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Chemistry IA - Writing Guide

Personal Engagement Exploration Analysis Evaluation Communication Total

2 (8%) 6 (25%) 6 (25%) 6 (25%) 4 (17%) 24 (100%)

General Guidelines

● The report should be approximately 6–12 pages.

● Use an easily readable font such as Arial, minimum font size 11
● Single (or greater) line spacing
● Numbered pages
● Portrait orientation (rather than landscape), except where it is necessary or appropriate. The
use of landscape orientation may be to accommodate a specific item, such as a graph or
● From November 2022 examiners will be instructed not to read beyond the 12-page limit
○ The 12 pages only include the substantive report and do not include
bibliography/appendices/cover pages

Personal Engagement (2)

● The evidence of personal engagement with the exploration is clear with significant independent
thinking, initiative or creativity.
● The justification given for choosing the research question and/or the topic under investigation
demonstrates personal significance, interest or curiosity.
● There is evidence of personal input and initiative in the designing, implementation or
presentation of the investigation.

AVOID: Method choice and development:

● Stories ( ‘my great great grandmother...’) ● A novel approach has been taken in (at least)
● Going off topic one of the following to improve the accuracy
of the collected data:
Introduce the investigation: ● Control variable(s)
● Why this? ● Method/equipment used to measure the
● Statement related to the significance of DV
the research, why is it relevant personally ● Method/equipment used to alter the IV
to you and/or within a global context? ● Preliminary trials (if applicable)
● Your thought process ● Summarised
● DP chemistry topic links ● Changes made referred to and justified

Watch: How to get a 7 in the IA: Part 1 - Personal Engagement

Modified from Kathleen Quinn SISQ Oct 21


Exploration (6)

● The topic of the investigation is identified and a relevant and fully focused research question
is clearly described.
● The background information provided for the investigation is entirely appropriate and
relevant and enhances the understanding of the context of the investigation.
● The methodology of the investigation is highly appropriate to address the research question
because it takes into consideration all, or nearly all, of the significant factors that may
influence the relevance, reliability and sufficiency of the collected data.
● The report shows evidence of full awareness of the significant safety, ethical or
environmental issues that are relevant to the methodology of the investigation.

The aim of the investigation is clear: ● Control variables, column headers

● RQ stated as a question with IV and include:
DV clearly defined ● Variable being controlled,
● how it will be controlled /
Investigation context (background): monitored, and
● reason needed for control/
● Comprehensive but concise
possible effect on results
● Explain why this topic is important
● State what is already known Pre-lab calculations/ preliminary trials:
● State what is unknown ● Calculations required for solution prep
● State the classes of compounds can be included here
investigated and explain why chosen ● Modifications made to the initial
procedure during the lab can be included
● Include reaction equations here
● State what method will be used and how
it works Chemicals and Materials:
● Compare with alternatives to justify ● Concentration (if solution)
your method choice (why this ● Total volume (if liquid / solution)
● Total mass (if solid)
● For all equipment needed
● Explain why this experiment is ● Quantity and specifications
appropriate (give evidence!) ● Uncertainties
● Include any necessary formulas define ● Model (if applicable)
all terms ● Manufacturer (if applicable)
● Explain what information they provide
Risk assessment (table format):
Hypothesis: ● Reference the Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
● State expected relationship and explain ● Safety procedures listed
● Disposal of chemicals
why it is expected
● Ethical or environmental considerations?
● Is the relationship quantitative?
● Give evidence to support claim Method:
● Include reference of method used or
Variables (table format): modified
● The independent variable is stated ● Include schematic of experiment set-up
● Range investigated stated and justified ● Give a clear, step-by-step breakdown
● The dependent variable is stated

Watch: How to get a 7 in the IA: Part 2 - Exploration

Modified from Kathleen Quinn SISQ Oct 21


Analysis (6)

● The report includes sufficient relevant quantitative and qualitative raw data that could support a
detailed and valid conclusion to the research question.
● Appropriate and sufficient data processing is carried out with the accuracy required to enable
a conclusion to the research question to be drawn that is fully consistent with the
experimental data.
● The report shows evidence of full and appropriate consideration of the impact of measurement
uncertainty on the analysis.
● The processed data is correctly interpreted so that a completely valid and detailed conclusion
to the research question can be deduced.

Analysis: ● Sample calculations shown

● Raw data ● One per each calculation type completed
● Quantitative ● Explain any assumptions in calculations
● Qualitative observations ● Includes uncertainty calculation
● Explained assumptions in treatment
● Graphs: of uncertainty
● Axis labels ● All numbers to appropriate sig figs
● Axis units ● Appropriate data processing
● No duplicate title in graph and text ● Calculated % uncertainty (if applicable)
● Appropriate scaling ● Calculated % error (if applicable)
● Equation displayed ● Propagated error (if applicable)
● R2 shown ● Expressed final result (based on above)
● Processed data interpreted (not just stating,
● Tables: but giving meaning to numbers)
● Created in excel/sheets ● Comparing with benchmark/literature
● Units values
● Uncertainties ● Commented on % error comparison
● Sig figs
● Decimal points match uncertainties
● NO screenshots

-How to get a 7 in the IA: Part 3 - Analysis
- How to Use Google Sheets for Success in the IB Chemistry IA
- Uncertainties: MrM4Chem Doc & Video

Modified from Kathleen Quinn SISQ Oct 21


Evaluation (6)

● A detailed conclusion is described and justified which is entirely relevant to the research
question and fully supported by the data presented.
● A conclusion is correctly described and justified through relevant comparison to the accepted
scientific context.
● Strengths and weaknesses of the investigation, such as limitations of the data and sources of
error, are discussed and provide evidence of a clear understanding of the methodological
issues involved in establishing the conclusion.
● The student has discussed realistic and relevant suggestions for the improvement and
extension of the investigation.

AVOID: Errors to consider:

● Using the words ‘accurate’, ‘precise’, ● Equipment/methodology used -
‘reliable’ unless used correctly and then Appropriate? Was there a better way to
qualified using specific details/data test this? - do research
● Intended control variables - were you
Conclusion: able to control? What could make it
● Results stated explicitly better?
● Quantitatively ● Impacts of assumptions - there are
● Relates to and answers the RQ always assumptions made
● Compared against known scientific ● Particular strengths of this work
● % error against known context (cite Improvements:
source) ● Address the specific issues/assumptions
in eval above (see structure of eval in the
Evaluation IA template)
● Limitations of data (what was needed ● Specific (NOT “do more experiments” or
but left unknown?) “use different method/equipment”)
● Range of independent variable: ● Proposed extensions (research
● Did you do enough different variations of directions)
your independent variable? Was the ● Based on findings here (what remains
range appropriate and sufficient to answer unknown/unexplained? What else might
the RQ? be worthy of exploration in relation to this)

Sources of errors - comprehensive and relevant

● Specific (NOT “human errors” or “maybe
not reproducible”)
● Approx 2/3 each of systematic and
random, quantified with impacts and
improvements directly connected to the

-How to get a 7 in the IA: Part 4 - Conclusion and Evaluation

Modified from Kathleen Quinn SISQ Oct 21


Communication (4)

● The presentation of the investigation is clear. Any errors do not hamper understanding of the
focus, process and outcomes.
● The report is well structured and clear: the necessary information on focus, process and
outcomes is present and presented in a coherent way.
● The report is relevant and concise thereby facilitating a ready understanding of the focus,
process and outcomes of the investigation.
● The use of subject-specific terminology and conventions is appropriate and correct. Any errors
do not hamper understanding.

● Title ● Past tense

● Figures (images, graphs) are labeled as ● Passive voice
Fig X. [...] ● Paragraphs flow coherently, not
● Tables are labeled as Table 1. [...] fragmented ideas (PEEL paragraph
● Table titles are not duplicated in graph structure, point, evidence, explain, link!)
and caption ● Precise usage of nouns (e.g., atom vs
● Citations are used and consistent molecule vs element vs particle...)
throughout ● Precise usage of adjectives (e.g., not
● All ideas / content by others are sourced “longest mass”, “bigger energy”...)
● Pasted images explicitly sourced in ● Numbers use . as decimal separator
caption ● Values less than 1 are “0.123” (instead of
● Consistent formatting in text “.123”)
● Chemical names are NOT capitalized ● Use proper superscript e.g., 104 notations
● Writing 3rd person (i.e., not “I did the (not 10e4)

-How to get a 7 in the IA Part 5: Communication

Exemplar IAs with Examiner Comments

● Sample 1: Effect of cooking time on chlorophyll degradation (14/24)

● Sample 2: Boiling points of binary mixtures (20/24)
● Sample 3: Reaction kinetics of hydrolysis of sucrose using polarimetry (22/24)
● Sample 4: Effect of red wine tannin concentration on methylene blue oxidation (23/24)
● Sample 5: Oxidation of luminol (23/24)
● Sample 6: Hydrolysis of Acetylsalicylic Acid (24/24) *no comments*

Modified from Kathleen Quinn SISQ Oct 21


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