CSTP 5 Assessing Students For Learning - Eviednce 11 26 2022 2

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CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

5.1 Apply knowledge of the purposes, characteristics, and uses of different types of assessments

● Levels of Development: Exploring, Innovating

Explores the use of different types of pre-assessment, formative and summative assessments.

● Date: August, 2022

● Evidence: Uses Kahoot as an entrance ticket to access student knowledge. Here is a kahoot used
as an entrance ticket to review the Tang Dynasty before my lesson on the Song Dynasty. Kahoot
● Uses formative assessments to gage how comfortable students are in the pace of the lesson.
Assesses student analytical skills through a variety of written assessments. Assesses students in a
group, orally and written in a particular unit.

Level of development : applying

Decides on the purpose for assessment and skills to be assessed to select appropriately matches pre-, formative and
summative assessments. 7/16/2022

Selects assessments based on clear understanding of the purposes and characteristics of assessments to support
student learning. 11/26/2022

Date: November 2022

Evidence: Uses written assessments that evaluate compare and contrasting events. Link to venn diagram where
students are asked to both graph and compare and contrast the American and French revolutions. Students are
assessed on their writing as a component of this exercise. link to assignment

Uses both multiple choice and multiple answers to assess student learning in cumulative assessments.

level of development: integrating

Integrates a variety of characteristics into assessments to allow students with a ranges of learning needs to
demonstrate what they know.

date: 5/5/2023

evidence: Assesses student analytical skills through a variety of written assessments. Writing/ FCQ MRQ question

This is an example of question types given on a unit exam. This is an example of NBPTS standards 3 content.

link to test question types

Assesses students in a group, orally and written in a particular unit.

5.2 Collect and analyze assessment data from variety of sources to inform instruction

● Level of Development: Emerging, integrating

● Use data from required assessments to assess student learning.
● Follows required processes for data analysis and draws conclusions about student learning
● Date: August 2022
● Evidence: Uses data from Canvas quizzes to assess student learning after an exam .By analyzing
this data I revisit concepts before moving onto the next unit, 8/16/2022 Designs and integrates an
assessment plan that provides formal and informal assessment data on student learning
● Informal assessment using an exit ticket. Students are asked to describe Japanese art and
compare and contrast Japanese and Chinese art. link to note sheet with exit ticket

Level of development : integrating

Designs and integrates an assessment plan that provides formal and informal assessment data on student learning.

Date: November 2022

1. Incorporates both formative and summative assessments such as exit tickets and reading quizzes Here is a link
to my POP cycle lesson where I followed direct instruction with exit ticket questions to assess learning. link to note

2. Assigns weekly quizzes on reading comprehension and other learning activities

level of development: integrating

Designs and integrates an assessment plan that provides formal and informal assessment data on student learning.

date: 5/5/2023

evidence: 1.Incorporates both formative and summative assessments such as exit tickets and reading quizzes

2.Assigns weekly quizzes on reading comprehension and other learning activities

Here is an example of a reading quiz I assigned this past unit to assess their reading comprehension. This is also an
example of technology integration since the quiz was take online.

5.3 Review data, both individually and with colleagues, to monitor student learning
Level of Development: exploring, innovating

● Reviews and monitors additional assessment data individually and with colleagues and identifies

learning needs of individual students.

● Facilitates collaborative work and fosters colleagues ability to identify and address causes for

achievement patterns and trends.

● Date: Month and Year: August 2022

● Evidence: Periodically meets with co teachers to assess data from unit assessments. Meets with co
teachers and colleagues to discuss specific students' learning needs. Meets with co teachers to
discuss achievements and challenges of freshmen students. Meets with teachers cross curricular to
discuss patterns of freshmen students.

Level of development: Integrating

Reviews and monitors a broad range of data individually and with colleagues to analyze student thinking and
identify underlying causes for trends.

date: November 2022

evidence: 1. Regularly meets with co teachers to assess data from unit assessments and other learning activities.

2. Meets with co teachers and colleagues to discusses specific students learning needs such as writing skills

level of development: innovating

Facilitates collaborative work and fosters colleagues ability to identify and address causes for achievement patterns
and trends.

date: 5/5/2023

evidence: 1. Meets with co teachers to discuss achievements and challenges of freshmen students.

2. Meets with teachers cross curricular to discuss patterns of freshmen students.

5.4 Use assessment data to establish learning goals and to plan, differentiate, and modify


● Level of Development: exploring, integrating

● Uses data from available assessments to establish content-based learning goals for class and
individual students in single lessons or sequences of lessons.
● Plans adjustments in instruction to address learning needs of individual students.
● Uses a broad range of data to set learning goals for content and academic language that are
integrated across content standards for individuals and groups.
● Plans differentiated instruction targeted to meet individual and group learning needs.
● Modifies lessons during instruction based on informal assessments.

● Date: Month and Year August 2022

● Evidence:Uses data to create content related goals. Plans adjustments such as more time or use of
a translator to fit student needs. Uses previous semesters quiz statistics to set learning goals. Plans
extra time and supplemental materials for EL and special needs students.

Level of development: Integrating

Uses a broad range of data to set learning goals for content and academic language that are integrated across content
standards for individuals and groups.

Plans differentiated instruction targeted to meet individual and group learning needs.

Modifies lessons during instruction based on informal assessments

Date: November 2022
1. Uses previous semesters quiz statistics to set learning goals and adjusts accordingly
2. Plans extra time and supplemental materials for EL and special needs students. Such as extra time given to
IEP on POP cycle quiz.Link to Canvas quiz given - Focus student with IEP was given 5 extra minutes. The
format has been changed by changing file type. Link to quiz

level of development: integrating

Modifies lessons during instruction based on informal assessments.

date: 5/5/2023

evidence: 1. Uses previous semesters quiz statistics to set learning goals and adjusts accordingly
Here is an example of evidence of quiz statistics I analyzed which informed my teaching of what to reteach and
review before the unit final. This is an example of TLMS domain 5, promoting the use of assessment of assessments
for school and district improvements. This is also an example of technology integration since it was online testing
and data.

2. Plans extra time and supplemental materials for EL and special needs students. Such as extra time given to IEP or
reading quiz.

5.5 Involve all students in self-assessment, goal setting, and monitoring progress

● Level of Development: emerging, innovating

● Informs students about learning objectives, outcomes, and summative assessment results.
Recognizes the need for individual learning goals. Monitors progress using available tools for
● Provides systematic opportunities for student self-assessment, goal setting, and progress
● Date: August 2022
● Evidence: Discusses learning objectives at the beginning of each class period. Here is an image of

my slide show of a lesson on Japan’s geography. Uses

Canvas for data to monitor student progress. Assigns mid semester self-reflection on progress in
class. Meets with students in tutoring period to work with students on goal setting.

Level of Development:integrating

Implements structures for students to self-assess and set learning goals related to content, academic language, and
individual skills.
Date: November 2022


1. Asks students to create a unit goal for themselves such as improving quiz scores or improving reading
comprehension Here is a screen shot of a recent goal setting activity I did with my honors World history

2. Asks students to create a learning goal for the day completion, mastery, half of assignment. 11/ 26/2022

level of development: integrating

Implements structures for students to self-assess and set learning goals related to content, academic language, and
individual skills.

date: 5/5/2023


1. Students create a unit goal for themselves such as improving quiz scores or improving reading comprehension

This evidence is an example of a unit goal setting activity I did this past week.
2. Students create a learning goal for the day completion, mastery, half of assignment

5.6 Use available technologies to assist in assessment, analysis, and communication of student


● Level of Development: emerging, integrating

● Uses available technologies to record assessments, determine proficiency levels, and make
required communications about student learning.
● Integrates a variety of technologies into the development, implementation, analysis of
assessments, and communication of student learning to all audiences.
● Date: Month and Year: August 2022
● Evidence: Uses Canvas and Excel to record and monitor data during the semester. Uses data to
inform students on class and individual progress. Uses data from Canvas to assess learning.
Communicates that to class such as averages and where most people struggled with material.
Uses online games to review and discuss data with students.

Level of development:

Date: November 2022

Evidence: 1. Uses a variety of online platforms and apps to create a video project. Here is a link to the resource
page I created to provide information on the different online apps and resources they could use to create their video

projects. link to page This evidence is an example of ISTE standard Leader and collaborator (applying). This

activity asks students to create a video to share with their class where they teach the material. They are also

practicing digital citizenship with their uses of online platforms and apps.

2. Uses a variety of online games to review information with students.

level of development: integrating

​Integrates a variety of technologies into the development, implementation, analysis of assessments, and
communication of student learning to all audiences

date: 5/5/2023

evidence:1. Uses a variety of online platforms and apps to create a video project.

2. Uses a variety of online games to review information with students.

Here is a link to a Blooket review game I created to review for a unit test. This is also an example of technology

link to Blooket review game

5.7 Use assessment information to share timely and comprehensible feedback with students and

their families

● Level of Development: emerging, applying

● Provides students with feedback through assessed work and required summative assessments.
● Notifies families of student proficiencies, challenges, and behavior issues through school
mandated procedures.
● Provides students with clear and timely information about strengths, needs, and strategies for
improving academic achievement.
● Date: Month and Year August 2022
● Evidence:Provides feedback on learning activities and end of unit assessments. Provided
feedback on unit assessment to “ Be specific and use more unit/ historical details to support your
written questions.” Emails and/or calls parents to discuss challenges and progress. Provides
feedback to students in a timely manner after end of unit assessments. (before next unit) Gives
feedback to students in progress reports

Level of development: applying

Provides students with clear and timely information about strengths, needs, and strategies for improving academic
Date: November 2022

Evidence: 1. Provides feedback to students in learning activities in a timely manner after end of unit assessments.
In a recent activity for thesis writing using evidence, I provided feedback on canvas such as “ use specific evidence
when writing a thesis statement.” This is an example of ISTE standard citizen and learner (applying). Students will
use their online textbook and other online resources to find evidence to support/apply to their thesis statements.
Students will use digital citizenship when engaging in using online resources and platforms.

2. Gives feedback to students in progress reports and parent teacher conferences.

level of development: integrating

Communicates regularly with families to share a range of assessment information that is comprehensible and
responsive to individual student and family needs.

date: 5/5/2023

evidence: 1. Emails/calls parents of student that are at risk of getting a non passing grade. Provides test scores and
options to improve learning.

2. Emails/ calls parents of kids that are doing well or achieved a small or large victory in class 5/5/2023

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