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Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1.

What is the text about?

a. An advertisement c. A schedule
b. An announcement d. A label

____ 2.

Based on the schedule, what time should the writer have lunch?
a. 11:00 c. 12:30
b. 12:00 d. 02:00
____ 3.

According to the schedule, story time is earlier than ............   

a. lunch c. last pick up
b. circle time d. outdoor group activity

____ 4.

What is the purpose of    schedule above?

a. To arrange camping activities c. To retell camping activity
b. To support camping activities d. To report camping activity
____ 5.

Where does the dialogue take place?

a. In the garden c. An Beni’s home
b. At Siti’s home d. In the classroom

____ 6.

What does Siti’s habit based on the dialogue?

a. Siti studies hard every day c. Siti always comes to school early
b. Siti always cleans classroom d. Siti help Beni to do the homework
____ 7.

What time does Siti always leave home to school?

a. at 5 in the morning c. at 5 in the afternoon
b. at 6 in the morning d. at 6 in the afternoon

____ 8. Julia is in the classroom now. There are her two friends, Frank and Hera who are discussing about Biology
lesson. They are spending the break time discussing about the next experiment. They are dividing the job.
Frank has to find the object of the experiment while Julia and Hera prepare the report. The discussion is over
by the time the bell rings.

Where is Julia?
a. In the laboratory c. In the canteen
b. In the classroom d. In the library

____ 9. Julia is in the classroom now. There are her two friends, Frank and Hera who are discussing about Biology
lesson. They are spending the break time discussing about the next experiment. They are dividing the job.
Frank has to find the object of the experiment while Julia and Hera prepare the report. The discussion is over
by the time the bell rings.

What do they have a discussion for?

a. To divide the job for an experiment c. To study Biology
b. To do a homework d. To prepare for a test

____ 10. A: When do you go home?

B: It is at 1.30

The letter of the time is .......

a. a half past one c. a quarter past one
b. a half past two d. a quarter to one

____ 11. Merry and Hedda usually have dinner at twenty to two. The number of the time is .........
a. 1.40 c. 2.20
b. 2.45 d. 1.20

____ 12.

Based on the school timetable, how often do the students learn science?
a. 1 times a week c. 3 times a week
b. 2 times a week d. 4 times a week

____ 13.

Based on the school timetable, what time the students get home on Friday?
a. 09.30 c. 12.00
b. 08.20 d. 10.00

____ 14.

Based on the school timetable, how many lessons are given to the students??
a. Twelve c. Eleven
b. Thirteen d. Fourteen

____ 15. Sandy : “Is this your hat? I find it under my table.”
Brian : “Yes, that is mine. Thank you”
Sandy : “.................”
a. I’m glad to see you c. Excuse me
b. See you d. My pleasure
____ 16. Kaniya : “Could I sit here?”
Merry : “Of course.”
Kaniya : “.................”
Merry : “Sure”
a. Sorry c. Bye
b. Thank you very much d. Nope

____ 17.
What is she doing?
a. She is moppig the floor c. She is washing clothes
b. She is sweeping the floor d. She is cleaning the bedroom

____ 18. living room - We - painting - are - the

            1                          2                    3                  4              5

The good arrangement sentence is ............

a. 2-1-4-5-3 c. 2-3-1-5-4
b. 2-4-5-1-3 d. 2-4-3-5-1

____ 19.

The correct sentence based on picture is .........

a. They are riding horse in the park c. They are cycling in the park
b. They are fishing in the park d. They are studying in the park

____ 20. A : May I borrow your pen?

B : .........., I am still using it now.
a. Sure c. My pleasure
b. Okay d. Sorry

____ 21. There ....... ten children in the classroom.

a. is c. isn’t
b. are d. aren’t

____ 22.

The correct statement based on picture is .............

a. There is three pillows on the bed c. There is two lamps in the room
b. There are three pillows on the bed d. There is a table in the room

____ 23. Arrange this sentence into good sentence!

is - under - There - a girl - the tree

1            2                    3                    4                    5
a. 3-1-2-5-4 c. 3-1-4-2-5
b. 3-5-1-2-4 d. 3-4-1-5-2

____ 24. There are many kinds of books in the library such as science, sociology, linguistics, biology, psychology and
religion. Every student can borrow it in the library. They should bring library member card. The students
should return the book on time, if not, students have to pay the fine Rp 1.000 for each book.

How many kinds of book are there?

a. Three c. Five
b. Four d. Six

____ 25. There are many kinds of books in the library such as science, sociology, linguistics, biology, psychology and
religion. Every student can borrow it in the library. They should bring library member card. The students
should return the book on time, if not, students have to pay the fine Rp 1.000 for each book.

Every student can borrow it in the library.

The underline word refers to ............
a. book c. time
b. student d. money

____ 26. The picture that show plural noun is .........

a. c.

b. d.

____ 27. There .......... some eggs in the refrigerator.

a. is c. am
b. are d. was

____ 28. She ............... (drive) the car now.

a. are driving c. will driving
b. is driving d. am driving

____ 29.

The correct sentences based on picture is ...........

a. They are watch movie c. They is watch movie
b. They are watching movie d. They is watching movie

____ 30. What time is it? (3.15)

a. a quarter past two c. a quarter past three
b. a quarter to two d. a quarter to three

____ 31. What time do you taking a nap? (1.50)

a. One past fifty c. Ten to two
b. Fifty past one d. Ten past ten

____ 32.

Where is the location Kevin’s school cafetaria?

a. in the park c. in the room
b. in the back yard d. in the street

____ 33.

They like to have lunch here because the price is reasonable.

The meaning of the underline word is .........
a. cheap c. a lot of
b. expensive    d. slow

____ 34.
“....... their houses are far from school.”
The antonym of the underline word is ........
a. high c. near
b. thick d. weak
____ 35.

The correct sentences based on picture is ...........

a. There are two cars in the garage
b. There is two car in the garage
c. There are two red cars in the garage
d. There is black car in the garage

____ 36.
What subject does Lucas have on the second period of Wednesday?
a. English c. Science
b. Art d. Mathematics

____ 37.

What does the English teacher think about Lucas?

a. The teacher likes Lucas very much c. The teacher thinks Lucas is smart
b. The teacher thinks Lucas is good at d. The teacher thinks Lucas is a good student
____ 38.

How long does Intan usually do jogging on Monday?

a. 15 minutes c. 45 minutes
b. 30 minutes d. An hour

____ 39.

What does Intan do at 2.15?

a. Going home c. Doing assignment
b. Taking Math course d. Taking English course
____ 40.

What does Intan to do after going home from an English course?

a. Doing assignment alone c. Go to bed
b. Doing group assignment d. Jogging

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