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Committed to Improving the State of the World

My name is Byambagaraw Erdenebat.

Education and environment. These two things are what I live for. Everything I talk here pretty
much relates to and refer to human and further state of the country and essentially the world.
The world has been encountering difficult times. We have been told and addressed that the
global warming, desertification and scarcity of pure water, undoubtedly excruciating and
pressing issues. But what is more terrifying? We admit and know it all well and do nothing. Just
like we know that we need to learn new things and do nothing. And even most excruciating thing
is telling ourselves that we are not smart enough to do this. Therefore, this starts connecting
with an education. Education is nothing about getting all the As in only class and entitling
yourself if I am educated. Instead, it is being well-aware of everything is possible if we try, even
if parents and teacher tell us we are dump and not talented. Education is needed in everyday life
through interacting with people and nature, essentially to oneself. This might seem easy
understanding but it is not really because it is not taught in school. Especially in Mongolia. We
had been told that math is difficult and English is unlearnable. But it was difficult because we
and I did not know we can learn these things. Drawing beautiful nature starts with sketching
through shapes. I did not know it when I was told I was not talented at drawing by a teacher.
Hearing this was difficult than drawing ugly pictures. Planting tree and watering are not difficult.
Telling ourselves that we cannot do is difficult. That is why we need a thorough understanding
about education to make sure people pick up on it and nothing will cross the road.
Statement of interest outlining your personal and professional achievements
I have become well aware of why and how I need to learn. Before heading over to this, I had a few
opportunities to get scholarships from Golomt Bank and Battsetseg. B Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Returning to talk of learning, this is the key achievement for everything and anything I want to earn in my
life. It took me 4 years to pick up on at least knowing that learning makes everything possible. When I
was in high school, I would love to draw on my sketchbook, just draw things as I see them in the picture.
I was not able to draw on my imagination. But I stopped one day after I was told that I was not talented at
drawing by one teacher. From then on, the idea of genius is born got its room to fit in my head. Every
time I fail on something, this idea immediately popped into my head and heart. Indeed, I related to acne
and nose redness issues, to be called a clown by the time the idea was set. Therefore, not looking
handsome plus being able to do nothing started to sprout in me. Smart, handsome, and rich people are
chosen. Fortunately, I was lucky enough to come to MIU after high school, learning English had opened
up everything to me. Not as a language opens doors, but rather, I learned English all by myself once I
grasped that I could learn things on my own. That confidence flipped all over my thoughts about life and
purpose. Therefore, I started drawing pictures once again through online courses and tutorials. Learning
new things is pretty contagious and awesome. I cannot be happier. This achievement of mine will be
found in either my personal or professional attainment in ahead of time. I mean it.

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