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Adjectivele si pronumele demonstrative

- this, these
- that, those

Adjectivele posesive

I. my, mine, our

II. your, your
III. his, her, its, their

Declinarea pronumelor personale

Persoana Cazul Declinarea

I sg N I
G Mine
D (to) me
A Me
II sg N You
G Yours
D (to) you
A You
III sg he N He
G His
D (to) him
A Him
III sg she N She
G Hers
D (to) her
A Her
I pl N We
G Ours
D (to) us
A Us
II pl N You
G Your
D (to) you
A You
III pl N They
G Theirs
D (to) them
A Them
Pronumele reflexive si de intarire

Impersonal: oneself
I. myself, ourselves
II. yourself, yourselves
III. himself, herself, itself, themsleves

Pronumele posesiv

Aceeasi forma ca la genitivul pronumelor personale:

I. mine, ours
II. yours, yours
III. his, hers, theirs

Present tenses

Simple present: I work (actiune repetabila sau un viitor imediat)

Present continuous: I’m working

Past tenses

Simple past: I worked

Past continuous: I was working

Simple present perfect: I have worked

Present perfect continuous: I have been working

Past perfect: I had worked

Past perfect continuous: I had beed working.

Future tenses:

Simple future: I shall (will) work

Future continuous: I shall (will) be working.

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