Formula Sheet For PETE 315-E1

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Formula Sheet for PETE 315

Know the symbols used for each equation

All conversions required will be provided in the test, like this for example

T F   1.8T C   32

T F   T  R   459.67
T C   T  K   273.15

Recall basic relations learned in previous courses such as: m/V =  density)

Values and units for constant ie. s: g, gc, R, Cp, Cv, Tc, Pc, Mw… value will be given too.

You do not need to memorize long equations, they will be provided, but…

You must know the nomenclature used

You must know what F, P, A, m, z, W, U, H, Q, fv, V, u,  … stand for and in what context, for example.
Superscripts’ and subscripts are used throughout the course and must be associated to specific

Above integral will depend on the variation of P with respect to V.

Generic Energy Balance - Neglecting other forms of energy (magnetic, nuclear…)

U t  Q  W
dU t  dQ  dW
M t  nM or mM with M  U , H , A, G, S ,V

We have not seen these functions yet (A,G,S) (Helmholtz, Gibbs, and Entropy)

Evaluate W given a function relating PVT (i.e. ideal gas equation)

Example below is for isothermal using ideal gas EOS (equation of state).

State Function and Path Dependent Function definition and examples

Chain rule derivatives

For 1 mole of a homogeneous fluid in a closed system

Definitions and uses

Energy balance open systems – two forms

Be able to integrate
Basic and commonly used Integrals

SOPE exercises, interpretation of screen shots for a single component (see example in excel file)

a) Determine 2 phase properties, lever rule

b) Identify properties (saturation pressure, molar volumes, volumetric percentages)

Be able to interpolate from charts

Evaluation of energy functions for ideal gases

Ideal gas formulations



Isochoric (V constant)
Adiabatic (and constant heat capacities Cp and Cv for now)

You can prove all the identities and equivalent ways of computing W above

Cubic EOS uses, determination of constants from critical point constraints, concepts.

Use of charts Z, factor generalized correlations for liquids.

Determine T given P and V, or T given V and P, or V given P and T (the last one not in a test)

RT a
P 
V  b V (V  b)  b(V  b)
PV ideal
V real
V ideal
PV real
For saturated liquid volume

Vsat  Vc Z c 
1Tr  2/7

 Vc Tr  T / Tc 
r  
c V
 Pr  P / Pc 
V2  V1 r1
r 2
SOPE exercises, interpretation of screen shots

c) Determine 2 phase properties, lever rule

d) Identify properties (saturation pressure, molar volumes, volumetric percentages)

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