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English 2

Submission Dates: From March 4th to March 9th, 2023.

Part 1 Writing:

What did you do when you were a child?

Objective: Write about past events using

vocabulary and time expressions that provide more
details about your activities in the past.

English Use, Grammar and Vocabulary:

 To be in past simple
 Simple past

 The written part must have at least 200 words.
 Use the past of to be and the past simple to mention what you did when you were
a child.
 Be careful with the use of capital letters and punctuation marks.


1. Write a short paragraph about your favorite activities when you were a child. Be
specific by giving details about when it was, where you were, what you did, what
you participated in, what you practiced or any other information to talk about your
activities as a child.


When I was a kid…

When I was a kid, I spent time with my siblings. They were my best friends in that
moment and we played a lot for enjoying our childhood. We usually played in the parks
or in our home. I remember we went to parks, we climbed the biggest trees or played to
throw things. We sometimes carried a ball to play soccer and spent time with other kids
and made new friends. Sometimes our mom got us money for buying ice cream or
something like that. When we spent time at home, we liked to play on the terrace
different things, we usually were jumping or made a pool and played with our pet. When
we were in our bedroom, we liked to draw anime or to watch TV about our favorite
programs in the morning and we liked to eat on the bed. I remember that my older sister
had a friend that had a bike. I wanted to ride a bike but I did not know so I told him to
show me how I can do it and I learned to ride a bike when I was 10 years old. I spent
time riding bike in my neighborhood and I was really happy in that moment because I
always wanted to ride bike, I loved to be a kid because childhood was amazing.
Part 2 Speaking:

What did you do when you were a child?

Objective: Talk about past events using vocabulary and

time expressions that provide more details about your
activities in the past using to be in past and the simple past.



1. Make a video of you talking about your childhood memories.

2. Prepare a video of 2 minutes (maximum 3); complement your speech with real
pictures of you and your childhood memories; show yourself talking, avoid
reading, your speech needs to be natural; keep good pronunciation.

3. For the video you can use OBS studio or any
other software that lets you record the video.

4. You can use Canva or any other creative tool to organize the images and the
sentences, if you want (not mandatory).
5. Upload your video to YouTube and give it public access, make sure the link for
the video works fine.
6. Paste the link for your YouTube video in the following box:

YouTube video link:

** How do I upload a video to YouTube?

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