Derivations On The Young-Laplace Eqs

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Capillarity Vol. 4, No. 2, p.

23-30, 2021

Original article

Derivations of the Young-Laplace equation

Leiv Magne Siqveland, Svein Magne Skjæveland *

Department of Energy Resources, University of Stavanger, 4036 Stavanger, Norway

Keywords: Abstract:
Young-Laplace The classical Young-Laplace equation relates capillary pressure to surface tension and the
space curves principal radii of curvature of the interface between two immiscible fluids. In this paper
principle radii the required properties of space curves and smooth surfaces are described by differential
linear algebra geometry and linear algebra. The equilibrium condition is formulated by a force balance
and minimization of surface energy.
Cited as:
Siqveland, L. M., Skjæveland, S. M.
Derivations of the Young-Laplace
equation. Capillarity, 2021, 4(2): 23-30,
doi: 10.46690/capi.2021.02.01

1. Introduction With sufficient knowledge of the mathematical properties

of surfaces, the Young-Laplace equation may easily be derived
The Young-Laplace equation (Young, 1805; Laplace,
either by the principle of minimum energy or by requiring a
force balance.

1 1
 The properties of surfaces necessary to derive the Young-
pc = σ + (1) Laplace equation may be found explicitly by differential ge-
R1 R2
ometry or more indirectly by linear algebra. The combination
gives an expression for the capillary pressure pc , i.e., the of these two approaches gives insight into the properties of
pressure difference over an interface between two fluids in smooth space surfaces that are required for the simple form
terms of the surface tension σ and the principal radii of of Young-Laplace equation.
curvature, R1 and R2 . This expression is often encountered
in the literature covering the concepts of capillary pressure 2. Space curves by differential geometry
and wettability since it is quite general. Most of this section follows the exposition of space curves
The expression in parenthesis in Eq. (1) is a geometry in the textbook by Tambs Lyche (1962).
factor. At equilibrium, each point on the interface has the same Let r denote the radius vector from the origin of the
geometry factor. Cartesian coordinate system (x, y, z) with unit vectors (i, j, k).
It will be shown that this simple expression reflects the fact A surface S may be defined by the vector equation
that for arbitrary, smooth surfaces and curves (Shifrin, 2013),
the curvature at any point may be defined by assigning two
radii of curvature, R1 and R2 , in two normal planes that cut r = f(u, v) = ϕ(u, v)i + ψ(u, v)j + χ(u, v)k (2)
the interface along two principal curvature sections. These
two normal planes are also normal to each other and their line or in parameter form
of intersection is the surface normal at the chosen point. Also,
the curvature of an arbitrary normal section may be expressed
in terms of the principal curvatures. x = ϕ(u, v), y = ψ(u, v), z = χ(u, v) (3)

∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (L.M. Siqveland); (S.M. Skjæveland).

2207-9963 © The Author(s) 2021.

Received April 10, 2021; revised April 25, 2021; accepted April 26, 2021; available online April 28, 2021.
24 Siqveland, L.M. and Skjæveland, S.M. Capillarity, 2021, 2(2): 23-30

where ϕ, ψ and χ are functions of the two parameters u and

v. If the two first equations in Eq. (3) are solved for u and t
v and substituted in the third equation, we get z expressed as P
a function of x and y, the usual way to represent a surface.
However, the parameter form is a very useful representation C
of a surface to describe curvature characteristics.
If we set u = u(t) and v = v(t) we get the vector equation
r = f(t) for a space curve on the surface, or in parameter form: S

x = ϕ(t), y = ψ(t), z = χ(t)

where t is a parameter. By assumption, all functions are n
twice differentiable with continuous second order derivatives.
A curve or surface represented by functions fulfilling this Fig. 1. Surface S, curve C through point P, t tangent to the curve, n surface
requirement is said to be smooth. normal, and h principal normal to the curve.

2.1 Definitions
Arc length If f(t) is differentiable with continuous deriva- 2.2 Curvature of a normal section
tive in the interval [a, b], then the arc length L is defined Again, let r = f(u, v) a surface S and r = f(u(t), v(t)) a
by: space curve C on S. From the definitions, we have Kh = dt/ds.
Z b Multiplying by n gives
L =

ḟ(t) dt
a dt
n = K cos θ
where the dot denotes Rdifferentiation with respect to t. If ds
t ∈ [a, b] and we set s = at ḟ(t) dt, we get the arc differential

where θ is the angle between the principal normal to C and
ds = |ḟ(t)|dt = ±|dr|. Then s is a continuous function of t that the surface normal at the chosen point P (Fig. 1).
increases from 0 to L when t increases from a to b. Instead of Since n · t = 0, we get by differentiation
t, we can use s as a parameter to represent the curve. By this
arc length form, many formulas are especially simple, e.g., dt dn
n + t=0
|r 0 | = |dr/ds| = 1. ds ds
Tangent to a curve The vector t = dr/ds = r 0 is defined and thereby
as the tangent vector of the space curve r = f(t). Since |t| = 1,
t is a unity vector along the tangent of the curve. 1 dn 1 dn · dr
K=− t=−
Curvature The curvature K of a curve is defined by cos θ ds cos θ ds2
K = |dt/ds| = |d 2 r/ds2 | = |r 00 |, or simply K = |f 00 (s)|, the From the definition of n, we have ru n = 0, rv n = 0.
curve being on the arc length form. Differentiating with respect to u and v, we get
Radius of curvature The radius of curvature R of a space
curve C is defined by R = 1/K. ru nu + ruu n = 0, rv nu + ruv n = 0,
Principal normal to a curve The principal normal h of ru nv + ruv n = 0, rv nv + rvv n = 0.
a curve is defined by h = r 00 /|r 00 | = r 00 /K. Since r 02 = 1 it
follows that r 0 · r 00 = 0, and hence h is normal to t (and the Since
Normal of a surface The surface normal n to a surface dn = nu du + nv dv, dr = ru du + rv dv
at a point is defined by n = ru × rv /|ru × rv |. Here ru and rv
we have
denotes partial derivatives of r with respect to u and v, cf. Eq.
(2). The total differential dr is given by
dn · dr = ru nu du2 + (ru nv + rv nu )du dv + rv nv dv2
dr = ru du + rv dv = −(ruu n du2 + 2ruv n du dv + rvv n dv2 )
and for the space curve on the surface, u = u(t) and v = v(t). and we get
From the definition of t, dr is along t, and it is easily seen
that dr · n = 0. That is, n is normal to all curves on the surface 1 L du2 + 2M du dv + N dv2
K= (4)
drawn through the selected point. cos θ E du2 + 2F du dv + G dv2
Normal plane and normal section A plane through the when
normal to a surface, i.e., the normal is lying in the plane, is
called a normal plane. The cut between a normal plane and
the surface is a curve on the surface and is called a normal ds2 = dr2 = (ru du + rv dv)2
section. = r2u du2 + 2ru rv dudv + r2v dv2
Siqveland, L.M. and Skjæveland, S.M. Capillarity, 2021, 2(2): 23-30 25

and since EG − F 2 = r2u r2v − (ru rv )2 = (ru × rv )2 ≥ 0. Actually, we

will assume that EG − F 2 > 0 since otherwise ru or rv is the
E = r2u , F = ru rv , G = r2v , null vector or they are parallel. Then ϕ(M) can only be zero
L = ruu n, M = ruv n, N = rvv n. if EN = GL and M = M1 , i.e., GM = FN. We then have
We note that the quantities E, F, G, L, M, N only depend L N M
on properties of the surface S with no reference to the space = =
curve C on the surface. For all curves C that start out from
point P in the same direction, determined by the ratio dv : du, and from Eq. (6) the curvature K is independent of du and dv
the angel θ is the same according to Eq. (4). Conversely, all and equal to L/E. A point where the curvature is the same for
space curves through P with the same t and h has the same all normal sections is called a umbilical point of the surface.
curvature at P. For a point P on the surface that is not a umbilical point,
If we choose θ = 0, K is the curvature of a normal section, Eq. (8) will have two distinct roots, K1 and K2 , as postulated
i.e., the principal normal of the curve coincides with the above.
normal to the surface,
2.4 Principal curvature sections are orthogonal
L du2 + 2M du dv + N dv2 Substitution of K = K1 or K = K2 into Eq. (7) results
K= (6)
E du2 + 2F du dv + G dv2 in a quadratic expression of the general form (Adu + Bdv)2 ,
2.3 Principal curvature sections since the equation has single roots for these values of K. Its
derivative with respect to dv then has to be zero for the same
If K is known, Eq. (6) is a quadratic equation for the ratio values of K, that is
dv : du, and may be written
(M − FK)du + (N − GK)dv = 0
2 2
(L − EK) du + 2(M − FK) du dv + (N − GK) dv = 0 (7) or
If this equation has two distinct roots, there will be two Mdu + Ndv
normal sections with curvature K. If it has only one root, there K=
Fdu + Gdv
exist only one normal section with the given curvature, and if
there are no roots, no normal section exists with curvature K. Substituting this expression into Eq. (7), we get
To discern these alternatives, we consider the expression
(EM − FL)du2 + (EN − GL)dudv + (FN − GM)dv2 = 0
(M − FK)2 − (L − EK)(N − GK)
From this equation we get the two directions dv1 : du1
that is under the square root sign when solving Eq. (7). This
and dv2 : du2 (or the inverted ratios if FN − GM = 0), for the
expression is generally equal to zero for two values of K, the
two principal curvature sections. Using rules for the sum and
principal curvatures K1 and K2 . The corresponding normal
product of the roots of a quadratic equation, we get
sections are called the principal curvature sections.
After simplifying the last expression, we have to investigate
the roots of dv1 dv2 EN − GL dv1 dv2 EM − FL
+ =− , =
du1 du2 FN − GM du1 du2 FN − GM
(EG − F 2 )K 2 − (EN − 2FM + GL)K + (LN − M 2 ) = 0 (8) We also have

Solving this equation we have to find the square root of dr1 = ru du1 + rv dv1 , dr2 = ru du2 + rv dv2

(EN − 2FM + GL)2 − 4(EG − F 2 )(LN − M 2 ) and hence

As will be shown, this expression is never negative. Let

us assume chosen values for E, F, G, L, N such that the dr1 · dr2 = r2u du1 du2 + ru rv (du1 dv2 + du2 dv1 ) + r2v dv1 dv2
last expression is a function of M, denoted by ϕ(M). It is a dv1 dv2 dv1 dv2
polynomial of second degree with the derivative = E +F + +G du1 du2
du1 du2 du1 du2
= E −F +G du1 du2
ϕ 0 (M) = −4F(EN − 2FM + GL) + 8(EG − F 2 )M FN − GM FN − GM
E(FN − GM) − F(EN − GL) + G(EM − FL)
and ϕ 0 (M) = 0 for M = M1 = F(EN + GL)/2EG. Then = du1 du2
ϕ 00 (M) = 8EG > 0, from the definition of E and G, i.e., ϕ(M) FN − GM
has a minimum at M = M1 , and after some calculation =0

(EG − F 2 )(EN − GL)2 i.e., the principal curvature sections are orthogonal. (One can
ϕ(M1 ) = ≥0 easily show that this is the case also for FN − GM = 0).
26 Siqveland, L.M. and Skjæveland, S.M. Capillarity, 2021, 2(2): 23-30

2.5 A theorem of Euler R

A theorem of Euler (Weatherburn, 2016) states that the ds
curvature of an arbitrary normal section may be expressed by ds 2
the curvatures of the principal sections. Let ds1 and ds2 be the
arc differentials of the two principal sections and ds the arc
differential in a normal section at an angle α with ds1 (Fig. α ds 1
2). P Q
Generally, if Φ(u, v) is a function of u and v, we have
Fig. 2. Arc differentials along a normal section and the two principal curvature
Φ(R) − Φ(P) = Φ(R) − Φ(Q) + Φ(Q) − Φ(P)

Φ(R) − Φ(P) Φ(R) − Φ(Q) ds1 Φ(Q) − Φ(P) ds2 D

= +
ds ds1 ds ds2 ds
and letting ds1 and ds2 approach zero, ρ ρ
dΦ dΦ ds1 dΦ ds2 dΦ dΦ
= + = cos α + sin α σδl
ds ds1 ds ds2 ds ds1 ds2
We now apply this general expression to r and n and get R2

dr φ
t= = t1 cos α + t2 sin α
dn dn dn
= cos α + sin α
ds ds1 ds2
and by scalar multiplying these two expressions,
Fig. 3. Equilibrium of a nonspherical cap.
−K =t
dn dn dn By summation, we the get
=t1 · cos2 α + t1 + t2 sin α cos α
ds1 ds2 ds1
dn K + K⊥ = K1 + K2 (10)
+ t2 · sin2 α
ds2 that is, the sum of the curvatures of two orthogonal normal
2 2 dn dn sections is constant, equal to the sum of the curvatures of the
= − K1 cos α − K2 sin α + t1 + t2 sin α cos α principal sections.
ds2 ds1
Since n · t1 = n · t2 = 0, we get 3. The Young-Laplace equation
dn t1 dn t2 The Young-Laplace equation may be derived either by
t1 +n = 0, t2 +n =0
ds2 ds2 ds1 ds1 minimization of energy or by summing all forces to zero. We
will do both here although the concept of force in connection
The curves C1 and C2 are embedded in two orthogonal
with surface tension may be somewhat obscure. The force
planes, t1 · t2 = 0, and t1 is independent of s2 . Therefore
approach follows the derivation of Defay and Prigogine (1966)
dt1 /ds2 = 0 and likewise dt2 /ds1 = 0, and we get Euler’s
and the energy approach is taken from the book by Landau and
Lifshitz (1987). In both cases it is assumed that the interface is
without thickness and that the interfacial tension is constant.
K = K1 cos2 α + K2 sin2 α (9)
Let us now choose another normal section at an angle 3.1 Force balance
α + π/2 with ds1 and denote the corresponding arc differ- Consider a point P on the surface as shown in Fig. 3, and
ential by ds⊥ since it is at an angle π/2 with ds. For the draw a curve at a constant distance ρ from P. This curve forms
corresponding curvature K⊥ we get from Eq. (9) the boundary of a cap for which we shall find the equilibrium
condition as ρ tends to zero.
π π Through P we draw the two principal curvature sections
K⊥ = K1 cos2 α + + K2 sin2 α +
2 2 AB and CD on the surface. Their radii of curvature at P are
2 2
= K1 sin α + K2 cos α R1 and R2 . At the point A, an element δ l of the boundary line
Siqveland, L.M. and Skjæveland, S.M. Capillarity, 2021, 2(2): 23-30 27

is subjected to a force σ δ l whose projection along the normal Z

PN is z (a,b)

σ δ l sin φ ' σ φ δ l = σ δl
since φ by assumption is small. Y
If we consider four elements δ l of the periphery at A, B, X
C, and D, they will contribute with a force

1 1
2ρσ δ l +
R1 R2
Since this expression by Euler’s theorem, Eq. (10), is
independent of the choice of AB and CD, it can be integrated Fig. 4. Surface in space.
around the circumference. Since four orthogonal elements are
considered, the integration is made over one quarter of a
revolution to give for ds2 ). Hence the surface element d f = ds1 ds2 becomes,
  after displacement,
1 1
πρ 2 σ +
R1 R2      
δζ δζ ∼ δζ δζ
The force on the surface element caused by the pressure ds1 1 + ds2 1 + ds ds
= 1 2 1 + +
R1 R2 R1 R2
difference over the surface is given by (p1 − p2 )πρ 2 , and
equating the last two expressions, the Young-Laplace equation
follows. i.e., it changes by δ ζ d f (1/R1 + 1/R2 ). Hence we see that the
total change in area of the surface of separation is
3.2 Minimum energy
1 1
Let the surface of separation undergo an infinitesimal δf = δζ + df (12)
displacement. At each point of the undisplaced surface we R1 R2
draw the normal. The length of the segment of the normal
lying between the points where it intersects the displaced and Substituting these expressions in Eq. (11) and equating to zero,
undisplaced surfaces is denoted by δ ζ . Then a volume element we obtain the equilibrium condition in the form
between the two sufaces is δ ζ d f , where d f is a surface
element. Let p1 and p2 be the pressures in the two media, Z  
1 1

and let δ ζ be positive if the displacement of the surface is δ ζ (p1 − p2 ) − σ + df =0
R1 R2
towards medium 2 (say). Then the work necessary to bring
about the change in volume is This condition must hold for every infinitesimal displace-
Z ment of the surface, i.e., for all δ ζ . Hence the expression in
(−p1 + p2 )δ ζ d f braces must be identically equal to zero and Young-Laplace’s
equation follows.
The total work δW in displacing the surface is obtained
by adding to this the work connected with the change in area 4. Space curves by linear algebra
of the surface. This part of the work is proportional to the We assume the space surface defined by z = f (x, y) to be
change δ f in area of the surface, and is σ δ f , where σ is the smooth as shown in Fig. 4 (Shifrin, 2013). A Taylor expansion
surface tension. Thus the total work is around a point (a, b) gives an approximation to the surface
Z around (a, b),
δW = − (p1 − p2 )δ ζ d f + σ δ f (11)

The condition for thermodynamical equilibrium is, of ∂ f (a, b) ∂ f (a, b)

f (x, y) = f (a, b) + (x − a) + (y − b)
course, that δW be zero. ∂x ∂y
Next, let R1 and R2 be the principal radii of curvature at "
1 ∂ 2 f (a, b) ∂ 2 f (a, b)
a given point of the surface. We set R1 and R2 as positive + 2
(x − a)2 + (y − b)2
if they are drawn into medium 1. Then the elements of 2! ∂x ∂ y2
length (the arc differentials) ds1 and ds2 on the surface in its (13)
∂ 2 f (a, b)
principal curvature sections are increased to (R1 + δ ζ )ds1 /R1 + (x − a)(y − b)
∂ x∂ y
and (R2 + δ ζ )ds2 /R2 when the angles ds1 /R1 and ds2 /R2 #
remain constant, i.e., an expansion normal to the surface (ds1 is ∂ 2 f (a, b)
+ (y − b)(x − a) + · · ·
the arc length of a circle with radius R1 , and correspondingly ∂ y∂ x
28 Siqveland, L.M. and Skjæveland, S.M. Capillarity, 2021, 2(2): 23-30

A new coordinate system (XY Z) is now introduced with By comparing Eq. (17) and Eq. (19) we find
origin in (a, b) and the (XY ) plane defined as the tangent plane
to the surface at (a, b). This gives αξ 2 ξ2
Z= =
2 2Rα
∂ f (0, 0) ∂ f (0, 0)
f (0, 0) = 0, = 0, =0 (14) and
∂X ∂Y
Since the surface is smooth, the order of differentiation is 1
Rα = (20)
arbitrary, and the crossterms may be added to render α
The curvature κ of a space curve at a point is defined in
Z = f (X,Y ) Section 2 as the inverse of the radius of curvature at the point.
The curvature of the parabola Z = g(ξ , 0) is therefore
1 ∂ 2 f (0, 0) 2 ∂ 2 f (0, 0) 2 ∂ 2 f (0, 0)
≈ X + Y +2 XY 1
2! ∂ X2 ∂Y 2 ∂ X∂Y κ =α =
1 Rα
fXX X 2 + fYY Y 2 + 2 fXY XY

2 Considering instead the (Zη)-plane (ξ = 0), the curvature
This may be reformulated as the matrix product of the parabola Z = g(0, η) is given by
κ =β =
1  fXX fXY X Rβ
f (X,Y ) ≈ X Y (15)
2 fXY fYY Y
A arbitrary plane normal to the tangent plane at the point
The 2 × 2 matrix in Eq. (15) formed by the partial deriva- (a, b), see Section 2, will cut the tangent plane (ξ η) along a
tives of f is symmetrical, the matrix can be diagonalized with straight line l : ξ = Kη where K is a constant (Fig. 5).
orthogonal eigenvectors (Howard, 1984), and the surface may The distance λ between the point (a, b) and a point (ξ , η)
be approximated by the matrix product on l may then be expressed by
1  α 0 λ 2 = ξ 2 + η 2 = K2η 2 + η 2 = K2 + 1 η 2

ξ (21)
f (X,Y ) ≈ g(ξ , η) = ξ η
2 0 β η
(16) Solved with respect to η 2 we get
1 1
= αξ 2 + β η 2
2 2 λ2
η2 = (22)
Here ξ and η are the coordinates along the new unit vectors K2 + 1
and α and β the corresponding eigenvalues. This is equivalent The cut of the normal plane and the surface f (ξ , η) is
to a rotation of the tangent plane around the Z-axis with the then
two new unit vectors (1 0)t and (0 1)t in the (ξ η)-plane.
In the (Zξ )-plane (η = 0), the function g(ξ , 0) in Eq. (16) 1 1
will form the parabola f (ξ , η) = αξ 2 + β η 2
2 2
1 1 1
Z = g(ξ , 0) = αξ 2 (17) = αK η + β η 2
2 2
2 2 2
 2 2 
K λ 1

Approximating the parabola with a circle of radius Rα , we
= α + β
get 2 K2 + 1 2 K2 + 1
1 1
ξ 2 + (Z − Rα )2 = R2α = α+ 2 β λ2
2 K2 + 1 K +1
ξ 2 + Z 2 − 2ZRα + R2α = R2α (18) ξ
2 2
ξ + Z − 2ZRα = 0 ξ=Kη
and solved with respect to Z,
Z = Rα ± R2α − ξ 2 = Rα 1± 1−
R2α η
= Rα 1 ± 1 + 2 − . . .
Selecting the minus sign and deleting higher order terms,
we arrive at the simple expression

Z≈ (19) Fig. 5. Arbitrary line l through point (a, b) in the tangent plane.
Siqveland, L.M. and Skjæveland, S.M. Capillarity, 2021, 2(2): 23-30 29

The curvature of the space curve defined by the cut dl'1

between the normal plane touching the surface in (a, b) and dS'
the surface f (ξ , η) is then, as shown above, given by dl'2
K2 1 (a,b)
κ1 =
K2 + 1
α+ 2
K +1
β (24) δζ
The expression for the curvature is a weigthed average dS dl2
between α and β . The value of κ1 lies between α and β , i.e., dl1
between the largest and the smallest curvature. Hence the two R2
normal planes containing the space curve with the largest and
smallest curvature are normal to each other. These two space
curves are called the principal curves.
A normal plane that cuts the tangent plane along the line
ξ = Kη will cut the surface along a curve on the surface,
the normal section, see Section 2, with curvature κ1 . Another
normal plane that is normal to the first one will cut the tangent
plane in the line ξ = −η/K and have a normal section with
Fig. 6. Displaced surface between two phases.
1 K2
κ2 = 2
α+ 2 β (25)
K +1 K +1
Adding the two curvatures from Eqs. (24) and (25), we normal sections since, as shown earlier, the normal sections
get are normal to each other. Then,

κ1 + κ2 = α + β (26)
dS = dl1 dl2 , dS0 = dl10 dl20 (31)
The sum of the curvatures of two normal sections in planes
also normal to each other is constant and equal to the sum of
the curvatures of the principal curves. where dl1 , dl2 and dl10 , dl20 are the length elements long the
principal normal sections before and after the displacement,
5. Surface energy and the Young-Laplace respectively. The length elements dl1 and dl10 may be written
equation as
We now consider the surface between two phases to be
infitesimally displaced by δ ζ . The volume element between
the two surfaces is δ ζ · dS where dS is the surface element. dl1 = R1 θ1 dl10 = (R1 + δ ζ )θ1
Let P1 and P2 denote the pressures in the two phases. The
work done by the volume change is where θ1 is the angle shown in Fig. 6. Then
δWp = (−P1 + P2 ) δ ζ dS (27)
dl10 R1 + δ ζ δζ
The total work of the displacement also includes the work = = 1+
dl1 R1 R1
of changing the surface area by δ S and is given by
Similar expressions are valid for dl2 and dl20 . We substitute
δWσ = σ δ S (28)
for dl10 and dl20 in Eq. (31) and get
where σ is the surface tension. And the total work is
δW = (P2 − P1 ) δ ζ dS + σ δ S (29) dS0 = dl10 dl20
δζ δζ
At thermodynamic equilibrium this work is equal to zero. = 1+ dl1 1 + dl2
It remains to express the surface area change δ S, R1 R2
δζ δζ
= dl1 dl2 1 + 1+
δ S = dS0 − dS (30) R1 R2 (32)
in terms of the displacement δ ζ and the curvatures of the δζ δζ
= dS 1 + + +
principal normal sections, 1/R1 and 1/R2 . The surface areas R1 R2 R1 R2
before and after the displacement, dS and dS0 , respectively, are
δζ δζ
equal to the product of the length elements along the principal ≈ dS 1 + + , since δ ζ 2 << R1 R2
R1 R2
30 Siqveland, L.M. and Skjæveland, S.M. Capillarity, 2021, 2(2): 23-30

If this expression is substituted into Eq. (30) we get ς = length element along normal, m
ϕ, ψ, χ = function of (u, v)
δ S = dS0 − dS ρ = radius of cap, m
  φ = angle, radians
δζ δζ
= dS 1 + + − dS
R1 R2 (33) Subscripts
δζ δζ c = capillary
= dS +
R1 R2 u = partial derivative with respect to u
This expression is inserted for δ S in Eq. (29) to give v = partial derivative with respect to v
α = constant
Z   Γ = adsorption (kg surfactant/kg rock)
1 1
δW = (P2 − P1 ) δ ζ dS + σ + δ ζ dS γ = interfacial tension, N/m
R1 R2
1 1

(34) Vectors
= −Pc + σ + δ ζ dS
R1 R2 f = vector function, m
= 0, for all δ ζ r = radius vector, m
t = tangent vector, dimensionless
where Pc = P1 − P2 is the capillary pressure. Then, according i, j, k = unit vectors, dimensionless
to the fundamental lemma of calculus of variations Papatzacos h = principal normal to a curve, dimensionless
(1989), n = surface normal, dimensionless
1 1
−Pc + σ + =0 Acknowledgement
R1 R2
Discussions with Paul Papatzacos and Per Amund Amund-
and rearranged we get
sen are acknowledged.
1 1
Pc = σ + (35) Conflict of interest
R1 R2
The authors declare no competing interest.
which is the Young-Laplace equation.
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms and conditions of
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unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
The classical Young-Laplace equation has been derived by original work is properly cited.
detailing the necessary properties of space curves combined
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