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Damon Changelog

Version 1.4

Quality of life
- Added the option to skip the intro. When you start a new game, you’ll get the
choice to skip the intro after you name the characters.
- Added a ‘Load game’ option in the menu.
- Added the option to skip the scene when recharging mana with the doll.
- The sin counter in the top right now goes up to 40.

- Fixed an issue that stopped the player progressing the ‘evil’ ending if they
tried to watch it a second time.
- Fixed an issue that caused the sound effects to keep playing after the ‘good’
ending if pregnancy was turned on.
- Fixed an issue that caused the player to clip through walls after seeing the

- Fixed a bug that meant you’d a get a point of sin every time you viewed the
maid’s evening lust scene instead of just the first time.
- Fixed a bug that would cause the scene to break if dad wakes up when you use the
5th power on mom at night.
- Fixed a bug that broke the animation if you chose the ‘jerk off’ option with mom
when she tucks you in after she’s been corrupted.
- Fixed a bug that broke the animation if you chose the 'fuck’ option with mom in
the kitchen after she’s been corrupted.
- Fixed a bug that caused images to flicker in and out if you chose the ‘jerk off’
option with mom when she tucks you in after she’s been corrupted.
- Fixed a bug that caused the image to remain if you said no to mom in the kitchen
after she’s been corrupted.
- Fixed a bug that caused the image to remain if you chose not to use a power after
mom changes her gardening clothes.
- Fixed an issue that caused an image to block out the screen if you chose the
‘look more’ option when big sister is wearing her cheer outfit.
- During the maid’s event in your bedroom, you can now choose to use a second power
the first time you view the scene (as long as you have unlocked the lust power).
- During the maid’s morning event, using the skip text button would break the
animation that plays when you sit in the chair. Now it doesn’t.
- Tidied up some messy image transitions and text from when you viewed big sister’s
5th power scene in the shower a second time.
- Fixed an issue that caused the wrong image to display when viewing the BJ scene
with the doll’s lingerie outfit active.
- Changed the quest description for the sisters’ duo scene so it tells you to catch
them in the ‘evening’ (when the event triggers) not ‘afternoon’.
- Animated the sequence leading to the scene in maid's bedroom when you use the 5th
- Tidied up some messy image transitions and text from when you viewed the maid’s
scene in your bedroom a second time.

- Fixed a bug that caused the ‘Goodnight kisses from Mom’ quest to not mark as
complete in the quest log.
- Fixed a bug that caused the ‘Fun with Alex and Alice’ quest to not mark as
complete in the quest log.
- Fixed a bug that caused mom to be invisible in the intro (actually fixed it this
- Fixed a bug that caused you to lose the ‘naked’ outfit after purchasing it from
the doll.
- Fixed the ‘sitting room’ map in the intro so it matches with the main game.
- Fixed various typos

Version 1.3

- You can quickly skip through text using the ‘Pagedown’ key.
(actually, you could always do this. I just didn’t know it came with one of the
plugins I’m using).
I’ve noticed this can mess up some of the characters’ movement paths so keep this
in mind if a character gets stuck when you have this button held (I’ll try and fix
any examples of this I find).

- Fixed a bug that would cause the game to lockup if you stayed in your bedroom
after mom’s corruption event and activated another scene.

- Mom’s sprite is no longer invisible when she comes to your room during the intro

- Toned down the amount of thunder in the intro (there was definitely way too much

- Fixed a bug that caused the ‘Baking with mom’ quest to not show in the questlog
if you started the quest by looking at the bowl.

- To speed things up, you no longer get images when you say ‘no’ to mom in the
evening once she’s corrupted (the images have been moved to the ‘yes’ path).

- When using the telekinesis power on Mom at night, you can now follow-up with a
second power providing you have the warp mind ability unlocked.

- Fixed multiple bugs that occurred when viewing mom’s night time command mind
event for the second time.

- Fixed a bug that would keep mom in her aroused state after using lust on her in
the kitchen.

- Added the option to skip the younger sister’s corruption replay event if you
don’t want to watch it again (she’ll automatically visit you at night if you don’t
do anything with her for 3 in game days).

- Fixed a bug that caused the 3rd step of the younger sister’s corruption path to
lockup if you used the skip text button.

- Fixed a bug that caused the study scene with the younger sister to loop on the
second viewing.

- Fixed an issue where you’d keep getting the quest for big sister’s morning run
until you have the lust power.
You now only get the quest the first time you go for a run with her.

- Using warp mind on the big sister at night will now count towards how many times
you need to use the power to unlock the next power (it didn’t before).
- You’ll now get the maid's 'praying away the sin' quest if you skip visiting her
at night and go straight to using lust on her in the laundry room.

- Sped up the sleep animation slightly.

- Replaced the corruption symbol with a more original design.

- Fixed some more typos.

Version 1.2
- There was a secret counter that checked the total number of scenes you’d viewed
in order to unlock new levels of the powers shop.
This had the unintended effect of blocking progression without telling the player
why (it was set way too high).
This has now been removed. Now, the only factors that contribute towards
progressing the shop are the hints given by the doll (as it should be).

- The ability to add sleeping pills to your father’s wine now unlocks when you view
Mom’s night time lust event.
This originally only unlocked when you interreacted with Mom in her bed at night.
I didn’t consider some players may not have done this before seeing her night lust

- Fixed the odd typo here and there.

Version 1.1
- Fixed a bug that caused a blank screen when interacting with the laundry machine
at night.

Version 1.0
- This is the first release of the game. I consider the game finished content-wise
but as it’s just me who worked on it there may be some bugs.
Any bugs that get brought to my attention, I’ll try and fix and release updated

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