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A cult cell caused the crash of a lizardman boat stole their breeding pods then corrupted them to use

as a distraction
for the locals while it excavated an ancient crypt that contained shards of an ancient pre exodus liches phalactry that
was shattered and scattered over the land.

The players will start to learn there is very very high end corruption subverting the defences of the kingdom but will
learn this too late as by the time they have returned to northwatch ever dawn will be at war with the vampire
kingdom and rumours will start that contact has been lost with the dwarven trading holds

The cult are mortal worshipers of a litch that they believe to be the chosen of the god of death and are attempting to
create a second coming type situation by collecting souls

The vampires will be claiming that they have no choice but to attack as they need arable land or their mortal
residents will starve after a trade treaty fell thru recently (it was actively sabotaged by the cult) and everdawn
hoards all the best farmland. Only the “samurai Vampires” will know about the sabotage as they are allied with the
cult to attempt a coo on the current rulers by assisting the litches resurrection and ganing the favor of the god of
death while also weaking the other housed in the war.

The cult is collecting souls as a pre exodus machine has been found deep undersground in a rural part of everdawn
near the boarder with the dwarven kingdoms that can take souls and resurrect the litch, unknown to the cult the
machine could also be used to resurrect a god and the evil weretigers have discovered this and are currently
gatherting to work against them to use the power to bring back their dead god (helped by the evil fae).


In the years after the exodus the lycans struggled their numbers dwindled in the war and their dark brothers and
sisters the weres how ever prospered in an alliance with the vampires of silvania, there once balanced pantheon
decended into turmoil and tore itself appaft the light aspects of the bear disappearing when the dark aspect of the
rat, bear and wolf tore appart the light aspects of rat and wolf and stole their divine energy, leaving the aspects of
Bore and Tiger to choose neutrality for their children in the civil war. For years the dark wererats, were bears and
were wolves waged a hidden war against the Lycan Bears and Lycan wolves until there werebears and the Lycan
wolves were all but wiped out, leaving the world to belive to this day that Werewolves and wererats are all evil
creatures of terror and that werebears (actualy Lycan bears to those that know) are the only were creature that has
ever been aligned to good and right. This has been the state of the Lycanthrope race and pantheon for hundreds of
years, but now mistics of the bore and tiger whisper of ancient gods returning and the strands of fate moving. Dark
prophesies and world shattering predictions are scribed in the dark forests of Sylvania and the lycanthropes of the
new world once again seam poised for war.
The 12 Kingdoms: Reforged
The Kingdoms
The Empire of New Everdawn
This human kingdom is the most expansive kingdom on the continent and controls the most lush and verdant plains
and meadows on all of Tyrathael. They are ruled by the king and queen from new Everdawn city and the land is good
and just.

Šinšerāmansk (The Cities of Sin)

This country is a ruled by ancient houses of vampire in a loose alliance, ruled by a single house the courts of the night
are dangerous and political places where monsters wear masks of nobility and play a game of pawns and blood with
centuries of practice.

The main houses of the Cities of sin

House Vladislav – Headed by the Red Duke, he and his concubine the Golden lady rule all of Šinšerāmansk and are
the heads of the court of the night.

House Cavaler – This house is the most militaristic of the houses, seeing themselves as noble knights and soldiers,
even champions of the people. They pray on the strong and those they see as a challenge.

House Vrajitoare – Obsessed with magic and beauty this house rules their land thru sorcery and enchantments, the
people of the Vrajitoare are the happiest in the country because of this.

House Verde’Balaur – once a great clan from the Shogunate Dynasties of Darastrix they were conquered during the
Dragon blood wars and embraced into the court of the night and their lands claimed by Šinšerāmansk.

House Urat – this house lives in the old ruins of Šinšerāmansk and rules thru true fear and terror, they are twisted by
the blood embrace this house is vile and malformed.

Shogunate Dynasties of Darastrix

This kingdom is run by 9 great Dynesties. Ruled by a Shogun

Crab (Defenders, Teritorial) = Blue Dragon Clan

Crane (Advisors) = Silver Dragon Clan
Dragon (Mystics) = Gold Dragon Clan
Lion (Warriors) = Red Dragon Clan
Lion (Warriors) = White Dragon Clan
Pheonix (Magicians) = Brass Dragon Clan
Scorpion (spies, Evil) = Black Dragon Clan
Unicorn (Justice) = Bronze Dragon Clan
Mantic (Mercs, tricksters) = Copper Dragon Clan

Green Dragon Clan destroyed/become vampires

The Stoneborn Concord

An alliance between three stone born races, the dwarves, the goliaths and Stone Wemics.

The Elder Empire

The empire of the elven people

The Savage Clans

This alliance of the savage races

Ku-Quar Xatithia (The Isles of Xatithia)

Land of the Lizardfolk
The Free States Alliance
A conglomerate of island city states

Underwater Humans
Demon empire
Yuanti Empire
Human Pantheon
Greater deities
Sol, god of the Sun, Light, Strength, and Healing.

Intermediate deities

Dark Pantheon
Greater deities

Intermediate deities
Lizardfolk Weapons
Tribal Club (4gp) 1D6 1D8


+2 Dexterity, -4 Strength, -2 Constitution. Ophidian are weak and frail, but their size grants them quickness.

Humanoid (reptilian): Ophidian are humanoids reptilian subtypes.

Small: As a Small creature, a Ophidian gains a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a -4 size
penalty on grapple checks, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but she uses smaller weapons than humans use, and
her lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of a Medium character.

Ophidian base land speed is 30 feet.

+1 natural Armor bonus.

Darkvision: Ophidian can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like
normal sight. Kobolds can function just fine with no light at all.

Natural Weapons: Ophidian have two primary claw attacks that deal 1d3 points of slashing damage plus Strength
bonus, and a secondary bite attack that deals 1d3 points of piercing damage plus 1/2 Strength bonus. Despite
possibly being the weakest reptilian humanoid, Ophidian retain a connection to their feral nature.

Slight Build: The physical stature of Ophidian lets them function in many ways as if they were one size category
smaller. Whenever a Ophidian is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check (such as
Hide), the Ophidian is treated as one size smaller if doing so is advantageous to the character. A Ophidian is also
considered to be one size smaller when "squeezing" through a restrictive space. A Ophidian can use weapons
designed for a creature one size smaller without penalty. However, the space and reach of a Ophidian remain those
of a creature of their actual size. The benefits of this racial trait stack with the effects of powers, abilities, and spells
that change the subject's size category.

Weapon Proficiency: Ophidian receive the Martial Weapon Proficiency feats for the Tribal club and bolas as bonus
feats. Ophidianare born and bred hunter, regardless of their actual profession, allowing them to easily wield these

All Poison add Craft (Poison) to their list of class skills.

Automatic Language: Lizardfolk. Bonus Languages: Common and Undercommon.

Favored Class: ranger. A multiclass Ophidian sorcerer class does not count when determining whether she takes an
experience point penalty for multiclassing.

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