosquito. Perinatal, in utero, and Pediatrics 2018). ZIKV PCR is sensitive and spe-
presumed sexual and transfusion-related trans- cific, although the timing of sample collection is
mission events have been reported. important (Jääskeläinen et al. 2019). ZIKV RNA
Testing for ZIKV infection may be consid- in serum declines as antibody appears but can be
ered in patients presenting with acute onset of shed in urine for a longer time and in higher titers
fever, maculopapular rash, arthralgia, or con- than in serum (Landry and St. George 2016).
junctivitis who live in or have traveled to an
ongoing transmission area 2  weeks before the Serological Tests to Identify
onset of symptoms (American Academy of Antibodies Primarily Using IgM
Pediatrics 2018). The Centers for Disease Assays and PRNT
Control and Prevention maintains information on ZIKV IgM appears 4–7 days after symptom onset
countries or territories with current ZIKV out- and generally persists for 12  weeks, although
breaks and provides travel recommendations. prolonged positive ZIKV IgM has been noted
Dengue virus (DENV) and chikungunya virus years after primary infection (Mlakar et al. 2016).
(CHIKV) evaluations should also be initiated in ZIKV IgM testing is performed utilizing an
patients with suspected ZIKV as these viruses ELISA.  False-positive results are common
have similar clinical manifestations and geo- due to nonspecific reactivity and significant
graphic distributions (Miller et al. 2018). Infants cross-reactivity with other flaviviruses, such as
born to mothers with possible ZIKV exposure DENV.  Neutralizing antibodies, consisting pri-
during pregnancy should be tested for ZIKV if marily of IgG antibodies, appear alongside IgM
they are (1) symptomatic or (2) asymptomatic antibodies and can persist for years. PRNTs are
with laboratory evidence of possible maternal quantitative assays that measure virus-specific
ZIKV infection during pregnancy. Clinical find- neutralizing antibody titers for ZIKV and other
ings consistent with congenital ZIKV syndrome flaviviruses. A titer value ≥10 in serum and ≥ 2 in
include severe microcephaly, decreased brain tis- CSF defines positive specimens and clarifies the
sue, ocular abnormalities, congenital contrac- interpretation of anti-ZIKV IgM antibody results
tures, and hypertonia (CDC 2019). (Sharp et al. 2019).
192 A. N. Gyura and E. R. Harrison

Sample collection <7 days Sample collection ≥7 days

after symptom onset after symptom onset

ZIKV PCR (urine, serum) ZIKV & DENV IgM

DENV PCR (serum)

+ ZIKV or Indeterminate – ZIKV &



Acute ZIKV Acute DENV Further
infection infection testing

DENV < 10 DENV ≥ 10 DENV ≥ 10 DENV < 10

ZIKV ≥ 10 ZIKV < 10 ZIKV ≥ 10 ZIKV < 10

Recent Recent Recent No evidence of

ZIKV DENV flavivirus recent ZIKV or
infection infection infection DENV infection

Fig. 6.1  Zika and dengue virus testing algorithm for virus, DENV dengue virus, PCR polymerase chain reac-
symptomatic, non-pregnant patients with risk for both tion, IgM immunoglobulin M, PRNTs plaque reduction
viruses. Adapted from Sharp et  al. (2019). ZIKV Zika neutralization tests

6.4.8 Dengue Virus volemic shock, and hemorrhage (Adebanjo et al.

2017). The Centers for Disease Control and
DENV are RNA viruses and members of the Prevention maintains up-to-date information on
Flaviviridae family. There are four types, desig- countries or territories with current outbreaks of
nated DENV 1–4. A virus is transmitted to DENV and provides travel guidance. ZIKV and
humans primarily through the bite of an infected CHIKV evaluations should also be initiated in
Aedes species mosquito (Hills and Fischer 2018). patients with suspected DENV, as these viruses
Transmission in utero, perinatally, and, rarely, via have similar clinical manifestations and geo-
breast milk, blood transfusions, or organ trans- graphic distributions (Miller et al. 2018).
plant has been reported (American Academy of DENV diagnostic testing relies on molecular
Pediatrics 2018). methods, detection of DENV nonstructural pro-
Testing for DENV may be considered in tein-1 (NS1) antigen, and serologic testing.
patients presenting with a clinically compatible
illness (acute onset of fever plus ≥2 of the fol- PCR Testing for DENV RNA
lowing: nausea, vomiting, rash, myalgias/arthral- DENV RNA may be detectable via PCR testing sev-
gias, leukopenia, or a positive tourniquet test) eral days before to 1  week after symptom onset.
who live in or have traveled to an area with ongo- DENV PCR is highly sensitive and specific, although
ing transmission within 2 weeks before the onset the timing of sample collection is important.
of symptoms. Approximately 75% of DENV
infections are asymptomatic or cause a mild, self- Antigen Testing
limiting febrile illness (Hills and Fischer 2018). DENV NS1 antigens are present during the acute
However, some patients may develop severe dis- viremic phase and are detectable several days
eases, including pleural effusions, ascites, hypo- before to 1 week after symptom onset. Available
6  Care of the Child with an Infectious Disease or Immunological Defect 193

assays for NS1 antigen include ELISA and rapid Routine diagnostic tests include detection of
diagnostic tests, but these vary widely in sensitiv- CHIKV RNA by PCR and serology.
ity and specificity (Hills and Fischer 2018). PCR for CHIKV RNA Serology for DENV Antibodies CHIKV RNA is detectable by PCR in serum sam-
DENV IgM is typically detectable 3–5 days after ples up to 6–8 days after the onset of symptoms
symptom onset. Similar to ZIKV testing, DENV (Lanciotti et  al. 2007, Lanciotti et  al. 2008).
IgM testing is performed with ELISA.  False- CHIKV PCR tests are highly sensitive and spe-
positive results are more common with IgM anti- cific when performed within this time frame. For
body testing than with PCR due to nonspecific patients with clinical indications for testing and
reactivity and significant cross-reactivity with symptom onset <6  days, initial testing should
other flaviviruses. Neutralizing antibodies, con- include CHIKV PCR assay on serum or CSF. A
sisting primarily of IgG antibodies, appear along- positive PCR result typically provides evidence of
side IgM antibodies and can persist for years. acute infection, and no additional antibody testing
PRNTs are quantitative assays that measure is indicated. If the PCR test is negative or serum is
virus-specific neutralizing antibody titers for collected ≥6 days after symptom onset, CHIKV
DENV as well as other closely related flavivi- IgM antibody testing should be performed.
ruses, such as ZIKV. A value titer ≥10 in serum
and  ≥  2  in cerebrospinal fluid defines positive Serology for CHIKV Antibodies
specimens and clarifies the interpretation of anti- CHIKV IgM antibodies are normally detectable
DENV IgM antibody results (Sharp et al. 2019). in serum by day 5–7 after symptom onset and are
Other tests, including DENV IgG and hemag- highest 3–5  weeks after illness onset. CHIKV
glutination inhibition assays, are not specific for IgM antibodies typically persist between 30 and
the diagnosis of DENV (American Academy of 90 days but have been detected up to 18 months
Pediatrics 2018). post-infection (Grivard et al. 2007). Several meth-
The preferred testing for non-pregnant patients ods of serologic testing are approved in the United
with clinical indications for DENV differs based States for CHIKV IgM antibody testing. The sen-
on timing from symptom onset (see newborn sitivity of CHIKV serology improves with disease
chapter for Fig. 3.1). Although DENV may be progression, with lower sensitivities at day 4 after
tested independently from ZIKV, there is signifi- symptom onset and higher sensitivity by day 8
cant overlap in clinical presentation and geo- (Yap et al. 2010). Neutralizing antibodies develop
graphical distribution, and ZIKV should be along with IgM antibodies and persist indefinitely
considered in the differential diagnosis. CHIKV and can be tested with PRNTs to discriminate
may also be considered (Miller et al. 2018). false-positive tests due to cross-reacting IgM anti-
bodies. If initial IgM antibody testing is positive,
most laboratories and state health departments
6.4.9 Chikungunya Virus will perform confirmatory PRNTs. If IgM anti-
body testing is negative and clinical suspicion
CHIKV is a small RNA virus of the family remains high, consider repeat CHIKV IgM anti-
Togaviridae. CHIKV is primarily transmitted by body testing in 2 weeks (Johnson et al. 2016).
infected Aedes species mosquitoes (Staples and Blood precautions: It is important to note
Powers 2018). CHIKV infection should be consid- that CHIKV requires biosafety level 3 (BSL-3)
ered in patients with acute onset of fever and polyar- precautions in the laboratory, and caution is rec-
thralgia, especially travelers who recently returned ommended when handling infected blood sam-
from areas with known virus transmission. Other ples. Testing for CHIKV RNA is limited by the
symptoms may include headache, myalgia, arthritis, number of facilities that can safely work with
conjunctivitis, nausea, vomiting, or rash. The major- the virus. It is recommended that clinicians con-
ity of people infected with CHIKV become symp- tact their state health department to facilitate
tomatic (American Academy of Pediatrics 2018). testing.
194 A. N. Gyura and E. R. Harrison

6.4.10 COVID-19 MIS-C can be similar in presentation to Kawasaki

disease but has distinct features.
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is caused Testing for COVID-19 includes point-of-care
by a novel coronavirus (CoV), designated SARS- testing, serological testing, and molecular test-
CoV-2. Respiratory illness with this novel coro- ing. The point-of-care testing is discussed in
navirus was first reported in China at the end of Chap. 5.
2019. By March 2020, the World Health
Organization declared a global pandemic of Serological Testing
COVID-19 due to a widespread disease outbreak. IgM and IgG antibodies increase nearly simulta-
Other important coronaviruses include SARS- neously by 2–3 weeks after the onset of COVID-
CoV, the cause of severe acute respiratory syn- 19 symptoms. Still, some people develop
drome (SARS); MERS-CoV, the cause of the antibodies within a week (CDC 2020d). A posi-
Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS); and tive IgM indicates active or recent COVID-19
a group of less pathogenic CoV that cause com- infection. Detection of IgG alone indicates past
munity-acquired respiratory illness such as upper infection with COVID-19. Detection of both IgG
respiratory tract infection or the common cold and IgM together indicates that a patient may still
(Tezer and Bedir Demirdağ 2020). be infectious. Duration of IgG and IgM detection
SARS-CoV-2 can result in asymptomatic to is unknown, but in one study, antibody levels
severe disease, including respiratory failure and were shown to wane to undetectable levels on
death. SARS-CoV-2 can result in an excessive repeat testing (Self et  al. 2020). Currently, the
immune reaction due to a cytokine storm, lead- FDA has granted Emergency Use Authorization
ing to more inflammation, tissue damage, and an (EUA) to many commercial serologic assays.
increased risk of clotting (Tezer and Bedir These detect either the spike or nucleocapsid pro-
Demirdağ 2020). In general, children present teins. The average sensitivity of currently avail-
with more mild or asymptomatic infections. able assays is 84%, and the specificity is 98%
Children can present with fever, headache, (Mathur and Mathur 2020), although individual
fatigue, myalgia, upper respiratory symptoms, test characteristics vary.
pharyngitis, anosmia, cough, shortness of breath, Serologic tests may be useful in evaluating a
tachypnea, pneumonia, bronchiolitis, and GI child who is recovering or has recovered from
symptoms such as diarrhea and abdominal pain COVID-19 (Brooks and Das 2020). In particular,
(Patel 2020). Neurological symptoms and signs serology is helpful in the diagnosis of MIS-C to
include acute flaccid myelitis, Guillain-Barré confirm recent exposure or infection to SARS-
syndrome, and febrile seizures (Christy 2020). CoV-2. Documenting serologic conversion may
Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in chil- also have utility in a child with persistently posi-
dren (MIS-C) is a rare complication of COVID- tive antigen or molecular testing, indicating an
19 infection. The clinical signs and symptoms absence of acute infectious disease.
include cardiac dysfunction, shock, peripheral Point-of-care serologic tests use lateral flow
edema, fever, abdominal pain associated with devices to recognize IgG, IgG and IgM, or total
diarrhea, conjunctivitis, rash, and peripheral antibodies in serum, plasma, whole blood, and/or
edema. The laboratory findings included elevated saliva. The blood samples can be done by finger
inflammatory markers such as serum ferritin, stick instead of venipuncture. ELISAs or CIAs
CRP, D-dimer, and other inflammatory markers are done in clinical laboratories.
(Godfred-Cato et al. 2020). These markers were
previously discussed (see Sect. 6.3). An elevated Antigen Testing
alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotrans- Antigen tests detect certain SARS-CoV-2 pro-
ferase, creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase, teins found on the viral surface as detected by
blood urea nitrogen, and serum creatinine levels swabbing the nose or nasopharynx (Brooks and
have also been reported (Nicola et  al. 2020). Das 2020; CDC 2020e). The antigen tests are
6  Care of the Child with an Infectious Disease or Immunological Defect 195

faster and cheaper than molecular tests. They are Antibody testing is commercially available
practical and quick, so they may be used when and sufficient for HAV diagnosis (CDC 2020a).
testing a large number of people. Currently, mul- Anti-HAV IgM becomes detectable 5–10  days
tiple commercial assays have been granted EUA before symptom onset, peaks within 1 month of
by the FDA.  The specificity of antigen tests is illness, and typically decreases to undetectable
comparable to molecular-based tests. However, levels within 6 months of infection (CDC 2020a).
sensitivity is lower than molecular tests. Negative IgM can persist for >1 year after infection. It is
results should be interpreted in a clinical context also detectable in up to 20% of HAV vaccine
and confirmed with molecular tests (CDC 2020e). recipients for up to 2  weeks after vaccination.
Anti-HAV IgM can be falsely positive (CDC Molecular Testing 2020a). Positive IgM in the setting of a compati-
The molecular tests use PCR technology to detect ble clinical illness indicates current or recent
virus while in the acute phase of a COVID-19 HAV infection. Anti-HAV IgG appears shortly
infection. The FDA has granted multiple assays after detection of IgM and protects future HAV
EUA.  Test characteristics vary between assays infection. Some assays test total anti-HAV anti-
and are difficult to assess as there is no “gold bodies, a total of both IgM and IgG against
standard” for COVID-19 diagnosis. Generally, HAV. If positive, total anti-HAV indicates immu-
these PCR assays have a high sensitivity and nity to HAV but does not differentiate acute from
specificity (Hanson et al. 2020). It is preferred to past infection; further testing with anti-HAV IgM
collect samples for PCR testing from the naso- is needed to identify acute infection (CDC
pharynx, anterior nares, mid-turbinate (“deep 2020a).
nasal”), saliva, or combined anterior nares plus HAV RNA NAAT can detect the virus in stool
oropharyngeal swabs; oropharyngeal swab alone and serum during the acute phase of HAV infec-
has lower sensitivity (Hanson et al. 2020). A limi- tion. However, NAATs are not routinely used to
tation of currently available SARS-CoV-2 molec- diagnose HAV as there are currently no FDA-
ular tests is their inability to quantify viral load. approved assays (American Academy of
Pediatrics 2018).

6.5  iral Hepatitis (Hepatitis A,

B, C, D, E) 6.5.2 Hepatitis B Virus

While other viruses like EBV and CMV can Hepatitis B virus (HBV) often causes asymptom-
cause a clinical hepatitis or inflammation of the atic acute infection in children. However, HBV is
liver, five well-known viruses are attributed to the an important pediatric illness as the risk of pro-
majority of cases of hepatitis. gression to chronic infection is related inversely
to age at the time of exposure. The risk of pro-
gression from acute to chronic infection due to
6.5.1 Hepatitis A Virus exposure in infancy (e.g., an infant born to a
mother with active HBV infection or exposure in
Hepatitis A virus (HAV) is a cause of acute viral the first year of life) is 90%, whereas the risk in
hepatitis that does not progress to chronic infec- children exposed at 1–5  years is 25–35% and
tion. Young children may be asymptomatic; older only 5–10% in older children and adults
children often have nonspecific symptoms and (American Academy of Pediatrics 2018; Terrault
may present with jaundice (American Academy et al. 2018).
of Pediatrics 2018). Hepatitis A is a vaccine-pre- Box 6.2 reviews high-risk groups for whom
ventable illness, and vaccine recommendations HBV screening is indicated. Testing for HBV is
are included in the childhood immunization based on the detection of HBV antigens and anti-
schedule. bodies. It may include hepatitis B surface antigen
196 A. N. Gyura and E. R. Harrison

Table 6.9  Serologic tests recommended for testing of Vaccination and Testing
hepatitis B virus infection
The hepatitis B vaccine is a recombinant vaccine
Serologic testing
Clinical indication for testing recommended
Screening for chronic HBV HBsAg,
infection anti-HBs,
anti-HBc Box 6.2 Groups at High Risk for Hepatitis B
Suspicion for acute infection HBsAg, anti-HBc Virus Infection Needing Screening
(possible recent exposure, increase IgM • All persons born in countries with mod-
in liver function tests) erate to high HBV endemicity (HBsAg
Pregnancy screening HBsAg
prevalence ≥2%).
Children born to HBsAg-positive HBsAg, anti-HBs
women who have received • US-born persons not vaccinated in
post-exposure immunoprophylaxis infancy whose parents were born in
Post-vaccination titers Anti-HBs regions with high HBV endemicity
Adapted from American Academy of Pediatrics (2018), (HBsAg prevalence ≥8%).
Davison and Strasser (2014) • Pregnant women.
HBV hepatitis B virus, HBsAg hepatitis B surface antigen,
• Children born to HBsAg positive
Anti-HBs hepatitis B surface antibody, Anti-HBc hepatitis
B core antibody, IgM immunoglobulin M mothers.
• Persons needing immunosuppressive
(HBsAg), hepatitis B surface antibody (anti- • Persons seeking treatment for sexually
HBs), and hepatitis B core antibody (anti-HBc). transmitted infections.
Anti-HBc IgM and IgG can be ordered separately • Travelers to countries with moderate to
to provide additional information on the timing a high prevalence of HBV.
of infection. Hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg) and • Persons with chronic liver disease or
hepatitis B e antibody (anti-HBe) testing is also elevated ALT or AST of unclear
available. Initial screening tests requested depend etiology.
on the clinical indication, as summarized in • Others with high-risk activities or expo-
Table 6.9. sures, including:
HBsAg is a marker of current infection. It –– Males who have sex with males.
appears in the serum 2–10 weeks after exposure –– Persons who have had >1 sexual
to HBV (Trépo et al. 2014). Positivity may indi- partner in the previous 6 months.
cate acute or chronic infection. Chronic HBV –– Persons who have ever injected
carriers are defined by having HBsAg positivity drugs.
for >6 months. Anti-HBc IgM and IgG begin to –– Persons at risk for occupational
rise 1–2  weeks after the appearance of HBsAg. exposure to HBV.
Anti-HBc IgG persists during chronic infection, –– Inmates of correctional facilities.
while IgM typically wanes over time, although
IgM can be detectable in some patients during Adapted from Terrault et al. 2018
periods of exacerbation of chronic HBV.  Anti- HBV hepatitis B virus, HBsAg hepatitis
HBs are a marker of immunity from previous B surface antigen, ALT alanine aminotrans-
vaccination or exposure. HBeAg is a marker of ferase, AST aspartate aminotransferase.
viral replication and infectivity. It has largely
been replaced by HBV DNA testing, which
directly measures viral load (Trépo et al. 2014).
Most HBV DNA assays use PCR techniques. containing >95% HBsAg protein. After vaccina-
Interpretation of screening tests is summarized in tion, serologic testing is not routinely indicated
Table 6.10. but can be considered in immunocompromised
patients or sex partners of HBsAg-positive per-
6  Care of the Child with an Infectious Disease or Immunological Defect 197

Table 6.10  Interpretation of screening tests for hepatitis B virus infection

HBsAg Anti-­HBc Anti-­HBs Interpretation Management
− − − Susceptible to infection Vaccinate
− − + Immune due to vaccination No further testing
− + + Immune due to natural infection No further management
unless immunosuppressed
+ + − Acute or chronic infection Acute and chronic
Anti-HBc IgM differentiates acute from chronic infections require
infectiona: additional testing and
•  Positive anti-HBc IgM indicates acute infection management, potentially
•  Negative anti-HBc IgM indicates chronic infection by a subspecialist
− + − 1.  Recovery from acute infection HBV DNA testing if
2.  Distantly immune with low undetectable level immunocompromised
3.  False-positive anti-HBc
4.  Chronic, occult infection with undetectable HBsAg
Adapted from Terrault et al. (2018)
HBsAg hepatitis B surface antigen, Anti-HBc hepatitis B core antibody, Anti-HBs hepatitis B surface antibody, HBV
hepatitis B virus, IgM immunoglobulin M
 Often anti-HBc IgM needs to be ordered separately

sons (CDC 2015b). Post-vaccination antibody tive antibody test indicates active infection (acute
levels to anti-HBs can be checked 1–2  months or chronic), a past infection that has resolved, or,
after the third vaccine dose (CDC 2015b). A rarely, a false positive. An RNA test is used to
robust immune response is demonstrated with an detect active infection. Many laboratories offer
anti-HBs titer of >10 mIU/mL. After three doses, HCV antibody tests with a reflex to HCV RNA
90% of healthy adults and 95% of infants, chil- PCR as a single orderable test.
dren, and adolescents develop an adequate
response to the vaccine. Titers decrease over
Box 6.3 Groups for Whom Hepatitis C
time, although symptomatic infection is rare after
Screening Is Indicated
immunization, suggesting immune memory
• As one-time routine testing in all ado-
(Trépo et al. 2014). Of note, transient HBsAg can
lescents and young adults over 18 years.
be detected from 1 day to 3 weeks following vac-
• During routine prenatal care with each
cine administration (American Academy of
Pediatrics 2018).
• In children less than 18 years with activ-
ities, exposures, conditions, or circum-
stances associated with increased risk of
6.5.3 Hepatitis C Virus
HCV infection, including:
–– Males who have sex with males.
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) screening is recom-
–– Children born to HCV-infected women.
mended for specific groups identified in Box 6.3.
–– Persons with HIV infection.
Screening should be performed with an HCV
–– Persons starting pre-exposure pro-
antibody test with reflex to HCV RNA (AASLD-
phylaxis for HIV.
IDSA 2020). Within 15  weeks of exposure and
–– Persons with chronic liver disease or ele-
5–6 weeks after onset of hepatitis, 80% of patients
vated ALT or AST of unclear etiology.
will have a positive HCV antibody. HCV antibody
–– Persons who use injection drugs.
tests are available as laboratory-based and point-
of-care assays with similar sensitivity and speci-
Adapted from AASLD-IDSA 2020.
ficity (AASLD-IDSA 2020). Immunoassays are
HCV hepatitis C virus, ALT alanine amino-
at least 97% sensitive and more than 99% specific
transferase, AST aspartate aminotransferase.
(American Academy of Pediatrics 2018). A posi-
198 A. N. Gyura and E. R. Harrison

HCV RNA PCR becomes detectable within serum or stool can confirm the diagnosis.
1–2  weeks after exposure to HCV.  HCV RNA Serologic and nucleic acid tests are commercially
PCR testing alone is indicated in immunocom- available, but none have been approved by the
promised patients, those with possible HCV FDA (CDC 2020c).
exposure (e.g., needlestick) in the previous
6 months, and in neonates (American Academy
of Pediatrics 2018). HCV RNA PCR is also mon-
itored in HCV-infected patients receiving antivi-
ral therapy. Key Learning about Hepatitis Viruses
• Testing for viral hepatitis should be con-
sidered for specific groups or based on
6.5.4 Hepatitis D clinical presentation, including results
of liver function testing.
Hepatitis D virus (HDV) causes infection only in • Antibody testing for hepatitis A is suffi-
those with hepatitis B infection since HDV cient for testing. Hepatitis A does not
requires HBsAg for replication. Testing should cause a prolonged carrier state.
be considered in patients with severe or pro- • Hepatitis B testing provides information
longed hepatitis or in patients who are HBsAg about the acute and chronic state of the
positive who have additional risk factors such as virus.
emigration from a region with endemic HDV, • Hepatitis C screening should be per-
injection drug use, males who have sex with formed with an HCV antibody test with
males, and high-risk sexual practices or have reflex to HCV RNA.
coinfection with HIV or HCV (American • Hepatitis D travels with hepatitis B
Academy of Pediatrics 2021). Screening for since it requires HBsAg for replication.
HDV is recommended with anti-HDV IgG fol- • Hepatitis E should be considered
lowed by HDV RNA studies if antibody testing is when a traveler returns with symp-
positive (Terrault et al. 2018). Anti-HDV may not toms of hepatitis. Diagnosis can be
be detectable until several weeks after illness made by detecting anti-HEV IgM in
onset, so testing of acute and convalescent serum serum. Detection of HEV RNA from
may be needed to make a diagnosis (American serum or stool can confirm the
Academy of Pediatrics 2018). diagnosis.

6.5.5 Hepatitis E
6.5.6 Real-Life Example
Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is an important cause of
acute hepatitis in resource-limited countries. A 9-year-old presented with mild abdominal
Testing should be considered in symptomatic pain, nausea, vomiting, and anorexia. His mother
travelers from an endemic area with HEV or any also reported similar symptoms, but she had
symptomatic patients who have tested negative icteric sclera. The child’s liver enzymes were
for serologic markers of hepatitis A, B, and C and mildly elevated. A hepatitis panel showed a posi-
other hepatotropic viruses (CDC 2020b). tive IgM for hepatitis A.  The mother’s icteric
Diagnosis can be made by detecting anti-HEV sclera helped the clinician consider hepatitis as
IgM in serum. Detection of HEV RNA from the cause of their symptoms.
6  Care of the Child with an Infectious Disease or Immunological Defect 199

6.6 Bacterial and Parasitic able tests for the direct detection of syphilis.
Infections Serology may be the only evidence of disease
during latent, asymptomatic infection. There are
6.6.1 Syphilis two types of serologic tests, nontreponemal and
treponemal, which must be considered together
Syphilis is a systemic disease caused by in the diagnosis of syphilis.
Treponema pallidum subspecies pallidum, a spi- Nontreponemal tests. Nontreponemal tests
rochete bacterium. Infection can be acquired dur- include the rapid plasma reagin (RPR) test and
ing childhood or adulthood, usually during sexual the venereal disease research laboratory
activity or maternal-to-child transmission (con- (VDRL) test. Nontreponemal tests measure
genital infection). Darkfield examinations and IgM and IgG antibodies to antigens released
molecular tests can detect T. pallidum taken from damaged host cell walls and antigens on
directly from lesion exudate or tissue and are the spirochete surface (Ratnam 2005). These
considered definitive tests that can diagnose early antibodies can first be detected 1–4 weeks after
syphilis and congenital syphilis (Workowski the appearance of a primary syphilitic chancre
et al. 2021). and approximately 6  weeks after initial expo-
Infection acquired in childhood or adoles- sure (Peeling and Ye 2004). These tests utilize
cence can be divided into three stages—primary, different antigen preparations resulting in var-
secondary, and tertiary—with periods of latency ied reactivity levels (Larsen et  al. 1995). The
between active stages. Primary syphilis is charac- 2021 STI guidelines point to a fourfold change
terized by painless indurated ulcers on the skin or in titer (which is equivalent to a change of two
mucus membranes at the inoculation site; these dilutions: 1:16 to 1:4 or from 1:8 to 1:32),
chancres typically occur 3  weeks after initial which is needed for clinically significant differ-
exposure and spontaneously resolve within a few ence between two results from a nontreponemal
weeks. Secondary syphilis occurs 1–2  months test from the same type of serologic test and the
after initial infection when T. pallidum invades same manufacturer to avoid any variation in
organ systems throughout the body. Patients may results (Workowski et al. 2021).
present with nonspecific signs and symptoms, Nontreponemal titers often correlate with dis-
including fever, sore throat, muscle aches, rash, ease activity, making them a useful tool for dis-
mucocutaneous lesions, and generalized lymph- tinguishing active infection, untreated infection,
adenopathy. Tertiary syphilis occurs 15–30 years or reinfection. After appropriate treatment of
after infection, so it is not encountered frequently syphilis, titers decline and may become nonreac-
in the pediatric population. It can include gumma tive over time (Workowski et  al. 2021).
formation or cardiovascular involvement. There Reinfection causes a rise in titers. Comparison of
are periods of latency between times of active titers should be done between the same nontrepo-
infection when a patient may be seroreactive but nemal assays, ideally done at the same labora-
have no clinical manifestations of syphilis. Early tory. Quantitative results between VDRL and
latent syphilis is defined as an infection in the RPR cannot be compared (Workowski et  al.
preceding year; late latent syphilis is an infection 2021).
acquired more than 1  year prior or syphilis of Limitations of nontreponemal tests.
unknown duration (American Academy of Nontreponemal tests have low sensitivity in the
Pediatrics 2018; Larsen et al. 1995). Neurosyphilis early primary disease when there may be a slow
can be seen in any stage of the acquired disease rise in detectable titers and in late latent syphilis
and congenital infection. when there is a gradual decline in reactivity
(Ratnam 2005). Specificity is generally high, Serology for Syphilis although false positives occur with an incidence
Serology is the cornerstone of syphilis diagnosis of 1–2%. False positives have been attributed to
since there is a paucity of easy and widely avail- many factors, including infection with HIV,
200 A. N. Gyura and E. R. Harrison

hepatitis, infectious mononucleosis, pneumococ- commonly used treponemal and nontreponemal

cal pneumonia, chickenpox, measles, and other tests are reviewed in Table 6.11.
viral infections; autoimmune conditions; preg- Traditionally, treponemal tests have been
nancy; injection drug use; older age; and malig- more costly and technically difficult to per-
nancy (American Academy of Pediatrics 2018; form, so they have been used as confirmatory
Association of Public Health Laboratories 2018; tests after positive nontreponemal tests (Larsen
Geusau et al. 2005; Larsen et al. 1995; Ratnam et al. 1995). Many treponemal assays, such as
2005). A quantitative titer is not useful for distin- TP-EIA tests, have become available as high-
guishing true positive from false-positive results throughput automated assays. This has given
as false positives have been documented in rise to the “reverse sequence screening
patients with high titers (Larsen et  al. 1995); approach,” in which treponemal tests are used
however, 90% of false positives have a titer less as screening tests.
than 1:8 (Ratnam 2005). False-negative results Testing algorithms. Nontreponemal and
can occur due to the prozone phenomenon, in treponemal tests should be used together to
which a large amount of nontreponemal antibody improve sensitivity and specificity. Typically,
interferes with the test assay. Diluting these sam- laboratories decide the testing approach used.
ples results in increased reactivity. This reaction The conventional screening approach
is seen in 1–2% of patients with secondary syphi- (Fig. 6.2) starts with a nontreponemal test and, if
lis (Yap et al. 2010). positive, reflexes to a treponemal test for confir-
Nontreponemal tests have been utilized as mation. Up to 40% of untreated late latent cases
screening tests for syphilis since they are widely are nonreactive on nontreponemal tests and
available, inexpensive, convenient, and reflect would subsequently be undiagnosed using this
treatment history (Larsen et al. 1995). Given the screening scheme (Soreng et al. 2014).
false-positive rate, positive tests should be fol- The reverse sequence screen approach
lowed up with a confirmatory test, especially in a (Fig. 6.3) starts with a treponemal test to identify
low-risk population. people who have previously had treated, incom-
Treponemal tests. Treponemal tests detect pletely treated, or untreated syphilis. A positive
IgM and IgG antibodies directed against specific result is followed up with a nontreponemal test
T. pallidum antigens (Soreng et al. 2014). These for confirmation. Discordant results (positive
antibodies are first detected approximately treponemal test and negative nontreponemal test)
3 weeks after initial exposure, often before non- are further assessed with a different treponemal
treponemal antibodies (Peeling and Ye 2004). test, ideally based on a different antigen than the
Currently available treponemal tests include original test. This screening algorithm is gaining
treponemal antibody absorbed (FTA-ABS) test, popularity as automated treponemal TP-EIA, and
T. pallidum passive particle agglutination (TP- TP-CIA assays are fast and easy to perform, com-
PA) assay, T. pallidum EIA (TP-EIA), and T. pal- pared to nontreponemal tests, which generally
lidum CIA (TP-CIA). need to be done manually. This approach is supe-
Treponemal tests do not correlate with disease rior to the conventional approach in detecting
activity and remain positive regardless of appro- early infection and late latent disease (Soreng
priate treatment of syphilis. They should not be et  al. 2014). However, there is generally low
used to evaluate response to therapy or reinfec- specificity of first-line TP-EIA results. In one
tion. The incidence of false-positive results is study, up to 56% of specimens with a positive
approximately 1% (Larsen et  al. 1995). False TP-EIA had a negative RPR, of which 31% were
positives can occur with autoimmune conditions, ultimately negative on confirmatory treponemal
older age, and infection with antigenically simi- test; this suggests the initial TP-EIA had many
lar spirochetes such as pinta, yaws, and Lyme false positives (CDC 2011).
disease (Larsen et  al. 1995; Soreng et  al. 2014; Post-treatment monitoring. After appropri-
Ratnam 2005). The sensitivity and specificity of ate treatment, quantitative nontreponemal titers
6  Care of the Child with an Infectious Disease or Immunological Defect 201

Table 6.11  Sensitivity and specificity of nontreponemal and treponemal tests in the diagnosis of syphilis
Sensitivity (%) by stage of untreated syphilis
Test Primary Secondary Early latent Late latent Specificity (%)
Nontreponemal VDRL 78 (74–87) 100 95 (88–100) 71 (37–94) 98 (96–99)
RPR 86 (77–100) 100 98 (85–100) 73 98 (93–99)
Treponemal FTA-ABS 84 (70–100) 100 (95–100) 100 96 97 (94–100)
TP-PA 88 (86–100) 100 100 86 (76–93) 96 (95–100)
TP-EIAa 39–100 100 (96–100) 100 (90–100) 98 (92–99) 82 (78–86)
TP-CIAa 98 100 100 91–100 98–100
Adapted from: Larsen et al. 1995; Association of Public Health Laboratories 2018; Park et al. 2019; Sena et al. 2010;
Ratnam 2005
VDRL venereal disease research laboratory, RPR rapid plasma reagin, FTA-ABS treponemal antibody absorbed, TP-PA
T. pallidum passive particle agglutination, TP-EIA T. pallidum enzyme immunoassays, TP-CIA T. pallidum chemilumi-
nescent assay
 Limited data available for sensitivity and specificity of TP-EIA and TP-CIA

Nontreponemal test (RPR or VDRL)

positive negative

Treponemal test (e.g. TP-PA) Syphilis unlikely

or too early to detect
positive or late latent syphilis

Syphilis infection past or present Syphilis unlikely

Compare to previous nontreponemal titer. If high risk, repeat in 2 to 4 weeks
Consider history of infection and treatment
Consider risk of reinfection

Fig. 6.2  Conventional screening approach for the diag- venereal disease research laboratory, TP-PA T. pallidum
nosis of syphilis. Adapted from Soreng et  al. (2014), passive particle agglutination
Workowski et al. (2021). RPR rapid plasma reagin, VDRL

Treponemal tests (e.g. TP-EIA or TP-CIA)


Quantitative nontreponemal test (RPR or VDRL) Syphilis unlikely

or too early to detect

positive negative

Treponemal test (e.g. TP-PA)

Syphilis infection past or present positive
Compare to previous nontreponemal titer.
Consider history of infection and treatment. negative
Consider risk of reinfection.

Syphilis unlikely
If high risk, repeat in 2 to 4 weeks

Fig. 6.3  Reverse sequence screening approach for the assay, VDRL venereal disease research laboratory, RPR
diagnosis of syphilis. Adapted from Soreng et al. (2014), rapid plasma reagin, TP-PA T. pallidum passive particle
Workowski et  al. (2021). TP-EIA T. pallidum enzyme agglutination
immunoassays, TP-CIA T. pallidum chemiluminescent
202 A. N. Gyura and E. R. Harrison

should be followed. The same nontreponemal Nucleic Acid Amplification Tests
test (RPR or VDRL) should be trended over Nucleic acid amplification tests, such as PCR, are
time, ideally at the same laboratory. In children very sensitive for the detection of T. pallidum.
treated for congenital syphilis, nontreponemal PCR can detect as few as one to ten organisms
titers should be obtained every 2–3 months until per specimen (Peeling and Ye 2004: Ratnam
nonreactive. RPR or VDRL should decrease by 2005). Currently, there are no FDA-approved
3  months and be nonreactive by 6  months commercially available PCR tests for syphilis.
(American Academy of Pediatrics 2018). In Diagnosis of infection acquired after birth
those treated for primary or secondary acquired relies primarily on serologic testing. Notes on
syphilis, nontreponemal titers should be fol- testing by stage of infection are summarized in
lowed at 6 and 12 months after treatment. RPR Table 6.12.
or VDRL should decline fourfold by 3–4 months
after treatment and decline eightfold by
6–8 months after treatment (Larsen et al. 1995). 6.6.2 Tuberculosis
If titers do not fall as expected or begin to rise
after treatment, treatment failure or reinfection Tuberculosis (TB) infection is caused by
should be considered. Time to retroversion, or Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) complex an,
negative titers, varies by stage of disease during acid-fast bacilli. The disease can progress during
which treatment was initiated. Those treated for primary TB infection before cellular immunity
primary syphilis become nonreactive 1  year development (Fitzgerald et  al. 2020). In most
after treatment, those treated for secondary cases, the immune system can contain the infec-
syphilis become nonreactive after 2  years, and tion but does not eliminate the bacilli completely.
those treated for latent syphilis become nonre- This period of controlled infection, or latent
active after 5 years (Ratnam 2005). About 50% tuberculosis infection (LTBI), is defined by posi-
of patients treated in the latent or late stage of tive immune reactivity to Mtb with no signs or
disease or who have had multiple syphilis symptoms of infection.
infections will develop persistent low-level non- Some with latent TB will progress to active
treponemal titers (RPR 1:4 or less; VDRL 1:2 or TB infection. Risk factors for progression to the
less), known as a “serofast reaction.” A “serofast active disease include young age, diabetes melli-
reaction” does not represent reinfection or treat- tus, HIV, and high-dose corticosteroids or TNF-α
ment failure (American Academy of Pediatrics inhibitors (Lewinsohn et al. 2017). Age is a par-
2018; Larsen et al. 1995). ticularly important risk factor for progression to
active disease: children <2 years have a 30–40% Dark Field Microscopy risk of developing active TB within 1 year com-
and Direct Fluorescent pared to children ≥5 years and adults who have a
Antibody 5–10% lifetime risk of developing active TB
Moist lesions of syphilis—as found during pri- (Starke, Committee On Infectious Diseases
mary, secondary, relapsing, and early congenital 2014).
infection—contain many spirochetes. Specimens TB diagnostic tests are reviewed below, focus-
taken from these lesions can be examined by dark ing on LTBI and pulmonary TB diagnosis, as
field microscopy (DFM) or DFA to identify spi- these are most commonly encountered by the
rochetes. These tests have the potential to be par- pediatric primary care clinician.
ticularly useful in the diagnosis of primary Tuberculin skin tests (TSTs) and interferon-
syphilis, as DFM may be positive several days to gamma release assays (IGRAs) are used in the
weeks before reactive serology (Yap et al. 2010). initial evaluation for TB. Testing should only be
However, these tests require specialized tech- pursued when there are risk factors for TB infec-
niques and experienced personnel, making them tion, a disease or condition that requires immuno-
largely obsolete (Larsen et al. 1995; Association suppression or suspected TB infection. In the
of Public Health Laboratories 2018). primary care setting, children are often screened
6  Care of the Child with an Infectious Disease or Immunological Defect 203

Table 6.12  Recommended testing for postnatally acquired syphilis based on the infection stage
Stage of Clinical Testing
syphilis presentation options Comments and pitfalls
Primary Painless ulcer, Direct DFM and DFA are not practical in most clinical settings. PCR is
syphilis which may go examination not widely available.
unrecognized of spirochetes
Serology Nontreponemal and treponemal antibodies are often not detected
until 1–4 weeks after the chancre of primary syphilis has formed.
Treponemal tests are positive before nontreponemal tests. If
serology is negative, repeat testing in 2–12 weeks.
Secondary 1–2 months after Serology The sensitivity of nontreponemal and treponemal tests is nearly
syphilis initial infection 100% during secondary syphilis.
when there is the In people with a previous history of treated syphilis, a fourfold
dissemination of (or 2 dilutions) rise in nontreponemal titer is diagnostic of
spirochetes reinfection.
Latent Asymptomatic Serology Nontreponemal titers are reactive in early latent disease, but
syphilis period reactivity decreases with increasing latency.
Tertiary 15–30 years after Serology Approximately 30% of patients with tertiary syphilis have a
syphilis infection; includes nonreactive nontreponemal test. The sensitivity of treponemal
Gumma formation tests also declines with late-stage infection but is more likely to
or cardiovascular be reactive.
Adapted from Larsen et al. (1995), Ratnam (2005)
DFM dark field microscopy, DFA direct fluorescent antibody

after recent immigration from areas with high preferred test type is based on the child’s age and
rates of tuberculosis (≥20 cases per 100,000), for test characteristics, as reviewed in Table 6.13 and
employment or camp purposes, or when there is a discussed further in the text below.
concern for TB infection. Usually, either TST or IGRA is recommended,
TSTs and IGRAs cannot distinguish LTBI but both can be considered together in the follow-
from active TB disease, so positive screening ing scenarios: (1) the initial and repeat IGRA are
TST or IGRA should be followed by evaluating indeterminate/invalid; (2) the initial TST or
signs and symptoms suggestive of TB disease IGRA is negative, but there remains high clinical
and chest radiograph (Lewinsohn et al. 2017). If suspicion for TB disease, or the child has a risk
a chest radiograph shows findings of active TB, factor for TB and is at high risk for disease pro-
then respiratory samples are needed for testing. gression (e.g., on TNF-α inhibitors); (3) the ini-
Isolation of Mtb confirms active TB disease. tial TST is positive in patient ≥2  years with a
Even with optimal technique, Mtb is only iso- history of bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vac-
lated in fewer than 75% of infants and 50% of cine (Starke and Committee On Infectious
children with clinically diagnosed TB (American Diseases 2014).
Academy of Pediatrics 2018). Therefore, a diag- Tuberculin skin test. TST detects cell-medi-
nosis of pulmonary TB in children can be made ated immunity to Mtb. Specifically, TST mea-
with high clinical suspicion and a lack of direct sures delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction to
detection of Mtb. proteins shared by Mtb, nontuberculous myco-
bacteria, and the strain of Mycobacterium bovis Immunologic Tests (M. bovis) found in the BCG vaccine.
TST and IGRA detect cell-mediated immunity to Purified protein derivative (PPD) is adminis-
Mtb and are used as screening tests for TB infec- tered in a standardized volume intradermally on
tion. TST or IGRA screening should be per- the volar surface of the arm (Mantoux method)
formed at least 2–10  weeks after presumed (Lewinsohn et  al. 2017). The test is interpreted
infection when reactivity can first be detected after 48–72  h by measuring the area of indura-
(American Academy of Pediatrics 2018). The tion, not the area of erythema. Measurement
204 A. N. Gyura and E. R. Harrison

Table 6.13  Suggested use of tuberculin skin test and interferon-gamma release assay by age
Recommended initial
Age screening test Comments
<3 months Unclear TST and IGRA are both unreliable. Consult a specialist if concern for
TB disease or exposure
3 months to TST preferred TST and IGRA with similar sensitivity. IGRA has higher rates of
<2 years indeterminate/invalid results in this age group
≥2 years IGRA preferred, TST IGRA is preferred, especially in those who have received BCG
acceptable vaccines or are unlikely to return for TST reading.
In children 2–5 years, IGRA and TST have similar sensitivity. In
children ≥5 years, IGRA has better sensitivity than TST
Adapted from Starke and Committee On Infectious Diseases 2014; Cruz and Reichman 2019; Kay et al. 2018
TST tuberculin skin test, IGRA interferon-gamma release assay, TB tuberculosis, BCG bacille Calmette-Guérin

Table 6.14  Positive tuberculin skin test related to size of induration and risk factors
Measurement of
induration Risk factors
≥5 mm •  Recent known or suspected exposure to a person with active/contagious TB
•  Children with immunosuppression, including those living with HIV, organ transplants, on
prolonged therapy with corticosteroids, or receiving TNF-α inhibitors
•  Children with suspicion for TB based on clinical or radiographic evidence
≥10 mm Children with increased risk of disseminated TB disease:
•  Children <5 years
•  Children with other medical conditions, including diabetes mellitus, severe kidney disease,
malnutrition, lymphoma
Children with increased risk of exposure to TB disease:
•  Children who were born in high-prevalence areas of the world or have traveled to high-
prevalence areas of the world (within the last 5 years)
•  Children who are residents or employees of high-risk congregate settings, including prisons or
jails, or homeless shelters
•  Children or adolescents who use injection drugs
•  Children who are exposed to adults who:
–– Are at high risk for developing active TB (such as adults with HIV)
–– Live in high-risk congregate settings such as homeless shelters, prisons, or jails or are resi-
dents of long-term care facilities
–– Use injection drugs
≥ 15 mm People with no known risk factors for TB
Adapted from Lewinsohn et al. 2017; CDC 2020f; Cruz and Reichman 2019
TST tuberculin skin test, TB tuberculosis

should be taken across the forearm or perpendic- the inability to react to the TST due to a weak-
ular to the long axis. In those with reactivity, the ened immune system. False negatives are more
induration and erythema may persist for weeks. often seen with young age, malnutrition, those
Interpretation is based on the size of induration who have recently received live viral vaccines,
and risk factors (see Table 6.14). those with immunosuppression (HIV infection,
Without a gold standard for comparison, TST treatment with high-dose corticosteroids or
sensitivity and specificity are difficult to assess. TNF-α inhibitors), those with overwhelming ill-
Sensitivity is estimated to be 75–85% (Starke and ness including disseminated or extensive TB, and
Committee On Infectious Diseases 2014), and after recent viral or bacterial infection (Lewinsohn
10–40% of immunocompetent children with cul- et  al. 2017; American Academy of Pediatrics
ture documented TB do not have a reactive TST 2018). Testing in early infection, before TST
initially (American Academy of Pediatrics 2018). reactivity develops, can cause false-negative
False negatives may be due to anergy, which is results (Lewinsohn et al. 2017).
6  Care of the Child with an Infectious Disease or Immunological Defect 205

Table 6.15 Comparison of tuberculin skin test and in the absence of a new TB infection. This
interferon-­gamma release assay test characteristics
repeated testing is important in those getting
TST IGRA yearly TST, such as for employment, to differen-
Technique Intradermal Single
tiate waning reactivity with boosting from sero-
injection with blood
reading draw conversion due to new exposure (Lewinsohn
48–72 h later et al. 2017).
Cross-­ BCG vaccine Yes No Interferon-gamma release assay. Interferon-
reactivity NTM Yes Some gamma release assays (IGRAs) are in vitro blood
Boosting by previous TST Yes Possible tests that measure interferon-gamma (IFN-γ)
Estimated sensitivitya 75–85% 80–85%
released by sensitized T cells in response to Mtb
Estimateda BCG 95–100% 90–95%
specificity unvaccinated antigens. The antigen tested is not in the strain of
BCG 49–65% 89–100% M. bovis used in the BCG vaccine nor in most
vaccinated NTM (including Mycobacterium avium complex,
Adapted from Starke and Committee On Infectious the most commonly found pathogenic NTM);
Diseases 2014 however, it is found in M. kansasii, M. szulgai,
TST tuberculin skin test, IGRA interferon-gamma release
assay, BCG bacille Calmette-Guérin, NTM nontubercu-
M. marinum, and wild-type M. bovis (Lewinsohn
lous mycobacteria et  al. 2017; Starke, Committee On Infectious
 There is no reference standard for diagnosis of tuberculo- Diseases 2014).
sis, making sensitivity and specificity ranges only There are two commercially available IGRA
assays: QuantiFERON-TB Gold In-Tube (QTF)
test and T-Spot.TB test. The QTF test is an ELISA
BCG vaccine is an immunization against TB, on whole blood. Two control tubes are drawn:
prepared from an attenuated strain of M. bovis. one mitogen (positive) control with phytohemag-
Given the cross-reactivity between antigens in glutinin stimulating T cells to ensure viable cells
PPD and the BCG vaccine, the specificity of TST are present and one-nil (negative) control to
depends on previous vaccination with the BCG examine background IFN-γ activity. A third tube
vaccine (see Table 6.15). Approximately half of reports IFN-γ activity in the presence of TB anti-
the infants who received the BCG vaccine will gen (QuantiFERON®-TB Gold (QFT®) ELISA
have a TST with induration; by age 5, up to 90% Package Insert 2016). T-SPOT.TB is an enzyme-
of children who received the BCG vaccine in linked immunosorbent spot (ELISPOT) assay on
infancy will have a nonreactive (negative) TST peripheral mononuclear cells. Peripheral blood
(Starke, Committee On Infectious Diseases mononuclear cells (lymphocytes) are separated,
2014). When there is a high risk for TB, the TST and IFN-γ activity is noted in wells with mitogen
should be interpreted the same as children who control, nil control, and TB antigens. The
have not received vaccination (American response is noted in “spot forming units.” There
Academy of Pediatrics 2018). False-positive TST are three possible results of IGRA assays:
results can also occur with infection with nontu-
berculous mycobacteria (NTM). • Positive: IFN-γ response of TB antigen minus
TST reactivity can wane over time, especially nil activity is greater than the cutoff value.
when there is no ongoing exposure to Mtb. Background activity (from nil control) is sub-
However, repeat TST testing can restore reactiv- tracted from TB antigen test activity to deter-
ity, which is called “boosting.” Two negative tests mine activity specific to TB antigen.
1–3  weeks apart can help distinguish waning • Indeterminate/invalid: Often due to lack of
reactivity from true negativity. BCG vaccine can response to mitogen control or nil control with
also provide the basis for the boosting phenome- high background levels. Poor response to
non. A child who previously received the BCG mitogen control may be due to technical errors
vaccine may have an initial negative TST, but in specimen collection or processing or related
repeat testing in 1–3 weeks may show induration to host anergy (Lewinsohn et  al. 2017).
206 A. N. Gyura and E. R. Harrison

Indeterminate values are associated with and can be obtained from children unable to pro-
immunosuppression but can occur in immu- duce sputum. While any of these methods are
nocompetent patients (Lewinsohn et al. 2017). acceptable, spontaneous or induced sputum is
There are particularly high indeterminate preferred, followed by gastric aspirates
results in children, with up to 35% of children (American Academy of Pediatrics 2018). The
with indeterminate results. Children <2 years highest yield for Mtb detection is achieved from
have especially high rates of indeterminate the first-morning respiratory specimen
results (Starke, Committee On Infectious (Lewinsohn et al. 2017). Three specimens (spu-
Diseases 2014; Cruz and Reichman 2019: tum or gastric aspirates) should be collected, ide-
Kay et al. 2018). ally once each morning, to increase sensitivity.
• Negative: IFN-γ response of TB antigen minus Smear for acid-fast bacilli. In evaluating pul-
nil activity is less than the cutoff value. No monary TB, sputum specimens can be stained
significant IFN-γ response to TB antigen. and examined by microscopy for acid-fast bacilli
(AFB) of Mtb. A sputum AFB smear’s sensitivity
The sensitivity of IGRAs is estimated to be from a single specimen is 54% but increases to
80–85% and specificity 89–100% (Starke, 70% with three specimens. Little increase in sen-
Committee On Infectious Diseases 2014). Given sitivity is achieved by collecting more than three
the use of antigens more specific to Mtb in specimens. The specificity of sputum AFB
IGRAs, specificity is higher than for TST. IGRA smears is ≥90%. AFB smears cannot distinguish
and TST are compared in Table 6.15. Mtb from NTM, accounting for some false-­
Four to six weeks after administration of live positive results. Gastric aspirates rarely are AFB
viral vaccines, there can be false-negative tubercu- smear-positive (Lewinsohn et  al. 2017). AFB
lin reactivity. Therefore, TST should be placed or smears should not be used to definitively exclude
blood drawn for IGRA on the same day as vaccines or confirm pulmonary TB.
are given (American Academy of Pediatrics 2018). Nucleic acid amplification tests. NAATs can
After effective treatment, TST reactivity can persist be used to detect Mtb in respiratory samples rap-
for years, while IGRA durability is less clearly idly. It is recommended to perform NAAT on at
defined. TST and IGRA should not be used to deter- least one respiratory sample when pulmonary TB
mine the efficacy of treatment or diagnosing rein- is considered (CDC 2009). Results should be
fection (American Academy of Pediatrics 2018). interpreted in relation to AFB smear results, as
outlined in Table 6.16. All results should be con- Direct Detection firmed with culture, which is also needed for
of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis drug susceptibility testing.
When there is suspicion for active pulmonary Molecular testing for drug susceptibility. If
TB, respiratory samples should be collected to AFB smear or NAAT is positive for presumed
detect Mtb. Respiratory samples from children Mtb on a respiratory sample, then rapid molecu-
can be collected via spontaneous expectoration, lar drug susceptibility testing for rifampin and/or
induction, nasopharyngeal aspiration, gastric isoniazid resistance is recommended for children
aspiration, or bronchoalveolar lavage. at high risk for drug resistance. Those at high risk
Spontaneous sputum production and expectora- include people who were treated for tuberculosis
tion are often successful in children ≥2  years. in the past, were born in or lived for at least 1 year
Induction with aerosolized hypertonic saline can in a foreign country with at least moderate tuber-
help with sputum production and has been noted culosis incidence or a high primary multidrug-­
to be successful in infants, although sputum pro- resistant TB prevalence, are contacts of patients
duction requires special expertise in the very with multidrug-resistant TB, or are HIV-infected
young (American Academy of Pediatrics 2018). (Lewinsohn et al. 2017).
Gastric aspiration is the collection of swallowed Rapid molecular drug susceptibility testing for
sputum from the stomach after an overnight fast rifampin resistance has a sensitivity and specificity
6  Care of the Child with an Infectious Disease or Immunological Defect 207

Table 6.16  Interpretation of respiratory sample acid-fast

bacilli smear and nucleic acid amplification test results in Key Learning about Tuberculosis
the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis
• The specificity of an IGRA is higher
NAAT result than a TST.
Positive Negative • A TST is presently recommended for
AFB Positive TB is TB is unlikely but
smear likely but confirm with culture.
children between ages 3  months and
results confirm Consider testing for 2 years since the IGRA has higher inde-
with Mtb inhibitors to terminate/invalid results in this age
culture. NAAT. May also group.
consider NTM.
• An IGRA is a preferred test in children
Negative TB is TB is unlikely but
likely but confirm with culture. aged 2 years and over.
confirm If intermediate to high • NAATs can be used to detect Mtb in
with suspicion of TB, the respiratory samples rapidly.
culture. disease cannot be • Testing should only be pursued when
there are risk factors for TB infection, a
Adapted from Lewinsohn et al. 2017; CDC 2009
AFB acid-fast bacilli, NAAT nucleic acid amplification disease or condition that requires immu-
test, TB tuberculosis, NTM nontuberculous mycobacteria, nosuppression, or suspected TB infection.
NAAT nucleic acid amplification test, Mtb Mycobacterium

6.6.3 Real-Life Example

of >97%, so results can be used to confirm or
exclude rifampin resistance and guide initial treat- A 10-year-old newly arrived immigrant came
ment. Rapid molecular testing for isoniazid resis- from Peru to the United States. He received BCG
tance has a sensitivity of 90% and a specificity of at birth. He was screened with an IGRA. The
99% (Lewinsohn et  al. 2017); it can be used to family history was positive for a 40-year-old
confirm but not exclude isoniazid resistance. All uncle in Peru who recently died of an undiag-
molecular drug sensitivity testing should be con- nosed illness with a cough. The child’s IGRA
firmed with culture-based methods. was positive, and a chest X-ray was obtained that
Culture. Culture is the gold standard for diag- was negative. Due to the history, the child was
nosing TB disease; however, Mtb can take referred to the TB clinic for further management,
2–6 weeks to grow in culture (CDC 2009). It is which included routine treatment for latent tuber-
recommended to culture specimens on both liq- culosis infection (LTBI). All family members
uid and solid media. The average time to detec- were screened with an IGRA.
tion is shorter with liquid culture methods
(13.2–15.2 days) compared to solid culture meth-
ods (25.8 days) (Lewinsohn et al. 2017). 6.6.4 Group A Streptococcus
Drug susceptibility testing is performed on all
Mtb culture isolates; given the slow rate of cul- Group A β-hemolytic Streptococcus (GAS), or
ture growth, these results may take weeks to Streptococcus pyogenes, can cause a range of
become available. In a child with TB disease, the clinical infections, including tonsillopharyngitis
source case can provide likely drug susceptibili- (colloquially known as “strep throat”) and skin
ties. Culture and susceptibility should be pur- and soft tissue infections.
sued, especially when an isolated from the source GAS causes an estimated 10% of cases
case is not available; the presumed source case of acute pharyngitis in children (Oliver et  al.
has drug-resistant TB; the child is immunocom- 2018). Untreated pharyngeal infection can lead
promised or ill enough to require hospitalization; to suppurative complications—including bac-
or in cases of extrapulmonary TB (American teremia and peritonsillar abscess—and non-
Academy of Pediatrics 2018). suppurative complications. The non-suppurative
208 A. N. Gyura and E. R. Harrison

complications include acute rheumatic fever lower prevalence with only rare reports of ARF in
(ARF) and post-streptococcal glomerulone- the younger age cohort, GAS testing is not rou-
phritis (PSGN), which occur 2–3  weeks after tinely indicated in children <3 years. Testing can
acute GAS infection. ARF is uncommon in be considered if there is a symptomatic house-
children <3  years and in adults (Gerber et  al. hold contact or childcare outbreak of GAS
2009). GAS pharyngitis can cause both ARF and pharyngitis.
PSGN. Prevention of ARF can be accomplished Skin and soft tissue infections, including
by treating GAS pharyngitis within 9  days of impetigo, erysipelas, and cellulitis, are com-
acute illness onset (Gerber et  al. 2009). Given monly caused by GAS. Perianal cellulitis due to
this time frame to initiate antibiotics, it may be GAS presents as sharply demarcated erythema.
reasonable in the appropriate clinical setting to GAS can also cause more invasive diseases,
defer treatment until a diagnostic evaluation is including sepsis, toxic shock syndrome, osteo-
completed. GAS skin infections have not been myelitis, and necrotizing fasciitis.
proven to cause ARF but can cause PSGN Provider clinical judgment is not accurate in
(Shulman et al. 2012). Treatment of acute GAS distinguishing GAS pharyngitis from viral phar-
pharyngitis or skin infection does not prevent yngitis (Poses et al. 1985). Clinical scoring sys-
PSGN (Shulman et al. 2012). tems, such as the Centor score, have been
Testing should be guided by clinical suspicion developed to help predict a positive GAS throat
for GAS pharyngitis, although there is significant culture (Centor et al. 1981; McIsaac et al. 1998).
overlap in the presentation of GAS pharyngitis However, scoring systems have proven unreliable
and other causes of pharyngitis, such as viruses. in assessing the probability of GAS pharyngitis
GAS pharyngitis typically presents with a sore in children (Roggen et al. 2013). Clinical diagno-
throat (usually sudden onset), pain with swallow- sis or scoring systems should not be used in place
ing, and fever, although children may also pres- of other diagnostic testing for GAS pharyngitis.
ent with headache, abdominal pain, nausea, and Acute GAS infection can be diagnosed with
vomiting. On exam, there may be tonsillopharyn- the detection of the bacteria from an infected site.
geal erythema with or without exudate, anterior Three diagnostic tests—culture, rapid antigen
cervical lymphadenitis, soft palate petechiae, detection test (RADT), and NAAT—are used to
beefy swollen uvula, and scarlatiniform rash. diagnose GAS as listed below.
Children <3  years may present more atypically
with fever, mucopurulent rhinitis, excoriated Culture
nares, and diffuse adenopathy; exudative pharyn- A throat culture is a gold standard for the diag-
gitis is rare in younger children. Features that nosis of GAS pharyngitis. A bacterial throat
may be more suggestive of a viral infection culture can be ordered as either a GAS-specific
include the absence of fever, the presence of con- culture or general throat culture to detect all
junctivitis, cough, hoarseness, coryza, anterior organisms. Bacterial throat culture has a sensi-
stomatitis, intraoral ulcerative lesions, viral tivity of 90–97% for detecting GAS pharyngitis
­exanthem, and diarrhea (Shulman et al. 2012). In (Shulman 1994). Swabs should be collected
temperate climates, cases of GAS pharyngitis are from both the surface of either tonsil plus the
more common in the winter and spring. posterior pharyngeal wall to get a representa-
Age may be considered when deciding to test tive sample for culture. Culture should be col-
for GAS pharyngitis. GAS pharyngitis is most lected before antibiotics, as antibiotics
common in children 5–15  years (Gerber et  al. administered before collection can inhibit bac-
2009). Children <3 years have a lower prevalence terial growth and cause false-negative results.
of GAS pharyngitis compared to children The number of colonies grown on culture can-
5–15  years, with a prevalence of 10–14% and not differentiate colonization from active infec-
15–20%, respectively (Shulman et al. 2012; Amir tion (Shulman et al. 2012). Culture can also be
et al. 1994; Nussinovitch et al. 1999). Pairing this performed on purulent fluid or swabs collected
6  Care of the Child with an Infectious Disease or Immunological Defect 209

from skin or soft tissue infections. Culture is no immunologic response. It can also be consid-
considered the diagnostic test of choice for skin ered in an asymptomatic child with a persistently
or soft tissue infections. positive GAS throat culture after appropriate
Antibiotic susceptibilities are not routinely antibiotic treatment (Martin et al. 2004). 8–25%
reported for GAS cultures since GAS is univer- of asymptomatic children may be GAS carriers,
sally sensitive to penicillin (Shulman et al. 2012). with the higher rates noted in temperate climates
In penicillin-allergic patients, susceptibility test- in the winter and spring (Martin et  al. 2004;
ing may be considered if there is a concern for Shaikh et al. 2010; Oliver et al. 2018). GAS car-
antibiotic resistance to second-line therapies. riers are unlikely to spread the organism to close
contacts and are at very low risk, if any, of devel- Rapid Antigen Detection Test oping complications, including ARF. It is recom-
Since throat culture can take 1–2  days to grow, mended to limit GAS testing to symptomatic
there is a role for rapid testing to help guide clini- children to avoid identifying carriers (Shulman
cal treatment. Rapid antigen detection tests et al. 2012).
(RADTs) will be discussed in the point of care Post-treatment GAS throat testing is not
section. routinely recommended. Following appropri-
RADTs for GAS can also be used for the ate treatment, up to 37% of children may con-
detection of GAS from skin infections. Test char- tinue to be positive on GAS throat culture. If
acteristics depend on the assay used. For GAS these children are asymptomatic, they may be
detection in perineal infections, sensitivity ranges considered carriers (Shulman et  al. 2012).
from 78 to 98% and specificity from 72% to Post-treatment repeat testing is indicated if
100% (Clegg et al. 2003; Cohen et al. 2015). there is a recurrence of classic GAS pharyngi-
tis symptoms or there is a very high risk for Nucleic Acid Amplification Tests ARF. Asymptomatic carriage of GAS has been
NAATs for the detection of GAS use PCR tech- noted in household contacts of individuals with
niques. Current assays are only approved for the GAS pharyngitis. Therefore, routine testing of
detection of GAS from throat swabs. They have asymptomatic household contacts is not indi-
high sensitivity and specificity compared to cul- cated unless contacts develop symptoms
ture, with a sensitivity of 95–100% and a speci- (Shulman et al. 2012).
ficity of 97–100% (Parker et  al. 2019). These
tests are not true “point of care” as they require Serological Tests
specialized equipment often unavailable in an Serology is important in diagnosing antecedent
ambulatory setting and can have a slightly longer GAS infection when evaluating patients for post-­
turnaround time. They are also more costly com- GAS complications such as ARF and
pared to other methods of detection. Currently, PSGN.  These sequelae occur after acute GAS
no guidelines address whether these sensitive infection at a time when direct detection of bacte-
PCR-based tests can be used as a stand-alone ria is not always possible or may no longer be
diagnostic test without a follow-up culture of a positive (Steer et  al. 2015). Serology generally
negative test. Follow-up testing with throat cul- does not have a role in diagnosing acute GAS
ture may be considered, especially if symptoms infection, as it is often negative at the time of
persist or there is an ARF outbreak (Xpert Xpress acute infection.
Strep A Package Insert 2019; Cobas Strep A Anti-streptolysin O. Streptolysin O is a
Package Insert 2017). toxin secreted by GAS that forms large pores in
Pitfalls. Neither throat culture, RADT, nor cell membranes. When GAS is cultured on
NAAT can differentiate GAS pharyngitis from blood agar plates, streptolysin O is responsible
GAS colonization with a concurrent viral infec- for the zone of β-hemolysis (complete clearing)
tion. Colonization, or GAS carriage, is character- due to lysis of RBC membranes (Steer et  al.
ized by the presence of GAS in the pharynx but 2015; Parks et  al. 2015). Streptolysin O is
210 A. N. Gyura and E. R. Harrison

secreted by all β-hemolytic streptococcus, not commonly used to diagnose recent GAS
just GAS, but expression varies between strains infection.
(Parks et al. 2015). Antibodies against strepto- ADB peaks 6–8  weeks after infection,
lysin, or anti-­streptolysin O (ASO), are clini- decreases at 12  weeks after infection, and may
cally useful and commonly measured GAS return to pre-existing levels by 12  months,
antibodies. although it can persist longer than 1 year (Johnson
ASO begins to increase 1 week after infection et al. 2010; Ayoub and Wannamaker 1962). Both
and peaks 3–5 weeks after infection (Wannamaker upper respiratory tract infections and skin infec-
and Ayoub 1960). The decline is more variable tions can stimulate a strong ADB response. This
but likely begins 6–8  weeks after infection and rise in ADB after either respiratory or skin infec-
then returns to pre-infection levels by tion makes it particularly useful in diagnosing
6–12 months after acute infection, although it can PSGN (Parks et  al. 2015). False-negative ADB
persist beyond 1  year (Parks et  al. 2015; may occur due to acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis
Wannamaker and Ayoub 1960; Shet and Kaplan or infection with a GAS strain with no or mini-
2002; Johnson et  al. 2010). Upper respiratory mal DNAse B production (Steer et al. 2015; Shet
tract infections generally stimulate a robust ASO and Kaplan 2002).
response compared to weak responses to skin Other GAS serologic tests. Other available
infections. This may be due to free cholesterol in GAS antibody tests, such as anti-streptokinase, anti-
the skin binding to streptolysin O and reducing streptococcal hyaluronidase, anti-­ nicotinamide
its immunogenicity (Shet and Kaplan 2002). adenine dinucleotidase (NADase), type-specific M
Only about 80% of patients with a documented antibody, and anti-A carbohydrate, are not ordered
GAS infection will develop measurable ASO routinely and are primarily used in research or ref-
titers (Wannamaker and Ayoub 1960; Johnson erence laboratories.
et  al. 2010). This may be due to the variable The streptozyme test is a hemagglutination
expression of streptolysin O by different strains test that detects antibodies to five streptococcal
of GAS. antigens. While it historically gained some popu-
False-positive ASO may occur due to the pres- larity, it suffered from variability and false-­
ence of non-group A streptococcal species that positive results, so it is no longer recommended
also produce streptolysin O, such as group C and (Parks et al. 2015; Shet and Kaplan 2002).
G streptococcus (Parks et al. 2015). An old serum Serologic interpretation. As with other serol-
sample or specimen contaminated with bacteria ogy, GAS antibody levels can be interpreted by
may cause a falsely elevated titer (Shet and either comparing a single value to a reference
Kaplan 2002). False positives may occur in value or examining a change in titer over time.
patients with myeloma, hypergammaglobu- The 80th percentile defines the upper limit of
linemia, liver disease, and autoimmune disease normal for GAS serology. However, the upper
with increased rheumatoid factor (Parks et  al. limit of normal varies by age, season, and geog-
2015). Host hyperlipidemia may cause false-­ raphy, with increased GAS prevalence increasing
negative ASO (Wannamaker and Ayoub 1960). the upper limit of normal. Children ages
Anti-deoxyribonuclease B. Deoxyribonu­ 5–15 years have more frequent GAS exposure, so
clease B (DNAse B or streptodornase) is an higher titers are seen in this age group (Kaplan
enzyme secreted by GAS that degrades extracel- et al. 1998). In temperate climates where GAS is
lular DNA. It has an important role in allowing more common in the winter and spring, GAS
GAS to spread in the skin and soft tissue infec- titers are higher during those seasons (Shet and
tions (Steer et al. 2015). DNAse B is more spe- Kaplan 2002). GAS titers are also generally
cific to GAS and less commonly found in other higher in warmer climates, where GAS impetigo
streptococci, such as group C and group G is more common (Steer et al. 2015). It is impor-
streptococci (Steer et  al. 2015). Antibodies tant to interpret ASO and ADB results based on
against DNAse B, or anti-DNAse B (ADB), are age-stratified and geographic-specific data when
6  Care of the Child with an Infectious Disease or Immunological Defect 211

possible. Age-stratified data for children in the the value never exceeds the upper limit of normal
United States is presented in Table  6.17. for age and location, may be diagnostic of a
Commercially available tests often report the recent GAS infection. A fourfold increase in
upper limit of normal ranges from adults or an ASO is typically considered a significant rise; a
inadequately defined population, so they should clinically significant rise in ADB is less well
not be relied upon when interpreting results. defined. In some, titers may be elevated for many
Antibiotic use likely does not affect the subse- months, so elevated titers over time (with possi-
quent development of ASO or ADB (Johnson ble slow decline) may represent old infection
et al. 2010). (Johnson et al. 2010). In another scenario, serum
Interpretation of a single GAS titer may have drawn at initial presentation for ARF or PSNG
utility, especially when it is not feasible to obtain may already have peak antibody levels, which
a second specimen in 2–4  weeks to evaluate may decline with time. As noted above, in this
trends. The rise in ASO occurs 1 week after GAS case, an initial value above the upper limit of nor-
infection and may correspond to the development mal may help diagnose a recent GAS infection.
of ARF or PSGN, which typically occurs The utility of GAS serology is not well stud-
2–3  weeks after acute infection (Wannamaker ied in other conditions, including post-­
and Ayoub 1960). ASO or ADB above the upper streptococcal reactive arthritis, pediatric
limit of normal may be diagnostic for a recent autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder associ-
GAS infection. Only 80% of patients with ARF ated with streptococcal infection, and acute
develop ASO, but additional evaluation of other demyelinating encephalomyelitis.
GAS antibodies increases detection of antecedent
GAS infections to 92–98% (Ayoub and
Wannamaker 1962). Therefore, if ASO is nega- Key Learning about the Diagnosis of Group
tive, ADB should be measured. A Streptococcus
It is often preferable to document a trend in • GAS pharyngitis prevalence varies by
titer over 2–4  weeks. Reference values can be age, with the highest prevalence in chil-
difficult to interpret, with some people having a dren ages 5–15 years.
peak value less than the upper limit of normal • It is important to diagnose and treat
(Johnson et  al. 2010; Ayoub and Wannamaker GAS infection to prevent acute rheu-
1962). A rise in ASO or ADB over time, even if matic fever.
• Throat culture, RADT, and NAAT can-
Table 6.17  Age-based upper limit of normal (80th per- not differentiate GAS pharyngitis from
centile) values for serum streptococcal antibody in US GAS colonization with a concurrent
children viral infection.
Age ASO titer upper limit ADB titer upper limit • ASO and ADB titers should be inter-
(years) normal (IU/mL) normal (IU/mL) preted according to age-stratified and
2 160 240 geographic-specific normal values.
3 120 60
4 120 240
5 160 320
GAS group A streptococcus, RADT rapid
6 240 480 antigen detection test, NAAT nucleic acid
7 240 640 amplification test, ASO anti-­streptolysin O,
8 240 640 ABD anti-­deoxyribonuclease B.
9 240 640
10 320 640
11 320 800
12 320 480 6.6.5 Mycoplasma
Adapted from Kaplan et al. 1998
ASO anti-streptolysin O, ADB anti-deoxyribonuclease B, Mycoplasma pneumonia is a pleomorphic bacte-
IU/mL international units per milliliter ria that lack a cell wall. It can cause infections of
212 A. N. Gyura and E. R. Harrison

both the upper and lower respiratory tract, includ- Extrapulmonary mycoplasma infection can be
ing pharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, and otitis difficult to diagnose, but paired acute and conva-
media, with severity ranging from mild to severe. lescent serology should be compared for serocon-
Pharyngitis due to M. pneumoniae typically lacks version, as there is often an immunologic basis
exudate or associated lymphadenopathy. Otitis for disease. Detection of the organism can be
media related to mycoplasma is uncommon but attempted with molecular testing of extrapulmo-
can present with bullous myringitis; this finding nary specimens such as blood, CSF, pericardial
was thought to be pathognomonic for myco- fluid, or skin biopsy tissue (Waites et al. 2017).
plasma, but other organisms can cause this as Further information about the tests used in diag-
well (Waites et al. 2017). Children >5 years are nosing M. pneumoniae is seen below.
most commonly affected with mycoplasma pneu-
monia, and the disease is often mild (Waites et al. Nucleic Acid Amplification Tests
2017; Jain et al. 2015). Direct detection of M. pneumoniae DNA can be
Mycoplasma can less commonly cause accomplished by NAATs, which replace culture
extrapulmonary manifestations, which may be as the “new gold standard” for diagnosing acute
attributed to direct effects of the organism or M. pneumoniae. Most commonly, PCR-based
immune-mediated phenomena. Concurrent pul- testing is used. Both monoplex and multiplex
monary symptoms may be absent. Extrapulmo- commercial assays are available for M. pneu-
nary manifestations can include central nervous moniae detection from respiratory specimens.
system disease (e.g., encephalitis, aseptic men- Few studies compare the two types of assays
ingitis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, and transverse directly; multiplex assays are slightly less sensi-
myelitis), dermatologic disorders (e.g., urticaria, tive but have the advantage of screening multiple
erythema multiforme, erythema nodosum, and pathogens (Loens and Ieven 2016).
Stevens-Johnson syndrome), cardiac disease Various respiratory specimens can be sent for
(e.g., pericarditis and myocarditis), arthritis, and PCR testing, including nasopharyngeal or oro-
hematologic abnormalities (e.g., hemolytic ane- pharyngeal swabs, tracheal aspirates, lung tissue
mia and thrombocytopenic purpura) (American obtained from biopsy, pleural fluid, sputum, and
Academy of Pediatrics 2018; Waites et al. 2017). bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. Sputum is the best
Hemolytic anemia is due to the development of specimen for detection of M. pneumoniae by
cold-sensitive IgM autoantibodies to an antigen PCR in the respiratory tract, which may be
on RBCs, which at sufficient levels can cause explained by a greater number of the organism in
hemolysis. These autoantibodies, called “cold the pulmonary alveoli compared to the epithe-
agglutinins,” can be found in 50% of people lium of the upper respiratory tract as demon-
with M. pneumoniae but may be life-threatening strated in nonhuman animal models (Loens et al.
in those with underlying hematologic disorders 2009). However, good-quality sputum samples
(Waites et al. 2017). are often difficult for young children to produce,
Diagnosis of M. pneumoniae is primarily so oropharyngeal or nasopharyngeal swabs are
accomplished with NAAT and/or serologic test- commonly collected as readily available and
ing. Acute respiratory tract infection due to easy-to-obtain alternatives. There is no signifi-
mycoplasma can be diagnosed with NAAT test- cant difference in PCR detection of M. pneu-
ing, as this is often positive early in the disease moniae from oropharyngeal compared to
course before the development of antibodies. nasopharyngeal swabs. However, children can be
Serology with IgM can supplement the diagnosis positive in one site and not the other, so combin-
of acute disease, especially in those treated with ing both sites’ results provides the highest yield.
antibiotics who may have a negative PCR.  IgM Nasopharyngeal swabs may be more likely to be
antibody plus NAAT together provides the most rejected for testing compared to oropharyngeal
reliable early diagnosis of M. pneumoniae, espe- swabs due to the presence of PCR inhibitors or
cially in children. lack of respiratory epithelium (Loens et al. 2009).
6  Care of the Child with an Infectious Disease or Immunological Defect 213

PCR detection of M. pneumoniae from the 2017; Daxboeck et al. 2003). Studies have shown
respiratory tract is not able to distinguish coloni- no advantage in children of selective IgA testing
zation from infection. It is unclear if there is an compared to IgM and IgG testing (Waites et al.
asymptomatic carriage of M. pneumoniae in 2017; Lee et  al. 2017). There are few commer-
adults and children. Several studies have exam- cially available assays for IgA.
ined the presence of M. pneumoniae by PCR in IgG. IgG levels rise more slowly throughout
the upper respiratory tract of healthy asymptom- infection, usually reaching detectable levels
atic children and found carriage rates of <3% up 2 weeks after IgM has been detected. IgG peaks
to 56% (Jain et  al. 2015; Spuesens et  al. 2013; 4–5 weeks after illness onset with detectable lev-
Wood et al. 2013). els that can persist for up to 4 years (Jacobs et al.
1986; Daxboeck et al. 2003). Acute and convales- M. Pneumoniae Serology cent sera drawn at least 2 weeks apart and show-
There are many commercial M. pneumoniae anti- ing at least a fourfold rise in IgG are convincing
body assays. Historically, CF assays have been evidence of recent M. pneumoniae infection
used; however, CF has been replaced by testing (Daxboeck et al. 2003; Loens et al. 2010). A sin-
methods with improved sensitivity and specific- gle IgG titer is not diagnostic for acute infection
ity quantifying IgM and IgG. ELISA is the most as the timing of seroconversion is not known.
widely used. Detection of antibodies does not
indicate immunity to future reinfection (Waites
et al. 2017). 6.6.6 Cat-Scratch Disease
IgM. Detection of IgM may represent acute
M. pneumoniae infection. IgM is produced dur- Cat-scratch disease is a bacterial infection caused
ing the first week of infection, peaks during the by Bartonella henselae that predominantly mani-
third week of illness, and declines to low levels fests as regional lymphadenopathy or lymphade-
within a few months (Jacobs et al. 1986). In some nitis in immunocompetent children. B. henselae
people, IgM can persist for months. The highest is a fastidious gram-negative bacillus with a low
sensitivity for IgM detection is achieved when a yield on routine cultures; molecular methods can
specimen is collected 7–10  days into illness be used in some laboratories to test tissues or
(Waites et al. 2017). body fluids when these specimens are available
There are limitations to IgM testing. IgM may (Hansmann et al. 2005). Diagnosis of cat-scratch
not be produced in some primary infections. In disease is routinely made with the presence of
particular, children less than 12  months of age antibodies to B. henselae in the appropriate clini-
seem to mount a less vigorous IgM response to cal setting. A combination of both serologic and
M. pneumoniae infection (He et  al. 2013). IgM molecular methods can increase detection accu-
may not be produced in reinfection; however, racy (Allizond et al. 2019).
children are more likely than adults to be experi- Cat-scratch disease should be considered in
encing primary infection, making IgM a poten- children with known exposure to cats who pres-
tially useful test in the pediatric population. The ent with lymphadenopathy or lymphadenitis.
prolonged persistence of IgM in some patients Typically, a skin papule or pustule is found at the
can make this an unreliable marker of acute dis- site of inoculation 3–10 days after the inoculating
ease. Generally, there is a low sensitivity of IgM event, with subsequent development of lymph-
for the diagnosis of acute infection. Estimates of adenopathy proximal to the inoculation site. The
sensitivity range from 32 to 35% compared to lymphadenopathy is typically unilateral and soli-
IgG seroconversion and 35–77% compared to tary. It may be tender, warm, or erythematous and
PCR (Waites et al. 2017). may suppurate spontaneously in up to 25% of
IgA. IgA is produced early in the course of M. cases (Carithers 1985). Testing for cat-scratch
pneumoniae infection and returns to low levels disease can also be considered in children with
before the decline of IgM and IgG (Waites et al. fever of unknown origin with or without
214 A. N. Gyura and E. R. Harrison

lymphadenopathy (Murakami et  al. 2002). dii are asymptomatic, clinical manifestations of
Additionally, atypical disease or disseminated acute infection or reactivation of chronic infec-
disease may occur, and Bartonella species are a tion may occur in both immunocompetent and
known cause of culture-negative endocarditis immunocompromised patients. Serologic testing
(Edouard et al. 2015). is the primary method of diagnosis. Molecular
methods may also be used and are commonly uti- Serological Testing lized when congenital toxoplasmosis is suspected
Serologic testing for B. henselae commonly uti- (Contopoulos-Ioannidis and Montoya 2018).
lizes indirect IFAs or EIAs. Elevation in IgM may Toxoplasmosis may be considered in patients
be brief. Therefore, a positive IgM may support who present with an infectious mononucleosis-­
the diagnosis, but a negative IgM should not like syndrome without evidence of an alternate
exclude acute infection (Abarca et  al. 2013). diagnosis, such as EBV. Symptoms may be non-
Diagnosis primarily relies on IgG titers for con- specific, such as malaise, fever, headache, sore
firmation of diagnosis. Although the best evi- throat, arthralgia, and myalgia. Both localized
dence for acute infection is the demonstration of (solitary occipital) and generalized lymphade-
rising IgG titers, many patients already have high nopathy may be seen, often nonsuppurative and
titers at the time of presentation, and titers can nontender (Contopoulos-Ioannidis and Montoya
persist for up to 1  year (Dalton et  al. 1995). 2018). T. gondii is the most common infectious
Generally, an IgG titer <1:64 indicates a negative cause of retinitis and should be considered in any
test, whereas a titer >1:256 is consistent with patient presenting with chorioretinitis (Miller
acute infection. IgG titers between 1:64 and et al. 2018).
1:256 may indicate past or acute infection and Although T. gondii is found worldwide, the
may be repeated in 2  weeks to assess the trend seroprevalence of T. gondii varies by geographic
(American Academy of Pediatrics 2018). location and socioeconomic status. Toxoplasmosis
IFA assays for B. henselae IgG have been should be considered in ill travelers of an endemic
found to have sensitivities ranging from 93% to area with persistent fevers, myocarditis, myositis,
100%, while specificity may be lower, from 70% hepatitis, pericarditis, encephalitis, and life-­
to 98% (Murakami et al. 2002; Dalton et al. 1995; threatening pneumonia (American Academy of
Sander et al. 1998). EIA tests are more specific, Pediatrics 2018).
with a specificity of IgG assays up to 98%
(Metzkor-Cotter et  al. 2003; Giladi et  al. 2001; Serological Testing
Otsuyama et  al. 2016; Tsuruoka et  al. 2012). IgG-specific antibodies to T. gondii typically
Cross-reactivity among the different Bartonella appear within 1–2  weeks after acute infection,
species on the serologic assays is common, and peak within 1–5  months, and remain positive
the available tests do not accurately differentiate indefinitely. There are various commercial kits to
the species (Stevens et al. 2014). Also, there is no measure IgG, including agglutination tests, IFAs,
standard timeline of anti-B. henselae IgG and and EIAs (McAuley et  al. 2015), and each test
IgM production in individuals with cat-scratch has varying sensitivity and specificity. IgM-­
disease, making the diagnosis challenging specific antibodies can typically be detected
(Bergmans et al. 1997). 2 weeks after infection, with a peak at approxi-
mately 1 month. Most patients will have decreas-
ing IgM titers that become undetectable within
6.6.7 Toxoplasmosis 6–9  months, although some patients can have
persistent IgM for years.
Toxoplasmosis is caused by infection with the Initial testing for T. gondii IgG and IgM anti-
parasite Toxoplasma gondii and is one of the bodies in immunocompetent children and adoles-
most common parasitic infections in humans. cents may be performed by non-reference or
Although most individuals infected with T. gon- commercial laboratories; however, there are high
6  Care of the Child with an Infectious Disease or Immunological Defect 215

IgM false-positive rates. Confirmatory testing for and human behaviors that put a child at risk for tick
T. gondii for all sera with positive IgM test results exposure. These infections should be considered in
should be submitted to a reference laboratory children with known or possible tick exposure in an
with expertise in T. gondii assays and their inter- area with endemic tick-borne disease.
pretation, such as the Dr. Jack S. Remington
Laboratory for Specialty Diagnostics, previously
the Palo Alto Medication Foundation Toxoplasma 6.7.1 Lyme Disease
Serology Laboratory (American Academy of
Pediatrics 2018). Dr. Jack S. Remington Lyme disease is caused by Borrelia burgdorferi,
Laboratory for Specialty Diagnostics helps clini- which is transmitted by a bite from the ticks
cians identify the appropriate IgG and IgM assays Ixodes scapularis or Ixodes pacificus. Serologic
based on patient age and exposure. Serologic testing is the basis for Lyme disease diagnosis,
tests performed at this laboratory have improved although molecular testing may be sent on select
sensitivity and specificity compared to commer- specimens (CSF or synovial fluid).
cial assays (Montoya 2002; Pomares and Infection with B. burgdorferi can cause three
Montoya 2016). distinct stages: early localized, early dissemi-
Additional testing may be useful in determin- nated, and late disease. The diagnostic approach
ing the timing of infection in patients with a posi- and expected serologic results vary based on the
tive IgM test, as well as for infants with concern stage of disease clinically suspected (as summa-
for congenital toxoplasmosis. These tests, which rized in Table 6.18).
are available at toxoplasma reference labs, Early localized disease is characterized by a
include an IgG avidity test, the differential agglu- primary erythema migrans rash, which develops at
tination test, and IgA- and IgE-specific antibody the site of an infected tick bite. Diagnosis of pri-
tests (Goldstein et al. 2008). mary erythema migrans is based on the appear-
ance of the rash. The lesion becomes apparent
7–14 days (range 3–30 days) after an infected tick
6.7 Tick-Borne Infections is detached or removed (Wormser et al. 2006). The
lesion can be somewhat variable with homogenous
Ticks are the vector for various pathogens. The epi- erythema, an area of central clearing, or a distinct
demiology of tick-borne diseases depends on the target-like appearance. Untreated lesions may per-
geographic distribution of the primary tick vector sist for weeks to months (Wormser et al. 2006).

Table 6.18  Diagnostic tests recommended for stages of Lyme disease

Lyme disease manifestation Recommended diagnostic test Comments
Early localized N/A Clinical diagnosis of rash
Serology not recommended
Early Multiple erythema Serology Symptoms <4 weeks, Western blot
disseminated migrans IgM only may be positive; symptoms
Early neurologic (e.g., CN Serology >4 weeks IgG should also be positive
palsies, lymphocytic Meningitis: CSF for B. If IgG is negative, can repeat serology
meningitis) burgdorferi antibodies and PCR in 2–4 weeks to confirm the
Carditis Serology development of IgG
Late Arthritis Serology Western blot IgG should be positive.
disseminated Synovial fluid for B. Western blot only positive for IgM is
burgdorferi PCR nondiagnostic
Late neurologic Serology
Adapted from American Academy of Pediatrics 2018; Steere 2020
There is no clinical role for B. burgdorferi PCR or culture from the blood
CN cranial nerve, CSF cerebrospinal fluid, PCR polymerase chain reaction, IgM immunoglobulin M, IgG immuno-
globulin G
216 A. N. Gyura and E. R. Harrison

When a child presents with a primary ery- Late Lyme disease can manifest as joint or
thema migrans rash, serology is <40% sensitive neurological complications. Monoarticular or
for the diagnosis of Lyme disease, making this an oligoarticular arthritis due to B. burgdorferi can
unreliable test (Sanchez et  al. 2016). If there is occur 3–6  months after untreated infection
diagnostic uncertainty, Lyme antibodies tested on (Kullberg et  al. 2020). The knee is most com-
acute and convalescent serum can be compared to monly involved, but other joints can be affected
look for seroconversion. There is no clinical role (Wormser et al. 2006). In Lyme arthritis, syno-
for B. burgdorferi PCR or culture from the blood. vial fluid can show mild to moderate leukocytes,
Early disseminated Lyme disease is character- and B. burgdorferi PCR is often positive. B.
ized by multiple erythema migrans lesions, early burgdorferi PCR from the synovial fluid is >75%
neurologic manifestations, and carditis. sensitive in patients with Lyme arthritis (Sanchez
Disseminated erythema migrans occur several et  al. 2016). Late neurologic disease with
days to weeks after untreated primary erythema encephalomyelitis, peripheral neuropathy, and
due to the hematogenous spread of B. burgdorferi encephalopathy is a rare complication of
beyond the primary tick bite site (Steere 2020). untreated Lyme disease. In Lyme encephalomy-
Early neurologic involvement, including cranial elitis and some cases of encephalopathy, CSF
neuropathies and lymphocytic meningitis, can can be positive for B. burgdorferi antibodies.
begin after several weeks to months of untreated PCR testing from CSF has very low sensitivity
infection. Cranial nerve 7 palsy (Bell’s palsy) is (Wormser et al. 2006). By the time of presenta-
the most common cranial neuropathy and can be tion with late Lyme disease, serology is positive
bilateral (Wormser et al. 2006). In children with for IgG antibodies.
cranial nerve 7 palsy and no clinical concern for
meningitis, there are no clear recommendations Serologic Testing
on whether or not to perform a lumbar puncture. Two-tiered serologic testing is recommended in
If performed, CSF may show lymphocytic pleo- the diagnosis of Lyme disease. This testing algo-
cytosis, antibodies to B. burgdorferi, or positive rithm increases specificity as similar antibodies
B. burgdorferi PCR. Lumbar puncture is always can be produced to other spirochetal infections,
indicated if there are associated signs or symp- spirochetes in normal oral flora, other acute
toms of meningitis (Wormser et al. 2006). For the infections, and autoimmune diseases (American
diagnosis of central nervous system disease, Academy of Pediatrics 2018).
especially meningitis, B. burgdorferi antibodies The first tier of testing is an EIA or IFA. If this
and PCR can be sent from CSF; however, they test is positive or equivocal, then the same serum
have low sensitivity (Sanchez et  al. 2016). sample is sent for second-tier testing, consisting
Cardiac manifestations of Lyme Disease may of IgM and IgG Western blots. Alternatively,
arise within several weeks after exposure (Steere second-­tier testing can be accomplished with an
2020). Typically, there is acute onset of varying FDA-approved EIA confirmatory test (American
degrees of intermittent atrioventricular heart Academy of Pediatrics 2021). Western blots for
block, sometimes with associated myopericardi- each IgM and IgG are interpreted as positive or
tis (Wormser et al. 2006). negative based on the number of bands present
Over 80% of people with early neurologic and (Table 6.19). A single EIA or IFA result should
cardiac manifestations of Lyme disease are sero- not be interpreted alone. A second-tier EIA con-
positive (Wormser et al. 2006). For the seronega- firmatory test or Western blot with sufficient
tive child at initial presentation, the convalescent bands confirm a positive result.
serum should be tested for seroconversion C6 EIA. Serologic testing with C6 EIA can
2  weeks later. For those with symptoms for detect antibodies to a peptide on B. burgdorferi.
<4 weeks, IgM only may be positive; however, if C6 EIA seems to have improved sensitivity in
symptoms have persisted for >4  weeks, IgG adults for detecting early Lyme disease and
should also be positive. Lyme disease acquired in Europe. When used
6  Care of the Child with an Infectious Disease or Immunological Defect 217

Table 6.19  Criteria for positive Western blot in diagno- 6.7.2 Real-Life Example
sis of Lyme disease
IgM is considered 2 out of 3 of the following bands A 17-year-old male presented to the office with a
positive when…. are presenta: 23/24, 39, 41 kDa
classic erythema migrans rash over his shoulder.
IgG is considered 5 out of 10 of the following bands
positive when… are present: 18, 23/24, 28, 30, 39,His history was remarkable for hiking in the
41, 45, 60, 66, 93 kDa woods in northern Minnesota for 6 h 1 week ago.
Adapted from American Academy of Pediatrics 2018; He admitted to seeing several ticks on his cloth-
Steere 2020 ing but did not check himself for ticks after the
IgM immunoglobulin M, IgG immunoglobulin G, kDa hike. Based on the history and the physical exam,
 23 and 41  kDa bands together may represent a false-­ he was diagnosed with early localized Lyme dis-
positive result ease. No serologic testing was ordered since the
testing may be negative early in the course of
Lyme disease. The child’s lesion resolved after a
alone, its specificity is lower than the traditional ten-day course of doxycycline.
two-tier testing (American Academy of
Pediatrics 2018).
Pitfalls. In endemic areas, Lyme seropositivity 6.7.3 Human Granulocytic
population rates are 5%, with rates up to 50% in Anaplasmosis
hunters (Kullberg et  al. 2020). Therefore, it is
important to correlate results with clinical findings. Human granulocytic anaplasmosis (HGA) is
Some people treated with appropriate antibiotics caused by Anaplasma phagocytophilum, a rick-
for early localized Lyme disease may never develop ettsial bacteria transmitted by the ticks Ixodes
antibodies (American Academy of Pediatrics scapularis or Ixodes pacificus. A. phagocytophi-
2018). For those who develop antibodies, serum lum causes intracellular infection predominately
Lyme IgG may persist for decades following of granulocytes (Biggs et al. 2016). In the United
appropriate treatment (Kullberg et al. 2020). States, it is found primarily in the Northeastern
Lyme IgM should be interpreted with particu- states, upper Midwestern states, and Northern
lar caution. IgM Western blot can be falsely posi- California; it can also be found in Europe and
tive, and it is only useful in a disease of <4 weeks’ Asia (American Academy of Pediatrics 2018).
duration (American Academy of Pediatrics HGA may present as an acute febrile illness,
2018). Positive IgM can be confirmed by evaluat- headache, chills, malaise, myalgia, and nausea.
ing for seroconversion of positive IgG in conva- General laboratory findings include leukopenia
lescent serum collected 2–4 weeks later. with neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, mild ane-
mia, and mild elevations in liver transaminases
(Biggs et al. 2016).
Key Learning about Lyme Disease Serology Diagnostic Testing for HGA
• Lyme disease testing should only be A specific diagnosis can be made with blood
done when there are symptoms that are smear, PCR, or serology (see Table  6.20). A
consistent with Lyme disease. blood smear can show characteristic inclu-
• Serologic testing for Lyme disease is sions within neutrophils; however, a smear is
recommended with two-tiered testing. If very insensitive and should not be relied upon
the first-tier EIA or IFA is positive or for diagnosis (Tickborne Diseases of the
equivocal, a second tier of testing is United States 2018). PCR of whole blood for
completed. detecting A. phagocytophilum is most sensi-
• IgG bands should be present in patients tive during the first week of illness when the
who have had symptoms for >4 weeks. pathogen circulates in blood cells. The sensi-
tivity of PCR may decrease after starting ther-
218 A. N. Gyura and E. R. Harrison

Table 6.20  Diagnostic tests for detection of common tick-borne diseases

Primary cell Diagnosis
Disease type infected Blood smear PCR Serology
Human Granulocytes Inclusions may Yes – During IgG often reaches ≥1:640 during acute
granulocytic be seen in the first week infection; a single IgG titer ≥1:64 supports
anaplasmosis granulocytes of illness but does not confirm a recent disease
during the first diagnosis
week of illness Compare acute and convalescent serum
Human Monocytes Inclusions may Yes – During A single IgG titer ≥1:64 supports but does
monocytic and tissue be seen in the first week not confirm a diagnosis of recent disease
ehrlichiosis macrophages monocytes of illness Compare acute and convalescent serum
during the first
week of illness
Babesiosis Erythrocytes Parasites may be Yes – During IgG often reaches ≥1:1024 during acute
seen in acute illness infection; a single IgG titer ≥1:64 supports
erythrocytes but does not confirm a recent disease
Compare acute and convalescent serum
Rocky Mountain Endothelial N/A No – Not A single IgG titer ≥1:64 supports but does
spotted fever cells sensitive not confirm a diagnosis of recent disease
Compare acute and convalescent serum
Adapted from Wormser et al. 2006; Sanchez et al. 2016; Biggs et al. 2016: MDPH et al., 2018; Ruebush et al. 1981
IgG immunoglobulin G

apy with tetracycline-class antibiotics (Biggs ratory findings include leukopenia with lympho-
et al. 2016). Antibody titers often reach ≥1:640 penia, thrombocytopenia, and mild elevation in
during acute infection, but a single IgG titer liver transaminases. Later in infection, anemia
≥1:64 can suggest disease (Sanchez et  al. and mild to moderate hyponatremia may be
2016; Biggs et al. 2016). Serology can show a apparent (Biggs et al. 2016).
rise in IgG between acute and convalescent
samples. Diagnostic Testing for HME
A specific diagnosis can be made with blood
smear, PCR, or serology (see Table  6.20). A
6.7.4 Human Monocytic Ehrlichiosis peripheral blood smear may show morulae in
monocytes during the first week of illness; how-
Human monocytic ehrlichiosis (HME) is caused ever, this is highly insensitive. Blood PCR is use-
by infection with Ehrlichia chaffeensis, E. ewin- ful during the acute phase of infection since the
gii, or E. muris eauclairensis, which are transmit- pathogen is found in circulating blood cells. A
ted by the ticks Amblyomma americanum or single IgG titer ≥1:64 supports but does not con-
Ixodes scapularis (Biggs et  al. 2016; MDPH firm the diagnosis of recent disease (Biggs et al.
et  al., 2018). Ehrlichia species are intracellular 2016). Paired serology can show the develop-
bacteria that infect monocytes and tissue macro- ment of IgG between acute and convalescent
phages. In the United States, E. chaffeensis is samples.
predominantly found in the Southeast, South-­
central, and East coast states; E. ewingii is pre-
dominantly in the Southeast, South-central, and 6.7.5 Babesiosis
Midwestern states. Both E. chaffeensis and E.
ewingii have been reported outside of the United Babesiosis is most often caused by infection with
States. E. muris eauclairensis has only been iden- Babesia microti, transmitted by the tick Ixodes
tified in Minnesota and Wisconsin. scapularis. Like malaria, it is a protozoal infec-
HME may present as an acute febrile illness tion of RBCs. It is primarily found in the United
with headache, chills, malaise, myalgia, rash, and States in the Northeastern and upper Midwestern
nausea. In the first week of illness, general labo- states (MDPH et al., 2018).
6  Care of the Child with an Infectious Disease or Immunological Defect 219

Babesiosis is often asymptomatic but may Common symptoms of RMSF include fever,
present with fever and mild, nonspecific symp- severe headache, myalgia, edema around the eyes
toms such as chills, myalgia, headache, or nau- and on the back of the hands, and gastrointestinal
sea. Notably, the infection can be severe in symptoms. A characteristic erythematous macular
immunocompromised and asplenic children or maculopapular rash may appear within
(American Academy of Pediatrics 2018). General 2–4 days of symptom onset, first on the wrists and
laboratory findings include hemolytic anemia ankles and then spreading to the trunk, palms, and
with elevated reticulocyte count, thrombocytope- soles. Many patients seek care before rash onset,
nia, proteinuria, elevated liver transaminases, and and approximately 10% of patients never develop
elevated blood urea nitrogen and creatinine a rash (Biggs et  al. 2016; MDPH et  al., 2018).
(Wormser et al. 2006). General laboratory tests may be normal early in
the disease course, but abnormalities may arise, Diagnostic Testing including slightly increased leukocyte count,
for Babesiosis thrombocytopenia, slightly elevated liver trans-
A specific diagnosis can be made with blood aminases, and hyponatremia (Biggs et al. 2016).
smear, PCR, or serology (see Table  6.20).
Microscopic identification of parasites can be Diagnostic Testing for Rocky
made on Giemsa- or Wright-stained thin blood Mountain Spotted Fever
smears. Only a few RBCs may be infected, so Blood PCR for R. rickettsii is not sensitive since
multiple blood smears should be examined, there are low numbers of rickettsia in the blood-
although a negative smear does not exclude dis- stream without advanced disease (Biggs et  al.
ease. Babesia species can be difficult to distin- 2016). IgM and IgG begin to rise in the first week
guish from malaria species (Plasmodium of infection. IgM is less specific, and IgG testing
falciparum) on blood smears (American is preferred; an IgG titer ≥1:64 can suggest recent
Academy of Pediatrics 2018). Blood PCR for the disease if positive. IgG may be negative in the
detection of Babesia species is more sensitive first week of infection, although a titer ≥1:64 can
than blood smear during acute illness (Sanchez suggest recent disease if positive. Serum samples
et al. 2016). A single IgG titer ≥1:64 supports the taken 2–4 weeks after disease onset can show a
diagnosis of recent disease, but often, during rise in IgG. Very early therapy with tetracycline-­
acute infection, the IgG titer will be ≥1:1024 class antibiotics may diminish or delay the devel-
(Sanchez et al. 2016). Serology can demonstrate opment of antibodies to RMSF.
seroconversion of IgG between acute and conva-
lescent samples (Wormser et al. 2006).
6.7.7 P
 itfalls of Tick-Borne Infection
6.7.6 R
 ocky Mountain Spotted
Fever Given the potential severity of illness, treatment
should not be delayed for RMSF, HGA, or HME
Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) is caused while awaiting diagnostic studies (Biggs et al. 2016).
by infection with Rickettsia rickettsii, transmitted Ixodes scapularis can transmit B. burgdorferi,
by the ticks Dermacentor variabilis, D. ander- A. phagocytophilum, E. muris eauclairensis, and
soni, or Rhipicephalus sanguineus. R. rickettsii is B. microti. In endemic areas, coinfection with
an intracellular bacterium that primarily infects these organisms can occur. Coinfection can be
endothelial cells and causes systemic, small-ves- considered in patients with early Lyme disease
sel vasculitis with high morbidity and mortality (erythema migrans) who present with more
in untreated patients. RMSF is widespread in the severe symptoms than typically seen in patients
United States, although most cases are reported with Lyme disease alone or who have continued
in the South Atlantic, Southeast, and South- or worsening viral-like symptoms despite appro-
central states (MDPH et al., 2018). priate treatment for Lyme disease.
220 A. N. Gyura and E. R. Harrison

When considering serologic testing, IgG is this list will not detect all cases of PID (Arkwright
often negative in the first week of infection when and Gennery 2011). Although a large number of
patients first present for care. It is recommended infections may prompt parents or clinicians to
to test paired acute and convalescent serum for question the child’s immune status, the number
IgG 2–4  weeks apart (Biggs et  al. 2016). alone is unlikely to be predictive of PID. Important
Confirmation of infection can be made with ≥ and more predictive factors may include severe,
fourfold rise in IgG titers in the setting of a com- complicated, or deep-seated infections at multiple
patible clinical illness. IgM is less specific and sites; a family history of immunodeficiency; fail-
should not be used independently for diagnosis. ure to thrive; infections caused by atypical organ-
Antibodies can persist for many years after acute isms; and the need for parenteral antibiotics to
infection (Biggs et al. 2016). treat infections (Reda et al. 2013).
Many commercial laboratories offer tick-­ Concern for immunodeficiency should prompt
borne disease PCR and antibody panels. The a thorough history, physical exam, height, and
PCR panels often include A. phagocytophilum, weight records review. Anatomic and physiologic
Ehrlichia species, and Babesia species. Lyme abnormalities and underlying conditions can pre-
and RMSF are absent from these panels as rou- dispose children to recurrent infections; initial
tine blood PCR is not recommended in their diag- abnormal findings may be supplemented with
nosis. Antibody panels often include serology to directed imaging and laboratory evaluation
A. phagocytophilum, E. chaffeensis, B. microti, (Buescher 2018). Testing should generally be
and B. burgdorferi. R. rickettsii antibodies need guided by the type of deficiency for which there
to be ordered separately. Table 6.20 reviews diag- is clinical concern. There are over 400 immuno-
nostic tests for common tick-borne diseases. deficiencies; examples of various immunodefi-
ciencies are provided in Box 6.5 (JMF 2020).

6.8 Evaluation of the Child

with Recurrent Infections
Box 6.4 Jeffrey Modell Foundation Warning
Signs for Patients at Risk for Primary
Recurrent infections in children can be concern-
ing and frustrating for both the family and the
1. Four or more new ear infections within
primary care clinician. Young children may rou-
1 year.
tinely have 6–12 acute respiratory tract illnesses
2. Two or more serious sinus infections
per year, with similar numbers of acute otitis
within 1 year.
media episodes (Monto and Ullman 1974).
3. Two or more months on antibiotics
Daycare attendance and secondhand smoke
with little effect.
exposure may further increase the number of
4. Two or more pneumonias within 1 year.
infections in children (Schuez-Havupalo et  al.
5. Failure of an infant to gain weight or
2017; Kuehni and Barben 2015).
grow normally.
6. Recurrent, deep skin or organ abscesses.
7. Persistent thrush in mouth or fungal
6.8.1 Immunodeficiency Warning
infection on skin.
8. Need for intravenous antibiotics to
clear infections.
The Jeffrey Modell Foundation developed a list of
9. Two or more deep-seated infections
ten warning signs (Box 6.4) to assist clinicians in
including septicemia.
identifying patients at risk for primary immuno-
A family history of primary
deficiency (PID) and suggested that patients with
greater than or equal to two warning signs should
be evaluated (The Jeffrey Modell Foundation
Adapted from JMF 2020
[JMF] 2020). Clinicians should recognize that
6  Care of the Child with an Infectious Disease or Immunological Defect 221

four-stage approach to the child with suspected

Box 6.5 Examples of Specific immunodeficiency, which may be a useful strat-
Immunodeficiencies egy for the primary care clinician. Stage 1 testing
Predominantly antibody deficiencies includes a CBC with differential and total immu-
Hyper-immunoglobulin M syndromes. noglobulins. A chemistry panel, urinalysis, and
Immunoglobulin G subclass deficiency. inflammatory markers are recommended to rule
Selective immunoglobulin M deficiency. out causes of secondary immunodeficiency if not
Selective immunoglobulin A deficiency. previously performed. Stage 2 testing includes a
Common variable immunodeficiency. specific antibody response to tetanus toxoid and
Transient hypogammaglobulinemia of diphtheria toxoid, pneumococcal antigen, and
infancy. IgG subclass analysis (JMF 2020). The primary
X-linked agammaglobulinemia (Bruton). care clinician may also include a total hemolytic
Autosomal recessive agammaglobulinemia. complement (CH50) in the early stages of testing
Combined immunodeficiencies to evaluate the classic complement pathway’s
Severe combined immunodeficiency. functional integrity. Further laboratory examina-
CD8 deficiency. tions for PID often require specialized laboratory
expertise and facilities, and consultation with an
Other cellular immunodeficiencies immunologist is recommended even during the
Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome. early diagnostic process (Alkhater 2009).
DiGeorge anomaly. Assessment of Antibody Levels
Multiple cytokine deficiency. Predominant antibody deficiencies are the most
Defects of phagocytic function common type of immunodeficiency, accounting
Chronic granulomatous disease. for approximately 50–70% of all PID (Bonilla
Leukocyte adhesion defects. et al. 2015). Children with antibody deficiencies
Neutrophil G6PD deficiency. or defects of antibody function are predisposed to
Severe congenital neutropenia (Kostmann). recurrent sinopulmonary infections, including
Cyclic neutropenia (elastase defect). recurrent otitis media, pneumonia, or rhinosinus-
itis, as well as recurrent gastroenteritis and sepsis
Secondary immunodeficiencies (Bousfiha et al. 2013). They are particularly sus-
Splenic deficiency. ceptible to infection with polysaccharide-­
Immunosuppression (corticosteroids, encapsulated organisms, including Streptococcus
chemotherapy). pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae.
Chronic lung disease. Quantitative testing of serum IgG, IgM, and IgA
HIV infection. should be performed as part of the initial labora-
Drug-induced hypogammaglobulinemia. tory screening for primary immunodeficiency.
IgE may be performed; IgD levels are not part of
This list is not all-inclusive. the initial screening.
Adapted from Ochs et al. 2004 There is significant variation in normal values
with different age groups, testing methods, and
laboratories. For this reason, the results must be
compared to age-matched controls for the spe-
6.8.2 Diagnostic Testing cific method being used (McCusker et al. 2018).
for Immunodeficiency Quantitative antibody levels assist in the diagno-
sis of profound antibody deficiencies, such as
If there are no history and physical findings to X-linked agammaglobulinemia, as well as less
guide a directed investigation, an initial labora- severe antibody deficiencies, such as transient
tory evaluation may be initiated (Table 6.21). The hypogammaglobulinemia of infancy. Antibody
Jeffrey Modell Foundation has recommended a deficiencies may also be present in genetic
222 A. N. Gyura and E. R. Harrison

Table 6.21  Initial laboratory evaluation for immunodeficiency

Test Purpose
Stage 1 CBC with differential •  Assess numbers and morphology: Leukopenia or leukocytosis, anemia,
thrombocytopenia, cell inclusions
–  Lymphopenia for age is cause for concern (ALC < 2500 cells/μL in
infants: <1500 cell/μL in children)
–  Neutropenia could indicate cyclic or congenital neutropenia
–  Persistent leukocytosis may be seen with infection or leukocyte
adhesion deficiency
–  Anemia could indicate malnutrition, red blood cell disorder
(thalassemia, sickle cell), or aplastic anemia
–  Thrombocytopenia can be seen in Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome or
autoimmune cytopenias
Chemistry panel •  Assists with identification of liver or renal disease, diabetes, and
malnutrition as etiologies of secondary immunodeficiency
Urinalysis •  Proteinuria may suggest protein loss via kidneys
Inflammatory markers •  Elevations may be seen with infection and other inflammatory disorders
Total IgG, IgM, IgAa •  Assists with identification of antibody deficiencies
•  Quantification identifies increased or decreased levels for age
Stage 2 Antibody titers to diphtheria •  Assess antibody production in response to specific protein antigens
and tetanus toxoid, HIB (e.g., antibody function)
Antibody titers to •  Assess antibody production in response to specific polysaccharide
pneumococcal antigen antigens (e.g., antibody function)
IgG subclass analysis •  Assess for specific IgG subclass deficiencies
Consider CH50b •  Evaluation of the classic complement pathway (C1-C9)
CBC complete blood count, ALC absolute lymphocyte count, BUN blood urea nitrogen, IgG immunoglobulin G, IgM
immunoglobulin M, IgA immunoglobulin A, HIB Haemophilus influenzae B, CH50 total hemolytic complement
Adapted from Buescher 2018; Ochs et al. 2004; Sullivan and Winkelstein 2004
 Immunoglobulin E and D testing is not routinely performed during the initial evaluation
 May consider CH50 as part of a broader initial evaluation; referral to an immunologist should be sought early in this
process, when possible

syndromes and secondary immunodeficiencies pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV-

(Ochs et al. 2004). Notably, antibody levels may 23) is used to assess an individual’s response to
be difficult to interpret during active infection polysaccharide antigens. The conjugate pneu-
episodes; testing during wellness periods is mococcal vaccine that is routinely administered
preferred. to young children, previously Prevnar 7 (PCV
7) and currently Prevnar 13 (PCV 13), is not Assessment of Antibody useful in assessing the response to polysaccha-
Function ride antigens. The PPV-23 should only be uti-
Bacterial antigens are predominantly either com- lized in children >2  years old for assessing
plex polysaccharides or proteins. Children may responsiveness to polysaccharide antigens.
have impaired response to polysaccharide anti- Children <2 years old often do not have a robust
gens or have impaired response to both polysac- response to polysaccharide vaccines, and rou-
charide and protein antigens; it is atypical for a tine conjugate vaccines may be less effective if
patient to have a poor response to only protein administered after polysaccharide vaccines.
antigens. IgG titers to vaccines that contain pro- Children should receive at least three doses of
tein or polysaccharide antigens can be used to conjugate vaccine before receiving PPV-23.
determine specific antibody responses to each Commercially available pneumococcal titer
type of antigen (Perez et al. 2017). panels vary—the primary care clinician should
Evaluation of response to polysaccharide request a panel of at least 14 and ideally 23
antigens in children. Typically, the 23-valent serotypes.
6  Care of the Child with an Infectious Disease or Immunological Defect 223

Interpretation. When assessing pneumo- Table 6.23 Acceptable percentage of Pneumovax

23-specific serotypes post-vaccination by age
coccal serotype titers in children who have
received conjugate vaccines previously, only Percent positive (≥ 1.3 mg/dL or twofold
Age increase)
non-­conjugate serotypes should be evaluated for
<6 years 50%
response. Table 6.22 is a list of the serotypes in
≥6 years 70%
commonly administered pneumococcal vaccines
Adapted from Orange et al. 2012
in the United States. The initial measurement of
serum titers should be obtained before immuni-
zation with PPV-23 to assess the magnitude of may result in low titers. The response to vaccina-
increased response caused by vaccination. After tion cannot reliably be evaluated in patients who
administering PPV-23, post-vaccination titers have received immune globulin in the past
should be measured ≥4  weeks after adminis- 4–6 months or who have received specific immu-
tering the vaccine but no more than 12  weeks noglobulins to prevent infections in the past
post-­vaccination. A serotype-specific IgG con- 3–5  months. Pre- and post-vaccination titers
centration  ≥  1.3 mcg/mL, or an increase in the should be performed at the same laboratory using
titer of at least two-fold, is considered a normal the same assay as differences in methodology
response to polysaccharide antigens (Orange may affect interpretation.
et  al. 2012). This level should be used instead
of the laboratory-provided reference range when Evaluating Response to Protein
assessing titers. Table  6.23 reviews the accept- Antigens
able percentage of positive PPV-23 serotypes Diphtheria, tetanus, and Haemophilus influenzae
post-vaccination by age. An insufficient response B (HIB) vaccines may be used to evaluate an
to PPV-23 indicates a poor response to polysac- individual’s response to protein antigens. Tetanus
charide antigens. and diphtheria vaccines are both toxoid vaccines.
Pitfalls. Assessing responses to vaccine sero- The HIB vaccine is a conjugate vaccine com-
types <4  weeks after vaccination with PPV-23 posed of polysaccharide polyribosylribitol phos-
phate (PRP) as the primary antigen, which is
Table 6.22  Serotypes in pneumococcal vaccines conjugated to immunogenic proteins of either
Prevnar 7a Prevnar 13 Pneumovax 23 diphtheria toxoid or the outer membrane protein
4 4 4 Serotypes limited complex of meningococcus. Antibodies are pro-
to PPV-23b duced to the protein component so that the HIB
6B 6B 6B 2 conjugate vaccine can measure protein response.
9 V 9 V 9 V 8
Anti-diphtheria toxin, anti-tetanus toxin, and
14 14 14 9 N
18C 18C 18C 10A anti-PRP antibodies should be measured after a
19F 19F 19F 11A series of three immunizations has been com-
23F 23F 23F 12F pleted, generally after 6 months of age.
– 1 1 15B Interpretation. The levels of anti-diphtheria,
– 5 5 17F anti-tetanus, and anti-PRP IgG titers that are sug-
– 3 3 20 gestive of a vaccine response are noted in
– 7F 7F 22F
Table  6.24. Antibody titers that suggest vaccine
– 19A 19A 33F
– 6A 6A response but remain relatively low may not con-
fer long-term protection; accepted antibody titers
Adapted from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(2015a) that suggest a long-term protective level are also
PPV-23 Pneumovax 23 noted in Table 6.24. Timing of the immunization
 Children vaccinated before the widespread use of Prevnar to the titer assessment should be considered in
13 may have received Prevnar 7
the interpretation of values. For example, detect-
 There is a Prevnar 15 vaccine product in development
that includes 22F and 33F in addition to the serotypes able but relatively low titers in a patient who was
included in Prevnar 13 recently immunized may not be sufficient to
224 A. N. Gyura and E. R. Harrison

Table 6.24  Interpretation of antibody titers to protein ranges for the method being used. Notably, an
IgG subclass deficiency may not be clinically rel-
Peak Suggestive of Suggestive of evant, particularly in the setting of normal total
antibody vaccine long-term
Antibody levels response protection
immunoglobulins and normal response to vac-
Anti-­ 2–3 weeks >0.01 IU/mL >0.1 IU/mL cines (Buckley 2002). A clinically significant
diphtheria IgG subclass deficiency may be diagnosed in the
Anti-­ 2–3 weeks >0.01 IU/mL >0.15 IU/mL setting of recurrent infections and evidence of
tetanus inadequate vaccine response. Abnormal IgG sub-
Anti-PRP 3–4 weeks >0.15 mcg/ ≥1 mcg/mL
class concentrations should be confirmed with at
(HIB) mL
least one additional measurement 1 month after
Adapted from Orange et  al. (2012), Hammarlund et  al.
(2016), WHO (2017), Gergen et al. (1995), Peltola et al. the initial test (Parker et al. 2017).
(1977), Käyhty et al. (1983), Käyhty et al. (1983)
PRP polysaccharide polyribosylribitol phosphate, HIB Total Serum Hemolytic
Haemophilus influenzae B Complement
Measurement of CH50 activity is a useful screen-
interpret as an appropriate response, as a more ing tool for detecting deficiencies of the classical
robust response would be anticipated; conversely, complement pathway. All nine classical pathway
low titers in a patient who was vaccinated several components (C1 through C9) are required for a
years prior may not be indicative of immune dys- normal CH50; deficiency of any complement
function, as the exact timing of waning antibody protein within this pathway leads to decreased or
after vaccination has not been established. In this absent activity (Buescher 2018). The clinical pre-
case, it is reasonable to administer a booster dose sentation of complement deficiencies includes
of vaccine and reassess titers post-vaccination. increased susceptibility to infection, rheumatic
After receiving the conjugated HIB vaccine, PRP disease, and angioedema. The particular presen-
antibodies do not rule out a defect in response to tation and the kind of bacteria that most com-
polysaccharide antigens. monly causes infection relate to the deficient
component’s normal physiologic role (Sullivan Immunoglobulin G Subclasses and Winkelstein 2004).
Measurement of IgG subclasses may be useful as An undetectable or extremely low CH50 result
part of the immune evaluation, particularly in suggests a specific complement deficiency and
patients with a clinically concerning history of requires further testing to determine the abnor-
infections and normal total immunoglobulin con- mal complement component. Recurrent infec-
centrations. An IgG subclass deficiency refers to tions like meningococcemia may be a sign of a
a decrease in the serum concentration of one or complement deficiency (Lewis and Ram 2014).
more IgG subclass, despite a normal level of total Both decreased and elevated levels of CH50 may
IgG. Children with a symptomatic IgG subclass be found during an active infection, and decreased
deficiency may present with recurrent otitis levels may also be found in rheumatologic and
media, rhinosinusitis, pneumonia, allergic immune complex diseases. Neonates have
asthma, allergic rhinitis, or autoimmune condi- reduced CH50, as there is little to no maternal
tions. More serious infections, such as septice- complement transfer to the fetus in utero.
mia, meningitis, and osteomyelitis, may also Neonates generally reach adult values of comple-
occur (Parker et al. 2017). ment proteins by 6–18 months of age (Hong and
The normal ranges for IgG subclasses vary Lewis 2016). A common cause of a low CH50 is
with the method of analysis and the child’s age. improper specimen handling, as several comple-
The primary care clinician should ensure that the ment proteins are unstable. A very low CH50
laboratory provides age-matched reference should be confirmed with a new sample.
6  Care of the Child with an Infectious Disease or Immunological Defect 225

6.8.3 Real-Life Example 2. A child has a negative hepatitis B surface

antigen but positive anti-HBs and anti-HBc.
A one-year-old male had a history of four epi- What does this indicate?
sodes of otitis media and one episode of sinusitis (a) The child has not been vaccinated.
and most recently had a second episode of pneu- (b) The child has hepatitis B in the past and
monia requiring hospitalizations. The child was is immune.
growing on the fifth to the tenth percentile. There (c) The child has active hepatitis B.
was no family history of immune deficiency. A B (d) The child needs to be revaccinated.
cell deficiency was suspected, and the child was 3. A 5-year-old has his second case of menin-
referred for evaluation of possible X-linked gococcemia. What should you suspect?
agammaglobulinemia due to recurrent sinopul- (a) A T cell defect.
monary infection (Smith and Cunningham-­ (b) A B cell defect.
Rundles 2019). The diagnosis was confirmed by (c) A complement defect.
infectious disease. The clinician was made aware (d) A neutrophil defect.
of the increased risk of leukemia and lymphoma 4. A 16-year-old female presents with 12 days
(Hoshino et al. 2015). of fever, pharyngitis, fatigue, and cervical
lymphadenopathy. She reports four sexual
partners in the past year. A throat culture for
group A streptococcus, a monospot, and a
Key Learning Points about VCA IgG, VCA IgM, and EBNA for EBV
Immunodeficiencies in Pediatrics are all negative. What is the next step?
• The number of infections alone is not (a) Send a QuantiFERON test.
predictive of immunodeficiency. (b) Send an HIV fourth-generation antigen/
• Type and location of the infection, fam- antibody test.
ily history, growth history, organisms (c) Send initial PCR for Zika virus.
involved, and treatment course may be (d) Send an HIV NAAT.
predictive factors for immunodeficiency. 5. A child has EBV serology as follows: VCA
• The initial screening for immunodefi- IgM negative, VCA IgG positive, EA-D neg-
ciency may include CBC with differen- ative, and EBNA IgG positive. What is an
tial and total immunoglobulins, as well appropriate interpretation of this pattern?
as additional testing to rule out possible (a) EBV-naïve.
causes of secondary immunodeficiency. (b) Past infection.
• When possible, consultation with an (c) Convalescent infection.
immunologist is recommended even (d) Early primary infection.
during the early diagnostic process to 6. A healthy six-year-old child with no known
help guide testing. risk factors for mycobacterium tuberculosis
and no history of BCG vaccine. The child
requires a tuberculin skin test for summer
camp paperwork. The induration is measured
Questions  at 7  mm, although there is erythema that
measures at 18 mm. What is the interpreta-
1. A child has a negative hepatitis B surface tion of this result?
antigen, negative anti-HBc, and positive anti- (a) The results are considered a positive test.
HBs. What does this indicate? The child should have a chest X-ray.
(a) The child has hepatitis B. (b) The test was administered incorrectly
(b) The child had hepatitis B in the past and and should be performed again.
is immune. (c) The child has active tuberculosis.
(c) The child has been vaccinated. (d) The results are considered a negative
(d) The child needs to be revaccinated. test. No further examination is required.
226 A. N. Gyura and E. R. Harrison

7. A patient’s serology for Zika virus and den- ple partners in the past and comes in for rou-
gue virus is as follows: Zika virus IgM posi- tine screening every 6 months. She is found
tive, dengue virus IgM positive, Zika virus to have positive testing for syphilis with
plaque reduction neutralization test is ≥10, TP-PA positive and RPR 1:64. She is treated
and dengue virus plaque neutralization test is for early latent syphilis with one dose of ben-
<10. How is this interpreted? zathine penicillin G IM. Six months later, she
(a) Recent Zika virus infection. returns and is found to have TP-PA positive
(b) Recent dengue virus infection. and RPR 1:1. What is the next step?
(c) Recent flavivirus infection  – unable to (a) Retreat with benzathine penicillin G.
determine the specific virus. (b) Re-test in 2–4 weeks.
(d) No evidence of recent Zika or dengue (c) Re-test in 6 months.
virus infection. (d) Get a lumbar puncture to look for
8. A child presents in February with swelling neurosyphilis.
and redness of the right knee. He reports tick 11. For which patient would you begin a workup
exposure the previous summer. Before being for immunodeficiency?
referred to the emergency department, Lyme (a) A 7-month-old girl with recurrent oral
serology is obtained. The result shows first- thrush despite treatment. She is growing
tier EIA positive and second-tier Western well.
blot with 2 IgM and 2 IgG bands positive. (b) A 5-year-old boy with recurrent ear
How is this result interpreted? infections between 1 and 3  years that
(a) Suggestive of early localized Lyme resolved with tympanostomy tubes. He
disease. now presents with multiple viral ill-
(b) Suggestive of early disseminated Lyme nesses since starting kindergarten.
disease. (c) An 8-year-old girl with two admissions
(c) Suggestive of Lyme arthritis. for bacteremia and severe pneumonia in
(d) The child has a disease not related to the last 2  years, now presenting for a
Lyme. third sinus infection this year.
9. A 5-year-old previously healthy boy presents (d) A 10-year-old boy with asthma receiv-
with pharyngitis and fever. He is positive for ing antibiotics once or twice a year for
group A streptococcus (GAS) using a molec- asthma exacerbation with concurrent
ular test for strep. He is started on a 10-day pneumonia.
course of amoxicillin. He completes 8 days
of a ten-day course of Amoxil but returns Rationale 
with rhinorrhea, cough, and sore throat. On 1. Answer: C
exam, he has pharyngeal erythema without The child has been vaccinated. In this
exudate and a macular rash on his trunk. case scenario, the child only has a positive
What is the next step? anti-HBs. If the child had the disease and
(a) Provide reassurance. recovered, he would have positive anti-HBs
(b) Obtain a throat culture for GAS and and anti-Hbs. If he had a positive HbsAg,
order susceptibilities. and a positive anti-HBc IgM but a negative
(c) Provide a prescription for azithromycin. anti-HBs, he would have an acute infection.
(d) Send anti-streptolysin O and anti-­ 2. Answer: B
deoxyribonuclease levels. See rationale above.
10. A 17-year-old girl presents to get screened 3. Answer: C
for sexually transmitted infections. She is Patients with a complement defect may
currently asymptomatic. She has had multi- present with recurrent meningococcemia.
6  Care of the Child with an Infectious Disease or Immunological Defect 227

4. Answer: D patient had positive Zika and dengue serol-

Acute HIV is included in the differential ogy, the plaque neutralization test revealed a
diagnosis in patients with a presentation sim- positive result only for Zika virus, indicating
ilar to infectious mononucleosis without evi- a recent Zika virus infection.
dence of EBV infection or streptococcal 8. Answer: D
pharyngitis. A fourth-generation HIV anti- This patient presents with clinical con-
gen/antibody test is unlikely to capture acute cern for Lyme arthritis. This manifestation of
HIV as antibodies do not develop for Lyme occurs 3–6 months after a bite from an
2–4  weeks after HIV exposure. An HIV infected tick. By this time, IgG will be posi-
NAAT, such as a quantitative HIV-1 RNA tive. This patient had a positive first-tier
PCR, becomes positive within 10–14  days. screen, but only IgM is considered positive,
Adolescents may or may not report sexual with two out of three bands positive. Less
activity to their providers. Therefore, pre- than five out of ten IgG bands are positive, so
senting this testing as a common component IgG is interpreted as a negative result. Since
of this workup in children of all ages may be Lyme IgG is negative, this patient’s arthritis
beneficial. This clinical presentation is not is not due to Lyme disease. In early localized
consistent with pulmonary tuberculosis. disease, serology is often negative. In early
Testing for ZIKV infection may be consid- disseminated disease, if symptoms have
ered in patients presenting with acute onset occurred for <4  weeks, Western blot IgM
of fever, maculopapular rash, arthralgia, or only may be positive, and IgG may be nega-
conjunctivitis who live in or have traveled to tive. This patient’s results could be consis-
an ongoing transmission area 2 weeks before tent with early disease Lyme disease, but the
the onset of symptoms. clinical picture does not support this
5. Answer: B diagnosis.
Past infection is consistent with a positive 9. Answer: A
VCA IgG and positive EBNA IgG, +/− This child is getting appropriate treatment
EA-D. Convalescent infection may be diffi- for GAS pharyngitis and now presents with
cult to determine as this typically presents symptoms more consistent with a viral infec-
with a positive VCA IgG, with or without tion, including rhinorrhea, cough, and
VCA IgM, EA-D, or EBNA IgG. EBV-naïve absence of fever. Reassurance and support-
patients would have negative results for all ive care can be provided. Repeat culture is
EBV antibodies. Early primary infection not indicated since he may continue to be
typically presents with a positive VCA IgM GAS positive on throat culture despite appro-
and positive VCA IgG, +/− EA-D. priate treatment. Susceptibility testing is not
6. Answer: D indicated as GAS is universally sensitive to
When reading tuberculin skin tests, mea- penicillin (and amoxicillin). Azithromycin
surements should be performed of the indu- can be used to treat GAS in children with
ration rather than erythema. Children with true penicillin and cephalosporin allergy;
no risk factors for tuberculosis require indu- however, this child’s rash and symptoms are
ration measured ≥15 mm to be considered a more consistent with a viral infection and not
positive test. Induration <15 mm in children an allergy. There is no role for serologic test-
with no risk factors is considered a negative ing in the diagnosis of acute GAS infection.
test. 10. Answer: C.
7. Answer: A After appropriate treatment for syphilis,
There is significant cross-reaction among nontreponemal titers will decline over time,
IgM testing for flaviviruses. Although this while treponemal titers will remain positive
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2006;43(9):1089–134. model. Res Vet Sci. 2012;93(2):921–7.
Xpert Xpress Strep A Package Insert. In: Cepheid; 2019. Zhang Y, Zhang J, Sheng H, Li H, Wang R. Acute phase
Xu R-Y, Liu H-W, Liu J-L, Dong J-H. Procalcitonin and reactant serum amyloid A in inflammation and other
C-reactive protein in urinary tract infection diagnosis. diseases. Adv Clin Chem. 2019;90:25–80.
BMC Urol. 2014;14(1):45. Ziebold C, von Kries R, Lang R, Weigl J, Schmitt
Yang YS, Ku CH, Lin JC, et  al. Impact of extended- HJ.  Severe complications of varicella in previ-
spectrum β-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli and ously healthy children in Germany: a 1-year survey.
Klebsiella pneumoniae on the outcome of community- Pediatrics. 2001;108(5):e79.
Genetics and Pediatric Patient
Rita Marie John and Angela Kenny

Learning Objectives 7.1 Introduction

After completing the chapter, the learner should
be able to: The genetic causes for a child’s disease have dra-
matically increased due to the availability of
1. Understand the importance of family history newer genetic tests. Clinicians need to under-
in evaluating a child with a possible genetic stand that genetic testing can change decisions
disorder. about treatments. Clinicians must identify at-risk
2. Apply the understanding of the red flags of individuals, offer education about genetic testing,
the family and medical history that put a child and refer to genetic specialists to enhance the
at higher risk for cancer. family’s understanding of genetic information.
3. Understand the pros and cons of genetic Ideally, all clinicians should have ready availabil-
testing. ity to a geneticist, genetic counselor, and host of
4. Evaluate the different genetic tests and when subspecialists. Ordering and interpreting genetic
they are used in clinical practice. tests are complicated. Direct-to-consumer web-
5. Accurately describe the differences between sites are growing, and patients can now order
different genetic tests. testing on themselves without the benefit of
6. Apply their knowledge of different genetic genetic counseling, leading to unnecessary stress
tests in clinical practice. or worry. The number of gene panel tests has
7. Continue to enhance their understanding of grown. An accurate genetic diagnosis requires a
genetic testing by reading and continuing complete patient medical history, including fam-
education. ily history, a knowledge of dysmorphology, and
careful test selection (Farmer et  al. 2019). It is
impossible to do this within a 20-minute primary
care visit. Once the genetic testing is back, medi-
cal management should include family education
and counseling and ensure that the family under-
R. M. John (*) stands penetrance and residual risk. Errors in
School of Nursing, Columbia University, genetic testing carry with it the risk of missed or
New York, NY, USA
e-mail: delayed diagnosis, improper medical manage-
ment, inefficient utilization of healthcare dollars,
A. Kenny
Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics, Mary Bridge false reassurance, psychosocial stress, and
Children’s Hospital, Tacoma, WA, USA increased morbidity or mortality (Farmer et  al.

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 239
R. M. John (ed.), Pediatric Diagnostic Labs for Primary Care: An Evidence-based Approach,
240 R. M. John and A. Kenny

2019). The chapter hopes to inform clinicians flags put patients at increased risk of a particular
about the expanding field of genetics. It should be disease. Chen and Saul (2012) developed a rule
kept in mind that the field of genetics is explod- of two/too. A family history with two or more
ing, so continuing education is very important. affected family members, two or more genera-
tions that are affected, too many clinical findings,
or too early an age of onset is a significant or
7.2 Family History positive family history for a particular disease.
Family history may not reveal a problem if the
The importance of accurate three-generation trait is autosomal recessive, atypical female-­
family history cannot be stressed enough. For predominant X-linked, or matrilineal mitochon-
various cultural and religious reasons, families drial patterns (Kim and Bodurtha 2019). Table 7.1
may hesitate to give an accurate history to clini- reviews the red flags in the family history that put
cians, or within families, possible genetic dis- an individual patient at increased risk for genetic
eases are a family secret. This lack of knowledge cancers. Table 7.2 reviews the increased risk for
can affect pediatric patients and cause significant cancer in patients with certain genetic
distress for parents. Clinicians can help families syndromes.
identify genetic risks by keeping track of their
family history through the My Family Health
Portrait tool designed by the CDC which is avail- 7.2.1 Clinical Responsibilities
able at Regarding Genetics
html. The link can be shared with other family
members to add to it and clinicians to plan care. Once a family has seen a genetic counselor and/
Clinicians need to recognize recurrent dis- or a geneticist, the family may have unanswered
eases within a family and understand what red questions. Clinicians need to be able to answer

Table 7.1  Red flags and genetic cancer risk

History Physical assessment
Cancer genetic risk factors
The same kind or related kinds of cancer in the same side of Presence of Spitzoid melanoma or the giant
the family affecting multiple members congenital nevi (can have somatic mutation
involving NRAS and NRAS (Merkel et al. 2019)
A family history of adenomatous colon polyps and colon Multiple café au lait spots or hypopigmented
cancer at a young age or having ten or more adenomatous macules can indicate a neurocutaneous disorder
polyps (The Jackson Laboratory 2021)
Moderately increased risk of cancer Hemihypertrophy syndromes will have enlargement
•  A single first-degree relative with common cancer at of one side of the body
average age only
•  One first- and one second-degree relative or two second-
degree relatives with common cancer at average ages (The
Jackson Laboratory 2021)
High risk for cancer Eczematoid rashes that do not respond to usual care
•  Three or more relatives with cancers that are either similar and large platelets may indicate Wiskott-Aldrich
or related syndrome
•  Two generations of cancer cases with one relative
diagnosed earlier than expected
•  Known hereditary mutation for cancer
Early-onset cancer or adenomatous polyps <50 years suggest Multiple atypical nevi (Soura et al. 2016)
an underlying susceptibility
Ionizing radiation and benzene can predispose to childhood Pallor of skin and mucus membranes, tachycardia
leukemia (Jin et al. 2016) due to anemia, recurrent infections
Adapted from The Jackson Laboratory (2021), Jin et al. (2016), Merkel et al. (2019), Soura et al. (2016)
7  Genetics and Pediatric Patient 241

Table 7.2  Genetic diseases and risk of cancers

Genetic diseases and risk of cancers
Down syndrome AML, ALL
WAGR, Denys-Drash Wilms’ tumor
Hemihypertrophy syndromes Hepatoblastoma, Wilms’ tumor
Neurocutaneous syndromes Optic glioma, CNS tumor
(NF, TSC, von Hippel-Lindau Neurofibrosarcoma
disease) Peripheral nerve sheath tumor
Wilms’ tumor
Immunodeficiency disorders Leukemia, non-Hodgkin lymphoma
(Wiskott-­Aldrich, common/
severe combined
Lynch syndrome (formerly Colorectal cancers, as well as other cancers depending on which of the five genes
hereditary nonpolyposis are affected. Screening for colon cancer five years younger than the youngest
colorectal cancer [HNPCC]) person in the family who had cancer
Multiple endocrine neoplasia, Cancers of the parathyroid gland, islet cells of the pancreas, adrenal cortical
type 1 tumors, neuroendocrine tumors, pituitary tumors, and rare pheochromocytomas
Multiple endocrine neoplasia, 100% prevalence of medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) in association with
type 2a (95% of all cases of pheochromocytoma (PHEO) or primary hyperthyroidism (PHPT) or both in some
MENS 2) patient
Multiple endocrine neoplasia, Early-onset 100% prevalence of an earlier onset and more severe MTC, PHEO, but
type 2b (5.0% of all cases of not PHPT
Li-Fraumeni syndrome Germline mutation of the TP53 gene on chromosome 17p13.1. A patient with a
sarcoma before age 45, a first-degree relative with cancer before 45 years, and a first-
or second-degree relative with cancer before 45 years or a sarcoma at any age. Cancer
types include sarcomas, carcinomas, brain tumors, and leukemia (Correa 2016)
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (PJS) The child presents with mucocutaneous pigmentation that can fade over time, but
the intraoral pigmentation does not fade. The child with PJS tends to develop
gastrointestinal polyps early and has characteristic mucocutaneous freckling. They
are at increased risk for cancers of the esophagus, stomach, rectum, colon, ovary,
testis, and pancreas, with a 93% risk of developing cancer as an adult. The STK11
(tumor suppressor gene) is the defective gene, which is either autosomal dominant
or a de novo mutation (Latchford et al. 2019)
Familial atypical mole/multiple FAMMM is fairly rare with most familial melanoma due to family sun exposure in
melanomas (FAMMM) families with susceptible skin types. FAMMM presents with multiple nevi, with
some with marked atypia and a family history of melanoma. Hereditary melanoma
is autosomal dominant. Screening for melanoma should begin in late adolescence.
There is a proven association between CDKN2A melanoma, multiple nevi,
pancreatic cancer (Soura et al. 2016)
PTEN hamartoma tumor The child will present at birth or in early childhood with genital lentigines,
syndrome (Cowden syndrome, macrocephaly, intestinal hamartoma, polyposis, lipomas, developmental delay, or
Bannayan-Riley-­Ruvalcaba developmental disability if not identified until after age 5. Cancer risk includes
syndrome, adult Lhermitte- thyroid, breast, endometrial, and renal cancers. The PTEN variant gene has cancer
Duclos disease, and autism risk, and the disease is autosomal dominant (Pilarski 2019)
spectrum disorders associated
with macrocephaly)
Familial adenomatous FAP is an autosomal dominant, rare genetic disorder associated with hundreds to
polyposis (Gardner syndrome, thousands of gastrointestinal polyps and early colon cancer (usually by 40 years).
Turcot syndrome) By 15 years, at least 50% have colorectal adenomas. Other cancer complications
include hepatoblastomas and thyroid, brain, biliary, and pancreatic cancers. Other
noncancer complications include nasal angiofibroma, multiple osteomas (frontal
bone is the most common location), and dental abnormalities. Congenital
hypertrophy of retinal pigment epithelium is found in 90% of patients and may be
seen in the retina at birth (Dinarvand et al. 2019)
Adapted from Correa (2016), Dinarvand et  al. (2019), Latchford et  al. (2019), Pilarski (2019), Roades and Steuber
(2020), Soura et al. (2016)
242 R. M. John and A. Kenny

questions and/or to contact the genetic team for Clinicians need to keep current about genetic
clarification. Having subspecialists available to testing to provide the best care to their patients.
the practicing clinician can help facilitate the best Table  7.4 is a list of resources for clinicians to
care for the patient. It is important to keep up keep current.
with current changes in genetic testing so that
when a child requires additional testing, the clini-
cian can further explain the need for testing. The 7.2.2 Direct-to-Consumer Testing
primary care clinician needs to receive any com-
munications sent to the family and receive a fol- In the past genetic testing occurred at specialist
low-­up letter after a consult is requested. When genetic centers. These centers provided a d­ iagnosis,
the clinician needs to order the test themselves, risk to future offspring, extensive counseling with a
they should review the genetic testing and obtain genetic counselor, surveillance for complications
consent after in-depth education with the family. of the genetic disease, and support as families with
Types of errors that can occur are seen in rare genetic conditions may have significant anxi-
Table 7.3. ety (Payne et  al. 2018). Several companies do

Table 7.3  Types of errors by clinician when ordering genetic tests

Reason for ordering the wrong test
Lack of knowledge
Problem Implications
Failure to recognize a rare genetic The wrong test was ordered since the type of genetic variation was not
syndrome identified
Clinician’s lack of knowledge of the genetic No testing was ordered since a genetic etiology was not suspected
etiology of the suspected disease
The clinician’s lack of knowledge led to a The clinician told the patient that the risk of the disease was lower or
misinterpretation of the results of the higher than expected since the clinician did not understand how to
genetic test determine the risk of the disease for the next child
The clinician ordered the wrong genetic test When the wrong genetic test is ordered, it can lead to a delay in
diagnosis. For example, a patient can have a rare genetic variant of a
disease that is not picked up when common genetic panels are ordered
Inadequate communication
Failure to get a complete family history At times, families do not fully disclose important information. At
either due to clinician’s error or patient not other times, the clinician fails to probe more into the family history to
being fully informed of the family history develop the family history fully
or want to share it with the clinician
The patient received inadequate The explanation given to the family did not follow health literacy
communication about the test results guidelines. Patients need to make sure they ask three specific questions
to their clinicians:
•  What is my main problem?
•  What do I need to do?
•  Why is it important for me to do this? (Institute for Healthcare
Improvement 2021)
The patient failed to receive any The family can fail to follow up with the provider that ordered the
information about the results of the genetic testing
Inadequate follow-up
Additional testing was needed, and the
clinician did not order it
Laboratory reporting error
The result interpretation or documentation The report by the laboratory was based on old data, or the lab reported
by the testing laboratories was erroneous the test as negative despite the fact the test was positive for the specific
variant that ran in the family
Adapted from Farmer et al. (2019); Institute for Healthcare Improvement (2021); Lalonde et al. (2020)
7  Genetics and Pediatric Patient 243

Table 7.4  Resources for clinicians

Name of organization/website Potential information
The Jackson Laboratory (JAX) Online courses and case studies
Genetic science learning Center at the Information about genetics and health
University of Utah https://learn.
GRACE by JAX Information about cancer risk assessment
Genomics education programme for Online education for clinicians
health education England https://www. Resources
genomicseducation.hee. Nhs.Uk/
GEC-KO Evidence-based resources for clinicians
Genereviews This website will give you resources for evidence for genomic/precision
Radygenomics.Org Free grand rounds about genomic medicine. Clinicians can sign up for
grand rounds
TOXNET and Reprotox Databases that can be used when there is a history of in utero exposure to a
Online Mendelian inheritance in man Can highlight a genetic problem based on one or more clinical findings and
(OMIM) is free
Face2Gene application for smartphone This smart application uses the pictures of standard syndromes and
undiagnosed malformation and the London Dysmorphology database to
generate a list of diagnoses based on the picture the clinician takes of the
patient This website allows you to enter history and physical exam findings, and
the search engine generates a list of possible diagnoses. It is a free decision
support tool Another decision support website to help clinicians identify rare
syndromes by using information gathered from history and physical

genetic analyses of ethnicity that may include med- genetic counselor who requested a three-­
ical data such as BRCA genes. DTC testing com- generation family tree. While completing the
panies often specify that raw data files should not tree, the mother learned that her maternal aunt
be used to inform medical care. In some cases, had had two infants who died at birth, one from
families are reassured even though they have a anencephaly and the other from spina bifida and
genetic problem. Recently DTC whole-genome anencephaly. As a result, the mother’s seven sib-
sequencing testing was offered for 400 hundred lings learned that they were at increased risk of
dollars. This decrease in cost will make it increas-having a child with a neural tube defect.
ingly likely that families will seek genetic testing A 19-year-old male was seen by a primary
without the benefit of clinician involvement. provider requesting testing for multiple endo-
crine neoplasia type 2 (MEN2). The testing was
ordered and was negative. However, the adoles-
7.2.3 Real-Life Example cent was worried, and he sought a second opinion
since he felt he had the symptoms of MEN2. The
A 26-year-old mother gave birth to her first child clinician reviewed the testing and realized that a
without any prenatal testing. The baby was a full-­ RET analysis had not been done, but rather a
term infant born to a para 1001 mother. The child gene testing for MEN1 was ordered. The clini-
had anencephaly at birth and subsequently died cian ordered the right test and confirmed that the
four days later. The parents were referred to a adolescent had the molecular diagnosis of MEN2.
244 R. M. John and A. Kenny

7.3 Types of Genetic Tests

Key Learning from Genetics Overview
• Family history is key to understanding a There are different kinds of genetic tests that are
family’s genetic risk. Families may have used to identify different kinds of genetic prob-
secrets that prevent clinicians from lems. The clinician ordering the test must know
obtaining a complete history. the right test to evaluate the patient’s problem.
• There are red flags in history that require Before discussing any genetic tests, Table 7.5 will
the clinician to probe further. help define genetic terms used in the chapter.
• The rule of two/too can help understand Table 7.6 reviews the pros and cons of genetic
the significance of family history. testing.
• Several genetic diseases have an
increased risk of cancer.
• There are several resources that clini- 7.3.1 Traditional Approaches
cians can use to continue education and to Diagnosis
to develop a differential diagnosis.
Before ordering any genetic tests, it is important
to ask families what genetic testing has been

Table 7.5  Definition of terms for facilitating understanding of genetic testing

Term Definition
Aneuploidy Loss of gain of an entire chromosome
Bionano Genomics It is a new technique that can give a direct, high-resolution exam of long, intact DNA
molecules (Pauly and Schwartz 2020)
Chain termination Used in the human genome project
sequencing or
sanger sequencing
Chromosomal A change in the usual location of a piece of a chromosome
Chromosomal Chromosomal microarray analysis (CMA) is performed either by array comparative genomic
microarray hybridization (aCGH) or by using a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array. CMA can
detect imbalances in DNA copy numbers. The imbalances are called copy number variants
(CNV). The presence of CNV does not mean that this points to an abnormal or pathogenic
phenotype. Many CNVs are insignificant clinically, and very small CNVs are likely to be
benign (Levy and Wapner 2018)
Comparative aCGH compares the patient’s DNA to the normal control DNA sample and can note over- or
genomic underrepresented areas in the patient’s DNA. An aCGH diagnostic capability depends on the
hybridization number and types of probes that are used to evaluate the entire genome. Most labs report when
microarray (aCGH) there are imbalances ranging from 50 to 100 Kb. Triploidy cannot be evaluated by this method
(Levy and Wapner 2018)
Single nucleotide SOMA involves using high-­density oligonucleotide-based arrays where the target probes
polymorphism involve DNA locations that vary between individuals by a single base pair (Levy and Wapner
(SNP) microarray 2018). The labs will report CNVs that are of known clinical significance, ranging from 50 to
analysis (SOMA) 100 Kb and higher. Uniparental disomy (UPD), mosaicism, zygosity, parent of origin,
triploidy, and consanguinity can be evaluated using SNP microarray
Copy number Changes in the amount of DNA. There are five kinds of copy number variants (CNVs): (1)
variant (CNV) pathogenic, (2) likely pathogenic variants, (3) variants of unknown significance, (4) likely
benign variants, (5) benign variants (Stoler 2017)
Epigenome Altered genetic information without any change in DNA sequence (Zoghbi and Beaudel 2016)
7  Genetics and Pediatric Patient 245

Table 7.5 (continued)
Term Definition
Epigenetic Control gene expression patterns in a cell but do not modify the genes themselves. DNA
modification methylation and histone modification can occur through DNA methylation that affects the gene
expression without altering the somatic cells’ nucleotide DNA structure (Pauly and Schwartz
2020). Some diseases are a result of genetic mutations that disrupt a gene’s function. On the
other hand, epigenetic defects usually misregulate gene expression by altering the chromatin
context of the locus
Genomic GI is a type of epigenetic regulation where the expression of a gene is dependent on whether
imprinting (GI) the gene is from the mother or father (Zoghbi and Beaudel 2016)
Insertions In smaller regions of DNA that change in the structure of the chromosome
Isochromosome An unbalanced structural abnormality occurs when the arms of the chromosome are mirror
images. The chromosome has two copies of the long arm or the short arm due to
isochromosome formation. It is equivalent to a simultaneous duplication and deletion of
genetic material
Methylation Inactivation of a missing or extra methyl group modification
Mitochondrial A change in a gene within a mitochondrial genome
genomic variant
Monogenic Conditions related to genomic changes within a single gene (Petrikin et al. 2015)
Mosaicism The cells within the same person have two or more types of genetic makeup within cells that
result in a change in the person’s phenotype. While each person has a few different cells with
genetic differences, the disease is expressed when the number of cells with abnormal genetic
material exceeds the cells with normal genetic material. So, the degree of mosaicism
determines the severity of the disease along with the severity of the mistake in the genetic
Mutation Causes changes in the DNA structure
Partial A missing or extra piece of a chromosome
structural variant
Precision/genomic The ability to tailor the therapeutic plan to the underlying mechanism caused by the mutation
medicine (Myers et al. 2019)
RNA-seq A complementary tool to genomic sequencing that can detect transcript level changes and
detect pathogenic coding variants. RNA-seq increases diagnostic yield by about 35% (Pauly
and Schwartz 2020)
Single gene variant A change in the gene that is within the nuclear genome, such as found in repeat expansions,
missing pieces, extra pieces, or nucleotide sequence change
Single nucleotide Change the sequence of the chromosome
Short insertions/
Transcriptomics Transcriptomics studies the transcriptome or the complete set of RNA transcripts produced by
the genome. This technique is done under specific circumstances or within a specific cell. The
method uses high-throughput techniques like microarray analysis
Translocations In smaller regions of DNA that change in the structure of the chromosome
Uniparental Occurs when a person inherits both homologous chromosomes or a segment of a chromosome
disomy from the same parent. As a result, there is a lack of gene expression from the other parent, and
all genetic material is expressed on one parental allele
Whole-­ An extra or missing chromosome
Adapted from Kim and Bodurtha (2019); Lalonde et al. (2020); Levy and Wapner (2018); Myers et al. (2019); Pauly
and Schwartz (2020); Petrikin et al. (2015); Stoler (2017); Zoghbi and Beaudel (2016)
246 R. M. John and A. Kenny

Table 7.6  Pros and cons of genetic testing Single Gene Testing
Pros Cons Single gene testing can be used as a primary test
It may help explain the May not identify the reason when a specific disease is suspected or a second-
reason for the child’s for the child’s problem ary test when the pathogenic or likely pathogenic
It may help soothe a May lead to the
variant is detected in a disease gene known to
parent’s guilt identification of a new have an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance.
genetic problem and give For example, a pathogenic variant within the
additional guilt gene, SCN1A, causes Dravet syndrome in 80%
It may help provide Results for this testing may
of children. Single gene testing can evaluate
access to life-saving be confusing to parents
treatment expansion mutations (DRPLA and EPM1) or can
It may help with The wait for the results assess the methylation at a specific locus, such as
identifying sources of may cause additional stress seen in Angelman syndrome (Myers et al. 2019).
support for the family, and confuse the causes for The reporting for a single gene testing is based on
including support groups the child’s problem
It may be helpful in It may have a finding
detecting all pathogenic variants, variants of
future family planning without any genetic uncertain clinical significance, and benign vari-
significance ants (Fogel et al. 2016).
The results may be added It may have negative effects
to a data bank to identify on future insurance Fluorescence in Situ
a new genetic problem coverage
May help identify Pain and stress associated Hybridization (FISH Testing)
associated health with venipuncture FISH testing emerged in the 1980s and helped
problems and screen determine whether discrete segments of DNA
appropriately for them are present or absent. The FISH probe uses tar-
geted probes to identify microdeletions and
done previously and its results. The traditional microduplications (Stoler 2017). It allows for
genetic tests identify a causative single genetic deletions and duplications to be identified. It is
variant that has a recognizable clinical useful to confirm the clinical diagnosis of known
presentation. disorders such as Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome
and cri du chat syndrome. It also helps to define Karyotype the translocations or chromosomes that are iden-
Traditional karyotyping or G-banded karyotype tified as abnormal in a karyotype. FISH testing
examines large structural changes in the chromo- will identify aneuploids, CNV, translocation,
some. It can identify aneuploidies, structural inversions, and insertions. The probes are
rearrangements, and mosaicism. It is the first-line designed for specific aberration. The most com-
test when patients are suspected of having an mon resolution is from 200 to 400 kilobase pair
aneuploidy such as trisomy or sex chromosome (kb), but some labs will do 5–10 megabase (Mb).
aneuploidy. Examples include Down syndrome, There are one million base pairs in an Mb and
triple X, or Klinefelter syndrome (Lalonde et al. one thousand base pairs in a kb (Corfield 2021).
2020). It will also pick up balanced changes such FISH testing is used when there is identified pre-
as rings, translocations, inversions, and inser- natal aneuploidy, follow-­up for abnormal karyo-
tions. It will also show isochromosomes and type, and in parental studies for proband with
CNV of >5–10 MB. The test is used in mothers some identified structural rearrangements
who have a history of recurrent miscarriages or whether balanced or unbalanced or CNV
infertility. Karyotype analysis, FISH, and whole-­ (Lalonde et  al. 2020). FISH is used in cytoge-
genome sequencing (WES) can detect structural netic follow-up studies or tests for recurrent
changes, especially when they are balanced. Still, changes found in Williams syndrome. If a patient
the latter is more expensive [WES is generally is found to have mosaic gain in CMA testing,
only ordered by a geneticist and may have insur- then FISH studies help to determine the exact
ance limitations] (Lalonde et al. 2020). numbers of deletions.
7  Genetics and Pediatric Patient 247 Multiplex Ligation-Dependent 7.3.2 Newer Genetic Tests

Probe Amplification (MLPA,
Real-Time PCR) Advances in genomics enable clinicians to assess
Multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplifica- the submicroscopic of chromosome structure
tion (MLPA) is a technique that assesses copy using CMA and the ability to detect pathogenic
numbers. It is used to detect smaller CNV variants to the resolution of a single base pair
involved in single gene deletion or recurrent using NGS (Mone et al. 2018). While NGS gives
microdeletion or duplication syndrome more detailed information, CMA is less expen-
(Lalonde et al. 2020). Sixty to eighty-five per- sive. Chromosomal microarray (CMA) has
cent of patients with Duchenne’s muscular dys- greater sensitivity than karyotype and is an older
trophy (DMD) have either a deletion or a test than NGS. It can be used for microdeletions
duplication of the DMD gene in the X chromo- and microduplications (Stoler 2017). It is pre-
some (Lalonde et al. 2020). High resolution of ferred for patients with a developmental delay,
the CNVs is critical as patients with out-of- autism spectrum disorder (ASD), intellectual dis-
frame CNV will have the aggressive form of ability (ID), and multiple congenital anomalies of
DMD, whereas patients with inframe CNV will unknown clinical significance (Lalonde et  al.
have Becker’s MD.  CMA done SNO may not 2020). It has a diagnostic yield of 12–15% (Levy
detect the differences, but aCGH may have the and Wapner 2018). Approximately 6% of people
resolution to detect single exon changes with intellectual disability and 10% of those with
(Lalonde et al. 2020). dysmorphic features will have an abnormal CMA
(Stoler 2017). The clinician should realize that Sanger Sequencing patients in their teens may not have previously
Sanger sequencing (SS) or chain termination received this kind of testing, and the testing
sequencing was the first and the most common should be offered to parents.
DNA sequencing method used for decades (Fogel CMA has a high sensitivity for submicrosco-
et al. 2016). SS is a genotyping test used to evalu- pic aberrations, as tiny as 5–10 Kb. This resolu-
ate the patient for a known disease or treatment-­ tion is as much as 1000 times more sensitive than
associated variant. SS is best used when a single conventional karyotyping (Mone et  al. 2018).
shorter gene causes the disease. It does not cap- There are two types of chromosomal microarray
ture mosaicism that is less than 15–20% (Lalonde analysis (CMA) to detect copy number variants:
et al. 2020). SS does not pick up deletion, struc- genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism
tural genetic rearrangements, and duplications. (SNP) and array comparative genomic hybridiza-
Today, genomic tests rely on next-generation tion (aCGH). CMA is a DNA test done by a sin-
sequencing (NGS) technologies, and there has gle nucleotide polymorphism array (SNP) or
been a decline in the use of Sanger sequencing oligoarray. The oligoarray uses a small segment
(Payne et al. 2018). of DNA as a problem, but the SNP uses a single
For example, in common disorders related to nucleotide. SNP array problems are restricted to
the HBB gene, SS can be reliably used. In thalas- a specific position within the genome that is
semia, loss-of-function variants or β0 results in no known polymorphic. The probe density deter-
production of the protein, whereas other variants mines the resolution of both kinds of arrays. The
cause reduced production of the HBB protein or SNP is in the range of 10–100 kb for a clinical
β+. The HBB gene is small and has three exons platform. SNP greatly increases the resolution
which can be sequenced with two amplicons. compared to karyotype. Unfortunately, balanced
Therefore, Sanger sequencing can detect changes, including insertions, inversion, or trans-
sequence variants, and MLPA can detect dele- locations, will not be detected since there is no
tions (Lalonde et al. 2020). loss in the material. When duplication is detected,
248 R. M. John and A. Kenny

the placement in the genome cannot be deter- clinical guidelines and the time clinicians spent in
mined. SNP is best in identifying multi-gene or counseling families. In truth, the actual cost of pro-
larger CNV and can better detect low-level mosa- viding services to deliver genomic tests is not well
icism. SNP focuses on identifying moderate to documented (Payne et al. 2018). More research is
high allele frequencies (Petersen et  al. 2017). needed to understand the impact of next-genera-
aCGH is useful for gene-level CNV. Some aCGH tion sequencing testing to demonstrate these tests’
platforms can identify CNV down to one exon. cost-effectiveness and clinical utility (Smith et al.
NGS was developed in 2005 and initially was 2019). It is critical to consider diagnostic steward-
very expensive (Fogel et  al. 2016). The entire ship and choose the right test on the right patient
human genome can be sequenced in less than at the right time, especially as more costly tests
2 days at the cost of under 1000 dollars (https:// become available (Smith et al. 2019).­genomics/fact-­sheets/).
When parents do not have answers to what is Chromosomal Microarray
wrong with their children, they are likely to have (CMA)
increased distress. These newer technologies can CMA is valuable since it can show submicrosco-
identify if there is a genetic problem (Pauly and pic imbalances (also known as microdeletions or
Schwartz 2020). NGS includes targeted panels, microduplications) or copy number changes
whole-exome sequencing (WES), and whole-­ (CNVs) that are not seen on a standard karyotype
genome sequencing (WGS). NGS is a relatively (Levy and Wapner 2018). Genetic tests like a
new method for evaluating inherited (germline) chromosomal microarray (CMA) screen individ-
and acquired mutations (somatic) genetic muta- uals by locating specific alleles of a gene by using
tions (Yohe and Thyagarajan 2017). While tar- specific probes. Since CMA uses comparison of
geted panels for genes are used when a clinical the patient’s DNA to normal controls, it can only
phenotype is identified, whole-exome sequenc- report differences in the patient’s DNA to the
ing is used when the targeted testing has not been controls. As a result, balanced rearrangements
helpful (Yohe and Thyagarajan 2017) or when cannot be detected (Levy and Wapner 2018). The
the child is critically ill, and information about test procedure is outlined as followed:
the diagnosis must be obtained quickly. However,
the genome-based diagnostic test may report • DNA probes are small sections of DNA that
incidental findings not related to the clinical pre- are complementary to a known DNA sequence.
sentation, and different labs will handle the The probes are labeled to facilitate their iden-
reporting of incidental findings differently (Payne tification using fluorescence, an enzyme, or
et  al. 2018). These new tests may offer an radioactivity.
increased chance of diagnosis by moving the • DNA probes locate the mutant, disease-­
gene-based diagnostic test to whole-genome causing allele using the following steps.
sequencing. By avoiding the sequential single • First, the sequencing of the mutant allele is
gene tests or gene panel tests, time to diagnosis calculated by sequencing the DNA or by
can shorten the time to appropriate, effective retrieving the desired DNA sequence in a
clinical intervention (Smith et al. 2019). genetic database.
Next-generation sequencing was very expen- • Then a probe is developed by synthesizing a
sive in 2007 but has steadily decreased to under fragment of DNA with a complementary base
1000 dollars over the past five years. Informa- sequence to the disease-causing allele.
tion regarding current costs can be found at: • A probe is a labeled molecule that binds spe-­genomics/fact- cifically to a molecule of interest.
sheets/Sequencing-­Human-­Genome-­cost. How- • The DNA probe is then labeled with a fluores-
ever, introducing these tests into clinical practice cent marker.
comes with additional costs as the cost of the test • The DNA probe is amplified using PCR to pro-
does not account for the time spent in developing duce many copies of the probe. The copies of
7  Genetics and Pediatric Patient 249

the DNA from the specimen are then heated be restricted, and unexpected pathogenic variants
until they are denatured and separated into sin- may not align with the patient’s history. In addi-
gle strands using a process called denaturation. tion, testing technique differences include differ-
• The separated strands of DNA are mixed with ent technologies and the difference in
DNA probes, followed by temperature interpretation or reporting by the genetic labora-
reduction. tories (Farmer et al. 2019). Some labs may elect
• If the specimen contains the mutant allele, the not to report benign variants or variants of
probe then binds to the complementary DNA unknown clinical significance.
fragments. When two single-stranded nucleic
molecules of complementary basis form a Whole-Exome Sequencing
double-stranded hybrid, the process is called (WES)
hybridization. Nucleic acid hybridization is Next-generation sequencing includes WGS and
used in PCR, DNA microarray, and in situ WES. Both WGS and WES can increase diagnos-
hybridization. tic yield compared to multi-gene panels (MGP).
• The DNA is then washed clean of any unat- WES targets around 1–2% of the genome versus
tached probes, and the hybrid DNA can be WGS, covering 95–98% of the genome (Pauly
detected due to the presence and intensity of and Schwartz 2020). WES can identify various
the fluorescence. nontargeted disorders. Exome sequencing is
unbiased and therefore reduces the impact of dis-
Hundreds of diseases can be screened using ease variability on the strategies for genetic test-
different DNA probes on an array arranged on a ing. This method weighs all disease genes the
glass slide. DNA probes are complementary to same, and therefore all variants can be assessed
the sequences of DNA known to disease. The simultaneously in terms of the clinical presenta-
DNA probes will fluoresce only when bound to a tion (Fogel et al. 2016). Therefore, the true phe-
fragment of DNA via hybridization (Govindarajan notypic variation of a disease can be assessed that
et al. 2012; Khan Academy 2021). is not dependent on previously published single
gene phenotypes. This allows for better medical Targeted Panels management, preventive care, reproductive coun-
Single gene testing and targeted gene panels rely seling, and genetic counseling and increases the
on PCR technology and can identify various tar- likelihood of the patient being identified for a
geted disorders (Stoler 2017). The revolution in clinical trial (Fogel et al. 2016).
PCR technology enables targeted CNV detection Patients need to understand that WES assesses
in even smaller regions, allowing for the detec- all exons that encode 20,00 genes. It can detect a
tion of CNV. Single gene testing is used when a genetic problem to the precision of a single base
particular condition is considered as the most pair. Some of the changes are of uncertain signifi-
likely by the clinician. For example, the FGFR3 cance, and therefore parental blood may be
gene codes for achondroplasia, and single gene needed to assess the inheritance pattern. The use
testing would be the best one to use. Targeted of WES may reveal incidental findings, posing
gene panels are used when there are multiple ethical considerations (Mone et al. 2018). Ethical
genes known to cause a problem. For example, considerations include that non-paternity or con-
targeted epilepsy gene panels will look for any- sanguinity being discovered as a result of testing.
where between 100 and 300 known genes for epi- Another ethical consideration is who owns the
lepsy (Myers et al. 2019). These panels are equal genetic information results and should other rela-
in cost to Sanger gene sequencing tests. tives have access to the result (Mone et al. 2018).
The problems with multi-gene panels include These ethical considerations should be discussed
those variants of uncertain significance and in the pre-counseling and consent discussion.
pathogenic variants of moderate risk in 20–30% WES also improves the detection of de novo
of the tests. The data regarding newer genes may genetic disorders such as achondroplasia and
250 R. M. John and A. Kenny

Kabuki syndrome. Secondary findings detected Rapid WGS cannot be used for triplet repeats
during exome sequencing may be reported by the expansion disorders or diseases with nonfunc-
lab, or as suggested by recent guidelines, the tional but highly homologous areas called pseudo-
patient may opt not to receive these secondary genes. False-positive and false-negative results can
results. Cystic fibrosis has over 1000 mutations, occur with underreporting of de novo variants
and today WES can detect a variety of (Petrikin et  al. 2015). False-negative and false-
mutations. positive results occur due to technical errors
related to assay design, instrumentation, and target Whole-Genome Sequencing coverage (Lalonde et  al. 2020). False negative
(WGS) may result from laboratories restricting the analy-
Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) can identify sis to variants that are more likely to impact pro-
nontargeted disorders. The advantages of WGS tein sequence, noncoding, and intronic and
include the detection of CNVs, a uniform evalua- synonymous variants, which can impact the tran-
tion across the genome, and in-depth coverage to scription of genes. There is also disagreement
detect mosaicism (Pauly and Schwartz 2020). among good laboratories about what is considered
WES has been shown to have a higher yield in pathogenic, uncertain or likely benign, or benign.
identifying the causes of the person’s clinical
problem. Lionel et al. (2018) evaluated the differ- Multi-Omic Analysis
ences between targeted gene panels and CMA as This technique is part of a comprehensive vari-
compared to WGS. The WGS identified a diag- ant assessment program to determine the signifi-
nostic variant in 41% versus 24% using the con- cance of variants of unknown significance,
ventional testing of CMA or targeted gene panels. particularly in complex patients with significant
A recent scoping review suggested that more developmental delay, ID, and ASD.  This tech-
research is needed to determine the economic nique involves doing WGS, genome-wide meth-
effectiveness and the outcome of testing (Smith ylation profiling, and a CNV array analysis as a
et al. 2019). first-tier and as a second-tier and doing bionano
genomic, structural variant analysis, RNA-seq Rapid Whole-Genome analysis, and transcriptomics to develop a com-
Sequencing prehensive genomic analysis leading to a func-
This technique has been used to evaluate the sick tional assay (i.e., clustered regularly interspaced
neonate to identify the genetic nature of the prob- short palindromic repeats [CRISPR]) (Pauly
lem and develop an appropriate treatment plan. and Schwartz 2020). This kind of testing is
Rapid WGS can treat and understand that the reserved for complex patients. The future use of
patient’s prognosis cannot be improved, and sup- these tests means that scientists need to work
portive care can be initiated (Char 2015). Rapid together to move genomic data into clinical use
WGS is useful in the NICU when used in criti- so patients can benefit from their use (Petersen
cally ill neonates; the cause of the neonatal ill- et al. 2017).
ness is discovered in 57% (Petrikin et al. 2015). Companion diagnostic tests. These diag-
The impact of genetic diseases on the family is nostic tests (typically an in vitro diagnostic) can
significant, with noted increases in maternal further clarify NGS applications’ results in
depression, anxiety, and an increase in divorce more complex patients. Other NGS applications
(Petrikin et  al. 2015). The diagnosis generated detect modulation of gene activity by using
using rapid WGS may not have been considered RNA-seq, which can direct the transcript
since the classical disease presentation may not sequence and detect differently methylated
have developed, or the presentation was rarer. In sites. A metagenomic sequence of the host-asso-
some cases, WGS enabled life-saving treatment ciated microbiome can determine microbiota
and shorter NICU stays (Petrikin et al. 2015). diversity (Petersen et al. 2017). The application
7  Genetics and Pediatric Patient 251

of multi-omics data can give a better overall pic-

ture of the disease and the molecular underpin- • The FISH probe uses targeted probes to
nings. Other newer diagnostic tests include identify microdeletions and microdupli-
circulating tumor DNA testing, human leuko- cations.
cyte antigen (HLA) typing done by sequencing, • Multiplex ligation-dependent probe
and microbial analysis. amplification (MLPA) is a technique
RNA-seq. Messenger RNA sequencing pro- that assesses copy numbers. It is used to
vides different information than DNA sequenc- detect smaller CNV involved in single
ing. It detects allele-specific expression, examines gene deletion or recurrent microdeletion
mRNA abundance, interrogates the results of or duplication syndrome.
splicing, and identifies germline variants in • Advances in genomics enable clinicians
­coding regions. It is a hybrid test to assess the to assess the submicroscopic of chromo-
abnormal expression and is capable of detecting some structure using CMA and the abil-
pathogenic coding variants. The RNA-seq could ity to detect pathogenic variants to the
detect abnormal splicing in DNA when other resolution of a single base pair using
NGS are negative (Gonorazky et al. 2019). next-generation sequencing.
• Single gene testing and targeted gene
panels rely on PCR technology and can
7.3.3 Real-Life Example identify various targeted disorders.
• Rapid WGS is useful in the NICU since
A five-day-old presented with the classic features when used in critically ill neonates.
of Turner’s syndrome, including a webbed neck • Next-generation sequencing includes
and coarctation of the aorta. You explain to the WGS and WES.  Both WGS and WES
mother that you are ordering a karyotype to con- have the potential to increase diagnostic
firm your clinical suspicions. She asks about yield when compared to multi-gene
whole-genome sequencing as she just read an panels.
article in the newspaper. She wants the latest test- • Other NGS applications detect modula-
ing. After explaining that a karyotype is done in tion of gene activity by using RNA-seq,
patients with suspected sex chromosome aneu- metagenomic sequence of the host-­
ploidy, she accepts your opinion. The testing con- associated microbiome, and can improve
firms Turner’s syndrome. the understanding of the clinical picture
by combining first-line NGS with RNA-­
based testing.

Key Learning about Genetic Test

• A karyotype is an appropriate test for a
child with the clinical features of a syn- 7.4 Specific Conditions
drome. It is a first-tier test for patients and Genetic Testing
suspected of having an aneuploidy such
as trisomy or sex chromosome aneu- 7.4.1 Neurological Disorders
• A single gene test is a primary test when Almost all neurological disorders can have some
a specific disease is suspected or a sec- degree of hereditability (Fogel et al. 2016). NGS
ondary test when the pathogenic or has vastly improved the diagnosis of neurological
likely pathogenic variant is detected in a diseases.
disease gene known to have an autoso- Epilepsy is a common neurological disorder
mal recessive mode of inheritance. with a lifetime risk of 3% and a prevalence of 5–8
people per 1000. The estimates of epilepsy heri-
252 R. M. John and A. Kenny

tability range from 8% to 69% (Myers et  al. et al. 2019). While the primary care provider will
2019). Monozygotic twins have a greater risk of not be ordering these tests, the clinician must be
epilepsy, reflecting the heritability of the disease. aware that the epileptologist and geneticist may
The risk of epilepsy in first-generation relatives order testing and, depending on the lab, discover
to the proband is five to ten times higher. Current a risk for other diseases. A referral to a neurolo-
evidence suggests that genetic abnormalities gist specializing in metabolic disease should be
account for a major proportion of children with considered if developmental regression and labo-
epilepsy. Knowing the genetic variation can pro- ratory findings are consistent with a metabolic
mote early treatment. It is important to note that disorder. A dysmorphic examination should be
certain generalized epilepsy syndromes with done to evaluate for any recognizable syndromes
pathogenic variants in SLC2A1 that encode the associated with seizures.
GLUT1 transporter will be more responsive to a Another example of the early identification of
ketogenic diet (Hebbar and Mefford 2020). the genetic problem can be seen in tuberous scle-
In neonates with early-onset, infantile epilep- rosis (TS), which results from a mutation in
tic encephalopathies (EIEE), the molecular tests TSC1 or TSC2. The TSC1 gene normally makes
add to the diagnostic process and allow for timely a protein called hamartin, and the TSC2 gene
and accurate diagnosis. An example is a neonate makes a protein called tuberin. These proteins
with EIEE with a vitamin B6 deficiency resulting normally will bind and form a protein complex
from a genetic defect. With early identification of involved in mTOR (mammalian target of rapamy-
the genetic problem, vitamin B6 supplementation cin). The abnormality of TSC function increases
can treat EIEE. While NGS testing can provide Rheb activity, leading to hyperactivity in
valuable information for treatment, it is not with- mTOR. This hyperactivity in mTOR leads to dis-
out drawbacks. NGS tests for neonates with EIEE inhibition of protein synthesis and cell growth
take up to 6 weeks depending on the hospital, and (Lee et  al. 2015). Clinically, the patients will
some institutions use rapid WES with 48  hours have the early onset of seizures, cortical tubers,
turnaround. With WES or WGS, there may be ID, brain malformation, and a higher incidence
additional information about adult-onset diseases of ASD.  The physical exam in TS may be sus-
included in the report. How the results are pected by the skin findings (hypopigmented, ash
reported will depend on the laboratory, with some leaf macules, or orange peel lesion) or the discov-
labs only reporting information pertinent to the ery of a cardiac rhabdomyoma. The early control
clinical condition. The risk of additional informa- of seizures with vigabatrin in TS can improve the
tion must be explained to the parent when the neurodevelopmental outcome. Targeted medica-
consent for testing is reviewed. A more detailed tion is an example where a specific drug is effec-
chart of neonatal EIEE diseases and the possible tive against a specific gene mutation and can
benefits of identifying the genetic defect can be tailor therapy  – a precision medicine concept.
found in the article by Myers et al. (2019). Still, WES and WGS can increase diagnostic yield
it is not needed for the objectives of this chapter. when seeking the genetic reasons for a child’s
NGS is unnecessary when there is a specific epilepsy and developmental delay (Fogel et  al.
clinical presentation, and EIEE is part of the rec- 2016).
ognizable syndrome. Diseases like Rett and Rett-­ Several genetic syndromes have a single gene
like syndromes can be tested with a single gene variation. Table  7.7 reviews the various syn-
or a restricted panel made up of a few genes. dromes associated with epilepsy and a develop-
Other recognizable syndromes such as Miller-­ mental delay and intellectual disability.
Dieker syndrome or Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome Neuromuscular diseases in pediatrics chal-
can be identified using FISH, karyotype, or lenge diverse genetic etiological, overlapping
genomic hybridization instead of NGS testing clinical presentation, and phenotypic heterogene-
(Myers et al. 2019). Testing by panel testing pro- ity (Herman et al. 2021). Due to recent advances
vides diagnosis in 15%–25% of cases (Myers in treatment, identifying the molecular diagnosis
7  Genetics and Pediatric Patient 253

Table 7.7  Common syndromes associated with epilepsy and ASD

Syndrome Clinical presentation
Down syndrome Distinctive facies, intellectual disability, congenital anomalies, higher rate of
ASD and epilepsy in 8–13%. The problem involves chromosome 21
Fragile X syndrome ID, large ears, long face, macroorchidism. Problem in FMR1 region
Tuberous sclerosis complex Hamartomas in the brain, lung, heart, kidney, skin. The problem is in TCS 1/2
PTEN-related disorders Hamartomas, genetic cancer risk, ASD-associated syndrome. Problem in PTEN
MECP2-related disorder (includes A severe neurodevelopmental disorder, arrested development by 6–18 months
Rett syndrome, ASD, PPMX with regression of skills, microcephaly, loss of speech, seizures, ID, and
syndrome, duplications of stereotypical hand movements. Problem with MECP2 gene is on the long (q)
MECP2, MECP2-­related severe arm of the X chromosome, band 28 MECP2
neonatal encephalopathy)
Phelan-McDermid syndrome/ The child will have hypotonia in early life, developmental delay including
SHANK3 deletion speech, autism-like behaviors, kidney problems, lymphedema, gastroesophageal
The problem is due to a deletion of 22q13.3 containing the SHANK3 gene
CDKL5-related disorders X-linked condition with early onset of epilepsy, usually infantile spasms. A
patient will have microcephaly, severe neurodevelopmental delay including lack
of speech, dysmorphic features, hand stereotypies that resemble MECP2
disorders, and absent spoken language
FOXG1-related disorders Presents with infantile spasms and will have a developmental disability that
includes autistic-like features. The problem is in duplications of FOXG1 on
chromosome 14q12
CASK-related disorders Presents with postnatal microcephaly accompanied by pontine/cerebellar
hypoplasia, intellectual disability, growth retardation abnormalities of the eye,
and facial dysmorphisms. Epilepsy is as high as 50% in females. Located on the
short arm of the X chromosome
SCN2A-related disorders Presents with ASD; epilepsy with a developmental delay SCN2A is responsible
for the neuronal sodium channel, which is one of several neuronal sodium
channel genes that help the action potential of nerves. It is located on
chromosome 2
Adapted from Lee et al. (2015); Sanders et al. (2018)

can facilitate treatment, allow for genetic coun- rare variants or ultra-rare variants can play a role
seling, increase participation in clinical trials, in neurodevelopmental disorders, including ASD,
decrease psychosocial burden, and identify the as well as in children with epilepsy. Rare CNVs
risk of reoccurrence (Ravi et al. 2019). The use of are responsible for some neurodevelopmental
NGS has a higher diagnostic yield than other disorders such as global developmental delay, ID,
genetic tests and, given the newer genetic treat- and ASD (Lowther et al. 2017).
ments for a neuromuscular disease, should be Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
considered (Herman et al. 2021). (ADHD) and ASD are neurodevelopmental disor-
ders with onset in childhood. Both disorders are
highly heritable, and genetics account for 70–80%
7.4.2 Neurodevelopmental Delays of the phenotypes (Antshel and Russo 2019;
Grimm et  al. 2020). No specific genes have
Chromosomal microarray (CMA), including sin- accounted for the two diseases, but rare copy num-
gle nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array and ber variants in similar loci have been identified
array-based comparative genomic hybridization (Antshel and Russo 2019). Rare variants likely
(aCGH), is commonly ordered for children with a account for some of the inheritability of ADHD
developmental delay. The common clinical cutoff (Grimm et  al. 2020). Single nucleotide variants
is 50Kb. Gene-disrupting and protein-damaging (SNPs) account for approximately 22% of the
254 R. M. John and A. Kenny

inheritability of ADHD (Grimm et  al. 2020). Genomic imprinting occurs when there is
Children with ADHD can have a higher rate of methylation or inactivation of cytosine bases in
comorbidity with autism, bipolar disorder, anxiety, the CpG dinucleotides of the DNA molecule. The
depression, and substance use disorder. Children bases of the dinucleotides are important in regu-
with ASD are known to have ADHD symptoms, lating the elements of genes (Butler 2009, 2020).
and this occurs around 40–70%. Twenty to sixty It is important to understand that a methylated
percent of children diagnosed with ADHD also gene can be reactivated in the gamete in the next
demonstrate social impairment similar to generation.
ASD.  Inattention, hyperactivity/impulsivity, and Prader-Willi syndrome, Silver-Russell syn-
poor social functioning occur at a higher rate in drome, Angelman syndrome, Beckwith-­
children in these two diagnoses. Polygenic risk Wiedemann syndrome, and Albright hereditary
scores (PRS) may prove increasingly helpful in osteodystrophy are other examples of imprinting
predicting which group of children will go on to disorders. Prader-Willi syndrome is an example
develop adult ADHD.  PRS utilizes the summary of an imprinting disorder resulting from a pater-
statistics of SNP results from large GWAS to pre- nal deletion of chromosome 15q11-q13 or when
dict the risk of a specific trait (Grimm et al. 2020). both pairs of chromosome 15 s are from one par-
In patients with ASD, approximately 0.5–3% ent (uniparental disomy). However, the allele
have reciprocal duplications of the maternally expression may not be complete, and the
inherited copy of chromosome 15q11-q13 region. imprinted gene expression is not absolute. It is
Prader-Willi and Angelman syndromes also have believed that an event early in the pregnancy
deletions in this region (Lee et al. 2015). ADHD causes imprinting. Angelman syndrome is also
has a higher frequency in a child with several an imprinting disorder with a typical 15q11-q13
genetic syndromes, including fragile X syn- as seen in PWS and maternal origin. Uniparental
drome, neurofibromatosis, tuberous sclerosis paternal disomy 15 causes Angelman syndrome
complex, Turner’s syndrome, Klinefelter syn- in about 5–7% (Butler 2020). Over one dozen
drome, velo-cardio-facial/DiGeorge syndrome, genes within the 15q11 -13q region play a role in
and Williams-Beuren syndrome. PWS and Angelman syndrome. Several epigene-
tic tests are performed at the clinical laboratory to
evaluate Prader-Willi syndrome, Angelman syn-
7.4.3 Imprinting Disorders drome, Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, and
others (García-Giménez et al. 2017).
A child inherits a set of chromosomes from the The risk of imprinting disorders increases
father and a set of chromosomes from the mother. with assisted reproductive technology (ART)
Most of the autosomal genes are expressed from (Butler 2020; Kim and Bodurtha 2019). ART
both the paternal and maternal alleles. Only one may affect the development and expression of
member of allele or gene pair is expressed in imprinted genes due to pre- and periconception
patients with an imprint disorder and environmental factors. Babies born using ART
X-inactivation. There can be transcriptional contribute to 5% of all infants with low birth
silencing of one parental gene allele, which weight (Marjonen et al. 2018).
causes major changes in fetal growth and placen- Imprinting disorder can cause a variety of
tal development (Butler 2020). In imprinting, the oncological problems. In these patients, inappro-
expression of a few genes is expressed on one priate methylation may result in tumor formation.
parental allele. When the child has paternal UPD, This process either is the result of tumor-­
the expression of maternal alleles is absent, and suppressing genes being silenced or growth-­
there is a greater level for paternally expressed stimulating genes being activated. Imprinting
genes (Zoghbi and Beaudel 2016). The parent disorders may be responsible for various psychi-
determines this expression during the gamete atric disorders, including schizophrenia, alcohol
production due to an epigenetic process resulting dependency, and possibly bipolar disorder (Butler
from DNA methylation (Butler 2020). 2009).
7  Genetics and Pediatric Patient 255

7.4.4 Repeat Expansion Disorders heavy chain (MYH7) and myosin binding protein
C (MYBPC3) cause most disease-causing vari-
Repeat expansion disorders in pediatric patients ants with 5–10% of HCM involving mutations in
include fragile X syndrome, myotonic dystrophy, non-sarcomere genes associated with neuromus-
oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy, spinal and cular diseases such as Friedreich ataxia, Noonan’s
bulbar muscular atrophy, Friedrich’s ataxia, and syndrome, or Barth syndrome (Teekakirikul et al.
spinocerebellar ataxia. Short tandem repeats, also 2019).
known as microsatellites, vary in length, and the The phenotypic diversity is due to environ-
length of the pathogenic repeats varies from dis- mental factors, modifying gene variants, epi-
order to disorder. The longer the length of the genetics, and other regulatory mechanisms of
repeats, the worse the disease and the earlier the gene expression (Teekakirikul et  al. 2019).
onset of the disease. The testing for this is spe- Genetic testing used to rely on polymerase chain
cific. Repeated primed PCR is more efficient in reaction (PCR) amplification and Sanger
the identification of expanded repeats. For exam- sequencing of amplicons of HCM genes. Due to
ple, in fragile x, the FMR1 gene contains 5–44 advances in NGS, families previously offered
CGG repeats in healthy people. The CGG repeats genetic counseling should receive information
are between 55 and 200 repeats in the premuta- about new advances in testing to identify risks in
tion range, and the premutation alleles can their offspring. Recent evidence demonstrated
expand to full mutation, which is considered that a certain sarcomere mutation could predict
>200 repeats to over 1000 repeats (Lalonde et al. early disease onset and adverse clinical out-
2020). comes, including ventricular arrhythmia and
NGS is not as accurate in identifying the prob- heart failure. Therefore, identifying the genotype
lem, but emerging technology like long-read can direct the clinical management of patients
sequencing has been developed and may be help- with HCM (Teekakirikul et al. 2019).
ful (Lalonde et al. 2020).

7.4.6 Psychiatric Disorders

7.4.5 Hypertrophic
Cardiomyopathy Today, an understanding of the genetics of psy-
chiatric disorders is rapidly expanding. Disorders
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a genet- such as Tourette’s syndrome, once thought to be
ically varied cardiac muscle disorder. In HCM, inherited as an autosomal dominant disorder, are
there is unexplained left ventricular hypertrophy now recognized as a combination of various
(LVH) due to myocyte enlargement and disarray genetic and environmental factors (Qi et  al.
along with myocardial fibrosis. The disease is 2019). NGS methods have vastly improved the
characterized by varying sarcomere dysfunction. understanding of the genetics of psychiatric dis-
HCM is autosomal dominant and incomplete and orders. The molecular etiology of any disease
has variable penetrance. In adults, the prevalence with a genetic basis will help develop drugs that
is 1  in 500 people. Genetic testing has allowed target the defective genetic material. The devel-
for the identification of children with HCM opment of CRISPR can allow the affected genes
before the onset of disease symptoms, including to be permanently modified with the body’s cells,
fatigue, exertional dyspnea, syncope, lighthead- helping to identify novel therapeutic targets and
edness, atypical chest pain, and sudden cardiac synergistic drugs that can target multiple molecu-
death (Teekakirikul et al. 2019). HCM is the most lar pathways at a time, which is critical to drug
common cause of sudden death in young adults. discovery (Foley et al. 2017).
Arrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation (AF) and A meta-analysis of the Psychiatric Genomics
ventricular tachycardia can occur before the Consortium (PGC) has documented that some
development of heart failure. The risk of throm- copy number variants, while rare, can play a
boembolic stroke occurs as a result of AF. Myosin moderate to a large role in developing schizo-
256 R. M. John and A. Kenny

phrenia. While schizophrenia is largely heritable, Anorexia nervosa (AN) may also have a
social and environmental factors such as adver- genetic basis as gene meta-analyses implicate
sity and migration contribute to the risk of devel- serotonin genes in the genetic etiology. One
oping the disorder (Foley et  al. 2017). genome-wide significant locus was identified in
Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) con- three GWA studies. A shared genetic risk seems
tribute to the understanding of psychiatric genet- likely between AN and many psychiatric and
ics. The studies use array-based methods to assay medical phenotypes (Baker et al. 2017).
the common SNPs, and the results have been put
into a database that the PGC analyzes. GWAS
provide an unbiased approach to test associations 7.4.7 Deafness
of common genetic variants across the whole
genome. GWAS evaluate hundreds of thousands Hearing loss involves hundreds of associated
to several million variants. GWAS require a large genes that may be autosomal recessive, X-linked,
sample size. It is hoped that identifying the spe- and autosomal dominant or involves mitochon-
cific genetic difference allows drug therapy to be drial patterns of inheritance (Abou Tayoun et al.
developed targeting the genetic problem. 2016). Hearing loss genetics is complex, and
Understanding genetics may help develop a more therefore multiple tests may be needed to deter-
effective treatment for psychiatric disease. For mine the reason for hearing loss. Most nonsyn-
example, only 60% of patients with a depressive dromic hearing loss involves two genes: (1) gap
disorder (MDD) are responsive to antidepressant junction protein β-2 (GJB2) and stereocilin
medications. The lack of response to medications (STRC) gene. GJB2 causes severe to profound
points to the need for a greater understanding of autosomal hearing loss, and STRC is the most
the molecular etiology of MD. common cause of mild to moderate hearing loss
In addition, the polygenetic risk scores (PRS) (Sloan-Heggen et al. 2016). Nonsyndromic hear-
of patients can help target prevention methods. ing loss accounts for 70% of congenital heredi-
PRS are calculated using the weighted sum of the tary deafness. The other 30% are syndromic
risk alleles divided by the weighted risk allele hearing loss. Examples of syndromic hearing
effect sizes derived from genome-wide associa- loss include Usher syndrome and Jervell Lange
tion study data. It is used to develop the person’s Nielsen syndrome. Usher syndrome causes
risk of developing a particular disease after blindness and hearing loss and vestibular dys-
genetic testing is done. PRS is used in precision function. Jervell Lange Nielsen syndrome causes
medicine. High-throughput screening of molecu- long QT syndrome and hearing loss.
lar targets is developing using CRISPR technol- Molecular genetic testing should be done to
ogy (Foley et  al. 2017). Whole-genome evaluate the patient for hereditary syndromic
sequencing is likely to provide a better picture of hearing loss. Sanger sequencing was the standard
genomic risk in the future. DNA sequencing done before the advent of next-­
Anxiety disorders are common, with approxi- generation sequencing in 2005.
mately 20% lifetime incidence. However, they are It is important to remember that parents with
very complex and polygenic. There are only a few hearing loss may not have had a genetic workup
risk loci identified in these disorders (Meier and for syndromic and nonsyndromic hearing loss. In
Deckert 2019). First-degree relatives of patients addition to family history, temporal bone MRI to
with an anxiety disorder have a four to six times evaluate for an enlarged vestibular aqueduct, uri-
higher rate of developing anxiety (Meier and nalysis, thyroid function studies, and ECG were
Deckert 2019). Similarly, depression has a 37% usually done as part of the evaluation. Today, a
heritability based on twin studies. The GWAS complete history, physical examination, and
have failed to identify risk genes. Depression is audiogram are done initially, but genetic testing
another complex, polygenic disorder that arises is likely to be done (Shearer and Smith 2012).
from many genetic variants with individual small However, to capture all possible genetic
effect sizes (Mullin and Lewis 2017). causes of hearing loss, a comprehensive testing
7  Genetics and Pediatric Patient 257

strategy is needed that includes sequencing

(Sanger or next-generation sequencing followed) • Current evidence suggests that genetic
by an SNP array to detect large CNVs upstream abnormalities account for a major pro-
of the gene. The most common mutation of non- portion of children with epilepsy. Know-
syndromic hearing loss is mutations in the STRC ing the genetic variation can promote
gene. Clinicians should remember that older ado- early treatment. Certain generalized epi-
lescents with congenital deafness likely would lepsy syndromes with pathogenic vari-
not have had newer genetic testing done when ants in SLC2A1 that encode the GLUT1
they were initially evaluated for their deafness. transporter will be more responsive to a
ketogenic diet.
• Chromosomal microarray (CMA),
7.4.8 Real-Life Example including single nucleotide polymor-
phism (SNP) array and array-based
A mother reported a family history of fragile X comparative genomic hybridization
syndrome (FXS) in two cousins on the mother’s (aCGH), is commonly ordered for chil-
side and a sibling. She was concerned that her dren with a developmental delay. NGS
three-year-old son had FXS.  The clinician may be considered in patients for whom
ordered a karyotype rather than an FMR1 CMA generates no diagnosis.
­expansion testing for CGG, the right test. The • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM)
laboratory technician called the clinician as she is a genetically varied cardiac muscle
knew this was the wrong test. The testing con- disorder, which can present as sudden
firmed that the child had >200 repeats, and the cardiac death as the first sign of the dis-
clinician confirmed that the child had FXS. ease. The advances in next-generation
A clinician evaluated a 9-year-old female with sequencing have improved the identi-
ASD, ID, and seizures. The clinician ordered fication of children at risk for the dis-
MECP2 testing, which was positive. The family order.
failed to follow up with the clinician, and the • Repeat expansion disorders include
family was not called to follow up. The family fragile X, myotonic dystrophy, and
was known to another clinician who had ordered bulbar and spinal muscular atrophy.
a CMA and karyotype, which was negative. A Repeated primed PCR are efficient in
two-year delay before the clinician ordered the the identification of expanded repeats,
MECP2 testing called the patient back for a fol- and therefore, specific testing can be
low-­up visit. The results of the tests were done for these disorders.
reviewed. The lack of diagnosis caused the fam- • The genetics of psychiatric disorders
ily significant psychosocial distress. have improved our understanding of
these diseases. Most psychiatric dis-
eases are a combination of a variety of
Key Learning about Specific Conditions and genetic and environmental factors.
Genetic Testing • The evaluation for the child with con-
• Genetic testing has improved the diag- genital deafness should include genetic
nosis of neurological diseases, and there testing. NGS followed by an SNP array
are genetic treatments for some neuro- to detect large CNVs upstream of the
logical diseases such as spinal muscular gene can help understand the genetic
atrophy, type 1. contribution in congenital deafness.
258 R. M. John and A. Kenny

Questions  6. A 15-month-old male presents with a long

1. You see a 19-year-old for the first time. The face, large ears, macrocephaly, developmental
child has an intellectual impairment and has delay, poor social reciprocity, and mild hyper-
autistic-like qualities. The 37-year-old mother mobility. What is the best genetic test to order?
reports that she recently married a 33-year-old (a) Whole-genome sequencing.
male and wants to have a second child. She is (b) Whole-exome sequencing.
worried that the child may be at risk of having (c) A karyotype.
similar problems. What is the best next step? (d) FMR expansion testing.
(a) Take a three-generation family history,
7. A mother brings her 7-year-old to the office
probing for developmental problems. for her first well visit. Family history reveals
(b) Order a chromosome microarray. that the father had ADHD as a child but out-
(c) Order a single gene test. grew the disease. She wonders what the risk is
(d) Order a whole-exome sequencing test. that her child will have ADHD. Which of the
2. You suspect a newborn has Down syndrome. following is the best response?
What is the best genetic test to order? (a) There is a 25% risk of ADHD.
(a) Order a karyotype. (b) There is a 40% risk of ADHD.
(b) Order a chromosome microarray. (c) There is a 50% risk of ADHD.
(c) Order a single gene test. (d) There is a 70–80% risk of ADHD.
(d) Order a whole-exome sequencing test. 8. What is the most likely genetic test that a child
3. You are practicing in rural Alaska. Which of with a neurodevelopmental delay would have
the following is the best genetic test to evaluate had in the past ten years?
a 3-year-old female for Angelman syndrome? (a) Chromosomal microarray.
(a) Whole genomic sequencing. (b) Whole-exome sequencing.
(b) Chromosomal microarray. (c) Whole-genome sequencing.
(c) Single gene testing. (d) Karyotype.
(d) Karyotype. 9. Which of the following is true about the genet-
4. A two-year-old has physical symptoms of
ics of depression and anxiety?
Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome. What would be (a) There are clear genes involved in depres-
the best test to order to evaluate this child? sion and anxiety.
(a) FISH study. (b) The genes involved in depression and

(b) Chromosomal microarray. anxiety are similar to Tourette’s
(c) Single gene testing. syndrome.
(d) Karyotype. (c) Both depression and anxiety are complex
5. A 5-year-old is seen for the first time in the polygenic disorders.
office. During the history, the mother reports (d) There is a similar gene locus to ADHD,
that her 20-year-old son died suddenly while depression, and anxiety.
playing basketball. Her husband also died at 10. A child has congenital sensorineural deaf-
age 39 after mowing the lawn. What is the best ness in the range of 80–100 dB across all fre-
approach in evaluating this child? quencies. After a history and physical, what
(a) Do a review of systems, including any is the next step in evaluating this child?
signs of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. (a) Urinalysis and ECG.
(b) Evaluate the child for signs of heart
MRI of the temporal bone and
failure. urinalysis.
(c) Do a complete cardiac examination. (c) Whole-genome sequencing (WGS).
(d) Refer to genetics for further testing. (d) Karyotype.
7  Genetics and Pediatric Patient 259

Rationale  10. Answer: c

1. Answer: a After a history and physical, the best test
The next step is to take a family history. A to order is a next-generation sequencing test
complete family history is always the first step such as whole-genome sequencing with the
in evaluating a patient and should be done advent of next-generation sequencing.
before testing is ordered.
2. Answer: a
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are suspected of having an aneuploidy such as
trisomy or sex chromosome aneuploidy. Abou Tayoun AN, Al Turki SH, Oza AM, Bowser MJ,
3. Answer: c Hernandez AL, Funke BH, et  al. Improving hearing
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based diagnostic testing and interpretation. Genet
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4. Answer: a ADHD: overlapping phenomenology, diagnostic
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FV.  Epigenetic biomarkers: current strategies and
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Rita Marie John and Caroline Anne Bell

Learning Objectives 8. Discuss the features of bleeding disorders

After completing the chapter, the learner should due to factor deficiency versus platelet
be able to: disorder.
9. Discuss the clinical features that might be
1. Describe common uses of complete blood present in a patient with a bleeding disorder.
count (CBC), and develop an organized 10. Discuss the initial workup of a child with a
approach to interpreting every CBC. suspected bleeding disorder in primary care.
2. Discuss red blood cells (RBCs) disorders,
white blood cells (WBCs), and platelets.
3. Interpret the common morphology of the 8.1 Introduction
blood’s cellular components.
4. Describe key history points in a child with a Hematological problems in pediatrics are com-
hematological disorder. mon. The clinician orders hematological tests
5. Describe the pathophysiology and appropri- based on the patient’s history, the family history,
ate workup of a child with possible hemo- and the physical exam. The child with pallor or
lytic anemia. bleeding may require testing to evaluate renal,
6. Develop a method to further work up a child gastrointestinal, infectious, or rheumatological
with a microcytic versus macrocytic anemia. diseases. The chapter focuses on hematological
7. List the initial workup for a child with pos- tests and their interpretation.
sible immunodeficiency.

8.2 The CBC

R. M. John
School of Nursing, Columbia University, The CBC with differential is one of the com-
New York, NY, USA monly requested tests in clinical practice (Buoro
C. A. Bell (*) et al. 2017). A CBC is drawn in a purple top tube
Division of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and that contains ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
Cellular Therapy, Children’s Hospital at Montefiore,
Bronx, NY, USA (EDTA) to prevent coagulation of the blood. It
e-mail: examines the WBC, RBC, and platelets using a

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 263
R. M. John (ed.), Pediatric Diagnostic Labs for Primary Care: An Evidence-based Approach,
264 R. M. John and C. A. Bell

modern hematology analyzer, enabling the clini- of iron deficiency and will be the first index to
cian to receive high-resolution measurements of increase after therapeutic iron is started.
the blood’s cellular components (Higgins 2015). An automated reticulocyte count (RC) mea-
The CBC’s cellular components are primarily the sures the rate of RBC production (Higgins 2015).
result of activity in the bone marrow, and the nor- It can help the clinician determine whether the
mal RBC span is from 100 to 120 days (Higgins anemia is due to production deficits, another
2015). destructive process, or hemolysis. An RC is
The WBC or leukocyte components include generally a separate test and is not included in a
information about WBC’s different types and CBC. It must be adjusted for anemia.
percentages, including the neutrophils, lympho- The platelet count includes the mean plate-
cytes, monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils. let volume (MPV) and is one component of the
The basic technology used includes electric patient’s coagulation profile. They are counted
impedance and light scatter. The automated as they pass through the smallest aperture of the
analyzer directly measures the RBC or erythro- automated hematology analyzer.
cyte count, hemoglobin, MCV, leukocyte, and
platelet count (Walters, Abelson, 2002; Cascio
and De Loughery 2017). The MCH and the 8.2.1 C
 BC Specimen Evaluation
MCHC are calculated using the formulas seen Pitfalls
in Table 8.1.
Both RBC and WBC are measured as they Timing of the Specimen: Delayed sample anal-
pass through large apertures and use flow cytom- ysis is not uncommon in modern practice due to
etry to measure the forward and side light as weekend closure and distance from where the
they pass through the aperture. Measures critical sample is drawn to the lab. Also, poor storage
to the RBC picture include the RBC count, the conditions could lead to unreliable and inac-
hemoglobin (HB), the hematocrit (Hct), the mean curate results, leading to poor clinical deci-
corpuscle volume (MCV), the mean corpuscle sions (Briggs et al. 2014; Lippi and Simundic
HB (MCH), the mean corpuscular HB concentra- 2012). A recent systematic review and meta-
tion (MCHC), and the red cell distribution width analysis pointed out that most lab errors occur
(RDW). The CHr/Ret-He is a new index that in the pre-­analytical phase, with reliable speci-
the newer automated analyzers are now report- men storage being key to high-quality results.
ing. The reticulocyte MCV and the reticulocyte When blood storage is prolonged, time and
MCHC are needed to derive the MCH (CHr/ temperature changes can occur with accept-
Ret-He). CHr/Ret-He′s value will fall at the onset able stability after 24  h for RBC parameters,
WBC count, and platelet count. Some mea-
surements, including WBC differential, can be
Table 8.1  Formula for calculating the MCH and MCHC stable for up to 72 h if the collection is stored
Measure Formula calculation at 4C refrigerated (Ashenden et al. 2013; Rob-
Hemoglobin content inson et  al. 2011). The WBC differential may
MCH MCH = Hb(g/L)/RBC (106^/μL) not be stable over time (Hill et al. 2009). The
Tends to go in the same direction as
the MCV
MPV does change over time, making it more
MCHC HB (g/dL)/Hct (%) inaccurate than the actual count (Wu and Fen
Increased in spherocytosis Wang 2017). Values are less stable when the
CHr/Ret-He Decreased in iron deficiency specimen is stored for longer than 24 h without
Reduced in thalassemia and refrigeration. Refrigeration at 4° centigrade
hemoglobinopathies must be excluded
if the clinician uses CHr/Ret-He to (C) is a better choice for specimen accuracy
assess iron status (Wu and Fen Wang 2017).
Adapted from Walter and Abelson (1996): Cascio and De Failure to use appropriate pediatric normal as
Loughery 2017 well as technical artifact is a laboratory pitfall.
8 Hematology 265

with Laboratory pitfalls include failure to use age affecting the elements of a CBC, having recur-
adjusted pediatric values as well as technical arti- rent infections, or prolonged and unexplained
fact. fever. A yearly routine CBC is not indicated in
RBC agglutination or cold agglutinins may a well-­child exam without physical exam find-
increase the MCV, leading to inaccurate hema- ings.
tocrit and elevated MCV (Walter and Abelson
1996). Hyperleukocytosis can elevate the Hb,
Hct, RBC, and MCV. Hyperosmolar plasma can 8.2.4 Real-Life Example
cause the Hct and the MCV to be falsely elevated.
The rule of threes can help the clinician deter- A child is seen for a 1-year-old visit. The mother
mine if the artifact is the cause of the problem reports that the child had 3 days of mild vomiting
since the HB is three times the RBC and the Hct and diarrhea, which ended 4 days ago. The his-
is three times the HB values (Walter and Abelson tory is unremarkable, and the child is getting a
1996). daily vitamin with iron as she is a picky eater. The
It is also common for transient viral illnesses child looks slightly pale, but the rest of the exam
to cause mild normocytic anemia and WBC alter- is normal. You order a finger stick lead and Hct.
ations such as leukopenia, neutropenia, or leu- The Hct is 10.1. You decide to order a CBC. You
kocytosis. Measles vaccination can cause a mild emphasize that viruses can cause transient ane-
decline in hemoglobin, returning to normal by mia and ask that the mother to for wait 10 days.
days 21–30 (Olivares et al. 1989). The worried mother decides to go immediately to
the lab for the CBC. The results come back with
normocytic anemia with a Hct of 9.8 and an MCV
8.2.2 Statistical Problems of 83 and elevated monocytes. Mild anemia is not
uncommon in a child recovering from a viral ill-
As stated in Chap. 1, a normal reference range ness. However, the mother reviews the CBC and
for the results is two standard deviations from the sees the bolded area in the Hct and monocytes.
mean, meaning the normal range reported is from She calls and wanting to know what your plan is
the third to the 97th percentile. One in 20 tests regarding the anemia. Due to the mother’s failure
can be below or above two standard deviations to wait until her child recovered from the viral
from the mean. When those results are reported, infection, a repeat CBC was done after 10 days.
they are prominently highlighted, leading parents As expected, the child’s CBC returned to normal.
and clinicians to worry.
The clinician must carefully evaluate the his-
tory and physical in the face of relatively mild 8.3 Red Blood Cells
anemia associated with leukocytosis, neutrope-
nia, thrombocytosis, or thrombocytopenia. The The components of the RBC determine if anemia
measurement may indicate something more seri- or polycythemia is present. The RBC is a bicon-
ous. cave disc of lipid material with a protein “skel-
eton.” Hemoglobin makes up 99% of the protein
content, and the cell has a diameter of 7.5  μm
8.2.3 Clinical Indications for a CBC (Diez-Silva, et al. 2010). RBCs are used for oxy-
gen exchange, so they must have an easily trans-
According to the AAP periodicity table, there formed shape and adequate hemoglobin (Haley
are no specific indications for a CBC (American 2017). The RBC does not have nuclei, ribosomes,
Academy of Pediatrics [AAP] 2019). A CBC is or mitochondria (Grace and Glader 2018). The
ordered when a child has symptoms or signs of bone marrow is constantly producing the RBC,
anemia, unexplained pallor, is suspected of hav- and as new RBCs are produced, old RBCs are
ing an oncological problem, a genetic disease cleared, and their components recycled.
266 R. M. John and C. A. Bell

The characteristics of the RBC change dur- will occur. The RBC mass is mostly the result
ing the lifespan with a decrease in volume of of the HB mass, and the HB concentration deter-
20% and a 15% decrease in hemoglobin over mines the density. After the first week, the RBC
the lifecycle. The RBC’s initial changes occur density and HB concentration tend not to change
faster, and later changes in the RBC occur slower (Franco et al. 2013; Willekens et al. 2003). After
(Franco et  al. 2013; Willekens et  al. 2003). To the RBC dies, the HB is transported to the liver
prevent oxidative damage and maintain RBC and spleen for recycling.
shape, the RBC relies on anaerobic metabo- With acute anemia, the patient will experience
lism. When an acquired problem with hemoglo- shortness of breath, a higher heart rate, or pallor.
bin synthesis occurs, problems with the protein If the anemia is due to hemolysis of the RBC,
that forms the RBC membrane or a deficiency jaundice will likely occur. Severe acute anemia
of enzymes responsible for the membrane will can lead to heart failure, particularly in younger
have a shortened lifespan, and erythrocytosis children, as their ability to increase stroke volume

Table 8.2  RBC indices

RBC indices What it means
RBC count
Hemoglobin (HB) •  Assesses the oxygen-carrying capacity of the RBC
•  Unit: gm/dl
•  Directly measured by the modern hematology analyzer
•  Can be affected by age, gender, race, and degree of sexual maturation altitude
•  Nadir of hemoglobin occurs at 12 weeks for a full-term infant and 6 to 8 weeks for
a preterm infant
•  The lower limit of normal is 11 + 0.1 X (age in years)
Hematocrit (Hct) •  Unit of a percentage of whole blood by centrifugation of the RBC
•  Estimated by the electronic cell counter
•  Are three times the HB
Mean corpuscular volume •  The lower limit of normal is 70 + 1 X (age in years). Use this formula to age 10
(MCV) and after age 1
•  Directly measured (Hermiston and Mentzer 2002; Cascio and De Loughery 2017)
•  A spurious increase in the MCV can occur in the presence of cold agglutinins due
to RBC clumping measures as RBC size by an automated hematology analyzer.
Rewarming the specimen can result in the correct MCV (Kujovich 2016)
Mean corpuscular •  The measure of the size or volume of the average red blood cell
hemoglobin (MCH) •  Measured indirectly
Mean corpuscle hemoglobin •  Measures the amount of hemoglobin in the average red cell to its size
concentration (MCHC) •  Increased in spherocytosis
•  Measured indirectly
Red cell distribution width •  Variability of the RBC size with the difference in RBC cell volume (anisocytosis)
(RDW) is reflected in RDW
•  A small RDW means there is little variation in the size, but you do not know
whether they are small or large
•  A large RDW means mixed RBC and reticulocytes
•  An increase in RDW can precede an abnormality of hemoglobin
•  Abnormal production of erythropoietin or decreased responsiveness to
erythropoietin due to chronic inflammation
•  A significant relationship between RDW increase in iron deficiency, vitamin B12,
and folate deficiency as well as proinflammatory cytokines (Litao and Kamat 2018)
CHr/ret-he •  Falls with the onset of iron deficiency and will be the first to rise once iron is initiated
•  It may be reduced in thalassemia (Cascio and De Loughery 2017)
Adapted from Cascio and De Loughery (2017), Hermiston and Mentzer (2002); Kujovich (2016), Litao and Kamat
(2018), Walter and Abelson (1996)
8 Hematology 267

is limited. The patient with chronic anemia will the availability of digital technology that can cap-
be less symptomatic and may tolerate mild ane- ture images of a smear. The smear can confirm red
mia without any complaints. cell size as a normocytic RBC when it is the same
The clinician needs to be aware of each of the size as the lymphocyte nucleus, whereas a macro-
RBC components to evaluate the child’s anemia. cytic RBC is larger than the lymphocyte nucleus.
Table 8.2 describes the components of the RBC It is important to evaluate color (hypochromic or
in more detail. normochromic) and variations in size and shape.
Hypochromia presents with central pallor in the
RBC nucleus as the hemoglobin goes below 10 g/
8.3.1 Red Blood Cell Smear dl. Anisocytosis is a variation in the RBC size,
whereas poikilocytosis presents a variation in
Certain types of RBC can offer an insight into the RBC shape (Cascio and De Loughery 2017). The
child’s diagnosis. A pathologist or technologist’s smear can also provide the arrangement or rou-
formal blood smear review can help evaluate all leaux formation and whether there are inclusions
three cell lines found in the blood. There is also such as nucleated RBC, Howell-­Jolly bodies, or

Table 8.3  Different RBC findings

Type of RBC Reason for abnormality Clinical significance
Acanthocytes (or spur Spiked RBC cell membranes with Acanthocytes are commonly found in blood
cells) irregularly distributed projections that are smears
thorn-like due to an increase in Abetalipoproteinemia
cholesterol in the RBC membrane (Cascio Liver disease
and De Loughery 2017) McLeod syndrome
Pyruvate kinase deficiency
Anisopoikilocytosis A variation in size and shape of an RBC Iron deficiency
Bite cells A by-product of degradation of Heinz Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
(degmacytes) body Drug-induced oxidant hemolysis
Due to stress, hemoglobin denaturation,
and removal of denatured hemoglobin by
macrophages in the spleen removal
Coarse basophilic Ribosomal remnants (Cascio and De Lead poisoning
stippling Loughery 2017) Marrow stress
Dacrocyte (teardrop A tail-like projection caused by RBC Marrow myelophthisis (found in metastatic
cells) cytoplasmic projection carcinoma)
Marrow fibrosis
Extramedullary hematopoiesis
Severe iron deficiency
Drepanocytes (sickle Bipolar red cells with points at each end Sickle cell disease (SCD)
cells) of the RBC
Echinocytes (burr Artifact due to prolonged storage before Reported more often in blood smears
cells) smear is done Found pathologically in end-stage renal disease
Obstructive liver disease
Elliptocytes The hemoglobin is at either end of the Hereditary elliptocytosis
RBC, and the RBC has the central pallor Iron deficiency may be more pencil shaped
The ends of the RBC are elongated
Heinz bodies Denatured hemoglobin in round Hemolysis
inclusions within the RBC. To be seen, Hyposplenism-spleen does not function, and
supravital stains must be used Heinz bodies are not removed
Alpha (α) thalassemia
268 R. M. John and C. A. Bell

Table 8.3 (continued)
Type of RBC Reason for abnormality Clinical significance
Howell-jolly bodies Single small, dense basophilic inclusions Indicates hyposplenism state either from
at the periphery of the RBC that are RNA functional or anatomic removal of the spleen
remnants (Cascio and De Loughery 2017)
Nucleated red blood RBC with a nucleus Not normal in the peripheral smear
cell (NRBC) In the marrow, the nucleus is only present Severe hemolysis
for a short period, and the nucleus is Hemoglobinopathy
eliminated before release into the Myelophthisic process
bloodstream Severe physiologic stress
Ovalocytes Oval-shaped RBC with a lack of central Reported more frequently in blood smears
Polychromatophilic Macrocytic with blue-gray color due to Marrow stress or hemolysis
cells the presence of residual polyribosomes Raised RC
Beta (β) thalassemia/hemoglobin E disease
Rouleaux Stack of greater than three RBCs
Schistocytes (helmet RBC fragment, irregular shape, jagged Intravascular coagulation hemolytic anemia
cells) with pointed ends Thrombotic thrombocytopenia purpura
Mechanical heart valves
Ventricular assist device
Toxin- or stress-related hemolysis
Spherocytes Mutation in proteins that maintain the Hereditary spherocytosis (HS)
vertical interaction between the spectrin- Immune hemolytic anemia
based cytoskeleton and the lipid layer Microangiopathy hemolytic anemia
Stomatocyte Linear areas of pallor rather than a Obstructive liver disease
circular central zone of pallor Hereditary stomatocytosis
Rh null syndrome
Ovalocytosis in Asian patients
Target cells Bull’s-eye appearance due to the Excess red cell membrane to the amount of
congregation of Hb in the center of the hemoglobin
cell Thalassemia
Target cells in liver disease are due to Hemoglobin C and E disease
lipid metabolism alterations Obstructive liver disease
In thalassemia, there is a lack of
hemoglobin production
Adapted from Cascio and De Loughery (2017)

malaria. Rounded aggregates of RBC due to the 8.3.2 Red Cell Precursors
presence of an antibody are called autoaggluti-
nation and are usually from IgM autoantibodies, Reticulocytes
also called cold agglutinins. If the clinical find- The reticulocyte is a precursor of the RBC pro-
ings are not clear cut or nonspecific, a patholo- duced in the bone marrow and is released at a
gist review of the smear can help determine the steady state into the bone marrow in a healthy
diagnosis (Chabot-Richards and Foucar 2017). child. The RBC has six stages to maturity—
Table 8.3 reviews the types of RBC morphology pronormoblast, basophilic normoblast, poly-
that could be reported with the CBC. chromatophilic normoblast, orthochromic
normoblast, reticulocyte, and finally mature
RBC.  If the reticulocyte in the bone marrow is
shifted to the circulation earlier than the usual
2–3 days for maturity, it is called a shift or stress
reticulocyte. The stress or shift reticulocyte has
more filamentous reticulum than the mature
8 Hematology 269

Table 8.4  Formulas for the reticulocyte production index, reticulocyte index, and absolute reticulocyte count
Reticulocyte production index Formula 1
RPI = RC × hemoglobin/normal hemoglobin × 0.5
Formula 2
RPI = (Hct/45) * retic/maturation
Maturation = 1.0 for Hct ≥ 40%
Maturation = 1.5 for Hct 30–39.9%
Maturation = 2.0 for Hct 20–29.9%
Maturation = 2.5 for Hct < 20%
Maturation = 1.0 for Hct ≥ 40%
Maturation = 1.5 for Hct 30–39.9%
Maturation = 2.0 for Hct 20–29.9%
Maturation = 2.5 for Hct < 20%
An RPI >3 indicates a normal marrow response to anemia. An RPI <2 indicates
an inadequate response to anemia. With a normal Hb and Hct, an RPI of 1 is
Reticulocyte index (RI) or RI or CRC = RC × hematocrit/normal hematocrit
corrected reticulocyte count RI ≥2 indicates an adequate response
(CRC) RI < 2% with anemia shows a decrease in the production of reticulocytes (i.e., an
inadequate response to correct the anemia)
Absolute reticulocyte count Is the actual number of reticulocytes in 1 l of blood
(ARC) ARC = RC in percentage/RBC count * 100
The normal ARC is 50–100 × 109/L
In aplastic anemia, ARC of <25 × 109/L
With nutritional disease, the ARC 25–50 × 109/L
In infiltrative disorders, infections, anemia, or hemolysis, the ARC is
>100 × 109/L (Priya and Subhashree 2014)
Adapted from Priya and Subhashree (2014)

reticulocyte, which has more granular dots. The blood loss or hemolysis. If the RC is decreased
automated RC measures RBCs’ production, and to <0.1%, it indicates red cell aplasia or aplastic
flow cytometry is the most accurate way of mea- anemia (Cascio and De Loughery 2017).
suring it (Higgins 2015). However, in anemia, the reticulocyte pro-
The RC is not a routine part of a CBC and duction index (RPI) or corrected RC should
must be ordered separately. An RC is higher in be calculated. The RPI is the rate of effective
newborns when it ranges from 2% to 6%, drop- erythropoiesis in pediatric patients with anemia
ping after 1–2 weeks. The size of the reticulocyte (Ishii and Young 2015). During times of stress,
is about twice as large as a mature RBC.  When the bone marrow’s reticulocyte time is shortened
the RC is high, the MCV goes up. For each 1% from 3 days to 1 day. Table 8.4 shows formulas to
increase in reticulocytes, there is 1 fl increase in determine if the results are normal.
the MCV (Green and Dwyre 2015). The RC helps
distinguish between different kinds of anemia, Pitfalls of the RC
such as RBC destruction versus lack of RBC pro- The automated RC is imprecise. Repeating mea-
duction. When someone develops mild anemia, surements on the same blood sample can show a
there is a compensatory increase in the RC to variation of more than 10%, and repeat measures
make more RBC. If someone has severe anemia, in the same healthy person can vary by as much
there would be a greater increase in the RC. How- as 30%. Flow cytometry with fluorescent staining
ever, to determine whether the reticulocyte pro- increases the accuracy of the RC. However, even
duction magnitude is sufficient, the RC must be given this variation, the RC’s measure helps eval-
corrected to the degree of anemia (Higgins 2015). uate anemia (Higgins 2015). The blood and stain
If the RC is elevated, it would likely indicate must be well mixed before the sample is analyzed
270 R. M. John and C. A. Bell

Table 8.5  The common causes of reticulocytosis and bone marrow during the illness and is on the way
to recovery.
result Possible causes
Reticulocytopenia •  Disordered RBC maturation due
to nutritional deficiencies (iron, 8.4 White Blood Cells
B12, folate), hypothyroidism,
anemia of chronic illness, rarely The WBC includes five common cells—lympho-
sideroblastic anemia cytes, neutrophils, monocytes, eosinophils, and
•  Bone marrow suppression due to
chemotherapy, aplastic anemia, basophils. The clinician needs to compare the
or bone marrow failure results of the WBC differential with age-adjusted
•  Certain viral illnesses such as normal. The clinician must ensure all five WBC
parvovirus 19, sepsis types are identified in the results and be aware
•  Liver disease
•  Bone marrow infiltrate due to of any premature WBC in the WBC count. The
metabolic disorder or oncological granulocyte count is broken down into neutro-
process phils and bands in some labs. The WBC por-
•  Blood transfusion (Noronha tion of a CBC can be affected by infections and
Reticulocytosis •  Post-iron deficiency anemia
inflammatory disorders, hematopoietic malig-
treatment or rarer in children nancies, and drugs, including cytotoxic agents.
folate or B12 supplementation Leukopenia can be a normal variation in African-­
•  Hemoglobinopathy such as SCD American males and can also occur in a child
or thalassemia major
•  Acute hemolysis causing anemia
with a viral illness.
•  Acute blood loss, most Reactive changes in the WBC count are usu-
commonly from trauma or GI ally in the neutrophil and lymphocyte count.
tract loss Reactive neutrophils generally have prominent
•  Post-splenectomy
azurophilic granules, Dohle bodies, and cyto-
Adapted from Noronha (2016)
plasmic vacuoles. Dohle bodies are found in the
cells’ periphery and make the endoplasmic retic-
due to the reticulocyte’s higher specific gravity. ulum rough (Wahed et al. 2020). In lymphocytes,
The stain must be allowed to sit for 10 min before reactive lymphocytes are known as Downey
it is examined. High glucose also can inhibit cells. When the WBC is remarkably high, dis-
staining. Certain cells, such as Howell-Jolly bod- torted white cells or smudge cells may be seen.
ies, Heinz bodies, and Pappenheimer bodies, can Smudge cells can be seen in chronic lymphocytic
be confused with reticulocytes and leads to a leukemia (CLL).
higher RC. Table 8.5 reviews the common causes Historically, an elevated WBC would be used
of reticulocytosis and reticulocytopenia. to evaluate for a serious bacterial infection in chil-
dren. Current data suggests that the WBC has a
sensitivity of 58% and a specificity of less than
8.3.3 Real-Life Example 73% (Yo et al. 2012). It should be kept in mind
that leukocytosis may not occur in 25% of chil-
A child is noted to be pale following a viral ill- dren with an acute bacterial infection. However, a
ness. You do an office-based Hct, and it is 29.4. total neutrophil count should be part of the evalu-
You decide to order a CBC with reticulocytes. ation. In a patient recovering from a viral illness,
The indices are normal except for mild normo- it is not uncommon to see a transient increase
cytic anemia with a Hct of 29.4 and an RC of 10. in the monocyte count, eosinophil count, and
Using an online calculator from Google Search lymphocytes with a decrease in the granulocyte
for the RPI calculator, you note the RPI is 3.3. count. During childhood, the values shift from a
Based on this result, the bone marrow response predominance of lymphocytes to a slightly greater
is normal. The child had a viral suppression of
8 Hematology 271

Table 8.6  Significant ANC values from trauma, pain, exercise, stress, hypoxia,
ANC is less than 1500 Mild neutropenia smoking, and seizures.
and greater than 1000 It may be normal in the
(1.0 to 1.5 × 103) African-American
ANC is less than 1000 and Moderate neutropenia 8.4.2 Lymphocytes
greater than 500
(0.5–1.0 × 103) Lymphocytes are predominant in the first 5 years
ANC is less than 500 (less Severe neutropenia of life. A lymphocytosis generally follows a viral
than 0.5 × 103)
infection and is called a shift to the left. It is not
Adapted from Schwartz and Fulkerson (2018)
as common in bacterial infection except for Bor-
detella pertussis infection. Reactive lymphocytes
neutrophil count after age 10. The next part of the can be seen during infection, known as Downey
section will review several types of WBCs. cells (Wahed et al. 2020). With the Epstein-Barr
virus, there is a lymphocytosis with large, atypi-
cal lymphocytes, with at least 10% of the lym-
8.4.1 Neutrophils phocytes being reactive (Wahed et al. 2020).
Atypical lymphocytes vary in shape and size.
The absolute neutrophil count or ANC is an impor- They have a deep blue cytoplasm, with cyto-
tant part of the evaluation of a CBC evaluation. plasmic borders that are irregular (skirting). The
Neutrophils predominate in the newborn CBC but nuclei have an irregular shape, unlike typical
rapidly decreases to a level of 20–30% in infancy. lymphocytes that have a smooth border.
By the age of 5 years, the neutrophil and lympho- Lymphopenia is a count of less than 3000 in
cyte counts are equal. However, by 8 years of age, children. Immunodeficiencies like severe com-
the neutrophils are the dominant WBC comprising bined immunodeficiency can present with a
70% of the WBC count (Boxer 2003). marked lymphopenia of <3000 (Wahed et  al.
The absolute neutrophil count (ANC) is cal- 2020).
culated by multiplying the entire WBC count by
the total neutrophil count (segmented and band
forms). Among children, infectious diseases, par- 8.4.3 Eosinophils
ticularly viral infections, can cause neutropenia.
Viral infections will drop the neutrophil count in Eosinophils are part of the WBC count and the
the first 24 to 48 following infections and cause innate immune system. They typically represent
persistent neutropenia for 3–8  days. Newborns less than 5–6% of the circulating WBC (Schwartz
are at greater risk of depleting their neutrophils’ and Fulkerson 2018). The eosinophil will leave the
supply, leading to death in sepsis (Boxer 2003). circulation and live in specific tissue for several
Other factors that cause neutropenia include weeks. The GI tract has the largest tissue reserve
drugs, autoimmune diseases, and a genetic dis- (Schwartz and Fulkerson 2018). They are toxic
ease known as Kostmann disease that causes an to parasitic worms and are elevated in pediatric
arrest in bone marrow production. patients with this infection. In well children, they
Clinical signs and symptoms of neutropenia are found in much smaller quantities. They contain
include recurrent infections, mouth ulcers, gin- eosinophilic granules and have a bilobate nucleus.
givitis, and growth failure. Table  8.6 shows the When activated by interleukin factor V, IgE, IgM,
significance of the ANC as it falls below 1500. If and complements, they release major basic protein
a child has neutropenia when the CBC is done, it (MBP), damaging normal cells, leading to allergy
should be repeated in 3–4 weeks (Boxer 2003). and autoimmune disease. Table  8.7 presents the
When the CBC shows an increase in the number three mnemonics for remembering the differential
of segmented neutrophils or bands or both, a shift diagnosis of eosinophilia.
to the left is present. Pseudoneutrophilia results
272 R. M. John and C. A. Bell

Table 8.7  Mnemonics for eosinophilia

N: Neoplasms (Hodgkin’s lymphoma, chronic Key Learning about WBCs
myelocytic leukemia (CML)) • Make sure that you confirm that the lab
A: Allergy/atopy/asthma has reported all five types of white cells.
A: Addison’s disease (adrenal insufficiency)
C: Collagen vascular disease (systemic lupus
Some labs may only report four types
erythematosus (SLE), Churg-Strauss syndrome) when one type is absent.
P: Parasitic infection • Calculating the ANC is part of the inter-
A: Addison’s disease pretation of the CBC.
L: Lymphoma (Hodgkin’s lymphoma and other
• Reticulocyte counts are not a part of the
L: L-tryptophan deficiency (eosinophilia-myalgia CBC and can be helpful in the evalua-
syndrome) tion of the CBC as well as the response
E: Eczema, pemphigus, dermatitis herpetiformis to iron deficiency.
R: Respiratory (asthma, Hay fever, allergic
G: Gastroenteritis (eosinophilic gastroenteritis)
I: Infections (parasitic, fungi-like Coccidioides, but monocytosis occurs in infections such as
tuberculosis brucellosis, malaria, Rocky Moun-
C: Collagen vascular disease (SLE, Churg-Strauss
syndrome) tain spotted fever, and typhus. Monocytosis also
C: Collagen vascular disease (SLE, Churg-Strauss occurs in autoimmune diseases as well as onco-
syndrome) logical processes such as CML, HL, and AML
H: Helminth infections (Wahed et al. 2020).
I: Infections (parasitic, fungi-like Coccidioides,
N: Neoplasms (Hodgkin’s lymphoma, CML)
A: Allergic diseases 8.4.5 Basophils
Adapted from Schwartz and Fulkerson (2018), Dewaswala
(2020), Barone (2020) Basophil counts are generally under 5, and they
increase due to inflammatory mediators such as Lab Workup for a Patient histamine. Basophils, like mast cells, have recep-
with Hypereosinophilia tors for IgE.  Basophilia is uncommon but may
In patients with hypereosinophilia, a diagnostic occur in viral infections such as varicella, inflam-
evaluation should include a CBC with a periph- matory conditions such as ulcerative colitis,
eral smear, comprehensive metabolic panel, uri- CML or other myeloproliferative disorders, and
nalysis, serum troponin, vitamin B12 level, stool hypothyroid patients (Wahed et al. 2020).
for ova and parasites (O&P), and an ESR/CRP
(Schwartz and Fulkerson 2018). Further testing
may be needed depending on the results. Chil- 8.4.6 Real-Life Example
dren with an extremely high eosinophil count of
≥20,000 should be hospitalized to determine the A 17-year-old male presents for follow-up after
cause of the hypereosinophilic syndrome. Hype- treatment with Keflex for a 2.5-cm hard, firm,
reosinophilic syndrome can lead to end-­ organ immobile neck mass. He denies any night sweats
damage to the heart and kidney (Schwartz and or fatigue. There is no history of recent illness,
Fulkerson 2018). The following example helps and the child reports that the mass does not hurt
illustrate this. him when he palpates it. He denies any exposure
to kittens or cats. There is no travel history. The
physical exam is normal except for a matted,
8.4.4 Monocytes hard, firm neck mass in the posterior triangle.
The result of a recent CBC shows a total WBC
Monocytes are a type of WBC that can convert of 11,000 with an eosinophil count of 25% and a
to macrophages and dendritic cells within the sedimentation rate of 60.
immune system. The count is usually under 5,
8 Hematology 273

On follow-up, further testing was done that neonatal history of prolonged jaundice or mater-
included the labs above. The CRP was 25, and nal pregnancy history of anemia or pica should
the ESR was elevated to 90, while the lactate be obtained. A family history of anemia, cancer,
dehydrogenase (LDH) was elevated to 980, and bleeding disorders, transfusions, splenectomy,
uric acid was also elevated at 5.6. The B12 level jaundice, or gallstones is important. A history
was significantly decreased. An ultrasound was of recent infections, mucocutaneous bleeding,
consistent with possible Hodgkin’s lymphoma, prolonged menstrual bleeding, easy bruisability,
and the child was referred to hematology and sur- petechiae, purpura, liver disease, or endocri-
gery. A biopsy confirmed HL. nopathy should be explored. Also, when avail-
able, prior CBC results should be reviewed. The
dietary history should include specifics about
8.5 Platelets milk and fluid intake along with the ingestions
of nonfood items. A complete history of pallor,
Platelets are small, ranging from 2 to 5 μm in size, shortness of breath, or complaints of the rapid
and play an important role in angiogenesis, immu- heart rate should be obtained (Hermiston and
nity, hemostasis, and inflammation. The precur- Mentzer 2002). Yet, patients who have been grad-
sors of platelets are formed in the bone marrow ually become anemic may be asymptomatic as
and are called megakaryocytes. Megakaryopoi- they can tolerate a chronic hemoglobin concen-
esis is supported by a growth factor called throm- tration of 7 g/dl (Cascio and De Loughery 2017).
bopoietin. The megakaryocyte is responsible for Evaluation of a CBC’s Components: When
making platelets by thousands. The platelet’s evaluating the CBC, it is important to be
lifespan is 7 to 10 days, with 2/3 of the platelets organized and look at all three components
in the blood and 1/3 in the spleen. Platelets play reported. Table 8.8 reviews the method that the
an important role in both primary and secondary clinician should look at the CBC.  The details
hemostasis. Platelet cytoskeletal proteins play a within each cell line will be discussed sepa-
role in changing the shape of the platelet. Each rately and in greater detail in the following
platelet contains alpha granules containing von sections. It is important to remember that the
Willebrand factor (VWF), fibrinogen, and factor CBC values need to be age-adjusted (Green and
V, XI, XII, and GPIIb/GPIIIa (Haley 2020). The Dwyre 2015). For example, while the MCV
dense granules in platelets contain magnesium,
serotonin, adenosine diphosphate, adenosine tri- Table 8.8  Stepwise evaluation of the CBC
phosphate, and serotonin. These substances play Evaluation of the CBC
a role in platelet activation when there is a dis- Evaluate RBC 1.  First, determine whether there is
ruption in the vasculature’s endothelium. While line first anemia by looking at the Hct/Hb
the normal platelet count across the lifespan is 2.  Then look at the MCV to determine
the type of anemia—Microcytic,
usually 150–450  ×  103/μL, the platelets needed normocytic, macrocytic
for hemostasis are less than 150  μL.  A lower 3.  If the child has microcytic anemia,
than average platelet count may not be clinically do Mentzer’s index (or alternatives
apparent. Disorders of platelets will be discussed listed below)
4.  If the child has normocytic anemia,
later in the chapter. look at the MCHC. If it is elevated,
think about spherocytosis
Evaluate the 1.  Look to make sure that all five types
8.6 Evaluation of the CBC WBC line of WBCs are listed in the differential
next 2.  Calculate the ANC
Evaluate the 1.  Look at the platelet line—Is there
Having reviewed the CBC components, the platelet count thrombocytosis or thrombocytopenia?
next section will review the importance of a next 2.  Look at the size of the platelet by
systematic evaluation of the CBC.  History is evaluating the MPV
extremely important in evaluating the CBC.  A John (2018)
274 R. M. John and C. A. Bell

Table 8.9  Microcytosis: Formulas to discriminate between iron deficiency anemia (IDA) and β-thalassemia trait
Name of Mathematical Likely diagnosis from Sensitivity (Sn) and
indices/formula formula result specificity (Sp) (%) PPV and NPV
Red blood cell Part of CBC <5 IDA >5 (β-TT) Sn Sn PPV PPV
(RBC) count 100–85.7 74–94.8 96.6–84.2 90.5–77.4
86.0–74.4 100–70.5 90.5–77.4 92.3–84.2
RBC Part of CBC >14 <14 Sn Sn PPV PPV
distribution IDA β-TT 99.0–83.9 6.0–83.1 51.2–80 80–97.29
width (RDW) Sp Sp NPV NPV
6.0–74.73 99.0–76.4 97.29–75 51.1–80
Mentzer’s index MCV/RBC >13 <13 Sn Sn PPV PPV
93–78 98.7–69.47 98.2 86.3–75
82–69.47 98.7–78 86.3 98.2–51
Shine and Lal MCV >1530 <1530 Sn Sn PPV PPV
index [2]*MCH/100 100–1.7 100–91 100–76.23 100–50
97–100 100–1.7 50–100 100–76.23
Srivastava index MCH/RBC >3.8 <3.8 Sn Sn PPV PPV
81–69.6 85.7–61 81.6–68.64 75.32–77
85.7–61 81–69.6 77.6–75.32 81.6–68.64
Green and king MCV2 X >65 <65 Sn Sn PPV PPV
index RDW/100Hb 99.3–73.2 83.1–74.4 84.9–70.21 95.4–77.6
76.7–55.78 96–73.2 98.14–77.6 84.9–79.3
Ricerca index RDW/RBC <4.4 >4.4 Sn Sn PPV PPV
(R) 85.7–4.7 100–65.7 92.2–100 57
100–65.5 85.7–14.7 57–92.63 100
England and MCV-RBC-­ Result is + Result is - Sn Sn PPV PPV
Fraser’s index 5Hb-3.4 100–14 100–66.2 87.5–65.36 96.3–53.2
100–45.26- 98.2–14 100–53.2 87.5–69
Adapted from AlFadhli et al. (2006), Okan et al. (2009), Vehapoglu et al. (2014), Valiya et al. (2019)

is generally smaller in children than in adults

during the first 6  months of life, the MCV is Key Learning about the CBC
larger (Green and Dwyre 2015). During preg- • Taking a good nutrition history is impor-
nancy, the MCV is large by about 4  fl (Green tant in evaluating the child with pallor.
and Dwyre 2015). • It is important to have an organized
To evaluate the CBC, the clinician must look approach to the CBC to avoid errors in
at the RBC line and all the components out- interpretation.
lined above. As noted, the MCH and MCHC • Only use formulas like Mentzer’s index
are derived values and are not directly mea- in interpreting microcytic anemia.
sured by the automated system (Cascio and De • Acute-phase reactants such as ferritin
Loughery 2017). Table 8.8 is a stepwise method can be normal in the face of iron defi-
to evaluate every CBC that the clinician inter- ciency if the patient has inflammation or
prets, followed by Table  8.9, which shows the an infection.
various formulas to help discriminate a micro-
cytosis. You can see the range of specificity
8 Hematology 275

(SP), sensitivity (SN), positive predictive value Table 8.10 Anemia classification and differential
(PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV) as
no one formula is perfect. Classification of
anemia Possible causes
When evaluating a patient with microcytic
Size of the red cell Possible cause
anemia, the Mentzer’s index is the best-known Microcytic •  Iron deficiency due to menstrual
formula and considered the best by Vehapoglu anemia loss, pregnancy, GI loss, bariatric
et  al. (2014). Still, some authors suggest that surgery, celiac disease, and
England and Fraser’s index is the best formula hematuria
•  Thalassemia
(Amal-Zaghloui et  al. 2016). Some clinicians •  Anemia of chronic illness/
feel that Shine and Lai’s formula has the best data inflammation
(Okan et al. 2009). In contrast, Valiya et al. (2019) •  Sideroblastic anemia
feel that Ricerca is the best formula (Valiya et al. •  Copper deficiencya
Normocytic •  Blood loss
2019). Matos et  al. (2016) suggested that close
anemia •  Hemolysis
patient follow-up is important since no formula •  Renal disease
can completely differentiate between IDA and •  Oncological disorder
thalassemia trait. Based on the conflicting data Macrocytic •  Marked reticulocytosis can
in Table 8.9, the text authors suggest that if you anemia elevate the MCV
•  Thyroid disease, including
are in doubt about the diagnosis, use at least two hypothyroidism
formulas to confirm iron deficiency, and closely •  Aplastic anemia
follow the response to iron. •  Liver disease
•  B12 and folate deficiency
•  Chemotherapy
•  Myelodysplastic systemic
8.7 Disorders of Erythrocyte •  Copper deficiencya
Pathophysiology Possible cause
Anemia is classified by two mechanisms—the of the anemia
Increased loss Hemorrhage–GI bleeding,
size of the RBC and the pathophysiology of
menorrhagia, or much less
the anemia. Table 8.10 reviews the two ways to common renal disease
think about the cause of anemia. Depending on Trauma
the type of anemia, the clinician can determine Hemolysis due to intrinsic red cell
defects such as enzymopathy or red
which tests to order in an organized fashion.
cell shape disorder, immune-­
mediated hemolysis, or a
8.8 Microcytosis Decreased Bone marrow disorder causing
production stem cell dysfunction
Nutritional disorder—Iron, B12,
In children, the clinician must make sure that they folate deficiency, and copper
look at the MCV on the CBC. The two most com- deficiency
mon causes of microcytosis are iron deficiency Toxin/drug
and thalassemia. Very mild anemia with a small Lack of erythropoietin due to renal
disease or anemia of chronic illness
MCV may point to thalassemia. Interference with iron metabolism
by a decrease in hepcidin
Myelophthisic process from
8.8.1 Iron Deficiency infection, cancer, and fibrosis
Adapted from Daugherty and De Loughery (2017), De
Loughery (2017), Witmer (2013)
Iron deficiency is a common nutrient defi- a
 Copper deficiency most commonly causes macrocytosis
ciency worldwide, found in industrial and but can also cause microcytosis
276 R. M. John and C. A. Bell

nonindustrialized countries (Witmer 2013). Symptoms of anemia include fatigue, lack

Iron is distributed into three pools in the body, of endurance, cold intolerance, and tachycar-
including transport, functional, and storage. Gas- dia. Fatigue is the most profound symptom that
trointestinal absorption occurs in the proximal occurs early in the process. Iron deficiency causes
duodenum with hepcidin as the main regulator. systemic symptoms, including neurocognitive
Absorbed iron is bound in the plasma by trans- defects, angular stomatitis, glossitis, koilonychia,
ferrin and accounts for 0.1% of total body iron. or nail spooning, pica and pallor of the mucous
Functional iron is used in hemoglobin production membranes can be seen.
and accounts for 75% of the body’s total iron. While iron deficiency is usually classified as
Finally, excess iron is stored in the liver (primar- microcytic anemia, it may be normocytic early
ily), spleen, and bone marrow (Witmer 2013). in the course. A thrombocytosis in the range
At the time of birth, infants have high total body of 500,000 to 700,000 is common. In terms of
stores of iron, but iron-enriched cereals should laboratory findings, the serum ferritin is the first
be added at 6  months. Preterm infants should test to decrease in iron deficiency, followed by
receive iron supplements due to the rapid postna- decreased transferrin, decreased Hb, and elevated
tal growth, which can exhaust the iron stores by RDW, with a decreased MCV being the last test
2–3 months (Witmer 2013). to show iron depletion (Witmer 2013).
There are two risk periods for iron deficiency Table 8.11 shows the tests that can be used to
in normal children, toddlerhood and adolescence, confirm an iron deficiency. Serum ferritin is the
especially for menstruating females and athletes. most cost-effective test (De Loughery 2017);
Toddlers are most often iron deficient when they however, it is an acute-phase reactant and can be
switch to cows’ milk around 12 months. Cows’ elevated or normal in the face of inflammation or
milk contains no iron and interferes with iron infection. Table  8.11 reviews the different types
absorption. Picky eaters will often drink large of tests used to confirm iron deficiency; how-
quantities of milk, leading to a decrease in iron-­ ever, it is perfectly acceptable to diagnose iron
rich food content, and this combination will deficiency based on anemia. Microcytosis on the
lead to IDA.  Approximately 11% of adolescent CBC indices confirms iron deficiency. Starting
females develop iron deficiency, whereas 15% iron therapy results in an increase in reticulocyte
of toddlers develop iron deficiency (Powers and within 2–3  days and an increase in hemoglobin
Buchanan 2019). in 1 week with normalization of the hemoglobin
Athletes develop iron deficiency due to by 4–6 weeks (Witmer 2013). A follow-up visit at
exercise-­induced hemolysis and urinary iron 1 week is needed to confirm a reticulocyte and Hb
loss. The hemolysis in athletes results from response to iron. It is also helpful to confirm that
a foot strike, intense muscle contraction, and the child is getting the correct iron dose in 1 week.
higher hepcidin levels, resulting in decreased
GI absorption (De Loughery 2017). Pregnancy
is also associated with increased iron demands. 8.8.2 Thalassemia
Excessive blood loss can cause iron deficiency,
and gastrointestinal bleeding is far more common Understanding Hemoglobin. A basic understand-
than hematuria as a reason for this (De Loughery ing of hemoglobin helps with an understanding of
2017). Inadequate iron absorption due to loss of thalassemia. Hemoglobin molecules are formed
or dysfunction of absorptive enterocytes occurs by two pairs of globin chains forming a tetramer
in celiac disease, infections with Helicobacter with a heme compound joined to each chain. In
pylori, bariatric surgery, inflammatory bowel the newborn, fetal hemoglobin consists of two
disease, or bowel resection (De Loughery 2017; α-globins and two gamma (γ)-globins. Fetal hemo-
Witmer 2013). Antacid therapy, a high gastric globin has a higher affinity for oxygen. Usually,
pH, and genetic defects of intestinal iron uptake by 12 months of life, the γ-globin is replaced by
also decrease iron absorption (Witmer 2013). β-globin to form hemoglobin A, the predominant
hemoglobin of most children (Noronha 2016).
8 Hematology 277

Table 8.11  Tests in iron deficiency

Test Measures Results are influenced by
Total iron-binding TIBC is an indirect measure of Normal in thalassemia
capacity (TIBC) transferrin. It measures the availability of Elevated in IDA, infection, inflammation, recent
iron-binding sites on the transferrin oral iron intake, and diurnal variation
molecule Decreased in anemia of inflammation,
malnutrition, and cancer
Serum iron Amount of iron in the blood Decreased in IDA and normal in thalassemia
(Witmer 2013)
Normally low in anemia of inflammation but can
be elevated if the patient is taking oral iron
Transferrin saturation This is a calculated number = (serum Elevated in infection, inflammation, and recent
iron/TIBC) X 100 oral iron intake
Serum ferritin Regulated by cellular iron content. It is a Low in IDA
storage compound for iron. Correlates Normal in thalassemia
with body iron stores in healthy patients Normal to elevated in infection and
First-line test if there is confusion about the
cause of the microcytic anemia
Soluble transferrin Iron is transferred into cells by iron Elevated in iron deficiency, thalassemia, and
receptor (sTfR) transferrin complexes. The iron SCD
transferrin complexes bind to transferrin It can also be increased by hemolytic anemia or
receptors outside the cells and where the blood loss
iron is released into the cell’s cytoplasm. Not affected by inflammation
Proteolytic cleavage occurs, and the
soluble transferrin receptor is released
into the plasma. Iron deficiency results in
a high sTfR, whereas iron depletion
results in low sTfR
Free erythrocyte Decreased iron supply to the RBC causes Normal in thalassemia
protoporphyria (FEP) the generation of free zinc protoporphyria Elevated in lead poisoning, in IDA, and in
resulting in the release of FEP anemia of inflammation
Mean corpuscle MCV is directly measured and is Decreased in MCV in IDA and thalassemia
volume (MCV) indicative of RBC size Normal to decreased MCV in anemia of
Red blood cell Variation in RBC size or how much the Normal in thalassemia but will be low if the
distribution width RBC look like each other patient has thalassemia and IDA
(RDW) Increased RDW in IDA but can be normal in
early iron deficiency
Adapted from Bruno et al. (2015), Cascio and De Loughery 2017, Hermiston and Mentzer (2002), Witmer (2013)

Hemoglobin A has two α-globin chains and two hemoglobin, it should be noted that there are over
β-globin chains and makes up 97% of hemoglobin 1000 naturally occurring hemoglobin variants due
in the normal person. The remaining hemoglobin to a single amino acid substitution in the hemoglo-
comprises hemoglobin A2 and F.  Hemoglobin bin molecule (Thom et al. 2013).
A2 is composed of a pair of α-globin chains and Thalassemia is prevalent in as much as 5% of the
a pair of delta globin chains. Two genes on chro- world’s population, having a deficient production
mosome 16 each code for two α-globins, and one of either α- or β-globin chains (Piel and Weatherall
gene on chromosome 11 codes for each of the two 2014). Hemoglobin E is a common β-thalassemia
β-globins. Two abnormal hemoglobins are Bart’s variant among Asian populations and produces a
hemoglobin and hemoglobin H.  Hemoglobin E thalassemia-like picture (Noronha 2016).
is a β-globin variant common in Asian popula- Thalassemia is an inherited genetic disorder
tions (Noronha 2016). Bart’s hemoglobin is com- that can vary from very mild to very severe ane-
posed of γ-globins and hemoglobin H. While this mia. Patients who have defective α-globin genes
text is focusing on the most common variants of have α-thalassemia, while patients with defective
278 R. M. John and C. A. Bell

β-globin genes have β-thalassemia (Martin and A recent MMWR indicated that 41 of 44 new-
Thompson 2013). The genes for the α-chains born screening programs (93%) report Bart’s
and the γ-chains are duplicated (α α/α α, γ γ/γ hemoglobin as part of the hemoglobin screening
γ). The genes for the β-chains are encoded by a for SCD, but there is little guidance on what to
single gene locus (β/β), but the β-chains can be do with these results. The higher Bart’s hemo-
completely deficient β0 or partially deficient β−. globin result is, the more severe the degree of
The clinical presentation varies with the number α-thalassemia (Bender et  al. 2020). However,
of defective globin chains. Several studies con- some programs only report that Bart’s hemoglo-
firm that patients that carry thalassemia are less bin is present and advise follow-up in 6 months,
susceptible to infection with Plasmodium Fal- but other programs report the percentage of
ciparum. β-Thalassemias are the most common Bart’s hemoglobin. Only 80% reported that they
types. While thalassemia’s prevalence is about advised follow-up for patient retesting based on
5% worldwide (Piel and Weatherall 2014), it is the percentage of Bart’s Hb. The recommenda-
highest in Cambodian and Laotian people. It is tions varied and included confirmatory testing,
also present among Vietnamese, Thai, African, CBC, RC, and referral to genetic counseling and
Chinese, Filipino, Mediterranean, Middle East- a pediatric hematologist. Only a few programs
ern, and Thai persons (Piel and Weatherall 2014). reported the abnormal results to parents, so the
The most common test to diagnose thalassemia is clinician needs to follow up on this testing result
hemoglobin electrophoresis. (Bender et al. 2020).
In patients with a four-gene deletion, hydrops Alpha (α) Thalassemia fetalis and intrauterine heart failure mean certain
The symptoms of α-thalassemia are based on the deaths. However, today, intrauterine transfusions
production of α-globin genes. Since there are four enable the fetus to survive, but they will need
α-chains, a deficiency of one of the chains tends chronic transfusions and a bone marrow trans-
to be asymptomatic. These children are consid- plant.
ered silent carriers and may have microcytosis
and normal iron stores with normal hemoglobin Beta (β) Thalassemia
electrophoresis. DNA sequencing determines the β-Globin genes control the production of
presence or absence of α-chain deletions (Cascio β-globin. Some β-globin gene produces no
and De Loughery 2017). β-globins and is described as β0, whereas other
Children with a two-gene deletion have β-genes produce some β-globins that are noted as
α-thalassemia traits and are considered to have
α-thalassemia or thalassemia minor. The child
will have mild microcytic anemia that does not Key Learning about Thalassemia
cause growth impairment (Cascio and De Lough- • Bart’s hemoglobin on a newborn’s
ery 2017). screen needs to be followed up by age
Hemoglobin H disease has a three-gene dele- 6 months.
tion and will have decreased α-globin production • A patient can have a hemoglobinopathy,
plus insoluble tetramer of γ-globins. It is iden- but it cannot be detected by the par-
tified in the newborn screen as Bart’s hemoglo- ticular method used as different hemo-
bin. As the switch from γ-globins occurs during globins may be better seen in different
the first year of life, hemoglobin electrophore- mediums.
sis identifies it as hemoglobin H.  Hemoglobin • Thalassemia trait is not uncommon
H causes chronic hemolysis. During the second and should be considered in the face
decade of life, the child may need RBC trans- of microcytosis and lack of response to
fusions leading to iron overload. It is mild, but iron therapy.
severe phenotypes have been reported (Piel and
Weatherall 2014).
8 Hematology 279

β−. Over 200-point mutations cause β-thalassemia The pathophysiology centers around hepcidin,
that have a variable clinical presentation a central regulatory hormone of iron metabolism.
depending on how much β-globin is produced. Hepatocytes primarily produce hepcidin, but
β-Thalassemia trait occurs when one of the genes there are areas in the brain that produce hepcidin
produce no β-globin or the two β-genes produce (Yazici et al. 2019). Hepcidin produces ferropor-
a mild to moderate amount of β-globins. The tin, causing it to block iron exportation to the cir-
mutation occurs more commonly in the Middle culation. Certain cytokines, particularly IL-6, are
East, Central Asia, the Far East, and the Mediter- responsible for the upregulating hepcidin expres-
ranean. In β-thalassemia, the level of hemoglobin sion, resulting in iron sequestration by macro-
A2 is increased. Hemoglobin A2 is composed of phages and hypoferremia (D'Angelo 2013). An
two α- and two delta chains. There is a decreased increase in hepcidin occurs in iron deficiency,
production of β-chains, and A2 increases as a hypoxia, increased erythropoiesis, and anemia.
compensatory mechanism. The expected results Inflammation decreases hepcidin, leading to
of an A2 elevation are found in the hemoglobin decreased iron availability and causing micro-
electrophoresis. The CBC will show a microcy- cytosis (Ilkovska et al. 2016). There is a signifi-
tosis with a decreased MCV, the Mentzer’s index cant positive correlation between hepcidin levels
will be below 13, and the iron studies are normal. and serum ferritin (Kumar et  al. 2019), except
A study of Indonesian patients showed that the in hemochromatosis where the ferritin is high
Shine and Lai index could predict all carriers of and the hepcidin level is low (D'Angelo 2013).
β-thalassemia with mutations at c92  +  5G  >  C The kidneys play a role in hepcidin clearance;
and c.79G > A (Okan et al. 2009). The hemoglo- thus, with decreased hepcidin, anemia develops
bin electrophoresis is discussed under tests used (D'Angelo 2013).
in microcytosis. Hepcidin levels are not available from the
major laboratories in the United States, and the
availability of these levels is found in specialty
8.8.3 Anemia of Inflammation labs. However, hepcidin levels have diurnal
changes and are lowers in the a.m. and increase in
Anemia of inflammation or anemia of chronic the afternoon. The levels are affected by dietary
disease (ACD) can be seen in acute or chronic ill- iron intake, and there are considerable labora-
ness due to abnormal iron homeostasis, impaired tory problems with this measure (D'Angelo
response to erythropoietin, and suboptimal eryth- 2013). Normal levels for hepcidin in pediatric
ropoiesis. The diseases that cause this include patients have been determined on small sam-
infections, cancer, autoimmune diseases, chronic ples of patients (Cangemi et  al. 2013; Sdogou
kidney disease transplant patients, and congestive et al. 2015), but ethnicity does affect the results
heart failure patients. During infection, limiting (Kumar et al. 2019). Thus, hepcidin’s pathophys-
iron available for microbes to multiply is pro- iology does explain the anemia of inflammation,
tective and positively affects the innate immune but hepcidin measures are not readily available.
system (Weiss 2015). Limiting iron availability
also inhibits malignant cells from proliferating
(Weiss 2015). ACD with IDA is possible, but the 8.8.4 Copper Deficiency
underlying etiology of the ACD must be deter-
mined as the administration of iron might result This anemia is severe, with macrocytosis being
in increased bacterial growth. Many of the tests more common than microcytosis, and is often
used to determine IDA may not be appropriate in associated with severe neutropenia. Thrombo-
the face of ACD and IDA. For example, ferritin is cytopenia rarely occurs, and a normal platelet
an acute-phase reactant that may be normal in the count is usually seen. The most common rea-
face of ACD and IDA (Weiss 2015). son for this deficiency is bariatric surgery, but
excessive zinc intake can also cause copper
280 R. M. John and C. A. Bell

deficiency since both zinc and copper use the suspected. However, in primary care, the CBC
same transporter. Patients with a developmental and the use of one of the indices to determine the
delay or autism may develop extremely limited cause of the microcytosis are all that are usually
diets due to self-selection causing copper and done. Therapeutic iron is usually started, and the
zinc deficiency. Symptoms of Wilson’s disease clinical response to iron is sufficient to establish
center around the eye, the brain, and the liver. A the diagnosis. When there is doubt, serum ferritin
Kayser-­Fleischer ring is an annular area of cop- is the cheapest way to establish iron deficiency,
per with a golden to brown appearance located in but it is prone to error due to its role as an acute-­
the limbus of the eye. The patient may have liver phase reactant. When the CBC evaluation and the
disease with an enlarged liver causing abdominal indices point to thalassemia, hemoglobin electro-
pain, nausea, and vomiting. The patient may also phoresis is done.
have myelopathy presenting as weakness, pain,
sensory abnormalities, gait abnormalities, and Hemoglobin (Hb)
limb paresthesia. Pica for pennies results in cop- Electrophoresis
per deficiency since pennies are 97.5% zinc. Low Hb variants can be suspected through physi-
ceruloplasmin levels can detect the deficiency of cal examination, particularly skin color varia-
copper (Bandmann et al. 2015). tions with blue or ruddy tones, and confirmed
by simple testing via hemoglobin electrophore-
sis. In this test, RBCs are placed on gels, then
8.8.5 Rare Microcytic Anemias an ­electric field is applied, and the proteins sepa-
rate based on charge. A heme stain enables the
Several rare microcytic anemias involve a defect identification, depending on where the RBC
in iron metabolism or heme metabolism. They migrated on the gel (Siddon, Torney 2019). The
include sideroblastic anemia, hereditary hypo- test is carried out on a medium such as cellulose
transferrinemia, hereditary aceruloplasminemia, acetate, filter paper, starch gel, citrate agar gel,
congenital erythropoietic porphyrias, and eryth- or an agarose gel (Wahed et  al. 2020; Kumar
ropoietic protoporphyria. There are several kinds and Derbigny 2019). The separation of different
of sideroblastic anemia, but they are all charac- Hbs is largely, but not solely, dependent on the
terized by ringed sideroblasts within the bone charge of the Hb molecule (Wahed et al. 2020).
marrow. The retention of iron in the mitochondria Hemoglobin electrophoresis is conducted using
results in a hypochromic anemia. High serum alkaline and acidic HB electrophoresis methods
ferritin with a high serum iron and normal trans- to separate the different hemoglobin fractions.
ferrin is typical of sideroblastic and nonsidero- Cellulose acetate electrophoresis at alkaline pH
blastic anemia (Bruno et al. 2015). Sideroblastic as a supporting medium for zone electrophoresis
anemia is rare and may not be seen until midlife. was first introduced by Kohn (1957). It should be
It is not a common type of anemia, but one type kept in mind that different hemoglobins may be
is associated with ataxia, whereas another type better seen in a different medium. For example,
is associated with splenomegaly and dark skin citrate agar electrophoresis at an acidic pH can
(Bruno et al. 2015). help detect hemoglobin S and F (Thom et  al.
2013). A more expensive method, called iso-
electric focusing, can separate the hemoglobins
8.8.6 T
 ests Commonly Used (Siddon, Torney 2019).
in Microcytosis Since some abnormal Hbs do not separate
well from hemoglobin A on either agar or ace-
When microcytosis is present, iron deficiency tate gel, DNA sequencing of the globin genes
and thalassemia are the most common causes. can help identify the amino acid and nucleotide
The table above reviews the common lab tests alterations and confirm a rarer Hb (Thom et  al.
used in microcytosis when iron deficiency is
8 Hematology 281

2013; Siddon, Torney 2019). Chapter 7 discusses congenital problem such as Meckel’s diverticu-
the various genetic techniques in further detail. lum or chronic anemia due to hemoglobinopathy,
RBC membrane or enzyme defect, or monthly Ceruloplasmin (CP) Test menstrual bleeding. A stool guaiac test should
If the symptoms or physical exam findings, par- be done as part of the workup for normocytic
ticularly a Kayser-Fleischer ring and neurologi- anemia. Gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding, whether
cal or liver disease, is present, a ceruloplasmin from a congenital problem such as Meckel’s
test may uncover copper deficiency. CP is a pro- diverticulum or a polyp of the GI tract, must be
tein enzyme involved in iron metabolism. Ceru- considered in the workup of normocytic anemia.
loplasmin is produced as the liver binds copper The patient may be symptomatic if the underly-
to a protein. About 95% of the body’s copper ing process is acute but may be asymptomatic if
is bound to ceruloplasmin. In advanced hepatic the anemia occurs over months or if the underly-
disease, copper metabolism disorders, nutritional ing hematological problem is chronic. Thus, the
deficiencies, nephrotic syndrome, Wilson’s dis- clinician needs to evaluate the CBC with the pre-
ease, and Menkes kinky hair syndrome, the ceru- vious CBCs in mind.
loplasmin can be low (Bandmann et al. 2015).
Pitfalls of Ceruloplasmin Since CP is an
acute—reactant, false normal values can occur 8.9.1 Hemolysis Overview
in patients with inflammatory conditions and
females on the oral contraceptive pill (Bandmann When RBC breakdown occurs at an abnormal
et al. 2015). rate, this is called hemolysis. Three aspects of the
immune system contribute to hemolysis—com-
plement, antibodies (usually IgM or IgG), and
8.8.7 Real-Life Example phagocytic cells (macrophages). The hemolysis
of red blood cells can be due to either an acquired
A 10-year-old female presented with joint pains or congenital abnormality of the RBC, lack of
without swelling of the affected joints. History enzymes critical to forming the RBC mem-
revealed increasing fatigue over the past 5 months brane, Hb structural problems, or RBC structural
with a history of facial rash on exposure to the problems. Any of the processes above cause a
sun. Initial testing included a CBC, C-reactive shortened lifespan for the RBC and an increase
protein (CRP), comprehensive metabolic profile, in erythrocytosis with elevated RC (Hill et  al.
and an erythrocyte sedimentation rate (sed rate). 2019). The clinical presentation of mild hemoly-
The results showed mild anemia with a border- sis is often asymptomatic, while severe hemolysis
line low MCV consistent with microcytic ane- can cause life-threatening anemia leading to car-
mia, a sed rate of 55 (normal 5–15), and a mild diac failure. While congenital anemias generally
elevated CRP. Further testing confirmed systemic are picked up in infancy or early childhood, the
lupus as the reason for the lab abnormalities. This patient may be diagnosed later with mild hyper-
case illustrates how chronic illness can result in bilirubinemia, reticulocytosis, and mild anemia
mild microcytosis. (Haley 2017). In mild levels of hemolysis and
normal bone marrow, the patient will compensate
with reticulocytosis. During times of stress and
8.9 Normocytosis infection, the hemolysis can worsen, leading to
significant anemia, hyperbilirubinemia, pallor,
The patient with normocytic anemia will have anemia, reticulocytosis, and occasionally sple-
an insufficient number of RBCs of normal size. nomegaly (Haley 2017). These findings during
The underlying reason can be acute or chronic, illness or stress alert the clinician to the possi-
for example, an acute GI bleed secondary to a bility of hemolytic anemia. Common hemolytic
282 R. M. John and C. A. Bell

Table 8.12  Pathophysiology of hemolysis with differential diagnosis

Cellular Extracellular
Red blood cell membrane disease or membranopathies Autoimmune disorders
RBC enzyme deficiencies or enzymopathies Fragmentation due to damage to the RBC
Abnormalities of hemoglobin or hemoglobinopathies RBC is more susceptible to oxidative damage due to
plasma factors. The causes of the plasma factors include
liver disease, abetalipoproteinemia, vitamin E deficiency,
and Wilson’s disease
Direct antibody test will be negative Direct antibody test will be negative
Extravascular hemolysis Intravascular hemolysis
Due to macrophages in the liver or spleen engulfing the RBC is damaged, releasing hemoglobin. Common
RBC due to abnormalities of the RBC. SCD has both causes: Mechanical trauma (i.e., microangiopathy
intravascular and extravascular hemolysis hemolytic anemia or valve disease), complement
Subdued in nature versus intravascular hemolysis fixation, or membrane or hemoglobin disorder of the
Common causes: Warm antibody-type hemolytic RBC (i.e., SCD, thalassemia)
anemia, hemolytic disease of the newborn, and More severe
non-ABO antibody-­mediated allow immune hemolysis Cold autoimmune hemolytic anemia
as a result of transfusion
Hepatosplenomegaly is present
The hemoglobin circulates through the liver, and the If the haptoglobin is saturated by hemoglobin, then free
patient will not have red urine unbound hemoglobin is released, causing red or dark
Hemoglobinuria is more common in cold antibody-­type
hemolytic anemia; however, it can be present in
drug-induced immune hemolytic anemia
Direct antibody test generally is positive Direct antibody test generally is positive
Adapted from Beris and Picard (2015), Kujovich (2016), Noronha (2016), Siddon, Torney (2019)

disorders include α- and β-thalassemia, glucose-­ hemolysis is mediated via the reticuloendothe-
6-­phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency, lial system in the spleen and the liver (Noronha
and hereditary spherocytosis (HS) (Kim et  al. 2016). During extravascular hemolysis, the mac-
2017). rophages in the liver or spleen will engulf the
Once hemolysis is established, the next step is RBC due to the RBC’s damage. These patients
to determine the cause of the hemolysis. Hemo- with exclusive extravascular hemolysis will not
lysis diagnoses can be divided into non-­immune have red or dark urine since the hemoglobin will
hemolysis and autoimmune hemolysis or cellular circulate into the liver (Khera et  al. 2019). The
or extracellular hemolytic disease (Zhera et  al. free hemoglobin is bound to plasma haptoglobin
2019). Non-immune or hemolysis can be further and is cleared by the liver. Extravascular hemo-
broken down into hereditary or acquired forms, lysis occurs in SCD, HS, and warm autoimmune
with each form primarily causing RBC abnor- hemolytic disease. Heme is released and is con-
malities. The hereditary forms of non-­immune or verted to biliverdin, ultimately forming biliru-
cellular hemolysis include enzymopathies, mem- bin. Therefore, the patient will present with mild
brane disorders, or disorders of Hb structure. jaundice.
Acquired hemolysis can be from a drug (ribavirin Intravascular hemolysis occurs when the
or oxidative drugs) or metal intoxication (lead, RBC membrane is directly damaged due to tox-
zinc, copper), intravascular coagulopathy, micro- ins, stress, or complement-mediated hemoly-
angiography, or macro-angiography (associated sis and therefore is found in immune-mediated
with mechanical valves). hemolysis. When the haptoglobin is saturated by
Another way of looking at hemolysis is from hemoglobin, free or unbound hemoglobin will
the mechanism of the hemolysis—extravascu- be excreted by the kidney, causing dark urine
lar or intravascular hemolysis. Extravascular (Noronha 2016). Table  8.12 helps differentiate
8 Hematology 283

the causes of hemolysis based on the pathophysi-

The differential hemolysis is established using
the patient’s history and various tests, as listed

8.9.2 T
 ests Used to Establish
Hemolysis Reticulocyte Count

Reticulocytosis, as mentioned above, is an impor-
tant distinguishing feature of hemolysis. Review
the section on the RC. Peripheral Smear

In autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA),
microspherocytes will occur due to immunoglob-
ulins binding to the RBC (Siddon, Torney 2019).
Polychromasia may be seen, and schistocytes
or helmet cells may result from toxin or shear
­stress-­mediated hemolysis. Fragmented RBC is
Fig. 8.1  Using plastic wrap to obtain the stool sample
consistent with hemolytic anemia. The presence
of abnormally shaped RBCs such as spherocytes
or elliptocytes, when associated with anemia, causes of a low haptoglobin include transfusions,
puts hereditary spherocytosis/elliptocytosis on regular exercise, and severe liver disease.
the differential (Siddon, Torney 2019). The pres- A total lack of haptoglobin (anhaptoglo-
ence of schistocytes on a smear may indicate binemia) is found more commonly in countries
thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) or with a high malaria rate. Haptoglobin is not a
hemolytic uremic syndrome (Kujovich 2016; useful marker for hemolysis in infants under
Siddon, Torney 2019). This test is prone to sam- 2 months (Noronha 2016).
pling error, as only 25 to 100 cells are seen. There
is considerable overlap between the RBC mor- Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH)
phologies leading to alterations of interpretation. LDH, an intracellular enzyme, is plentiful in the
Table  8.3 is a complete review of the abnormal RBC.  Therefore, it is released during hemoly-
RBC that can be present on the peripheral smear sis, but like haptoglobin, there are other reasons
and what they may indicate. for LDH elevations, including liver disease. The
LDH may or may not be a part of a comprehen- Haptoglobin sive metabolic profile. A low haptoglobin with
Haptoglobin is a protein that removes free hemo- an elevated LDH is 90% sensitive for hemolysis
globin to protect the body from its negative (Kujovich 2016). (The clinician should know
effects. During hemolysis, haptoglobin will bond whether this test will show up in the comprehen-
to the free hemoglobin, and the complex is then sive metabolic profile that they order.)
removed from the serum by the reticular activat-
ing system (Kujovich 2016). Haptoglobin is also Stool Guaiac
an acute-phase reactant, so that it can be falsely A stool guaiac is an important part of the differen-
elevated during inflammation. A low haptoglobin tial diagnosis of a child with normocytic anemia.
is sensitive for hemolysis but not specific as other As noted, the reticulocyte count may be elevated,
284 R. M. John and C. A. Bell

and anemia may not be present. The normal bone result of the DAT’s reagent (Segel and Lichtman
marrow can compensate for GI losses if the blood 2014). More detailed immunological evalua-
loss is mild. The stool can be obtained via rectal tions can be done using a more sensitive Coombs
exam if the anemia is acute, and it is important to reagent, gel card diagnostic, or flow cytometry
rule out the GI causes of blood loss. If the ane- outside this text’s scope. The possibility of a
mia is mild, the family can easily obtain a stool false-positive reaction is about 1 in 10,000 people
sample using a plastic wrap draped over the toilet and can be the result of antiphospholipid antibod-
to catch the stool (see Fig. 8.1). The stool can be ies, spontaneous RBC agglutination, technical
brought to the lab for testing. issues, cytophilic or nonspecific IgG absorbed
from plasma (Segel and Lichtman 2014; Eule Direct Antiglobulin Testing et al. 2018), or pharmaceutical processes (antibi-
(Direct Coombs) otics are the most common) causing RBC agglu-
Direct antiglobulin testing (DAT) or direct tination (Sidden, Tormey, 2019). The test tube
Coombs helps identify autoimmune hemolytic method is 87% specific for AIHA and only 43%
anemia (AIHA). DAT is a semiquantitative assay sensitive (Eule et al. 2018). Thus, it is important
used to detect IgG alloantibodies, IgG autoanti- to order haptoglobins, LDH, RC, urinalysis, and
bodies, and complement components. The DAT CBC with a smear to increase the likelihood of
test uses RBCs, unlike IAT, which uses serum a correct diagnosis. If a DAT-negative AIHA is
(Sidden, Tormey, 2019). The Coombs serum or suspected, a hematology consult is needed.
antihuman globulin is from a rabbit or another In patients with AIHA, false-negative tests
animal immunized with purified immunoglobu- may be due to an extremely low antibody coat-
lins to prepare antibodies against complement ing of the RBC or antibody classes such as
and IgG. It is used in both the DAT and IAT tests IgA, which is not detected by the DAT (Sidden,
(Sidden, Tormey, 2019). However, for the child Tormey, 2019).
with anemia compatible with autoimmune hemo- In autoimmune hemolysis, the patient’s
lytic disease, the DAT testing is the most impor- RBCs are destroyed by autoantibodies resulting
tant test for determining if the child has an AIHA in weakness, pallor, fatigue, mild jaundice, and
(Sidden, Tormey, 2019). mild splenomegaly. The predominant autoim-
It is important to differentiate between mune hemolysis is divided into (1) cold agglu-
immune-mediated (antibody-mediated) and tinin disease (CAD) and (2) warm autoimmune
non-­ immune-­ mediated hemolysis to properly hemolytic anemia (WAIHA), depending on the
diagnose the child. A direct antiglobulin test is a optimal temperature for reactivity of the auto-
method to detect the in vivo coating of a patient’s antibody. WAIHA accounts for 65 to 70% of the
RBC by autoantibodies. When a nonspecific anti- cases, and cold antibodies account for 20–25% of
human globulin is added into the patient’s RBC, the cases (Liebman and Weitz 2017). Warm IgG
it will bind to the antibodies and cause RBC antibodies will bind to the RBC surface antigens
agglutination. Then, adding antihuman antibod- at body temperature, whereas cold IgM aggluti-
ies to the tube can identify the type of immuno- nins will find to the RBC and fix complements at
globulin binding to the RBC surface. If there is temperatures below 37°. The cold IgM can cause
a binding of the anti-complement antibodies, it cold agglutinin hemolysis (Eule et al. 2018).
points to IgM-bound antibodies or a cold-reactive The third type of AIHA, known as paroxysmal
AIHA.  In contrast, if an IgG-binding pattern is cold hemoglobinuria (PCH), is much rarer and
seen, this points to a warm autoimmune hemo- accounts for 1% to 3% of the cases (Liebman and
lytic anemia (WAIHA). Weitz 2017). It causes Coombs-negative hemoly-
DAT-negative AIHA is more likely in cold sis and is associated with thrombosis and pancy-
agglutinin disease (CAD) due to a lack of tight topenia (Daughety, De Loughery 2017). PCH is
binding to RBCs. The rate of WAIHA with a caused by the Donath-Landsteiner (DL) antibody
negative DAT is from 3% to 11% and is likely the and is complement-mediated. The associated
8 Hematology 285

Table 8.13  Causes of secondary AHIA urine urobilin, causing jaundice with dark yellow
Infectious causes •  Epstein-Barr virus urine. Urine and skin color changes are com-
•  Cytomegalovirus mon signs of AIHA. Beyond the neonatal period,
•  Parvovirus
•  Mycoplasma
AIHA is rare in children.
•  Pneumococcus Autoimmune hemolytic anemias can also
Malignancies •  Hodgkin lymphoma be secondary to infections, drugs, malignancy,
•  Allogenic bone marrow rheumatological diseases, and common variable
immunodeficiency. Table  8.13 outlines the vari-
Autoimmune •  Autoimmune
disease and lymphoproliferative syndrome ous causes of secondary AHIA.
Rheumatological (ALPS)
diseases •  Lupus erythematosus Key Learning about Hemolysis
Drug associated • Cefotetan
•  Ceftriaxone
•  Piperacillin
• In hemolytic anemia, the LDH, bilirubin, and
•  Fludarabine reticulocyte count will be increased, and the
•  Diclofenac haptoglobin is decreased.
Immune deficiency •  Common variable • A reticulocyte count is important in evaluat-
immunodeficiency ing hemolysis, and the total bilirubin may be
Others •  Solid organ transplant
slightly to moderately elevated.
Adapted from Freedman (2015), Liebman and Weitz
(2017), Noronha (2016) Antihuman Immunoglobulin
Test (Indirect Coombs)
hypercoagulability leads to thrombophilia, caus- The indirect Coombs test is done at birth to
ing significant morbidity as well as mortality. detect infants with hemolytic disease of the new-
Thrombosis of the portal or hepatic vein is asso- born due to Rh sensitivity or ABO hemolytic
ciated with PCH, and therefore patients with disease of the newborn and transfusion-related
thrombi in this region should be evaluated for alloantibodies. In this test, the patient’s serum
PCH (Daughety, De Loughery 2017). It is seen (not the RBC) is incubated with health donor
predominantly in children following an upper RBCs. This test’s major use is to see if the child
respiratory infection. The DL antibody test is not has RBC-­specific antibodies (Sidden, Tormey,
universally available and may even be more prob- 2019). If agglutination occurs, it indicates RBC
lematic in making the diagnosis because the DL autoantibodies pointing to the presence of a cir-
antibody test may be negative within a few days culating antibody. The agglutination is gauged
(Noronha 2016). from 0 (no antibodies) to +4 which indicated a
A fourth serologic form of AIHA is the result strong presence of antibodies (Sidden, Tormey,
of warm AIHA-direct antiglobulin in a Coombs 2019). If the direct result is negative, but auto-
negative patient. immune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) is suspected,
In CAD, the autoantibody is usually IgM, the antihuman immunoglobulin test (indirect
whereas in WAIHA, the autoantibody is usually Coombs) should be done (Noronha 2016). In
IgG.  The IgM antibody is considered complete hereditary enzymopathies, the peripheral smear
as it binds to the RBC surface, causing aggluti- may not be helpful, and the patient negative anti-
nation, whereas the IgG is absorbed to the RBC human immunoglobulin test may be negative
surface but does not cause complete agglutina- (Haley 2017).
tion (Freedman 2015). Intravascular hemolysis While this test is highly sensitive, false nega-
causes an increase in free hemoglobin resulting tives can occur in severe immunosuppression or
in red, brown, or tea-colored urine and is more antibody-depleting immunotherapies, putting
common in CAD.  Extravascular destruction of patients at risk for transfusion reactions. False
RBC is more common in WAIHA and results in positives will also occur in severe inflammation
286 R. M. John and C. A. Bell

or if the patient is receiving IVIG (Sidden, consider that many insurers will not cover the
Tormey, 2019). tests, and the cost of this testing may be prohibi-
tive for first-line use. Chemistry Panel
An in-depth look at the chemistry panel is pre-
sented in the renal and gastrointestinal chapter. 8.10 Non-immune Congenital
However, unconjugated or indirect bilirubin is Hemolytic Anemias
elevated in the patient with hemolytic anemia.
Several genetic forms of hemolysis are due to Urinalysis defects in the RBC membrane, RBC enzyme
The urine color may be red, brown, or tea-­colored defects, or hemoglobin defects, including thal-
in AIHA due to CAD from the presence of free assemia. Table  8.14 outlines the type of non-­
hemoglobin (intravascular hemolysis). Dark yel- immune congenital hemolytic anemia.
low urine and positive urobilinogen are classic
of WAIHA due to increased bilirubin in plasma
(extravascular destruction of RBC) (Freedman 8.10.1 Defects in the RBC Membrane-­
2015). Additional information about urinalysis is Hereditary Spherocytosis (HS)
found in Chap. 10.
HS is a disorder of the RBC membrane that is Molecular Technologies more common in children with Northern Euro-
for Inherited Hemolytic pean ancestry (Haley 2017; Wahed et al. 2020).
Anemia (IHA) It is transmitted as an autosomal dominant trans-
Advances in molecular technologies, includ- mission or can be the result of spontaneous muta-
ing next-generation sequencing, may eventually tion. The disease results from the spherocytes’
become the first-line approach to identify muta- inability to absorb hypoosmotic fluid, causing
tions and to determine the genes responsible for the RBC to be osmotically fragile and leading
IHA (Kim et  al. 2017). Primary providers must to hemolysis in the spleen (Ciepiela 2018). Con-
Table 8.14  Types of non-immune congenital hemolytic genital HS can present in the newborn period
anemia with severe anemia or be suspected due to the
Defects in the •  Autosomal dominant forms lower side of normal Hb/Hct with hyperbiliru-
RBC ◦  Glucose-6-phosphate binemia.
membrane dehydrogenase deficiency (G6PD)
◦  Pyruvate kinase deficiency
Differential diagnosis of HS includes other
•  Autosomal recessive forms RBC membranopathies and enzymopathies and
◦  Rarer forms include phosphoglycer- other causes of spherocytosis, including immune
ate kinase, glutathione synthetase, hemolytic anemia and Wilson’s disease, as seen
glutathione reductase, triosephos-
phate isomerase, and glucose phos-
in Table 8.14.
phate isomerase Several diagnostic tests are used to diagnose
RBC enzyme •  Hereditary spherocytosis HS. The tests are listed below.
defect •  Hereditary elliptocytosis
•  Southeast Asian ovalocytosis CBC and Peripheral Smear
•  Rarer forms include dehydrated
hereditary stomatocytosis and HS will present with a normal MCHC in mild
congenital dyserythropoiesis type II cases to an elevated MCHC along with signs of
Hemoglobin •  SCD anemia in symptomatic disease (Farias 2017;
defects •  Thalassemia syndrome Haley 2017). Like other congenital hemolytic
•  Rarer forms of hemoglobinopathy
including CC disease, SD disease, anemias, increased oxidative stress caused by
and others infections, toxins, or drugs will cause hemolysis
Information derived from Beris and Picard (2015), to occur, leading to reticulocytosis. Several algo-
Noronha (2016) rithms can help make the clinician suspect HS,
8 Hematology 287

but they involve measures not typically reported 2017). There is a false-negative rate of 25% in
in a CBC (Ciepiela 2018). patients with the disease (Haley 2017). It is also
important to remember that secondary reasons Direct Antigen Testing (DAT) for spherocytosis and family history are espe-
DAT is negative in spherocytosis and other con- cially important with both these tests.
genital hemolytic anemias, including enzymopa-
thies and RBC membrane defects. Confirmatory Tests for HS
Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel F  low Cytometry Osmotic electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and molecular
Fragility (OF) and Flow diagnostics are the most sensitive ways to dis-
Cytometry Eosin-5′- tinguish other hemolytic anemias from HS
Maleimide Test (EMA Test) (Ciepiela 2018). Genetic sequencing evaluates
The EMA test is considered the first-line screen- the molecular mutations in genes responsible for
ing test for HS. It causes fluorescent binding to encoding one or more plasma membrane pro-
RBC membrane band 3 with reduced intensity teins—ankyrin, band 3 protein, protein 4.2, and
seen on flow cytometry in HS, HE, and HP (Far- α- or β-spectrin (Ciepiela 2018). Sequencing for
ias 2017). While the EMA test is sensitive, it is red cell skeleton mutations can be done when the
not specific. results of the above tests are ambiguous.
The flow cytometry OF test can achieve up to
85.7% sensitivity and 97.2% specificity. It may
be recommended as the test of choice going for- 8.10.2 Hereditary Elliptocytosis (HE)
ward, although present guidelines still recom- and Hereditary
mend the EMA test (Farias 2017). EMA testing Pyropoikilocytosis (HPP)
has a sensitivity of 92.7–96.6% and a specificity
of 99.1%, but labs can have different cut-offs, The hallmark cell in HE is cigar-shaped ellipti-
changing the test’s sensitivity and specific- cal RBC, whereas HPP has severe fragmentation
ity. Hereditary pyropoikilocytosis also causes a of the RBC frequently seen following thermal
decreased fluorescence of EMA-bound RBCs burns. Both are rare causes of severe hemolytic
and results in a positive test. anemia, and there is a strong association between
The EMA dye is relatively expensive, and the HE and HPP.  Many HPP patients in childhood
working solution it uses is unstable. Different evolve into HE patients as adults.
labs have different cut-offs, and therefore a posi- The differential diagnosis includes any pri-
tive test may vary from lab to lab (Farias 2017). mary cause of hemolytic anemia, as seen in
Tables 8.12 and 8.13. Typical of the hemolytic I ncubated Osmotic Fragility anemia discussed, the range of clinical presenta-
(OF) Test tion varies from asymptomatic to severe anemia
An OF test measures hemolysis in the RBC at with viral and bacterial infections and malaria
different lower sodium chloride concentrations, inducing marked hemolysis.
increasing hemolysis at increasing hypotonic saline The diagnostic tests that are used to diag-
solutions. A normal OF test occurs in 10–20% of nose HE and HPP include the same tests used in
cases (Farias 2017). Newborns, due to fetal hemo- hemolysis, but the CBC has specific findings as
globin, may have a normal OF test (Farias 2017). A detailed below:
false positive occurs in any severe anemia caused by
hemolysis, RBC enzyme deficiencies, recent RBC CBC and Comprehensive
transfusions, or AIHA (Sidden, Tormey, 2019). Metabolic Profile
False-negative results occur in obstructive The patient with HPP and HE will have the clas-
jaundice, in iron deficiency, and in patients with sic signs of hemolytic anemia—reticulocytosis,
an elevated RC after an aplastic crisis (Farias
288 R. M. John and C. A. Bell

elevated LDH, elevated bilirubin, and decreased or energy-producing pathway (Grace and Glader
haptoglobin. 2018). G6PD is the most common HMP shunt,
The CBC in HPP should develop extreme and pyruvate kinase deficiency (PK) is the most
hemolytic anemia with marked poikilocytosis common glycolytic pathway. If either enzyme is
and RBC budding, fragmentation, and unusually deficient, hemolysis occurs.
shaped RBC.  The peripheral smear will show Hemolysis is suspected based on a low HB/
microcytosis, poikilocytosis, elliptocytosis, and Hct, a normal or high MCV, a high RC, a high
fragmented RBCs. If the blood is heated from 45 LDH, and a mildly elevated indirect bilirubin.
degrees to 46 degrees, HPP RBC fragmentation An enzymopathy should be suspected if the
markedly increases. The workup for diagnosis patient has normal hemoglobin electrophoresis,
should be referred to a hematologist. a negative direct Coombs, and no evidence of
abnormally shaped cells. A history of prolonged
neonatal jaundice and non-immune hemoly-
8.10.3 Real-Life Example sis should trigger consideration of a glycolytic
enzyme deficiency (Grace and Glader 2018).
An 11-year-old presented for a well-child visit. G6PD is one of the most common genetic
The history and exam were unremarkable. The problems since it affects 400 million people glob-
clinician ordered a comprehensive metabolic pro- ally (World Health Organization [WHO] 2019).
file and a CBC as a screen. On reviewing the labs, Over 300 variations and the clinical manifesta-
her abnormal values included a Hct of 34 (normal tions include neonatal jaundice, acute hemo-
35–39%), an MCHC of 38 (normal 33.4–35.5), lytic anemia triggered by drugs or infection, and
and an indirect bilirubin of 4.2. An RC, LDH, a chronic non-spherocytic hemolytic disease
haptoglobin, and peripheral smear were ordered (WHO 2019). This enzymopathy is an X-linked
in the follow-up. The results were consistent with recessive disorder that causes hemolytic anemia
spherocytosis. A family history confirmed early when the patient has oxidative stress due to fava
gallbladder disease in the mother, maternal sister, beans, infection, or certain drugs. Clinicians see
and maternal grandmother. A hematologist con- patients worldwide and must understand the inci-
firmed the diagnosis of HS within the family. The dence of G6PD deficiency in the patient’s coun-
affected family members had a positive osmotic try. In general, patients from a country with a
fragility test. The family did not know they had high incidence of malaria have a higher incidence
HS. A genetic consultation was done in follow- of G6PD deficiency.
up for further genetic counseling. It is important to understand the pathophysi-
ology of the enzyme G6PD to understand the
tests. RBCs are very vulnerable to oxygen radi-
8.10.4 RBC Enzyme Deficiencies: cals, easily converted to reactive oxygen species
Glucose-6-Phosphate like hydrogen peroxide or H2O2. These radicals
Dehydrogenase Deficiency are formed under oxidative stress conditions
(G6PD) when the reactive oxygen species overwhelm
the antioxidants like glutathione to oppose the
RBC enzyme deficiencies have a wide clinical radicals. In glutathione assembly, G6PD is an
presentation ranging from mild or absent anemia essential enzyme in nicotinamide adenine dinu-
to episodic hemolysis to severe anemia. Due to cleotide phosphate (NADPH) production forma-
reticulocytosis and relatively mild anemia, the tion, which then forms glutathione. H2O2 causes
patient may be asymptomatic, but a mildly icteric the red cell’s hemoglobin to precipitate into
sclera can be seen. There are two major glucose Heinz bodies. The spleen pinches off Heinz bod-
pathways used by the RBC as a metabolic sub- ies into bite cells, which can remove the cells. In
strate—the hexose monophosphate (HMP) shunt people without any deficiency of G6PD, gluta-
or protective pathway and the glycolytic pathway thione, which is an antioxidant, can prevent the
8 Hematology 289

Table 8.15  Type of G6PD deficiency or other erythrocyte enzyme disorders. Several
Class I •  Severe deficiency with 1% or less diagnostic tests are used to diagnose G6PD. The
•  A total absence of G6PD is not compatible tests are listed below:
with life
•  Associated with chronic non-spherocytic
hemolytic anemia (CNSHA) CBC and Peripheral Smear
•  Mutation-type G6PD Buenos Aires and During hemolysis, there may be an elevated WBC
G6PD Durham with hemoglobin that is moderate to severely
Class II •  Severe deficiency (less than 10% residual
low. The RDW may be higher due to the presence
activity, but without CNSHA)
•  Anemia is induced by certain drugs and of an elevated RC. As expected with hemolysis,
ingestion of fava beans the haptoglobin is low, and the LDH and indirect
•  Mutation-type G6PD Mediterranean B bilirubin are elevated.
form and Santamaria
Heinz bodies or bite cells (poikilocytes) may
Class III •  Moderate deficiency (10–60% residual
activity) be reported on the CBC results and should be
•  Can cause an occasional acute hemolytic followed up with pertinent history and physical.
anemia Further G6PD-specific testing may be indicated.
•  Includes the common African G6PD A
form and G6PD Canton form
Class IV •  Very mild to moderate deficiency (60% to Qualitative Test for G6PD
90% of residual activity) Activity
•  Tend to be asymptomatic Healthy RBCs generate enough G6PD to gen-
•  G6PD Orissa and G6PD Montalbano erate NADPH.  Phenotype testing for G6PD is
Class Va •  Increased activity ­normalized for hemoglobin or the RBC count.
•  Asymptomatic
•  The mutation is not known Biochemical assays can be either qualitative or
Adapted from Grace and Glader (2018), WHO (2016) quantitative. A qualitative test or a fluorescent
spot test looks for NADPH fluorescence after
glucose-6-phosphatase and NADPH are com-
formation of H2O2 by giving an electron that oxy- bined with RBC hemolysate of RBCs.
gen radicals are missing. The extra electrons are Only two states Pennsylvania and the District
made via a metabolic pentose phosphate path- of Columbia newborn screen for G6PD.  The
way that G6PD plays an important role. A lack AAP recommends testing the newborn with
of G6PD limits the rate of formation of the extra jaundice to discriminate the infant who is defi-
electrons since NADPH, which is formed by the cient from intermediate and normal persons. A
mitochondria, cannot be converted into gluta- qualitative test, whether a point of care or done
thione (Anderle et al. 2018; Ho and John 2015; in a laboratory, can only differentiate between
WHO 2019). severe and normal activity levels but does not
Due to the X-linked pattern of inheritance, distinguish among the different intermediate
males are most affected. In female carriers, ran- deficiencies. Thus, they can distinguish a G6PD-
dom inactivation can occur in the X chromosome deficient male and a female with two G6PD-
in certain cells, creating G6PD-deficient RBCs deficient alleles who have G6PD activity that is
plus unaffected RBCs. In female carriers, there less than 30% (Anderle et al. 2018). Males with
will be a deficiency of one-half of their RBCs. greater than 30% activity are considered normal,
But in rare cases, including a double X defi- but those with less than 30% are considered defi-
ciency, the female can be as symptomatic as a cient.
male. Table 8.15 shows the different variant types Pitfalls of the qualitative tests include false-­
of G6PD based on the amount of residual enzyme negative reactions that occur during hemolysis.
activity. Therefore, after a hemolytic episode, the clini-
The differential diagnosis for G6PD defi- cian should wait 3 months to repeat the analysis
ciency includes any of the hereditary hemoglo- (Grace and Glader 2018). There are problems
binopathies, erythrocyte membrane disorders, with sensitivity to this test. For example, in the
290 R. M. John and C. A. Bell

newborn period, a female with a high RC and low Molecular Analysis for G6PD
G6PD activity would be considered normal when Most patients do not need molecular analysis
they risk significant complications from G6PD. studies if they have episodic hemolysis and nor-
The test will fail to pick up intermediate activ- mal baseline CBCs. However, if the child has
ity. Females with less than 30% are considered chronic non-spherocytic anemia or a severe defi-
deficient, whereas females with 30–80% activity ciency of G6PD, molecular analysis is a comple-
are considered intermediate. This is problematic mentary test used for confirmation (Grace and
as it will miss females with intermediate deficien- Glader 2018). A primary care clinician would
cies who are at considerable risk for hemolysis if refer these children to hematology or genetic
treated with drugs that induce more hemolysis (i. clinics for specialty evaluation.
e., the patient treated with primaquine for resis-
tant malaria).
8.10.5 RBC Enzyme Deficiencies: Quantitative Tests for G6PD Pyruvate Kinase (PK)
Activity Deficiency
A quantitative test is done using a quantitative
spectrophotometric assay for G6PD activity and PK is an enzyme responsible for the last step of
reporting the actual degree of deficiency. Newer the glycolytic pathway and plays a central role in
quantitative point-of-care testing is available the cellular energy metabolism producing ATP in
and has similar statistics to quantitative labora- the RBC. RBCs lack mitochondria, and without
tory testing for G6PD.  For example, in a study ATP, the RBC would not be viable (Bianchi et al.
by Pal et  al., the point-of-care test called the 2019). PK is transmitted as an autosomal reces-
STANDARD test was able to diagnose G6PD sive trait and, like G6PD, is protective against
less than 30% as compared to a reference assay malaria. Therefore, the allele is more prevalent
with a sensitivity of 100% (0.95 confidence in areas of endemic malaria. The degree of ane-
interval [CI], 95.7–100) and a specificity of 97% mia, like G6PD, varies from very mild anemia
(0.95 CI, 94.5–98.5). It was also able to distin- to a fully compensated anemia due to reticulo-
guish females <70% normal G6PD activity with cytosis to life-threatening neonatal anemia. Like
a sensitivity of 95.5% (0.95 CI, 89.7–98.5) and G6PD deficiency, neonatal jaundice may be
specificity of 97% (0.95 CI, 94.5–98.6) (Pal et al. more severe and persistent and require photo-
2019). Point-­ of-­care testing can be extremely therapy and/or exchange transfusions. The ane-
helpful as it is quicker and enables the clinician mia improves with age and is better tolerated due
to develop a plan of care. Point-of-care testing to increased red cell 2,3-DPG content increas-
helps the newborn with hyperbilirubinemia to ing oxygen-­ carrying ability. Splenomegaly is
mitigate kernicterus risk (Anderle et  al. 2018). common in 80% of patients, and splenectomy
In the United States, more than 30% of kernic- is reserved for transfusion-dependent patients.
terus cases are associated with G6PD deficiency Gallstones are common, and an aplastic crisis
(Grace and Glader 2018). following parvovirus infection can occur along
The pitfalls of testing include that qualitative with rarer complications such as kernicterus, leg
testing may show no G6PD deficiency when an ulcers, pancreatitis, pulmonary hypertension, and
intermediate degree occurs. In the United States, thromboembolic events (Bianchi et al. 2019).
African-American males are at greater risk for PK is considered a diagnosis after a diagnostic
this disease, but it is also present in children from workup for other hemolytic anemias is excluded,
Asia, the Mediterranean, Middle East, and India. including immune-mediated disease, defects in
All screening tests for G6PD must be done when the RBC membrane, and hemoglobin defects.
the child does not have active hemolysis. Several diagnostic tests are used to diagnose
PK. The tests are listed below:
8 Hematology 291 CBC and Peripheral Smears confirmed by PK enzymatic assay, gene reporter

The peripheral smear in PK deficiency shows assays, RT-PCR analysis, or Western blot (Bian-
signs of hemolysis and accelerated erythropoi- chi et al. 2019). Mutations can occur in both the
esis. The smear will show anisocytosis, poi- PKLR gene and the KLF1 gene. Heterozygous
kilocytosis, nucleated RBC, acanthocytes, and mutations in the PKLR gene can also cause other
echinocytes (Grace and Glader 2018). red cell pathologies, such as HS. PK Enzyme Tests

A qualitative enzyme screening can diagnose 8.10.6 Other Glycolytic
PK, but it can be problematic due to a high and Nucleotide
negative rate (Grace and Glader 2018). Enzymopathies
Like G6PD, a direct quantitative assay is avail-
able and should be used if the clinician suspects Other glycolytic disorders are much rarer than
PK deficiency and the qualitative PK screening PK deficiency. PK deficiency makes up 80%
is negative. The PK enzyme test should also be to 90% of all enzymopathies. Glucose phos-
measured along with another RBC enzyme, such phate isomerase makes up 3% to 5% of gly-
as G6PD or hexokinase. If the PK activity is rela- colytic enzymopathies and presents moderate
tively low compared to other RBC enzymes, a to severe chronic non-spherocytic hemolytic
PK deficiency should be suspected. The degree of anemia (CNSHA) neurologic defects. Pyrimi-
hemolysis is not related to the measured RBC PK dine 5’nucleotidase affects nucleotide metabo-
activity measured by direct quantitative testing. lism and comprises 2–3% of all enzymopathies
The pitfalls of the spectrophotometric assay of presenting with CNSHA.  Other types of enzy-
RBC PK activity are related to RBC age, recent mopathies make up less than 1%. A definitive
transfusion, delay in processing, and specimen diagnosis in the rarer enzymopathies is obtained
contamination. PK activity is influenced by RBC by molecular testing.
age. If the sample has young RBC and more retic-
ulocytes, it can cause falsely normal levels. Falsely
normal levels are also reported in recently trans- 8.11 Normocytic
fused patients, the patient whose RBCs express the Hemoglobinopathies
M2 isozyme, and if the sample contains platelet
and leukocyte contamination. Careful RBC purifi- The standard common test to diagnose a hemo-
cation is needed. False positive occurs if samples globinopathy is hemoglobin electrophoresis,
are not processed quickly. There are no systematic which involves the separation of hemoglobin
studies on the sensitivity and specificity of avail- based on the size and charge of the different types
able PK activity assays (Bianchi et al. 2019). of hemoglobin. With the decreasing cost of DNA
sequencing for the evaluation of hemoglobinopa- Molecular Testing for PK thies, this method can give information about the
Molecular testing is useful for prenatal diagnosis specific mutation to make an accurate diagnosis.
and in children with borderline enzyme testing
or recently transfused for anemia. Other advan-
tages are less complicated handling, including 8.11.1 Sickle Cell Disease (SCD)
shipping specimens, which can be done with a
smaller amount of blood. DNA analysis is time-­ SCD affects 1  in 365 African-American births
consuming and relatively expensive. Not every but can be found among people from Southern
mutation detected by DNA analysis causes abnor- Europe around the Mediterranean Sea, Hispanic,
mal PK activity (Bianchi et al. 2019). A positive Middle Eastern, or Asian Indian (National Insti-
result for a mutation should be considered a vari- tute of Health 2020). A patient with SCD has a
ant of uncertain significance (VUS) until it is longer lifespan because of newborn screening
292 R. M. John and C. A. Bell

leading to earlier identification of patients and Hemoglobin Electrophoresis

early initiation of penicillin, immunizations, and The test is discussed in the section on thalassemia.
disease-modifying medications such as hydroxy- The most common hemoglobin variants with clin-
urea. In the United States, 94% of patients sur- ical significance include hemoglobin S, C, and
vive until adulthood (Azar and Wong 2017). E. Hemoglobin S gene is found in children with
The sickle cell mutation is somewhat protective origins from the Caribbean, South and Central
against malaria (Jayavaradhan and Malik 2018). Africa, Eastern parts of India, and Arabian coun-
It is an autosomal recessive condition character- tries. Hemoglobin C is found in people living in
ized by abnormally sickle-shaped RBC, which West Africa. Hemoglobin E is found in East India
impairs blood flow leading to a vaso-occlusive and Southeast Asia (Wahed et al. 2020).
painful crisis leading to chronic tissue ischemia, Isoelectric focusing (IEF) method separates
splenic autoinfarction, RBC hemolysis caus- the different hemoglobin types because of their
ing anemia and hyperbilirubinemia, and organ charge on a gel medium. While this method does
damage (Meier 2018). The sickled erythrocyte’s provide a clearer picture of the different kinds of
lifespan is 12 to 16  days, resulting in increased hemoglobin, it is more expensive and requires
erythropoietin production and placing patients at laboratory staff that are experienced in this
risk for folate deficiency (Meier 2018). Several method (Ilyas et al. 2020).
diagnostic tests are used to diagnose SCD.  The High-performance liquid chromatography
tests are listed below: (HPLC) is another way to detect hemoglobin dis-
orders, and the preferred way of doing this test is Newborn Screening called cation-exchange high-performance liquid
Newborns are screened for a hemoglobinopathy chromatography (CE-HPLC). Using CE-HPLC,
as part of newborn screening. The results of new- the hemoglobins are separated by net charges at
born screening for a hemoglobinopathy are fol- a particular pH.  When HPLC and IEP are both
lowed up by special clinics for sickle cell disease used, the sensitivity and specificity are 99%. This
in each state. The primary care clinician should test’s pitfalls are difficult to do and expensive
be requesting copies of the newborn screen and (Ilyas et al. 2020).
ensure the proper follow-up is done. The Agency Hemoglobin electrophoresis’s limitations
has recommended three methods for Health Care include that the test is expensive, complex, time-­
Policy and Research (AHCPR) hemoglobin consuming, bulky, and difficult to perform due to
electrophoresis, isoelectric focusing, and high-­ resource-limited places. The methods require the
performance liquid chromatography. training of laboratory personnel.

Table 8.16  Diagnostic tests for patients with SCD

Test When to screen Reason for screening
CBC with WBC 3 months– 24 months every Establish a baseline and evaluate bone marrow function
differential, reticulocyte 3 months Important when evaluating the child with SCD who
count >24 months every 6 months presents with fever or is sick
Percent Hb F 6 months–24 months every Hemoglobin F has a stronger affinity for oxygen. If the
6 months patient has persistent F hemoglobin, he/she is less
>24 months annually likely to have a painful crisis
Renal function (creatinine, ≥12 months annually Chronic renal disease needs to be picked up early so
BUN, urinalysis) treatment with ACE inhibitors can begin and referred
for renal transplant (Liem et al. 2019)
Hepatobiliary function ≥12 months annually Patient’s with SCD can develop sickle hepatopathy
evaluation of AST and
direct bilirubin
Adapted from Liem et al. (2019), Yawn et al. (2014)
8 Hematology 293 Point-of-Care (POC) Tests and compliance (Hoppe and Neumayr 2019). The
for SCD MCV may be elevated if the child is taking the
These tests are available at a low cost and are hydroxyurea, but a recent study reported a sen-
helpful in resource-limited countries. There are sitivity of 35% and a specificity of 71% for an
several kinds of POC under study, which include MCV > 100 in patient’s compliance to hydroxy-
paper tests, smartphone attachments, lateral flow urea using this measure to evaluate compliance
strips, heme chip, aqueous multiphase system, (Creary et al. 2020).
spatio-temporal dynamics analysis, shear gra- Several diagnostic tests are used when fol-
dient microfluidic adhesion (SIGMA) system, lowing a patient with SCD.  The tests are listed
electrical impedance microflow cytometry, and below:
microfluidic paper-based devices (Ilyas et  al.
2020). Ferritin Level. In patients identified as at high
Screening Tests for the Patient with SCD. risk for stroke by transcranial Doppler, chronic
The NIH Guidelines for management of SCD transfusion therapy can reduce stroke risk. If
(Yawn et  al. 2014) recommend the following chronic transfusion therapy is initiated, the
screening tests as seen in Table 8.16: serum ferritin is monitored to evaluate for iron
CBC with Differential and Reticulocyte Count. overload (Hoppe and Neumayr 2019).
Aside from a CBC and RC, an RBC phenotype is RBC Phenotype. In patients on chronic transfu-
recommended by 9 W months in case a phenotypic sion therapy, alloimmunization can occur.
transfusion is needed. When a child with SCD is Therefore, alloantibodies (D, Cc, Ec, Kell,
ill, the child’s normal lab values on the CBC are Kidd, and Duffy) are evaluated before any
particularly important. While anemia is common transfusion in children with SCD on chronic
in SCD, a drop of more than 2 g/dL in hemoglobin transfusion therapy to reduce reaction risk
indicates a hematologic crisis. Patients with SCD (Hoppe and Neumayr 2019).
normally have leukocytosis, but an elevation of Liver Function Tests (LFTs). Chronic hemolysis
>20,000/mm3 accompanied by a predominance of leads to pigmented gallstones in patients with
neutrophils or a left shift increases the clinician’s SCD. Generally, indirect or unconjugated bili-
suspicion for infection. Leukopenia associated rubin will be lower than 4  mg/dl in children
with marked anemia and reticulocytopenia is sug- with SCD.  Gallbladder disease is common,
gestive of parvovirus infection. The child’s normal and by age 18, 30% of children with SCD
platelet count may be elevated. If the child has a develop cholelithiasis (Yawn et al. 2014).
low platelet count, hypersplenism should be on the Iron overload occurs due to chronic trans-
differential diagnosis. fusion and can cause hepatocyte iron over-
The child’s baseline RC should be available. load. ALT/AST may be elevated in the patient.
A normal RC accompanies splenic sequestration, A hepatic crisis can occur in patients with
whereas an RC that is less than 0.5 indicates an SCD who presents with abdominal pain (Yawn
aplastic crisis. Parvovirus is a likely cause of an et  al. 2014). Liver function tests are done to
aplastic crisis in SCD. This aplasia will last the evaluate for hepatic disease.
entire course of the disease rather than in the pro- Urinalysis and Microalbuminuria/Creatinine
drome when an aplasia occurs. When the reticu- Ratio. Once the child reaches age 10, annual
locyte count is high, a hyperhemolytic crisis is a urinalysis and microalbumin/creatinine ratio are
probable cause. needed to evaluate renal function (Hoppe and
When the patient is initially on hydroxyurea, a Neumayr 2019). Isosthenuria, or the ability to
monthly CBC with differential is done to monitor concentrate urine, occurs in children with SCD,
the ANC and the platelet count. After the thera- leading to enuresis. The presence of hematuria
peutic dosage is reached, drawing a CBC with means that the child may need a renal ultra-
diff, MCV, ALT, creatinine, and RC is done every sound to look for papillary necrosis (Hoppe and
2–3 months is suggested to evaluate for toxicity Neumayr 2019). Usually, hematuria is self-lim-
294 R. M. John and C. A. Bell

ited and can be treated with fluids and pain med- and autoimmune disorders. Parvovirus B19, or
ication (Hoppe and Neumayr 2019). It is fifth disease, is one of the most common reasons
important to look for other causes of proteinuria for this presentation. Parvovirus has an affinity
and hematuria (Hoppe and Neumayr 2019). for the red cell precursors, and therefore aplasia
Regular screening of the urine and creatinine occurs when the child is infected. Patients with
level with the evaluation of glomerular filtration hemolysis and HIV are more likely to have more
rate helps prevent the renal microvasculature severe anemia as they are dependent on the eryth-
complications by initiating an ACE inhibitor or rocyte (Noronha 2016).
ARB inhibitor (Azar and Wong 2017). There is no clear cause of the transient ane-
Blood Cultures. Blood cultures are done in chil- mia in TEC, which generally takes between a few
dren with SCD and fever. Blood cultures are weeks to a few months to resolve. Occasionally
discussed in the chapter on pediatric infections. the WBC, platelet count, and Hb will increase
Secretory Phospholipase A2. Secretory phos- above normal values during recovery from
pholipase A2 (sPLA2) is an inflammatory TEC. This disease is most common in infancy.
mediator responsible for liberating free fatty
acids from triglycerides. The test can identify
the patient who is presenting with possible 8.12.2 Normocytic Anemia
acute chest syndrome in children with with Pancytopenia
SCD.  The serum concentration increases
before the child develops full-blown acute Aplastic anemia, whether from medications,
chest syndrome (ACS) and peaks once the infections, genetic, paroxysmal nocturnal
clinical presentation is clear and decreased hemoglobinuria (PNH), or idiopathic, is asso-
once the ACS is resolving (Styles et al. 1996). ciated with reduced counts of all blood compo-
nents. PNH is an acquired hematopoietic stem
cell defect that causes hemolysis, anemia, and
8.12 B
 one Marrow Failure/ thrombotic complications. The presentation of
Dysfunction and Normocytic PNH tends to occur around the time of an aplas-
Anemia tic anemia diagnosis but would respond better to
immunosuppressive treatment (Savasan 2018).
Bone marrow failure leads to poor production Acquired aplastic anemia is rare, with an esti-
of one or all the lines of cellular components in mated 300 to 600 cases per year (Savasan 2018).
the blood. A pure red cell aplasia can result from Idiopathic is the most common (Ishii and Young
an acquired condition or an inherited bone mar- 2015). Bone marrow failure is also seen in the
row problem and presents with an elevated MCV disease’s genetic forms, such as Fanconi anemia,
and a low RC (Noronha 2016). Poor production dyskeratosis congenita, and myelophthisic ane-
across all cell lines will present with an elevated mia. Inherited problems of bone marrow func-
MCV, a marked decrease in the RC with low tion can present at any point during the lifespan
WBC and platelet count. with progressive anemia. The inherited disorders
of hypoplastic or aplastic anemia may also have
associated skeletal abnormalities and short stat-
8.12.1 Transient Bone Marrow ues. These children are also considered to have
Failure Leading to Normocytic cancer predisposition syndromes. For example,
Anemia Fanconi anemia can present with early-onset
head and neck tumors. These patients are referred
Primary red cell aplasia includes TEC (transient to hematology for diagnosis and management.
erythroblastopenia of childhood) and unknown The differential diagnosis of bone marrow
etiology, whereas secondary red cell aplasia failure/dysfunction is listed above as well as leu-
includes infections, paraneoplastic syndromes, kemias and other oncological problems. It should
8 Hematology 295

8.12.3 Real-Life Example

Key Learning about Normocytic Anemia
• Children with normocytic anemia can A crying, moderately pale 2-year-old presented
have hemolysis due to various hemato- with croup to the primary care office. The child
logical problems, including RBC mem- had a 2-day history of an upper respiratory infec-
branopathies, hemoglobinopathies, and tion with croup noted during the office. The child
disorders of RBC shape and size. was seen during the fall when it is common to see
• A CBC, peripheral smear, and a reticu- croup. The mother felt that she was in pain since
locyte count can help determine the pos- she was crying more than usual. Due to pallor
sible causes of normocytic anemia and and concerns of pain, a stat CBC with a periph-
guide the next steps. eral smear with RC was ordered, which showed
• A peripheral smear, reticulocyte count, a WBC of 50,000 and 25% blasts, Hb8, Hct of
serum haptoglobin, LDH, and Coombs 24, and a platelet count of 74,500. The RC was
testing should be done as part of the 0.01%. The child was referred to the ED after
workup for hemolytic anemia. notifying the on-call hematologist. The bone
• A hemoglobinopathy screening is done marrow aspirate confirmed acute lymphocytic
at birth as part of the newborn screen leukemia, precursor B-cell ALL (Kaplan 2019).
but will require follow-up by the clini-
• A child with disorders of RBC shape or 8.13 Macrocytosis
an RBC enzymopathy will require spe-
cialized testing to confirm the diagnosis. A child with an MCV larger than normal and
anemia is considered to have macrocytic anemia.
Macrocytic anemia is divided into megaloblas-
be remembered that head and neck cancers at an tic anemia and nonmegaloblastic anemia (Wang
early age may occur before the inherited bone 2016).
marrow failure occurs (Noronha 2016). In the
face of anemia, an RC is critical to the develop-
ment of appropriate differential diagnoses. 8.13.1 Megaloblastic Anemia
The initial evaluation of a pale, sick child
should include a CBC with differential, periph- In children, megaloblastic anemia is a periph-
eral smear, and an RC.  The RC is a marker of eral blood cytopenia due to ineffective hemato-
effective erythropoiesis and is important in dis- poiesis, usually due to B12 or folate deficiency.
tinguishing hypoproliferative anemia from other Other causes include inborn errors of metabo-
forms of anemia (Ishii and Young 2015). In pri- lism Lesch-Nyhan disease (Cakmakli et  al.
mary care, children who appear sick should be 2019), drugs including proton pump inhibitors
sent for stat lab work to the hospital-based lab or and metformin, surgical gastrectomy, gastric
ED for immediate testing if possible. The impor- bypass, ileal resection, chemotherapy, folate
tance of history and physical cannot be over- antagonist (methotrexate), nitrous oxide expo-
stressed to recognize the child who needs urgent sure, and myelodysplastic syndrome or acute
care. A bone marrow aspiration must be done to myeloid leukemia (Socha et  al. 2020). Copper
confirm the diagnosis of acute lymphocytic leu- deficiency should be considered in children
kemia (ALL) (Kaplan 2019) and other bone mar- without B12 or folate deficiency (Green and
row failure syndromes. Dwyre 2015).
B12 deficiency occurs due to poor nutrition,
malabsorption in the small intestine, pancre-
atic insufficiency, fish tapeworm infestation,
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (a large amount of
296 R. M. John and C. A. Bell

hydrochloric acid produced by pancreatic tumor The pathophysiology is the result of the
preventing the absorption of B12), blind loop syn- destruction of parietal cells. The screening for
drome, or drugs such as hydroxyurea or metho- this will not be discussed as it is largely an adult
trexate (Green and Mitra 2017). It also causes disease; however, the pathophysiology is impor-
neuropsychiatric features including paresthesia, tant for the reader to understand.
decreased vibratory and positional sense, cogni- The parietal cells are responsible for the
tive dysfunction, depression, mania, and halluci- secretion of an intrinsic factor needed to absorb
nation (Socha et al. 2020). vitamin B12. Once absorbed, it will bind to trans-
Folate deficiency can result from reduced cobalamin II; 50% of the B12 is then stored in the
intake (rare in this country but can be related liver, and the other 50% goes to other body tis-
to poverty), diet-induced (goat milk or syn- sues. As a result of the liver’s storage of vitamin
thetic diets), hyperalimentation, and prematurity B12, it can take at least a year before the manifes-
(Green and Mitra 2017). Folate deficiency can be tation of deficiency is seen.
from decreased absorption due to small bowel
inflammation, celiac disease, and tropical sprue.
Folate deficiency can be from increased demand, 8.13.2 Nonmegaloblastic Anemia
such as puberty, pregnancy, chronic hemolytic
anemia, hemodialysis, and eczematous condi- Macrocytic anemia that is nonmegaloblastic
tions (Socha et al. 2020). means there is no hypersegmented neutrophils
Cobalamin-deficient pernicious anemia or per- seen on a peripheral smear. The macrocytosis can
nicious anemia is rare in children as gastric atro- be due to an elevated reticulocyte count, and the
phy occurs after 10–20 episodes of asymptomatic larger size of the reticulocyte causes an elevation
autoimmune gastritis (Toh 2017). It is when there of the MCV. On the other hand, the reticulocyte
is autoimmune destruction of the parietal cells of count will be low if the macrocytosis is due to
the small intestine. Remembering that autoim- bone marrow disorder, hyperthyroidism, or liver
mune disease travels together, gastric autoimmu- disease (Wang 2016). The causes of macrocytosis
nity occurs in one-third of patients with thyroid can be seen in Table 8.17.
autoimmunity and one-tenth of patients with type Several diagnostic tests are used to diagnose
1 diabetes (Toh 2017). macrocytic anemia. The tests are listed below.

Table 8.17  Causes of macrocytosis

Type of
macrocytosis Differential diagnosis CBC findings
Megaloblastic •  Most common •  RBC is macrocytic, typical oval in
macrocytic anemia •  Vitamin B12 deficiency appearance
(MA) •  Folate deficiency •  High MCV that may be >120 fL
•  Drugs including proton pump inhibitors and •  Hyperpigmented
metformin, folate antagonists (methotrexate), •  Bone marrow shows megaloblastoid
and nitrous oxide erythroid precursors
•  Surgical procedures involved the stomach •  Hypersegmented polymorphonuclear
and the ilium leukocytes (>6 nuclei) may be seen, but
•  Myelodysplastic syndrome or acute myeloid greater than 5% containing five nuclei
leukemia (Socha et al. 2020) should also alert the clinician to possible
•  Rarer causes MA (Green and Dwyre 2015)
•  Errors of metabolism
•  Lesch-Nyhan disease (Cakmakli et al. 2019)
Normoblastic •  Reticulocytosis •  RBCs are macrocytic
macrocytic anemia •  Hypothyroidism •  High MCV that is <120 fL
•  Chronic liver disease •  Bone marrow does not show megaloblastoid
•  Pregnancy erythroid precursors
•  Alcoholism
Adapted from Cakmakli et al. (2019), Green and Dwyre (2015), Socha et al. (2020); Wang (2016)
8 Hematology 297 Peripheral Smear and RC The pitfalls of B12 and folate levels are prone to
A child who presents with an elevated MCV and errors, and therefore methylmalonic acid (MMA)
is suspected of having macrocytic anemia needs a and homocysteine levels (Hcy) are better indica-
peripheral smear to evaluate for hypersegmented tors of these vitamin deficiencies. However, these
neutrophils. Hypersegmented neutrophils would levels are more expensive, and therefore when
indicate megaloblastic anemia and call for further the serum cobalamin levels are decreased, this
evaluation of the child’s vitamin B12 and folate lev- test is cost-effective.
els. A reticulocyte count should be done to differ-
entiate between reticulocytosis and other problems M  ethylmalonic Acid (MMA)
for the child without hypersegmented neutrophils. and Homocysteine (Hcy)
As stated, a low reticulocyte count plus mac- Levels
rocytic anemia would be suspicious for liver dis- Methylmalonic acid (MMA) and homocysteine
ease, hypothyroidism, pregnancy, or alcoholism (Hcy) levels are more reliable indicators of vita-
(Wang 2016). min deficiencies. MMA is elevated in cobalamin
deficiency and is >90% sensitive for detecting Vitamin B12 Level and Folate cobalamin deficiency with hematologic manifes-
Levels tations. It is considered the most sensitive test for
Interpreting vitamin B12 (cobalamin) and folate B12 deficiency. HCY is less specific and can be
levels can be difficult (Ishii and Young 2015). elevated in both folate and cobalamin deficiency,
A fasting serum cobalamin of around 200 is the vitamin B6 deficiency, hypothyroidism, enzyme
lower limit of normal. A sensitivity as low as 40% genetic defects, and methotrexate and phenytoin
has been reported when a cobalamin of less than treatment. Both MMA and Hcy may be elevated
300 is used as the lower limit of normal. Gener- in renal insufficiency (Ishii and Young 2015).
ally, a serum B12 level of >400 pg/ML rules out
B12 deficiency (Green and Dwyre 2015). Also, Circulating Anti-Intrinsic
total serum cobalamin levels may not reflect Factor Antibodies (CAFA)
the activity level of cobalamin. Transcobala- The CAFA looks for the antibodies that cause
min II-bound cobalamin is the only bioavailable pernicious anemia. While it is a highly specific
cobalamin, which comprises 20% of the total test with very few false positives, it is not sensi-
cobalamin level. The rest of serum cobalamin is tive as it is positive in only 60% of patients
metabolic unavailable as it is bound to haptocor- (Green and Dwyre 2015).
rin. Changes in the haptocorrin-binding proteins
can change the level of cobalamin. False levels
of haptocorrin are seen in multiple myeloma, and Key Learning Regarding Macrocytic Anemia
falsely high levels are seen in myeloproliferative • Macrocytic anemia is divided into meg-
disease (Green and Dwyre 2015). aloblastic anemia and nonmegaloblastic
Serum folate levels reflect the patient’s level anemia.
for the past few days and do not reflect tissue-­ • B12 and folate levels are prone to errors.
level deficiencies. Postprandial increases in folate • Methylmalonic acid (MMA) is the most
occur, causing false-negative results. A recent sensitive test for B12 deficiency.
blood transfusion will also cause an increase in
folate. It is important to order RBC folate levels
since this level reflects the past 3  months’ tis-
sue levels. However, this test is also low in B12 Bleeding Disorders
deficiency, and so this test should be used in con- This section will review platelet disorders and
junction with both folate and plasma B12 levels common bleeding disorders. Primary care cli-
(Green and Dwyre 2015). The disadvantage of nicians may be the first to identify children
this test is a slow turnaround and higher costs. with bleeding disorders. Advances in X-ray
298 R. M. John and C. A. Bell

Table 8.18  Congenital and acquired disorders of platelet size

Congenital disorders associated with small
platelets Congenital disorders associated with large platelets
•  Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome—Congenital •  MYH9 gene mutation-­related disease—Autosomal dominant—
mutation of WAS, wIPF-1 gene: X-linked Variably presents problems including nephritis, growth hormone
mutation associated with eczema, immune deficiency, high-frequency hearing loss, glaucoma, cataracts,
deficiency, and thrombocytopenia and familial spastic paraplegia
•  X-linked thrombocytopenia similar but milder ◦  Epstein syndrome
mutation of the WAS gene ◦  Fechtner syndrome
•  Inherited microthrombocyte ◦  Sebastian syndrome
◦  May-Hegglin anomaly
•  22q11.2 deletion syndrome
◦  DiGeorge syndrome
◦  Velocardiofacial syndrome (Rosa et al. 2011)
–  Associated with Bernard-­Soulier syndrome due to mutation in
GP1b, and if they have this, they will have large platelets
•  Platelet granule defects
◦  Gray platelet syndrome and Quebec platelet syndrome
◦  Chediak-Higashi syndrome associated with immunodeficiencies
and neutropenia
Adapted from Haley (2020), Sharma et al. (2018)

crystallography have deepened our understand-

ing of the interactions between factors, allowing • Does the child take any medications,
for the development of a host of new anticoagu- including the use of aspirin or nonste-
lants. The section has been divided into platelet roidal medications?
and bleeding disorders. A review of the function • Have you noted any other bleeding,
of the platelet is seen at the beginning of the especially when brushing teeth or exces-
chapter. sive bruising following falls?
Hemostasis involves the formation of a clot • Is there a history of nose bleeding,
at the site of injury. Hemostasis is a collabora- including the length of time of bleeding
tion of the endothelial cells of the blood vessels, and frequency?
proteins in the plasma, and blood cells (primar- • Has the child had bleeding after dental
ily platelets) (Olson 2015). However, the two procedures or pulling out baby teeth?
major components of clotting are the coagulation • In an adolescent female, the use of the
components and platelets. These two systems are pictorial blood loss assessment chart
intimately related (Winter et al. 2020). While the (Fig.  8.2) needs to be done to assess
process of coagulation is complex, this review is menstrual bleeding. Also, the following
adequate for this chapter. questions should help you get a com-
Simply put, coagulation and its breakup have plete picture:
three components: • How long does your period last from
the start of bleeding to the end of
• <7 days
Box 8.1 Key Bleeding History and Physical • ≥7 days
Exam Points • Unsure.
Key Bleeding History Points • Do you ever experience “flooding” or
“gushing” during your period?
• Is there a family history of bleeding • Never, rarely, or some periods.
after surgery, childbirth, tooth extrac- • Every or most periods.
tion, and easy bruisability? • Unsure.
8 Hematology 299

• Do you ever bleed through a tampon • Assess for fever.

or napkin in 2 h or less? • Consider child abuse if bruising does
• Never, rarely, or some periods. not fit the normal pattern or is unusual
• Every or most periods. in appearance:
• Unsure (adapted from Ameri- • TEN-4:
can College of Obstetricians and • Bruising in a child less than 4 that
Gynecologists [ACOG] 2019). is on the torso (chest, abdomen,
• Do you have liver disease? back, genital region, or buttock),
• Has anyone in the family been diag- ears, or neck.
nosed with a bone marrow disorder? • TEN-4 FACESp (more sensitive and
• Is there a family or child history of prob- specific than TENS-4):
lems with platelets or bleeding? • Add bruising to the frenulum, the
• Has the child had unexplained anemia? angle of the jaw, the cheek, eye-
• Standard bleeding assessment tools can lids, or subconjunctival hemor-
be helpful: rhage (Kairys 2020).
• International Society on Thrombosis • Telangiectasias in nasal mucosa indicate
and Hemostasis Bleeding Assess- hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia.
ment Tool or ISTH-BAT is a hemo- • Look around pressure areas for pete-
stasis bleeding assessment tool found chiae, including bra straps, bookbag
at straps, and waistband.
• This one is shortened and easier to • Hematomas around joints are associated
use in a clinical setting. with factor deficiencies.
• A score greater than 2 is posi-
tive in children (Rodeghiero et al. Adapted from Haley 2020; Kairys 2020;
2019). Rodeghiero et al. 2019; Sharma et al. 2018
• The Pediatric Bleeding Question-
naire (PBQ) was originally developed
for VWD but can assess bleeding in • Primary hemostasis occurs when following
pediatrics. The link is found here: injury to the vessel’s endothelium, a platelet plug is formed by vasoconstriction, platelet
pediatric-­b leeding-­q uestionnaire-­ adhesion, and aggregation. Thrombin acti-
scoring-­key.pdf. vates platelets; factors V, VIII, XI, and XII;
• Does the family have a history of deaf- and von Willebrand factor. These coagulation
ness, renal insufficiency, albinism, or factors are a series of proteins that control
immunodeficiency? soluble plasma fibrinogen into insoluble fibrin
Key Physical Examination Pointers that traps RBC and platelets. Liver hepato-
• Assess for hypermobility patients with cytes primarily produce these coagulation fac-
Ehlers-Danlos (ED) using the Beigh- tors except for factor VIII, which is also
ton scale ( produced by the lymphatic system (Winter
wp-content/uploads/002513_beighton- et al. 2020).
score-a-valid-measure-for-general- • Coagulation occurs (secondary hemostasis).
ized-hypermobility-in-children.pdf). • Fibrinolysis occurs, breaking up the clot into
Children with ED have easy bruisability its degradation products, with plasmin being
(Rodeghiero et al. 2019). the central enzyme. Tissue plasminogen acti-
• Assess for hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, vator is plasmin’s activator (Van Herrewegen
and lymphadenopathy. et al. 2012).
300 R. M. John and C. A. Bell


Day start: Patient No:

year month day
Pads 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Tampon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Fig. 8.2  Pictorial blood loss assessment chart for menstruating females

8.14 Disorder of Platelets 8.14.1 Thrombocytopathia (Impaired

Platelet Function)
Platelet disorders include thrombocytosis,
thrombocytopathia (impaired platelet function), Impaired functions of platelet can lead to hem-
and thrombocytopenia. Disorders of platelet orrhage, prolonged bleeding time, and abnormal
frequently present with bleeding of the mucous clot formation. The congenital causes of throm-
membranes or under the skin (Sharma et  al. bocytopathia include von Willebrand disease
2018). Thus, the presence of petechiae or bleed- (VWD), Chediak-Higashi syndrome (associated
ing when brushing the teeth should alert the clini- with oculocutaneous albinism (OCA), immune
cian to a platelet problem. Congenital problems deficiency, neurological dysfunction), Herman-
with platelets present in three ways—congenital sky-Pudlak syndrome (pulmonary fibrosis and
thrombocytopenia with small, normal-sized, and OCA), storage pool disorders, secretion defects,
large platelets. These will be discussed below and and Glanzmann thrombasthenia. The most com-
can be seen in Table 8.18. monly acquired form of platelet dysfunction is
It is important to take a complete bleeding his- drug-induced thrombocytopathia.
tory as well as do a complete physical exam. A The mean platelet volume (MPV) reflects
platelet problem can occur as part of a complete the size of the platelets. Table 8.18 reviews con-
cytopenia. Key bleeding history and physical genital disorders associated with small or large
exam points are seen in Box 8.1. platelets. Children with normal platelet size, but
8 Hematology 301

dysfunctional platelets, may have skeletal abnor- CLL (Sharma et  al. 2018). It is defined as a
malities and have amegakaryocytic thrombocy- platelet count of less than 100,000. It is classi-
topenia or thrombocytopenia with absent radii fied as newly diagnosed when the ITP has lasted
(Sharma et al. 2018). Several other rare congeni- between 0 and 3  months and persistent when
tal genetic disorders present with normal platelet it lasts from 3 months to 12 months. When the
size including autosomal dominant and autoso- ITP has lasted greater than 12 months, it is con-
mal recessive (Sharma et al. 2018). Some of the sidered chronic. Severe disease is characterized
platelet disorders are associated with hematologi- by bleeding rather than the actual platelet count
cal malignancy. As a result, referral to a hema- (Lo and Deane 2014). It is caused by immune
tologist is recommended to diagnose patients dysregulation, and there is the production of
with platelet function disorders and decide on autoantibodies to platelet antigens and mega-
follow-up. karyocytes. Typically, the child is well appearing
and may have petechiae, bruising, or mucosal
bleeding. The child has a normal physical exam,
8.14.2 Thrombocytopenia and a bone marrow aspiration is not typically
done (Haley 2020). Children tend to have more
The definition of thrombocytopenia is a platelet severe thrombocytopenia, but only 3% will have
count of less than 150,000/L. Pseudothrombocy- any clinically significant bleeding, and the risk
topenia occurs when platelets clump. Clumping of intracranial hemorrhage is only 1%. Most
occurs when the patient’s blood is mixed with children will recover spontaneously and can be
the EDTA found in the CBC tube and can be managed on an outpatient basis with a CBC done
corrected when the blood is drawn and put in a weekly (Lo and Deane 2014).
heparinized or citrated tube. Thrombocytopenia Drug-Induced Thrombocytopenia. Drug-­
is usually not clinically apparent until the count induced antibodies can induce platelet abnormali-
falls below 50,000, and the risk of clinically ties, neutropenia, and autoimmune anemia (Aster
important spontaneous bleeding does not occur and Bougie 2007). In this disease, the thrombo-
until this number occurs (Haley 2020). A system- cytopenia usually occurs 1 to 2 weeks following
atic review points out the most severe bleeding a drug’s initiation but can occur in the first 2 days
events occurred with a platelet count of less than or hours (Haley 2020). The medication induces
30,000 (Neunert et al. 2015). the antibodies, and when the drug is removed, the
platelets will return to normal within a week. The Acquired Thrombocytopenia most well-known medications to induce throm-
Fetal or Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocy- bocytopenia are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
topenia (FNAIT). FNAIT is the most common drugs (NSAIDs).
cause of severe thrombocytopenia in the neonate, Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
with platelet counts less than 50,000. It results (TTP). TTP is a rare disorder in children char-
from the neonate acquiring paternal antigens that acterized by thrombotic microangiopathy and
the mother does not have, leading to maternal acquired or congenital deficiency in the gene
antibody production. The antibodies then cross ADAMTS13 (Joly et  al. 2018). Lab manifesta-
the placenta and destroy fetal platelets, which can tions of TTP include thrombocytopenia with
lead to intracranial bleeding. FNAIT can occur high reticulocyte count, undetectable levels of
during the first pregnancy, and there is a high haptoglobin, elevated LDH, and schistocytes
rate of recurrence in each subsequent pregnancy on the smear (Joly et  al. 2018). There are two
(Haley 2020). types of assays available to test for a deficiency
Immune-Mediated Thrombocytopenia (ITP). in ADAMTS13, functional and immunochemi-
ITP is the autoimmune destruction of platelets cal (Joly et  al. 2018). Functional assays using
that can be primary or secondary to various sys- collagen-­ binding activity are time-consuming
temic diseases such as SLE, AIHA, HIV, and and labor-intensive. In contrast, the ELISA-based
302 R. M. John and C. A. Bell

immunochemical assays are faster but less accu- the immature platelet fraction (IPF). The IPF
rate and cannot be used in an emergency (Joly assesses the bone marrow response to throm-
et al. 2018). bocytopenia. The IPF will increase in periph-
eral platelet destruction and will be normal or
decreased in bone marrow failure (Haley 2020).
8.14.3 Thrombocytosis Standard Platelet
Thrombocytosis or a platelet count over 450,000 Aggregometry
per liter can be secondary or primary. The pri- The gold standard of testing platelet func-
mary disorders are primarily inherited by autoso- tion is light transmission aggregometry (LTA).
mal dominant fashion. The disorders of primary This method is labor-intensive, requires a large
thrombocytosis are related to alterations of the amount of blood, and may not be readily avail-
cells of the bone marrow. They can be essential able. A platelet function analyzer is more readily
or reflect a myeloproliferative disorder. The most available but has definite limitations. The results
common secondary thrombocytosis is from an can show a prolonged platelet time when the
infection, inflammation, iron deficiency, or neo- patient has anemia, takes NSAIDS, has VWD, or
plasms. has thrombocytopenia. It excludes the more seri-
Reactive thrombocytosis is the most common ous platelet function disorders such as severe von
type of thrombocytosis. The types and causes Willebrand disease or Glanzmann thrombasthe-
include transient elevations due to acute blood nia. Still, it fails to rule out less severe VWD and
loss, infection, inflammation (third phase of platelet storage pool disorders (Haley 2020).
Kawasaki disease), and extreme physical exer-
tion or can be more sustained, which is seen Bleeding Time
in iron deficiency, hemolytic anemia, chronic Bleeding time has low sensitivity and cannot dif-
inflammation, chronic infection, and asplenia or ferentiate between primary hemostatic defects.
possibly but much rarer drug reaction (Schafer This test has fallen out of favor.
2015). The underlying causes of thrombocytosis
need to be determined. Thromboelastography
Clonal thrombocytosis is much rarer, and This method evaluates clot formation and whole
causes include myeloproliferative neoplasms. blood strength. It is a point of care in which whole
blood is added to an oscillating cup and a trans-
ducer detects the clot formation. This test is not
8.14.4 Diagnostic Testing for Platelet used in an outpatient setting and is used primarily
Disorders in the ED, ICU, or operating room (Haley 2020). CBC with Peripheral Smear Next-Generation

A CBC with a peripheral smear is important Sequencing (NGS)
when evaluating the child with petechiae. When There are at least 40 identified genes as causes
the platelet count is elevated, it is important to of thrombocytopenia (Nurden and Nurden 2020).
repeat it the next day (Schafer 2015). A periph- However, NGS is more likely to be covered
eral smear is important to exclude the possibility by insurance if ordered from a specialty clini-
of a myeloproliferative disorder, aplastic anemia, cian. There is a separate chapter on the different
or malignancy (Sharma et al. 2018). genetic types of testing. I mmature Platelet Fraction

Increased turnover of platelets may lead to giant
platelet. Increased turnover will be reflected in
8 Hematology 303 Additional Lab Tests warranted (Castaman and Linart 2017). A history
for Autoimmune Platelet of menorrhagia in early adolescence in a patient
Disorders with a bleeding disorder can be associated with
Renal function, direct antiglobulin testing, pro- acute anemia and hemorrhage (Graham et  al.
thrombin time, partial thromboplastin time, and 2018). ACOG (2019) recently recommended
immunoglobulins are all tests that should be done that females with menorrhagia be screened for a
to evaluate the child with ITP. bleeding disorder.
The differential diagnosis of a child with signs
of bleeding in the form of petechiae and purpura
8.14.5 Real-Life Example on the skin ranges from benign to serious. The
child with petechiae above the nipple line is most
A 9-year-old presented for a well-child visit with- likely from a benign cause such as severe vom-
out any complaints. During the physical exam, iting or coughing to streptococcal pharyngitis.
petechiae were noted at the ankle. The child did Petechia or purpura below the nipple line in a
not remember any recent injury. A CBC, differ- sick appearing child is more concerning and can
ential, and peripheral smear were obtained at indicate sepsis or Rocky Mountain spotted fever.
the lab, which showed normal WBC and RBC The child with RMSF usually has a high WBC
indices and a normal peripheral smear. However, with bandemia, thrombocytopenia, and/or hypo-
the platelet count was 50,000, so immune throm- natremia (Black 2014). The child with hemolytic
bocytopenia was suspected. The hematologist uremic syndrome will present with renal failure,
confirmed the diagnosis. The child’s thrombocy- non-immune Coombs-negative hemolytic ane-
topenia resolved with the use of Promacta/romip- mia, and thrombocytopenia. The child will have
lostim (TPO-RA). an abnormal urinalysis but will also have unex-
plained petechiae and purpura.
Most epistaxis in children is from the anterior
8.15 Coagulation Disorder: nasal tract. The child who presents with epistaxis
Bleeding most commonly has digital picking of the nasal
cavity as the cause. However, other causes include
As discussed, coagulation is a cascade that leads congenital malformation in the nasal cavity such
to fibrin formation and interactions between pro- as arteriovenous malformation or hemangioma;
tein coagulation factors. Coagulation disorders infections such as sinusitis or upper respiratory
can be congenital (primary) or acquired (second- tract infection; neoplasms such as lymphoma or
ary), especially in a sick child. Vitamin K defi- rhabdomyosarcoma; iatrogenic from medications
ciency is common and can result from inadequate such as NSAIDs; allergic rhinitis; bleeding dis-
intake or malabsorption due to gastrointestinal order such as von Willebrand’s; or inflammatory
problems, including cystic fibrosis, biliary atre- effects of systemic lupus or granulomatosis with
sia, or α-1 antitrypsin deficiency. Vitamin K is polyangiitis (Syider et al. 2018).
important in the production of coagulation fac-
tors II, VII, IX, and X.
Bleeding disorders can be due to primary 8.15.1 von Willebrand Disease (VWD)
deficiencies of one of the many clotting factors.
Children with a bleeding disorder may not pres- VWD is the most common inherited bleeding
ent in early childhood. Adolescent girls may not problem, with estimates of incidence ranging from
be identified as having a bleeding disorder until 0.1% to 1% (Castaman and Linart 2017; O’Brien
the onset of menses. A history of bleeding symp- and Saini 2019; Sharma and Flood 2017). It is
toms or a family history of VWD in a first-degree inherited in an autosomal fashion and is caused
relative is a red flag, and laboratory assess- by a deficiency or abnormality in the von Wille-
ment for VWD or another bleeding disorder is brand factor (VWF). A gene encodes VWF on the
304 R. M. John and C. A. Bell

Table 8.19  Understanding the types of VWD

Type of VWD Degree and kind of deficiency Important points
Type 1 •  Autosomal dominant •  Common: 60% to 70% of all cases
•  Partial quantitative deficiency of •  Patients with levels of VWF between 30 and 50 IU/dL
VWF with bleeding symptoms may fall outside of the strict
criteria for type 1 VWD
•  Mild decrease in VWF/ag and platelet-­dependent VWF
•  Normal to mild FVIII
All types of •  Usually autosomal dominant except •  Qualitative deficiency accounts for 25% to 30% of all
type 2 for 2n, which is autosomal recessive cases
•  Qualitative deficiency of VWF
Type 2A •  Predominantly autosomal dominant •  Recessive forms are rare
•  A decrease in platelet function with •  Mild decrease in VWF/ag and a moderate decrease in
defects in dimerization, multimer platelet dependent VWF activity
storage, molecular weight VWF •  Normal to mild FVIII
Type 2B •  Autosomal dominant •  Mild thrombocytopenia
•  Increased affinity of VWF for •  Mild decrease in VWF/ag and a moderate decrease in
platelet GP1bα with increased platelet-dependent VWF activity
clearance of these platelet-­VWF •  Normal to mild FVIII
Type 2 M •  Autosomal dominant •  Mild decrease in VWF/ag and a moderate decrease in
•  Reduced VWF binding to platelet platelet dependent VWF activity
glycoprotein (GP1bα) or collagen •  Normal to mild FVIII
Type 2 N •  Autosomal recessive •  This leads to loss of factor VIII abilities to carry VWF
•  Markedly decreased binding of VWF •  Gets misdiagnosed as mild hemophilia type A due to
to factor VIII and decreased half-life aPTT prolongation and low factor VIII levels
of factor VIII •  Mild decrease in VWF/ag and a moderate decrease in
•  Defective binding of factor VIII to platelet-dependent VWF activity
VWF •  Normal to mild FVIII
Type 3 •  Autosomal recessive •  Large deletions in VWF
•  Almost complete deficiency of VWF •  This leads to loss of factor VIII abilities to carry VWF
•  Severe decrease in VWF/ag and severe decrease in
platelet-­dependent VWF activity
•  Mild to moderate FVIII
Adapted from Castaman and Linart (2017), Ng and Di Paola 2018; O’Brien and Saini (2019)

short arm of chromosome 12, leading to a large Table 8.20  Severity of factor VIII and IX deficiencies
glycoprotein. VWF is important in primary and Bleeding phenotype Factor activity
secondary hemostasis. The disease presents with Severe Factor activity less than 1 IU/dl
easy bruisability, menorrhagia, and mucocutane- Moderate Factor activity of 1 to <5 IU/dL
ous bleeding (Castaman and Linart 2017). Mild Factor activity 5 to <50 IU/dL
The diagnosis is made by combining the signs Adapted from Croteau 2018
and symptoms of bleeding and laboratory evi-
dence of qualitative or quantitative deficiencies VWD (Castaman and Linart 2017); however, lev-
(Ng and Di Paola 2018). There is a wide range els between 30% and 50% are considered low.
of bleeding problems depending on the type of Table 8.19 outlines the common types of VWD.
von Willebrand. Types 1 and 3 cause a quantita-
tive VWD, where types 2A, 2B, 2  M, and 2  N
cause qualitative abnormalities. As the type of 8.15.2 Primary Factor Deficiencies
VWD increases from 1 to 3, the degree of bleed-
ing is more severe. Several guidelines report that Primary factor deficiencies can range from
a VWF level of less than 30% is diagnostic for hemophilia A and B (due to a deficiency of factor
8 Hematology 305

VIII and IX, respectively) to rarer disorders of with 0.5–1  mg of vitamin K at birth to avoid
fibrinogen and factors II, V, VII, X, XI, and XIII bleeding. Vitamin K is critical for activating
or a combination of factors V and VIII (Castaman coagulation factors II (prothrombin), VII, IX,
and Linart 2017). While it is an X-linked disease and X, with normal values not occurring until
of males, female carriers can have FVIII or FIX 6 months of age (Stachowiak and Furman 2020).
levels around 50 IU/dL, and some have clinically Liver disease results in clotting problems by
significant bleeding. Females with Turner syn- two mechanisms: (1) the decreased bile salt syn-
drome, uniparental disomy, skewed lyonization, thesis causes impaired vitamin K absorption and
or variants of compound heterozygous patho- results in deficiency, and (2) clotting factor pro-
genic variants can have moderate to severe defi- duction occurs in the liver and is impaired in liver
ciency (Croteau 2018). disease.
The hallmark of FVIII and FIX deficiency The initial standard screening recommended
is bleeding into the joints or hemarthrosis. The in the 2019 guidelines by the European Hema-
ankles, knees, and elbows are the most com- tology Association (EHA) in a patient who
monly affected joints. Excessive bleeding can presents with bleeding but a negative screen on
occur within an organ after minor trauma. While the ISTH-BAT with a score less than 2  in chil-
musculoskeletal bleeding is considered char- dren is CBC with differential with a peripheral
acteristic of hemophilia, mucosal bleeding and smear, prothrombin time (PT), activated partial
epistaxis are common. Prolonged bleeding post thromboplastin time (aPTT), and fibrinogen. If
circumcision, a large cephalohematoma after the ISTH-BAT is >2 or there is unusual bleed-
birth, or intracranial hemorrhage after mini- ing in infancy, the EHA recommends two addi-
mal birth trauma in males with Factor VIII or tional tests—VWF activity and standard platelet
FIX deficiency can occur (Croteau 2018). If the aggregometry (Rodeghiero et al. 2019).
deficiency is mild, the presentation can occur in Citrated plasma is the most common substrate
school age or adolescence. The severity levels are used for coagulation testing in the lab. Citrate
seen in Table 8.20: prevents coagulation and allows preservation of
Vitamin K malabsorption or deficiency can the sample. The sample is then centrifuged to
lead to bleeding. Newborns are supplemented

Fig. 8.3  Extrinsic and

common pathway of EXTRINSIC PATHWAY
coagulation Factor COMMON

Tissue Factor
Factor Va
Xa Prothrombin



Fibrin Fibrin Fibrin Fibrin

306 R. M. John and C. A. Bell





Xl Xla

Xa Va


Fibrinogen Thrombin


Fig. 8.4  Intrinsic and common pathway of coagulation

generate a platelet-poor plasma before the mea- An aPTT is done when plasma and negatively
surement of the coagulation factors occurs. charged surfaces such as silica or kaolin with a
Several diagnostic tests are used to diagnose phospholipid extract free of tissue factor (partial
primary and secondary factor deficiencies. The thromboplastin) are activated. This takes several
tests are listed below: minutes and follows by adding calcium chloride
solution to cause a clot formation with the intrin- Activated Partial sic pathway (Winter et al. 2020).
Thromboplastin Time (aPTT) An aPTT monitors active concentrations of
The prothrombin time (PT) and the activated par- hemophilia factors (factor VIII and factor IV). It,
tial thromboplastin time (aPTT) measure the func- therefore, would be an important test if the cli-
tioning of the extrinsic, intrinsic, and common nician notes deep tissue or joint bleeding. While
pathway, and their measures must be done in a this was once a common test used to monitor
platelet-free environment (Winter et al. 2020). The heparin effectiveness, the new chromogenic hep-
PT tests the extrinsic and common pathway, where arin assays used today target factor Xa, and, to a
the aPTT is a function of the intrinsic and common lesser extent, factor IIa, therefore monitoring the
pathway. Both tests must be done in platelet-free PTT will not reflect the effectiveness of the newer
environment with no leukocytes, RBCs, or endo- low-molecular-weight heparins (Winter et  al.
thelial cells. The figures below show the extrinsic 2020). A prolonged aPTT is usually the result of
and common pathway (Fig. 8.3) and the intrinsic inadequate levels of factors VIII (antihemophilic
pathway and common pathway (Fig. 8.4). factor [AHF]), factor IX (plasma thromboplastin
component), or factor XI (plasma thromboplastin
8 Hematology 307

antecedent). The plasma levels of factor VIII must be individualized based on the patient’s
must be reduced for the aPTT to be prolonged. As characteristics, prescription and nonprescrip-
shown above, the prekallikrein is a major player tion medications, comorbid conditions, and diet
in initiating the contact pathway, and when it (Fig. 8.4).
is absent, the PTT is prolonged. About 75% of
prekallikrein is bound to high-molecular-weight P  latelet Function Analyzer
kininogen (HMWK) or the “Fitzgerald factor.” (PFA)
The cleavage of HMWK by activated prekal- The PFA has excellent sensitivity for picking up
likrein results in the release of bradykinin. Bra- severe VWF deficiency, but it is far less sensi-
dykinin increases vascular permeability and tive in the mild type 1 VWD (O’Brien and Saini
vasodilation, leading to angioedema (Winter et al. 2019).
2020). While the contact pathway that initiates
the intrinsic factor and common pathway that is von Willebrand Factor
measured in the APTT is not directly involved in Antigen VWF:Ag
hemostasis, it is important in thrombosis, inflam- VWF:Ag measures the total amount of VWF pro-
mation, and complement activation. tein in a sample. It was done by enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in the past. Today Prothrombin Time (PT) latex immunoassay (LIA) is the usual method
Tissue factor is a cell surface protein. As shown used due to its ease of use and speed. Normal lev-
in Fig.  8.2, the tissue factor is the driver of the els are between 50 and 200 IU/dL.
extrinsic and common pathway, which forms
coagulated plasma within 15  seconds. In deter- Functional Assessment
mining the PT, an extract rich in tissue factor and of von Willebrand Factor
phospholipids is added to the patient plasma. By Ristocetin-based platelet binding testing
adding the TF and the patient’s factor VIIa, there (VWF:RCo) is used to assess the patient’s
is factor X’s activation to factor Xa. This ulti- plasma VWF ability to agglutinate platelets since
mately converts prothrombin to thrombin. Warfa- ristocetin mimics the stress that causes VWF to
rin’s effectiveness as a drug is best measured via bind to platelets. This test may be falsely positive
the PT as this pathway is vitamin K dependent in some African Americans. The test is prone to
except for factor V and fibrinogen. The PT mea- error due to intralaboratory and interlaboratory
sures how long it takes for a patient to clot. variability. VWF:PG1bm assays help diagnose
The international normalized ratio or INR is type 2 VWD and have greater sensitivity and pre-
standardized for the PT for patients on warfarin cision than ristocetin-based tests.
using the international sensitivity index (ISI) of
the thromboplastin reagent. The ideal reagent has von Willebrand Factor
an ISI close to 1.0. If the patient’s INR is too low, Collagen Binding (VWF:CB)
the patient is at risk for a clot, whereas if the INR VWF:CB uses ELISA methodology to test VWF
is too high, the patient is at risk for bleeding. The binding to collagen, but these assays lack inter-
INR is directly derived from the patient’s PT and laboratory standardization. They are used when
is calculated as a ratio of the patient’s PT to a the traditional testing falls to identify the patient
control PT standardized for the potency of the as having VWD, but the clinical suspicion is
thromboplastin reagent developed by the World strong.
Health Organization (WHO). The formula is seen There are several pitfalls for tests involving
below: VWF. Benign variations can occur. VWF is lower
in patients with type O blood. Higher VWF/AG
INR  Patient PT  Control PT ISI
levels are higher in people of African-American
While a normal INR for a patient on antico- heritage, but the VWF ristocetin cofactor activ-
agulants is generally between 2 and 3, this value ity is similar. There is a greater likelihood of
308 R. M. John and C. A. Bell

a polymorphism in the VWF gene in African Mixing Studies

Americans that decreases ristocetin-dependent A mixing study evaluates whether 50% of the
binding of VWF to platelet GP1bα, but this is concerning coagulation factor’s activity is pres-
a laboratory finding rather than a bleeding risk ent in the patient’s serum. If the patient has a
(O’Brien and Saini 2019). clotting factor deficiency, mixing the patient’s
VWF is an acute-phase reactant that may be plasma with 100% of the normal factor will result
elevated in patients with an inflammatory condi- in at least 50% in the normal. Therefore, the PT
tion, exercise, and stress. VWF increases with or PTT will be normal when run after mixing the
age, and therefore the levels must be taken into patient’s serum with the normal plasma indicat-
consideration to the patient’s clinical presenta- ing a factor deficiency. If there is an inhibitor in
tion (Sharma and Flood 2017). the patient’s serum, the mixing study will not
Early studies reported that VWF might be correct the low factor, and therefore the patient
higher in women taking estrogen, but subsequent has an inhibitor that is causing the problem. An
studies found it was normal in healthy women inhibitor’s presence means that the 1:1 mix will
who are nonsmokers. If the patient is being evalu- yield normal PT and PTT right after the mixing,
ated for bleeding due to menorrhagia and is on but if the mixed serum is incubated for 1–2  h,
estrogen therapy, estrogen should not be stopped. the results will become abnormal. Thus, a mix-
However, if the results of the VWF are borderline, ing study determines the cause of the factor defi-
then it may be needed (O’Brien and Saini 2019). ciency (Choi et al. 2016).
Sample collection for all testing involving
VWF should be done with a large-bore needle Factor VIII
and should be as atraumatic as possible. A strug- Factor VIII is one of the essential coagulation pro-
gling or crying child or an anxious older child or teins. Factors VIII and IX are the two hemophilia
adolescent and inflammation or recent exercise factors with deficiencies of either factor, causing
can increase VWF and factor VIII. The agitation deep muscle or joint bleeding. The traditional way
of the sample by the lab technician or extremes of of measuring factor VIII activity is a one-stage
temperature during transport or storage can lead clot-based assay and is a modified aPTT. Chro-
to false abnormalities (O’Brien and Saini 2019). mogenic or amidolytic two-stage factor VII assay
can further clarify limitations in  vitro activity Other Tests measurements (Winter et al. 2020). Chromogenic
There are a variety of other tests used by special- assays do not use a factor-­deficient plasma and
ists. They include von Willebrand factor propep- do not use an aPTT clot-­based reaction. Factor
tide (looking for VWF clearance), stabilizing VIII plasma levels can be measured by one- and
factor VIII, factor VII-binding capacity, and low-­ two-stage chromogenic assays, yet these assays
dose ristocetin-induced platelet aggregation. cannot accurately measure factor levels less than
1  IU/L (Peyvandi et  al. 2016). In male patients Genetic Analysis with mild to moderate hemophilia, both assays
Genetic testing for most patients with type 2 are recommended to diagnose non-severe hemo-
VWD and type 3 is helpful, but in type 1 VWD, philia (Winter et al. 2020).
the missense mutations are reported within the Decreased or deficient levels of this factor
entire VWF gene. Also, especially with patients lead to hemophilia A, which can present with
with 30% to 50% of the normal levels of VWD, mild to severe bleeding. Increased factor VIII
the genetic variant causing the mutation is not levels put patients at higher risk for deep vein
clear. The clinician must keep up with changes thrombosis and pulmonary embolism (Jenkins
in the genetic analysis as this field is constantly et al. 2012). Patients with any deficiency in fac-
changing. tor VIII should be managed in conjunction with
a hematologist.
8 Hematology 309

8.16 Coagulation Disorder: 8.16.2 Factor V Leiden

Factor V Leiden (FVL) is a mutation in the FV
A thrombophilia workup may be completed for gene, which leads to a poor response to activated
patients who present with VTE and have a strong protein C, resulting in increased thrombin gen-
family history of VTE or other risk factors (i.e., eration and placing the patient at increased risk
surgery, oral contraceptives, immobilization for for clotting. FVL is inherited and prevents pro-
long periods). There are evolving guidelines tein C/protein S complex from inactivating factor
regarding the initiation of thrombophilia workup V. It is the most common inherited thrombophilia
(Ashraf et al. 2019), which center around whether and is the most common genetic risk factor for
the knowledge of an inherited thrombophilia will VTE (Kujovich 2011). This test requires patient
change the management of the patient. A family or parent consent.
history of VTE should be taken before ­prescribing
a drospirenone birth control pill (ACOG 2020).
The clinician should refer to US Medical Eligibil- 8.16.3 Protein C
ity Criteria for Contraceptive Use (CDC 2020). A
referral to a hematologist should be considered Protein C reduces thrombin formation and acts
if a thrombophilia workup is needed. College of as an anticoagulant. Therefore, decreased plasma
American Pathologists recommends thrombo- levels increase a patient’s risk of thromboembo-
philia testing for pediatric patients if they have lism (Oto et al. 2020). At least 16 different assays
a personal history of VTE or arterial thrombosis. are available to test a patient’s activated protein C
Both the American College of Medical Genetics (Oto et al. 2020).
and the College of American Pathologists recom-
mend against testing for methyltetrahydrofolate
reductase (MTHFR) polymorphism as part of the 8.16.4 Protein S
workup for thrombophilia (Hickey et al. 2013).
Protein S is a vitamin K-dependent plasma gly-
coprotein found mainly in the liver (ten Kate
8.16.1 COVID-19 and Coagulation and van der Meer 2008). It has many functions,
including direct inhibition of the tenase and pro-
With the recent pandemic caused by COVID-19, thrombinase complexes, a cofactor to protein C,
coagulopathies have garnered increasing atten- and involvement in fibrinolysis (ten Kate and van
tion due to coagulopathies being reported in der Meer 2008). There are two types of protein
even young patients. Several changes in circulat- S assays available: clotting assays that measure
ing prothrombotic factors, including an increase activated protein C cofactor activity and immu-
in factor VIII and fibrinogen, are why there has noassays that measure total and free protein S
been an increase in venous thromboembolism levels (ten Kate and van der Meer 2008).
(VTE). The hypercoagulable state is called
thromboinflammation or COVID-19-associated
coagulopathy (Al-Subaie 2021). An elevation of 8.16.5 Testing for Thrombophilia
D-dimer is a consistent finding in patients with
COVID-19. The inflammation in COVID-19 is The tests below are tests commonly performed as
likely responsible for activating the coagulation part of a thrombophilia workup and are included
cascade, leading to increased coagulation-related in the chapter for the reader’s knowledge. They
problems in patients with COVID (Al-Subaie are not recommended to be done in a primary
2021). D-Dimer can also be a marker of the sever- care setting. Testing should only be undertaken
ity of the disease in COVID (Lima et al. 2020). in patients at an increased risk and who would
310 R. M. John and C. A. Bell

benefit from screening for thrombophilia. The VTE.  Elevations do occur during normal preg-
tests for thrombophilia screening are not perfect. nancies, reaching two to four times normal by
Therefore, a negative screening should not be 9  months of gestation. There are variable rises
interpreted as the patient not having an inherited in D-dimers in active malignancy; however,
VTE risk (Ashraf et al. 2019). D-dimer’s elevation is frequently found in the
hospitalized patient, indicating that it can rise Prothrombin or Factor II in various conditions (Olson 2015). An elevated
Prothrombin is a clotting protein important in D-dimer is not specific since moderate elevations
forming fibrin in the last stage of the clotting cas- can be found in so many conditions. However,
cade when fibrin is formed. Increased production levels over 5000 ng/mL can be seen in dissemi-
of prothrombin occurs as a result of a single-base nated intravascular coagulation, ascending aortic
pair change. This mutation is present in approxi- dissections, and pulmonary embolism (Olson
mately 2% of the general population, with a 2015).
slightly higher risk of the mutation in people
from Southern Europe. Lupus Anticoagulant
Antithrombin is an endogenous anticoagulant Lupus anticoagulant is an antibody that binds
that is produced in the liver (Corral et al. 2018). to phospholipids and proteins. The term “lupus
Reductions in the levels of antithrombin place anticoagulant” is a misnomer. It is often not asso-
patients at increased risk of thrombosis. Lab test- ciated with lupus and is not associated with anti-
ing for diagnosis involves either functional or coagulation. This antibody’s presence places one
genetic analysis as a majority of the patients with at increased risk for coagulation (Teruya et  al.
antithrombin deficiency have a defect in SER- 2007). There are at least four different assays
PINC1 (Corral et al. 2018). commercially available, and none is the gold
standard for lupus anticoagulant assays (Teruya Prothrombin G20210A et  al. 2007). Testing for lupus anticoagulants
Prothrombin G20210A is a mutation in the pro- should not be done if the patient receives rivar-
thrombin gene that leads to elevated prothrombin oxaban, dabigatran, or enoxaparin (Ashraf et al.
activity and prothrombin plasma concentrations 2019).
(von Ahsen et  al. 2000). An abnormal result of
this genetic test as either heterozygous or homo- Additional Antiphospholipid
zygous carrier indicates that a patient is at higher Antibodies
risk for thrombosis. It is the second only to factor Two other antiphospholipid antibodies, anticar-
V Leiden as the most common cause of inherited diolipin and anti-β2-glycoprotein 1, are com-
thrombosis (Zöller et al. 1999). This test is per- monly tested in a thrombophilia workup. The
formed by PCR and requires patient or parental presence of these antibodies on two or more
consent. occasions at least 12  weeks apart is considered
a potential laboratory risk factor for thrombosis D-Dimer development. However, this risk is not as high as
D-Dimer is a marker of the activation of coagula- a positive lupus anticoagulant (Galli et al. 2003).
tion and an indirect marker of fibrinolysis. There Laboratory testing for these antibodies involves
are at least 30 different assays for D-dimer avail- using ELISA, but there is a lack of standardiza-
able, including enzyme-linked immunosorbent tion between laboratories (Zhou et al. 2018). As
assays (ELISA), immunofluorescent assays, previously mentioned, the clinician must remem-
and latex agglutination assays (Johnson et  al. ber that if the test for any of the antiphospholipid
2019). Elevated D-dimer levels are found in antibodies is positive, it will need to be repeated
patients with VTE.  Still, they must be assessed 12  weeks later since these antibodies may be
in the context of a complete history and physi- transient.
cal exam, as D-dimer alone is not diagnostic for
8 Hematology 311 Fibrinogen The peripheral smear shows microcy-

Fibrinogen is synthesized in the liver, and assays tosis, hypochromasia, poikilocytosis, and
measure functional fibrinogen. As shown in anisocytosis.
Figs.  8.2 and 8.3, fibrinogen, due to thrombin’s What is the most likely cause of this kind
action, leads to fibrin formation. Thrombin action of CBC in a Caucasian toddler?
is inhibited by hirudin without the presence of (a) Iron deficiency anemia
any cofactors. This binding is irreversible. (b) Hemolysis
(c) Thalassemia trait
(d) Leukemia
8.16.6 Real-Life Example 2. Using the CBC results above, what is the abso-
lute neutrophil count (ANC) in this patient?
A 9-month-old presented for a preoperative visit (a) 5670
before a VSD repair, including preoperative labs. (b) 5922
The child’s family history was unremarkable. (c) 5277
The child’s exam was normal except for a blow- (d) 4578
ing holosystolic, grade 3/6 harsh murmur at the 3. What is the most common acquired bleeding
low left sternal border radiating to the back. As problem in children?
the tourniquet was applied, multiple petechiae (a) Immune thrombocytopenia
appeared below the line of the tourniquet. The (b) von Willebrand disease
results of the lab showed elevated PTT and nor- (c) Hemophilia
mal PT. (d) Protein C deficiency
Further testing for VWD was positive. The 4. What does the term poikilocytosis mean?
family was questioned in detail about bleeding (a) Changes in size
following deliveries as they had not had surgery (b) Changes in shape
or dental work done involving tooth removal. (c) Pale cells
Both the mother, maternal grandmother, and the (d) Small cells
9-month-old sibling were positive for VWD. Review this CBC and answer the question
Questions  WBC 5.6 5.5–15.0
RBC 5.95 3.7–5.30
1. Please interpret this CBC. Hb 9.0 10.5–13.5
HCT 26.5 33–49
Test Result Normal/high/low
MCV 56 70–86
WBC 12.6 Normal
MCHC 16 23–31
RBC 3.28 Low
Platelet 450 150–450
Hgb 8.4 Low
Hct 25.2 Low 5. What is the likely cause of the child’s

MCV 60 Low
MCH 20 Low
MCHC 29 Low (a) Thalassemia trait
RDW 20 High (b) Iron deficiency
Platelet 475 High (c) Hemolysis
MPV 7.0 Normal (d) Leukemia
NRBC 0.0 Normal 6. What is usually elevated in hemolytic

% neutrophils 45 Normal anemia?
% bands 2 Normal
(a) Haptoglobin
% lymphocytes 43 Normal
% monocytes 6 Normal (b) WBC
% basophils 1 Normal (c) Platelet count
% eosinophils 3 Normal (d) Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)
312 R. M. John and C. A. Bell

7. What is the most likely value of the MCV in 13. First, calculate Mentzer’s index using the

macrocytic anemia? following indices:
(a) 85 RBC is 5.45, Hb is 10.4, and MCV is 56.
(b) 95 What is the most likely diagnosis based on
(c) 105 the calculated Mentzer’s index?
(d) 145 (a) Iron deficiency
8. Which of the following children has moderate (b) Normocytic anemia
neutropenia? (c) Thalassemia trait
(a) WBC 9.5 with 78 neutrophils, 12 lympho- (d) Thalassemia major
cytes, 2 bands, 3 eosinophils, and 5 14. If the patient is compensating for hemolysis,
monocytes what will be elevated?
(b) WBC 4.5 with 8 neutrophils, 77 lympho- (a) Reticulocyte count (RC)
cytes, 5 bands, 3 eosinophils, 3 basophils, (b) Red cell count
and 4 monocytes (c) Creatinine kinase
(c) WBC 6.7 with 18 neutrophils, 67 lympho- (d) White cell count
cytes, 12 bands, and 1 eosinophil, 1 baso- 15. An African-American male newborn has

phil, and 1 monocyte prolonged jaundice. Which of the following
(d) WBC 4.8 with 6 neutrophils, 88 lympho- is the most likely diagnosis?
cytes, 2 bands, 1 eosinophil, 1 basophil, (a) Spherocytosis
and 2 monocytes (b) Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
9. Which of the following is elevated in iron defi- deficiency (G6PD deficiency)
ciency anemia? (c) Elliptocytosis
(a) Ferritin (d) Sickle cell disease
(b) Total iron-binding capacity 16. You note a CBC with normocytic anemia and
(c) Serum iron circulating nucleated red blood cells (nucle-
(d) Transferrin ated RBCs). Of the following, what is the
10. What do you expect to happen 7 to 10 days most likely diagnosis?
after iron initiation in a patient with thalas- (a) Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
semia trait? (b) Moderate iron deficiency
(a) Reticulocyte count will significantly
(c) Thalassemia trait
increase (d) Mild lead poisoning
(b) Nothing will happen 17. Which of the following labs would be con-
(c) The hemoglobin will rise at least 1 gm sisted of autoimmune hemolytic anemia?
(d) The RDW will increase (a) Decreased haptoglobin, decreased lac-

11. What does the term anisocytosis mean? tate dehydrogenase (LDH)
(a) Different size (b) Increased haptoglobin, increased LDH
(b) Different shape (c) Decreased haptoglobin, increased LDH
(c) Small cells (d) Increased haptoglobin, decreased LDH
(d) Paleness of the cells 18. A child has normochromic and normocytic
12. A child has microcytic anemia that did not anemia with a normal differential. What
respond to 1 month of iron. What is the next is the next step in the evaluation of the
best step? child?
(a) Increase the dose of iron to 5 mg/kg/day (a) Do a uric acid and lactate dehydrogenase
for 1 month (LDH)
(b) Order another reticulocyte count (b) Do a stool guaiac and reticulocyte count
(c) Repeat the serum ferritin (c) Repeat the CBC with a differential
(d) Do a hemoglobin electrophoresis (d) All of the above
(e) None of the above
8 Hematology 313

19. Why is the 1-month-old neonate with SCD neutrophils and the bands by the WBC.  You
asymptomatic? need to add the bands and the neutrophils
(a) The high levels of fetal hemoglobin together so you would get 47. It would be best
(b) Maternal transfer of hemoglobin if you remembered that 45 neutrophils and 2
(c) The inability of the neonate to mount a bands are a percentage of 100, so you must
response to infection multiply 0.47. The WBC of 12.6 is actually
(d) The high level of hemoglobin A2 12,600. When you carry out the multiplica-
20. You are reviewing the previous day’s lab
tion, the ANC is 5922.
results. One of the CBCs catches your atten- 3. Answer: A
tion as the WBC count is 3.8 with a normal Rationale: This is a memorization ques-
differential. The rest of the CBC is normal. tion. The most common acquired bleeding
Under what circumstances would this leuko- problem is immune thrombocytopenia. The
penia be an expected finding? rest of the answers are genetic disorders, not
(a) A low WBC is never normal acquired.
(b) It may be low in viral illnesses or a small 4. Answer: B
group of African-American males Rationale: Anisocytosis is a variation in the
(c) It is usually low in a patient with strep RBC size, whereas poikilocytosis presents a
pharyngitis variation in RBC shape (Cascio and De
(d) It is usually low in a patient with sickle Loughery 2017). Pale cells are hypochromic,
cell disease whereas small cells are microcytic.
5. Answer: A
Rationale Rationale: The CBC shows microcytic ane-
1. Answer: A mia as the child has a low Hb and Hct with an
Rationale: The CBC is the classic picture MCV of 56. Again, Mentzer’s index is done by
of IDA. The RBC, Hb, Hct, and MCV are low. dividing the MCV/RBC. The MCV is 56, and
The RDW is elevated. The level of RDW ele- the RBC is 5.95, resulting in a Mentzer’s index
vation is usually around 18. If you do of 9.41. If Mentzer’s index is less than 13, and
Mentzer’s index MCV/RBC, the result is then thalassemia trait should be considered.
18.29. The approach would be to start the The next step in the management is a hemoglo-
patient on a therapeutic level of iron (3–6 mg/ bin electrophoresis. Remember that patients
kg) and follow back in 1  week. If you do a born in other countries may not have been
reticulocyte count, the result will show reticu- screened for a hemoglobinopathy at birth.
locytosis, and the Hb will have already 6. Answer: D
responded by 1 g/dl. Rationale: A low haptoglobin with an ele-
If the child had thalassemia trait, the RBC vated LDH is 90% sensitive for hemolysis
would be high, and the RDW would be nor- (Kujovich 2016). Therefore, D is the correct
mal. In hemolysis, the child would have a low answer. Platelets and WBC are not affected by
Hb and Hct but a normal or slightly elevated hemolysis.
MCV.  The RDW would either be normal or 7. Answer: C
slightly elevated. The elevation seen in the Rationale: A macrocytic anemia generally
RDW is the result of reticulocytosis. As you has an MCV greater than 100, but 145 would
may remember, reticulocytes are much larger be out of the range normally seen.
in size, and therefore the RDW may be ele- 8. Answer: B
vated as the cells do not all look like each Rationale: To answer question 8, you must
other. remember that an ANC between 1500 and
2. Answer: B 1000 is mild neutropenia. An ANC of 1000–
Rationale: The absolute neutrophil count or 500 is moderate neutropenia, and an ANC of
ANC is determined by multiplying the 500 to 0 is severe neutropenia.
314 R. M. John and C. A. Bell

In answer A, the ANC in A is 78 neutro- 15. Answer: B

phils +2 bands equal 80% or 0.80. You multi- Rationale: African-American newborns
ply 0.80 by 9500 to get 7800 as the ANC, well with prolonged jaundice should be tested for
above 1500. In answer B, eight neutrophils glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase defi-
and five bands equal 13% or 0.13. You multi- ciency (G6PD deficiency). G6PD deficiency
ply 0.13 by 4500, and this equals an ANC of is more common than elliptocytosis or sphe-
585, which is moderate neutropenia. In answer rocytosis. The high level of hemoglobin F is
C, 18 neutrophils and 12 bands equal 30% or protective against any symptoms in patients
0.3. You multiply 0.3 by 6700, and this equals with SCD. The child with SCD will develop
an ANC of 2010, which is normal. In answer mild jaundice as hemoglobin drops, but this
D, six neutrophils and two bands equal 0.8% usually does not occur until 6 months.
or 0.08. You multiply 0.08 by 4800, and this 16. Answer: A
equals an ANC of 384, which is severe neutro- Rationale: In a patient with normocytic
penia. Therefore, B is the correct answer. anemia with circulating nucleated RBCs
9. Answer: B (NRBCs), autoimmune hemolytic anemia
Rationale: In IDA, the ferritin is low, and should be considered. The CBC in moderate
therefore A is not correct. The serum transferrin iron deficiency and thalassemia trait would
is also low in IDA. TIBC is an indirect measure show microcytic anemia and no circulating
of transferrin. It measures the availability of NRBCs. NRBCs are seen when there is a
iron-binding sites on the transferrin molecule. marked increase in erythropoietic activity. In
The serum iron would also be low in IDA. mild lead poisoning, there may not be any
10. Answer: B CBC changes.
Rationale: A patient with the thalassemia 17. Answer: C
trait will not respond to iron therapy. There Rationale: See rationale to question 6.
will be no change in the CBC if the patient 18. Answer: B
has thalassemia trait and not IDA. Rationale: The best answer to this question
11. Answer: A is to do a stool guaiac and RC. It is not routine
Rationale: Anisocytosis is a variation in to repeat a CBC if there is nothing abnormal
the RBC size, whereas poikilocytosis pres- about the CBC results. Uric acid and an LDH
ents a variation in RBC shape (Cascio and would not be the next step. If the RC were less
De Loughery 2017). Pale cells are hypochro- than 0.5% and indicated hypofunctioning of
mic, whereas small cells are microcytic. the bone marrow, then a workup for an onco-
12. Answer: D logical problem would be appropriate. A posi-
Rationale: In this question, the child has tive stool guaiac may explain the blood loss
not responded to iron therapy, and a hemo- associated with gastrointestinal bleeding
globinopathy should be considered. associated with normocytic anemia.
13. Answer: C 19. Answer: A
Rationale: The first step is to calculate Rationale: The presence of fetal hemoglo-
Mentzer’s index. The MCV/RBC is 56/5.45, bin protects the newborn from being symp-
which equals 10.27. This result is signifi- tomatic if they have sickle cell anemia. As
cantly less than 13; therefore, hemoglobin the fetal hemoglobin drops, the child
electrophoresis would be the next step. becomes symptomatic.
14. Answer: A 20. Answer: B
Rationale: When the RBCs break up, Rationale: The WBC count can be low in
causing anemia, the bone marrow will a patient with a viral illness or African-­
respond by releasing premature RBCs or American males. It is important to review
reticulocytes. These cells can carry oxygen previous CBCs when evaluating a CBC
and meet the body’s need for oxygen. whenever possible.
8 Hematology 315

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Care of the Child
with a Gastrointestinal Disorder
Anna L. Rundle, Nicole Baron, and Rita Marie John

Learning Objectives 9.1 Introduction

After completing the chapter, the learner should
be able to: The gastrointestinal system, responsible for
digestion and absorption, is essential for life-
1. Interpret common laboratory studies to evalu- long health. It comprises two major parts, the
ate the child with diarrhea. alimentary canal and digestive tract and acces-
2. Identify and interpret laboratory studies used sory organs, including the liver, gall bladder,
for evaluation of celiac disease. and pancreas. Gastrointestinal symptoms and
3. Develop a plan for a child presenting with disorders are common in primary care practice.
possible inflammatory bowel disease. Pediatric primary care providers play an impor-
4. Evaluate a child for possible liver disease. tant role in the initial diagnosis and management
5. Understand the diagnostic laboratory tests of these conditions. However, additional testing
used in patients with liver disease. is needed when symptoms persist, and referral
to a pediatric gastroenterologist or hepatologist
may be considered. This chapter will discuss the
approach to care for a child with acute diarrhea or
a suspected underlying gastrointestinal disorder.
Screening and diagnostic testing for celiac dis-
Anna L. Rundle: Special Thanks to Dr. Steven Lobritto ease (CD), liver disease, and inflammatory bowel
disease (IBD) are included. Early recognition and
diagnosis of underlying conditions are critical to
A. L. Rundle (*) the child’s overall growth and development.
Pediatric Center for Liver Disease and
Transplantation, New York-Presbyterian Morgan
Stanley Children’s Hospital, New York, NY, USA
e-mail: 9.2  he Child with Diarrhea
N. Baron in Primary Care
Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and
Nutrition, Columbia University Medical Center, New Acute infectious diarrhea is common in primary
York-Presbyterian Morgan Stanley Children’s care, and nearly all preschoolers have one epi-
Hospital, New York, NY, USA
sode of diarrhea (Lo Vecchio et al. 2019). Most
R. M. John children and infants do not require any diagnostic
School of Nursing, Columbia University,
New York, NY, USA testing as these episodes tend to be self-limiting

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 319
R. M. John (ed.), Pediatric Diagnostic Labs for Primary Care: An Evidence-based Approach,
320 A. L. Rundle et al.

(Guarino et  al. 2014; Thiagarajah et  al. 2018). Microscopic Examination
Acute diarrhea typically lasts for less than of the Stool
2  weeks, and chronic diarrhea lasts for more The microscopic examination of the stool will
than 2  weeks (Thiagarajah et  al. 2018). Gener- evaluate for protozoa, helminths, and leukocytes.
ally, laboratory studies are not done unless the The evaluation for leukocytes in the stools is not a
diarrhea is severe, bloody diarrhea with/without sensitive test for inflammatory diarrhea since the
mucopus, immunosuppression, severe illness, or results do vary (Kasırga 2019). Testing the stool
a prolonged illness of more than 7 days (Zimmer- for occult blood is usually done by stool guaiac
man et al. 2020). and is discussed in more detail in Sect.
The Sudan III Stain of stool can detect more
than 90% of patients with steatorrhea. The Sudan
9.2.1 T
 he Child with Suspected III Staining has a sensitivity and specificity of
Infectious Diarrhea 77% and 98%, respectively (Simko 1981). This
method involves counting fat globules as well
An evaluation for an infectious disease should be as measuring their dimension. When done by
completed as part of the workup for any patient an experienced examiner, the results are similar
presenting with acute diarrhea or bloody diar- to the 72-hour fecal fat measurement (Kasırga
rhea. Many enteropathogens can cause gastroin- 2019).
testinal infections. Stool Culture Macroscopic Evaluation The stool culture is the gold standard for iden-
of Stool tifying stool pathogens (Wyatt and Kellermayer
The clinician must know the developmental dif- 2018). The main problem with this testing method
ference in stool characteristics. In infants, it is is labor-intensive and more prone to error, with
important to note the developmental changes inconsistent results that take many days (Torres-
that occur over time. At birth, once meconium is Miranda et  al. 2020; Zimmerman et  al. 2020).
passed, the newborn’s stool will vary depending The use of molecular diagnostic methods such as
on whether they are formula or breastfeeding. As PCR offers high sensitivity and specificity for the
the infant is introduced to complementary foods, rapid identification of pathogens. The drawback
the stool will become more formed and may have is that it may detect low levels of enteropatho-
the color of the food that they are fed. Even the gens without a clear clinical significance (Wyatt
school-aged child fed food with artificial ingredi- and Kellermayer 2018).
ents may have a stool that resembles that food’s
colors. Stool for Ova and Parasites
The stool should be looked at for shape, color, (O&P)
amount, consistency, mucus, and odor. The use A fresh specimen of stool for microscopic evalu-
of a Bristol stool chart should be used to char- ation for ova and parasites (O&P) is part of eval-
acterize the shape of the stool. Color is very uating children with persistent diarrhea lasting
important as infants with clay or putty-colored more than 7  days. It should not be done unless
stool may have an obstructive biliary disease and there is at least 1  week of diarrhea (Mohapatra
need immediate referral to a hepatologist. Green et al. 2018). It is commonly done in refugee chil-
stool may reflect dietary intake of green vegeta- dren, children traveling to underdeveloped coun-
bles. Black color can reflect more than 100 ml of tries, and history of ingestion of contaminated
bleeding from the GI tract (Kasırga 2019) but can food or water (Mohapatra et al. 2018). Parasites
also reflect iron intake or bismuth intake from like Giardia and Cryptosporidium are common
Pepto Bismol. While a small amount of mucus is in the United States. Unfortunately, examination
normal, the presence of bloody mucus or copious of the stool may not reveal the parasite as the par-
mucus is abnormal (Kasırga 2019). asite and/or ova tends to shed intermittently; this
9  Care of the Child with a Gastrointestinal Disorder 321

is why stool for O&P is ordered three times to a positive multiplex PCR test in a patient with
maximize the test’s sensitivity. However, several IBD. The multiplex PCR fecal pathogen testing
studies have found that the first specimen may be can return a positive result for a bacterium lead-
the only one needed. Therefore, the result of the ing to delayed diagnosis (Wyatt and Kellermayer
first study should be obtained before additional 2018). Clinicians need to remember that the test-
samples are submitted to reduce cost (Branda ing is so sensitive that a small number of bacteria
et al. 2006; Morris et al. 1992; Polage et al. 2011). can lead to a positive result. The test is unable
Clinicians need to be aware that routine O&P to differentiate the carrier state versus an actual
stool examinations may not include Cryptospo- infection. Therefore, a PCR test should only be
ridium, so it is necessary to ask for Cryptosporid- used on symptomatic patients.
ium specifically. This is especially important in Different molecular PCR panels test for differ-
immunocompromised patients who can develop ent bacteria, so knowing what the test results will
fulminant infection (Mohapatra et al. 2018). include is critical. Multiple studies have shown
However, multiplex real-time polymerase that PCR panels have an increased sensitivity for
chain reaction (PCR) can detect the three most the detection of GI pathogens over culture (Beal
common one-cell parasites  – Entamoeba histo- et al. 2018; Buss et al. 2015; Gingras and Mag-
lytica, Giardia lamblia, and Cryptosporidium giore 2020; Hannet et  al. 2019; Sciandra et  al.
parvum (Mohapatra et al. 2018). 2020; Stockmann et  al. 2017; Torres-­Miranda
et al. 2020). Enzyme Immunoassays The multiplex panels are expensive, and panel
for Enteric Pathogens compositions vary from company to company.
A review of enzyme immunoassay can be found If gastrointestinal pathogen PCR testing is not
in Sect. Several EI tests evaluate enteric available, it is important to test for Clostridium
pathogens such as Giardia lamblia, H. pylori, difficile, Salmonella, Shigella, Campylobacter,
adenovirus, norovirus, and rotavirus. The tests and ova and parasites, including Giardia and
enable rapid identification of possible bacte- Cryptosporidium.
rial, viral, or protozoal diseases. As previously
stated, they are not as accurate as PCR but are Other Diagnostic Laboratory
much lower in cost. Enteric adenoviruses (type Tests for Parasitic or Helminth
40 or 41) can cause prolonged diarrhea, and there Infections
is an adenovirus-specific ELISA analysis that is While peripheral eosinophilia is found in some
78% sensitive and 100% specific for adenovirus parasitic and helminth infections, this is a non-
(Kasırga 2019). specific finding and may be absent in dissemi-
nated disease or patients on steroids (Mohapatra Syndromic-Based Molecular et al. 2018). Other available tests can evaluate for
Testing for Detection a particular parasitic or helminth infection and
of Gastrointestinal Pathogens are seen in Table 9.1.
The use of a gastrointestinal pathogen PCR panel
allows for simultaneous qualitative detection and
identification of nucleic acids from over 20 of 9.2.2 Evaluation of Fatty Diarrhea
the most common pathogens, including bacte-
ria, viruses, and parasites from one stool sample. The stool samples of children with prolonged
The use of such testing is rapid and cost-effective diarrhea that float on the water of a toilet should
(Beal et  al. 2018). This rapid turnaround can be seen by the clinician to help them order the
decide isolation methods and infection control right diagnostic testing. Not all diarrhea is related
measures (Zimmerman et al. 2020). to intestinal parasites or IBD.  As noted above,
There are several drawbacks of this testing. the macroscopic evaluation of stool is important.
One drawback of PCR molecular methods is Pancreatic insufficiency (PEI) causes steatorrhea
322 A. L. Rundle et al.

Table 9.1  Other diagnostic laboratory tests for parasitic or helminth infections
Name of test and pathogen
identified Sensitivity and specificity Comments
E. histolytica
Kits using ELISA, Superior to stool for O&P but less Distinguishes E. histolytica from E.
radioimmunoassay, or sensitive and specific than PCR dispar and Entamoeba moshkovskii
immunofluorescence methods are
used for fecal antigen tests for E.
Serological tests for E. histolytica
Giardia lamblia
Direct smears Use of light microscopy after iodine It is the most common protozoal
staining—52.4 sensitive and 98.27 intestinal parasite globally and is
specific (Alharbi et al. 2020) transmitted via the fecal-oral route by
contaminated water and food. Occurs
more in summer and early fall (Leung
et al. 2019)
Ritchie sedimentation technique This technique involves emulsifying Low sensitivity limits the use of the
the stool and staining it—sensitivity is test
40.47, and specificity is 100% (Alharbi
et al. 2020)
Direct fluorescent antibody tests Faster turnaround than microscopy
that detect intact organisms (Leung et al. 2019)
(Leung et al. 2019)
Antigen detection assays for Better than stool for O&P, but PCR Serological tests are not appropriate for
Giardia lamblia, including methods are superior. The direct the evaluation of G. lamblia
ImmunoCard STAT! And CerTest immunofluorescence antigen type of More common among children under
test has the highest sensitivity of these 5, hikers, campers, and backpackers
tests (Kasırga 2019). The sensitivity is who drink undertreated water
reported at 42.86–59.52, and specificity
is reported at 89.65–98.27 (Alharbi
et al. 2020)
Faster turnaround than microscopy
Real-time PCR data analysis Sensitivity is 95.65–98%, and Detects levels as low as 10
specificity is 74.03–100% (Alharbi parasites/100 by detecting specific
et al. 2020; Leung et al. 2019) genes in the parasite within stool
(Leung et al. 2019)
Immunofluorescent assays and Are superior to stool evaluation with
enzyme immunoassay assays for acid-fast staining under a microscopic
Enterobius vermicularis (pinworms)
Scotch tape test or cellulose-tape Stool for O&P not recommended Looks for eggs captured on adhesive
slide test for Enterobius cellophane tape placed against the
vermicularis (pinworms) perineum during the night when the
worms come out and lay eggs
Serological tests for Strongyloides Sensitivity is greater than 90% Recommended by the CDC
include an enzyme-linked
immunoassay (EIA)
Circulating antibodies in blood or Primarily a disease of underdeveloped
urine tests can identify an countries but can be found in travelers
infection with Schistosoma returning from those countries or in
Latin American immigrants
Adapted from Alharbi et al. (2020), Kasırga (2019), Leung et al. (2019)
9  Care of the Child with a Gastrointestinal Disorder 323

and can signify chronic pancreatitis, cystic fibro- a low FE-1 result points to PEI.  This test is a
sis, a problem with the pancreatic duct system, screening test, and when positive, a 72-h test for
or surgical pancreatic resection. Extra-pancreatic fecal fat remains the gold standard for diagnos-
conditions include celiac disease, irritable bowel ing PEI.
syndrome, gastric surgery, Zollinger-Ellison
syndrome, and HIV infection (Domínguez-
­ 72-Hour Test for Fecal Fat
Muñoz et al. 2017). PEI is also associated with The 72-hour test for fecal fact tests for the coef-
diabetes. ficient of fat absorption (CFA). It requires a strict
diet of 100  g fat/day for a minimum of 5  days. Fecal Elastase (FE-1) All stools must be collected and placed in the
Steatorrhea usually will not occur unless the refrigerator over 72  hours (Domínguez-Muñoz
lipase secretion is decreased by >90%. The pan- et al. 2017). Since the test is so time-consuming
creatic elastase-1 is very stable in the intestinal and unpleasant to do, the test remains difficult for
tract since proteolytic degradation does not occur patients. In addition, if the patient is on pancre-
(Sziegoleit and Linder 1991). FE-1 assesses the atic enzyme replacement therapy, they must dis-
pancreatic output, amylase, lipase, and trypsin continue it during the testing. More than 6 g/day
(Domínguez-Muñoz et  al. 2017). The test for fat in the stool sample is considered pathological,
FE-1 can help distinguish between PEI and the but in patients with steatorrhea, more than 20 g
infant with a problem of fat absorption. FE-1 of fat is usually found (Kasırga 2019). The result
is low in PEI.  A meta-analysis and systematic does not differentiate the cause of the steatorrhea.
review found that the assay for elastase-1 had a One of the major limitations of the 72-h fecal
pooled sensitivity of 0.77 (95% CI, 0.58–0.89) fat test is that it does not distinguish between
and specificity of 0.88 (95% CI, 0.78–0.93) hepatobiliary, intestinal, and pancreatic causes of
(Vanga et  al. 2018). The lower the FE-1 levels, fat malabsorption. If there is less than 60 g of fat
the more likely the patient has PEI (Domínguez-­ consumed daily, the test results are not accurate.
Muñoz et al. 2017).
It is prone to false positives in infants with
prolonged high-volume diarrhea (Thiagarajah 9.2.3 C. difficile
et  al. 2018). The level of >200 mcg/g (normal
level of FE-1 level) can rule out exocrine pan- Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) can present
creatic insufficiency (EPI) in patients who have a without symptoms (asymptomatic colonization)
low probability of EPI (such as patients who have to fulminant colitis and megacolon. It is a gram-­
irritable bowel syndrome and diarrhea) (Vanga positive, anaerobic bacterium that flourishes
et al. 2018). when the gut flora is altered by antibiotics or
The FE-1 immunoassay is usually covered chemotherapy (dysbiosis). Carroll and Mizusawa
by insurance and is relatively inexpensive. It recommend a two-step process for the diagno-
requires <1 gm of stool and is not affected by sis. The first step is a glutamate dehydrogenase
either diet or fasting status (Domínguez-Muñoz (GDH) test followed by a toxin test or a nucleic
et al. 2017). The stool sample can be used for up acid test for confirmation (Carroll, Mizusawa,
to 30 days if refrigerated to 4°, and it should not 2020). Lee, Plechot, Gohil, and Le (2021) recom-
be diluted (Domínguez-Muñoz et al. 2017). Pan- mend either a GDH test or a NAAT test followed
creatic insufficiency can be treated with pancre- by toxin A/B EIA in conjunction with clinical
atic enzymes, and the child will get better once history (diagnostic stewardship). Currently, there
the pancreatic enzymes are replaced. In patients is no consensus about the proper testing order.
with chronic diarrhea, low FE-1 results point to The overuse of NAAT testing can lead to over-
pancreatic disease and PEI. In patients with pan- diagnosis as it will identify carriers at a high rate,
creatic disease and malnutrition or maldigestion leading to the overuse of antibiotics. To have a
signs such as prolonged diarrhea or weight loss, symptomatic CDI, a child must have adequate
324 A. L. Rundle et al.

contact with a toxin-producing strain of C. dif- membrane, and cassettes. The sensitivity of the
ficile spores, with subsequent colon overgrowth tests varies from 41% to 86% for the microwell
leading to changes in the colon’s microbiota (Lee EIA to a low of 29–79% for the lateral flow mem-
et  al. 2021). Antibiotic exposure is a common branes (Carroll, Mizusawa, 2020). The specificity
reason for increased risk of CDI, with clindamy- is much higher ranging from 89% to 100% for all
cin, cephalosporins, and fluoroquinolones have tests. EIAs are not recommended as a standalone
the highest risk (Brown et  al. 2013; Deshpande test (Carroll, Mizusawa, 2020; Lee et al. 2021).
et al. 2013). The child receiving laxatives or has a
known cause of diarrhea should not have routine Nucleic Acid Detection Methods
testing for C. difficile (Lee et al. 2021). While the The first FDA-approved PCR test for C. dif-
gold standard was toxigenic culture, due to the ficile in stool samples was in 2008. There are
slow turnaround of up to 7 days (Carroll, Mizu- several FDA-cleared molecular-based platforms
sawa, 2020), and a higher incidence of false-pos- to detect toxin A or B in the United States. The
itive results due to non-toxigenic results, makes tests are more expensive than the assays above.
this method is a reference method and not a diag- However, when the laboratory changed from EIA
nostic method (Lee et al. 2021). The testing for toxin verification to NAAT testing, the cost sav-
C. difficile and the pitfalls are found below: ings of decreasing the number of treated patients
resulted in cost savings despite the expense of the Glutamate Dehydrogenase test (Bartsch et al. 2015; Xuan et al. 2020). It is
(GDH) Screening important to make sure that the history and physi-
GDH EIA, lateral flow membrane, and enzyme-­ cal exam of the patient are appropriate for testing
linked fluorescent assay-chemiluminescent as studies have shown that in adults, up to 50%
immunoassay (ELFA/CLIA) tests detect the are inappropriately tested (Dubberke et al. 2011;
metabolic enzyme present in non-toxigenic and Buckel et al. 2015).
toxigenic C. Difficile. The EIA test’s sensitivity The laboratory may ask for reasons for the
ranges from 88% to 95%, and the specificity is testing and reject specimens where there is no
from 94% to 98% (Carroll, Mizusawa, 2020). Lee reason for testing. The sensitivity of the tests var-
et  al. (2021) report a lower specificity of 70%. ies from 62% to 100%, and the specificity varies
The lateral flow membrane test has a sensitiv- from 90% to 100% (Carroll, Mizusawa, 2020).
ity reported from 60% to 100% with a 76–100% As mentioned previously, the test can detect
specificity. The ELFA tests have a sensitivity of patients with colonization leading to overdiagno-
87–99% and a specificity of 91–97% (Lee et al. sis and treatment (Carroll, Mizausawaka, 2020;
2021). However, the tests cannot differentiate Lee et al. 2021).
between non-toxigenic and toxigenic forms of
C. difficile. A test is a screening tool, and posi-
tive results must be followed up with a toxin A/B 9.2.4 Helicobacter pylori
EIA or a nucleic acid test. The higher specificity
of these tests will help clarify the results of the H. pylori are the most common bacterial infec-
GDH screen. tion, and it is estimated to infect around half of
the global population (Sabbagh et al. 2019). The Toxin A/B EIA gram-negative human pathogen is associated
Toxins A and B are the primary virulence factors with gastroduodenal diseases such as gastritis,
that cause C. difficile infections. EIA detections ulcer, and mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue
of toxins A and B were the main ways of C. dif- (MALT) (Wang et  al. 2015). Fortunately, chil-
ficile testing for years before nucleic acid testing. dren and adolescents do not develop these com-
The EIA assays are available in various for- plications often (Jones et  al. 2017). As a result,
mats, including ELFA, CLIA, microwell, rapid the guidelines for testing for H. pylori in children
immunoassays using immunocards, lateral flow are limited to specific conditions, as seen in
9  Care of the Child with a Gastrointestinal Disorder 325

Box 9.1. Since H. pylori do not cause symptoms treatments. The test will yield negative results in
in children unless they have peptic ulcer disease, low bacterial load due to antibiotics, PPIs, and
a noninvasive test to identify and treat H. pylori bismuth (Sabbagh et al. 2019).
infection is not indicated (Jones et al. 2017). The
Joint ESPGHAN/NASPGHAN Guidelines state Antibody-Based (IgG, IgA) Tests
that the diagnosis of H. pylori infection is done for H. pylori
based on histopathology in H. pylori-positive Antibodies against H. pylori can be detected via
gastritis plus a minimum of one other positive ELISA, immunoblotting, and EIA.  The North
biopsy-based test or culture that is positive. Thus, American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterol-
even in noninvasive positive diagnostic testing, ogy, Hepatology and Nutrition (NASPGHAN)
an endoscopy should be done based on the guide- recommends that in children, no antibody-based
lines. As a result, the noninvasive tests for H. (IgG, IgA) tests for H. pylori in any medium
pylori include stool antigen test (SAT), serology, (serum, whole blood, urine, or saliva) should be
C or 14C urea breath test, and molecular meth- used (Jones et al. 2017).
ods outlined briefly. 13
 C or 14C Urea Breath Test
The urea breath test (UBT) is regarded as a gold
standard noninvasive method for H. pylori diag-
Box 9.1 Specific Indications for Endoscopy
nosis. The sensitivity of UBT is 95.9% and a
and/or Noninvasive Evaluation for H. pylori
specificity of 95.7% (Sabbagh et al. 2019).
• Children with gastric or duodenal ulcer
The patient’s condition, the use of proton
pump inhibitors, a recent history of bleeding,
• Children with refractory IDA when
bacterium, the child’s age, and the test itself can
there are no identified causes and other
cause false-positive and false-negative results.
diagnoses are ruled out.
The test is less reliable in young children (Sab-
• Noninvasive diagnostic testing for H.
bagh et  al. 2019). However, it can distinguish
pylori infection can be done when
between past and current infections. The test is
exploring the reason for chronic immune
only used in specialty clinics.
thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP). Molecular Methods
PCR is quick and has high sensitivity and speci- Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) ficity (˃95%). Gastric juice, gastric biopsy, saliva,
Stool Antigen Test (SAT) and feces can be used for this method.
Since H. pylori adhere to the gastric epithelial
wall, it is excreted in the feces. The stool must be
refrigerated after collection to maintain the high 9.2.5 Real-Life Examples
sensitivity of the test. If the test is not immedi-
ately done, the stool must be frozen. A 16-year-old presented with a 1-week history of
The two types of SAT are EIA and immu- diarrhea which was described as initially bloody
nochromatography assay (ICA). The ICA uses with mucus. The family was traveling during the
either polyclonal antibodies or monoclonal anti- past week and reported traveling to Spain and
bodies. If H. pylori prevalence is low to moderate, Morocco. A careful history revealed that she was
the stool antigen test is cost-effective. The mono- the only person that had eaten a special soup in
clonal immunoassays (EIAs) have a sensitivity of Morocco and had become ill 24 h after ingesting
94% and specificity of 97% (Sabbagh et al. 2019). the soup. The rest of the family had no symptoms.
The pitfalls of the test include that the results are A stool for gastrointestinal pathogen PCR panel
affected by some gastrointestinal problems such was sent, and the results were obtained within
as bleeding ulcers and N-acetylcysteine (NAC) 36 hours, showing the child had a Campylobacter
326 A. L. Rundle et al.

infection. The child was treated appropriately, 9.3 Overview of Celiac Disease
and all diarrhea was resolved within 5 days. The
rapid results enabled the child to receive prompt CD is an immune-mediated enteropathy of the
treatment. small intestine caused by gluten ingestion found
A 3-year-old had recurrent otitis media and a in genetically susceptible individuals. The preva-
partial antibody deficiency with impaired poly- lence of CD is 1–3% in North America and Europe
saccharide responsiveness (IPR). His ear infec- and 1% worldwide (Gujral et al. 2012; Guanda-
tions required several courses of antibiotics. lini 2017). There is a strong familial recurrence in
The child presented with 10  days of marked the range of 10–15%. Among monozygotic twins,
diarrhea. C. difficile was suspected. A NAAT the incidence is from 75 to 80% (Caio et al. 2019)
test was positive and confirmed by toxin A/B and the high concordance of the disease among
EIA. Due to the severity of diarrhea, the child monozygotic twins (75–80%). A careful family
was treated with fidaxomicin based on the 2018 history of autoimmune disease should also raise
guidelines with marked improvement (McDon- concern for possible CD (Caio et al. 2019).
ald et al. 2018). Clinical presentation of CD varies consider-
ably. Some individuals may be asymptomatic,
while others may experience gastrointestinal
and/or non-gastrointestinal manifestations.
Key Learning about Diarrhea Symptoms can be vague and nonspecific and
• The clinician must know the develop- vary by age. Younger children often present
mental difference in stool with diarrhea, anorexia, abdominal distention,
characteristics. abdominal pain, failure to thrive, and irritabil-
• The Sudan III Stain of stool can detect ity. Older children may experience gastroin-
more than 90% of patients with testinal symptoms depending on the amount
steatorrhea. of gluten ingested and may include diarrhea,
• The use of a gastrointestinal pathogen nausea, vomiting, bloating, abdominal pain,
PCR panel allows for simultaneous weight loss, and constipation. Extraintestinal
qualitative detection and identification symptoms in older children and adolescents
of nucleic acids from over 20 of the may include short stature, joint or bone pain,
most common pathogens, including fatigue, rash, headache, or difficulty concen-
bacteria, viruses. and parasites from one trating, as outlined in Table  9.2 (Madani and
stool sample. These tests cost more but Kamat 2006, Moreno 2014).
are more accurate, and results can be
• Steatorrhea usually will not occur unless Table 9.2  Clinical manifestations of CD
the lipase secretion is decreased by Gastrointestinal Extraintestinal
>90%. Fecal elastase can help the pan- Diarrhea Pubertal delay
creatic output, amylase, lipase, and tryp- Abdominal pain Poor height gain
sin (Domínguez-Muñoz et al. 2017). Constipation Unexplained weight loss
• Antibiotic exposure is a common reason Abdominal bloating/ Body/joint pain
for increased risk of CDI, but two-step
Poor weight gain Rash of dermatitis
testing must be done to avoid identify- herpetiformis
ing normal colonization. Malodorous fatty stools Fatigue
• H. pylori testing should be done in spe- Vomiting Headaches
cific clinical situations. Foggy mind
Adapted from Hill et al. (2016)
9  Care of the Child with a Gastrointestinal Disorder 327

9.3.1 Pathophysiology of CD

Box 9.2 Asymptomatic Individuals and
The pathogenesis of CD is a complex interaction Conditions to Consider CD Screening
between environmental, genetic, and immuno- • First-degree relatives.
logic factors. Gluten-containing proteins in wheat, • Trisomy 21.
rye, and barley have many proteolysis-­resistant • Turner syndrome.
sequences, resulting in the persistence of larger • William syndrome.
peptides called gliadins in the gut. These pep- • IgA deficiency.
tides are toxic and can trigger an innate immune • Type 1 diabetes.
response, increasing circulating immunoglobulins • Autoimmune thyroid disease.
or activate small intestine mucosal CD4+ T cells • Autoimmune liver disease.
in genetically predisposed patients. This immune • Juvenile chronic arthritis.
response results in damage to the small intestine’s
lining (Abadie et al. 2011; Guandalini 2017). Adapted from Hill et al. 2016
Malabsorption results from damage of the
small intestine mucosa with loss of absorptive
surface area and reduced digestive enzymes lead- 9.3.3 Celiac Genetics
ing to impaired absorption of micronutrients such
as fat-soluble vitamins, iron, vitamin B12, and CD is strongly influenced by genetic factors, with
folic acid. Severe malnutrition and muscle wast- most of the genetic dependence residing in human
ing can occur if the diagnosis is delayed (Amer- leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DQ2 and HLA-DQ8
ine 2006; Al-Toma et al. 2019). (Lázár-Molnár and Snyder 2018). If a patient
Primary care providers must understand the with CD ingests gluten, peptides are produced.
clinical indications for CD screening. Results These peptides have a high attraction for HLA-
of screening tests will help guide the provider’s DQ2 and HLA-DQ8. A complex of HLA-DQ2
referral to pediatric gastroenterology. The gold and HLA-DQ8/peptide complexes form and are
standard in CD diagnosis is endoscopy, with recognized by the T cells with a specific T-cell
pathology showing small intestinal villous atro- receptor (TCR). When the complexes attach
phy. Appropriate CD diagnosis in children is to the TCR, antibodies are produced by B-cell-
critical to ensure physical and cognitive growth derived plasma cells, leading to an inflamma-
(Alrabadi and Porto 2018). tory response in the GI tract. The inflammatory
response causes the patient to produce antibodies
to autoantigens, including intestinal tissue trans-
9.3.2 Who Needs Testing for CD? glutaminase (TTG) (Lázár-Molnár and Snyder
Screening for CD is recommended for patients Genetic testing for HLA-DQ2 and HLA-DQ8
with suggestive symptoms. Box 9.2 identifies alone is not diagnostic since there is a higher
children in high-risk groups for which clinicians incidence of alleles among populations than the
should consider screening regardless of symp- actual incidence of CD.  The absence of HLA-
toms. If screening is undertaken for asymptom- DQ2 and HLA-DQ8 makes the likelihood of the
atic individuals in identified high-risk groups, patient having the disease unlikely. The 2020
testing should first be performed at 3  years of ESPGHAN guidelines emphasize using these
age or at the time of diagnosis of the associated tests in patients with CD symptoms and elevated
condition (Hill et  al. 2016; Husby et  al. 2012). serological tests for CD.
If initial results for asymptomatic individuals are
negative, screening tests should be repeated at HLA Testing
intervals or when symptoms develop (Hill et al. There have been considerable advances in DNA
2005). sequencing that have enabled clinicians to
328 A. L. Rundle et al.

understand the role of HLA in a variety of dis- than or equal to tenfold the upper limit of normal,
eases (Shieh et al. 2018). and the antiendomysial antibodies are positive,
Heterodimers DQ2 and DQ8 are necessary for then a biopsy is unnecessary. If the TTG-IgA is
diagnosing CD but not specific to people with less than a tenfold increase, then a biopsy should
the condition. Up to 40% of the general popu- be done. The guidelines do not state that HLA-
lation have HLA-DQ2 and/or HLA-DQ8. There DQ2/HLA-DQ8 testing is obligatory to diagnose
are celiac genetic panels commercially avail- celiac disease (Husby et al. 2020).
able to evaluate the presence of such genes. If The World Gastroenterology Association
genetic markers are present, the individual is at (WGA) recommends that patients with a high
an increased risk compared to the general popu- pretest probability of CD should have TTG-IgA
lation to develop CD. Being homozygous versus testing with endoscopy. In contrast, patients with
heterozygous will increase the risk further, with a low pretest probability of CD should have sero-
HLA-DQ2 homozygous individuals at the great- logical testing done first, and only if the results
est risk (Rubio-Tapia et al. 2013). are positive should endoscopy be done. The
Celiac genetic testing should not be used WGA advises the use of TTG-IgA as a first-line
as an initial diagnostic test (Rubio-Tapia et  al. test (Bai et al. 2016).
2013). Testing for HLA-DQ2/HLA-DQ8 is best Serologic or antibody testing for CD is useful
reserved for patients in whom there is a diagnos- for screening and an important first step in the
tic dilemma. For example, if there is a discrep- diagnosis. The accuracy of testing is dependent
ancy between serology and pathology results. on the ingestion of gluten, and avoidance of glu-
Alternatively, genetic testing can be considered if ten can give false-negative results. To be confi-
a patient adopted a gluten-free diet weeks before dent about the interpretation of the TTG test, the
any serologic testing and CD is suspected. If clinician should inquire about the child’s intake
HLA-DQ2 and HLA-DQ8 are not detected, then of gluten. For older school-aged children and
CD is highly unlikely (Hill et al. 2016). adolescents, the equivalent of ≥10  g of gluten
HLA testing may be used as an initial test for (equivalent to two slices of whole wheat bread)
screening asymptomatic patients at increased every day for ≥8  weeks assures that the TTG
risk, such as first-degree relatives of patients antibody test result is accurate (Hill et al. 2016).
with medical conditions at higher risk of devel- The initial testing of total IgA and TTG-IgA is
oping CD (Husby et al. 2012) (see Box 9.2). If the most accurate test combination (Husby et al.
the genetic screen is negative, no additional test- 2020).
ing is needed (Hill et al. 2016). If celiac genetics CD antibodies belong to the immunoglobulin
are positive, the next step in screening would be A (IgA) and immunoglobulin G (IgG) classes.
serologic testing for antibodies. IgA antibodies are more sensitive and specific for
The pitfalls of the test are that genetic testing CD in comparison to IgG antibodies. IgG anti-
is expensive to perform and DQ2 and DQ8 are bodies can be misleading due to the high percent-
not specific to CD. age of false positives and are usually reserved for
IgA deficiency patients (Caio et al. 2019; Villalta
et al. 2010).
9.3.4 Diagnostic Laboratory Tests According to the North American Society
for CD for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and
Nutrition (NASPGHAN), total immunoglobulin
The gold standard for diagnosing celiac dis- A (IgA) and TTG-IgA are the most appropriate
ease has always been doing an endoscopy and tests for CD screening (Hill et al. 2005; Hill et al.
obtaining an intestinal biopsy of the duodenum; 2016).
however, recent ESPGHAN guidelines suggest A celiac panel will likely include the follow-
serological diagnosis using a combination of ing tests: (1) total IgA, (2) tissue transglutamin-
TTG-IgA and IgA. When the TTG-IgA is greater ase IgA, (3) deamidated gliadin peptide (DGP)
9  Care of the Child with a Gastrointestinal Disorder 329

IgA and IgG, and (4) EMA-IgA.  A panel may in the serum or plasma. TTG-IgA antibody at
increase the cost of an initial screen without levels that are ten times the upper limit of nor-
increasing diagnostic yield, thus the recommen- mal is considered a reliable and accurate test to
dations from the NASPGHAN. diagnose celiac (Husby et al. 2020). Combining
the results of a positive TTG with a second blood Total Immunoglobulin A draw for endomysial antibody-IgA (EMA-IgA)
Immunoglobulin A (IgA) is an antibody that has a positive predictive value of around 100%
plays a key role in the immune function of mucus (Alkalay 2020).
membranes and is in high concentrations in the The pitfalls of TTG-IgA are that the presence
gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts. Total of a concurrent illness or other chronic condi-
serum IgA concentration measurement is man- tions such as diabetes, Crohn’s disease, and liver
datory in CD screening as it allows the provider disease may result in mild elevations in TTG-
to screen for selective IgA deficiency (Al-Toma IgA (Green and Jones 2016). Such findings may
et al. 2019). be nonspecific and of no clinical significance
One of the pitfalls of CD testing without IgA (Gidrewicz et al. 2015; De Leo et al. 2015).
is that the clinician ignores the fact that approxi- Some studies suggest TTG-IgA may not
mately 2% of children with CD will have pre- accurately screen the young child (Husby et  al.
viously unrecognized IgA deficiency. If initial 2012). In this patient population, collection of
testing suggests IgA deficiency, further screen- deamidated gliadin protein, IgA, and IgG may be
ing should be performed with IgG antibodies prudent.
(Al-Toma et al. 2019; Hill et al. 2016). If testing
is performed without total IgA, those with IgA Deamidated Gliadin
deficiency will not be identified, and they are at Antibodies: IgA and IgG
risk for false-negative test results. Furthermore, As mentioned above, TTG is a deamidating
additional screening with IgG antibodies may not enzyme. Gliadin peptides, rich in the amino acid
be performed. glutamate, are excellent substrates for TTG, and
via a chemical reaction called deamidation, the Tissue Transglutaminase IgA amino acid glutamine is changed to glutamate.
TTG is a ubiquitous enzyme released from intes- The resulting deamidated gliadin peptides have
tinal cells during mechanical or cellular stress. In a greater affinity to specific protein receptors
patients with CD, TTG plays at least two criti- (HLA-DQ2 or HLA-DQ8) found on the surface
cal roles: (1) deamidating enzyme and (2) target of antigen-presenting cells. Once the deamidated
autoantigen in the immune response. TTG con- gliadin peptides are bound to receptors, they
verts gliadin peptides in the intestinal mucosa to activate small intestine mucosal CD4+ T cells
a more toxic peptide leading to an inflammatory resulting in T-cell reactivity, subsequent B-cell
cascade as a deamidating enzyme. As an autoan- stimulation, and antibody production, including
tigen, the activity of TTG results in an increased deamidated gliadin peptide (DGP) IgA and IgG
level of circulating IgA antibodies against TTG (Rubio-Tapia et al. 2013).
and endomysium, a connective tissue protein DGP antibodies have proven to be additional
within the gastrointestinal tract (Di Sabatino indicators of CD (Prause et  al. 2009). Testing
et al. 2012). It has a sensitivity of 90–100 and a for DGP-IgA and DGP-IgG in conjunction with
specificity of 95–100% (Hill et al. 2016). TTG-IgA is recommended in children under
For most patients, the most valuable screen- 2  years of age. DGP-IgG antibodies combined
ing test for CD is TTG-IgA.  The test is per- with TTG-IgG are recommended in patients
formed using enzyme-linked immunosorbent with IgA deficiency (Hill et al. 2016). The DGP-
assay (ELISA) technology (Husby et  al. 2019). IgA has a sensitivity of 80–91% and a specific-
It is also automated in the in  vitro test system ity of 91–95% (Hill et al. 2016). The DGP-IgG
for the quantitative determination of TTG-IgA has a sensitivity of 88–91% and a specificity of
330 A. L. Rundle et al.

86–98% (Hill et al. 2016). DGP tests can detect DGP.  The antigliadin IgG and IgA tests are
the antibodies against synthetically derived pep- known to have too wide variability between labo-
tides and are more accurate than AGA tests. ratories (Hill et al. 2016).
DGP-IgA is less sensitive and less specific
than TTG-IgA and EMA-IgA.  DGP-IgG has Point-of-Care Tests for TTG
comparable specificity but lower sensitivity than Antibodies
the TTG-IgA and EMA-IgA. Point-of-care testing (POCT) for CD is avail-
able and used in Europe for over 10 years (Singh EMA-IgA et  al. 2019). POCTs are easy to perform once
Endomysium is a connective protein found in the staff has been properly trained and can help
the smooth muscle of the gastrointestinal tract. diagnose CD.  A recent systematic review and
EMA-IgA is highly specific in CD and may cor- meta-­analysis by Singh et  al. (2019) reported
relate to the degree of villous atrophy (Green data from six studies. They found that for TTG-
and Jones 2016). Testing for EMA-IgA requires IgA-based POCT, the pooled sensitivity was
an immunofluorescent technique using monkey 90.5% (95% CI, 82.3–95.1%) and the pooled
esophagus or human umbilical cord as the sub- specificity was 94.8% (95% CI, 92.5–96.4%).
strate. It is expensive to perform, and results are While the specificity of POCT at 94.8% is high,
read manually by a technician. As results are a small bowel biopsy should be used to confirm
subject to interobserver variability, they are more the diagnosis (Singh et  al. 2019). Due to user
prone to error in interpretation (Green and Jones error in reading faint lines on some of the POCT
2016; Hill et al. 2005; Hill et al. 2016). With the tests, training is important. The use of these tests
identification of TTG as the autoantigen to iden- in areas where laboratory access is limited may
tify CD, EMA-IgA testing is used as a second-­ help in the diagnosis. Antigliadin antibody assay
line test to clarify the diagnosis in patients with POCTs, while available, are not recommended
equivocal results of TTG-IgA (Hill et  al. 2016; as TTG-IgA antibody testing is the preferred test
James and Scott 2000). It has a 93–100% sen- in children over the age of 2 years (Rubio-Tapia
sitivity and a specificity of 98–100% (Hill et al. et al. 2013).
2016). When the test is positive, it is likely the
patient with symptoms has the disease. The cli- Celiac-Associated HLA-DQ
nician must be aware that the EMA-IgA test is Alpha 1 DQ and Beta 1 DNA
more specific than the TTG-IgA, but it is less Typing
sensitive than the TTG-IgA (Hill et al. 2016). When a patient has symptoms consistent with
The major pitfalls of EMA-IgA are that the CD but has a negative serology for the tests
test is expensive to perform and results are sub- above, celiac-associated human leukocyte
ject to observer error. antigens (HLA)-DQ alpha 1 DQ and beta 1
DNA should be considered. HLAs are proteins Antigliadin Antibodies: IgA found on the T lymphocyte and other cells. If
and IgG a patient has the genetic susceptibility to CD,
Antigliadin antibodies (ANA) IgA and IgG are the T lymphocyte may have certain HLA genes
no longer used as screening for CD as they are in the class II region (DQ alpha 1, DQ beta 1).
poorly sensitive and specific compared with TTG The HLA-DQ molecule has two chains: DQ
and EMA antibody testing. Furthermore, testing alpha and DQ beta. The chains are encoded by
has been replaced by DGP antibodies that have the HLA-DQA1 gene and HLA-DQB1 gene,
higher sensitivity and specificity (Alrabadi and respectively. The testing for HLA-DQ can be
Porto 2018; Al-Toma et al. 2019). done by serology or by molecular methods. The
The pitfalls of antigliadin IgA and IgG are latter is the most common way to do this today
that the tests are poorly sensitive and specific as there are different haplotypes of HLA-DQ2
compared with antibodies to TTG, EMA, and and HLA-DQ8.
9  Care of the Child with a Gastrointestinal Disorder 331

Serological Test. Serological tests only test accuracy of testing (Husby et al. 2012; Liu et al.
for the DQB1 chain, while the molecular method 2007).
tests for DQB1 and DQA1 chains.
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). These Patients with Autoimmune
can be tested with polymerase chain reaction Conditions
(PCR)/sequence-specific oligonucleotide probe Individuals with other autoimmune conditions
for celiac-associated HLA-DQ alpha 1 DQ and associated with CD, such as type 1 diabetes
beta 1 DNA typing. Typing these haplotypes is mellitus and autoimmune thyroiditis, can have
important in celiac disease as they carry different transient mild elevations in TTG-IgA that are
risk associations (Alkalay 2020). nonspecific and may not be suggestive of CD. It
Around 90–95% of patients with CD have one is not known how elevated the TTG-IgA level is
or two copies of the HLA-DQ2 haplotype, while in these patient populations before one would
the rest have HLA-DQ8 haplotype. In one study consider endoscopy with biopsy. Therefore,
of CD, 0.7% of patients with CD did not have this obtaining an EMA-IgA can be helpful. If posi-
association. However, around 20% of patients tive, endoscopy with biopsy would be indicated
with CD may have these genes and not have CD (Gidrewicz et al. 2015).
(Alkalay 2020). Concurrent Illness
Transient nonspecific elevation of TTG-IgA can
9.3.5 C
 eliac Screening: Special be observed during an acute infectious process.
Considerations Once illness resolves, these levels return to nor-
mal. Caution should be taken when interpret-
There are certain conditions where screening for ing values during a febrile illness (De Leo et al.
CD requires additional testing or requires retest- 2015).
ing. Endoscopy may be required to confirm the
diagnosis in certain conditions listed below.
9.3.6 Real-Life Example Screening for Patients
with Selective IgA Deficiency A 13-year-old female presents to her pediatrician
Selective IgA deficiency is more common in indi- with a 6-month history of fatigue and shoulder
viduals with CD than in the general population. pain. She is an active gymnast who participates
In such cases IgG-based TTG, EMA, or DGP is in statewide competitions. However, the level of
required to screen for CD. A positive IgG-based fatigue and shoulder pain had intensified in the
test for any of these antibodies in an individual past 2 months, such that she opted to sit out this
with IgA deficiency is an indication for endos- current season. She reports intermittent head-
copy with biopsy to confirm or exclude the diag- aches and abdominal pain, but frequency had
nosis. Furthermore, as IgG tests are less accurate not increased with the onset of fatigue and joint
than IgA tests, if there is high clinical suspicionpain. Her bowel movement pattern is regular, and
for CD, endoscopy with biopsy should be consid- she denies weight loss. Family history is positive
ered even if the IgG serological testing is nega- for an older brother with diabetes type 1 and a
tive (Hill et al. 2005). mother with CD.
Physical exam revealed an interactive female Young Children in no acute distress, afebrile, and stable vital
Some data suggests that the TTG-IgA and EMA-­ signs. A review of growth charts revealed weight
IgA tests may not be as reliable in children under stable at 50th percentile; height chart revealed
2  years of age. Therefore, when testing for CD drop from the 50th percentile to tenth percentile
in a young child, it is suggested that TTG-IgA with no growth in the past year. Her exam was
be collected along with DGP-IgG to improve the positive for a limited range of motion in upper
332 A. L. Rundle et al.

extremities bilaterally and delayed puberty—no and the United States, the incidence of pediatric
breast bud development. IBD is approximately 10 per 100,000 children
A CBC, comprehensive metabolic panel (Loftus Jr. 2016). Although IBD is not common
(CMP), thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), in early childhood, it has been observed as early
hemoglobin A1C, inflammatory markers (CRP as infancy (Heyman et al. 2005). Of the estimated
and ESR), iron studies, total IgA, and TTG-IgA 1.6 million Americans with IBD, 25% will have
were done. Her hemoglobin A1C, TSH, and CMP developed their disease before 18  years of age
were normal. Her hemoglobulin was low at 10.5, (Griffiths 2004; Benchimol et al. 2011).
her iron level was low at 35 (normal 60 to 170 Pediatric IBD can present with various symp-
mcg/dL), and her TTG-IgA was 75 U/mL (normal toms, intestinal and extraintestinal. Table  9.3
1.2–4.0 U/mL). Repeat blood for EMA-IgA was reviews the common red flags for a child with
positive. A referral was made to pediatric gastro- suspected IBD. The common symptoms of ulcer-
enterology. She underwent endoscopy with small ative colitis are abdominal pain and bloody diar-
bowel pathology findings consistent with CD. rhea. Symptoms in Crohn’s disease can be more
varied and may also include abdominal pain
and bloody diarrhea if colitis is present. How-
Key Learning about CD Diagnostic Testing ever, patients can also present with less specific
• Celiac serology testing needs to be per- symptoms such as non-bloody diarrhea, poor
formed on a gluten-containing diet. growth, weight loss, fatigue, malaise, anemia,
• Total IgA must be collected to screen or fever. The onset of growth failure is usually
for IgA deficiency.
• For most patients, TTG-IgA is the most
Table 9.3  Common red flags in presentation of the child
valuable screening test for CD. with suspected inflammatory bowel disease
• HLA-DQ2 and HLA-DQ8 may be good
screening tests for asymptomatic high-­ Abdominal pain
risk groups. Increase in stool frequency, diarrhea (present in up to
70–85% of patients) (Dykes and Saeed 2016)
Change in stool consistency
Hematochezia (blood in stool)
9.4 Inflammatory Bowel Disease Nocturnal awakening to defecate
(IBD) Overview Urgency to defecate
Family history: Relatives with IBD, familial growth
IBD includes both ulcerative colitis (UC) and patterns, or other autoimmune diseases
Crohn’s disease and is a chronic immune-­ Growth failure: Weight loss, anorexia, or poor appetite
mediated condition of the gastrointestinal tract. Psychosocial history, including the impact upon the
Ulcerative colitis affects the colon only and is daily life of patient and parent(s)
characterized by inflammation of the mucosal Physical examination
Height and weight: Evaluation of trends and growth
layer. Crohn’s disease can involve any part of velocity
the gastrointestinal tract from the oral cavity HEENT: Oral ulcers, mucosa pallor
to the anus and is characterized by transmural Chest: Hemic flow murmur, clubbing
inflammation. IBD is most often diagnosed in Abdominal examination: Tenderness, mass
adolescents and young adulthood, with a rising Rectal examination: Evaluate for perianal disease,
incidence in the pediatric population (Benchimol perianal skin tags, and occult blood
Skin: Pallor, rash
et al. 2017).
Musculoskeletal: Joint swelling, pain on palpation,
The incidence and prevalence of IBD are effusions of the knee
increasing globally. The peak incidence of IBD Tanner stage
occurs in patients between the ages of 15 and Adapted from Dykes and Saeed 2016; Shashidhar et  al.
30 years (Johnston and Logan 2008). In Canada 2000
9  Care of the Child with a Gastrointestinal Disorder 333

Table 9.4  Common extraintestinal manifestations asso- relatives of the affected individual supports the
ciated with IBD
concept of genetic predisposition (Conrad and
HEENT Aphthous ulcers Rosh 2017; Shapiro et al. 2016).
Lesions indicative of vitamin
Current theories on the development of IBD
Dermatologic Erythema nodosum involve a cascade of events that leads to the con-
Pyoderma gangrenosum dition. A stimulus that may be microbial, dietary,
Musculoskeletal Growth failure or environmental prompts the immune system of
Arthralgias the intestinal tract. In a non-genetically predis-
Rheumatologic Arthritis
Ankylosing spondylitis
posed individual, the stimulation and subsequent
Endocrine Thyroiditis inflammation are self-limited and controlled.
Osteopenia However, in a genetically predisposed individual,
Osteoporosis the inflammation is not self-limited, and inflam-
Ophthalmologic Episcleritis matory mediators are continually produced by
immune cells leading to tissue injury and fibrosis
Pulmonary Fibrosing alveolitis (Liacouras et al. 2008).
Granulomatous lung disease
Hepatobiliary Primary sclerosing cholangitis 9.4.2 Importance of History
Autoimmune hepatitis
Pancreatitis and Physical Exam
Urologic Nephrolithiasis A thorough social and family history is impor-
Urinary crystal formation tant in addition to the history of present illness, as
Hematologic Anemia of chronic inflammation
approximately 20% of newly diagnosed patients
Increased risk for thromboembolic
events report a first-degree relative with IBD. Additional
Venous thrombosis family history of other autoimmune conditions
Adapted from Grossman and Baldassan (2016) such as psoriasis or rheumatoid arthritis increases
the likelihood of IBD (Shapiro et al. 2016).
Physical examination is critical as findings
insidious, and any child or adolescent with per- may further support the suspicion of IBD.  A
sistent growth alterations should undergo IBD review of growth charts may reveal flattening of
evaluation. Growth failure can precede intestinal weight and height. Abdominal examination may
symptoms by years (Liacouras et al. 2008). reveal focal tenderness or fullness relating to the
Up to 25% of children experience extraintesti- distribution of their disease. The perianal region
nal symptoms. Almost every organ system can be should be examined for tags, fissures, fistulas, or
affected, but symptoms involving the eyes, skin, abscesses. If a digital rectal examination is pos-
liver, and joints are considered primary manifes- sible, occult blood testing may be performed
tations (Rosen et al. 2015a; Sairenji et al. 2017). (Shapiro et al. 2016).
Table 9.4 outlines some common extraintestinal If findings from the history and physical exam
manifestations associated with IBD. are concerning for IBD, further evaluation is war-
ranted. Table 9.5 outlines the common differen-
tial diagnosis for IBD.
9.4.1 Pathophysiology of IBD

Although the specific cause of IBD is unknown, 9.4.3 Noninvasive Testing for IBD
internal and external environmental factors,
genetic predisposition, and an altered immune Although there are no pathognomonic labora-
system play a role in developing the disease. tory tests for IBD, initial evaluation includes
The high incidence of disease among first-degree assessing for nonspecific signs of inflammation
334 A. L. Rundle et al.

Table 9.5  Common differential diagnosis for IBD Table 9.6  Laboratory evaluation for patients with sus-
pected IBD
Primary presenting Differential diagnosis
symptom considerations Blood tests Possible findings
Abdominal pain Constipation Complete blood Leukocytosis, microcytic anemia,
Irritable bowel syndrome cell count with thrombocytosis
Appendicitis differential
Intussusception Hepatic function Hypoalbuminemia elevated AST,
Peptic disease panel ALT
Lymphoma Erythrocyte Elevated marker of inflammation
Mesenteric adenitis sedimentation rate
Ovarian cyst C-reactive protein Elevated marker of inflammation
Meckel’s diverticulum Stool tests
Lactose intolerance
Stool culture Rule out infectious enteritis
Diarrhea Infection causes, including salmonella,
C. difficile Shigella, Yersinia, and
Salmonella campylobacter
Ova and parasite Rule out parasitic infection
C. difficile Rule out C. difficile
Cryptosporidium Stool calprotectin, Elevated inflammatory markers
Enteroviruses lactoferrin
Giardiasis Adapted from Rosen et al. 2015a
Other bacterial, viral, or
parasitic infections
Irritable bowel syndrome
Carbohydrate intolerance
laboratory evaluation for the patient with sus-
Laxative abuse pected IBD.
Bloody diarrhea Infection Baseline blood tests should include a complete
C. difficile blood cell count (CBC), liver enzymes, albumin,
and the inflammatory markers erythrocyte sedi-
Yersinia mentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein.
Hemolytic uremic syndrome
Henoch-Schonlein purpura Complete Blood Cell Count
Ischemic bowel
The complete blood cell count may reveal ane-
Rectal bleeding, no Polyps
diarrhea Fissure mia, thrombocytosis, or leukocytosis. Approxi-
Meckel’s diverticulum mately 70% of patients with IBD will be anemic
Solitary rectal ulcer at diagnosis (Aljomah et al. 2018). Serum hemo-
Growth delay Endocrinopathy globin results should be correlated with certain
Weight loss Anorexia nervosa
red blood cell indices such as mean corpuscular
Arthritis Juvenile idiopathic arthritis
Ankylosing spondylitis volume to assess for chronicity and/or iron defi-
Infection ciency anemia—microcytic anemia. Observed
Adapted from: Grossman and Baldassan (2016); thrombocytosis and leukocytosis are secondary
Liacouras et al. (2008) to the inflammatory response (Mack et al. 2007).
The major pitfall of the CBC is that the find-
and chronic disease (Shapiro et  al. 2016; Ver- ings of the complete blood cell count are not
meire et al. 2006). Noninvasive tests performed specific to IBD.  Anemia can be due to other
by the primary care provider, including blood gastrointestinal disorders that may lead to blood
or fecal markers, can assist in ruling out IBD loss, such as peptic ulcer disease or non-GI disor-
along with identifying patients that would ben- ders such as an underlying hematologic disorder.
efit from further workup or referral to a pedi- Thrombocytosis and leukocytosis can be noted in
atric gastroenterologist. Table  9.6 reviews the any inflammatory response.
9  Care of the Child with a Gastrointestinal Disorder 335 Liver Enzymes: Alanine in ESR may be noted in patients with IBD. How-
Transaminase and Aspartate ever, ESR can be affected by many factors such as
Transaminase albumin levels, characteristics of erythrocytes, and
The hepatobiliary disease is one of the most com- immunoglobulins. Approximately 65 to 75% of
mon extraintestinal manifestations seen in IBD patients have an elevated ESR at the time of IBD
and may precede the onset of IBD or accompany diagnosis (Mack et al. 2007).
the active disease. Children may present with liver The nonspecificity of ESR may result in false
disease before any clinical signs of IBD. Alanine positives in an inflammatory response. Con-
transaminase (ALT) and aspartate transaminase versely, ESR can be slow in the acute-phase reac-
(AST) are enzymes found in the liver that assist in tion and may result in false-negative results early
the metabolism of amino acids. ALT is more spe- in an inflammatory process.
cific to the liver, while AST can be found in other
organs such as the muscle. An increase in either C-Reactive Protein
AST or ALT may be suggestive of liver damage. C-reactive protein (CRP) is a protein that is made
Abnormal elevations in ALT and/or AST are com- by the liver. Like ESR, CRP is also an acute-­
mon during the disease and may be observed in phase reactant and rises in response to inflam-
a child suspected to have IBD.  However, such mation throughout the body. Under normal
enzyme elevations are transient and related to dis- circumstances, CRP is produced in low quanti-
ease activity (Liacouras et al. 2008). ties. However, following an acute-phase stimu-
Liver enzyme elevation is not specific to IBD lant such as inflammation, the production of CRP
and may suggest underlying hepatic pathol- is rapidly increased in response to the release of
ogy not related to IBD. Other etiologies of liver cytokines, including interleukin-6, tumor necro-
enzyme elevation can include an acute infection sis factor-alpha, and IL-1 beta. CRP has a short
or an adverse event of medication. half-life compared to other acute-phase reactants
and therefore rises early after the onset of inflam- Albumin mation and rapidly decreases after the resolu-
Albumin is another objective marker of chronic tion of inflammation (Tsampalieros et al. 2011).
intestinal inflammation. Serum albumin can be Approximately 85% have elevated CRP at the
low in children with more aggressive or exten- time of IBD diagnosis (Beattie et al. 1995).
sive disease. Albumin is a negative acute-phase CRP elevation is not specific to IBD.  Acute
reactant, and hypoalbuminemia may be due to infection results in very high CRP levels that
chronic intestinal inflammation resulting in mal- decrease with the treatment of the infection. Fur-
absorption and fecal losses combined with poor thermore, CRP levels are elevated in many auto-
oral intake. Approximately 40% of patients with immune conditions, including lupus, rheumatoid
IBD have depressed albumin levels at diagnosis arthritis, cancer, and obesity.
(Mack et al. 2007; Vermeire et al. 2006). Of note, ESR and CRP are more sensitive in
Hypoalbuminemia is not a specific finding in detecting Crohn’s disease than ulcerative colitis,
IBD and can be found in other conditions such with CRP found to be more sensitive than ESR
as malnutrition, liver disease, kidney disease, and (Vermeire et al. 2006).
heart disease. IBD Serologies Erythrocyte Chronic inflammation in the intestinal tract
Sedimentation Rate with IBD may change immune response toward
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is an acute-­ microbial flora. Antibodies against such micro-
phase reactant. Section 6.3.1 of Chap. 6 reviews organisms or against self-antigens have been
ESR.  During an inflammatory reaction, higher detected in IBD populations. They are used as
concentrations of fibrinogen cause the erythro- biomarkers in predicting disease course, compli-
cytes to aggregate, resulting in a faster than normal cations, and response to treatment (i.e., medica-
rate for them to settle through plasma. An elevation tions or surgery). Furthermore, the presence of
336 A. L. Rundle et al.

specific antibodies demonstrated to be useful in turns blue when the test is positive. gFOBT is a
distinguishing patients with Crohn’s disease from common way to test stool for blood in primary
those with ulcerative colitis. Markers include care as it is a POCT approved for office use. It
immunoglobulin A (IgA) and immunoglobulin can detect both upper and lower gastrointestinal
G (IgG) antibodies against the yeast Saccharo- bleeding (Bechtold et  al. 2016). It is cheaper
myces cerevisiae ([ASCA] IgA and IgG), peri- than immunochemical FOBT but is affected by
nuclear anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody dietary intake.
(p-ANCA), anti-chitobioside carbohydrate anti- The immunochemical FOBT uses antibodies
body IgG(ACCA), anti-laminaribioside carbohy- that detect human globin (Bechtold et al. 2016).
drate antibody IgG (ALCA), anti-mannobioside This kind of test is used primarily in adults to
carbohydrate IgG antibody (AMCA), and anti- detect colon cancer. It is not affected by dietary
bodies to the outer membrane protein of Esch- intake.
erichia coli (anti-OmpC) (Malickova et al. 2010; Rectal bleeding presents at least 80% of
Mitsuyama et al. 2016; Sabery and Bass 2007). patients with UC and 40% of those with CD
The diagnostic role of serology is considerably (Kugathasan et  al. 2003). If clinical suspicion
less sensitive than C-reactive protein and ESR for for IBD is high, but there is no history of rec-
the presence of IBD (Benor et al. 2010; Khan et al. tal bleeding, a stool guaiac test may be useful.
2002). A proportion of children with IBD will Crohn’s disease should be strongly considered
have negative tests; the sensitivity of such testing in a child with weight loss, anemia, and hema-
ranges from 65% to 75% (Zholudev et al. 2004). tochezia as this combination of symptoms has a
Furthermore, IBD serology testing or IBD panels cumulative sensitivity of 94% for Crohn’s dis-
are expensive to perform and not cost-effective in ease (El-Chammas et al. 2013).
the diagnosis (Sabery and Bass 2007). Currently, The results of a stool guaiac or fecal occult
the utility of serologic biomarkers is to assess blood must be interpreted with caution as dietary
risks associated with disease phenotype, predict intake of certain medications and food can lead to
prognosis, and distinguish Crohn’s disease from a positive stool test for blood. Table 9.7 reviews
UC. There is a limited value in the initial diagno-
sis of IBD (Malickova et al. 2010). Table 9.7  Causes of false-positive and false-negative
results for testing fecal occult blood
Type of
9.4.4 Stool Testing error Reasons
False-­ •  Both methods
Infectious diarrhea and testing for this are dis- negative ◦  Intermittent bleeding that is not present
results at the time of testing
cussed in detail in Sect. 9.2. It is important to
•  Immunochemical FOBT
remember that the identification of an infectious ◦  upper GI bleeding since globin will be
pathogen does not exclude an IBD diagnosis. If digested by pancreatic enzymes
symptoms persist or worsen despite treatment, •  Guaiac FOBT
◦  Ascorbic acid can block an oxidative
further evaluation is needed.
guaiac reaction since it is a strong
reducing agent (Sawhney et al. 2010) Fecal Occult Blood False-­ •  Extraintestinal blood such as epistaxis
There are two ways to test for fecal occult blood: positive •  Red meat
(1) guaiac fecal occult blood test (gFOBT) and results •  Fruit that contains peroxidase such as
horseradish (Bangaru and Agrawal
the immunochemical FOBT.  The gFOBT uses 2019)
guaiac, which is produced from the resin of the •  medications
guaiacum tree. The gFOBT detects heme or the ◦  antiplatelet agents (e.g., low-dose
iron component of hemoglobin that might be aspirin)
◦  nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
present in the stool. When the stool contain- ◦  Oral anticoagulants (Wu 2019)
ing blood is mixed with a reagent of hydrogen Adapted from Bangaru and Agrawal (2019); Sawhney
peroxide, which is on guaiac paper, the paper et al. 2010; Wu (2019)
9  Care of the Child with a Gastrointestinal Disorder 337

the list of medications and food that can cause a assistant as per protocol due to a lack of URI
false-positive result. symptoms. The clinician was informed of the
Blood in stool is not diagnostic for IBD, positive test on entering into the room. A HEENT
although it may support suspicion or guide the exam showed pharyngeal erythema with +3 ery-
next steps in evaluation. If able, an inspection thematous tonsils with a small number of pete-
of the perianal region at the time of testing is chiae. Palatal petechiae were observed. There
important as anal fissures can cause false-positive were 1 cm nodes along the anterior cervical chain,
results. and the tonsillar nodes were 1.5 cm. A prescrip-
tion for Amoxil was written, and standard teach- Fecal Calprotectin (FCal) ing was done. As per the clinician’s practice, the
Calprotectin is a calcium and zinc-binding neu- father was asked if he had any other concerns.
trophilic cytosolic protein that can be detected in The father then reported that the abdominal pain
stool as an indicator of intestinal inflammation. was on and off for 2 months and that he thought
Fecal calprotectin (FCal) closely correlates with she had lost weight.
the endoscopic activity of IBD and, as such, is a Further examination revealed perianal tags.
useful screening tool. FCal is highly sensitive but Initial diagnostic laboratory tests included a CBC
not specific to IBD (Conrad and Rosh 2017). In with differential, a sedimentation rate, and a
a population of children referred to primary care C-reactive protein. The CBC showed mild nor-
centers, fecal calprotectin had a pooled sensitivity mocytic anemia, a sedimentation rate of 100
of 92% (95% CI, 84%–96%) and a pooled speci- (normal 5–15), and a CRP of 10.5. The child was
ficity of 76% (95% CI, 62–86%) for IBD (Van referred to a pediatric gastroenterologist for pos-
Rheenen et  al. 2010). The negative likelihood sible IBD workup and a colonoscopy with
ratio  =  0.01 (95% CI, 0.00–0.13), so if the test biopsy-confirmed Crohn’s disease.
is negative, it is unlikely that the child has IBD
(Holtman et al. 2016). Another meta-­analysis of
ten studies showed that FCal had a pooled sen- Key Learning for IBD
sitivity of 0.99 with a range of 0.92–1.00 and • Negative findings in blood or stool test-
a specificity of 0.65 with a range of 0.54–0.74 ing do not rule out IBD.
(Holtman et al. 2016). • Laboratory tests can help guide further
The test for fecal calprotectin must be inter- evaluation; however, 20% of children
preted with caution as elevated levels of fecal with IBD can present normal laboratory
calprotectin can be observed in other causes of values.
intestinal inflammation, including bacterial and • ESR and CRP are not specific to IBD.
viral enteritis, intestinal lymphoma, CD, food • IBD panels are not more effective in
allergy, and immunodeficiency. Other conditions diagnosis.
such as juvenile polyps, oncologic processes, and • Endoscopy colonoscopy is the gold
NSAID use can result in elevated fecal calprotec- standard for diagnosis.
tin (Conrad and Rosh 2017).

9.4.5 Real-Life Example 9.5 Evaluation of Liver Disease

A 10-year female was seen with a sore throat Liver chemistries can be abnormal for reasons
and abdominal pain in the spring. The child was ranging from self-limiting viral illnesses to struc-
brought to the office by her father, who reported tural abnormalities, metabolic disorders, auto-
a sore throat for 2  days accompanied by fever, immune diseases, congenital conditions, and
abdominal pain, and without any signs of a oncologic processes. The hepatic function panel
cold. The child had an RST done by the nursing is composed of markers of liver injury [aspartate
338 A. L. Rundle et al.

transaminase (AST), alanine transaminase potassium from the same sample with a notation
(ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP)], markers from the lab that the sample is hemolyzed, as
of liver metabolism (bilirubin), and markers of potassium is also released from cells in the set-
liver synthetic function (albumin). Additionally, ting of injury. When there is AST elevation with-
prothrombin time (PT)/international normalized out ALT elevation, an extrahepatic cause for AST
ratio (INR) is a marker of liver function that is not elevation should be considered.
included in the hepatic function panel. To under-
stand what abnormal values in the hepatic func- Alanine Transaminase (ALT)
tion panel indicate, each test will be discussed ALT is an enzyme found mostly in liver cells
separately. Then they will be grouped to aid in involved in amino acid metabolism (produc-
understanding the possible differential diagnoses. ing pyruvic acid). It is also present in smaller
amounts in other tissues, including the kidney,
muscle, and heart. Therefore, ALT is more spe-
9.5.1 Markers of Liver Injury cific to the liver than AST. When hepatocytes are
injured, ALT is released and becomes elevated
Transaminases are enzymes that are present in the serum. The half-life of ALT is 47 ± 10 h
within cells that catalyze the transfer of an amino (Woreta and Alqahtani 2014). In general, AST
group from an amino acid to a keto acid (trans- elevations tend to peak earlier and are higher than
amination). In hepatocyte injury and rupture, ALT in the setting of acute liver injury.
these transaminases are released into the serum While an elevated ALT is more specific for
leading to elevations in proportion to liver dam- liver disease, it is also present in muscle cells. It
age. Suppose this process has either been acutely can be elevated in patients with muscular dystro-
severe (massive necrosis) or chronic. In that case, phy (Veropalumbo et al. 2012) and myositis. ALT
the degree of transaminase “leak” may reduce baseline values are also be affected by age, BMI,
due to a reduction in hepatocyte mass (stromal sex, and puberty (Bussler et al. 2018), with differ-
collapse or replacement by fibrosis). Therefore, a ent normal ranges established for these groups.
patient with a significant liver injury can present
with minimally elevated or even normal enzymes. Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)
ALP is an enzyme found primarily in the bone Aspartate Transaminase (AST) and liver and in lesser amounts in kidneys and
Aspartate transaminase is a predominately intra- intestines. ALP can be fractionated into isoen-
cellular enzyme involved in amino acid metabo- zymes (liver fraction, bone fraction, and intesti-
lism (to produce oxaloacetic acid). It is present in nal fraction). It has a half-life of 7  days (Lowe
hepatocytes, muscle cells, kidneys, brain, and red et  al. 2021). To determine if the source is the
blood cells. Because AST is present in cells when liver, generally, you correlate other lab values
there is damage to these cells, it is released, and (e.g., gamma-glutamyl transferase). The ALP
the serum levels of this enzyme become elevated. can also be fractionated, and an elevated bone
The half-life of AST is 17  ±  5  h (Woreta and ALP can indicate growth (in children) or bone
Alqahtani 2014). In many injuries to the liver, an disease (healing fractures, bone metastasis,
elevated AST may be one of the earliest changes hyperparathyroidism, hyperthyroidism) (Lowe
noted. et al. 2021). ALP can be low in Wilson’s disease,
Since AST is not specific to the liver, AST particularly when it presents as fulminant with
serum elevations can be caused by liver injury, hemolysis (Lowe et  al. 2021). ALP can also be
muscle damage (injury or myopathies), kidney low with hypothyroidism, pernicious anemia,
disease, or hemolysis. In small children, phle- zinc deficiency, and congenital hypophosphatasia
botomy can be difficult, and serum AST eleva- (Lowe et al. 2021).
tion can be caused by hemolysis during the blood Baseline ALP is elevated in children second-
draw itself. One clue to this is an elevated serum ary to bone growth and must be interpreted using
9  Care of the Child with a Gastrointestinal Disorder 339

established normal ranges in the pediatric popu- It is important to note that newborns nor-
lation. In addition, a benign entity is known as mally have serum GGT that is five to seven times
transient hyperphosphatasemia (TH) that can higher than the upper limit of normal for adults
cause significantly elevated ALP in the setting in the early months of life. After 4 months of age,
of an otherwise normal hepatic function panel in serum GGT values start to decline, reaching nor-
children typically 5  years or younger with nor- mal adult levels by 5–7 months of age (Cabrera-­
malization within 4 months (Otero et al. 2011). Abreu and Green 2002). Some liver diseases
TH is a diagnosis of exclusion. Hepatobiliary, present with a normal GGT despite profound
renal disease, and bone disease must be ruled out cholestasis, such as progressive familial intrahe-
before making this diagnosis (Otero et al. 2011). patic cholestasis types 1 and 2 and bile acid syn-
Workup would include a detailed history, physi- thesis disorders. Table  9.8 reviews normal liver
cal, and diagnostic laboratory tests such as GGT, enzymes and their interpretation.
calcium, phosphorus, parathyroid hormone, vita-
min D level, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), and
creatinine (Otero et al. 2011). People with blood 9.5.2 Evaluation of an Abnormal
types O and B can have increased ALP for up to Hepatic Function Panel
12 hours after a fatty meal (Lowe et al. 2021).
Generally, when evaluating liver disease, it is Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase helpful to look for patterns of injury. The patterns
(GGT) of injury include predominately hepatocellular
GGT is an additional test used to evaluate the in nature (AST/ALT is disproportionately higher
hepatobiliary tree for injury. It is not typically than ALP/GGT), predominately cholestatic in
included in a hepatic function panel. GGT is nature (GGT/ALP is disproportionately higher
an enzyme present predominately in the hepa- than AST/ALT), and mixed picture (Kwo et  al.
tobiliary system but is also present in the heart, 2017). One example of a mixed pattern of injury is
pancreas, lungs, and seminal vesicles. GGT is a primary cholestatic disease associated with ele-
involved in leukotriene and glutathione metabo- vated AST/ALT secondary to the detergent effect
lism. Because ALP can vary greatly in childhood of poor bile flow leading to damage to the liver
due to its presence in bone, GGT is more specific cells (chemical hepatitis). Because of confound-
to and sensitive for obstructive jaundice, cho- ing variables, a workup for abnormal liver tests
lecystitis, and cholangitis in children than ALP should begin broadly with an age-­ appropriate
(Cabrera-Abreu and Green 2002). screen and focus as more information is available.

Table 9.8  Liver enzymes (11 months to 16.0 years)

97th percentile 97th percentile
Test Median (girls) (girls) Median (boys) (boys) Interpretation
ALT 14.0 and 24.2–31.7 U/L 17.1 and 29.9–38.0 U/L Elevated with hepatocyte injury,
20.3 U/L 21.1 U/L sometimes with myopathies
AST 23.1–46.1 U/L 35.2–62.9 U/L 25.7–47.6 U/L 41.5–68.7 U/L Elevated with hepatocyte injury, heart or
muscle injury, or hemolyzed specimen
ALP Elevated in cholestatic liver disease,
bile duct obstruction, bone disease,
renal disease, or
GGT 9.5–12.0 U/L 14.5–18.1 U/L 9.4–14.8 U/L 14.1–27.4 U/L Elevated in cholestatic liver disease or
bile duct obstruction
Adapted from Bussler et al. (2018)
Note: ALP varies so much by age it does not fit into ranges in these categories
340 A. L. Rundle et al.

The next important consideration is the extent Patients with moderate (5–15 × ULN), severe
of liver injury. Elevations in AST/ALT can be (>15× ULN), or massive (ALT > 10,000) eleva-
defined as borderline, mild, moderate, severe, or tion of AST/ALT require an immediate workup
massive. Borderline elevation of transaminases is for liver disease and need to be evaluated for
defined as <2x the upper limit of normal (ULN) signs of acute liver failure (Kwo et  al. 2017).
for age and gender (Kwo et al. 2017). This should Immediate transfer to a hospital that offers pedi-
prompt a history and physical to uncover any atric liver transplant should also be considered.
potential toxins, medications/supplements/alco- In addition to the previously mentioned workup,
hol use, infection risks, inborn errors of metabo- one would check HAV IgM, HAV IgG, HBcAB
lism, autoimmunity, risk factors for fatty liver, or IgM, HBcAB IgG, EBV/CMV serologies, serum
other multisystemic disorders. The physical exam drug panel, urine toxicology, and acetaminophen
should focus on stigmata of chronic liver disease level (Kwo et al. 2017). If the patient has signs
(palmar erythema, spider telangiectasias, gyneco- of acute liver failure, they need an immediate
mastia) and portal hypertension (hepatomegaly, liver consult with consideration of transfer to a
splenomegaly, ascites, caput medusa) to establish facility that offers pediatric liver transplant (Kwo
acuity and chronicity. If the patient has signs of et al. 2017). AST has a shorter half-life than ALT;
chronic liver disease, the workup should not be therefore, the ALT may remain elevated longer
delayed regardless of the degree of serum val- than AST during recovery (Woreta and Alqahtani
ues for liver enzymes. This is important because 2014).
patients with chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis can The differential diagnosis of patients with
present with normal to mildly elevated liver elevations of liver enzymes has several possible
enzymes (Johnston 1999). Additional laboratories diagnoses. Table 9.9 reviews the possible varia-
to consider include a complete blood count (CBC) tions of elevations along with possible diagnoses.
with platelet count, AST/ALT, ALP, total biliru- If a patient has significant elevations of LFT
bin, albumin, PT/INR, HBsAg, HBcAb, HBsAb, beyond the third standard deviation, the follow-
and HCV total Ab with PCR confirmation if posi- ing is a list of possible tests to consider. Box 9.3
tive and abdominal ultrasound with Doppler (Kwo reviews the evaluation of a child with abnormal
et al. 2017). If labs and the exam are negative and LFTs.
AST/ALT is stable, one can consider observation
with repeat laboratories in 3–6  months. If liver
Table 9.9  Lab patterns in abnormal liver tests
test anomalies are persistent, then the workup
can be broadened to include ANA, ASMA, anti- Developing cirrhosis –  AST/ALT ratio increases
and becomes >1
LKM, IgG, ceruloplasmin, alpha-1 antitrypsin –  Platelets <150 (in the
phenotype, and additional tests based on patient absence of an underlying
history and physical exam findings [TSH, celiac hematologic disorder)
panel (see section on CD), tick-borne disease,   –  Acute ischemic injury AST/ALT > 1000
creatine kinase, and aldolase] (Kwo et al. 2017).   –  Toxic/drug-induced
If liver enzymes remain elevated, consider refer-   –  Acute viral hepatitis
ral to a specialist for further workup/biopsy (Kwo   –  Autoimmune hepatitis
et al. 2017).   –  Acute liver failure due
For patients with mild elevation of AST/ALT to Wilson’s disease
  –  Extrahepatic source AST/ALT ratio > 5
(defined as 2–5x ULN), the workup is the same (i.e., rhabdomyolysis,
except for initiating further workup after con- strenuous exercise)
firmed abnormal AST/ALT or after sustained   –  NAFLD Often < 300 IU/L
abnormalities on repeat labs 3 months later (Kwo ALT > AST
et al. 2017). Adapted from Woreta and Alqahtani (2014)
9  Care of the Child with a Gastrointestinal Disorder 341

Box 9.3 Workup for Abnormal LFTs • EMA Ab IgA, tissue transglutaminase
Abdominal ultrasound with Doppler (TTG) IgA, total IgA.
Adjunct testing in patients with elevated
liver enzymes Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency

1. PT/INR (to assess liver function and or • Alpha-1 antitrypsin phenotype.

vitamin K deficiency)
2. GGT Alagille syndrome
3. Bilirubin (fractionated to include direct
bilirubin) • If Alagille syndrome is suspected (high
4. Albumin GGT/bilirubin/triangular facies), obtain
an x-ray of the spine to rule out butterfly
Hepatitis workup vertebrae, as well as an ophthalmology
appt to look for posterior embryo toxin
• Hepatitis A total and IgM (if not immune and cardiology to rule out associated
revaccinate) congenital heart disease.
• Hepatitis B cAb
• Hepatitis B sAg Metabolic diseases
• Hepatitis B sAb (if not immune revac-
cinate) • Plasma amino acids, urine organic acids
• HCV Ab (inborn error of metabolism), lysosomal
• EBV/CMV IgG/IgM acid lipase.

Autoimmune liver disease workup If the patient has not had a newborn
screen, consider a sweat test if the clinical
• ANA (anti-nuclear Ab) picture warrants it.
• ASMA (anti-smooth muscle Ab)
• LKM (liver kidney microsomal)
• SLA (soluble liver antigen) 9.5.3 O
 ther Markers of Liver
Aldolase (to look for muscle source of
elevated transaminases)
Markers of liver metabolism can be elevated both
Creatine kinase (to look for muscle
in cholestatic diseases and in hepatocellular dys-
source of elevated transaminases)
function. Conjugated bilirubin is excreted into
Wilson’s disease
the intestine via the bile, where it is then either
excreted in feces, urine, or reabsorbed via entero-
• Ceruloplasmin (if low, obtain a 24-hour
hepatic circulation. In cholestatic diseases, the
urine copper and slit-light exam for
drainage of bile is impaired or blocked, which
Keyser-Fleischer rings to look for evi-
leads to a decrease in the excretion of bilirubin.
dence of Wilson’s disease) can be ele-
This decreased excretion of bilirubin leads to
vated in acute hepatitis and may need to
elevated serum bilirubin. However, the lack of
be repeated, can test for genetics, and
jaundice does not exclude cholestatic liver dis-
obtain 24-hour urine if there is a ques-
ease; patients can also have compromised bile
drainage, pruritus, and elevated bile salts without
elevated bilirubin.
TSH, free T4.
342 A. L. Rundle et al. Bilirubin or impaired hepatic bilirubin uptake. When albu-

Bilirubin is a product of heme metabolism from min becomes saturated, there is unbound bili-
the breakdown of hemoglobin (approximately rubin available to cross the blood-brain barrier
80–85%) and in lesser amounts from myoglobin, leading to brain toxicity (Brierley and Burchell
other hemoproteins and free heme (Yazigi and 1993). The maximum binding capacity of albu-
Balistreri 1995). It is present in the blood either min is approximately 20  μmol bilirubin/g albu-
as bound (direct) or unbound (indirect) to various min (Carragher 2014).
sugar moieties as a function of glycosylation in
hepatocytes. When interpreting laboratories, often Direct Bilirubin
just the total bilirubin is provided. Whenever the In the liver, indirect (unconjugated) bilirubin is
total bilirubin is abnormal, it must be fractionated covalently bonded to glucuronic acid by gluc-
into direct and indirect bilirubin to clarify the source uronyl transferase through a process known as
of dysfunction. Table 9.10 reviews common causes conjugation leading to a water-soluble form of
of indirect hyperbilirubinemia, and Table 9.11 gives bilirubin (direct bilirubin). Although direct bili-
the formulas for bilirubin calculations. rubin is often used interchangeably with conju-
gated bilirubin, direct bilirubin is not entirely Indirect (Unconjugated) correct, as direct bilirubin is conjugated bilirubin
Bilirubin + delta (δ) bilirubin. Delta bilirubin is generally
Unconjugated bilirubin is toxic to cells and circu- not measured, and direct bilirubin is thought of as
lates in blood predominantly bound to albumin. a general measurement of conjugated bilirubin.
This form of bilirubin is not water-soluble and Delta bilirubin is albumin-bound and increases
can distribute into fatty tissues such as the brain with chronic bilirubin elevations.
leading to direct toxicity (kernicterus).
When the albumin-indirect bilirubin complex
is transported to the liver, unconjugated bilirubin Table 9.11  Bilirubin lab value calculations
dissociates from albumin and enters the hepa- Total bilirubin = unconjugated (indirect) bilirubin + (δ
tocyte for conjugation. Indirect bilirubin can bilirubin + conjugated bilirubin)
Direct bilirubin = conjugated bilirubin + δ bilirubin
accumulate in the setting of disorders of hepatic Indirect (unconjugated) bilirubin = total bilirubin –
conjugation, increased heme breakdown (hemo- Direct bilirubin
lysis leading to increased bilirubin production), δ bilirubin = delta bilirubin

Table 9.10  Common causes of indirect hyperbilirubinemia

Findings Diagnosis
Impaired conjugation
Crigler-Najjar syndrome Type 1: Severe indirect Genetic testing for known mutations
hyperbilirubinemia can quickly lead (exons 2 to 5 in UGT1A1)
to kernicterus Type 2 bilirubin is usually <15 mg/dL,
Type 2: Can be asymptomatic and can and there is >30% decrease in serum
become more severe during times of bilirubin after administration of
illness, fasting, or stress phenobarbital
Physiologic neonatal jaundice
Reduced hepatic uptake
Gilbert’s syndrome Mild, intermittent elevated indirect Diagnosis of exclusion (liver disease and
bilirubin, normal LDH, and hemolysis)
haptoglobin Genetic testing can confirm
Excess production of bilirubin
Hemolytic anemias (thalassemia, Increased LDH and reticulocyte Newborn screen, hemoglobin
sickle cell disease, G6PD count, low haptoglobin electrophoresis
deficiency, pyruvate kinase (see “Hematology” chapter for (see “Hematology” chapter for detailed
deficiency) detailed workup) workup)
Adapted from Ramakrishnan et al. (2020)
9  Care of the Child with a Gastrointestinal Disorder 343

Conjugated bilirubin is actively transported without abnormal markers of liver function. Any
into canicular bile for excretion in stool. When patient with evidence of liver failure (low albu-
the amount of conjugated bilirubin exceeds the min, elevated INR > 2.0, hypoglycemia, signs of
hepatic excretory capacity, some conjugated bili- encephalopathy) requires immediate transfer to a
rubin may accumulate in the serum, covalently center that does liver transplantation in the case
bound to albumin (delta bilirubin). The capac- that it is needed. A patient with acute liver failure
ity to secrete conjugated bilirubin is exceeded in can deteriorate quite rapidly.
cases of prolonged biliary obstruction or intrahe-
patic cholestasis (Kalakonda et al. 2020). Albu- Albumin
min has a half-life of 2–3 weeks (Giannini et al. Albumin is the predominant circulating protein in
2005). Therefore, instead of the usual half-­life the serum manufactured by hepatocytes. It serves
of bilirubin (2–4  h), δ bilirubin can persist for many functions, including a molecular trans-
up to several weeks after a biliary obstruction is porter (for bilirubin as described above, copper,
resolved (Kalakonda et al. 2020). zinc, thyroxine, cholesterol, and some medica-
Both bilirubin and conjugated bilirubin are tions). It is responsible for about 75% of plasma
water-soluble and non-toxic, and therefore nei- oncotic pressure (Walayat et  al. 2017). A low
ther can significantly bind to tissues or cause albumin level is correlated with an almost certain
damage (e.g., the brain). In this water-soluble development of ascites in cirrhotic patients (<3 g/
state, conjugated bilirubin can be excreted in dL), while those with albumin >4  g/dL do not
the bile and to some degree in urine. Conjugated develop ascites (Wood et al. 1987). The half-life
bilirubin is excreted via the biliary system into of albumin is 14–18 days (Walayat et al. 2017).
the intestine, where it is broken down into urobi- While low albumin can be a marker of
linogen. It is either reabsorbed via enterohepatic impaired liver function, it can also be a sign of
circulation, excreted in the stool (giving feces a poor nutrition, a protein-losing enteropathy, or
brown pigment), or reabsorbed and excreted by kidney disease. The half-life of albumin can also
the kidneys in urine (McDaniel 2019). be affected by catabolic states (sepsis, end-stage
Serum bilirubin elevations can also occur in liver disease, and states of inflammation). The
patients without liver disease. When faced with liver can increase its production of albumin ten-
elevated indirect bilirubin alone, hemolysis should fold when under extreme stress (Walayat et  al.
be considered (see “Hematology” chapter). 2017). These factors make serum albumin a poor
Elevated δ total bilirubin must always be marker of acute liver injury.
fractionated to differentiate between hepatobi-
liary disease and extrahepatic causes of jaun- International Normalized Ratio
dice. However, patients with chronic hemolysis, (INR)
such as sickle cell disease (SCD), can develop One of the many functions of the liver is to pro-
liver disease for a variety of reasons, including duce clotting factors. Unlike the other laboratory
sinusoidal obstruction (sickled red blood cells) tests discussed, the INR is not a direct measure-
and iron overload (from repeated red blood cell ment of a protein or enzyme. Rather, it is a calcu-
transfusions) (Banerjee et al. 2001). Therefore, it lation derived from calculated prothrombin time
should not be assumed that jaundice in patients (PT) and reported as a ratio to normal coagulation
with SCD is from hemolysis alone. controls. It is a measure of liver function because
the liver produces most clotting factors (all
except factor XIII produced by endothelial cells)
9.5.4 O
 ther Markers of Liver that affect this value. When the liver function is
Function compromised (generally when concentrations of
clotting factors fall below 10% of normal), INR
Patients with liver disease can have profoundly becomes elevated (Kwo et  al. 2017). The short
abnormal labs, but they are not in liver failure half-life of some of these factors makes the INR
344 A. L. Rundle et al.

a good marker of liver synthetic function (acute this thrombin burst and produce adequate end
and chronic). By consensus definition, patients products for coagulation in cirrhotic patients is
with acute liver failure have an INR  >  1.5 with 50–60 × 109/L (Northup and Caldwell 2013).
encephalopathy or INR  >  2.0 without encepha- Patients can occasionally have a normal plate-
lopathy (Bhatt and Rao 2018). let count in the setting of cirrhosis, such as in
The INR reflects coagulation down the intrin- the case of patients with polysplenia, asplenia,
sic pathway. Factors II, VII, IX, and X are within or a myeloproliferative disorder. There are also
this pathway and require vitamin K as a cofac- numerous alternative etiologies for thrombo-
tor (Kwo et  al. 2017). Therefore, INR becomes cytopenia other than cirrhosis (see chapter on
elevated with significant liver dysfunction, with hematology). Dysfibrinogenemia and peripheral
vitamin K deficiency, and in the setting of the increase platelet consumption (infection, bleed-
administration of certain medications (couma- ing), leading to low platelets related to primary
din, vitamin K analog). Vitamin K is a fat-soluble liver disease. One important note is that platelet
vitamin. Deficiency can occur with poor dietary count reflects the number of platelets present but
intake or vitamin K malabsorption secondary to does not reflect platelet function (Northup and
cholestasis and steatorrhea (Kwo et  al. 2017). Caldwell 2013) and risk of bleeding.
Vitamin K given orally, subcutaneously, or intra-
venously will correct an elevated INR due to vita- Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP)
min K deficiency or coumadin but not secondary Alpha-fetoprotein is a protein that is produced in
to significant liver dysfunction. With ongoing the liver of the developing fetus. Therefore, it is
cholestasis, vitamin K supplementation will need elevated at birth and generally is <8 ng/mL when
to continue. a child is 2 years old (Blohm et al. 1998). Since
AFP is produced by immature tumor cells, it is
useful as a tumor marker for germ cell tumors,
9.5.5 O
 ther Tests Affected by Liver hepatoblastoma, hepatocellular carcinomas
Disease (HCC), and certain bowel malignancies (Blohm
et al. 1998). The most common liver malignancy
The tests below are not a direct function of liver in children is hepatoblastoma, which is usually
metabolism but can be abnormal in liver disease. diagnosed before the age of 3  years (Hiyama
Abnormal results of these tests may enable the 2014). In patients with hepatoblastoma, AFP is
clinician to consider liver disease in a pediatric one of the most important clinical markers for
patient who may have vague complaints or may clinical change, response to treatment, and relapse
have these tests done for other reasons. (Hiyama 2014). The second most common pedi-
atric liver malignancy is HCC, which can be seen Platelets in patients with preexisting liver disease. Liver
Cirrhosis can result in a low platelet count due diseases leading to cirrhosis such as biliary atre-
to decreased thrombopoietin synthesis by the sia, type I glycogen storage disease, chronic viral
liver and splenic sequestration of platelets due hepatitis, and type 2 progressive familial intra-
to portal hypertension. A platelet count of <150 hepatic cholestasis (Walther and Tiao 2013) as
is highly suggestive of cirrhosis in the absence well as Fanconi’s syndrome (Marrero et al. 2018)
of a primary hematologic disorder (Woreta and are examples of conditions that put patients at
Alqahtani 2014). Platelets are instrumental in increased risk of HCC. Hepatitis B virus (HBV)
primary hemostasis. They react to tissue factors predisposes to HCC, with or without cirrhosis
released at a site of vascular injury to form a (Tajiri et al. 2016). Viral hepatitis is discussed in
plug and expose activated clotting factors to help more detail in the infectious disease chapter.
stimulate additional aspects of clotting (Northup AFP is not a perfect test for pediatric liver
and Caldwell 2013). Studies have shown that the tumors, and sensitivity varies based on the asso-
minimum number of platelets needed to initiate ciated disease and disease state. It is important
9  Care of the Child with a Gastrointestinal Disorder 345

to note that many of these liver diseases warrant

AFP monitoring every 6–12 months in combina- myolysis, hemolysis, muscular dystro-
tion with regular abdominal ultrasound for HCC phy, and liver cancer.
screening, as guided by a pediatric hepatologist • An elevated AST can be caused by heart
or gastroenterologist. and skeletal muscle damage.
• Hemochromatosis can cause significant
liver damage, but usually, this is delayed
9.5.6 Real-Life Example until adulthood. It should be considered
in older adolescents, and iron studies
A 16-year-old female was seen on the third day will show markedly elevated serum
of illness with a sore throat and fever. Cervical ferritin.
adenopathy to 2  cm was noted, but the child’s
strep testing was negative. The mother was told
to return if the child did not get better. On day 10
of illness, she returned with a chief complaint of 9.6 Hepatitis
“yellow skin for the last 2 days.” The mother also
noted dark yellow urine and right upper quadrant Hepatitis is inflammation of the hepatocytes or
abdominal pain. The child was noted to have a injury to the liver parenchyma. This is reflected
4-cm spleen and a liver edge that was 8 cm below in bloodwork by an elevated AST/ALT, which is
the right costal margin on the exam. The child released from hepatocytes with inflammation.
was sent to the lab for stat lab work. The CBC If this process has either been severe (massive
was remarkable for 15 atypical lymphocytes. necrosis) or long-term enough, the liver cells can
Her monospot was positive. The EBV IgM AB burn out, and there could be too few hepatocytes
to VCA > 0.91 (normal, <0.91), a slightly posi- left to release these enzymes as healthy tissue
tive IgG AB to VCA >1.10 (normal, <0.91), and has been replaced by fibrosis. Therefore, it is
a negative antibody to nuclear Ag. The AST was possible for a patient whose liver disease is pri-
700 U/L (normal, 13–26 U/L), and the ALT was marily hepatitis to present with minimally ele-
650  U/L (normal, 8–22  U/L). A diagnosis of vated or even normal enzymes. Additionally, if
EBV hepatitis was made, and the child recovered the damage is severe enough, it can lead to cho-
after 3 weeks. lestasis. Hepatitis can be acute, chronic, or acute
on chronic (when there is chronic inflammation
with an acute flare). The cause of hepatitis can
Key Learning about Liver Disease Diagnostic vary greatly from toxic to viral, autoimmune
Laboratory Tests in nature, to a mixed cholestatic picture, and to
• Markers of hepatocyte injury include poor perfusion and metabolic diseases. Hepatitis
the AST, ALT, PT, albumin, and glu- A through D and their associated labs are dis-
cose. The glucose will fall when there is cussed in the infectious disease chapter, Section
severe hepatocyte injury. 6.3.6. Box 9.4 reviews the common causes of
• Markers of cholestasis include ALP, hepatitis.
GTT, bilirubin, and urobilinogen
• The prothrombin time (PT) and the
Box 9.4 Common Causes of Hepatitis
international normalized ratio (INR) are
markers of liver function not included in • Autoimmune hepatitis.
the hepatic function panel. • Extrahepatic autoimmune disease
• Besides liver damage, other possible [lupus, CD, juvenile rheumatoid arthri-
causes for elevated ALT include rhabdo- tis (JRA), hypothyroidism, others].
346 A. L. Rundle et al.

and complications of portal hypertension (sple-

• Viral infection [HAV, HBV, HCV, HEV, nomegaly, variceal bleeding, ascites, malnutri-
HDV, EBV, CMV, adenovirus, HSV, tion, diarrhea) (Mieli-Vergani and Vergani 2009).
SARS CoV2 (Saeed et  al. 2020), vari- AIH can be supported by nonspecific serum anti-
cella, enterovirus, others]. See infec- bodies (seropositive AIH), or serum markers may
tious disease chapter for a review of be absent (seronegative AIH).
viral hepatitis. Type 1 AIH (AIH-1) is characterized by positive
• Other infections (Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syn- anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) and/or positive smooth
drome, abscess, amebiasis, others). muscle antibody (SMA). Type 1 is more common
• Drug-induced liver injury (DILI). and usually presents around puberty. Patients with
• Biliary atresia. a positive SMA are more likely to relapse after
• Metabolic [alpha-1 antitrypsin defi- withdrawal for AIH and are more likely to require a
ciency, Wilson’s disease, glycogen stor- liver transplant than patients without positive SMA
age disease, tyrosinemia, lysosomal (Himoto and Nishioka 2013).
acid lipase deficiency (Wolman’s syn- Type 2 AIH (AIH-2) can present as early as
drome), others]. infancy and is associated with a positive liver-­
• Hemodynamic (shock, congestive heart kidney microsomal Ab type 1 (anti-LKM-1) and/
failure, Budd-Chiari syndrome, others). or anti-liver cytosol Ab type 1 (anti-LC1) and
• NAFLD (nonalcoholic fatty liver dis- can be associated with IgA deficiency (Mieli-
ease) (see Chap. 4 for further workup). Vergani and Vergani 2009). Type 2 AIH accounts
• Toxins (acetaminophen, alcohol, iron for about one-third of juvenile AIH and gener-
overdose, anabolic steroids, others). ally presents more acutely (Sokollik et al. 2018).
Both AIH-1 and AIH-2 often have elevated
Adapted from Fawaz and Jonas 2021 immunoglobulin G (IgG) (Mieli-Vergani and
Vergani 2009). One of the difficulties in diagnos-
ing AIH is the fluctuating course of the disease,
9.7 Autoimmune Liver Diseases with liver enzymes rising and falling over time.
If left untreated, AIH will lead to cirrhosis and
Autoimmune liver diseases in childhood can be liver failure. Some patients are more difficult to
challenging to diagnose and treat. Autoimmune treat and will progress to cirrhosis despite recog-
hepatitis (AIH) is the most common cause of nition and treatment. Because autoimmune hepa-
liver disease in the pediatric population (Sheiko titis can be treated with immunosuppression, the
et  al. 2017), accounting for 12% of referrals to prognosis for AIH is better than for patients with
pediatric liver specialists. AIH is thought to occur PSC.  However, patients with AIH/PSC overlap
from a genetic predisposition that is secondarily have a better prognosis than patients with PSC
triggered by an environmental factor (Sokollik alone (Nayagam et al. 2019).
et al. 2018). AIH has a female predominance of
75%, with 40% of patients positive for a family
history of other autoimmune disorders (Mieli-­ 9.7.1 T
 esting for Autoimmune Liver
Vergani and Vergani 2009). The presentation of Disease
AIH is extremely variable and can range from
mild transaminase elevations to acute liver fail- In general, patients with one autoimmune disease
ure or acute hepatitis with a similar presentation are more likely to develop other autoimmune
to acute viral hepatitis. Laboratory results can diseases. Approximately 20% of patients with
wax and wane without intervention, and symp- autoimmune hepatitis have other autoimmune
toms may include jaundice, fatigue, anorexia, disorders (e.g., thyroiditis, vitiligo, type 1, diabe-
or weight loss. Less commonly, about 10% of tes, IBD, CD) (Mieli-Vergani and Vergani 2009).
patients can present with advanced liver disease Patients with autoimmune hepatitis should also
9  Care of the Child with a Gastrointestinal Disorder 347

be screened for primary sclerosing cholangitis with other diseases, so type 1 has been differenti-
(PSC), as about 12.5% of patients with AIH and ated (Bogdanos et al. 2009).
PSC have AIH/PSC overlap syndrome (Laborda
et al. 2019). Anti-Liver Cytosol Type-1
The following are tests done when the clini- (Anti-LC1)
cian is faced with a patient with unknown jaun- Anti-liver cytosol type-1 (anti-LC1) is an anti-
dice or elevation of liver enzymes without an body that frequently appears with anti-LKM-1 in
explanation. These should be seriously consid- patients with AIH-2 and is less commonly tested
ered when there is a family or patient history of (Mieli-Vergani and Vergani 2009).
autoimmunity. Anti-Soluble Liver Antigen Anti-Nuclear Antibody (ANA) (Anti-SLA)
Anti-nuclear antibodies (ANA) include antibod- Anti-soluble liver antigen (anti-SLA) has been
ies that attach to the nucleus of a cell. Antibod- found in patients with AIH-1, AIH-2, and AIH/
ies usually attach to foreign antigens, but ANA PSC overlap syndrome. It is correlated with a
attaches itself to autoantigens (self-antigens). more severe disease course (Sokollik et al. 2018).
There are subcategories of ANA, but they are not Anti-SLA is very specific for autoimmune liver
routinely tested for liver disease (see chapter on diseases (Bogdanos et al. 2009).
“Rheumatology”). ANA is nonspecific and can
be seen in healthy adults and children and associ- Anti-Mitochondrial Antibody
ated with many other diseases, particularly other (AMA)
autoimmune disorders. Anti-mitochondrial antibody (AMA) is found
in 90–95% of patients with PBC, but titers are Anti-Smooth Muscle Antibody not correlated with disease severity (Himoto and
(SMA) Nishioka 2013). It is not frequently tested in
Anti-smooth muscle antibodies are antibodies pediatrics and can be seen in AIH as well.
that are formed against smooth muscle proteins
(actin, myosin, vimentin, desmin, and tubulin). In Immunoglobulin 4 (IgG4)
AIH-1, they attach to filamentous actin (F-actin) Immunoglobulin 4 is a subset of immunoglobulins
(Himoto and Nishioka 2013). (can be checked by ordering IgG subclasses 1–4)
that have been associated with autoimmune diseases Immunoglobulins (IgG) of the pancreas, biliary tract, lymph nodes, kidney,
Immunoglobulins (IgG) are the antibody fraction and lungs, to name a few (Dorn et al. 2012). Gas-
of serum proteins, and patients with autoimmune trointestinal diseases involving elevated IgG4 are
hepatitis tend to have nonspecific elevations in total primarily autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) and IgG4-
IgG.  Immunoglobulins can be measured directly related sclerosing cholangitis (Dorn et al. 2012).
or estimated within standard hepatic function pan- Most autoimmune markers for autoimmune
els reflected as the value obtained by subtracting liver disease are relatively nonspecific. Addi-
the serum albumin from the total serum protein, tionally, autoimmune antibodies may be absent
the globulin fraction. When the globulin fraction despite biopsy and treatment proved AIH (sero-
is elevated in autoimmune hepatitis, it reflects an negative AIH). Treatment tends to involve pro-
elevated gamma globulin pool (immunoglobulin). longed immunosuppressive regimens and chronic
monitoring for progressive disease and disease Anti-Liver-Kidney Microsomal complications. For these reasons, an experienced
Type-1 (Anti-LKM-1) specialist needs to be involved in diagnosis,
Anti-liver-kidney microsomal type-1 (anti-­ which involves a combination of liver enzymes,
LKM-­ 1) is associated with AIH-2. There are autoimmune markers, liver biopsy results (histol-
other LKM antibodies (types 2 and 3) associated ogy), and response to treatment.
348 A. L. Rundle et al.

In healthy pediatric patients, autoantibod- recurrent PSC after liver transplantation, which has
ies are rare (Mieli-Vergani and Vergani 2009). been found to occur in up to 26% of children (Mar-
Therefore, antibody levels 1: 10 (anti-LKM) and tinez et al. 2019). Additionally, about one-­quarter
1:20 (ANA and SMA) should be considered pos- of patients who do not have known IBD before
itive in children, while in adults, it is generally transplantation will develop IBD post-­transplant,
1:40 (Mieli-Vergani and Vergani 2009). In some making screening for IBD an important part of
labs, the cutoff value for positivity is higher than post-transplant care (Laborda et al. 2019).
the cutoff for significance in pediatrics (Sokollik
et  al. 2018). Seronegative patients may become
seropositive later in their disease course (Manns 9.8.1 Diagnostic Laboratory
et  al. 2010). The autoantibodies most used in Screening in Primary
pediatrics are ANA, anti-­LKM-­1, and anti-SMA. Sclerosing Cholangitis

CCA is rare in childhood. Tumor screening

9.8 Primary Sclerosing includes serial tumor markers (CA19–9), serial
Cholangitis imaging (sonogram, CT, MR), as well as ERCP
to brush bile duct strictures to screen for CCA.
Primary sclerosing cholangitis is a chronic liver Patients with PSC who have developed cirrhosis
disease that causes stricturing and sclerosing of the should get HCC surveillance (see Sect.
biliary tree. Although it is rare in the general pop- (Bowlus et al. 2022). In addition, screening for
ulation, it occurs in at least 10% of children who IBD is important and is found in Sect. 9.4.3.
have ulcerative colitis (Laborda et al. 2019). PSC
can lead to significant liver damage, with 50% of Carbohydrate antigen
patients developing complications within 10 years 19-9 (CA19–9)
of diagnosis and 30% requiring liver transplantation CA19-9 (carbohydrate antigen 19-9) is a pro-
(Laborda et  al. 2019). Stricturing and scarring in tein found to be a biomarker for CCA in patients
the bile ducts can lead to cholestasis, poor nutrient with PSC. There are pitfalls to using CA19-9 in
absorption, pruritus, hepatobiliary fibrosis, cirrho- screening for CCA: about 7% of the population
sis, end-stage liver disease (ESLD), and carries an has undetectable CA19-9 levels due to being
elevated risk of cholangiocarcinoma (CCA). There Lewis antigen negative; it is also associated with
is currently no pharmacological treatment to delay pancreatic, colorectal, gastric or gynecologic
the progression of PSC.  Patients are treated with cancers (Liang et al. 2015); the sensitivity and
supportive care (ursodiol to potentially improve specificity is highly variable related to differ-
bile flow, anti-­pruritic medication, fat-soluble vita- ent cut-off values (Bowlus et al. 2022). CA19-9
min supplementation, antibiotics, and nutritional can also be elevated in patients with bacterial
supplementation) and screening for complications. cholangitis (Chapman et al. 2010). The AASLD
Portal hypertension screening includes serial physi- practice guidelines do not recommend routine
cal exams (spleen size, stigmata of chronic liver dis- surveillance in patients under the age of 18 years
ease), imaging, serum platelet values, elastography, (Bowlus et al. 2022), though CA-19-9 and cross-
and endoscopy to screen for esophageal varices. sectional imaging might be useful in patients who
Given diminished bile flow, affected patients are have stricturing disease (Chapman et al. 2010).
predisposed to cholangitis with low thresholds for
antibiotic treatment and interventional approaches
to augment bile drainage. If PSC is suspected, the 9.9  ther Autoimmune Liver
diagnosis is made by magnetic resonance cholangi- Diseases
opancreatography (MRCP), endoscopic retrograde
cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), or liver biopsy. Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) is another autoim-
If patients progress to ESLD, the only treatment is mune cholestatic liver disease with elevated liver
a liver transplant. Unfortunately, there is a risk of tests and pruritus. This condition is exceedingly
9  Care of the Child with a Gastrointestinal Disorder 349

Table 9.12  Autoimmune markers in liver disease

Associated autoimmune
Lab liver disease Notes
Anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) AIH-1, primary It can also present in other non-­autoimmune liver
sclerosing cholangitisdiseases (HCV, NAFLD, viral hepatitis, HCC)
(PSC), PBC (Himoto and Nishioka 2013)
Anti-smooth muscle antibody AIH-1 Unfavorable prognosis for AIH-1 (Sokollik et al. 2018)
(anti-SMA) It can be used to monitor disease activity in patients
with AIH-1 (Sokollik et al. 2018)
Anti-liver-kidney microsomal AIH-2 It can be used to monitor disease activity in patients
type-1 (anti-LKM-1) with AIH-2 (Sokollik et al. 2018)
Anti-liver cytosol type-1 AIH-2 It can be used to monitor disease activity in patients
(anti-LC1) with AIH-2 (Sokollik et al. 2018)
Anti-soluble liver antigen AIH-1 and AIH-2, PSC/ Defines a more severe course (Sokollik et al. 2018)
(anti-SLA) AIH overlap syndrome
Atypical perinuclear anti- AIH-1, PSC/AIH Virtually absent in AIH-2 (Sokollik et al. 2018)
neutrophil antibody (p-ANCA) overlap syndrome
Anti-­mitochondrial antibody PBC, AIH-1 PBC is very rare in children and is not routinely
(AMA) screened
Adapted from Sokollik et al. (2018); Himoto and Nishioka (2013)

rare to present in childhood, but there have been had two to four episodes of non-bloody, yellow
isolated case reports (Dahlan et al. 2003). PBC is vomiting for the past 3–4 days. The patient had
associated with a positive anti-­mitochondrial anti- one to two episodes of vomiting today. No diar-
body (AMA), but this is rarely screened because rhea. The patient’s father reports that his urine is
it is rare in the pediatric population. Table  9.12 being more yellow than usual. There is no history
reviews the autoimmune markers along with the of fever. He is complaining of mild right-sided
associated autoimmune liver disease. abdominal pain but is unable to describe or rate
it further.
The patient reports travel to Ghana July–
9.10 IgG4-Related Sclerosing August last summer. The patient’s father reports
Cholangitis that the patient received malaria prophylaxis
before, during, and after the trip. No visitors
IgG4-related sclerosing cholangitis is most com- from Africa since his trip. No other complaints,
mon in men over the age of 60. However, a hand- no known sick contacts, and no treatment before
ful of pediatric patients have fit this diagnosis ED presentation. No known allergies. The direct
(Hsu et al. 2019). The picture can be similar to bilirubin is 7.5 (normal, <0.3  mg/dL), and the
PSC because it is an autoimmune disease that total bilirubin was 11.3 (normal, 0.1–1.2 mg/dL).
affects the bile ducts. However, it is important The ALT was 2610 (normal, 4–36 IU/L), the AST
to distinguish it from PSC because IgG4-related was 3167 (normal, 8–33 IU/L), and the alkaline
sclerosing cholangitis is responsive to immuno- phosphatase was 449 (normal, 38–126 IU/L). The
suppressive therapy and treatment can lead to GGT was 79 (normal, 7–50 IU/L). The hepatitis
remission (Rosen et al. 2015b). panel for A, B, and C was unremarkable. The
lipase and amylase were within normal limits. The
PT was 20.8 (normal, 9.6–11.6  s), the INR was
9.10.1 Real-Life Example 2.0 (normal, 0.9–1.1 ratio), and the PTT was 27.5
(normal, 21.0 to 30.0). The thick and thin smear
A 5-year-old African-American male with no sig- for malaria was negative. The ceruloplasmin was
nificant past medical history presents to the office 36 (normal, 29–56  mg/dL). EBV titers did not
with his father. His father reports the patient’s show an acute infection. All markers for autoim-
school notified him that the patient had yellow mune hepatitis were negative, but a liver biopsy
eyes. The patient’s father reports the patient confirmed seronegative autoimmune hepatitis.
350 A. L. Rundle et al.

diagnosed in children under 5 years (Roberts and

Key Learning about Autoimmune Liver Schilsky 2008).
Disease WD can present as liver disease, hemolysis,
• Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) is the most neurological disease, eye disease, or psychiatric
common cause of liver disease in the disease (Roberts and Schilsky 2008). Neuro-
pediatric population. logic symptoms in childhood include changes
• A family history of autoimmunity may in behavior, a decline in school performance, or
be elicited. Remember, a child with one difficulty with tasks requiring hand-eye coordi-
autoimmune disease is predisposed to nation, deterioration in handwriting with micro-
other autoimmune diseases. graphia, tremor, drooling dysarthria, dystonia,
• Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is spasticity, and dysphagia (Roberts and Schilsky
a chronic liver disease that causes stric- 2008). Psychiatric conditions seen in WD include
turing and sclerosing of the biliary tree. depression, anxiety, and psychosis (Roberts and
PSC can progress to end-stage liver Schilsky 2008). Other extrahepatic manifesta-
disease. tions of WD can include renal disease (aminoac-
• Most autoimmune markers for autoim- iduria, nephrolithiasis), premature osteoporosis
mune liver disease are relatively and arthritis, cardiomyopathy, pancreatitis, and
nonspecific. hypoparathyroidism (Roberts and Schilsky 2008).
• Autoimmune antibodies may be absent In childhood, 30% of patients with WD pres-
despite biopsy, and this type of autoim- ent with chronic liver failure, 25% present with
mune hepatitis is called seronegative acute hepatitis, and 12% present with fulminant
AIH. liver failure (Warner and Kelly 2021). Treatment
• A complete workup should be done if a consists of zinc supplementation to prevent cop-
child or neonate presents with jaundice per accumulation, with or without chelation to
and/or elevated transaminases. chelate excess copper that has already accumu-
lated. Care must be taken with close monitoring
to prevent over chelation. In patients who have
progressed to liver failure, the only treatment is
9.11 Wilson’s Disease a liver transplant.

Wilson’s disease (WD) is an autosomal recessive

disorder of copper excretion with a prevalence of 9.11.1 Diagnostic Laboratory
approximately 1:30,000 (Socha et al. 2018). The Workup for WD
ATP7B gene encodes an enzyme used in hepa-
tocytes to transport copper. In Wilson’s disease, The patient with WD needs a careful diagnostic
this protein is missing or diminished, leading laboratory evaluation. The patient with classic
to decreased excretion of copper into the bile Kayser-Fleischer rings confirmed by an ophthal-
by hepatocytes and failure to incorporate cop- mologist should receive an immediate referral to
per into ceruloplasmin (Roberts and Schilsky a liver specialist. As mentioned above, there are
2008). Once copper-containing solid foods are subtle symptoms and signs in which WD should
introduced in infancy, progressive copper accu- be considered, and the diagnostic workup started.
mulation begins (Socha et al. 2018). Over time,
copper accumulates and deposits in organs such Ceruloplasmin
as the brain, cornea, liver, and kidneys. WD can Ceruloplasmin is a copper-carrying protein that
present at any age. Given that the damage from is secreted by hepatocytes; it accounts for 90%
WD occurs over time from the accumulation of of circulating copper in normal patients (Rob-
copper, it is rare that it presents before the age erts and Schilsky 2008). The majority of reports
of 5 years; however, symptomatic WD has been show that 90–100% of patients with WD have
9  Care of the Child with a Gastrointestinal Disorder 351

low ceruloplasmin (Roberts and Schilsky 2008). WD have a 24-hour urine copper level < 100 μg/
Ceruloplasmin is very low in early infancy, peaks day, and > 40 μg/day could be considered a better
in early childhood, and then settles to the adult threshold (Roberts and Schilsky 2008).
range (Roberts and Schilsky 2008). Serum ceru- It is important to note the volume of the 24-h
loplasmin of <20 mg/dL is consistent with WD; urine because if the sample is not truly a 24-h
it is diagnostic if the patient also has Kayser-­ sample, it will not be accurate. Additionally,
Fleischer rings. patients who are heterozygous for WD may have
It is important to note that ceruloplasmin is intermediate levels, and patients with another liver
an acute-phase reactant. Therefore, during states disease (including autoimmune hepatitis) may
of acute inflammation, it can be normal or high have 24-h urine copper levels of 100–200 μg/day
(Roberts and Schilsky 2008). This is particu- (Roberts and Schilsky 2008). In pediatric patients,
larly important to consider in the patient with measuring urinary copper excretion in the setting
acute liver failure, as normal ceruloplasmin can of D-penicillamine (a copper chelator) adminis-
be falsely reassuring. Additionally, patients with tration may be helpful to distinguish other liver
hyperestrogenemia (e.g., pregnancy or birth diseases from WD (Roberts and Schilsky 2008).
control) can elevate ceruloplasmin (Roberts and This was only found to be helpful in patients
Schilsky 2008). Low ceruloplasmin can also be with active hepatitis (92% sensitivity) but not in
caused by copper deficiency and in patients with screening asymptomatic siblings (46% sensitiv-
Menkes disease (Roberts and Schilsky 2008). ity) (Roberts and Schilsky 2008). Box 9.5 sum-
marizes the recommendations to diagnose WD. Serum Copper
The total serum copper is a combination of non-­
ceruloplasmin-­bound (“free”) copper and copper Box 9.5 Wilson’s Disease Diagnosis
bound to ceruloplasmin. The copper level is usu- Recommendations
ally low in WD but can be markedly elevated in 1. Consider WD in any child >1  year of
acute liver failure (Roberts and Schilsky 2008). age with signs of liver disease (asymp-
The non-ceruloplasmin copper may be more tomatic elevated liver enzymes, cirrho-
useful in the diagnosis and is usually >25 μg/dL sis, or acute liver failure) (Socha et al.
in most untreated patients with WD.  The non-­ 2018).
ceruloplasmin copper is a calculation made using 2. WD must be excluded in any teenager
the serum copper level and ceruloplasmin. with unexplained cognitive, psychiatric,
Pitfalls of Serum Copper. The non-­ or movement disorder (Socha et  al.
ceruloplasmin copper can become elevated in 2018).
acute liver failure in general, as well as in cho- 3. When WD is suspected, refer to a
lestasis (Roberts and Schilsky 2008). Addition- skilled examiner for a slit-light exam to
ally, because it is a calculation, it is dependent rule out Kayser-Fleischer rings.
on the accuracy of the copper and ceruloplasmin. However, the absence of Kayser-
The copper level is more useful in guiding treat- Fleischer (KF) rings does not rule out
ment (with zinc and or chelators) in patients with Wilson’s disease (KF rings are usually
known WD than in diagnosis (Roberts and Schil- absent in patients presenting with liver
sky 2008). disease, present in 44–62% of patients
with mainly hepatic disease at the time 24-Hour Urine Copper of treatment, and may be absent in 5%
The 24-hour urinary excretion of copper reflects of patients with neurologic presenta-
the amount of non-ceruloplasmin-bound copper tion) (Roberts and Schilsky 2008).
in circulation (Roberts and Schilsky 2008). The 4. A very low ceruloplasmin (<5  mg/dL)
diagnostic level for WD has been >100 μg/day; is a very strong evidence for
however, 16%–23% of patients diagnosed with
352 A. L. Rundle et al.

modifiers that determine the severity of liver dis-

WD.  Modestly subnormal levels war- ease (Patel and Teckman 2018). A1ATD is also
rant further investigation. A normal associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary
ceruloplasmin does not exclude the disease that presents later in life, and therefore
diagnosis of WD (Roberts and Schilsky parents should be screened for A1ATD.
5. A 24-h urine copper should be obtained
in all patients considered for WD.  A 9.12.1 Diagnostic Laboratory
24-h urine copper in symptomatic Evaluation
patients with WD is typically >100 μg/
day, but findings of >40 μg require fur- The clinical picture of liver disease in pediat-
ther investigation (Roberts and Schilsky ric patients with A1AT deficiency ranges from
2008). asymptomatic to developing the life-threatening
6. Genetic testing (whole genome liver disease (3–5%) (Patel and Teckman 2018).
sequencing) should be considered in The diagnostic laboratory evaluation must be
patients for whom it is difficult to estab- done quickly in the patient with decompensated
lish a diagnosis. It can be done on first-­ liver disease.
degree relatives of patients with WD,
and a clinical geneticist should be con- Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Levels
sulted to interpret results (Roberts and This test should not be the first-line test in a
Schilsky 2008). patient with suspected A1ATD.  The AAT level
7. All first-degree relatives of patients is not considered a gold standard for diagnosis
with newly diagnosed WD must be because it is an acute-phase reactant and can
screened for WD (Socha et al. 2018). be falsely elevated during systemic inflamma-
tion. Therefore, the phenotype should be ordered
Adapted from Socha et  al. 2018; Rob- (Patel and Teckman 2018).
erts and Schilsky 2008 A  lpha-1 Antitrypsin (AAT)
The gold standard of diagnosis is testing for AAT
9.12 Alpha-1 Antitrypsin phenotype. Patients are diagnosed with A1ATD
Deficiency (A1ATD) when their phenotype is ZZ or compound hetero-
zygotes (SZ) (Patel and Teckman 2018).
Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (A1ATD) is the
most common genetic cause of pediatric liver
disease (Mitchell and Khan 2017). In infancy, 9.13 Cholestatic Diseases
A1ATD can present as neonatal hepatitis (with
jaundice, failure to thrive, pruritus, hepatospleno- The liver performs many vital body functions,
megaly) and can look like other common causes including lipid and fat-soluble vitamin digestion
of neonatal cholestasis. A patient can present and absorption, cholesterol metabolism, blood
later in childhood with previously unrecognized sugar regulation, excretion of toxins, mainte-
liver disease manifesting in decompensated liver nance of oncotic pressure, and production of
disease (gastrointestinal bleeding, ascites, liver clotting factors and infection prevention/protec-
failure) (Patel and Teckman 2018). The AAT tion. The liver must excrete bile, which is com-
mutant Z protein accumulates and causes dam- posed of bile acids, phospholipids, cholesterol,
age to the liver; however, given the vast variety of water, bilirubin, electrolytes, metabolized drugs,
liver disease presentations in these patients, there and xenobiotics (Harb and Thomas 2007). Not
are likely environmental and genetic disease only are products of liver metabolism excreted
9  Care of the Child with a Gastrointestinal Disorder 353

through the bile, but with insufficient bile flow

(cholestasis), the bile backs up into the liver and • Viral infection (herpes viruses; parvovi-
causes damage to the liver itself. If the damage is rus; hepatitis A, B, and C; enteroviruses;
significant enough, it can lead to scar tissue and adenovirus; HIV).
potentially liver failure. Cholestasis can be pres- • Other infections (sepsis, UTI, listeria,
ent with or without jaundice. Jaundice becomes tuberculosis).
visible once total bilirubin reaches 2.5–3.0  mg/ • Autoimmune [gestational alloimmune
dL (Fawaz et al. 2017). liver disease, primary sclerosing cholan-
The bile allows for the breakdown and absorp- gitis (PSC), primary biliary cholangitis
tion of dietary fat and absorption of fat-soluble (PBC), autoimmune cholangiopathy].
vitamins; therefore, nutrition assessment is par- • Bile duct obstruction (choledocholithia-
ticularly important in patients with cholestasis, sis, choledochal cyst, tumor).
with particular attention paid to fat-soluble vita- • Mitochondrial disease.
min levels (A, D, E, and K  – INR, which may • Endocrine (hypothyroidism, panhypopi-
reflect low vitamin K levels if elevated and cor- tuitarism, others).
rectable with vitamin K administration). • Infiltrative disorders [Langerhans cell
Cholesterol levels may be significantly ele- histiocytosis (LCH)].
vated in patients with cholestatic disease due to • Progressive familial intrahepatic cho-
the excess of bile salts, which are the building lestasis (PFIC) types 1–6.
blocks of cholesterol. On a lipid panel, the LDL • Sickle cell anemia.
can be markedly elevated. Still, the elevation is • Toxic (parenteral nutrition, fetal alcohol
often caused by lipoprotein X (Lp-X), which is syndrome, others).
not associated with accelerated atherosclerosis
(Nemes et al. 2016). Cholestasis can also lead Adapted from Loomes and Emerick
to profound pruritus that can affect the qual- 2021
ity of life significantly. Bile salts can be mea-
sured on lab draws to determine if itching in
a cholestatic patient is due to cholestasis. Box 9.13.1 Neonatal Cholestasis
9.6 reviews the common differential diagnoses
for cholestasis in children, and Box 9.7 reviews Physiologic neonatal jaundice is characterized by
the common differential diagnosis for neonatal an elevation in the total bilirubin with a normal
cholestasis. direct bilirubin; it is discussed in detail in the
newborn section. In contrast, neonatal cholestasis
is jaundice caused by elevated conjugated biliru-
bin and is pathologic. While neonatal jaundice
Box 9.6 Common Differential Diagnoses for is relatively common, neonatal cholestasis only
Cholestasis occurs in 1  in every 2500 infants (Fawaz et  al.
• Biliary atresia. 2017). Any infant that is not well-appearing or
• Neonatal giant cell hepatitis. has concerning findings (lethargy, poor tone, fail-
• Cystic fibrosis. ure to thrive, fever, hepatosplenomegaly, ascites,
• Alagille syndrome. acholic stools, dark urine) should be evaluated
• Metabolic disorders (alpha-1 antitrypsin expeditiously. Biliary atresia (BA) is the most
deficiency, glycogen storage disease commonly known cause of neonatal cholestasis,
type IV, urea cycle defects, galactose- followed by genetic disorders and neonatal cho-
mia, tyrosinemia type I, citrin defi- lestasis of unknown etiology (Fawaz et al. 2017).
ciency, others). The number of idiopathic neonatal hepatitis cases
• Bile acid synthesis defects. has decreased as diagnostic and genetic testing
improves (Fawaz et al. 2017).
354 A. L. Rundle et al.

According to the North American Society reducing substances to check for galactosemia. If
for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and the infant has a fever or looks sick, bacterial cul-
Nutrition (NASPGHAN) guidelines, infants who tures of blood, urine, and spinal fluid should be
are still jaundice by 2 weeks of age should have considered. As stated in other chapters, the new-
a fractionated bilirubin to assess for direct hyper- born screen should also be checked, and the results
bilirubinemia. Any infant with a direct bilirubin put into the chart. Some states require two newborn
>1.0  mg/dL should be considered pathologic screens, and that should be initiated if not previ-
(Fawaz et  al. 2017), necessitating additional ously done. A fasting ultrasound is also part of the
assessment. It is important to assess urine and initial workup (Fawaz et al. 2017). The child should
stool color during the visit, and any infant with be referred to a liver specialist with the results of
dark urine and acholic stool warrants a prompt the initial workup. Other specialists involved in the
evaluation. care of these patients include ophthalmology, pedi-
Biliary atresia is a rare congenital liver disease atric surgery, metabolic geneticist, nutritionist, and
(~1:10,000 live births) of unknown etiology that cardiology (Fawaz et al. 2017).
leads to progressive sclerosing/destruction of the
extrahepatic bile ducts, progressive liver fibrosis,
progressive liver failure, and death without inter- Box 9.7 Common Differential Diagnoses for
vention. Biliary atresia is treated with a surgical Neonatal Cholestasis
procedure called the Kasai portoenterostomy, a • Biliary atresia.
surgery that attaches the jejunum directly to the • Neonatal hepatitis.
liver edge after removal of the affected extrahe- • Neonatal sclerosing cholangitis.
patic biliary tree and may reestablish bile flow. • Alagille syndrome.
Without a functioning Kasai or a liver transplant, • Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency.
BA is fatal by 1–2 years of age. Since the Kasai • Caroli’s disease.
procedure’s timing has implications for outcomes • Viral infection (CMV, HIV).
(better below 45  days of age—70% of patients • Bacterial infection (urinary tract infec-
will establish bile flow), there is a time pressure tions, sepsis, syphilis).
to ensure early diagnosis. After 90  days of life, • Parenteral nutrition-associated cholesta-
outcomes yield less than 25% reestablished bile sis.
flow (Fawaz et al. 2017), leaving liver transplant • Genetic/metabolic disorders [citrin defi-
as the only option for cure. ciency, alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency,
When an infant is jaundiced at 14 days, they tyrosinemia, galactosemia, hypothy-
require a full family history, gestational history, roidism, PFIC (types 1, 2, or 3), cystic
physical examination (including stool sample for fibrosis, panhypopituitarism].
color), and a fractionated bilirubin to determine if • Lipid metabolism (Niemann-Pick type
this is direct hyperbilirubinemia (Fawaz et  al. C, lysosomal acid lipase deficiency).
2017). The initial workup for neonatal cholesta-
sis can be started in primary care. This workup Adapted from Fawaz et al. 2017
aims to narrow the differential diagnoses and to
establish the extent of the liver involvement. The
work up should start with a CBC with differen-
tial, INR, transaminases, alkaline phosphatase, 9.13.2 Real-Life Example
direct bilirubin, glucose, albumin and -1 antitryp-
sin phenotype should be done. A TSH and T4 A firstborn 3-week-old full-term neonate was
should be done if the newborn screen is not avail- seen for the first time in the office with a chief
able (Fawaz et al. 2017) or the clinician feels they complaint of continued jaundice. The child was
want to recheck the result. Urine evaluation delivered via NSVD, weighing 8 pounds and 3
should include a urinalysis, urine culture, and ounces after an uneventful 40-week pregnancy.
9  Care of the Child with a Gastrointestinal Disorder 355

The mother noted jaundice on the first day of life. 2. A 30-month-old child presents with a 2-week
The mother reported that the last provider told history of diarrhea. The mother reports that
her that her neonate’s jaundice was due to breast- the stools are yellow, floating on the toilet
feeding. A careful history revealed a history of bowel, and occur four to five times a day. The
jaundice down to the lower abdomen since birth child was recently traveling in the national
and clay-colored stools four times a day. The park. The mother reports that they were hik-
exam was remarkable for jaundice to the lower ing when they ran out of water. She gave the
abdomen with a firm liver edge at 3 cm below the child a few sips of water from a stream. The
right costal margin. The rest of the exam was child has lost 1 pound but otherwise has a
unremarkable. A stat total and direct bilirubin normal physical exam. What is the best ini-
were 11.4  mg/dl (normal, 0.05–0.68) and 4.3 tial diagnostic laboratory test to order?
(normal, 0.05–0.30), respectively. A TSH and T4 (a) CBC with differential and comprehen-
were normal from the newborn screen. The AST sive metabolic profile.
was 236 (normal, 20–67 U/L), and the ALT was (b) Stool for ova and parasites.
289 (normal, 5–33 U/L). The GGT was 507 (nor- (c) Multiplex PCR stool that includes test-
mal for age, 0–130 U/L), and ALP was 732 (nor- ing for giardiasis.
mal for age, 150–420 U/L). The glucose was 79, (d) Stool culture.
and albumin was normal. An α-1 antitrypsin phe- 3. Out of the following tests, which of the fol-
notype was planned if the ultrasound was nega- lowing is the most specific for autoimmune
tive; however, the ultrasound showed a hepatitis?
choledochal cyst. The child was referred to pedi- (a) Anti-nuclear antibody (ANA).
atric surgery the same day. (b) Anti-mitochondrial antibody (AMA).
(c) Immunoglobulin 4 (IgG4).
(d) Anti-smooth muscle antibody (SMA).
Key Learning about Neonatal Cholestasis 4. Which of the following lab results is most
• Physiologic neonatal jaundice is charac- indicative of chronic liver disease?
terized by an elevation in the total biliru- (a) Direct bilirubin of 14 mg/dL.
bin with a normal direct bilirubin. (b) INR of 2.0.
• A direct bilirubin should be repeated if (c) Platelet count of 45.
there is concern about continuing (d) ALT of 5000.
jaundice. 5. Which of the following diagnoses is most
• An infant who is jaundiced at 14  days consistent with a total bilirubin of 14 mg/dL
should have a complete history, physical and direct bilirubin of 0.8 mg/dL?
exam, an evaluation of stool for color, (a) Biliary atresia.
and a fractionated bilirubin to determine (b) Crigler-Najjar type 2.
if this is direct hyperbilirubinemia. (c) Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC).
• It should never be assumed that a breast- (d) Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH).
feeding infant with jaundice who is 6. What is the single most important risk factor
breastfed has breastfeeding jaundice. for celiac disease (CD)?
(a) Age.
(b) Race.
Questions (c) Gender.
1. In hepatocellular liver disease, which of the (d) Family history of a first-degree relative
following is the most likely to be elevated? with CD.
(a) Alanine transaminase (ALT). 7. Which of the following is not an antibody
(b) Gamma-glutamyl transferase (GTT). blood test used to screen for celiac disease?
(c) Direct bilirubin. (a) Anti-nuclear Antibody (ANA).
(d) Iron. (b) Tissue transglutaminase antibody IgA.
356 A. L. Rundle et al.

(c) Endomysial antibody IgA. (c) C. difficile negative, GID PCR positive
(d) Total serum IgA. for norovirus, fecal occult blood
8. For most patients, what is the most valuable negative.
screening test for patients with celiac (d) C. difficile negative, GID PCR negative,
disease? fecal calprotectin 432 (<16 is within nor-
(a) Deamidated gliadin peptide IgG. mal range).
(b) Deamidated gliadin peptide IgA. 13. Which of the following is not an extraintesti-
(c) Tissue transglutaminase IgA. nal manifestation associated with IBD?
(d) Antigliadin IgA. (a) Precocious puberty.
9. If a patient is found to have selective IgA (b) Growth failure.
deficiency, which of the following would you (c) Aphthous ulcers.
screen for next? (d) Primary sclerosing cholangitis.
(a) Deamidated gliadin peptide IgA and 14. Which of the following group of results are
IgG. most suggestive of IBD?
(b) Endomysial antibody IgA and tissue (a) ESR normal, CRP elevated CBC with
transglutaminase IgG. thrombocytosis and microcytic anemia
(c) Deamidated gliadin peptide IgG and and low albumin.
antigliadin IgG. (b) ESR normal, CRP normal, CBC with
(d) Tissue transglutaminase IgG and deami- thrombocytosis, elevated albumin.
dated gliadin peptide IgG. (c) ESR normal, CPR normal, CBC with
10. Which of the following patients need a
macrocytic anemia and
screen for celiac disease? thrombocytopenia.
(a) A 2-year-old female with congenital (d) ESR normal CRP normal, CBC within
heart decease. normal range, elevated albumin.
(b) A 4-year-old male with trisomy 21.
(c) A 10-year-old male with precocious Rationale
puberty. 1. Answer: A
(d) A 5-year-old female with a seizure In hepatocellular disease, the ALT and
disorder. AST are elevated. The ALP, GTT, bilirubin,
11. Which of the following tests would be the and urobilinogen are more likely to be ele-
best choice when you are screening a patient vated in cholestatic liver disease. Iron is not
for IBD? an indicator of hepatocellular disease.
(a) CBC, hepatic function panel, hemoglo- 2. Answer: C
bin A1C, ANA. The history of traveling in the national
(b) CBC, basic metabolic panel, total IgA, park and drinking from a stream points to the
TTG-IgA. need to rule out an enteric pathogen. Giardia-
(c) CBC, hepatic function panel, ESR, CRP. sis can give malabsorption-type stools and is
(d) CBC, basic metabolic panel, ESR, ANA. a likely culprit, but there are other one-cell
12. A patient reports 4 weeks of bloody diarrhea pathogens and bacteria to consider. Tradi-
and weight loss. Which of the following tional microscopy for stool parasites has a
stool test results are most suggestive of IBD? lower sensitivity and specificity than newer
(a) C. difficile negative, GID PCR negative, PCR molecular methods. The latter may pro-
fecal occult blood negative. vide a more accurate diagnosis (Mero et al.
(b) C. difficile positive, fecal occult blood 2017). Therefore, in this case, C would likely
positive, fecal calprotectin <16 – within give the clinician the quickest and most effi-
normal range. cient option.
9  Care of the Child with a Gastrointestinal Disorder 357

3. Answer: D 8. Answer: C
SMA is more specific for AIH than the For most patients, the TTG-IgA is the
other tests. ANA is a nonspecific marker for most valuable screening test. In patients with
autoimmune hepatitis and can be found in CD, TTG plays at least two critical roles: (1)
healthy patients and patients with other auto- deamidating enzyme and (2) target autoanti-
immune diseases. AMA is rarely checked in gen in the immune response.
pediatrics; it is mostly associated with PBC, 9. Answer: D
primarily an adult disease. IgG4 elevation If a patient is IgA deficient, you will
is associated with IgG4-related sclerosing screen for IgG-specific antibodies to tissue
cholangitis (or autoimmune pancreatitis). transglutaminase and deamidated gliadin
4. Answer: C peptide.
A patient with liver disease with a low 10. Answer: B
platelet count may have a low platelet count Patients with trisomy 21 are included
due to portal hypertension, a manifestation in the high-risk group and as such, even if
of chronic liver disease. An elevated direct asymptomatic, should be screened once they
bilirubin can be seen with either acute or are 3 years of age or older.
chronic liver disease. INR can be elevated 11. Answer: C
due to either medication, liver failure (acute CBC may have thrombocytosis and/or
or chronic), or vitamin K deficiency, but it anemia findings. The hepatic function panel
does not necessarily reflect chronicity. A may reveal an elevation in liver enzymes or
markedly elevated ALT is seen more com- hypoalbuminemia, and inflammatory mark-
monly with acute hepatitis than in chronic ers such as ESR and CRP may be elevated.
liver disease. 12. Answer: D
5. Answer: B Chronic bloody diarrhea with weight loss
Biliary atresia presents with elevated with negative infectious stool studies but
direct bilirubin. Crigler-Najjar type 2 is the with elevation in fecal calprotectin is con-
milder form of the disease; can be asymptom- cerning for an inflammatory process in the
atic but becomes symptomatic during times GI tract.
of stress, illness, or fasting, usually with total 13. Answer: A
bilirubin <15  mg/dL; and therefore fits this Growth failure, aphthous ulcers, and pri-
picture. PSC is a cholestatic disease that may mary sclerosing cholangitis are extraintesti-
or may not lead to jaundice, in which case nal manifestations that can be seen in IBD,
it would primarily be direct hyperbilirubi- and delay in puberty can be seen in IBD
nemia. Autoimmune hepatitis is primarily a patients as well versus precocious puberty.
hepatocellular disease, but it would be pri- 14. Answer: A
marily direct hyperbilirubinemia if it were Although patients with IBD can have nor-
advanced enough to lead to jaundice. mal blood results, findings of an elevation of
6. Answer: D an inflammatory marker (CRP) coupled with
Celiac disease is a genetic component, anemia, thrombocytosis, and hypoalbumin-
and it is recommended that siblings of emia suggest IBD.
celiac patients above the age of 3 should be
screened even if asymptomatic.
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ies listed may be on the screening panel for of CD pathogenesis. Annu Rev Immunol. 2011;29:
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Care of the Child with a Renal
Deanna Schneider and Clare Cardo McKegney

Learning Objectives having vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) and may

After completing the chapter, the learner should require follow-up. It is now felt that lower-grade
be able to: reflux is a normal physiological state that tends to
resolve spontaneously (Kaufman et al. 2019). A
1. Interpret common laboratory studies to evalu- urinalysis and urine culture are important in eval-
ate the child with a urinary complaint, includ- uating a urinary complaint, and a complete or
ing point-of-care dipstick, urinalysis, urine comprehensive metabolic profile may be done
culture, and serum metabolic profile. when there is concern about renal disease. The
2. Outline the diagnostic laboratory approach to clinician needs to be aware of the reasons for
the child with proteinuria, hematuria, or both false-negative and false-positive results.
proteinuria and hematuria. Understanding the presentation of rheumatologi-
3. Understand the significance of abnormalities cal diseases with kidney involvement and disor-
of calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D. ders of the kidneys is important for the clinician
4. Interpret lipid levels and abnormalities of as they see patients with fatigue, pallor, joint
renal function. pain, bone pain, or nonspecific complaints.
5. Identify and interpret laboratory studies used
for the evaluation of renal tubular acidosis.
6. Identify and interpret laboratory studies used 10.2 T
 he Child with a Urinary
for the evaluation of the nephrotic syndrome. Complaint

There are many indications for urinalysis with a

10.1 Introduction urine dipstick in the pediatric primary care office.
Interpretation of the urine dipstick will guide the
The child with a kidney and urinary tract problem practitioner to a diagnosis. Situations that war-
or both needs careful evaluation and follow-up in rant the use of a spot dipstick urinalysis include
the primary care office. During a routine prenatal suprapubic pain, gross hematuria, periorbital or
scan, the neonate may have been identified as peripheral edema, urinary frequency, dysuria,
nocturnal enuresis, polydipsia, polyuria, and sus-
D. Schneider (*) · C. C. McKegney pected renal disease. A thorough history and
Columbia University School of Nursing,
New York, NY, USA physical exam is required for timely and correct
e-mail: diagnosis in addition to the laboratory findings.

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 365
R. M. John (ed.), Pediatric Diagnostic Labs for Primary Care: An Evidence-based Approach,
366 D. Schneider and C. C. McKegney

10.2.1 Recommendations false-positive results in unwarranted laboratory

for Urinalysis evaluation reduces cost-effectiveness (Mambatta
et  al. 2015). Therefore, in-depth history and
At one time, the American Academy of Pediatrics physical exam need to be performed when assess-
(AAP) recommended the urinalysis at specific ing children during routine and interval visits to
health supervision intervals as documented as determine when appropriate to use the dipstick
standards of practice (Primack 2010). Following urinalysis as a screening tool.
recommendations from the AAP Committee on The urine dipstick evaluates multiple compo-
Nephrology in 2007, urinalysis, including the nents and breakdown products found in urine.
dipstick, was removed from routine health super- Urine can be obtained in many ways: midstream,
vision visits in pediatrics due to a high false-­ nonsterile voided, voided clean catch, or sterile
positive rate, leading to increased costs, family specimen collection. The results of a dipstick
anxiety, and excessive testing. The AAP reserves evaluate the appearance, pH, odor, and presence
the urinalysis only when indicated by health and of protein, glucose, ketones, blood, and leukocyte
family history or in a symptomatic patient (Filice esterase. Urine volume is not measured in a dip-
et  al. 2014). However, many pediatric practices stick or spot urinalysis. The dipstick reactant
still do office dipsticks for well-child visits (Viteri pads give clinicians a wealth of information
and Reid-Adam 2018) despite the guidelines. (Cyriac et al. 2017). While a dipstick urinalysis is
The AAP recommends yearly urinalysis in the most affordable, accessible, and widely used
children who were born <32 weeks, have a very form of urinary evaluation in primary care, the
low birth weight or umbilical artery lines, con- finding on a dipstick cannot diagnose a UTI
genital heart diseases whether repaired or unre- (Schmidt and Copp 2015). Table 10.1 reviews the
paired, transplant of solid organ or bone marrow, components of the laboratory urinalysis and
malignancy, prolonged use of nephrotoxic drugs, dipstick.
recurrent episodes of acute kidney injury, family Microscopic analysis of urine. A micro-
history of renal disease, or a known history of scopic exam studies red blood cells (RBCs),
renal disease (Viteri and Reid-Adam 2018). white blood cells (WBCs), casts, crystals, and
Flynn et al. (2018) suggests that children with a bacteria. Microscopic analysis of urine done in
body mass index (BMI) of greater than 95% laboratories is done by automated systems. There
should have a urinalysis as part of their well- are two different kinds of systems used today,
child evaluation. digital imaging and flow cytometry. As a result,
the thresholds for significant pyuria are different. Urinalysis Urinary casts are made up of cells, fat bodies, or
Urinary frequency, dysuria, urinary accidents in a microorganisms with a Tamm-Horsfall protein
toilet-trained child, and fever are all patient com- matrix. Table 10.2 reviews the microscopy results
plaints that warrant further investigation for a and the clinical significance.
urinary tract infection (UTI), which will be dis- A gram stain can be done to determine whether
cussed further in the chapter. A urine dipstick gram-negative or gram-positive bacteria are
plus a microscopic is considered a urinalysis. present, Gram-­negative rods, streptococci, and
The dipstick. The urine dipstick is an staphylococci have a characteristic appearance
extremely sensitive test, and therefore the results (Simerville et al. 2005).
need to be correlated with the historical and
physical findings of the patient (Cyriac et  al.
2017). It is a quick and inexpensive test that can 10.2.2 Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
be done in the office. When the dipstick results
indicate further evaluation, the urine sample is UTI is a common occurrence in the pediatric
sent to the lab for microscopy. While the dipstick population. The accuracy of diagnosis is crucial
can be done quickly, evidence suggests the rate of for proper management and prevention of long-­
10  Care of the Child with a Renal Problem 367

Table 10.1  Interpretation of the components of the dipstick

Test pad
components Normal values What does the information yield?
Color Clear, yellow •  Changes in the color of the urine can be related to infection, foods,
medications, metabolic products
•  Cloudy urine can be caused by pyuria, but, in alkaline urine, precipitated
phosphate crystals is a more common reason (Simerville et al. 2005)
•  Endogenous causes of dark urine include amorphous urates (brick-­dust
sediment), erythrocytes, myoglobin, hemoglobin, metabolic products,
homogentisic acid (alkaptonuria), and porphyrins (Utsch and Klaus 2014)
•  Exogenous causes of dark urine include food products such as red beets,
rhubarb blackberries, and food dyes; Serratia marcescens; and
medications (nitrofurantoin, rifampicin, phenolphthalein, chloroquine,
deferoxamine, ibuprofen, metronidazole, phenothiazines, phenytoin, and
imipenem/cilastatin (Utsch and Klaus 2014)
Specific gravity 1.003–1.030 •  Dilute urine (SG <1.010) can give both false-positive and false-negative
(SG) (Mazaheri and Assadi 2019)
•  SG identifies the patient’s hydration status.
◦  Low SG – The patient is well hydrated (<1.010)
◦  High SG – The patient may be dehydrated (>1.020)
◦  Note: When the SG is equal to the plasma osmolarity, this indicates
disease affecting the ability to concentrate urine
•  SG will be high with:
◦  Significant proteinuria
◦  Glucosuria
◦  Inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion
•  SG will be low with:
◦  Diuretic use
◦  Diabetes insipidus
◦  Adrenal insufficiency
◦  Aldosteronism
◦  Impaired renal tubular function (Cyriac et al. 2017)
pH 4.5–8 •  Acidic urine indicates dehydration and uric stones
•  pH >5.5 in the face of acidosis indicates renal tubular acidosis, type 1
(Hechanova 2020)
•  Alkaline urine is found in
◦  Urinary tract infections are secondary to urea-­splitting bacteria/organisms
◦  Presence of calcium phosphate stones
Leukocytes Negative •  This test detects the presence of WBC, which can indicate urinary tract
infection (pyuria) or vaginitis/urethritis
•  False-positive results will occur in the presence of contamination in the
vaginal or penile area without proper hygiene
•  Sensitive (67%–84%) but less specific (64%–92%) for UTI (Utsch and
Klaus 2014)
Blood Negative •  A positive test for blood detects the presence of hemoglobin or RBC
◦  Test pad highlights uniformly are consistent with hemoglobin
◦  Test pads that have a spotted appearance suggest RBC are present
•  Extremely sensitive test: Negative means no presence of blood
•  RBC morphology is not detected in the dipstick; therefore, urine will need
microscopy for cell configuration
•  False-positive tests occur when
◦  Ascorbic acid is present in the urine
◦  There is an elevated SG, pH >5, and proteinuria
◦  If the patient is taking captopril (Cyriac et al. 2017)
368 D. Schneider and C. C. McKegney

Table 10.1 (continued)
Test pad
components Normal values What does the information yield?
Nitrites Negative •  Detected secondary to the presence of bacteria with nitrate reductase
enzyme reduces normal nitrates to nitrites (Cyriac et al. 2017)
•  A positive test only means there are bacteria in the urine (Cyriac et al.
•  Specific 98% (90–100%) but not sensitive 53% (15%–82%) for UTI
(Utsch and Klaus 2014)
•  Vaginal secretions and contamination may yield a false positive
•  False negatives result from
•  Less than 4 hours in the bladder as this is the time needed for the
conversion of nitrate to nitrite
•  Inadequate dietary nitrate
•  Infection caused by non-nitrate-reducing bacteria such as enterococcus or
pseudomonas spp. or staphylococcus saprophyticus
•  If that patient is on antimicrobials that inhibit bacterial metabolism
•  A large volume of dilute urine
•  Ascorbic acid in the urine (Leung et al. 2019)
Ketones Negative •  Ketones are a result of fat metabolism and are not normally present in the
•  Ketones can be positive in diabetes, pregnancy, and a ketogenic diet and
ketotic hypoglycemia
•  Ketonuria indicates starvation, cold exposure, or extended periods of
rigorous exercise (Cyriac et al. 2017)
Bilirubin Negative •  Trace amounts need investigation
•  The most likely cause is hepatocellular disease such as hepatitis
•  The prehepatic cause is related to hemolysis
Urobilinogen Trace •  Urobilinogen is a product of bacterial action of direct bilirubin in the
Protein Negative •  Test pads are most sensitive for albumin with specificity and sensitivity of
more than 99%, but it is not sensitive for other proteins (Leung and Wong
•  The dipstick pad gives a semiquantitative result (refer to the section in
this chapter discussing the investigation of proteinuria)
•  False positives if the
◦  Urine is alkaline
◦  SG results greater than 1.030
◦  pH above 8.0
◦  Gross hematuria, pyuria, or bacteremia
◦  The patient is on penicillin or sulfonamides
◦  Within 3 days of receiving IV radioactive dyes
•  False negative if the
◦  Urine is acidic
◦  The protein is not albumin
•  Proteinuria results
◦  1+ = 30 mg of protein per dL
◦  2+ corresponds to 100 mg per dL
◦  3+ to 300 mg per dL
◦  4+ to 1000 mg per dL
Glucose Negative •  Glycosuria is most commonly present in diabetes mellitus and Cushing’s
•  Fanconi’s syndrome, cystinosis, and Wilson’s disease can also cause
glycosuria due to tubular dysfunction and altered threshold for
reabsorption of glucose in the kidney (Cyriac et al. 2017)
Adapted from Cyriac et al. (2017), Hechanova (2020), Leung et al. (2019), Mazaheri and Assadi (2019), Simerville
et al. (2005), Leung and Wong (2010)
10  Care of the Child with a Renal Problem 369

Table 10.2  Microscopy results and clinical significance

Finding Clinical significance
Bacteria •  Sensitivity of 81% with a range of 16–99 and specificity of 83% with a range of 11–100%
(Utsch and Klaus 2014)
RBCs •  Dysmorphic RBCs, suggesting glomerulonephritis (Brown and Reidy 2019)
WBCs •  For digital imaging, 2 WBC/HPF is significant, and for flow cytometry, 25 to 50 WBC per
microliter is significant (Chaudhari et al. 2016)
•  When the WBC count is done by hemocytometer, the gold standard for pyuria is ≥5 WBCs per
HPF in centrifuged urine or ≥ 10 WBC in uncentrifuged urine (Leung et al. 2019)
•  Using an automated system with uncentrifuged urine, 3 WBC/HPF in urine with a SG <1.015
suggests pyuria. In urine with an SG of ≥1.015, 6 WBC/HPF suggests pyuria and a presumptive
UTI In children less than 2 years (Chaudhari et al. 2016)
•  Presence of pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, interstitial nephritis, and renal inflammatory
Types of •  Present in the urinary sediment
epithelial cells •  Squamous epithelial cells: Large, irregularly shaped, small nucleus, fine granular cytoplasm
◦  Suggests contamination
•  Transitional epithelial cells—Presence is normal
Cellular casts
WBC casts •  WBC cases indicate tubular disease, which is found in acute pyelonephritis and interstitial
RBC casts •  RBC cast cells can be present with an upper limit threshold of no more than 0–5 per low-power
field (LPF)
•  RBC cast cells are noted after strenuous exercise in a healthy patient
•  When more than five casts are present in LPF, one must consider pathology (Brown and Reidy
•  RBC casts suggest glomerulonephritis (Brown and Reidy 2019)
Renal tubular •  Epithelial cell casts are the result of damage and death of the tubule cells. It is an indication of
epithelial casts tubular necrosis, nephritis syndrome; interstitial nephritis; eclampsia, in transplant patients,
kidney rejection; and possible heavy metal ingestion including lead poisoning
Noncellular casts
Hyaline casts •  Nonspecific finding
•  The most common type of urinary cast
•  Clear tiny tubular particles that are easily missed on urine microscopy unless a stain is used
•  A hyaline cast are usually not indicative of renal disease
•  Hyaline casts may be due to strenuous exercise, diuretic medications, severe vomiting, or fever
which causes sluggish urine flow
Fatty casts •  It can be found in renal disease, nephrotic syndrome, and hypothyroidism
Granular or •  Suggests advanced renal disease (Simerville et al. 2005)
waxy casts
Broad casts •  Found in advanced renal disease (Simerville et al. 2005)
Crystals •  Found in the urinary sediment of healthy children
•  Cystine crystals – Colorless, hexagonal shape. Found in acidic urine – Diagnostic of cystinuria
•  Uric acid crystals – Yellow to orange-brown and diamond- or barrel-shaped
•  Triple phosphate crystals may be normal but can be associated with alkaline urine and UTI
(commonly associated with Proteus sp. (Simerville et al. 2005)
Adapted from Brown and Reidy (2019), Chaudhari et al. (2016), Leung et al. (2019), Simerville et al. (2005)

term sequelae. UTI is defined as the presence of and Jamal 2015). The estimated incidence is
abnormal urinalysis that suggests infection 7–8% of girls, and 2% of boys will have a
(pyuria and bacteremia) and a positive culture of UTI.  UTI can be of the upper tract or pyelone-
at least 50,000 colony forming units (CFU) per phritis (PN) or limited to the lower tract or cysti-
mL of a pathogen from a specimen obtained by tis. It is difficult to distinguish between the
catheterization and/or suprapubic aspirate (Taib location in young children. Sixty percent of
370 D. Schneider and C. C. McKegney

febrile UTIs in the first year of life are PN; a scar 2016; Verliat-­Guinaud et  al. 2015). As a result,
at the site of the infection is present around this form of urine collection has lower diagnostic
30–40% of the time (Montini et  al. 2011). The utility (Schmidt and Copp 2015). The AAP rec-
incidence of PN in the first 6  months of life is ommends that the urine specimen for culture in
12-fold higher in uncircumcised boys; however, children between 2  months and 24  months be
from 6 to 12 months, the incidence is higher in obtained through suprapubic aspiration or cathe-
girls from 6 months to 12 months (Leung et al. terization only (Subcommittee On Urinary Tract
2019). Infection 2016).
A clinician’s level of suspicion regarding the The diagnostic evaluation is not complete
diagnosis of a UTI should be high in children until the sample undergoes urinalysis and urine
under the age of 2 with fever and no other source culture. The most clinically significant findings
of infection. This specific group of children, for the presumed diagnosis of UTI are the pres-
because they are nonverbal, often have indistinct ence of leukocyte esterase and nitrates. RBCs
complaints. Therefore, poor feeding, lethargy, may be seen, and symptoms may worsen if the
prolonged jaundice, vomiting, fever, and mal- SG is high (Utsch and Klaus 2014). Table  10.3
odorous urine are all symptoms that require reviews diagnostic laboratory tests in UTI.
­careful consideration for UTI.  Preschoolers and Once the urine is obtained, it is plated in blood
older children can verbalize symptoms localized agar, and bacterial growth is generally available
to the urinary tract and express the classic his- within 24 h with sensitivities in 48 h. If the rou-
toric findings of dysuria, frequency, and inconti- tine culture is negative, but the child is still symp-
nence in toilet-trained children. The severity and tomatic and the gram stain shows bacteria, an
occurrence of a pediatric UTI are dependent on anaerobic culture should be considered (Leung
innate host immunity and bacterial virulence fac- et al. 2019). If there are unusual bacteria or mul-
tors (Simões E Silva et al. 2020). tiple bacteria in the same specimen, malforma-
tion in the kidney and urinary tract or Urine Culture immunodeficiency should be ruled out. Table 10.4
When evaluating a patient for presumed infec- reviews the possible results of urine culture and
tion, a culture should be obtained. Urine speci- the clinical significance.
men collection in the pediatric population is UTI occurs via the blood in newborns, but the
divided into two categories: nontoilet-trained and ascendant route is responsible for UTIs after the
toilet-trained children. The practitioner must neonatal period (Simões E Silva et  al. 2020).
obtain the sample in the child who cannot collect Pyelonephritis or a preexisting congenital renal
a urine sample with a sterile or “clean catch” anomaly predisposes a child to URI and can
approach. Although the most invasive form of result in renal insufficiency. Renal insufficiency
urine collection is the suprapubic aspirate (SPA), can lead to electrolyte and acid-base distur-
it remains the most accurate. SPA is contraindi- bances. One study of 80 children reported that
cated in children with an abdominal wall defect 75% of them had electrolyte or acid-base
or coagulopathy (Leung et  al. 2019). In a derangement. Hewitt and Montini (2021)
nontoilet-­trained child with high suspicion of reported that antenatal ultrasound shows two
UTI, catheterization is commonly used for accu- kinds of kidney damage when there is VUR: (1)
rate urine collection. Urine obtained by the congenital maldevelopment of the hypoplastic or
bagged specimen is susceptible to contamination dysplastic kidney associated with a high-grade
with periurethral flora in both girls and uncir- IV–V VUR and (2) scarring of the kidney sec-
cumcised boys (Leung et  al. 2019). The false- ondary to VUR. The former is most likely to be a
positive rate from bagged urine is 30–75%, male and has a greater risk of renal dysfunction,
leading to the need for another specimen done by and the latter is more common in females, and
clean catch, catheterization, or suprapubic aspira- renal insufficiency is less likely to occur. Renal
tion (Doern and Richardson 2016; Desai et  al. scarring can occur in up to 5% of girls and 13%
10  Care of the Child with a Renal Problem 371

Table 10.3  Urinary tract infection and diagnostic labs

Dipstick urinalysis Microscopic analysis Urine culture
•  Leucocyte esterase is noted in the •  Requires more skill to perform and •  Recognized as the gold standard
presence of inflammation and white is more expensive for the diagnosis
blood cells and is 78% specific for •  WBCs, RBCs, and bacteria are 66% •  50,000 CFU noted in a sterile
UTI diagnosis (Schmidt and Copp sensitive and 99% specific for UTI sample (catheterization or
2015)* in centrifuged samples (Schmidt and aspirate) is indicative of UTI
•  The presence of nitrates is consistent Copp 2015) •  100,000 CFU noted in a “clean
with gram-negative bacteria** •  Microscopic samples with pyuria catch” sample is indicative of
•  Leukocyte plus nitrites are 80–90% and leucocyte esterase consistent UTI (Schmidt and Copp 2015)
sensitive for a UTI (Schmidt and with UTI have a noted decreased
Copp 2015) SG. Therefore, urine concentration
needs to be evaluated in UTI
diagnosis (Chaudhari et al. 2016)
*Leukocyte esterase is commonly seen in inflammatory conditions. False-negative leukocyte esterase may indicate the
urine is collected too early in the course of the disease
**False-negative nitrates are clinically significant when the urine has been in the bladder for less than 4 h
Adapted from Chaudhari et al. 2016; Schmidt and Copp 2015

Table 10.4  Urine culture and clinical significance of finding

Results Clinical significance
More than two organisms •  The specimen should be recollected as this likely represents
contamination unless it is collected by SPA
Escherichia coli (E. coli) •  The most common uropathogen
•  E. coli causes approximately 80% of UTIs in children
•  Fimbriae attach to uroepithelial walls, which help overcome
normal host defenses (Kaufman et al. 2019)
•  E. coli is dominant in the first 6 months in healthy girls
•  Proteus mirabilis is the dominant bacteria in boys after
6 months
Streptococcus agalactiae •  More common in the neonate (Leung et al. 2019)
Klebsiella, Proteus, Enterobacter, •  Common pathogens
and Enterococcus •  Colonization with gram-negative bacteria is common before
species (Kaufman et al. 2019) the development of a UTI (Simões E Silva et al. 2020)
Streptococcus pneumoniae, streptococcus •  These species are more common if the child has an anomaly of
viridians, Staphylococcus aureus, the urinary tract (neurologic, anatomical, or functional) or a
Staphylococcus epidermidis, haemophilus compromised immune system (Leung et al. 2019)
influenzae, Streptococcus agalactiae
Staphylococcus saprophyticus •  Is responsible for ≥15% of UTI in sexually active female
adolescents (Schlager 2016)
Staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus •  It can be caused by hematogenous spread, and hematogenous
Agalactiae, Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas spread is uncommon after the neonatal period (Leung et al.
aeruginosa, Nontyphoidal salmonella 2019)
Viruses such as adenoviruses, enteroviruses, •  Usually, cause a lower tract infection
echoviruses, and coxsackieviruses usually cause •  Adenovirus most commonly causes a hemorrhagic cystitis
lower urinary tract infections
Polyomaviruses such as BK virus •  In immunocompromised children can cause hemorrhagic
Adapted from Kaufman et al. (2019), Leung et al. (2019), Schlager (2016), Simões E Silva et al. (2020)
372 D. Schneider and C. C. McKegney

of boys after the first UTI (Larcombe 2015). ative, and glucose negative. In addition to the his-
Predisposing factors for scarring include high-­ tory and physical exam, the patient’s urine sample
grade VUR, urinary obstruction, pyelonephritis suggests an acute UTI.  A urine sample for
in infancy, bacterial virulence, individual host microscopy showed WBCs >25 HPF, RBCs
factors, delay of treatment, and increased number 5–10, and multiple bacteria, but no red cell casts.
of upper urinary tract infections or pyelonephritis The culture was positive for E. coli which was
(Karavanaki et al. 2017). The risk is higher in the sensitive to amoxicillin.
first 2 years of life, and by 8, the risk is markedly
Key Learning about Urine Evaluation
New tests to improve the sensitivity and speci-
• The AAP reserves the urinalysis only
ficity of UTI evaluation are under development
when indicated by health and family
(Davenport et al. 2017). Urinary biomarker plat-
history or in a symptomatic patient
forms (interleukin 6 and neutrophil gelatinase-­
(Filice et al. 2014).
associated lipocalin) and droplet microfluidic
• The AAP recommends that urine speci-
platforms have been proposed to expedite the
men for culture in children between
correct diagnosis and help differentiate actual
2  months and 24  months should be
infections from asymptomatic bacteriuria. The
obtained through suprapubic aspiration
use of PCR fluorescence in situ hybridization and
or catheterization only.
mass spectrometry can expedite a timely diagno-
• A positive urine culture indicative of a
sis of common uropathogens such as E. coli
UTI occurs when there are 50,000 CFU
(Fritzenwanker et  al. 2016); however, PCR has
noted in a sterile sample (catheterization
drawbacks. It can identify common uropatho-
or aspirate), or 100,000 CFU noted in a
gens, but it may miss uncommon species since it
“clean catch” sample (Schmidt and
looks for specific targets. It also cannot
Copp 2015).
­differentiate between asymptomatic bacteriuria
• E. coli is the most common pathogen
and contamination (Kaufman et al. 2019).
found in a positive culture.
• The presence of two or more bacteria
most often indicates contamination.
10.2.3 Real-Life Example

A 7-year-old female presents to the office with

complaints of pain when urinating. Upon further 10.3 The Child with Proteinuria
evaluation, the clinician elicits that the girl has
been complaining of pain for 3 days. The patient The presence of protein in a routine urine sample
reports that she has also had two episodes of is noted in approximately 10% of children,
incontinence. The patient presents to the office decreasing to 0.1% when repeated (Leung and
today with complaints of abdominal pain, nau- Wong 2010). When proteinuria is benign, the
sea, and a fever of 102.3°F. The child’s past med- cause is often orthostatic proteinuria or transient
ical history is unremarkable. She reports that she proteinuria (Ranch 2020). When considering the
held her urine 5 days ago for 3 h while in a line at amount of protein noted on the spot urine, the cli-
an amusement park. The physical exam is normal nician also needs to evaluate the entire sample.
except for a mild amount of tenderness in the The SG, presence of blood, nitrates, etc. can alter
suprapubic region. She is well-appearing and, on the decision-making process. The differential
the exam, has no costal vertebral angle tender- diagnoses associated with proteinuria are varied.
ness. The result of a point-of-service midstream Clinical features of renal disease include hyper-
clean catch urine dipstick reveals a SG 1.030, tension, edema, and growth failure (Leung and
pH  7, leukocytes 125, blood trace, nitrates ++, Wong 2010). Proteinuria is a critical finding
ketones negative, bilirubin negative, protein neg- associated with renal disease and/or damage.
10  Care of the Child with a Renal Problem 373

Table 10.1 reviews the components of the urinal- correlates with the type of kidney disease. The
ysis, including protein. primary care clinician needs to understand that
Small amounts of protein in the urine are con- albuminuria is strongly associated with chronic
sidered acceptable but vary by age. In neonates kidney disease (CKD) as a marker for glomerular
and infants, clinically significant proteinuria is disease and is a long-­term complication of hyper-
greater than 100  mg/m2 per day or more than tension and diabetes. Urinary loss of LWM pro-
0.2 mg protein/mg on a spot urine collection. In tein is more suggestive of tubulointerstitial
older children, up to 300  mg/m2 is considered disease (Viteri and Reid-­Adam 2018).
significant (Viteri and Reid-Adam 2018). When protein concentrations of LMW pro-
Although commonly found in insignificant teins exceed the capacity threshold of the tubule,
amounts on random urine samples, protein in the proteinuria is the manifestation. When this dam-
urine can be associated with chronic renal dis- age occurs, both large and small protein particles
ease. The clinician should perform a thorough can permeate the barrier and seep into the urine.
history with a complete physical exam to deter- If this occurs at high rates, hypoalbuminemia can
mine the laboratory studies needed to evaluate occur. This will cause a disturbance in the capil-
proteinuria. lary osmotic pressure, which is responsible for
fluid stabilization in the vasculature. The ultimate
finding of hypoalbuminemia is edema. Proteinuria
10.3.1 Pathophysiology and edema are the cardinal signs of nephrotic
and Proteinuria syndrome, discussed further in this chapter.
Children often present with periorbital edema
Understanding the physiology of the kidney clar- that can be mistaken for allergies; however, the
ifies proteinuria. Little plasma protein crosses the clinician should consider evaluation with a uri-
glomerular capillary membranes in a healthy kid- nalysis. Often, with time, more severe edema
ney. The glomerular barrier is composed of the ensues in the case of nephrotic syndrome, and the
fenestrated endothelium, basement barrier, and diagnosis is more obvious (Baum 2008).
podocytes. When insulted by injury, infection,
and/or inflammation, the barrier can weaken and
disrupt the electrostatic filter. Proteinuria can be a 10.3.2 Orthostatic Proteinuria
result of glomerular damage (Viteri and Reid-­
Adam 2018). Glomerular damage can further Before discontinuing the routine UA in pediatric
result in dysfunction of the nephron and tubular health maintenance, transient and orthostatic pro-
malfunction. This malfunction can lead to the teinuria accounted for most cases of proteinuria
reabsorption of protein in the proximal tubules in the pediatric population. Both are diagnoses of
causing an oversecretion of certain protein and exclusion and, therefore, a thorough evaluation
overflow of proteinuria. needs to occur when protein presents in any urine
When protein is found in the urine, it can be sample. Transient proteinuria is noted in fever,
due to a mixture of plasma proteins and renal strenuous exercise, extreme exposures to cold,
tubular proteins. Lower urinary tract infections dehydration, heart failure, and seizure. Once pro-
can also cause proteinuria. As previously noted, teinuria is considered clinically isolated protein-
<100 mg/m2/day is the normal threshold for the uria, a clinician can be assured it is not associated
presence of protein noted in the urine. Tamm-­ with adverse clinical outcomes, and further eval-
Horsfall protein accounts for approximately 50% uation is unnecessary (Ranch 2020).
of the protein molecules found in benign protein- In the face of persistent proteinuria, a patient
uria; albumin accounts for approximately 30%. needs further evaluation. Initial evaluation of
The remainder is made of immunoglobulins, persistent proteinuria includes a thorough his-
tubular proteins, and other low-molecular weight tory, physical exam, and laboratory assessment.
(LMW) proteins. The type of protein excreted Clinical manifestations of renal disease can vary.
374 D. Schneider and C. C. McKegney

Providers must inquire about family history of and Reid-Adam 2018). However, newer research
renal disease, hematuria, deafness, vision suggests that high alkalinity and SG do not play a
impairment, and hypertension. The clinician role in false-positive results of proteinuria
should also elicit from the patient a recent his- (Robinson et al. 2019). Therefore, it is important
tory of vigorous exercise, tea-colored urine, to recognize that the SG and pH of the urine may
respiratory illness, febrile illness, rash, arthral- alter the protein dipstick results; however, these
gia, or swelling (Pomeranz et  al. 2016c). The traditional beliefs are being challenged (Ranch
physical exam is a crucial part of the assessment. 2020). The dipstick test primarily detects albu-
The provider should assess for signs of renal dis- min and generally does not identify LMW
ease. The presence of edema, malar or pruritic protein.
rash, growth failure, and hypertension all war- If the protein is trace, the urine needs a repeat
rant a more detailed laboratory investigation in test using the first-morning sample. If that result
the presence of spot urine consistent with 1+ is either negative or trace, a repeat should be
protein. A protein greater than 2.0 or persistent done 1  year later to check for proteinuria.
proteinuria less than 3.0 on any urine sample However, if the protein is ≥1+, the dipstick and
should be considered clinically significant and P/C ratio should be repeated using the first-
evaluated with further testing (Viteri and Reid- morning sample (Leung et al. 2017). A dipstick
Adam 2018). read greater than 1+ (30 mg/dL) is considered an
In adolescents, orthostatic proteinuria is a abnormal result. In children <2 years, if the spot
benign reason for proteinuria and occurs when urine P/C ratio is ≤20 mg/mmol (0.2 mg/mg)
the patient is upright. Upon a spot test dipstick, or  ≤  50 mg/mmol (0.5  mg/mg) and everything
the protein level is generally less than 1+. else on the dipstick is negative, then orthostatic
Orthostatic proteinuria accounts for 60% of all or functional proteinuria is the most likely diag-
cases of proteinuria in primary care, resulting in nosis. Urine testing can be repeated in 1  year
a benign clinical course (Pomeranz et al. 2016b). (Leung et al. 2017).
A repeat first-morning spot urine should be A false-positive proteinuria can occur if SG
obtained if protein is picked up on a routine dip- results are greater than 1.030, the pH is above
stick or an incidental finding. A urine sample 8.0, or with gross hematuria, pyuria, or bacteri-
after being in a recumbent position with no uria. A false positive can occur if the urine sits on
­evidence of protein can resolve the issue. The the dipstick for a long time or if the patient is
patient can then be noted as having orthostatic taking penicillin or sulfonamides. A false posi-
proteinuria. It is best practice to repeat a urine tive can also occur within 3 days after administer-
sample in the orthostatic patient within 6 months ing radiographic dyes (Leung and Wong 2010).
to a year. This step-wise approach and investiga- This data calls for the spot urine to be sent for
tion reduce harmful or invasive tests and unnec- albumin/creatinine ratio (ACR) as the alternative
essary costs to the patient (Leung and Wong for accurate diagnosis and quantification of pro-
2010). Significant proteinuria is a well-known teinuria (Parker et al. 2020).
hallmark of glomerulopathy (McIntyre and Taal
2008). S  pot Urine Protein/
Creatinine Ratio Dipstick Proteinuria When protein is discovered as an incidental find-
The urine dipstick is the test most frequently used ing, a first-morning void for spot urine protein/
for screening a patient for proteinuria in primary creatinine (P/C) ratio and urinalysis is indicated.
care. Table 10.1 reviews the reading of a dipstick. The P/C ratio is calculated by dividing the pro-
The literature has noted that high SG or very tein concentration by the creatinine concentra-
alkaline urine can interfere with the dipstick tion. The enzymatic assays have a better
reactant and cause a false-positive result (Viteri specificity, sensitivity, and precision compared to
10  Care of the Child with a Renal Problem 375

the Jaffe assays (Cobbaert et al. 2009; Panteghini with nephrotic syndrome. The spot P/C ratio is
and IFCC Scientific Division 2008). The enzy- inaccurate when the patient is malnourished or
matic assay is preferred in pediatric patients and protein-deprived because the test depends on
patients with hyperfiltration or jaundice or keto- muscle mass (Kamińska et al. 2020).
acidosis where the Jaffe method results would be
affected (Delanaye et al. 2017). Due to different 12–24-Hour Urine
methods used by different labs, the spot P/C ratio for Quantitative Testing
should be done in the same laboratory. of Protein and Creatinine
The spot urine P/C ratio is reported in differ- The “gold standard” of proteinuria is obtaining a
ent units such as mg/mg, mg/g, mmol, or a total protein/albumin excretion in a 24-hour urine
numerical value without any units (more com- collection (Leung and Wong 2010). Further inves-
monly done when the value is mg/mg) (Leung tigation for proteinuria includes quantitative test-
and Wong 2010). Results from the spot urine P/C ing for creatinine clearance. While this can be
ratio are interpreted differently by different done via a timed 12–24-hour urine collection, this
authors. Generally, a spot urine P/C ratio of may be a difficult task for the pediatric patient and
<0.2  mg/mg is considered normal in children their family; therefore, the spot first-­morning void
over 2  years (Ranch 2020; Kamińska et  al. for the albumin/creatinine ratio (ACR) or protein/
2020). Guidelines from the International Society creatinine ratio (PCR) is an adequate alternative.
of Nephrology’s Kidney Disease Improving One advantage of measuring the untimed urine
Global Outcomes (KDIGO) (2013) Work Group PCR over a 24-hour urine protein measurement is
defines proteinuria in children under 2 as nor- that the urinary concentration of dilution does not
mal/minimal when the P/C ratio is <50 mg/mmol affect its values because it compares the urinary
(0.5 mg/mg), increased when it is 50–200 mg/ protein concentration with urinary creatinine con-
mmol (0.5–2.0 mg/mg), and nephrotic when it is centration (Mazaheri and Assadi 2019). The
>200 mg/mmol (2.0 mg/mg). An abnormal spot 24-hour urine can also consider the various activi-
urine P/C ratio in a child under 2 years but over ties and vital sign fluctuation during 24 hours
6  months is >50  mg/mmol or  >  500  mg/g (Leung and Wong 2010). There are several rea-
or > 0.5 mg/mg. In a child over the age of 2 years, sons why the 24-hour urine collection is problem-
an abnormal spot urine P/C ratio is >20 mg/ atic, as seen in Box 10.1.
mmol or >200 mg/g or >0.2 mg/mg (Kamińska
et  al. 2020). Nephrotic syndrome ranges are
>220 mg/mmol or >2200 mg/g or >2.2 mg/mg Box 10.1 Causes of Diagnostic Inaccuracy of
(Kamińska et al. 2020). a 24-Hour Urine Collection
A main limitation of the spot P/C ratio is that • Collection timing is inaccurate
the variability of urinary protein excretion dur- • Patient missing a sample collection
ing the day and from day to day is not accounted • Poor storage causing alkaline bacteria to
for with spot urine. African-Americans have grow, leading to inaccurate protein
lower values because they secrete more creati- results
nine to urine than Caucasians of similar weight • Incomplete bladder emptying
and height. If the urine creatinine levels are • Collecting two first-morning urines,
very low (≤3.45 mmol/L (39 mg/dL) or high instead of throwing out the first day’s
(≤3.45 mmol/L (39 mg/dL) or  ≥  5.48 mmol/L morning urine
(62 mg/dL), the protein concentration may be • Not returning the sample in a timely
over or underestimated. If the glomerular filtra- fashion
tion rate (GFR) levels are ≤10 mL/1.73m2, the • Difficult to do in children
spot urine P/C is overestimated. There is also a
poor correlation between the spot urine P/C Adapted from Kamińska et al. 2020
ratio and 24-hour urine collection in patients
376 D. Schneider and C. C. McKegney S  pot Urine for Urine through the regulation of bicarbonate.

Albumin/Creatinine (a/C) Interpretation of bicarbonate regarding acid-base
Ratio balance is discussed in Sect., as is the
Urine albumin measurements are required to calculation of renal function in Sect.
detect microalbuminuria. Patients with diabetes Sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, phospho-
who are at risk for diabetic nephropathy should rous, BUN, and creatinine will be discussed here.
have a urine A/C ratio measurement on early-­ Sodium. Sodium is an abundant and impor-
morning specimens. This test has largely replaced tant electrolyte for carrying out basic metabolic
timed urine collection. A/C ratios are not rou- functions, and any deviations from normal should
tinely used to evaluate proteinuria in well chil- be evaluated closely. Sodium, the major cation in
dren (McIntyre and Taal 2008). Albuminuria can extracellular fluid, is tightly linked to fluid bal-
be classified as microalbuminuria when the A/C ance. Because the total body water varies by age,
ratio is 30–300 mg/g creatinine or as macroalbu- normal ranges for sodium vary by age and are
minuria when the A/C ratio is >300 mg/g creati- shown in Table 10.5. The body’s ability to main-
nine (Guh 2010). tain a sodium-water balance relies on the com-
plex interplay of the adrenal glands, kidneys, and
pituitary gland via the renin-angiotensin-­
10.3.3 Persistent/Abnormal aldosterone system (Bianchetti et al. 2017).
Proteinuria When faced with abnormal sodium levels, the
clinician must evaluate the patient’s sodium value
Further evaluation is always warranted when per- and overall fluid status. Abnormal sodium levels
sistent proteinuria is present or the patient pres- are typically classified by variation from normal,
ents with clinical symptoms. Proteinuria is hyponatremia or hypernatremia, and overall vol-
considered persistent when found on two or more ume status, hypovolemia, normovolemia, or
first-morning urine samples (Ranch 2020). hypervolemia. The causes of abnormal sodium
Several diagnostic tests are used to aid the clini- levels in children are broad and involve the renal
cian caring for the patient with an abnormal pro- and neurologic, cardiovascular, and gastrointesti-
tein/creatinine ratio. The tests include the nal systems. In particular, children with renal dis-
complete metabolic profile for serum electro- orders can present with both elevated or decreased
lytes, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), and creatinine, sodium levels, depending upon the underlying
albumin, complement levels of C3 and C4, anti- disease and the pathology within the kidney
streptolysin antibodies, antinuclear antibody (Bianchetti et  al. 2017). Common causes of
(ANA), double-stranded DNA (dsDNA), anti- abnormal sodium levels in children of renal and
neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA), and other etiologies can be seen by classification in
all hepatitis antibodies and antigens. Utilizing Table 10.6. It should be noted that sodium values
such laboratory studies helps a practitioner focus may also be spurious and should be carefully
their evaluation. Some tests are reviewed here, evaluated if there is hyperlipidemia, which can
and the remainder are discussed in Sect. 10.5.3. cause a false decrease and severe hyperprotein- Complete Metabolic Profile

Serum electrolytes, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), Table 10.5  Normal serum sodium values by age
and creatinine levels give the practitioner a win-
Age Value (mmoL/L)
dow into the functioning of the kidney. The kid- Birth to <7 days 132–147
neys play an integral role in maintaining ≥7 days to <2 years 133–145
electrolyte homeostasis in the body, particularly ≥2 years to <12 years 134–145
sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, and phos- ≥12 years to adult 135–145
phorous. They are also active in maintaining the Adapted with permission from Oxford Press from
acid-base balance of the body, particularly Colantonio et al. (2012)
10  Care of the Child with a Renal Problem 377

Table 10.6  Common causes of abnormal sodium levels in children

Hyponatremia Hypernatremia
Extracellular hypovolemic “depletional” Hypovolemic
•  Intestinal salt wasting from vomiting, diarrhea, or •  Inadequate intake
suction of gastric contents •  Diarrhea resulting in the intestinal salt loss
•  Salt loss through the skin from cystic fibrosis or •  Renal water and salt wasting: Post-­obstructive
sustained vigorous exercise polyuria, diuretic use, diabetes insipidus, and damage
•  Renal sodium loss from mineralocorticoid deficiency/ to the renal medulla
resistance, diuretic use, salt-wasting renal failure,
salt-wasting tubulopathies, and cerebral salt wasting
(Bianchetti et al. 2017)
Extracellular normo-­hypervolemic “dilutional” Normovolemic
•  Increased body water: Increased intake •  Essential hypernatremia
•  Abnormal antidiuretic hormone release: cardiac failure, •  Hyperventilation
liver disease, nephrotic syndrome, glucocorticoid •  Fever
deficiency, and medications cause renal water retention Hypervolemic
(Bianchetti et al. 2017) •  Inappropriate intravenous fluid administration
•  Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone •  Salt poisoning
•  Chronic renal failure and oliguric renal failure •  Primary aldosteronism and conditions that cause
low-renin hypertension
Adapted from Bianchetti et al. (2017)

emia, which can cause a false elevation (Liamis drate metabolism (Daly and Farrington 2013).
et al. 2013). Under normal physiologic conditions, approxi-
Potassium. Potassium is distributed through- mately 80–90% of daily potassium intake is
out the body, with approximately 98% being excreted in the urine, with the remainder lost in
intracellular, particularly in the skeletal muscle. sweat and feces. The kidneys play an integral role
Intracellular potassium levels range from 140 to in maintaining potassium balance. A large pro-
150 millimole per liter (mmol/L). The sodium-­ portion of potassium is filtered from the blood via
potassium-­adenosine triphosphate (ATP) pump is the glomerulus and then reabsorbed in the proxi-
responsible for moving potassium into the cell in mal tubule and loop of Henle. Serum concentra-
exchange for sodium. Through this mechanism, tion is further adjusted via potassium secretion in
extracellular potassium levels are typically kept the distal tubule and finally reabsorption in the
between 3.5 and 5  mmol/L, but normal values collecting tubule. Altogether, this process is pri-
can range from 3.2 to 6.2 mmol/L depending on marily regulated by aldosterone, and any abnor-
age (Noone and Langlois 2017). Neonates have malities in the structural components or functional
potassium levels on the higher end because fetal regulation can alter potassium levels (Oh and
concentration is typically 5  mmol/L or greater Briefel 2017).
and they tend to retain more potassium (Bianchetti Causes of altered potassium levels in children
et  al. 2017). After the initial postnatal period, are vast. Potassium abnormalities can result from
infants and children up to 5  years of age have alterations in intake, excretion, and a wide vari-
slightly higher potassium concentrations to facil- ety of conditions that change the extracellular-to-­
itate growth and, by 5 years old, have adult values intracellular potassium gradient. Table 10.7 lists
(Loh and Metz 2015). the common causes of both elevated and
The intracellular-to-extracellular potassium decreased potassium levels in children.
gradient is essential to the proper functioning of Hyperkalemia is defined as a serum concentra-
many physiologic and metabolic processes in the tion of greater than 5.5 milliequivalents per liter
body, including regulating the osmotic balance (mEq/L), with moderate elevation being
between cellular and interstitial fluid, skeletal 6–7  mEq/L and severe being greater than
and cardiac muscle contraction, and carbohy- 7 mEq/L. Hyperkalemia is generally considered
378 D. Schneider and C. C. McKegney

Table 10.7  Common causes of abnormal potassium levels in children

Hypokalemia Hyperkalemia
Intracellular shifts of potassium Extracellular shifts of potassium
•  Metabolic alkalosis •  Acidosis, especially inorganic
•  β-adrenergic agonists: Albuterol, insulin, theophylline, •  Hyperkalemic familiar periodic paralysis
caffeine, and epinephrine •  Hyperglycemia
•  Hyperthyroidism
•  Barium poisoning

Increased losses of potassium Increased endogenous potassium load

•  Medications: Sodium polystyrene sulfonate, and •  Extensive tissue injury, burns, heatstroke, and
corticosteroids trauma
•  Therapy for renal failure: Hemodialysis and renal •  Hemolysis
replacement therapy •  Rhabdomyolysis
•  Tumor lysis syndrome
•  Tissue necrosis
•  Hemolytic uremic syndrome
Gastrointestinal losses Increased exogenous potassium load
•  Diarrhea •  Diet, salt substitutes
•  Vomiting •  Banked blood transfusions
•  Increased ostomy output •  Gastrointestinal hemorrhage
•  Nasogastric drainage •  Poisoning
•  Medications: Potassium-sparing diuretics,
cyclosporine, NSAIDs, heparin, tacrolimus,
pentamidine, trimethoprim, ACE inhibitors, and
potassium-­containing medications such as
supplements and potassium penicillin
Urinary losses Decreased excretion +/− increased intake
•  Diuretics: Loop, thiazide, and osmotic such as mannitol •  Acute renal failure and severe chronic renal failure
•  Antibiotics: Amphotericin B, cisplatin, and •  Mineralocorticoid deficiency (Addison’s disease,
aminoglycosides such as piperacillin and ticarcillin selective aldosterone deficiency, congenital adrenal
•  Diabetic ketoacidosis hyperplasia)
•  Hypomagnesemia •  Hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism
•  Cushing syndrome •  Hereditary enzyme deficiencies
•  Primary mineralocorticoid excess •  Tubulointerstitial disease
•  Hyperaldosteronism •  Type IV renal tubular acidosis
•  Renal tubular disorders: Fanconi’s, Bartter’s, and •  Obstruction
Gitelman’s syndrome •  Sickle cell disease
•  Systemic lupus erythematosus
Inadequate intake Pseudohyperkalemia
•  Poor diet •  Use of tourniquet when drawing blood
•  Eating disorders •  Hemolysis of drawn blood
•  Leukocytosis (WBC count >50 K) or
thrombocytosis (platelet count >1,000,000)
•  Pneumatic tube transport of a highly leukocytic or
thrombotic specimen
Adapted from Daly and Farrington (2013); Noone and Langlois (2017), Lehnhardt and Kemper (2011), Liamis et al.

more clinically significant than hypokalemia mal value requires careful consideration by the
owing to the increased risk for abnormal cardiac clinician.
conduction, which is most often seen in the set- The most common cause of hyperkalemia in
ting of severely elevated levels. Still, any abnor- infants and children is “pseudohyperkalemia,”
10  Care of the Child with a Renal Problem 379

which results from hemolysis that occurs when a function and other extrarenal causes. They typi-
blood sample is obtained via a heel stick, a small cally occur in the setting of altered sodium con-
intravenous line, or otherwise inadequate veni- centrations and acid-base disorders, although
puncture (Daly and Farrington 2013). they can occur in isolation in rare circumstances
Pseudohyperkalemia can also be seen if the sample (Greenbaum 2020).
is processed greater than 1 hour after venipuncture, Hypochloremia is, in general, encountered
which can deplete the glucose in the sample and infrequently. When present, it is most often asso-
therefore slow the function of the sodium-­ ciated with loss of chloride-rich gastric secretions
potassium-­ATP pump, or is stored at lower than either through vomiting or diarrhea.
room temperature because the lower temperature Hypochloremia is classically associated with both
inhibits the pump and potassium and then leaks out cystic fibrosis and hypertrophic pyloric stenosis.
of the cells (Noone and Langlois 2017). Due to changes in diagnostic processes, hypo-
Children with impaired renal function, acute chloremia associated with hypertrophic pyloric
or chronic, can also present with hyperkalemia in stenosis does not always bear out clinically
the setting of reduced glomerular filtration rate (Glatstein et  al. 2011; Tutay et  al. 2013).
with low urine flow, which causes decreased Hypochloremia can also be seen with decreased
renal excretion of potassium (Lehnhardt and chloride intake. A relatively rare entity, as sodium
Kemper 2011). Hypokalemia is defined as a chloride is abundant in most diets, infants who are
serum concentration less than 3.5 mEq/L and that fed unconventional formulas with inadequate
can become life-threatening when less than chloride can develop hypochloremic metabolic
2.5 mEq/L. Because serum levels do not reflect alkalosis (Signorelli et al. 2020). A good nutrition
intracellular potassium, they are also not reflec- history is critical in these patients, who present
tive of total potassium stores. True hypokalemia with failure to thrive, constipation, food refusal,
is relatively rare in healthy persons and is primar- muscle weakness, and delayed development.
ily seen in pediatric patients due to excessive gas- Hyperchloremia can be encountered for a
trointestinal losses due to vomiting or diarrhea wide variety of clinical reasons, including exces-
(Daly and Farrington 2013). sive administration, a net loss of water as in dia-
Chloride: Chloride is found throughout the betes insipidus, excessive loss of electrolytes as
body, particularly in gastric secretions, sweat, seen in diarrhea and osmotic diuresis, and condi-
urine, lymph, connective tissue, bone, and carti- tions that cause metabolic acidosis such as cer-
lage. As the primary extracellular cation, it is the tain forms of diarrhea, renal tubular acidosis, and
chief counter ion for sodium. As a result, chloride some types of chronic kidney disease (Nagami
concentrations change in proportion to sodium 2016). Elevated chloride levels and a resultant
concentrations and play an important role in reg- metabolic acidosis are often encountered in the
ulating the body’s volume status, osmolality, and setting of aggressive intervenous hydration, par-
acid-base balance (Greenbaum 2020). Chloride ticularly when normal saline is administered for
is a key component in evaluating acid-base disor- fluid resuscitation in the setting of septic shock.
ders, especially when calculating the serum anion This is associated with acute kidney injury and
gap, as discussed in Sect. Elevated lev- poorer outcomes in critically ill children (Stenson
els are associated with acidosis, while decreased et al. 2018). Clinicians caring for patients in this
levels are associated with alkalosis. The kidney is context must choose appropriate fluids for resus-
primarily responsible for regulating chloride citation and monitor for electrolyte imbalances
homeostasis, where it is freely filtered and reab- carefully.
sorbed in parallel with sodium. Serum chloride Carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide will be dis-
concentrations are typically maintained between cussed in Sect.
97 and 110 mmoL/L in newborns and 98 and Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine.
106 mmol/L thereafter (Lo 2020). Altered chlo- Renal function is expressed in the serum electro-
ride levels can result from abnormalities in renal lyte panel as BUN and creatinine. An elevation in
380 D. Schneider and C. C. McKegney

either of these numbers suggests impaired renal Table 10.8  Normal serum urea values by age and sex
function. Urea is the main waste product from the Age Urea (mg/dL)
breakdown of protein compounds in the body. It Females Males
is functionally measured and expressed in rela- 0 to <14 days 2.5–24.9 2.5–24.9
15 days to <1 year 3.1–17.6 3.1–17.6
tion to its nitrogen content, thus the BUN value.
1 to <10 years 8.7–23.2 8.7–23.2
Urea is produced at a variable rate; it increases 10 to <19 years 6.4–19.6 6.4–21.8
with high dietary protein intake, tissue break-
Adapted with permission from Oxford Press from
down, hemorrhage, or trauma and decreases in a Colantonio et al. (2012)
low-protein diet or liver disease. Urea is freely
filtered by the glomerulus and reabsorbed in the
Table 10.9  Normal serum creatinine values for children
proximal tubule and inner medullary collecting by age and sexa
duct of the kidney. The amount of urea reab-
Age Creatinine (mg/dL)
sorbed in the proximal tubule depends on vascu- Females Males
lar volume; reabsorption is especially increased 0 to 14 days 0.27–0.98 0.27–0.98
in depletion states. Urea reabsorption also 15 days to <2 years 0.1–0.38 0.1–0.38
increases in the inner medullary collecting duct 2 to <5 years 0.18–0.45 0.18–0.45
when urine osmolality is high due to a high urea 5 to <12 years 0.29–0.62 0.29–0.62
concentration. Because of the variable rate of 12 to <15 years 0.38–0.85 0.38–0.85
production and reabsorption in the kidney, BUN 15 to <19 years 0.47–0.88 0.53–1.11
is not considered a good laboratory reflection of Adapted with permission from Oxford Press from
Colantonio et al. (2012)
the GFR in the healthy kidney. Of note, in a
 Using the enzymatic method
advanced renal failure, BUN is more closely
reflective of GFR and is, therefore, a more reli-
able marker (Oh and Briefel 2017). amount. For these reasons, it is the most widely
BUN is generally increased in conditions with used laboratory marker of GFR and is also
decreased renal clearance but can also be employed to calculate renal function, as dis-
increased in upper gastrointestinal bleeding and cussed in Sect. Creatinine is measured
high-protein diets. While it is not a good reflec- in the laboratory typically via one of two meth-
tion of glomerular filtration on its own, BUN’s ods: enzymatic reactions with amidohydrolase
physiologic properties with respect to vascular or creatine iminohydrolase or the Jaffe reaction,
volume give BUN some clinical utility in evaluat- which uses trinitrophenol (also known as picric
ing dehydration, where it is elevated (Hoxha acid or picrate) (Oh and Briefel 2017). Normal
et  al. 2014; Shaoul et  al. 2004). More recently, serum creatinine levels for children by age and
BUN elevation in children has also been shown sex, using both methods, can be seen in Tables
to be a reliable marker for severe acute pancreati- 10.9 and 10.10.
tis (Vitale et  al. 2019). Decreased BUN is seen Like BUN, serum creatinine is increased in
infrequently but may be seen in low-protein diets, the setting of impaired renal clearance. Any
starvation, and liver disease. Reference values for abnormalities in creatinine values should be
serum urea levels, by age and sex, can be seen in evaluated closely and prompt the primary care
Table 10.8. clinician to consider a consultation with a pedi-
Creatinine is an endogenous substance atric nephrologist. Creatinine levels can be
derived from muscle cells (Noone and Langlois falsely increased when there is significantly ele-
2017). It is generated at a relatively constant vated glucose, particularly when the value is
rate and, in the setting of normal renal function, obtained using the Jaffe method. Picrate can also
creatinine excretion is almost equal to its pro- react with glucose, fructose, protein, urea, and
duction. It is not bound to plasma proteins, is ­ascorbic acid. A falsely elevated creatinine is
freely filtered by the glomerulus, and is only most pronounced in diabetic ketoacidosis (Oh
reabsorbed in the renal tubules in a small and Briefel 2017).
10  Care of the Child with a Renal Problem 381

Table 10.10  Normal serum creatinine values by age and Table 10.12  Normal serum calcium levels by age
sexa Serum total
Age Creatinine (mg/dL) Age calcium Ionized calcium
Females Males mg/dL mmol/L mg/dLa mmol/L
0 to 14 days 0.32–1.06 0.32–1.06 0–3 months 8.8– 2.2–2.83 4.88–5.6 1.22–1.4
15 days to <1 year 0.31–0.55 0.31–0.55 11.3
1 to <4 years 0.38–0.55 0.38–0.55 1–5 years 9.4– 2.35–2.7 4.88– 1.22–
4 to <7 years 0.43–0.67 0.43–0.67 10.8 5.28 1.32
7 to <12 years 0.52–0.71 0.52–0.71 6–12 years 9.4– 2.35– 4.6–5.28 1.15–
12 to <15 years 0.56–0.86 0.56–0.86 10.3 2.57 1.32
15 to <17 years 0.58–0.87 0.63–1.08 13– 8.8– 2.2–2.55 4.48–5.2 1.12–1.3
17 to <19 years 0.59–0.9 0.66–1.13 20 years 10.2

Adapted with permission from Oxford Press from Adapted from Noone and Langlois (2017), KDIGO
Colantonio et al. (2012) (2009); KDIGO (2017)
 Using the Jaffe method
 Calculated using a conversion factor of 0.25 as recom-
mended by KDIGO (2017)

Table 10.11  Forms of calcium in the body and their

reviews the forms of calcium in the body and
their function.
Calcium form Function
The plasma-bound calcium must be corrected
Free or ionized •  Biologically active form
portion •  Approximately 50% of total serum for low albumin. Alternatively, ionized calcium
calcium levels can be measured (Klemm and Klein 2017),
Complex •  Bound closely to anions such as although this is not routinely done.
calcium bicarbonate and citrate Normal serum calcium concentrations are
•  Approximately 10% of total serum
calcium greater in children than adults. Normal levels by
Plasma-bound •  Primarily found bound to albumin age are presented in Table 10.12 and are derived
calcium •  Must recalculate calcium in from clinical guidelines developed by the KDIGO
patients with low albumin Work Group in 2009 and updated in 2017. Owing
•  Accounts for the remaining 40%
to the role nutritional intake plays in calcium lev-
Adapted from Klemm and Klein (2017)
els, any patient with abnormal calcium levels
should prompt the clinician to obtain a thorough Calcium dietary history. Hypercalcemia is less common in
In conjunction with the intestines, bones, and children than adults, but when it is present, it is
parathyroid, the kidneys play a vital role in the clinically significant. Hypercalcemia may be dis-
body’s metabolism and regulation of calcium lev- covered in infants and neonates when a routine
els. Calcium levels are sensed in the parathyroid chemistry panel is ordered to evaluate failure-to-­
gland, kidney, and bones. Hypocalcemia prompts thrive. In small infants, the use of enriched for-
the release of parathyroid hormone, which stimu- mulas that provide excess calcium can quickly
lates calcium release from bones and increases result in hypercalcemia. Neonates and infants can
intestinal calcium absorption (Bianchetti et  al. also present with hypercalcemia due to hyper-
2017). Through vitamin D metabolism, the para- parathyroidism, phosphate depletion, inborn
thyroid hormone also stimulates increased cal- errors of metabolism, and genetic conditions
cium reabsorption in the kidneys (Lietman et al. such as familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia and
2010). Abnormalities at any step in this process Williams syndrome. Older children develop
can result in altered calcium homeostasis. hypercalcemia for various reasons, the most
Calcium, the most prevalent cation in the common being hyperparathyroidism, immobili-
body, is primarily stored in the skeleton. Total zation, and malignancy (Lietman et  al. 2010).
calcium measurement includes both ionized cal- Hypocalcemia is also commonly encountered in
cium and protein-bound calcium. Table  10.11 the pediatric population. It is frequently seen in
382 D. Schneider and C. C. McKegney

acute critical illness, including acute and chronic (Bianchetti et  al. 2017). The glomerulus freely
renal failure but may also be associated with defi- filters it; more than 80% is reabsorbed in the
ciencies in both calcium and vitamin D intake proximal tubule and a small amount in the distal
and hypoparathyroidism (Nadar and Shaw 2020). tubule. Phosphorous levels are influenced by
It should also be noted that calcium levels are parathyroid hormone, which, when released,
intricately connected with vitamin D levels. Not decreases phosphorous reabsorption in the proxi-
only do vitamin D metabolites regulate calcium mal tubule, thus lowering serum concentrations
reabsorption in the kidney but also in the intes- (Klemm and Klein 2017). It is this mechanism
tines. Altered vitamin D levels can greatly affect that causes an increase in calcium reabsorption
calcium levels and should be evaluated in the set- and results in a decrease in phosphorous.
ting of both hypo- and hypercalcemia. The mea- Children can develop alterations in inorganic
surement of vitamin D levels is discussed in Sect. phosphate levels in various conditions listed in Table  10.14. In the setting of acute or chronic
impaired renal function, children often present Phosphorous with hyperphosphatemia due to decreased glo-
The vast majority of phosphorous, 80–85%, is merular filtration rate. Children who ingest large
stored in the skeleton as inorganic phosphate. amounts of phosphate-containing laxatives may
The remaining 15–20% is present intracellu- also develop mild renal insufficiency due to vol-
larly as organic phosphate is an essential com- ume contraction in the setting of diarrhea, which
ponent of nucleic acids, phospholipids, and can further exacerbate the problem (Bianchetti
ATP.  Only inorganic phosphate is routinely et al. 2017). It should also be noted that hyper-
measured clinically. Inorganic phosphate levels phosphatemia secondary to the use of phosphate
are highest during the neonatal period and early enemas has been described in children (Ladenhauf
childhood and then decline because children et  al. 2012), with the risk increased in children
readily retain phosphate (Bianchetti et al. 2017). under 2  years of age (Bianchetti et  al. 2017).
Table  10.13 denotes normal inorganic phos- Spurious elevated levels of phosphate can be seen
phate levels by age. in hyperbilirubinemia and hyperlipidemia, and
Phosphorous is abundant in food, and most of sample contamination with heparin or recombi-
the phosphate is derived from dietary intake. The nant tissue plasminogen activator pseudohypo-
kidney plays the primary role in regulating phos- phosphatemia is associated with mannitol
phate levels and generally ensures that output is administration (Liamis et al. 2013).
equivalent to the net intake by the intestines Calcium and phosphorous levels, particularly
in the patient with altered renal function, should
be evaluated closely. As previously noted, cal-
Table 10.13  Normal inorganic phosphate levels by age
cium and phosphorous typically have an inverse
Age Level
relationship; however, this is not always seen in
mg/dLa mmol/L
children with impaired renal function. Children
0–3 months 5–7.44 1.62–2.4
4–6 months 5.5–6.85 1.78–2.21 with kidney disease typically develop hyperphos-
6–12 months 4.28–6.66 1.38–2.15 phatemia as their renal function decreases and
1–2 years 4.1–5.98 1.32–1.93 impair excretion. Hyperphosphatemia results in
3–4 years 3.16–5.95 1.02–1.92 an increased release of parathyroid hormone and
5–6 years 4.5–5.36 1.13–1.73 subsequent increased calcium release from the
7–8 years 3.28–5.58 1.06–1.8 bones and absorption from the intestines. This is
9–10 years 3.5–5.27 1.13–1.7
evident in labs as hypercalcemia and hyperphos-
11–12 years 3.22–5.55 1.04–1.79
13–15 years 3–5.58 0.97–1.8 phatemia, which become especially problematic
if the concentrations are high enough to cause
Adapted from Bianchetti et al. 2017
 Calculated using a conversion factor of 3.1 as recom-
a precipitation of the two in the blood and subse-
mended by Bianchetti et al. (2017) quent injury to vessels and organs. In children,
10  Care of the Child with a Renal Problem 383

Table 10.14  Causes of abnormal inorganic phosphate levels in children

Hypophosphatemia Hyperphosphatemia
Low dietary intake or poor intestinal absorption Increased phosphate load
•  Severe cases of malnutrition •  High dietary intake or increased intestinal absorption
•  Very-low-birth weight infants during rapid postnatal •  Newborns fed with cow’s milk
growth •  Total parenteral nutrition
•  Chronic use of phosphate binders •  Phosphate-containing laxative use
Internal redistribution •  Vitamin D intoxication
•  Refeeding syndrome •  Tumor lysis, rhabdomyolysis, lactic, and ketoacidosis
•  Respiratory alkalosis Decreased renal phosphate excretion
•  Severe diabetic ketoacidosis after insulin therapy •  Reduced renal function
Urinary loss •  Increased renal tubular reabsorption
•  Hyperparathyroidism •  Hypoparathyroidism
•  Rickets •  Idiopathic childhood nephrotic syndrome
•  Tumor-induced osteomalacia •  Medications: Growth hormone, bisphosphonates,
•  Gitelman’s and Bartter’s syndromes dipyridamole
•  Familiar hyperphosphatemic tumoral calcinosis
Adapted from Bianchetti et al. (2017)

this can also result in fractures, skeletal deformi- immune system. They act as enzymes that facili-
ties, and poor growth (Hanudel and Salusky tate immunologic and inflammatory activation in
2017). The Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality the body. The protein components of the comple-
Initiative (K/DOQI) of the National Kidney ment system are primarily synthesized in the
Foundation, in their Clinical Practice Guidelines liver. Once activated, the proteins are distributed
for Bone Metabolism and Disease in Chronic throughout the body. Most of the complement
Kidney Disease, recommended the calcium-­ system is categorized into major components of
phosphate product be calculated and kept below C1 to C9, with subcategories identified on a
55 mg2/dL2 in patients with chronic renal failure deeper cellular level. The most common comple-
to prevent these complications (K/DOQI 2003). ment test evaluated by nephrologists is the C3
Calcium-phosphorous product is commonly used and C4 protein levels, immunostaining of biopsy
in clinical practice; however, in their updated specimens for complement proteins, and hemo-
clinical practice guidelines endorsed by the lytic potential in the patient’s serum (CH50 and
National Kidney Foundation, the KDIGO Work AH50) (Thurman 2015).
Group noted that this calculation is not necessar- The complement system can be activated by
ily clinically relevant in the setting of progressing antibody-antigen, bacterial endotoxin, or lectin
renal failure. They recommend evaluating the pathways. The system aids in removing damaged
values together, but not necessarily as a calcu- cells and acts as an important line of defense
lated product (KDIGO 2009, KDIGO 2017). against fungi, bacteria, and viruses (Thurman
2015). Although it has defensive properties, the Serum Albumin complement system also causes kidney injury in
Albumin in abnormal levels can indicate glomer- various diseases; therefore, a clinical evaluation of
ular filtration problems with the kidney and the complement system is an important part of the
therefore is a more specific test when faced with diagnostic evaluation in patients with glomerulone-
proteinuria. Albumin is especially useful in the phritis (Thurman 2015). When the complement
evaluation of nephrotic syndrome, which is dis- system is overly activated, the serum levels fall
cussed in Sect. 10.7.1. since the component has been used up. In renal dis-
ease associated with an increase of antibody-­ Complement Levels antigen activation, the complement serum levels
A complement system is a complex group of will be low. Low complement is also seen within
plasma proteins that play an essential role in the the bacterial-endotoxin pathway when the system
384 D. Schneider and C. C. McKegney

is activated in an immune response. Serum mea- physical. He will compete for his high school
surement of C3 and C4 can narrow a diagnosis in cross-country team later in the coming months.
patients with nephrotic syndrome. Low serum Upon initial triage in the office, the nurse makes
complement levels are seen in systemic renal dis- the clinician aware that the routine screen of his
eases such as SLE, “shunt nephritis,” atypical urine on dipstick has 1+ protein and an SG of
hemolytic uremic ­syndrome (aHUS), and post glo- 10.30. The urine is also noted to be dark in color.
merulonephritis. Normal complement levels are The patient’s family history is benign, with no
seen in IgA nephropathy, basement membrane dis- renal or kidney disease noted. His physical exam
ease, and renal-limited antineutrophil cytoplasmic is unremarkable. When discussing the patient’s
antibody vasculitis. For the clinician, assessing the exercise regimen, he reports to the clinician he
complement system in the acute phase of a renal runs 5–10 miles a day to prepare for his upcom-
inflammation or immunologic-related illness will ing cross-country season. Before his visit, he ran
guide the clinician’s differential and management a 6-mile run. The clinician orders first-morning
(Thurman 2015). spot urine. The specimen is received, and it is
negative for protein, has an SG of 10.10, and is Antistreptolysin Antibodies noted to be clear yellow. The clinician can safely
Elevated antistreptolysin in the bloodstream indi- discuss the findings of protein in the prior sample
cates a recent streptococcal infection and can as secondary to orthostatic proteinuria.
help with the epidemiology of glomerulonephri-
tis. Serological testing is discussed in further
detail in Sect. 10.4 Evaluation of the Child
with Isolated Hematuria Screening for Hepatitis
Hepatitis screening is done on patients with pro- Unlike proteinuria, the presence of blood in the
teinuria as it is a common finding when the virus urine can be a chief complaint of a patient seek-
caused glomerular inflammation and/or damage. ing medical attention. Hematuria can also be an
Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis is incidental occurrence on routine urinalysis. For
often associated with hepatitis B and C (Leung the diagnosis of hematuria to be made, red blood
and Wong 2010). Therefore, in the presence of cells (RBCs) on dipstick or urinalysis must be
persistent proteinuria, the patient should be present. Microscopic hematuria is often defined
screened for hepatitis. Hepatitis screening is dis- as the presence of 5 or more RBCs per high-­
cussed in further detail in Sect. 6.3.6 and the liver powered field in the sediment of freshly voided
section in Chap. 9. urine (Pomeranz et al. 2016c). On the contrary,
macroscopic hematuria is the presence of gross Rheumatologic Tests blood in the urine; however, it must be noted
If the ANA, dsDNA, and ANCA are abnormal, a that discolored or red-tinged urine is not synon-
rheumatologic indication for proteinuria should ymous with gross hematuria. Discolored urine
be considered. Diagnostic testing for rheumato- must have the presence of RBCs for it to be
logical diseases is discussed in further detail in clinically significant for macroscopic or gross
Chap. 12. hematuria. Many conditions can cause red or
brown urine; therefore, the presence of RBCs
must be confirmed in discolored urine (see
10.3.4 Real-Life Example Table 10.15 for the causes of discolored urine).
The evaluation of hematuria can be split into
A 14-year-old male presents to the office for a two different categories: microscopic and
well-child physical exam and a sports clearance macroscopic.
10  Care of the Child with a Renal Problem 385

Table 10.15  Common causes for discolored urine with a ses are negative for the presence of RBCs, micro-
negative dipstick for hematuria
scopic hematuria can be considered idiopathic
Ingestion of foods •  Food coloring (analine) and transient (Pomeranz et al. 2016c).
•  Beets
•  Blackberries, rhubarb,
Most children present with asymptomatic
paprika microscopic hematuria. A history of group A
Ingestions of toxins •  Lead (benzene) and streptococcal skin infection 2–6 weeks earlier or
metabolites throat infection 1–2 weeks earlier should prompt
•  Homogentisic acid,
the clinician to include post-strep glomerulone-
tyrosinosis, urates
Ingestions of drugs •  Sulfonamides phritis (GN) in their differential (Baum 2008).
•  Nitrofurantoin Post-strep GN has a wide range of presentations,
•  Salicylates, ibuprofen, from asymptomatic, microscopic hematuria to
•  Pyridium, phenytoin, the acute nephritic syndrome. The acute nephritic
rifampin, chloroquine
•  Deferoxamine syndrome presents with red-brown urine, pro-
•  Iron teinuria, edema, hypertension, and acute kidney
•  Sorbitol injury. Although it often subsides on its own, if
Common endogenous •  Erythrocytes the diagnosis is delayed or the disease is more
causes of dark urine •  Hemoglobin
•  Myoglobin
severe, the child may have more significant find-
•  Metabolites ings on the exam, such as hypertension, periph-
•  Amorphous urates eral edema, or pulmonary edema. Laboratory
Adapted from Pomeranz et al. (2016c), Utsch and Klaus investigation may reveal low complement protein
(2014); Viteri and Reid-Adam (2018) C3 but normal C4 levels. Low C3 levels that per-
sist beyond 3–4  weeks after the infection may
10.4.1 Microscopic Hematuria warrant a renal biopsy, especially if there is con-
tinued hematuria and/or proteinuria (Baum 2008;
Microscopic hematuria is often found on routine Primack 2010; Viteri and Reid-Adam 2018).
screening. Most children with isolated microhe- A positive dipstick can also indicate hemoglo-
maturia do not have a treatable or serious cause bin and/or myoglobin; therefore, microscopic
(Kaplan and Pradhan 2013). Within the literature, urinalysis is essential in determining the presence
isolated microhematuria is noted in 1–2% of chil- of RBC and/or hemoglobin in these patients.
dren between the ages of 6 and 15  years. It is When distinguishing between hemoglobin and
often spontaneous and resolves without conse- myoglobin, often these substrates need to be
quence (Brown and Reidy 2019). When evaluat- measured in the urine. Hemoglobinuria is the
ing a patient with microscopic hematuria, the result of hemolysis. Myoglobinuria occurs in
clinician must obtain a detailed history and phys- rhabdomyolysis after viral myositis in healthy
ical exam. The history should evaluate for the children. It can also be noted in children with
presence of key elements to suggest etiology. inborn errors of metabolism often occurring after
Urinary symptoms such as dysuria, frequency, exercise (Pomeranz et al. 2016c).
urgency, and flank pain and a recent history of If there is a familial history of microscopic
vigorous exercise and trauma (including foreign hematuria, evaluation by a genetic counselor
body, catheterization, and sexual/physical abuse) should be considered because microscopic hema-
may indicate the need for further workup turia is a soft finding in familial chronic kidney
(Pomeranz et al. 2016c). Medication history and disease. The patient with persistent asymptom-
in-depth family history, including renal disease, atic hematuria should be evaluated further.
must also be obtained. If the child is asymptom- Continued evidence of microscopic hematuria
atic and the history reveals no known etiology, and/or microscopic hematuria in the presence of
the patient can repeat the urine two to three times proteinuria requires further laboratory evaluation
over a 2–3-month period. If subsequent urinaly- and referral to nephrology.
386 D. Schneider and C. C. McKegney

10.4.2 Macroscopic/Gross Hematuria be done when a coagulopathy or kidney malfunc-

tion is suspected. Consultation with nephrology
Gross hematuria can originate from both the and urology must be made to consider imaging
upper and lower urinary tract. The most common such as renal bladder ultrasound with Doppler,
causes of gross hematuria in children include computed tomography scan, magnetic resonance
UTI, trauma, and perianal irritation (Brown and imaging, and/or cystoscopy.
Reidy 2019). UTIs are often associated with
hematuria; therefore, renal disease can be
excluded in the presence of a positive bacterial 10.4.3 Common Causes
component on urine culture. The occurrence of for Hematuria in the Pediatric
gross hematuria in children in the United States is Patient
estimated to be 1.3 of 1000 outpatient visits
(Brown and Reidy 2019). It is the clinician’s The causes of hematuria found on dipstick can
responsibility to determine the source of the range from benign to significant renal disease.
hematuria. Again, this begins with a thorough The pediatric clinician must understand the com-
history and physical exam. mon causes of hematuria and how hematuria
When evaluating a patient who presents with presents in primary care. When a child presents
dark-colored or blood-tinged urine, the presence with hematuria, the clinician should consider
of RBCs must be noted on microscopy assess- fever, excessive exercise, UTI, and trauma as a
ment of spun sediment. This laboratory evalua- cause for the finding. In the presence of persistent
tion will exclude other material that may be the hematuria (greater than 6 months), the clinician
root cause of dark-colored or blood-tinged urine must evaluate further. The history and physical
(see Table  10.15 for common sources that can findings aid in the diagnosis in deciding
discolor urine). Urine microscopy should be pathology.
done, and the results are outlined in Table 10.2. Hypercalciuria is often associated with persis-
Once a clinician has determined the presence tent asymptomatic hematuria. Patients 2  years
of RBCs in the urine through dipstick, further and above with a urine calcium/creatinine ratio of
microscopy can aid in differentiating between >2.0 have levels consistent with hypercalciuria.
upper and lower tract root causes. The history This finding is often benign however can lead to
and physical exam should direct all laboratory stone formation. Nephrolithiasis may be associ-
assessments. Red urine, clots, dysuria, frequency, ated with micro- or macrohematuria. In some
urgency, flank, abdominal pain, and costoverte- patients, the stone formation is found as an inci-
bral angle tenderness (Brown and Reidy 2019) dental finding, while in other patients, the child
show blood is more than likely coming from the presents with abdominal and/or flank pain (Viteri
lower tract. Upper urinary tract causes for gross and Reid-Adam 2018). Table 10.16 outlines the
hematuria associated are with red, brown, cola−/ upper and lower tract causes for hematuria.
tea-colored urine, painless, hypertension, pro- Lee et al. (2006) found that 461 children with
teinuria, impaired renal function, dysmorphic abnormal urinalysis underwent renal biopsy, half
RBCs cast cells, and systemic symptoms such as demonstrated normal findings. Among the abnor-
fever, malaise, arthralgia, and rash (Brown and mal results, the most common pathologies were
Reidy 2019). Added diagnostics are needed and thin basement membrane neprhopathy (TBMN),
should include urinalysis, urine culture, urine followed by IgA nephropathy. IgA nephropathy
calcium creatinine, and 24-hour urine for the presents with microscopic hematuria with non-
presence of stone formation. In the setting of nephritic proteinuria. It also can present with
stone formation, calcium, phosphate, uric acid, gross hematuria (Brown and Reidy 2019). This
oxalate, and cysteine could be present in the disease, also known as Berger’s disease, is trig-
24-hour sample. A basic metabolic panel, com- gered by an upper respiratory or gastrointestinal
plete blood count, and coagulation studies should disease. It becomes clear within days of the infec-
10  Care of the Child with a Renal Problem 387

Table 10.16  Upper and lower tract causes for hematuria

Non-glomerular causes for upper Glomerular causes for upper tract
Lower tract causes for hematuria tract hematuria hematuria
•  Exercise (micro)a •  Nephrolithiasis (micro/macro)a •  IgA nephropathy (micro/macro)a
•  Fever (micro)a •  Hypercalciuria (micro) •  Henoch-Schönlein purpura (micro/
•  UTI (micro/macro)a •  Nutcracker syndrome (micro/ macro)a
•  Trauma (macro) macro)a •  Alport syndrome (micro/macro)a
•  Urethritis (micro) •  Sickle cell trait (micro) •  Thin basement membrane disease
•  Bladder calculus/mass (macro) •  Coagulation disorders (micro/ (micro/macro)
•  Schistosomiasis (macro) macro) •  Postinfectious glomerulonephritis
•  Adenovirus hemorrhagic cystitis •  Polycystic kidney disease (micro/ (micro/macro)a
(macro) macro)a •  Hemolytic uremic syndrome
•  Wilms tumor (micro/macro)a (micro)a
•  Structural abnormalities (micro)
Adapted from Viteri and Reid-Adam (2018)
 Protein may be present

tion. The diagnosis is made by renal biopsy. The Reid-Adam 2018). In addition to hematuria on
prognosis of patients with IgA nephropathy var- urine microscopy, complement levels C3 and C4
ies, with 40% of patients progressing to end-stage may be low. It is important to note that children
renal disease (Brown and Reidy 2019). may continue to have microscopic hematuria for
Another disease process in the pediatric popu- up to 6 months secondary to inflammation once
lation is IgA vasculitis. Although rare, with an recovered.
incidence of 23 per 100,000 children under
17 years (Brown and Reidy 2019), pediatric pro-
viders must consider these diseases when faced 10.4.4 Real-Life Example
with hematuria and proteinuria. The most com-
mon IgA vasculitis known as Henoch-Schönlein A 13-year-old well female presents to the office
purpura (HSP) has a definitive rash (palpable with a rash. The rash began on her bilateral ankles
purpuric lesions without thrombocytopenia), and spread to her calves. She recently started
arthritis (oligoarticular, transient, and nonde- playing field hockey and first thought of the rash
forming), abdominal pain, and renal disease. In from being hit with a hockey stick. She seeks
addition to the physical findings, laboratory uri- medical attention because the rash has spread to
nalysis will demonstrate hematuria with or with- her thigh and buttocks, and she reports general-
out RBC casts and no or mild proteinuria (Viteri ized abdominal pain. Upon examination, the
and Reid-Adam 2018). patient has palpable purpura diffusely noted to
The diagnosis of postinfectious glomerulone- the buttocks, hips, upper thighs, and lower legs.
phritis (GN) can often be associated with micro- She denies any other symptoms. She denies med-
scopic hematuria. Therefore, it is important to ications and allergies. Her initial laboratory
investigate the possibility of its presence in a reveals a CBC within normal limits and no
child with microscopic hematuria on a routine thrombocytopenia present. A dipstick in the
dipstick. The historical findings associated with office is dark yellow, clear, SG 10.40, and greater
asymptomatic microscopic hematuria related to than 10 RBC. While there is no definitive test to
GN typically reveal either a skin infection aid in the diagnosis of HSP, the following labs
(2–6 weeks prior) or a throat infection (1–2 weeks should be ordered: CBC (hemoglobin, RBC, and
prior). However, if a diagnosis is delayed, patients platelets should be normal), ESR (should be nor-
may present with significant findings of brown mal or slightly elevated), PT/PTT (should be nor-
cola-colored urine, hypertension, proteinuria, mal), IgA (often elevated in the acute phase), C3
edema, and in severe cases, fluid overload (hyper- (normal or low), ANA (negative), throat swab (to
tension, edema, pulmonary edema) (Viteri and consider post-strep complication), BUN/
388 D. Schneider and C. C. McKegney

creatinine (in advanced renal disease will be ele- sider when a patient presents with hematuria and
vated), urinalysis (microscopic hematuria or proteinuria combined.
macroscopic hematuria in nephritis), and stool
guaiac (positive if gastrointestinal involvement
has occurred). 10.5.1 Genetic Diseases
Presenting with Hematuria
and Proteinuria
Key Learning about Isolated Proteinuria or
Isolated Hematuria In patients presenting with hematuria and pro-
• Causes for both isolated proteinuria and teinuria, one must consider a family or hereditary
hematuria can be benign or can be a history of persistent hematuria and associated
result of renal disease. symptoms. Family members with dialysis or
• Proteinuria needs to be evaluated with a chronic renal disease must be highlighted as a
first-morning void. risk factor when assessing a patient with hematu-
• Isolated hematuria also needs micro- ria. Thin basement membrane nephropathy
scopic evaluation. (TBMN) is a result of genetic alterations in type
IV collagen chains. TBMN is often noted in
patients with asymptomatic-persistent micro-
scopic hematuria. Family history will reveal a
10.5 Proteinuria and Hematuria history of microscopic hematuria. Although this
is often a benign disease, subsets of patients with
In rare instances, children will present with pro- TBMN have progressed to chronic kidney dis-
teinuria and hematuria. When combined, the risk ease (CKD). Mutations in the genetic alterations
for potential renal disease is higher. Patients who of type IV collagen have led researchers to link a
present with combined hematuria and proteinuria spectrum of nephropathies (Brown and Reidy
have a significant risk for IgA nephropathy and 2019), with the most severe being Alport syn-
other renal diseases (Quigley 2008). drome (AS). Specific attention with a patient his-
When hematuria and proteinuria occur tory of deafness and renal disease should alert the
together without symptoms, a repeat urinalysis clinician to the possibility of Alport syndrome.
with urine protein/creatinine (P/C) ratio should AS is a hereditary disease that is associated with
be sent for laboratory evaluation. If the urine is both microscopic and macroscopic hematuria.
not normalized, the threshold for repeat testing This syndrome can progress to end-stage renal
lies within the protein/creatinine ratio where disease. AS is often associated with high-­
0.2 mg/mg indicates referral to nephrology. If a frequency sensorineural hearing loss and ocular
child has a urine P/C ratio value of >350  mg/ abnormalities (Viteri and Reid-Adam 2018).
mmol (3.5 mg/mg), the result is consistent with Long-term prognosis of Alport syndrome is poor
nephrotic proteinuria. (Brown and Reidy 2019). To further evaluate a
Children with microscopic hematuria and pro- child with TBMN and progressive renal disease,
teinuria also require a thorough history and phys- a renal biopsy is needed.
ical exam. Findings suggestive of renal disease
include edema, hypertension, decreased urinary
output, rash, arthralgias, loss of appetite, and 10.5.2 Diagnostic Laboratory Tests
weight loss (Viteri and Reid-Adam 2018).
Referral to pediatric nephrology is typically Several diagnostic tests aid the clinician with
required, and renal biopsy should be considered both proteinuria and hematuria, as these findings
(Plumb et  al. 2018). Table  10.17 indicates the require a diagnostic evaluation. The tests are
most common diagnoses clinicians should con- listed below:
10  Care of the Child with a Renal Problem 389

Table 10.17  Common causes of hematuria with proteinuria by system/drugs

System Possible causes of hematuria with proteinuria
Renal •  Nephritis
•  Diffuse proliferative nephrotic syndrome
•  Acute post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis
•  Interstitial glomerulonephritis
•  Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
•  IgA nephropathy
Gastrointestinal •  Inflammatory bowel disease
Rheumatological •  Nephritis of systemic lupus erythematous
•  Thrombotic microangiopathy
•  Cryoglobulinemia
•  IgA vasculitis (Henoch-­Schönlein purpura)
•  Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated vasculitis
•  Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA; formerly known as Wegener’s granulomatosis)
•  Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA; previously known as Churg-­
Strauss syndrome)
•  Microscopic polyangiitis (MPA) (Yates and Watts 2017)
Genetic causes •  Alport syndrome or hereditary nephritis
•  Thin basement membrane nephropathy with alteration in type IV collagen chains
(subtype of hereditary-persistent hematuria)
Infectious causes •  Virus
•  HIV
•  Hepatitis B and C
•  Epstein-Barr infections
•  Adenovirus
•  Hantavirus
•  Polyomavirus
•  Bacteria
•  Mycoplasma pneumoniae
•  Salmonella, streptococcus, Yersinia
•  Yersinia pseudotuberculosis
•  Leptospira shermani (Joyce et al. 2017)
Drugs Tubulointerstitial nephritis can be caused by antimicrobials, NSAIDS, neuropsychiatric
drugs, diuretics (Joyce et al. 2017)
Adapted from Brown and Reidy (2019), Joyce et al. (2017), Quigley (2008), Yates and Watts (2017), Viteri and Reid-
Adam (2018) 2  4-Hour Urine for Protein Urinalysis with Microscopy

and Creatinine Urinalysis with microscopy is reviewed in Sect.
The 24-h urine for protein and creatinine is dis-
cussed in Sect. Complete Metabolic Profile 10.5.3 Serological Testing

The information about the comprehensive meta-
bolic profile can be found in Sect. When the clinician suspects that hematuria and/
or proteinuria may be related to a rheumatologic Assessments or immunologic process, serological testing can
of Inflammatory Markers be helpful. In particular, diagnosis of antineutro-
The common inflammatory markers include phic cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated
ESR, CRP, amyloid A, ferritin, and procalcito- vasculitis such as granulomatosis with polyangi-
nin. The information regarding this is found in itis (GPA), eosinophilic granulomatosis with
Sect. 6.3. polyangiitis (EGPA), and granulomatosis with
390 D. Schneider and C. C. McKegney

polyangiitis (MPA) can be aided by serological may present with hematuria and proteinuria
diagnostics. These relatively rare autoimmune (Costa et al. 2018).
conditions are characterized by the infiltration of
inflammatory cells into the blood vessels causing
necrosis and, when affecting the renal system, the 10.5.4 Infectious Disease Testing
subsequent clinical presentation of hematuria,
proteinuria, and renal dysfunction. Although they Depending on the clinical presentation, patients
are multisystem diseases, renal involvement con- with suspected ANCA-associated vasculitis
tributes significantly to their morbidity (Plumb should have blood cultures, urine microscopy
et al. 2018), and clinicians must consider them in and cultures, mycoplasma serology, antistreptol-
their evaluation. Diagnosis of these conditions ysin serology, and anti-DNase B titers drawn
can be challenging, and they are often mistaken (Plumb et al. 2018). These are discussed in Sects.
for other conditions, including IgA vasculitis 6.6.1 and
(also known as Henoch-Schönlein purpura)
(Plumb et  al. 2018), nephrotic involvement in
systemic lupus erythematosus, and Goodpasture’s 10.6 Evaluation of the Child
syndrome (Yates and Watts 2017). A thorough with Mild Acidosis
serologic evaluation of hematuria and proteinuria in the Primary Care Setting
includes studies to rule in ANCA-associated vas-
culitis and exclude other conditions. Maintaining the body’s acid-base balance is a
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and complex process that requires the cooperative
indirect immunofluorescence testing for ANCA interaction of the respiratory, gastrointestinal,
are both sensitive and specific diagnostics for and renal systems. While the respiratory system
GPA and MPA, specifically cytoplasmic controls acid-base balance by regulating carbon
(cANCA) staining for GPA and perinuclear dioxide (CO2+) levels, the kidneys regulate long-­
(pANCA) staining for MPA (Plumb et al. 2018). term acid-base homeostasis by managing the
If positive, these would rule in ANCA-associated reabsorption of bicarbonate (HCO3−) and secre-
vasculitis. Plumb et al. (2018) also suggest addi- tion of hydrogen (H+). Disturbances in the acid-­
tional serologic tests to exclude more common base equilibrium are often discovered in the
causes of hematuria and proteinuria, including primary care setting through routine evaluation
antinuclear antibodies, anti-extractable nuclear of CO2+ in the blood and urine pH. Although mild
antibodies, and anti-double-stranded DNA anti- acidosis is most frequently encountered in the
bodies, which, if present, would suggest an etiol- child with transient gastrointestinal conditions
ogy related to systemic lupus erythematous. such as vomiting and diarrhea, persistent acidosis
Further discussion of these studies can be found without a gastrointestinal component should alert
in section ****. Complement function (C3, C4, the clinician to consider a renal etiology such as
and CH 50) should also be assessed and, if abnor- renal tubular acidosis (RTA).
mal, would lead the clinician to consider a variety
of other conditions, including postinfectious glo-
merulonephritis. Interpretation of complement 10.6.1 Renal Tubular Acidosis (RTA)
levels is discussed in detail in Sect. The
presence of anti-glomerular basement membrane RTA is a group of disorders characterized by
antibodies would suggest Goodpasture’s syn- defective renal acid-base regulation. In RTA, the
drome (Gulati and McAddo 2018). A celiac kidney cannot acidify urine, resulting in acid
screen should also be considered as celiac dis- retention and a normal anion gap metabolic aci-
ease is associated with autoimmune inflamma- dosis (Yaxley and Pirrone 2016). This imbalance
tory disorders, specifically IgA nephropathy, and is evident in both blood and urine studies. The
10  Care of the Child with a Renal Problem 391

resulting persistent acidic state manifests clini- All subtypes of RTA result in net acidification
cally in the child as poor oral intake, vomiting, of the blood and alkalinization of the urine. This
diarrhea, dehydration, polyuria, and failure to pathophysiology is most frequently reflected in
thrive. Prompt identification and adequate treat- laboratory values in the blood as decreased serum
ment of the acidosis via supplementation can pre- total CO2+ (TCO2) with a normal anion gap and in
vent poor growth and even allow catch-up growth the urine as decreased pH.
in some children (Lopez-Garcia et al. 2019). Table 10.18 reviews the types of RTA along
RTA can occur as both a primary and acquired with their key clinical features and diagnostic
condition, but most cases of children with RTA laboratory values.
result from a genetic defect (Santos et al. 2017; Several diagnostic tests are used to aid the cli-
Santos et  al. 2015). RTA is classified into four nician in evaluating the patient with acidosis. The
major types: distal (type 1), proximal (type 2), tests are listed below:
mixed (type 3), and hyperkalemia (type 4). Each
subtype is defined by specific pathophysiologic, Total CO2
genetic, molecular, and clinical features. Serum electrolytes, some of the most frequently
Proximal (type 1) RTA is the most common sub- obtained diagnostic studies, play an important
type in Western countries. Owing to the genetic role in maintaining acid-base homeostasis in the
etiology, many children present with RTA within body. Clinicians recognize many acid-base disor-
the first weeks or months of life (Santos et  al. ders by evaluating TCO2 on routine electrolyte
2017; Santos et al. 2015). Although the specific panels (Kraut and Madias 2018). RTA, in particu-
genetic and molecular features are beyond the lar, is often identified incidentally in this manner
scope of this chapter, they are well described in when TCO2 returns are reduced during investiga-
the literature (Alexander and Bitzan 2019; Santos tions for other purposes (Yaxley and Pirrone
et  al. 2017; Santos et  al. 2015). The specific 2016). It should be noted that children may also
underlying pathophysiology, defining laboratory present with mildly reduced TCO2 in the setting
studies, and notable etiologies and clinical fea- of prolonged crying, a common occurrence sur-
tures associated with each main subtype can be rounding venipuncture in children. The clinician
seen in Table 10.18. needs to exclude this cause of decreased TOC2
RTA is a relatively heterogeneous condition, when considering potential diagnoses. In the
and multiple subtypes exist. Partial distal (type 1) ­setting of type 1 RTA, TCO2 is typically less than
RTA is a condition where, under normal physio- 17.5 mEq/L (Chan et al. 2001).
logic circumstances, the individual can maintain Measurement of TCO2 in serum includes both
their acid-base balance; however, they cannot ionized and nonionized fractions. Ionized frac-
acidify their urine when presented with an acid tions include bicarbonate (HCO3−), carbonate
load. Children with distal RTA can present with (CO32−), and carbamino compounds. The nonion-
hypercalciuria and nephrolithiasis (Alexander ized fraction includes carbonic acid (H2CO3) and
and Bitzan 2019). These conditions are rare in physically dissolved carbon dioxide (PaCO2)
children, and RTA should be considered as an eti- (Noone and Langlois 2017). Approximately 95%
ology when children have hypercalciuria and of TCO2 is bicarbonate; therefore, TCO2 is fre-
nephrolithiasis (Marra et  al. 2019). Fanconi’s quently thought of as a “surrogate” for HCO3− in
syndrome, a global disorder of the proximal venous blood (Kraut and Madias 2018; Noone
tubule that prevents the reabsorption of electro- and Langlois 2017). Of note, both dissolved car-
lytes and other substances, is associated with bon dioxide (PaCO2) and bicarbonate (HCO3−)
proximal (type 2) RTA.  In addition to the stan- can be obtained individually by obtaining an arte-
dard features of proximal (type 2) RTA, children rial blood gas, with HCO3− being a calculated
with this condition present with hypophosphate- value. Both are important values when evaluating
mia, glucosuria, low-molecular-weight protein- the role of the respiratory system in acid-base
uria, and aminoaciduria (Foreman 2019). homeostasis. Because of the invasive nature of
392 D. Schneider and C. C. McKegney

Table 10.18  Types of RTA with their clinical features and diagnostic laboratory findings
Defining laboratory
Type Pathophysiology findings Notable etiologies and clinical features
Distal (type 1) The inability of the distal Serum: Hypokalemia •  Nephrocalcinosis and nephrolithiasis
convoluted tubule and Urine: Hypercalciuria from hypercalciuria
collecting tubule to •  Some genetic mutations also have
secrete H+ in the urine sensorineural hearing loss or hemolytic
•  Associated with autoimmune disorders,
nephrotoxic medications, renal tubule
interstitial disorders, and other systemic
disorders (Alexander and Bitzan 2019).
Proximal (type 2) Impaired HCO3− Serum: Hypokalemia •  Rare in isolation
reabsorption in the Urine: Can have pH •  Component of Fanconi’s syndrome,
proximal tubule resulting <5.5 if plasma Lowe syndrome, and Wilson’s disease
in HCO3− loss in the urine HCO3− is below urinary •  Associated with autoimmune disorders,
excretion threshold exposure to nephrotoxic medications,
and disorders of the tubular
Mixed (type 3) Combined features of Serum: Hypokalemia •  A rare, primarily autosomal recessive
distal (type 1) and Urine: Hypercalciuria inherited condition
proximal (type 2) •  Clinical presents with osteopetrosis,
cerebral calcifications, nephrocalcinosis
and nephrolithiasis, facial
dysmorphisms, conductive hearing
loss, and cognitive impairment.
Hyperkalemic Aldosterone deficiency or Serum: Hyperkalemia, •  Wide variety of etiologies
(type 4) resistance results in hypoaldosteronism •  Associated with adrenal insufficiency,
defective production of Urine: autoimmune conditions, medications,
ammonium (NH4+) and Hyperammonemia and intrinsic renal disease (Alexander
failure of H+ reabsorption and Bitzan 2019).
Adapted from Alexander and Bitzan (2019), Santos et al. (2015), Yaxley and Pirrone (2016)

Table 10.19  Normal serum TCO2 values for pediatric of the neonatal proximal tubule to reabsorb HCO3
patients by age and sex (Baum and Quigley 1995; Quigley 2012).
Normal serum TCO2 value Serum TCO2, which roughly represents the
Age (mmoL/L) body’s metabolic acid-base balance, is reduced in
Females Males the presence of acidosis and elevated in alkalosis.
0 to 14 days 5–25 5–25 When acidosis is discovered, the next step for the
15 days to 9–25 9–25 clinician is to determine the serum anion gap.
<1 year
1 to <5 years 13–25 13–25
The differentials for metabolic acidosis in pediat-
5 to <15 years 17–27 17–27 ric patients are broad and are frequently charac-
15 to <19 years 16–27 17–29 terized by their anion gap. Calculating a serum
Adapted with permission from Oxford Press from anion gap assists the clinician in developing an
Colantonio et al. (2012) appropriate differential diagnosis list to guide
diagnosis and management further.
the test, they are rarely obtained in the primary
care setting and are therefore beyond the scope of
Key Learning About Total CO2
this chapter.
• Total CO2 levels a few points below nor-
Reference ranges for normal TCO2 levels, as
mal may result from prolonged crying in
shown in Table  10.19, vary depending on age
the pediatric patient.
(Loh and Metz 2015; Noone and Langlois 2017).
• RTA should be considered in a patient
Normal TCO2 in infants is lower than in adults,
with persistent low TCO2.
averaging 22 mEq/L, due to the decreased ability
10  Care of the Child with a Renal Problem 393 Serum Anion Gap ence range of the analyzer when possible (Berend
The body maintains its neutral pH status by care- 2017). The nomenclature used to discuss and
fully balancing the concentrations of positively interpret anion gap can be confusing for expert
charged cations and negatively charged anions. It clinicians and novice students alike. The terms
would be impractical to measure all the various “normal anion gap,” “non-gap,” and “hyperchlo-
anions and cations in the body to evaluate for remic” have all been used to describe the same
causes of acid-base disturbances. Fortunately, in disorder of hyperchloremia and acidosis with an
acidosis, the serum anion gap is a simple value anion gap within normal limits. The preferred
available to aid clinicians in diagnosis. Four of terminology, which best reflects the underlying
the most abundant freely circulating electrolytes physiology, is normal anion gap metabolic acido-
in the body include the cations sodium (Na+) and sis (Berend 2017). Several online anion gap cal-
potassium (K+) and the anions chloride (Cl−) and culators are available for the busy clinician to
bicarbonate (HCO3−). The serum anion gap mea- quickly calculate the anion gap while also avoid-
sures the difference between these key cations ing math mistakes. MDCalc, Medscape, Omni
and anions to estimate the unmeasured anions calculator, and others are easy-to-use resources.
contributing to the acidosis. Because there is such a wide range of normal
Serum anion gap can be calculated as follows: values, interpretation of the anion gap should
(Na+ + K+) – (Cl− + HCO3−). As previously noted, include comparing the patient’s baseline when
in the absence of arterial blood gas, TCO2 acts as possible (Ayala-Lopez and Harb 2020; Berend
a surrogate for HCO3. Potassium (K+) is fre- 2017; Kraut and Nagami 2013). Albumin and
quently omitted because it is a quantitatively phosphate are the major unmeasured ions con-
minor component of serum electrolytes, and fluc- tributing to the anion gap (Sharma et  al. 2015).
tuations in its concentration have little effect on While phosphate concentration has a small
the overall calculation (Oh and Briefel 2017). impact on the anion gap, hypoalbuminemia can
Therefore, the serum anion gap in venous blood skew results (Noone and Langlois 2017).
is most frequently calculated as follows: Correction for hypoalbuminemia improves the
Na+ − (Cl− + TCO2−). sensitivity of the serum anion gap value, particu-
A normal serum anion gap is 8–16, with a larly in the presence of a high anion gap (Kraut
mean of 12  ±  2 (Oh and Briefel 2017; Sharma and Nagami 2013). Noone and Langlois (2017)
et al. 2015). Reference ranges vary based on the recommend correcting for hypoalbuminemia to
instrument used to measure the various compo- prevent missing diagnoses by using the Figge
nents; therefore, it is important to know the refer- equation, where SAG indicates serum anion gap:

SAG  0.25  (normal albumin  measured albumin  g / L 


SAG  2.5  (normal albumin  measured albumin  g / dL 

The above-noted online anion gap calculators inorganic anions typically accumulate in the
are readily available, easy to use, and correct for blood in pathologic states. Table  10.20 lists the
abnormal albumin levels. In the setting of pathol- common causes of acidosis with both a normal
ogy, it is more common to see an increased anion anion gap and an elevated anion gap encountered
gap versus a decreased gap because organic and in pediatric primary care.
394 D. Schneider and C. C. McKegney

Table 10.20 Common causes of metabolic acidosis

encountered in pediatric primary care Key Learning about Mild Acidosis
Acidosis with • Anion gap should be calculated in the
Acidosis with normal anion gap increased anion gap presence of acidosis to narrow differen-
Gastrointestinal loss of Lactic acidosis
tials and further guide diagnosis and
bicarbonate •  Tissue hypoxia
•  Diarrhea •  Excessive management.
•  Loss of gastric secretions muscular activity • The anion gap is calculated
Medications •  Inborn errors of as Na – (Cl + TCO2).
•  Acidifying agents: Sodium metabolism
• Diarrhea is the most common cause of
chloride, potassium chloride, Ketoacidosis
enteral supplements •  Fasting or normal anion gap metabolic acidosis in
•  Magnesium chloride starving state children.
•  Cholestyramine •  Diabetic • The child with RTA presents with a nor-
•  Spironolactone ketoacidosis
mal anion gap metabolic acidosis.
Renal retention of hydrogen Toxic ingestions
•  Distal (type 1) RTA •  Methanol
Renal loss of bicarbonate •  Ethanol, ethylene
•  Proximal (type 2) RTA glycol Urine pH
•  Hyperparathyroidism •  Salicylates
Hypoaldosteronisms •  Iron, isoniazid Urine pH reflects the concentration of hydrogen
•  Hyperkalemic (type 4) RTA Renal failure ions in the urine and measures the urinary acidifi-
iatrogenic saline infusion •  Uremia cation mechanism in the distal tubule (Sharma
Adapted from Berend (2017), Nitu et al. (2011) et  al. 2015). The test is frequently obtained via
routine urinalysis, the mechanics of which are
discussed in Sect. While the gold stan-
The child with RTA presents with a normal dard for assessment of pH is measurement via pH
anion gap metabolic acidosis. From a pathophys- electrodes, dipsticks are frequently used because
iologic perspective, the patient with RTA cannot they are convenient, easy to use, and cost-­
acidify their urine, resulting in a decreased serum effective (Berend 2017).
TCO2. The body compensates by increasing Urinary pH varies greatly depending on the
serum chloride to maintain a normal pH. RTA is body’s acid-base balance and usually ranges
reflected in the diagnostic laboratory studies as from 5.0 to 8.0. In the metabolically acidotic
hyperchloremia, decreased TCO2, and a normal state, patients with normal renal function and
anion gap. intact urinary acidification systems will excrete
Diarrhea is the most common cause of normal hydrogen into their urine and generate a urinary
anion gap metabolic acidosis among children, pH <5.3 to restore a neutral plasma pH.  Those
and the clinician must take care to exclude this with RTA, in the setting of metabolic acidosis,
differential when considering RTA. RTA should will be unable to acidify their urine and instead
also be considered in children who present with produce abnormally alkaline urine suggested by
persistent acidosis and poor growth. Renal per- a urine pH >5.3 (Sharma et al. 2015; Yaxley and
formance in isolated RTA is otherwise unaf- Pirrone 2016).
fected, and glomerular filtration rate is typically Although dipsticks are readily available in the
within normal limits (Santos et al. 2017; Santos primary care setting, their limitations in evaluat-
et al. 2015; Yaxley and Pirrone 2016); however, ing pH should be noted. The pH values of
RTA may be accompanied by other renal pathol- ­standard dipsticks range from 5.0 to 8.5 or 9.0,
ogy (Yaxley and Pirrone 2016). but significant deviations from the true pH have
10  Care of the Child with a Renal Problem 395

been observed for values below 5.5 and above 7.6 suggest distal (type 1) RTA.  Administration of
(Delanghe and Speeckaert 2016). It is essential to potassium arrests this process, and the urine then
keep this in mind when evaluating urine pH in the becomes appropriately acidic, excluding RTA
setting of RTA. Analysis with a pH meter in cer- (Yaxley and Pirrone 2016).
tain circumstances may be warranted (Berend Regarding RTA, it is also important to note
2017). that urine pH is of limited utility in children with
Urine pH as a diagnostic value is relatively proximal (type 2) RTA, particularly when TCO2
limited as it is affected by many factors, including rises above 17 mEq/L (Finer and Landau 2018).
time of day, prandial state, medications, various
illness states, and diet, among others. Indeed, Key Learning about Urine pH
urine pH is a poor diagnostic tool in diagnosing • A fresh, midstream, clean catch sample
RTA when used alone (Yaxley and Pirrone 2016). should be obtained in the morning for
Recent research, however, suggests an association the most accurate results.
between urine pH and common pathogens in chil- • Dipsticks are limited in evaluating pH,
dren with urinary tract infections (Lai et al. 2019). particularly if below 5.5 and above 7.6.
In particular, infection by urea-splitting organ- Measurement via pH electrode versus
isms is notable because these can elevate urine pH dipstick may be warranted for the most
and cause a normal anion gap metabolic acidosis accurate results.
mimicking RTA and is further exacerbated when
combined with intravascular depletion (Finer and
Landau 2018; Sharma et  al. 2015; Yaxley and 10.6.2 Real-Life Example
Pirrone 2016). Obtaining a fresh, midstream,
clean catch sample when possible can decrease A 23-month-old was seen for a well visit for the
the ability of urea-splitting microorganisms to first time after 1  year. The family reported that
further contaminate a standing sample as the they were concerned about her weight as she had
organisms alkalinize the urine and skew results only gained 2 pounds over the past year. They
(Berend 2017). High protein diets, which acidify reported a picky appetite, but she had good days
urine, and vegetarian diets, which produce more when the mother said, “She ate more than she
alkaline urine, can also alter results (Berend usually did.” The rest of her history was unre-
2017). A fresh morning urine sample should be markable, and her development was normal. She
obtained when possible to avoid alterations in was bilingual but spoke in sentences in both lan-
serum bicarbonate levels related to food intake guages. The child’s physical exam was unre-
(Finer and Landau 2018; Sharma et al. 2015). markable except for a height, weight, and
Urine pH can also be greatly affected by other weight-for-height less than the fifth percentile. A
illness states, especially diarrhea with chronic CBC and metabolic profile were ordered. Her
metabolic acidosis. Diarrhea, particularly if it is CBC showed a very mild iron deficiency, and the
chronic, can result in hypokalemia and chronic metabolic profile was remarkable for a CO2 of 13
metabolic acidosis. In this state, the body shifts with a normal anion gap. The mother denied pro-
potassium out of cells and moves hydrogen and longed crying during the venipuncture. A repeat
sodium inside. In response to this, the kidneys metabolic profile was done, along with a urinaly-
secrete hydrogen and increase the secretion of sis. The CO2 was again 13 with a normal anion
ammonia into the urine. The ammonia binds with gap, and her urine pH was 8. A referral to
the regularly secreted hydrogen-producing urine nephrology was made, and the diagnosis of RTA,
with a pH >5.5 despite the proper function of the type 1, was confirmed. The child was placed on
urinary acidification system. The findings of met- Bicitra with marked improvement in her failure
abolic acidosis, alkaline urine, and hypokalemia to thrive.
396 D. Schneider and C. C. McKegney

10.7 Evaluation of the Child edema, associated symptoms and physical exam

with Edema findings, and notable historical findings. The
patient who presents with edema and findings
Edema, the excess accumulation of interstitial concerning hypertension should prompt the clini-
fluid in the body, is associated with a wide variety cian to evaluate the urine for proteinuria and con-
of pathologic states. It can present as a localized sider nephrotic syndrome (NS) as a differential
fluid collection or a generalized accumulation, diagnosis.
typically referred to as anasarca. Differential
diagnoses for edema, a selection of which can be
seen listed in Table 10.21, are extensive and rep- 10.7.1 Nephrotic Syndrome
resent various organ systems and degrees of ill-
ness severity. Edema can develop due to increased The classic presentation of NS is a child aged
hydrostatic capillary pressure, as seen in conges- 3–9 years with a chief complaint of sudden-onset
tive heart failure, or decreased plasma protein gravity-dependent edema; however, children can
concentration, as seen in nephrotic syndrome. present at any age (Andolino and Reid-Adam
Initial evaluation of the child who presents 2015). Periorbital edema, a classic finding that
with edema requires a focused but thorough eval- typically presents as worse in the morning and
uation. First, acute life-threatening conditions improves throughout the day, might be mistaken
such as anaphylaxis and angioedema threatening for seasonal allergies (Andolino and Reid-Adam
airway patency must be excluded. Once excluded, 2015; Wang and Greenbaum 2019). After ambu-
the clinician should complete a history and phys- lation, edema becomes more prominent in the
ical examination to determine the character of the lower extremities and may also be notable in the
penis and scrotum of males or the labia of
Table 10.21  Common causes of edema in children females. Although edema is thought of as a clas-
Localized Generalized sic presenting symptom, some patients may only
Angioedema Sepsis present with significant proteinuria (Andolino
Lymphedema Cardiovascular and Reid-Adam 2015). History might reveal a
Venous thrombosis/ •  Congestive heart failure recent illness, such as an upper respiratory tract
obstruction •  Congenital heart disease
Pleural effusions •  Acquired heart disease infection (Andolino and Reid-Adam 2015).
Ascites (cardiomyopathy, myocarditis, Hypertension might also be present (Wang and
Response to tissue etc.) Greenbaum 2019).
injury •  Arteriovenous malformations NS can be classified as a clinical entity in sev-
•  Severe anemia eral different ways: age of presentation, genetic
•  Kasabach-Merritt syndrome versus acquired, primary versus secondary, histo-
Endocrine logic findings on biopsy, and response to steroid
•  Hypothyroidism therapy. The age at which the child presents dic-
•  Severe thyrotoxicosis
Renal tates the likely cause. NS that develops in the first
•  Nephrotic syndrome year of life is likely genetic, while in older chil-
•  Tubulointerstitial disease dren, NS is likely acquired (Wang and Greenbaum
•  Glomerulonephritis 2019). Primary NS exists in the absence of sys-
•  Renal failure
Hepatic temic disease, while secondary NS is associated
•  Liver failure with a systemic disease. Histologic classifica-
•  Metabolic disease tions include minimal change disease (MCD),
Gastrointestinal focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS),
•  Kwashiorkor malnutrition
•  Protein-losing enteropathy membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
Dermatologic (MPGN), and membranous nephropathy (MN)
•  Severe burns (Wang and Greenbaum 2019). The primary
Adapted from Pomeranz et al. (2016a) pathophysiologic mechanism is an injury to the
10  Care of the Child with a Renal Problem 397

podocyte and glomeruli (Ding and Saleem 2012; stitial space and the clinical manifestation of
Greenbaum et al. 2012). edema (McPherson 2017).
Most children with NS between 2 and 7 years Measurement of albumin, often paired with
of age have a primary idiopathic disease. In these total protein measurement, is frequently con-
children, biopsy most commonly reveals MCD, ducted as part of a routine serum chemistry pro-
and they go on to be responsive to steroid treat- file. Clinicians also commonly obtain albumin as
ment. Frequently, MCD is presumed, and treat- a component of a test panel, such as a compre-
ment with steroids proceeds without biopsy. The hensive metabolic or hepatic panel, where it is
patient is monitored for proteinuria, and MCD is paired with total protein or a renal function panel.
confirmed if a response is seen to steroids. Older Serum albumin levels are used to evaluate and
children and adolescents are more likely to have monitor renal and hepatic disease, assess nutri-
primary FSGS, MN, and MPGN.  NS is also tional status, and monitor some electrolytes and
more likely to develop in older children second- medications. The patient who presents to pediat-
arily in the setting of systemic diseases such as ric primary care with edema, particularly if it is
sickle cell disease and systemic lupus erythema- periorbital and/or dependent in nature, should
tosus, infections such as hepatitis B and C, expo- prompt the clinician to obtain an albumin level to
sure to medications such as nonsteroidal evaluate NS.
anti-inflammatories, and malignancies (Andolino Albumin is measured in the serum via electro-
and Reid-Adam 2015). phoresis, where it binds with high affinity to cat-
Regardless of the specific etiology or histo- ionic dyes, frequently bromocresol green and
pathologic findings, all forms of NS involve an bromocresol purple (Pincus et al. 2017). Normal
increased glomerular permeability to proteins albumin levels by age and sex can be seen using
resulting in the classic constellation of laboratory both dyes in Tables 10.22 and 10.23. Interpretation
findings: proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, and of albumin levels is rather straightforward and
hyperlipidemia. Additional laboratory findings based on reference values. Hypoalbuminemia is a
associated with NS of note to the clinician include
renal function assessment via glomerular filtra-
Table 10.22  Serum albumin reference values by age and
tion rate (GFR), vitamin D studies, and evidence sex using bromocresol green
of anemia and thrombocytosis on the complete
Age Serum albumin value (g/dL)
blood count (CBC). Females Males
Several diagnostic tests aid the clinician in 0 to 14 days 3.2–4.6 3.2–4.6
caring for the patient with possible nephrotic 15 days to <1 year 2.6–5.3 2.6–5.3
syndrome. The tests are used to evaluate the 1 to <8 years 3.8–4.7 3.8–4.7
patient with possible nephrotic syndrome are out- 8 to <15 years 4.1–4.9 4.1–4.9
lined below: 15 to <19 years 3.9–4.9 4.1–5.2
Adapted with permission from Oxford Press from
Colantonio et al. (2012) Serum Albumin
Albumin, the most abundant protein in normal
plasma, usually constitutes approximately two-­ Table 10.23  Serum albumin reference values by age and
thirds of total plasma protein (McPherson 2017). sex using bromocresol purple
It is responsible for storing amino acids for Age Serum albumin value (g/dL)
incorporation into other proteins and acts as a Females Males
0 to 14 days 2.6–4.2 2.6–4.2
general transport or carrier protein throughout
15 days to <1 year 2.1–4.7 2.1–4.7
the body. As one of the largest molecules in 1 to <8 years 3.5–4.6 3.5–4.6
plasma, it is the main determinant of colloid 8 to <15 years 3.7–4.7 3.7–4.7
oncotic pressure. Low albumin levels in the vas- 15 to <19 years 3.5–4.9 3.7–5
culature trigger fluid accumulation in the inter- Adapted with permission from Oxford Press from
Colantonio et al. (2012)
398 D. Schneider and C. C. McKegney

key diagnostic criterion for NS, and guidelines contrast-enhanced imaging, and stage and moni-
from the KDIGO Work Group define albumin tor chronic kidney disease (CKD). The pediatric
levels in NS as <2.5  mg/L (Gipson et  al. 2009; clinician is most likely to encounter these mea-
Lombel et al. 2013). surements in managing children with chronic
Although elevated serum albumin levels are renal conditions.
infrequently encountered, they can be seen in Glomerular filtration rate (GFR), generally
conditions with decreased plasma water, such as considered the best indicator of renal function, is
dehydration or the setting of a high-protein diet commonly used in children (Levey 2015; Mian
(Mutlu et al. 2006). Decreased albumin levels are and Schwartz 2017; Noone and Langlois 2017).
much more common and clinically relevant. “Conceptually, it represents the volume of plasma
Conditions classically associated with hypoalbu- that can be completely cleared of a substance per
minemia include NS and protein-losing enteropa- unit of time” (Mian and Schwartz 2017).
thy (Al Balushi and Mackie 2019). Measurement of GFR requires introducing a sub-
Hypoalbuminemia has also long been associated stance, either endogenous or exogenous, which
with poor nutrition in children. Clinicians have then undergoes renal filtration. While the “gold
been using decreased albumin levels as markers standard” substance of GFR measurement is the
for malnutrition for some time, but this practice is exogenous starch inulin, the measurement pro-
not recommended. Albumin falls in critical and cess with this substance requires a continuous
chronic illness settings due to inflammation infusion of the agent with frequent blood draws
(Gabay and Kushner 1999), not necessarily and urinary catheter placement for evaluation.
because of malnutrition. In a 2020 White Paper, The test is cumbersome, particularly in pediatric
the American Society of Parental and Enteral patients, making it of little use in the inpatient
Nutrition states that “serum albumin and prealbu- setting, let alone primary care. Instead, GFR is
min…should not be used as nutrition markers” typically estimated using predictive formulas and
(Evans et  al. 2020). While no longer clinically endogenous markers that are primarily cleared by
relevant in terms of malnutrition assessment, the kidneys, typically urea, creatinine, and cys-
decreased levels of albumin have been shown to tatin C (Levey 2015).
have predictive value in outcomes for critically ill As previously stated, creatinine is generated
children (Leite et  al. 2016) and adults (Touma at a relatively constant rate via muscle metabo-
and Bisharat 2019), likely in part due to albu- lism, and, in the setting of normal renal function,
min’s relationship with inflammation. its excretion is almost equal to its production.
The Schwartz formula uses this relationship
between muscle mass, reflected by body length,
Key Learning about Albumin
and the relatively stable rate of metabolism and
• Hypoalbuminemia is a poor marker for
production of creatinine to estimate GFR (eGFR)
nutritional status.
(Noone and Langlois 2017). The Schwartz for-
• Albumin level < 2.5 mg/L is consistent
mula was initially developed in the 1970s by
with NS when paired with hyperlipid-
Schwartz, Haycock, Edelmann, Spitzer
emia and proteinuria.
(Schwartz et al. 1976), and Counahan (Counahan
et al. 1976). The formula was updated in 2009 to
reflect advancements in the laboratory measure- Renal Function ment of serum creatinine (Schwartz et al. 2009).
Accurate, precise, and efficient assessment of To date, it is the most widely used method of
renal function in children is essential to identify assessing kidney function in children (Mian and
early acute kidney injury (AKI), monitor nephro- Schwartz 2017). Box 10.2 shows the revised or
toxic medications, ensure safe administration of “bedside” Schwartz formula to calculate eGFR
10  Care of the Child with a Renal Problem 399

which is as follows, where Scr indicates serum renal function within normal limits. Children
creatinine level: with primary idiopathic NS do not typically
experience renal dysfunction. A minority of chil-
dren with MCD histology may experience mod-
Box 10.2 Schwartz Formula erately impaired renal function, but this is
eGFR (ml/min/1.73 m2) = 36.2 × [(height typically evidenced by elevation of serum creati-
(cm)/Scr (mmol/L)]. nine thought to be related to intravascular vol-
OR ume depletion versus true glomerular damage
eGFR (ml/min/1.73 m2) = 0.413 × [(height (Meyrier and Niaudet 2018). The clinician car-
(cm)/Scr (mg/dL)]. ing for children with CKD should know that
GFR is a key component in evaluating and stag-
ing CKD. The KDIGO, in their Clinical Practice
It is important to note that GFR is a “dynamic Guideline for the Evaluation and Management
variable” that can vary significantly based upon of Chronic Kidney Disease, defines chronic kid-
age, gender, body size, hydration status, protein ney disease as a GFR <60  ml/min/1.73  m2
consumption, and activity levels (Mian and (KDIGO 2013). Also of note, the Schwartz for-
Schwartz 2017). The revised Schwartz formula mula is most accurate in children with CKD, but
accounts for body size, but values should be it has been validated in a non-CKD population
interpreted through the lens of these other vari- (Staples et al. 2010).
ables, especially age. GFR at birth is particularly
low, ~20  mL/min/1.73  m2, and increases until
Key Learning about Glomerular Filtration
reaching adult levels of ~120 mL/min/1.73 m2 by
2 years of age (Heilbron et al. 1991). GFR is also
• GFR is typically within normal limits in
typically higher in males than females (Pasala
NS but should be evaluated in children
and Carmody 2017). Normal GFR values for age
with CKD.
can be seen in Table 10.24.
• GFR in children should be calculated
Assessment of GFR has several important
using the revised Schwartz formula.
clinical applications, particularly for the evalua-
• Proper GFR interpretation requires eval-
tion of renal disease. GFR that falls outside the
uating obtained values against age and/
normal range expected for age and/or gender
or gender norms.
should prompt the primary care clinician to refer
to nephrology for further guidance. Most renal
pathologies that the primary care clinician will
encounter, such as NS and RTA, generally have a Vitamin D
Vitamin D, an essential building block for bone
Table 10.24  Normal GFR values in children by age growth, is of particular interest to the pediatric
Age (and sex delineation as Average
provider. Persistent, severe deficiency results in a
appropriate) GFR Range failure of bone mineralization and presents clini-
2–8 daysa 30 17–60 cally as rickets. A significant problem until the
4–28 days 47 26–68 beginning of the twentieth century is that an
37–95 days 58 30–86 understanding of the condition resulted in nutri-
1–6 months 77 39–114 tional supplementation and the near disappear-
6–12 months 103 49–157
ance of the condition. Recent studies, however,
12–19 months 127 62–191
2–12 years 127 89–165 indicate that deficiency has both increased in
occurrence (Misra et al. 2008) and has been asso-
With permission from Springer Nature from Heilbron
et al. (1991) ciated with a wide variety of disease states,
 Term infant including infections (Facchini et  al. 2015;
400 D. Schneider and C. C. McKegney

Poowuttikul et al. 2013), autoimmune conditions els, the Drug and Therapeutics Committee of the
(Alharbi 2015; Dong et al. 2013), cardiovascular Lawson Wilkins Pediatric Endocrine Society rec-
diseases (de la Guía-Galipienso et al. 2020), and ommends screening children at risk for defi-
cancer (Heath et al. 2019). Children with NS have ciency (Misra et al. 2008). However, determining
been found to have decreased vitamin D levels true vitamin D deficiency can be challenging
(Weng et al. 2005) and are also at further at risk because of a lack of consensus regarding what
for developing osteoporosis and difficulties with constitutes an abnormal level. Table  10.25
bone mineralization due to the frequent therapeu- describes the recommended classification of vita-
tic use of corticosteroids (Lombel et al. 2013). min D status based on a total 25(OH)D levels
The primary circulating form of vitamin D is from two prominent organizations: the Lawson
25-hydroxy vitamin D (25(OH)D), which is most Wilkins Pediatric Endocrine Society’s 2008 rec-
commonly obtained as a serum value (Banerjee ommendations on Vitamin D Deficiency in
et al. 2020; Herrmann et al. 2017). Vitamin D has Children and Its Management (Misra et al. 2008)
several metabolites with biological activity, and the Endocrine Society’s 2016 Global
25-hydroxy D3 (cholecalciferol) and 25-hydroxy Consensus Recommendations for the Prevention
D2 (ergocalciferol) being the two of the major and Management of Nutritional Rickets (Munns
ones. Typically, serum 25(OH)D includes mea- et al. 2016).
surement of a total 25(OH)D and both metabo- Clinicians should consider these results when
lites (Banerjee et al. 2020). evaluating vitamin D status in children and rec-
The majority of vitamin D is stored in the ommending supplementation; however, it should
body bound to protein: 85–90% tightly bound to be noted that the interpretation of vitamin D levels
vitamin D-binding protein (VDBP), 10–15% in children with NS is a changing landscape. In
more loosely bound to albumin, and 0.03–0.04% their study evaluating the effects of vitamin D and
in its free state (Bikle et al. 2017; Herrmann et al. calcium supplementation in children with steroid-
2017; Schwartz et  al. 2018). The vitamin D sensitive NS, Banerjee et  al. (2017) noted an
bound to VDBP is thought to be biologically improvement in total 25(OH)D levels but no
inactive, and the bioavailability of the albumin-­ effect on bone mineralization. Recent studies by
bound portion is unclear. Still, the free portion is Banerjee et al. (Banerjee et al. 2020) suggest an
thought to be the biologically active component emerging utility for evaluating free 25(OH)D lev-
(Bikle et  al. 2017). Vitamin D deficiency, els, as opposed to a total 25(OH)D levels, to
observed via a total 25(OH)D measurements assess for vitamin D deficiency and guide therapy
(Nielsen et al. 2015; Weng et al. 2005), is com- in children with NS and other proteinuric ­diseases.
monly seen in children with NS. The majority of
serum 25(OH)D is bound to either a vitamin
D-binding protein or albumin, both of which are Table 10.25 Vitamin D classification in relation to
lost in the urine of patients with NS, and total 25(OH)D Levels
25(OH)D levels are low in NS relative to the Lawson
Wilkins Endocrine Society
degree of proteinuria (Banerjee et al. 2020), con-
Pediatric on the Prevention
tributing to poor bone health in children with NS Endocrine and Management of
(Banerjee et  al. 2013; Biyikli et  al. 2004; Society Nutritional Rickets
Freundlich et al. 1986; Huang et al. 1992; Weng Classification (nmol/L) (nmol/L)
et al. 2005), and it has been suggested that sup- Severe <12.5
plementation with 25(OH)D can protect against
Deficiency <37.5 <30
the development of osteoporosis among these Insufficiency 37.5–50 30–50
patients (Bak et al. 2006; Chen et al. 2015; Gulati Sufficient 50–250 >50
et al. 2005). Excess >250
While it is not recommended to routinely Intoxication >375
screen well children for adequate vitamin D lev- Adapted from Misra et al. (2008), Munns et al. (2016)
10  Care of the Child with a Renal Problem 401

The authors suggest that cutoff levels for free Table 10.26  Interpretation of lipid studies in the patient
with NS
25(OH)D levels be between 3.75 and 3.9 pg/mL
for sufficiency and 2.85  pg/mL for deficiency Laboratory value Result
(Banerjee et  al. 2020). Further research in this Total cholesterol Elevated
HDL Normal to reduced
area is required to both confirm these values and
LDL Elevated
determine appropriate vitamin D supplementation Triglycerides Elevated
dosage and regimens for children with NS. VLDL Elevated
The AAP advises against the universal screen- IDL Elevated
ing of well children or screening of obese or Lipoprotein (a) Elevated
dark-skinned individuals. The AAP recommends Total cholesterol: HDL Elevated
increasing the dietary intake of vitamin D with Adapted from Agrawal et al. (2018), Vaziri (2016)
vitamin D supplements if the RDA cannot be
met. If an adolescent has a chronic medical ill- Routine screening of healthy children for lipid
ness associated with increased fracture risk, abnormalities is not recommended (Lozano et al.
serum 25(OH)D levels should be done (Golden 2016); however, abnormal lipid metabolism is a
and Carey 2016). There has been an increase in common finding in children with renal disease
the identification of vitamin D deficiency. and should be assessed. Routine lipid panels typi-
cally measure total cholesterol, high-density
lipoprotein (HDL), low-density lipoprotein
Key Learning about Vitamin D (LDL), and triglycerides. Some laboratories may
• Vitamin D deficiency is commonly also measure very-low-density lipoprotein
encountered in the NS patient. (VLDL), lipoprotein (a), intermediate-density
• Consider obtaining free 25(OH)D levels lipoprotein (IDL), and the ratio of total choles-
to evaluate for true deficiency in the NS terol to HDL. Table 10.26 describes the interpre-
patient, if available. tation of lipid studies in the patient with NS.
• Routine vitamin D levels in well chil- Lipid metabolism, particularly in the NS
dren or children with obesity should not patient, is a complex process. Although beyond
be done (Golden and Carey 2016). the scope of this chapter, it is well described in
the literature (Agrawal et  al. 2018; Hari et  al.
2020; Vaziri 2016). Alterations involve the meta-
bolic pathway affecting both lipids and lipopro- Lipids teins. In NS, the changes in the composition of
Hyperlipidemia is a characteristic finding of NS lipoproteins further mediate changes in key pro-
(Agrawal et  al. 2018). Due to urinary loss of teins involved in the “biosynthesis, transport,
serum proteins such as albumin and immuno- remodeling, and catabolism of lipids and lipopro-
globulins, decreased oncotic pressure causes the teins” (Vaziri 2016). Notable alterations include
liver to compensate by increasing protein pro- the following: The coenzyme responsible for
duction and decreasing catabolism. There is cholesterol synthesis increases while the enzyme
also impaired clearance of lipids and lipopro- responsible for cholesterol catabolism decreases.
teins, the latter of which are proteins that both Laboratory studies will show elevated total cho-
combine with and transport fats and lipids lesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL). In
throughout the body (Agrawal et  al. 2018). response to nephrotic range proteinuria, various
Together, this increases the number of circulat- tissues secrete angiopoietin-like-4, a glycopro-
ing lipids. An increase in the quantity of lipid, tein that decreases the conversion of triglycerides
combined with further alterations in the lipid to free fatty acids, resulting in hypertriglyceride-
metabolic pathway (Andolino and Reid-Adam mia (Andolino and Reid-Adam 2015). Additional
2015), results in the characteristic hyperlipid- alterations include the elevation of apolipopro-
emia associated with NS. tein B-containing lipoproteins, specifically
402 D. Schneider and C. C. McKegney

VLDL, IDL, and lipoprotein(a). High-density function, as is the case with most subtypes of NS,
lipoprotein (HDL) levels are typically normal are poorly understood at present. It is suspected
(Agrawal et al. 2018). that many factors contribute to anemia in NS
Clinically it is of note that, in NS, the degree (Iorember and Aviles 2017).
of altered lipid metabolism parallels with the Iron deficiency anemia is the most common
degree of proteinuria (Agrawal et al. 2018; Vaziri form of anemia seen in both children and adults
2016). Also, due to hyperlipidemia, NS patients with NS and presents, as expected, as microcytic
are at an increased risk for atherosclerosis, throm- and hypochromic. The anemia results from uri-
boembolism, and cardiovascular and renal dys- nary loss of both iron and transferrin, although
function (Agrawal et  al. 2018; Vaziri 2016), significant transferrin loss alone may be sufficient
particularly those with steroid-resistant NS (Hari to develop anemia. Studies have shown that uri-
et al. 2020). Data describing the treatment of dys- nary transferrin loss correlates with total urinary
lipidemia in children with NS is limited. Lipid-­ protein loss in both adults and children. Anemia
lowering agents are less frequently used in the can also develop from a clinically significant loss
pediatric NS population than adults, owing to the of erythropoietin in the urine. Children who lose
lack of long-term medication safety data erythropoietin in urine are typically responsive to
(Agrawal et al. 2018). supplementation with erythropoietin and iron, but
they may experience a blunted response to ther-
apy if they continue with significant proteinuria
Key Learning about Lipid Profile and NS
(Iorember and Aviles 2017).
• Hyperlipidemia is a characteristic find-
Copper, which plays an essential role in eryth-
ing in NS.
ropoiesis, is transported throughout the body via
• Most components of the lipid profile are
the protein ceruloplasmin. Loss of ceruloplasmin
elevated, but HDL may remain normal
in the urine can result in anemia in the NS patient.
to reduced.
Although not thought to be a common cause of
anemia in NS patients, it should be considered if
patients are refractory to anemia treatment. If sus- CBC Changes: Anemia pected, serum copper levels should be obtained.
Although elevated hemoglobin can be seen in Cobalamin’s essential role in erythropoiesis is
patients with NS, particularly in the presence of also well established. Both cobalamin and trans-
significant edema resulting in intravascular vol- cobalamin, the vitamin’s transporter protein, can
ume depletion (41), anemia is occasionally be lost in the urine. Cobalamin deficiency can
encountered (Park and Shin 2011). While albu- manifest on the CBC as macrocytic anemia.
min is the primary protein lost in the urine, NS Serum cobalamin levels should be obtained if this
can lose proteins of various molecular weights, is suspected (Iorember and Aviles 2017).
including coagulation factors, immunoglobulins, Suggested diagnostic studies to evaluate for
hormone-binding proteins, minerals, and macro- anemia in the setting of NS include a CBC, retic-
nutrients. Significant loss of any of the necessary ulocyte count, serum iron level, total iron-­binding
substrate building blocks for red blood cell for- capacity, transferrin saturation, and transferrin
mation can manifest on the CBC as anemia in the and ferritin levels. The reticulocyte count remains
patient with NS. The etiologies of the anemia in a good indicator of marrow response to anemia
NS are varied. Those of note include deficiencies and will be low if the anemia is due to erythropoi-
in iron, erythropoietin, copper, and vitamin B12 etin, B12, folate, or copper deficiency. Children
(cobalamin). Although prevalence data is cur- with iron deficiency anemia will also have a
rently lacking, anemia has been seen in children decreased mean corpuscular volume in addition
with NS, particularly those with persistent dis- to decreased serum iron, ferritin, and transferrin
ease. The complete pathophysiologic mecha- saturation. If the NS patient with iron deficiency
nisms of anemia in the setting of normal renal anemia fails to respond appropriately to iron
10  Care of the Child with a Renal Problem 403

supplementation, the clinician should consider adhesiveness. Although the underlying rationale
obtaining urine and serum erythropoietin levels for some of these changes is understood and
to evaluate deficiencies further. An elevation in described in the literature, these changes are not
the mean corpuscular volume indicates macro- easily demonstrated on laboratory studies. The
cytic anemia and suggests a cobalamin or folate prognostic value of platelet count for determin-
deficiency. Treatment for anemia in NS depends ing prognosis in NS is being explored, but further
upon the cause; supplementation with the defi- studies need to be conducted to understand better
cient component is usually successful (Iorember their relationship to risk factors for thrombosis in
and Aviles 2017). NS (Eneman et al. 2016). CBC Changes: Platelets

NS is a known risk factor for both arterial and 10.7.2 Real-Life Example
venous thrombotic events (Eneman et  al. 2016;
Park and Shin 2011). Although data is limited, it A 2-year-old female was seen in the office with a
is estimated that 1–27% of children with NS will chief complaint of “being swollen.” The 19-year-­
experience a thrombotic event, most commonly old mother reported a 2-week history of fatigue,
venous in nature. The risk of developing throm- taking long naps, and a poor appetite. She thought
boembolism increases severe proteinuria and she had a viral infection. She brought her to the
steroid-resistant NS (Park and Shin 2011). The office when she noticed that her fingerprint could
precise pathophysiologic mechanisms of throm- be seen when she pressed on her ankles. She also
bocytosis and increased thrombotic risk for wondered if she had been voiding less than usual.
patients with NS are not well understood but are The mother reported that she had been treated for
thought to be multifactorial in nature. An increase strep throat 2 weeks ago. The urinalysis showed
in platelet count and activity, specifically aggre- 4+ protein in the urine. Nephrotic syndrome was
gability and adhesiveness, is presumed to play a considered, and the child was sent to the ED for
role (Eneman et al. 2016). stat laboratory diagnostic testing. The urine pro-
Although more variable in adults, platelet tein/creatinine ratio was found to be high at 7.6
counts in children with NS are typically greater (normal <0.2). The child’s serum albumin was
than the normal range of 150–450 109/L (Eneman low at 2.0  g/dL, and her sodium level was also
et al. 2016). Thrombocytosis is more likely to be low at 130 (normal 136–145) with chloride of 96
present early in therapy, and platelet counts return (normal 98–107). Her total cholesterol was 334,
to normal when long-term remission is reached. with an LDL of 199, and her triglycerides were
The quantity of platelets increases as albumin 331. A diagnosis of nephrotic syndrome was con-
decreases (Eneman et al. 2016). There is no con- firmed. The child responded to treatment.
sensus on the utility of testing platelets for specific
abnormalities in the setting of NS. If done before
initiation of therapy, results may show an elevated
mean platelet volume and decreased platelet distri- Key Learning about NS
bution width. Platelet activity also increases. • Platelets are increased in NS, and ane-
Hepatic hyperfunction, in response to hypoalbu- mia is a common finding.
minemia, increases platelet-activating substances • Hyperlipidemia is an associated finding
and thus platelet activity. Hypercholesteremia is with NS.
also thought to play a role in increasing platelet • Children with NS are at increased risk
activity (Eneman et al. 2016). for thrombotic events.
Platelet function is also affected in • Serologic testing for infections should
NS.  Proteins responsible for platelet inhibition be considered as children with NS are
are lost in the urine. The degree of proteinuria susceptible to infections.
correlates with platelet hyperaggregability and
404 D. Schneider and C. C. McKegney

Questions (a) Specific gravity of 1.010, pH 5, and 1+

1. A 12-year-old patient is seen for a well check (b) Specific gravity of 1.005, pH of 9, and
and a negative history except for question- 3+ protein.
able urinary frequency. Her physical exam is (c) Specific gravity of 1.010, pH of 6, and
normal. Her urine dipstick has 1+ protein no protein.
and a specific gravity of 1.020. What is the (d) WBC > 10,000, pH of 6, and + nitrates.
next best step for her management? 6. Which of the following would you expect to
(a) Send urine for spot protein/creatinine find in a patient with post-streptococcus
ratio. glomerulonephritis?
(b) Obtain the first-morning void and repeat (a) Significantly high C3 levels with
the dipstick. improvement in 6–8 weeks.
(c) Send that sample to the lab for urinalysis (b) Transient hypercalciuria and hematuria
with microscopic analysis. improving in 3–6 months.
(d) This is a normal finding. (c) Hematuria in the setting of normal com-
2. What change indicates remission in a patient plement levels.
with nephrotic syndrome? (d) Significantly low C3 levels with
(a) The disappearance of protein from the improvement in 6–8 weeks.
urine. 7. In a patient with renal tubular acidosis (RTA),
(b) Decrease in serum albumin. you would expect to see which of the follow-
(c) Increase in serum lipid levels. ing diagnostic study results?
(d) The disappearance of blood from the (a) Increased urine pH, decreased serum
urine. bicarbonate.
3. Which of the following is the most appropri- (b) Decreased urine pH, decreased serum
ate test to use to evaluate for persistent pro- bicarbonate.
teinuria in a 2-year-old patient? (c) Increased urine pH, increased serum
(a) Urine dipstick. bicarbonate.
(b) 24-hour urine for protein and creatinine (d) Decreased urine pH, increased serum
(c) Spot first-morning void for urine pro- bicarbonate.
tein/creatinine ratio. 8. An 8-year-old boy with a history of prematu-
(d) Urinalysis. rity has a first-morning urinalysis yield +2
4. Which of the following is a laboratory find- proteinuria. You obtained the first-morning
ing consistent with common idiopathic urine for spot protein/creatinine ratio which
nephrotic syndrome? results as 0.18  mg/mg protein/creatinine
(a) Polycythemia. ratio. What do you tell his caregiver about
(b) Increased 25(OH)D levels. the results?
(c) Thrombocytosis. (a) These results are mildly elevated. We
(d) A decreased glomerular filtration rate. should obtain a renal ultrasound.
5. A healthy 11-year-old male presents to the (b) This result is within the normal range for
office for a routine well-child visit. His med- the child’s age.
ical history is significant for prematurity of (c) These results are low. “I’m concerned
31 weeks with umbilical catheter placement. the sample may have been too diluted.”
A routine annual urinalysis is completed for (d) This result is approaching the nephrotic
this patient. Which of the following results range. “I am concerned he may have
indicate that no further testing is required? nephrotic syndrome”.
10  Care of the Child with a Renal Problem 405

9. When assessing discolored urine for blood, Questions 13 and 14 are based on the fol-
what is the “gold standard” to detect actual lowing scenario:
hematuria? A 3-year-old female presents for evalua-
(a) Microscopic examination of spun urine tion with a 2-day history of vomiting and
sediment. diarrhea. She has otherwise been growing
(b) Urine dipstick. and developing normally. You obtain a set of
(c) Urine culture. serum electrolytes, with results as follows:
(d) Urine for reducing substances.
Laboratory value Result
10. A child presents to a rural health clinic with
Sodium (mmoL/L) 134
periorbital edema and lethargy. He has no
Potassium (mmoL/L) 5.1
past medical history and is otherwise acting Chloride (mmoL/L) 109
normally. Upon examination, you appreciate TCO2 (mmoL/L) 12
periorbital edema and lower extremity swell-
ing. Which of the following laboratory Use the reference values and information
results would prompt immediate nephrology provided in the chapter to answer the follow-
referral? ing questions.
(a) Low serum albumin. 13. What is her serum anion gap?
(b) Low serum cholesterol. (a) 10
(c) High complement 4 level. (b) 12
(d) Urine protein/creatinine ratio of 0.19. (c) 13
11. A 9-year-old female presents to the office (d) 15
with microscopic hematuria and proteinuria. 14. What is your interpretation of these labora-
Before the visit, another practitioner assumed tory results?
the protein noted in the urine was from the (a) She has pseudohyperkalemia and an
RBC in the urine. Today a spot urine protein/ increased anion gap. This is likely
creatinine ratio (U p/c) is reviewed for the related to tourniquet placement and/or
patient. Which findings would be suggestive inadequate venipuncture.
of renal disease and require a prompt referral (b) She has increased TCO2 and a normal
to nephrology? anion gap metabolic alkalosis. This is
(a) U p/c of 0.01. most likely due to prolonged crying dur-
(b) U p/c of 0.3. ing venipuncture.
(c) U p/c of 0.18. (c) She has decreased TCO2 and an increased
(d) U p/c of 0.16. anion gap metabolic acidosis, most
12. A 17-year-old male presents to the office likely due to renal tubular acidosis.
with a history of alcohol and drug abuse in (d) She has decreased TCO2 and a normal
the past. Today he reports feeling slightly gap metabolic acidosis, which is consis-
fatigued, with periorbital edema and discol- tent with her history of vomiting and
ored urine. He reports having had a mild diarrhea.
“cold and cough” last week that resolved on
its own. Over the past 2  days, he has been Rationale
involved in a “tough runner” marathon event.
He has no fever. Which of the following 1. Answer: b
should the practitioner include in the labora- It is important to evaluate for orthostatic
tory evaluation? proteinuria in this patient. The next best step
(a) White blood count. for this patient is to obtain a dipstick after
(b) Serum IgA. being in a recumbent position, which would
(c) Urinalysis for nitrates. be best done after sleeping. If proteinuria
(d) Liver function test. were present on the first-morning void, the
406 D. Schneider and C. C. McKegney

urine protein/creatinine ratio would be the 5. Answer: c

next best step. Urinalysis with microscopic Recall, routine urinalysis in the pediatric
analysis would be more appropriate for eval- well-child visit is recommended only for
uating red blood cells, white blood cells, specific patients. This patient will have
casts, crystals, and bacteria. If the specific annual urinalysis secondary to his prematu-
gravity is >1.030, trace or + 1 of protein is rity and umbilical lines. Urinalysis results
likely a false positive. that show any amount of protein, as in
2. Answer: a choices A and B, should be evaluated with a
Nephrotic syndrome is characterized by first-morning void for the protein/creatinine
proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, and hyperlip- ratio. The urinalysis that reveals signs of
idemia; therefore, the disappearance of pro- infection such as elevated WBCs and nitrates,
teinuria indicates disease remission. A as in choice D, needs to be sent for micros-
decrease in serum albumin would suggest the copy and culture.
continued presence of disease. Serum lipid 6. Answer: d
levels increase in nephrotic syndrome; there- In patients with confirmed post-­
fore, an increase in serum lipid levels would streptococcal glomerulonephritis, serum
not indicate remission. Blood is typically not complement 3 is usually reduced. It often
present in the urine in nephrotic syndrome. takes 6–8  weeks for the C3 level to
3. Answer: c normalize.
Although the “gold standard test” for 7. Answer: a
evaluating for proteinuria is a 24-hour col- Regardless of the subtype, all forms of
lection and evaluation (Kamińska et  al. RTA result in net acidification of the blood
2020), this is difficult to do in many pediatric and alkalinization of the urine. This is evi-
patients. A spot first-morning void for urine dent in diagnostic studies as increased urine
protein/creatinine ratio is the most appropri- pH and decreased serum bicarbonate.
ate test. A spot first-morning void for albu- 8. Answer: b
min/creatinine ratio would also be The normal range for spot protein/creati-
appropriate. Urine dipstick and laboratory nine ratio in children greater than 2 years of
urinalysis can tell the presence of protein in age is less than 0.2 mg/mg protein/creatinine
the urine but do not measure creatinine are (Ranch 2020; Kamińska et al. 2020).
unable to do the necessary quantitative anal- 9. Answer: a
ysis of protein and creatinine. The urinalysis via dipstick is a practical
4. Answer: c and cost-effective test in primary care offices;
In addition to the classic laboratory mani- however, it cannot be replaced with micro-
festations of nephrotic syndrome, children scopic analysis. Dipstick results cannot dif-
can also experience anemia (Park and Shin ferentiate between the number of RBCs
2011) and decreased vitamin D levels (Weng when a dipstick reveals 0–3+ blood (Viteri
et  al. 2005). Children with nephrotic syn- and Reid-Adam 2018).
drome, specifically the most common pri- 10. Answer: a
mary idiopathic form, typically do not Children with nephrotic syndrome often
experience renal dysfunction (Meyrier and present to the office with facial swelling,
Niaudet 2018). Children with nephrotic syn- which is mistaken for allergies, and this
drome are at increased risk for clotting due to patient also has lower extremity swelling.
thrombocytosis, especially early in therapy, The laboratory finding most suggestive of
and return to normal once remission is advanced kidney involvement is the low
reached (Eneman et  al. 2016). serum albumin. This patient needs a prompt
Thrombocytosis is, therefore, consistent with referral for the management of the presumed
nephrotic syndrome. nephrotic syndrome. In nephrotic syndrome,
10  Care of the Child with a Renal Problem 407

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Care of the Child with a Pediatric
Endocrine Disorder
Rebecca Crespi, Leigh Pughe, and Amy Dowd

Learning Objectives endocrine system affects many other systems,

After completing the chapter, the learner should and therefore it is important to understand their
be able to: actions. In a clinical setting, the patient with
hypothyroidism may present with fatigue, change
1. Understand the basic physiology of the endo- in mood, tingling in an extremity, hair loss, cold
crine system. hands and feet, and weight gain. The clinical pre-
2. Be able to explain different methods of endo- sentation can mimic neurological and rheumato-
crine lab evaluation. logical diseases, so it is important to understand
3. Be able to evaluate basic thyroid dysfunction the variety of presentations and the results of
labs. endocrine diagnostic labs. This chapter will help
4. Evaluate the basic endocrine lab evaluation you understand the significance of diagnostic
for growth disorders. laboratory results in evaluating patients with a
5. Recognize a variety of common pubertal dis- possible endocrine problem.
orders as well as the basic endocrine lab eval-
uations associated with each disorder.
6. Utilize knowledge of different laboratory tests 11.2 Physiology of the Endocrine
used in the assessment for type 1 and type 2 System
The pituitary gland sits in the middle of the brain
in a protective bony structure called the sella tur-
11.1 Introduction cica and is connected to the hypothalamus by the
infundibular stalk. The pituitary gland is divided
Endocrine glands secrete hormones into the into the anterior and posterior pituitary gland.
bloodstream, which travel long distances to their The posterior pituitary gland typically acts as a
target organs, where they exert their effects. The storage area for the pre-synthesized hormones
antidiuretic hormone (ADH/vasopressin) and
oxytocin. Oxytocin is synthesized in the
Special acknowledgment: Thank you to Dr. Liane Eng for
her assistance with this chapter. hypothalamus and secreted into the bloodstream
by the posterior pituitary. It is best known for its
R. Crespi (*) · L. Pughe · A. Dowd actions during lactation and parturition and is
Department of Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes, beyond the scope of this chapter since it is rarely
The Children’s Hospital at Montefiore, ordered for a pediatric endocrine evaluation. The
Bronx, NY, USA

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 413
R. M. John (ed.), Pediatric Diagnostic Labs for Primary Care: An Evidence-based Approach,
414 R. Crespi et al.

Table 11.1  Overview of common pediatric pituitary hormones and their downstream effects
Pituitary hormone End organ Hormone produced Effect on the body
Anterior pituitary hormones
TSH Thyroid gland Thyroxine Metabolism, growth, development
GH Liver (and others) Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) Growth, development
LH and FSH Ovary/testicle Estrogen/testosterone Secondary sexual characteristics
and ability to reproduce
ACTH The adrenal cortex Adrenal hormone cascade (i.e., Secondary sexual characteristics,
of the adrenal gland cortisol, testosterone) glucose homeostasis, sodium,
blood pressure homeostasis
Prolactin Breast n/a Stimulates mammary gland
growth and milk production
Posterior pituitary
ADH/vasopressin Kidney n/a Fluid balance
Oxytocin Uterus/breast n/a Parturition, lactation
Adapted from Styne (2016), Rosenbloom and Connor (2007)

Table 11.2  Endocrine hormones outside the pituitary

hormones have similar structures, similar testing
procedures are used for different hormones.
Organ-producing Effect on
Hormone hormone the body
Insulin (beta cells) Pancreas Glucose
homeostasis 11.3.1 Immunoassays and Endocrine
Glucagon (alpha Pancreas Glucose Diagnostic Laboratory Testing
cells) homeostasis
Parathyroid Parathyroid gland Calcium
Immunoassays are used to measure many endo-
hormone (PTH) homeostasis
crine hormones and are currently one of the most
Adapted from Styne (2016)
commonly used methods (Haddad et  al. 2019).
anterior pituitary hormones communicate with Some immunoassays measure large-sized hor-
specific end organs within the body, causing the mone molecules (noncompetitive), and some
release of other hormones (except for prolactin). measure smaller-sized hormone molecules (com-
The anterior pituitary gland secretes thyroid-­ petitive). All immunoassays involve binding an
stimulating hormone (TSH), growth hormone antibody to its antigen, also known as the “target
(GH), luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-­ analyte.” The sensitivity of immunoassays is ade-
stimulating hormone (FSH), adrenocorticotropic quate, but there are concerns about immunoassay
hormone (ACTH), and prolactin (Styne 2016; specificity for certain hormones (Kushnir et  al.
Rosenbloom and Connor 2007). Table 11.1 is an 2010; Rauh 2009). Immunoassays are rapid and
overview of the pituitary hormones. relatively easy to run and require a small sample
The endocrine system also involves hormones size; however, results tend to be inconsistent and
produced from organs in the body aside from the not standardized, giving lower accuracy and
pituitary gland. Table 11.2 is an overview of other decreased specificity than newer methods, espe-
hormones. cially if concentrations are normal or low (Rauh

11.3 Endocrine Diagnostic Competitive Immunoassay

Laboratory Testing When a hormone molecule is being measured
with a competitive assay, a labeled antibody,
Understanding which type of assays to order called a capture antibody (Ab), is added to the
when evaluating a pediatric patient for a potential patient’s sample and is attached to a solid sub-
endocrine disorder can be confusing. As many strate. A known amount of a labeled antigen is
11  Care of the Child with a Pediatric Endocrine Disorder 415

added to the sample and “competes” with the tar- Table 11.3  Frequently used immunoassays for certain
endocrine tests
get analyte or serum hormone to bind to the cap-
ture Ab. The more target analyte present in the Competitive
immunoassays Immunometric immunoassays
sample, the more binding to the capture Ab and
Adrenal cortisol ACTH
the less signal response from the labeled analyte DHEA-S FSH
will be measured (Haddad et al. 2019; Luong and Total LH
Vashist 2019). Therefore, the weaker the signal, testosterone
the higher the concentration of endogenous hor- Prolactin
mone present (Haddad et  al. 2019). The most TSH
Free T3
commonly used competitive immunoassay is the
Free thyroxine (free T4)
radioimmunoassay (RIA). Other examples (based
Sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG)
on the type of labeled antibody) include enzyme
Adapted from Luong and Vashist (2019)
immunoassay (EIA) or fluorescence immunoas-
say (FIA) (Chandler et al. 2014).
Table 11.4  Generalized comparison between immuno- Noncompetitive assay and LC-MS/MS
(Immunometric) Immunoassays LC-MS/MS
Immunoassay Measures one Measures multiple samples at a
Similar to competitive assays, the noncompeti- sample at a time time
Easily automated Not automated
tive or “sandwich” assay involves a capture Ab
More sensitive than Enhanced specificity for steroid
connected to a solid substrate. Additionally, in LC-MS/MS hormones
sandwich immunoassays, there is another Ab Reference intervals Reference intervals must be made
called the “detection” Ab, which is labeled with a must be made for for each test
molecule to provide a signal response (Luong each test
A larger volume of A smaller volume of sample
and Vashist 2019). When the patient sample is sample needed needed
added, the target analyte binds to the capture Ab, Less expensive and More expensive requires
and then the labeled detection Ab binds to another more rapid testing specialized technical experience
site on the target analyte, forming a “sandwich.” It can also be used for enzyme
The remaining liquid is discarded, leaving the activity assays (steroid converting
enzymes) and samples other than
“sandwiches.” Therefore, the stronger the signal blood/serum (saliva and hair)
from the capture antibody-hormone-detection Adapted from Rauh (2009)
antibody complex, the higher the endogenous
hormone present (Haddad et  al. 2019). As with
the competitive immunoassays, there are differ- hormones. It is more specific than other tech-
ent types of labeled antibodies. Examples include niques used to measure hormone concentra-
immunoradiometric (IRMA), enzyme-linked tions (Kushnir et al. 2010; Rauh 2009). Mass
immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and immunoche- spectrometry is a method that uses mass and
miluminometric (ICMA) (Chandler et al. 2014). charge to separate ions (Chandler et al. 2014).
Table 11.3 reviews the method used for each of The advantages of LC-MS/MS include the low
the commonly ordered hormones. volume of the sample, the ability to detect low
hormone levels, measuring multiple hormones Liquid Chromatography-­ simultaneously, and providing high specificity
Tandem Mass Spectrometry (Rauh 2009). However, it is more expensive to
(LC-MS/MS) obtain the equipment, more technical to run,
Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spec- and may vary from lab to lab (Pugeat et  al.
trometry (LC-MS/MS) is frequently the 2018). Table 11.4 is a comparison of immuno-
method of choice when evaluating endocrine assays and LC-MS/MS.
416 R. Crespi et al.

11.4 P
 itfalls of Endocrine Lab 11.4.2 High-Dose Hook Effect
Tests in Immunoassays

11.4.1 Biotin Interference When there is an extremely high dose of

with Immunoassays Utilizing endogenous hormone present in a sample or
Biotin-Streptavidin Chemistry there are very low amounts of labeled antibod-
ies in the kit from commercial manufacturers,
Biotin (vitamin B7) has been increasingly used as the endogenous hormone may saturate the
a dietary supplement for its potential benefits for capture Ab and detection Ab, preventing the
the hair, skin, and nail health. Recently, elevated antibody-antigen-­antibody complex. Thus,
serum biotin has become a well-known interfer- few “sandwiches” are left when the liquid
ing molecule in assays that utilize the biotin- component is discarded, hence a low signal
streptavidin detection method. Many commercial suggesting low or mildly elevated serum hor-
laboratories employ biotin-streptavidin chemistry mone (Haddad et  al. 2019). This hook effect
as their immunoassay platform (Luong and used to describe the shape of the binding curve
Vashist 2019). Streptavidin is a biotin-­ binding commonly occurs with very high concentra-
protein used to adhere the capture Ab to a solid tions of serum analyte, which are typically
surface. Capture antibodies in both the competi- associated with large hormone-secreting
tive and noncompetitive assays are labeled with tumors (Haddad et al. 2019). The hook effect
biotin (biotinylated antibody). Competitive has also been seen with thyroglobulin in
immunoassays are very susceptible to biotin inter- patients with thyroid cancer and beta-human
ference because free serum biotin will compete to chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). It can also
bind to the biotinylated antibody. In noncompeti- occur with prolactin levels. The hook effect
tive immunoassays, excess biotin in the serum has can cause a falsely low result. If the clinician
a higher affinity for the streptavidin magnetic par- has suspicion for false low results due to the
ticles and prevents the binding of the detection hook effect, serial dilutions can be used to
antibody, therefore preventing the “sandwich” evaluate further (Haddad et al. 2019).
from being formed, leading to falsely low results
(Luong and Vashist 2019; Haddad et al. 2019). In
competitive immunoassays, high concentrations 11.4.3 Cross-Reactivity of Steroid
of biotin bind to the biotinylated capture Ab Hormone Immunoassays
instead of the serum hormone, causing a lower
signal response, which is interpreted as a higher Many hormones have similar molecular struc-
hormone value (Haddad et al. 2019). tures and may cross-react in competitive
Biotin doses of 5–100  mg (5000–100,000 immunoassays. Cross-reactivity can be seen
mcg) per day are enough to cause interference when measuring testosterone and estradiol if
(Luong and Vashist 2019). The general recom- other structurally similar molecules are pres-
mendation to diminish the biotin interference is ent in the serum. Additionally, prednisolone
to discontinue oral biotin for at least 48 h before can cross-­react with cortisol assays (Haddad
testing. Endocrine hormones that may be affected et  al. 2019). If cross-reactivity is suspected,
include TSH, free T4, cortisol, DHEAS, total tes- using LC-MS/MS may be beneficial since it
tosterone, SHBG, LH, FSH, prolactin, and ACTH can provide a more accurate measurement
(Luong and Vashist 2019). (Haddad et al. 2019).
11  Care of the Child with a Pediatric Endocrine Disorder 417

thyroid hormone production from the thyroid

Key Learning about Evaluating Hormones gland is regulated by thyrotropin-releasing hor-
• Selection of the type of assay is impor- mone (TRH) from the hypothalamus, which stim-
tant to ensure that lab results are as ulates the pituitary gland to release TSH.  TSH
accurate as possible. stimulates the thyroid gland to secrete T4 and tri-
• Understanding the pitfalls of certain iodothyronine (T3) through a complicated process
laboratory tests is essential for proper of iodine uptake and enzymatic reactions. The thy-
diagnoses. roid gland secretes more T4 (85–90%) than T3
• If there is an abnormal lab result that is (10–15%), and both hormones are heavily bound
not consistent with the clinical presenta- to proteins (>99%), including albumin, transthyre-
tion, consider possible laboratory tin, and thyroid-binding globulin (TBG). The T4
interference. and T3 that are not bound are called free T4 and
free T3 and bind to specific cellular receptors. Free
T3 is the active form of thyroid hormone but is
found in much smaller quantities in the blood. T4
11.5 Thyroid Disorders is converted to T3 through a group of enzymes
called deiodinases (Koulouri et al. 2013; Sheehan
Thyroid function tests should be evaluated when 2016). Both free T4 and free T3 negatively feed-
signs or symptoms of thyroid dysfunction are back to the hypothalamus and pituitary gland to
deduced from the history or physical exam. In suppress the secretion of TRH and TSH, respec-
terms of history, changes in stooling patterns, tively. The inverse relationship between free T4,
growth concerns, changes in energy level or mood, free T3, and TSH is log-linear, as opposed to lin-
skin changes, and menstrual irregularities should ear, and is important to understand since small
prompt a thyroid evaluation. However, symptoms changes in free T4 result in large changes in
of thyroid dysfunction can be nonspecific and TSH. In contrast, small changes in TSH result in
commonly seen in other pediatric conditions. insignificant changes in free T3 and free T4. Of
Identifying which thyroid test to order is impor- note, TSH changes occur more slowly than
tant. If baseline thyroid function tests are abnor- changes in total and free T4 (Ross et  al. 2016;
mal, the primary care clinician may refer to a Sheehan 2016; Soh and Aw 2019). This inverse
pediatric endocrine specialist to further evaluate log-linear relationship supports that, with an intact
the etiology of hypothyroidism or hyperthyroid- hypothalamic-pituitary axis, TSH is a more sensi-
ism. Sometimes the cause of the thyroid dysfunc- tive laboratory evaluation for thyroid status and is
tion will not alter treatment (i.e., Hashimoto’s recommended as an initial screen for many thyroid
hypothyroidism), but sometimes it will (i.e., disorders (Ross et al. 2016; Koulouri et al. 2013;
Graves’ disease vs. a hyperfunctioning nodule). Soh and Aw 2019). However, making a diagnosis
on TSH alone is difficult. Evaluating TSH as it
relates to free T4 helps provide a more accurate
11.5.1 Physiology of Thyroid diagnosis and will determine the need for a pediat-
Function ric endocrine evaluation.

A basic understanding of thyroid physiology is

integral when choosing which thyroid function 11.5.2 Hypothyroidism
test to evaluate. The hypothalamic-pituitary-­
thyroid axis is responsible for the control of thy- Subclinical hypothyroidism is diagnosed when
roid hormone at the tissue and cellular level. The the TSH level is elevated with a normal free T4
418 R. Crespi et al.

(Crisafulli et al. 2019; Bona et al. 2013). Patients children and a reduction in TSH with weight loss.
are typically asymptomatic, and the process is Ghergherehchi and Hazhir (2015) also noted that
usually benign, and self resolves over time, with TSH and total T4 were elevated in overweight and
few children progressing to overt hypothyroidism obese children, but free T4 and free T3 levels were
(Bona et  al. 2013). When subclinical hypothy- not elevated. These studies suggested that an ele-
roidism is caused by thyroglobulin (TG) and/or vated TSH may be a consequence and not a result
thyroid peroxidase (TPO) antibodies of increased weight. The pathophysiology of ele-
(Hashimoto’s disease), the chances of overt vated TSH in obesity is unclear, and many mecha-
hypothyroidism are greater than if the subclinical nisms have been postulated.
hypothyroidism is idiopathic (Crisafulli et  al.
2019; Wasniewska et al. 2015). The treatment of • TSH may increase as a compensatory mecha-
subclinical hypothyroidism should be based on nism for decreased responsiveness of adipo-
the severity of the elevation of TSH (>10mIU/L), cytes to TSH in obese individuals.
if the subclinical hypothyroidism is associated • Leptin may also cause a role in increasing
with antibodies and other chronic illnesses or TSH in obese patients by increasing thyroid-­
conditions and if signs or symptoms of thyroid releasing hormone from the hypothalamus,
dysfunction are present (Bona et  al. 2013; thus increasing TSH (Sanyal and Raychaudhuri
Crisafulli et al. 2019). In the National Health and 2016).
Nutrition Examination Survey III, which • Some studies have also discussed an increase
­evaluated TSH in a “disease-free” population of of T4 to T3 conversion due to increased deio-
greater than 13,000 subjects aged 12  years and dinase activity, which may be adaptive to
older, it was noted that 4.6% of the population increase metabolic rate in children with obe-
studied had hypothyroidism, with 4.3% of the sity (Giannakopoulos et al. 2019).
total hypothyroidism being subclinical hypothy-
roidism, and therefore only a small percentage of Because obesity is associated with elevated
the population with overt hypothyroidism TSH, clinicians must be careful before placing a
(Hollowell et al. 2002). diagnosis of subclinical hypothyroidism on an
Children with Turner syndrome and Down obese or overweight child.
syndrome who have subclinical hypothyroidism
have an increased risk of developing overt hypo-
thyroidism (Crisafulli et al. 2019). 11.5.3 Central Hypothyroidism
Obesity has been associated with hypothy-
roidism. However, checking thyroid function In central hypothyroidism, there is dysfunction at
tests should not be part of routine screening for the level of the pituitary gland. TSH may appear
obesity unless the clinician has other concerns normal but is low in relation to free or total T4.
that suggest hypothyroidism, such as growth fail- Although central hypothyroidism is rare
ure or irregular menses (Styne et al. 2017). (1:80,000–1:120,000), the primary care clinician
It is well known that the thyroid plays an impor- should remember this in the differential diagno-
tant role in basal, lipid, and glucose metabolism sis of thyroid disorders if the patient presents
(Longhi and Radetti 2013) and that hypothyroid- with other symptoms concerning for pituitary
ism may be associated with weight gain. Mildly dysfunction (Gupta and Lee 2011).
elevated TSH levels may be noted and of no clini-
cal significance in obese patients. Studies have
noted elevated TSH levels or TSH levels at the 11.5.4 Real-Life Examples
upper end of normal in obese children and adoles-
cents and elevated T3 levels (Biondi 2010; Longhi A 12-year 1-month-old male was referred to a
and Radetti 2013; Giannakopoulos et  al. 2019). pediatric endocrine clinic for obesity and risk of
Reinehr, de Sousa, and Andler (2006) noted an diabetes. Screening labs showed a mildly ele-
elevation in TSH with normal free T4  in obese vated TSH of 5.43uU/mL (0.3–4.2) and normal
11  Care of the Child with a Pediatric Endocrine Disorder 419

free T4 of 1.36 ng/dL (0.6–1.5). He was encour- roidism have other congenital anomalies, with
aged to focus on healthy lifestyle changes to cardiac anomalies being the most common
reduce the risks of obesity-related complications. anomaly (Wassner 2018).
At the 6-month follow-up visit, the patient had
lost 12 pounds. The TSH improved to 3.89 TSH in the Newborn
uU/mL (0.3–4.2), and the free T4 remained nor- TSH surges immediately after birth. Due to this
mal 1.4 ng/dL (0.6–1.5). surge, newborn screen testing is recommended
A 4-year 5-month-old female presented to her between 48 and 72  h of life (van Trotsenburg
primary care clinician for her annual healthcare et al. 2021; Kilberg et al. 2018). However, if the
maintenance and noted poor growth and falling newborn screen is obtained within the first 24 h
height percentiles. Thyroid function tests were of life, there is an increased rate of false-positive
completed which noted TSH 1.34uU/mL (0.4– results, especially with the screens for TSH only
4.6) and free T4 0.57 ng/dL (0.8–2.0). Although (van Trotsenburg et al. 2021).
the TSH is within the normal range, it did not Conversely, false-negative results are more
respond as expected to the low free T4. Further common in preterm, LBW, and critically ill
testing revealed an undetectable IGF-1, <25 ng/ infants since they may not have a TSH surge
mL (57–260). A brain MRI revealed a craniopha- (Diaz and Lipman Diaz 2014).
ryngioma. This patient was treated with surgery The clinician should consider a second screen
and is now being treated for postsurgical or serum TSH and FT4 testing in the group of
panhypopituitarism. infants seen in Box 11.1. Some state programs
perform second screens for some portion of the
newborn screen or all of the newborn screen.
11.5.5 Congenital
Hypothyroidism (CH)
Box 11.1 Newborns Who May Need Second
Congenital hypothyroidism (CH) occurs in 1 out Screen at 10–14 Days for Congenital
of 2000 births and must be diagnosed and treated Hypothyroidism
early to avoid growth and brain development dis-
turbances, leading to neurocognitive defects (van Patients at risk of false-negative screening
Trotsenburg et al. 2021; Kilberg et al. 2018). It is
the most common endocrine disorder on new- • Preterm and low-birth-weight infants.
born screening (Diaz and Lipman Diaz 2014), • Critically ill infants.
and thyroid dysgenesis is the most common rea- • Same-sex twins.
son for congenital hypothyroidism (Wassner • When the first screen was done in the
2018). Screening programs across the United first 24 hours of life.
States vary; some screening programs test a pri- • Newborns with trisomy 21.
mary TSH followed by a T4, some test both TSH • Newborns at risk for iodine deficiency
and T4 at the same time, and some screening pro- or excess.
grams complete a primary T4 screening, fol-
lowed by TSH (van Trotsenburg et  al. 2021; Adapted from van Trotsenburg et  al.
Kilberg et  al. 2018). Some screening programs (2021)
require a repeat newborn screening at 2–4 weeks
of life, and others do not. All screening programs
measure the TSH and have a specific level (varies
by state) which prompts referral to a pediatric When the TSH-only method is used, it may
endocrine specialty center and requires a serum pick up mild CH cases where there is an elevated
TSH for diagnosis (van Trotsenburg et al. 2021; TSH with normal FT4. This method does not
Kilberg et  al. 2018). Clinicians must consider detect patients with central hypothyroidism
that 10% of newborns with congenital hypothy- where the TSH and the T4 are low. A FT4-based
420 R. Crespi et al.

screening will detect a benign X-linked congeni- toxic adenoma or toxic multinodular goiter.
tal deficiency of TBG, which causes low levels of Transient hyperthyroidism may be caused by the
total T4, normal FT4, and TSH (Wassner 2018). thyrotoxic phase of Hashimoto’s disease, termed
Hashitoxicosis. In Hashitoxicosis, TPO and/or Pitfalls of Newborn TG antibodies are present, and preformed thyroid
Hypothyroidism Screening hormone is released before becoming hypothy-
The newborn hypothyroidism screen has high roid. Amiodarone and excess iodine (secondary
sensitivity, but the false-negative rate may be as to increased use of iodine for medical procedures
high as 10% (Wassner 2018). There are several or by ingestion) can also cause hyperthyroidism.
reasons for the false-negative rate outlined in The clinician should also be alert to signs and
Box 11.2. symptoms of hyperthyroidism in children who
are being treated for hypothyroidism with levo-
thyroxine, as increased intake of levothyroxine
Box 11.2 Reasons for False-Negative Rate in can cause hyperthyroidism. Symptomatic
Primary Congenital Hypothyroidism patients with hyperthyroidism may progress to
thyroid storm and require an urgent referral to a
• A delay in the serum TSH—more com- pediatric endocrinologist (Srinivasan and Misra
mon in preterm or infants with birth 2015; Ross et al. 2016).
weight < 1500 g (delayed TSH increase
occurs in as many as 1 in 85 infants with
a birth weight of <1500 g). 11.5.7 Real-Life Example
• Infants in the neonatal intensive care
units as a result of illness or treated with A 3-year 4-month-old boy with congenital hypo-
medications such as dopamine or thyroidism presented for routine follow-up care to
glucocorticoids. a pediatric endocrinology clinic. The mother
• Monozygotic twins—if they share the reported some diarrhea for the past few days. Labs
placental circulation, the normal twin noted TSH 0.208 uU/mL (0.4–4.6), free T4
will compensate for the twin with 7.77  ng/dL (0.8–1.7), and total T4 24.5  ug/dL
hypothyroidism. (5–12). Upon further investigation, the mother
• Technical or human errors in screening. noted that some of the levothyroxine tablets were
missing, and it was determined that the patient
ingested the levothyroxine. Medication was held,
and labs were repeated weekly. By 13 days post-­
11.5.6 Hyperthyroidism ingestion, TSH increased to 13.5 uU/mL (0.4–4.6),
free T4 decreased to 0.66 ng/dL (0.8–1.7), total T4
Hyperthyroidism can be subclinical with a low decreased to 3.78  ug/dL (5–12), and the patient
TSH and normal free T4 or overt with a low TSH was back to a hypothyroid state. Levothyroxine
and high free and/or total T4 and total T3. Overt was restarted, and there were no long-term
hyperthyroidism may cause tachycardia, palpita- sequelae from the levothyroxine overdose.
tions, growth acceleration, irregular menses,
weight loss, diarrhea, emotional lability, and
sleep disturbance. The most common cause of 11.5.8 Thyroid Diagnostic
hyperthyroidism in children is Graves’ disease, Laboratory Tests
an autoimmune disorder caused by the stimula-
tion of the TSH receptor by thyroid receptor anti- As previously discussed, the clinician must know
bodies, specifically thyroid-stimulating the normal ranges of the individual thyroid tests
immunoglobulins (TSI) (Srinivasan and Misra for the child’s age and understand the differences
2015; Ross et  al. 2016). Other less common between different types of tests. Understanding
causes of hyperthyroidism in children include a that obese children may have a slightly elevated
11  Care of the Child with a Pediatric Endocrine Disorder 421

Table 11.5  Common thyroid dysfunction labs and asso- levels may not be concordant with improvement in
ciated thyroid state
TSH levels. For example, a change in free T4 can
TSH Free T4 Diagnosis be seen within days after the treatment of hypothy-
Normal Normal Euthyroid
roidism with levothyroxine, but TSH levels may
High Low Overt hypothyroid
not show improvement for a few weeks. Therefore,
High Normal Subclinical hypothyroid
Low High Overt hyperthyroid additional testing of total T4 or free T4 may help
Low Normal Subclinical hyperthyroid assess thyroid status. Additionally, if thyrotoxico-
Adapted from Styne (2016), Koulouri et al. (2013) sis is suspected, diagnostic accuracy improves
when TSH is measured along with free T4 and
total T3 (Ross et al. 2016; Soh and Aw 2019).
TSH and that TSH should not be routinely com- Pitfalls of TSH testing. Although reference
pleted as part of the evaluation for the child with ranges for TSH are based on an intact
obesity can help avoid excessive worry and hypothalamic-­pituitary-thyroid axis, TSH can be
expense (Styne et  al. 2017). Table  11.5 reviews affected by dysfunction of the hypothalamic-­
the definitions of thyroid dysfunction based on pituitary axis, age, pregnancy, adherence to med-
TSH and free T4. ication treatment for hyperthyroidism and/or
hypothyroidism, pituitary microadenoma, inter- TSH ference with TSH assays, non-thyroidal illness
Thyroid-stimulating hormone is a protein with an (NTI), and medications (Esfandiari and
alpha chain and beta-subunit. The alpha chain in Papaleontiou 2017; Sheehan 2016; Biondi 2010).
TSH is similar to the alpha chains in hCG, FSH, It is important to remember that infants have a
and LH (Soh and Aw 2019). TSH is known to be TSH surge during the first 24 h of life and TSH
the most sensitive first-line screening test for thy- levels are higher during the first month of life and
roid dysfunction. Still, because many factors can decline with age, though they are relatively con-
affect TSH values, clinicians should be cautious stant in childhood (Kapelari et al. 2008). In preg-
when using TSH as the only test in evaluating sub- nancy, TSH decreases but is rarely suppressed
clinical hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism and during the first trimester. Since hCG is structur-
secondary hypothyroidism (central hypothyroid- ally similar to TSH, it can act at the TSH recep-
ism) and when evaluating a patient soon after treat- tor, causing a low TSH.  Therefore, clinicians
ment for hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. assessing thyroid function in girls of child-­
TSH reference ranges continue to be debated bearing age should consider pregnancy tests in
and are known to increase with aging beyond the those with TSH levels below normal and with
pediatric population (Vadiveloo et al. 2013). TSH normal or slightly elevated total and free T4
is also known to be affected by ethnicity. The (McNeil and Stanford 2015).
National Health and Nutrition Examination In patients with NTI, the hypothalamic function
Survey III evaluated TSH and found it to be higher may be impaired, causing TSH to be normal or low
in females and non-Hispanic White and Mexican during acute illness but rarely suppressed. As
American subjects compared to non-­ Hispanic patients recover from a non-thyroidal illness, TSH
Black subjects. They found that the upper limit of may increase above normal levels, though rarely
normal for TSH was 4.5 mIU/L (Hollowell et al. above 10 mIU/mL (Sheehan 2016; DeGroot 2015).
2002). However, other groups studying similar Primary care clinicians should be cautious when
populations of people with no thyroid antibodies evaluating patients with recent hospitalization or
and no known thyroid dysfunction found that the those with eating disorders. These patients may
upper limit of normal TSH was 4.12  mIU/L have a euthyroid sick syndrome and have a low
(Esfandiari and Papaleontiou 2017; Soh and Aw TSH (Esfandiari and Papaleontiou 2017; DeGroot
2019; Sheehan 2016). 2015), normal or low T4, and/or low T3 (Hornberger,
It is also important to remember that TSH Lane, AAP Committee on Adolescent 2021).
changes are slower than thyroid hormone changes. Primary care clinicians should always take a
Therefore, an improvement in thyroid hormone thorough history, including a comprehensive
422 R. Crespi et al.

Table 11.6  Medications that affect TSH and T4 culation is bound to proteins, most specifically,
Medication Mechanism of action thyroid-binding globulin (TBG). The liver syn-
Lithium Inhibits thyroid hormone secretion thesizes TBG and secretes it into circulation to
Iodide Inhibits thyroid hormone secretion bind T4 and T3. Total T4 is the total amount of
Amiodarone Inhibits thyroid hormone secretion
bound and unbound T4. Free T4 is the amount of
Methimazole Inhibits thyroid hormone
production T4 that is not bound to a protein. Second to TSH,
Propylthiouracil Inhibits thyroid hormone free T4 is the most abundantly ordered thyroid
production test (Sheehan 2016) and the most widely ordered
Glucocorticoids Suppresses TSH and decreases free hormone test (Faix 2013). Previously, free
T4 was estimated based on the total T4 and TBG
Dopamine agonist Suppresses TSH
and was a unitless number called the free thyrox-
Somatostatin Suppresses TSH
analogs ine index (FTI). Due to its limitations, FTI has
Androgens Decreases TBG been replaced by more direct measurements of
Estrogen Increases TBG free T4, such as immunoassay or LC-MS/MS
Adapted from Haugen (2009) (Faix 2013). Currently, most labs use immunoas-
says when assessing free T4; however, the gold
standard for evaluation remains free T4 by equi-
medication history. Medications that can affect librium dialysis, which is rarely available but
TSH at the level of the hypothalamus, and can sup- typically used by endocrinologists when the need
press TSH, include glucocorticoids, dopamine arises (Faix 2013; Koulouri et al. 2013; Soh and
agonists, and somatostatin analogs (Haugen 2009). Aw 2019). Measuring free T4 is helpful in certain
Table 11.6 is a list of medications affecting TSH. situations when TSH alone will not be accurate.
Assay interference can be caused by biotin, as For example, after treatment of hyperthyroidism
discussed previously. Additionally, autoimmune with radioactive iodine for hyperthyroidism,
anti-TSH antibodies and rheumatoid factor may measuring free T4 to monitor for hypothyroidism
interfere with assays causing falsely elevated and to make medication adjustments is important
TSH (Esfandiari and Papaleontiou 2017). Box since it may take weeks to months for TSH to
11.3 reviews factors affecting TSH. normalize. Since a low free T4 indicates hypo-
thyroidism, measuring free T4 with TSH will
help determine if the hypothyroidism is central
Box 11.3 Factors Affecting TSH (low or normal TSH) or primary (elevated TSH).
• Age (i.e., neonatal period and TSH Pitfalls of T4 Testing. Like TSH, T4 can be
surge). affected by age, ethnicity, pregnancy, medications,
• Non-thyroidal illness (euthyroid sick and type of assay used. Kapelari et al. (2008) stud-
syndrome). ied reference ranges of thyroid hormone in pediat-
–– Poor nutrition/starvation. ric patients and noted that free T4 and free T3
–– Chronic liver or renal disease. decreased with age. Hollowell et  al. (2002)
–– Malabsorption syndromes. reported that median T4 was higher in Mexican
• Pregnancy. Americans than in White or Black subjects.
• Treatment with levothyroxine and In pregnancy, total T4, free T4, and free T3
adherence to treatment. may be increased in the first trimester due to
• Assay interference (i.e., biotin). estrogen-induced increases in TBG (McNeil and
Stanford 2015). Medications that can affect T4
secretion include lithium, amiodarone, and excess T4 iodide and cause thyroid dysfunction. Table 11.6
Thyroid hormone is produced in the thyroid lists medications that can affect T4. Additionally,
gland’s follicular cells and secreted in abundance as previously discussed, biotin can interfere with
into the circulation. Most thyroid hormone in cir- immunoassays that measure free T4.
11  Care of the Child with a Pediatric Endocrine Disorder 423 Triiodothyronine (T3) Aw 2019). Patients being monitored during and

Triiodothyronine is the active form of thyroid after treatment for thyroid cancer should be
hormone, but the total and free T3 concentration referred to an endocrinologist.
is less than that of total and free T4 in circulation.
Therefore, difficulties remain in measuring such Thyroglobulin (TG)
small amounts of the hormone. In hypothyroid- and Thyroid Peroxidase
ism, measuring T3 has limited clinical signifi- (TPO) Antibodies
cance since it is usually normal and does not add Both TG antibodies and TPO antibodies are
to the diagnosis or management of hypothyroid- markers of thyroid autoimmunity and are more
ism. However, since T3 is thought to mediate the common in females than males. They frequently
symptoms of hyperthyroidism, T3 is measured in occur in the general population and are diagnos-
addition to T4  in this clinical scenario. tic of Hashimoto’s disease but may also be posi-
Immunoassays for free T3 are not as readily tive in Graves’ disease. A patient may have
available as they are for free T4 and continue to positive TG and TPO antibodies and normal thy-
need validation (Faix 2013; Ross et  al. 2016; roid function, but the presence of TG and TPO
Esfandiari and Papaleontiou 2017). antibodies puts a patient at risk for future thyroid
dysfunction (Esfandiari and Papaleontiou 2017; Thyroid-Binding Globulin Soh and Aw 2019; Sheehan 2016). Therefore,
As previously discussed, TBG is produced by the these patients should be monitored every
liver and is the most abundant binding protein for 6–12 months with TSH and free T4, but sooner if
T4 and T3. It is not a useful screening test for they have symptoms of overt hypothyroidism.
thyroid dysfunction because its main role is to In overt hypothyroidism, assessing TG and
bind T4 and T3. Anything that affects TBG could TPO antibodies may not add clinical significance
also cause abnormal T4 or T3 levels. TBG levels and will not change the treatment of hypothyroid-
are increased in pregnancy and by estrogen-­ ism. However, in patients with a family history of
containing medications (oral contraceptive pills) autoimmunity or other autoimmune conditions,
and are decreased with liver disease and medica- like type 1 diabetes mellitus or Addison’s disease,
tions like glucocorticoids and androgens (Haugen assessing thyroid antibody status may help predict
2009; Koulouri et al. 2013; Soh and Aw 2019). which patients will develop thyroid dysfunction
TBG is typically evaluated when there is a dis- and which will not. In cases of subclinical hypo-
crepancy between total T4 and free T4. For exam- thyroidism with mildly elevated TSH and normal
ple, if the total T4 is elevated and the free T4 is free T4, knowing thyroid antibody status may pro-
normal, the endocrinologist may order a TBG level. vide more evidence to treat the subclinical hypo-
TBG excess or TBG deficiency has been found thyroidism if the patient has TPO antibodies and,
incidentally during neonatal hypothyroidism therefore, an increased risk of overt hypothyroid-
screening and does not require treatment (Jin 2016). ism in the future (Esfandiari and Papaleontiou
2017; Soh and Aw 2019; Sheehan 2016). Thyroglobulin The National Health and Nutrition
Thyroglobulin (TG) should not be confused with Examination Survey III (Hollowell et al. 2002;
thyroid-binding globulin (TBG). TG is produced Spencer et al. 2007) examined nonpregnant peo-
by the follicular cells in the thyroid gland and is ple ages 12 and older without thyroid dysfunc-
essential in the synthesis of T4 and T3. TG is pri- tion to evaluate the influence of demographics
marily used as a tumor marker after treatment for on thyroid antibodies. It was found that 12.5%
thyroid cancer. It may also be increased in of the total population had either TPO or TG
patients with goiter, and the size of the goiter antibodies, and the prevalence of TPO and TG
may correlate with the elevation in TG. The clini- antibodies was greater in females than males
cal usefulness of TG measurement is typically to and increased with age. Non-Hispanic White
monitor patients after treatment for thyroid can- subjects had an increased percentage of both
cer (Esfandiari and Papaleontiou 2017; Soh and antibodies compared to non-Hispanic Black
424 R. Crespi et al.

subjects and Mexican Americans. The study thyroidism in conjunction with radioactive iodine
also noted that TG antibodies alone were not uptake and scan (Sheehan 2016; Ross et  al.
significantly associated with thyroid disease. 2016). Measuring TRabs can also be useful
When both antibodies were present, patients before discontinuing treatment for Graves’ dis-
had the highest risk of developing hypothyroid- ease when the patient is in a euthyroid state
ism, but the risk of overt hypothyroidism was (Esfandiari and Papaleontiou 2017; Ross et  al.
greater than the risk of subclinical hypothyroid- 2016). A pediatric endocrinologist will typically
ism. It was also shown that the prevalence of recommend when medication for Graves’ disease
TPO antibodies increased as TSH increased to can be safely discontinued. Table  11.7 reviews
>2 mIU/L (Spencer et al. 2007). the differential diagnosis based on common thy-
roid function test results. T  hyroid Receptor Antibodies
Both thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulin (TSI) and 11.5.9 Real-Life Examples
thyroid-binding inhibitory immunoglobulin (TBII)
are thyroid receptor antibodies. TSI is secreted by B An 18-year-old female presented to her primary
lymphocytes in Graves’ disease and mimics the care clinician with a neck mass and 30 lb. weight
action of TSH, therefore causing increased secretion loss. She also had intermittent palpitations, heat
of T4 and T3 from the thyroid gland. intolerance, and mild periorbital swelling. At the
TBII blocks the action of TSH. TRab testing is clinician’s office, she was hypertensive and
most widely used to aid in the etiology of hyper- tachycardic to 130 beats/min. Laboratory tests

Table 11.7  Common thyroid function test results and associated diagnoses
Diagnosis TSH Free T4 Total T4 T3 Ab and TPO Ab TRab
Hashimoto’s ↑ ↓ or → ↓ or → Rarely Positive (either) Negative
hypothyroidism measured (rarely
Acquired ↑ ↓ or → ↓ or → Rarely Negative (both) Negative
hypothyroidism measured (rarely
Central ↓ or → ↓ or → ↓ or → Rarely Negative Negative
hypothyroidism measured
Iodine deficiency or ↑ ↓ ↓ ↓ Negative Negative
Hashitoxicosis ↓ ↑ ↑ ↑ Positive Negative
Graves’ disease ↓ ↑ ↑ ↑ Negative or Positive TSI
Hyperfunctioning ↓ ↑ ↑ ↑ Negative Negative
Nonadherence to ↑ → or ↓ → n/a n/a n/a
Nonadherence to ↓ ↑ ↑ ↑ n/a n/a
TBG deficiency → → ↑ n/a n/a n/a
Non-thyroidal illness Depends on Depends on Depends on Depends on Negative Negative
the stage of the stage of the stage of the stage of (rarely
illness illness illness illness measured)
Adapted from Koulouri et al. (2013), Soh and Aw (2019)
The Wolff-Chaikoff effect occurs when the thyroid gland inhibits the synthesis of T4 in response to large amounts of
iodine, irrespective of TSH level
11  Care of the Child with a Pediatric Endocrine Disorder 425

were consistent with hyperthyroidism: TSH T4 were monitored. The patient was lost to fol-
<0.05 uU/mL (0.4–4.6), FT4 > 6 ng/dL (0.8–1.7), low-­up for 16 months. When she returned to the
T3 > 651 ng/dL (80–200), TG antibody 84.1 IU/ pediatric endocrine clinic, the TSH was elevated
mL, TPO 807.7  IU/mL (<5), and TSI 438% to 11.1 uU/mL (0.400–4.60), and the patient was
(<140%). She was diagnosed with Graves’ dis- started on treatment for subclinical hypothyroid-
ease and started on methimazole 10 mg BID and ism caused by Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.
atenolol for HR >100 bpm. One month later, her
thyroid function tests improved but was still not
Key Learning about Thyroid Function
completely normal. She was feeling better. Her
laboratory results were as follows: TSH <0.05uU/ • TSH and free T4 are the most widely
mL (0.4–4.6), FT4 1.8  ng/dL (0.8–1.7), and T3 used thyroid function tests.
237ng/dL (80–200). Due to difficulty controlling • TSH evaluation alone may not be suffi-
her Graves’ disease with medication, the patient cient to screen for thyroid dysfunction
had a total thyroidectomy about 6  months later in children.
and is now on a stable dose of levothyroxine for • Obesity without other signs/symptoms
postsurgical hypothyroidism. of hypothyroidism is not an indication
A 16-year-old female with known congenital for thyroid function tests.
hypothyroidism, on treatment with levothyrox- • A low TSH and elevated free T4 (sug-
ine, presented to her primary care provider for gestive of untreated hyperthyroidism)
her annual health assessment. Due to her history, warrants an immediate referral to a
thyroid function tests were completed, and she pediatric endocrinologist.
noted an elevated total T4 20.5 mcg/dL (4.7–13.3) • A mildly elevated TSH and normal free
and normal TSH 2.050 uU/mL (0.45–3.98). The T4 may be repeated with thyroid anti-
primary care provider repeated the labs and noted bodies before referral to a pediatric
the same pattern of elevated total T4 14.9 mcg/dL endocrinologist.
(4.7–13.3) and normal TSH 1.62  uU/mL • The absorption of levothyroxine is
(0.45–3.98). The patient was asymptomatic and affected by the following:
referred to pediatric endocrinology. Repeat lab –– Soy.
testing with the pediatric endocrinologist revealed –– Calcium.
elevated total T4 13.28mcg/dL (5–12), normal –– Fiber.
free T4 1.46  ng/dL (0.8–1.7), normal TSH –– Iron.
4.04  uU/mL (0.4–4.6), elevated TBG • Remember that patients taking levothy-
42.2  mcg/mL (10–23.8), normal T3 150  ng/dL roxine should take it on an empty stom-
(81–199), and normal TSI 41% (<140). The ach or at least 30–60 min before eating
patient was diagnosed with TBG excess, which foods that contain those listed above.
causes the total T4 (bound and unbound) to
appear elevated. She was instructed to ask future
providers to draw free T4 instead of total T4
when evaluating her thyroid. 11.6 Growth Disorders
A 6-year 2-month-old female was referred to
pediatric endocrinology due to concerns of obe- In pediatrics, monitoring growth is a key part of
sity and slowed growth. Thyroid function tests well-child care. Height, weight, and body mass
were normal (TSH 3.27 uU/mL (0.400–4.60) and index (BMI) are plotted on every child over
free T4 1.18 ng/dL (0.80–1.70)), but the patient 2 years of age, while the length, weight for length,
had positive TPO antibodies. Repeat studies and head circumference are part of routine well-­
4 months later showed normal TSH and free T4 child care for the child under 3 years of age. BMI
with positive TPO and thyroglobulin antibodies. is not evaluated on a child under 2 years; rather,
Because of the positive antibodies, TSH and free plotting weight for length is key in the younger
426 R. Crespi et al.

pediatric patient. Electronic health records now population, which would be below the third per-
plot growth parameters for clinicians, but the cli- centile on the growth curve (Cohen 2014). A child
nician needs to note any upward or downward with a projected height that is more than 2 SDs
trends. A growth disorder should be considered if below the calculated midparental height or has a
a child is plotting along with a growth percentile poor growth velocity should be evaluated for
and starts to trend upward or downward, crossing growth failure (Barstow and Rerucha 2015).
two percentiles.

11.6.2 Short Stature, Normal

11.6.1 Physiology of Growth Variants of Growth,
and Growth Failure
Growth hormone (GH) is produced by somato-
troph cells within the anterior pituitary gland. Causes of short stature can be subdivided into
The release of GH is regulated by stimulatory normal variants of growth and pathological
growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) causes of growth. It is important to distinguish
and inhibitory somatostatin from the hypothala- whether the patient should be referred to endocri-
mus leading to a pulsatile pattern of secretion. nology or if close monitoring is appropriate.
GH has various functions in different parts of the
body. Specifically related to growth, GH acts on
cells in the liver to produce insulin-like growth 11.6.3 Familial Short Stature
factors and binding proteins (including IGF-1
and IGF-BP3). Independent of stature, GH acts Children with familial short stature typically
on adipose tissue by increasing lipolysis and have a height that plots at the low end of the
decreasing lipogenesis. GH also acts on the mus- growth curve and may fall below the third per-
cles by increasing lean tissue and increasing centile. Their biological parents are often below
energy expenditure (Backeljauw et al. 2014). the tenth percentile on the growth curves (Rogol
Growth hormone secretion is influenced by and Hayden 2014). These children typically have
other hormones, including thyroxine, glucocorti- a birth weight and birth length that are appropri-
coids, estrogens, and androgens. Various circum- ate for gestational age. Their growth rate begins
stances, including sleep, nutritional state, stress, to decrease between 6 and 18 months of age, but
exercise, hypoglycemia, and hemorrhage, also they will establish their growth curve between 2
influence the secretion of GH. As far as growth, and 3 years of age. The bone age typically coin-
GH stimulates epiphyseal growth, stimulates cides with their chronological age (Rogol and
osteoblast activity, stimulates osteoclast activity Hayden 2014).
and differentiation, and promotes endochondral
bone formation, thereby increasing bone mass.
Because of GH’s actions on bone mass, muscles, 11.6.4 Constitutional Delay
and lipolysis, people with true growth hormone of Growth and Puberty
deficiency may benefit from GH treatment as (CDGP)
adults even when linear growth is complete
(Backeljauw et al. 2014). Constitutional delay of growth and puberty is the
Short stature and tall stature are both consid- most common cause of short stature (Grimberg
ered to be forms of growth disorders. Referrals for et al. 2016; Grimberg and Lifshitz 2007). These
short stature or growth failure are far more com- children are considered the “late bloomers.” They
mon than tall stature or growth excess, and there- tend to have family members who had later
fore the focus on this section will mainly focus on pubertal development. They are born with
short stature and growth failure. Short stature is weights and lengths appropriate for gestational
defined as a height that is more than two standard age. They tend to have a growth deceleration in
deviations (SDs) below the mean for age, sex, and the first 2  years of life and may have a slower
11  Care of the Child with a Pediatric Endocrine Disorder 427

growth velocity until 5  years. They establish a to hypothyroidism and Cushing’s syndrome are
growth curve at or below the fifth percentile but discussed in other sections. Hypothyroidism is
growing at a normal growth velocity in the prepu- more prevalent than growth hormone deficiency
bertal years. They typically have a delayed bone or Cushing’s syndrome. Therefore, it is essential
age. Since they will start puberty later, they will to evaluate thyroid function tests in the initial
demonstrate catch-up growth during the pubertal poor growth evaluation (Styne 2016).
years, but their growth spurts may occur later Growth hormone deficiency. Growth hor-
than their peers (Rogol and Hayden 2014). mone deficiency can be congenital or acquired. In
congenital growth hormone deficiency (GHD), a
neonate may present with hypoglycemia or con-
11.6.5 Idiopathic Short Stature genital midline defects (such as septo-optic dys-
plasia). GHD can be isolated or seen in combination
Idiopathic short stature (ISS) is defined as a with other pituitary deficiencies. Isolated idio-
height of −2 SDs below the mean for age and sex pathic GHD is the most common cause of hypopi-
without any clear evidence of an endocrine, nutri- tuitarism (Di Iorgi et al. 2016). Acquired growth
tional, systemic, or chromosomal cause (Cohen hormone deficiency may include head trauma,
2014). Children with ISS are typically born with tumors near the pituitary gland such as craniopha-
a normal birth weight. They have normal screen- ryngiomas, or postcranial radiation treatment.
ing labs, including IGF-1 levels and normal Patients with congenital midline defects or condi-
growth hormone response to a growth hormone tions associated with acquired growth hormone
stimulation test. It is, therefore, a diagnosis of deficiency should be screened routinely for pitu-
exclusion (Rogol and Hayden 2014). Treatment itary deficiencies by a pediatric endocrinology
with growth hormone therapy for ISS is approved team (Rosenbloom and Connor 2007).
by the United States Food and Drug The diagnosis of GHD can be challenging.
Administration (FDA) when the height is ≤−2.25 Therefore, it is based on a combination of factors
SDs below the mean for age and sex without evi- that includes appropriate growth measurements,
dence of any other underlying cause and the child bone age X-rays, IGF-1 and IGF-BP3 levels,
is unlikely to reach a height within the normal growth hormone stimulation tests, brain MRI,
adult range, and no other underlying cause has and occasionally genetic testing (Stanley 2012).
been determined. A height that is ≤−2.25 SDs Nonendocrine causes. Nonendocrine causes
below the mean for age and sex corresponds to a of short stature or growth failure may include
height that is ≤1.2nd percentile on the growth chronic disease, malnutrition, skeletal dysplasia,
curve, which is equivalent to an adult height of 63 and certain genetic conditions. Chronic systemic
inches (160 cm) for men and 59 inches (150 cm) conditions that can cause short stature typically
for women (Grimberg et al. 2016). are not treated with growth hormone therapy, and
the growth can improve if the systemic condition P  athologic Causes of Short is treated. For example, a patient with celiac dis-
Stature ease may present with short stature, and once the
Short stature and poor growth can be due to vari- patient is following a gluten-free diet, the growth
ous conditions and require a thorough history and rate typically improves. Certain genetic condi-
physical exam. Evaluation of the growth curves tions are treated with growth hormone, specifi-
for both height and weight can also give clues cally Turner syndrome, Noonan syndrome,
into the differential diagnosis (Rogol and Hayden SHOX deficiency, and Prader-Willi syndrome
2014). There are endocrine and nonendocrine (with precautions due to concern for obstructive
causes of short stature, some of which are treated sleep apnea) (Deal et  al. 2013). These genetic
with growth hormone. conditions should be evaluated if the clinician
Endocrine causes of short stature include has suspicion (Rogol and Hayden 2014; Powell
hypothyroidism, Cushing’s syndrome, and et al. 1967). Psychosocial short stature may also
growth hormone deficiency. Lab testing related occur (Styne 2016). Some studies associated
428 R. Crespi et al.

severe emotional deprivation with poor growth. child’s growth velocity should be at least 5  cm
Reversal of the emotional stressors typically (~2 inches) per year (Barstow and Rerucha 2015).
allows for catch-up growth (Rogol 2020; Styne Birth history is also important to guide growth
2016). Therefore, clinicians should ensure that a evaluation. It is important to know if a child’s
psychosocial history is included in a growth eval- birth length and/or birth weight were considered
uation. Box 11.4 reviews the indications for small for gestational age (SGA). Most children
growth hormone therapy. born SGA catch up to the growth curve by 2 years
of age, but 10% of children do not (Barstow and
Rerucha 2015). Preterm children born SGA may
Box 11.4 FDA Indications for Treatment with
take up to 4 years to catch up to the growth curve.
Growth Hormone Therapy
Children identified as SGA at birth and who have
• Growth hormone deficiency. not caught up to the growth curve by 2–4 years
• Small for gestational age (with failure to old are unlikely to catch up. Therefore, a referral
catch up in growth by 2–4 years old). to pediatric endocrinology is warranted. SGA
• Turner syndrome (including mosaic without catch-up growth is an approved indica-
Turner syndrome). tion for growth hormone therapy (Houk and Lee
• Noonan syndrome. 2012).
• Idiopathic short stature and at least −2.25 Another key component of the history is the
SD on the growth curve. height of the biological parents. A clinician can
• Chronic kidney disease. estimate the patient’s target height based on the
• Prader-Willi syndrome. calculated midparental height, and the formula is
in Box 11.5. Midparental height is used to see if
Adapted from Wilson et  al. (2003), the child is growing within the genetic potential of
Romano (2019) the family. The pubertal timing of the biological
parents may also provide valuable information,
for example, if a parent was a “late bloomer.” Box
11.6 is an overview of considerations for those
11.6.6 Short Stature and Growth who may need short stature evaluation.
Failure Evaluation

A thorough history, physical exam, imaging, and

screening labs can help to narrow down the dif-
Box 11.5 Calculation for Midparental Height
ferential diagnosis and where to refer a patient.
The evaluation of short stature begins with Girls: ([father’s height cm – 13 cm] +
making sure that a child is measured correctly. A mother’s height cm)/2.
child under 2 years old should be measured lay- Boys: ([mother’s height cm + 13 cm] +
ing down using an Infantometer, and measure- father’s height cm)/2.
ment should be plotted using the WHO +/− 8.5 cm (is considered within normal
standardized growth curves. For children range of the child’s genetic potential).
2–3 years of age, it is advised to do both a length Of note, various sources list the range to
and a standing height and plot the point on the be different. Depending on the source, any-
WHO and CDC standardized charts. Any child where from +/−6.5 cm to +/− 10 cm is con-
3 years old and older should be measured using a sidered “within the normal range.”
standing height. Growth charts provide a visual- Adapted from Backeljauw et al. (2014),
ization for when there is a deviation in normal Barstow and Rerucha (2015), Cohen
growth velocity. Growth velocity is most rapid (2014), Cohen et al. (2008), Rogol and
during birth to 12  months of age and during Hayden (2014)
puberty. Between 5  years of age and puberty, a
11  Care of the Child with a Pediatric Endocrine Disorder 429

to determine bone age and calculates a score for

Box 11.6 When to Consider Short Stature each bone in the hand. In the United States, the
Evaluation Greulich-Pyle method is the most commonly
• Children born SGA who fail to catch up used (Creo and Schwenk 2nd 2017).
to the growth curve by 2 years of age. There are some limitations to a bone age evalu-
• Any child over 3 years old who is below ation. The standard references used for both the
the third percentile on the growth curve. Greulich-Pyle and the Tanner-Whitehouse meth-
• Signs of growth failure: downward ods are based on a primarily Caucasian popula-
crossing of percentiles on the height-­ tion. There also can be inter-provider variability
age curve or slowed growth in the bone age reading as it is relatively subjec-
velocity. tive. A pediatric radiologist and/or pediatric endo-
• The child’s predicted height is more crine clinician trained in reading bone ages should
than 2 SDs (~10  cm or 3–4 inches) interpret the bone age. An automated bone age
below the child’s calculated midparental rating, BoneXpert, was developed and released by
height. the Denmark company Visiana in 2008. This soft-
ware can calculate the Greulich-­Pyle and Tanner-
Adapted from Barstow and Rerucha Whitehouse scores (Creo and Schwenk 2nd
(2015), Cohen (2014), Cohen et al. (2008), 2017). It has not yet become widely adopted in
Rogol and Hayden 2014 practice which may be partially due to the cost.
The BoneXpert system also does not evaluate the
carpal bones. There are times when there are dis-
crepancies in skeletal maturation between the car- Bone Age X-Ray pal bones and phalanges which would be missed
A bone age is based on an X-ray of the left hand utilizing this system (De Sanctis et al. 2014).
and wrist. The hand and wrist have been used as
a standard for bone ages because these bones and IGF-1 and IGF-BP3
epiphyses have been shown to progress and Insulin-like growth factors (IGF) are peptides
mature to fusion in a relatively consistent manner that are structurally related to insulin. The liver
(De Sanctis et al. 2014). The purpose of the bone produces IGF in response to GH; though it is
age is to compare a patient’s stage in skeletal believed that IGF-1 has actions independent of
maturation with chronological age. This can help GH, this is not well defined. There are two IGFs:
give a better height prediction, but it can also help IGF-1 and IGF-2. Serum concentrations of IGF-1
determine possible pathology. For example, chil- are much more GH-dependent than IGF-2, and
dren with true growth hormone deficiency almost therefore, IGF-1 levels are typically used in clini-
always have a delayed bone age (Barstow and cal practice for monitoring purposes (Backeljauw
Rerucha 2015; Styne 2016). It is more difficult to et al. 2014). Over 99% of IGF-1 is bound to IGF-­
evaluate the maturity of the hand and wrist bones binding proteins (IGFBPs) (Faix 2013). There
in children less than 3 years old, and bone ages are six different IGF-binding proteins, the most
are less useful (Creo and Schwenk 2nd 2017). prevalent being IGF-BP3. IGF-BP3 helps trans-
Over time, the epiphyseal plates of the ulna, port IGF-1 to target cell surface receptors (Varma
radius, and phalanges fuse with the metaphysis. Shrivastav et al. 2020).
The most common method used to determine Because IGF-1 binds so strongly to IGF-BP3,
bone age is the Greulich-Pyle method. With this assays need to be used that can disassociate the
method, the patient’s visual appearance and wrist IGF-BP3. This disassociation process can lead to
will be compared to standard X-ray images of the variability between assays (Chinoy and Murray
left hand and wrist for various ages. There are 2016). Double-antibody sandwich assays such as
different standards for males and females. The ELISA are frequently used, but the most advanced
Tanner-Whitehouse (TW) is another method used method used today is liquid chromatography
430 R. Crespi et al.

followed by tandem mass spectrometry et al. 2015; Grimberg et al. 2016). In conjunction
(Backeljauw et al. 2014). with a pediatric endocrinologist, provocative
IGF-1 levels also vary with age, sex, and growth hormone stimulation tests must be per-
pubertal status, so it is important to use specific formed to assess peak growth hormone levels.
reference ranges when making clinical decisions. These tests are performed by administering a
IGF-1 shows less diurnal variation than GH and choice of agents, including arginine, clonidine,
is the preferred screening test for evaluating chil- glucagon, insulin, or L-dopa, following an over-
dren for short stature before testing GH (Guzzetti night fast to stimulate the pituitary gland to release
et al. 2016). It has been suggested that IGF-1 lev- GH.  A peak GH level of <10  μg/L is currently
els have a specificity of >90% and low levels of used as the cutoff value to support a diagnosis of
IGF-1 are very predictive of GHD but a sensitiv- GH deficiency in conjunction with auxological
ity of 50–70%, particularly in children younger and clinical criteria (Growth Hormone Research
than 5  years of age, so a normal level does not Society 2000). Box 11.7 reviews the initial lab
rule out GHD (Chinoy and Murray 2016). workup for a child with short stature.
In clinical practice, IGF-1 is considered a bet- Although there is a traditional cutoff level for
ter marker of growth hormone status than peak growth hormone levels of <10 μg/L, this is
IGF-BP3. However, IGF-BP3 is a better marker still considered arbitrary. For example, some
of growth hormone status in children younger countries use a cutoff of <6 μg/L (Stanley 2012).
than 3 years of age since IGF-1 levels tend to be Because GH levels are affected by various day-­to-­
lower in that age range (Cohen et al. 2008). day factors, GH levels tend to be poorly reproduc-
When IGF-1 and/or IGF-BP3 levels are below ible. Factors that can affect growth hormone
−2 SD, it suggests that there could be an abnor- levels include weight and nutritional status.
mality in the growth hormone axis, and it war- Obesity can blunt GH levels and causes faster GH
rants further evaluation. clearance rates (Junnila et al. 2015). Alternatively,
IGF-1/IGF-BP3 testing is affected by poorly individuals with lower BMI levels may have
controlled diabetes, cirrhosis, renal failure, mal- higher peak GH levels (Stanley 2012). GH secre-
nutrition, hypothyroidism, and oral estrogen tion is increased in females than males (Junnila
medication (Clemmons 2011). In general, there et al. 2015; Veldhuis et al. 2000). Age and puber-
is less variability in IGF values compared to GH tal status are also important factors as GH levels
levels. Studies have shown that IGF-1 levels are peak during late adolescence. During puberty, the
lower in patients with BMIs <20 kg/m2 or > 40 kg/ higher level of sex steroid hormones is thought to
m2, though these studies were in adults (Junnila increase GH and IGF-1 levels. Children with
et  al. 2015). IGF-BP3 is less affected by nutri- delayed puberty tend to have low GH levels on
tional status (Chinoy and Murray 2016; Cohen GH stimulation testing when they are prepubertal
2014). When interpreting the IGF-1 level, it is but often have a normal GH response after
important to remember that for patients who have puberty. The change has led to the debate on sex
a constitutional delay of growth and develop- steroid priming in prepubertal children before GH
ment, a normal IGF-1 level will correlate with the stimulation testing to prevent false positives
bone age and may not correlate with the chrono- (Chinoy and Murray 2016). To “fail” the growth
logical age (Styne 2016). hormone stimulation test, the child should have an
inadequate peak growth hormone level in response Growth Hormone (GH) to two different provocative tests (either two dif-
As discussed, growth hormone is released from ferent agents simultaneously or the same agent
the anterior pituitary in a pulsatile fashion. performed on different days). Stimulation testing
Therefore, a single GH sample is not adequate to should be performed in the morning and a fasting
diagnose GH deficiency and therefore is of no state. It is also important to remember that hypo-
clinical value to the primary clinician or pediatric thyroidism can cause a diminished response to
endocrinologist (Guzzetti et  al. 2016; Junnila GH stimulation testing (Styne 2016).
11  Care of the Child with a Pediatric Endocrine Disorder 431

Large discrepancies can be seen between vari- Table 11.8  Factors affecting growth hormone levels
ous growth hormone assays. Initially, the normal Factors How is GH affected
values for GH were based on polyclonal radioim- Age GH peaks during late adolescence
munoassay and purified pituitary standards. Today, Gender Females have higher average GH
levels than males
the growth hormone assays are performed with
BMI – Obesity causes lower GH secretion
monoclonal antibodies and recombinant stan- and faster GH clearance
dards, which have higher specificities but question – GH levels are higher in those with
if the peak growth hormone concentration cutoff lower BMI on provocative testing
values should be lowered (Growth Hormone Food intake Peak GH levels highest after
before GH short-term fasting
Research Society 2000; Grimberg et  al. 2016). testing
Assay variability may affect GH testing and inter- Pubertal status GH levels on provocative testing may
pretation of results. GH stimulation tests have low be lower in children with delayed
reproducibility, specificity, and sensitivity puberty
Time of day GH is secreted in a pulsatile manner,
(Guzzetti et al. 2016). There is also minimal data
with the most GH secreted in the
about GH concentration comparisons between the early morning
various provocative agents that are used. A study Adapted from Junnila et al. (2015), Stanley (2012)
by Zadik et al. (1990), for example, found that GH
peak levels in normally growing children were
similar between insulin and arginine agents, but 11.6.7 Real-Life Example
the GH levels were higher when using clonidine
(Grimberg et al. 2016; Zadik et al. 1990). A 4-year-old boy was seen for the first time by
Due to the variability of GH testing, it is rec- the primary care clinician. The child’s height was
ommended that the diagnosis of growth hormone below the third percentile. The father was noted
deficiency is based not only on growth hormone to be 60 inches tall, and the mother was 62 inches.
stimulation testing but with consideration of the The family was told that the child’s short stature
history, growth measurements, additional lab was a result of the paternal height. A complete
testing (including a low IGF-1), and radiological history and physical exam failed to raise suspi-
evidence. Table 11.8 provides an overview of fac- cion of another differential diagnosis. A workup
tors affecting growth hormone measurements, for growth hormone deficiency was initiated and
and Table  11.9 reviews common differential ultimately revealed that the child had inherited a
diagnoses for short stature. genetic growth hormone deficiency from the
father. The father was never diagnosed until his
son’s condition was correctly diagnosed. The ini-
Box 11.7 Routine Screening Labs for Short tiation of growth hormone dramatically improved
Stature the child’s stature. He ultimately followed the
• IGF-1 and IGF-BP3. 75th percentile.
• Complete blood count.
• Basic metabolic panel.
• Liver function tests. 11.6.8 Real-Life Example
• Celiac panel.
• TSH, free T4. A 12-year 3-month-old male presented to the
• Inflammatory markers (ESR, CRP). endocrine clinic for complaints of short stature
• Urinalysis. and being the shortest in his class. He was born
• Karyotype (any girl with short stature). full-term, BW 9lbs. Past medical history was sig-
nificant for psoriasis. The midparental target
Adapted from Barstow and Rerucha height (MPTH) was 69.5 inches. At presentation,
(2015), Rogol and Hayden (2014) his height was at the 0.7 percentile (−2.46 SDs
below the mean), and his weight was at the 39th
432 R. Crespi et al.

Table 11.9  Common differential diagnoses of short stature

Diagnosis IGF-1 IGF-BP3 Bone age
Familial short stature Normal Normal Normal
CDGP Normal Normal Delayed
ISS Normal Normal Normal
SGA Normal Normal Normal/advanced
GHD Low Normal/low Delayed/normal
Hypothyroidism Normal Normal Normal
Delayed if significant hypothyroidism
Cushing’s syndrome Normal Normal Normal/advanced
Chronic illness Low Low/normal Delayed/normal
Malnutrition Low Low/normal Delayed/normal
Psychosocial dwarfism Low Low Delayed/normal
Skeletal dysplasia Normal Normal Variable
Genetic syndrome Variable Variable Variable
Adapted from Styne (2016), Backeljauw et al. (2014), Rosenbloom and Connor (2007)

percentile. He was in very-early puberty with tes-

tes measuring 4  mL bilaterally. He was lost to ing test used in the evaluation of children
follow-up for 7  months and had not completed for short stature.
his initial screening tests. At follow-up, his • Accurate measurements and growth
growth velocity was 3.6 cm/year. Screening tests charts are integral for any growth
noted normal TSH, free T4, LFTs, BMP, CBC, evaluation.
IGF-1 96  ng/dL (Tanner stage (TS) or sexual • A bone age evaluation is a helpful non-
maturity rating (SMR) stage II: 192–689 ng/mL), invasive tool to screen for growth
and IGF-BP3 5.7 mg/L (TS or T II 2.3–6.3 mg/L). concerns.
A bone age was completed and read as 10 years, • If a parent has significant short stature -
at chronological age 12  years and 3  months 2SD below the growth curve, consider
(delayed bone age). Due to his poor growth that the parent could have a pathological
velocity, short stature noted on the growth curve, cause of short stature that was missed
low IGF-1, and delayed bone age, a GH stimula- and may be present in the child.
tion test was completed. His GH peak was 4.3 • A child who presents with short stature
μg/L. His brain MRI showed a normal pituitary. but has a normal height velocity, a nor-
The patient was given a diagnosis of GHD and mal bone age, and a normal IGF-1/
started GH treatment. After 4 years of GH treat- IGF-­BP3 is unlikely to have a growth
ment, his final adult height was 68.3 inches (33.7 hormone deficiency. Other causes of
percentile) within 2 inches of his MPTH. short stature should be evaluated.
• Growth concerns should prompt a referral
to a pediatric endocrinologist since earlier
treatment may improve final adult height.
Key Learning about Growth Disorders and
Diagnostic Testing
• A random GH level is not helpful in the
diagnosis of short or tall stature 11.6.9 Tall Stature
• IGF-1 shows less diurnal variation com- Tall stature is defined as a height that is 2 SDs or
pared to GH and is the preferred screen- more above the mean for age, sex, and population
or above the 97th percentile on the growth curve
11  Care of the Child with a Pediatric Endocrine Disorder 433

(Rogol and Hayden 2014). Tall stature can also ered normal if a girl starts puberty no earlier than
be defined as a projected height of more than 2 8 years of age and a boy starts puberty no earlier
SDs above the midparental target height. Tall than 9  years of age (Klein et  al. 2017). When
stature may be due to familial tall stature (Styne puberty begins, the pulsed releases of GnRH
2016). Obese children often have tall stature in increase in amplitude and frequency, starting in
the prepubertal years, but they tend to start the nighttime hours (Bozzola et  al. 2018;
puberty earlier and ultimately reach a near-­ Rosenfeld et al. 2014). GnRH then stimulates the
normal adult height (Styne 2016). Precocious release of LH and FSH from the anterior pitu-
puberty will lead to tall stature and more rapid itary. LH acts on the ovaries in females, which
growth at an earlier age; however, these children produce estradiol, stimulating breast develop-
tend to be within their genetic potential or shorter ment, pubertal growth velocity, and changes in
due to earlier fusion of the growth plates. the vaginal mucosa (red indicating no estrogen
Hyperthyroidism can also lead to excess growth exposure; pink indicating exposure to estrogen)
and early fusion of the growth plates. Genetic (Klein et al. 2017), and acts on the testes in males
syndromes associated with tall stature include which produce testosterone, stimulating penile
Klinefelter syndrome, Beckwith-Wiedemann growth and pubic hair and indirectly stimulates
syndrome, Soto syndrome, and other rare disor- the pubertal growth spurt via testosterone conver-
ders (Barstow and Rerucha 2015). sion to estradiol (Kaplowitz and Bloch 2016).
Acromegaly is a result of the pituitary gland When evaluating a patient for a potential
producing excess GH. IGF-1 and IGF-BP3 levels pubertal disorder, it is important to include a
can be used to screen for growth hormone excess. thorough physical exam which should include
It is more common in adults, but it can lead to growth velocity, assessment of breast tissue or
gigantism if it presents in childhood. An oral glu- testicular volume, acne, adult body odor, axil-
cose tolerance test is used as the standard test for lary, and/or pubic hair. Additionally, skin exam
growth hormone excess as glucose will suppress findings (i.e., acne or hyperpigmentation) may
growth hormone levels (<1  μg/L) (Katznelson provide diagnostic information. In addition to a
et al. 2014; Junnila et al. 2015). complete physical exam, it is important to
include a pubertal history, including the timing
of onset and speed of progression and potential
11.7 Pubertal Disorders concerning neurologic signs/symptoms (i.e.,
vision changes) and potential exposure to exog-
There are many different kinds of disorders enous hormones (i.e., testosterone or estrogen).
related to puberty. They include premature adre- Finally, a family history may reveal precocious
narche, premature thelarche, precocious puberty, puberty or other pubertal disorders, which may
delayed puberty, and abnormal menses. The cli- be helpful in the evaluation (Latronico et  al.
nician needs to evaluate the history, physical 2016). Many pubertal conditions (including pri-
exam, and order diagnostic laboratory tests judi- mary and secondary amenorrhea, oligomenor-
ciously based on a knowledge of puberty rhea, delayed puberty) can be caused by
physiology. non-endocrine conditions, such as medications,
systemic illness, or stress; therefore, a thorough
history and physical exam are important in addi-
11.7.1 Puberty Physiology tion to the endocrine considerations mentioned
in this chapter.
GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing hormone) is Adrenarche (adrenal androgen production) is
released from the hypothalamus, and in the pre- a separate process from gonadarche (gonadal sex
pubertal state, it is released at a low amplitude hormone production) (Klein et al. 2017). During
and frequency. The timing of puberty is consid- adrenarche, the zona reticularis of the adrenal
434 R. Crespi et al.

gland develops further and produces the precur- odor, and acne (Kaplowitz and Bloch 2016). There
sors to adrenal androgens (DHEA and andro- is no breast development or clitoromegaly in girls
stenedione) (Novello and Speiser 2018). or testicular enlargement in boys (Klein et  al.
Normal variants of puberty include premature 2017). It is important to ensure that the patient has
thelarche and premature adrenarche (Kaplowitz benign premature adrenarche instead of other con-
and Bloch 2016). Suppose a patient has a normal ditions (see under “hyperandrogenism”). Premature
variant of puberty. In that case, it may be appro- adrenarche is considered benign once the clinician
priate for the primary care clinician to monitor has ruled out excess androgen disorders.
the patient and then refer to pediatric endocrinol- Concern for a pathologic cause of premature
ogy if the progression of puberty or other signs of adrenarche is stronger when there is a clitoral or
puberty emerge. penile enlargement or increased growth velocity
Abnormal variants include various other dis- (Kaplowitz and Bloch 2016) or advancing bone
orders that may be central (from the pituitary age (Oberfield et al. 2011). The primary care cli-
gland) or peripheral (from other endocrine nician may consider ordering a bone age X-ray,
glands) in origin. The adrenal glands produce and if advanced, the patient should be referred to
pubertal hormones. Therefore, an adrenal source a pediatric endocrinologist; however, the primary
for disorders of puberty must be considered when care clinician can also refer before bone age
evaluating a patient for pubertal concerns. For X-ray, as the evaluation of a bone age can be dif-
abnormal variants of puberty, patients should be ficult to interpret as previously discussed. Of
referred to pediatric endocrinology for further note, the frequency is much higher in females,
evaluation; however, as discussed in this section, with the female-to-male ratio of 9:1 (Novello and
screening labs may be completed by the primary Speiser 2018; Oberfield et al. 2011).
care clinician to begin the evaluation. When mon-
itoring puberty in the primary care setting, it is
important to assess the TS or SMR staging of 11.7.3 Premature Thelarche
pubic hair and the testicular volume (using a
Prader orchidometer) in males and the staging of Premature thelarche is considered a normal vari-
breast development in females. ant and can be seen in females under 2 years of
age who have glandular breast tissue without
growth acceleration or other signs of puberty
11.7.2 Premature Adrenarche (Kaplowitz and Bloch 2016; Rosenfeld et  al.
2014). There is no progression, and frequently,
Premature adrenarche is a diagnosis of exclusion the breast tissue regresses. If the primary care cli-
(Voutilainen and Jääskeläinen 2015). Premature nician is comfortable that the patient presents
adrenarche occurs when there is an early increase with only premature thelarche, it may be appro-
in adrenal androgens and is considered a normal priate to monitor in the primary care setting
variant (Fuqua 2013; Oberfield et  al. 2011). In (Kaplowitz and Bloch 2016).
girls, this is considered before 8 years of age and in
boys, before 9 years of age. Premature adrenarche
occurs in the absence of central puberty when the 11.7.4 Precocious Puberty
HPG axis is not activated; therefore, the pubertal
hormones (LH, FSH, estradiol) will typically Precocious puberty is when girls have an onset of
remain low (Kaplowitz and Bloch 2016; Klein puberty before the age of 8 years of age and when
et al. 2017). The patient may have all or some of the boys have the onset of puberty before 9 years of
following signs: axillary hair, pubic hair, body age (Kaplowitz and Bloch 2016). Recently, it has
11  Care of the Child with a Pediatric Endocrine Disorder 435

been thought that puberty may be considered estradiol level or testosterone level is low, but the
normal in White females as early as 7 years old or clinician still has suspicion for puberty, the next
as early as 6  years old in African American step is the gonadotropin-releasing hormone stim-
females (Kaplowitz and Oberfield 1999). ulation test (also known as GnRH stimulation test
In girls, the first sign of puberty is breast or LHRH stimulation test). The stimulation test is
development (thelarche; TS or SMR stage 2), considered the “gold standard” for the evaluation
whereas, for boys, the first sign of puberty is tes- of central precocious puberty (Kletter et al. 2015)
ticular enlargement (gonadarche; testicular vol- and is typically performed in conjunction with a
ume 4  mL) (Fuqua 2013). Puberty is often pediatric endocrine team.
associated with acceleration in growth. It is If central precocious puberty is confirmed, a
important to distinguish between lipomastia brain MRI is indicated to rule out pathology.
(fatty tissue) and true breast tissue; this may be Specifically, in males with central precocious
difficult to ascertain on physical exam in the set- puberty, there is a high prevalence of CNS pathol-
ting of obesity, but with lipomastia, girls will not ogy (Kletter et  al. 2015). Overall, the general
have glandular tissue or stimulated (darkened) concern surrounding precocious puberty is ruling
areola and nipples (Kaplowitz and Bloch 2016). out pathology (including CNS lesion or androgen
A useful tool for evaluating a patient for pre- producing tumor), ensuring puberty is at an
cocious puberty is the bone age X-ray (see fur- appropriate time for emotional age and compared
ther detail, bone age in Sect. This to peers, and ensuring adequate final adult height.
noninvasive test may provide valuable informa- Treatment is discussed in conjunction with a
tion to guide toward a diagnosis. Normal bone pediatric endocrinologist.
age should not prevent further evaluation Peripheral precocious puberty is GnRH inde-
(Latronico et al. 2016), but an advanced bone age pendent. It can be caused by genetic disorders
is concerning and suggests that the patient has (i.e., McCune-Albright syndrome) or acquired
been exposed to estrogen or testosterone disorders such as a tumor that secretes pubertal
(Rosenfeld et al. 2014; Oberfield et al. 2011). hormones (i.e., ovarian tumor or hypothalamic
Precocious puberty can be characterized as hamartoma). Exposure to exogenous hormones
central precocious puberty (HPG axis activation; and other substances (i.e., lavender, tea tree oil)
GnRH-dependent) or peripheral precocious can also cause peripheral precocious puberty
puberty (initiated independently from HPG axis; (Klein et al. 2017). Baseline and stimulated LH
GnRH-independent). Since GnRH levels fluctu- and FSH levels are typically suppressed, but
ate throughout the day, a GnRH level is not rou- estradiol (female) or testosterone (male) levels
tinely measured. are elevated. Patients with suspected peripheral
precocious puberty should be referred to a pedi- Laboratory Workup atric endocrinologist for confirmatory testing and
for Precocious Puberty management discussion.
Baseline laboratory testing for evaluation of pre-
cocious puberty typically starts with LH, FSH,
and estradiol (female) or testosterone (male) 11.7.5 Delayed Puberty
(Kaplowitz and Bloch 2016). These tests are dis-
cussed in detail in Sections– Delayed puberty is considered when a girl has
Baseline LH levels above 0.3 IU/L create a high not started breast development by 13 years of age
suspicion for central precocious puberty. If the or has not had menarche by 15 years of age (pri-
baseline LH level is low (<0.3 IU/L) (Kaplowitz mary amenorrhea) (Klein and Poth 2013) or by
and Bloch 2016; Klein et al. 2017) and baseline 3  years after thelarche, or a boy has not started
436 R. Crespi et al.

testicular enlargement by 14  years of age careful history and physical exam completed,
(Bozzola et  al. 2018; Rosenfeld et  al. 2014). including identifying a normal outflow tract.
Evaluation for delayed puberty is similar to that Secondary amenorrhea is considered when a
of precocious puberty, including LH, FSH, and female has not had menses for 3  months after
estradiol (females) or testosterone (males). The previously established regular menses or
most common form of delayed puberty is a con- 6  months if menses have been irregular (Klein
stitutional delay of growth and puberty (see and Poth 2013). Oligomenorrhea is considered
“short stature”) (Bozzola et  al. 2018). Baseline when a female does not have menses for longer
labs will help distinguish between constitutional than 3  months between cycles or longer than
delay, hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (low LH 45 days apart (from the first day of one period to
and FSH with low estradiol or testosterone), or the first day of the next period). Common causes
hypergonadotropic hypogonadism (elevated LH include polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS),
and FSH with low estradiol or testosterone). hyperprolactinemia, and non-classic congenital
Referral to a pediatric endocrinologist should be adrenal hyperplasia (NCCAH).
initiated for the latter two suspicions. At the same The initial evaluation generally consists of
time, it may be appropriate to monitor for pro- LH, FSH, estradiol, prolactin, TSH, and a preg-
gression if the patient is suspected of having a nancy test (Gordon et al. 2017). Additional labs
constitutional delay and then referring if no may be considered if there is suspicion for hyper-
pubertal progression is noted after 1–3  months androgenism (see “hyperandrogenism”) (Klein
(Klein et al. 2017). and Poth 2013). Hyperprolactinemia and thyroid
When the clinician has suspicion of delayed disorders can cause amenorrhea or irregular men-
puberty, it is important to obtain a thorough medi- ses. As with delayed puberty, secondary amenor-
cal history such as the history of chemotherapy, rhea can be caused by systemic illness.
radiation, or CNS trauma. Prolactin is another hor-
mone associated with amenorrhea (Klein and Poth
2013; Wei et al. 2017). It is important to remember 11.7.7 Hyperandrogenism
that aside from endocrine conditions, there are
genetic and structural causes of delayed puberty. Hyperandrogenism in females can be suspected
In females, this includes Turner syndrome or an when there is hirsutism, acne, or male pattern
outflow tract obstruction, and in males, it may be hair loss on physical exam, or biochemically with
Klinefelter syndrome or Kallmann syndrome elevated testosterone or other androgens.
(Klein and Poth 2013). Systemic illnesses such as Hirsutism is excessive terminal male pattern hair
celiac disease and anorexia nervosa can also cause growth in a female due to androgen excess
delayed puberty (Bozzola et al. 2018). (Mihailidis et al. 2017). Hirsutism can be evalu-
ated using the Ferriman-Gallwey hirsutism scor-
ing system, which evaluates hair growth in areas
11.7.6 Abnormal Menses including chin, upper lip, chest, upper and lower
abdomen, upper back, thighs, upper arms, and
Primary amenorrhea occurs when a child has not buttocks (Hatch et al. 1981). For a female with an
started to menstruate by age 15 years or 3 years abnormal hirsutism score (greater than or equal
post thelarche and has normal pubertal progres- to 8), the primary care clinician should evaluate
sion and normal growth. Factors to consider when for an elevated androgen level (Rosenfield 2005).
evaluating a child for primary amenorrhea include Physical exam findings such as clitoromegaly
anatomical abnormalities, hypothalamic/pituitary may also lead the clinician toward a potential
disease, gonadal dysgenesis, outflow tract disor- diagnosis. Common differential diagnoses for
ders, receptor abnormalities, enzyme insufficien- hirsutism include polycystic ovarian syndrome
cies, and hormonal excesses or deficiencies. The (PCOS) (about 70–80% of women with
patient who has not had any menses should have a hirsutism), idiopathic hirsutism (5–20% of
11  Care of the Child with a Pediatric Endocrine Disorder 437

women with hirsutism), NCCAH (4.2% of Luteinizing Hormone (LH)

women with hirsutism), or other excess androgen LH is a gonadotropin produced by the anterior
production such as androgen-secreting tumors pituitary gland when stimulated by gonadotropin-­
(0.2% of women with hirsutism) or Cushing’s releasing hormone (GnRH) from the hypothala-
syndrome (Martin et al. 2018). The degree of hir- mus. LH stimulates the theca cells in the female’s
sutism in females may not be represented by the ovary to release ovarian sex steroids and stimu-
degree of elevation of the androgen levels lates the Leydig cells in the testes in the male to
(Rosenfield 2005; Martin et al. 2018). PCOS is a release androgens (particularly testosterone). LH
common form of hyperandrogenism and is a is released in a pulsatile fashion and has a short
diagnosis of exclusion (must rule NCCAH) and half-life. Therefore, a random level is challeng-
other causes of hyperandrogenism) (Martin et al. ing to interpret. LH is affected by circadian
2018). Criteria for PCOS diagnosis can be based rhythm, with LH levels typically higher in the
either on the Rotterdam criteria or the National morning (Lee and Chung 2019). The most sensi-
Institutes of Health-based criteria (Rosenfield tive assay is immunoradiometric, specifically
2015). In general, patients have hyperandrogen- third-generation ultrasensitive (Fisher 2007;
ism and ovulatory dysfunction and may or may Rosenfeld et  al. 2014). In prepubertal children,
not have polycystic ovarian morphology LH levels are very low. Therefore, the assay used
(McCartney and Marshall 2016). in pediatrics must have the ability to detect such
For the primary care clinician, the most impor- levels (Carel et al. 2009).
tant labs that can be obtained are free and total LH testing is affected by when the specimen is
testosterone levels (Martin et al. 2018; Rosenfield drawn. An early morning baseline LH level is
2005). Free testosterone is more sensitive for ideal (Lee and Chung 2019). A later-day random
hyperandrogenemia than total testosterone LH level may show pubertal value if the child is
(Rosenfield 2005). in puberty; however, a low LH level later in the
If the total or free testosterone level is ele- day does not confirm prepubertal status. Use cau-
vated, additional androgen evaluation should be tion if testing LH in infants under 6  months of
performed in conjunction with a pediatric endo- age (up to 2 years in females), as increased LH
crinologist to determine the cause of androgen can be normal in minipuberty of infancy (Becker
excess. Additional androgens that can be assessed and Hesse 2020).
include androstenedione, DHEA-S, and early-­ In some LH assays (competitive assays), there
morning 17-OHP (17-hydroxyprogesterone). In may be cross-reactivity between other pituitary
females, testosterone values above 200  ng/dL hormones such as TSH, FSH, or hCG (Fisher
raise concern for a virilizing tumor (Hunter and 2007). LH assays are composed of two subunits
Carek 2003; Rosenfield 2015). It is also impor- (α-subunit and ß-subunit), and the α-subunit is
tant to consider a karyotype to rule out a disorder consistent between them (Wei et  al. 2017;
of sexual development (Rosenfield 2015). Rosenfeld et al. 2014). Follicle-Stimulating
11.7.8 Pubertal Disorders and/or Hormone (FSH)
Hyperandrogenism FSH, also a gonadotropin produced by the ante-
Diagnostic Laboratory Tests rior pituitary gland when stimulated by GnRH,
stimulates follicular growth in the ovary in the
This section will review important points about female and stimulates Sertoli cells in the testes,
each of the laboratory tests mentioned above. It which stimulate testicular growth and spermato-
will detail the hormone level and possible pit- genesis in the male. FSH is not as useful as LH in
falls. Each section has outlined diagnostic testing pediatric pubertal evaluation, especially when
to be considered in the workup of a child with a evaluating central precocious puberty (Latronico
pubertal disorder. et  al. 2016) because there is no significant
438 R. Crespi et al.

response of FSH to GnRH compared to LH. The measured via LC/MS-MS, conjugated estrogens
LH rises higher in relation to the FSH (Rosenfeld and synthetic estrogens (including ethinyl estra-
et al. 2014). However, FSH is frequently ordered diol) do not cross-react; however, transdermal
in conjunction with LH.  If FSH is significantly estradiol can cross-react, measuring a higher
elevated, it can be a useful indicator of gonadal level of estradiol. If measured using immunoas-
failure (Wei et  al. 2017). FSH is typically say, there is a higher risk for cross-reactivity
­measured with an immunometric assay (specifi- (Fisher 2007). Estradiol and estrone can have
cally ELISA) (Styne 2016). decreased clearance if the patient has liver
In patients with precocious puberty, it is disease.
important to evaluate TSH and free T4 (Pant et al.
2019). A small number of children with signifi- Testosterone
cantly elevated TSH have activated FSH recep- Testosterone is an androgenic hormone.
tors (Wei et  al. 2017), stimulating Testosterone is produced by the Leydig cells of
GnRH-independent precocious puberty. Suppose the male testes and the Theca cells of the female
there is a slow growth velocity instead of an ovaries (Styne 2016) and, to a significantly lesser
expected increase in growth velocity with degree in both sexes, by the adrenal glands.
puberty. In that case, the clinician should be sus- Therefore, if an elevated testosterone level is
picious of this syndrome, known as Van Wyk-­ noted, it is important to evaluate both the pubertal
Grumbach syndrome. axis and the adrenal gland to determine the ori-
gin. Testosterone levels are categorized into total Estrogens testosterone and free testosterone. The majority
The most widely used estrogen in pediatrics is of testosterone is bound to protein, most fre-
estradiol (E2). In females, the primary production quently to SHBG. About 40% of testosterone is
of estradiol is from the ovaries, and in males, tes- bound to SHBG in men and about 80% in women
tosterone from the testes is aromatized to estra- (Faix 2013). A small fraction (1–3%) of testoster-
diol. Estradiol is best measured via LC/MS-MS one is free (not bound) (Rosner et  al. 2007).
assay due to its improved sensitivity and specific- There is also a small fraction of testosterone that
ity (Fisher 2007). Other methods, such as immu- is weakly bound, to albumin. Both free and
noassay, may not determine between prepubertal weakly bound testosterone are bioavailable.
or early pubertal values due to the decreased Total testosterone measures all testoster-
specificity. As with LH levels, estradiol levels one, while free testosterone measures only the
fluctuate throughout the day as well as through- small fraction that is not bound to proteins.
out the menstrual cycle. Estradiol levels are high- The most significant testosterone level is free
est in the early morning. In the menstrual cycle, testosterone.
the lowest estradiol levels are noted in the early If a patient is in a state with elevated SHBG
follicular phase, and then the highest are com- (see “SHBG”), testosterone levels will be ele-
monly about 2–3 days before ovulation. In both vated. Use caution in the evaluation of elevated
females and males, estrone (E1) is produced from testosterone in these patients to avoid unneces-
androstenedione (produced by the adrenal gland) sary additional testing or inaccurate diagnoses
and aromatized peripherally. Estrone is some- (Aydın and Winters 2016).
times, but not routinely, measured during the For optimal accuracy, especially in pediatrics,
workup for gynecomastia (Swerdloff and Ng testosterone should be measured by LC/MS-MS
2019). Estriol (E3) is not frequently used in pedi- or, if unavailable, via extraction/chromatography
atrics as it is mainly relevant to pregnancy (Fisher RIA.  This recommendation is supported by the
2007). recommendation of the Endocrine Society
Estradiol levels can be affected by SHBG lev- (Rosner et  al. 2007). Immunoassay measure-
els since estrogens are highly bound to carrier ments for testosterone are completed via anti-
proteins, which is SHBG (this is discussed in fur- body with the testosterone molecule structure;
ther detail later in this chapter). If estradiol is however, that structure is close to other
11  Care of the Child with a Pediatric Endocrine Disorder 439

androgens’ structure; therefore, specificity may Table 11.10  Conditions that interfere with SHBG levels
be compromised. This specificity can be improved Conditions that can cause Conditions that can
using an extraction technique after the competi- low SHBG levels cause high SHBG levels
tive immunoassay (Pugeat et al. 2018). Analysis Obesity Estrogens (including
oral contraceptive
via immunoassay is not recommended for therapy)
­pediatric or female patients because of the lower Type 2 diabetes Pregnancy
levels of the hormone; however, immunoassay is Polycystic ovarian syndrome Growth hormone
frequently used for measuring total testosterone deficiency
levels (Rosner et al. 2007). Hypothyroidism Hyperthyroidism
Congenital adrenal
One of the pitfalls of testosterone assays is hyperplasia
that results vary from lab to lab; therefore, when Glucocorticoid treatment
evaluating testosterone results, be sure to use the Liver disease (notably in
reference interval, which is specific to the labora- pediatrics, nonalcoholic fatty
tory that ran the test (Rosenfield 2005). It is liver disease)
Cushing’s syndrome
important to use reference values based on TS or
SMR stage, gender, and age.
Adapted from Martin et  al. (2018), Honour (2014),
Testosterone is affected by diurnal variation Rosenfeld et al. (2014), Aydın and Winters (2016)
(Martin et al. 2018), with peak levels occurring
between 0530  h and 0800  h (Brambilla et  al.
2009). Therefore, if a random baseline testoster- with hyperandrogenism and is used for evalua-
one level is low, but the clinician has concerns tion of congenital adrenal hyperplasia. 17-OHP
regarding hyperandrogenism, early-morning tes- should be evaluated via LC/MS-MS assay
tosterone (free and total) is important to obtain. (Speiser et al. 2018; Honour 2014). It is also fre-
Testosterone levels do vary during the menstrual quently measured via immunoassay (IA). The
cycle, but the changes in levels are relatively LC/MS-MS assay can differentiate 17-OHP and
insignificant; therefore, a testosterone level at any other steroids in the same pathway, thus avoiding
time during the menstrual cycle is sufficient for potential cross-reactivity. If measured by IA, it
evaluation (Pugeat et al. 2018). The degree of hir- can have cross-reactivity with 11-deoxycortisol
sutism in females may not be represented by ele- or other steroids and can cause false-positive
vated testosterone levels (Azziz et  al. 2000; results (Speiser et  al. 2018). Some assays can
Martin et al. 2018). only measure up to 100 nmol/L; therefore, if the
level is higher, the sample must be diluted Sex Hormone-Binding (Honour 2014). Levels above 200 ng/dL prompt
Globulin (SHBG) consideration of NCCAH (Rosenfield 2015;
SHBG is a glycoprotein that transports sex ste- Trapp and Oberfield 2012); however, it is impor-
roids in the blood to target tissues. It is produced tant to note that normal values do not rule out
in the liver. It has a high affinity for testosterone NCCAH (Honour 2014). If the clinician has con-
and dihydrotestosterone (not reviewed in this cern for NCCAH, it is optimal to consult a pedi-
chapter) and a lesser degree for estrogen. Women atric endocrinologist who will likely perform an
have higher SHBG than men (Faix 2013). SHBG ACTH (cosyntropin) stimulation test. The ACTH
is evaluated most frequently during the workup stimulation test is the gold standard for evaluat-
for PCOS. Women with PCOS typically have low ing congenital adrenal hyperplasia (Rosenfield
SHBG.  Table  11.10 is a list of other conditions 2015).
that can affect SHBG levels. As with the hormones mentioned above in this
pubertal disorder section, the 17-OHP level var- 17-Hydroxyprogesterone ies by time of day, typically highest in the morn-
(17-OHP) ing. Ideally, the 17-OHP level should be drawn
17-OHP is a hormone produced by the adrenal before 8  am (Speiser et  al. 2018; Trapp and
glands. 17-OHP is measured if a patient presents Oberfield 2012).
440 R. Crespi et al. Dehydroepiandrosterone oligomenorrhea, amenorrhea, and galactorrhea.

Sulfate (DHEA-S) Baseline prolactin levels should be obtained in a
DHEA-S is the principal form of dehydroepian- non-stress environment and in the morning (ide-
drosterone (DHEA), a hormone produced by the ally 2  h after waking) to avoid false elevations
zona reticularis in the adrenal glands (Oberfield (Matalliotakis et  al. 2019). The prolactin level
et al. 2011). It is a precursor to the production of can be falsely elevated if drawn nonfasting or if
testosterone. The evaluation of DHEA-S is useful there is significant stress with the blood draw.
when evaluating excess adrenal androgen pro- Suppose a level is elevated (>20 ng/mL). In that
duction, including congenital adrenal hyperpla- case, a second measurement must be obtained on
sia, adrenal tumors, or PCOS evaluation a separate day to confirm hyperprolactinemia
(Rosenfeld et  al. 2014). Levels of DHEA-S do unless the prolactin is exceptionally elevated
not vary throughout the day. It is robustly bound (>100  ng/mL) or the patient has symptomatic
to albumin and has a long half-life (about 17 h) hyperprolactinemia (Matalliotakis et al. 2019).
(Pugeat et  al. 2018). DHEA-S is measured by A prolactin level > 500 ug/L is clinically diag-
immunoassay (Pugeat et al. 2018). A mildly ele- nostic for a macroprolactinoma (Melmed et  al.
vated level of DHEA-S may not represent pathol- 2011). If a patient is managed on a medication
ogy; however, if the level is significantly elevated, that can cause elevated prolactin levels, the level
it is important to consider an androgen-secreting may be above 200  ug/L without an adenoma
tumor (adrenal or gonadal) (Rosenfield 2005) or being the cause (Melmed et  al. 2011). Kidney
a form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia function must also be obtained, and thyroid func-
(Rosenfeld et al. 2014). tion tests must be done because both renal failure
The results must be evaluated according to and primary hypothyroidism can cause an eleva-
specific reference ranges, including gender and tion in prolactin levels (Matalliotakis et al. 2019).
TS or SMR stage, to avoid errors in the interpre- Elevations in prolactin can also be caused by
tation of DHEA-S (Styne 2016). nipple stimulation, marijuana use, pregnancy,
and stress/illness, among others (Matalliotakis Androstenedione et al. 2019; Vilar et al. 2019). If the prolactin level
Androstenedione is an androgen produced by the is significantly elevated, a brain MRI may be
adrenal glands and the gonads. It is used in the indicated (Vilar et al. 2019).
evaluation of both males and females with hyper- Prolactin is found in the serum in three differ-
androgenism. If the level is significantly elevated, ent forms based on molecular weight, including
as with DHEA-S, it is important to consider an monomeric (most common), dimeric (second
androgen-secreting tumor (Rosenfeld et  al. most common), and macroprolactin (least com-
2014). As with many endocrine hormones, the mon) (Haddad et al. 2019). The smallest prolac-
optimal technique for measurement is LC-MS/ tin molecule (monomeric), discussed above, is
MS; if that technique is not available, RAI may typically the most abundant in the circulation.
be used to measure androstenedione (Rauh 2009). The dimeric prolactin molecule is rarely mea-
It is important to evaluate androstenedione sured. The largest, macroprolactin, is biologi-
levels via specific reference ranges, including cally inactive. It is best measured by gel filtration
gender and TS or SMR stage (Styne 2016). chromatography (Haddad et al. 2019).
Macroprolactinemia is the state during which Prolactin a patient has elevated levels of macroprolactin
Prolactin is a hormone produced by the anterior (Melmed et  al. 2011; Haddad et  al. 2019). A
pituitary gland released during pregnancy and patient with elevated serum prolactin levels but
after childbirth to stimulate breast milk produc- no signs or symptoms of hyperprolactinemia, no
tion. In the realm of pediatric endocrinology, pro- radiologic evidence of a pituitary mass, and is not
lactin levels are measured in the evaluation of taking any medications that may increase
11  Care of the Child with a Pediatric Endocrine Disorder 441

Table 11.11  Common differential diagnoses for pubertal disorders with expected diagnostic labs
LH FSH Estradiol Testosterone 17-­OHP DHEA-S Androstenedione Prolactin
Central precocious ↑ → or ↑ (female) ↑ (male) → → or ↑ → or ↑ N/A
puberty ↑
Peripheral precocious → → ↑ (female) ↑ (male) → → ↑ N/A
Benign premature → → → (female) → (male) → ↑a → N/A
Premature adrenarche → → N/A ↑ (male and → → or ↑b → N/A
Constitutional delay → → → (female) → (male) → → → N/A
Gonadal failure ↑ ↑ ↓ (female) ↓ (male) → → → →
PCOS (female) → → → ↑ → → → →
NCCAH → → → (female) ↑ (male and ↑ ↑ ↑ N/A
Ovarian tumor → → or → or ↑ ↑↑ → ↑↑ ↑ → or ↑
(female) or ↓ ↓
Adrenal tumor → → or → or ↑ ↑↑ (male and → ↑↑ ↑ →
or ↓ ↓ (female) female)
Adapted from Styne (2016), Oberfield et al. (2011)
Increased for age
Increased for age but in line with bone age

prolactin may have macroprolactinemia due to nisolone, as prednisolone can cause cross-­
the biologically inactive macroprolactin. It is reactivity if an immunoassay is used (Haddad
important to know this to avoid misdiagnosis et al. 2019). Clinicians concerned with a patient
(Haddad et al. 2019). with hypocortisolism should urgently refer the
The hook effect occurs when the prolactin patient to a pediatric endocrinologist, as patients
hormone concentration is very high or if there is can become severely ill without treatment
a small amount of antibody in the assay from the (Bornstein et  al. 2016). Patients who are sus-
manufacturer. If the clinician suspects an elevated pected of hypercortisolism should also be
prolactin level, but the lab result is normal, the referred to a pediatric endocrinologist for further
patient should be referred to a pediatric endocri- evaluation. When evaluating for hypocorti-
nologist. Specifically, Haddad et al. (2019) sug- solism, an 8-am cortisol level can be assessed, as
gested that if there is a pituitary mass above 4 cm the body’s cortisol level peaks around that time
that is concerning for adenoma, the hook effect (Miller and Flück 2014); however, even if the
should be ruled out. Table 11.11 reviews the dif- early-morning cortisol level is adequate, the
ferential diagnoses and laboratory findings in dis- optimal test for the evaluation of hypocorti-
orders of pubert. solism is a corticotropin stimulation test (ACTH
stimulation test), typically performed by a pedi- Cortisol atric endocrinologist.
Cortisol is a steroid hormone that is produced in Hypercortisolism may be caused by
the zona fasciculata of the adrenal glands. Some Cushing’s disease (excess ACTH production by
conditions can cause too little cortisol (hypocor- pituitary adenoma causing excess cortisol pro-
tisolism, such as adrenal insufficiency) and too duction) or other sources of excess cortisol,
much cortisol (hypercortisolism). The adrenal known as Cushing’s syndrome (Lodish et  al.
gland releases cortisol in a diurnal pattern. 2018). Pediatric patients with Cushing’s syn-
LC-MS/MS is the optimal assay for cortisol drome typically have weight gain with poor
(Rauh 2009), especially if a patient is on pred- growth, hypertension, and may have buffalo
442 R. Crespi et al.

hump or abdominal striae (Lodish et  al. 2018; The initial screen (first-tier) is a 17-OHP level
Nieman et  al. 2008). If there is a concern for analyzed using immunoassay from the dried
hypercortisolism, including Cushing’s syn- blood spot on the routine newborn screen filter
drome, a 24 h urine cortisol level, midnight cor- paper card. It is recommended that the 17-OHP
tisol blood or saliva level, or a dexamethasone level is assessed based on norms for gestational
suppression test can be used (Honour 2014; age. The accuracy of first-tier 17-OHP results on
Nieman et al. 2008). It is important to note that the newborn screen may be affected by certain
one test is not adequate for diagnosis; the tests factors such as the following:
are not fully accurate, and results can vary
(Lodish et  al. 2018; Nieman et  al. 2008). • Timing of the specimen: If taken in the first
Therefore, a normal result cannot be fully reas- 2 days of life, the result may show a false low
suring against pathology. Patients with sus- 17-OHP level if the baby has CAH (levels rise
pected Cushing’s syndrome should be referred after birth) or a falsely high level if the baby is
to a pediatric endocrinologist for further evalua- healthy (levels are naturally higher at birth and
tion and management. Box 11.8 reviews com- then decrease over days).
mon reasons for immediate referrals. • Gender: 17-OHP levels are lower in females.
• Clinical status: 17-OHP levels can be raised if
the baby is stressed by illness or is premature,
Box 11.8 Common Reasons for Urgent thus possibly causing a false-positive result.
Referrals • Type of test: Immunoassays can be associated
• Signs of precocious puberty with neuro- with low specificity.
logic signs and symptoms (r/o CNS • Antenatal steroids: Potentially reduce 17-OHP
pathology—importance of vision levels, causing a false-negative result.
• Estradiol or testosterone significantly The second-tier screen should be using
elevated (r/o tumor, CNS pathology). LC-MS/MS.  If LC-MS/MS is unavailable, a
• Significantly elevated prolactin level cosyntropin stimulation test should be used to
(r/o CNS lesion). verify diagnosis before treatment.
• Concern for hypocortisolism/adrenal A positive CAH newborn screen should be
insufficiency. referred to a pediatric endocrinologist, and a
cosyntropin stimulation test (after 24–48  h of
life) is typically used for further diagnostic pur-
poses. Serum electrolytes should also be mea-
11.7.9 Newborn Screening sured for babies with elevated 17-OHP levels
for Congenital Adrenal (Speiser et al. 2018).
Hyperplasia (CAH)

The Endocrine Society recommends that con- 11.7.10  Real-Life Examples

genital adrenal hyperplasia due to 21-OH defi-
ciency is included in all newborn screening A 14-year-old female with morbid obesity is
programs (Speiser et al. 2018). Early diagnosis referred to pediatric endocrinology for evalua-
and management of CAH can significantly tion of irregular menses and prediabetes. On
decrease morbidity and mortality. There are two physical exam, she had hirsutism, acanthosis
tiers to the analysis of CAH in the newborn nigricans, and no clitoromegaly. Her labs reveal
screen. It is important to understand the types of a total testosterone of 62 ng/dL (<40), free tes-
screenings. tosterone of 15.3 pg/mL (0.5–3.9), DHEA-S of
11  Care of the Child with a Pediatric Endocrine Disorder 443

219 (35–430ug/dL), FSH of 4.7mIU/mL (3.1–

17.7), LH of 8.10mIU/mL (0.04–10.80), pro- Key Learning about Pubertal Disorders
lactin of 8.0 (4.9–23.2 ng/mL), androstenedione • Premature thelarche is considered a nor-
of 139  mg/dL (22–225), hCG of <6mIU/mL mal variant and can be seen in females
(<6), A1c of 6.2%, TSH of 2.29mIU/L (0.5– under 2 years of age who have glandular
4.3), T4 of 6.49  ng/dL (0.8–1.4), and 17-OH breast tissue without growth accelera-
progesterone of 31  ng/dL (16–283). She was tion or other signs of puberty.
diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome • When monitoring puberty in the pri-
and was encouraged to work on healthy life- mary care setting, it is important to
style changes prior to discussing medical assess the TS or SMR staging of pubic
treatment. hair along with the testicular volume
A 7-year-old Caucasian female is brought and (using a Prader orchidometer) in males
presented to the primary care clinician because and breast development staging in
her mother noticed that she is growing pubic hair, females.
and she is concerned that she will be getting her • A complete pubertal physical exam,
period soon. She has TS or SMR 1 breast devel- including testicular volume or breast
opment, no acne or apocrine body odor, and TS development staging, is critical for any
or SMR 2 pubic hair on exam. She has not had pubertal evaluation instead of only rely-
any vaginal bleeding or discharge, and there is no ing on pubic hair staging.
clitoromegaly. You decide to order a quick, non- • Evaluating precocious puberty should
invasive bone age X-ray, which returns with a occur if pubertal signs occur before
reading of 8 years. You diagnose her with prema- 8 years of age in girls and 9 years of age
ture adrenarche and decide to monitor her. She in boys.
develops TS or SMR stage II breasts at 10 years • Evaluation of delayed puberty should
of age and has menarche at 12 years of age. As occur if girls do not develop breast
she gets older, she progresses through puberty development by 13 years of age or men-
appropriately and reaches her genetic potential arche by 15 years of age, or if boys do
for adult height. not develop testicular enlargement to at
A 7-year 8-month-old male is seen in the pri- least 4 ccs by 14 years of age.
mary care office for an annual health assess- • Secondary amenorrhea is considered
ment. His pubertal exam reveals a testicular when a female has not had menses for
volume of 4 cc bilaterally. He has no concerning 3  months after previously established
neurologic symptoms. He has no acne, pubic regular menses or 6  months if menses
hair or axillary hair, or adult body odor, but his have been irregular.
parents say that he has developed “teenage-like • There may not be a correlation between
behavior.” His growth percentile jumped from the degree of hirsutism and the elevation
25 percentile last year to 45 percentile this year, of androgens.
with parents both around the 25 percentile for
height. Baseline morning LH is noted at
0.3 IU/L and FSH 0.8 IU/L with free testoster-
one 0.8  pg/mL and total testosterone 2.6  pg/ 11.8 Disorders of Water Balance
dL.  He is referred to pediatric endocrinology,
where he undergoes a GnRH stimulation test This section will review the hormonal control of
which confirms central precocious puberty. He water balance. While rare, disorders of water bal-
has a brain MRI to rule out pathology, which is ance can present with polyuria and polydipsia
normal, and he was started on GnRH agonist and needs to be differentiated from diabetes
therapy. mellitus.
444 R. Crespi et al.

11.8.1 Diabetes Insipidus crine provider so that a sooner evaluation can be

The primary care clinician will rarely evaluate
arginine vasopressin (AVP) or antidiuretic hor- Urinalysis
mone (ADH) levels; however, diabetes insipidus A urinalysis is an inexpensive screening tool to
(DI) needs to be ruled out when a patient com- assess for urine-specific gravity in the primary
plains of polyuria and polydipsia. Although rare, care office. Information about a basic urinalysis
DI could lead to dehydration and hypernatremia can be found in Chapter 10, Sect.
unless patients have an intact thirst mechanism Suppose the urine specific gravity is low (and no
and can drink as needed. DI should be distin- glucose is present in the urine—see section on
guished from primary polydipsia (excess water diabetes) and the patient has polyuria. In that
intake), which may present in patients with devel- case, labs for simultaneous urine and serum
opmental delay or psychiatric illness. osmolality and serum electrolytes should be
DI can be central due to an AVP deficiency obtained. The pediatric endocrinologist will
or nephrogenic due to an inadequate response complete a water deprivation test to confirm a
to AVP at the V2 receptor in the kidney’s col- diagnosis of DI, if necessary.
lecting duct (Weiner and Vuguin 2020; Bankir
et al. 2017). Primary polydipsia may also cause S  erum Osmolality, Sodium
the suppression of AVP secretion over time due Level, and Urine Osmolality
to excessive fluid intake, making diagnosis dif- Simultaneous serum osmolality and sodium level
ficult. Central DI can be secondary to head and a urine osmolality and specific gravity are
trauma or post neurosurgery. It can also be important diagnostic tools. DI is diagnosed when
caused by brain tumors, disorders of the pitu- the serum osmolality is >300 mOsm/kg and the
itary gland, infections, autoimmune disease, urine osmolality is <300  mOsm/kg. Serum
medications, and genetic mutations (Wolfram sodium will likely be elevated (>145 mEq/mL),
syndrome). Nephrogenic DI can be caused by and urine-specific gravity will be low, <1.010
medications, kidney disease, genetic muta- (Weiner and Vuguin 2020). Even when patients
tions, and electrolyte imbalances (Weiner and with DI are deprived of water, they are still unable
Vuguin 2020). to concentrate their urine. In patients with pri-
Patients presenting to the clinician with com- mary polydipsia, the urine osmolality is usually
plaints of new-onset enuresis or polyuria must be normal, even when water is deprived (Weiner and
evaluated for DI. Polyuria is defined as urine out- Vuguin 2020). Table 11.12 reviews the urine and
put greater than 4–5 mL/kg/h (Weiner and Vuguin serum findings in patients with DI vs. primary
2020). A prompt evaluation is necessary if polydipsia. If the clinician is concerned about a
patients with polyuria also present with signs or diagnosis of DI, prompt referral to a pediatric
symptoms suggestive of pituitary dysfunction endocrinologist is necessary.
like short stature or delayed puberty. AVP
AVP is synthesized in the hypothalamus and trav-
11.8.2 Diagnostic Laboratory els to the posterior pituitary via the infundibular
Evaluation for the Child with stalk, where it is stored until it is released into the
Suspected Diabetes Insipidus bloodstream in response to dehydration and ris-
ing serum osmolality (Bankir et  al. 2017). AVP
The patient with new-onset enuresis or polyuria may also be released in response to increasing
should have a basic initial evaluation. If the clini- sodium levels and decreased blood volume or
cian notes short stature or delayed puberty, the stress. Increased water intake will decrease AVP
evaluation should be started immediately. Any secretion. AVP acts at the distal convoluted tubule
abnormality should be discussed with the endo- in the kidney to increase water reabsorption,
11  Care of the Child with a Pediatric Endocrine Disorder 445

Table 11.12  Diagnostic laboratory tests in patients with disorders of water balance
Serum sodium Serum osmolality
Urine SG mEq/L Urine osmolality mOsm/kg mOsm/kg
Normal 1.010–1.030 135–145 50–1400 275–295
DI ↓ ↑* ↓ ↑
Primary polydipsia → or ↓ → or ↓ ↓ ↓
Serum Sodium may be normal in patients with an intact thirst mechanism
Adapted from Weiner and Vuguin (2020), Styne (2016)

decreasing serum osmolality and increasing urine osmolality 36  mOsm/kg, serum osmolality
osmolality. AVP has a very short half-life, and the 290  mOsm/kg, and serum sodium
serum level of AVP is so low that it is too difficult 143  mEq/L.  These labs were suggestive of DI,
for current immunoassays to quantify (Bankir and her intact thirst mechanism likely enabled
et  al. 2017). Therefore, measuring AVP is not her to maintain a normal serum osmolality. A
clinically useful. Instead, urine osmolality, spe- water deprivation test was completed and con-
cific gravity, serum sodium, and serum osmolal- firmed the diagnosis of DI.  The patient was
ity are better markers of water balance. AVP must deprived of water all night, and when she arrived
also be drawn in a specific tube that is at a low at the clinic, repeat labs were assessed, which
temperature. The sample must be transported in a showed urine osmolality 136  mOsm/kg, serum
specific method (iced and then refrigerated and osmolality 310  mOsm/kg, and serum sodium
then frozen). Therefore, not all labs will be able 156 mEq/L. She was treated with subcutaneous
to obtain the specimen properly. If mishandled, DDAVP.  Repeat labs 60 mins later noted urine
results may not be accurate (Styne 2016). Box osmolality 210  mOsm/kg, serum sodium
11.9 reviews the common urinalysis findings in 140 mEq/L, and serum osmolality 271 mOsm/kg.
patients with polyuria. She was diagnosed with central DI. Brain imag-
ing revealed a germinoma. The patient had sur-
gery to remove the tumor and was treated with
Box 11.9 Common Urinalysis Findings and chemotherapy and radiation. She was also noted
Considerations Related to Polyuria to have GHD. She was treated with GH and has
Urinalysis Considerations for diagnosis and attained an acceptable adult height, and she
findings further testing remains with central DI.
Glucosuria Diabetes mellitus and check
fingerstick and/or HbA1c
SG <1.010 Diabetes insipidus and check urine
and serum osmolality 11.9 Diabetes Mellitus
Normal Hypercalcemia and check serum
calcium and PTH or primary Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a term used to describe
polydipsia a group of disorders associated with abnormal glu-
cose homeostasis. DM is further classified based
on how glucose homeostasis is altered. The two
main types of diabetes seen in the pediatric popu-
11.8.3 Real-Life Example lation are type 1 DM and type 2 DM (Styne 2016).
Type 1 DM is a result of insulin deficiency
A 13 ½-year-old female presented to the pediat- caused by an autoimmune response. This autoim-
ric endocrinologist for concerns of short stature. mune response results in the destruction of the
Further history revealed that the patient was beta cells in the pancreas that release insulin
thirsty all of the time, was urinating almost every (Styne 2016).
hour, and was waking at night to urinate. Initial Type 2 DM results from a state of insulin
screening tests showed a urine SG 1.006, urine resistance. Typically, the patient starts with
446 R. Crespi et al.

insulin resistance, during which time endoge-

nous insulin production may be elevated; how- Box 11.10 Criteria for Screening for
ever, it may progress to an insulin-deficient Prediabetes and Type 2 DM in Pediatrics
state. Type 2 DM was previously labeled adult- • Patients who have started puberty
onset diabetes, but it is now evident that the or  ≥  10  years old (whichever comes
prevalence of type 2 DM in youth has increased first) who meet criteria for overweight
(Nadeau et al. 2016). status (BMI ≥85th percentile) or obese
A group of monogenic disorders, including status (BMI ≥95th percentile) and who
neonatal diabetes and maturity-onset diabetes of have one or more of the following risk
the young (MODY), are due to a genetic muta- factors.
tion that affects the formation or release of insu-
lin and does not cause beta cell destruction. These –– The patient’s mother has a history of
forms of diabetes are rare but often misdiagnosed diabetes during pregnancy or gesta-
as type 1 DM or type 2 DM. Additionally, diabe- tional diabetes during the pregnancy.
tes can be caused by medications (including ste- –– There is a family history of type 2
roids or posttransplant drugs) or exocrine DM in a first- or second-degree
pancreas dysfunction (such as cystic fibrosis) relative.
(ADA 2021). –– The patient is of Native American,
As a primary care clinician, lab testing to African American, Latino, Asian
evaluate for DM would be done either for a American, or Pacific Islander descent.
patient presenting with symptoms of diabetes –– Signs of insulin resistance on the
(including polyuria, nocturia, new-onset enure- exam (acanthosis nigricans) or has a
sis, polydipsia, polyphagia, weight loss) or if a condition that is associated with
patient is asymptomatic but meets the criteria insulin resistance (small-for-­
for routine screening (see Box 11.10). Pediatric gestational age at birth, hyperten-
patients with type 1 DM often present in dia- sion, dyslipidemia, or polycystic
betic ketoacidosis (DKA); however, it is impor- ovary syndrome).
tant to remember that patients with type 2 DM
may also present in DKA (ADA 2021). Adapted from ADA 2021
Symptoms of DKA include nausea, vomiting,
abdominal pain, fatigue, fruity breath, shortness
of breath, and confusion (Styne 2016). Due to
the rapid progression to DKA in patients with 11.9.1 Diabetes Diagnostic
type 1 DM, a pediatric endocrinologist should Laboratory Tests
urgently be consulted if there is suspicion for
type 1 diabetes. According to the ADA (2021), the diagnosis of
In the year 2000, the American Diabetes prediabetes and diabetes can be made based on
Association (ADA) and the American Academy hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C), fasting plasma glu-
of Pediatrics recommended screening for type 2 cose levels, or a 2-h plasma glucose following a
diabetes and prediabetes in asymptomatic chil- 75-gram glucose load. DM can also be diagnosed
dren 10  years and older or after the onset of with an elevated random plasma glucose in the
puberty who were overweight and with at least presence of classic symptoms of hyperglycemia.
two risk factors. The recommendation came as The 2-h plasma glucose level during a 75-g oral
the prevalence of diabetes in the adult population glucose tolerance test (OGTT) is considered the
was increasing, and various reports, including the “gold standard.” It will diagnose more people with
Third National Health and Nutrition Examination prediabetes and diabetes than either HbA1C or
Survey (NHANES III), were noting an increase fasting glucose (Brar 2019). However, due to the
in the prevalence of type 2 DM in the pediatric convenience of the HbA1C test, which does not
population (ADA 2000; Wallace et al. 2020). require fasting and the fact that it gives a measure
11  Care of the Child with a Pediatric Endocrine Disorder 447

Table 11.13  Diagnostic criteria for diabetes but the ADA added HbA1C as a diagnostic
2 h glucose on marker for diabetes in 2010 (Radin 2014).
HbA1c FPG OGTT The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial
Diabetes ≥6.5% ≥126 mg/dL ≥200 mg/dL (DCCT), the UK prospective Diabetes Study
Prediabetes 5.7– 100–125 mg/ 140–199 mg/dL
6.4% dL
(UKPDS), and the Epidemiology of Diabetes
Interventions and Complications (EDIC) study
Adapted from ADA (2021)
concluded that the risks of diabetes-related com-
plications are directly related to glycemic control
of glycemic control over the past 3 months rather as measured by the HbA1C value. In the past,
than a single data point, it has now been recog- HbA1C assays were not standardized and led to a
nized as a diagnostic tool (ADA 2021). The cutoff wide variability. The lack of standardization led to
values for diabetes are based on clinical studies the creation of the National Glycohemoglobin
and the risk for developing complications from Standardization Program (NGSP) in 1996 (Radin
diabetes. In contrast, the cutoffs for prediabetes 2014). The goal was for HbA1C levels to be stan-
levels are based on studies indicating a relative dardized to the HbA1C levels of the DCCT and
increase in risk for developing diabetes mellitus in UKPDS trials. All NGSP-certified laboratories use
the next 5  years (ADA 2021, Lee et  al. 2011). the ion-exchange high-performance liquid chro-
Unless there is significant hyperglycemia, the matography (HLPC), which was the same method
patient should have at least two positive results to used in the DCCT and UKPD trials. HbA1C is
confirm the diagnosis of DM: either two positive measured using whole blood in a lavender-­ top
results on the same blood sample (i.e., an elevated tube (Radin 2014). There are methods of checking
fasting plasma glucose and an elevated HbA1C) or a point-of-care HbA1C which will yield a result
two positive results on different samples (an ele- within minutes. A venous sample must be used for
vated HbA1C on two different samples). diagnostic purposes as the quality concept typi-
The cutoff values for HbA1C and glucose lev- cally used for lab testing of HbA1C is not used
els for both diabetes mellitus and prediabetes were with point of care (Weykamp 2013).
based on studies on adult populations but extrapo- Hemoglobin A1C evaluation. HbA1C is not
lated to the pediatric population. Table  11.13 a direct measure of glycemia and may be affected
reviews the diagnostic criteria for diabetes. by various factors independent of glycemia.
Hemoglobin A1C is part of a red blood cell. Hemoglobin A1C Therefore, any condition that affects red blood
Hemoglobin is a protein in the red blood cells cell turnover can alter the HbA1C level and make
that transports oxygen to the body’s organs and it a less reliable indicator of glycemic control. If
tissues. The hemoglobin molecule is composed the life of an erythrocyte is longer, it will result in
of two alpha-globin chains made up of the globin decreased red cell turnover, which will, in turn,
genes HbA1 and HbA2. A1c is a minor hemoglo- expose the cell to glucose for longer periods
bin component that is a posttranslational modifi- resulting in higher HbA1C levels. On the con-
cation of HbA and accounts for 70–90% of trary, HbA1C may be falsely lowered in patients
hemoglobin A1. Hemoglobin A1C (HbA1c) is who have a condition with increased red cell
formed by the combination of glucose molecules turnover (Radin 2014).
with the N-terminal proline amino acid groups of HbA1C levels can also be altered by certain
the hemoglobin B chain (Radin 2014). This mod- hemoglobinopathies, including hemoglobins S,
ification of hemoglobin with glucose is termed C, D, and E. Whether or not the HbA1C level may
glycosylation. The process of glycosylation will be altered in a person with a specific hemoglobin-
occur over the lifespan of an erythrocyte which is opathy is dependent on the specific HbA1C assay
typically 120 days. Therefore, HbA1C is a good used. The NGSP provides written guidance on
marker of overall glycemic control over the past which assays will affect HbA1C levels for each
120 days (Guo et al. 2014). HbA1C was first used hemoglobinopathy (Vajravelu and Lee 2018;
as a clinical marker to monitor glycemic control, Radin 2014). HbA1C can also be falsely lowered
448 R. Crespi et al.

or increased due to the mechanisms of certain F  asting Plasma Glucose

medications or vitamins (Vajravelu and Lee 2018; and 2-Hour Plasma Glucose
Radin 2014). Race and ethnicity can also impact on OGTT
HbA1C levels (ADA 2021). The Diabetes Until 2010, the diagnosis of diabetes was based
Prevention Program found that African Americans only on glucose levels, not on HbA1C (Radin
had HbA1C levels about 0.4% higher than 2014). Diagnosing prediabetes and diabetes in
Caucasians for the same average glucose levels. children and adults can still be based on either
Differences in HbA1C were also seen in Asians, fasting plasma glucose levels, a 2-h plasma glu-
Hispanics, and American Indians (Herman et al. cose, or a random plasma glucose level accom-
2007; Vajravelu and Lee 2018). HbA1C has also panied by symptoms of hyperglycemia. Fasting
been shown to increase with increasing age is defined as no caloric intake for 8 h. The 2-h
regardless of diabetes status (Brar 2019). As OGTT with a 75-g glucose load will detect dia-
regards to age, the ADA diagnostic cutoff values, betes in more patients than either fasting glu-
including for HbA1C, are based on adult epide- cose or HbA1C. During the 2-h OGTT, a fasting
miologic studies. HbA1C has been found to have glucose level is obtained, and then patients are
a lower sensitivity for detecting prediabetes in given a 75-g glucose drink, and a blood glucose
adolescents in comparison to adults though more level is drawn 120 min later (ADA 2021). The
research is needed to better evaluate the sensitiv- glucose cutoff values for diagnosis of diabetes
ity of HbA1C in the diagnosis of diabetes in the were updated by the International Expert
pediatric population (Vajravelu and Lee 2018; Committee on the Diagnosis and Classification
Lee et al. 2011). Box 11.11 is a list of conditions of Diabetes in 1997. At that time, the cutoff
that may falsely elevate or lower HbA1c. value for diagnosing diabetes with fasting glu-
cose levels was lowered from 140 to 126  mg/
dL.  The cutoff value was lowered due to data
Box 11.11 Conditions that May Falsely Affect
that demonstrated an increase in the prevalence
of diabetic retinopathy from the National
Conditions that may Conditions that may
Health and Nutritional Epidemiologic Survey
falsely elevate HbA1C falsely lower HbA1C
  •  Iron deficiency •  Chronic blood loss (NHANES III) (Expert Committee on the
anemia •  Recent blood Diagnosis and Classification of Diabetes
  •  Anemia caused by transfusion Mellitus 2003; Mayfield 1998). Epidemiological
folate or vitamin B12 •  Hemolytic anemia data also demonstrated that people with a 2-h
deficiency (including sickle cell
  •  Asplenia anemia and G6PD plasma glucose level of ≥200 mg/dL following
  •  Severe deficiency) a 75-g glucose load had a higher risk of devel-
hypertriglyceridemia •  End-stage renal disease oping eye and kidney disease (Gerstein 2001).
(concentrations •  Cystic fibrosis This data was based on adult populations and
>1750 mg/dL) •  Pregnancy
  •  Severe •  Vitamin E (dosages has been extrapolated to the pediatric popula-
hyperbilirubinemia higher than 600 mg) tion (ADA 2021; Brar 2019).
(concentrations •  Vitamin C (in high Hemoglobin A1C, fasting plasma glucose lev-
>20 mg/dL) dosages) els, and 2-h oral glucose tolerance levels may be
  •  Lead poisoning •  Ribavirin
  •  Chronic alcohol •  Interferon alpha discordant and may not be reproducible. For
consumption •  HIV antiretroviral example, a patient may have a normal HbA1C
  •  Chronic salicylate medication but an abnormal fasting glucose level. Typically,
ingestion •  Dapsone hyperglycemia is seen in postprandial glucose
  •  Chronic opioid •  Hydroxyurea
ingestion levels before hyperglycemia in fasting glucose
levels; therefore, it is possible to miss a diagnosis
Adapted from Radin (2014); Vajravelu
of diabetes if only fasting glucose levels are eval-
and Lee (2018), Kim et  al. (2009); ADA
uated (Gerstein 2001). If there is a high index of
suspicion that the patient has diabetes, the 2-h
11  Care of the Child with a Pediatric Endocrine Disorder 449

OGTT, considered the “gold standard,” should be Table 11.14  Advantages and disadvantages of diagnos-
tic testing for diabetes
performed (ADA 2021).
Evaluation of fasting plasma glucose and Diagnostic
test Advantages Disadvantages
2-hour plasma glucose on OGTT. Performing a
Hemoglobin •  Does not •  Higher cost
fasting plasma glucose and a 2-hour plasma glu- A1C require fasting •  Levels can be
cose level following a glucose load is more labor-­ •  Less affected by various
intensive than the HbA1C.  A fasting plasma day-to-day conditions affecting
variability due red blood cell
glucose requires an overnight fast of 8  h.
to stress, turnover,
Therefore, the test often needs to be done in the illness, or diet medications, race/
morning, which may not be convenient for the •  Greater ethnicity, and age
patient. It may also be challenging for a child to preanalytical (see Box 11.11)
stability (does •  Lower sensitivity at
tolerate the 75-g glucose drink required for the
not require cutoff value of
2-h glucose level. After drinking the 75-g glucose centrifuge) 6.5%
drink, it is also important that the patient does not •  Good for
eat or exercise, which can affect the 2-h glucose monitoring
trends in
Plasma glucose levels can be altered if the control
sample remains at room temperature for too long (120-day
and is not centrifuged correctly (ADA 2021). average)
Glucose levels can be affected by stress/illness, Fasting •  Only one •  Requires 8 h of
plasma blood sample fasting
leading to individual variability in glucose levels glucose •  Stress/illness/diet
(Brar 2019). Table  11.14 points out the advan- can affect
tages and disadvantages of diagnostic testing for variability leading
diabetes. to poor
•  Less preanalytical P  ancreatic Islet Cell stability (needs to
Autoantibodies be kept at the
Several autoantibodies have been found to bind correct temperature
and centrifuged
to specific proteins in the islet cells of the pan- promptly)
creas (Winter and Schatz 2011). They are primar- 2-hour •  Diagnoses •  Requires 8 h of
ily tested in a patient diagnosed with DM to glucose on more people fasting before the
confirm a diagnosis of autoimmune type 1 OGTT with test
prediabetes •  Long test
DM.  The autoantibodies typically appear in the and diabetes •  Some patients have
blood months to years before symptoms actually •  Considered difficulty drinking a
present (Schmidt et  al. 2005). Children geneti- the gold 75-g glucose load
cally predisposed to develop type 1 DM fre- standard •  Stress/illness/diet
can affect
quently have seroconversion of autoantibodies variability leading
between 6 months and 3 years of age and another to poor
peak in puberty (Williams and Long 2019). It is reproducibility
still unclear what triggers the initial autoimmune •  Less preanalytical
stability (needs to
response (Winter and Schatz 2011). be kept at the
Autoantibodies include antibodies to the correct temperature
65-kDa isoform of glutamate decarboxylase and centrifuged
(GAD65), insulin autoantibodies (IAA), islet cell promptly)
antibodies (ICA), insulinoma-associated antigen- Adapted from ADA (2021), Brar (2019), Radin (2014)
­2A (IA-2) antibodies, and zinc transporter eight
(ZnT8) antibodies. Additional autoantibodies have measure or do not have adequate sensitivity or
been documented, but they are either difficult to specificity levels. They are therefore not used rou-
450 R. Crespi et al.

tinely in the clinical setting (Winter and Schatz autoantibodies first develop (Ziegler et al. 2013).
2011). IAA is more commonly seen in younger In the DPT-1 study, 98% of first-­degree relatives
children diagnosed with new-onset Type 1 of patients with type 1 DM who developed T1DM
Diabetes Mellitus (typically, the IAA is the first to had one or more autoantibodies (Verge et  al.
be seen, followed by GAD-65 antibodies). The 1996; Pihoker et al. 2005). Following the DPT-1
prevalence of IAA has been found to decrease at study came the Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet. TrialNet
older ages. The administration of exogenous insu- is an ongoing, international study monitoring the
lin can cause the body to make insulin antibodies presence of autoantibodies in first-degree rela-
that cannot be distinguished from insulin autoanti- tives of patients with type 1 DM to prevent or
bodies on lab testing. Therefore, if a patient has slow the development of disease progression
already been given exogenous insulin for treat- through various clinical trials (Bingley et  al.
ment, the insulin antibody test is less reliable as a 2018).
positive result could indicate insulin antibodies It is not recommended for the primary care
due to administration of insulin and/or insulin clinician to perform routine screening of autoan-
autoantibodies (Winter and Schatz 2011). GAD-­ tibodies in asymptomatic first-degree relatives of
65 antibodies and ICA antibodies are seen in ~70– a patient with type 1 DM (ADA 2021). Some
80% of patients diagnosed with new-onset autoantibodies are not disease-specific (Bonifacio
T1DM.  However, the positive ICA tends to and Achenbach 2019). For example, GAD-65
decrease over time, so someone who has had dia- autoantibodies can be seen in neurological condi-
betes for over 10 years may no longer have a posi- tions such as Stiff-Man syndrome or cerebellar
tive ICA. ataxia (Schmidt et  al. 2005; Winter and Schatz
In contrast, the GAD-65 remains positive for 2011). First-degree relatives of those with T1DM
longer (Winter and Schatz 2011). can be referred to TrialNet for screening and risk
The zinc transporter 8 (ZnT8) antibody is cur- assessment (
rently the newest of the islet autoantibodies to be
recognized. It is highly specific to the pancreatic C-Peptide
beta cells and localized in the insulin secretory Connecting peptide, also known as C-peptide, is
granules (Williams and Long 2019). As this anti- a measure of beta cell function. When a proinsu-
body was first described in 2007, patients diag- lin molecule is cleaved, C-peptide and insulin are
nosed with antibody-negative insulin-dependent released in equivalent amounts. C-peptide has a
diabetes before 2007 should have a ZnT8 anti- longer half-life than insulin which makes it a
body tested (Wenzlau et al. 2007). ZnT8 is more more stable marker of endogenous insulin secre-
commonly positive in older children at diagnosis tion. The additional benefit is that C-peptide lev-
than IAA, which is more common in younger els are not affected by exogenous insulin
children (Winter and Schatz 2011). The gold administration, but serum insulin levels will mea-
standard for measuring all islet autoantibodies is sure both e­ndogenous and exogenous insulin
by radioimmunoassay (Williams and Long 2019). (Leighton et al. 2017). C-peptide levels are there-
There have been multiple research studies fore used to assist in distinguishing the type of
evaluating autoantibodies seen in first-degree diabetes a patient may have. Typically, a patient
relatives of patients with type 1 diabetes and the with type 1 DM is characterized by endogenous
risk of progression to diabetes. The Colorado insulin deficiency (low C-peptide). However,
Diabetes Autoimmunity Study in the Young depending on when a patient is diagnosed with
(DAISY), the Finnish Type 1 Diabetes Prediction type 1 DM, the C-peptide may still be measur-
and Prevention (DIPP) study, the German able due to functioning beta cells (VanBuecken
BABYDIAB and BABYDIET, Diabetes and Greenbaum 2014). Patients with type 2 DM
Prevention Trial (DPT-1), and TrialNet are moni- present with insulin resistance and hyperinsu-
toring islet autoantibodies in first-degree relatives linemia which will lead to elevated C-peptide
of those with T1DM to better understand the rate levels. About 6% of pediatric patients aged
of progression to diabetes from the time that 10–19 years old with type 2 DM present in DKA
11  Care of the Child with a Pediatric Endocrine Disorder 451

will have lower C-peptide levels at diagnosis

(ADA 2021). Key Learning about Diabetes
C-peptide may also help a clinician decide if a • Remember to ask about polyuria, poly-
patient should be tested for MODY. Some forms dipsia, and polyphagia in any pediatric
of MODY may present like type 1 DM, but the patient who presents with vomiting, par-
cause of diabetes is due to a genetic mutation that ticularly when there are no known sick
affects the formation or release of insulin and contacts. DKA can be mistaken for
does not cause beta cell destruction. Therefore, a acute gastroenteritis.
patient with MODY may be on relatively low • It can be difficult to distinguish between
doses of exogenous insulin and continues pro- the diagnosis of type 1 DM and type 2
ducing some endogenous insulin. Therefore, the DM in the pediatric population, given
C-peptide will be measurable (Leighton et  al. the current obesity epidemic. A child
2017; Levitt Katz 2015). can be obese and have type 1
DM.  Therefore, the ADA recommends Insulin Levels the testing of islet autoantibodies in
An insulin level in a patient with type 2 DM may children and adolescents diagnosed with
not give useful clinical information since patients diabetes regardless of weight status.
with type 2 DM may have variable insulin levels • All patients who complain of polyuria
based on the stage of the disease progression due and polydipsia should have a urinalysis.
to insulin resistance and possible insulin defi- • There is no utility to check an insulin
ciency (ADA 2021). Furthermore, the routine level routinely on a patient with type 1
screening of insulin levels in children or adoles- DM since it is an insulin-deficient state.
cents with obesity is not recommended as it offers
little diagnostic value. Urinalysis Questions

In the primary care setting, clinicians often check
a urinalysis to screen for glucosuria. It is impor- 1. A 10-month-old baby with congenital hypo-
tant to note that glucosuria will only be seen if the thyroidism comes for his routine follow-up
plasma glucose is elevated and above the renal appointment. The mother states that she
threshold when the urine sample is given (Styne gives him the levothyroxine every day with
2016). If the clinician is suspicious that a patient his morning bottle of soy formula. The labs
has diabetes mellitus and there is no glucosuria show TSH 10.69 mIU/mL (0.80–8.20 mIU/L)
on urinalysis, further testing should be done with and free T4 1.0 ng/mL (0.9–1.4 ng/dL). What
serum glucose levels or HbA1C. is your next step?
(a) Increase the dose of levothyroxine.
(b) Decrease the dose of levothyroxine.
11.9.2 Real-Life Example (c) Repeat the thyroid function test because
maybe there was assay interference.
A 13-year-old male with obesity and acanthosis (d) Ask the mother to give the levothyroxine
nigricans was referred to the pediatric diabetes with a small amount of water and repeat
clinic due to an HbA1c of 6.6% noted by the pri- the thyroid function tests in 6–8 weeks.
mary care clinician. He was asymptomatic. The 2. Bobby is a 12-year-old boy who is in puberty.
patient completed a 2-hour OGTT.  The fasting He does not play organized sports and loves
glucose was 91  mg/dL, and the 2-hour glucose his video games. His height is 62 inches
was 156 mg/dL. At this time, he was diagnosed (152 cm), and his weight is 165lbs (75 kg).
with prediabetes. This patient was monitored and His BMI is >95th percentile. His mother
made lifestyle changes, and 3  months later, wants you to check his thyroid to see if that’s
HbA1c was 5.9%. the cause of his weight gain. He denies
452 R. Crespi et al.

constipation, diarrhea, dry skin, or fatigue. Testes are 4 cc b/l. You decide to draw labs
How do you counsel the mother? and refer to pediatric endocrinology. What
(a) Check the thyroid function tests to make initial tests would be helpful to have for the
her happy. referral?
(b) Explain that it is important for children (a) 17-OHP
to exercise daily and make goals with (b) LH, FSH, and testosterone.
Bobby to improve his physical (c) Testosterone only.
activities. (d) Morning cortisol.
(c) Explain that current guidelines do not 6. Tina is a 16-year-old female who comes to
recommend checking TSH when evalu- you because she isn’t getting her periods
ating obesity and that obesity may cause regularly. She also has been dealing with
an elevated TSH, which typically does acne, and it is bothering her. She has exces-
not require treatment. sive hair on her chin and chest, which she
(d) Both b and c. shaves. Which test listed below is not a rec-
3. An 18-year-old female patient complains ommended first-line evaluation?
about irregular menses and fatigue. She is (a) LH, FSH, and estradiol.
stressed out about getting into college and (b) Testosterone.
having to help care for her young brother (c) Pelvic ultrasound.
with type 1 diabetes. She thinks that her hair (d) DHEA-S.
has been thinning, so she has been trying to 7. Sam is a 13-year-old male who presents to
take supplements to feel better. You do a your office because his mother is concerned
screening test and note an elevated TSH of that he is shorter than the rest of the kids in
9.7mIU/L.  What is not in her differential his class. His midparental height is around
diagnosis? the 25th percentile, but his height is currently
(a) Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism. at the 5th percentile for age and he has an
(b) Assay interference. appropriate prepubertal growth velocity. His
(c) Subclinical hypothyroidism. mother notes that she got her period when she
(d) TSH-secreting adenoma. was 14 years old, and she thinks that Sam’s
(e) Graves’ disease. father was growing when he was in college.
4. A mother brings an 8-year-old male into Sam is prepubertal on the exam. What would
your office because he has started to develop be an appropriate first-line evaluation?
pubic hair, and she thinks he is too young for (a) LH, FSH, and testosterone.
that. On physical exam, he has TS or SMR 2 (b) IGF-1 and IGF-BP3.
pubic hair, no acne, and no apocrine body (c) Growth hormone.
odor. He has a normal growth velocity. What (d) Bone age X-ray.
initial evaluation may be appropriate for you 8. Lauren is a 5-year-old female who presents
to order and may avoid referral to pediatric to your office for her annual healthcare main-
endocrinology (in favor of monitoring) if tenance exam. Her only pertinent medical
normal? history is that she was born small for gesta-
(a) 17-OHP tional age; otherwise, she has no other medi-
(b) TSH and free T4. cal conditions and is a healthy weight with a
(c) Bone age X-ray. BMI at the 40th percentile. You notice that
(d) Testosterone. she has been consistently at the 2nd percen-
5. Brian is a 15-year-old male, and he comes to tile for height and is not falling off the growth
your office because he is worried that he is curve, but her midparental height is on the
not developing like his friends are. He has no 25th percentile. What do you tell her parents
other medical history and no surgical history. when they ask if she will improve her
On exam, he has SMR stage V pubic hair. growth?
11  Care of the Child with a Pediatric Endocrine Disorder 453

(a) “Her growth velocity is steady, so don’t diabetes. I will refer you to the pediatric
worry; she will make it to the 25th per- endocrinologist emergently for further
centile eventually.” evaluation.”
(b) “She might have a growth hormone defi- (d) “I’m glad Steven lost weight. He was
ciency, so we will do some screening obese. Please continue healthy eating
labs today.” and incorporate exercise into his daily
(c) “She was born small for gestational age routine so he can continue with weight
and has not exhibited catch-up growth; loss. We will re-evaluate him in
therefore, let’s refer her to pediatric 1 month.”
endocrinology to discuss possible evalu- 11. You just determined that Steven (Question
ation and treatment.” 10) has diabetes. What blood tests will the
(d) “She should gain some weight, and that endocrinologist complete to determine if
will help her grow faster.” Steven has type 1 DM and type 2 DM?
9. John is a 12-year-old male who presents to (a) HbA1c.
your office because his parents are concerned (b) C-peptide and insulin.
about his weight loss, and they feel he is (c) 2-hour OGTT
shorter than the rest of his peers. You notice (d) Autoantibodies (GAD-65, IAA, ICA,
that his growth percentiles dropped from the IA-2, ZnT8).
40th percentile about 2 years ago to the 25th 12. Sarah is a 17-year-old female who presents
percentile currently and his weight has to your office for her annual visit before
dropped from the 30th percentile to the 10th heading to college. Since her last visit, she
percentile. What are some screening tests that has gained a lot of weight, and her BMI has
you could consider for further evaluation? increased from the 82nd percentile to the
(a) Celiac screen. 90th percentile. She has a family history of
(b) CBC. type 2 DM in her maternal and paternal
(c) ESR and CRP. grandparents. You perform annual fasting
(d) All of the above. screening labs. The glucose on the complete
10. Steven is a 14-year-old male who presents to metabolic panel is 137  mg/dL.  You call
your office with 2 weeks of excessive urina- Sarah back because you are worried that she
tion and thirst. He has lost 12lbs, but his BMI might have diabetes. You ask more questions
is still above the 90th percentile. He has mild about diabetes. She denies polyuria, polydip-
acanthosis on the back of his neck, and he sia, and nocturia. You have her come back for
has TS or SMR stage III pubic hair, and his an HbA1c and OGTT.  The HbA1c is 6%.
testes are 10  cc bilaterally. His father and The fasting blood glucose on the OGTT is
maternal grandmother both have type 2 DM. 121 mg/dL, and the 2-hour blood glucose is
You perform a urinalysis in the office and 167 mg/dL. How do you counsel Sarah?
notice glucose in his urine. A random finger (a) “You have diabetes and need to start
stick shows blood glucose of 266  mg/ medication immediately.”
dL.  Which of the following is the best (b) “You have prediabetes and should focus
response to the parents? on healthy eating and exercise and
(a) “Steven has diabetes. You should go healthy weight loss to prevent progres-
home and cut out sugary drinks and sion to diabetes.”
candy and eat a low-carb diet.” (c) “You have prediabetes. If you begin to
(b) “Steven has type 2 DM because he is have increased thirst or urination or start
obese, and you have a strong family his- waking at night to urinate or drink, you
tory of type 2 DM.” should seek medical attention. These
(c) “Steven’s symptoms and glucosuria and could be signs that your prediabetes is
elevated blood sugar suggest that he has progressing to diabetes.”
454 R. Crespi et al.

(d) “You have diabetes, and if you’re not obesity. Since obesity can have other long-­
careful, you will end up blind.” term effects on children, counseling Bobby
(e) Both b and c. to improve his diet and physical activity
13. Charlie is a 10-year-old boy who presents to should be part of all visit types.
your office with new-onset nocturnal enure- 3. Answer: e
sis over the past month. You learn during the An elevated TSH is seen in Hashimoto’s
history that he is not doing well in school thyroiditis, subclinical hypothyroidism
because he is missing class to use the bath- (which can be caused by Hashimoto’s thy-
room. His weight has been stable. What find- roiditis), and TSH-secreting adenomas
ings on his urinalysis would make you (though the TSH would likely be higher).
suspect diabetes insipidus? Immunoassays can be affected by biotin. In
(a) Specific gravity: 1.005. Graves’ disease, the clinician should expect
(b) Color: clear. to see a low TSH.
(c) Glucose: 2+. 4. Answer: c
(d) Ketones: 1+. Suppose the clinician has concerns
(e) Both a and b. regarding non-classic congenital adrenal
hyperplasia. In that case, a baseline 17-OHP
may be appropriate, but given the patient’s
Rationale mild premature adrenarche, the clinician
may not have to jump to a 17-OHP. Thyroid
1. Answer: d function tests would not be routinely evalu-
Levothyroxine should be given on an ated in the case of premature adrenarche. A
empty stomach, and iron, fiber, calcium, and bone age X-ray is helpful. If it is mildly
soy can affect the absorption of levothyrox- advanced, then monitoring may be appropri-
ine. Waiting to repeat the TSH for 6–8 weeks ate; if significantly advanced, a referral to
is important because TSH changes slowly in pediatric endocrinology is warranted to rule
response to small changes in free T4. out pathologic causes of premature adre-
Increasing the dose of levothyroxine before narche. Testosterone is not elevated in benign
changing the way the baby gets the levothy- premature adrenarche. A testosterone level
roxine could cause the baby to become could be helpful for reassurance. Still, if it is
hyperthyroid if the mother suddenly starts to normal and there is a concern for the patho-
give the levothyroxine the correct way. logic cause of premature adrenarche,
Decreasing the dose of levothyroxine does ­additional adrenal hormone testing should be
not make sense because, based on the ele- considered.
vated TSH, the baby needs more levothyrox- 5. Answer: b
ine. There could be an assay interference, but 17-OHP is typically used when concerned
the clinician should take the first step to for non-classic congenital adrenal hyperpla-
ensure that the baby is getting the levothy- sia; this patient has delayed puberty; there-
roxine on an empty stomach, free from soy, fore, 17-OHP would not be a first-line
fiber, calcium, or iron. evaluation. LH, FSH, and testosterone levels
2. Answer: d, both b and c may be helpful. If LH and FSH are elevated,
It is important to remember that current it can be indicative of gonadal failure. If LH
guidelines do not suggest checking thyroid and FSH are low, there may be a pituitary
function tests in obese children. The TSH is concern. Morning cortisol can be monitored
elevated in children with obesity and has also if there is a concern for hypocortisolism.
been found to improve with weight loss, sug- 6. Answer: c
gesting that the elevated TSH seen in obesity The pelvic ultrasound is not recom-
may be a consequence and not a cause of mended as a first-line evaluation for hyper-
11  Care of the Child with a Pediatric Endocrine Disorder 455

androgenism and oligomenorrhea, even if Autoantibodies are the only way to deter-
the patient likely has PCOS. LH, FSH, estra- mine if a patient has T1DM or T2DM.  An
diol, testosterone, and DHEA-S are appro- HbA1c will tell you the average blood sugar
priate evaluations. for the past 2–3  months and will likely be
7. Answer: d elevated in Steven’s case. A C-peptide and
Sam likely has a constitutional delay of insulin level may be helpful but will not
growth and development since both his par- determine the type of diabetes that Steven
ents seem to have puberty on the later end of has. C-peptide and insulin levels may be high
normal. Sam’s bone age would likely reveal in patients with type 2 DM.  However,
a delayed bone age. C-peptide and insulin levels can also be low
8. Answer: c when a person presents acutely with type 2
Children born small for gestational age DM.  A 2-hour OGTT is not useful for a
and who fail to exhibit catch-up growth are patient presenting with signs and symptoms
approved by the FDA for growth hormone of diabetes and will not provide any addi-
therapy. She may not “catch up” on her own tional information on the type of diabetes
to her midparental height. The child should that Steven has.
be referred to a pediatric endocrinologist for 12. Answer: e, both b and c
further evaluation and discussion about treat- Sarah has prediabetes based on the
ment. Growth hormone deficiency is lower results of her OGTT (neither blood glucose
on the differential since she has not had a is in the diabetes range) and her A1c of 6%.
slow growth velocity. Her BMI is adequate She is obese and at risk for type 2 DM
and should not be expected to cause poor based on her family history. She should
growth. focus on weight loss in a healthy way and
9. Answer: d should monitor for symptoms of diabetes
Due to his weight loss, John’s height like increased thirst or urination. If she
velocity decrease could be due to a non-­ notices symptoms of diabetes, she should
endocrine cause. Therefore, screening for seek care immediately.
celiac disease, an inflammatory condition 13. Answer: e, both a and b
(i.e., Crohn’s disease), and a hematologic A patient with diabetes insipidus would
process should be ruled out. have a low specific gravity and clear urine. A
10. Answer: c patient should not have glycosuria or ketonu-
Steven definitely has diabetes due to his ria with diabetes insipidus.
symptoms of polyuria, polydipsia and weight
loss and his glucosuria and elevated random
blood sugar. Steven could have type 2 DM References
based on his weight and family history of
type 2 DM and his acanthosis nigricans. American Diabetes Association. Type 2 diabetes in
children and adolescents. Pediatrics. 2000;105(3 Pt
However, obese children can still have type 1 1):671–80.
DM, and you cannot definitively tell the par- American Diabetes Association. Standards of diabetes
ents which type of diabetes Steven has with- care in 2021. Diabetes Care. 2021;44(Suppl):1.
out further testing. Regardless of diabetes, Aydın B, Winters SJ.  Sex hormone-binding globu-
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Care of the Child with a Possible
Rheumatological Disorder
Rita Marie John and Kathleen Kenney-Riley

Learning Objectives 12.1 Introduction

After completing the chapter, the learner should
be able to: Rheumatology labs are challenging to understand
and interpret in the pediatric population. When
1. Develop a diagnostic workup for a child pre- seeing children with rheumatologic-type com-
senting with a possible rheumatological plaints, clinicians often inappropriately order lab
problem. tests (Suresh 2019). Children and adolescents
2. Interpret common laboratory studies to evalu- often have complaints similar to those seen in
ate the child with possible rheumatological rheumatologic disorders and are also seen in
diseases. common pediatric conditions. A recent review of
3. Identify the pitfalls of the laboratory studies primary care pediatricians demonstrated several
used in pediatric rheumatological diseases. rheumatological laboratory tests are ordered
4. Understand the diagnostic laboratory tests incorrectly despite guidelines for testing (Correll
used in patients with rheumatological et al. 2016). It is important to consider the history
complaints. and physical exam findings and carefully order
rheumatological diagnostic testing.
Evaluate a child for possible juvenile idio-
pathic arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus
and possible vasculitis. 12.2 Evaluation of the Child
with Possible
Rheumatological Complaints

The child who presents with vague complaints of

fatigue or lack of energy with arthralgia must be
fully evaluated with a careful history and physi-
cal exam before any diagnostic laboratory tests
R. M. John (*) are ordered. The importance of doing a history
Columbia University School of Nursing, and physical exam cannot be understated as labo-
New York, NY, USA ratory tests may not be diagnostic. There is no
e-mail: gold standard test for common rheumatological
K. Kenney-Riley diseases in children. While arthralgia is the most
School of Health and Natural Sciences, Mercy common presenting complaint of rheumatological
College, New York, NY, USA

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 461
R. M. John (ed.), Pediatric Diagnostic Labs for Primary Care: An Evidence-based Approach,
462 R. M. John and K. Kenney-Riley

diseases in children (Ventura et al. 2018), younger occur in the face of relatively minor temperature
children may not be able to verbalize these com- changes such as exposure to air conditioning or a
plaints. They may present with a behavior change, freezer. Alopecia may not only be the sign of
difficulty in moving in the morning or general autoimmune thyroid disease but can be found in
irritability. The clinician should start with a com- discoid lupus, vitiligo, morphea, and other skin
plete history and physical exam and should not conditions. A positive pull test occurs with true
randomly order a rheumatology panel. The diag- alopecia and is done by pulling approximately 40
nostic criteria for many pediatric rheumatologi- hairs. The test is positive when six or more hairs
cal diseases are based on the clinical history and come out in the examiner’s hands (Ventura et al.
physical exam rather than laboratory tests 2018).
(Correll et al. 2016). The skin manifestation of rheumatological
diseases includes the classic butterfly or malar
rash of SLE. Discoid lesions are usually found on
12.2.1 Patient History the neck up in patients with discoid lupus.
Cutaneous sclerosis is an area of thickening and
Musculoskeletal (MSK) pain without any other lightning of the skin and can be primary or evolve
signs of rheumatological disease such as joint into secondary sclerosis. Morphea is confined to
swelling, skin rashes, or gait abnormality is rarely the skin and subcutaneous areas with loss of hair
the result of an inflammatory condition (Correll follicles and sweat glands. A linear pattern is
et  al. 2016). Abnormality in laboratory tests more common in children. It is not a marker for
should not be the only reason for referring a child systemic sclerosis.
to a rheumatologist. A complete history that In patients with dermatomyositis, Gottron
includes routine questioning regarding nutrition, papules are pathognomonic, and the lesions are
elimination, i.e., development, and sleep/sexual violaceous or wine-colored. They are generally
activity in older children (NEEDS) should be found on the elbow, knees, and medial malleoli
obtained. and in children, when they are found on larger
Nonspecific symptoms such as fatigue, fever, joints are called the Gottron sign (Ventura et al.
night sweats, or weight loss can occur with rheu- 2018). Livedo reticularis with digital microin-
matological disease, infections, and oncological farct and ulcerations can be found in more severe
diseases. Autoinflammatory syndromes are gen- dermatomyositis. A heliotropic rash is found
erally genetic and can cause recurrent periodic around the eyes with violaceous color changes of
fever in pediatric patients. the upper eyelid and is considered pathogno-
The clinician should elicit a history of dry monic for dermatomyositis. Calcinosis cutis or
mouth by asking about the need for frequent sips dystrophic calcification of the skin are more
of water, difficulty swallowing dry foods, tooth common in children. The child will report that
decay, or gingivitis. In addition, a history of the areas are painful.
mouth ulcers more than once a month should Complaints such as arthralgias, muscle pain,
raise clinical concern for a rheumatological or fatigue, muscle aches, mouth ulcers, and rashes
autoimmune problem (Ventura et  al. 2018). can be the chief complaint. A more specific his-
Behcet’s disease is characterized by recurrent tory regarding arthralgia is included in Table 12.1.
mouth or genital ulcers and may be associated
with folliculitis, pustular eruptions, and inflam-
matory eye diseases. 12.2.2 Physical Exam
A history of white, blue, or grey color changes
in the digits, when exposed to cold weather or A complete physical exam is key to making the
under stress, is important to elicit. The older child correct diagnosis. The clinician must carefully
may complain of pain or numbness associated evaluate each joint to see if the pain is actually in
with the color changes. These color changes may the articular or periarticular structures. It is
12  Care of the Child with a Possible Rheumatological Disorder 463

Table 12.1  Questions to include when taking a history Testing for hypermobility using the Brighton
for arthralgia for a child with a possible rheumatological
scale should be done to evaluate for hypermobil-
ity which can cause arthralgias.
Questions What it could mean
  1.  Ask about the •  Inflammatory joint pain
character of the joint peaks in the morning, and it
pain. Is there a lasts longer than 30 min and 12.2.3 Diagnostic Laboratory Tests
temporal pattern to the can take about 2 h to improve, for Rheumatological Diseases
pain? but it does not completely
disappear with rest (Suresh
2019) Additional challenges occur when interpreting
    •  What joints are •  The pattern of small joint the lab results related to pediatric rheumato-
involved? What is the disease is important as JIA logic conditions. Clinicians should be prudent
progression of the tends to affect the proximal when ordering rheumatologic labs and appro-
pain? interphalangeal joint (PIP),
metacarpophalangeal joints
priately interpret them. All too often, labs are
(MCP), and wrist joints ordered to “open pandora’s box”, resulting in
(Ventura et al. 2018; Suresh unnecessary stress, worry, and expensive work-
2019) ups. Ahrari et  al. (2020) reported that at least
    •  How long has the •  Symptoms of less than
50% of laboratory tests, including ANA, RF,
child had the pain? 6 weeks may be post-viral or
postinfectious (Ventura et al. anti-dsDNA, and ENA, were inappropriately
2018) ordered. Further, many pediatric rheumatologic
    •  Does the patient •  Symptoms involving the conditions are not diagnosed on lab tests alone;
have extraarticular skin, oral mucosa, or other rather, specific clinical findings must be used in
symptoms such as organ systems with severe
muscle weakness, skin constitutional symptoms such conjunction with test results to make the diag-
rashes, sicca as fatigue point to an nosis (Agarwal and Sawhney 2010; Shojania
symptoms, Raynaud’s autoimmune process. Oral 2000). Finally, clinicians must recognize that
phenomena, ulcers and a butterfly skin rash some common rheumatologic labs may be posi-
breathlessness, may point to systemic lupus
pleuritic chest pain, or erythematosus (SLE). In tive in healthy children; therefore, a compre-
oral ulcers? contrast, muscle weakness, hensive history and exam must be completed
heliotrope, Gottron papules, before ordering any labs.
dysphonia, dysphagia, and Among the most common reasons for a refer-
periungual erythema with
capillaropathy may point to ral of a child to a pediatric rheumatologist is for
juvenile dermatomyositis abnormal lab results. The most common abnor-
(JDM) (Benham and Wright mal labs resulting in referrals include elevated
2021a) inflammatory markers, positive ANA, and/or
    •  Is it made worse •  Noninflammatory joint pain
by weight-bearing? improves with rest and is made
positive rheumatoid factors (Jarvis 2008). Yet,
Does it improve with worse with activities involving positive results for these labs are not diagnostic
rest? the joint such as for most pediatric rheumatologic diseases.
weight-bearing Autoantibody testing is important in the workup
    •  Is this an •  The inflammatory process
of children presenting with rheumatologic com-
inflammatory process generally means that the joint
or a mechanical one? pain and stiffness lasts more plaints, but autoantibodies are often not diagnos-
than 30 min tic of most pediatric rheumatologic conditions
Adapted from Benham and Wright (2021a), Suresh (Saikia et  al. 2016). For example, it has been
(2019), Ventura et al. (2018) found that between 3% and 15% of healthy peo-
ple have a positive antinuclear antibody test
important to look at the joint, feel it, and lastly, (ANA), with no evidence of an actual rheumato-
move it (Ventura et al. 2018). Soft tissue swelling logic condition (ACR, 2019). Research has dem-
surrounding a joint is a sign of an effusion. The onstrated that while clinicians often order
eye should be examined for ciliary injection, rheumatologic labs on children, the reasons for
which would indicate uveitis. ordering them are not congruent with
464 R. M. John and K. Kenney-Riley

recommendations from experts for these tests. Red cell count and hemoglobin. Like the
Lab tests are responsible for only 5% of the rheu- WBC, hemoglobin is affected in many condi-
matologic diagnosis, with history and clinical tions, including rheumatologic diseases; thus,
exam accounting for the other 95% of the diagno- care must be taken when considering the hemo-
sis (Agarwal and Sawhney 2010). Therefore, lab globin in the clinical picture. Anemia may be
tests should help support making the diagnosis, present in many pediatric rheumatologic condi-
monitoring the disease, and assessing the efficacy tions. Anemias in these patients may be due to
of treatments. Clinicians need to remember that ongoing inflammation as well as due to the dis-
positive autoantibodies do not mean autoimmune ease itself. SLE, mixed connective tissue disease
disease. These labs must be used in relation to (MCTD), and SS may cause hemolytic anemia.
clinical signs and symptoms (Saikia et al. 2016; Anemia may be seen in up to 50% of children
Shojania 2000). The following laboratory tests with SLE due to anemia of chronic disease, iron
are nonspecific for rheumatological disease and deficiency, and/or hemolysis. Children with
should be considered part of the workup for rheu- systemic-­ onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis
matological disorders. (SoJIA) may also present with significant anemia
during the acute phases of the disease. CBC Platelet count. The platelet count is another
A complete blood count (CBC) is commonly common inflammatory maker useful for assess-
ordered in pediatric patients with rheumatologic ing ongoing inflammation in rheumatologic con-
complaints such as joint pain, fatigue, rashes, ditions. Thrombocytosis can be seen in
recurrent fevers, and/or weight loss. The CBC Kawasaki’s disease and systemic onset JIA
can offer some insight into potential rheumato- (SJIA) as an acute-phase reaction. Conversely,
logic diagnoses to consider. The CBC in pediatric thrombocytopenia can be seen in SLE and
rheumatology should assist in diagnosing, dis- antiphospholipid syndrome (APL) as well as in
ease acuity evaluation, and medication monitor- malignancies (Mehta 2012). The clinician should
ing. The NP should consider these lab values in use the platelet count in relation to the history,
relationship to the patient’s history, exam, and physical exam, and other lab tests to determine its
diagnosis. significance regarding diagnosis and treatment
White cell count. The white blood cell (WBC) options.
count can be elevated in patients with active or
new-onset systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis Urinalysis
(SJIA) or Kawasaki’s disease. Lymphocytopenias A urinalysis can help evaluate the child with a
may be seen in patients with SLE, reflecting possible rheumatological problem. Renal
active disease or a side effect of some medica- involvement can occur as a primary manifesta-
tions used to treat rheumatologic conditions tion of Henoch-Schonlein purpura (HSP), SLE
(Agarwal and Sawhney 2010). Lymphopenia and with nephritis, antineutrophil cytoplasmic anti-
neutropenia may be seen in systemic lupus ery- body (ANCA)-associated vasculitis, and SoJIA
thematosus (SLE) at presentation and/or during with secondary amyloidosis (Pilania and Singh
flares (Mehta 2012). Leukocytosis can also occur 2019). Microscopic hematuria, urinary cellular
from medications used to treat specific pediatric casts, and proteinuria can be a sign of SLE
rheumatologic conditions. It is important to rec- nephritis (Mehta 2012). HSP or immunoglobulin
ognize that the WBC count can be affected by A vasculitis is a small blood vessel vasculitis and
many other conditions such as infection, stress, tends only to have renal involvement in children
and diseases such as cancers. Thus, the provider >7  years. Since the renal involvement in HSP
must consider the rest of the history and clinical may not be present initially, follow-up is recom-
picture when making diagnoses or treatment mended weekly for the first months and every
plans. 2–4  weeks for 6  months (Pilania and Singh
12  Care of the Child with a Possible Rheumatological Disorder 465

2019). Kawasaki’s disease (KD) can cause Serum Ferritin

pyuria. Serum ferritin increases in the setting of ongoing
inflammation and can be used to assess disease
status in patients with SoJIA and SLE. Ferritin is
12.2.4 Acute-Phase Reactants more commonly used in assessing the child with
SoJIA to assess disease activity level. During
Acute-phase reactant values change by more than times of acute inflammation and active disease
25% during any inflammatory state and are thus with SoJIA, the serum ferritin will be elevated.
not specific to rheumatologic conditions alone While increases in ferritin may be seen during
(Agarwal and Sawhney 2010). Acute-phase reac- active SLE flares, it is not a common lab used for
tants commonly used in pediatric rheumatology routine monitoring (Mehta 2012).
include ESR, CRP, and ferritin. Serum Calprotectin Erythrocyte Sedimentation Serum calprotectin is a heterodimer formed by
Rate (ESR) two proteins found in the cytosolic protein con-
The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is an tent of monocytes and neutrophils (Ometto et al.
indirect measure of inflammation due to proteins 2017). Most of the results reflect the activity of
that occur with inflammation. The ESR can be neutrophils (Jarlborg et  al. 2020). It is not yet
affected by many things, including anemia, obe- available to use but may be a marker for rheuma-
sity, polycythemia, hypo, or afibrinogenemia. tological disease activity. A recent adult study
Thus, providers should be cautious in interpret- found that elevation of calprotectin reflected
ing these results (Litao and Kamat 2014; Mehta higher disease activity in both RA and axial
2012). The ESR can assist in evaluating patients spondyloarthritis but not in psoriatic arthritis
with possible rheumatologic issues and/or be (Jarlborg et al. 2020). More studies are needed in
used to monitor disease activity and treatment children to determine the usefulness of the serum
responses in JIA but should not be used as a diag- calprotectin.
nostic indicator (Agarwal and Sawhney 2010). Complements: C3 and C4 C-Reactive Protein Complements are a group of proteins that are part
The C-reactive protein (CRP) is a more sensitive of the immune system, which help to clear for-
indicator of current inflammation than ESR. The eign invaders. When autoimmune diseases occur
CRP rises early in the inflammatory process and as part of the immune response, complements
normalizes more quickly. Finally, it is not may decrease due to consumption during the
impacted by conditions such as anemia or obe- autoimmune attack. Thus, during active autoim-
sity. When using the CRP in children with rheu- mune diseases such as active SLE, the patient
matologic diagnoses, the clinician should know may have low complements. Complements are
that this lab test is not a sensitive measure of not used for diagnoses but can be used to assess
inflammation in patients with SLE. An elevated for disease activity in SLE.
CRP in patients with SLE is more commonly Decreased levels can also occur from other
associated with bacterial infections with these immunocomplex disorders (i.e., vasculitis, some
patients. Thus, the provider should be concerned types of glomerulonephritis, and inherited com-
about infection when noting an elevated CRP plement deficiencies). More information on com-
with SLE patients (Mehta 2012). In evaluating plement deficiencies is found in Sect.
children with rheumatologic conditions, the ESR The pediatric rheumatologist would most
should be utilized to assess for chronic inflamma- often order complements during the management
tion. In contrast, the CRP should assess acute and ongoing disease activity assessment of chil-
inflammation and infection in patients with SLE. dren with SLE. The use of them in screening in
466 R. M. John and K. Kenney-Riley

primary care is limited but may be done in areas The family was counseled about the increased
where there is limited access to a pediatric risk of dislocation and the reason for the child’s
subspecialist. joint pain. Using shared decision-making, the cli-
nician and family discussed the options. The final
decision was to keep the child in cheerleading.
12.2.5 Real-Life Example

An 11-year-old female presented with joint pain, Key Learning about the Evaluation of the
predominantly located on the knees, hips, and Child with Possible Rheumatological
elbows. The pain was present for the last 4 weeks Complaints
and was worse after she did cheerleading practice
on Monday through Friday. The child denied any • A complete history and physical exam
history of fever, swelling, night waking, or guide the use of laboratory tests.
­limitation of motion. She reported that she is one • A CBC is nonspecific in rheumatologi-
of the best cheerleaders on the squad since she cal disorders, but the WBC can be ele-
can do splits in both directions and do backflips, vated in patients with active or new-onset
handstands, and cartwheels. This was her first systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis
year doing cheerleading, and she was very excited (SJIA) or Kawasaki’s disease.
about making the squad. There was no family • Lymphocytopenias may be seen in
history of sudden death or aortic dissection. The patients with SLE.
mother reports that the 44-year-old father and his • Anemia may be present in rheumato-
78-year-old mother have some hypermobility. logic conditions and results from either
A careful physical exam revealed no swell- chronic illness or inflammation.
ing, no effusions, and no redness on any of the • The CRP is more sensitive to current
joints. There was no murmur, lymphadenopathy, inflammation than ESR. It rises early in
splenomegaly, or hepatomegaly. The positive the inflammatory process, normalizes
physical exam finding was marked hypermobil- more quickly, and is not impacted by
ity of all joints. A Brighton score system was conditions such as anemia or obesity.
done, which assesses joint hypermobility on the • Serum ferritin increases with inflamma-
knuckle of both little, fifth, and pinky fingers; tion and is also used to assess disease
the base of both thumbs; elbows; knees; and status in patients with SoJIA and SLE.
spine. The scale is a nine-point scale, and the • A urinalysis can help diagnose HSP,
child scored nine points. The possibility of SLE, ANCA-associated vasculitis, and
Ehlers-­Danlos syndrome versus a benign hyper- amyloidosis.
mobility syndrome was considered. The mother
was very worried that she had arthritis and
demanded diagnostic laboratory tests done.
Once a CBC and CRP were normal, she accepted 12.3 J uvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
a genetics referral. The genetic testing was nor- (JIA)
mal, and benign joint hypermobility syndrome
(BJHS) was confirmed as the source of her joint Juvenile arthritis is a common childhood chronic
pain. BJHS is one of the most common causes disease, with a prevalence estimated at 1 per
of amplified pain syndrome. It is a heritable dis- 1000 children (Ringold et  al. 2019). Juvenile
order of connective tissue which presents with idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is a group of diseases
musculoskeletal pain, joint hypermobility, and characterized by pain in either one or multiple
joint laxity and increased risk of injury (Weiss joints before 16  years of age and lasts at least
and Stinson 2018). 6 weeks. Other synovitis causes must be excluded
12  Care of the Child with a Possible Rheumatological Disorder 467

Table 12.2  Types of JIA Table 12.2 (continued)

Subtypes of JIA Characteristics of the subtype Subtypes of JIA Characteristics of the subtype
Systemic JIA •  Affects about 10% of children Enthesitis-related •  Affects where the muscles,
with JIA arthritis, also ligaments, or tendons attach to
•  Affects the whole body known as the bone (entheses)
•  Constitutional symptoms spondyloarthritis •  The hips, knees, and feet are
include daily fever for 2 weeks commonly affected but can
with at least one of the also cause pain in the elbows,
following—Evanescent rash, chest, fingers, pelvis, digestive
lymphadenopathy, tract (Crohn’s disease or
hepatosplenomegaly, serositis ulcerative colitis), and lower
•  Has arthritis in one or more back (ankylosing spondylitis)
joints •  Boys are more affected, and the
Oligoarthritis •  The most common form of JIA usual age is between 8 and
with 25% of children having 15 years
this form of JIA •  Arthritis with enthesis or has at
•  Typical onset between 1 and least two of the following:
3 years ◦  Sacroiliac tenderness and/or
•  The most typical joints are the inflammatory lumbosacral pain
ankles, knees, and elbows ◦  +HLA-B27
•  One to four joints with arthritis ◦  Onset in boys older than
in the first 6 months of disease 6 years
◦  Persistent but no more than ◦  A first-degree relative with a
four joints in the first 6 months history of ankylosing
◦  Extended greater than four spondylitis, enthesis-related
joints after 6 months arthritis, IBD, Reiter
Polyarticular •  About 20% of children have syndrome, an acute anterior
arthritis (polyJIA), the RF negative polyJIA with a uveitis
rheumatoid factor typical onset of either Undifferentiated Arthritis fails to fulfill the criteria
(RF) negative 1–3 years or early adolescence arthritis in the categories above, but
•  Often affects the joints on both inflammation is present in two or
sides of the body (i.e., both more joints
knees, both elbows) Adapted from Benham and Wright (2021b); Crayne and
•  RF test is negative Beukelman (2018)
•  Has involvement of five or
more joints in the first
6 months of the disease as a cause of joint pain (Ringold et al. 2019). JIA
PolyJIA, RF •  5% of children have is divided into several subtypes that reflect the
positive RF-positive polyJIA with a number of involved joints and considers other
typical onset of 9–11 years axial involvement such as fever, rash, organ
•  RF test is positive twice
3 months apart involvement, and constitutional symptoms. The
•  Has involvement of five or seven different types of JIA are seen in Table 12.2.
more joints in the first A diagnosis of JIA is usually made as a result
6 months of the disease of a history and physical examination. Joint stiff-
Psoriatic arthritis •  Skin symptoms do not have to
be present before the joint
ness gets worse with inactivity and is worse in the
symptoms. It can occur after am when the child walks like an older adult. The
the joint symptoms child may play quietly or prefer a stroll to walk-
•  Psoriasis and arthritis or ing, especially in the morning (Crayne and
arthritis only with two of the
Beukelman 2018). When the pain is severe or
◦  A first-degree relative with a there is associated joint erythema, septic arthritis,
history of dactylitis, nail rheumatic fever, or other infectious causes should
pitting, and history of psoriasis be considered (Benham and Wright 2021b). A
child with JIA may have joint effusion, warmth,
swelling, tenderness, and pain along with a
468 R. M. John and K. Kenney-Riley

Table 12.3  JIA types putting a child at high risk for rheumatoid factor (RF) and the anti-cyclic citrul-
linated peptide antibodies (anti-CCP) may be
Screen for positive, and RF is used to classify the disease in
JIA type uveitis
High-risk children
  •  Oligoarthritis and antinuclear •  Screen every
antibody (ANA) positive 3 months Antinuclear Antibodies
  •  PolyJIA (rheumatoid factor (ANA)
negative) but ANA positive The antinuclear antibody (ANA) is a measure of
  •  Psoriatic arthritis but ANA
positive antibodies in the blood that can be seen in a vari-
  •  Undifferentiated arthritis who are ety of pediatric rheumatologic conditions, includ-
ANA positive ing systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), juvenile
  •  Age under 7 years of age at JIA idiopathic arthritis (JIA), SS, mixed connective
  •  Duration of JIA of 4 years or less tissue disease (MCTD), and juvenile dermato-
Low- or moderate-risk children myositis (JDM). While this test can be positive in
  •  Those with high-risk JIA • Screen every these conditions, it is not diagnostic, and up to
categories but who are ANA negative 6–12 months 30% of the general population can have a positive
  •  Age 7 years or older at JIA onset ANA with no disease.
  •  JIA duration of more than 4 years
  •  Systemic JIA, polyarthritis This test assesses antibodies against nuclear
(rheumatoid factor positive), and antigens and is reported using a titer. Any patient
enthesitis-related arthritis having a titer of 1:20 or higher will be reported as
Adapted from Angeles-Han et al. (2019) having a positive ANA, but a titer of 1:160 or
higher is more suggestive of rheumatologic con-
decreased range of motion (Crayne and ditions including SLE, scleroderma, SS, and
Beukelman 2018). JDM (Agarwal and Sawhney 2010; Ali 2018).
The most common extraarticular manifesta- The ANA does not help make or exclude JIA
tion is uveitis, which occurs in 10–20% of chil- as a diagnosis in children presenting with arthri-
dren. The external exam of the eye is normal, and tis. This test is used to assess the risk of develop-
there is no evidence of inflammation, making it ing uveitis and helps determine guidelines for
an asymptomatic disease. It is advised to screen ophthalmological exam timing. Children diag-
the child every 3 months if they are at high risk nosed with JIA should also have an ANA drawn
for uveitis (Angeles-Han et al. 2019). Table 12.3 during the diagnostic workup by pediatric rheu-
lists the conditions that place a child at high risk matology to assess the child’s risk for developing
for uveitis. uveitis. Children with JIA with the highest fre-
quency of ANA are younger onset, female, and
have oligo-disease (Agarwal and Sawhney 2010).
12.3.1 Diagnostic Laboratory Tests Children diagnosed with JIA with a positive
Used in JIA ANA are at the highest risk for the development
of uveitis. They require frequent close ophthal-
While JIA diagnosis is made by history and phys- mologic assessment, regardless of the level of
ical exam, the nonspecific diagnostic labs in arthritis activity (Angeles-Han et  al. 2019;
Sects. 12.2.3 and 12.2.4 are used as a baseline Crayne and Beukelman 2018).
and to monitor treatment response. Testing for
Lyme disease should be done on any patient pre- Rheumatoid Factor (RF)
senting with pain out of proportion to the swell- The RF is a highly confusing test for clinicians.
ing. Information about this test can be found in Often RF testing is used to determine if a child
Sect. 6.5.1. The ANA is used to determine the presenting with joint pain has juvenile idiopathic
need for uveitis follow-up (see Table 12.3). The arthritis (JIA), formerly known as juvenile rheu-
12  Care of the Child with a Possible Rheumatological Disorder 469

matoid arthritis (JRA). The RF has a sensitivity Anti-Cyclic Citrullinated

of 69% in diagnosing rheumatoid arthritis and a Peptide Antibodies
specificity of 85% (Suresh 2019). Only 3% of (Anti-CCP)
children with JIA have a positive RF; thus, most Anti-CCP is more specific for RF-positive JIA
children presenting with joint complaints will but, again, is not diagnostic. In adults, the sensi-
have a negative RF (Correll et al. 2016). A posi- tivity of anti-CCP antibodies is 67%, and speci-
tive RF can be seen in other conditions, including ficity in the presence of a positive RF is 99–100%
TB, bacterial endocarditis and SS, systemic scle- (Suheir et al. 2013). The sensitivity and specific-
rosis, MCTD, vasculitis, sarcoid, syphilis, HIV, ity of anti-CCP antibodies in children are less
liver cirrhosis, mixed cryoglobulinemia, hepati- established. The anti-CCP is almost exclusively
tis, and parasitic diseases. Additionally, between seen in polyJIA (Saikia et  al. 2016). Children
5% and 25% of the healthy population can have a with JIA who are RF positive and CCP positive
positive RF with no systemic disease (Agarwal usually have a more aggressive course of their
and Sawhney 2010; Suresh 2019; Ali 2018). disease and more joint damage (Agarwal and
It is important to note a negative RF does not Sawhney 2010; Suresh 2019; Saikia et al. 2016).
mean a child does not have JIA. When providers Although it is not recommended to routinely
mistake a negative RF as criteria to say a child test children with musculoskeletal complaints
does not have JIA, the result can be delays in with no clinical evidence of arthritis, it is impor-
diagnosis and treatment for these children, put- tant to note that a positive RF may be present
ting them at risk for permanent joint damage. before symptoms present. The risk for develop-
Positive RF titers are not common in children ing arthritis when seeing a child with a positive
younger than 7 years of age. Current guidelines RF with no symptoms depends upon their titter
do not recommend routine testing for RF unless level, family history, and co-presence of a posi-
there are actual clinical findings of active arthri- tive anti-CCP.  Providers who happen to order
tis; musculoskeletal pain alone is not enough to these tests and find a child with a positive RF and
justify this test. anti-CCP should carefully observe the child over
Children with polyJIA are mostly likely to time to develop any signs or symptoms of
have a positive RF, but this only reflects 3% of arthritis.
children with JIA (Correll et al. 2016). The JIA Children presenting with active arthritis in
subgroup more likely to be associated with ele- multiple joints and/or those diagnosed with JIA
vated RF titers are those who present at a later can classify the JIA category and guide treat-
age, have a polyJIA (>5 joints), and have evi- ment. When caring for the child with suspected
dence of joint destruction. The International new-onset JIA, the RF should be tested twice at
League of Associations for Rheumatology least 3 months apart during the first 6 months of
(ILAR) requires two positive RFs performed at symptoms. Children who are found to have
least 3  months apart in a child with polyJIA polyJIA and a positive RF should have an anti-­
within the first 6 months of presenting with the CCP ordered to assist with categorizing the sub-
disease to classify a child as having RF-positive type of JIA, prognosis, and treatment decisions.
polyJIA. The test should be repeated since it may
be transiently elevated due to the immune sys- Synovial Fluid Analysis
tem’s response to infection (Crayne and Synovial fluid is found in the joint in small quan-
Beukelman 2018). Children with RF-positive tities. The testing includes protein, glucose, total
polyJIA are more likely to have poor prognoses leukocyte count, and differential. The synovial
and a more aggressive and prolonged disease fluid leukocyte count in active JIA can be as high
course (Saikia et al. 2016). The higher the titer, as 100,000/mm3 with a neutrophil predominance.
the more likely they are to have a poorer progno- The glucose is low, and the protein count is high.
sis and erosive disease over time (Ali 2018). The CD4+:CD8  =  T-cell ratio is reversed, and
470 R. M. John and K. Kenney-Riley

Table 12.4  Specific laboratory tests used in JIA about pain when she uses her hands, she confirms
Test Disease Comments that her hands are also painful in the am. She
ANA PolyJIA with a Important for determining admits that she does not want to complain.
in JIA positive JIA follow-up for uveitis
You are practicing in a rural area without any
RF PolyJIA Helpful in making treatment
Other decisions and prognosis pediatric or adult rheumatologist for 100  miles.
conditions Need two positive tests You order a CBC with differential, sedimentation
SS 3 months apart during the first rate, CRP, ANA, RF, and Anti-CCP.  Her CBC
SLE 6 months of disease for shows mild anemia with a HCT of 31% and a
Vasculitis classification as RF+ polyJIA
Tuberculosis RF has a sensitivity of 69% in mild leukopenia of 3.9 with an ANC of 1560. Her
Bacterial diagnosing rheumatoid CRP is elevated at 25 (normal 0.1–1.7) and her
endocarditis arthritis and a specificity of RF and ANA (1:160). The anti-CCP was ele-
Hepatitis C 85% (Suresh 2019) vated. The results were reviewed with the mother,
sclerosis and the need for subspecialty care from a pediat-
MCTD ric rheumatologist and an ophthalmologist was
Sarcoid discussed. The mother decided to go to a chil-
Syphilis dren’s hospital for subspecialty care.
diseases Key Learning for JIA
Anti-­ PolyJIA Associated with more
CCP Psoriatic aggressive disease in children • History and physical exam are key to
arthritis with JIA
Most commonly seen in
making the diagnosis of JIA.
conditions polyJIA • There are seven types of JIA, and appro-
SS May assist in determining priate diagnostic laboratory testing is
SLE treatments for JIA needed to determine the need for the
Hepatitis C Sensitivity and specificity in
infection children are less clear
type and frequency of subspecialty care.
• An ANA is done when JIA is suspected
Adapted from Pilania and Singh (2019), Pincus and Sokka
(2009), Suresh (2019) to determine the risk for uveitis.
• An RF is not usually positive in JIA but
should be done to classify the type of
there is an increase in interleukin (IL) 18 levels in JIA.
the synovial fluid when JIA is active (Pilania and • Up to 30% of ANAs are false positive.
Singh 2019). Table 12.4 is a summary of the spe- • A synovial fluid analysis in JIA will
cific laboratory tests used in diagnosing JIA. show a significant elevation of leuko-
cytes with a neutrophil predominance.
The protein is elevated, but the glucose
12.3.2 Real-Life Example is low in synovial fluid analysis in a
child with suspected JIA.
A 15-year-old presented with a 2-month history
of left knee pain and swelling. The child states
that the pain is worse in the am and improves as
the day progresses, but she still misses school 12.4 Systemic Lupus
since it is hard for her to get out of bed and move Erythematosus (SLE)
around. She reports missing 10  days of school
over the past 2 months. She describes her gait as SLE is an autoimmune disease that can affect any
painful and stiff. The exam is remarkable for a organ system in the body. Several mechanisms
swollen left knee with effusion, effusions on contribute to the pathophysiology, including
three PIPs on the left hand, and effusions on all genetic factors, abnormal exposure to autoantigens,
MCPs on the right hand. When you question her high B-cell stimulatory cytokines, hormonal fac-
12  Care of the Child with a Possible Rheumatological Disorder 471

tors, complement activation, and a failure to elimi- abnormalities in the fetus or a photosensitive
nate apoptotic bodies (Aragón et  al. 2020; Smith annular rash in the newborn when the newborn is
et  al. 2019). A study showed that among geneti- exposed to ultraviolet light (Noaiseh and Baer
cally identical twins, the rate of SLE is between 2020).
25% and 40% (Rahman and Isenberg 2008). A
recent publication cited several genes implicated in
SLE development (Charras et al. 2021). 12.4.1 Diagnostic Laboratory Tests
Around 20% of the time, SLE is diagnosed in for SLE
children less than 16 years. The child with SLE
will have a higher degree of SLE activity based Tarvin and O’Neil (2018) recommend a CBC
on the SLE Disease Activity Index (Benham and with differential, a comprehensive metabolic pro-
Wright 2021a). In pediatrics, the gender distribu- file, complement studies of C3 and C4, an anti-
tion is approximately equal in children <5 years nuclear antibody titer, and an anti-dsDNA
of age but does increase in females by adoles- antibody titer. The evaluation of a child with pro-
cence (Smith et  al. 2019). A child less than 5 teinuria and the associated diagnostic laboratory
years of age may have an atypical presentation of tests are discussed in Sect. 10.3 and include pro-
SLE (i.e., lack of autoantibodies) with a severe tein/creatinine ratio in spot urine and the 24-h
disease course and, ultimately, a poor prognosis. urine proteinuria/creatinine clearance. Several
The nonspecific symptoms include oral ulcers, urinary biomarkers are being explored to evalu-
arthralgias, headache, fever 38.2 °C, and weight ate for lupus nephritis, and they are still in the
loss. The kidney is the most common organ research phase (Aragón et al. 2020).
involved in children and can affect up to 80% of
children with SLE.  Mucocutaneous manifesta- Antinuclear Antibodies
tions include nonscarring alopecia, oral ulcers, (ANA)
photosensitivity, a photosensitive rash, malar In children with suspected jSLE, a high ANA
rash, and mucocutaneous rash. Childhood SLE titer is almost always present (Universal
has a greater risk of nephritis, hemolytic anemia, (Wichainun et al. 2013). The ANA is also reported
and facial malar rash. The anti-double-­stranded according to patterns based on the staining of the
DNA (anti-dsDNA) antibodies are more likely to cell nucleus in the lab. Common patterns that will
be positive in childhood-onset SLE (Tarvin and be reported include homogeneous or diffuse,
O’Neil 2018). speckled, nucleolar and peripheral, or rim pat-
Diagnostic laboratory tests may show a posi- terns. While these patterns are not specific for
tive ANA >1:80 or positive tests for extractable any one illness, they can help differentiate which
nuclear antigens, antiphospholipid antibodies, or autoimmune disease to consider: homogeneous,
24-h urine for protein with >0.5 g/24 h (Aringer peripheral patterns are seen with SLE, speckled
et  al. 2019). Neuropsychiatric involvement with patterning is seen in SS, a nucleolar pattern is
psychosis is more common in children than adults seen with scleroderma, and a centromere pattern
with SLE. CNS dysfunction includes seizures and is seen with CREST syndrome (limited sclero-
delirium. Hematological involvement presents as derma) (Ali 2018). The recent classification and
hemolytic anemia, lymphopenia, and thrombocy- criteria for SLE pointed out that an ANA titer
topenia. In children, there is a higher incidence of >1:80 had a sensitivity of 98% associated with a
renal, cardiovascular, and neuropsychiatric lower limit of the 95% confidence interval at
involvement (Charras et  al. 2021). Premature 97%. Low-titer ANAs (<1:80) should be consid-
death is related to premature atherosclerosis, ered with caution as research has found that peo-
malignancy, infection, and renal disease. ple with low-titer ANAs of less than 01.% have
Neonatal lupus occurs when there is the pas- SLE (Bossuyt et al. 2020). A positive ANA can
sage of anti-SSA and/or anti-SSB antibodies via be seen in numerous other conditions such as
the placenta, resulting in cardiac conduction autoimmune thyroid disease, myasthenia gravis,
472 R. M. John and K. Kenney-Riley

cancers, and certain drugs, including hydrala- The dsDNA should be ordered as part of the
zine, procainamide, and minocycline. workup for children with a positive ANA and
While the ANA is not diagnostic of SLE, it suspected SLE. Providers should not test dsDNA
contributes to making the diagnosis. A negative if there is a negative ANA.
ANA result can almost always rule out SLE, but
a positive ANA has a poor predictive value for
diagnosing SLE (Saikia et  al. 2016; Suresh 12.4.2 ENAs—Extractable Nuclear
2019). The presence of other clinical and labora- Antigens (Anti-Ro, anti-La,
tory findings is required to make the diagnosis of Anti-RNP, Anti-Smith,
SLE. When it is ordered in the setting of history AntiScl-70)
and clinical findings and other abnormal labs, it
is much more predictive. Most patients with SLE Antibodies to extractable nuclear antigens
will have a positive ANA (sensitivity of 97%, (ENAs) are more specific to help clinicians assess
specificity 96%), but a positive ANA should not those children with positive ANAs. These tests
be used to tell the patient they have SLE (Suresh can help with making the correct diagnosis and
2019; Wichainun et  al. 2013). Patients with a treatment plans.
positive ANA and symptoms concerning SLE
require further testing and evaluation by a pediat- Smith Antinuclear
ric rheumatologist. The ANA can have different Antibodies
patterns reported by the laboratory. A diffuse pat- Anti-Sm antigens are highly specific for making
tern is commonly seen in patients with SLE, the diagnosis of SLE (98.6%); therefore, they are
especially those with nephritis or in drug-induced very useful in the workup for SLE. Negative anti-
SLE.  A speckled pattern is seen in a variety of ­SM antigens do not, however, rule out the diag-
rheumatological disorders, including SLE.  A nosis of SLE.
nucleolar ANA pattern is seen in scleroderma,
and a cytoplasmic ANA pattern is seen in SLE Anti-RNP Antibodies
and an overlap syndrome (Pilania and Singh High titers of anti-RNP antibodies in children are
2019). associated with mixed connective tissue disease
Clinicians should consider ordering an ANA (MCTD). These antibodies are part of the criteria
in children who present with symptoms concern- to diagnose MCTD, with 95 to 100% of patients
ing SLE, while recognizing this is not diagnostic, having high titers (Saikia et al. 2016).
it can rule SLE out. AntiSCL-70 Antibodies to DNA (dsDNA) AntiSCL-70 is diagnostic of diffuse systemic
Antibodies to DNA (dsDNA) are used to diag- scleroderma and is associated with increased mor-
nose SLE in children and monitor disease activ- bidity and incidence of interstitial lung disease
ity. This test is highly specific for SLE with a (Ali 2018). Another antibody, anti-­ centromere
sensitivity of 70% and specificity of 95%; thus, antibodies, is often found in limited cutaneous
they are helpful when determining if a patient has scleroderma, also known as CREST syndrome;
SLE (Correll et  al. 2016; Ali 2018). dsDNA is they are not seen in systemic sclerosis.
also used to assess the level of disease activity in Most of these tests would be ordered by the
children with SLE (Agarwal and Sawhney 2010). pediatric rheumatologist during the diagnostic
While the dsDNA is specific to lupus, it can also workup of children with specific rheumatologic
be seen with SS and RA, although it is more com- conditions. The use of them in screening in pri-
monly associated with SLE.  When the anti-­ mary care is limited. The types of antiphospho-
dsDNA antibody is high, the C3 and C4 or lipid antibodies will be discussed under
albumin is low, and an evaluation for lupus APL. Table 12.5 reviews the tests that are used in
nephritis is warranted (Tarvin and O’Neil 2018). the diagnosis of SLE.
12  Care of the Child with a Possible Rheumatological Disorder 473

Table 12.5  Diagnostic laboratory tests used in SLE with the fever. She also reported light sensitivity
Test Disease Comments along with a rash on the cheeks after sunlight
ANA Systemic lupus Should be drawn in exposure. She had an unremarkable medical and
erythematosus the presence of
psychiatric family history. She denies any fam-
(SLE) symptoms of lupus
Juvenile idiopathic Should be ily history of arthritis or any other rheumato-
arthritis (JIA) completed by a logical disease but reported that her mother had
Other conditions pediatric thyroid disease.
SS rheumatologist in
The diagnosis of SLE was considered due to
Mixed connective the workup of
tissue disease children with JIA to the above history. The initial workup included a
(MCTD), juvenile evaluate the risk of CBC with differential, sedimentation rate, CRP,
dermatomyositis uveitis and an ANA. Her CBC showed a mild leukopenia
(3.6; normal for the age 4.5–13.0, mild anemia
Anti-­ SLE These labs should
dsDNA Other conditions be ordered by a (HCT was 30; normal for age 37 to 41), and
SS pediatric thrombocytopenia (platelet count 110,000; nor-
JIA rheumatology and mal for age 150,000 to 450,000). Her sedimenta-
have limited value tion rate was 64 (normal 5–15), and her CRP was
in primary care
11 (normal 0.1–1.3). The ANA revealed a high
ENAs—Extractable nuclear antigens (anti-Ro, anti-La,
anti-RNP, anti-Smith, antiScl-70) titer of 1:320 in a diffuse pattern. The child was
Anti-RNP Mixed connective These labs should referred to rheumatology for a same-day evalua-
tissue disease be ordered by tion and possible admission.
pediatric The anti-double-stranded DNA (anti-dsDNA)
rheumatology and
have limited value antibodies were positive. Her rheumatoid factor,
in primary care anti-Sjögren’s syndrome B (La), anti-Sjögren’s
Anti-Sm SLE These labs should syndrome A (Ro), anti-Smith (Sm), anticardio-
be ordered by lipin, and anti-b2 glycoprotein antibodies were
rheumatology and
all negative. The diagnosis of neuropsychiatric
have limited value lupus was made. The child was subsequently
in primary care managed successfully by rheumatology.
AntiScl-70 Diffuse cutaneous These labs should
systemic sclerosis be ordered by
rheumatology and Key Learning for SLE
have limited value
in primary care • SLE is a multisystem disease that can
Adapted from Ali (2018), Saikia et al. (2016), Pilania and present with a wide variety of clinical
Singh (2019) presentations. The clinician must be
careful not to order an ANA for nonspe-
12.4.3 Real-Life Example cific symptoms that do not indicate pos-
sible SLE.
A 15-year-old African-American presented to • The initial workup can include nonspe-
the office with hearing voices for the last 48 h. cific tests such as a CBC and acutes
Her other complaints included arthralgia for a phase reactants and an ANA.
1-month duration. The arthralgia was not • An ANA titer >1:80 had a sensitivity of
accompanied by any joint swelling or morning 98%, but low titers should be interpreted
stiffness. The child did report a fever of 102 sev- cautiously.
eral times over the past month, which was • More specific tests for SLE should be
relieved with acetaminophen. There was an ordered by rheumatology whenever a
increase in headache frequency to two to three referral is possible.
times a week for the past month, not correlated
474 R. M. John and K. Kenney-Riley

12.5 Antiphospholipid Antibody 12.5.1 Diagnostic Laboratory Tests

Syndrome (APL) for Antiphospholipid
Antibody Syndrome
APL is an autoimmune disease. The hallmark is
thrombosis in venous or arterial thrombosis in In the early 1990s, researchers discovered that
small vessels and/or early pregnancy loss, fetal antiphospholipid antibodies (aPL) mostly bind to a
loss, or pregnancy morbidity. The adolescent will circulating plasma protein β2-glycoprotein 1
have persistent antiphospholipid antibodies (β2GP1) attached to a phospholipid. The anti-­
(aPL). There are three main antibodies—lupus β2GP1 antibody ELISA was added to the available
anticoagulant (LA), anticardiolipin, or anti-­ diagnostic laboratory tests to detect the presence of
β2Glycoprotein I antibodies. The non-criteria-­ aPL (Sammaritano 2020). Since there are consider-
associated clinical findings include poorly able variations in laboratory and clinical findings,
healing cutaneous ulcerations (livedoid vascu- there is a risk of overdiagnosis and underdiagnosis
lopathy), livedo reticularis, nephropathy, valvular (Sammaritano 2020). Classification criteria include
heart disease (valve thickening and vegetation three different antiphospholipid antibodies (LA,
mitral > aortic valve), pulmonary hypertension, anticardiolipin, and anti-beta) and two glycopro-
pulmonary emboli, cognitive dysfunction, sei- teins I. aPL positivity can be present in up to 10%
zures, thrombocytopenia, and hemolytic anemia of the entire population, with anticardiolipin anti-
(Kokosi et al. 2019; Sammaritano 2020). bodies being the most common test to be positive
It is considered primary when there are no and LA being the least common. If all three of the
associated diseases and secondary when the tests below are positive two times, there is a greater
patient has another autoimmune disease such as risk of thromboembolism. If the lupus anticoagu-
SLE (Whitaker 2017). At a minimum, the ado- lant is positive, and there is a moderate to a high
lescent should meet one clinical criterion (preg- titer of anticardiolipinanti-beta-2GP1; there is a
nancy morbidity (≥1 fetal loss after 10 weeks of moderate risk of thromboembolism (Suresh 2019).
gestation, ≥3 early pregnancy losses at However, it felt most false-positive results are
<10 weeks of gestation or preeclampsia/placen- related to an infection and are transient, or the
tal insufficiency at ≤34  weeks) or vascular positivity is on the low side of positive
thrombosis) and one laboratory criterion (LA, (Sammaritano 2020).
anticardiolipin IgG and IgM antibodies and
anti-beta2-­glycoprotein 1 (anti-beta2 GP1) IgG A  nti-Beta 2 Glycoprotein 1
and IgM antibodies) to be diagnosed with APS (GP1) Antibodies
(Gómez-Puerta and Cervera 2014). The anti- The result for this test should be >99th percentile
body must be positive at two separate times, to be positive for APL, according to the APL cri-
done with a minimum of 12  weeks apart. One teria (Sammaritano 2020). The anti-beta 2 GP1
positive test for antibodies can be the result of tests can be positive in 1–5% of healthy people
infection or lab error. This is usually not associ- (Suresh 2019). It is important to repeat this test
ated with clinical findings. after 12 weeks to confirm a positive titer.
APL is an uncommon disease in children but
can be found in older female adolescents 15 and Anticardiolipin Antibodies
over. The pathophysiology is the result of aPL (IgG or IgM)
binding to β2GP1 on the cell membrane. The Anticardiolipin IgG, IgM is an aβ2GP1-
binding causes activation of monocytes, endothe- dependent ELISA and a positive result is > 40
lial cells, and platelets. This activation results in MPL or GPL units.
proinflammatory and prothrombotic phenotypes
as well as complement activation. This activation Lupus Anticoagulant (LA)
causes thrombosis and the ability to interference It is important to know which antibody test is
with trophoblast and decidual cells. positive, as LA is the most likely to be associated
12  Care of the Child with a Possible Rheumatological Disorder 475

Table 12.6  Summary of the criteria of the diagnostic disease, JIA, and SLE (Anaya et al. 2016). jSS is
laboratory tests for APL
primary if it is the only autoimmune disease or
Test Criteria secondary when it is associated with another
Anti-beta2-GP1 > 99th percentile, based on two or
autoimmune disease (Parisis et al. 2020).
IgG and IgM more tests done with a minimum of
antibodies 12 weeks apart using the standard The pathophysiology is related to autoanti-
ELISA test body production since B-cell activation is a con-
IgG or IgM Medium or high titer (more than 40 stant abnormality of immunoregulatory (Jonsson
anticardiolipin GPL or MPL units or > 99th et al. 2018). The trigger is likely by environmental
antibodies percentile), based on two or more
tests done with a minimum of factors such as viral infections in patients with a
12 weeks apart using the standard genetic predisposition, epigenetic factors, and the
ELISA test regulation of sex hormones (Parisis et al. 2020).
Lupus A positive result on two or more
anticoagulant tests done with a minimum of
12 weeks apart
Adapted from Sammaritano (2020), Suresh (2019)
12.6.1 Diagnostic Laboratory Tests
for jSS

with risk (Sammaritano 2020). Table 12.6 reviews The criteria for jSS are not defined by a single
the antibody testing for APL. clinical feature, diagnostic laboratory test, radio-
logical finding, or pathology result. There is no
“gold standard” laboratory test for the diagnosis
12.6 J uvenile Sjögren’s Syndrome and classification of jSS as a result (Jonsson et al.
(jSS) 2018). The American College of Rheumatology
(ACR) or European League Against Rheumatism
jSS is a systemic autoimmune disease that tends (EULAR) established five criteria for primary
to be defined in terms of dry mouth and eyes; SS.  They include the following: (1) labial sali-
however, it is a multisystem disease (Noaiseh and vary gland with focal lymphocytic sialadenitis
Baer 2020). The average age of diagnosis is and focus score ≥ 1 + 3, (2) anti-SSA (Ro): +3,
10  years. The disease, while systemic, has few (3) ocular staining score ≥ 5 (or van Bijsterveld
treatment options to exocrine glandular damage, score ≥ 4 on at least one eye): +1, (4) Schirmer
internal organ involvement, and development of ≤5  mm/5  min on at least one eye: +1, and (5)
lymphoma. The monitoring for lymphoma unstimulated whole unstimulated saliva flow
includes persistent glandular enlargement, low rate ≤ 0.1 ml/min: +1. The most studied antibod-
C4 levels, IgM kappa monoclonal protein, and ies in jSS patients are the antibodies against the
positive cryoglobulins, but this is rare in children autoantigens Ro/SSA and La/SSB (Parisis et al.
with SS (Noaiseh and Baer 2020). The extraglan- 2020).
dular manifestations are related to vasculitis, Laboratory abnormalities include the follow-
autoimmune epithelitis, and lymphoproliferation ing: normochromic, normocytic anemia,
and affect up to 25% of patients. Children and leukopenia, lymphopenia, neutropenia, thrombo-
late adolescents with jSS are more likely to have cytopenia, elevated ESR, hypergammaglobu-
salivary gland enlargement, recurrent parotitis, linemia, high levels of serum IgG, high levels of
and nephritis with less frequent sicca complaints beta2-microglobulin, free light chains of immu-
(Noaiseh and Baer 2020). A child with jSS can noglobulins, serum monoclonal band, positive
have persistent lymphadenopathy and visible ANA, positive rheumatoid factor, anti-Ro anti-
parotid gland enlargement (Tarvin and O’Neil bodies, anti-La antibodies, hypocomplemente-
2018). jSS can be found in adolescents with other mia, and cryoglobulins (Brito-Zerón et al. 2016).
autoimmune diseases, with the most frequently The levels of beta2 microglobulin and free light
associated diseases being autoimmune thyroid chains are available tests that will be higher in
476 R. M. John and K. Kenney-Riley

very active jSS disease and can monitor disease 12.7 Spondyloarthritis (jSpA)
activity. Other antibodies associated with jSS are
anti-centromere (see Sect., anti-­CCP Juvenile spondyloarthritis (jSpA) refers to a set
(see Sect., or anti-RNP (see Sect. of heterogeneous conditions in children under (Noaiseh and Baer 2020). 16 years. It is characterized by enthesis or tender-
ness at the insertion of ligaments and tendons, Anti-Ro/SS-A lower extremity arthritis, bowel inflammation,
and Anti-La/ SS-B joint inflammation of the spine and sacroiliac
Anti-Ro/SS-A and anti-La/SS-B antibodies are joint, sausage digits or dactylitis, uveitis, and a
associated with SS (prevalence, 60–80%) and positive human leukocyte antigen B27 (HLA-B
with SLE (30–40%). They can also be found in 27) allele (Adrovic et al. 2016). Spondyloarthritis
patients with subcutaneous lupus, systemic scle- ranges from the more common childhood
rosis, rheumatoid arthritis, mixed connective tis- enthesitis-related arthritis (ERA) to ankylosing
sue disorders, inflammatory myopathies, and spondylitis, which is more common in adults
polymyositis (Brito-Zerón et  al. 2016). These (Adrovic et al. 2016). In children, axial involve-
markers are not specific for SS since they can be ment in jSpA is uncommon in the early disease
found in other diseases (Beckman et al. 2017). course. The peripheral disease is more common
Anti-Ro/SSA, when present in a pregnant in children. The RF is not positive, but the HLA-­
female, is associated with neonatal lupus and con- B27 is positive.
genital heart block. When infants are born with The symptoms in children include arthritis
congenital heart block, the mother should have of the lower extremities, enthesitis or tender-
these tests done to assess the above conditions. ness at insertion sites, inflammation of the
bowel, sacroiliac joint inflammation, psoriasis, The SJO Test dactylitis, anterior uveitis, and spine joint
This diagnostic test uses the four traditional bio- involvement. Ultimately, jSpA can cause sig-
markers for SS—anti-SS−/Ro, anti-SSB/La, nificant axial skeletal involvement, which leads
ANA, and RF. Three novel biomarkers, carbonic to abnormal bone formation and, subsequently,
anhydrase VI (CA-6), salivary protein (SP-1), spine ankylosis. In jSpA, the enthesitis is usu-
and parotid secretory protein (PSP), are also ally persistent, symmetrical, and involves three
included in the test. The SP-1 has the greatest or more sites. The most common sites are the
sensitivity and specificity for early SS disease Achilles tendon attachment, superior patella
(Beckman et al. 2017) (Table 12.7). quadriceps, and the superior patella quadriceps
(Weiss and Colbert 2018). The arthritis is typi-
Table 12.7  Diagnostic laboratory tests used in SS cally asymmetric and is an oligoarticular pat-
Test Disease Comments tern. Axial involvement, likely sacroiliitis, is
Anti-Ro/ SLE These labs are present in 28–37% of children (Weiss and
SS-A and SS generally done by
anti-La/ Other pediatric rheumatology Colbert 2018). Cardiac involvement is rare and
SS-B conditions: but may be ordered if usually is an asymptomatic aortic regurgitation.
Subcutaneous the primary care Children may have bowel inflammation either
lupus provider has a strong before or after joint involvement (Weiss and
Systemic index of suspision for
sclerosis Sjogrens and lack of Colbert 2018).
Rheumatoid access to pediatric The orthopedic differential diagnosis includes
arthritis rheumatologist sever disease, Osgood-Schlatter disease (tibial
Polymyositis tuberosity), and Sinding-Larsen-Johansson syn-
Neonatal lupus
erythematosus drome; other causes include osteomyelitis,
Adapted from Brito-Zerón et  al. (2016), Beckman et  al.
amplified pain syndromes, infection, and tumor
(2017) (Weiss and Colbert 2018).
12  Care of the Child with a Possible Rheumatological Disorder 477

12.7.1 Diagnostic Laboratory Tests Test Disease Comments

for Spondyloarthritis HLA-­ Ankylosing Should be drawn in children
B27 spondylitis with enthesitis or
Enthesitis-­ inflammatory back pain,
The diagnostic workup for a child with symp- related arthritis active uveitis, and/or
toms of jSpA is a CBC, acute-phase reactants, Reactive sacroiliitis
chemistry panel, urinalysis, and HLA-B27. The arthritis
child with anemia and elevated acute-phase reac- Psoriatic
arthritis with
tants with GI symptoms needs further workup for spondylitis
inflammatory bowel disease. HLA-B27 is IBD-associated
encoded in the major histocompatibility complex arthritis
(MHC), HLA is a significant genetic risk factor Adapted from Weiss and Colbert (2018)
for jSpA occurring in 60 to 70% of patients
(Pagnini et al. 2010), and in ankylosing spondyli-
tis (AS), the HLA-B27 positivity is around 90% 12.7.2 Real-Life Example
(Weiss, Colbert). BA-positive HLA-B27 with
elevated inflammatory markers is usually present A 17-year-old female presented for a well visit.
in children with spondyloarthritis. The laboratory Her chief complaint was that she had had two
characteristics include seronegative ANA and RF miscarriages after 10  weeks of gestation. The
and seropositive HLA-B27 (Adrovic et al. 2016). child reported that she wants a baby. She is a
senior in high school and plans on becoming a H  uman Leukocyte Antigen beautician. She loves makeup and hair. She
B27 (HLA-B27) reports having one sexual partner since ninth
The HLA gene complex is found on the sixth grade, and they are planning on getting married
chromosome and is categorized into three classes: after her high school graduation. She reports that
1, II, and III. A positive HLA-B27 means that the he is 20 and has a baby from another relationship.
particular gene is found in the child (Suresh She reports he is faithful to her. She also reports
2019). HLA-B27 are proteins located on the sur- that she was diagnosed with SLE when she was
face of white blood cells that cause an autoim- 15 but is presently doing well on Plaquenil. She
mune response. HLA-B27 is associated with discussed the possibility of congenital disabilities
spondyloarthropathies. Up to 9% of the general with her obstetrician, and he felt that this would
population are HLA-B27 positive, with approxi- be the best choice for her, given her desire to have
mately 10–15% developing a spondyloarthropa- a baby (Huybrechts et al. 2021). The family his-
thy. Among patients diagnosed with ankylosing tory is unremarkable, and she denies any relative
spondylitis, 90% will have a positive HLA-B27 with a developmental disability. There is no rheu-
(Colbert et al. 2017). They are also seen in chil- matologist in the area, and the adolescent reports
dren with enthesitis-related arthritis. They are that the old rheumatologist left the practice. The
present in 50–80% of patients with reactive diagnosis of APL was considered, and anticardio-
arthritis, psoriatic arthritis with spondylitis, and lipin antibodies, lupus anticoagulant, and anti-­
IBD-associated arthritis (Agarwal and Sawhney beta 2 glycoprotein 1 (GP1) antibodies were
2010; Suresh 2019). ordered. All three results meet the criteria for
It is justifiable to order HLA-B27 in children APL. The results were reviewed, but the adoles-
with symptoms of inflammatory back pain (insid- cent was told that a repeat in 3  months was
ious onset, morning stiffness, jelling, relief with needed for diagnosis. The adolescent was told
movement and NSAIDs), presence of arthritis, that Plaquenil is recommended for patients with
enthesitis, dactylitis, psoriasis, IBD, family his- suspected APL (Tarvin and O’Neil 2018). The
tory, or recurrent uveitis (Correll et  al. 2016; child came in for her follow-up, and the result
Mehta 2012). was positive. She agreed to see a rheumatologist
478 R. M. John and K. Kenney-Riley

located 50  miles from her home for treatment. There are several kinds of vasculitis
management. seen in Box 12.1.

Key Learning for APL, Sjögren’s Syndrome, Box 12.1 Types of Vasculitis
and Spondyloarthritis Henoch-Schönlein purpura.
Kawasaki’s disease.
• The laboratory diagnosis of APS
Takayasu arteritis.
depends on the patient having moderate-­
Childhood polyarteritis nodosa.
high titer aPL and criteria for the clini-
Cutaneous polyarteritis.
cal presentation.
Microscopic polyangiitis.
• If the patient has the clinical criteria for
Isolated cutaneous leukocytoclastic
APS diagnosis, all three antibodies (LA,
anticardiolipin, and anti-b2 glycopro-
Hypocomplementemic urticarial
tein I antibodies) should be done. The
tests must be repeated after 12  weeks
Granulomatosis with polyangiitis
and must be positive a second time to
diagnose APL.
Churg-Strauss syndrome.
• If the aPL tests show a low titer and
Behçet disease.
therefore do not meet the laboratory cri-
Vasculitis secondary to infection, malig-
teria for APL, the results should be
nancy, drugs.
interpreted cautiously.
Vasculitis associated with connective
• The diagnosis of Sjögren’s syndrome
tissue disease.
has varying clinical symptoms, often
Isolated vasculitis of the central nervous
delaying the diagnosis.
• HLA-B27 is positive in up to 60–70% of
Cogan syndrome.
patients with jSpA.
Adapted from Weiss (2012)

12.8 Vasculitis 12.8.1 Diagnostic Laboratory Tests

for Vasculitis
Pediatric vasculitis is an inflammation in the
blood vessel wall. The disease severity and phe- As more vessel damage occurs due to the disease
notype will depend on the size of the vessel process, more specific disease presentations
involved, the site of the vessel, the vascular evolve, including antineutrophil cytoplasmic
injury, and the underlying pathology (Weiss antibodies (ANCAs) (Weiss 2012). The diagnos-
2012). The symptoms of vasculitis are vague tic lab workup for vasculitis should include a
with malaise, diffuse pain, and fever, and elevated CBC and acute-phase reactants, significantly
acute-phase reactants can be the initial elevated. Liver transaminases, BUN, creatinine,
manifestations. and urinalysis detect hepatic and renal involve-
Henoch-Schönlein purpura (HSP) and ment. Specific antibody testing such as ANA,
Kawasaki’s disease (KD) are the two most com- antineutrophilic cytoplasmic antibodies
mon vasculitis that when combined account for (ANCAs), and complements C3 and C4 can be
72% of all pediatric vasculitis. These two dis- part of the workup, depending on the type of vas-
eases tend to be self-limited with appropriate culitis the clinician is under consideration.
12  Care of the Child with a Possible Rheumatological Disorder 479 Antineutrophilic Test Disease Comments

Cytoplasmic Antibodies ANCA Rheumatological Should be ordered
ANCAs are a group of autoantibodies commonly diseases: only in the presence
•  GPA of symptoms
detected in autoimmune disorders. They are most •  Microscopic pointing to vasculitis
associated with certain systemic vasculitis: GPA polyangiitis,
(formerly Wegener’s granulomatosis), micro- vasculitis
scopic polyangiitis vasculitis, and Churg-Strauss •  Churg-Strauss
syndrome (Suresh 2019). Conditions that can be •  SLE
ANCA positive but are not related to vasculitis •  JIA
include IBD, autoimmune hepatitis, viral hepati- Other autoimmune
tis, endocarditis, TB, malaria, RA, and diseases
•  Autoimmune
SLE. Additionally, specific drugs may result in a hepatitis
positive ANCA, such as minocycline, hydrala- •  Inflammatory bowel
zine, and allopurinol. disease
ANCAs are ordered in children with the fol- •  Sclerosing
lowing clinical presentations: glomerulonephri- Other non-autoimmune
tis, chronic destructive lung disease, progressive, diseases
rapid renal failure, pulmonary hemorrhage, pro- •  Infections such as
longed sinusitis or prolonged otitis, retro-orbital endocarditis, HIV,
and malaria
mass, or with cutaneous vasculitis and systemic •  Drug-induced such as
features (Ali 2018; Saikia et  al. 2016; Suresh minocycline and
2019). Testing for ANCA should be considered propylthiouracil
for a persistent fever of >2 weeks, multiple organ Adapted from Ali (2018), Mehta (2012), Saikia et  al.
involvement, petechial or purpuric rash or diag- (2016), Suresh (2019)
nostic labs with an increase in acute-phase reac-
tants, anemia of chronic disease, or
thrombocytosis (Mehta 2012). Testing for ANCA 12.9 Kawasaki’s Disease
should only be done when the pretest probability
for an ANCA-associated vasculitis is high. KD accounts for 23% of all vasculitides and is
Two methods are used to measure ANCA— the second common childhood vasculitis (Weiss
indirect immunofluorescence and ELISA.  The 2012). KD’s pathogenesis is unclear, but the cur-
ELISA is more specific, and the IF is more sen- rent leading theory centers around an unknown
sitive (Mehta 2012). The IF method has two stimulus causing an immune-mediated inflam-
staining patterns—cytoplasmic (c-ANCA) or matory cascade in a genetically susceptible child
perinuclear (p-ANCA). The ELISA method (Rife and Gedalia 2020). The highest incidence
evaluates antibodies against MPO and PR3. of KD is in children who are of East-Asian and
C-ANCA stating correlates with an ELISA that Pacific-Islander descent (Rife and Gedalia 2020).
is positive for PR3 seen to GPA. Current guide- The American Heart Association’s diagnostic cri-
lines recommend using the antigen-specific teria for typical Kawasaki’s disease must include
assay for PR3 and MPO as the primary method fever for at least 5 days plus at least four of the
for screening (Suresh 2019). This recommenda- following criteria: (1) bilateral conjunctival injec-
tion is a result of the large variability of the dif- tion, (2) lip and oral cavity changes, (3) cervical
ferent IF methods. Damoiseaux et  al. (2017) lymphadenopathy, (4) polymorphous exanthem,
reported the specificity for PR3-ANCA was and (5) changes found in the extremities or peri-
98% to 99%, and specificity for MPO-ANCA neal area (Singh et al. 2018). Atypical or incom-
was 96–99%. plete Kawasaki’s disease does not have to meet
480 R. M. John and K. Kenney-Riley

all the criteria. The worst complication of KD to help establish KD in children with prolonged
and atypical KD is the development of coronary fever is controversial. It is a nonspecific test
artery abnormality (Agarwal and Agrawal 2017). without clear cut-point values for a positive
The differential diagnosis includes measles, result (Dahdah et  al. 2009; Kwon et  al. 2016;
adenovirus, enterovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, scar- Lin et  al. 2015). Some studies have suggested
let fever, acute rheumatic fever, Rocky Mountain that it might be a useful marker for detecting
spotted fever, Leptospirosis, cervical lymphade- early coronary artery disease in the hyperacute
nitis, toxin-mediated staphylococcal-scalded phase of KD (Jung et  al. 2019; Rodriguez-
skin syndrome, toxic shock syndrome, hypersen- Gonzalez et al. 2019).
sitivity reactions, drug hypersensitivity reaction,
Steven-Johnson syndrome, JIA, polyarteritis
nodosa, reactive arthritis, acrodynia, and multi- 12.10 Immunoglobulin A (IgA)
system inflammatory syndrome in children (Rife Vasculitis (Formerly Henoch-­
and Gedalia 2020). Schonlein Purpura)

Immunoglobulin A vasculitis (IgAV) is a sys-

12.9.1 Diagnostic Laboratory Tests temic small-vessel leukocytoclastic vasculitis
for Kawasaki’s Disease with a clinical presentation that includes non-
thrombocytopenic palpable purpura, arthritis,
There is no specific diagnostic laboratory test for and abdominal pain (Reamy et  al. 2020). It
KD.  Several nonspecific diagnostic laboratory accounts for 49% of all childhood vasculitis. It
test abnormalities including a high WBC count of typically has a limited course, but it can have a
15,000 with neutrophil predominance and imma- remitting-relapsing course. The most common
ture forms of neutrophils, anemia, and a high complications are glomerulonephritis and gastro-
platelet count of >450,000/mm3, which peaks intestinal bleeding.
during week 3. The common acute-phase reac- The diagnosis of IgAVs requires the presence
tants such as a sedimentation rate of >40 mm/h, a of palpable purpura or petechiae involving lower
CRP of >3.0 g/dL, and elevated serum ferritin are limb predominance and without thrombocytope-
also affected. The albumin is low (<3.0  g/dL), nia or coagulopathy with at least one of the fol-
and the alanine aminotransferase (ALT) is ele- lowing: (1) acute diffuse abdominal pain, (2)
vated, as is the GGT will occur in up to 40–60% histopathology diagnosis of leukocytoclastic vas-
of patients (Agarwal and Agrawal 2017). The culitis or a kidney biopsy showing proliferative
urine has sterile pyuria with urine WBCs >10 glomerulonephritis and a predominant IgA depo-
WBCs/HPF. If a spinal tap is done, the CSF will sition, (3) acute arthritis or acute arthralgia, and
have mononuclear pleocytosis without hypogly- (4) renal involvement with hematuria or protein-
corrhachia and/or elevated protein (Rife and uria (Ozen et al. 2010).
Gedalia 2020). N-Terminal Pro-Brain 12.10.1  Initial Diagnostic

Natriuretic Peptide Laboratory Tests for IgAV
NT-pro-BNP is a cardiac biomarker that can be The initial diagnostic tests include a CBC with
elevated when a disease causes myocardial differential, coagulation profile, metabolic pro-
damage. The use of an NT-pro-BNP-based diag- file, urinalysis, and serum albumin. These tests
nostic algorithm has been proposed for use as are discussed in greater detail in Chaps. 7 and 8.
part of the diagnostic criteria in the AHA algo- The urinalysis will show hematuria with or with-
rithm for incomplete KD (Singh et  al. 2018). out RBC casts. There may be no or mild protein-
NT-pro-BNP as an additional diagnostic marker uria (Viteri and Reid-Adam 2018).
12  Care of the Child with a Possible Rheumatological Disorder 481

12.11 Juvenile children with DM at a low rate (4–10% of affected

Dermatomyositis (DM) patients) (Li and Tansley 2019). Anti-MDA5
autoantibodies are present in children with less
Dermatomyositis (DM) is considered an idio- prominent muscle disease, but these children
pathic inflammatory myopathy with systemic and have a greater risk of developing interstitial lung
cutaneous signs and symptoms resulting in the disease, ulcerations, and arthritis. Patients with
variability of childhood clinical presentations anti-NXP2 will have greater muscle involvement
(Wolstencroft and Fiorentino 2018). DM can and a greater risk of ulcers, dysphagia, and gas-
present with cutaneous signs, pulmonary disease, trointestinal bleeding. The child with anti-TIF1γ
joint disease, muscle abnormalities, and autoantibody can have milder muscle involve-
malignancy. ment but have a severe cutaneous disease, includ-
ing ulceration and lipodystrophy (Li and Tansley
12.11.1  Diagnostic Laboratory Tests
for Juvenile Creatine Kinase
Dermatomyositis Creatine kinase (CK) is found in the muscle,
heart, and brain. Sex, activity level, race, and
The child who presents with a possible inflam- muscle mass can influence CK levels. A mild
matory myopathy should have muscle enzymes elevation is <5 to10 times the upper limit of nor-
done, including creatinine phosphokinase (CPK), mal, whereas a marked elevation is >20 times the
LDH, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine upper limit of normal (Venance 2016). When the
aminotransferase (ALT), and serum aldolase clinician notes an exaggerated lumbar lordosis,
(Bellutti Enders et al. 2017). Muscle enzymes are scapular winging, and Gower’s maneuver or dif-
used in rheumatology when an inflammatory ficulty getting up from the floor, weakness should
myopathy is being considered. Up to 26% of be considered, and a CK should be done.
children with JDM will have a normal value for Primary skeletal muscle disorder presents
one of the muscle enzymes (Mehta 2012). with a history of fatiguability, weakness, and pain
The hematological tests include a CBC with and CK increases (Brancaccio, Lippi, Maffullis,
differential and smear and acute-phase reactants. 2010). CK is elevated in genetic diseases such as
Renal (including urinalysis) and liver function muscular dystrophies (marked elevation
tests and possible infectious causes for the weak- Duchenne muscular dystrophy/Becker muscular
ness and dermatological findings should be done. dystrophy as well as some types of limb-girdle
Thyroid functions and vitamin D levels should be muscular dystrophy), myotonic dystrophies (mild
done. If there are atypical features and a lack of elevation), metabolic myopathies, and congenital
rash, metabolic and mitochondrial myopathies myopathies. It also elevated in acquired myopa-
need to be included in the diagnostic laboratory thies due to myotoxic drugs, endocrine disorders
tests (Bellutti Enders et al. 2017). (thyroid or hypoparathyroidism), and immune/
inflammatory myopathies (Venance 2016). Myositis-Specific Muscular dystrophy will have the highest CK
Antibodies (Brancaccio et  al. 2010). However, in the later
Myositis-specific autoantibodies (MSAs) are stages of MD, the CK drops due to the fibrotic
present in patients with idiopathic inflammatory changes in the muscle tissue (Brancaccio et  al.
myopathies. The idiopathic inflammatory myop- 2010). Excessive physical activity or a seizure
athies include dermatomyositis, necrotizing can cause a mild elevation of CK, but it will be
myopathies, polymyositis, and inclusion body markedly elevated in rhabdomyolysis. The
myositis (Wolstencroft and Fiorentino 2018). inflammatory myopathies such as JDM will have
Anti-Mi2 is generally considered the prototype a marked elevation of the CK.  It is the first
dermatomyositis autoantibody and is found in enzyme to rise and the first to fall in JDM as
482 R. M. John and K. Kenney-Riley

disease activity increases and then decreases with sparing of the limbus, and red lips. A rapid
(Pilania and Singh 2019). The enzyme can rarely strep test is negative, and KD is considered as a
be normal in JDM but can be normal in some possible diagnosis. The child is mildly dehy-
metabolic myopathies, facioscapulohumeral drated as the mother reports the child is irritable
muscular dystrophy, and milder limb-girdle mus- and not drinking well. The child is admitted for
cular dystrophies. With dilated cardiomyopathy hydration and possible KD.  IVIG is given with
and desmin-related myopathy, weakness and marked improvement. An echocardiogram is nor-
pain with mild muscle enzymes increase are seen mal, and the child is discharged after clinical
(Brancaccio et al. 2010). improvement is seen.
A heart-healthy diet is reviewed along with Liver Function Tests (FTs) cardiology follow-up. The child was followed for
Liver function tests are discussed in detail in 3 years and discharged by cardiology. Since the
Sect. LDH and AST are the best predic- child is at higher risk for coronary artery disease,
tors of disease activity in inflammatory myopa- continual reinforcement of a healthy diet is done
thies. Five isoenzymes (LDH1, LDH2, LDH3, at every well visit.
LDH4, LDH5) are found in the body’s cells.
Serum LDH is a marker of cell damage, and, in
Key Learning for a Child with
nontraumatic rhabdomyolysis, the isoenzyme
Dermatomyositis and Kawasaki’s Disease
increase is helpful in diagnosis. AST and LDH
can increase significantly after the exercise. The • There is no specific diagnostic labora-
amount and duration of the exercise determine tory test for KD.
the degree of increase. For example, after a mara- • The use of NT-pro-BNP is not yet on
thon, the LDH will double and remain elevated any criteria for the diagnosis of KD, but
for 2 weeks (Brancaccio et al. 2010). it may be helpful in the early phase of
An increase in muscle enzymes occurs KD.
approximately 5–6 weeks before clinical changes • Total serum creatine kinase comes pri-
in JDM (Pilania and Singh 2019). LFTs can also marily from skeletal muscle, with a
be elevated in neuromuscular diseases as well as small amount from the cardiac muscle
inflammatory myopathies. and a minimal amount from the brain.
• Muscle enzymes include CK, LDH, Serum Aldolase AST, ALT, and serum aldolase, and they
The serum aldolase is found in both the cyto- may show an elevation in JDM.
plasm and cell nucleus. There are three aldolase • The highest elevation in CK occurs
isoenzymes. Aldolase A is the muscle type; aldol- early in muscular dystrophy; since as
ase B is the liver type; and aldolase C is expressed the disease progresses, the muscle
in the nervous tissue, including the brain. In dis- becomes fibrotic and no longer release
eases like muscular dystrophy, polymyositis, and CK.
myotonic dystrophy, the serum aldolase is ele-
vated, and it is aldolase A isoenzyme that is
Rheumatologic conditions in children can be
challenging to evaluate. The most important
12.11.2  Real-Life Example aspects of rheumatologic lab evaluation in the
pediatric client are history and physical exam
An 18-month-old Asian male presents with a findings. As discussed, most rheumatologic labs
6-day history of fever, a polymorphous rash, cer- are most useful when ordered in the presence of
vical lymphadenopathy, bilateral conjunctivitis signs and symptoms of rheumatologic condi-
12  Care of the Child with a Possible Rheumatological Disorder 483

tions. Clinicians working in the primary care set- pura, arthritis, and abdominal pain. Which are
ting should assure a detailed history and physical the best laboratory tests to order?
exam have been completed to support the need (a) N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide
for lab testing. Clinicians can complete an initial (NT-pro-BNP).
workup and refer children to a pediatric rheuma- (b) Antineutrophilic cytoplasmic antibodies.
tologist for more in-depth testing and evaluation. (c) CBC with differential, coagulation pro-
file, metabolic profile, urinalysis, and
Questions serum albumin.
(d) Human leukocyte antigen B27
1. What is the best test to order in a patient who (HLA-B27).
presents with vague joint pain for 2  weeks, 6. A 15-year-old who has SLE is complaining of
has a normal examination, and has a negative the new onset of dry eyes and a dry mouth.
family history? She also has myalgias that have increased.
(a) A CBC with differential, CRP, and eryth- Her pediatric rheumatologist manages her
rocyte sedimentation rate. SLE. What is the best next step?
(b) An ANA. (a) Refer her back to rheumatology and let
(c) a and b. them determine the workup.
(d) Hold off doing diagnostic testing. (b) Order a CBC with differential and acute-­
2. A 7-year-old female with systemic lupus has phase reactants.
had two separate highly positive tests (>99th (c) Order an SJO test.
percentile) for anticardiolipin IgA/IgM/IgG (d) Reassure the patient.
along with a positive lupus anticoagulant. 7. A child has a 2-month history of knee pain.
What condition is she at risk of having? The child’s knee is swollen out of proportion
(a) Meningitis. to the pain level she is reporting. What must
(b) Thromboembolism. be included in her laboratory workup?
(c) Intussusception. (a) Lyme titer.
(d) Pericarditis. (b) Human leukocyte antigen B27.
3. A child has SLE.  Which of the following (c) CBC with differential, coagulation pro-
would be the best test to evaluate her kidney file, metabolic profile, urinalysis, and
function further? serum albumin.
(a) Antinuclear antibody screen. (d) Acute-phase reactants.
(b) Check urine protein to creatinine ratio 8. A child has oligoarthritis and antinuclear anti-
(c) C-reactive protein. body (ANA) positive. A pediatric rheumatolo-
(d) Renal ultrasound. gist follows her. What other referrals are
4. A 15-year-old presents with a history of hair needed for this patient?
loss, weakness, and fatigability. The physical (a) Orthopedics once a month.
exam is remarkable for Gottron’s papules and (b) Ophthalmology every year.
a heliotrope rash. Her hair is also showing dif- (c) Orthopedics once a year.
fuse hair loss. What is the best test to order? (d) Ophthalmology every 3 months.
(a) N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide 9. Which test, if positive, would make the diag-
(NT-pro-BNP). nosis of JIA?
(b) Antineutrophilic cytoplasmic antibodies. (a) Antinuclear antibody.
(c) Myositis-specific autoantibodies (MSA). (b) Rheumatoid factor.
(d) Human leukocyte antigen B27 (c) CBC with differential.
(HLA-B27). (d) Acute-phase reactants, CRP, and sedi-
5. An 8-year-old has a clinical presentation that mentation rate.
includes nonthrombocytopenic palpable pur- (e) None of the above.
484 R. M. John and K. Kenney-Riley

Rationale There is no specific test for immunoglobin A

vasculitis (IgAV). IgAV is a systemic small-­
1. Answer: d vessel leukocytoclastic vasculitis with a clini-
This child has a vague history and a normal cal presentation that includes
examination. The likelihood that the child has nonthrombocytopenic palpable purpura, arthri-
a positive ANA but is healthy is 30%. An tis, and abdominal pain (Reamy et  al. 2020).
ANA is an expensive test and leads to Myositis-specific autoantibodies (MSA) are
increases in healthcare costs. If the pretest specific for inflammatory myopathies.
probability of a disease is high, then the ANA 6. Answer: a
is indicated (Fritzler 2016). In this case, the There is no “gold standard” laboratory test
pretest probability is low. Follow-up is indi- for the diagnosis and classification of jSS as a
cated in this child. result (Jonsson et al. 2018). In this case, refer-
2. Answer: b ral back to the rheumatologist is the best
Given the child’s positive testing, the diag- next  step. You could order the SJO test for
nosis of APL is likely. Therefore, the child is Sjogren’s syndrome, but, since she already has
at greater risk for thromboembolism. a rheumatologist, a referral is the best next step.
3. Answer: b 7. Answer: a
Of the choices given, the urine protein-to-­ A Lyme titer should be ordered especially
creatinine ratio is the best way to evaluate the given the history of swelling out of proportion
child’s kidney function. A urinalysis would to the pain. While acute-phase reactants are
also be helpful. not wrong, they are not the best choice as non-
4. Answer: c specific tests. It would be important to remem-
The choices are very specific. N-terminal ber that a Lyme titer should be done in patients
pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-pro-BNP) with unilateral joint swelling.
might be ordered in a patient with prolonged 8. Answer: d
fever, and the clinician is considering This child is at high risk for asymptomatic
Kawasaki’s disease. Antineutrophilic cyto- uveitis and needs to see ophthalmology every
plasmic antibodies (ANCAs) are a group of 3 months.
autoantibodies commonly detected in autoim- 9. Answer: e
mune disorders. They are most associated with The diagnosis of JIA is made by history,
certain systemic vasculitis: GPA (formerly physical exam, and diagnostic laboratory
Wegener’s granulomatosis), microscopic poly- tests. No one test will confirm the diagnosis.
angiitis vasculitis, and Churg-Strauss syn- The ANA does not help make or exclude JIA
drome (Suresh 2019). Human leukocyte as a diagnosis in children presenting with
antigen B27 is a specific test for juvenile spon- arthritis. It is important to note a negative RF
dylarthritis (jSpA), a set of heterogeneous does not mean a child does not have JIA. When
conditions in children under 16 years. providers mistake a negative RF as criteria to
Myositis-specific autoantibodies (MSA) is say a child does not have JIA, the result can be
the correct answer as it might be very helpful delays in diagnosis and treatment for these
in a patient that you are considering JDM. children, putting them at risk for permanent
5. Answer: c joint damage. A CBC with differential and
As noted above, the N-terminal pro-brain acute-phase reactants are nonspecific tests.
natriuretic peptide (NT-pro-BNP) might be
ordered in a patient with prolonged fever, and
the clinician is considering Kawasaki’s disease. References
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spondyloarthropathies. Curr Rheumatol Rep.
monly detected in autoimmune disorders. 2016;18(8):55.
12  Care of the Child with a Possible Rheumatological Disorder 485

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