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Mrs Star
3? Listen and do the actions.

Functions Vocabulary
Hello, I’m ... W hat’s your name? Goodbye.
How old are you? I’m ..
<^<i)Sing the song.


0 ® o Listen and say the colour.

blue green orange pink purple red yellow
ix stars.
Listen and say the number.
y school




Listen and repeat.

book chair eraser pen pencil table
Listen and repeat.

W ho’s that? He’s ... She’s ...

7^ Make the puppets.

^<j)Sing the song.

How are you? I’m fine, thank you.
blue A pink pen and a blue bag.
out the story.
Now you!
Activity Book page 16
Make friends
^ L is te n to the storu.

>t 0 O Listen and say the number. Act it out.

G reat! C om e on! Let’s play. OK.
Listen and say the number.

0 O S a y the chant.

ball bike car computer doll train black brown grey white
Listen and do the actions.

Listen and repeat.

It’s in / next to / on / under ...
^< i)S in g the song.

8^ O A s k and answer.
Is Monty under
the chair?

No, he isn’t
^ ^ ^ O H i d e and play.
Listen and say‘yes’ o r ‘no’.
V Listen and say the number.

‘O ^ O L o o k , listen and say the words.

brother sister father mother grandfather grandmother
7y <J<i)Sing the song.

V Listen and chant.


Listen and correct. _
------------------------------ < Z _ _
f Look at my mother. She’s ugly.

No, she isn’t. She’s beautiful.

Listen to the story.

1 2 ^ 0 Listen and say the number.

Now you!
Activity Book page 30
Sam Kim
■» ^P lay the game.
Listen and say the number.
Listen and point.


It’s / They’re big / small / clean / dirty / long / short.
0® @ Listen and do the actions.

Sing the song.


Ten red pets.


^ ^ O S a y and guess.
C ^ ^ O A c t out the story.
My f ace
Listen and point.
Say the chant.

Listen and correct.

No. She’s a
girl monster.

eors eyes face hair mouth nose teeth J
I’ve g o t ... Have you g o t ... ? Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.

7) ^ ^ S in g the song.

8y 0 4 ^ Say and listen. Draw.

I’m a very ugly monster.
I’ve got three eyes.
Listen to the story.

Listen and say ‘yes’ o r ‘no’.

Monty’s got a big nose. Marie’s got brown eyes.
a cat
ice cream

a pencil

green an onion

a rainbow
a flower

a bird
a girl

2 K ^O P o in t and say the sense.

Vocabulary Now you!

hear see smell taste touch Activity Book page 46
the actions. Guess.
brush feed walk wash
3 O ^ S a y the chant. Do the actions.

O O G L is te n and point.Answer.
Listen and point.

0 )0 0 Listen and repeat.

^*£3 r

They’ve got / They haven’t got arms / feet / hands / legs / tails.
<^<i)Sing the song.

t^ O A c t it out and say.

W hat am I? You’re an elephant.
big Six big fish.

^ ^ < $ O P la y the game. Ask and answer.

Yes, they have.
Listen to the storu.


^ ^ ^ O A c t out the story.


Listen and say the number.

I’ve got a green jacket.
My favourite trousers are grey.

jacket shoes skirt socks trousers T-shirt
O ' S O Listen and repeat.
He’s / She’s g o t ... He / She hasn’t g o t ... J
Listen and correct.

He’s got black shoes!

^<i)Sing the song.
No, he’s got orange shoes!
socks dog

baseball cap
Listen and say the number.
Marie's geography Habitats

i Listen and point.

Now you!
forest plain river Activity Book page 60
Listen. Say ‘happy’ o r ‘sad’.

2 Look, read and match. It’s a hippoT^)

zebra ) ( hippo ) Q elephant^) Q crocodile 3

Listen and point

play the piano


play football

* £ 3
Listen and repeat ■
. ?* ■ j ■*-1 * ,w * . •
>2 ^ ^ S in g the song.
play basketball / football / tennis plag the guitar / piano swim ride a bike
s2 Listen and point.

^*£3 Listen and rep

r eat.

[ Grammar
I /You / He / She can ... I /You / He / She can’t ZTj
^ O S a y the chant.

drive a car

8 2 ^3 0 Listen and answer.

x ^________
b ue i y’s got a b ue and ye ow t a i .

^ ^ O ^ A s k and answer.
out the story.
Listen and repeat
- JR
P (<<
<<< ’ !..-► • i , ‘
O ^ S a u the chant. Do the actions.

Listen and answer.

Q Is the red car in the shoe? Q Yes, it is.

boat bus helicopter lorry motorbike plane ship

5) Listen and point.

6 ) 1 ^ 0 Listen and repeat.

What are you doing? I’m driving / flying / riding / walking.
<^<i)Sing the song.

’d O D o the actions. Play the game.

W hat am I You’re driving a lorry.

i o ; L i s t e n and correct.
I’m driving my cai^) (^ No, you’re walking/
12/ ^ 0 Listen and say the number.
Marie’s sports^ Th ings for sports

1 Listen and say. ( They’re sailing .)

playing basketball playing table-tennis

riding bikes riding horses sailing

2 OSay and answer.

( They’ve got a big orange ball. ( They’re playing basketball)

r ft,

Vocabulary Now you!

play table-tennis sail Activity Book page 76
W o rk in team s R Trevor’s

Listen to the story.

the number. Act it out.

Dur house
Listen and point.

Listen and repeat.
Listen and correct
Monty’s in the
bathroom. No, he isn’t. He’s
in the bedroom.

bathroom bedroom dining room hall kitchen living room
Listen and point.

He’s drawing
a picture.

Listen and repeat.

W hat’s he / she doing? He’s / She’s
!\'J^ ^ ^ S in g the song.

'fO O A sk and answer.

hippo A horse and a hippo in a helicopter.

^ ^ O S a y and guess. (^ They’re eating fish.

playing driving flying eating

Q Number four.
reading playing swimming watching

Listen to the story.

Listen and say ‘yes’ o r ‘no’.

i Listen and point

ice cream

u ^0 O l_ iste n and san‘ues’ o r ‘no’.

apple banana burger cake chocolate ice cream kiwi orange
s) Listen and point.

Listen and repeat.

I like ... I don’t like ... Do you like ... ?
7j <^<i)Sing the song.

O A sk and answer.

Do you like ice cream?

white like m white bike!

lo y ^ O R e a d . Listen and sau the name.

Listen to the story.

\® > *$ O A ct out the story.

lyMarie’s art

1 s^Q P oint and say the food.

0 O Listen and sau the number.

Vocabulary Now you!
painting grapes lemon pear watermelon Activity Book page 90
3 Listen and point.
1 l^»EJ Listen and answer.

2 ^R ead.
The elephant’s
3 * 3 0 Play the game. Say. drinking water.
Grammar reference +
W h a t’s y o u r name? I’m Suzy.
H o w old are you? I’m three.
I’m = I am

W h o ’s he? H e’s A lex.

H o w old is she? She’s seven.
he’s = he is she’s = she is th a t’s = that is

W h e re ’s the ball? It’s ne xt to the chair.

It isn’t under the table.

Is y o u r ball in y o u r bag?
where’s = where is isn’t = is not

W e ’re happy. W e aren’t ugly. A re w e small?

we’re = we are aren’t = are not

^T h e y ’re long. They a re n ’t big. A re th e y sh o rt?

I / you / w e ’ve g o t purple hair.

Have you g o t a small m outh? Yes, I have.

N o, I haven’t.
I’ve got = I have got haven’t = have not

T h e y’ve g o t big m ouths. They haven’t g o t tails.

Have they g o t long legs?

they’ve got = they have got haven’t got = have not got
She’s got your red trousers. He hasn’t got a white ball.
Has he/she got a train? Yes, he/she has.
No, he/she hasn’t.
he’s got = he has got she’s got = she has got
hasn’t got = has not got

can sing.
can’t play the guitar.
Can you ride a bike?
can’t = cannot

W h a t are you doing? I’m flying.

Are you flying your helicopter?

W h a t s he/she doing? He’s/She’s listening to music.

W h a t are they doing? They re sitting on the sofa.
Is he/she listening to Yes, he/she is.
music? No, he/she isn’t.
w hat’s = what is

like cake. I don’t like chocolate.

Do you like snakes? Yes, I do.
No, I don’t.
don’t = do not

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