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Directional Surveying

• Explain the role of surveying at the rig site
• Explain what survey tools measure
• State reasons for surveying well bores
• Explain the difference between different types
of survey tool
• Plot survey coordinate on a well plan
• Explain what is meant by dog leg
• Explain what is meant by tool face
• Explain what is meant by closure
• Explain what is meant by drill string interference

 Why we taking surveys?
1-To permit calculation of well coordinates
2-To measure inclination and direction where
the well is heading
3-To determine the orientation of tool face of
deflection tools
4- To locate doglegs and it’s severity
 Why the accurate reading is
1- To hit the target areas
2- To avoid collision of wells
3- To define the target of relief well
4- To provide a better definition of geological
data 3
 What do survey measure?
• Mainly it measures:
1-inclination:at a point is the angle
between the tangent of bore hole axis
and the vertical section
2- azimuth :of a bore hole at a point is
the direction of the bore hole on the
horizontal plane measured at a
clockwise angle(0-360) from the north
reference W E
we may represent direction also by
quadrature angle from (0:90)right or left direction

Survey concepts
Mapping the earth:
lines of longitude: are the lines drawn through the poles
north and south and are called meridian
(greenwich =0)
lines of latitude: lines are drawn around the earth parallel to
the equator (equator =0)
Mapping different projection:
Conic projection: lambert conformal conic map is made by
projection the globe onto a cone
cylindrical projection: mercator commonly used by
projection the glop onto a vertical cylinder
Geometry coordinates:
polar coordinates: defines the location of a point as a
distance away from the origin (or pole) and direction of
the origin
[ex: 27 @ s66w]
Rectangular coordinate: by drawing two number lines or
axes perpendicular at the 0 point or origin

 Bore hole survey references:
Depth reference:
Measured depth/ along hole depth actual path
from rig floor to survey point
Vertical depth/ the vertical distance between
surface to the projection of the point of survey in
the vertical plane
Inclination reference:
0 vertical 90 horizontal The
vertical reference is the direction of the local
gravity vector (plump bob)

 Azimuth reference:
A)magnetic north: is the north reference to measuring instruments
it reference to magnetic north
B)true (geographic) north: the direction of the geographic north
pole which lies on the axes of rotation of the earth. On maps is
shown by meridians of longitude.
c)grid north: the grid lines on a map form a rectangular grid
system the northerly direction is called of which is determined
by one specified meridian
Convergence is the angle between grid north and true north for
location being considered.


True north
• Magnetic declination: is the angle between true north and
magnetic north at any point on the earth
East declination:
Ex: magnetic survey s42e (138 azimuth)
declination 30 east
Declination direction is s12e(168 azimuth)
West declination:
EX: magnetic survey s42e (138 azimuth)
Declination 5 west
declination direction is s47e (133 azimuth)

+ - - +

- + + -

West declination East declination 8

 Magnetometer: Anther design
Two cores with primary winding in opposite
directions a secondary winding twists x
around primary current produce no
current in secondary winding in ideal
cases .at the point of survey magnetic
field produce a voltage in secondary
winding which give the direction y

 Accelerometer : x
Consists of magnetic mass (pendulum)
suspended in an electromagnetic field .
Gravity deflects the mass from it’s null
position a current return the mass to null y
position gives the reading to calculate
inclination ,tool phase and vertical
reference used to determine dip angle

 Ellipsoid of uncertainty:
• Any measurement has some
uncertainty associated with it.
Due to:
• Accurate measuring
• how well calibrated is the
tape measure
• percent of errors
• This is for one dimension but
for any given point along the
survey this volume will take
the form of an ellipsoid

Survey Tool types

magnetic Gyroscopic

Conventional High end Conventional High end

Single shot Electronic Single shot Seeker
Multi shot Steering Multi shot Rigs

Depend on magnetic field
Conventional: use mechanical angle
of compass battery
A) single shut: take a picture of compass
and indicator with camera
Basic component camera
• Compass/ angle unit
• Camera compass
• Timing device
• battery pack
B) Multi shot: take several pictures at
different points of survey
Multi single
shot shot
High end: use solid state memory electronics
or surface communication electronics.
A) Electronic magnetic survey (EMS):
Use tri axial accelerometers and magnetometers
to measure a varity of down hole parameters
B) Wire line steering tool : give continuous surface
read out of survey data while drilling with adown
hole navigational assembly.
will discuss later

Gyroscopic tools
Gyro Single shot:
Replace magnetic compass by gyroscopic compass
Gyro multi shot: is used instead of gyro drift reduce
High end:
seeker: a rate gyro measures the earth’s rate of
rotation these information is transmitted to surface
computer by wireline
Rigs: Ring laser Inertial Guidance Survey 3 times
more accurate with 2.6ft /1000ft maximum error.

• Typical gyroscope

• Our aim is how we transmit measure
information and know it while drilling action
• It was difficult to built tool do this with accuracy
• Various transmission methods were used as
electromagnetic acoustic pressure pulse
pressure pulse modulation or cable and drill
• the earliest commercial system was teledrift as
a sup near the bit
• But mwd tools now give our aims

• Once the reading are measured they are
encoded through adown hole electronics
package into
1) Aseries of binary signal that are
transmitted by a series of pressure pulses
2) A modulated signal that is phase shifted
to indicate a logic 1 or 0
Negative pulses
Positive pulses
Continuous wave

• Nonmagnetic drill collar
1. pulser transmission section
2. Power and battery section
3. Signal and electronics
4. Sensors and measurement
• These all component send
information throw the mud to

MWD Services E-Field, Mud Pulse,
Gyro MWD (gMWD) A range of MWD services, including
directional with gamma, vibration monitoring, PWD
and annular pressure, for use in conventional and
under balance drilling
Tools can be run in mud, air, foam and mist. In addition to the
Electromagnetic MWD system (E-Field), Scientific Drilling
now offers a mud pulse MWD system and the latest gyro
system — the gMWD
gyro MWD tool. The first commercial gyro MWD system,
gMWD now provides dramatic time savings in complex
multiwell platform kick off projects. The system runs in all
standard collar sizes. It allows for real-time gyro tool face /
gamma while- drilling and a gyro survey can be taken after
three minutes of still time. Systems are available for reentry
projects and other applications. (

density neutron

Power pulse



• This tool is housing in
the nonmagnetic drill
collar and the computer Floor display
information is
transmitted to a terminal terminal
and computer which
prints it and a rig floor recorder
display which displays
inclination direction and
tool phase angle
Mwd tool

Using varies different combinations mwd can
1)Survey information: direction, inclination and
tool phase
2)Formation information: gamma ray, resistivity
,neutron and density readings
3)Meckanical information: down hole weight
,torque ,stocks ,flow and temperature
4)Lithology information: geological markers
and/or the top of the reservoir , formation dip

• Adv. Of mwd than others:
1) Save rig time instead of many trips
2) Continuous monitoring reducing risk
3) Better control the well path
4) No wire line used like others
5) Work for any deviation (no limited measurement)
6) Can be used for many types of well &application
• Disadv. of mwd :
1) High cost
2) Affected by magnetic field
3) No casing survey

Conclusion and suggestion
1-Better selection of of tool save time and money
2-mwd become the best tool of survey
3-high cost may reduce by using the wanted component
only of it for my well
4-Iflunce of magnetic field can be reduce by using gyro
sensor system in steed of magnetic
5-Measuring in casing can give me the corrosion rate
cement bond and other logging of cased hole
6-Why I don’t give the program of the well to the
subsurface electronic package and it control the
direction it self as automatic control for normal cases
and if I want to stop it’s control I can do this (fault tool
phase indication for surface and so on)

Factors influencing survey tool
1) Target size
2) Latitude of well
3) Target direction
4) Type of drilling installation
5) Rig costs
6) Maximum inclination planned
7) Formation and hole conditions
8) Well budget
9) Survey depths
10) Hole temperature
11) Open or cased hole

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