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Suggested notes for (Level of attainment):

Acceptable: the student could attain levels that are in line with curriculum standards/
the student demonstrated levels of knowledge, skills and understanding that are in line
with curriculum standards.
Good/Very good/ Outstanding: the student could attain levels that are above curriculum
standards/ the student demonstrated levels of knowledge, skills and understanding that
are above curriculum standards.

Suggested notes for (Level of progress):

Acceptable: the student could make the expected progress in relation to individual
starting points and the curriculum standards/ the students could make expected
progress in relation to appropriate learning objectives aligned with the expected
curriculum standards.
Good/Very good/ Outstanding: the student could make better than expected progress in
relation to their individual starting points and the curriculum standards/ the student
make better than expected progress in relation to appropriate learning objectives
aligned with the expected curriculum standards.

Suggested notes for (Level of learning skills):

Acceptable: The student has positive attitudes toward learning and can work for short
periods without his teachers’ intervention/ the student can work productively in groups
and the collaboration is limited. The student can interact and communicate his learning
Good: the student enjoys learning and takes increasing responsibility for his own
learning. He knows his strengths and weaknesses and takes steps to improve/ He
interacts and collaborates well in a range of learning situations. He communicates his
learning clearly.

Very Good: the student is keen to learn and take responsibility for his own learning. He
knows his strengths and weaknesses and act purposefully to improve/ He can interact
and collaborate purposefully and productively in a range of learning situations to achieve
common goals. He can communicate his learning effectively.

Outstanding: the student is enthusiastic and can take responsibility for his own learning
in sustained ways. He can focus well and reflect on his learning to evaluate his strengths
and weaknesses accurately. He can take targeted actions to improve/ He can interact and
collaborate effectively in a range of learning situations to achieve common goals. He can
communicate his learning clearly.

General Notes
1- (Comprehension, Spelling, Reading) has greatly improved, but he/she still needs extra
work in (comprehension, spelling, reading).

2- He/ She is conscious of putting care into his/her daily writing work, and frequently
goes beyond the minimum requirements for assignments.

3- He has trouble with his handwriting. I believe he/she can form letters well, but has to
slow down and take a little more time. Neater handwriting will improve his/her
schoolwork overall.

4- He makes a good effort to make his/her handwriting legible. He/she is able to print on
the lines, use good spacing, and form letters correctly.

5- He needs to focus on spelling. More improvement is needed in the areas of (dictation,

weekly spelling tests, sentence structure). Daily practice at home will help improve
his/her results.

6- He shows the ability to quickly use spelling, punctuation and grammar rules that were
recently taught. He/she is able to quickly learn new skills and is eager to apply them to
his/her writing.

7- He is having considerable difficulty with reading, particularly with fluency and


8- He speaks well in front of the class, but requires improvement in written language.
He/she is having trouble with (dictation, copying words correctly, story writing, creating
logical sequences). Further practice is needed in this area.

9- He continues to make excellent progress in spelling and reading. He/she works hard to
submit work that is free of grammatical errors.

10- He has difficulty remembering previously discussed writing skills and often makes
errors with punctuation, grammar, and overall sentence structure. Basic writing skills
need improvement.

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