General Revision Pack 2023 Answer Key

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Concept 3.1:
Answer key
Devices and Energy
A. Choose the most suitable answer for each of the following:

1. Toy cars needs energy to do all the following functions, except…………

a. moving forward and b. rotation in a circle.
c. moving right and lift d. rotation around the moon.

2. In the battery of a toy car………… changes into electrical

a. chemical b. sound
c. light d. thermal

3. In the washing machine, the ………energy changes into kinetic and

sound energy.
a. light b. electrical
c. thermal d. potential

4. You feel warm when you rub your hands together, because
………….energy changes into thermal energy.
a. kinetic b. light
c. electrical d. sound
5. While playing a guitar, the ……… changes into sound energy.
a. kinetic b. light
c. chemical d. potential

6. When you turn on a light bulb, the electric energy travels through
………..until reaching the bulb.
a. wires b. glass
c. wood d. plastic

7. Some kinetic energy is converted into …… due to friction of

bike’s tire with the road.
a. light b. electrical
c. potential d. thermal

8. The input energy when using the hair dryer is the …………energy.
a. electrical b. potential
c. kinetic d. thermal

9. The produced ………….energy does not help the blender do its job.
a. Chemical b. sound
c. light d. potential

10. When a piece of coal is burnt, ………… is produced.

a. thermal b. kinetic
c. sound d. potential
B. What happens if……?

1. The charge of remote controlled toy car batteries is running out.

 We can recharge its batteries by connecting toy car to a nearby
charger or replacing old batteries with a new ones.
2. You burn a piece of wood.
 The chemical energy is converted into thermal energy and light
3. You put your hands near the lighted lamp.
 You feel warm, because some electrical energy is converted
into thermal energy.
4. You use a mobile phone for a long time. (According to the
wasted energy).
 Some energy is wasted as a thermal energy.

C. Put true or false and correct the false ones :

1. Energy can’t be transformed from one form to another. (False)

Correction: …………………………………………………………..
2. Mars is located a few meters away from Earth. (False)
54 million kilometers
Correction: ………………………………………………………….
3. In the soap dispenser, potential energy changes into kinetic energy.
Correction: ………………………………………………………….
4. Light energy from the sun causes trees to grow. (True)
Correction: ……………………………………………………………
5. There is a stored chemical energy inside the food we eat. (True)
Correction: ………..………………………………………………….
6. Energy can’t be changed from one form to another. (False)
Correction: ………………………………………………………….
7. There is a stored chemical energy inside the food we eat. (True)
Correction: ………………………………………………………… …..
8. Energy may be destroyed inside different devices. (False)
Correction: ……………………………………………………………..
9. In waterfalls, the water that falls down has a kinetic energy. (True)
Correction: ……………………………………………………………

D. Write the scientific term of each of the following:

1. The energy that produced from batteries. [electric energy]

2. The energy produced when the wood of trees is burned.
[Thermal energy]
3. The energy stored inside the coal. [Chemical energy]
4. The energy produced from the electric lamp and effects
our eyes. [Light energy]
5. The energy produced from playing guitar. [sound energy]
6. The energy that is stored in both batteries and food. [Chemical energy]
7. A kind of energy that produced from the electric heater and burning
coal. [thermal energy]

E. Give the reasons for:

1. Some calculators use the sunlight to be operated.

 Because sunlight is converted into electrical energy which
calculators use it to be operated.
2. When you rub your hands together, you feel warmth.
 Because the kinetic energy is converted into thermal energy.
3. You feel heat, when you put your hands near a lighted electric lamp.
 Because some of the electrical energy is converted into thermal

4. The thermal energy in mobile phone is considered as a wasted energy.

 Because it doesn’t help the mobile phone do its main function.
F. Correct the underlined words:

1. The solar energy produced from the moon can be converted into different
forms of energy. [sun]
2. Toy car depend on fuel as a source of electrical energy. [batteries]
3. Curiosity is a robotic vehicle that is designed to explore the surface of the
moon. [Mars]

G. Complete the following sentence:

1. The energy can be changed from one form to another.

2. Some calculators can change solar energy into electrical energy by using the
3. The energy that produced from the battery used to operate a toy car is
electrical energy.
4. In any energy chain, some of the energy is lost in the form of heat.
5. The electric lamp converts electrical energy into light energy and thermal
6. Energy can neither be created or destroyed, but only converted form to
7. The input energy of the hair dryer is electrical energy, while the output
energies of a hair dryer are thermal energy, kinetic energy and sound energy.
8. The main function of blender is done by the help of kinetic energy.
Concept 3.2:
Answer key
About fuel
A. Choose the most suitable answer for each of the following:
1. Among forms of fuel that present in the car fuel stations are………………….
a. Gasoline and wood b. Natural gas and coal
c. Wood and coal d. Gasoline and natural gas

2. We can use the energy obtained from burning of wood in all of the following
situations, except
a. Warming houses b. Operating television
c. Cooking food d. Boiling water

3. Ancient people use …………as a form of fuel, before discovering gasoline.

a. Electricity b. Water
c. wind d. wood

4. Coal is formed under the Earth’s surface from the remains of ………
a. Dead animals b. Dead plants
c. Dead humans d. Bead insects
5. Remains of living organisms that were buried under the Earth’s surface must
be affected by ………….to form fossil fuel.
a. low pressure and high b. high pressure and low
temperature temperature
c. low pressure and low d. high pressure and high
temperature temperature

6. The steps of forming fossil fuel, don’t include…………of the remains of the
living organisms.
a. decaying b. cooling
c. burying d. heating

7. We can use the energy that is produced from …………to generate electrical
a. renewable resources only b. non-renewable resources only
c. renewable and non- d. food including fruits and
renewable sources vegetables

8. Air pollution is usually caused due to ………………of fuel.

a. cooling b. warming
c. freezing d. burning

9. Cars smog cause irritation of ………………..of human

a. stomach and eyes b. eyes and lungs
c. small intestine d. large intestine

10. Fossil fuels need …… be formed under the Earth’s surface.
a. five years b. ten years
c. hundreds of years d. millions of years
11. Burning of fossil fuel produces gases that………..
a. help human to respire b. help animals survive
c. pollute the air d. benefit the environment

B. What happens if……?

1. Fuel runs out in a car.

 The car movement decreases gradually until it stops.
2. People increase using the wood of trees as a source of fuel.
 It leads to deforestation, which causes negative effects on the
3. The remains of dead living organisms were buried under the Earth’s surface
over millions of years.
 They are converted into fossil fuel.
4. The water in an electric power station not heated. (According to the run of the
 Water will not produce steam, so the turbine will not run and will
not produce the kinetic energy.
5. Mixing pesticides with water of canals and rivers.
(According to the pollution)
 That lead to pollution of soil and water.
6. People don’t rationalize their using a fossil fuel.
 Fossil fuel will run out on the Earth.
C. Put true or false and correct the false ones:

1. It is better before making a trip by a car, we must check the amount of

gasoline in the fuel tank. (True)
Correction: …………………………………………………………………..
2. Both coal and wood produce energy on the burning them. (True)
Correction: …………………………………………………………………..
3. Extreme cooling under the Earth’s surface, helps in the formation of oil.
Correction: ………..…………………………………………………………
4. We have to reduce the usage of the sun as a source of energy. (False)
Correction: …….……………………………………………………………..
5. Any form of fossil fuel must be formed under the Earth’s surface. (True)
Correction: …………………………………………………………………..
6. Rain water can be mixed with both pesticides and carbon dioxide gas. (True)
Correction: ……………….………………………………………………....
7. The heat trapped above the Earth’s surface causes global warming. (True)
Correction: …………..……………………………………………………..
8. The amount of an oil on the Earth is limited. (True)
Correction: …………………….……………………………………………
9. Global Warming is one of the disadvantages of using fossil fuels in energy
production. (True)
Correction: …………………………………………………….…………….
D. Write the scientific term of each of the following:
1. It is the main source of most forms of energy on the Earth’s surface.
[The sun]
2. Natural resources of energy, that take a very long period of time to be formed.
[Non-renewable source of energy]
3. The matter that produces steam on heating, which is used to turn turbines in
electric power station. [Water]
4. It is an acid that is formed on mixing carbon dioxide gas with water.
[Carbonic acid]
5. It is a type of rain that is formed when carbon dioxide gas combines with
water in the air. [Acid rain]
6. The energy resources that include wind energy, water and solar energy
[Renewable resource of energy]
E. Give the reasons for:
1. The fuel is very important for different means of transportation.
 Because fuel burns inside the engines to produce the thermal energy
that is changed into kinetic energy which causes the different means
of transportation to move.
2. Water and wind are considered as renewable resources of energy.
 Because they can be replaced shortly after being used.
3. We must turn off lights that we are not needed for a while.
 To conserve the electricity.
4. Farmers must decrease using of pesticides.
 Because when pesticides mix with water in canals and rivers during
rain falls that lead to pollution of soil and water.
5. The used amount of fossil fuel cannot be replaced as quickly as it is
 Because fossil fuel is formed over millions of years.
F. Correct the underlined words:
1. We need sound energy, for cooking foods and warming house.
[Thermal energy]
2. The moon is primary source of both biofuel and fossil fuel. [The sun]
3. The rate of consumption of fossil fuel must be increased. [Decreased]
4. Hydroelectric energy is one of non-renewable energy resource. [Renewable]
5. The amount of renewable resources of energy are limited on the Earth.
[Non-renewable resource]
6. Burning of all types of fuel causes global warming. [fossil fuel]
7. Gases emitted from fossil fuel on burning decrease the temperature on the
Earth. [increase]
G. Complete the following sentence
1. Gasoline burns inside a car engine to produce thermal energy that is changed
into kinetic energy which causes the movement of the car.
2. Coal, oil and natural can be used in electric power station to generate
3. The natural resources that can be replaced shortly after being used are called
renewable resources of energy.
4. The type of fuel that is produced from living organisms that can be planted is
called biofuel such as wood and charcoal.
5. The hydroelectric energy is considered as renewable resource of energy, and
we can get it from waterfalls and dams to generate electricity.
6. Turbines in electric power stations are turned by steam and they produce
kinetic energy to run the generators of the electric power stations.
7. When pesticides mixed with water in canals, this causes the pollution of soil
and water.
8. Factories may cause the pollution of air, soil and water due to the chemicals
they use.
9. To conserve fossil fuel, we can replace it with renewable resources of energy
such as water, solar energy and wind energy.
10. If people don’t rationalize the consumption of fossil fuel, it will run out
on Earth.
H. Give one example for each of the following:
1. A renewable resource of energy: solar energy
2. A non-renewable resource of energy: Coal
3. A method of conserving fossil fuel: Walking or biking instead of
driving a car.
4. A disadvantage of using fossil fuel in energy production: Air pollution.
5. An advantage of using renewable resource to produce energy: Not
increasing the Earth’s temperature.
Concept 3.3:
Renewable Energy Resources
H. Choose the most suitable answer for each of the following:

1. Solar panels use solar energy to generate …………….. energy which is used
in lighting houses.
a. Sound b. electrical
c. potential d. kinetic

2. Both modern wind turbines and old windmills are similar in their……………
a. shape b. ability to generate electrical
c. blades number. d. Ability to generate potential

3. The sun is made up of gases, mainly …………..and …………….

a. hydrogen-oxygen. b. helium-carbon dioxide.
c. oxygen-carbon dioxide. d. hydrogen-helium.

4. The solar energy is converted into .................. energy in greenhouse.

a. electric b. sound
c. thermal d. potential
5. The electrical energy is transmitted from windmills to houses through……….
a. water b. wind
c. coal d. wires

6. The change of energy in an opposite to the change of energy

in a wind turbine.
a. electric bell b. electric heater
c. electric iron d. electric fan

7. In water turbines, the ………energy of water is changed into electrical energy.

a. chemical b. kinetic
c. thermal d. light

8. The reason of flowing of river water downhill is the ……………..force.

a. pushing b. friction
c. gravitation d. electricity

9. River water evaporates by the help of heat produced from ………………….

a. kettles b. the sun
c. electric heaters d. electric iron

10. The form of energy resulted from waterfalls is called …………energy.

a. thermal b. chemical
c. solar d. hydroelectric
I. What happens if……?

1. Sunlight falls on solar panels of some streetlights.

 The solar energy is converted into electrical energy which causes
light posts light up.
2. Hydrogen and Helium gases react together at very high temperatures in the
 They produce huge amounts of light and heat.
3. The kinetic energy that is applied on the windmill increase.
 Its blades spin faster and generate more electricity.

4. Water turbines are placed in a dam.

 Potential energy of water in dams is converted into kinetic energy
which causes water turbines rotate and generate electricity.

5. Water of seas and rivers evaporates then condensates in the atmospheric air.
 Clouds are formed.

J. Put true or false and correct the false ones:

1. Windmills can do their job all the time as the wind never stops blowing.
Correction: …………………………………………………………………
2. The sun doesn’t have a solid surface. (True)
Correction: …………………………………………………………………..
3. There is a similarity in temperature between the cold and hot water. (False)
Correction: …………………………………………………………………
4. Electrical energy can be generated from both waterfalls and
wind movement. (True)
Correction: ……………………………………………………………….
5. Running water in rivers has kinetic energy. (True)
Correction: ………………………………………………………………
K. Write the scientific term of each of the following:

1. Main energy which is produced from both electric mixer and manual mixer.
[Kinetic energy]
2. Huge bodies in the space made mostly of hydrogen and helium gases.
3. A mill that uses the power of flowing air to generate electricity.
4. A type of electrical energy generated by water turbines in dam.
[Hydroelectric energy]
5. A process in which water changes into water vapor. [Evaporation]

E. Give reasons for:

1. Humans use windmills and watermills from hundreds of years ago.
 Because they helped them to grind grain to make flour.

2. Sunlight is very important for plants and humans.

Because without sunlight plants will die, and then the animals that eat
them will die also.

3. Kinetic energy affects the speed of windmill rotation.

 Because by increasing kinetic energy that blades spin faster and
wind turbine generates more electricity.

4. Water turbines are placed in waterfalls areas.

 Because the flow of falling water helps water turbines rotate and
generate electricity.

5. Some dams contain water turbines.

 Because kinetic energy of moving water in dams is used to rotate
water turbines to generate hydroelectric energy.
F. Correct the underlined words:
1. Watermill turbines generate electricity by using the energy of wind
movement. [Water flow]
2. Earth is a star that is made up of gases. [Sun]
3. Water turbines rotate when the windmill blades rotate. [Wind]
4. The thermal energy generated by water turbines in dams is known as
hydroelectricity. [The electrical]

L. Complete the following sentences:

1. In the electric power stations, the burning coal produces thermal energy to
generate the electricity, while turbines of windmills generate electricity by
using the wind energy.
2. The water flow generates the kinetic energy, which moves the blades of the
watermills to transform this energy into electrical energy.
3. The sun is necessary for the growth of plants which is eaten by animals.
4. The sun is a star which is mostly made up of hydrogen gas and helium Gas.
5. The wind blows due to the difference in temperature between the cold air
and the hot air.
6. When the wind turbines rotate, kinetic energy is converted into electric
7. When rivers flow downhill, gravitational potential energy of water is
converted into kinetic energy that rotates water turbine.
8. Water and wind are the renewable resources of energy which use kinetic
energy to operate turbines and generate electricity.
9. The movement of water in river is used to rotate the water turbines to
generate electricity.
10. Clouds are formed due to the evaporation then condensation of water
of rivers and seas.
Concept 4.1:
Breaking down and moving rocks
A- Choose the most suitable answer for each of the following:
1- Rocks can be broken down into small particles by exposure to all of the
following except………………………………..
a- Rain water b- Wind
c- Moon d- Water waves

2- Sand is formed due to the breaking down of …………………………………..

a- Glass b- Wood
c- Rocks d- Plastic

3- The deep narrow valley with slopes at its sides and often with water stream
flowing through it is known as a…………………………..
a- Canyon b- Mountain
c- Hill d- River

4- All the following are processes that can change the Earth’s surface,
a- Digestion b- Erosion
c- Weathering d- Deposition

5- Rusting of a statue is an example for the action of……………process.

a- Decomposition b- Erosion
c- Mechanical weathering d- Chemical weathering

6- All the following are from causes of chemical weathering

a- Oxygen b- Water
c- Acid rain d- Clouds
7- Lichens produce …………..on rocks that dissolve minerals found in these
a- Oxygen b- Acids
c- Water d- Rain

8- Breaking down of rocks into smaller particles without changing their

properties is called………………………….
a- Mechanical weathering b- Chemical weathering
c- Deposition d- Erosion

9- The breaking down of rocks either mechanically or chemically is

a- Rusting b- Weathering
c- Deposition d- Erosion

10- Moving of sediments from a place to another represents …………process.

a- Weathering b- Photosynthesis
c- Erosion d- Deposition

11- Gentle wind can carry ………………….for a short distance.

a- Sedimentary rocks b- Sand grains
c- A large body of water d- A big mass of mud

12- Pulling sand away from beaches by sea waves, is considered as an example
a- Mechanical weathering b- Chemical weathering
c- Erosion d- Deposition

13- Sedimentary rocks is formed of……………………………..

a- One layer of sediments b- Many layers of sediments
c- Water mixed with sand d- Water mixed with soil

14- When a river that carries sediments meet a sea…………………….is formed.

a- A layer of sedimentary rock b- A triangle shaped delta
c- A small dune d- A large sand dune
B- Put ( √ ) Or ( × ):

1- Water stream can break down rocks into smaller pieces. ( √ )

2- The surface of earth changes from time to time. ( √ )
3- When large particles of rocks are broken down into smaller particles, they can
be carried by the moving wind. ( √ )
4- Water and wind are artificial forces that are responsible for erosion of
seacoasts. ( × )
5- Wind can be considered as one of the factors that cause weathering. ( √ )
6- Plat roots help in the formation of rocks. ( × )
7- Shaping of earth usually starts by deposition process. ( × )
8- Oxygen in air react with iron of some rocks forming green colored rust. ( × )
9- Reaction between oxygen with iron of some rocks causes its chemical
weathering. ( √ )
10- The effect of erosion may last for hundreds of years. ( √ )
11- Gravity pulls rocks down the mountain sides causing its erosion. (√)
12- Strong wind and hurricanes carry sand and grains for a short distance. ( × )
13- Nile delta is a triangle-shaped mass of mud and other sediments. ( √ )
14- Gentle winds can from large sand dunes like that in Egyptian western
desert. ( × )
15- Limestone caves are formed as result of chemical weathering. ( √ )
C- Write the scientific term:
1- The disappearance of sand castles as a result of its hitting with sea waves.
[…Erosion of sandcastles…….]
2- They are deep valleys carved by flowing water. [……canyon………..]
3- Process in which rocks are broken down into smaller
4- Process in which small broken rocks move from a place to another by the help
of wind and water. [………erosion………..]
5- Process in which sediments are dropped in a new location by the action of
wind, water and gravity. [………deposition….]
6- It is a type of weathering through which acids of lichens dissolve minerals of
rocks. [……chemical weathering…..]
7- It is a type of caves that is formed when dissolved minerals of rocks combine
again in a new shape. [……limestone caves………]
8- A process in which the colors of paints of houses are changed as a result of
falling of acid rains. [………chemical weathering……….]
9- A hill of sand created by the wind. […sand dune……]
10- It is the process by which natural forces move weathered rocks and soil
from one place to another. […Erosion…..]
11- It is the process by which weathered rocks and soil are laying down or
dropped by wind, water or gravity. […deposition…]
12- They are small solid materials such as sand, soil and small rocks that carried
by water to another place. [……sediments…….]
13- They are deep valleys carved by flowing water. [………deltas……….]
14- Process in which small broken rocks move from s place by the help of wind
or water. [………erosion……..]
15- Process in which the moving sediments are dropped in a new place.

D- Give reasons for:

1- Iron in rocks may rust.
……Due to the reaction between oxygen of air and iron……………

2- Water play an important role in the formation of limestone caves.

……Because water dissolves minerals in rocks then this dissolved minerals
combine again forming new shapes……………

E- What happens if:

1. Lichens growing on a rock produce acids.

………The minerals of this rock dissolves causing its breaking down

2. A red colored rust is formed on some rocks.

………the rocks become weak and break down easily……………

3. A river carries sediments meet a sea.

………A delta is formed……………

F- complete the following statements:

1. There are two types of weathering which are……chemical…….weathering

and ……mechanical………..weathering.
2. The type of weathering in which the rocks are broken down due to plant
roots is known as………mechanical……weathering.
3. Some tiny plant like organisms produce…acids……..that can dissolve
minerals of rocks causing its breakdown.
4. Shaping of earth started by weathering, then ……erosion………and ends
with deposition.
5. Mechanical weathering takes place when ……friction…….occurs between
sand carried by wind and rocks.
6. Cracks causes by freezing of water and melting of ice represents
7. In the………mechanical…….weathering, the chemical structure of rocks
doesn’t change.
8. Formation of limestone caves is an example
9. Sediments are mixed with the remains
of……plants……..and…………animals……forming layers at the bottom
of oceans and lakes.
10. Cracks cause by heating and cooling of water represent a type of
weathering known as……mechanical…..weathering.
Concept 4.2:
Changing landscapes
A-Choose the most suitable answer for each of the following:
15- A canyon can be formed due to the effect of……………………….
e- Erosion and deposition f- Weathering and erosion
g- Weathering and deposition h- Deposition only

16- Wadi nakhr in Oman is formed because water move………………away by th

effect of erosion.
a- sunlight b- wind
c- sediments d- mountains

17- Among canyons which has V-shape are

a- Wadi nakhr and the small b- The colored canyon and wadi
canyon rum
c- The small canyon and the d- Wadi nakhr and wadi rum
colored canyon

18- Among the examples of fast changes of the landforms is the formation
a- Mudslide b- Canyon
c- Valley d- Mountain

19- River that flow fast can cause more…………….than rivers with slow flow.
a- Chemical weathering b- Erosion
c- Deposition d- Formation

20- Walls of canyons are characterized by all the following except that they…..
a- Are very high b- Are gently sloped
c- Have great depth d- Consist of many rock layers
21- Formation of sand dunes depend on………..of the wind blowing.
a- Force only b- Direction only
c- Both force and direction d- Neither force nor direction

22- When a rock the path of flying sand, a……………may be formed.

a- Dune b- River
c- Valley d- canyon

23- Among the examples of sedimentary rocks which present in wadi al hitan
a- Sandstone only b- Limestone only
c- Both sandstone and limestone d- Neither sandstone neither

24- Geologists are scientists who study ………………………………

a- Plants b- Animals
c- Human body d- Rocks

B- Put ( √ ) Or ( × ):

1- A canyon may be formed due to the effect of wind weathering and erosion. (√
2- Wadi rum in Jordan is an example of dune ( × )
3- A canyon is formed due to the effect of water stream on a flat land. ( √ )
4- A canyon may take one year only to be formed. ( × )
……………………many years……………………………………
5- The Grand Canyon in USA is very large and steep. ( √ )
6- Rivers cause less erosion of rocks than small streams. ( × )
7- Canyon is a type of dunes which has steep sides. ( × )
8- Both canyons and valleys often have river in their bottom. ( √ )
9- Delta are formed as a result of silt deposition. ( √ )
10- Nile river delta has a rectangular shape. ( × )
11- Wind can pick up sand grains in forming sand dunes. ( √ )
12- Sand dunes are formed by erosion only. ( × )
………………………………and deposition…………………………
13- The separated layers of sedimentary rocks are called sediments ( × )
14- Wadi al-Hitan has always looked as it does now. ( × )
15- At wadi al-hitan, the oldest rocks are found at the top of the layers. ( × )

C- Write the scientific term:

1- It is the landform that is formed by the effect of weathering and erosion due to
wind, water or other factors. [……canyon………..]
2- The two processes that has the main role in formation of canyon.
[…………weathering and erosion……………….]
3- It is a special type of valleys wick its sides are steep. [……canyon……..]
4- It is very large and steep canyon which is found in USA. [the grand canyon]
5- They are low land areas in between mountains and have gently sloped sides
around rivers. […valleys……]
6- A land area that is formed by deposition process when a river enters a lake or
sea. [……delta…….]
7- It is the process by which the wind carves the rocks into different shapes.
8- It is the landform that is formed by erosion and deposition of sand in sandy
desert environment. [………sand dune……]
D- Give reasons for:

1- Trees and other plants are growing on both sides of small canyons.
……Due to flow of water stream which is needed by plants to grow…………
2- Mudslides represent a fast change in the landscape.
……Because it is formed due to flooding rain in a short period of time……
3- Geologist study the layers of t\rocks in the canyon walls.
……To learn about the kinds of living things existed there long ago…………
4- A sand dune may be formed in front of a large rock in desert.
…Because the large rock can block the path of sand which is carried by
5- The oldest rock layers of wadi Al-Hitan contain fossils of whales.
……Because in the past, a deep sea was existed at Wadi Al-Hitan……..

E- What happens if?

1- Wind that is carrying sand particles hits a big rock.

……A sand dune may be formed…………
2- A river stream enters a sea.
………A delta may be formed……………….
3- A river erodes the sediments of a mountain over a long period of time.
……A canyon may be formed………….
4- A flat land, if water stream flows over it.
……A small canyon may be formed………………
5- A house that is built close to a river, if the path of river is changed toward this
………It causes erosion and deposition of the house…………

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