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OBJECTIVE: use personality traits and jobs vocabulary to describe a close relative’s profession individually, and
then share their ideas in pairs.
TASK 1. Group work. VOCABULARY. . Do the exercises in groups of 3. (Printed material- 2 sheets)

A. A person that can fix problems you have with your teeth.
B. A person you go to see when you are ill or have some type of health
C. A member of the police force.
D. A person that works with the money and accounts of a company
E. A person that teaches to students. Usually at school.
F. A person that design buildings and houses
G. A person that repairs machines specially car motors
H. A person trained to help a doctor look after the sick or injured.
I. A person that works on a farm, usually with animals
J. A person that works with meat. They cut the meat and sell it in their shop.
K. They make bread and cakes and normally works in a bakery.
L. A person that repairs your water systems or pipes.
M. A person that makes things from wood including houses and furniture.
N. A person who flies a plane.
O. A medical practitioner qualified to practice surgery.


Task 2. Career Advice
Have you ever thought of what type of personality goes best with what type of job? Do you think any personality type
can do any job? Discuss this as a class

Task 3. Listen to a professor give advice on what to study at the university. Decide if each of the statements below
are True (T) or False (F) according to what she says.

Task 4. Now listen again and make a list of the personality traits and professions you hear. After you do this, continue
the list with other professions you know and personality traits that would be best for them.
Script: Are you wondering what career would be perfect for you? I suggest you take into consideration your
personality. Not everyone’s personality is ideal for every profession. For example, if you are an extremely sensitive
person, you should probably avoid going into medicine, because your patients’ illnesses and deaths may affect you too
much. If you are tech savvy, consider studying a career in engineering or computer science. Fields like psychology,
social work, and human resources are perfect if you consider yourself extroverted and a people person. If, on the other
hand, you are introverted and shy, you may want to choose a career that allows you to work alone, like graphic design
or architecture. And to be a professor like me, you must be incredibly patient!
Task 5. On a separate sheet of paper, describe a close relative’s profession. It could be about your parents or even
anyone who is close to your family. Once you finish, think about if you could do the same kind of job as the person you
chose giving reasons why. Share your ideas in groups of two.

Task 6. How do you describe your personality? Use the personality traits from the list in TASK 1 to describe
yourself ( 8 or more)

My Personality:

Answer. Do you think you know what career matches best with your personality?

Task 7. QUIZ: What Career is Best for You? There are many quizzes and tests that help you to determine what
profession would be the best for you according to your personality. Take this test to see what field would be ideal for
you. Answer each question honestly.

• On the weekends, I prefer to: If your answers were…

a. go out hiking in the mountains. Mostly As: You would be best working outdoors. You
b. write a story or read a novel. can be a botanist (someone who studies plants), an
c. work on my computer. archaeologist (someone who studies ruins and bones of
d. talk with my friends and family. previous eras), or even as an extreme tour guide, taking
• When I have the choice of what show to watch on TV, I tourists to climb mountains around the country.
choose: Mostly Bs: You should consider working with
a. “survivor” or some outdoor program. something that has to do with languages. You could be
b. a classic movie like Titanic. a linguist (a scientist who studies how human language
c. a show about technology. works from a social and structural perspective), a writer
d. a sitcom or drama. (of novels or even movie scripts!), an editor, a
• The subject I like the most in school is: translator or interpreter, or a language teacher.
a. physical education. Mostly Cs: You would be best as a scientist because
b. language arts or English.
you are technical. You can be a physicist, a chemist, or
c. computers or physics.
an engineer. You could also work as a computer
d. social studies.
programmer or perhaps a doctor.
• The person I admire the most is:
Mostly Ds: You need to choose a career in which you
a. an adventurer.
b. a writer. can help others. You can be a psychologist, a social
c. a scientist. d. a humanitarian. worker, or even a teacher. You would also be a good
• When I think of my future profession, it is most important anthropologist (someone who studies human evolution
for me to: and societies) or sociologist (someone who studies
a. be able to be outside. human behavior and relationships between people and
b. be able to use my writing skills. groups).
c. be able to work with computers or do scientific
d. be able to make a difference in someone’s life.

Count the answer:

As = ______________ Bs = ___________ Cs = _______________ Ds = ____________
According to the quiz what is the profession would be the best for you? Read the results on the right and answer the
According to the quiz the the professions would be the best for me
I prefer ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

OBJECTIVE: Show understanding of the passage “University Degrees” by answering the questions and then
discussing them in groups.
Task 1. ANSWER. What university degrees do you know?

Task 2. University Degrees. listen about what a university student tells of the different degrees that are available.
As you read, complete the sentences with what she says.

Script: When you graduate high school, your options are endless for your future. Many people go on to study what
they like at the university. The first degree you can receive is called a Bachelor’s degree. This can usually be
completed in four to five years. Nowadays, a Bachelors degree is worth what a high school diploma was worth one
generation ago. So many students decide to continue to a Master’s degree, which can usually be earned in two
years. A Master’s degree allows you to specialize even further in a specific field. There are Masters degrees related
to all professions. Some people even decide to do a Masters in another country, like Spain or the United States.
There are many scholarships available to help you to pay for a Masters. In the case of the United States, if you agree
to teach Bachelors students, you can get your Masters for free, and also get paid a small salary every month! If you
get your Masters and you still want more education, you can go on to a PhD or doctorate and people will call you
“doctor”! The sky is the limit for your education. Nothing can stop the power of your mind!

• The first degree you can get after graduating high school is called a ___________________ degree.
• This degree can be done in _______________________________years.
• A Master’s degree can be done ______________________________ you complete a Bachelor’s.
• It is possible to do a Master’s in another ______________________ .
• __________________________can help you to pay for your Master’s studies.
• In ________________________, you can teach Bachelor’s students and get your Master’s degree for free!
• After a Master’s, you can go on and study a doctorate or a ____________________________ .

Task 3. Answer. Then Discuss the following questions with a partner.

• Do you know someone who has a Bachelor’s degree? A Master’s? A PhD? What did he or she study? Where? What is
he or she working as now?

• What do you think you would like to study? What degree do you plan on getting?
• If money is not a factor, do you think that everyone is capable of getting a PhD? Explain your opinion.


OBJECTIVE: Use gerunds and infinities to talk about education and professions.
WARM UP - Read the grammar notes on the right and learn about infinitives and gerunds.

Gerunds are formed by adding “-ing” to
the verb (Verb + ing): “sleeping.”
They are used as a subject of a
Study the examples given below.
-Learning English will be necessary
for your profession.
-Collecting coins is my hobby.
Infinitives are the verb forms that has
“to” at the beginning (to + verb). For
example, “to do.” They are used after
phrases like, it is very important, be
able, it is better, etc.
-It is very important to practice
English skills.
-He is able to understand songs in

TASK 1 Read the text and find sentences with gerund and with infinitive. Then add 3 more sentences to each one

TASK 2 Read the text again and answer the following questions.
• What does “study abroad” mean?

• If a university has an agreement established with another, what does that entail?

• What are the advantages of studying abroad?

• Do you think you would like to spend a semester or year abroad? Where?

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