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 Understand the purpose and importance of writing manuals.

 Learn the different types of manuals and their characteristics.
 Develop the skills to write an effective manual.

Whiteboard and markers
Handout on different types of manuals
Examples of manuals for demonstration 


I. Introduction (5 minutes)
 Introduce the topic of writing manuals and explain its importance.
 Ask students if they have ever read a manual and what their experience was like.

II. Understanding the Different Types of Manuals (15 minutes)

 Provide a handout on different types of manuals and their characteristics.
 Go through each type and explain its purpose and characteristics.

III. Examples of Manuals (15 minutes)

 Provide examples of manuals for demonstration.
 Discuss the features of each manual and how they are effective in achieving their

IV. Writing a Manual (20 minutes)

 Divide students into pairs.
 Assign each pair to write a manual on a topic of their choice.
 Encourage students to use the characteristics of the different types of manuals they
learned earlier in the lesson.
 Provide feedback and suggestions to each pair.
V. Conclusion (5 minutes)
 Ask each pair to present their manual to the class.
 Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each manual.
 Recap the different types of manuals and their characteristics.

The assessment will be based on the written manual produced by each pair. The manual should
effectively communicate the information, demonstrate an understanding of the purpose of the
manual, and incorporate the characteristics of the different types of manuals discussed in the

Students can create a video or presentation to accompany their manual. This will provide an
opportunity to enhance their creativity and presentation skills.

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