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The Mind-Body Problem

Author(s): Jerry A. Fodor

Source: Scientific American, Vol. 244, No. 1 (January 1981), pp. 114-123
Published by: Scientific American, a division of Nature America, Inc.
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Accessed: 29-12-2017 02:47 UTC

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The Mind-Body Proplem
Could calculating machines have pains, Martians have expectations
and dl�embodied spirits have thoughts? The modern functionalist
approach to psychology raises the logical possibility that they could

by Jerry A. Fodor

odern philosophy of science has ics and psychology. All these fields, ences to the study of the mind. If mental

M been devoted largely to the for­

mal and systematic description
of the successful practices of working
which are collectively known as the cog­
nitive sciences, have in common a cer·
tain level of abstraction and a concern
processes were different in kind from
physical processes, there would be no
reason to expect these methods to work
scientists. The philosopher does not try with systems that process information. in the realm of the mental. In order
to dictate how scientific inquiry and ar­ Functionalism, which seeks to provide a to justify their experimental methods
gument ought to be conducted. Instead philosophical account of this level of many psychologists urgently sought an
he tries to enumerate the principles and abstraction, recognizes the possibility alternative to dualism.
practices that have contributed to good that systems as diverse as human beings, In the 1920's John B. Watson of Johns
science. The philosopher has devoted calculating machines and disembodied Hopkins University made the radical
the most attention to analyzing the spirits could all have mental states. In suggestion that behavior does not have
methodological peculiarities of the the functionalist view the psychology of mental causes. He regarded the behav­
physical sciences. The analysis has a system depends not on the stuff it is ior of an organism as its observable re­
helped to clarify the nature of confirma­ made of (living cells, metal or spiritual sponses to stimuli, which he took to be
tion, the logical structure of scientific energy) but on how the stuff is put to­ the causes of its behavior. Over the next
theories, the formal properties of state­ gether. Functionalism is a difficult con­ 30 years psychologists such as B. F.
ments that express laws and the question cept, and one way of coming to grips Skinner of Harvard University devel­
of whether theoretical entities actually with it is to review the deficiencies of the oped Watson's ideas into an elaborate
exist. dualist and materialist philosophies of world view in which the role of psychol­
It is only rather recently that philoso­ mind it aims to displace. ogy was to catalogue the laws that deter­
phers have become seriously interested The chief drawback of dualism is its mine causal relations between stimuli
in the methodological tenets of psychol­ failure to account adequately for mental and responses. In this "radical behavior­
ogy. Psychological explanations of be­ causation. If the mind is nonphysical, it ist" view the problem of explaining the
havior refer liberally to the mind and has no position in physical space. How, nature of the mind-body interaction
to states, operations and processes of then, can a mental cause give rise to a vanishes; there is no such interaction.
the mind. The philosophical difficulty behavioral effect that has a position in Radical behaviorism has always worn
comes in stating in unambiguous lan­ space? To put it another way, how can an air of paradox. For better or worse,
guage what such references imply. the nonphysical give rise to the physical the idea of mental causation is deeply
Traditional philosophies of mind can without violating the laws of the conser­ ingrained in our everyday language and
be divided into two broad categories: vation of mass, of energy and of mo­ in our ways of understanding our fellow
dualist theories and materialist theories. mentum? men and ourselves. For example, peo­
In the dualist approach the mind is a ple commonly attribute behavior to be­
nonphysical substance. In materialist
theories the mental is not distinct from T problem
he dualist might respond that the
of how an immaterial sub­
liefs, to knowledge and to expectations.
Brown puts gas in his tank because he
the physical; indeed, all mental states, stance can cause physical events is not believes the car will not run without
properties, processes and operations are much obscurer than the problem of how it. Jones writes not "acheive" but
in principle identical with physical one physical event can cause another. "achieve" because he knows the rule
states, properties, processes and opera­ Yet there is an important difference: about putting j before e. Even when a
tions. Some materialists, known as be­ there are many clear cases of physical behavioral response is closely tied to an
haviorists, maintain that all talk of men­ causation but not one clear case of non­ environmental stimulus, mental proc­
tal causes can be eliminated from the physical causation. Physical interaction esses often intervene. Smith carries an
language of psychology in favor of talk is something philosophers, like all other umbrella because the sky is cloudy, but
of environmental stimuli and behav­ people, have to live with. Nonphysical the weather is only part of the story.
ioral responses. Other materialists, the interaction, however, may be no more There are apparently also mental links
identity theorists, contend that there are than an artifact of the immaterialist in the causal chain: observation and ex­
mental causes and that they are iden­ construal of the mental. Most philoso­ pectation. The clouds affect Smith's be­
tical with neurophysiological events in phers now agree that no argument has havior only because he observes them
the brain. successfully demonstrated why mind­ and because they induce in him an ex­
In the past 15 years a philosophy of body causation should not be regarded pectation of rain.
mind called functionalism that is nei­ as a species of physical causation. The radical behaviorist is unmoved
ther dualist nor materialist has emerged Dualism is also incompatible with the by appeals to such cases. He is prepared
from philosophical reflection on devel­ practices of working psychologists. The to dismiss references to mental causes,
opments in artificial intelligence, com­ psychologist frequently applies the ex­ however plausible they may seem, as the
putational theory, linguistics, cybernet- perimental methods of the physical sci- residue of outworn creeds. The radical

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behaviorist predicts that as psycholo­
gists come to understand more about the
relations between stimuli and responses
they will find it increasingly possible to
explain behavior without postulating
mental causes.
The strongest argument against be­
haviorism is that psychology has not
turned out this way; the opposite has
happened. As psychology has matured,
the framework of mental states and
processes that is apparently needed to
account for experimental observations
has grown all the more elaborate. Par­
ticularly in the case of human behav­
ior psychological theories satisfying the
methodological tenets of radical behav­ DUALISM is the philosophy of mind that regards the mind as a nonphysical substance. It di­
iorism have proved largely sterile, as vides everything there is in the world into two distinct categories: the mental and the physical.
would be expected if the postulated The chief difficulty with dualism is its failure to account adequately for the causal interaction
mental processes are real and causally of the mental and the physical. It is not evident how a nonphysical mind could give rise to any

effective. physical effects without violating the laws of conservation of mass, energy and momentum.

Nevertheless, many philosophers

were initially drawn to radical behav­
iorism because, paradoxes and all, it effects are attributed to mental causes. water available, then Smith would drink
seemed better than dualism. Since a psy­ Mental causation is simply the manifes­ some, and there was water available. "
chology committed to immaterial sub­ tation of a behavioral disposition. More I have somewhat oversimplified logi­
stances was unacceptable, philosophers precisely, mental causation is what hap­ cal behaviorism by assuming that each
turned to radical behaviorism because it pens when an organism has a behavioral mental ascription can be translated by a
seemed to be the only alternative mate­ disposition and the if-clause of the be­ unique behavioral hypothetical. Actual­
rialist philosophy of mind. The choice, havioral hypothetical expressing the dis­ ly the logical behaviorist often main­
as they saw it, was between radical be­ position happens to be true. For exam­ tains that it takes an open-ended set
haviorism and ghosts. ple, the causal statement "Smith drank (perhaps an infinite set) of behavioral
some water because he was thirsty" hypotheticals to spell out the behavioral
y the early 1960's philosophers be­ might be taken to mean "If there were disposition expressed by a mental term.
B gan to have doubts that dualism
and radical behaviorism exhausted the
possible approaches to the philosophy
of mind. Since the two theories seemed
unattractive, the right strategy might
be to develop a materialist philosophy
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of mind that nonetheless allowed for
mental causes. Two such philosophies
emerged, one called logical behaviorism
and the other called the central-state
identity theory.
Logical behaviorism is a semantic
theory about what mental terms mean.
The basic idea is that attributing a men­
tal state (say thirst) to an organism is the
same as saying that the organism is dis­
posed to behave in a particular way (for
example to drink if there is water avail­
able). On this view every mental ascrip­
tion is equivalent in meaning to an if­
then statement (called a behavioral
hypothetical) that expresses a behavior­
al disposition. For example, "Smith is
thirsty" might be taken to be equivalent
to the dispositional statement "If there
were water available, then Smith would
drink some." By definition a behavioral
hypothetical includes no mental terms.
The if-clause of the hypothetical speaks
only of stimuli and the then-clause
speaks only of behavioral responses.
Since stimuli and responses are physical
events, logical behaviorism is a species
of materialism.
The strength of logical behaviorism is
that by translating mental language into RADICAL BEHAVIORISM is the philosophy of mind that denies the existence of the mind
the language of stimuli and responses it and mental states, properties, processes and operations. The radical behaviorist believes behav­
provides an interpretation of psycholog­ ior does not have mental causes. He considers the behavior of an organism to be its responses
ical explanations in which behavioral to stimuli. The role of psychology is to catalogue the relations between stimuli and responses.

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The mental ascription "Smith is thirsty" ioral dispositions the logical behaviorist event causation and not vice versa. In
might also be satisfied by the hypotheti­ has put mental terms on a par with the the realm of the mental many examples
cal "If there were orange juice available, nonbehavioral dispositions of the physi­ of event-event causation involve one
then Smith would drink some" and by a cal sciences. That is a promising move, mental state's causing another, and for
host of other hypotheticals. In any event because the analysis of nonbehavioral this kind of causation logical behavior­
the logical behaviorist does not usually dispositions is on relatively solid philo­ ism provides no analysis. As a result the
maintain he can actually enumerate all sophical ground. An explanation attrib­ logical behaviorist is committed to the
the hypotheticals that correspond to a uting the breaking of a glass to its fragili­ tacit and implausible assumption that
behavioral disposition expressing a giv­ ty is surely something even the staunch­ psychology requires a less robust notion
en mental term. He only insists that in est materialist can accept. By arguing of causation than the physical sciences
principle the meaning of any mental that mental terms are synonymous with require.
term can be conveyed by behavioral hy­ dispositional terms, the logical behav­ Event-event causation actually seems
potheticals. iorist has provided something the radi­ to be quite common in the realm of the
cal behaviorist could not: a materialist mental. Mental causes typically give

T interpreted
he way the logical behaviorist has
a mental term such as
account of mental causation.
Nevertheless, the analogy between
rise to behavioral effects by virtue of
their interaction with other mental caus­
thirsty is modeled after the way many mental causation as construed by the es. For example, having a headache
philosophers have interpreted a physical logical behaviorist and physical causa­ causes a disposition to take aspirin only
disposition such as fragility. The physi­ tion goes only so far. The logical behav­ if one also has the desire to get rid of the
cal disposition "The glass is fragile" is iorist treats the manifestation of a dispo­ headache, the belief that aspirin exists,
often taken to mean something like "If sition as the sole form of mental cau­ the belief that taking aspirin reduces
the glass were struck, then it would sation, whereas the physical sciences headaches and so on. Since mental �tates
break." By the same token the logical recognize additional kinds of causation. interact in generating behavior, it will be
behaviorist's analysis of mental causa­ There is the kind of causation where one necessary to find a construal of psycho­
tion is similar to the received analysis of physical event causes another, as when logical explanations that posits mental
one kind of physical causation. The the breaking of a glass is attributed to its processes: causal sequences of mental
causal statement "The glass broke be­ having been struck. In fact, explanations events. It is this construal that logical
cause it was fragile" is taken to mean that involve event-event causation are behaviorism fails to provide.
something like "If the glass were struck, presumably more basic than disposi­ Such considerations bring out a fun­
then it would break, and the glass was tional explanations, because the mani­ damental way in which logical behav­
struck." festation of a disposition (the breaking iorism is quite similar to radical be­
By equating mental terms with behav- of a fragile glass) always involves event- haviorism. It is true that the logical
behaviorist, unlike the radical behavior­
ist, acknowledges the existence of men­
tal states. Yet since the underlying ten­
et of logical behaviorism is that refer­
ences to mental states can be translated
out of psychological explanations by
employing behavioral hypotheticals, all
talk of mental states and processes is
in a sense heuristic. The only facts to
which the behaviorist is actually com­
mitted are facts about relations between
stimuli and responses. In this respect
logical behaviorism is just radical be­
haviorism in a semantic form. Although
the former theory offers a construal of
mental causation, the construal is Pick­
wickian. What does not really exist can­
not cause anything, and the logical be­
haviorist, like the radical behaviorist,
believes deep down that mental causes
do not exist.

An alternative materialist theory of the

Il.. mind to logical behaviorism is the
central-state identity theory. According
to this theory, mental events, states and
processes are identical with neurophysi­
ological events in the brain, and the
property of being in a certain mental
state (such as having a headache or be­
lieving it will rain) is identical with the
property of being in a certain neuro­
physiological state. On this basis it is
easy to make sense of the idea that a be­
LOGICAL BEHAVIORISM is a semantic thesis about what mental terms mean. The logical havioral effect might sometimes have a
behaviorist maintains that mental terms express behavioral dispositions. Consider the mental
chain of mental causes; that will be the
state of being thirsty. The logical behaviorist maintain� that the sentence "Smith is thirsty"
might be taken as equivalent in meaning to the dispositional statement "If there were water
case whenever a behavioral effect is
available, then Smith would drink some." The strength of logical behaviorism is that it pro­ contingent on the appropriate sequence
vides an account of mental causation: the realization of a behavioral disposition. For example, of neurophysiological events.
the causal statement "Smith drank some water because he was thirsty" might be taken to mean The central-state identity theory ac­
"If there were water available, then Smith would drink some, and there was water available." knowledges that it is possible for mental

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CENTRAL-STATE IDENTITY THEORY is the philosophy of physiological events. Property of being in a given mental state is iden­
mind that equates mental events, states and pt:ocesses with neuro- tical with the property of being in a given neurophysiological state.

causes to interact causally without ever ty theory shows how the mentalistic ex­ tion that all the mental particulars there
giving rise to any behavioral effect, as planations of psychology could be not could possibly be are neurophysiologi­
when a person thinks for a while about mere heuristics but literal accounts of cal. Token physicalism does not rule out
what he ought to do and then decides the causal history of behavior. More­ the logical possibility of machines and
to do nothing. If mental processes are over, since the identity theory is not a disembodied spirits having mental prop­
neurophysiological, they must have the semantic thesis, it is immune to many erties. Type physicalism dismisses this
causal properties of neurophysiologi­ arguments that cast in doubt logical be­ possibility because neither machines
cal processes. Since neurophysiological haviorism. A drawback of logical be­ nor disembodied spirits have neurons.
processes are presumably physical proc­ haviorism is that the observation "John
esses, the central-state identity theory
ensures that the concept of mental cau­
has a headache" does not seem to mean
the same thing as a statement of the T doctrine
ype physicalism is not a plausible
about mental properties
sation is as rich as the concept of physi­ form "John is disposed to behave in even if token physicalism is right about
cal causation. such and such a way." The identity theo­ mental particulars. The problem with
The central-state identity theory pro­ rist, however, can live with the fact that type physicalism is that the psychologi­
vides a satisfactory account of what the "John has a headache" and "John is in cal constitution of a system seems to de­
mental terms in psychological explana­ such and such a brain state" are not syn­ pend not on its hardware, or physical
tions refer to, and so it is favored by onymous. The assertion of the identity composition, but on its software, or pro­
psychologists who are dissatisfied with theorist is not that these sentences mean gram. Why should the philosop her dis­
behaviorism. The behaviorist maintains the same thing but only that they are miss the possibility that silicon-based
that mental terms refer to nothing or rendered true (or false) by the same neu­ Martians have pains, assuming that the
that they refer to the parameters of stim­ rophysiological phenomena. silicon is properly organized? And why
ulus-response relations. Either way the The identity theory can be held either should the philosopher rule out the pos­
existence of mental entities is only illu­ as a doctrine about mental particulars sibility of machines having beliefs, as­
sory. The identity theorist, on the other (John's current pain or Bill's fear of ani­ suming that the machines are correctly
hand, argues that mental terms refer to mals) or as a doctrine about mental uni­ programmed? If it is logically possible
neurophysiological states. Thus he can versals, or properties (having a pain or that Martians and machines could have
take seriously the project of explain­ being afraid of animals). The two doc­ mental properties, then mental proper­
ing behavior by appealing to its men­ trines, called respectively token physi­ ties and neurophysiological processes
tal causes. calism and type physicalism, differ in cannorbe identical, however much they
The chief advantage of the identity strength and plausibility. Token physi­ may prove to be coextensive.
theory is that it takes the explanatory calism maintains only that all the men­ What it all comes down to is that there
constructs of psychology at face value, tal particulars that happen to exist are seems to be a level of abstraction at
which is surely something a philosophy neurophysiological, whereas type physi­ which the generalizations of psychology
of mind ought to do if it can. The identi- calism makes the more sweeping asser- are most naturally pitched. This level of


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abstraction cuts across differences in the ever, there is no reason in principle why lar in the mental life of the organism.
physical composition of the systems to only heads that are physically similar to Functional individuation is differentia­
which psychological generalizations ap­ ours can ache. Indeed, according to logi­ tion with respect to causal role. A head­
ply. In the cognitive sciences, at least, cal behaviorism, it is a necessary truth ache, for example, is identified with the
the natural domain for psychological that any system that has our stimulus-re­ type of mental state that among other
theorizing seems to be all systems that sponse contingencies also has our head­ things causes a disposition for taking as­
process information. The problem with aches. pirin in people who believe aspirin re­
type physicalism is that there are pos­ All of this emerged 10 or 15 years ago lieves a headache, causes a desire to rid
sible information-processing systems as a nasty dilemma for the materialist oneself of the pain one is feeling, often
with the same psychological consti­ program in the philosophy of mind. On causes someone who speaks English to
tution as human beings but not the the one hand the identity theorist (and say such things as "I have a headache"
same physical organization. In principle not the logical behaviorist) had got right and is brought on by overwork, eye­
all kinds of physically different things the causal character of the interactions strain and tension. This list is presum­
could have human software. of mind and body. On the other the logi­ ably not complete. More will be known
This situation calls for a relational cal behaviorist (and not the identity the­ about the nature of a headache as psy­
account of mental properties that ab­ orist) had got right the relational charac­ chological and physiological research
stracts them from the physical structure ter of mental properties. Functionalism discovers more about its causal role.
of their bearers. In spite of the objec­ has apparently been able to resolve the
tions to logical behaviorism that I pre­ dilemma. By stressing the distinction unctionalism construes the concept
sented above, logical behaviorism was computer science draws between hard­ F of causal role in such a way that a
at least on the right track in offering a ware and software the functionalist can mental state can be defined by its caus­
relational interpretation of mental prop­ make sense of both the causal and the al relations to other mental states. In
erties: to have a headache is to be dis­ relational character of the mental. this respect functionalism is complete­
posed to exhibit a certain pattern of rela­ The intuition underlying functional­ ly different from logical behaviorism.
tions between the stimuli one encoun­ ism is that what determines the psycho­ Another major difference js that func­
ters and the responses one exhibits. If logical type to which a mental particular tionalism is not a reductionist thesis.
that is what having a headache is, how- belongs is the causal role of the particu- It does not foresee, even in principle,

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FUNCTIONALISM is the philosophy of mind based on the distinc­ does not depend on the stuff the system is made of (neurons, diodes
tion that computer science draws between a system's hllrdware, or or spiritual energy) but on how that stuff is organized. Functionalism
physical composition, and its software, or program. The psychology does not rule out the possibility, however remote it may be, of me­
of a system such as II human being, a machine or a disembodied spirit chanical and ethereal systems having mental states and processes.


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the elimination of mentalistic concepts Since Sl and S2 are each defined by charge will have to be met if functional­
from the explanatory apparatus of psy­ hypothetical statements, they can be ly defined mental states are to have a
chological theories. viewed as dispositions. Nevertheless, serious role in psychological theories.
The difference between functionalism they are not behavioral dispositions be­ The burden of the accusation is not
and logical behaviorism is brought out cause the consequences an input has for untruth but triviality. There can be no
by the fact that functionalism is fully a machine in Sl or S2 are not specified doubt that it is a valve opener that opens
compatible with token physicalism. The solely in terms of the output of the ma­ valves, and it is likely that visual per­
functionalist would not be disturbed if chine. Rather, the consequences also in­ ception is mediated by the processing
brain events turn out to be the only volve the machine's internal states. of visual information. The charge is
things with the functional properties Nothing about the way I have de­ that such putative functional explana­
that define mental states. Indeed, most scribed the behavioristic and mentalistic tions are mere platitudes. The function­
functionalists fully expect it will turn Coke machines puts constraints on what alist can meet this objection by allow­
out that way. they could be made of. Any system ing functionally defined theoretical con­
Since functionalism recognizes that whose states bore the proper relations to structs only where mechanisms exist
mental particulars may be physical, it is inputs, outputs and other states could be that can carry out the function and only
compatible with the idea that mental one of these machines. No doubt it is where he has some notion of what such
causation is a species of physical causa­ reasonable to expect such a system to be mechanisms might be like. One way of
tion. In other words, functionalism tol­ constructed out of such things as wheels, imposing this requirement is to identify
erates the materialist solution to the levers and diodes (token physicalism for the mental processes that psychology
mind-body problem provided by the Coke machines). Similarly, it is reason­ postulates with the operations of the
central-state identity theory. It is possi­ able to expect that our minds may prove restricted class of possible computers
ble for the functionalist to assert both to be neurophysiological (token physi­ called Turing machines.
that mental properties are typically de­ calism for human beings).
fined in terms of their relations and that
interactions of mind and body are typi­
Nevertheless, the software descrip­
tion of a Coke machine does not logical­ ATuring machine can be informally
characterized as a mechanism with
cally causal in however robust a notion ly require wheels, levers and diodes for a finite number of program states. The
of causality is required by psychologi­ its concrete realization. By the same inputs and outputs of the machine are
cal explanations. The logical behavior­ token, the software description of the written on a tape that is divided into
ist can endorse only the first assertion mind does not logically require neurons. squares each of which includes a sym­
and the type physicalist only the second. As far as functionalism is concerned a bol from a finite alphabet. The machine
As a result functionalism seems to cap­ Coke machine with states Sl and S2 scans the tape one square at a time.
ture the best features of the materialist could be made of ectoplasm, if there is It can erase the symbol on a scanned
alternatives to dualism. It is no wonder such stuff and if its states have the right square and print a new one in its place.
that functionalism has become increas­ causal properties. Functionalism allows The machine can execute only the ele­
ingly popular. for the possibility of disembodied Coke mentary mechanical operations of scan­
Machines provide good examples of machines in exactly the same way and to ning, erasing, printing, moving the tape
two concepts that are central to func­ the same extent that it allows for the and changing state.
tionalism: the concept that mental states possibility of disembodied minds. The program states of the Turing ma­
are interdefined and the concept that To say that Sl and S2 are interde­ chine are defined solely in terms of the
they can be realized by many systems. fined and realizable by different kinds input symbols on the tape, the output
The illustration on the next page con­ of hardware is not, of course, to say that symbols on the tape, the elementary op­
trasts a behavioristic Coke machine a Coke machine has a mind. Although erations and the other states of the pro­
with a mentalistic one. Both machines interdefinition and functional specifica­ gram. Each program state is therefore
dispense a Coke for 10 cents. (The price tion are typical features of mental states, functionally defined by the part it plays
has not been affected by inflation.) The they are clearly not sufficient for men­ in the overall operation of the machine.
states of the machines are defined by tality. What more is required is a ques­ Since the functional role of a state de­
reference to their causal roles, but only tion to which I shall return below. pends on the relation of the state to oth­
the machine on the left would satisfy the Some philosophers are suspicious of er states as well as to inputs and outputs,
behaviorist. Its single state (SO) is com­ functionalism because it seems too easy. the relational character of the mental is
pletely specified in terms of stimuli and Since functionalism licenses the indi­ captured by the Turing-machine version
responses. SO is the state a machine is in viduation of states by reference to their of functionalism. Since the definition of
if, and only if, given a dime as the input, causal role, it appears to allow a trivial a program state never refers to the phys­
it dispenses a Coke as the output. explanation of any observed event E, ical structure of the system running the
that is, it appears to postulate an E­ program, the Turing-machine version of

T he machine on the right in the illus­

tration has interdefined states (Sl
causer. For example, what makes the
valves in a machine open? Why, the op­
functionalism also captures the idea that
the character of a mental state is inde­
and S2), which are characteristic of func­ eration of a valve opener. And what pendent of its physical realization. A hu­
tionalism. Sl is the state a machine is in is a valve opener? Why, anything that man being, a roomful of people, a com­
if, and only if, ( 1) given a nickel, it dis­ has the functionally defined property of puter and a disembodied spirit would
penses nothing and proceeds to S2. and causing valves to open. all be a Turing machine if they operat­
(2) given a dime, it dispenses a Coke and In psychology this kind of question­ ed according to a Turing-machine pro­
stays in Sl. S2 is the state a machine is in begging often takes the form of theo­ gram.
if, and only if, ( 1) given a nickel, it dis­ ries that in effect postulate homunculi The proposal is to restrict the func­
penses a Coke and proceeds to Sl. and with the selfsame intellectual capacities tional definition of psychological states
(2) given a dime, it dispenses a Coke and the theorist set out to explain. Such is to those that can be expressed in terms
a nickel and proceeds to Sl. What Sl the case when visual perception is ex­ of the program states of Turing ma­
and S2 jointly amount to is the ma­ plained by simply postulating psycho­ chines. If this restriction can be en­
chine's dispensing a Coke if it is given a logical mechanisms that process visual forced, it provides a guarantee that psy­
dime, dispensing a Coke and a nickel if it information. The behaviorist has often chological theories will be compatible
is given a dime and a nickel and waiting charged the mentalist, sometimes justifi­ with the demands of mechanisms. Since
to be given a second nickel if it has been ably, of mongering this kind of ques­ Turing machines are very simple devic­
given a first one. tion-begging pseudo explanation. The es, they are in principle quite easy to


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build. Consequently by formulating a a mental process can be functionally de­ psychological explanation, the theorist
psychological explanation as a Turing­ fined as an operation on symbols, there tends to assume that there must be a
machine program the psychologist en­ is a Turing machine capable of carry­ program for a Turing machine that will
sures that the explanation is mechanis­ ing out the computation and a variety carry out that operation.
tic, even though the hardware realizing of mechanisms for realizing the Turing
the mechanism is left open.
There are many kinds of computa­
machine. Where the manipulation of
symbols is important the Turing ma­ T he "black boxes" that are common
in flow charts drawn by psycholo­
tional mechanisms other than Turing chine provides a connection between gists often serve to indicate postulated
machines, and so the formulation of functional explanation and mechanis­ mental processes for which Turing re­
a functionalist psychological theory in tic explanation. ductions are wanting. Even so, the possi­
Turing-machine notation provides only The reduction of a psychological the­ bility in principle of such reductions
a sufficient condition for the theory's ory to a program for a Turing machine serves as a methodological constraint on
being mechanically realizable. What is a way of exorcising the homunculi. psychological theorizing by determining
makes the condition interesting, how­ The reduction ensures that no opera­ what functional definitions are to be al­
ever, is that the simple Turing machine tions have been postulated except those lowed and what it would be like to know
can perform many complex tasks. Al­ that could be performed by a familiar that everything has been explained that
though the elementary operations of the mechanism. Of course, the working psy­ could possibly need explanation.
Turing machine are restricted, iterations chologist usually cannot specify the re­ Such is the origin, the provenance and
of the operations enable the machine to duction for each functionally individu­ the promise of contemporary function­
carry out any well-defined computation ated process in every theory he is pre­ alism. How much has it actually paid
on discrete symbols. pared to take seriously. In practice the off? This question is not easy to answer
An important tendency in the cogni­ argument usually goes in the opposite because much of what is now happening
tive sciences is to treat the mind chiefly direction; if the postulation of a mental in the philosophy of mind and the cogni­
as a device that manipulates symbols. If operation is essential to some cherished tive sciences is directed at exploring the

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TWO COKE MACHINES bring out tbe difference between bebav­ The machine at the right is a mentalistic one: its two states (51, 52)
iorism (the doctrine that there are no mental causes) and mentalism must be defined not only in terms of the input and the outpuf but also
(the doctrine that there are mental causes). Both machin�s dispense a in terms of each other. To put it another way, the output of the Coke
Coke for 10 cents and have states that are defined by reference to machine depends on the state the machine is in as well as on the in­
their causal role. The machine at the left is a behavioristic one: its sin­ put. The functionalist philosopher maintains that mental states are
gle state (SO) is defined solely in terms of the inpnt and the output. interdefined, like the internal states of the mentalistic Coke machine.

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Information supplied by weather satellites has become significant in search and

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scope and limits of the functionalist ex­ ences could be as different as you like. If someone says "Galileo was Italian," his
planations of behavior. I shall, however, this is possible, then the functionalist ac­ utterance, like Enrico's belief, expresses
give a brief overview. count does not work for mental states a proposition about Galileo that is true
An obvious objection to functional­ that have qualitative content. If one per­ or false depending on Galileo's home­
ism as a theory of the mind is that the son is having a green experience while land. This parallel between the symbolic
functionalist definition is not limited another person is having a red one, then and the mental underlies the tradition­
to mental states and processes. Cat­ surely they must be in different men­ al quest for a unified treatment of lan­
alysts, Coke machines, valve openers, tal states. guage and mind. Cognitive science is
pencil sharpeners, mousetraps and min­ now trying to provide such a treatment.
The basic concept is simple but strik­
isters of finance are all in one way or
another concepts that are functionally T he example of the inverted spectrum
is more than a verbal puzzle. Hav­ ing. Assume that there are such things
defined, but none is a mental concept ing qualitative content is supposed to as mental symbols (mental representa­
such as pain, belief and desire. What, be a chief factor in what makes a men­ tions) and that mental symbols have se­
then, characterizes the mental? And can , tal state conscious. Many psychologists mantic properties. On this view having a
it be captured in a functionalist frame­ who are inclined to accept the function­ belief involves being related to a mental
work? alist framework are nonetheless wor­ symbol, and the belief inherits its se­
The traditional view in the philosophy ried about the failure of functionalism mantic properties from the mental sym­
of mind has it that mental states are dis­ to reveal much about the nature of con­ bol that figures in the relation. Mental
tinguished by their having what are sciousness. Functionalists have made a processes (thinking, perceiving, learning
called either qualitative content or in­ few ingenious attempts to talk them­ and so on) involve causal interactions
tentional content. I shall discuss qualita­ selves and their colleagues out of this among relational states such as having a
tive content first. worry, but they have not, in my view, belief. The semantic properties of the
It is not easy to say what qualitative done so with much success. (For exam­ words and sentences we utter are in turn
content is; indeed, according to some ple, perhaps one is wrong in thinking inherited from the semantic properties
theories, it is not even possible to say one can imagine what an inverted spec­ of the mental states that language ex­
what it is because it can be known not by trum would be like.) As matters stand, presses.
description but only by direct experi­ the problem of qualitative content poses Associating the semantic properties
ence. I shall nonetheless attempt to de­ a serious threat to the assertion that of mental states with those of mental
scribe it. Try to imagine looking at a functionalism can provide a general the­ symbols is fully compatible with the
blank wall through a red filter. Now ory of the mental. computer metaphor, because it is natu­
change the filter to a green one and leave Functionalism has fared much better ral to think of the computer as a mecha­
everything else exactly the way it was. with the intentional content of mental nism that manipulates symbols. A com­
Something about the character of your states. Indeed, it is here that the major putation is a causal chain of cemputer
experience changes when the filter does, achievements of recent cognitive sci­ states and the links in the chain are oper­
and it is this kind of thing that philoso­ ence are found. To say that a mental ations on semantically interpreted for­
phers call qualitative content. I am not state has intentional content is to say mulas in a machine code. To think of a
entirely comfortable about introducing that it has certain semantic properties. system (such as the nervous system) as a
qualitative content in this way, but it is a For example, for Enrico to believe Gali­ computer is to raise questions about the
subject with which many philosophers leo was Italian apparently involves a nature of the code in which it computes
are not comfortable. three-way relation between Enrico, a and the semantic properties of the sym­
The reason qualitative content is a belief and a proposition that is the con­ bols in the code. In fact, the analogy
problem for functionalism is straight­ tent of the belief (namely the proposi­ between minds and computers actually
forward. Functionalism is committed to tion that Galileo was Italian). In particu­ implies the postulation of mental sym­
defining mental states in terms of their lar it is an essential property of Enrico's bols. There is no computation without
causes and effects. It seems, however, as belief that it is about Galileo (and not representation.
if two mental states could have all the about, say, Newton) and that it is true if, The representational account of the
same causal relations and yet could dif­ and only if, Galileo was indeed Italian. mind, however, predates considerably
fer in their qualitative content. Let me Philosophers are divided on how these the invention of the computing ma­
illustrate this with the classic puzzle of considerations fit together, but it is wide­ chine. It is a throwback to classical epis­
the inverted spectrum. ly agreed that beliefs involve semantic temology, which is a tradition that in­
It seems possible to imagine two ob­ properties such as expressing a proposi­ cludes philosophers as diverse as John
servers who are alike in all relevant psy­ tion, being true or false and being about Locke, David Hume, George Berkeley,
chological respects except that experi­ one thing rather than another. Rene Descartes, Immanuel Kant, John
ences having the qualitative content of It is important to understand the se­ Stuart Mill and William James.
red for one observer would have the mantic properties of beliefs because the­ , Hume, for one, developed a represen­
qualitative content of green for the oth­ ories in the cognitive sciences are largely tational theory of the mind that includ­
er. Nothing about their behavior need about the beliefs organisms have. Theo­ ed five points. First, there exist "Ideas,"
reveal the difference because both of ries of learning and perception, for ex­ which are a species of mental symbol.
them see ripe tomatoes and flaming sun­ ample, are chiefly accounts of how the Second, having a belief involves enter­
sets as being similar in color and both of host of beliefs an organism has are de­ taining an Idea. Third, mental processes
them call that color "red." Moreover, termined by the character of its experi­ are causal associations of Ideas. Fourth,
the causal connection between their ences and its genetic endowment. The Ideas are like pictures. And fifth, Ideas
(qualitatively distinct) experiences and functionalist account of mental states have their semantic properties by virtue
their other mental states could also be does not by itself provide the required of what they resemble: the Idea of John
identical. Perhaps they both think of insights. Mousetraps are functionally is about John because it looks like him.
Little Red Riding Hood when they see defined, yet mousetraps do not express Contemporary cognitive psycholo­
ripe tomatoes, feel depressed when they propositions and they are not true or gists do not accept the details of Hume's
see the color green and so on. It seems as false. theory, although they endorse much of
if anything that could be packed into the There is at least one kind of thing oth­ its spirit. Theories of computation pro­
notion of the causal role of their experi­ er than a mental state that has intention­ vide a far richer account of mental proc­
ences could be shared by them, and yet al content: a symbol. Like thoughts, esses than the mere association of Ideas.
the qualitative content of the experi- symbols seem to be about things. If And only a few psychologists still think


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that imagery is the chief vehicle of men­ states and responses and some mental
tal representation. Nevertheless, the states and other ones.
most significant break with Hume's the­ Consider the belief that John is tall.
ory lies in the abandoning of resem­ Presumably the following facts, which
blance as an explanation of the seman­ correspond respectively to the three
tic properties of mental representations. types of causal relation, are relevant to
Many philosophers, starting with determining the semantic properties of
Berkeley, have argued that there is the mental representation involved in
something seriously wrong with the sug­ the belief. First, the belief is a normal
gestion that the semantic relation be­ effect of certain stimulations, such as
tween a thought and what the thought seeing John in circumstances that reveal
is about could be one of resemblance. his height. Second, the belief is the nor­
Consider the thought that John is tall. mal cause of certain behavioral effects,
Clearly the thought is true only of the such as uttering "John is tall." Third, the
state of affairs consisting of John's being belief is a normal cause of certain oth­
tall. A theory of the semantic properties er beliefs and a normal effect of certain
of a thought should therefore explain other beliefs. For example, anyone who
how this particular thought is related to believes John is tall is very likely also
this particular state of affairs. Accord­ to believe someone is tall. Having the
ing to the resemblance theory, entertain­ first belief is normally causally suffi­
ing the thought involves having a mental cient for having the second belief. And
image that shows John to be tall. To put anyone who believes everyone in the
it another way, the relation between the room is tall and also believes John is in
thought that John is tall and his being the room will very likely believe John
tall is like the relation between a tall is tall. The third belief is a normal effect
man and his portrait. of the first two. In short, the functional­
The difficulty with the resemblance ist maintains that the proposition ex­
theory is that any portrait showing John pressed by a given mental representation
to be tall must also show him to be many depends on the causal properties of the
other things: clothed or naked, lying, mental states in which that mental rep­
standing or sitting, having a head or not resentation figures.
having one, and so on. A portrait of a The concept that the semantic prop­ A little girl
tall man who is sitting down resembles a
man's being seated as much as it resem­
erties of mental representations are de­
termined by aspects of their functional shouldn't Have to
bles a man's being tall. On the resem­
blance theory it is not clear what distin­
role is at the center of current work in
the cognitive sciences. Nevertheless, the
beg for food.
guishes thoughts about John's height concept may not be true. Many philoso­
But Nita must.
from thoughts about his posture. phers who are unsympathetic to the cog­
The resemblance theory turns out to nitive turn in modern psychology doubt Her frail mother, who spends all
encounter paradoxes at every turn. The its truth, and many psychologists would day in the marketplace peddling
possibility of construing beliefs as in­ probably reject it in the bald and un­ straw mats, can't sell enough to feed
volving relations to semantically inter­ elaborated way that I have sketched it. Nita and her two younger brothers.
preted mental representations clearly Yet even in its skeletal form, there is For S 1 5 a month through our
depends on having an acceptable ac­ this much to be said in its favor: It legiti­ sponsorship program, you can help a
count of where the semantic proper­ mizes the notion of mental representa­
child like Nita . For a destitute child,
ties of the mental representations come tion, which has become increasingly im­
from. If resemblance will not provide portant to theorizing in every branch of your generosity can mean health, an
this account, what will? the cognitive sciences. Recent advances education -even life itself.
in formulating and testing hypotheses r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -,
T he current idea is that the semantic
properties of a mental representa­
about the character of mental represen­
tations in fields ranging from phonet­
�ite to: Mrs. Jeanne Oarke Wood,
Children, Inco rporated, P.O. Box 5381,
tion are determined by aspects of its ics to computer vision suggest that the Dept. SAIY, Richmond, Va. '3120 USA

functional role. In other words, a suffi­ concept of mental representation is fun­

cient condition for having semantic damental to empirical theories of the o I w i s h to " a dopt" a b o y 0 , girl 0 , in
o Asia , o Latin America, 0 Middle East,
properties can be specified in causal mind. o Africa, o U SA, o Greatest N eed.
terms. This is the connection between The behaviorist has rejected the ap­ o I w i l l give 5 1 5 a month ( 5 1 80 a year).
functionalism and the representational peal to mental representation because it Enclosed is my gift for a full year 0 , the

theory of the mind. Modern cognitive runs counter to his view of the explana­ first month 0 . Please send me the child's
name, story, address and picture.
psychology rests largely on the hope tory mechanisms that can figure in psy­ o I can't " adopt;' but will help 5 ___
that these two doctrines can be made to chological theories. Nevertheless, the o Please send me further information.
support each other. science of mental representation is now o I f for a group, please specify .
No philosopher is now prepared to flourishing. The history of science re­
say exactly how the functional role of veals that when a successful theory Church, Class, C l u b , School, Busin�ss, �tc.

a mental representation determines its comes into conflict with a methodolog­

ical scruple, it is generally the scruple :-':AME
semantic properties. Nevertheless, the
functionalist recognizes three types of that gives way. Accordingly the func­
causal relation among psychological tionalist has relaxed the behaviorist con­ AD[)RESS

states involving mental representations, straints on psychological explanations.

and they might serve to fix the seman­ There is probably no better way to de­
U . S . gifts ar� fully tax deductibl�.
tic properties of mental representations. cide what is methodologically permissi­ Annual financial statements are available on request.

The three types are causal relations ble in science than by investigating what
among mental states and stimuli, mental successful science requires. CHILDREN, INC.

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