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Infinitivos: to + verb ✅

Gerundios: verb + ing ✅

Voz pasiva: PASIVA(Subject + to be + p.p) ; ACTIVA (subject + verb)

Adjetivos/adverbios comparativos: +er(than)+ier(than) +more than ✅

Tag questions:

+→- ; -→+

Auxiliary verb (-not) + subject

A. Fx B. Nx


A. Hey!, how've you been ?

B. Hi!, it's been a while since we last talked, i'm great, what about you?

A. Yeah i know, i've seen you around during break hour walking around, but yeah we just kinda lost
touch. As for me, I´ve been a bit stressed 'cause of the weeks to come, but overall, i'm great.

B. No worries dude. Yeah!, I get you, with all the learning evidences, the exams, the integrative learning
products as well as applying to college. We really be out here surviving.

A. Yeah, don't even get me started, its been more than chaotic this past week, i really want to get into

B. Me too man, where are you applying to? have you done the pre-registration for the school?

A. Not yet, i've boiled it down too two options, i'm gonna keep thinking about it.

B. Well, I advice taking your time to think it thoroughly, i´m sure you will pick whatever feels best for you.
We might make ill-advised decisions when in pressure, so just take it easy.

A. Yeah, as you said, when pressured, ill-advised decisions might be made. Anyways, what about you?
have you decided?
B. Yes, i just filled it out yesterday, i had started with the whole

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