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Name: Sadia Sayed 1911783626

Section: 12

For this reflection paper, I have chosen a Fair and Lovely advertisementFair & Lovely - TV ad
In this advertisement, both classical and operant conditioning has been used very cleverly.But
from my perspective, this advertisement is nothing but a racist message to the community that
only white skin is the qualification for any job no matter how much your academic background
Description of the Advertisement :
We can see that a young woman from a household with limited income needs a job and seeks
to land a position as an air hostess in this advertisement for Fair & Lovely fairness cream. But
she has poor self-esteem and loses a lot of her confidence. because of her skin's drab color.
While she was having a breakdown emotionally When you're considering it, a television
commercial that claims using That product will assist the user in achieving clearer, fairer skin,
which will increase her confidence to apply for the job.
After using the product the girl become fair in terms of skin color overnight and she applied for
an air hostage job and got it. Also the pilot is looking at her as she is very beautiful now .And her
family is very proud of her now.

How Classical and Operant conditioning is relevant to this advertisement :

In classical conditioning, a neutral stimulus that acts repeatedly as a teaching tool
teaches us about what is known as the unconditional stimulus. When a reaction to a
neutral stimulus begins to resemble a response to an unconditional stimulus, the neutral
stimulus changes into a conditioned stimulus, and the current response changes into a
conditioned response.
We shall first examine the application of classical conditioning by marketers in this
advertising. From the commercial, we learn that a family is concerned about meeting
their financial obligations. And as we all know, having a job is necessary in order to
provide for a family. In this case, "financial support for a family" is acting as a neutral
stimulus. We all learn and come to realize from our surroundings and society that we
must at some time provide for our family, and in order to do so, we must have a job that
will pay us. Therefore, we infer from the advertising that "pursuing a job" is an
unconditional stimulant.
At the point when the lady in the commercial remembers she believes the occupation
should help her loved ones, "looking for a job" is her reaction, which here turns into the
molded reaction, and "supporting her family monetarily" turns into the conditioned

A type of learning where a voluntary reaction aids in producing a rewarding response

that is more likely to be repeated. The operant conditioning model is based on two
components. Reinforcement and Reinforcer are the two terms. A stimulus that improves
the likelihood that an action will be repeated is known as reinforcement. The reinforcer
in this process is the stimulus that raises likelihood.

In the second section of the advertising, we can see that she decides on a position as
an air hostess. We are all aware of how terribly the people of South Asian nations are
fascinated with having white skin and think that having a fairer complexion is necessary
to pursue a career as an air hostess. Due to her dark skin, the woman in the ad has
diminished self-esteem and loses confidence in her ability to land the job. The Fair and
Lovely fairness cream marketers seized the opportunity to demonstrate fairness as the
source of confidence in this situation and responded appropriately.

They demonstrated how utilizing their product would make the customer fairer, which
would next help her gain confidence and lastly help her seek the job. Therefore, the
claim that "being confident by using the fairness cream" here has functioned as a
reinforcer, and after using the product, the lady becomes fairer (according to the
manufacturer), more confident, and eventually wins the job. Based on operant
conditioning, the entire hiring process is referred to as reinforcement.

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