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2009 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics

5-7 August 2009, Selangor, Malaysia

A Comparative Review of IPv4 and IPv6

for Research Test Bed
Mohd.Khairil Sailan1, Rosilah Hassan2, Ahmed Patel3
Department of Computer Science, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600 UKM Bangi Selangor, Malaysia

Abstract- The Internet is migrating from IPv4 to IPv6. To From Fig. 2-A performance of end to end IPv4 and IPv6 will
determine the features for research test bed product selection, be measured by using network monitoring software via Simple
we compare the up-to-date information of IPv4 and IPv6. Network Management Protocol (SNMP). Metrics such as
Currently IPv6 network penetration is still low but it is expected to actual bandwidth, delay jitter and packet loss will be collected
grow, while IPv4 address pool is projected by Regional Internet and analyzed in the research test bed and case study. This
Registry to be exhausted by the end of 2011. The reason why paper is important because it will lead us to determine the
uptake of IPv6 is still low is because of high cost of service suitable IPv6 support product for our next study. It also will
migration from IPv4 to IPv6, successfully used of IPv4 Network have an impact to the readers or users who concern with IPv6
Address Translation for Intranet and unproven return of performance and finally increase IPv6 penetration.
investment in IPv6 technology. This paper aims to review few
migration path from IPv4 to IPv6 and some of the existing IPv6

Keywords- IPv4, IPv6, IPng, IPv6 Ready, Multi service


Internet Protocol address version 4 (IPv4) has been
introduced in 1981 [1]. With number of interconnected
computers grows dramatically, this situation leads to depletion
of IPv4 addresses. Consequently, a new version of addressing
system called IPv6 was developed. The IPv6 recommendation
for standard track specification has started since 1995 [2], [3].
The main difference between IPv4 and IPv6 is in their
addressing formats. IPv4 uses 32-bit (4-bytes) addresses to Fig. 1 Projection of IPv4 pool exhaustion in Internet Assigned Numbers
uniquely identify nodes within the global Internet. IPv6 uses Authority (IANA) and regional Internet registry (RIR). Ref. [4]
128-bit (16-bytes) addresses to uniquely identify nodes within
the global Internet. With IPv6 large address space, it is clearly
can resolve address depletion problem in IPv4.


Currently IPv6 penetration is still low and the IPv4 is
going to run out of addressing space (e.g. Fig. 1 [4]), while in
the other hand, a study of IPv6 Internet traffic [5] from June
2007 to June 2008 shown that IPv6 penetration is stagnant
compared to overall Internet traffic. Several reasons that can Fig. 2-A Dual stack network test bed
lead this situation to happen are high cost of migration, no
added revenue, no users, no IPv6 content and lack of IPv6
awareness. So from the comparative review of IPv4 and IPv6
that we carried out in this paper, we expect that IPv6
advantages and support product that we have point out can
increase IPv6 awareness to the readers. This paper will also be
the starting point of the next research test bed that we going to
carry out along with case study between University
Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) and Malaysian Research and
Education Network (MYREN). In order to plan, understand
and design the migration from IPv4 to IPv6, we have to Fig. 2-B Dual stack network case study
correctly determine the test bed architecture compromising of
the network component element as shown in Fig. 2-A and 2-B.

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III. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN IPV4 AND IPV6 header fields with 40 Bytes fixed length allows for faster
IPv6 also known as Next Generation IP (IPng) is an packet processing. It is because there is no need to calculate
evolution of IPv4. It was designed as an upgrade version of Header Checksum and network device can concentrate to the
IPv4 and should support the whole world network devices. first 40 Bytes header. Other options are dealing with its
Fig. 3 shows flow of IPv4/IPv6 assignment from IETF to the extension headers, which are only inserted after the IPv6
end user. header if needed. So if a packet needs to be fragmented, the
fragmentation header is inserted after the IPv6 header [3]. Fig.
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)

IPv4/IPv6 Internet Assigned Numbers Authority

Regional Internet Registry (RIR).

Allocation Internet Service Provider (ISP)

End User

Fig. 3 Flow assignment of IP address to end user

Table I below highlights 12 key distinctions between IPv4

and IPv6. Ref. [1]-[3], [6]-[12]. From that table, address 4 shows changes and relationship between IPv4 and IPv6
features is the main changes between IPv4 and IPv6. The header.
128bits addressing space in IPv6 was built to overcome the
address space shortage in IPv4. Fig. 4 Similarity, differences and relationship between
IPv4 and IPv6 header fields
Features IPv4 IPv6
Address 32 bits 128 bits
Checksum in header Included No checksum B. IPv6 Extension headers
Header includes
Moved to IPv6 extension In this section we continue explanation on extension
options headers header that may exist in IPv6 after the compulsory 40 bytes
Quality of Services Differentiated Use traffic classes & main header in IPv6 datagram. One or more extension headers
(QoS) Services flow labels may come out before the encapsulated payload. These headers
Done by routers & were created to provide both flexibility and efficiency in IPv6
Fragmentation Only by the source node.
source node
datagram. All fields that are needed only for special purposes
Manually or Auto-configuration or
IP configuration
DHCP DHCP are put into extension headers and placed in the datagram. Fig.
IPSec support Optional Required 5 shows relationship between IPv6 headers with their basic
Unicast, multicast Uses unicast, multicast one and two extensions.
Use all
and broadcast and anycast
Address Resolution Use to resolve an replaced by Neighbor IPv6 header TCP
Protocol (ARP) IPv4 address Discovery header
Next header + data
Internet Group Replaced with Multicast =TCP
Use to manage
Management Protocol Listener Discovery
local subnet group. Basic header
Use host address Use host address TCP
Domain Name IPv6 header Routing header
(A) resource (AAAA) resource header
System (DNS) Next header Next header
records records + data
=Routing =TCP
MIPv6 with faster
Use Mobile IPv4
Mobility handover, routing and Basic header with one extension
hierarchical mobility
IPv6 header Routing header Fragment header TCP
TABLE I Next header Next header Next header + data

A. IPv4 and IPv6 Header Fig. 5 IPv6 extension header

Modifications of IPv4 header have been made to improve
its capability. The new IPv6 header format simplifies the It was considered a better design to employ extension


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headers for certain sets of information that are needed for (e.g. IPSec client software).
common functions such as fragmenting. When extension
headers are included in an IPv6 datagram, they appear one E. Limited QoS support
after the other following main header. Each extension header Real-time traffic support relies on the 8 bits of the
type has its own internal structure of fields. If the addressing historical IPv4 Type of Service (TOS) field and the
header of IPv4 and IPv6 is wrong, nothing will work. identification of the payload. Unfortunately, the IPv4 TOS
Therefore getting this address translation correct is very field has limited functionality. Over time, it has been redefined
critical and important. The other features shown in Table I are and has different interpretations.
also important but less critical.
F. Large routing table
IV. IPV4 LIMITATIONS The demand of IPv4 address and Internet access continues
with significant growth, thus causing the routing tables of the
A. Addresses exhaustion Internet also growing at high rates [4]. This is because of the
The first limit of IPv4 lies in the exhaustion of available way that IPv4 network have been allocated which combines
public IPv4 addresses. The development of such mobile and both flat and hierarchical routing information. The need to
home services will lead to a more rapid consumption of IPv4
addresses even if ISPs assign only one static public IP address
to each home network. The customers will more and more use
permanent connections, based on digital subscriber line (DSL)
or 3G accesses. Meanwhile dynamic addressing is not a
feasible approach for such always-on customers expecting the
two-way symmetric Internet connectivity. In practice, for all IP
devices in mobile and home network to be addressable from
outside, the network will need a lot of public IP addresses.

B. Private addressing and translation

A solution to save public addresses is to use private
addresses for intranets [4]. A home network uses a special
reserved range of IPv4 addresses to communicate between
devices in the local network. This allows internal
communications to be established easily, but any external
access requires the use of IP translation. In some cases it uses
Network Address Translation mechanisms. It is because record routes to large numbers of devices using limited storage
private addresses cannot be routed on public IP networks. For space signifies a major challenge in routing table construction.
home networking, it represents a drawback since end-to-end Fig. 6 shows the up to date growth of Border Gateway
services hard to setup. Other drawback of using private address Protocol table.
and translation is it can slow down the network access Fig. 6 Growth of the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) from
performance especially when there is a lot of private IP need to 1994 to 2009 [4]
be translated.
C. IP configuration
Most current IPv4 implementations must be either A. Large address space
manually configured or use a stateful address configuration The main advantage of IPv6 over IPv4 is address space. It
protocol such as Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol was design to support +340 undecillion (2128) IP addresses
(DHCP). With dramatic increase in IP devices, there is a need compared with 4.3 billion (232) IPv4 addresses. If we estimate
for a simpler and more automatic configuration of addresses everybody in this world (6.77 billion) will require 3 IP
and other configuration settings that do not rely on the addresses per person, then we can estimate the total required
administration of a DHCP infrastructure. IP addresses for all the people around the world, which is 6.77
billion x 3 = 20.31 billion IP addresses. If we assume this
D. Low security level number (people) use IPv6, we still have +340 undecillion extra
Private communication over a public medium such as the IP addresses (+340 undecillion – 20.31 billion). This is the
Internet requires cryptographic services that protect the data main reason why we should migrate to IPv6 rather than
being sent from being sniffed, viewed or modified in transit. maintaining IPv4 that will be exhausted.
Although there is a standard for IPv4 security such as Internet
Protocol security (IPSec), this standard is optional for IPv4. B. Better security
Some of them are proprietary and require user to spend more The IPv6 specification mandates that IPv6-enabled nodes
money for license fee to use the security tool on the client site must support the IP Security Protocol (IPSec), therefore IPv6


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IPv6 deployment

Dual-stack Protocol MPLS

nodes more secure than IPv4 nodes. It is also includes security backbones translation backbones
features, such as payload encryption and authentication of the
source of the communication, in its specifications. IPv6 over Dedicated data
IPv4 tunnels links

C. Enhance QoS support

Fig. 7 IPv6 deployment scenarios
To provide better support for real-time traffic (e.g. Voice
over IP), IPv6 includes “labeled flows” in its specifications.
By means of this mechanism, routers can recognize the end-to- A. Dual Stack IPv4/IPv6 Backbone
end flow to which transmitted packets belong. This is similar Dual stack is a mechanism to provide complete support
to the service offered by Multi-Protocol Label Switching for both IPv4 and IPv6 in hosts and routers [14]. The basic
(MPLS), but it is built-in with the IP mechanism rather than an way for IPv6 nodes to remain compatible with IPv4 nodes is
add-on. by providing a complete IPv4 implementation. IPv6 nodes that
provide a complete IPv4 and IPv6 implementations are called
D. Auto configuration "IPv6/IPv4 nodes" or “dual stack nodes”. IPv6/IPv4 nodes
IPv6 includes a plug-and-play mechanism that facilitates have the ability to send and receive both IPv4 and IPv6
the connection of equipment to the network. The requisite packets. They can directly interoperate with IPv4 nodes using
configuration is automatic. This feature called stateless IPv4 packets, and also directly interoperate with IPv6 nodes
autoconfiguration and will speed up network connection using IPv6 packets. Fig. 8 shows relationship between dual
especially in large scale IPv6 network. It is because the stack with single stack IPv4, while Fig. 9 is an example of
network administrator did not have to manually configure the using dual stack network.
entire network device. In stateless mechanism, router will
provide the prefix from router advertisement. While in stateful IPv4 application IPv4/IPv6 application
mechanism Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
server will provide the address whereas for link local address
autoconfiguration, there is no need router advertisement and TCP UDP TCP UDP
DHCP server to assign the address.
IPv4 IPv4 IPv6
E. Enhance mobility support
IPv6 was built with mobility in mind and it is not an add-
on features. The objective of mobile IPv6 is to allow a mobile Ethernet Ethernet
node to move from link to link while retaining the same home
IPv6 address. IPv6 Neibours Discovery and autoconfiguration a) Single Stack b) Dual Stack
allows connectivity to the mobile node transparently, no matter Fig. 8 IPv4/IPv6 dual stack in relation to the IPv4 stack
where the node is linked to the network without needs of any
special devices.

F. Optimized protocol
IPv6 embodies IPv4 best practices but removes unused or
obsolete IPv4 characteristics. This results in optimized Internet
Protocol. It also improves the addressing and routing
hierarchy. IPv6 has been designed to be extensible and offers
support for new options and extensions.

Fig. 9 Dual stack network

Business operation should not be disrupted during IPv6 The second transition mechanism is tunneling as shown in
network transition process. To minimize interruption during Fig. 10. IPv6 packets are transmitted over IPv4 network via
transition process of IPv6 network, several deployment IPv6 tunnel. This mechanism allows IPv6 networks to connect
scenarios can be applied. Fig. 7 shows 5 main scenarios that with each other using IPv4 network. Five main tunneling
can be used in IPv6 transition mechanism. techniques are used [15]-[19]:

1. IPv6 manually configured tunnel


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2. IPv6 over IPv4 Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) Key objectives and benefits of the IPv6 Ready Logo Program
3. Intrasite Automatic Tunnel Addressing Protocol ISATAP are:
4. Automatic IPv4-compatible tunnel
5. Automatic 6to4 tunnel 1. To verify and validate interoperability of IPv6 products.
2. To provide access to free self-testing tools.
Fig. 10 IPv6 over IPv4 tunnel network 3. To Provide IPv6 Ready Logo testing laboratories across
the globe.
In this paper we mention only the dual stack and tunneling
scenario because these are the scenario that we going to use in The IPv6 ready logo program is divided into 2 phases:
the next research test bed and live network case study.
Phase-1:To verify minimum IPv6 support. (Silver) Logo
VII. IPV6 SUPPORT PRODUCT focuses on "core IPv6 protocols".
Phase-2: To verify optimum compliance of the complete series
Nowadays, there are a lot of network products which of tests including the "MUST" and the recommended
support IPv6 technology, but we might face a problem when "SHOULD" for the IETF specifications tested. (Gold)
we try to find the one that conform to key standards features of Logo means the test coverage to approximately 450
IPv6. For example product vendors only mention that their tests and adds new extended test categories.
product support IPv6 but does not state whether their product
can support 6to4 tunneling and other IPv6 detail features. So
the easiest ways to conform for IPv6 product is by looking at
the IPv6 ready logo product list. IPv6 Ready Logo Program
[20] is a compliance and interoperability testing program
projected to boost user confidence by demonstrating that IPv6
is ready to be used now. The IPv6 Ready Logo Committee Fig. 11 IPv6 ready logo Phase-1 and Phase-2
mission is to define the test specifications for IPv6
conformance and interoperability testing, to provide access to
self-test tools and to deliver the IPv6 Ready Logo [20]. The


Cisco 1861 3Com Multi-

Weighted Juniper J2320
Integrated Service Service Routers Remarks
(%) Service Router
Router MSR20-21
Tested for conformance
IPv6 Ready Logo:
7 gold 5.0 gold 5.0 No info 0 and interoperability (as in
Silver, gold
chapter VII)
IPv6 basic functions
Determine relationships
Neighbor Discovery (ND) 7 Yes 5.0 Yes 5.0 Yes 5.0 between neighboring
Forwarding Information Base Find proper router
7 Yes 5.0 Yes 5.0 Yes 5.0
(FIB) interface
Internet Control Message Diagnostic and error
7 Yes 5.0 Yes 5.0 Yes 5.0
Protocol (ICMP)v6 reporting
IPv6 transition technologies
IPv6 tunneling 8 No info 0 Yes 5.0 Yes 5.0 Tunnel in IPv4 network
IPv6 on Provider Edge Router
8 No info 0 Yes 5.0 Yes 5.0 IPv6 over MPLS core
IPv6 Routing
Routing Information Protocol Determine best route via
8 Yes 5.0 Yes 5.0 Yes 5.0
(RIP)ng distance vector

Open Shortest Path First Must run with OSPFv2 for

8 Yes 5.0 Yes 5.0 Yes 5.0
(OSPF)v3 dual stack node

Multicast Listener Discovery Use ICMPv6 to discover

7 No info 0 Yes 5.0 Yes 5.0 multicast
Border Gateway Protocol Exchanges route
7 No info 0 Yes 5.0 Yes 5.0
(BGP)4+ information with peers


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Other features
Guarantee a certain level
Quality of Service (QoS) 8 Yes 5.0 Yes 5.0 Yes 5.0
of performance
Performance: 146Kpps 130Kpps 175Kpps Important criteria for
10 4.2 3.7 5.0
Forwarding, encryption 74mbps 70mbps 140mbps product selection
Management: http,snmp,ssh, http, http,
Management protocol
telnet,MIB,syslog,BIMS, 8 snmp,ssh,te 3.1 All 5.0 snmp,ssh, 3.1
RMON lnet, syslog telnet, syslog
Scores are based on a scale
Total weight and score 100 3.3 4.9 4.5
of 0-5
A+=4.8-5.0 A=4.5-4.7 A-=4.1-4.4
B- A+ A
B+=3.8-4.0 B=3.5-3.7 B-=3.1-3.4
Before we purchase all the IPv6 support network partners and not open to public, thus limit our comparison
equipment, it is important to know the main function and metrics that we can use.
features of the product. This is because different product may
have different functionality and normally was build to solve IX. CONCLUSION
different problem. In Table II we compare 3 multi function There are a lot IPv6 advantages over IPv4 that we review
router that normally been used in enterprise medium office in this paper. One of them is large address space. With IPv4
[21]-[23]. All of these 3 routers are modular routers that can projected to exhaust in the next few years, we have no other
support data and voice at the same time. Other main features of choice except to migrate to IPv6. In this paper we also point
the routers are security gateway firewall and Virtual Private out about the IPv6 Ready Logo Program which can prove that
Network (VPN) gateway. Our main concern in this study is a lot of IPv6 support product has been produced, tested,
actually on the IPv6 support of the product. As shown in the confirmed and ready to be used. From the IPv6 support
table, we add in a “weighted” column in percent (%) with high product comparison, we expect that it can give clear insight on
how to compare and choose appropriate product. For future
value for “IPv6 support” and “performance” criteria. This
work, another important IPv6 area that we going to explore are
column reflects the main criteria that we are going to look into. how to improve the end-to-end IPv6 performance via a test bed
From Table II, we know that 3Com MSR 20-21 is the only and MYREN case study to prove that IPv6 is much better
router which have been confirm and tested from the IPv6 compared to IPv4 and can meet future performance demand.
Ready Logo Program and have highest score among the other
routers. Comparative result from Table II leads us to use the ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
3com MSR-20-21 router in our next test bed and IPv6
performance case study. This research is funded by Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam
(JPA). The research group is known as Network Management
VIII. DISCUSSION Group of Computer Science Department, Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia. Any opinions, findings and conclusions
Theoretically IPv6 has lots of advantages compared to or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the
IPv4. From this study we know that there is another way to authors. The authors also would like to thanks to Shima
conform whether a network equipment support IPv6 or not, Mohseni for her contribution during preparation of this paper.
which is by referring to the IPv6 ready logo program check
list. Another result of this paper is that we must start REFERENCES
formulating our IPv6 migration strategy because of IPv4 will [1] Information Sciences Institute USC, “Internet Protocol,” RFC 791,
deplete so soon. Through product information gathering that 1981.
we carried out in this study, we found out that there is [2] S. Bradner and A. Mankin. “The Recommendation for the IP Next
Generation Protocol.” RFC 1752, 1995.
inconsistency between theoretical IPv6 performances against [3] S. Dearing and R. Hinden. “Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6)
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[4] G. Huston. (2009) The Potaroo website.[online] Available:
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(DHCPv6).” RFC 3315.
3Com MSR20-21 as multi services router to test out because it [7] J. Loughney, et al.” IPv6 Node Requirements.” RFC 4294, 2006.
has the highest score from the IPv6 support product [8] Z. Albanna, et al.” IANA Guidelines for IPv4 Multicast Address
comparison that we have done. The same product comparison Assignments.” RFC3171, 2001.
[9] D. Johnson, et al.” Reserved IPv6 Subnet Anycast Addresses.” RFC
for home user also can be done by using similar method, but 2526, 1999.
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4861, 2007.
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bed. Limitation that we encounter during this study is some of 3376, 2002.
[12] A. Durand, et al.” Operational Considerations and Issues with IPv6
product technical data are only available to reseller and DNS.” RFC 4472, 2006.


Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Johannesburg. Downloaded on August 17,2022 at 11:54:15 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
[13] Y. Rekhter, et al.”Address Allocation for Private Internets.” RFC 1918,
[14] E. Nordmark, et al. “Basic Transition Mechanisms for IPv6 Hosts and
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[17] A. Conta, et al. “Generic Packet Tunneling in IPv6,” RFC 2473, 1998.
[18] B. Carpenter, et al. “Connection of IPv6 Domains via IPv4 Clouds,”
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[19] F. Templin, et al. “Intra-Site Automatic Tunnel Addressing Protocol
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[22] (2009) 3Com website. [Online] Available:
[23] (2009) Juniper website. [Online] Available:


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