Trio - Presentation

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TRIO Program

Daniela Chavez - Vanesa Sierra

Alejandro Llamas
What is TRIO?
● Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 in response to War on Poverty.

● 7 PROGRAMS: Educational Opportunity Centers, Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate

Achievement Program, Upward Bound Math & Science and Veterans Upward Bound,

Including 3 Original Upward Bound, Talent Search, and Student Support Services.

● Income- Educational based -1st Gen.

● KEY SERVICES: Academic advising, educational workshops, college application and

financial aid assistance, after school tutoring, college visits and cultural field trips

● TRIO programs currently serve 790,000 underrepresented students

Contemporary Issue
● TRIO focuses on supporting students academically and educate them in college and universities but lack

support programs to maintain them in higher institutions

● TRIO fails to provide financial security and assistance to students after high school graduation
“Soft Money” Fun Fact:

Budget Presidents can request to eliminate

80% of grant funds is for Salaries and Benefits
- Regan, ‘81, Bush Jr. ‘05, Trump ‘18
Students being served are the most affected
by funding.

- Changes in the Prosper Act

Prosper Act
● The Educational Opportunity Centers (HEA) reauthorization bill proposed

○ The PROSPER act “eliminating the Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant and Public Service Loan Forgiveness”

affecting low-income students who benefited from student loans.

● ONE Loan Program

● The act would mandate the institutions to match 20% of the non-federal dollars for their TRIO programs
● Sam Blanco III- Director at UC
Davis School of Education,
(Talent Search and Upward
Bound) 30 Years
● Transitioned from
Engineering into Student
Pre-College TRIO Programs
Talent Search Upward Bound

- Funded 500-1000 Students - 108 Students

- Personal; 1 on 1 Communication
- Numbers Driven
- Biggest Difference- Family Relationships
- Application Process for Seniors - Summer Program (Help raise them and
- Big group Presentations monitor educational advancement)

Trust & Belonging

Cons: Fails to support Undoc Students (in the

works with Congress)
- More College/University Federally Funded Programs

- $$$

- Lobby for support for the TRIO Program

About TRIO. Trio programs. (2021). September 27, 2021.

Council for Opportunity in Education. (n-d.) National Trio Day Action Packet. Retrieved from

Council for Opportunity in Education. (n-d.-a) Advocacy. Retrieved from

Darville, S. April 11, 2018. PROSPER act’s Impact on TRIO programs concerns many schools. Retrieved 2021

Grieve, K. February 6, 2018. The prosper act and TRIO students. Retrieved from

Hallman, C. September 6, 2014. TRIO teaches high school students the culture of college. Retrieved 2021.

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