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GENERAL (See Plan) be located in Germany, or when the intention is to pass through the Kiel
a) name, distinctive number or letters and type of vessel;
b) flag of the vessel;
GEO-POLITICAL: c) LOA, beam and draft of the vessel (in metres);
Capital City: Berlin. d) port of destination of the vessel;
Nationality: (noun) German, (adjective) German. e) estimated time of arrival at the port of destination/estimated time of
Population: 82,369,548. departure;
COMMUNICATIONS: f) intended route;
International Direct Dial Code: 49. g) the correct technical names of the dangerous or polluting goods,
Number of Internal Airports: 331. complete with their UN Numbers and Classes in accordance with the
Major Languages Spoken: German. IMDG, IBC and IGC Codes, as appropriate, the quantities of such
ECONOMY: goods and their location on board and, if in portable tanks or freight
Currency: 1 Euro (EUR) of 100 Cents. containers, their identification marks (e.g. the container’s distinctive
Exchange: (as of May 2008) letters and number);
US$ 1.00 ␦ EUR 0.64 h) confirmation that a list or manifest or appropriate loading plan, giving
EUR 1.00 ␦ US$ 1.56 details of the dangerous or polluting goods carried and of their location
Exchange rates under licence from on the vessel, is kept on the navigating bridge or in the vessel’s
Main Industries: Among the world’s largest and most technologically operations centre.
advanced producers of iron, steel, coal, cement, chemicals, machinery, The obligation to forward the particulars referred to in Item (g) above shall
vehicles, machine tools, electronics, food and beverages, shipbuilding and be deemed to have been fulfilled when these particulars have been made
textiles. available to the competent port authority, or to the agency designated by
ENVIRONMENT: such authority, and can be transmitted from there to the Central Reporting
Territorial Sea: 12 n.m. Point, upon the latter’s request, at any time (a list of such port authorities
Other Maritime Claims: Continental Shelf: 200-m depth or to the depth of and designated agencies shall be made known to the public by the competent
exploitation. Exclusive Economic Zone: 200 n.m. Waterways and Shipping Directorate). This exemption shall not apply when
Coastline Extent: 2,389 km. the intention is only to pass through the Kiel Canal.
Climate: Temperate and marine; cool, cloudy, wet winters and summers; 2. The operator of any vessel carrying dangerous or polluting goods, whether
occasional warm mountain (foehn) wind. in bulk or in packaged form, and leaving a German port shall, prior to leaving,
Natural Resources: Coal, lignite, natural gas, iron ore, copper, nickel, forward the particulars referred to in Item 2.1 above to the Central Reporting
uranium, potash, salt, construction materials, timber and arable land. Point. The obligation to forward the particulars referred to in Item 2.1(g) above
Natural Hazards: Flooding. shall be deemed to have been fulfilled when these particulars have been
Terrain: Lowlands in north, uplands in centre, Bavarian Alps in south. made available to the competent port authority, or to the agency designated
Average Temperatures: by such authority, and can be transmitted from there to the Central Reporting
Month High Low Point, upon the latter’s request, at any time (a list of such port authorities
January 3␥ C -2␥ C and designated agencies shall be made known to the public by the competent
June 23␥ C 10␥ C Waterways and Shipping Directorate).
3. When a vessel bound for, or leaving, the internal waters of Germany is
September 20␥ C 10␥ C
involved in a marine casualty or in any other incident or circumstance from
RESTRICTIONS: which actual damage to the German coastline or related interests arises or
Compulsory Reporting System in the Inner German Bight: is threatening to arise, the vessel’s Master, with a view to preventing pollution,
All vessels, towing and pushing units included, exceeding 50 m. in length shall forthwith forward the particulars of such marine casualty or other incident
must report as follows: or circumstance, complete with the particulars referred to in Item 2.1 above,
A. Shipping Police Reports: to the Central Reporting Point which, in turn, shall forward them directly to
1. Reports as detailed hereunder shall be made to VTS Centre specified for the competent VTS Centre. This provision shall apply, in particular, to cases
this purpose by competent Shipping Police Authority, such reporting duty involving
applying to any person in command of a vessel or composite unit, whether a) the loss overboard of dangerous goods;
pushed or towed, which exceeds the dimensions and tonnages specified by b) the discharge (in terms of the MARPOL Convention) of polluting
Competent Shipping Police Authority as well as to any person in command goods;
of a vessel of one of the categories listed in Section 30(1) (see ‘‘Bans and c) the imminent threat of such loss overboard or discharge.
Restrictions Affecting Navigation’’ below). The obligation to forward the particulars referred to in Item 2.1 above shall
2. Format of reports giving particulars mentioned in preceding paragraph shall be deemed to have been fulfilled when the Master discloses which authority
conform to reporting format referred to in Appendix I to the Annex to Internal of a Member State of the European Union is holding these particulars. In the
Waters (Entering Requirements) Ordinance, which relates to Item 1.9 of said event that such vessel’s report is incomplete or unavailable, or that the vessel
Annex. has been abandoned, the discharge, to the fullest extent possible, of the
3. Having transmitted Initial Report via VHF radiotelephone, the person in above obligation shall fall upon the vessel’s operator.
command of a vessel in terms of paragraph (1) above shall keep a continuous 4. Notification of the particulars referred to in Items 2.1 – 2.3 above shall be
listening watch on the VHF channels specified for that purpose and, when effected in the format set out in Appendix I to the present Ordinance. Reports
technically feasible, also on VHF Channel 16, so that the Competent Shipping made in accordance with the provisions of Items 2.1 and 2.2 above shall be
Police Authority can at all times contact the vessel in question. made in writing and shall contain the operator’s name, address, telephone
1) In good time before entering any one of the navigable waterways and facsimile numbers.
specifically designated by the Competent Shipping Police Authority 5. Regular scheduled services with a crossing time not exceeding one hour
␤ provided that the particulars listed hereunder have not yet been shall be exempt from the obligations set out in
reported under the provisions of Section 1(1) above in conjunction Item 2.1 respectively 2.2 above. Regular scheduled services with a crossing
with Item 2.6 of the Annex to the Internal Waters (Entering time exceeding one hour may, upon application by the vessel’s operator and
Requirements) Ordinance of 23 August 1994 (promulgated in the following consent by the European Commission, be exempted by the
Federal Law Gazette I, p. 2246) as last amended by Article 6 of the competent Waterways and Shipping Office from the obligations set out in
pertinent Ordinance of 7 December 1994 (promulgated in the Federal Item 2.1 respectively 2.2 above. In this event, the vessel’s operator shall
Law Gazette I, p. 3744) ␤ the following particulars shall be reported: ensure that the particulars referred to in Item 2.1 above can be forwarded,
a) name, call sign and type of the vessel; upon request, to the Central Reporting Point in writing and in accordance
b) position of the vessel; with Appendix I to the present Ordinance.
c) length, breadth and draft of vessel; 6. The Master of a vessel or of a composite unit, whether pushed or towed,
d) vessel’s port of departure and port of destination; of more than 50 m. in length proceeding from a westerly or northerly direction
e) a statement indicating whether vessel carries liquefied gases, and heading for the inner German Bight shall, in the case of navigating in
chemicals or oil/petroleum products in bulk and, if so, specification of the traffic separation scheme ‘‘German Bight Western Approach’’, when
type and quantity (types and quantities) of any such bulk cargo sailing past Lightbuoy ‘‘GW 7’’, or, in the case of proceeding from a northerly
(cargoes) including respective UN number (numbers), whether any direction and heading for a position to the west or to the east of Helgoland
such bulk cargo (cargoes) has (have) been carried and tank (tanks) Lighthouse, when crossing the latitude of Helgoland Lighthouse
has (have) not been cleaned and gas-freed or been inerted afterwards; (Lat. 54␥ 20' N), transmit by VHF radiotelephony to the VTS Centre (‘‘German
f) statement indicating whether there are any deficiencies with Bight Traffic’’, Channels 16/79/80) a report giving the following particulars:
regard to the vessel or her cargo; a) vessel’s name and distinctive letters or number;
b) vessel’s position;
g) name(s) of the vessel’s owner(s) or of his (their) authorised
c) vessel’s length, beam and draft (in metres);
d) port of departure and port of destination;
2) As vessel proceeds en route past the designated reporting positions,
e) a statement to the effect whether liquefied gases, chemicals or
the following particulars shall be reported:
petroleum/petroleum products are carried in bulk and, when this is
a) name and call sign of the vessel; the case, information on the type, the quantity and the UN Number
b) position of the vessel; of each cargo, a statement to the effect that such cargoes have been
c) speed of vessel; carried and the tanks have not been cleaned and gas-freed or been
d) time of vessel’s passage. inerted afterwards;
3) Any discontinuation and subsequent resumption of vessel’s voyage f) a statement to the effect whether there are any deficiencies with
shall be reported. regard to the vessel or her cargo;
B. Requirements for Entry: The provisions of the German Ordinance on g) names of the vessel’s owners or of the latters’ agents.
Particular Requirements for the Entry of Vessels into German Internal Waters The format of reports giving the above particulars shall be in accordance
are to be observed. with the reporting format reproduced at Appendix I to the present Ordinance.
1. Reports to be made and listening watches to be kept: Having transmitted such particulars, the vessel concerned shall keep a
1. The operator of any vessel bound for the internal waters of Germany and continuous listening watch on VHF Channel 79, 80 or 16. In addition, any
carrying dangerous or polluting goods, whether in bulk or in packaged form, vessel navigating in the traffic separation scheme ‘‘German Bight Western
shall forward, by facsimile or similar electronic data transmission, the following Approach’’ shall, when passing Lightbuoy ‘‘GW 9’’, transmit to the VTS
particulars to the Central Reporting Point (‘‘Zentrale Meldestelle’’), Am Alten Centre, her name and call sign, position and passing time. Vessels navigating
Hafen 2, D-27472 Cuxhaven. Fax: +(4721) 567393 or 567394. On such the Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS) ‘‘Terschelling – German Bight’’ in an
vessel’s departure from a port located outside the European Union, provided Easterly direction shall fulfill the aforementioned when passing Light Buoy
that the vessel’s first port of call, or her first mooring or anchoring site, will No. TG13.

1030 Readers are encouraged to send updates and additions (page xi)
Bans and Restrictions Affecting Navigation: Pilot Vessel: For inward bound vessels near Elbe Racon Buoy, the pilot boat
1) Following categories of vessels shall not navigate on Rivers Jade, is stationed in approximate position Lat. 53␥ 59.5' N, Long. 08␥ 09.0' E
Weser, Hunte, Elbe and Trave, nor in Kiel Canal or Kiel Fjord, nor in (1.5 miles ESE of Elbe Racon Buoy).
approaches to ports of Wismar, Rostock (including Lower River The pilot vessel and tender are Swath type (twin-hulled) vessels.
Warnow), Stralsund and Wolgast, except upon fulfilling the Pilot Vessel: Length 47.9 m., beam 22.2 m., draft 4.2 m. and service speed
preconditions listed in paragraph (2) below: 15.0 knots. The vessel is orange with the word ‘‘Pilot’’ painted on the fore
1. tankers and composite units, whether pushed or towed, carrying: part on both sides.
a) Gaseous substances in accordance with the IGC Code – nitrogen Pilot Tender: Length 25.0 m., beam 13.0 m., draft 2.3 m. and service speed
and refrigerants being excluded. 18.0 knots. The vessel is orange with the word ‘‘Pilot’’ painted on both sides.
b) Liquid chemicals in accordance with the IBC Code – for which The previous pilot vessel, a two masted vessel with a black hull and the
the entry ‘‘15.19’’ in column ‘‘O’’ of tabulation in Chapter 17 of IBC word ‘‘Lotse’’ in yellow on the side, has been modified and held in reserve.
Code is prescribed. In bad weather, the pilot vessels shift upriver to Lightbuoy ‘‘9’’. Such shifting
is reported by German Bight Traffic on VHF Channel 80 in a navigational
c) Liquid goods in accordance with Annex I MARPOL agreement
(i.e. crude oil and its products) in the version being effective.
Pilot vessel can be contacted on VHF Channel 8, by showing flag ‘‘G’’ or
2. empty tankers and composite units, whether pushed or towed, by sound or morse light signals.
after discharging any one or more of the substances referred to above During the night, pilot vessels show the mandatory lights according to
in No. 1 (Items (b) and c)) in any case where the flashpoint of the Rule 29 of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea.
cargo last carried was below 35␥ C. and where the tanks have not Traffic Separation Scheme in Approaches to River Elbe: The separation
been cleaned and gas-freed or completely inerted; however, this zone of this traffic separation scheme also constitutes a safety zone.
provision shall, not apply when only such residual quantities are left Masters are requested not to leave the traffic lane when embarking a Pilot.
as cannot be pumped off any more, although the vessel’s discharging There is an anchorage 3 n.m. to the NE of the traffic separation scheme.
arrangements function properly; Special care should be taken when approaching or leaving this anchorage.
3. empty tankers and composite units, whether pushed or towed, See ‘‘Anchorages’’.
as referred to in sub-paragraph 2 above, in any case where the Shore-based radar guidance can be requested through radar station ‘‘Elbe
flashpoint of the cargo last carried was 35␥ C. or over, and where the Approach Radar’’, on VHF Channel 19 during bad weather, i.e. when visibility
tanks have not been cleaned and gas-freed or completely inerted; drops below 2,000 m., when there are ice floes, when buoys have been
4. nuclear ships. removed from their positions or when pilot vessels are leaving their positions;
2) The preconditions to be fulfilled by any vessel wishing to navigate on for further particulars see ‘‘VTS/Radar’’.
the waterways referred to in paragraph (1) above shall be as follows: PILOTAGE: There is a central pilot station near German Bight Racon
1. At the point of the vessel entering the waterway, respectively Buoy, where certain large vessels (see below) embark or disembark Jade,
leaving a mooring site, the prevailing range of visibility exceeds Weser and Elbe Pilots from/to helicopter or, weather permitting, boat.
1,000 m.; Elbe Pilotage: Vessels requiring an Elbe Pilot must order the Pilot at least
2. an effective radar is in operation and a person conversant with 12 hours prior to arrival at Elbe Racon Buoy by:
radar observation observes the radar image at all times as long as Telex: 28343 Ellots D
visibility is restricted. Fax: +49 (4852) 87165
3. the vessel’s automatic pilot may only be used upon fulfilling the Tel: +49 (4852) 87295
preconditions defined by the Competent Shipping Police Authority; Email: Email:
however, the provisions of Section 42(5) and (6) below shall remain
unaffected by the present provision; Vessels coming from nearby ports should make their request on departure
4. tank lids are kept closed. or as soon as possible thereafter.
If the ETA alters, a correction should be transmitted.
The provisions of sub-paragraph 1 above shall not apply Message must include:
a) to vessels navigating on the Kiel Canal (except for vessels a) name of vessel
leaving berth in a port) nor to vessels directly entering or leaving the b) LOA and beam.
Kiel Canal; c) ETA Elbe Racon Buoy, date 2 figures and time of vessel’s arrival
b) to vessels as referred to in sub-paragraphs 1 to 3 of 4 figures
paragraph (1) above navigating at a range of visibility exceeding d) draft
500 m. in waters designated by the Competent Shipping Police e) destination.
Authority, provided that such vessels ␤ in addition to complying with (For example: 1. Eleka, 2. 12854, 3. ETA Elbe 02 1030, 4. 24 ft. 04 in., 5.
the preconditions mentioned in sub-paragraphs 2 to 4 above ␤ are Kiel Canal).
fitted with a gyro-compass or with a tested and calibrated magnetic Masters are advised to contact the pilot vessel on VHF Channel 8 one hour
compass and, in the case of a vessel of a deadweight capacity of prior to arrival at Elbe Racon Buoy.
2,000 tonnes or more, the Competent Shipping Police Authority, Compulsory District Pilotage: Compulsory on the River Elbe to and from Elbe
acting on the merits of the particular case in question, and bearing in Racon Buoy for all vessels of LOA 90 m. and greater, and beam 13.0 m. and
mind the interests of the safety and easy flow of traffic, has permitted greater, furthermore for all oil, gas and chemical tankers and, in addition, for
such vessel to proceed. all tankers over LOA 150 m. and beam 23.0 m. on their way from German
3) The Competent Shipping Police Authority may impose upon vessels Bight.
as referred to in paragraph (1) above, as well as upon other vessels, Tankers greater than LOA 150 m. and beam 23.0 m. have to use the
as it may specify, any preconditions to be fulfilled prior to being Western Approach Traffic Separation Scheme German Bight.
permitted to sail on a navigable waterway; such preconditions say, in Pilots for these vessels will be embarked only at the pilot boarding area
particular, concern the use of tugs. between Buoys ‘‘E3’’ and ‘‘E2’’, in position Lat. 54␥ 04.4' N, Long. 07␥ 51.5' E.
4) Vessels of types or sizes designated by the Competent Shipping Furthermore, pilotage is compulsory for all bulk carriers of more than LOA
Police Authority may, in certain waters designated by the Competent 220 m. and beam 32.0 m. and other vessels of more than LOA 350 m. and
Shipping Police Authority, navigate only upon prior reporting to such beam 45.0 m. on the River Elbe and on their way to and from German Bight.
authority and upon compliance with such traffic control measures as These vessels can embark Pilots only by helicopter or pilot tender, they have
may have been imposed. to use the Western Approach Traffic Separation Scheme German Bight. See
5) Navigating shall be prohibited in certain waters within such periods ‘‘German Bight Pilot Service’’ below.
of time, at such water levels, or in such weather conditions as may Compulsory pilotage exists for outward-bound vessels of more than LOA
be specified by the Competent Shipping Police Authority. This 170 m. and beam 28.0 m. other than oil, gas, and chemical tankers as far
provision shall not apply to such categories of vessels as may be as to the outer range of the pilot vessel position at Elbe Racon Buoy even
specified by the Competent Shipping Authority. when, during bad weather, the pilot vessel has been moved upriver.
All vessels specified exceeding 50 m. in length have to report to radio The disembarkation of Pilots can take place by helicopter at Elbe Racon
station ‘‘Jade Traffic’’ on VHF Channels 16/63/20 when passing the following Buoy, if ships of the last category (LOA 170 m. and beam 28.0 m. other than
positions: oil, gas, and chemical tankers) are equipped with a properly marked winching
a) Light buoy ‘‘1B/Jade 1’’, or landing area according to International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) Guide
b) before entering and when leaving the waterway Jade inward Light to Helicopter/Ship Operations.
buoy ‘‘1B/Jade 1’’, See ‘‘Plan’’ – Deck-markings and Dimensions Plan.
c) on arrival or departure from anchorage or jetty and when entering or Exemptions: The compulsory district pilotage regulations do not apply to
leaving a harbour area. tankers of less than LOA 60 m. and beam 10.0 m. and other vessels of less
Reports must contain ship’s name, position, speed and passing time. than LOA 120 m. and beam 19.0 m., provided that:
⌻ such vessels navigate a route which the Master has navigated at least
IMO Tanker Route: Following vessels must not use the Traffic Separation 6 times within the preceding 12 months in that same vessel
Scheme (TSS) off Texel, Vlieland and Terschelling – German Bight. They are ⌻ the Master has an adequate knowledge of the German language
obliged to use the mandatory route for tankers via TSS West Friesland, from ⌻ such vessels are equipped with an operational radar as well as with
Noord Hinder to the German Bight and vice versa: an operational VHF installation featuring the channels specified for
⌻ tankers of 10,000 g.t. and upwards carrying oil or liquified gases the pilotage district in question.
⌻ chemical tankers of 10,000 g.t. and upwards carrying cargo according Nevertheless, it is most advisable for vessels to take Pilots not only
to MARPOL Annex II Categories C or D because of their local navigational knowledge but also for their familiarity with
⌻ chemical tankers of 5,000 g.t. and upwards carrying cargo according the special provisions for the River Elbe, the quarantine and Customs
to MARPOL Annex II Categories A or B. regulations.
For details, see ‘‘Seehandbuch’’ (not reproduced). In principle all vessels have to take one Elbe Pilot.
A least depth of 27.0 m. (1995) was found in the deep-water routes near Bulk carriers and tankers having a draft greater than 12.8 m. (FW) must
the southern end (around 52␥ N). take two Elbe Pilots, if they go alongside one of the river jetties.
The least depth in the western routeing system via TSS off Botney Ground Pilotage District divided into three areas:
was 27.0 m. (1998), and in the eastern routeing system via TSS West 1st District: From Elbe Racon Buoy to Brunsbuttel (entrance of Kiel Canal)
Friesland 23.0 m. (1995). 40 n.m. (from Buoy ‘‘E3’’ to Brunsbuttel 48 n.m.) – operated by Elbe Pilots;
2nd District: From Brunsbuttel to Hamburg Seemannshoft (entrance to Port
APPROACHES: River Elbe: GENERAL INFORMATION ON ELBE of Hamburg) 40 n.m. – operated by Elbe Pilots;
PILOTAGE, DEEP SEA PILOTAGE, HELICOPTER AND RADAR SERVICE, 3rd District: Covers the whole area of the Port of Hamburg – operated by
Elbe Pilots for all ports on the River Elbe, Cuxhaven, Brunsbuttel, Butzfleth, First change of Pilots takes place at Brunsbuttel for either a Kiel Canal
Stadersand, HEW-Wedel and Hamburg. Pilot or a second River Pilot. The Harbour Pilot for Hamburg will embark at
Hamburg – Seemannshoft.

See guidelines for compiling and submitting information (page xi) 1031
Vessels expecting Pilot may wait in vicinity of Elbe Racon Buoy. Helicopter Boarding: Helicopter Pilot service is available at Buoy E3 for
Contact the Elbe pilot vessel on VHF Channel 8. tankers over LOA 150 m. and beam 23.0 m., bulk carriers over LOA 220 m.
No restriction imposed on night entry for any vessels on the River Elbe. and beam 32.0 m. and other vessels over LOA 350 m. and beam 45.0 m.
Tidal velocity 2 – 3 knots; mean tidal range at Outer Bar Lightbuoy ‘‘9’’ The service to embark or disembark Pilots for ships ‘‘at anchor’’ or
2.99 m.; Brunsbuttel 2.79 m. and Hamburg 3.15 m. Nature of bottom, sand ‘‘under way’’ can be provided throughout 24 hours.
and mud. A twin-turbine powered Bell 212 S and/or Sikorsky S-76 helicopter is
River pilotage dues (Lotsabgaben) have to be paid by all vessels exceeding available for this service. Only suitably equipped vessels can have a Pilot
300 g.r.t., irrespective of whether they have used a river Pilot or not. transferred by helicopter.
Pilotage fee (Lotsgeld) will only be charged if a Pilot is employed. They must have a properly marked landing area or a marked winching
Jade/Weser Pilotage Service: Vessels bound for the Jade or Weser ports area available according to International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) Guide
and requesting the Weser Pilot at German Bight Lightvessel should contact to Helicopter/Ship Operation.
Telex: 023 8605, Tel: +49 (471) 42220 or VHF Channel 6. See ‘‘Plan’’ – Deck-markings and Dimensions Plan.
Procedures for ordering pilot and Compulsory District Pilotage Regulations If a deck marking is lacking, it will not be possible for the helicopter to land
are similar to those for the Elbe Pilotage. or winch down a Pilot.
During bad weather, the pilot cutter operates at an upriver position. These vessels should send aforementioned information together with their
Compulsory pilotage to the outer range and to the Weser Racon Buoy exists ETA.
for outward-bound vessels of more than 20,000 g.r.t., other than oil, gas and a) Pilots for the Elbe pilotage region should be requested
chemical tankers and for car carriers and Ro-Ro vessels of more than 24 hours prior to arrival at the helicopter rendezvous position
10,000 g.r.t. in the vicinity of Buoy ‘‘E3’’ by:
Jade Pilots board from the pilot vessel and tender that are Swath type Telex: 28343 Ellots D
(twin-hulled) vessels. Tel: +49 (4852) 87295
Pilot Vessel: Length 47.9 m., draft 4.2 m., beam 22.2 m. and service speed Fax: +49 (4852) 87165
15 knots. The vessel is orange with the word ‘Pilot’ painted on the fore part Email: Email:
on both sides. Vessels coming from nearby ports should make the request on departure
Pilot Tender: Length 25.0 m., draft 2.3 m., beam 13.0 m. and service speed or as soon as possible thereafter.
18 knots. The vessel is orange with the word ‘Pilot’ painted on both sides. Message must include:
The previous pilot vessel, a 2-masted vessel, with black hull and the word 1. name of vessel
‘‘Lotse’’ in yellow on the sides, has been modified and is held in reserve. 2. g.r.t.
Pilot vessel is usually stationed near Buoy ‘‘3/Jade 2’’. 3. ETA German Bight Lightvessel with date 2 figures and time of vessel’s
To call Jade Pilot, advance VHF contact is recommended. arrival 4 figures
a) On the Jade in area "Minsener Oog" by pilot vessel operating from 4. draft
Wilhelmshaven. 5. destination
b) Pilots are to be ordered as follows: 6. whether a properly marked landing area or marked winching area is
Inward Bound Vessels: available
24 hours prior arrival pilot station at German Bight Racon Buoy or 7. if yes, whether to starboard or port and on which hatchway or which
12 hours prior arrival pilot station at Buoy ‘‘3/Jade 2’’. part of the ship.
Outward Bound Vessels: (For example: 1. Terre, 2. 104468, 3. ETA German Bight 11 1530, 4. 41 ft.
1. at least 2 hours prior to ETD 03 in., 5. Brunsbuttel Elbe-Terminal, 6. Landing area available, 7. on port
2. for departures from 1900 – 1000 hrs. the Pilot has to be ordered side).
by 1700 hrs. b) A corrected ETA at the German Bight Light Vessel should be sent
c) Pilot order must contain following items: 6 hours prior to the helicopter transfer operation.
1. name and gross tonnage of vessel c) Send the exact time of arrival 2 hours before arrival at German Bight
2. intended embarking position Lightvessel.
3. time of arrival at embarking position.
In addition to this, vessels should keep watch on VHF Channel 16,
Short Extract from Pilot Ordinance Weser/Jade: Dated 1 January 2002 (as 30 minutes before arrival so that the helicopter can contact the ship.
amended). After radio contact is established (VHF Channel 9), the vessel must advise
Pilotage Compulsory: (In case of doubt, only the German version of this the helicopter pilot of position, heading, speed and the relative wind direction
ordinance is authoritative). and speed over the deck.
Navigation Stretch When transferring the Pilot, vessels are restricted in their ability to
Type of vessel LOA Beam Draft manoeuvre according to Rule 3(g) (iii) and (iv) and may exhibit the lights and
(m.) (m.) (m.) shapes as under rule 27(b) of the International Regulations for Preventing
1. Inward outer position PV Buoy ‘‘3/Jade2’’ Collisions at Sea. In addition, they may inform shipping of their manoeuvres
(a) Oil, gas and chemical tankers all all all by VHF.
(According to Art. 30(1) In cases of defect of helicopter, poor visibility, icing conditions, inadequacy
SeeSchStr0 (National Traffic of construction of ships, or no landing or winching area markings, the Pilot
Regulations)). will have to be embarked or disembarked by the Pilot boat at the same
(b) Other sea-going vessels (above ⬎90 ⬎13.0 – position.
named tankers excluded). If, due to incomplete or misleading ETA information, it is found at the
2. In the area of TSS ‘‘Jade Approach’’ to the actual outer position of attempted Pilot transfer by helicopter that the vessel is not properly marked
PV – and reverse. and/or fitted for such transfer and the helicopter consequently has to return
(a) Oil, gas and chemical tankers. ⬎150 ⬎23.0 ⬎13.5 to base, it will be necessary to send a Pilot by boat from Helgoland, which
(b) Other bulk carriers (above named ⬎250 ⬎40.0 may involve considerable delay plus the cost of the futile flight.
tankers excluded). General: The Master will receive further instructions by VHF on how to
c) Other sea-going vessels (above ⬎350 ⬎45.0 – proceed, if pilot helicopter transfer is not possible.
named tankers excluded).
3. (on river Weser) between PV until outer position of PV in area Buoy DEEP SEA PILOTAGE:
‘‘3/Jade 2’’ and (on River Jade) between bad weather position in area
Minsener Oog islet until outer position of PV in area Buoy ‘‘3/Jade 2’’ Merchant Shipping (Mandatory Ship-Routeing) Regulations:
in case PV has shifted its position up the River Weser. Vessels required to use the mandatory route for tankers from North Hinder
Outbound vessels (above named ⬎170 ⬎28.0 – to the German Bight and vice versa are referred to IMO Resolution A.486(xii),
tankers excluded) adopted on 19 November 1981, concerning the recommendation on the use
of adequately qualified Deep Sea Pilots in the North Sea, English Channel
Exemptions: and Skagerrak.
Type of Vessel Pre-Conditions Vessels requiring a licensed Deep Sea Pilot for the English Channel, North
1. Inland navigation vessels. No Pilot prescribed. Sea or Skagerrak should send request to one of the following stations (for
2. Tankers, LOA less than 60 m., a) 6 preceding passages with details see individual station entries). Since the Pilots may have to travel
beam less than 10.0 m. Pilot within last 12 months as considerable distances to the point of embarkation, as much notice as
per written record. possible should be given.
3. Other vessels, LOA less than b) Radar and VHF devices in 1. Brixham Deep Sea Pilots
120 m., beam less than 19.0 m. good working condition. 2. Brixham (Deep Sea and Coastal Pilots Ltd, Gravesend)
c) sufficient proficiency of 3. Brixham (Hammond Deep Sea Pilots, Dover)
German as per declarations. 4. Brixham (Torbay)
4. Other vessels*, LOA less than a) 24 preceding passages with 5. Dirkzwager’s Coastal Pilotage, Maassluis.
120 m., beam less than 19 m. Pilot within last 12 months as The following pilot authorities can also provide Deep Sea Pilotage:
(Vessels obliged to take Pilot per written record. 1. Dunkerque Deep Sea Pilots (Pilotage Hauturier)
on stretches between LV b) Examination of Master by 2. German Deep Sea Pilots, Helgoland, die Elbe or die Weser
‘‘German Bight’’ and outer Authority. 3. Cherbourg Deep Sea Pilots (Pilotage Hauturier).
position of PV being excluded). c) Sufficient proficiency of Also see BA Chart No. 5500 and ‘‘Baltic Deep Sea Pilotage’’.
German. Vessels entering European waters through the English Channel usually
5. Vessels employed with a) 6 preceding passages with take their pilots at Brixham 1.5 miles NE of Berry Head or at Cherbourg 1 mile
maintenance of Federal Pilot within last 12 months. north of CH 1 Buoy. Pilots of outward-bound vessels normally disembark at
Waterways (i.e. dredgers) which b) Sufficient proficiency of the same stations.
are not excepted or exempted German. c) Examination of Deep Sea Pilots (not authorised as dual capacity River Pilots) are not
from compulsory pilotage. Master by Authority.* allowed to pilot any vessels (whether subject to compulsory pilotage or not)
6. Transfers and prolongations on the River Elbe from German Bight Lightvessel as far as the Port of
may be issued under certain Hamburg, regardless of whether pilot vessels are in position or not during
conditions on application with bad weather conditions or whether or not Pilots can be embarked or
Pilot on commencing dredging
disembarked during bad weather at the normal transfer position.
Also see ‘‘Brixham – United Kingdom’’.
* Waterways and Shipping Board (Wasser- und Schiffahrtsamt).

1032 Readers are encouraged to send updates and additions (page xi)
Extra Service: Inward-bound vessels, especially container vessels, wishing Neuwerk ’’ VHF Channel 5
to proceed without delay during gale or fog, etc. regardless of whether pilot Cuxhaven ’’ VHF Channel 21
vessels are in position or not during bad weather, as may be caused when Belum ’’ VHF Channel 3
taking an Elbe Pilot at Elbe Racon Buoy or German Bight Lightvessel, can Brunsbuttel 1 ’’ VHF Channel 62
request the Elbe Pilot to come aboard at the first Channel or North Sea port Brunsbuttel 2 ’’ VHF Channel 67
of call for approaching the river Elbe and non-stop onward river pilotage. St. Margarethen ’’ VHF Channel 18
In order to avoid the disadvantages caused by the aforementioned Freiburg ’’ VHF Channel 61
situation, if foreseeable, it is urgently advised to request an Elbe Pilot in time. Rheinplatte ’’ VHF Channel 5
Advantages: Assistance to nautical staff in the heavily congested area of the Pagensand ’’ VHF Channel 66
German Bight, especially the approach to the River Elbe, exact knowledge Hetlingen ’’ VHF Channel 21
of local conditions, saving of time, reduced hazards. Wedel ’’ VHF Channel 60
Please observe these periods of notice: Hamburg ’’ VHF Channel 19/13
Continental North Sea ports: 24 hours prior to ETD
Cuxhaven Elbe Traffic (Report h + 35 m.) VHF Channel 71 and Brunsbuttel
UK North Sea and Channel ports: 48 hours prior to ETD or before
Elbe Traffic (Report h + 05 m.) VHF Channel 68 broadcast periodical reports,
passing local pilot station.
in German and English, of visibility, ice, tide, alterations of seamarks, etc.
Coastal Pilotage: Coastal pilotage is available from a position near See ‘‘Admiralty List of Radio Signals’’.
Borkumriff Racon Buoy to the limits of the pilotage districts Ems, Weser TIME: GMT plus 1 hour. Summertime GMT plus 2 hours (last weekend in
II/Jade, and Elbe. March until last weekend in October).
Tel: +49 (2) 24000. Telex: 27882 LOTSEN D. LOCAL HOLIDAYS: 1 January (New Year); Good Friday; Easter
Baltic Pilot – Kiel: Ships requiring assistance of state-licensed Deep Sea Sunday; Easter Monday; 1 May; Ascension Day; 23 May (Whit Monday);
Pilots for the Baltic Sea to send their request to: 3 October (Day of German Unity); 31 October (Reformation Day);
Baltic Pilots Kiel 18 November (Prayer Day; 25 and 26 December (Christmas Day and
Cable: Balticpilots Kiel’’ 2nd Christmas Day).
or Deepseapilots Busum
Cable: ‘‘Contipilot Busum’’
BRAKE: 53␥ 20' N 008␥ 29' E (See Plan)
or German Deep Sea Pilotage Joint Service
Cable: ‘‘Praconor Travemunde’’
or ‘‘Praconor Bremerhaven’’.
OVERVIEW: Consisting of an inner port (Binnenhafen), handling ocean
going and inland vessels as well as leisure craft. A lock, length 95.0 m.,
The Baltic Pilotage Authorities Commission Recommendation: connects the inner harbour to the river Weser and the riverside berths.
The Baltic Pilotage Authorities Commission, recognising that Deep Sea The port handles grain, feedstuffs, iron and steel, wood, paper, frozen
Pilotage helps to enhance safety of navigation and prevention of pollution of products and cellulose, project products and sulphar.
the marine environment, in particular to reduce the risks resulting from the LOCATION: The port is located in NW Germany on the river Weser.
high density of ships carrying dangerous or noxious cargoes and that the CHARTS: BA Charts No. 1875, 3406, 3617, 3618 and 3621.
presence of a Deep Sea Pilot on board would strengthen a vessel’s PORT LIMITS: The harbour area comprises 79 ha. land and 20 ha. water.
navigational team and improve emergency measures in case of incidents
and having considered the necessity to establish a certain order in Deep Sea
2 Crew Lists
Pilotage in the Baltic Sea, recommends that:
Health Certificate (forms obtainable from Pilot)
a) Masters of ships which are constrained by their draft and
2 Passenger Lists
b) Masters of ships other than those registered in one of the Baltic states,
Ship Generated Waste Notification
infrequently sailing in the respective area,
2 Ship’s Stores Lists
coming from, or bound to, ports in the Baltic Sea avail themselves of Deep
Ship’s Register.
Sea Pilots, certificated by a competent authority of a Baltic coastal state.
Notice to All Masters Entering the Baltic Sea Concerning Deep Sea ISPS COMPLIANCE: Port is compliant.
Pilotage: The IMO recommends that ships which wish to avail themselves MAX. SIZE: LOA 275 m., draft 11.88 m., no restriction on beam at Grain
of Deep Sea Pilots in the area of the Baltic should only take Deep Sea Pilots Terminal on South Quay.
licensed by a Pilotage Authority of a Baltic coastal state, i.e. Denmark, Inner Port: 3,000 d.w.t., draft 6.0 m.
Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden and Russia Also see ‘‘Developments’’.
(IMO-Resolution A.480 (XII). DENSITY: 1002 – 1004.
Such licensed Deep Sea Pilots should be in possession of a red identity RESTRICTIONS: Vessels proceeding to Brake with a draft in excess of
card. 7.31 m. will be restricted by the tide.
The Pilotage Authorities of the Baltic coastal states draw special attention ARRIVAL: A vessel is considered to be an ‘‘arrived ship’’ when it is moored
to the following rule which came into force on 1 January 1983, but only alongside the piers, and the customs formalities are complete. Laytime will
obligatory for licences issued after that date. commence according to referring charter parties.
Deep Sea Pilotage in the Baltic Sea Area shall be performed by Deep Sea Port authorities distribute the free berthing places in following the
Pilots from the respective ports of departure of the Baltic coastal states only, ‘‘Benutzungsordnung fuer den Hafen Brake’’ which says briefly that a vessel
including the Kiel-Holtenau Locks, the Sound and the Belts. A Deep Sea will get a rank position in actual arriving times:
Pilot shall disembark from a ship at the first port of call and shall return home a) for ships coming from sea: arrival ‘‘Weser Lanby’’ plus 5 hours
as soon as possible. b) for ships coming from Bremerhaven North Roads and Blexen Roads:
If the ship wants further advice by a Deep Sea Pilot it is the responsibility departure plus 2 hours
of the local Pilotage Authority of that port to supply such a Deep Sea Pilot. c) for ships coming from Bremen: departure plus 3 hours.
Also see ‘‘Baltic Deep Sea Pilotage’’.
ANCHORAGES: A deep-water anchorage for very large crude carriers PILOTAGE: Carried out by Weser River Pilots, who also act as docking
Pilots. Also see ‘‘Bremen’’ and ‘‘Bremerhaven’’.
(VLCCs), and ultra large crude carriers (ULCCs) is located south of German
Bight Lightvessel, approx. position Lat. 54␥ 05' N, Long. 07␥ 27' E. Depth of DEEP SEA PILOTAGE: See ‘‘General’’ before first German port and
water from 34.0 – 36.0 m. ‘‘Baltic Deep-Sea Pilotage’’.
In the vicinity of Elbe Racon Buoy (3 miles to NE) for large and deep-draft ANCHORAGES: No anchorage in vicinity of Harbour. Anchorage in
vessels, north of estuary, approx. position Lat. 54␥ 03' N, Long. 08␥ 09' E, ‘‘Blexen Roads’’. For further details see ‘‘Bremen’’.
depths from 14.0 – 19.0 m. below chart zero (CD). PRATIQUE: Free pratique is given by Health and Immigration officer only.
Neuwerk Roadstead, approx. position Lat. 53␥ 58' N, Long. 08␥ 30' E, If a case of fever or disease is suspected on board radio the Agent with
depth from 8.0 – 17.0 m. below chart zero (CD); details before arrival.
Medem Roadstead, approx. position Lat. 53␥ 51' N, Long. 08␥ 46.5' E, PRE-ARRIVAL INFORMATION: Advise Agent of ETA and cash
depth from 5.0 – 13.0 m. below chart zero (CD); requirements.
Neufeld Roadstead, approx. position Lat. 53␥ 51.7' N, Long. 09␥ 00' E,
depth from 8.0 – 10.0 m. below chart zero (CD); VHF: Stations from Weser Lanby to Bremerhaven. Radar service between
NE Roadstead, off Brunsbuttel, permission only for one tide, approx. Bremerhaven and Brake. Radar stations have day and night service. If no
position Lat. 53␥ 53' N, Long. 09␥ 12' E, depth from 13.0 – 14.0 m. below chart fog every odd hour radar stations give on VHF or Pilot walkie-talkie report
zero (CD); of visibility, defective buoys, anchoring ships, obstructions to navigation, and
Freiburg Roadstead, approx. position Lat. 53␥ 50.6' N, Long. 09␥ 19.5' E, special occurrences. Direct contact between port and ship is possible on
depth from 13.0 – m. below chart zero (CD); Channel 10, call sign ‘‘Brake Lock Radio’’.
There are further anchorages for small vessels at Sudreede (south VTS/RADAR: See ‘‘VHF’’.
anchorage) off Brunsbuttel, Wischhafen, Krautsand, Grauerort – and TUGS: Available throughout 24 hours. No extra charge for using tug’s lines.
Twielenfleth Roadstead. BERTHS:
The bottom at all these anchorages consists of sand and mud. Pier Length Depth
VTS/RADAR: A continuous and co-ordinated chain of radar stations has (m.) (m.)
been established to cover the traffic flow along the estuary of the River Elbe Riverside Berths: *
from a point 4 miles before passing Elbe Racon Buoy as far as the port of SB I 6.00
Hamburg. Nordpier 12.80
If visibility drops below 3,000 m. and/or if particular situations arise (i.e. ice SB III 9.80
floes, withdrawn buoys, pilot vessels leaving their positions, etc.), Masters Suedpier 11.50 – 12.40
of inwardbound vessels may request shore-based radar monitoring Fettraffinerie 166.0 8.10
assistance from a point 4 miles before passing Elbe Racon Buoy until Binnenhafen (Inner Harbour):
receiving a Pilot. This service will be rendered by Elbe Pilots and is available 1,070 5.35
by contacting Elbe Approach Radar, VHF Channel 19.
The same service is extended to outwardbound vessels as far as 4 miles * One continuous quay, total length 1,858 m.
west of Elbe Racon Buoy. Kanalhafen (part of Binnenhafen): Quay length 228 m., width 46 m.,
Once the Elbe Pilot has come aboard he will be assisted by his shore-based depth 4.3 m.
colleagues monitoring the shore-operated radar system. Tide-Independent Lock: Length 95 m., width 16.0 m. Max. size of vessel
Radar stations along the River Elbe: to be handled will be a fully loaded vessel of 3,000 d.w.t. with a max. draft
Elbe Approach Radar Radio VHF Channel 19 of 6.0 m.
Scharhorn ’’ VHF Channel 18 Also see ‘‘Bulk Facilities’’.

See guidelines for compiling and submitting information (page xi) 1033
BULK FACILITIES: IDENTIFICATION CARDS: Shore passes are only issued for crew
See ‘‘Agent’s Report’’. members and passengers of those nationalities that normally require a Visa
Sulphur Terminal: to enter the Federal Republic of Germany. No shore passes are issued for
Belt conveyor system, length 550 m. crew members and passengers who do not require a Visa to enter the Federal
Shiploader, loading capacity 1,000 cu.m./hr. Republic of Germany, Seaman’s Book or Passport is sufficient.
Sulphuric acid is delivered in railway tank wagons and is pumped into Shore passes issued to passengers are chargeable.
storage tanks. The acid is transhipped either in chemical tankers or is SEAMAN’S CLUBS: Seemannsheim, Weserstrasse 1A, 2880 Brake.
processed into solid sulphur, that is shipped in bulk worldwide. Tel: +49 4401 4490.
254,000 tons of liquid sulphur and 396,000 tons of solid sulphur were DEVELOPMENTS: Construction of an additional new pier length 300 m.,
handled in 1996. able to handle vessels up to draft 12.80 m.
Southpier: Operator: J Mueller Agri Terminal GmbH & Co KG, AGENT’S REPORT: February 2002.
Neustadtstrasse 15, 26919 Brake. Tel: +49 4401 9140. Terminal: J Muller Terminals Gmb Co.
Products Handled: Grain. Length of dock/Length with dolphins: 450 m. approx.
Facilities: 2␺1,400 t.p.h. grain elevators; 3␺1,800 t.p.h. shiploaders; Draft restriction alongside: Inward 39 ft. Outward 38 ft.
5␺2,300 t.p.h. lorry/railtruck loading stations. Spout air draft at MLW: 18.0 m.
Storage: Silo installation and storage shed for grain: 320,000 tonnes. Number of spouts: 2
Northpier: Operator: J Mueller Breakbulk GmbH & Co KG, Nordstrasse 2, Commodities handled: Grain and feedstuffs
26919 Brake. Tel: +49 4401 9143. Storage capacity: 225,000 tonnes
Facilities: 3␺25 tons capacity luffing jib cranes, max. reach 46 m.; 2␺88 tons Designed loading rate/t.p.h.: 600
capacity gantry cranes, max. reach 40 m., 1␺1,000 cu.m./hr. shiploader and Potable fresh water available: Yes
1␺1,000 cu.m./hr. elevator. Contact Office: J Muller Terminals
TANKER FACILITIES: Contact Tel: +49 4401 914210
Fettraffinerie: Operator: Nordstrasse 40, 26919 Brake. Contact Fax: +49 4401 914229
Tel: +49 4401 8010. Dock access by vehicle permitted: Yes
Facilities: A private pier with lenght 166.0 m., depth 8.10 m. at CD, max. draft Is bunkering permitted alongside?: Yes
10.05 m. Largest vessel loaded: ‘‘Flag Mersinoi’’
Products Handled: Loading/discharge points for vegetable and animal Amount loaded: 61,539 tonnes barley
oils/grease, mineral oil, molasses and other liquid products. AUTHORITY: Niedersachsen Ports GmbH & Co KG, Brommstrasse 2,
Hoses: molasses 6 in., fuel oil 8 in., diesel 10 in. and vegetable oil 4 – 8 in. PO Box 1262, D 26912 Brake, Germany. Tel: +49 4401 9250.
Discharge Capacity: 1,500 t.p.h. FAX: +49 4401 3272. Email:
Tank Storage: 115,000 tons. Web: Contact: Captain Heiko Uflacker, Harbour Master.
Also see ‘‘Bulk Facilities’’.
Inner Harbour: BREMEN, including Farge: 53␥ 07' N 008␥ 43' E
1␺32 ton luffing jib crane, working range up to 30 m. (See Plan)
1␺11 ton mobile crane, working range up to 17 m.
1␺6 ton rail crane, working range up to 12 m. LOCATION: The port is located approximately 72 nautical miles from the
Also see ‘‘Bulk Facilities’’. North Sea.
CARGO HANDLING FACILITIES: General Description: The port is divided into the Hemelinger Hafen,
Storage: Storage sheds 142,000 cu.m.; open storage: 83,000 cu.m. Europahafen, Neustaedter Hafen, Holz-und Fabrikenhafen, Getreidehafen,
Werfthafen, Kap Horn Hafen, Kloecknerhafen, Car Terminal and the
STEVEDORES: ETA to be forwarded to Agent to arrange gangs. Industriehafen area.
Stevedores work three shifts throughout 24 hours Monday to Saturday; on The Industriehafen is a non-tidal basin, located beyond the Oslebshausen
Sundays and holidays four shifts throughout 24 hours. Lock. All other areas of the port are tidal.
Cargo Gear: Load/discharge normally effected by shore gear. DOCUMENTS:
Hatches: Depends on the different charter parties. 2 Arms/Ammunition Lists
WASTE DISPOSAL: Within the port area, several collection points have 1 Bills of Lading
been established that may be used for normal ship’s garbage, including 1 Cargo Gear Certificate
victual and domestic waste generated during the normal operation of the 1 Certificate of Nationality
ship. 4 Crew Lists
After berthing, garbage bags will be delivered on board the ship. All garbage 2 Crew Effects Declarations
should be collected into these and brought to the container before leaving 3 Dangerous Cargo Manifests
the port. Further bags can be supplied if needed. There are no charges for 1 Declaration of Health
the bags or for use of the container. 1 Derat (Exemption) Certificate
This service does not include garbage that cannot be placed in the 1 IOPP Certificate (including Supplements)
container because of its size. It is also strictly prohibited to place any special 1 Load Line Certificate
waste, such as chemicals, paints, oily residues or batteries, in these 1 Manifests (freighted)
containers. Charges will be for ship’s account. For free disposal of solid oily 1 Manifests (unfreighted)
residues such as filters, drums or polishing clothes, a special container is 1 Oil Record Book
available on the quay. Contact ship’s Agent. 3 Passenger Lists
SLOPS DISPOSAL: Service available. Contact Port Authority for details. 1 Safety Equipment Certificate
2 Stores Lists
MEDICAL: One hospital and several doctors available at Brake. Advance 2 Stowaways Lists
notice to Agent required if medical assistance necessary. Harbour Medical
1 Tanker Check List (for River Pilot)
Service Tel: +49 4401 5792. 1 Tonnage Certificate
FRESH WATER: Available at the Riverside Berth and Inner Harbour. 1 Trinkwasserzeugnis (Drinking Water Certificate (only for German ships).
Pumping capacity from 18 – 20 t.p.h. Immigration formalities are handled by the Water Police, who usually board
FUEL: All grades available by bunker barges. the vessel upon arrival.
DRY DOCK: One dry dock at Petram Werft, Brake. LOA 85 m., beam No customs papers if vessel laying in Freeports at Bremen.
16 m., draft 3.98 m. ISPS COMPLIANCE: Port is compliant.
REPAIRS: All normal ship and engine repairs can be carried out during Vessels must complete a new declaration form to fulfil the requirements
laytime on board. of the new code. Form is available for download from the ports website
SURVEYORS: Classification societies not represented but several
surveyors available at Brake Port. MAX. SIZE: LOA 250 m.
Vessels entering Oslebshausen Lock (lock restrictions): LOA 230 m., beam
POLICE/AMBULANCE/FIRE: Police Tel: 110, 32.3 m. and draft 9.45 m.
Wasserschutzpolizeikommissariat Brake Tel: +49 4401 700 9315; Vessels of above mentioned dimensions can pass through the locks, only
Ambulance Tel: 19222; Fire Tel: 112. under certain weather conditions and at a certain states of the tide. Port
FIRE PRECAUTIONS: No smoking in port area. For tankers at Authority to be contacted on actual dimensions accepted.
Fettraffinerie Pier smoking only in saloon and/or messroom. The maximum dimensions mentioned do not necessarily apply to all berths,
SECURITY/GANGWAY: Crew’s watchmen necessary – strong tides, quays or areas within the port.
current-speed 3 knots. DENSITY: 1000 (fresh water).
TIME: GMT plus 1 hour. GMT plus 2 hours (last weekend in March to last RESTRICTIONS: Vessels proceeding to Bremen having a length more
weekend in October). than 230 m. or a draft more than 7.6 m. are restricted by the tide.
LOCAL HOLIDAYS: New Year, Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Arrival and departure is possible 24 hours a day.
Monday; 1 May, Ascension Day; Whitsunday and Monday, Penitentiary Day, APPROACHES: The river approach is well lit and has a depth of 14.0 m.
2 Christmas Days. Cargo work can be arranged on those days, except on available as far as the mouth of the Geeste River, between the mouth of the
New Year, Easter Sunday (1st Easter day), 1 May, Whitsunday, 1st Geeste River and Nordenham/Brake depth is 13.0 – 11.9 m., and between
Christmas Day, and on the days before such days till 1200 hrs. and/or Brake and Bremen a depth of 9.0 m. is maintained.
1400 hrs. PILOTAGE: Compulsory for:
WEATHER/TIDES: Current: 3 knots. a) All loaded oil, gas and chemical tankers, and all tankers in ballast if
CONSULS: Consuls at Bremen. the are neither gas free nor inerted.
Also see ‘‘Bremen’’. b) Nuclear powered ships.
TELEPHONES: No arrangements to place telephones on board. c) All sea-going vessels with a length of 90 m. or more or a beam of
13.0 m. and more.
NEAREST AIRPORT: Bremen International, 57 km. Under normal weather conditions the pilot vessel is stationed 5 n.m. north
CUSTOMS: 200 cigarettes, one bottle of spirits and two bottles of wine. of Wangerooge Lighthouse at Buoys Weser 3/Jade 2.
SHORE LEAVE: Shore passes are required according to customs In rough weather, the pilot vessel operates at a sheltered position near to
regulations. Light Buoys No. 17 and 19 at Hohe Weg Roads.
REPATRIATION: Any necessary repatriation and/or crew changes can Upon request, the Pilot can be picked up by helicopter, provided an
be effected by Agents at Brake. approved landing or winching area, meeting the international standards, is

1034 Readers are encouraged to send updates and additions (page xi)
available. Upon special request, Pilots can also be boarded from the Pilot Bremen Port Radio station works on VHF Channel 3 for Harbour Traffic
cutter near Helgoland. Control. Elbe /Weser Radio can be contacted for other communication needs.
The following vessels have to take the Pilot at the German Bight Light TUGS: Tugs available (2,200 h.p.) at all stations according to ships request.
Vessel when inbound: Tugs’ lines used (only) without charge.
a) Tanker vessels with LOA 150 m. and over or beam 23.0 m. and over. BERTHS: Berths on:
b) Bulk carriers with LOA 250 m. and over or beam 40.0 m. and over or Harbour Name Quay Length Depth (above CD)
draft more than 13.5 m. (m.) (m.)
c) All sea-going vessels with LOA 350 m. or over or beam 45.0 m. and Mittelsburener Hafen 1,800 11.5
over. Europahafen 2,690 8.5
Pilotage District: River Weser Pilotage area is divided into two districts. Werfhafen 1,360 7.2
Sea Pilots (Weser II/Jade) and River Pilots (Weser I) are available. Holz – und Fabrikenhafen 2,280 10.5
Change-over of Pilots takes place off Bremerhaven, usually in the vicinity of Getreidehafen 725 11.5
the mouth of the Geeste River. River pilotage includes berthing and Neustadter Hafen ** 2,600 10.5 – 11.5
unberthing in the ports south of Bremerhaven. Kap Horn Hafen 250 9.0
Boarding Equipment for Sea and River Pilots: Normal pilot ladder, Hohentorshafen 420 5.5
without manropes or boat lines. Pilot lifts will be accepted. Car Terminal 320 8.5
Ordering Procedure on Arrival: Requests for Sea Pilots (Weser II/Jade) 200 5.5
shall be sent via VHF Channel 6 to the Weser II/Jade Pilot or Weser II/Jade Weserhafen Hemelingen* 3,050 4.5
PIlot Bremerhaven. Tel: +49 (417) 944-242. Fax: +49 (471) 944-2439.
* For barges and small sea-going vessels only. Quay total length in 3 docks.
Telex: 238605 WELTS D. Email:
** Ro-Ro facilities available.
When taking a Pilot at the German Bight Light Vessel, 24 hours notice is
required. Non-Tidal Locked Berths: Industriehafen: Quay length 4,150 m., depth
A 12 hours notice is required when taking the Pilot at the boarding position above CD 10.0 m.
near Racon Buoy Weser 3/Jade 2. The port area is divided into 7 docks, protected by the Oslebshausen Lock.
Following particulars to be transmitted: Depths up to 10.0 m.
a) Vessel’s name Max. draft is dependent on the prevailing winds.
b) LOA, largest width, actual draft in FW (in metres) Also see ‘‘Other Facilities’’.
c) ETA at German Bight Light Vessel / Boarding Position Mooring Gangs: Mooring gangs have to be utilised for berthing operations.
d) Port of destination. Mooring gangs will be informed by the Port Authority. Boats are available.
Corrected ETA messages should be sent 3 hours and 1 hour prior to arrival Other nautical services can be ordered directly from the mooring company.
by VHF on Channels 6 or 16 to Weser Pilot Vessel. BULK FACILITIES: Max. beam: 35 m. and max. height from waterline
Pilots can also be ordered to the port of sailing at any North Sea or English to top hatchcoaming: 11.50 m.
Channel port 24 hours prior to sailing. Export Berth: Average load rate 2,500 tonnes.
In case a helicopter transfer of the Pilot is required, the request should be Import Berth: Average discharge rate 6,000 – 10,000 tonnes.
sent 24 hours in advance to the Pilot Station, by stating in addition to the Also see ‘‘Agent’s Report’’.
above information whether a marked winching area or a landing area is OTHER FACILITIES:
provided and indicating as to where this area is located. In this case, an Freeports: Neustadter Hafen, Northern Quay and Europahafen, mainly
updated ETA message should be sent to the Pilot Station 6 hours in advance, general cargo.
while the exact time of arrival has to be transmitted about 2 hours in advance. Quay length: 7,960 m.
Short-term requests for helicopter transfer of Pilots will be honoured, but in Max. draft: 11.50 m.
these cases no guarantee will be given that the transfer is performed at the Shed storage: 532,000 sq.m.
time desired.
Requests for River Pilots (Weser I) shall be sent to: Weser I Pilot: Porterage company: Bremer Lagerhaus-Gesellschaft.
Tel: +49 (471) 941-4141/2 or (421) 394-044/5. Fax: +49 (471) 941-4143 or Facilities: Air-conditioned fruit storage, refrigerated storage, consolidated
(421) 382-243. cargo centre, packing centres, Ro/Ro terminals, logistics and information
A 12 hours notice is required prior to arrival at the transfer area off processing on industrial plant transports and grain handling centre.
Bremerhaven. Container Handling Facilities: Neustadter Hafen Shed 24 is equipped
Docking Pilots: River Pilots also act as Docking Pilots. The service is with 3 container cranes, suitable for 40 ft. containers. Max. lifting capacity is
available throughout 24 hours. In case the vessel has to shift, requests shall 45 tons. The terminal has 116 connections for reefer containers.
be made 2 hours prior to shifting via Port Operation Office, Tel: +49 (421) Shed 21 is equipped with 2 container cranes, suitable for 40 ft. containers.
361-8504 or via Bremen Port Radio on VHF Channel 3. Max. lifting capacity is 80 tons.
Ordering Procedure on Departure: Requests for a Pilot shall be sent to At the end of Shed 24 Neustadter Hafen, 1 berth. Max. carrying capacity
the Pilot Station not later than 2 hours prior to sailing by stating the sailing 60 tons, width 30 m., draft 32 ft.
draft in FW in metres. For vessel’s departure between 1900 hrs. and LASH Terminal: At Bremerhaven. Lash-lighter places: Lankenauer Hoft and
0800 hrs., the Pilot has to be ordered at the latest by 1700 hrs. Europahaven.
DEEP SEA PILOTAGE: See ‘‘Brixham’’ or ‘‘Cherbourg’’ and ‘‘General’’ Bulk Handling Facilities (Industriehafen):
before first German port and ‘‘Baltic Deep-Sea Pilotage’’. Bulk cargoes such as steel, and steelware, coal, coke and coke breeze,
timber, ore, oil, molasses, sand, stones, phosphate and further fertiliser and
ANCHORAGES: chemicals are handled by companies under private management.
1. About 1 mile SW of Weser Lanby. * For entering Industriehafen see ‘‘Max. Size’’.
2. Hoheweg Road between Buoys 17 and 19. Huttenhafen: Weserport Terminal 1 mainly handles ore, scrap, coke and coke
3. Tanker Road W of Buoys 27 – 31. breeze, sand, steel and steelware as slabs and coils of Bremer Stahlwerke.
4. Blexen Roads (South Roads) only for smaller ships. ** Quay length: 1,100 m., depth 9.8 m.
* There is an area that has sufficient swinging space available on the river 3 gantry cranes: 12.5, 15 and 55 tons.
at the Hohe Weg Roads, approximately 15 n.m. north of Bremerhaven. Storage area: 80,000 sq.m.
** Smaller vessels anchor at Blexen Roads SW of the Geeste River mouth.
PRATIQUE: Master has to fill and sign Maritime Declaration of Health Discharging capacity ore: 8,000 tons per 24 hours.
which is handed to Health Officer on arrival at Bremerhaven and Bremen. In Loading capacity coils: 5,000 tons per 24 hours.
case suspected disease or fever on board radio details to Port Health Loading capacity slabs: 6,000 tons per 24 hours.
Bremerhaven via radio before arrival. Weserport Terminal 2: Mainly handles provender, coal, coke, minerals, wood
products, stones, etc.
PRE-ARRIVAL INFORMATION: Advise Agent of ETA and cash Quay length: 450 m.
requirements. 4 cranes: 25 – 56 tons
ETA Message: Nuclear powered ships and gas carriers have to report to Storage area: 21,000 sq.m.
the Port Authority 48 hours prior to arrival and other vessels 24 hours prior
to arrival. Message has to include Loading capacity coils: 6,000 tons per 24 hours.
ship’s name, g.r.t., date and time of arrival, FW draft in metres, LOA of the Loading capacity plates: 5,000 tons per 24 hours.
ship, and if available, special manoeuvring equipment and particulars for Loading capacity coal: 6,000 tons per 24 hours.
cargo handling (heavy lifts, overlength cargo, etc.) Quarrier and riddler: 500 tons per 24 hours.
Dangerous Cargo: Vessels carrying cargoes of IMDG Class 1, 5.2, 6.2 and Tankfarm: Petrotank: 25,000 tons (Gas oil).
7 are subject to certain limitations. All dangerous cargo must be notified to HGM: 20,000 tons (Gas oil, fuel and petrol).
the Port Authority prior to arrival. Contact the Port Authority as the Kohlenhafen: Mibau: Only minerals and self-unloading vessels; no cranes.
competent/responsible authority for the IMDG Code for further details. Quay length: 800 m., depth 9.8 m.
German Regulations on Particular Requirements for the Entry of Vessels into Storage area: 30,000 sq.m.
German Territorial Waters to be observed. When transferring oil or having Kraftwerk Hafen (Power Station): At this berth only coal cargoes for use by
on board dangerous cargo, red flag (International Code of Signals ‘‘Bravo’’) the power station are handled. Discharging rate (1 crane) 8,000 tons to
to be displayed during daytime or a red light during night-time.
10,000 tons per 24 hours.
VHF: Bremen Port Radio station operates on Channel 3 and is used for Kalihafen: Anker-Schiffahrt handles all kinds of cargo and is specialised in
messages to all Port Authorities, including Police and Fire Brigade and Port packing, decantation and sacking of chemical products.
Health in case of emergency. Quay length: 600 m., depth 9.8 m.
Stations from Weser Lanby to the port area of Bremen. If no fog, every 2 gantry cranes: 24 tons
odd hour radar station gives by VHF or Pilot walkie-talkie, report of visibility,
defective buoys, anchoring ships, obstructions to navigation and special 4 special loaders
occurrences. 1 bridge for liquids
Ships ordered for Bremen Industriehafen should contact ‘‘Oslebshausen Storage area: 40,000 sq.m.
Lock’’ via Channel 12 after passing Bremerhaven.
Tankfarm Total: Storage capacity 48,000 tons gas oil.
Weser Buoy Pilot Cutter on Channel 22.
Hafen E: Neptun Terminal handles all kinds of cargoes and is specialised in
Weser II / Jade Sea Pilots on Channel 6.
coils, pipes, construction parts, heavy lifts, ore and containers.
VTS/RADAR: Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) is in operation. From the Weser Quay length: 285 m.
Buoy to Bremen, the River Weser is completely covered by shore radar 1 gantry crane: 15 tons
stations throughout 24 hours. If the pilot vessel is stationed between Light 4 cranes: up to 45 tons
Buoys No. 17 and 19, approaching ships can request radar service from the Storage area: 11,000 sq.m.
Weser Buoy to the Pilot cutter on VHF Channel 22.

See guidelines for compiling and submitting information (page xi) 1035
Hafen F: Krages: Timber specialists. No cranes available. MEDICAL: All medical facilities available. Advance notice to Agent required
Baltus: Sand specialists. if medical assistance necessary.
Hafen A: H Menke & Co: Quay length: 250 m. 1 tank for molasses FRESH WATER: Available by hose (approximately 30 cu.m./hr.) and
15,000 tons. Specialises in wine import with storage area for 20 million litres. barge.
Plump: Disposal company with 100 m. of quay space.
Other Bulk Handling Facilities: Granary (Getreidehafen) near the
FUEL: All grades available by barge. Pre-Transfer Check List to be
No locks, max. draft 35 ft. Lighterage is possible. REPAIRS: All repairs possible.
Wandel and Co.: SURVEYORS: All types of surveys possible. All major classification
Quay length: 300 m. societies are represented in the port (Germanischer Lloyd, Kalkstr. 4,
Storage area: 90,000 sq.m. D-28195 Bremen. Tel: +49 (421) 174540. Fax: +49 (421) 1745499)).
P & I Surveyor: Pandi Services J & K Brons GmbH. Tel: +49 (421) 308-870.
Berth ‘‘A’’ 3 elevators with a capacity of 400 t.p.h. max. length 275 m. Silo Fax: +49 (421) 308-8732.
capacity 150,000 tons.
Kraftwerk Farge (Power Station) POLICE/AMBULANCE/FIRE: All emergencies – VHF Channel 3 to
Location: 10 miles downstream from Bremen. Only coal cargoes for the power Port Authority. Police help 110; Fire, First Aid 112. Pilot Station Bremerhaven:
station are handled. Sea Pilots 42220; River Pilots 4-22-89.
Max. draft 29 ft. 6 in. Pilot Station Bremen: 394044.
Max. length 200 m. ␦ 656 ft. Port Administration Bremen: 361-8504.
Max. beam 25 m. ␦ 82 ft. Waterway Police: 362-9888.
Port Medical Services: 361-0.
3 cranes, total discharging capacity 200 t.p.h. Immigration: Call Water Police.
Rolandmuhle: Tidal basin Holz- und Fabrikenhafen. Grain facility with: FIRE PRECAUTIONS: Smoking or use of open fire not allowed all over
Max. draft 34 ft. at low water. the port area. No smoking on deck. Tankers, smoking in saloon or messroom
Max. length 180 m. (591 ft.). only.
2 stationary elevators 3,000 tons per day Fire brigade and firefighting barge are available at short notice. Safety
1 conveyor for loading bags only. equipment and general arrangement plan of the vessel to be permanently
JH Bachmann/J Muller/Karl Gross (Holz- und Fabrikenhafen) available at the gangway.
Facility for grain and occasionally, general cargo handling. SECURITY/GANGWAY: Not considered necessary, but available when
Max. draft 28 ft. at normal low water ordered.
Quay length 710 m. (2,330 ft.) REGULATIONS: Usual Port Regulations. Special Regulations for
Cranes 13 Grain/General cargo dangerous goods and Tankers.
Elevators 4␺250 t.p.h. each Also see ‘‘Pre-Arrival Information’’.
Klocknerhafen: Ore handled by Stahlwerke Bremen, Terminal 3. TIME: GMT plus 1 hour. Daylight Saving Time GMT plus 2 hours.
Quay length 260 m. LOCAL HOLIDAYS: New Year’s Day; Good Friday; Easter Sunday;
Max. draft (tidal) 37 ft. Easter Monday; Labour Day (1 May); Ascension Day; Whit Sunday; Whit
Monday; National Holiday (3 October); Christmas Day; Boxing Day.
General Cargo Loading Installations (Kap Horn): 2 quays, 1␺320 m. long
inside Industriehafen and the other 800 m. long (at the riverside). The storage WEATHER/TIDES: Tides and Currents: The tidal range is
area of 100,000 sq.m. is equipped with gantry crane for handling pipes, approximately 4.0 m. for normal tides, with tidal current ranging from
construction parts and general. 2.5 – 3.5 knots.
Also see ‘‘Bulk Facilities’’. Sea and Wind Conditions: Mainly SE to west, average Force 3 – 4.
TANKER FACILITIES: Draft in fresh water. CONSULS:
Holzhafen: 1 berth, max. draft 28 ft. at LW. Tel: Tel:
Osterort I: 1 berth, max. draft 34 ft. 6 in. at LW. Austria 360 6221 Bangladesh 1760 244
Osterort IV: 4 berths, max. draft 37 ft. 8 in. at LW. Barbados 0471 49388 Belgium 590 7134
Fage: 2 berths, max. draft 29 ft. 11 in. at LW. Benin 17 630 Bolivia 66 12 30
Brazil 66 38 16 Chile 32 37 31
For the following tanker berths see restrictions of the entrance lock Colombia 15 707 Congo, D.R. of 15820
Industriehafen. Costa Rica 15 549 Denmark 17 680
Huttenhafen: 2 berths, max. draft 30 ft. 6 in. to 31 ft. (HGM and Petrotank). Ecuador 34 20 75 El Salvador 38 95 349
Kalihafen: 1 berth, max. 31 ft. 3 in. Finland 39 81 France 30 53 115
Gambia 30 76 215 Ghana 36 5201
CRANES: All piers are fitted with cranes 3-7 tons. Floating cranes up to Guatemala 30 21 07 Haiti 25 95 88
600 tonnes available. Honduras 3092560 Iceland 0471 71055
CARGO HANDLING FACILITIES: Lightering Equipment and Indonesia 3320 Ireland 32 13 73
Barges: Available through ship’s Agent. Also see ‘‘Other Facilities’’. Italy 702 030 Liberia 66 03 1
STEVEDORES: Ordered by Agent; no ETA advice to stevedores Netherlands 32 37 26 Norway 12 015
necessary. Pakistan 323610 Panama 3630014
Working Hours: Paraguay 32 10 01 Peru 15 629
Regular period: 0630 – 1430 resp. on Sundays: (overtime) Senegal 0471 73 041 Sweden 3592134
0600 – 1400 1st shift: 0600 – 1200 South Africa 4677081 Spain 34 40 90
Free Port 2nd shift: 1200 – 1800 Togo 17 640 Turkey 17 10 26
1st shift: 0600 – 1400 3rd shift: 1800 – 2400 UK 5909-0 Uruguay 32 70 00
2nd shift: 1430 – 2230 4th shift: 2400 – 0600
3rd shift: 2300 – 0600 (overtime) TELEPHONES: A shore telephone has to be taken on board when
Industriehafen/Grain Pier Industriehafen/Grain Pier handling dangerous cargo. Telephones will be supplied by the mooring gang.
0630 – 1430 0630 – 1230 A majority of berths are equipped with shore telephone connections.
1430 – 2230 (overtime grain pier) 1230 – 1830 NEAREST AIRPORT: International airport located 5 km. from the port.
2230 – 0630 (overtime) 1830 – 2430 Regular national and international flights.
0030 – 0630 CUSTOMS: Outside freeports: 200 cigarettes for 3 days or 50 grams
On Saturdays: tobacco and 1 bottle spirits. After 3 days further same quantities. Wine not
Free Port restricted. Freeports in Bremen only Europahafen and Neustadter Hafen.
1st shift: 0600 – 1400 REPATRIATION: Any time. For visa requirements, contacts ship’s Agent.
2nd shift: 1430 – 2030 (overtime) IDENTIFICATION CARDS: Shore passes are only issued for crew
3rd shift: 2100 – 0300 (overtime) members and passengers of those nationalities that normally require a visa
Industriehafen/Grain Pier to enter the Federal Republic of Germany. No shore passes are issued for
0630 – 1430 crew members and passengers who do not require a visa to enter the Federal
1430 – 2030 (overtime) Republic of Germany, Seaman’s Book or passport is sufficient.
2030 – 0230 (overtime) Shore passes issued to passengers are chargeable.
Hatches: Opening and closing normally by crew with stevedores assisting. SEAMAN’S CLUBS: The missions offer recreational facilities, telephone
Cargo Gear: No additional requirements. Preventers necessary. and exchange service as well as transport to and from the ship, depending
BALLAST: There are no fixed ballast reception facilities available ashore, on the berth of the ship.
but dirty ballast can be discharged into barges or road tankers supplied by Deutsche Seemannsmission, Jippen 1, 2800 Bremen 1. Tel: +49 (421)
private operators. 18361.
Clean ballast can be discharged without any restriction. Stella Maris/Club, Hafenkopf II, Nr. 2, 28217 Bremen 1. Tel: +49 (421)
Also see ‘‘Slops Disposal’’. 394789.
WASTE DISPOSAL: All ships must deliver all garbage ashore prior to GENERAL: Ice: Bremen is normally ice-free, ice occurs only under
leaving the port. extreme frost.
For normal household waste, receptacles are placed on board upon arrival. Gangway Service: Service is available, different sizes of gangways can
The number of receptacles supplied is dependent on vessel’s size and be supplied by the mooring gangs.
number of crew. Receptacles are collected prior to sailing. Charges will be AGENT’S REPORT: March 2000.
collected automatically with harbour dues. Terminal: Wandel and Co.
Apart from household waste, other types of waste require different Length of dock/Length with dolphins: 220 m.
receptacles which can be ordered via the ship’s Agent from private operators. Draft restriction alongside: 9.15 m.
SLOPS DISPOSAL: Barges or road tankers for reception of slops, oily Maximum outreach of spouts: 25 m.
waste, etc. are available from following authorised companies: Number of spouts: 3
P & B Oelrecycling GmbH. Tel: +49 (471) 946-900. Fax: +49 (471) Distance between spouts: Variable
946-9090. Commodities handled: Grain and foodstuffs
Nehlsen-Plump. Tel: +49 (421) 626-6200. Fax: +49 (421) 626-6269. Storage capacity: 164,000 tonnes
Contact can also be established via the ship’s Agent. Pre-Transfer Check Year built/last modified: 1977/1982
List to be complied with. Designed loading rate/t.p.h.: 400

1036 Readers are encouraged to send updates and additions (page xi)
Potable fresh water available: Yes Ships entering Doppelschleuse (Double Lock) to Fischereihafen:
Contact Office: BLG Getreideanlage Maximum LOA: 170 m.
Contact Tel: 0421-3983202 Maximum beam: 32.0 m.
Contact Fax: 0421-3983865 Maximum draft: 7.0 m.
Dock access by vehicle permitted: Yes
Vessels up to 200 m. can be channelled through the lock under certain
Is bunkering permitted alongside?: Yes weather conditions and at certain states of the tide.
AUTHORITY: Hansestadt Bremisches Hafenamt, Der Hafenkapitaen, Nordschleuse:
Hafenkopf II No. 2, D-28217 Bremen, Germany. Tel: +49 (421) 361-8504. Length 372 m.
FAX: +49 (421) 361-8387. Email: Width 45.0 m.
Web: Contact: Captain Andreas Mai, Harbour Master. Depth (LW) 11.0 m.
Lock restrictions: Maximum length of 315 m., maximum beam
42.0 m., max. draft 13.0 m., max. d.w.t.
130,000 tons.
BREMERHAVEN: 53␥ 33' N 008␥ 33' E (See Plan) Kaiserschleuse:
Length 223 m.
Also see Bremen Width 27.25 m.
Depth (LW) 6.8 m.
OVERVIEW: Main port activities are the handling of containers, Lock restrictions: Maximum length of 185 m., beam 25 m. and draft
automobiles, fish, fruits and passengers. 8.5 m.
The port is divided into the Uberseehafen area and the Fischereihafen Also see ‘‘Approaches’’ and ‘‘Berths’’.
area. Except for the Columbus and Strom Quays along River Weser APPROACHES: The river fairway is lit. Depth 14.0 m. as far as Geeste
(container, passenger and part of the fruit terminal), the port is protected by River mouth.
locks. Fischereihafen is located south of River Geeste and is divided into Also see ‘‘VTS’’.
five basins, enclosed by the Doppelschleuse locks.
All other docks are accessed via Nordschleuse and Kaiserschleuse. PILOTAGE: The pilot system in Bremen and Bremerhaven is organised
Rail and motorway connections to hinterland. into different associations. The area covered by the pilot association
Also see ‘‘Plan’’. Weser II/Jade (Web: with more than 100 pilots
extends to the outer reaches of the River Weser, the German Bight and the
LOCATION: Bremerhaven is situated about 32 n.m. from the North Sea. River Jade. The 43 pilots in pilot association Weser I
CHARTS: BA Charts No. 1875, 2182A, 3617 and 3621. (Web: are responsible for the section of the river
DOCUMENTS: between Bremen and Bremerhaven.
2 Arms/Ammunition Lists The third pilots’ association in this region is the Bremerhaven harbour pilot
1 Bills of Lading association (Web: whose 27 harbour pilots
1 Cargo Gear Certificate ensure that ships are moored safely at the quays.
1 Certificate of Nationality River Weser pilotage area is divided into two districts. Sea pilots
4 Crew Lists (Weser II/Jade) and river pilots (Weser I).
For ports south of Bremerhaven, the changeover of Pilots takes place off
2 Crew/Personal Effects Lists
Bremerhaven, usually in the vicinity of the junction with the River Geeste.
3 Dangerous Cargo Manifests For berthing and unberthing in Bremerhaven, Docking Pilots will board the
1 Derat Certificate vessel at Strom Quay (Container Terminal). For ships bound for
1 Health Declaration or Certificate Fischereihafen Pilots will board near the vicinity of the junction with the River
1 IOPP Certificate, including supplements Geeste.
1 Load Line Certificate River Weser Pilotage: Compulsory for the following vessels:
Manifests (Freighted) 1. all oil, gas and chemical tankers loaded or not gas-free or inerted and
Manifests (Unfreighted) nuclear powered ships
1 Oil Record Book 2. all sea-going vessels with LOA 90 m. or more or a beam overall of
3 Passenger Lists 13 m. and more.
1 Safety Equipment Certificate Normal Weather Conditions: Pilot vessel 5 n.m. north of Wangerooge
2 Stores Lists Lighthouse at Buoys No. Weser 3/Jade 2.
2 Stowaway Lists Vessels are required to give 12 hours’ notice.
1 Tanker Check List (only for River Pilot) Rough Weather Conditions: The pilot vessel will be found at the inside
1 Tonnage Certificate position, near Light Buoys No. 17 and 19 at Hohe Weg Roads.
1 Trinkwasserzeugnis (German ships only). German Bight Light Vessel Pilotage: Compulsory, from the German
Immigration formalities are handled by the Water Police, usually boarding Bight Light Vessel, for the following inbound vessels, giving 24 hours’ notice:
the vessel upon arrival. 1. tankers with a LOA of 150 m. and more or beam 23 m. and more
Also see ‘‘Slops Disposal’’, ‘‘Waste Disposal’’ and ‘‘Max Size’’. 2. bulk vessels with LOA of 250 m. and more or beam 40 m. and more,
ISPS COMPLIANCE: Port is compliant. or a draft of more than 13.5 m.
PFSO: Officer on duty. Contact Harbour Master’s office. 3. all other vessels with a LOA of 350 m. and more or beam 45 m. and
Also see ‘‘Authority’’. more.
MAX. SIZE: LOA 350 m., draft 13.0 m. (FW). Ordering Procedure on Arrival: Weser/Jade Pilot Bremerhaven, via VHF
Channel 6 or Tel: +49 (471) 944242, Fax: +49 (471) 944 2439 or
Containers: LOA 400 m., draft 14.5 m.
Passenger: Depth 11.0 m. Pilots can also be ordered to board at any North Sea or English Channel
Ro-Ro: Draft 9.8 m. port 24 hours prior to sailing.
Tankers: Draft 9.9 m. Particulars to be Transmitted:
Also see ‘‘Restrictions’’ and ‘‘Berths’’. a) vessel’s name
DENSITY: 1008 – 1011. b) overall length, largest beam, current draft in fresh water (in metres)
RESTRICTIONS: The port operates throughout 24 hours. c) ETA at German Bight Light Vessel
d) port of destination.
Maximum Size of Vessels: Ships of up to 350 m. (post Panamax) in
length are accommodated at berths along River Weser (Container Terminal).
ETA Changes: Corrected ETA messages should be sent one hour prior to
arrival by VHF Channels 6 or 16 to Weser Pilot vessel.
Panamax vessels with draft more than 12.8 m. and Post-Panamax vessels
with draft over 12.7 m. are restricted by tide. Helicopter Transfer: On request, the Pilot can be picked up by helicopter
provided an approved landing or winching area, meeting the international
The maximum dimensions mentioned do not necessarily apply to all berths, standards, is available. On special request, Pilots can also be boarded from
quays or areas within the port. the pilot cutter, or SWATH, near Helgoland.
Beam Draft In case helicopter transfer of pilots is required, the request should be sent
(m.) (m.) 24 hours in advance to the pilot station by stating, in addition to the above
41.00 11.60 information, whether a marked winching area or a landing area is provided,
40.90 11.75 and indicating where this area is located.
40.70 11.90 An updated ETA message should be sent to the pilot station 6 hours in
40.60 12.05 advance and exact time of arrival about 2 hours in advance.
40.40 12.20 Short-term requests for helicopter transfer of pilots will be honoured, but
40.20 12.35 in these cases, no guarantee will be given that the transfer will be performed
40.00 12.50 at the time desired.
39.50 12.65 SWATH Pilot Vessels: SWATH vessels at the Elbe and German Bight Pilot
39.00 12.80 Stations require pilot ladder to be rigged 3.0 m. above water level. Boarding
38.00 13.00 speed should be 10 – 11 knots.
Locks: Doppelschleuse: Ordering Procedure on Departure: Requests for Pilots shall be sent to
the pilot station not later than 2 hours prior to sailing, stating sailing draft in
Big Lock: fresh water in metres.
Length: 181 m. For vessel departures between 1900 – 0800 hours, the Pilot must be
Width including fenders: 32.5 m. ordered prior to 1700 hours.
Depth (LW): 5.8 m.
Docking Pilots: Compulsory for oil, gas or chemical carriers of more than
The lock is equipped with VHF radio, working on Channel 69. Call 60 m. in length or 10.0 m. in breadth, and for all other sea-going vessels of
Bremerhaven Fischereihafen Lock Radio. more than 90.0 m. in length and/or 13.0 m. in breadth. Service is available
Small Lock: 24 hours a day. Requests shall be made 2 hours prior to arrival, however,
Length: 106.5 m. 1 hour before arrival or departure via Harbour Master Office, Tel: +49 (471)
Width without fenders: 11.95 m. 5961 3416/417/418 or via Bremerhaven Port Radio (VHF Channel 12).
Width including fenders: 11.15 m. Docking Pilots will board incoming ships North of Strom Quay (Container
Depth (LW): 6.2 m. Terminal). Ships bound for Fischereihafen will be boarded near River Geeste

See guidelines for compiling and submitting information (page xi) 1037
GERMANY Bremerhaven
Boarding Equipment for Sea and Docking Pilots: Normal pilot Berth Length Depth* Draft Remarks
ladder, without manropes or boat lines. Pilot hoists will be accepted. (m.) (m.) (m.)
Verbindungshafen 1,288 9.0 – 11.0 Fruit, oil
DEEP SEA PILOTAGE: See ‘‘Brixham’’ or ‘‘Cherbourg’’ and ‘‘General’’ Car Terminal Quay 288
before first German Port and ‘‘Baltic Deep-Sea Pilotage’’. Fruit Terminal 600
ANCHORAGES: On the river at Hohe Weg Roads, approximately 15 n.m. Tanker Terminal 400
north of Bremerhaven with swinging space available, and for smaller ships Quay
up to LOA 120 m. at Blexen Roads, SW of the junction with the River Geeste. Kaiserhafen I 1,750 8.5 – 10.5
Kaiserhafen II 1,170 10.5 Cars
PRATIQUE: Pratique normally granted automatically. Formalities are Kaiserhafen III 1,420 10.5 Cars
handled by Port Health Authority, boarding the vessel usually upon arrival. Neuerhafen 1,630 7.0
Vaccination service on request. Port Health and Quarantine Station at Bominflot 10.5 9.90 Tankers
Bremerhaven. Any medical service available can be requested via Weserport 1,300 10.70 Multipurpose
Bremerhaven Port Radio on VHF Channel 12. Egerland Terminal 500 9.50 Cars, Ro-Ro
Also see ‘‘General’’ before first Germany port and ‘‘Bremen’’. BLG 2,700 11.3 Steel, timber, pipes,
PRE-ARRIVAL INFORMATION: ETA Message: Nuclear-powered Hansakai 500 10.50 Multipurpose
ships and gas tankers must be reported to the Port Authority 48 hours prior ECL 560 9.45 Multipurpose
to arrival, others 12 hours prior to arrival via electronic medium or by fax. GHK 650 9.60 Multipurpose, steel
Message to include: Schiffahrts 500 12.50 Fruit, vegetables
⌻ ship’s name Fischereihafen 5.0 – 7.5 7.60 Fish, timber, gravel,
⌻ date and time of arrival foodstuffs
⌻ g.t. * at MLW
⌻ draft (FW) in metres
⌻ length of ship BLG: Operator: BLG Cargo Logistics GmbH & Co KG. Tel: +49 (421) 39806.
⌻ if special manoeuvring equipment available Fax: +49 (421) 398 2317. Email:
⌻ particulars of special cargo (heavy lifts, overlength cargo, etc.). Web:
⌻ No. of crew and passengers Location: West bank of Weser.
Cargoes: Multipurpose terminal handling project cargo, containers, steel,
⌻ presence of ISSC
pipes, paper, timber and bulk.
⌻ security level of ship
Berths: Three berths, length 2,700 m., draft 11.3 m.
⌻ reasons for calling at harbour
Cranes: 4 container gantries, 24␺24 ton cranes, 1␺104 tonne mobile
⌻ ETA of next port
heavy-duty crane, 2␺100 ton floating cranes, access to 600 tonne floating
⌻ waste disposal requirements.
Dangerous Cargo: Vessels carrying cargoes of IMDG Class 1, 5.2, 6.2 and Facilites: One Ro-Ro ramp. Vacuum lift system for pipe handling. Full range
7 are subject to certain limitations. All dangerous cargo must be notified to of services from packing and product care to inspections and repairs.
the Port Authority prior to arrival. Contact the Port Authority as the Storage: 35.5 ha. open and 225,000 sq.m. warehousing.
competent/responsible authority for the IMDG Code for further details.
‘‘German Regulations on Particular Requirements for the Entry of Vessels ECL: Operator: ECL - Eurocargo Logistic GmbH & Co KG. Tel: +49 (421)
into German Territorial Waters’’ to be observed. When transferring oil or 694640. Fax: +49 (421) 694 6410. Email:
having on board dangerous cargo, red flag (International code of signal Web:
‘‘Bravo’’) to be displayed during daytime or a red light during night-time. Berths: Quay length 560 m., draft 9.45 m.
Facilities: Multipurpose and bulk terminal.
Waste: 24-hours’ notice of waste and slops disposal requirements must be Cranes: 2␺24 tons, 1␺50 tons
submitted. Storage: 21,000 sq.m. warehouse.
Also see ‘‘Waste Disposal’’, ‘‘Slops Disposal’’ and ‘‘Bremen’’.
D and H: Operator: Dreyer & Hillmann GmbH & Co KG. Tel: +49 (421)
VHF: Bremerhaven Port Radio Station works on Channel 12 for harbour 643070. Fax: +49 (421) 640899. Email:
traffic control. Web:
Elbe/Weser Radio can be contacted for other communication needs. Multipurpose terminal specialising in forest products.
From ‘‘Weser’’ buoy to Bremerhaven, the River Weser is completely
covered by shore radar stations in service 24 hours a day. If the pilot vessel GHK: Operator: GHK Industriekonservierung GmbH & Co KG.
is stationed between Light Buoys 17 and 19, approaching ships can request Tel: +49 (421) 618000. Fax: +49 (421) 618 0077.
radar service, from ‘‘2 Weser’’ Buoy to pilot cutter on Channel 22. Email: Web:
Navigational warnings will be broadcast every full hour plus 20 minutes for Berths: 650 m., pier, draft 9.6 m.
the River Weser area on Channels 2, 4, 7 and 22. Multipurpose terminal specialising in steel products.
Nordschleuse on Channel 10.
Bremerhaven Fischereihafen Lock Radio on Channel 10. Hansa Holz: Operator: Hansa Holz Wilhelm Kruger GmbH. Tel: +49 (421)
Also see ‘‘VTS’’. 618060. Fax: +49 (421) 618 0666. Email:
VTS/RADAR: Bremerhaven Port Radio works on VHF Channel 12 for Multipurpose terminal specialising in forest products.
Harbour Traffic Control.
Nordschleuse and Doppelschleuse can be contacted on VHF Channel 69. Hansakai: Operator: Hansakai Umschlagbetriebe GmbH & Co.
Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) is in operation. From the Weser Buoy to Kommanditgesellschaft. Tel: +49 (421) 399 3212. Fax: +49 (421) 399 3246.
Bremen (the River Weser), the area is completely covered by shore radar Email: Web:
stations throughout 24 hours. If the pilot vessel is stationed between Light Multipurpose terminal with two berths, length 500 m., draft 10.5 m. Five
Buoys No. 17 and 19, approaching ships can request radar service from the cranes.
Weser Buoy to the pilot cutter on VHF Channel 22.
Navigational warnings for the River Weser area will be broadcast every
Weserport: Operator: Weserport GmbH. Tel: +49 (421) 643010.
Fax: +49 (421) 643 0165. Email:
full hour plus 20 minutes on VHF Channels 2, 4, 7 and 22.
TUGS: Available throughout 24 hours. The pilots are supported by three Berths: Two, length 1,300 m., draft 10.7 m.
tug companies who run about 25 heavy-duty tugs with up to 78 tons BP. The Cranes: Shore cranes up to 55 tons, combined cranes up to 70 tons.
towing company Bugsier-, Reederei- und Bergungs-gesellschaft, with a fleet Storage: 270,000 sq.m. operational area, warehousing, including
of eight tugs, and Urag Unter-weser Reederei AG, with nine tugs, co-operate
Remarks: Shortsea terminal for barges and feeder vessels, Direct
in the form of a consortium. The third tugboat firm to set up business in
transshipment for general and bulk cargoes.
Bremerhaven is the Dutch company Kotug. Tugs join vessel with docking
Pilots. Tug’s lines used at no extra charge. Also see ‘‘Restrictions’’, ‘‘Bulk Facilities’’, ‘‘Container Facilities’’,
Mooring Gang: Service is compulsory. Mooring gang will be informed by ‘‘Passenger Facilities’’, ‘‘Tanker Facilities’’ and ‘‘Other Facilities’’.
Port Authorities. No charges for mooring gang when passing the locks. BULK FACILITIES: Grain:
Mooring launches are available. Other nautical services can be ordered
directly from the Company. Mooring gang also supplies shore telephones.
Bremer Rolandmuhle Erling: Operator: Bremer Rolandmuhle Erling
GmbH & Co KG. Tel: +49 (421) 386050. Fax: +49 (421) 386 0518.
Also see ‘‘Fire Precautions – Firefighting Equipment’’.
Email: Web:
BERTHS: Bremerhaven: Milling facility with loader for bagged cargoes.
Berth Length Depth* Draft Remarks
(m.) (m.) (m.)
J Muller Weser: Operator: J Muller Weser GmbH & Co KG. Tel: +49 (421)
3877 3300. Fax: +49 (421) 3877 3580. Email:
Uberseehafen 3,020 10.0 – 12.0 Web:
Columbus Quay 1,020 9.0 – 11.0 Passengers, fruit, Grain facility with 1␺300 and 1␺500 t.p.h. loaders and bagging station.
general, breakbulk Storage: Capacity 115,000 tons.
Columbus Cruise 500 9.90 Passengers, Ro-Ro
Centre Hansa-Muhler: Operator: Hans-Muhle Verwaltungs GmbH & Co KG.
Portco 9.80Fruit Tel: +49 (421) 344807. Fax: +49 (421) 349 1720.
Strom Quay 3,700 12.0 – 15.0 Containers Facilities: 1␺300 and 1␺500 t.p.h. loaders, bagging station.
NTB 990 14.00 Containers Storage: 115,000 tons.
CT4 3,237
Eurogate 1,800 14.00 Containers Weissheimer: Operator: Friedrich Weissheimer Malzfabrik. Tel: +49 (421)
MSC 600 14.50 Containers 691550. Fax: +49 (421) 691 5528. Email:
Nordhafen 960 11.0 Cars Web:
Osthafen 595 10.0 Cars Producers of pilsen malt, annual capacity 65,000 tons.

1038 Readers are encouraged to send updates and additions (page xi)
Bremerhaven GERMANY
CONTAINER FACILITIES: Diersch and Schroder: Operator: Diersch & Schroder GmbH & Co KG.
Tel: +49 (421) 396990. Fax: +49 (421) 396 9979. Email:
CT4: Berth: Four new berths. Length 1,681 m. Total quay length 4,900 m. Web:
Location: On River Weser, north of Eurogate. Two terminals - Bremen-Holzhafen and Bremen-Industriehafen.
Facilities: Handling capacity for 7 million TEUs. Handling and storage facilities.
Eurogate: Operator: Eurogate Container Terminal Bremerhaven GmbH. Also see ‘‘Bremen’’.
Tel: +49 (471) 142502. Fax: +49 (471) 1425 43000. Email:
CRANES: Floating/Mobile Cranes: Cranes with a capacity of up to
600 tonnes are available. Mobile cranes with different lifting capacities can
Berths: Length 1,800, draft 14.0 m. also be hired.
Facilities: 69 van carriers, 700 reefer plugs and 50 conair. One heavy lift bridge.
Cranes: 19 gantries, including post-Panamax and super post-Panamax. Also see ‘‘Berths’’, ‘‘Passenger Facilities’’, ‘‘Container Facilities’’ and ‘‘Other
Storage: 97.5 ha. yard. Facilities’’.
Remarks: Eurogate Intermodal runs the container shuttle with
daily connections to the west and south; serves Hungary. STEVEDORES: Ordered by Agent; no ETA advice to stevedores
MSC: Operator: MSC Gate Bremerhaven GmbH & Co KG. Tel: +49 (471) Working Hours/Local Holidays: Shifts in turn Monday/Friday:
926 6868. Fax: +49 (471) 302 0753. Email: Early shift: 0600 – 1400 (break 0945 – 1015)
Web: Day shift: 0730 – 1530 (break 1215 – 1245)
Location: In the Weser Estuary. Late shift: 1430 – 2230 (break 1815 – 1845)
Berth: Two, length 600 m., draft 14.5 m. Night shift: 2230 – 0600 (break 0200 – 0230)
Facilities: 5 gantries and 20 van carriers. Shifts in turn Saturday:
Storage: 300,000 sq.m. yard. Early shift: 0600 – 1400 (break 0945 – 1015)
Day shift: 0730 – 1530 (break 1215 – 1245)
NTB: Operator: North Sea Terminal Bremerhaven GmbH & Co. Late shift: 1430 – 2030 (break 1715 – 1745)
Tel: +49 (471) 944 6400. Fax: +49 (471) 944 6429. Night shift: 2030 – 0230 (break 2315 – 2345)
Email: Web: Sunday and Holidays: Sundays, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Ascension
Location: At the northern end of Stromkaje. Day, Whit Monday, October 3rd and Boxing Day:
Berths: Length 990 m., draft 14.0 m. 1st shift: 0600 – 1200 (break 0845 – 0915)
Facilities: 12 super-STS gantries and 34 van carriers. 2nd shift: 1200 – 1800 (break 1445 – 1515)
Storage: 47.4 ha. yard. 3rd shift: 1800 – 2400 (break 2045 – 2115)
Remarks: Capable of handling largest container vessels. 4th shift: 2400 – 0600 (break 0245 – 0315)
Days preceding Good Friday, Ascension Day, October 3rd are ordinary
working days. Days preceding New Year’s Day, Easter Sunday, 1 May, Whit
PASSENGER FACILITIES: Sunday and Christmas Day:
Columbus Cruise Centre: Operator: Columbus Cruise center 1st shift: 0600 – 1200 (break 0900 – 0915)
Bremerhaven GmbH. Tel: +49 (471) 80010. Fax: +49 (471) 800 1114. On New Year’s Day, Easter Sunday, 1 May, Whit Sunday and Christmas
Email: Web: Day, no work will be conducted.
Location: Section of Columbus Quay. Overtime: In urgent cases, and to finish a vessel, overtime can be worked
Berth: Length 500 m., draft 9.8 m. Two berths guaranteed. but must be ordered in advance before end of shift. During such overtime,
Facilities: Ro-Ro ramp and facilities, 3 telescopic passenger gangways. 15 minutes break time after one hour work.
Cranes: 2␺8 tons. Hatches: Normally by crew with stevedores’ assistance.
CARGO GEAR: No additional requirements. Preventers necessary.
OTHER FACILITIES: BALLAST: No fixed ballast reception facilities available ashore, but dirty
Cars: ballast can be discharged to barges or road tankers supplied by private
BLG: Operator: BLG Automobile Logistics GmbH & Co KG. Tel: +49 (471) Clean ballast can be discharged without any restriction.
48403. Fax: +49 (471) 484 4102. Email: Also see ‘‘Slops Disposal’’.
Berth: 14 berths, draft 10.5 m. WASTE DISPOSAL: A waste notification specifying the amount of all
Storage: 185 ha. operational area with 620,000 sq.m. sheltered car storage. types of waste on board indicating also the intended disposal method should
be submitted 24 hours before arrival (for details refer to waste notification
Ten railway ramps, PDI.
form). According to local regulations, garbage of any kind accumulated during
the vessel’s stay in port has to be disposed of prior to sailing.
Egerland Automobile Terminal: Operator: Egerland Car Terminal GmbH For normal household waste, receptacles will be placed on board upon
& CO KG. Tel: +49 (421) 688500. Fax: +49 (421) 688 5042. arrival. The number of receptacles supplied depends on vessel’s size and
Email: Web: number of crew.
Receptacles are collected prior to sailing. Charges will be collected
Fish: automatically with harbour dues.
Fischereihafen: Operator: Fischereihafen-Betriebsgesellschaft mbH. Other types of waste require different receptacles which can be ordered
Tel: +49 (471) 97320. Fax: +49 (471) 973 2115. via Agents from private operators.
Email: Web: Additional containers may be ordered as required. The loaded containers
Berth: Draft 7.6 m. will be collected before the ship sails, or replaced if stay is more than two
Cranes: Six. days.
Storage: 520,000 sq.m. and 81,500 sq.m. warehouse. Crew members must assist when filled containers are collected.
Operational waste (residues of cargo, dunnage, protecting and separating
Fruit: material, etc.) must be delivered ashore before the ship leaves the port.
Arrange through Agent. Contact Port Duty Officer, Tel: +49 (471)
Portco: Operator: Portco Bremerhaven GmbH. Tel: +49 (471) 48730. 947 4635 for further information.
Fax: +49 (471) 487352. Email: Web: SLOPS DISPOSAL: Service for collection of waste oil available,
Berths: Two, draft 9.8 m., Three vessels can be berthed. collection by barges and tanker trucks throughout 24 hours. Disposal of
Storage: Air-conditioned fruit storage facility for 32,000 pallets. sludge residues according to Marpol Annex II.
Remarks: Access without passing through locks. General, breakbulk and A waste notification specifying the amount of sludge, slops and bilge water
project cargo also handled. on board and indicating also the intended disposal should be submitted
24 hours before arrival.
Schiffahrts: Operator: Schiffahrts-und Speditions-Gesellschaft Meyer & Co. Barges or road tankers for reception of slops, oily waste etc. are available
GmbH. Tel: +49 (471) 48730. Fax: +49 (471) 487358. from following authorised companies:
Email: Web: Bominflot Bremerhaven Tanklager GmbH. Tel: +49 (471) 944613.
Berth: Length 500 m., draft 12.5 m. Fax: +49 (471) 944 6155.
Facilities: Five elevators and 3␺7.5 ton cranes, palletising and conveying Rolf Martens GmbH & Co KG. Tel: +49 (421) 455095. Fax: +49 (421)
equipment. ripening centre. 455098.
Storage: Capacity to store 5,500 pallets bananas, other fruit and vegetables. Graue & Co. Tel: +49 (471) 946900. Fax: +49 (471) 946 9090.
Plump Gewasserschutz GmbH. Tel: +49 (421) 618040. Fax: +49 (421)
Ro-Ro: 616 7166.
Ascali GmbH. Tel: +49 (40) 780 8920. Fax: +49 (40) 7809 8220.
BLG: Operator: BLG Automobile Logistics GmbH & Co KG. Tel: +49 (471) Contact can also be established through local Agents.
48403. Fax: +49 (471) 484 4102. Email: The pre-transfer-checklist must be completed. All ships are charged a
Web: re-imbursable fee for disposal of oily waste. The fee is charged irrespective
Location: River Weser. of the actual use of the reception facilities. To receive a reimbursement of
Transshipment terminal with storage for 120,000 vehicles handling almost the substantial part of the disposal expenses a reimbursement application is
1,500 car carriers p.a. to be submitted to the Bremen Ports Port Dues Department. The expenses
are reimbursed up to certain maximum amounts.
Transshipment: The Association of Bremen Transshipment Companies’ MEDICAL: Hospital facilities at all Weser ports. No vaccination normally
website provides details of transshipment companies Web: www.vbu-info-de. required.
FRESH WATER: Available by pipeline at all berths at an approximate
TANKER FACILITIES: rate of 30 cu.m./hr.
Bominflot: Locator: Bominflot Bremerhaven Tanklager GmbH. FUEL: All grades available. Supply usually by barge. Before bunkering can
start, a pre-transfer checklist must be filled out and signed.
Tel: +49 (471) 944613. Fax: +49 (471) 944 6155.
Email: Web: CHANDLERY: Provisions and stores are available.
Location: Verbindungshafen. STORING: Possible.
Berth: Berth depth 10.5 m. draft 9.9 m. SERVICES: Compulsory. Boats available. Other nautical services can be
Storage: 96,000 cu.m. storage tanks. ordered directly from the companies. Mooring men also supply shore

See guidelines for compiling and submitting information (page xi) 1039
GERMANY Bremerhaven
DRY DOCK: Dry dock facilities for vessels up to 75,000 g.t. Inland Waterways: Middles Weser and the Dorverden and Minden locks
(335 m.␺34 m.␺draft 11.0 m.) are available. Floating docks, the largest being to the south of Bremen to be developed to handle high-powered container
286 m.␺38 m.␺draft 9.4 m. Private firms specialise in container repairs. barges up to LOA 135 m. and barge trains to 139 m.
Bremerhavener Dock GmbH. Tel: +49 (471) 79970. Email: AUTHORITY: Hansestadt Bremisches Hafenamt, Steubenstrasse 7 A,
Web: D-27568 Bremerhaven, Germany. Tel: +49 (471) 5961 3416/7.
Heise Schiffsreparatur GmbH. Tel: +49 (471) 972880. Fax: +49 (471) 5961 3423. Email:
Email: Web: Web: Contact: Captain Andreas Mai, Port Captain.
Lloyd-Werft Bremerhaven GmbH. Tel: +49 (471) 4780. Email:
Email: Web:
Motorenwerke Bremerhaven MWB AG. Tel: +49 (471) 9450.
Email: Web: BRUNSBUTTEL, including Elbehafen and Ostermoor:
Rickmers Lloyd Dockbetrieb. Tel: +49 (471) 48010.
Email: Web: 53␥ 53' N 009␥ 09' E (See Plan)
SSW Schichau Seebeck Shipyard GmbH. Tel: +49 (471) 3920.
Email: OVERVIEW: Handles general cargoes, bulk, oil, chemical and LPG
Web: cargoes.
REPAIRS: All kinds of ship repairs can be conducted by several shipyards. Elbehafen lies directly on the River Elbe and consists of a multipurpose
Also see ‘‘Dry Dock’’. pier with deep-water tidal berths handling oil, gas, chemicals, dry cargo,
containers, explosives and other dangerous goods.
SURVEYORS: Classification Societies: All major classification
societies have representatives in Bremerhaven: LOCATION: At the intersection of the entrance to the Kiel Canal (the link
Lloyd’s Register of Shipping. Tel: +49 (421) 310611 or Tel: +49 (471) between the North Sea and the Baltic Sea) and the River Elbe, in the centre
45006 of a well-developed industrial area.
Bureau Veritas, District Hamburg. Tel: +49 (40) 230801. Elbehafen: On the north side of the river Elbe, east of the Kiel Canal
Telex: 02 15426 entrance.
Germanischer Lloyd. Tel: +49 (471) 924490. Fax: +49 (471) 924 4930 Ostermoor: On the south side of the Kiel Canal at Km. 5.66.
P&I Club Surveyors: Major P&I Club is Moeller & Partner. Tel: +49 (471) CHARTS: BA Charts No. 1875, 2469, 3619 and 3625.
946090. Fax: +49 (471) 946 0999. DOCUMENTS:
POLICE/AMBULANCE/FIRE: Accidents, Police 110; Fire 112. Bill of Lading
EMERGENCY RESPONSE CENTRE: Flottenkommando SAR 1 Crew List
Leitstelle, Meyerweg, 2392 Glucksburg. Tel: +49 (4631) 2 Crew Effects Declarations
8625-511 (Ext. 575/6). Health Certificate forms obtainable from River Pilot
Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Rettung Schiffbruchiger, Seenotleitung, 2 Passenger Effects Declarations
Werderstrasse 2, Bremen. Tel: +49 (421) 504393. Telex: 0244754. Ship’s Register
FIRE PRECAUTIONS: No smoking on deck. Tankers: Smoking only 3 Stores Lists.
allowed in saloon or messroom. For ships entering locks of Brunsbuttel for transit traffic through Kiel Canal,
only ship’s register required.
Firefighting Equipment: There are tugs available fitted with firefighting Vessels carrying more than 2,000 tons of oil must provide an Oil Liability
equipment. Fire brigade is available on short notice. Safety equipment and Certificate.
general arrangement plan for the vessel to be permanently available at the Passport Control is carried out on board by Customs officers.
ship’s gangway.
Certificates: Ships entering canal and using terminals must have
SECURITY/GANGWAY: Watchmen are available, but not compulsory. international ship’s register. All other certificates should be valid.
Shore Gangway: Shore gangway service is available, but not compulsory. Dangerous Cargoes: Ships requested to possess an Oil Liability
Different sizes of gangways can be supplied by the mooring gang. Agreement (more than 2,000 tons oil on board) must be in possession of a
REGULATIONS: Dangerous Cargo: Cargoes of IMDG Class 1, 5.2, valid Oil Liability Certificate.
6.2 and 7 are subject to certain limitation. Port Authorities to be notified on ISPS COMPLIANCE: PFSO: Bayer AG. Dr. Matthias Walper.
dangerous cargo in transit, for import prior to arrival. Contact Port Authorities Tel: +49 (4852) 816060. Mobile: +49 (175) 314 3234.
as the responsible authority for the IMDG Code for further details. German Ku-Bi Bunker Brunsbuttel (NOK). Ralf Zoeger. Tel: +49 (4852) 2001.
Ordinance on Particular Requirements for the entry of Vessels into German Mobile: +49 (172) 800 7678.
Territorial Waters to be obeyed. Total Deutschland GmbH (NOK). Uwe Glau. Tel: +49 (431) 380 1680.
WEATHER/TIDES: Tidal Range: Medium high water level Fax: +49 (431) 3801 6877.
4.38 m. LAT. Total Bitumen Deutschland GmbH. Wolfgang Deters. Tel: +49 (4852)
Medium low water level 0.58 m. LAT. 888239, 888114.
The tidal range is about 3.8 m. with tidal currents from 2.5 – 3.5 knots. Elbehafen: Lars Sell. Tel: +49 (4852) 88448.
Wind: Mainly SE to W with an average force of 4 – 5. Ostermoor: YARA Brunsbuttel. Dr. Udo Stark. Tel: +49 (4852) 82266.
Ice: Bremerhaven is normally ice free. Ice occurs only in extreme frost. Mobile: +49 (172) 780 2732. Fax: +49 (4852) 82420.
CONSULS: Barbados, Iceland, Sweden, Senegal, United Kingdom. Email:
TELEPHONES: A shore telephone has to be taken on board when MAX. SIZE: Locks: LOA 235 m., beam, 32.5 m., draft 10.4 m.
handling dangerous cargo. Telephones will be supplied by mooring gang. A Elbehafen: LOA 350 m., beam 55.0 m., draft 14.8 m. (FW), depth 16.1 m.
majority of berths are equipped with shore telephone connections. (CD). Minimum under-keel clearance 0.9 m.
NEAREST AIRPORT: Bremen International Airport, 62 km. Tankers: LOA 400 m., beam unlimited, draft 13.8 m., depth 14.7 m. (CD).
BANKS: Available. DENSITY: Brackish at Elbe Harbour and inside locks, average1003.
CUSTOMS: Service available 24 hours a day. Free port area: Container RESTRICTIONS: No restrictions imposed on night entry. If draft above
Terminal, Passenger Terminal Uberseehafen, Kaiserhafen II & III. Outside 9.5 m. (FW), vessels will be piloted to Brunsbuttel with flood-tide.
freeports: 200 cigarettes for 3 days or 50 grams tobaco and 1 bottle spirits. Length Beam (m.)
After 3 days, further same quantities. Wine not restricted. Freeports only at (m.) 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 32.5
Bremen (Neustaedter Hafen), and at Bremerhaven (Strom Quay, Columbus Max. Permissible Draft (m.)
Quay, Nordhafen, Osthafen, Verbindungshafen and Kaiserhafen II and III). 160 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.4 9.3 9.2 9.1 8.9 8.9
163 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.4 9.3 9.2 9.1 9.0 8.9 8.9
REPATRIATION: Crew changes possible. Contact Agents for visa 166 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.4 9.3 9.1 9.0 8.9 8.8 8.7
requirements. 169 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.4 9.3 9.2 9.0 8.9 8.8 8.7 8.6
IDENTIFICATION CARDS: Shore passes are only issued for crew 172 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.4 9.3 9.2 9.1 9.0 8.8 8.7 8.6 8.5
members and passengers of those nationalities that normally require a Visa 175 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.4 9.3 9.1 9.0 8.9 8.8 8.6 8.5 8.4
to enter the Federal Republic of Germany. No shore passes are issued for 178 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.4 9.3 9.2 9.0 8.9 8.8 8.7 8.5 8.4 8.3
crew members and passengers who do not require a Visa to enter the Federal 181 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.4 9.3 9.2 9.1 9.0 8.8 8.7 8.6 8.5 8.3 8.3
Republic of Germany, Seaman’s Book or Passport is sufficient. 184 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.3 9.2 9.1 9.0 8.9 8.7 8.6 8.5 8.4 8.3 8.2
Shore passes issued to passengers are chargeable. 187 9.5 9.5 9.4 9.3 9.1 9.0 8.9 8.8 8.6 8.5 8.4 8.3 8.2 8.1
SEAMAN’S CLUBS: Seamens’ missions/clubs offer recreational 190 9.5 9.4 9.3 9.2 9.1 8.9 8.8 8.7 8.6 8.4 8.3 8.2 8.1 8.0
facilities, telephone and exchange service as well as transport to and from 193 9.5 9.3 9.2 9.1 9.0 8.9 8.7 8.6 8.5 8.4 8.3 8.1 8.0 7.9
the ship, depending on the berth of the ship. An der Nordschleuse 1, 196 9.4 9.3 9.1 9.0 8.9 8.8 8.6 8.5 8.4 8.3 8.2 8.0 7.9 7.8
27568 Bremerhaven. Tel: +49 471 42444. Email: 199 9.3 9.1 9.0 8.9 8.8 8.7 8.5 8.4 8.3 8.2 8.1 7.9 7.8 7.8
Web: 202 9.2 9.1 9.0 8.9 8.7 8.6 8.5 8.4 8.2 8.1 8.0 7.9 7.7 7.7
‘‘Welcome’’ is located at Nordschleuse lock, Uberseehafen, next to 205 9.1 9.0 8.9 8.8 8.6 8.5 8.4 8.3 8.2 8.0 7.9 7.8 7.7 7.6
Bremerhaven’s Container Terminal. Catholic Seamen’s Mission ‘‘Stella 208 9.0 8.9 8.8 8.7 8.5 8.4 8.3 8.2 8.1 8.0 7.8 7.7 7.6 7.5
Maris’’ is in the Uberseestadt district in Bremen. Seamen’s Mission in 211 9.0 8.9 8.7 8.6 8.5 8.4 8.3 8.1 8.0 7.9 7.7 7.6 7.5 7.4
Bremerhaven is in the city centre. 214 8.9 8.8 8.6 8.5 8.4 8.3 8.2 8.0 7.9 7.8 7.6 7.5 7.4 7.4
GENERAL: Signals: Quarantine flag to be displayed until free pratique 217 8.8 8.7 8.5 8.4 8.3 8.2 8.0 7.9 7.8 7.7 7.5 7.4 7.4 7.3
is granted. When transferring oil or having on board dangerous cargo of 220 8.7 8.6 8.4 8.3 8.2 8.1 8.0 7.8 7.7 7.6 7.5 7.4 7.3 7.3
IMDG class 1, red flag to be displayed during daytime or a red light during 223 8.6 8.5 8.4 8.3 8.1 8.0 7.9 7.7 7.6 7.5 7.4 7.3 7.2 7.2
night time. 226 8.5 8.4 8.3 8.2 8.0 7.9 7.8 7.7 7.5 7.4 7.4 7.3 7.2 7.1
DEVELOPMENTS: Containers: Plans for provision of simultaneous 229 8.4 8.3 8.2 8.1 7.9 7.8 7.7 7.6 7.4 7.4 7.3 7.2 7.1 7.1
berthing capacity for 14 container vessels. 232 8.4 8.3 8.1 8.0 7.9 7.7 7.6 7.5 7.4 7.3 7.2 7.2 7.1 7.0
235 8.3 8.1 8.0 7.9 7.8 7.6 7.5 7.4 7.3 7.3 7.2 7.1 7.0 7.0
Navigation Channel: Dredging work carried out to enable vessels of draft
13.8 m. to use quays. Vessels proceeding only as far as Km. 6.0 may enter the canal with drafts
Lower Weser: To be deepened to permit tide-dependent passage of up to 10.4 m.
vessels up to draft 11.1 m. Lock Dimensions: Length 310 m., breadth 42.0 m.
Locks: Enlargement of Kaiserschleuse to length 305 m., passage width Ostermoor: Cessation of Cargo Operations Due to Bad Weather:
55 m. due for completion in 2010. Berth No. 1: Rainfall, wind speed greater than 22 m./sec.
Car Transshipment: Facilities being upgraded in Osthafen. Parts of basin Berths No. 2, 4 and 6: Wind speed greater than 26 m./sec.
filled in to create several new berths for large and feeder ships. 6 ha. storage Connection and disconnection at wind speed greater than 22 m./sec.
added. Bridges: Max. airdraft 40.0 m. (for vessels transitting the canal).

1040 Readers are encouraged to send updates and additions (page xi)
Brunsbuttel GERMANY
APPROACHES: Ostermoor: Navigating into the North Basin: MOORING: The use of constant tension winches is prohibited at Berths
Clearance to be given by YARA and only after cargo operations at Berth No. 2 and 4 only. Port Authority will allocate berth where the exact position
No. 4 have been stopped. alongside berth will be advised by the Port Authority (YARA). Additional
PILOTAGE: Pilots Association NOK I: Tel: +49 (4852) 96920. mooring may be requested by YARA.
Fax: +49 (4852) 3059. Email: Tankers are required to be moored at least by one steel wire fore and aft.
Web: The steel wire may be covered.
Canal Pilots also act as Docking Pilots. Ostermoor: Due to the tidal current, the vessel must be moored carefully
Anchorage River Elbe: See ‘‘General’’ before first German port. and safely. All mooring lines must be heaved tight and secured safely to
Pilotage Kiel Canal: Compulsory for all vessels in traffic Group 2 – 6. ensure that the vessel will be firmly secured at the terminal at all times.
Pilot station. Tel: +49 (4852) 8088. VHF Channel 9. Pilot is ordered Self tension winches must be operating in manual not automatic mode.
automatically on passage to Elbe 1 Position. The vessel’s moorings should be monitored frequently by the vessel’s
Canal Helmsman: When a vessel exceeds any of the following dimensions, personnel and tended as necessary.
it shall enlist the services of Canal helmsmen for the stretches of water as Ships lying at terminals situated on canal bank in Inner Harbour should
listed hereunder: take into consideration that vessels must moor safely, as suction of passing
Between Brunsbuttel and Rusterbergen (pilot transfer station): LOA ships may cause breaking of lines.
100.0 – 120.0 m., beam 16.5 – 14.5 m., draft 6.1 m. The Port Authority may insist on calling for additional personnel to support
Between Rusterbergen and Kiel-Holtenau: LOA 100.0 – 115.0 m., beam the vessel’s crew, if the vessel does not have an adequate number of
15.5 – 14.0 m., draft 6.1 m. personnel to handle mooring lines safely and quickly.
Tankers up to Traffic Category No. 4 and other vessels up to Traffic Gangways: Shore gangways available; special gangway at hand for VLCCs.
Category No. 5: LOA 100.0 – 120.0 m., beam 17.0 – 19.0 m., draft 7.0 m.
Vessels must have their own gangway available.
Vessels exceeding any one of these dimensions shall enlist the services
of two Canal helmsmen. However, this provision shall not apply to short trips BULK FACILITIES:
not exceeding a length of 15 km.
Brunsbuttel Canal Pilot: Pilot boats are painted black with ‘‘LOTSE’’ in Ostermoor - Berth No. 1:
white letters on hull. VHF Channel 9. Operator: YARA Brunsbuttel GmbH. Tel: +49 (4852) 82450. Fax: +49 (4852)
Exemption Permit: May be obtained from Kiel Canal authorities for all 82425, 82400. Email: Web:
vessels to sail from YARA Terminal with a max. draft of 10.4 m. Products Handled: Bulk urea; loading rate 160 – 220 tonnes/hr. (depending
ANCHORAGES: Anchoring near the compressed-air barrier is prohibited. on grade).
The location of the barrier is indicated by rings with the inscription Loading Arm: Working range ␤10.4 to 7.5 m. Loader outreach 1.0 – 26.0 m.
‘‘Pressluftsperre’’. Storage Capacity: 85,000 tons.
Vessels waiting for entrance to the Canal and port may anchor in NE Fresh Water: Available at berth.
anchorage, South anchorage, or Neufeld anchorage. Pilot boarding ground Fuel: By barges or road tankers.
on NW anchorage is only for vessels awaiting the next clear lock. Storing: By ship’s gear.
PRATIQUE: Pratique automatic for vessels entering harbour for loading Services: No electricity connections available.
or discharging, and ships passing through Canal if required provided Health
Certificate form does not show any infectious diseases.
following information must be sent to the ship’s Agent:
a) ship’s name Canal Berth:
b) ship’s call sign Operator: Shell & DEA Oil GmbH.
c) estimated arrival time Location: Inside Kiel Canal Lock at south bank of the Inner Harbour of
d) cargo to be handled (commodity, quantity and special particulars). Brunsbuttel.
Additionally for dry cargo vessels: Ship type, number of hatches and height Depth: Within the approaches 11.0 m.
above water level to top of hatches. Max. Size: Length 150 m., beam 20.0 m., draft 6.5 m.
Additionally for tankers: Number and nominal diameter of manifold
connection. Any existing damage to vessel’s hull, tanks and deck piping.
Vessels with hazardous cargo or tankers which are not gas-free must be Elbehafen (Oil Port):
reported 48 hours prior to arrival to the Port Authority in accordance with Operator: Other than Berth No. VIII, all oil jetties are operated under the
Sections 8 and 9 of the Port Safety Code (HSVO). management of the Shell & DEA Oil GmbH, Tanklager- und Umschlagbetrieb
Also see ‘‘VHF’’. Brunsbuttel, Ostermoorer Strasse 54, 25541 Brunsbuttel, Germany.
VHF: Radio communication has to be carried out in accordance with the Restrictions: Tankers may only be berthed if visibility is over 1 n.m.
regulations of VTSS Germany (see latest edition of VTS Guide). Depth: Within the approaches, 13.5 m., alongside berth 17.5 m.
General VHF stations in vicinity of Brunsbuttel: Crude Oil/Liquid Gas: Prior to discharging, the following operational
Brunsbuttel Elbe Traffic*: Channel 68 requirements must be carried out:
Kiel Canal Pilot: Channel 9 completion and signing the ship’s Ship to Shore Safety Check List
Kiel Canal Lock: Channel 13 cargo measurement
* must be watched continuously securing ship-to-shore earth connection
VTS/RADAR: Radar assistance is available in accordance with the emergency towing wires
regulations of VTSS Germany (see latest edition of VTS Guide). measures for avoiding pressure surges during discharge
Vessels to call VTS centre 30 minutes prior to entering the covered area installation of safety telephone.
from seawards: Connection/Disconnection: Connecting and disconnecting of quay
Traffic Control Area Covered VHF Channel unloading/discharging equipment will be carried out by port authority
German Bight German Bight, Elbe Buoy 80 personnel.
Cuxhaven Elbe Elbe Buoy, Buoy No. 53 71 Loading/Discharging: The terminal has 2␺20 in. crude oil handling arms,
Brunsbuttel Elbe Buoy No. 53, Buoy No. 125 68 each handling a max. flow rate of 5,000 cu.m./hr., with working back pressure
Hamburg Port Buoy No. 125, port area 14 of 19 bar.
Radar Assistance:
There is 1␺10 in. liquid gas handling arm with a max. flow rate of
Elbe Approach Elbe Approach, Buoy No. 3 19
500 cu.m./hr. with max. working back pressure of 24 bar.
Scharhorn Buoy No. 5, Buoy No. 13 18
Neuwerk Buoy No. 15, Buoy No. 27 5 The units are driven hydraulically. Connection to the tanker manifolds by
Cuxhaven Buoy No. 29, Buoy No. 39 21 hydraulically operated clamps.
One 30 in. pipeline to Shell Tank Storage. Pressure admissibility of the
Radar VHF stations in vicinity of Brunsbuttel: units up to 19 Atu and a temperature up to max. +50␥C (crude oil).
Brunsbuttel Radar 1: VHF Channel 62 Liquified Gases (Propane): 1 loading/discharging arm 10 in. diameter,
Brunsbuttel Radar 2: VHF Channel 67 25 bar, ␤50␥C. 1 vapour return line 4 in. diameter.
St Margarethen Radar: VHF Channel 18 Also see ‘‘Regulations’’.
TUGS: Assignment as per Port Authority requirements. Mooring:
Three tugs available at Brunsbuttel. Further tugs on demand only. Vessel’s 1. Tankers must be moored with particular care on account of the current,
lines used. Tugs normally join vessels bound for the Elbe Harbour on river as handling equipment will be engaged for discharging and loading
in vicinity of Canal locks. operations and therefore vessels must be moored safely. All lines
From the approach limit up to entry into the lock, tug assistance is must be heaved tight and secured to ensure that vessels will be firmly
mandatory for vessels in Group 6 and also such vessels as manoeuvre only secured at the pier at all times.
with difficulty. Tugs assisting ships entering locks join vessels on canal-roads. 2. Tankers exceeding 35,000 g.t. must be moored as shown in ‘‘Plan’’,
BERTHS: Max. allowed dimensions of vessels entering the locks can be it being understood that these are minimum requirements for normal
interpolated from the figures below: weather conditions.
Draft Beam 3. The cross lines (wire ropes with a breaking strength of 120 tonnes)
(m.) (m.) will be provided from the shore and should be belayed on bollards.
10.4 27.0 4. If at all possible, an additional two cross lines should be provided by
9.5 29.0 the vessel.
8.0 32.5 5. All lines must be in perfect condition.
6. The winches to be used must be in perfect working order and capable
Elbehafen: Total of five berths, Berths No. 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6. of holding the tensile forces for which they are rated.
Draft Length 7. The crew must be large enough for efficient handling of the lines
(m.) (m.) according to the standards of good seamanship.
Oil Pier 13.8 (FW) 400 8. The Port Authority may insist on calling in additional personnel for
Dry Cargo Pier 14.8 (FW) 550 vessels not having a large enough crew to handle lines safely and
Oil Port: Total of five berths available. Berths No. 4 and 5 for tankers up to quickly.
draft 6.0 m. (FW) and Berths No. 6, 7 and 8 for tankers up to draft 9. The Mooring Plan is based on all line systems. If no cross lines are
10.4 m. (FW). provided from the shore, the vessel must provide breast lines forward
Also see ‘‘Bulk Facilities’’, ‘‘Tanker Facilities’’ and ‘‘LPG/LNG Facilities’’. and aft, and they should be wire ropes.

See guidelines for compiling and submitting information (page xi) 1041
GERMANY Brunsbuttel
Emergency Towing Wires: Once the mooring operations are completed, a Ostermoor - Berth No. 6:
sufficiently strong tow-line (wire rope) must be lowered from bow and stern Operator: Total Deutschland GmbH. Tel: +49 (4852) 888231.
on the offshore side as far down as to the water surface. Fax: +49 (4852) 888250. Web:
Important: Depth: 12.0 m. alongside berth.
1. The shore-side loading/discharge swivel arms are equipped with an Products Handled: Products discharged at 400 cu.m./hr. (16 bar).
automatic drift alarms. Should the vessel drift beyond the safety limit, Crude loaded at 2,000 cu.m./hr. (16 bar).
a loud signal will be sounded and all ship-side pumps must be stopped Hoses: Connection and disconnection performed by Total personnel.
and the lines must be checked. Product: 1 hose DN 200/PN 25.
2. In case of fire the ship fire alarm is as follows: one or more whistle Crude: 1 loading arm, 3 hoses DN 300/250/200, DN200/PN 25,
blasts, each to be sounded for at least 10 seconds, in addition to DN150/PN 25. Height above normal water level 0.3 – 17.0 m. Outreach from
sounding the general alarm. All safety drills and precautions must be dolphin towards ship’s offside up to 9.0 m.
observed. Cargo Operations: Prior to commencing cargo operations, the cargo
Ballast/Slop Disposal: By barges or tank truck, contact Agent. checklist, cargo plan, tank inspection, connection of ground wire and
Minimum Manning Requirement: During crude oil transfer a minimum staff hand-over of telephones are performed.
shall be assigned for safe handling of cargo transfer. For tankers of 3,000 g.t. Minimum Crew during Cargo Transfer Operation (Tankers 3,000 g.t.): One
and more, the minimum staff shall be assigned as follows: one Deck Officer, Deck Officer, one Engineering Officer and two deckhands, all fully qualified
one Engineering Officer both familiar with cargo handling and two deckhands, in cargo transfer operations, one Watch Officer for duties other than cargo
for tankers of 70,000 g.t. and more, two additional deckhands are required. transfer.
VLCCs: The safe mooring of vessels up to 250,000 d.w.t. has been proved At the sound of the ‘‘emergency stop’’ horn or In the event of a fire on
and has become a matter of routine. Harbour authorities have no objections board all operations must be stopped immediately.
to accept larger vessels but investigations have to be made with regard to Slops: 1 hose DN 100/PN 40/25.
safe mooring facilities ashore. Tankers with more than 11.28 m. draft must Fuel: By barges or road tankers.
arrive 2 hours prior to high water at Elbe Lanby, in order to dock at Elbe Gangway: 12.0 m. aluminium gangway.
Harbour with slack water or first ebb-tide. Vessels with draft not exceeding Services: No electricity connections available.
11.28 m. may dock during whole ebb tide. Pilot vessels to be contacted via Storing: Delivery of goods from shore by ship’s gear is possible after request
VHF radio Channel 9. to Total.
While approaching (Passing Buoy 53) and departure (Passing Buoy 54), Regulations: A lifeboat has to be ready at the accommodation ladder on the
a continuous watch keeping is requested on VHF Channel 68 (call offshore side.
‘‘Brunsbuttel-Elbe-Traffic’’). Also see ‘‘Berths’’.
For more details Tel: +49 (4852) 8840.
Shell Terminal: Ostermoor - Berth No. 4:
Operators: Shell (Deutschland) AG. Tel: +49 (4852) 2011. Telex: 028314. Operator: YARA Brunsbuttel GmbH. Tel: +49 (4852) 82450. Fax: +49 (4852)
Hafengesellschaft Brunsbuttel GmbH. Tel: +49 (4852) 8840. 82425, 82400. Email: Web:
Telex: 028347 EPORT D. Products Handled: Anhydrous ammonia; max. loading/discharge rate
Products Handled: Crude oil, diesel oil, gas oil, gasoline, tuluol, xylol and 800 tonnes/hr. (␤33␥C) without vapour return line; 300 tonnes/hr. (␤33␥C)
lubricating oil. with vapour line; 250 tonnes/hr. (ambient).
Hoses: 6 in., 8 in. and 10 in. Hoses: 1␺8 in. (liquid); 1␺4 in. (gas).
Cargo Operations: During loading and ballasting operations, it shall be Loading Arm: Outreach 1.0 – 11.0 m. Range 0.0 – 21.0 m.
ensured that a vapour/air mixture pressed out of the tanks is no longer Storage: 2␺30,000 cu.m. (␤33␥C) and 1␺3,000 cu.m. (ambient
flammable or toxic outside the port area. In order to achieve this without temperature).
continuous checking, the pumping rate is fixed at maximum 800 cu.m./hr. Fresh Water: Available at berth.
Fuel: By barges or road tankers.
Berth No. 8 is equipped with a vapour return line. In the case of loading
Services: No electricity connections available.
benzene, a vapour return line must be connected to ship’s manifold.
Nitrogen available.
During cargo transfer a minimum staff shall be assigned for safe handling
Gangway: Supplied by YARA.
of cargo transfer. For tankers of 3,000 g.t. and more, the minimum staff shall
Regulations: At Lay-by berth, the vessel’s lifeboat must be ready at the
be assigned as follows: one Deck Officer, one Engineering Officer and two accommodation ladder on the offside during cargo operations.
deckhands, all fully qualified in cargo transfer operations.
Ballast: Dirty ballast by barges or tank truck. Also see ‘‘Tanker Facilities’’ and ‘‘Regulations’’.
Fresh Water: Available at all berths. CRANES:
Fuel: By barges. All grades available. Max. Outreach Nominal Lifting Outreach Max. Nominal
Gangway: Available. Ex-fender Capacity Ex-fender Lifting Capacity
(m.) (tons) (m.) (tons)
Ostermoor - Berth No. 2: Crane 1 6.35 24 26.35* 12 Hook/cargo
Operator: YARA Brunsbuttel GmbH, Tel: +49 (4852) 82450. Fax: +49 (4852) Crane 2 6.35 24 26.35* 12 Hook/cargo
82425, 82400. Email: Web: Crane 3 6.35 24 26.35* 12 Hook/cargo
Cargoes Handled: MFO at a max. rate of 800 tonnes/hr. Gantry crane 33.85 39 Hook-cargo 35 Grab/cargo
Hoses: Connection and disconnection performed by YARA personnel. Crane 5 14.00 63 Hook-cargo Hook/cargo
1␺8 in. hose connection. Loading arm outreach 1.0 – 16.0 m.; loading arm 24.00 50 34.00 35*
working range 0.2 – 16.0 m. Vapour line 55␥C. Max. viscosity 35␥E/55␥C. * Grab-cargo
Cargo Operations: Prior to commencement the cargo checklist and cargo One level luffing crane for handling of bulk, general cargo and containers
plan are checked; tank inspection and connection of ground-wire are by use of an automatic spreader (capacity 35 tonnes/50 m., outreach
performed. 50 tonnes/40 m., 63 tonnes/30 m).
Fuel: By barges or road tankers. Strong winds can affect the operational capability of the cranes. Cranes
Storage: 3␺20,000 cu.m., 1␺10,000 cu.m., 1␺1,000 cu.m. No. 1, 2, 3 and 5 have a max. operating wind velocity of 19.0 m./sec. and
Storing: By ship’s gear. the gantry crane a max. wind velocity of 20.0 m./sec.
Services: Steam available. No electric connections available. One mobile crane with a capacity of 20 tons for handling of general cargo.
Telephones: Installed on board. CARGO HANDLING FACILITIES: Storage:
Gangway: Supplied by YARA, operational limits. Warehouses: Warehouse No. 1: 1,600 sq.m.
Fresh Water: Available at berth. Warehouse No. 2: 3,400 sq.m.
Warehouse No. 3: 3,000 sq.m.
Ostermoor - Berth No. 5: Warehouse No. 4: 3,800 sq.m.
Operator: Bayer AG. Tel: +49 (4852) 8101. Fax: +49 (4852) 813174. Open Storage: Paved area: 60,000 sq.m.
Products Handled: Aniline, formaline, sodium lye, sulphuric acid, nitobenzene Unpaved area: 40,000 sq.m.
and hydrochloric acid. Discharge rate 6␺200 cu.m./hr. (10 bar). Coal storage area: 150,000 sq.m.
Max. Draft: 7.0 m. Extension area: 250,000 sq.m.
Discharge Operations: Prior to discharge, the checklist, cargo plan, tank Ost-West Container Terminal: U Stauerei GmbH & Co KG, Elbehafen,
inspection, connection of ground wire and telephone hand-over are 25541 Brunsbuttel. Tel: +49 (4852) 8840. Fax: +49 (4852) 88426.
performed. BALLAST: Ballasting of oil tankers during or after discharging into
Minimum Crew Required During Discharge (Tankers over 3,000 g.t.): One non-gas-free tanks is allowed only up to a volume of 50% of each tank
Deck Officer, one Engineering Officer and two deckhands, all fully qualified concerned. This does not apply for inerted tanks.
in cargo transfer operations, one Watch Officer for duties other than cargo Dirty Ballast Disposal: By barges or tank truck. Contact Agent.
transfer. WASTE DISPOSAL: Open and closed containers from 1.1 – 26 cu.m.
Hoses: 6 hoses DN 150/PN 40/25 flange with union as per DIN 2556. are available. Contact: Stadtreinigung Tiedemann GmbH and Co KG.
Connection and disconnection is carried out by Bayer personnel. Tel: +49 (4852) 2076, 2077.
Ballast: No facilities. SLOPS DISPOSAL: Available, contact ship’s Agent.
Slops Disposal: 1 hose DN 100/PN 40/25. Two waste oil barges (100 – 400 cu.m.) and two road tankers (4 – 6 cu.m.)
Fuel: Only available from bunker barge. available day and night at all berths. Contact: Hans Schramm & Sohn GmbH
Repairs: Only with permission of Bayer AG and formal approval by the Port and Co KG. Tel: +49 (4852) 83010 (24 hours). Fax: +49 (4852) 830123.
Authority. Email: Web:
Gangway: 6.0 m. aluminium gangway. MEDICAL: Port medical service by harbour doctors. Day and night service.
Storing: Store loading possible with notice to Bayer AG. Pier derrick used Inoculations have to be ordered 24 hours prior to arrival. Hospital available
up to a max. of 500 kg. Vessel is responsible for charges involved. at Brunsbuttel.
Services: No electricity connections available. FRESH WATER: Most berths supplied by shore installations. Fresh water
Telephone: Public telephone connection possible with charge. Contact Port also available in the Canal locks.
Operator. Tel: +49 (4852) 87566. FUEL: All grades available.
Shore Leave: Possible with supervision by ship’s officers. On south side of canal bunker station is Total with four berths.
Regulations: A lifeboat must be swung out ready for use. On the north side of canal it is KuBi with one berth, gas oil only.
DRY DOCK: See ‘‘Bremerhaven’’.

1042 Readers are encouraged to send updates and additions (page xi)
Brunsbuttel GERMANY
REPAIRS: Only minor repairs can be performed. Major repairs can be LOCAL HOLIDAYS: Cargo work can be arranged on every day.
effected at Hamburg. Contact Agent and berth operator. CONSULS: All consulates available at Hamburg.
SURVEYORS: H Nickel. Tel: +49 (4852) 6829. Fax: +49 (4852) 54326. TELEPHONES: Public telephones on locks (cards or coins).
POLICE/AMBULANCE/FIRE: Police Tel: 110 and +49 (4852) 6024. NEAREST AIRPORT: Hamburg International Airport, 90 km.
Waterway Guard Police Tel: 9000. Passport Control Tel: +49 (4852) 87262. CUSTOMS: Tobacco, each crew member 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or
Customs Tel: +49 (4852) 8555. Hospital Tel: +49 (4852) 3901. Fire Tel: 112. 250 grams of tobacco. Surplus will be sealed up by Customs. One bottle of
Water Protection Police. Tel: +49 (4852) 9000. Fax: +49 (4852) 3026. spirits and one bottle of wine permitted for each crew member. Beer unlimited.
FIRE PRECAUTIONS: Ostermoor - YARA Facilities: Stop of Ships transiting canal are not affected.
Cargo Operations in Case of Emergency: At the sound of the signal ‘‘stay Customs. Tel: +49 (4852) 83000. Fax: +49 (4852) 87410.
away’’ (⭈␤) and fire (␤␤␤) by loudspeaker; at the instructions given by REPATRIATION: Crew changes can be arranged in connection with local
telephone or loudspeaker; when the flashing light is in operation; at the Immigration Office.
release of the disconnection couplings; in case of fire on board.
Fire on board: The Port Supervisor of YARA has to be informed immediately. IDENTIFICATION CARDS: Shore passes are only issued for crew
Cargo operations have to be stopped immediately. Ship has to give usual members and passengers of those nationalities that normally require a visa
whistle – fire signal (‘‘F’’). to enter the Federal Republic of Germany. No shore passes are issued for
Also see ‘‘Tanker Facilities’’. crew members and passengers who do not require a visa entering the Federal
Republic of Germany. Seaman’s Book or passport are sufficient.
Oil Port: Fire hoses must be laid out and connected to fire line, which has Shore passes issued to passengers are chargeable.
to be under pressure during all cargo operations.
Fire wires must be paid out to the water level fore and aft. SEAMAN’S CLUBS: The German Mission to Seamen, Kanalstrasse 8,
One lifeboat must be swung out into an embarkation position in order to 2212 Brunsbuttel. Tel: +49 (4852) 87252. Fax: +49 (4852) 8596.
provide an additional emergency escape. Accommodation, day trips, book exchange, shopping tours, newspapers.
SECURITY/GANGWAY: Services of watchmen not necessary but AUTHORITY: Kiel Canal Authority, Wasser- und Schiffahrtsamt
available day and night if required. Brunsbuttel, Alte Zentrale 40, D-25541 Brunsbuttel, Germany.
Tel: +49 (4852) 8850. Fax: +49 (4852) 885408.
REGULATIONS: Email: Contact: Rolf Ehlers-Maassen.
Special Regulations for Gas Tankers: Tel: +49 (4852) 885363.
1. Gas must only be imported in bulk in tankers, which are suitable for Port Operator: Hafengesellschaft Brunsbuttel GmbH, Elbehafen,
such traffic from the aspects of type of construction, equipment and D-25541 Brunsbuttel, Germany. Tel: +49 (4852) 88475. Fax: +49 (4852)
operation. Gas tankers must conform at least to the stipulations of 88470. Email: Web:
the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Vessels for carrying Contact: Lars Sell, Port Captain. Tel: +49 (4852) 88448.
liquid gas in bulk (IMO-Res.A.328 (IX)) in the currently valid manner. Email: Hans Helmut Schramm, General Manager.
2. Gas tankers must carry a certificate issued by their national Ship Tel: +49 (4852) 88415. Email:
Safety Authorities or a recognised classification society in which it Karl-Heinz Janssen, General Manager. Tel: +49 (4852) 88436.
must be stated that the vessel conforms to the stipulations in point Fax: +49 (4852) 88426. Email:
(1) above. This certificate must be presented to the port authorities,
if requested.
3. For import and discharge of liquid gas, only sea-going tankers are
permitted. In this connection, the following quantity limitations per BUSUM: 54␥ 08' N 008␥ 51' E (See Plan)
vessel and per individual tank must be respected:
4. The quantity limitations quoted in point (3) include amounts to be OVERVIEW: Port handles bulk, including grain; fishing vessels, pleasure
carried onwards for discharge at further ports. If the cargo volume of craft, passengers and Ro-Ro traffic.
the vessel or of a loaded individual tank permits an amount of cargo LOCATION: On the NW coast of Germany.
to be carried which is greater than that stipulated in point (3), the port CHARTS: BA Charts No. 3619 and 18875.
authority must be presented with a written declaration issued by an
independent, sworn competent person of authority to the effect that
PORT LIMITS: The seaward boundary is a line between the southern
extension of the breakwaters.
the stipulation quantity limitations have been upheld.
a) Gas tanker with deep frozen liquid cargo (atmospheric tanker) DOCUMENTS:
and 1 Bonded Stores List
b) Gas tanker with semi-frozen cargo (semi-pressure tanker) 1 Crew Effects Declaration
Max. load per ship: 15,000 cu. m. 1 Crew List
Max. load per individual tank: 6,000 cu. m. 1 International Ship Security Certificate
c) Gas tanker with liquid cargo under pressure 1 Maritime Declaration of Health
Max. load per ship: 6,000 cu. m. 1 Notification of Waste Delivery
Max. load per individual tank: 1,000 cu. m. 1 Passenger Effects Declaration
5. The release of cargo vapours for the purpose of reducing pressures 1 Provisions List.
and/or temperature adjustment – except in emergency cases – is ISPS COMPLIANCE: Port ID No. 27064.
forbidden. Two berths have Statement of Compliance with Regulations by a Port
6. Whilst gas tankers are on the River Elbe no materials like alkine Facility: Silo Stoefen and Fertiliser Berth (Basin 3 South).
(acetylene), polyine (polyacetylene), allene, kumulene, MAPP gases, MAX. SIZE: Draft 6.5 m. at HW and 3.0 m. at LW.
may be carried on board as cargo. (Rules for the Protection of Nuclear Inner Harbour beam 21.0 m.
Power Stations against Pressure Waves Resulting from Chemical DENSITY: 1019.
Reactions dated 1 August 1976). RESTRICTIONS: Minimum under-keel clearance at anytime is 0.5 m.
7. Vessels to dock against ebb tide with port side to. In case this In the port area, anchors may be dropped for navigational reasons.
requirement cannot be fulfilled due to an eventual delay during the Note: Due to strong tidal streams, care must be taken on arrival when passing
river passage or any other unforeseeable reasons, a turning breakwater during rising tide. The Inner Harbour is closed by a flood barrier
manoeuvre in a position east of the berth must be prevented when water level reaches 0.30 m. above high water.
(i.e. acceptance of additional tugs).
8. A wireless telephone connection is to be established between the APPROACHES: Entry is through Suderpiep Ship Channel, marked
security vessel and the personnel on the jetty, and the firefighting according to IALA-Maritime Buoyage System (red to port).
centre and the vessel. The wireless telephone connection must secure The distance from the Fairway Buoy to Busum Port is 19 nautical miles.
a duplex communication. Furthermore a wireless telephone The channel into the port is marked by leading lights (ISO, white, 4 sec.),
communication must be established in good time prior to vessel’s bearing 355.1␥(T).
berthing. PILOTAGE: Not compulsory but recommended. To obtain a Pilot, contact
9. Sufficient and suitable mooring personnel must be arranged for ship’s Agent at least 6 hours prior to arrival at Elbe 1 Lightvessel.
mooring and unmooring. The number of crew must be large enough ANCHORAGES: Anchorage can be obtained in the roadstead south of
to secure a quick and safe mooring manoeuvre. The local Harbour port entrance (see chart).
authorities can order the acceptance of additional suitable personnel PRATIQUE: Pratique automatic for vessels entering port if Health
for this purpose. Certificate does not show any infectious diseases.
10. The vessel must be tied up at the Elbe Harbour in such a way that VHF: Busum Port Radio, situated at Lock Tower, listens on Channel 16 and
a parting of the moorings (breaking, melting, burning) may not occur. works on Channel 11.
At least 3 head lines, 3 stern lines, 1 fore spring and 1 aft spring are TUGS: Available in Cuxhaven or Brunsbuttel. Contact Agent if tug
to be made fast. At least 1 head line, 1 stern line and 1 spring MUST assistance is required.
be of steel wire construction. BERTHS: No particular berthing restrictions except vessels in distress,
11. For berthing and unberthing at the Elbe Harbour Quay in way of the carrying explosives or not gas-free. In these cases, special permission of
firefighting monitors at least two tugs must be accepted. The engine Port Authorities required before entering.
capacity of the tugs must be sufficient to assist the vessel in all wind,
current and ice conditions. The engine capacity of each tug must be
Outer Harbour: Length 175 m., width 90.0 m. and depth 2.0 m. at LW.
at least 1,600 h.p. Vessels of less than 3,000 g.t., equipped with a Inner Harbour:
working bow thruster may unberth with one tug less, weather Basin 1:length 160 m., width 20.0 m. and dry at LW.
permitting. Basin 2:length 420 m., width 50.0 m. and depth 2.5 m. at LW.
12. While discharging, the passing traffic is to be observed. In case a Basin 3:length 500 m., width 80.0 m. and depth 4.0 m. at LW.
vessel comes too close, gas discharging/loading is to be stopped. Basin 4:contains only a pleasure craft jetty with 150 berths.
13. While handling gases, bunkering is not permitted. BULK FACILITIES: Several grain stores with 85,000 tons total capacity.
14. LPG/carriers may not be berthed at the Elbe Harbour together with OTHER FACILITIES:
loaded or non-gas-free, non-inerted tankers, whose last cargo had a Ro-Ro: Outer Harbour Basin: One concrete ramp (width 11.5 – 4.5 m.) and
flash-point of below 61␥C. one movable Ro-Ro ramp (width 6.3 – 12.6 m., capacity 100 tons). Ro-Ro
15. No vessels may make fast alongside a gas tanker while handling ramps not currently usable due to reduced depths at berths.
cargo. Passengers: One passenger berth for coastal vessels.
16. During extreme meteorological circumstances (thunderstorms, One slipway in Basin 2 for pleasure craft and three coastal passenger
hurricanes) the handling of liquid gas is to be stopped. berths.
17. The vessel has to leave the berth immediately upon completion of Fish: One icemaking plant for fishing vessels.
cargo operations. One cold store for fishing vessels.

See guidelines for compiling and submitting information (page xi) 1043
CARGO HANDLING FACILITIES: Basin 2: One shiplift for ships up Max. Size: Vessels loading/discharging inflammable products: Max. length
to LOA 50 m., beam 9.0 m., draft 4.0 m. and 400 tons total weight. 270 m., max. draft 14 m. Also see ‘‘Max. Size’’.
Basin 3: One grain elevator, capacity 120 t.p.h. and another 200 t.p.h. Vessels loading/discharging non-flammable products: Length unlimited.
Max. draft 14 m.
WASTE DISPOSAL: Galley waste can be offloaded into small Vessels with liquid gas and flammable products:
containers. Berth I: Max. length 155 m., max. draft 9.0 m., max. breadth 25 m.
SLOPS DISPOSAL: Slop delivery possible, arranged by ship’s Agent. Berth III: Max. length 160 m., max. draft 9.0 m., max. breadth 28.0 m.
MEDICAL: Doctors and hospital available. Restriction: Mooring prohibited for vessels having IMO Class 2 products
FRESH WATER: Available from main at 25 cu.m./hr. (liquid and/or gaseous) on board.
Simultaneous handling of gases inside and flammable products outside
FUEL: Fuel oil (MD only) and lube oil available. not permissible.
REPAIRS: All machinery repairs are possible. Manifolds: Upriver to downriver.
All necessary surveys can be carried out. Outside Berth I Inside Berth II Inside Berth III
NEAREST AIRPORT: Hamburg International Airport, 150 km. PO Methanol NAOH
CUSTOMS: The allowance for three days is 200 cigarettes and 1 litre of Per Telon/Vidden Formalin
spirits. PGI PDC Anilin
SHORE LEAVE: Permitted. Chlorothene VG/NU Propylene Phenol
REPATRIATION: Repatriation and/or crew changes can be effected. EDC Ethylene Tet
AUTHORITY: Amt fuer Laendliche Raeume Husum, Hafenamt Busum, NAOH Chloroform
Am Fischereihafen 7, D-25761 Busum, Germany. Tel: +49 (4834) 3607. Methylene Chloride
FAX: +49 (4834) 936383. Contact: Rainer Wallhof, Harbour Master Tricholoroethane
(Email: Chloroform/Methanol
Beta-Tri (112 TCE)
Supplies: Nitrogen and potable water.
Technical Requirements on Ships Discharging C2/C3:
Ethylene: For loading arm horizontal clearance ship’s manifold to the nearest
BUTZFLETH: 53␥ 39' N 009␥ 31' E (See Plan) structure 2.10 m., vertical clearance from centre of manifold up 0.50 m. and
down 0.60 m., flange 6 in. (300 ASA) discharge-temperature of Ethylene
DOCUMENTS: minimum ␤103␥C.
3 Crew Lists Propylene: PFor loading arm horizontal clearance 2.20 m., vertical up
3 Bonded Stores Lists 0.50 m. and down 0.50 m., flange 6 in. (300 ASA), discharge-temperature of
3 Crew Manifests Propylene maximum ␤20␥C.
Maritime Health Declaration Vessels carrying propylene should ensure that during summertime a
Ship’s Register minimum back pressure of 13 kg. and preferably of 15 – 16 kg. can be
Discharge Books supported.
Passports of Crew WASTE DISPOSAL: Service available. Contact ship’s Agent or Port
Gas Free Certificate (OBO-Carriers). Authority.
Butzfleth is not a free-port. Customs, Immigration and River Police board SLOPS DISPOSAL: Service available through Glusing
on arrival at berth. Transport GmbH. Tel: +49 (4721) 24017. Fax: +49 (4721) 61924. Only by
MAX. SIZE: Berth No. 1 (Inner): LOA 155 m., draft 9.0 m. barge, capacity 800 tons, at anchorage.
Berth No. 1 (Outer): LOA 270 m., draft 14.0 m. MEDICAL: Hospital and doctor available.
Berth No. 3: LOA 160 m., draft 9.0 m. FRESH WATER: Available.
Also see ‘‘Berths’’.
FUEL: Supplied by barge from Hamburg or local supplier.
PILOTAGE: Anchorage River Elbe: See ‘‘General’’ before first port. SERVICES: Stevedores, hold cleaning, boatmen, mooring gangs,
Pilotage River Terminal: Elbe Pilots also act as docking Pilots. inspectors, fitters and launches.
DEEP SEA PILOTAGE: See ‘‘Baltic Deep Sea Pilotage’’. REPAIRS: Minor repairs can be carried out.
ANCHORAGES: Freiburg Anchorage, approx. position Lat. 53␥ 50.6' N, IDENTIFICATION CARDS: Shore passes are only issued for crew
Long. 09␥ 19.5' E, depth of water up to 13 m. below chart zero; there are members and passengers of those nationalities that normally require a Visa
further anchorages for small vessels at Krautsand and Twielenfleth Roads to enter the Federal Republic of Germany. No shore passes are issued for
(see ‘‘General’’ before first German port). crew members and passengers who do not require a Visa to enter the Federal
VHF: Ships’ reporting station is on permanent duty at Stadersand, VHF Republic of Germany, Seaman’s Book or Passport is sufficient.
Channel 11, safety and calling Channel 16. Shore passes issued to passengers are chargeable.
Pilot boat at Elbe Lanby can be contacted on VHF Channels 13 and 16. SEAMAN’S CLUBS: Seaman’s Club Oase. Tel: +49 (4146) 1233.
VTS/RADAR: River Radar Service from Elbe 1 to Hamburg, see ‘‘General’’ Facilities include shop, telephone service, church service, games, postage
before first port, but no special port radar service for Butzfleth. Radar service facilities.
in the area of Butzfleth available, can be contacted through VHF Channel 21, AUTHORITY: Niedersachsisches Hafenamt Cuxhafen, Aussenstelle
‘‘Hetlingen Radar Radio’’ and/or VHF Channel 5, ‘‘Steindeich Radar Radio’’. Butzfleth, 21683 Stade, Germany. Tel: +49 (4146) 1436. FAX: +49 (4146)
TUGS: Four tugs compulsory for mooring and unmooring. To be ordered 1036. Telex: via 218158 CLEAR D. Cables: NHC-A Butzfleth.
from Hamburg and Brunsbuttel through Agent. Contact: FW Bork, Manager. Captain W Schroeder, Harbour Master.
A firefighting tug (1,760 h.p.) is available throughout 24 hours and can be
reached via VHF Channel 16, also available for assistance to vessels.
BERTHS: See ‘‘Bulk Facilities’’ and ‘‘Tanker Facilities’’. CUXHAVEN: 53␥ 52' N 008␥ 42' E (See Plan)
BULK FACILITIES: Aluminium Oxid Stade GmbH (AOS): This
bauxite/oxide plant, situated on the Westbank of the River Elbe, can be OVERVIEW: The port has eight tidal harbours, Faehrhafen, Jachthafen,
reached by vessels with max. draft of 46 ft. 06 in. (FW). Vorhafen, Alter Hafen, Ritzelbuetteler Schleusenpriel, Alter Fischereihafen
Quay Length Depth* and Amerikahafen. There is a locked dock, Neuer Fischereihafen.
(m.) (m.) LOCATION: On the south bank of the river Elbe Estuary, 56 n.m.
Quay outside in total 325 15 down-river from Hamburg.
Within reach of crane 205 CHARTS: BA Charts No. 1875, 3267, 3268, 3619 and 3625.
Quay inside 200 7 Nautical Publications: Admiralty Pilot NP 55.
* at Normal LW DOCUMENTS: The following documents are required for clearance
The oxide produced at this plant, apart from being exported, is used for inwards:
the mills of VAW Elbewerk GmbH, Stade-Butzfleth and of Hamburger Customs and Immigration:
Aluminium Werk GmbH, Hamburg Finkenwerder. Crew List
Average Discharging/Loading Rate: Customs Manifest (Amerikahafen is a Customs-free port)
(tonnes/hr.) Derat (Exemption) Certificate
West African bauxite 550 – 600 Perishable Stores List
Brazilian bauxite 600 Stores List
Australian bauxite: from Gove 550 – 600 Port Authority:
Australian bauxite: from Weipa 750 Dangerous Goods Manifest
Petcoke 100 – 400 1 Notification of ship-generated waste
Oxide (‘‘Spout’’ loading) 500 Port Declaration.
Ship’s telephone connection (4146 1453) at AOS Per. ISPS COMPLIANCE: Port is compliant.
TANKER FACILITIES: Dow Deutschland Inc: This operation, MAX. SIZE: Draft 15.8 m.
situated close to the AOS plant, offers two berths for gas and chemical DENSITY: Brackish water.
tankers. The water depth at the outside quay is 15 m. and at the inside quay RESTRICTIONS: Vessels may enter throughout 24 hours. No tidal
9 m., both at MLW. restrictions.
Restrictions: Depths: Max. depth of water: 13.5 m. Mean tide HW: NN+1.5 m. Mean tide
Length at quay outside: 270 m. (Inflammable products), 300 m. LW: NN␤1.5 m. Tide range is 3.0 m. (from +1.5 m. to ␤1.5 m.) (NN ␦ approx.
(Non-inflammable products). mean sea level).
Length at quay inside: 155 m. Water depth in the basins up to 8.5 m. (CD). Water depth at the river quays
Draft at quay inside (FW): 9.0 m. up to 15.8 m. (CD).
Beam at quay inside: 25.0 m. Special permission is necessary for ships carrying dangerous goods.
No bunkering permitted at the DOW-berths. APPROACHES: River Elbe from the open sea to Cuxhaven, depth
Discharging rate liquid gas approx. 200 t.p.h. 14.6 m. (CD).
Loading rate chemical products 100 – 800 t.p.h. General Notices & Regulations: Right of way: Vessels entering from the

1044 Readers are encouraged to send updates and additions (page xi)
Cuxhaven GERMANY
river Elbe have right of way over vessels leaving. Vessels approaching from Amerikahafen: Multi-purpose harbour with transhipment and equipment
NW have right of way in the harbour entrances over those approaching from quays for ships carrying general cargo and for minor ships carrying bulk
SE. cargo, emergency port, floating docks, transit shed, deep-freeze house, open
Sound Signal: Vessels entering, leaving or crossing any of the basin storage spaces.
entrances that open on to the river must make a sound signal of one long Steubenhoft: Multi-purpose facility for big ocean vessels with 400 m. long
blast as a warning. quay and depth 13.5 m. (CD). Usable for cargo, repair, trial trip and passenger
Traffic in Basin Entrances: Vessels may not overtake, nor proceed ships of all sizes.
abreast, in the entrances, nor enter an entrance which is not yet clear. A Ro-Ro link span bridge situated in the west part of Steubenhoft (Ferry
PILOTAGE: Compulsory for vessels greater than LOA 80.0 m. or 2,000 g.t. Harwich-Cuxhaven). The jetty is further usable for cargo work, repairs, trial
Elbe Pilots Pilot Station is located in the vicinity of the Elbe Light Float trip and passenger ships of all sizes.
Buoy (Lat. 54␥ 00.0' N, Long. 8␥ 06.6' E). Also see ‘‘Other Facilities’’.
Shore pilot station situated in Alter Hafen. To obtain a Pilot, call ‘‘Cuxhaven CONTAINER FACILITIES:
Pilot’’ on VHF Channel 74. Pilot signal is International Code flag ‘‘G’’ or sound Berth Length Draft Ramp Facilities
signal 2 long and 1 short blasts. No. (m.) (m.)
1. Vessels should send their request for a Pilot to Elblotse Brunsbuttel 1 230 13.5 Stern ramp for 250 tonnes, Class 6
at least 24 hours prior to arrival at the Inner Deutsche Bucht (German 2 230 13.5 Stern and quarter ramp for 250 tons,
Bight) pilot boarding position, 2 n.m. WNW of Buoy No. E3, or if Class 6
passage less time, on departure from berth. ETA to be further 3 260 15.8 Multi-purpose and container pier, 2 cranes
confirmed 6 hours and 2 hours prior to arrival. for heavy lift (each 60 tons, combined
2. At least 12 hours prior to arrival at the pilot boarding area 1.5 n.m. 110 tons) and container operations.
east of the Elbe Light Float or if passage less time, on departure from Storage: Covered storage 5,500 sq.m. cargo handling and storage area for
berth. handling truck and rail cargoes.
Baltic Pilotage: See ‘‘General’’ before first German Port. Storage and distribution, container freight station (CFS) 10,000 sq.m.,
River Elbe Anchorage: See ‘‘General’’ before first German Port. including 3,000 sq.m. heated storage space.
DEEP SEA PILOTAGE: See ‘‘General’’ before first German Port, and 30 reefer connections.
‘‘Baltic Deep Sea Pilotage’’. Forklifts, container reach stackers and terminal tractors are sufficiently
ANCHORAGES: The nearest anchorage is in Medem Reede, 2.5 n.m. The terminal operates throughout 24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days.
ESE of Cuxhaven in approximate position Lat. 53␥ 51.5' N, Long. 08␥ 46.5' E,
depth approximately 4.0 – 10.0 m. (CD). Further anchorages see ‘‘General’’
Humber Kai: Length 120 m., draft 6.5 m.
before first German Port. OTHER FACILITIES:
PRATIQUE: Quarantine clearance effected at Cuxhaven. Only vessels Ro-Ro: Cuxport Terminal: Operator: CuxPort GmbH. Tel: +49 (4721)
with suspected infectious disease on board are detained. To expedite 56120. Fax: +49 (4721) 3775. Email:
clearance, vessels bound for Cuxhaven should make a health report to Facilities: A modern multi-purpose transhipment, total area 240,000 sq.m.
‘‘Seaport Health Inspection Cuxhaven’’. Tel: +49 (4721) 662819, 662837. located on the River Elbe.
Europakai: Three berths, total quay length 840 m., depth 13.5 – 15.8 m. (CD),
PRE-ARRIVAL INFORMATION: Vessels shall forward their ETA to handling vessels up to LOA 350 m.
the Port Authority as follows: TANKER FACILITIES: No facilities available.
Vessels over max allowable length for the 24 hours prior to arrival
sea lock: CRANES:
Vessels ordering a harbour Pilot: 2 hours prior to arrival Jetty Capacity
Vessels carrying dangerous cargo: 24 hours prior to arrival (tonnes)
Vessels to prove gas-free status: 24 hours prior to arrival Europakai: 2␺60 multi-purpose cranes twinned 110 (container
20/40/45 ft.) (heavy lifts)
For ETA, etc. use ‘‘Cuxhaven Port Radio’’ on VHF Channel 69. Closer to Humberkai: 1␺100 (Liebherr LHM 400)
port Elbe, Weser Radio can be contacted on VHF Channels 16 and 69. Steubenhoeft: 2␺3.0
VHF: Lentzkai: 1␺2.5, 1␺4.0, 1␺7.5
Authority VHF Channel Tel: +49 (4721) Fax: +49 (4721) Hansakai: 1␺8.5
Cuxhaven Elbe Port 16, 12 714621 714623 Kuehlhaus III: 2␺2.5
Radio Kiesschraege: 1␺60 (heavy lifts)
Cuxhaven Port Radio 69 500150 500250 Various mobile cranes capacity up to 20 tonnes.
(Port Authority)
Cuxhaven Lock 69 500120 500250
STEVEDORES: Stevedoring Company: Cancujo
Harbour Master 69 500151 500250 Hafendienstleistungen. Tel: +49 (4721) 666925. Fax: +49 (4721) 666946.
Pilot Station (Cuxhaven) 74 36062 52608 Email:
Opening/Closing Hatches: Normally performed by crew. Stevedores must
Pilot Vessel (Elbe buoy) 16, 8 be paid if required to do this work.
Tugs 16, 6 26840, 57130 POLLUTION: Details of any pollution to be reported immediately to the
16, 6 71660 Port Authority ‘‘Niedersaechsisches Hafenamt Elbe’’, Tel: +49 (4721)
500150 or ‘‘Cuxhaven Port’’ on VHF Channel 69, or to Waterways Police
Note: Information is broadcast for the harbour and sluice areas. Tel: +49 (4721) 745930.
VTS/RADAR: Vessels to call VTS centre 30 minutes prior to entering the WASTE DISPOSAL: Machulez Transport GmbH, Baudirector Hahn
covered area from seawards: Strasse, D-27472 Cuxhaven, Tel: +49 (4721) 21300, 22095. Fax: +49 (4721)
Traffic Control Area Covered VHF Channel 61177. Email:
German Bight German Bight – Elbe Buoy 80 Peter Plambeck. Tel: +49 (4721) 21014. Fax: +49 (4721) 25404.
Cuxhaven Elbe Elbe Buoy – Buoy No. 53 71 Email:
Radar Assistance:
Elbe Approach Elbe approach – Buoy No. 3 19
SLOPS DISPOSAL: Cuxhavener Schiffs-Entsorgungs-GmbH.
Tel: +49 (4721) 25076. Fax: +49 (4721) 27370. Email:
Scharhorn Buoy No. 5 – Buoy No. 13 18
Neuwerk Buoy No. 15 – Buoy No. 27 5 MEDICAL: Doctors and hospitals obtainable throughout 24 hours.
Cuxhaven Buoy No. 29 – Buoy No. 39 21 FRESH WATER: Available at the berths. €5.20 per ton.
FUEL: All grandes available.
TUGS: Tugs available and used depending on ship size and weather Glusing Mineraloel GmbH. Tel: +49 (4721) 24017. Fax: +49 (4721) 61924.
conditions. Cost of tugs is Hamburg Tariff plus 20%. Email:
Boatmen/Mooring: Cux-Elbeport Service GmbH. Tel: +49 (4721) 56056. Empting Mineraloele GmbH. Tel: +49 (4721) 74570. Fax: +49 (4721)
Fax: +49 (4721) 56025. Email: 745777. Email:
BERTHS: Mooring Information: Berthing is made difficult by the strong CHANDLERY: Ship Suppliers: Mordhorst & Bockendahl GmbH.
tidal currents in the vicinity of the harbour, especially during the out-going Tel: +49 (4721) 24018. Fax: +49 (4721) 62578.
tide. Particular care is necessary when entering basins as tidal currents set Email:
across their entrances. Large ships without tug and pilot assistance should Behrend Hein GmbH. Tel: +49 (4721) 24060. Fax: +49 (4721) 63239.
enter port during slack tide only (1.5 hours after LW or 1 hour after HW) Email:
because of the strong cross currents. Krause & Wilhemi Elektro GmbH. Tel: +49 (4721) 7148 8183.
Fahrhafen and Neue Seebaderbrucke: Modern multi-purpose Ro-Ro Ships Provisions: Wilhelm Gaefers GmbH. Tel: +49 (4721) 33015.
terminal for passengers and for handling of motor vehicles and cargo direct Fax: +49 (4721) 33841. Email:
at the Elbe River, 300 m. quay with depth 10.0 m. at CD. SLG Shipstore Logistic GmbH. Tel: +49 (4721) 510673.
Starting point of ferries for the North Sea and passenger ships to Helgoland. SERVICES: Compass adjusting and radio repairs.
Ro-Ro linkspans (one of them for axle loads up to 50 tons and for stern
door width up to 18 m.). Hard-standing and storage area of approx. DRY DOCK: Operator: Shipyard Muetzelfeldtwerft GmbH.
60,000 sq.m. Tel: +49 (4721) 60120. Fax: +49 (4721) 601212.
Alter Hafen: Multi-purpose harbour for shipyards and for boats to the Email:
seaside resorts and islands. Facilities: Floating dock for vessels up to LOA 140 m.
Alter Fischereihafen: Multi-purpose harbour with transhipment quays for REPAIRS: All deck and engine repairs possible.
fishing cutters. SURVEYORS: Germanischer Lloyd. Tel: +49 (4721) 924490.
Neuer Fischereihafen: Multi-purpose harbour with transhipment and Fax: +49 (4721) 92430. Email:
equipment quays for trawlers and luggers, offshore suppliers, for ships See-Berufsgenossenschaft. Tel: +49 (4721) 554615. Fax: +49 (4721)
carrying general cargo and for minor bulk cargo ships. Fish auction and 554617. Email:
handling sheds, fish industry, equipment firms, deep-freeze house for Capt. Burkhard Rasch, Independent Marine Consultants & Surveyors.
25,000 tons, ice production, open storage space. Tel: +49 (4721) 681010. Fax: +49 (4731) 681011.
Entrance and exit any time by the sea-lock (Cuxhaven Lock Radio VHF Email:
Channel 69). Length of lock 190 m., width of lock 24.0 m. and depth of lock POLICE/AMBULANCE/FIRE: Police Tel: 110. Harbour Police
is 9.0 m. (CD). Tel: +49 (4721) 745930. Ambulance Tel: 110 or 112. Fire Tel: 112.

See guidelines for compiling and submitting information (page xi) 1045
GERMANY Cuxhaven
MRCC Bremen / Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre: German Bridge Lowest Point* Value**
Sea Rescue Service (DGzRS) maintains a 24-hour listening watch. (m.) (m.)
Bremen Rescue Radio, call sign ‘‘Bremen Rescue’’ maintains a continuous Schwanentor Bridge‡ at rest 26.80 9.90
listening watch on VHF Channel 16 and DSC Channel 70 for distress calls Schwanentor Bridge lifted 34.90 18.00
and is carrying out emergency, urgency and safety traffic. Tel: +49 (421) Inner Dock Bridge 27.13 10.04
536870. lifted to middle position 28.06 10.97
Search and rescue (SAR) vessels maintain a listening watch on VHF lifted to high position 30.51 13.42
Rheinhausen Dock Bridge 38.00 20.75
Channel 16 and DSC Channel 70 throughout 24 hours. Also contact via
‘‘Lyngby Radio’’ on MF 2182 kHz. * Lowest point of upper structure respectively zero level above normal zero.
FIRE PRECAUTIONS: No special restrictions. Ships with explosive ** Correction value for calculation of passage height. From the following
cargo and liquid cargoes of danger Class K1 and K2 not allowed in Cuxhaven values, the actual water level at the Ruhrort water gauge is to be deducted.
Harbour. † clearance between bridge counter bearings 15.80 m.
SECURITY/GANGWAY: Not obligatory, at Master’s discretion. ‡ clearance between bridge counter bearings 17.90 m.
With water levels over 8.40 m. at the Ruhrort water gauge, the stop gate
TIME: GMT plus 1 hour. GMT plus 2 hours (last weekend in March to last at the Marientor Lock is drawn in and therefore through passage to the
weekend in October). Duisburg inner port/wood harbour is no longer possible.
LOCAL HOLIDAYS: New Year’s Day; Good Friday; Easter Sunday; VHF: Duisburg Port Radio listens on Channel 16 and works on Channel 14.
Easter Monday; 1 May; Ascension Day; Whit Sunday; Whit Monday; BERTHS:
3 October; 24 December (Christmas Eve); 25 December (Christmas Day); Theoretical
26 December (Boxing Day). Loading/unloading can be arranged on these Docks Depth * Loading Depth †
holidays. (m.) (cm.)
WEATHER/TIDES: Prevailing winds are SW – westerly. Ruhrort:
Tidal Range: MHWS 3.3 m., MHWN 2.9 m. Water gauge zero 16.09
CONSULS: Port Entrance, Vincke Canal, Bunker Dock, 15.4 +40
Denmark. Tel: +49 (4721) 56000. North Dock, South Dock, Port Canal,
Iceland. Tel: +49 (4721) 57130. Dock A, Dock B, Dock C
Others at Hamburg/Bremen. Railway Dock 15.9 ␾0
Werft Dock 17.05 ␤120
TELEPHONES: At Steubenhoft. Telephones can be put on board. Duisburg:
NEAREST AIRPORT: Bremen International Airport, 110 km. Hamburg Parallel Dock, Outer Dock, Wood Dock and 16.10 +40
International Airport, 130 km. Inner Dock at Marientor up to km. 3.5
BANKS: Commerzbank AG. Tel: +49 (4721) 50170. Hochfeld:
Dresdner Bank AG. Tel: +49 (4721) 160. Water gauge zero 17.42
Vereins- und Westbank AG. Tel: +49 (4721) 5840. South and Kultus Dock 16.45 +40
Stadtsparkasse Cuxhaven. Tel: +49 (4721) 1090. Canal Dock Meiderich:
CUSTOMS: 40 cigarettes, one bottle spirits and two bottles wine. Ruhr Dock Neuenkamp Loading depths as per inland
waterways traffic regulations
SHORE LEAVE: Allowed. Rheinhausen Dock 16.5 +30
REPATRIATION: All facilities available.
* Theoretical depth respectively zero level above normal zero.
IDENTIFICATION CARDS: Shore passes are only issued for crew † Loading depths (approx. value) actual water level at Ruhrort water gauge.
members and passengers of those nationalities that normally require a Visa
to enter the Federal Republic of Germany. No shore passes are issued for BULK FACILITIES: Five coal terminals with car dumpers and ship
crew members and passengers who do not require a Visa to enter the Federal loaders, daily capacity up to 26,000 tonnes and one scrap metal terminal.
Republic of Germany, Seaman’s Book or passport is sufficient. Conveyor belts and discharging plants available.
Shore passes issued to passengers are chargeable. Total throughput for the six terminals more than 100,000 tonnes/month.
SEAMAN’S CLUBS: Deutsche Seemannsmission (German Seamen CONTAINER FACILITIES: There are four container terminals.
Mission), Gruner Weg 25, D-27472 Cuxhaven. Tel: +49 (4721) 36122. De Ce Te Container Terminal:
AUTHORITY: Niedersachsisches Hafenamt Elbe, Am Schleusenpriel 2, Operator: De Ce Te Container Terminal. Tel: +49 (203) 80906-0.
PO Box 526, D-27472 Cuxhaven, Germany. Tel: +49 (4721) 5000, 500150. Fax: +49 (203) 80906-34. Email: info@decete.de3 Web:
FAX: +49 (4721) 500100, 500250. Telex: 232167 HACUX D. Facilities: Two container berths total length 600 m. and 1␺100 m. Ro-Ro
Email: Contact: Harbour berth.
Master. 1␺50 tonne, 1␺35 tonne, 1␺60 tonne gantry cranes, 1␺35 tonne RTG,
Cuxport-Seaport Services Ltd. Tel: +49 (4721) 7480. FAX: +49 (4721) 1␺41 tonne, 1␺40 tonne, 3␺16 tonne reachstackers, 1 tractor, 20 reefer
748122, 748211 (Terminal). Email: Web: points, container yard area 80,000 sq.m., total capacity 15,000 TEUs.
Container Freight Station (CFS): Storage for 46 TEU, 100 reefer points,
warehousing totalling 1,000 sq.m., total area 11,000 sq.m.
DUISBURG-RUHRORT: 51␥ 25' N 006␥ 46' E DIT Druisburg Internmodal Terminal G:
(See Plan) Operator: DIT Duisburg Intermodal Terminal GmbH. Tel: +49 (2065) 499-0.
Fax: +49 (2065) 499-290. Email:
OVERVIEW: River port handling general, bulk, specialised cargo, Web:
containers and tankers. Facilities: 1␺300 m. multi-purpose berth.
1␺40 tonne gantry crane, 1␺40 tonne RTG, 4␺40 tonne straddle carriers,
LOCATION: Duisburg-Ruhrort port area, together with Hochfeld, covers 1 reachstacker, 4 reefer points, container yard area 130,000 sq.m., total
a total surface of 1,000 ha. on the right bank of the river between the Rhine
capacity 5,000 TEUs.
at km. 774 and 781, the Ruhr Channel at km. 1 and the Rhine-Herne Canal
at km. 1 – 2 and on the left bank of the Rhine River at km. 773 (Logport Rhine-Ruhr Container Terminal:
Logistics Centre). Operator: Rhine-Ruhr Container Terminal GmbH. Tel: +49 (203) 31856-0.
ISPS COMPLIANCE: Port is compliant. Fax: +49 (203) 31856-22. Email: Web:
PFSO: Tel: +49 (203) 479 7636. Facilities: 1␺230 m. container berth.
MAX. SIZE: Dimensions of vessels able to use the German inland 1␺50 tonne gantry crane, 1␺40 tonne and 3␺16 tonne reachstackers/front
waterways: end handlers, 1 tractor, 12 reefer points, container yard area 53,196 sq.m.,
Type LOA Beam Draft Capacity total capacity 6,000 TEUs.
(m.) (m.) (m.) (tons) Container Freight Station (CFS): Warehousing totalling 3,000 sq.m.
Dry cargo: 38.5 – 135 5 – 22.8 2 – 3.5 300 – 6,000
Tanker: 50 – 135 6.6 – 22.8 2.2 – 3.5 400 – 6,000
Terminal Duisburg-Ruhrort Hafen:
Operator: Deutsche Umschlaggesellschaft Schiene Strasse (DUSS) mbH.
Train (tug barge): 150 – 270 9.5 – 11.4 2.5 – 3 2,530 – 9,000 Tel: +49 (203) 809 0540. Fax: +49 (203) 809 0566.
Pusher tug: 10 – 35 7.6 – 13.2 1.4 – 2.2 1,000 – 6,000* Email: Web:
Dumb barge for 70 – 76.5 9.5 – 11.4 2.5 – 3.7 1,240 – 3,000 Facilities: Two container berths total length 600 m. and 1␺100 m. Ro-Ro
pushing: berth.
* H.P. 2␺38 tonne gantry cranes, 3␺40 tonne reachstackers, 15 reefer points,
The largest pusher tugs push six barges ␦ 15,600 tons. container yard area 80,000 sq.m., total capacity 3,000 TEUs.
RESTRICTIONS: Bridges: Container Freight Station (CFS): Storage for 8 TEUs.
Correction OTHER FACILITIES: Ro-Ro: Two Ro-Ro facilities.
Bridge Lowest Point* Value** Also see ‘‘Container Facilities’’.
(m.) (m.)
Ruhrort: TANKER FACILITIES: Free Port Duisburg: The first inland Free
Port for storage and treatment of high-grade export goods.
Water gauge zero 16.09 Handling site for heavy goods and extremely valuable general cargo.
Bridge over Railway Dock 36.10 19.70 19 terminals, total tank storage 1,000,000 cu.m. Liquid gas tank storage
Bridge over Port Entrance 34.20 17.80 20,000 cu.m.; 66 points for handling liquid gas.
Vincke Canal Bridge 33.10 16.70
Port Canal Bridge 33.80 17.40 LPG/LNG FACILITIES: See ‘‘Tanker Facilities’’.
Bridge over Dock C 38.20 21.80 CRANES: 122 cranes and travelling bridges of up to 50 tonnes lifting
Duisburg: capacity for bulk goods and general cargo, as well as for containers.
Cable Bridge over Outer Dock 37.80 20.90 1␺300 tonne heavy-lift crane.
Road Bridge over Outer Dock 37.00 20.10 STEVEDORES: Working Hours: 0730 – 1600 Monday to Friday.
Marientor Bridge† at rest 29.30 12.40 WASTE DISPOSAL: Collection service available.
Marientor Bridge folded Up to 33.9 height Clear width 15.8 SLOPS DISPOSAL: Service available.
Over 33.9 height Clear width 13.8 Bilgenentolungsges mbH. Tel: +49 (203) 800 9453.

1046 Readers are encouraged to send updates and additions (page xi)
Duisburg-Ruhrort GERMANY
NEAREST AIRPORT: Dusseldorf International Airport, 20 km. PILOTAGE: Pilotage is carried out by Weser River Pilots, no Harbour Pilot
IDENTIFICATION CARDS: Shore passes not in use. available.
SEAMAN’S CLUBS: German Seaman’s Mission, Dammstrasse 1B, DEEP SEA PILOTAGE: See ‘‘General’’ before first Germany port and
47199 Duisburg Homberg. Tel: +49 (2066) 99180. Open daily, except ‘‘Baltic Deep-Sea Pilotage’’.
Services: Telephone, newspapers, library and exchange service, billiards, ANCHORAGES: No anchorage in the vicinity of the harbour.
table tennis, sauna, keep fit, disco (Wednesday 1930 – 2230 hrs.), rooms for Also see ‘‘Bremerhaven’’.
one or two nights, sports games arranged. PRATIQUE: Pratique is granted on arrival by the Health Officer. If disease
AUTHORITY: Duisburger Hafen AG, Alte Ruhrorter Strasse 42-52, or fever is suspected on board it has to be reported to the Agent.
D-47119 Duisburg, Germany. Tel: +49 (203) 8031. FAX: +49 (203) 803232. PRE-ARRIVAL INFORMATION: Advise Agent of ETA and cash
Email: Web: Contact: Thomas requirements.
Schlipkoether, Port Director. Dirk Scheel, Deputy Port Director
(Tel: +49 (203) 803240). VHF: No port radar service but river radar can be used for approaching port
from Weser Lanby to Bremerhaven. VHF Channel 21 from Bremerhaven to
Elsfleth. Channel 19 from Bremen to Elsfleth.
River radar can be used for approaching port from Bremerhaven to Elsfleth
ECKERNFORDE: 54␥ 29' N 009␥ 51' E (See Plan) (entrance of River Hunte).
Bremen Port Radar Channel 3.
DOCUMENTS: VHF Channel 73 from Elsfleth to Oldenburg.
Stores List. The two railroad bridges over the River Hunte can be contacted on VHF
Customs Documents. Channel 73.
Cargo Documents.
Crew List. VTS/RADAR: See ‘‘VHF’’.
Clearance: Customs clearance at any time subject prior notice given. If TUGS: Tugs have to be ordered from Bremen or Brake. They join the vessel
suspected diseases on board inform Health Authorities. at River Hunte Estuary. If tug lines are used there are no extra charges.
RESTRICTIONS: Bridges: Outer and Inner Harbours separated by BERTHS: One quay length 260 m., depth alongside 4.7 m. One private
bascule bridge, opening to 10.7 m. width at top of bridge.
berth (Omni-Pac).
PILOTAGE: No Pilot Station. No tide. In East winds, water level can Two waiting quays for vessels with LOA from 80 m. plying inland trade.
increase to 1.50 m. above normal. One is by the naval college (three berths) and the other at km. 23 on the
ANCHORAGES: Good anchorage in the Roads between East and S.E. River Hunte.
by West bearing from the port, distance 1 to 1.5 miles. Depths 18 m. – 21 m.
Anchorage not allowed in harbour area. TANKER FACILITIES: No tanker berths.
MAX. SIZE. In Outer Harbour, up to 5.0 m. draft; in Inner Harbour up to 3.0 m. MEDICAL: Medical service is available day and night. Hospital is available
draft. at Brake. Tel: +49 (4401) 1050.
TUGS: No tugs. FRESH WATER: Delivered from the quay by hose.
STEVEDORES: Hatches: By ship’s crew.
FUEL: By bunker barge, stationed in port.
WASTE DISPOSAL: Not available.
SLOPS DISPOSAL: Not available. DRY DOCK: Two slipways available.
MEDICAL: Doctors and hospitals available. REPAIRS: One dockyard. All ship and engine repairs can be carried out.
FRESH WATER: Available. SURVEYORS: Classification Societies have to be ordered from Bremen,
FUEL: Diesel oil available. surveyors available at Elsfleth.
SERVICES: Services available from Kiel. POLICE/AMBULANCE/FIRE: Police Tel: 2263. River Police
REPAIRS: No facilities. Tel: +49 (4401) 700 9315. Fire Tel: 2333.
POLICE/AMBULANCE/FIRE: Police Tel: 110. Hospital Tel: 882-0. FIRE PRECAUTIONS: No fire precautions.
Fire Tel: 112.
SECURITY/GANGWAY: Not available. SECURITY/GANGWAY: A crew watchman is necessary because of
strong tidal streams, 2 – 3 knots.
TIME: GMT plus 1 hour. GMT plus 2 hours (last weekend in March to last
weekend in October). REGULATIONS: No unusual regulations for the port.
LOCAL HOLIDAYS: Work allowed on Sundays and official holidays TIME: GMT plus 1 hour. GMT plus 2 hours last weekend in March to last
subject to Harbour Master’s permission. weekend in October.
TELEPHONES: Public telephones in harbour area. No installation on CONSULS: None.
SHORE LEAVE: Permitted. TELEPHONES: No ship-to-shore communications.
IDENTIFICATION CARDS: Shore passes are only issued for crew NEAREST AIRPORT: Bremen International Airport, 50 km.
members and passengers of those nationalities that normally require a Visa BANKS: LzO Tel: +49 (4404) 92810. OLB Tel: +49 (4404) 92870.
to enter the Federal Republic of Germany. No shore passes are issued for
Volksbank Tel: +49 (4404) 2441.
crew members and passengers who do not require a Visa to enter the Federal
Republic of Germany, Seaman’s Book or Passport is sufficient. CUSTOMS: Quantity permitted for each crew member: 100 cigarettes, one
Shore passes issued to passengers are chargeable. bottle of spirits.
SEAMAN’S CLUBS: None. SHORE LEAVE: Crew members are allowed ashore with valid passports.
AUTHORITY: Eckernforder Hafen, Stadtwerke Eckernforde GmbH, REPATRIATION: Permitted at any time. Inform Agent.
Bornbrook 1, 24340 Eckernforde, Germany. Tel: +49 (4351) 9050.
FAX: +49 (4351) 905199. Email: IDENTIFICATION CARDS: Shore passes only issued for crew
Web: Contact: Mr. Potzsch, General members and passengers of those nationalities that normally require a visa
Manager (Tel: (4351) 720211). Mr. Stephan, Mr. Braunig and Mr. Adolf, to enter the Federal Republic of Germany. Otherwise Seaman’s Book or
Harbour Masters. passport is sufficient.
Shore passes issued to passengers are chargeable.
SEAMAN’S CLUBS: In Brake. Tel: +49 (4401) 705103.
ELSFLETH: 53␥ 14' N 008␥ 28' E AUTHORITY: Stadt Elsfleth, Rathausplatz 1, 26931 Elsfleth, Germany.
Tel: +49 (4404) 504020. Fax: +49 (4404) 50439. Email:
Port Status: Port closed for loading/discharging. Web: Contact: Harbour Master.

OVERVIEW: Open roadstead with waiting quay only.

LOCATION: On the Rivers Weser and Hunte in northern Germany.
CHARTS: BA Charts No. 3406 and 3407. EMDEN: 53␥ 21' N 007␥ 12' E (See Plan)
PORT LIMITS: The seaward boundary of the port is the entrance of River
DOCUMENTS: OVERVIEW: Emden is a major exporter of motor vehicles and has good
2 Crew Lists rail and road links to hinterland for all kinds of cargoes.
1 Health Certificate LOCATION: On the right bank of the Ems River, approximately 38 n.m.
2 Passenger Lists upriver from the Westerems Pilot Station close to the German-Dutch border.
1 Ship’s Certificate CHARTS: BA Charts No. 1405, 3761, 3631 and 3632.
2 Stores Lists.
ISPS COMPLIANCE: Not applicable. PORT LIMITS: A line between breakwater lights (FR and FG) of West
MAX. SIZE: LOA 80 m. daytime, draft depends on the tide. Mole and East Mole. A line distance 50 m. parallel to the Emskai and Emspier.
RESTRICTIONS: Max. draft in the entrance 3.20 m. (LW). Max. LOA at Customs:
night 60 m. 1 Arms and Ammunition List
Bridges: No bridges to reach the port, but all ships bound for Oldenburg 1 Bonded Stores List (German form required)
wait at Elsfleth for opening bridges. 1 Crew Effects Declaration
A flood prevention barrier has to be passed to reach the harbour. 1 Crew List
Also see ‘‘VHF’’. 1 Customs Declaration
ARRIVAL: Vessels are considered to be arrived when alongside the berth 1 Maritime Declaration of Health
or waiting berth, and Customs formalities are completed. 1 Narcotics List
All ships bound for Oldenburg must complete clearance in port. 1 Passenger List

See guidelines for compiling and submitting information (page xi) 1047
1 Provisions List BERTHS: River Berths:
1 Stowaways List
1 Stores List (German form required). Ems Quay:
Immigration: Commodity: Ro-Ro (vehicles), general, wood, logs, containers, etc.
1 Arms and Ammunition List Pier Length: 271.7 m.
2 Crew Lists Berth Length: 250 m.
1 Last Port Clearance Depth: 9.12 m. (LAT)
2 Passenger Lists Draft Allowed: 9.0 m. salt water (LW).
2 Stowaways Lists. Number of Cranes: None.
Health: Number of Ramps: 1 quarter ramp, 1 stern ramp.
1 Maritime Declaration of Health (German form required and available Storage Capacity: About 6,000 sq.m. of covered storage space and
from Sea Pilot) 25,000 sq.m. of concrete paved open storage space.
1 Narcotics List. Loading Rate: 2,000 cars/day.
Water Police:
1 Arms and Ammunition List Ems Pier:
1 Crew List Commodity: Ro-Ro (vehicles), general cargo.
1 Dangerous Cargo List
Berth Length: 250 m.
1 Passenger List
1 Ports of Call List Depth: 9.12 m. (LAT).
1 Stowage Plan (indicating dangerous cargo) Draft Allowed: 9.0 m. salt water (LW).
1 Stowaways List. Number of Cranes: None.
ISPS: Number of Ramps: None.
1 Crew List Storage Capacity: About 12,000 sq.m. at the berth plus 100,000 sq.m. of
1 Passenger List concrete paved open storage space.
1 Visitor List (detailing all suppliers, dealers, etc) Loading Rate: 2,000 cars/day.
Documents to be Presented:
Cargo Gear Certificate Outer Harbour: Quay length 1,539 m., tidal harbour.
Certificate of Registry This port basin has direct connection to the Ems Fairway, i.e. it is a tidal
Derat (Exemption) Certificate port area. Tidal range is approximately 3.2 m. There are no beam or length
Garbage Record Book restrictions.
International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate
International Tonnage Certificate VW Berth:
Load Line Certificate Commodity: Mainly used for handling Volkswagen automobiles.
Oil, Gas, Chemicals Tankers: Certificate of Fitness Berthing Length: About 420 m.
Oil Record Book * Depth Alongside: 8.62 m. (LAT).
Safety Construction Certificate Draft Allowed: 8.5 m. (LW).
Safety Equipment Certificate Number of Cranes: None.
Safety Radio Certificate Cargo Handling: Side door Ro-Ro or ship’s own gear, loading/discharging
Seaman’s Books, Passports and Vaccination Certificates. from or onto storage, rail, truck.
* The Water Police (Wasserschutzpolizei) will fine the vessel if the Oil Record Loading Rate: Max. 2,000 cars/day.
Book is not completed correctly. Mooring: Car carriers are advised to double up mooring ropes when strong
ISPS COMPLIANCE: All Emden terminals are compliant. west or NW winds are expected.
Port Security Officer: Captain Frank Herbig. Tel: +49 (4921) 897120. VHF Telephones: No telephones at this berth.
Channel 13.
For details of PFSO for each terminal, see Web: Granary I and II:
MAX. SIZE: Draft 10.67 m. (HW). Commodity: All kinds of grain products, feed stuff, etc.
Locks: LOA 240 m., beam 33.0 m., draft 10.67 m. Vessels exceeding these Berthing Length: 450 m.
dimensions require prior permission. Depth Alongside: 8.12 m. (LAT).
Ro-Ro: Draft 9.12 m. (LW) Draft Allowed: 8.0 m. fresh water (LW).
Tankers: Draft 10.22 m. Number of Elevators: Three shore elevators.
Also see ‘‘Restrictions’’.
Outreach From Fenderline: 18 m.
DENSITY: Inner Harbour: 1008 – 1010. Outer Harbour: 1010 (LW) to Distance Waterline/Hatchcoaming: 11.5 m.
1020 (HW) (depending on tide). Daily Capacity: About 12,000 tons heavy grain. About 6,000 tons soya
RESTRICTIONS: The maintained fairway depth at Emden is 8.5 m. meals.
Vessels drawing in excess of 8.0 m. salt water must wait for high tide to Storage Capacity: About 150,000 tons.
proceed to Emden proper. Working Period: Monday 0700 hrs. to Saturday 2200 hrs., overtime
Vessels with over LOA 260 m. or beam 40.0 m. require special permission possible.
from the River EMS Authority: Wasser- und Schiffahrtsamt Emden.
Tel: +49 (4921) 8021. Fax: +49 (4921) 802379.
Nesserland: One mobile, tide-independent, floating Ro-Ro bridge for stern
The Great Sea Lock: Length 260 m., width 40.0 m. restricting vessels’ size ramps and Ro-Ro cargo up to 100 tons with approximate 5.5 m. breadth.
to 240 m. LOA and 33.0 m. beam, but upon special permission at about
250 m. LOA and 35.0 m. beam. Depending upon vessels’ shape even longer
ships have been accepted in the past upon special application. New Inner Harbour: Accessible through Sea Lock (260␺40 m.).
Bridges: None. Density: 1009.
PILOTAGE: Compulsory. At least 12 hours prior to arrival at pilot station, South Quay:
vessel to radio ‘‘Emslotse Emden’’ indicating vessel’s name, ETA, destination Commodity: Building materials and other dry bulk cargoes, also wood, steel,
and draft. Contact pilot vessel on VHF Channel 9. Tel/Fax: +49 (161) general cargo, containers, etc.
1416967. Pier Length: 932 m.
Pilot vessel located near Wester Ems Racon Buoy in approx. position Depth Alongside: 11.6 m. permanent.
Lat. 53␥ 37' N, Long. 006␥ 20' E. Draft Allowed: 10.67 m.
Tankers and gas carriers over LOA 130 m. with dangerous cargo to pick
Number of Cranes: Three.
up Pilot at the GW/TG Buoy in position Lat. 53␥ 59' 18" N,
Long. 006␥ 21' 26" E. Lifting Capacity: 2␺15 tons and 1␺40 tons.
Pilot vessel’s name is ‘‘Kapitan Bleeker’’. A Dutch pilot vessel also cruises Daily Capacity: 4,000 – 30,000 tons, depending on material.
in the vicinity so care should be taken not to confuse the two. Outreach of Grabs: 22.5 – 37.0 m. (cranes).
During bad weather, pilot boat is withdrawn and stationed in sheltered area Distance Waterline/Lower Edge Grab: 14 – 22 m. (cranes).
near the Isle of Borkum. Storage Area: Approximately 27,000 sq.m. concrete paved. Approximately
DEEP SEA PILOTAGE: See ‘‘General’’ before first German port and 115,000 sq.m. at Jarssum Harbour for bulk cargoes. About 4,000 sq.m. of
‘‘Baltic Deep-Sea Pilotage’’. covered storage for general and bulk cargoes.
Loading/Discharging: Ex-vessel onto rail cars, trucks, barges.
ANCHORAGES: Vessels may anchor SW of racon buoy in depths of
13.0 – 16.0 m. Sandy bottom. Very uncomfortable with NW’ly swell. Working Period: Monday 0600 hrs. to Friday 2200 hrs., overtime possible.
Further anchorage possibilities in the Ems fairway half way up to Emden
at ‘‘Moevensteert’’, 13.7 m. salt water at LW. North Quay and Container Terminal:
PRATIQUE: Pratique granted immediately on arrival at locks or berth by Commodity: General cargo, containers.
doctor or health official. Pier Length: 520 m.
PRE-ARRIVAL INFORMATION: Master to keep Agents closely Depth Alongside: 11.5 m. permanent.
advised about vessels ETA at either approach buoy and any change thereof. Draft Allowed: 10.67 m.
A 7 days’, 96 hours’, 48 hours’, 24 hours’ and 12 hours’ notice would facilitate Number of Cranes: Two loading bridges, one container bridge and one
preparational matters with authorities, receivers etc. mobile container crane.
VHF: VTS ‘‘Ems Traffic’’: Channels 18, 20 and 21. Lifting Capacity: 53 tons (exceptionally 80 tons) to 15 tons.
Emden Pilot: Channels 12 and 16. Outreach of Grabs: 34.5 m.
VTS/RADAR: Radar VTS service on the River Ems from approx. position Distance Waterline/Lower Edge Grab: 14 m.
Lat. 53␥ 37.5' N, Long. 006␥ 23' E (Westerems) or Lat. 53␥ 35' N, Storage Area: About 53,000 sq.m. concrete paved. About 32,000 sq.m.
Long. 006␥ 23' E (Hubertgat) up to port entrance. The other range unpaved area.
(Borkumradar) works on VHF Channel 18. Further information on this Loading/Discharging: Ex-vessel onto rail cars, trucks, barges.
channel. Working Period: Monday 0600 hrs. to Friday 2200 hrs., overtime possible.
TUGS: Sufficient tugs available, stationed at Emden Locks, ranging from Container terminal: 24 hours, 7 days a week.
790 – 2,394 h.p., some with tugs’ line available.

1048 Readers are encouraged to send updates and additions (page xi)
Industrial Harbour: SLOPS DISPOSAL: Oil residues, etc., can be collected by tanker trucks.
Commodity: All kinds of dry bulk commodities in smaller lots, iron and steel, If required, a special berth is available for this service. Contact Agent or Port
livestock and all kinds of general cargo. Authority for details.
Pier Length: Total about 1,000 m. MEDICAL: Hospital available.
Number of Berths: Three: Industiehafen, Stichkanal and Borssumer Hafen.
Draft: From 7.0 – 7.3 m. permanent, depending on berth. FRESH WATER: Available at some berths.
Number of Cranes: Four and one mobile crane. FUEL: All grades available, delivered by barge by major oil companies and
Lifting Capacity: 1␺5 ton, 1␺10 ton, 1␺10-20 ton, 1␺30 ton, 1 mobile crane others.
30 ton. STORING: See ‘‘Storing’’ on page xiv.
Outreach of Cranes: 16 – 40 m. depending upon weight of load to be 1. Yes
handled. 2. Throughout loading operations
Distance Waterline/Lower Edge Grab: 18 – 20 m. 3. Mainly yes
Storage: About 5,500 sq.m. covered storage space. About 50,000 sq.m. 4. Mainly yes
open storage space. 5. Stores have to be cleared through Customs
Loading/Discharging: Ex-vessel onto rail cars, trucks, barges. 6. Yes.
Working Period: Monday 0600 hrs. to Saturday 2200 hrs., overtime SERVICES: Oil pollution service available.
possible. DRY DOCK: Operator: Nordseewerke GmbH. Tel: +49 (4921) 852491.
Ro-Ro Berths I and II: Fax: +49 (4921) 852447.
Commodity: Automobiles, paper and other Ro-Ro commodities. Email:
Terminal I Terminal II There are three docks and a total of 600 m. of repair quays, with a depth
Berthing Length: 325 m. 300 m. of 7.0 m., handling vessels up to 120,000 d.w.t., cranes up to 45 tonnes out
Draft Allowed: Max. 7.0 m. permanent Max. 7.0 m. permanent each kind of repair. ISO 9001/EN 29001 registered.
Number of Ramps: 1 stern ramp. 1 stern ramp Docks Size Cranes Capacity
1 stern or side ramp (m.) (tonnes) (d.w.t.)
Storage: About 43,000 sq.m. About 31,000 sq.m. Dry Dock 218␺30 1␺32, 1␺42 55,000
storage space storage space Floating Dock No. 3 176.5␺27 2␺10 9,500
Floating Dock No. 4 130.8␺17.6 4,000
Loading/Discharging: From or onto storage, rail cars, trucks.
Working Period: Monday 0600 hrs. to Saturday 1400 hrs., overtime Operator: Cassens Werft GmbH. Tel: +49 (4921) 8270. Fax: +49 (4921)
possible. 827272.Email:
Docks Size Capacity
Also see ‘‘Tanker Facilities’’. (m.) (d.w.t.)
BULK FACILITIES: See ‘‘Berths’’. Cassens No. 1 92.0␺14.8 1,500
Cassens No. 2 116.4␺21.3 5,000
TANKER FACILITIES: Oelhafen situated in Inner Harbour. Max. draft
10.22 m. REPAIRS: All kinds of repairs possible.
Oil Harbour: Minor Repairs (engine, hull, piping, electric): Siep van Brethorst GmbH.
Commodity: Chalk slurry, magnesium chloride and liquid fertiliser. Tel: +49 (4921) 20128. Fax: +49 (4921) 32803.
Number of Berths: Three: Tanker Terminal (Magnesium Chloride/Liquid Email:
Fertiliser Berth) on the south side, and on the north side the Chalk Terminal, Also see ‘‘Dry Dock’’.
consisting of the Seatanker Berth and Inland Tanker Berth. SURVEYORS: German Lloyd, Lloyd’s Register, Norske Veritas, Bureau
Tanker Terminal Chalk Berth Veritas, Panama Bureau of Shipping Inc.
Docking Length: 250 m. 150 m. Germanischer Lloyd. Tel: +49 (4921) 23439, 23354. Fax: +49 (4921)
Draft Permanent: 10.22 m. 10.22 m. 33431.
Loading Rate: 300 cu.m./hr. 300 cu.m./hr. POLICE/AMBULANCE/FIRE: Police Tel: 110. Ambulance
Discharging Rate: 2,500 t.p.h. crude oil Tel: +49 (4921) 19222. Fire Tel: 112.
Connections: 8 in. 8 – 10 in. EMERGENCY RESPONSE CENTRE: Local Water Police.
Working Period: Throughout 24 hours. Tel: +49 (4921) 891558.
FIRE PRECAUTIONS: All common fire precautions to be obeyed.
Tanker Terminal: SECURITY/GANGWAY: Not compulsory.
Commodities: Magnesium chloride and liquid fertiliser.
Location: Emden oil harbour in the Inner Harbour.
WEATHER/TIDES: Easterly winds can cause lower water levels in the
River Ems and Aussenhafen.
Type of Berth: Concrete finger-pier with platform and with five dolphins
abreast and sufficient mooring bollards ashore. Max. pull 100 tons. Tidal Range: Tide rise approximately 3.2 m.
Depth/Tidal Range: 10.36 m. brackish water (approx. 1007). No tidal range. CONSULS: Sweden and Netherlands.
Restrictions: TELEPHONES: Telephones can be placed on board if vessel berthed at
LOA: 240 m. Northquay, Southquay or Thyssen Nordseewerke shipyard. Public telephone
Beam: 33.0 m. boxes are available close to the berths, except Autoport where they are 1 km.
Draft (dock density): 10.22 m. away at the railway station.
Distance waterline/manifold: 19.0 m. max. NEAREST AIRPORT: Emden Domestic Airport, 5 km. Bremen
Distance ship’s rail/manifold: 5.5 m. max. International Airport, 130 km.
Free space to forward of manifold connection: 1.4 m. min. BANKS: German banks, such as Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank.
Berthing: Vessels berthing with port side to. Ships being towed backwards CUSTOMS: 40 cigarettes per day/person, 0.25 litre spirits per day/person.
into basin. Day and night mooring/unmooring. SHORE LEAVE: Shore leave possible.
Discharging/Loading Rate: Magnesium chloride: max. 1,000 cu.m./hr.; liquid REPATRIATION: Possible. There are good train connections to and from
fertiliser: max. 250 cu.m./hr. Emden. Car transportation can also be arranged upon request to Agent.
Distance Berth/Tank Farm: About 500 m.
Size of Cargo Line: Magnesium chloride: average diameter 10 in.; liquid IDENTIFICATION CARDS: Shore passes are only issued for crew
fertiliser: 6 in. members and passengers of those nationalities that normally require a Visa
Storage Facilities: Magnesium chloride: 30,000 cu.m. net.; liquid fertiliser: to enter the Federal Republic of Germany. No shore passes are issued for
max. 35,000 cu.m./hr. crew members and passengers who do not require a Visa to enter the Federal
Working Period: Throughout 24 hours. Republic of Germany, Seaman’s Book or Passport is sufficient.
Special Requirements: Standard tanker requirements. No special Shore passes issued to passengers are chargeable.
requirements. Documents and certificates sufficient. SEAMAN’S CLUBS: German Seamen’s Mission Emden, Am
Documents for Clearing Purposes: Seemannsheim 1, 26723 Emden, Germany. Tel: +49 (4921) 92080. Facilities
a) Maritime Declaration of Health (form from Sea Pilot) include telephone and shopping, books, newspapers, television, billiards,
b) Derat (Exemption) Certificate table tennis, overnight stays for seamen and families, meals, port service,
c) Bill of Lading church services on Sundays, information and advice.
d) Cargo Manifest SHIPMASTER’S REPORT: October 2004.
e) Certificate of Origin Vessel: Car carrier, 48,000 g.t., 15,000 d.w.t.
f) Certificate of Quality Information provided by the ship’s Agent prior to arrival at the port.
g) Certificate of Registry Cargo: Motor vehicles.
h) 5 Crew Lists Pilotage: Unable to advise Pilot’s name as the Pilots board vessels in
i) 2 Crew Effects Declarations rotation.
j) 4 Slop Chest Lists Documents: The following documents are required:
k) Passport/Seaman’s Book Clearance inwards:
l) 2 German Tanker Check Lists 1 Bonded Stores List (Coffee, alcohol, tobacco)
Supplies/Services: 1 Crew Effects Declaration
Purging/Gas Freeing Not allowed within the port area 1 Crew List
Coolants (Propane) Available (pressurised) Crew Members Passports or Seaman’s Books
Nitrogen, Oxygen, Freon Available from local Unitor in 1 Maritime Declaration of Health.
Bottles/Cylinders All the documents should be valid with particular attention paid to garbage
Bunkers All grades available from majors and and oil record books.
some outsiders ex-barge prior to or after Port officials will liaise with the ship’s security officer on arrival on board.
cargo operations Pre-Arrival Information: A copy of the Crew List is to be faxed to
Fax: +49 (4921) 8955150 prior to arrival off the port.
LPG/LNG FACILITIES: None. Vessels to advise IMO number, current security level in force on board
and that the ship is correctly certified.
STEVEDORES: No specific requirements. Vessel advised that the Pilot would embark at the Westerems Pilot Station
WASTE DISPOSAL: Collection service available, for ship’s account and that vessel would be berthing starboard side too on arrival unless the
only. Contact agent or Port Authority for details. vessel requests otherwise.

See guidelines for compiling and submitting information (page xi) 1049
Vessels shall submit a list of visitors and suppliers other than port authority FUEL: Diesel available in any quantity. Fuel oil subject to 5 hours advance
personnel prior to arrival. Port authority personnel such as police, customs notice from tank lorries.
and immigration can be identified by their uniforms and official ID cards. SERVICES: Tank cleaning and slop disposal services available. Compass
ISPS: Emden ro-ro terminals are certified in accordance with ISPS adjusting possible, with notice.
regulations. Security level in force is Level one.
Port Security Officer: Captain Lutz Wilhelm. Tel: +49 (4921) 897129. VHF
DRY DOCK: See ‘‘Rendsburg’’.
Channels 16 and 13. REPAIRS: No facilities.
Port Facilities Security Officer: Captain Armin Huser. Tel: +49 (4921) SURVEYORS: All main Classification Societies are present at Hamburg.
895156. Mobile: +49 (170) 445 3624. POLICE/AMBULANCE/FIRE: Police Tel: 110, Fire/Ambulance
Assistant Port Facilities Security Officer (Agent): Mobile: +49 (160) Tel: 112.
723 6003. FIRE PRECAUTIONS: No specific precautions.
Information relating to berth access control and processing of crew
members details will be advised on arrival.
SECURITY/GANGWAY: No watchman service available.
Stevedoring: Vessel advised that we should unlash cargo to be discharged REGULATIONS: No particular or unusual regulations.
prior to berthing alongside. TIME: GMT plus 1 hour. GMT plus 2 hours (last weekend in March to last
Agency: EVAG. Tel: +49 (4921) 8950. Mobile: +49 (160) weekend in October).
723 6003 (24 hours).Fax: +49 (4921) 21721. Telex: 27800. LOCAL HOLIDAYS: No work on official holidays.
Email: Web: Also see ‘‘Hamburg’’.
AUTHORITY: Niedersachsen Ports GmbH & Co KG, Niederlassung DELAYS: Normally no delays.
Emden, Friedrich-Naumann Strasse 7-9, D-26725 Emden, Germany. CONSULS: Denmark; others at Hamburg.
Tel: +49 (4921) 8970. Fax: +49 (4921) 897137. Email: TELEPHONES: Installation on board ships possible at Harnis Quay.
Web: Contact: B Snippe, Port Manager. NEAREST AIRPORT: Hamburg-Fuhlsbuettel International, 175 km.
Tel: +49 (4921) 897100. Captain Frank Herbig, Harbour Master.
Tel: +49 (4921) 897120. Email: C Blendermann, Deputy CUSTOMS: For consumption on board merchant vessels for each crew
Harbour Master. Tel: +49 (4921) 897119. Fax: +49 (4921) 897241. member per day 40 cigarettes or 10 cigars or 50 grams tobacco and 0.25 litre
Email: spirits and 3 litres wine are duty-free. If the ship stays for 3 days or longer it
is usual to allow three-fold of the mentioned quantity. For shore leave
20 cigarettes are permitted for each person only. If a crew member leaves
the ship for at least 3 days the regulations for tourists are applicable.
FLENSBURG: 54␥ 48' N 009␥ 26' E (See Plan) SHORE LEAVE: Allowed.
PORT LIMITS: The seaward boundary is the line between two special REPATRIATION: Possible at any time without difficulties.
boundary-stones on the west and east side of the port entrance. IDENTIFICATION CARDS: Shore passes are only issued for crew
DOCUMENTS: members and passengers of those nationalities that normally require a Visa
Bills of Lading to enter the Federal Republic of Germany. No shore passes are issued for
2 Bonded Stores Lists crew members and passengers who do not require a Visa to enter the Federal
Cargo Lists Republic of Germany, Seaman’s Book or Passport is sufficient.
2 Crew Lists Shore passes issued to passengers are chargeable.
General Declaration SEAMAN’S CLUBS: None.
2 Passenger Lists AUTHORITY: Hafenbehoerde und Seemannsamt Flensburg, Am
Ship’s Certificates. Industriehafen 7, 24937 Flensburg, Germany. Tel: +49 (461) 4871301.
MAX. SIZE: 8.5 m. (normal water-level). Fax: +49 (461) 4871974. Email:
Tankers: 1,000 g.t., depth 5.7 m. Web: Contact: Frank Petry, Port Captain.
DENSITY: 1012 – 1015 (summer/winter). Email:
RESTRICTIONS: Extraordinary large vessels LOA 180 m., breadth 28 m.
or draft over 7.0 m. need official permission for sailing on the Flensburg Firth;
no tide, water-level vary due to wind. GLUCKSTADT, including Wewelsfleth:
Bridges: None. 53␥ 45' N 009␥ 25' E (See Plan)
PILOTAGE: Pilot Station Flensburg. Tel: +49 (431) 362858. Notice 5 hours
before arriving Buoy ‘‘Flensburger Foerde’’ by Kiel Radio or Agent (5 hours LOCATION: On the north bank of the River Elbe.
before leaving port). Pilot boards at Buoy ‘‘Flensburger Foerde’’. Pilot will Wewelsfleth in position Lat. 53␥ 50 N, Long. 9␥ 24' E.
board in all weather if possible, otherwise pilot boat will lead vessel to that PORT LIMITS: Line drawn between seaward ends of north and south
position where Pilot can board. Not necessary to anchor. Pilot boat is a fishing moles.
boat with ‘‘Lotse’’ written in white letters on both sides. Boat will show lights DOCUMENTS:
prescribed by international regulations and is fitted out with VHF Channels 6, Cargo Papers
10, 16, 25, 26, 27. Crew Lists
ANCHORAGES: Just outside harbour entrance, NE of Mittelgrund and Despatching Papers
west of Kielseng leading lights. Depths 12 – 19 m.; muddy ground. Same Ship’s Papers.
position for Quarantine Anchorage.
The other anchorage is at Buoy ‘‘Flensburger Foerde’’, depth 20 – 27 m.;
ISPS COMPLIANCE: Port is compliant.
muddy and sandy ground. MAX. SIZE: Outer Harbour: LOA 150 m., beam 18.0 m., draft 6.0 m.
(MTHW) (south side), 5.50 m. (north side).
PRATIQUE: Free pratique for ships in the North Sea and Baltic Sea trade,
ships coming from overseas ports pratique granted on arrival. Inform Pilot if To Pass Lock to Inner Harbour: LOA 90 m., beam 12.5 m., draft 4.5 m.
any suspected diseases on board. Pilot will make necessary arrangements. (MHW) (recommended max. draft 4.2 m.).
A valid Derat (Exemption) Certificate to be on board. PILOTAGE: Pilot to be ordered via Agent.
VTS/RADAR: There is no Port Radar Service. PRE-ARRIVAL INFORMATION: Advise Agent ETA 72 hours prior to
TUGS: One harbour tug of 2,300 h.p. is available. If required, local shipping arrival. Message to include vessel’s name and call sign, ETA, ship type and
agency makes arrangements, provided at least 3 hours notice given in normal number of hatches, description of cargo (product and quantity). ETA message
working hours, otherwise 24 hours. to be repeated 48 and 24 hours prior to arrival.
BERTHS: BERTHS: Outer Harbour: South side 220 m. quayage. North side
Quay Length Depth Remarks 250 m. quayage.
(m.) (m.) CRANES: 110 m. crane area.
Powerstation Quay 210 9.0 South Quay: 1␺14/45 tons (outreach 30/17 m.) jib crane, 1␺18 ton mobile
Harnis Quay 470 6.0 crane.
240 8.0 CARGO HANDLING FACILITIES: Total storage capacity:
Schiffbruecke Quay 170 6.5
Warehouse 4,100 sq.m., open storage 20,000 sq.m.
130 5.0
Tanker Berth 5.7 Fuel, gas oil STEVEDORES: Working Hours: Monday to Friday 0700 – 1200,
1230 – 1600. Overtime to be agreed.
BULK FACILITIES: One elevator for feedstuff and one elevator for coal. WASTE DISPOSAL: Available, contact Hafengesellschaft.
TANKER FACILITIES: One berth for tankers up to 1,000 g.t., depth SLOPS DISPOSAL: Available, contact Hafengesellschaft.
5.7 m.
FRESH WATER: Available.
HOSES: Diameter of discharge lines are NW 200; average discharge of FUEL: By road tanker.
fuel and gasoil 300 cu.m./hr.
CRANES: Powerstation Quay: 1␺37 tons lifting capacity crane and one DRY DOCK: Wewelsfleth: Peters Schiffbau GmbH: Tel: +49 (4829)
ship-unloader, max. discharging rate 600 t.p.h. 710. Fax: +49 (4829) 71290. Email:
Harnis Quay: 4␺3 – 10 tons lifting capacity cranes for general and bulk Facilities: Dry Dock No. 1: 135␺20.0␺5.00 m., capacity 12,000 d.w.t.
Dry Dock No. 2: 110␺20.0␺5.00 m., capacity 10,000 d.w.t.
STEVEDORES: Agents make all arrangements. Unloading rates depend Slipway No. 1: 75␺12.0 m., capacity 1,100 d.w.t.
on type of cargo. Bulk cargo discharge up to 160 t.p.h. per gang. Slipway No. 2: 65␺10.0 m., capacity 750 d.w.t.
Hatches: Opening/closing normally done by crew. Stevedores will perform Slipway No. 3: 100␺16.0 m., capacity 3,000 d.w.t.
this for additional payment. There are also five lay-by berths.
CARGO GEAR: All loading and discharging done by shore cranes, except NEAREST AIRPORT: Hamburg International Airport, 36 km.
WASTE DISPOSAL: Agent can arrange collection of garbage. IDENTIFICATION CARDS: Shore passes are only issued for crew
SLOPS DISPOSAL: Various collection services available. Contact members and passengers of those nationalities that normally require a visa
Agent for details. to enter the Federal Republic of Germany. No shore passes are issued for
MEDICAL: Doctors, hospitals, ambulances available day and night. crew members and passengers who do not require a Visa to enter the Federal
FRESH WATER: Available at all berths, delivery rate about 20 cu.m./hr. Republic of Germany, Seaman’s Book or Passport is sufficient.
from shore hydrants. Shore passes issued to passengers are chargeable.

1050 Readers are encouraged to send updates and additions (page xi)
Gluckstadt GERMANY
SEAMAN’S CLUBS: None. All water depths refer to medium low water level. Water depths can change
AUTHORITY: Hafengesellschaft Gluckstadt mbH & Co KG, from berth to berth, and all Masters are advised to obtain the necessary
Aussenhafen Sud, D 25348 Gluckstadt, Germany. Tel: +49 (4124) 91230. information regarding their berth, either from their Agent, Port Authority or
FAX: +49 (4124) 912323. Web: Contact: Michael VHF Channel 14 ‘‘Hamburg Port Traffic’’.
Martensen, General Manager (Email: Also see ‘‘Shipmaster’s Report’’ dated April 1978.
Bridges: To be passed by vessels bound for basins south of Kohlbrand.
Max. above Depth at
HAMBURG, including Altona, Harburg and Bridge breadth Normal HT Normal HT
Wilhelmsburg: 53␥ 33' N 009␥ 59' E (See Plan) (m.) (m.) (m.)
Kohlbrand Brucke, a high-bridge across the 183.07 50.9 16.87
OVERVIEW: One of the country’s major ports, handling most cargoes Kohlbrand near Neuhof
including being a major container port for Germany’s industrial heartland. Kattwyk Brucke, a drawbridge across the 99.97 50.9 14.75
LOCATION: On the Elbe River above Brunsbuttel. Suder Elbe, before Harburg
CHARTS: BA Charts No. 1875, 2469, 3267, 3268, 3619 and 3625. Rethe Brucke, a drawbridge across the 49.98 50.9 15.30
Rethe, near Reiherstieg
DOCUMENTS: Checklist for ships with statement of vessel’s deficiencies
to be provided and delivered to the Sea Pilot before commencing pilotage: PILOTAGE: Hamburg Elbe Pilots listen on Channel 16 and work on
Bill of Lading with Master’s original signature for Customs purposes
Channel 12. Tel: +49 (40) 741 1540. Fax: +49 (40) 740 2492.
2 Cargo Manifests
Email: Web:
2 Crew Lists
Derat (Exemption) Certificate Hamburg Pilots listen on Channel 16 and work on Channel 9. Tel: +49 (40)
1 Maritime Declaration of Health (form supplied by Pilot) 740 2807, 740 1680 (Duty Officer). Fax: +49 (40) 740 2607.
Oil Liability Certificate obligatory for vessels with more than 2,000 tons Email: Web:
of oil onboard Pilotage-Anchorage River Elbe: See ‘‘General’’ before first port.
6 Passenger Lists Pilotage Port of Hamburg: Harbour Pilots board the ships close to the
Passports/Seamen’s Books Seemannshoft Station. Harbour Pilots can be called by VHF, Channel 9, call
Ship’s Register ‘‘Hamburg Pilot’’. Pilotage is compulsory for vessels with dangerous cargo
2 Stores Lists (including fuel oil) and vessels over LOA 90 m. or beam 13.0 m.
Tanker Checklist Exceptions: Pilotage is not compulsory for vessels up to LOA 120 m. and/or
Vaccination List. BOA 18.0 m., if:
Also see ‘‘Shipmaster’s Report’’ dated October 1988.
a) the Master has called at the Port of Hamburg with ship 6 times within
ISPS COMPLIANCE: Port is compliant. the last 12 months
MAX. SIZE: Bulk: Draft 15.1 m. b) speaks German fluently
Containers: Draft 15.1 m. c) the Master has to apply for PEC at Harbour Master’s office.
Dry Cargo: Depth 11.0 m. Vessels exceeding above mentioned dimensions may apply for PEC if:
Tankers: Draft 12.1 m. a) the Master has called with the ship during the last 12 months
DENSITY: Fresh water. b) speaks German fluently
RESTRICTIONS: No restrictions imposed on night entry for any vessels. c) has undertaken an examination set by the Harbour Master’s office.
Inbound: Under normal weather and tidal conditions, vessels with a draft Advisable to use Pilots in port.
up to 12.5 m. in salt water (12.8 m. FW) on arrival Elbe Light vessel may DEEP SEA PILOTAGE: See ‘‘Brixham’’, ‘‘Cherbourg’’, ‘‘Baltic
enter at any time (container ships with breadth exceeding 32.3 m. ␦ 12.4 m. Deep-Sea Pilotage’’ and ‘‘General’’ before first German port .
at any time).
Vessels exceeding 12.5 m. up to allowed max. draft of 14.8 m. (SW) on ANCHORAGES: Available at several places between Elbe Light vessel
arrival Elbe Light vessel may enter only with rising tide. and Hamburg. See ‘‘General’’ before first Germany port.
Vessels of LOA 330 – 340 m. or breadth 45.0 – 50.0 m. are allowed PRATIQUE: Master required complete health certificate when Pilot boards.
max. draft of 14.6 m. (SW). Only vessels with infectious diseases are subject to detention.
Vessels of LOA 340 – 350 m. or breadth 50.0 – 55.0 m. are allowed draft
14.4 m. (SW). PRE-ARRIVAL INFORMATION: In order to avoid delay and extra
Vessels of LOA 350 – 360 m. or breadth 55.0 – 63.0 m. are allowed draft charges Masters should cable their ETA at least 12 hours prior to arrival at
14.2 m., in salt water on arrival Elbe Light vessel, may enter only close to HW. Elbe Pilot Station to ‘‘Elbelotse Brunsbutelkoog’’, stating the following details:
Vessels requiring HW wave will proceed in order to reach Port Pilot Station 1. Name of vessel
1 – 1.5 hours before HW. 2. Gross registered tons
Outbound: Vessels up to draft 12.8 m. (FW) on departure from Hamburg 3. Date (2 figures)
may leave under normal weather and tidal conditions at any time (container 4. Time (4 figures)
ships with breadth exceeding 32.3 m. ␦ 12.7 m. at any time). 5. Place where Pilot is required
Container ships up to draft 13.0 m. (FW) may leave from Port Pilot Station 6. Place of destination
from 1 hour before LW until 3 hours 25 minutes after LW (up to 13.2 m., 7. Draft in metres (4 figures).
55 minutes before LW until 2 hours 50 minutes after LW. Up to 13.4 m., For example:
45 minutes before LW until 2 hour 10 minutes after LW. Up to 13.6 m., 1. Eta Fjordaas
40 minutes before LW until 1 hour 30 minutes after LW. Up to 13.8 m., 2. 41079
30 minutes before LW until LW). 3. 12
Reduced sailing times are valid for container ships exceeding breadth
4. 1600
32.3 m. up to max. draft 13.8 m.
5. Elbeone
Other vessels up to draft 13.0 m. (FW) may leave from Port Pilot Station
from 1 hour before LW until 2 hour 45 minutes after LW. 6. Hamburg
Up to 13.2 m. 55 minutes before LW until 2 hours after LW. 7. 1214
Up to 13.4 m. 45 minutes before LW until 1 hour 20 minutes after LW. VHF: Hamburg Port Traffic listens on Channel 16 and works Channel 14.
Up to 13.6 m. 40 minutes before LW until 35 minutes after LW. 1 hour before arrival at Elbe Light vessel Masters are advised to contact
Up to 13.8 m. 25 minutes before LW until 5 minutes after LW. the pilot cutter on Channels 13 or 16.
Vessels of LOA 330 – 340 m. or breadth 45.0 – 50.0 m. are allowed
max. draft 12.6 m. VTS/RADAR: River radar service from Elbe 1 to Hamburg. Hamburg
Vessels of LOA 340 – 350 m. or breadth 50.0 – 55.0 m. are allowed Radar Service ‘‘Hamburg Radar Radio’’, VHF Channels 3 and 19 at the lower
max. draft 12.4 m. end of Seemannshoeft, VHF Channels 80 and 7 at the western and southern
Vessels of LOA 350 – 360 m. or breadth 55.0 – 63.0 m. are allowed max. part of harbour, VHF Channels 63 and 5 at upper part east of Koehlbrand.
draft 12.2 m. (FW) may leave at any time, except 3 hours before HW until Also see ‘‘General’’ before first Germany port.
following HW, when a tide restricted vessel is inward bound on the river. TUGS: Normally join incoming vessels at Harbour Pilot Station at
Harbour Max. Draft1 Max. Draft2 Finkerwerder. Tug’s lines used at no extra charge.
(m.) (m.)
Dradenau Hafen 12.5 9.1
Draft Length Elevators Rate
Petroleum Hafen 11.7 8.3
(m.) (m.) (t.p.h.)
Waltershofer Hafen 15.1 12.8
Kuhwerder Hafen 15.1 12.3 Hamburg-Kuhwerder Hafen 11.2 180 4 750
Oderhafen 14.0 9.6 Hamburg-Rethe/Stroh 13.0 270 4 1,000
Rethe Neuhof NHG 13.1 11.8 Hamburg-Rethe/Kruse 13.0 272 2 1,100
Kattwyk Hafen 13.3 9.9 Hamburg-Rethe/Makprang 13.0 270 2 400
Neuhofer Hafen 13.3 9.9 Hamburg-Neuhof 14.4 272 4 1,860
Rethe Van Ommeren 13.3 9.9
Rethe Kruse 13.0 9.6 Other Bulk:
Rethe Mackprang 13.0 9.6 Draft
Rethe Stroh 13.0 9.6 Length (FW) Airdraft* Remarks
Schluisgrove Hafen 12.3 8.9 (m.) (m.) (m.)
Hansaport 15.1 12.8 Hamburg-Harburg II 524 10.0 20.1 Coal and Minerals
Harburg Seehafen 4 12.0 8.6 Elbehafen Brunsbuttelkoog 600 10.7 29.8 Coal and Minerals
Harburg Seehafen 3 11.0 7.6 Hamburg-Wedel 320 13.9 Coal
Harburg Seehafen 2 12.9 9.5 Neuhof-Kalikai 370 11.3 18.3 Fertilisers
Harburg Seehafen 1 9.7 6.3 Hamburger-Stahlwerke 408 12.5 25.0 Minerals
Blumensandhafen 13.3 9.9 Hansaport 563 15.1 Minerals
Max. draft with 10% under-keel clearance subject to Tide and Berth. Hamburger Aluminium Werk 183 9.3 Petcoke/Oxide
Max. draft at any time. Aluminium Oxid Stad 329 12.5 18.9 Bauxite/Oxide
* Max. height discharging gear above HW level.
The max. draft is dependent on the prevailing easterly or westerly winds.

See guidelines for compiling and submitting information (page xi) 1051
Buss Kuhwerder Terminal: CONTAINER FACILITIES:
Operator: Buss Umschlagsgesellschaft. Tel: +49 (40) 3198 1219. Altenwerder Container Terminal:
Fax: +49 (40) 3198 2000. Email: Operator: HHLA Container Terminal Altenwerder GmbH. Tel: +49 (40)
Web: 533090. Fax: +49 (40) 53309 2129. Email:
Facilities: Total berth length 1,150 m. and depth 11.5 m. Web:
Equipment includes 5 cranes (1␺40 tonnes, outreach 50.0 m. and grab Facilities: The terminal has four berths, total length 1,400 m., depth 16.7 m.,
capacity 16 tonnes, 1␺45 tonnes, outreach 50.0 m. and grab capacity max. draft 16.7 m.
16 tonnes, 2␺8 tonnes, outreach 36.0 m., 1␺140 tonnes outreach 51.0 m. Equipment includes 14␺70 tonne super post-Panamax gantry cranes,
and grab capacity 30 tonnes), 1 hopper for bulk transshipment, rail sidings 22␺42 tonne RMGs, 35␺60 tonne AGVs, 12␺50 tonne yard tractors,
totalling 6,000 m., warehousing totalling 65,000 sq.m., yard area 200 chassis, 2,100 reefer points, 2,400 IMO classified TEU, 80 tanks TEU,
143,000 sq.m. with total area 208,000 sq.m. 4.2 km. of rail sidings, total area 932,000 sq.m. handling 30,000 TEU.
Handling rate 15,000 tonnes/24 hours. Cargoes handled include Container freight station has covered area totalling 20,000 sq.m.
containers, bulk and general cargo.

Burchardkai Container Terminal:

Buss Ross Terminal:
Operator: Burchardkai GmbH. Tel: +49 (40) 30881. Fax: +49 (40)
Operator: Buss Ross Terminal GmbH & Co KG. Tel: +49 (40) 75193 3500. 3088 23091. Email: Web:
Fax: +49 (40) 75193 3100. Email:
Web: Facilities: The terminal has 10 berths, total length 2,850 m., depth
9.4 – 16.5 m., max. draft 18.5 m.
Facilities: Total berth length 230 m. and depth 10.0 m.
Equipment includes 14␺70 tonne super post-Panamax gantry cranes,
Equipment includes 1␺104 tonne mobile crane, 1␺25 tonne mobile
6␺35 – 70 tonne post-Panamax gantry cranes, 4 RMGs (2␺35 tonnes,
excavator, grabs, hopper (direct transshipment ship/truck) and total area
2␺50 tonnes), 101␺40 tonne straddle carriers, 9␺8 tonne front-end
50,000 sq.m. Cargoes handled include bulk and general cargo handling,
handlers/reachstackers, 3␺25 tonne yard tractors, 50 trailers, 1,200 reefer
scrap, excavated earth and sulphates.
points, 730 IMO classified TEU, 75 tanks TEU, 5.6 km. of rail sidings, total
area 1,600,000 sq.m. handling 16,100 TEU.
GTH Getreide Terminal: Container freight station has covered area totalling 20,000 sq.m.
Operator: GTH Getreide Terminal Hamburg GmbH & Co KG. Tel: +49 (40)
751060. Fax: +49 (40) 7510 6133. Email: Buss Hansa Container Terminal:
Operator: Buss Hansa Terminal GmbH. Tel: +49 (40) 751930. Fax: +49 (40)
Facilities: Berth length 270 m. 75193 3100. Email: Web:
Handling rates: Loading rate 10,000 tons/day and discharge rate
Facilities: The terminal has three container berths and two fixed ramps for
8,000 tons/day in two shifts. Conveyor belt capacity 1,000 t.p.h. Grain
vessels with bow/stern and side ramp, total length 840 m., depth 12.5 m.
60 – 3,000 tonnes/hr., storage 160,000 tons in 340 bins. Green coffee
60 – 900 tonnes/hr., storage 60,000 tons in 210 bins. Equipment includes 2 gantry cranes (1␺50 tonnes, 1␺70 tonnes), 4 portal
cranes (3␺25 – 45 tonnes, 1␺45 tonnes), 2␺100 tonne mobile cranes,
Vessel: Max. size LOA 270 m., breadth 42.0 m., draft 12.4 m., airdraft max.
43␺45 tonne straddle carriers, 6␺45 tonne front-end
16.0 m. waterline hatch coaming.
handlers/reachstackers, 1␺59 tonne yard gantry, 10 tugmasters, numerous
Cargoes handled grain, coffee and oilseed. trailers, 85 reefer points, 4.0 km. of rail sidings, total area 300,000 sq.m.
handling 5,000 TEU.
Hansaport Terminal: Container freight station has 20 forklifts up to 8 tonnes, covered area
Operator: Hansaport Hafenbetriebs GmbH. Tel: +49 (40) 740031. 37,000 sq.m. and total area 263,000 sq.m. with 70,000 sq.m. extension area.
Fax: +49 (40) 7400 3222. Email:
Web: Eurogate Container Terminal:
Facilities: Three berths total length 760 m. and max. draft 15.6 m. Operator: Eurogate Container Terminal Hamburg GmbH. Tel: +49 (40)
Equipment includes 4␺32 tonne grab cranes, 1 ship loader, 74050. Fax: +49 (40) 7405 2479. Email:
12 warehouses totalling 60,000 sq.m. and total area 350,000 sq.m. Web:
Handling rate up to 110,000 tonnes/ day. Cargoes handled are dry bulk. Facilities: The terminal has seven berths, total length 2,050 m. and depth
15.5 m.
KTG Terminal: Equipment includes 5␺65 tonne super post-Panamax gantry cranes
Operator: Kali Transport Gesellschaft GmbH. Tel: +49 (40) 309060. (outreach 62 m.), 11␺68 tonne post-Panamax gantry cranes,
Fax: +49 (40) 3090 6113. Email: 4␺45 – 55 tonne RMGs, 73␺40 tonne straddle carriers, 11␺8 – 45 tonne
Web: front-end handlers/reachstackers, 25␺40 – 80 tonne yard tractors, 42 trailers,
Facilities: Total berth length 500 m. and depth 11.3 m. 768 reefer points, rail sidings, total area 1,400,000 sq.m. handling
Equipment includes 3 shiploaders, 2 grabs (1␺12 tonnes, 1␺20 tonnes), 75,000 TEU.
storage capacity 90,000 sq.m. (10 warehouses, 6 silos). Container freight station has reefer points, 43␺1.5 – 20 tonne forklifts,
Handling rate 1,000 – 3,000 tonnes/hr. Cargoes handled include bulk covered area 48,056 sq.m. and total area 144,859 sq.m. handling 500 TEU.
fertiliser. Also see ‘‘Developments’’.

Neuhof Terminal: Leercontainer Zentrum Unikai Terminal:

Operator: Neuhof Hafengesellschaft mbH. Tel: +49 (40) 752 7070. Operator: Leercontainer Zentrum Unikai GmbH. Tel: +49 (40) 3199 2681.
Fax: +49 (40) 752 2512. Email: Fax: +49 (40) 319 3481. Email: Web:
Facilities: Discharge rate heavy grain 1,650 tonnes/hr. Two pneumatic and Facilities: The terminal has three berths, total length 600 m. and depth
one mechanical unloader, conveyor rated at 1,000 tonnes/hr., silo storage 13.5 m.
totalling 180,000 tonnes and tanks handling vegetable oil totalling Terminal mainly handles feeder vessels and barges.
25,000 tonnes. Equipment includes 2␺40 tonne gantry cranes, 7 tonne front-end
Cargoes handled are grain and vegetable oil. handlers/reachstackers, 2␺40 tonne transtainers, 3 yard tractors, 10 trailers,
Vessel: Discharge: Max. LOA 280 m., draft 13.7 m. handling up to 125 reefer points, 3␺700 m. of rail sidings, total area 90,000 sq.m. handling
90,000 tonnes throughout 24 hours. 8,500 TEU.
Loading: Max. LOA 200 m., draft 11.0 m., handling up to 25,000 tonnes at
600 tonnes/hr. throughout 24 hours. O’Swaldkai Terminal:
Panamax ships discharging 50,000 – 60,000 tonnes take approximately Operator: Unikai Lagerei- und Speditionsgesellschaft mbH. Tel: +49 (40)
2.5 days. Simultaneous discharging/loading, with or without intermediate 7200 2100. Fax: +49 (40) 7200 2102. Email:
storage in the silo. At the inland harbour, up to 3,000 tonnes can be Web:
loaded/unloaded to coasters. Facilities: The terminal has three berths, 2␺350 m. berths with 45␥ quarter
ramp slot for PCC and PCTC and 1␺350 m. berth with stern ramp (hydraulic)
Rhenus Midgard Terminal: available. Depth 13.5 m. and max. draft 11.5 m.
Operator: Rhenus Midgard GmbH & Co KG. Tel: +49 (40) 766 0030. Terminal mainly handles Ro-Ro vessels and container feeder vessels and
Fax: +49 (40) 7660 0359. Email: barges.
Web: Equipment includes 1␺35 tonne gantry crane, 1␺104 tonne mobile crane,
Facilities: Total berth length 500 m. and depth 10.3 m. 4 reachstackers, forklifts up to 28 tonnes, 32 reefer points, 900 m. of rail
Equipment includes 3 cranes (1␺45 tonnes, 1␺12.5 tonnes, sidings, total area 1,000,000 sq.m.
1␺10 tonnes), warehousing totalling 12,000 sq.m. and total area
119,000 sq.m. Tollerort Container Terminal:
Handling rate up to 10,000 – 75,000 tonnes/24 hours. Operator: HHLA Container Terminal Tollerort GmbH. Tel: +49 (40) 740010.
Cargoes handled include containers, building materials, scrap, hazardous Fax: +49 (40) 7400 1100. Email: Web:
goods, agricultural products, paper and minerals. Facilities: The terminal has four berths, total length 1,005 m., depth
9.4 – 16.5 m., max. draft 15.2 m.
SILO P Kruse Terminal: Cargoes handled containers and Ro-Ro.
Operator: Silo P Kruse Operating GmbH & Co KG. Tel: +49 (40) 752060. Equipment includes 5␺70 tonne post-Panamax gantry cranes, 2␺48 tonne
Fax: +49 (40) 7520 6206. Email: Web: Panamax gantry cranes, 43␺45 tonne straddle carriers, 5␺25 tonne
Facilities: Three berths, max. LOA 275 m., max. draft 12.6 m. front-end handlers/reachstackers, 3 yard tractors, 20 trailers, 320 reefer
Equipment includes extractor and 3 loaders handling rate 1,150 tonnes/hr. points, 1.5 km. of rail sidings, total area 356,000 sq.m. handling 15,000 TEU.
and silo storage totalling 80,000 tonnes. Container freight station has 200 reefer points, 20 forklifts, covered area
Rail sidings available. Cargo handled is bulk grain. 30,000 sq.m. and total area 60,000 sq.m.

Also see ‘‘Agent’s Report’’. Also see ‘‘Bulk Facilities’’ and ‘‘Other Facilities’’.

1052 Readers are encouraged to send updates and additions (page xi)
Operator: Royal Vopak. Tel: +49 (40) 740440. Fax: +49 (40) 7404 4140.
Hamburg Fruit Centre: Email: Web:
Operator: HHLA Frucht- und Kuehlzentrum GmbH. Tel: +49 (40) 3088 7211. Facilities: Two ship and one barge jetty dolphin berths, max. draft 13.0 m.
Email: Web: 120 tanks total capacity 134,400 cu.m. Cargoes handled include petroleum
Facilities: Three berths total length 682 m. and depth 11.0 m. products, vegetable oil, oleo chemicals and gas.
Equipment includes 1 container gantry crane, 2 mobile quayside cranes,
1 reachstacker, 100 forklifts, 3 straddle carriers, 15 lifting trucks, Vopak Terminal Hamburg:
10 palletising machines, 4 carton elevators, 77 reefer points, 30 truck lanes, Operator: Royal Vopak. Tel: +49 (40) 751960, 751960. Fax: +49 (40)
rail sidings with two shunting robots and reefer warehousing totalling 7519 6332. Email: Web:
60,000 sq.m. handling up to 1,000,000 tonnes. Total area 170,000 sq.m. Facilities: Four ship and four barge berths, max. draft 12.6 m. 285 tanks total
Cargoes handled refrigerated fruit. capacity 716,000 cu.m. Cargoes handled include petroleum products,
vegetable oil, oleo chemicals and gas.
Sud-West Terminal:
Operator: C Steinweg GmbH & Co KG. Tel: +49 (40) 789500. Fax: +49 (40)
7895 0193. Email: Web:
STEVEDORES: Ordered by Agents, no additional ETAs required.
Facilities: Six berths total length 1,500 m., depth 13.0 m. and max. draft Working Hours:
11.5 m. Monday to Friday: Three shifts 0650 – 1500, 1500 – 2310 and 2310 – 0650
Equipment includes 10 rail and mobile cranes (5␺45 tonnes, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays: Four shifts 0700 – 1300, 1300 – 1900,
1␺150 tonnes), forklifts capacity 2 – 35 tons, reachstackers capacity 45 tons, 1900 – 0100 and 0100 – 0700.
warehousing totalling 100,000 sq.m. and total area 180,000 sq.m. handling Work performed after 1500 hrs. Monday to Friday, on Saturdays after
up to 30,000 TEU. 1300 hrs., on Sundays and holidays is at overtime rates.
Cargoes handled include containers and project cargoes. Opening/Closing Hatches: Normally by crew with the assistance of
stevedores; otherwise, according to charter party.
Wallmann Multipurpose Terminal: WASTE DISPOSAL: Service is available from various local suppliers
Operator: Wallmann GmbH & Co. Tel: +49 (40) 752070. Fax: +49 (40) listed below using garbage launches, only during normal working hours.
7520 7203. Email: Johannis M Pahl. Tel: +49 (40) 312046.
Web: Heinrich C Vogler. Tel: +49 (40) 5110249.
Facilities: Three berths total length 640 m., depth 13.0 m. and max. draft Carl Robert Eckelmann. Tel: +49 (40) 74050.
11.5 m. Karl H Meyrose. Tel: +49 (40) 327136.
Equipment includes 5 cranes (4 up to capacity 45 tons and when in SLOPS DISPOSAL: Service is available from local facilities listed below.
twin-operation lifting up to 80 tons, 1␺140 tonne Liebherr LHM 500 crane, Facility Address Restrictions
outreach 11.0 – 51.0 m.), container spreaders for cranes, forklifts up to Shore Bominflot KG. Tel: +49 (40) 740 0070. LOA max. 200 m.
capacity 50 tons, trailers capable of carrying up to 150 tons, 12 warehouses Fax: +49 (40) 3509 3116.
totalling 60,000 sq.m. and total area 130,000 sq.m. Shore Hamburger Olverwertungsges. mbH & Co. BRT max.
Cargoes handled include containers, project cargoes, coffee, metal ingots, Tel: +49 (40) 752 4620. Fax: +49 (40) 3000 tons
plywood and break bulk. 7524 6220.
Shore Van Ommeren Tank Terminal. Tel: +49 (40) Ballast and tank
Also see ‘‘Container Facilities’’. 751960. Fax: +49 (40) 7519 6204. washings
TANKER FACILITIES: Mobile Cleanship Buss GmbH. Tel: +49 (40) 31980. Tanker trucks
Bominflot Terminal: and barges
Operator: Bominflot Tanklager GmbH. Tel: +49 (40) 740 0070. Fax: +49 (40) Mobile B Dettmer Reederei GmbH. Tel: +49 (40) Barges
7400 0732. Email: Web: 338007. Fax: +49 (40) 330787.
Facilities: Located in Petroleumhafen. Three ship and three barge jetty Mobile Carl Robert Eckelmann. Tel: +49 (40) Barge
dolphin berths, depth 8.8 m., handling vessels up to max. 80,000 d.w.t., LOA 7405 2830. Fax: +49 (40) 740 2591.
200 m. Mobile Fuchslocher & Co. Tel: +49 (40) 783314/5. Trucks
Total tank farm area 120,000 sq.m., 75 tanks total capacity 236,000 cu.m. Mobile Gareg, Riechert & Sohn. Tel: +49 (40) Tanker trucks
Facilities include, rail car sidings and filling station and truck filling station. 553 1006, 553 2053.
Fresh water available. Mobile Hoyer Hamburg. Tel: +49 (40) 21180. Tanker trucks
Mobile Nautic-Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH. Barges
Carl Robert Eckelmann Terminal: Tel: +49 (4161) 62655, (421) 67405.
Operator: Carl Robert Eckelmann AG. Tel: +49 (40) 311 7030. Fax: +49 (40) Mobile Johannis M Pahl. Tel: +49 (40) 312046/8. Tanker trucks
3117 0343. Email: Web: and barges
Facilities: One jetty dolphin berth. Mobile Rohr-o-matic. Tel: +49 (40) 550 0000. Tanker trucks
Mobile TEREG, Reinigungs GmbH. Tel: +49 (40) Tanker trucks
Dow Haltermann Terminal: 279 1086.
Operator: Haltermann Products. Tel: +49 (40) 751040. Fax: +49 (40) Mobile Wolfgang Empting GmbH. Tel: +49 (471) Only for vessels
7510 4113. 25076. using Cuxhaven
Facilities: Located in southern Reihersteig, Schluisgrovehafen, terminal has Shore DUPEG Tank Terminal. Tel: + 49 (40) For disposal of
one jetty dolphin ship berth and one jetty barge berth, depth 7.35 m. 740 1654. Fax: +49 (40) 740 1703. chemicals
Cargoes handled include petroleum products and vegetable oil.
FRESH WATER: Available from shore at most berths. Also supplied by
Elbe Mineraloelwerke Terminal, Kattwyk-Hafen: barge.
Operator: Shell Deutschland Oil GmbH. Tel: +49 (40) 63240. Fax: +49 (40) FUEL: All grades available from oil berths, or supplied by barge.
630 2605. Web: STORING: See ‘‘Storing’’ on page xiv.
Facilities: Located at Kattwyk-Hafen adjacent to Blumensandhafen, terminal 1. Vessels can be stored by barge or truck
has two dolphin jetty berths, Kattwyk-East, length 270 m. and Kattwyk-West, 2. Vessels can store from barge during loading or discharging, except
length 260 m. and depth 13.1 m., handling vessels up to max. displacement on tanker berths
80,000 tonnes. Cargoes handled are crude oil, mineral oil products. 3. The truck can proceed alongside at the berths
There are a further three berths, length 120 m., depth 6.5 m., length 120 m., 4. Forklift trucks can be used for handling stores
depth 6.5 m. and length 100 m., depth 5.4 m. handling vessels up to 5. No customs regulations in the Freeport area, outside the Freeport
8,000 d.w.t. There are 4␺6 in. chicksans linking to 2␺6 in. pipelines. Loading arranged by Agent
rate 300 tonnes/hr Cargoes handled are base oil, mineral oil products and 6. Local riggers can be employed, arranged by Agent or shipchandler.
lubrication oil. DRY DOCK: Blohm and Voss: Tel: +49 (40) 31190. Fax: +49 (40)
3119 3333. 4 floating docks with lifting capacities 9,000 tons to 65,000 tons.
Elbe Mineraloelwerke Terminal, Schmierstoffwerk Grasbrook: Graving dock capacity up to 320,000 d.w.t.
Operator: Shell Deutschland Oil GmbH. Tel: +49 (40) 63240. Fax: +49 (40) Floating docks have cranes with capacities 5 tonnes to 35 tonnes, and the
630 2605. Web: graving dock has cranes with capacities 10 tonnes to 50 tonnes.
Facilities: Located at Gasbrook, terminal has three quay berths, No. 1 length Norderweft: Tel: +49 (40) 311000: 2 docks, for vessels up to 5,700 d.w.t.
80 m. and depth 2.0 m., No. 2 length 168 m. and depth 5.6 m. and and 12,000 d.w.t.
No. 3 length 70 m. and depth 5.0 m. Cargoes handled are mineral oil There are other shipyards providing floating docks with lifting capacities of
products. up to 5,000 tons.
There are 4␺6 in. chicksans, two of which are piggable. Fresh water
available. REPAIRS: All deck, hull and machinery repairs can be carried out by local
shipyards at Hamburg. Underwater repairs and cleaning can be effected by
Noblee and Thorl Terminal: divers with special equipment.
Operator: Noblee & Thorl GmbH. Tel: +49 (40) 766930. Fax: +49 (40) SURVEYORS: Cargo inspectors available, contact Agent.
7669 3111, 7669 3227. Email: Germanischer Lloyd. Tel: +49 (40) 3614 9302. Fax: +49 (40) 378470.
Web: Telex: 212828 GLHH D.
Facilities: Located in Harburg Seaport No. 3, terminal has a jetty dolphin Lloyd’s Register, American Bureau, Bureau Veritas and Salvage
berth. Association are represented.
POLICE/AMBULANCE/FIRE: Police 110; Fire 112; Ambulance 110;
Oiltanking Terminal: Port Medical Service 321021 (or call Hamburg Port Traffic on VHF
Operator: Oiltanking Deutschland GmbH. Tel: +49 (40) 756 0340, 370990. Channel 14).
Fax: +49 (40) 756 03489, 3709 9415. Email: EMERGENCY RESPONSE CENTRE: Call Police (Tel: 110) or
Web: Hamburg Port Traffic on VHF Channel 14.
Facilities: Located in Blumensandhafen adjacent to Elbe Mineraloelwerke
Terminal, the terminal has two jetty dolphin berths handling vessels up to
SECURITY/GANGWAY: Available for all purposes. Normally arranged
by Agent.
100,000 d.w.t., draft 12.50 m. and three barge berths.
Storage capacity 609,000 cu.m., total 333,000 cu.m. Class 1 tanks CONSULS: Consuls: Iceland, Iran, Ivory Coast, Jamaica, Luxembourg,
5,000 – 50,000 cu.m., 508,000 cu.m. Class 3 tanks 100 – 26,000 cu.m. Malaysia, Malta, Monaco, Morocco, Samoa, Senegal, Tunisia and Uruguay.
Cargoes handled include gasoline, gas oil and crude oil. Consul Generals: Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile,
Colombia, Congo Rep., Costa Rica, Denmark, Dominican Rep., Ecuador,

See guidelines for compiling and submitting information (page xi) 1053
Egypt, El Salvador, France, Ghana, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, India, supply of spare parts, and also the exchange of crews can be arranged
Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Liberia, Malawi, Mali, Mexico, without long voyage delay virtually whilst a vessel is passing through the
Netherlands, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, canal. Shipbrokers’ services are available.
Russia, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, POLICE/AMBULANCE/FIRE: Wasserschutzpolizeirevier Kiel.
UK and USA.
Tel: +49 (431) 160-6310. Fax: +49 (431) 160-3609.
TELEPHONES: Telephones can be placed on board at some berths.
No telephone connections for vessels at dolphins. IDENTIFICATION CARDS: Shore passes are only issued for crew
members and passengers of those nationalities that normally require a Visa
NEAREST AIRPORT: Hamburg International Airport, 15 km. to enter the Federal Republic of Germany. No shore passes are issued for
BANKS: Deutsche Bank. Tel: +49 (40) 37011. Telex: 212535. crew members and passengers who do not require a Visa to enter the Federal
Commerz-Bank AG. Tel: +49 (40) 361311. Telex: 212391. Republic of Germany, Seaman’s Book or Passport is sufficient.
Dresdner Bank AG. Tel: +49 (40) 3581. Telex: 212098. Shore passes issued to passengers are chargeable.
CUSTOMS: No restrictions in the freeport area on board a ship. While not
on board the ship in the freeport area or outside the freeport during shore AUTHORITY: Wasser- und Schiffahrtsamt Kiel-Holtenau,
leave or temporary leaving the ship up to 3 days, each crew member allowed Schleuseninsel 2, 24159 Kiel, Germany. Tel: +49 (431) 3603-0.
20 cigarettes, 5 cigars and 50 grams tobacco. These quantities change when FAX: +49 (431) 3603-414. Email:
paying off up to 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 250 grams tobacco. Web: Contact: Captain H. Schafers, Manager
Shipping Affairs (Tel: +49 (431) 3603-480).
SHORE LEAVE: No restriction.
REPATRIATION: Crew changes and repatriation can be carried out
without difficulty.
IDENTIFICATION CARDS: Shore passes are only issued for crew
members and passengers of those nationalities that normally require a visa ITZEHOE: 53␥ 56' N 009␥ 33' E (See Plan)
to enter the Federal Republic of Germany. No shore passes are issued for
crew members and passengers who do not require a visa to enter the Federal DOCUMENTS:
Republic of Germany, Seaman’s Book or passport is sufficient. 2 Bonded Stores Lists
Shore passes issued to passengers are chargeable. 2 Crew Manifests
SEAMAN’S CLUBS: Seemanns Club Duckdalben, Zellmannstr. 16, 2 Crew Lists
20459 Hamburg. Tel: +49 (40) 740 1661.
Seemannsheim, Krayenkamp 5, 20459 Hamburg. MAX. SIZE: Length: 85 m. due to bends in river. Beam 12 m. Airdraft
Stella Maris, Reimarisstr. 12, 20459 Hamburg. 18.50 m. due to height of Stor bridges. Draft 3.80 m. – 4.0 m.
DEVELOPMENTS: Eurogate Container Terminal: 5␺65 tonne DENSITY: Fresh water.
super post-Panamax gantry cranes, outreach 59.5 m. RESTRICTIONS: Entering River Stor at HW only. Proceeding to Itzehoe
SHIPMASTER’S REPORT: October 1988. during daylight only, or up to Pilot. Departure from Itzehoe about 1 hour prior
Documents: Customs: No documents required as port is a Free Port. to HW.
Water Police: Crew Lists and 1 Maritime Declaration of Health.
Agent: 1 Crew List.
PILOTAGE: Pilot available. Pilot boards at the entrance to the River Stor.
AGENT’S REPORT: June 1997. VHF: Elbe-Weser Radio on VHF Channel 16.
Terminal: Hamburg – Neuhof NHG. VTS/RADAR: Radar Chain River Elbe:
Distance from sea buoys: 80 m. approx. Elbe Pilots to From Elbe Lanby to entrance River Stor:
Hamburg Elbe – Ansteuerung-Radar VHF Channel 19
Length of dock/Length with dolphins: 280 m. no dolphins Neuwerk – 1-Radar VHF Channel 18
Draft restriction alongside: 12.40 m. on arrival, max. 13.1 m. Neuwerk – 2-Radar VHF Channel 5
at high water. Possible to Cuxhaven – Radar VHF Channel 21
discharge such a quantity upon
Belum – Radar VHF Channel 3
arrival enabling vessel to remain
afloat on low water. All drafts Brunsbuttel – Radar VHF Channel 4
based on fresh water. Freiburg – 1-Radar VHF Channel 18
Dock height at MLW: 6.50 m. normal low water Freiburg – 2-Radar VHF Channel 22
Spout air draft at MLW: No restrictions Also see ‘‘General’’ before first port.
Maximum outreach of spouts: 2,600 m. approx. BERTHS: Total length: 420 m.
Number of spouts: 1 movable Depth alongside: At HW 4m.; at LW 1.90 m. (tidal range 2.20 m.). Bottom
Commodities handled: Grain, oilseeds, feedstuff consists of soft mud.
Year built/last modified: 1968 ongoing modifications
Potable fresh water available: From shore and by barge BULK FACILITIES: Grain:
Contact Office: NHG-Neuhof, Konlbrandstr. 3, Loading: By conveyor-belt about 40 – 50 t.p.h. for heavy grain.
21107 Hamburg Discharging: By suction with 1 elevator pipe about 35 – 40 t.p.h. heavy
Contact Tel: +49 40 752 7070 grain. By grab/conveyor-belt 50 – 60 t.p.h. heavy grain. 100 – 120 t.p.h.
Contact Fax: +49 40 752 2512 fertiliser.
Dock access by vehicle permitted: No Grain silos of 35,000 tons capacity.
Is bunkering permitted alongside?: Yes CRANES: 1␺6 tons and 1␺3.5 ton lifting capacity and about 13 m.
Owner/Operator of elevator: NHG outreach and 1␺5 tons lifting capacity and 12.5 m. outreach are available.
AUTHORITY: Hamburg Port Authority, Neuer Wandrahm 4, STEVEDORES: Cargo service, 2212 Brunsbuttel. Tel: 04852-87077.
20457 Hamburg, Germany. Tel: +49 (40) 428470. Fax: +49 (40)
Telex: 28383 HTKB D.
428 472881. Web: Contact: Port Captain.
Ahlmann – Transport GmbH, 2370 Rendsburg. Tel: 04331-137740.
Telex: 29447. Cables: Ahltraship. Fax: 137744.
HOLTENAU: 54␥ 22' N 010␥ 09' E (See Plan) Hatches: Usually by crew.
MEDICAL: Medical, hospital and dental facilities available.
OVERVIEW: For entrance from Baltic, refer to ‘‘Kiel’’. FRESH WATER: Available.
For entrance from Elbe, refer to ‘‘Brunsbuettel’’.
FUEL: All grades available by road tanker.
LOCATION: Holtenau is a part of the town of Kiel, it is located on the
Northern side of the entrance to the Kiel Canal. SERVICES: Provisions, stores, nautical publications and charts available.
BERTHS: The outer harbour of Kiel-Holtenau (Lat. 54␥ 22.2' N. REPAIRS: Radio, radar, nautical equipment, engine, electrical and minor
Long. 10␥ 09.2' E.) in the N.E. part of the old lock fore port, with water depth hull repairs possible.
of 5.0 m. below sea level and 280 m. long quay location, serves vessels up SURVEYORS: Caleb Brett and SGS available from Hamburg.
to 4.5 m. draft, 85 m. long and 13 m. beam as a berthing point. At the quay,
Independent Marine Surveyors available at Brunsbuttel and Hamburg.
not more than 3 ships with a total beam of 28 m. can lie next to each other.
To the West of this, is a 125 m. long berthing pier, known as Coaster Bridge, POLICE/AMBULANCE/FIRE: Police Tel: 110. Fire and Ambulance
with 4.5 m. draft alongside for vessels up to 3 m. draft, 40 m. long and 8.5 m. Tel: 112.
beam. No more than 2 vessels may lie alongside each other. TIME: GMT plus 1 hour. GMT plus 2 hours (last weekend in March to last
Between this pier and the shore is a yacht harbour for pleasure craft. weekend in October).
The inner harbour, to the East of the Holtenau Road-bridge, can only be
reached through the lock of the Kiel Canal. From the berths in the inner LOCAL HOLIDAYS: 1st January, Good Friday, Easter Monday,
harbour, vessels may not enter the locks without a Pilot if they are obliged 1st May, Ascension Day, Whit Monday, 17th June, Prayers Day,
to take on a Pilot for the Kiel Canal. 25/26th December.
The Gasworks quay, just to the West of the New Locks, has a length of NEAREST AIRPORT: Nearest airport at Hamburg.
approx. 210 m. To the West of it, is a landing place for Wik-Holtenau
passenger ferries. CUSTOMS: Customs allow each crew member 200 cigarettes and 1 bottle
To the East of the Holtenau Road-bridge is an approx. 536 m. long quay of spirits for consumption onboard.
belonging to Zerssen and Co. This location is used mainly for fitting out and REPATRIATION: Possible.
bunkering of vessels. On the North side of the inner harbour ships with
dimensions permissible for the Kiel Canal can tie up at the dolphins but only IDENTIFICATION CARDS: Shore passes are only issued for crew
with special permission of the Kiel Canal Authority. members and passengers of those nationalities that normally require a Visa
to enter the Federal Republic of Germany. No shore passes are issued for
SERVICES: In Holtenau are a Service Station of the German Hydrographic crew members and passengers who do not require a Visa to enter the Federal
Institute, a Pilot Station, a border police station, a water police station (only Republic of Germany, Seaman’s Book or Passport is sufficient.
temporarily present in the port), Customs control, Port Doctor, Sailors’ Central
Shore passes issued to passengers are chargeable.
Control, Sailors’ engagement office, and a sailors’ hostel.
An office for marine charts and nautical publications is located at the lock; AUTHORITY: Stadthafen Itzehoe, Gasstr. 18, 25524 Itzehoe, Germany.
good facilities exist for the quick supply of ships’ equipment, victuals and Tel: +49 (4821) 774-409. FAX: +49 (4841) 774410. Telex: 28107 SWIZ D.
fuels. Repairs to machinery installations, radar and wireless apparatus, Contact: Mr. Besel, Harbour Master.

1054 Readers are encouraged to send updates and additions (page xi)
KAPPELN: 54␥ 40' N 009␥ 56' E VTS/RADAR: Vessel Traffic Separation (VTS) Schemes:
Westward going shipping are requested to report following data to the
MAX. SIZE: North Harbour: Max. LOA 90 m., max. beam 18 m., Vessel Traffic Service Centre Kiel-Holtenau (Kiel-Traffic, VHF Channel 22)
max. draft 4.5 m. approximately 30 minutes before passing Kiel Lighthouse:
South Harbour: Max. LOA 90 m., max. beam 18 m., max. draft 4.5 m. a) vessel’s name, call sign, type of vessel
RESTRICTIONS: Depth of water between Schleimunde and Kappeln b) present position of the vessel
from 4.5 m. to 14 m. at normal water level. Distance from Schleimunde to c) length, beam and draft in metres
Kappeln about 3.5 nautical miles. d) last port of call and destination
Passage width of the swing bridge is 22.5 m. e) type and quantity of dangerous cargo, including UN number.
PILOTAGE: Pilot station at Kiel Lighthouse. TUGS: Operator: Schlepp- und Fahrgesellschaft Kiel GmbH.
Tel: +49 (431) 594 1261.
BERTHS: North Harbour: There is 1 grain silo available with a storage
capacity of 4,500 tons. The loading/discharging rate is 40 t.p.h. – 100 t.p.h. Facilities: If required tugs normally join vessel just off berth. Can be ordered
1 quay for discharging/loading cargo. by Kiel Radio or through Agents.
South Harbour: One grain silo available with a storage capacity of 4,000 tons. BERTHS:
Loading/discharging rate 40 t.p.h. – 100 t.p.h. One quay for Berth Length Depth LOA Remarks
loading/discharging cargo. (m.) (m.) (m.)
BULK FACILITIES: See ‘‘Berths’’ and ‘‘Cranes’’. Commercial Harbour: 4,080 11.0 Ro-Ro
CRANES: North Harbour: One hydraulic mobile crane available with Binnenhafen Ports:
capacity of 5 tons. Ostseekai 500 10.0 200 Cruise, Ro-Ro
South Harbour: One hydraulic mobile crane available with capacity of 5 tons. Sartorikai South 200 7.0 280 Passengers
Sartorikai North 5.5
STEVEDORES: Working Hours: Monday to Friday 0700 – 1800 hrs. Schwedenkai 180 8.2 300 Passenger, ferries, Ro-Ro
Saturday 0700 – 1200 hrs.
Bollhornkai Sud 245 8.2 200
FRESH WATER: Available. Bollhornkai Nord 270 9.0 Ro-Ro
FUEL: Available. Bahnhofskai Recreational craft
REPAIRS: Possible. Contact Alfred Eberhardt, Langestr. 2341 Arnis. Scheerhafen 300 10.0 Tanker
IDENTIFICATION CARDS: Shore passes are only issued for crew Norwegenkai 390 9.5 200 Cruise, ferries, Ro-Ro
members and passengers of those nationalities that normally require a Visa Nordhafen 1,030 11.0 300 Cruise
to enter the Federal Republic of Germany. No shore passes are issued for Ostuferhafen 2,168 7.0 – 11.5 Ro-Ro
crew members and passengers who do not require a Visa to enter the Federal
Republic of Germany, Seaman’s Book or Passport is sufficient. PASSENGER FACILITIES: Binnenhafen Ports:
Shore passes issued to passengers are chargeable. Ostseekai: The terminal is for the exclusive use of cruise vessels.
AUTHORITY: Shipbroker Artur Koch, Dehnthof 21, P.O.Box 1131, Norwegenkai: The terminal is for the exclusive use of cruise vessels,
2340 Kappeln. Tel: (04642) 2354 and 4154. Telex: 22681 Koch D. passenger and car ferries.
Cables: Arturkoch Kappeln. FAX: 04642-3184. Contact: H.A. Koch, Harbour Also see ‘‘Berths’’ and ‘‘Cargo Handling Facilities’’.
Master. OTHER FACILITIES: Ro-Ro: Commercial Harbour: 15 Ro-Ro piers.
Binnenhafen Ports: Ostseekai: Ro-Ro Piers No. 27 and 28.
Schwedenkai: Ro-Ro Pier No. 25.
KIEL: 54␥ 19' N 010␥ 10' E (See Plan) Bollhornkai Nord: Ro-Ro Pier No. 24.
Norwegenkai: Ro-Ro at Piers 21 and 22.
Ostuferhafen: Ro-Ro Piers No. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.
OVERVIEW: Germany’s largest cruise ship port. Also see ‘‘Berths’’.
LOCATION: At the northern end of the Kiel Canal in northern Germany. TANKER FACILITIES: Unloading/loading/bunkering berths operated by
CHARTS: BA Charts No. 696 and 2113. private companies at Scheerhafen; slop discharge facilities available.
Nautical Publications: Admiralty Sailing Directions NP 18, 19, 20 (Baltic Also see ‘‘Berths’’ and ‘‘Cargo Handling Facilities’’.
Pilot). CRANES: Commercial Harbour: Three cranes up to 45 tons lifting
DOCUMENTS: capacity.
Bills of Lading Binnenhafen Ports: Bollhornkai Nord: Two cranes of up to 24 ton lifting
Crew List capacity.
Derat (Exemption) Certificate
Nordhafen: Oil Seed Mill: 6␺25 tons capacity cranes.
Ostuferhafen: 1␺45 ton capacity crane.
Maritime Declaration of Health
Stores List. CARGO HANDLING FACILITIES: Commercial Harbour: Open
If loading/unloading cargo, following also required: storage areas of 176,950 sq.m.; covered shed space of 54,530 sq.m.; silos
Bills of Lading of 270,000 tons overall capacity; fuel depots, siding tracks.
Cargo Manifest Binnenhafen Ports: Bollhornkai Sud: Open storage areas of 7,750 sq.m.
Crew Effects Declaration Scheerhafen: Open storage areas of 8,000 sq.m.; covered shed space of
Customs Declaration 1,000 sq.m.; private fuel depots of 36,000 cu.m; private tanker discharging
Ship’s Stores List. bridge and facilities for receiving dirty ballast.
Local Agents will advise Master on board regarding these clearance Nordhafen: Open storage areas of 15,550 sq.m.; covered shed space of
documents. 28,530 sq.m.; 77,000 ton silo with elevator of 500 t.p.h. loading/unloading
ISPS COMPLIANCE: Port is compliant. performance.
Ostuferhafen: Open storage areas of 200,000 sq.m.; covered shed space of
PFO: Joerg Demuth. Tel: +49 (431) 982 2150. Fax: +49 (431) 982 2159. 44,900 sq.m.; 177,000 ton silos.
Mobile: +49 162 244 4250. Email:
Wilfried Baumgaertner. Tel: +49 (431) 982 2161. Fax: +49 (431) 982 2166. STEVEDORES: Opening/Closing Hatches: Normally by ship’s crew.
Mobile: +49 162 244 4261. Email: Can be arranged by stevedores if required.
MAX. SIZE: LOA 245 m. Special permission may be granted for greater WASTE DISPOSAL: No discharge overboard of black and/or grey water
lengths. For Nordhafen and ships passing Canal, LOA 235 m., beam 32.5 m. permitted. Shore facilities available at Schwedenkai, Bollhornkai Nord and
and airdraft 40.0 m. Sud Norwegenkai, and Ostuferhafen. For all other quays, mobile units (tanks
lorries) available.
DENSITY: 1013 – 1015. Garbage service provided alongside. It is ordered from Seehafen Kiel.
RESTRICTIONS: No particular restrictions except for vessels in distress, Tel: +49 (431) 982 2158.
or carrying explosives or tankers not gas-free. In these cases special SLOPS DISPOSAL: H Stallzus GmbH, Kiel. Tel: +49 (431) 339820.
permission of Harbour authorities required for berthing. Non gas-free tankers Fax: +49 (431) 339 8222. Location Scheerhafen, Tankerloschbrucke. Barges
must give notice of arrival and will require chemist’s certificate before entering and tanker trucks.
harbour area. RWE Umwelt. Tel: +49 (431) 690 4316. Fax: +49 (431) 690 4233.
Speed limit 10 knots south of line Bulk/Ehrenmal Laboe.
Also see ‘‘Brunsbuttel’’ MEDICAL: Doctors, hospitals, ambulances available. Notice to Agents
recommended if medical assistance required. Vessels coming from European
PILOTAGE: Compulsory for vessels over LOA 90.0 m. or beam 13.0 m., ports need Derat Exemption Certificate. Vessels from other ports need in
oil, gas and chemical tankers. addition International Vaccination Certificates.
Vessels proceeding in the approach area or through the Kiel Canal are For all cases of poisoning needing special and urgent treatment
obliged to take on a Pilot. Tel: +49 (597) 4268, Medical University Clinic, Schittenhelmstrasse.
Vessels and push-type trains, as well as tug trains, having the greatest
possible max. draft of 3.1 m. and belonging to traffic group 1 are exempted FRESH WATER: Available at all quays and in Holtenau Locks.
from the obligatory pilot service. Pilot station Tel: +49 (431) 362858. ETA FUEL: All grades available. Preferable to order in advance through Agents.
required in advance. Pilot boat can be found near Kiel Lighthouse and also SERVICES: All services available.
off the entrance to Kiel Canal. Pilot boats are white with red superstructure DRY DOCK: Lindenau Yard: Operator: Lindenau GmbH.
with ‘‘Lotse’’ painted on both sides. Signal for Pilot is flag ‘‘G’’ over numeral Tel: +49 (431) 39930. Fax: +49 (431) 393062.
pennant 1. Pilots for Kiel Harbour also available and recommended if port is Email: Web:
not familiar. Facilities: Dock capacity 25,000 d.w. tonnes.
Pilot Association Nok II. Tel: +49 (431) 361212. Fax: +49 (431) 363342. Floating Dock No. 1: 100␺12.8 m.; Dock No. 2: 164␺35.0 m.
Email: Web: HDW Yard: Operator: Howaldtwerke Deutsche Werft GmbH. Tel: +49 (431)
Also see ‘‘Kiel Canal’’. 7000. Fax: +49 (431) 700 2312. Telex: 292288-0 HDW D.
DEEP SEA PILOTAGE: See ‘‘Baltic Deep-Sea Pilotage’’. Email: Web:
ANCHORAGES: Safe anchorages at Holtenau-Reede and at Facilities: The yard has the following dry docks:
Heikendorf-Reede for vessels up to draft 9.7 m. Dry Dock Length Interior Width Capacity Draft under Blocks
PRATIQUE: If suspected infectious disease on board, inform harbour No. (m.) (m.) (d.w.t.) (m.)
authorities by radio in advance. 8a 426.0 88.24 700,000 8.7
8 230.5 44.00 130,000 5.3
VHF: Port Control listens on Channel 16 during office hours, working on 7 310.4 50.25 240,000 5.3
Channel 11. 6 201.0 26.60 30,000 9.3
Office hours are Monday to Thursday 0730 – 1600 and Friday 0730 – 1500. 5 227.5 26.60 35,000 9.6
After office hours: Mobile: +49 171 649 7373.

See guidelines for compiling and submitting information (page xi) 1055
REPAIRS: All types of repairs possible. Outbound: 2 hours before departure from ports or berths at Kiel Canal
SURVEYORS: Germanischer Lloyd. Tel: +49 (431) 675066. between Canal km. 1.5 and 45 (‘‘Weststrecke’’).
Requests for Pilots should include the following information:
Fax: +49 (431) 673235.
⌻ vessel name, length, beam, and g.r.t. (RT/BRZ)
Lloyd’s Register of Shipping. Tel: +49 (431) 579800. Fax: +49 (431)
⌻ pilot boarding position
579 8080.
⌻ ETA / ETD at / from pilot boarding position
Berufsgenossenschaft. Tel: +49 (431) 561023.
⌻ destination of pilotage required
All other surveyors in Hamburg.
⌻ actual draft on arrival / departure (in decimeters).
POLICE/AMBULANCE/FIRE: Police Tel: 110. Harbour Police Brunsbuttel Pilot Station: Tel: +49 (4852) 8080 (approach from River Elbe);
Tel: 579320. Ambulance Tel: 112, alternative 19222. Fire Tel: 112. (4852) 8088 (Kiel Canal western section, between km. 1.5 and 45).
FIRE PRECAUTIONS: Tankers should be prepared to leave port at any Fax: +49 (4852) 8603. Telex: +41 28344. Alternatively contact Pilots via the
time. To be berthed with bow heading seaward. A valid Gas-free Certificate competent VTS Centre.
given by chemist in Kiel district is required before entering harbour area. Pilot vessel: VHF Channels 9, 13 Kiel Canal Pilot.
SECURITY/GANGWAY: Not required. Brunsbuttel Canal Pilot: Pilot boats are painted black with ‘‘LOTSE’’ in white
letters on hull. VHF Channel 9.
LOCAL HOLIDAYS: Work can be arranged on holidays.
Also see ‘‘General’’ before first German port. Kiel: Pilots Association NOK II: Tel: +49 (431) 361212. Fax: +49 (431)
363343. Email: Web:
CONSULS: Tel: +44 (431). Pilot Boarding: Vessels proceeding in the approach area or through the Kiel
Country Tel Country Tel Country Tel Canal are obliged to take on a Pilot.
Austria 552505 Estonia 51323 Sweden 660 7875 Vessels and push-type trains, as well as tug trains, having the greatest
Belgium 974 5718 Italy 888 8832 UK 331971 possible max. draft of 3.1 m. and belonging to traffic group 1 (over LOA 45 m.,
Chile 337879 Norway 240 0111 Venezuela 978375 beam 9.5 m., draft 3.1 m. or LOA 55 m., beam 8.5 m., draft 3.1 m. or tow
Denmark 592 1050 Panama 519 9733 LOA 40 m., beam 10.0 m., draft 3.1 m.), are exempted from the obligatory
Many consulates in Hamburg. pilot service. Pilot station Tel: +49 (431) 362858. ETA required in advance.
Pilot boat can be found near Kiel Lighthouse and also off the entrance to
TELEPHONES: Installed at ferry terminals and available on board ships. Kiel Canal. Pilot boats are white with red superstructure with ‘‘Lotse’’ painted
Public phones near quays.
on both sides. Signal for Pilot is flag ‘‘G’’ over numeral pennant 1.
NEAREST AIRPORT: Hamburg International Airport, 90 km. Canal Helmsman: When a vessel exceeds any one or more of the following
CUSTOMS: 200 cigarettes (250 grams tobacco), one bottle of spirits and dimensions, it shall enlist the services of canal helmsmen for the stretches
one bottle of wine. of water as listed hereunder:
SHORE LEAVE: Allowed. Between Brunsbuttel and Rusterbergen (pilot transfer station): Length
REPATRIATION: No restrictions. Can also be arranged in the locks of 100.00 – 120.00 m., beam 16.50 – 14.50 m., draft 6.10 m.
Kiel Canal by local Agents. Valid passports required. Tankers: Tankers up to Traffic Category No. 4 (over LOA 130 m., beam
Bus and coach station: At Kiel, near Bollhornkai. Coaches to Hamburg 23.0 m., draft 9.5 m. or LOA 160 m., beam 20.0 m., draft 9.5 m. or tow LOA
Airport and other destinations. 120 m., beam 23.0 m., draft 6.1 m.) and other vessels up to Traffic Category
Railway station: Near bus and coach station. Trains to Hamburg, Lubeck, No. 5 with the following maximum dimensions length 100.00 – 120.00 m.,
Berlin, Bremen, Hannover and other destinations. beam 17.00 – 19.00 m., draft 7.00 m. shall enlist the services of one canal
IDENTIFICATION CARDS: Shore passes are only issued for crew Vessels exceeding any one of these dimensions shall enlist the services
members and passengers of those nationalities that normally require a visa of two canal helmsmen. However, this provision shall not apply to short trips
to enter the Federal Republic of Germany. No shore passes are issued for not exceeding a length of 15 km.
crew members and passengers who do not require a visa to enter the Federal
Republic of Germany, Seaman’s Book or passport is sufficient. DEEP SEA PILOTAGE: Baltic Pilots Kiel (Uberseelotsen Ostsee
Shore passes issued to passengers are chargeable. Kiel-Holtenau eV) is the address for ships entering the Baltic Sea via Kiel
Canal or from ports of the Federal Republic of Germany which require a
SEAMAN’S CLUBS: Seaman’s Home and Mission: Kanalstr. 64, Deep Sea Pilot for the Baltic Sea.
D-2300 Kiel 17. Tel: +49 (431) 361206. International telephone connections The Baltic Pilots Kiel have 24 members. All members carry the Red Licence
in every room, church services, books and games available. of BPAC which is the only licence acknowledged by all Baltic governments.
Deutsche Seemannsmission, Seemannsfrauenheim, Maklerstrasse 9, Baltic Pilots Kiel: Tel: +49 (431) 362858 (24 hours), 36868 (office hours).
24159 Kiel. Tel: +49 (431) 331492. Accommodation especially for relations Cables: Balticpilots Kiel. Telex: 299857 BWKI D. Web:
of crew members. Postal Address: Uberseelotsen Ostsee eV, Schleuseninsel 6, 24159 Kiel.
DEVELOPMENTS: Extension of quay planned at Ostseekai to Also see ‘‘General – Deep-Sea Pilotage’’ before first port and ‘‘Baltic
accommodate vessels of LOA 300 m. Deep-Sea Pilotage’’.
AUTHORITY: Hafenamt der Landeshauptstadt Kiel, Bollhornkai 1, ANCHORAGES: The best anchorage is obtained in Holtenau-Reede on
PO Box 2367, D-24103 Kiel, Germany. Tel: +49 (431) 901 1073. the west side of the harbour, in depths of approximately 13.0 m. The south
Fax: +49 (431) 94477. Email: Contact: Captain J Melzer, part of this roadstead is reserved for vessels about to enter the Canal. The
Hafenmeister. Mobile: +49 1716 497373. south limit of the anchorage is marked by Light Buoy No. 11 in line with light
Waterway Authority: Wasser- und Schiffahrtsamt Kiel-Holtenau, tower Holtenau, and the north limit by the light buoys (special) marking
Schleuseninsel 2, D-24159 Kiel, Germany. Tel: +49 (431) 36030. Friedrichsort degaussing range. Good anchorage can also be obtained in
Fax: +49 (431) 360 3414. Email: Heikendorf Reede, approximately 1.25 n.m. east of the entrance to Kiel
Web: Contact: Captain U Boesl, Manager Shipping Canal, in depths of 7.0 – 12.0 m. (mud ground).
Affairs. Tel: +49 (431) 3603480. Email: Vessels with explosives or inflammable cargo must anchor here or in
Operator: Seehafen Kiel GmbH & Co, Bollhoernkai 1, D-24103 Kiel, Strander Bucht. This anchorage is also used by vessels waiting to enter the
Germany. Tel: +49 (431) 98220, 982 2100. Fax: +49 (431) 982 2105. Canal when Holtenau Reede is crowded.
Email: Web: PRE-ARRIVAL INFORMATION: Advise ETA at Elbe Racon Buoy (or
Contact: Dr Dirk Claus, Managing Director. Joerg Demuth, Director Kiel Lighthouse). Confirm ETA 12 hours prior to arrival at pilot station.
Operations. Tel: +49 (431) 982 2150, 982 2151. Fax: +49 (431) 982 2159. Additional Information Required Prior to Kiel Canal Transit:
Email: Vessels that are potentially dangerous, that include pushing and towing units,
those carrying material listed in the special material list in bulk (see
‘‘Wilhelmshaven’’), or which after discharging mineral oil or petroleum
products with a flash point below 35␥C and still not gas free or inert, including
KIEL CANAL: 54␥ 19' N 010␥ 10' E (See Plan) reactor vessels, must report as follows.
1. Coming from the North Sea or from a port within the River Elbe District
Also see Brunsbuttel and Kiel or coming from the Baltic Sea and transiting the Kiel Canal and the River
OVERVIEW: The Canal joins the southern North Sea to the Baltic. 24 hours prior to entering the River Elbe, in writing, at the latest after
clearing the last port to: Wasser-und Schiffahrtsamt Cuxhaven, Am Alten
LOCATION: Between Brunsbuttel to the south and Kiel to the north. Hafen 2, 27472 Cuxhaven. Fax: +49 (4721) 567393.
CHARTS: BA Charts No. 2113, 2344, 2464, 2469 and 3625. Advise the following information:
ISPS COMPLIANCE: Canal is compliant. a) name and call sign of vessel. Estimated arrival time at first reporting
Canal FSO: Brunsbuttel VTS. Tel: +49 (48) 5288 5369. position (day, date, local time)
Kiel-Holtenau VTS. Tel: +49 (431) 5288 5369. b) nationality of vessel
MAX. SIZE: LOA 235 m., beam 32.5 m., draft 7.0 m. (FW), airdraft 40.0 m. c) LOA and draft of vessel
d) port of departure and destination port
RESTRICTIONS: See ‘‘Bridges’’. e) details and quantity of cargo with particulars of the stated dangerous
Bridges: Max. airdraft 40.0 m. cargo according to the special material list
PILOTAGE: Brunsbuttel: Pilots Association NOK I: Tel: +49 (4852) f) if chemicals are carried, a declaration that the vessel is in possession
96920. Fax: +49 (4852) 3059. Email: of a certificate as required by the IMO code for Chemical Tankers as
Web: ‘‘New Ship’’
Kiel Canal 1 and 2: Compulsory for: g) a declaration of any known defect in the vessel or its cargo
⌻ tankers over LOA 60 m., beam 10.0 m. or draft 3.1 m., carrying h) name of the Owners of the vessel.
gas/chemicals/petroleum/petroleum products in bulk, or unloaded 2. Coming from a port within the Kiel Canal Range:
tankers, if not cleaned, degassed, or completely inerted after having Advise as required in 1. above.
carried petroleum/petroleum products, or chemicals with a flashpoint To conform with the pilotage regulations for Kiel Bay and the River Elbe,
below 35␥C the above-mentioned vessels which are potentially dangerous are obliged to
⌻ other vessels and composite units in traffic group 2 or upwards (over engage the services of a Pilot.
LOA 65 m., beam 13.0 m., draft 3.7 m. or LOA 85 m., beam 11.0 m.) Further instructions are in force for above-mentioned vessels when
⌻ tows over LOA 110 m., beam 19.0 m., draft 6.1 m. navigating within the River Elbe and Kiel Bay, as well as when transiting the
Boarding Position: Off Brunsbuttel locks. Kiel Canal, or passing certain points. Pilots will advise the Masters of vessels
Pilot Requests: Inbound: When passing Elbe Racon Buoy respectively of the relevant regulations and assist.
Hamburg Pilot Station, but not later than 2 hours prior to arrival at Brunsbuttel The Port authorities at Cuxhaven and Kiel will inform each other about
Anchorages. arrival of vessels with dangerous cargoes.

1056 Readers are encouraged to send updates and additions (page xi)
Kiel Canal GERMANY
Potentially dangerous sea-going vessels of up to 300 g.r.t. should contact SECURITY/GANGWAY: Not required.
the relative Port Authority. TIME: GMT plus 1 hour. GMT plus 2 hours in summer.
Also see ‘‘Pilotage’’.
LOCAL HOLIDAYS: New Year’s Day; Easter Day; 1 May (Labour Day);
VHF: Radio communication should be carried out in accordance with the 3 October; 25 December (Christmas Day). In case of emergency, work can
regulations of VTSS Germany (see latest edition of VTS Guide). be performed on these days.
Kiel: Approaching from the Baltic Sea, Kiel Pilot works on Channel 14 and NEAREST AIRPORT: Dusseldorf International Airport, 26 km.
will notify the Kiel Pilot.
Brunsbuttel: General VHF stations in vicinity of Brunsbuttel: AUTHORITY: Hafen- und Bahnbetriebe der Stadt Krefeld,
Oberstrasse 13, Postfach 268, 47829 Krefeld, Germany. Tel: +49 (2151)
Brunsbuttel Elbe Traffic: Channel 68
492715. Contact: Mrs. Lehnen.
(must be watched continuously)
Kiel Canal Pilot: Channel 9
Kiel Canal Lock: Channel 13
LUBECK, including Travemunde: 53␥ 52' N 010␥ 40' E
Also see ‘‘Pilotage’’.
VTS/RADAR: Access Via River Elbe:
(See Plan)
Brunsbuttel Radar 1: VHF Channel 62
Brunsbuttel Radar 2: VHF Channel 67 LOCATION: On the north coast of Germany.
St Margarethen Radar: VHF Channel 18 CHARTS: BA Charts No. 2354 and 2355.
TUGS: Various up to 4,000 h.p. available at Brunsbuttel and Kiel Holtenau. Bills of Lading
WASTE DISPOSAL: Not available in the locks of Kiel Canal. 2 Cargo Manifests
SLOPS DISPOSAL: Not available in the locks of Kiel Canal. 2 Crew Lists
Crew Manifest
MEDICAL: All kinds of medical treatment available through Agent, with Customs Declaration
notice. Derat Exemption Certificate
FRESH WATER: Available at all berths. 1 General Declaration for Arrival and Departure
FUEL: All grades available throughout 24 hours, either by barge, on the 1 Maritime Declaration of Health
road or ex installations in the inner harbour of Kiel Canal. 1 Ship’s Particulars form
SERVICES: Tank cleaning and slop reception facilities available. Class 2 Stores Lists.
surveys can be undertaken. MAX. SIZE: 15,000 d.w.t., depth 9.5 m.
DRY DOCK: See ‘‘Kiel’’. Also see ‘‘Restrictions’.
REPAIRS: Hull and machinery, deck and underwater repairs available. RESTRICTIONS: Channel from Lubeck Buoy A to Stadthafen is well lit
Howaldtswerke Deutsche Werft AG. Tel: +49 (431) 7000. Fax: +49 (431) and navigable by vessels fitted with radar in all weathers.
700 2312. Web: Depths: from Buoy A to Travemunde (Nordermole) 10.5 m.; from
Nordermole to Siechenbucht, 10 m.; channel to NWK power station, 9.5 m.;
SURVEYORS: Class surveys available through Agent. channel to Stadthafen 9.5 m. The River Trave narrows from 130 m. at
POLICE/AMBULANCE/FIRE: Police Tel: 110. Ambulance and Fire seaward end to 80 m. at Stadthafen.
Tel: 112. Bridges: Herrenbrucke is 56 m. wide and 22 m. above water level. Can be
TIME: GMT plus 1 hour in winter, GMT plus 2 hours in summer. opened for vessels requiring higher clearance.
CONSULS: PILOTAGE: Compulsory for vessels over LOA 60 m. or beam 10.0 m.
Austria Tel: +49 (431) 552505 Pilot station situated at Travemunde, near foot of Nordermole. Pilots board
Belgium Tel: +49 (431) 95152 vessels in anchorage area. International signals used by Pilots and by vessels
Chile Tel: +49 (431) 337879 requiring a Pilot. Contact by VHF Channels 13 and 67.
Denmark Tel: +49 (431) 603 2011 PRATIQUE: Radio pratique possible. Pilot will ask Master to complete
Finland Tel: +49 (431) 981107 Health Declaration.
Norway Tel: +49 (431) 240 0111 VHF: See ‘‘Pilotage’’.
Paraguay Tel: +49 (431) 83198
Sweden Tel: +49 (431) 95451
TUGS: Compulsory. Vessels exceeding LOA 90 m. and draft 6.0 m. one
tug. Vessels exceeding LOA 110 m. and draft 7.0 m. two tugs.
UK Tel: +49 (431) 331971
TELEPHONES: Public pay telephones on each side of the lock. Terminal Length Depth Use
NEAREST AIRPORT: Hamburg Fuhlsbuttel International Airport, 70 km. (m.) (m.)
(from Brunsbuttel Locks). Konstinkai 1,108 8.0 – 9.5 Ro-Ro, bulk, forest
BANKS: Several banks have branches in Kiel. Nordlandkai 2,000 8.7 – 9.5 Ro-Ro, paper, forest
SHORE LEAVE: Permitted. products
REPATRIATION: Available via Hamburg. Schlutup II 230 9.0 Ro-Ro, forest
IDENTIFICATION CARDS: Shore passes are only issued for crew products
members and passengers of those nationalities that normally require a visa Skandinavienkai (at 1,645 8.0 – 9.5 Ro-Ro, ferry
to enter the Federal Republic of Germany. No shore passes are issued for Travemunde)
crew members and passengers who do not require a visa. Seaman’s Book Municipal Ports:
or passport is sufficient. Seeland Terminal (under 500 8.0 – 9.5 Ro-Ro, container
Shore passes issued to passengers are chargeable. construction)
SEAMAN’S CLUBS: Seamans Mission, Kanalstrasse 64, 24159 Kiel. Private Ports:
Tel: +49 (431) 361206, 331492. Accommodation available. Lehmannkai I 300 7.0 – 7.5 Paper, Ro-Ro, bulk
Lehmannkai II 400 7.0 – 8.0 Ro-Ro, paper
DEVELOPMENTS: Canal widening work planned to commence 2008, Lehmannkai III 520 6.0 – 8.0 Bulk
to enable canal to accommodate vessels of LOA 280 m. and width 40.0 m. Lehmannkai IV 300 7.0 – 8.5 Bulk
SHIPMASTER’S REPORT: 1980. CTL 300 8.5 Container
‘‘KIEL PILOTS’’ can be contacted on VHF Channel 16 and Channel 14, Lagerhaus 200 7.0 – 8.0 Bulk, grain
2 hours before arriving at Kiel Lighthouse, for a Pilot for Kiel Harbour. Nordgetreide 100 3.5 – 5.0 Grain
For vessels intending to transit the canal, send a message at least 3 hours
in advance to ‘‘FORDE LOTSE – KIEL’’ by radio giving ETA, draft, g.t. and In total, there are 7.6 km. of quays at Lubeck with depths 6.0 – 9.5 m.
destination. Any request to arrange a Pilot at the other end of the canal may Travemunde: Passenger ferry harbour. North side river Berths I and II,
also be included in the message. 7.5 m. depth; Kaiserbrucke, 52 m. length, 7.5 m. depth; Ostpreussenkai,
The maximum air draft allowed in the canal is 40 m. (from waterline to 200 m. length, 9.0 m. depth; Priwall (south side), 180 m. length, 5 m. depth.
highest point of the ship). Eight berths for Ro-Ro and passenger traffic each 140 – 220 m. length, 9.5 m.
AUTHORITY: Wasser- und Schiffahrtsamt Kiel-Holtenau, Berths No. 7 and 8 with railway connection.
Schleuseninsel 2, D-24159 Kiel, Germany. Tel: +49 (431) 3603-0.
FAX: +49 (431) 3603-414 or 454. Email: Elbe Lubeck Canal: Navigable by barges up to 1,200 tons.
Web: Contact: Captain U Boesl, Manager Shipping MOORING: Compulsory in all municipal ports for all vessels above LOA
Affairs (Tel: +49 (431) 3603-480. Email: 70 m. to use appointed mooring gangs.
CRANES: 1␺100 ton and one mobile cranes.
KREFELD: 51␥ 20' N 006␥ 34' E WASTE DISPOSAL: Service available. Containers of 1.1 cu.m. and
4.4 cu.m. capacity placed on board and alongside.
LOCATION: On the west bank of the River Rhein, between Duisburg and SLOPS DISPOSAL: Service available by tanker trucks or barge.
Dusseldorf. Tel: +49 (451) 401011 or 2112 for details.
BERTHS: Depth at entrance 4.0 m. at MLLW. There is over 11 km. of MEDICAL: All facilities available. Hospital near docks at Travemunde, and
quays. at Lubeck (Medical University).
BULK FACILITIES: Facilities for handling dry bulk cargoes. FRESH WATER: Available by barge at any location.
TANKER FACILITIES: Petroleum and bunkers handled. FUEL: Fuel available at berth at Scandinavia Kai in Travemunde and by
CRANES: Port Authority: 4␺3/6 ton electric cranes, 1␺8/20 ton bridge barge from Rostock.
crane. STORING: See ‘‘Storing’’ on page xiv.
Private: 2␺6/12 ton bridge cranes. 1␺200 ton crane for bulk goods. Three 1. Vessels can be provisioned by lighters and lorries at all berths.
electric cranes. 2. No limitation of time for provisioning.
3. Lorries can go right alongside vessels, provided the loading and
STEVEDORES: Working Hours: Monday to Thursday 0730 – 1630 hrs. unloading operations permit.
Friday 0730 – 1530 hrs.
4. At virtually all berths (with exception of the Wood Pier at
FRESH WATER: Available. Lubeck-Travemunde).
FUEL: Available. 5. Customs procedure as in all German ports.
DRY DOCK: None. 6. There is always the possibility of obtaining riggers.

See guidelines for compiling and submitting information (page xi) 1057
DRY DOCK: No facilities. NORDENHAM: 53␥ 29' N 008␥ 29' E (See Plan)
REPAIRS: Shipyard available for deck and engine repairs.
Also see Bremen and Bremerhaven
SURVEYORS: Addresses of inspectors and classification society
representatives can be obtained from the Chamber of Commerce and
Industry at Fackenburger Allee 2, Lubeck.
OVERVIEW: Privately owned seaport, handling coal, coke, timber, iron
and steel products, ores, combustion materials and Ro-Ro.
Germanischer Lloyd, Unter der Herrenbrucke 2.
LOCATION: On the River Weser opposite Bremerhaven in NW Germany.
POLICE/AMBULANCE/FIRE: Lubeck River Police. Tel: +49 (451) CHARTS: BA Charts No. 3617, 3621 and 3761.
389710. Travemunde River Police. Tel: +49 (4502) 862830.
TIME: GMT plus 1 hour. GMT plus 2 hours (last weekend in March to last Cargo Papers and Ship’s Certificates
weekend in October). 4 Crew Lists
LOCAL HOLIDAYS: 1 January, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Easter Derat (Exemption) Certificate
Monday, 1 May, Ascension Day, Whit Sunday, Whit Monday, 3 October, 2 Crew Effects Declarations
Atonement Day, Christmas Day, Boxing Day. 1 Stores List
1 Tonnage Certificate
CONSULS: Austria, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. 1 Waste Declaration.
TELEPHONES: Ship telephone connections at Ro-Ro berths. ISPS COMPLIANCE: Port is compliant.
NEAREST AIRPORT: Hamburg International Airport, 1 hour by bus or PFSO: WS Weser-Umschlag: Heiner Wasmuth. Tel: +49 (4731) 969018.
Rhenus Midgard: Karsten Angres. Tel: +49 (4731) 81155.
BANKS: Lubeck: Meteleurop Weser GmbH, Frank Klavemann. Tel: +49 (4731) 361230.
Commerzbank, Breite Strasse 52/54 Pusback und Morgenstern Petrotank, Heike Schwerdtner-Weber.
Dresdner Bank, Breite Strasse 83/87 MAX. SIZE: LOA 300 m. with permission, draft 13.4 m. (FW).
Deutsche Bank, Kohlmarkt 7 – 15. Bulk: 80,000 d.w.t., draft 12.1 m. (FW).
Lubeck-Travemunde: Ro-Ro: Depth 9.5 m. (FW).
Commerzbank, Vorderreihe 50 Tankers: Draft 13.0 m. (FW).
Deutsche Bank, Vorderreihe 35 DENSITY: 1005 – 1012.
Deutsche Bank, Vorderreihe 62. RESTRICTIONS: No restriction except vessels exceeding LOA 260 m.
SHORE LEAVE: Allowed. and draft 11.58 m. Vessels with a draft exceeding 9.14 m. will be controlled
by tidal conditions. Controlling depth in channel 11.0 m. (MLW) and in the
REPATRIATION: All facilities available. port 9.0 – 13.0 m. (MLW) (Rhenus Midgard Terminal).
IDENTIFICATION CARDS: Shore passes are only issued for crew Also see ‘‘Berths’’.
members and passengers of those nationalities that normally require a visa APPROACHES: Channel handles vessels up to max. draft 13.4 m. (FW).
to enter Germany. For all others Seaman’s Book or passport is sufficient. Also see ‘‘Restrictions’’.
Shore passes issued to passengers are chargeable. PILOTAGE: Compulsory of all vessels greater than LOA 90.0 m. or
breadth 13.0 m., all tankers if carrying cargo or not gas free. Pilot boards
SEAMAN’S CLUBS: Deutsche Seemannsmission. Tel: +49 (451) near Light Buoy No. 3/Jade No. 2.
79937-0. Vessels shall forward their ETA at least 12 hours and again 1 hour prior
AUTHORITY: Hansestadt Lubeck, Hafen- und Seemannsamt, to arrival to the boarding area. Outbound vessels shall advise ETD 3 hours
Schusselbuden 16, D-23552 Lubeck, Germany. Tel: +49 (451) 122 5928, prior to requirement and if from 1900 – 0800 hrs. then by 1700 hrs. that
122 5914. FAX: +49 (451) 122 5922. evening.
Email: Contact: Hand-Dieter Gehm, 12-hour ETA message to include:
Hafenmeister (Email: name and call sign of vessel
Lubecker Hafengesellschaft, An der Unterhave 14-16, D-23552 Lubeck, LOA (m.), breadth (dm.) and g.t.
Germany. Tel: +49 (451) 79000. Fax: +49 (451) 7900 105. ETA at pilot boarding area
Email: Web: draft fore and aft
port of destination.
Weser and Bremerhaven Pilots listen on VHF Channel 16 and work on
Channel 6.
Weser Pilots. Tel: +49 (471) 944242. Fax: +49 (471) 944 2439.
NEUSS: 51␥ 12' N 006␥ 41' E (See Plan) Telex: 238605 WELTS D.
Also see ‘‘General’’ before first Germany port and ‘‘Bremerhaven’’.
MAX. SIZE: Inland waterway craft and sea-going ships (usual Rhine DEEP SEA PILOTAGE: See ‘‘General’’ before first Germany port.
dimensions). ANCHORAGES: Sea anchorage off Weser Lanby or the Hoheweg Light
for all types of vessels. River anchorage off Blexen, 1 mile above
RESTRICTIONS: No restrictions, vessels may enter the harbour day or Bremerhaven for vessels up to LOA 120 m.
PRATIQUE: Pratique granted immediately on arrival in port by Health
VHF: Channel 10. official.
BERTHS: Five berths available. VHF: Pilot listens on Channel 16 and works on Channel 6.
Facilities: Waterway area 72 ha. with 17.5 km. of quayage. VTS Weser works on Channels 4, 5, 7 and 22.
Ro-Ro terminal, container station, KLV Terminal, coastal traffic, hazardous VTS/RADAR: Bremerhaven Weser Traffic, call sign ‘‘VTS Weser’’,
cargoes, scrap metal. controls the areas in the approaches to and on the river Weser. Compulsory
Storage: for all vessels of LOA 50 m. and greater.
Information required prior to entering the controlled area is as follows:
Open storage 250,000 sq.m.
name, call sign and flag of vessel
Covered storage 140,000 sq.m. vessel position
Grain capacity 160,000 tons. name of last port of call
Tank capacity 120,000 tons. destination port and ETA
BULK FACILITIES: The port handles chemical products, mineral oil and max. draft
oil products, cement, coal, lime, general cargoes, grain. cargo on board
whether gas free or not.
CRANES: 36 electric cranes with 30 tons capacity. 1 electric crane with In the outer approaches, Bremerhaven Weser Traffic works on VHF
over 30 tons capacity. Channel 22, then switching to Channel 4 and in the river Weser to
WASTE DISPOSAL: Garbage disposal available at every berth. Channels 7 then 5.
Bremerhaven Weser Traffic. Tel: +49 (471) 483 5333. Fax: +49 (471)
MEDICAL: Full hospital facilities available in the city. 483 5200. Telex: 238598.
FRESH WATER: Available in every berth. Also see ‘‘VHF’’, ‘‘Bremerhaven’’ and Web:
FUEL: All grades available. TUGS: Available from Bremerhaven. Tug’s lines used.
BERTHS: Stuhrenburg: Max. LOA 167.64 m., max. draft 8.22 m. (FW)
DRY DOCK: None. (approx.).
REPAIRS: No facilities. Metaleurop: Max. LOA 167.64 m., draft 8.22 m. (FW) (approx.).
The following industrial works and companies within the port area of
POLICE/AMBULANCE/FIRE: Police Tel: 110. Ambulance Tel: 112. Nordenham possess a berth each for sea-going vessels which serve only
Port Tel: +49 (2131) 908220. their private supplies and requirements. These berths are situated north of
SECURITY/GANGWAY: No requirement, except for special vessels as Rhenus Midgard Pier.
determined by the port. 1. Norddeutsche Seekabelwerke Aktiengesellschaft, (production of
LOCAL HOLIDAYS: New Year’s Day; Easter Sunday; Easter Monday; 2. Metaleurop. Length of quay 230 m., depth of water 10 m. (approx.)
Whit Sunday; 1 May and Christmas Day. two cranes of 10 tons and 5 tons. Capacity 200 t.p.h. and 90 t.p.h.
TELEPHONES: Public telephones available. respectively. Storage capacity 50,000 tons (coal or ore), 10,000 tons
(metal blocks), 5,000 cu.m. (sulphuric acid).
NEAREST AIRPORT: Dusseldorf International Airport, 10 km. 3. Weser Tanklager GmbH (storage of mineral oils).
BANKS: All major banks have branches in the city. 4. Titangesellschaft GmbH (production of titandioxide).
GENERAL: Railways and road transport in all directions. Rhenus Midgard Terminal: Operator: Rhenus Midgard GmbH & Co KG,
Midgardstr. 50, D-26954 Nordenham (PO Box 1452/1453,
AUTHORITY: Staedtische Hafenbetriebe Neuss, Hammer D-26944 Nordenham), Germany. Tel: +49 (47) 31810. Fax: +49 (47)
Landstrasse 3, D-41460 Neuss, Germany. Tel: +49 (2131) 908200. 318 1111, 318 8564. Telex: 238317. Email:
FAX: +49 (2131) 908282. Contact: Ludwig von Hartz, Harbour Director. Web: www.

1058 Readers are encouraged to send updates and additions (page xi)
Nordenham GERMANY
Facilities: Total quay length 1,150 m., max. LOA 270 m., longer vessels AGENCY: Rhenus Midgard GmbH Co KG. Tel: +49 (4731) 81210.
possible with prior permission. No Beam restriction. Max. draft 13.0 m. (FW), Email: Web: www.
with prior permission option to increase to 13.41 m. subject to tidal and AUTHORITY: Head Office: Seaports of Niedersachsen GmbH,
weather conditions. Bahnhofplatz 4, D-26122 Oldenburg, Germany. Tel: +49 (441) 3618 8888.
Also see ‘‘Bulk Facilities’’, ‘‘Other Facilities’’ and ‘‘Tanker Facilities’’. FAX: +49 (441) 3618 8889. Email: Web:
BULK FACILITIES: Port Office: Ports of Niedersachsen, POB 2545, D-26015 Oldenburg,
Rhenus Midgard Terminal: Germany. Tel: +49 (441) 222 0341. FAX: +49 (441) 2220 5341.
Operator: Rhenus Midgard GmbH & Co KG. Contact: Hafenmeister. Andreas Bullwinkel, General Manager (Tel: +49 (441)
Facilities: Berth No. 1: bulk cargo, air draft to top of hatch coaming 15.5 m. 3618 8883. Fax: +49 (441) 3618 8889. Email:
Length of quay 710 m., depth 12.0 m. Three gantry cranes capacity
20 – 36 tonnes, max. outreach 33.0 m., 1␺65 tonnes jib crane, max. outreach
48.0 m. Capacity 30,000 tonnes ore per 24 hours. 25,000 tonnes of coal per OLDENBURG: 53␥ 09' N 008␥ 14' E (See Plan)
24 hours. Connections for mineral oil and molasses.
OVERVIEW: Inland port handling agri-bulk, building materials and small
Terminal Blexen: amounts of petroleum products.
Operator: Rhenus Midgard GmbH & Co KG. LOCATION: On the Hunte River where Kusten Kanal joins the river, 30 km.
Facilities: Quay length 600 m. including Ro-Ro dolphin berth has depth west of Bremen.
12.5 m. (MLW), handles max. draft 12.1 m. Equipment includes 1␺21 tonne CHARTS: No large scale BA Charts.
gantry crane and one conveyor belt. Downriver of the Ro-Ro berth. The berth
can accept vessels up to 80,000 d.w.t. fully laden or up to 125,000 d.w.t. part
PORT LIMITS: Between 10 – 18 m. off jetty (Ports are along riverside).
laden. DOCUMENTS: Clearance performed at Elsfleth (Mouth of River Hunte).
Also see ‘‘Brake’’.
Also see ‘‘Berths’’, ‘‘Other Facilities’’ and ‘‘Tanker Facilities’’. ISPS COMPLIANCE: Port is compliant.
OTHER FACILITIES: MAX. SIZE: LOA 85 m., beam 10.0 m., draft 4.0 m.
DENSITY: Fresh water.
Terminal Blexen:
Operator: Rhenus Midgard GmbH & Co KG. RESTRICTIONS: No traffic at night. Max. speed 5.4 knots. Loaded
vessels at HW only.
Facilities: One Ro-Ro berth with ramp length 250 m. and depth 9.5 m. (FW),
upriver of the bulk cargo berth. Bridges: Huntebruck Bridge, maximum clearance 20.0 m. (MHW).
PILOTAGE: No compulsory pilotage on the River Hunte, but
Also see ‘‘Berths’’, ‘‘Bulk Facilities’’ and ‘‘Tanker Facilities’’. recommended.
PRATIQUE: Clearance at Elsfleth.
Rhenus Midgard Terminal: VHF: Channel 73 on river Hunte and for bridges.
Operator: Rhenus Midgard GmbH & Co KG. No VHF in Port Office.
Facilities: Oil Berth No.1 (Berth No. 2): Part of the terminal quay, length
170 m., depth 9.5 m. handles tankers max. LOA 259 m., beam 36.5 m. Three
VTS/RADAR: Not available.
pipelines dia 10 – 12 in. handles fuel oil, diesel and gas oil. No shore steam TUGS: Available at Elsfleth or Brake.
or facilities for dirty ballast available. BERTHS: The port has 9 berths (4 loading/discharging (1,900 m.), 2 lay-by
Oil Berth No. 2: Max. draft 13.0 m. (FW). (300 m.) and 3 dolphin mooring berths (795 m.)) totalling 2,995 m. One
dolphin mooring berth handles hazardous cargoes.
Weser Tankerlager: Max. LOA 200 m., draft 9.75 m. (LW). Berth Length Depth (LW)
(m.) (m.)
T-shaped jetty. Mooring lines attached to pontoons fore and aft with breast
Jetty Rhein-Umschlag 510 3.2
lines secured to the shore. Length of mooring lines 100 m.
Jetty Dalbenstr. OHU 195 3.2
Also see ‘‘Berths’’ and ‘‘Bulk Facilities’’.
Jetty Dalbenstr. RCG 145 3.2
CARGO HANDLING FACILITIES: Storage: Operator: Rhenus Jetty Stau RCG 255 3.2
Midgard GmbH & Co KG. Jetty Stau, Stadt Oldenburg 275 3.2
Facilities: 60,500 sq.m. of warehousing, 157,000 sq.m. of open storage and Jetty Eastport * 520 3.2
33.5 ha. of further storage available.
* OHU, Vetra, Rhein-Umschlag and Tholen operate berths at the East port.
STEVEDORES: 24 hours’ notice required. Notice required Friday morning
for weekend work. BULK FACILITIES: All berthings except Jetty Stau, Stadt Oldenburg,
available for discharge of grain, fertilisers, sand, gravel and stone.
Working Hours: 1st shift: 0600 – 1400, 2nd shift: 1400 – 2200, 3rd shift:
2200 – 0600 (overtime). OTHER FACILITIES: None.
On Saturdays: 1st shift: 0600 – 1400, 2nd shift: 1400 – 2200 (overtime), 3rd TANKER FACILITIES: There is one berth located at the North Pier, just
shift: 2200 – 0600 (overtime) west of the Agravis Silo Terminal, handling gas oil in bulk. Currently the gas
On Sundays: 1st shift: 0600 – 1200 (overtime), 2nd shift: oil is shipped from Wilhelmshaven by road tanker. The tank farm has storage
1200 – 1800 (overtime), 3rd shift: 1800 – 2400 (overtime), 4th shift: facilities for 6,000 cu.m. and 1␺6 in. pipeline. The facility is operated by
2400 – 0600 (overtime). Petrotank.
Opening/Closing Hatches: Normally by crew but if by stevedores extra CRANES: 6␺5/6 tons and 1␺35 tons.
charges will apply. The port has access to privately owned cranes: 5␺15 – 50 tons and
Cargo Gear: In most cases loading and discharging is effected with shore 6␺50 – 400 tons (tandem up to 750 tons) mobile cranes.
gear. Special equipment can be ordered from Bremerhaven. CARGO HANDLING FACILITIES: 19.8 ha. of open storage, 1.9 ha.
of covered storage and silo storage totalling 92,700 tons.
STEVEDORES: Normally commence discharge on arrival.
WASTE DISPOSAL: Ships are provided with facilities.
MEDICAL: Hospital available; notice only required if urgent cases. SLOPS DISPOSAL: Contact Harbour Master.
FRESH WATER: Available at a rate of 15 t.p.h. per hose price €3.82/ton. MEDICAL: All facilities are available.
FUEL: All grades available; delivery by barge; 2 days’ notice required. FRESH WATER: Available at Eastport. First ton at € 5.00, additional at
DRY DOCK: See ‘‘Bremerhaven’’ and ‘‘Bremen’’. € 1.20/ton plus tax.
REPAIRS: Minor repairs can be carried out. Ample facilities for major FUEL: Not available.
repairs at Bremerhaven. CHANDLERY: Available.
SURVEYORS: See ‘‘Bremerhaven’’ and ‘‘Bremen’’. STORING: See ‘‘Storing’’ on page xiv.
POLICE/AMBULANCE/FIRE: Police Tel: 110. Ambulance Tel: 2052. 1. By truck.
Fire Tel: 112. 2. No special regulations.
FIRE PRECAUTIONS: Special regulations for vessels loading or 3. Truck can proceed alongside.
discharging explosives. 4. Forklift trucks can be used at berth.
5. German standard custom regulations.
SECURITY/GANGWAY: Not necessary but available if required by 6. Riggers can be employed to assist with storing.
SERVICES: All services available from Brake or Bremen at short notice.
REGULATIONS: Port regulations for the Rhenus Midgard Pier including DRY DOCK: See ‘‘Brake’’.
special regulations for handling of explosives.
REPAIRS: Small repairs possible.
DELAYS: None except waiting for high tide (see ‘‘Restrictions’’).
SURVEYORS: Available from Bremen, 50 km.
CONSULS: See ‘‘Bremerhaven’’. POLICE/AMBULANCE/FIRE: Police Tel: 110; Ambulance; Fire
TELEPHONES: Available on request. Tel: 112.
NEAREST AIRPORT: Bremen International Airport, 70 km. Hamburg EMERGENCY RESPONSE CENTRE: Fire Department Tel: 112.
International Airport, 200 km. SECURITY/GANGWAY: Not required.
CUSTOMS: Each crew member 200 cigarettes or 30 cigars or 30 grammes DELAYS: Waiting for the tide and bridges to open.
of tobacco and one bottle of spirits for a running period of 3 days.
CONSULS: None locally.
SHORE LEAVE: Permitted with Identity Card in accordance with ISPS TELEPHONES: Not available on board.
NEAREST AIRPORT: Bremen International Airport, 50 km.
REPATRIATION: Possible by air via Bremen or Hamburg.
BANKS: Many banks in the area.
IDENTIFICATION CARDS: Shore passes are only issued for crew CUSTOMS: According to German Law.
members and passengers of those nationalities that normally require a visa
to enter the Federal Republic of Germany. For all others Seaman’s Book or SHORE LEAVE: No restrictions.
passport is sufficient. REPATRIATION: Possible.
Shore passes issued to passengers are chargeable. IDENTIFICATION CARDS: Seaman’s Book is sufficient.
See guidelines for compiling and submitting information (page xi) 1059
GERMANY Oldenburg
SEAMAN’S CLUBS: None. RENDSBURG: 54␥ 18' N 009␥ 40' E (See Plan)
AUTHORITY: Stadt Oldenburg, Fachdienst Wirtschaftsfoerderung,
Hafen, D-26105 Oldenburg, Germany. Tel: +49 (441) 235 3073.
Fax: +49 (441) 235 3130. Web: OVERVIEW: The port lies on the intersection of three transport routes,
Contact: Gerd Hinkelmann, Harbour Master. Kiel Canal, A7 Autobahn and North-South Railway. The port handles primarily
dry cargo.
LOCATION: 35 km. along the canal from Kiel, 87 km. north of Hamburg.
PAPENBURG: 53␥ 06' N 007␥ 23' E (See Plan) CHARTS: BA Chart No. 2469.
OVERVIEW: Used as a distribution port for Germany’s inland waterways ISPS COMPLIANCE: Port is compliant.
and handles building materials, crops and feed, peat moss and fertilisers. MAX. SIZE: 20,000 d.w.t.
The Meyer Werft Shipyard is located at the entrance to the port.
LOCATION: 20 n.m. above Emden on the Ems seaway at km. 0.0 and on APPROACHES: See ‘‘Kiel Canal’’.
the inland waterway Dortmund-Ems Canal at km. 225.82. PILOTAGE: See ‘‘Kiel’’.
MAX. SIZE: Draft 5.5 m. (MHWS). Vessels of greater draft must discharge
at Leerort. BERTHS: Harbour bed dredged to depth 9.5 m.
RESTRICTIONS: Lock Operating Times: From 1 April to BULK FACILITIES: Cargoes Handled: Fertilisers, cereals, animal
30 September, Monday to Saturday, from 0600 – 2000 hrs. feed, building materials, timber and mineral oil.
From 1 October to 31 March, Monday to Saturday, from 0700 – 1800 hrs.
Lockings outside operating times, and on Sundays and holidays, must be MEDICAL: Facilities available.
promptly reported, at the latest half an hour prior to normal lock operating DRY DOCK: Operator: Nobiskrug GmbH. Tel: +49 (4331) 207221.
times. Tel: +49 (4961) 94670. VHF Channel 13.
Fax: +49 (4331) 207117. Email:
Also see ‘‘Bridges’’.
Bridges: At Ems km. 15.02, the Leerort road bridge passage width 44 m. Dry Dock 1: Length 151.7 m., breadth 22.4 m., depth 5.8 m.
Opening times from sunrise to sunset and after prior report by Tel: +49 (491)
2992 and VHF Channel 15. Dry Dock 2: Length 193 m., breadth 31.6 m., depth 6.3 m.
At Ems km. 6.9, the railway folding bridge passage width 24 m. Opening TIME: GMT plus 1 hour, GMT plus 2 hours in summer.
times are as per the current traffic plan. Bridge manned daily, including
Sundays and holidays, from 0400 – 2200 hrs. Tel: +49 (4951) 2065 and VHF NEAREST AIRPORT: Hamburg International Airport, 87 km.
Channel 15.
Both bridges have a passage height when closed of 3.50 m. at MHWS. SHIPMASTER’S REPORT: June 1988 (Updated 2002).
Also see ‘‘Bulk Facilities’’. Documents:
APPROACHES: Port is connected to the River Ems by a lock width 26 m. 2 Crew Lists
and length 152 m. Ships with a beam greater than 26 m. can reach the port Crew Personal Effects List (to be completed on special Customs form
by a lock width 40 m. supplied by the Agent)
PILOTAGE: Compulsory for vessels greater than 1,000 g.r.t. (sea-going), Stores List (including tea, coffee, tobacco, spirits, cigarettes, wine).
and all oil, gas and chemical tankers. Sea Pilot boards from the pilot cutter Pilotage: Canal Pilot berths vessel alongside.
at Westerems and the district and Port Pilot at the Emden Pilot Station.
Restrictions: Maximum draft 9.2 m., airdraft 40 m. The maximum draft is
VHF: Lock-keeper works on Channel 13. Bridges on the River Ems work also controlled by Navigation Rules of the Kiel Canal and varies according
on Channel 15. to vessel’s LOA and breadth.
BERTHS: There is no restriction on beam except when discharging into barges
Port Length Width overside, when the maximum beam permitted is 15.0 m.
(m.) (m.)
Vorhafen (Fore Port) 300 80 Max Size: See ‘‘Restrictions’’.
Sielkanal (Sluice Canal) 1,900 65 – 90 Tugs: 2␺300 h.p. and 1␺700 h.p.
Industiehafen South (South Industrial Port) 500 100 Berthing: The total length of Kreishafen Wharf is 750 m. The berth was
Am Nordhafen (North Industrial Port) 900 80 rebuilt and dredged to 10.0 m. in 1986 and 2000.
Deverhafen (Dever Port) 450 80
Hafen (Railway Port) 300 50 Cargo Handling Facilities: Daily discharge rate for fertiliser 5,400 tonnes
Werfthafen (Werft Port) 200 100 (max.) and for foodstuffs 1,500 tons (max.).
Turmkanal (Turm Canal) 300 35 – 60 Four bulldozers of 3 tons each are available to assist when discharging.
Storage: Total open storage 8,900 sq.m.
Spundwand Quay, length 5,925 m., of which 3,260 m. are devoted to cargo
handling. 1,200 m. are railway lines, with total length of 6,700 m. Cranes: 3␺18 tons and 2␺5 tons. All cranes are suitable for grab discharge.
BULK FACILITIES: Bulk cargo wharves reached by passing 11.0 m. Stevedores: ETA notice to stevedores should be sent through the vessel’s
wide cut with bridge. Agent. Stevedores require 7 days’ notice.
Also see ‘‘Berths’’, ‘‘Cranes’’ and ‘‘Cargo Handling Facilities’’. Working hours are from 0600 – 2100 hrs., Monday to Thursday, and
CRANES: Port has 1␺120 ton, 1␺140 ton, 1␺50 ton heavy lift cranes, 0600 – 1930 hrs. on Friday. All weekend work is on overtime rates.
7␺3 – 15 ton jib cranes, 1␺6 ton gantry crane with a 52 m. long traverse, Medical: There is a hospital available. Specialist doctors also available.
1␺6.5 ton, 1␺5 ton, 2␺1 ton cranes, 1␺11 ton and 1␺40 ton mobile cranes, Tanker Facilities: No facilities.
1␺6 ton floating crane, 1␺100 t.p.h. mobile conveyor belt, 1␺30 t.p.h. and
1␺40 t.p.h. grain handlers. Density: Brackish water.
CARGO HANDLING FACILITIES: Fresh Water: Available at the berth. Rate 15 t.p.h.
Storage: Spundwand Quay: 40,000 cu.m. of open free storage space used Fuel: By truck or barge.
for bulk cargo. Further open and covered storage areas, together with silo Consuls: Nearest Consuls at Kiel and Hamburg.
facilities, for approximately 11,000 tonnes cargo available through companies
operating within the port. Repairs: Facilities available.
WASTE DISPOSAL: Garbage can be delivered to garbage drum in Nearest Dry Dock: Two dry docks available, Dry Dock No. 1:
the lock. 155 m.␺22.7 m.␺5.80 m. Dry Dock No. 2: 193 m.␺32 m.␺6.3 m.
SLOPS DISPOSAL: Waste oil disposal is available by tank trucks only. There is a floating dock with capacity 4,400 tons, length 120 m., breadth
FRESH WATER: Available. 22.0 m., maximum draft 5.5 m. (forward) and 5.8 m. (aft). The floating dock
has one crane with capacity 10 tons.
FUEL: Available.
DRY DOCK: Dry dock length 250 m. and width 36 m. Surveyors: Germanischer Lloyd based at Kiel. Lloyd’s and ABS based at
REPAIRS: Vessels up to 30,000 tonnes, LOA 250 m. and beam 35 m. can
be repaired at the local shipyards. Gangway/Deck Watchmen: Ship’s crew are required to attend moorings
Shipbuilding Dock: A covered building dock with length 350 m. and as passing traffic sometimes not proceeding at low speed.
width 39 m. Opening/Closing Hatches: Ship’s crew open and close hatches.
POLICE/AMBULANCE/FIRE: Water Police Tel: +49 (4961) 4144 or Customs Allowances: 200 cigarettes and one bottle of spirit allowed every
(4955) 5479 (after hours). 5 days.
TIME: GMT plus 1 hour. GMT plus 2 hours in summer. Repatriation: Possible via Hamburg.
NEAREST AIRPORT: Emden Domestic Airport, 35 km. Nearest Airport: Hamburg International Airport, 100 km.
IDENTIFICATION CARDS: Shore passes are only issued for crew
members and passengers of those nationalities that normally require a visa Time: GMT plus 1 hour. GMT plus 2 hours (last weekend in March to last
to enter the Federal Republic of Germany. No shore passes are issued for weekend in October).
crew members and passengers who do not require a Visa to enter the Federal Local Holidays: All normal German holidays.
Republic of Germany, Seaman’s Book or passport is sufficient. Police/Ambulance/Fire: Tel: 110, 110 and 112 respectively.
Shore passes issued to passengers are chargeable.
SEAMAN’S CLUBS: None. Identification Cards: Shore passes are only issued for crew members and
passengers of those nationalities that normally require a Visa to enter the
DEVELOPMENTS: The port installations are currently being extended Federal Republic of Germany. No shore passes are issued for crew members
by the Industry Port – North which will be approximately 1,000 m. long (300 m. and passengers who do not require a Visa to enter the Federal Republic of
finished) and 100 m. wide. Germany, Seaman’s Book or passport is sufficient.
AUTHORITY: Hafenamt Papenburg-Ems, PO Box 1755, Shore passes issued to passengers are chargeable.
D-26871 Papenburg, Germany. Tel: +49 (4961) 821.
Hafenamt der Stadt Papenburg, An der Seeschleuse, D-26871 Papenburg, AUTHORITY: Kreishafen Rendsburg, Hafenamt, Am Kreishafen 4,
Germany. Tel: +49 (4961) 94670. FAX: +49 (4961) 946720. D-24768 Rendsburg, Germany. Tel: +49 (4331) 14070. FAX: +49 (4331)
Email: Contact: Captain R Schepers, Harbour Master 5336. Email: Web: Contact: Hans
(after hours Tel: +49 (4961) 73367). Kobrock, Harbour Master.

1060 Readers are encouraged to send updates and additions (page xi)
ROSTOCK: 54␥ 09' N 012␥ 06' E (See Plan) VHF:
Radio Authority Ch. Call Sign
OVERVIEW: Principal port of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, with
multi-purpose facilities including handling of bulk, dry cargo, containers, Warnemuende Pilot Pilotage 14 Warnemuende Pilot
Ro-Ro, passengers, bulk liquids and gas, handling 26 million tonnes of cargo Warnemuende Traffic VTS 73 Warnemuende Traffic
per year. Rostock Port Operations All Ports 10 Rostock Port
Road and rail links and extensive ferry services to Baltic ports including Marienehe Port Operations Fishing Port 13
Gedser (Denmark), Trelleborg (Sweden) and Helsinki (Finland). VTS/RADAR: Warnemuende Traffic continuously controls all movements
The harbour consists of: between the fairway buoy and the Rostock harbours, and should be contacted
Seehafen Rostock (Ueberseehafen) including Oil Harbour via VHF Channel 73 at least 2 hours before reaching approach buoy.
Rostocker Fracht-und Fischereihafen (RFH) Tel: +49 (381) 2067 1141. Fax: +49 (381) 2067 1145.
Stadthafen (Old City Port)
Warnemuende Passenger Quays (Cruise Liner Terminal) TUGS: Three tugs up to 3,000 h.p. available. Two tugs compulsory for all
Metallaufbereitung Rostock (MAB) vessels with the following exceptions:
Yara Rostock (Chemical Harbour) Vessels over LOA 90 m. bound for Old City Port, RFH, MAB, Musing Kai,
Muesing Kai MAGEB require 1 tug.
Maritimes Gewerbegebiet Gross Klein (MAGEB) Vessels over LOA 100 m. bound for Warnemuende, Chemical Harbour,
Yachthafen Hohe Duene (Yacht Harbour) Ueberseehafen, Oil Harbour require 1 tug.
LOCATION: In the western part of the Baltic in the Mecklenburg Bight, at Towage Companies: Schlepper – ARGE MV. Tel: +49 (381) 548 3135.
the mouth of the River Warnow, 22 n.m. SW of Darsser Ort. Fax: +49 (381) 548 3150.
Otto Wulf GmbH. Tel/Fax: +49 (381) 769 7148.
CHARTS: BA Charts No. 2370. BERTHS:
INT 1355.
Berth Max. Draft Remarks
Nautical Publications: No. (m.)
Admiralty Pilot NP 18 Kattegat to Baltic Sea Seehafen Rostock (Ueberseehafen):
Admiralty List of Lights NP 74 Oil Harbour: 01 5.33
Admiralty List of Radio Signals NP 281(1), Vol 3(1) and Vol 6(2). 02 5.33
Charts and publications available from Nautischer Dienst Kapitan 03 13.00
Stegmann Seekarten AVB-Stelle. Tel: +49 (381) 670 0570. Fax: +49 (381) 04 11.58
670 0571. Email: 05 11.58
DOCUMENTS: 06 13.00
Customs: Basin C: 10 8.00 General cargo
Cargo Manifest 12 10.36 Fertilisers
Crew Effects List 13 13.00 Grain
Stores List. 14 10.21 General cargo
Immigration: 16 10.36 Grain, stones
Crew List 17 13.00 Grain
Passport or Seaman’s Book. 18 13.00 Grain
Port Health Authority: Basin B: 21 9.45 Stones
Derat (Exemption) Certificate 22 10.06 Stones
Maritime Declaration of Health. 23 10.06 Coal
Port Authority: 24 13.00 Coal
Classification Certificate 25 5.79 Wood
International Tonnage Certificate 1969 (ITC 69). 30 7.32
ISPS COMPLIANCE: Port is compliant. 31 9.45 Sugar Terminal
32 9.75 Sugar Terminal
MAX. SIZE: LOA 295 m., beam 45.0 m., draft 13.0 m. Vessels exceeding 33 9.75 Cement
LOA 230 m., beam 36.0 m. and/or draft 12.0 m. should obtain prior 34 9.75 General cargo
permission from the Waterway and Shipping Board. 35 10.06 Reconstruction
Fracht-und Fischereihafen: LOA 125 m., beam 17.5 m., draft 7.5 m. 36 9.45 Reconstruction
Vessels in excess should obtain permission from the Waterway and Shipping 37 9.45 General cargo
Board. Basin A: 41 9.30 General cargo
Gas: Draft 9.3 m. 42 9.30 General cargo
DENSITY: Brackish 1006 – 1009. 43 9.80 General cargo
RESTRICTIONS: No restrictions on entering at night. 44 9.80 Scrap
Dangerous Cargo: Prior notice to Port Authority is compulsory. 45 9.80 Scrap
46 9.30 General cargo
Bridges: None. 50 8.68
APPROACHES: River Warnow is approached from the Mecklenburg 51 8.85
Bight through a buoyed and lighted fairway channel, length 5 n.m., depth 52 8.85
14.5 m., leading to Warnemuende and a sea channel leading to 53 9.30 Ferry (TallinkSilja)
Ueberseehafen Rostock. 54 10.36 Ferry (Scandlines)
PILOTAGE: Compulsory and available throughout 24 hours for the 55 9.00
following vessels: Warnow Quay: 60S 9.19 Ro-Ro
1. Oil, chemical and gas tankers 60N 10.36 Ro-Ro
2. LOA 100 m., beam 15.0 m. or draft 7.5 m. or more, bound for the area 61 10.36 Paper, general cargo
north of Berth No. 60 (Ueberseehafen) 62 7.92 Ro-Ro
3. LOA 80 m., beam 11.0 m. or draft 6.0 m. or more, bound for Rostocker 63 9.45 Ro-Ro
Fracht- und Fischereihafen 64 8.10 Ferry (Scandlines)
4. LOA 60 m., beam 10.0 m. or draft 4.5 m. or more, bound for the area 65 7.10 Ferry (TT-Line)
south or east of Rostocker Fracht-und Fischereihafen. 66 8.90 Ferry (TT-Line)
Pilotage exemption is possible in the area north of Berth No. 60 for vessels 67 9.00 Ferry (Scandlines)
up to LOA 120 m., beam 19.0 m. and draft 8.0 m. Rostocker Fischereihafen (RFH):
ETA message to be sent 3 hours before arrival at Pilot pick-up position 1 5.49
stating name of ship, call sign, LOA, beam, gross tonnage, draft, port of call, 2 5.18
ETA to boarding position. 3 5.18
Pilot Boarding: Pilots board by pilot boat in the following position: 4 5.18
Vessels exceeding draft 11.58 m. Lat. 54␥ 17.0' N, Long. 12␥ 00.0' E. 5 5.49
Vessels exceeding draft 6.5 m. Lat. 54␥ 14.5' N, Long. 12␥ 02.3' E. 6 5.49
Vessels up to draft 6.5 m. Lat. 54␥ 12.5' N, Long. 12␥ 02.4' E. 7 5.49
The distance from farthest boarding point to Anchorage No. 1 is 3 n.m.; to 8 5.49
Warnemuende 6.5 n.m.; to Ueberseehafen turning basin 8.5 n.m.; to 9 5.18
Stadthafen 13 n.m. 10 5.18
Helicopter pilotage operations are not normally undertaken. 11 5.18
18 5.49
Pilot Station: Operator: Lotsenbruederschaft WIROST, An der See 10a, 19 7.92
18119 Warnemuende. Tel: +49 (381) 206 0380. Fax: +49 (381) 206 0301.
20 7.92
Email: Web:
21 7.92
Duty Pilot: Tel: +49 (381) 206 0350. Fax: +49 (381) 206 0351.
22 7.92
Also see ‘‘VHF’’.
23 7.92
ANCHORAGES: Located in the roads, 4 – 6 n.m. NW of Warnemuende. 24 7.92
Two recommended anchorages in depths of 13.0 – 17.0 m., bottom mud and 25 7.92
sand. They are unsheltered from westerly, northerly and NE winds. 26 7.92
Anchorage No. 2 is reserved for tankers, vessels with dangerous cargo and Stadthafen (Old City Port):
for bunkering. 71 3.96
PRATIQUE: Pratique given on arrival. In case suspected disease or fever 72 4.57
on board, radio details to Agent before arrival. Complete Declaration of Health 73 4.57
required. 74 4.57
PRE-ARRIVAL INFORMATION: ETA notice required as soon as 75 4.57
possible when leaving last port or 10 days, 7 days and 2 days prior to arrival, 78 3.66
stating: 79 6.10
Name of vessel, call sign, nationality, tonnage, LOA, beam, draft and 80 6.10
security level. 81 6.10

See guidelines for compiling and submitting information (page xi) 1061
Berth Max. Draft Remarks Discharging:
No. (m.) Coal: 2,000 tonnes/hr. per ship unloader
82 6.10 400 tonnes/hr. per gantry crane
83 6.10 Ore: 2,000 tonnes/hr. per ship unloader
83 E 5.49 500 tonnes/hr. per gantry crane
83 S 4.01 Grain: 350 tonnes/hr.
84 4.57
85 4.57 Also see ‘‘Berths’’.
86 4.57
88 4.57 Seehafen Rostock Ferry Port:
89 4.57 Operator: Hafen Entwicklungsgesellschaft Rostock mbH. Tel: +49 (381)
90 4.57 350 4000. Fax: +49 (381) 350 4005. Email:
91 4.57 Web:
92 4.57 The port has a ferry terminal covering 200,000 sq.m. with six berths,
93 1.98 offering several sailings daily to Gedser (Denmark), Trelleborg (Sweden),
94 1.98 Helsinki (Finland) and Ventspils (Latvia). Two of the berths are also equipped
Warnemuende Ferry Port and Passenger Quays: to handle railcars. A 1 km. long flyover road links the ferry terminal to the
P1 6.55 A19 Rostock/Berlin Motorway.
P2 6.55 There are liner services in the baltic region (Finland, Latvia) and Norway;
P3 6.55 regular tramp connections to Great Britain and USA.
P4 6.55
P5 6.55 Warnemuende Passenger Quays (Cruise Liner Terminal):
P6 6.55 Operator: Hafen Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH HERO. Tel: +49 (381)
P7 8.38 350 4000. Fax: +49 (381) 350 4005. Email:
P8 8.53 Web:
Interseroh-Metallaufbereitung Rostock GmbH (MAB): Quay length 276 m. Largest passenger vessel handled LOA 294 m. Also
1 5.49 used for river craft, local traffic and yachts.
2 5.49 The marina ‘‘Alter Strom’’ offers berths with max. LOA 28.6 m., draft 3.1 m.
3 5.49
YARA (Chemical Harbour):
07 9.30 Ammonia
Rostocker Fischereihafen (Fishing Port): Operator: Rostocker
Fischereihafen GmbH. Tel: +49 (381) 811 2317. Fax: +49 (381) 811 2728.
Musing Kai: Email: Web:
01 3.00 The port is situated on the west bank of the River Warnow, halfway
02 5.30 between Seehafen Rostock and Stadthafen, used to be the home port of
03 5.30 Rostock’s large fishing fleet. Considerable changes have taken place and
04 5.30 the port is now able to handle a wide variety of goods consisting of bulk
Maritimes Gewerbegebiet Gross Klein (MAGEB): cargoes, refrigerated cargoes (cold stores with capacity of 12,000 tonnes),
6.40 Ship repair, general cargo general cargoes, etc.
MOORING: Mooring service is compulsory. Operated by BRZ 1000. Yachthafen Hohe Duene (Yacht Harbour): Situated east of the
BULK FACILITIES: breakwaters Warnemuende. 750 berths; max. LOA 60 m., draft 3.5 m.
Metallaufbereitung Rostock GmbH (MAB):
Operator: Interseroh – Metallaufbereitung Rostock GmbH. Tel: +49 (381) Maritimes Gewerbegebiet Gross Klein (MAGEB):
809006. Fax: +49 (381) 809 0624. Email: Port Operator: Hafen- und Seemannsamt Rostock. Tel: +49 (381) 381 8710.
The MAB quay is situated on the west bank of the river Warnow adjacent Fax: +49 (381) 381 8735, 6740 291. Email:
to Rostocker Fischereihafen, depth 5.79 m. The quay is used entirely for Web:
handling bulk cargoes. The MAGEB quay is situated on the west bank of the River Warnow,
south of the Aker Warnemuende Operation. The quay is used mainly for ship
Musing Kai: repair and handling of general cargo. Max draft 6.4 m.
Operator: Kies GmbH Rostock. Tel:+49 (381) 128310. Fax: +49 (381)
The Musing Kai is situated on the west bank of the River Warnow between Oil Harbour: Operator: GOER, Cargo Handling Company. Tel: +49 (381)
the Aker Warnemuende shipyard and Ueberseehafen. The quay is used 648100. Fax: +49 (381) 648250. Email:
entirely for handling bulk cargoes. Max draft 5.3 m. Storage: 700,000 cu.m. tank storage.
Stadthafen (Old City Port): Pumping Rates: Crude oil: 6,000 cu.m./hr. Fuel oil: 250 – 1,200 cu.m./hr.
Operator: Hafen- und Seemannsamt Rostock. Tel: +49 (381) 381 8710. Petrol: 1,000 cu.m./hr. Naphtha: 850 – 5,000 cu.m./hr.
Fax: +49 (381) 381 8735, 674 0291. Email:
Yara (Chemical Harbour): Operator: Yara Rostock. Tel: +49 (382) 02530.
Fax: +49 (382) 025 3110. Email: Web:
The port is situated in the centre of the town on the south bank of River
The port is situated close to Seehafen Rostock in a dredged basin north
Warnow. The quays are used for medium-sized passenger vessels, river
of the oil harbour and offers a berth for gas tankers (ammonia) with a draft
craft and local traffic as well as yachts.
of up to 9.30 m.
Seehafen Rostock (Ueberseehafen): Also see ‘‘Bulk Facilities’’.
Operators: Cargo Hanlding Comapny: Seehafen Rostock,
Umschlagsgesellschaft mbH SHR-U. Tel: +49 (381) 66620. Fax: +49 (381) CARGO HANDLING FACILITIES: The handling of animal products
666 2105. Email: Web: and livestock is available with permission of the veterinary station.
Port Development Company: Hafen-Entwicklungsgesellschaft STEVEDORES: Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 0530 – 1330,
Rostock mbH, HERO. Tel: +49 (381) 350 4000. Fax: +49 (381) 350 4005. 1330 – 2130. Meal breaks 1000 – 1030 and 1800 – 1830.
Email: Web: Overtime possible by special request against extra payment
Facilities: Seehafen Rostock, including Oil Harbour is the main port of 2130 – 0530 (meal 0200 – 0230).
Rostock and offers the whole range of facilities of a modern port. A large Saturday: 0530 – 1330
variety of rail-mounted shoreside cranes is available with lifting capacities Overtime possible 1330 hrs. Saturday to 0530 hrs. Monday by special
ranging from 3.2 – 63 tonnes, provided with attachments for handling unitised request against extra payment.
cargo, steel coils, paper reels, containers, vehicles and bulk cargo. 9,000 m. Sundays and Holidays: 0530 – 1130, 1130 – 1730, 1730 – 2330 and
of quayside. 2330 – 0530. Meal breaks 0830 – 0900, 1430 – 1500, 2030 – 2100 and
Equipment: 40 cranes available. Five cranes with hoppers for discharging 0230 – 0300.
coal, ore, fertiliser, road building materials (Berths No. 21 – 24). Two ship Overtime possible by special request against extra payment.
unloaders for coal, ore and fertiliser (Berths No. 23 and 24). Days before New Year’s Day, Easter Sunday, Labour Day, Whit Sunday
One ship loader at Berth No. 12 connected to the warehouse by conveyor and Christmas are worked 0530 – 1130 (meal 0830 – 0900). Overtime to be
belt for loading fertiliser (urea) and calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN). arranged well in advance.
Two ship loaders at Berth No. 17 (grain terminal) connected to the silos of WASTE DISPOSAL: Facilities available.
the different shippers. The form Notification for Ship-Generated Waste and Cargo Residues can
Rostock Sugar Terminal situated at Shed No. 1 at Berth No. 32 with bulk be downloaded at Web:
in bags out facility, palletising and sea-side connection to the ship by crane SLOPS DISPOSAL: See ‘‘Waste Disposal’’.
belt conveyor. MEDICAL: Available in Rostock.
Storage Capacities:
600,000 sq.m. open storage area for general cargo
FRESH WATER: Available alongside. Contact Agent or Port Operator.
115,000 sq.m. covered storage for general cargo FUEL: Bunkers supplied at Anchorage No. 2; in the harbours via barge or
700,000 cu.m. tank storage truck.
400,000 tonnes grain silos CHANDLERY: Available. Contact Agent.
420,000 sq.m. open storage area for bulk cargo SERVICES: Lighter Barges: Available on request, contact Agent.
55,000 sq.m. covered storage for bulk cargo Divers: Available. Contact Agent for further details.
7,000 cu.m. refrigerated storage. DRY DOCK: 2 docks available.
Loading and Discharging Rates: Neptun Werft: Operator: Neptun Werft GmbH. Tel: +49 (381) 384 1010.
Loading: Fax: +49 (381) 384 1011. Email:
Grain: 1,000 tonnes/hr. average one loader available Web:
Fertiliser: 1,000 tonnes/hr. average one loader available (urea, Facilities: Floating dock 223␺37 m. and outfitting berths.
Scrap: 8,000 – 10,000 tonnes/day (working with four cranes) Aker Yards, Germany: Operator: Aker Warnermunde Operations GmbH.
Tel +49 (381) 381 510-0. Fax: +49 (381) 381 52574.
Sugar: 120 tonnes/hr.

1062 Readers are encouraged to send updates and additions (page xi)
Facilities: Building dock 320␺54␺10.7 m. partly covered, length 80 m. and VTS/RADAR: River Radar Service from Elbe 1 to Hamburg, but no port
capacity 200,000 d.w.t. Cranes up to 700 tons. radar service for Stadersand. Radar service in the area of Stadersand
REPAIRS: All repairs possible. Several shipyards and repair companies available, can be contacted through VHF Channel 21, ‘‘Hetlingen Radar
in Rostock. Radio’’.
Tank cleaning, boiler cleaning and repairs. Also see ‘‘General’’ before first Germany port.
Also see ‘‘Cargo Handling Facilities ’’. TUGS: Available. Meets vessel off the berth.
SURVEYORS: Germanischer Lloyd. Tel: +49 (381) 492880. BERTHS: One tanker berth at T-head jetty.
Fax: +49 (381) 4928830. TANKER FACILITIES: 1␺12 in. diameter pipeline, 2␺8 in. diameter
POLICE/AMBULANCE/FIRE: Contact VHF Channel 73 (VTS Centre) hoses, permissible pressure 12 Bar. Max. discharge rate 1,200 t.p.h.
or VHF Channel 10 (Port Authority). Also see ‘‘Berths’’.
EMERGENCY RESPONSE CENTRE: Rostock-Warnemuende is FRESH WATER: Only obtainable by barge from Hamburg. Minimum
part of the Maritime Emergency Response Concept of the German quantity supplied is 200 tons.
Government in the Baltic Sea, equipped with a fast rescue boat and an FUEL: Only obtainable by barge.
emergency tug.
Also see ‘‘VTS/Radar’’. DRY DOCK: See ‘‘Hamburg’’.
FIRE PRECAUTIONS: Shore and water based fire brigade and CONSULS: See ‘‘Hamburg’’.
specialised firefighting vessels are available. NEAREST AIRPORT: Hamburg International Airport, 50 km.
SECURITY/GANGWAY: The employment of watchmen from shore is CUSTOMS: 100 cigarettes and one bottle wine/spirits per person.
not compulsory. IDENTIFICATION CARDS: Shore passes are only issued for crew
WEATHER/TIDES: Tidal Range and Flow: Tide is imperceptible, but members and passengers of those nationalities that normally require a Visa
strong winds from southerly directions may lower, and gales from northerly to enter the Federal Republic of Germany. No shore passes are issued for
directions may raise, the water level up to ␾1.5 m. crew members and passengers who do not require a Visa to enter the Federal
Wind: Prevailing winds westerly. Republic of Germany, Seaman’s Book or Passport is sufficient.
Shore passes issued to passengers are chargeable.
Ice: The river and the shallow waters in the estuary normally freeze in the
winter, but the channels are kept open as long as possible, and the port is OPERATOR: E.ON Energie, Stade Nuclear Power Station,
seldom closed. 21657 Stade, Germany. Tel: +49 (41) 41770. FAX: +49 (41) 4170312.
Web: Contact: Detlef Hubert and Dieter Burkhard
CONSULS: Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Hungary, Iceland, Senkbeil (Tel: +49 (41) 4177 2390).
Latvia, Norway, Sweden and Uruguay.
TELEPHONES: Ship-to-shore connections available.
NEAREST AIRPORT: Rostock-Laage Domestic Airport, 40 km. Berlin STRALSUND: 54␥ 19' N 013␥ 06' E (See Plan)
International Airport, 250 km. Hamburg International Airport, 180 km.
BANKS: All leading German banks and some international banks are LOCATION: On NE coast of Germany.
established in Rostock.
Charts: BA Chart No. 2365.
SHORE LEAVE: Crew members permitted ashore. DOCUMENTS:
IDENTIFICATION CARDS: Shore passes are only issued for crew Cargo Documents
members and passengers of those nationalities that normally require a visa 2 Crew Lists
to enter the Federal Republic of Germany. Seaman’s Book or Passport is 2 Passenger Lists
sufficient for others. Ship’s Certificates
Shore passes issued to passengers are chargeable. Stores List.
SEAMAN’S CLUBS: Seaman’s Club Hollfast, near Ferry Terminal. MAX. SIZE: Vessels up to 5.18 m. draft.
Tel: +49 (381) 670 0431. Fax: +49 (381) 670 0432.
Email: Web:
RESTRICTIONS: Northern entrance between breakwaters is 3.66 m.
depth, used by smaller vessels only. Eastern entrance, depth 5.18 m. MLW
Hours: 1700 – 2200 hrs. Facilities: Shop, refreshments, games, postal
passing railway bridge, which is opened about every 5 hours.
service, money exchange, minibus and church services.
DEVELOPMENTS: A sixth tanker berth with depth 13.5 m. and length PILOTAGE: Compulsory. Contact Pilot by VHF Channel 12. Pilot stations
are at Barhoeft and Thiessow.
260 m. under construction. Pilot boarding positions:
SHIPMASTER’S REPORT: September 1980 (Updated 1998). Gellen 1 Lat. 54␥ 34.3 ' N, Long. 13␥ 03.5' E
VHF: While the vessel is in port, telephone calls to anywhere inside or outside Landtief B Lat. 54␥ 18' N, Long. 13␥ 47' E
Germany can be made most conveniently through ‘‘Rostock Radio’’ on VHF Osttief 2 Lat. 54␥ 12' N, Long. 13␥ 52' E
Channel 16. The working Channel 26.
Also see ‘‘Baltic Deep-Sea Pilotage’’.
Customs: The Customs only seal the cigarettes and coffee. Spirits are not
sealed. Each crew member is allowed 200 cigarettes. ANCHORAGES: In the roads clear of the fairway, depths 7.9 – 9.1 m.
Immigration: Immigration formalities are in accordance with international PRATIQUE: Pratique given on arrival. In case suspected disease or fever
regulations. On arrival, the Master has to present a Crew List as well as the on board radio details to ship’s Agent before arrival.
Seaman’s Books, for checking by Immigration Authorities for validity on board TUGS: Available and compulsory for vessels of over 1,000 g.r.t. berthing
of the vessel. and unberthing.
Identity control will be affected on the spot. BERTHS: Depth alongside quays up to 5.18 m. maximum. Length of
Crew members will receive shore passes. quays 1,500 m.
All supernumeraries on board from countries with visa obligations have to CRANES:
obtain a visa against a fee of DM 20.00. On departure no control will be 4 cranes 10 tons capacity, reach 32 m. (heavy lifts up to
necessary except questioning of Master about any changes in Crew List. 20 tons, reach 16 m.)
Density: The density of the water at the berth varies from 1006 – 1009. 2 cranes 10 tons capacity, reach 20 m.
AUTHORITY: Hafen- und Seemannsamt Rostock, Neuer Markt 1, 2 cranes 5 tons capacity, reach 22 m.
D-18055 Rostock, Germany. Tel: +49 (381) 381 8710. Fax: +49 (381) 6 elevators 75 t.p.h. capacity each.
381 8735, 674 0293. Email:
Web: Contact: Captain Stefan Rathmanner, WASTE DISPOSAL: Service available by barge. For service call
Harbour Master. Peter Czarnecki, Ltr Schiffsmelde-und Verkehrsleitstelle. Sundtank GmbH. Tel: +49 (3831) 280380.
Tel: +49 (381) 3818702. Email: SLOPS DISPOSAL: Service available. See Sundtank GmbH above.
MEDICAL: Doctors and hospitals available. Advance notice to ship’s Agent
required if medical assistance necessary.
STADERSAND: 53␥ 37' N 009␥ 32' E FRESH WATER: Available from shore ex pipeline and by barge.
FUEL: Gas oil and lube oil available by barge.
OVERVIEW: Nuclear Power Station with facilities to handle tankers,
operated by E.ON Energie. REPAIRS: All deck, hull and machinery repairs by local shipyards.
LOCATION: On the west bank of the river Elbe, 30 km. west of Hamburg. SURVEYORS: Germanischer Lloyd, Philipp-Julius-Weg 1,
D-18437 Stralsund. Tel: +49 (3831) 47340. Fax: +49 (3831) 4733412.
CHARTS: BA Chart No. 3267.
DOCUMENTS: TIME: GMT plus 1 hour. Summertime, GMT plus 2 hours (last Sunday in
Cargo Documents March until last Sunday in October).
2 Crew Effects Declarations LOCAL HOLIDAYS: New Year (1 January); Good Friday; Easter
3 Crew Lists Sunday; Easter Monday; 1 May; Whit Sunday; Whit Monday; 3 October;
Ship’s Register Christmas Day; 26 December.
1 Stores List NEAREST AIRPORT: Berlin International Airport, 217 km. and Barth
1 Tobacco List. Domestic Airport, 30 km.
MAX. SIZE: 60,000 d.w.t., LOA 230 m., beam 32.0 m., draft 11.5 m. SHORE LEAVE: Crew members permitted ashore.
(MHW). REPATRIATION: All facilities exist for changing crews.
DENSITY: Brackish. IDENTIFICATION CARDS: Shore passes are only issued for crew
RESTRICTIONS: Draft calculated by adding 9.44 m. to height of tide and members and passengers of those nationalities that normally require a visa
allowing 0.91 m. under-keel clearance. to enter the Federal Republic of Germany. Seaman’s book or passport is
PILOTAGE: See ‘‘General – Pilotage’’ before first Germany port. sufficient for all others.
DEEP SEA PILOTAGE: See ‘‘General’’ before first Germany port and Shore passes issued to passengers are chargeable.
‘‘Baltic Deep-Sea Pilotage’’. SEAMAN’S CLUBS: None at present.
PRATIQUE: Health Certificate brought on board by River Pilot for Master AUTHORITY: Seehafen Stralsund, Hafenstrasse 20,
to complete. D-18439 Stralsund, Germany. Tel: +49 (3831) 25420. FAX: +49 (3831)
PRE-ARRIVAL INFORMATION: Ship’s reporting station is on 254298. Email:
permanent duty at Stadersand, on VHF Channel 11, safety and calling Web: Contact: Wolfgang Ostenberg, General
Channel 16. Manager.

See guidelines for compiling and submitting information (page xi) 1063
GERMANY Wilhelmshaven
WILHELMSHAVEN: 53␥ 31' N 008␥ 10' E (See Plan) PRATIQUE: Radio pratique possible. Sea Pilot will hand Health
Declaration to Master. If one of the questions is answered ‘‘Yes’’, Pilot will
OVERVIEW: Primarily a deep-water port for tankers, also offers facilities advise Port Health Officer. A valid Derat (Exemption) Certificate must be
for bulk cargo and Ro-Ro vessels. produced.
LOCATION: At the entrance to Jadebusen, on the left bank of the river PRE-ARRIVAL INFORMATION:
Jade, 120 km. west of Hamburg. Radio Advice Prior to Arrival: Advise Agent 7 days before arrival:
1. Ship’s name and call sign, ETA in GMT.
DOCUMENTS: Check List for ships with statement of vessel’s deficiencies 2. Nationality.
to be provided and delivered to the Sea Pilot before commencing pilotage. 3. Draft forward and aft.
Oil Port: 4. Cargo on board and slop information.
1 Bill of Lading with Master’s original signature for Custom’s purposes 5. Number and diameter of cargo manifold connections.*
2 Crew Lists 6. Discharge rate per hour.
Derat (Exemption) Certificate 7. Loading rate per hour.
1 Maritime Declaration of Health (form supplied by Pilot) 8. Quantity of ballast on board.
Passports/Seamen’s Books 9. Ballasting rate per hour.
Tanker Check List 10. Leaks in the hull or overboard valves, if any.*
Vaccination List. 11. Inert or non inert gas report.*
Harbour Docks: 12. Request for crude wash.*
2 Cargo Manifests 13. Request for repairs.*
2 Crew Lists 14. Valid oil liability certificate.
1 Maritime Declaration of Health 15. Heli-landing/winching area.
2 Stores Lists. 16. VHF Channel 20 in good working order.
ISPS COMPLIANCE: Port is compliant. * Details must be with Agent at least 48 hours before arrival.
Visitors to vessels (owners’/charterers’ representatives, crew members, ETA to be confirmed 72 hours before arrival, and whenever ETA changed
service personnel, etc.) are to be announced by Agent prior to arrival. by more than 30 minutes.
Random check of persons, luggage and vehicles will be carried out by Notify Agents of tug requirements.
NWO. VHF: See ‘‘Pre-Arrival Information’’, ‘‘VTS/Radar’’, ‘‘Tanker Facilities’’ and
Unaccompanied luggage or ship stores have to be checked by vessel’s ‘‘Regulations’’.
crew before passing NWO maingate. VTS/RADAR:
ID card issued and to be completed and shown together with passport and Traffic Safety Measures for Large Vessels: Vessels with draft
company ID card, if applicable. exceeding 17.0 m. will be guided by police vessels showing quick flashing
PFSO: Gunter Ramstein. Tel: +49 (4421) 62461. Fax: +49 (44221) 62382. blue light when navigating the TSS Jade Approach southward between Buoy
Email: ‘‘Jade-Weser’’ and the Jade entrance. All other vessels are requested to give
MAX. SIZE: Bulk: 200,000 d.w.t., draft 14.3 m. way to these vessels restricted by their draft.
Ro-Ro: LOA 160 m., beam 25.0 m., draft 7.0 m. During the navigation of a vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre due
Tankers: 260,000 d..w.t., LOA 350 m., beam 52.0 m., draft 19.0 m. to her draft in the TSS Jade Approach, the radio station ‘‘German Bight
Traffic’’ transmits navigational warnings every 15 minutes on VHF
DENSITY: 1025. Channel 80 in German and English. Warnings will be announced on VHF
RESTRICTIONS: No restrictions on night entry unless notified by Channel 16.
waterway and shipping authority. Vessels with draft exceeding 16.5 m. will TUGS: Compulsory. Tankers normally require at least four tugs of minimum
be controlled by tidal conditions and will navigate according to specified 1,500 h.p. for berthing. Tugs meet tankers at anchorage near Buoy 43. Only
schedule. tug’s lines are used, charge inclusive.
Jade Weser Port is under construction and should be passed with caution. VLCCs meet the tugs at Buoy ‘‘41’’, when they are bound for NWO.
Also see ‘‘Regulations’’ and ‘‘Developments’’. BERTHS: Wilhelmshaven Inner Port:
Lock Restrictions: Dimensions of lock: 390 m. long, 57 m. wide and The following berths can be reached:
depth of 11.4 m. (MLW). However, only smaller vessels use dock harbour; Harbour Name Depth* Quay length
bollards for mooring larger ships not yet available. (m.) (m.)
Also see ‘‘Approaches’’. Handelshafen 4.8 – 6.0 980
Bridges: Three swing bridges affect entering inner harbour; these are Grosser Hafen 8.0 500
opened to coincide with lock opening times. Verbindungshafen North 10.0 320
APPROACHES: Vessel exceeding the max. size dimensions must apply Verbindungshafen South 8.0 150
Ausrustungshafen (Lay-up berth) 6.5 700
for a permit of navigation to ‘‘Wasser- und Schiffahrtsamt Wilhelmshaven’’.
Data of Wilhelmshaven Sea Lock: Wilhelmshaven Sea Lock operates Hannoverkai 11.0 325
throughout 24 hours, 7 days a week. Luneburgkai 11.0 275
Vessels have to report at least one hour prior to arrival at the lock to the Braunschweigkai 12.0 320
Lock Master on VHF Channel 16/13 (call ‘‘Wilhelmshaven Lock’’) or Niedersachsenbrucke:
Tel: +49 (4421) 304084 or 186480. Outer 14.6** 300
Note: No lockage fees charged in Wilhelmshaven. Inner 8.1** 300
Dimensions of Wilhelmshaven Sea Lock:
Length between gates 390 m. * At normal harbour water level.
Length usable 360 m. ** At CD.
Breadth between lock-basin walls 60 m. Two lay-up berths (dolphins) for vessels up to 30,000 d.w.t.
Breadth between fenders 57 m. Also see ‘‘Tanker Facilities’’.
Depth (above mean high tide) 14.75 m. BULK FACILITIES: Handelshafen: Figdor is the operator of cargo
handling in the Handelshafen with its connection to railway, road and canal
(Vessels in ballast up to 250,000 d.w.t. have passed without difficulties.) system.
In case of doubt, German text of lock regulations is authoritative. Equipment: 1␺8 – 15 ton gantry crane and mobile cranes. Storage facilities
Keel clearance of at least 8.5% of draft required. for bulk cargo to an amount of 70,000 tons, 1 silo with a capacity of 720 cu.m.
Also see ‘‘Tanker Facilities’’. and 2,000 sq.m.
PILOTAGE: See ‘‘General’’ before first port. Niedersachsenbrucke: The facility handles vessels up to 200,000 d.w.t.
DEEP SEA PILOTAGE: See ‘‘General’’ before first port. and draft 14.33 m. at the outer berth. A bulk discharge unit with an hourly
capacity of 1,200 tons delivers coal to a nearby power plant by a conveyor
1. Deep water Roads for deep draft vessels SW of ‘‘German Bight’’ Light The inner berth has depth 12.0 m. Discharge of fuel oil and loading of
vessel. caustic soda.
2. Roads for large and deep-draft vessels east of Buoy ‘‘3/Jade 2’’. Transshipment of bulk cargo is possible.
3. Schillig Roads North for tankers not exceeding 250,000 d.w.t. and/or OTHER FACILITIES: There is some container traffic at Wilhelmshaven.
draft 13.5 m. One Ro-Ro ramp available at Luneburgkai and one Ro-Ro ramp available
4. Schillig Roads South for all vessels – tankers exempted – not at Nordwestkai. Length 160 m., depth 7.0 m., max. beam 25.0 m. Maximum
exceeding draft 13.5 m. ramp load 50 tons.
5. Quarantine anchorage for vessels under quarantine. Max. draft
12.0 m.
6. Explosives anchorage for vessels carrying more than 100 kg. of Nord-West Oelleitung Terminal: Operator: Head Office: Nord-West
explosives or ammunition. Max. LOA 150 m., draft 12.0 m. Oelleitung GmbH. Tel: +49 (4421) 62461. Fax: +49 (4421) 62382.
7. Vestapp Roads, for tankers which are loaded or waiting for berth. A Email: Web: Contact: Gunter Ramstein,
Superintendent Tanker Department/PFSO.
safety distance of at least 300 m. between vessels at anchor has to
Location: Position Lat. 53␥ 33' N, Long. 08␥ 08' E. Distance from Jade/Weser
be maintained. Max. draft 12.0 m.
Pilot Station 24 n.m. finger pier T-head. Current velocity 3 – 4 knots. Mean
8. Wilhelmshaven Roads, for tankers being unloaded and not yet gas tidal range 3.86 m. Nature of bottom, sand and mud.
free and not exceeding 280 m. length. Max. draft 13.5 m. When Density: 1025.
anchored vessels are turning with the tide, measures like tug Berthing Schedule: Berths No. 1 and 2:
assistance against covering the Arngast light sector or drifting to the Up to 30,000 d.w.t. anytime.
West side of the fairway to diminish time and circle of turning are to 30,001 – 50,000 d.w.t. 3 hours before LW up until HW.
be taken. 50,001 – 85,000 d.w.t. 2 hours before LW or HW until LW or HW.
9. Wagner Roads, located to the south of explosive anchorage. Over 85,000 d.w.t. or over 13.1 m. draft 2 hours or 0.5 hours before
10. Actual sounding plans are to be observed because changes of depths LW or HW. This will be dependent on state of tide and will determine which
are possible. (Contact ‘‘Jade Traffic’’ or Pilot). side vessel will berth.
Transhipment of goods according to IMDG Codes No. 1 (explosives), Depth alongside 16.0 m. (LAT).
2 (gases) and 3 (inflammable liquids) is prohibited on the Jade including Berth No. 4: Above 100,000 d.w.t. up to 16.5 m. draft. Two hours before
Roads. LW/HW or 0.5 hours dependent on state of tide. This will determine on which
Bunkering is prohibited on all roads. For exemption permit contact Wasser- side vessel will berth. Over 16.5 m. draft, 2 hours or 0.5 hours before LW/HW.
und Schiffahrtsamt Wilhelmshaven, Captain Hellwig. This will determine on which side vessel berths.

1064 Readers are encouraged to send updates and additions (page xi)
Wilhelmshaven GERMANY
Notes: NWO Terminal is a port with strong tidal currents, running nearly VLCCs above 200,000 d.w.t.: At least 10 wires fwd/aft, provided with
parallel to the jetties. corresponding synthetic tails. A detailed plan from the layout of the
The vessels are always berthed with the bow in the current. mooring arrangement must be available for NWO. All vessels have
Example: If a vessel is at the tug position, 2 hours before HW, the vessel to accept additional shore moorings, breast and spring (fwd/aft) are
has to turn in a safe distance off the jetty to berth with port side to, against compulsory. Synthetic lines from an approved type HMPE complying
the flood tide. OCIMF guidelines are acceptable instead of wires. HMPE lines must
If a vessel is at the tug position 30 minutes before HW, the vessel will berth be provided with synthetic tails and carried on split winch drums. A
with starboard side to against the ebb tide which has just started. combination of HMPE lines together with wires is not acceptable.
Tug Position: At Buoy No. 41 for vessels bound for Jetty No. 4, or MM Confirm all moorings, winches and winchbrakes are in good condition
100,000 d.w.t. and over. according to OCIMF-standard (yes/no).
At Buoy No. 45 for all other vessels. NN Vessel’s hull and shell plating has to be smooth in order to avoid any
damage at terminal’s dolphins.
Distance: Buoy No. 41 to Jetty No. 2: 4.7 n.m. OO Confirm pressure test of discharging system up to max. delivery
Buoy No. 45 to Jetty No. 2: 2.3 n.m. pressure of ship’s pumps (date and pressure). As terminal’s
Berth Dimensions: discharging arms are equipped with emergency shut-down and
Berth Size Displacement Draft release system, shut-down valves close in emergency whether tanker
No. (d.w. tonnes) (tonnes) (m.) pumps are stopped or not, tankers must guarantee pressure test of
1 130,000 140,000 15.4 pipe system up to max. delivery pressure.
2 130,000 142,500 15.4 PP Ship-shore-connection plug installed to vessels cargo pump system
4 260,000 350,000 18.0 (yes/no). The plug might have been provided on a previous call at
the WRG Terminal Wilhelmshaven or NWO Terminal. If it is the first
Note: Largest vessel 413,000 d.w.t. with part cargo. Actual displacement on call at NWO Terminal, the plug will be supplied (including all necessary
arrival must not exceed 350,000 tonnes and max. draft not to exceed 20.0 m. documentation) upon arrival at the berth free of charge.
(HW) and 16.5 m. (LW). Designed depth on Berth 4 is 20 m., actual depth QQ Deficiencies on board (yes/no).
to be confirmed by terminal. RR Confirm security level of present voyage according to ISPS-Code.
Restrictions: Berths No. 1 and 2: For small tankers with a minimum length SS Various.
of parallel ship’s body of 40 m.
Berth No. 4: Minimum draft at forward dolphin (approximately 55 m. ahead Dirty Ballast: There are no shore facilities for receiving dirty ballast.
of centre of manifold) has to be 3.0 m.* all the time. Minimum BCM/SCM: Services: Fresh water is available, except during freezing periods. Bunkers
120 m./125 m. Vessels close to the limits of BCM/SCM have to report ‘‘length and diesel are not available from NWO. It is necessary to order a bunker
of parallel ship’s body in ballast condition’’ from centre of manifold to forward barge in advance, please contact Agent. A shore gangway is available.
and aft. Stores and luboil must be taken on board from a barge at vessel’s offshore
* According to the height of tide under normal circumstances. side.
Safety Tug: Stand-by tug equipped for firefighting operations will normally
Berths No. 1 and 2: Max. height of ship’s manifold above water level is
remain at terminal whilst a vessel is alongside. Inform terminal by VHF if
24.8 m.
assistance is needed. Terminal will advise the tug to listen to VHF
Berth No. 4: Max. height of ship’s manifold above water level is 26.3 m. Channel 73.
Laser Docking System: A laser docking system is installed at each berth to Taking of stores and working with the vessel’s derricks or/and cranes during
indicate approach velocity to Docking Pilots and vessel’s distance to the ballasting or/and exhausting of inert gas is not allowed on the main deck
dolphins. area.
The rate of approach velocity is indicated by signal lamps: WRG Oil Terminal: (Ex-Beta, Ex-Mobil): Operator: WRG.
Signal Lamps Velocity Berths No. 1 and No. 1A: Position Lat. 53␥ 37' 28" N, Long. 08␥ 08' 30" E.
(cm./sec.) Distance from ‘‘Weser’’ Lanby, 20 n.m.
slow flash green 0–3 Berths No. 2 and No. 3: Position Lat. 53␥ 37' 12" N, Long. 08␥ 07' 36" E.
quick flash green 3–6 Distance from Weser Pilot Station, 20 n.m.
slow flash yellow 6–7 Description of the Port Area:
quick flash yellow 7–8 The jetty facilities consist of two offshore terminals without permanent shore
slow flash red 8 – 10 connection for handling of crude oil, gasoline, middle distillate and
quick flash red over 10 HFO – Jetties No. 1 and 1A – and two onshore terminals for LPG, gasoline,
The deflection of the dolphins is recorded on a chart. middle distillate and HFO – Jetties No. 2 and 3.
Pipelines Handling Rates, Chicksans and Maximum Pressures: Max. Sizes of Ship:
Jetty Size LOA Max. Draft
discharge rate through 3 lines 40,000 tonnes/hr.
No. (d.w.t.) (m.) (m.)
1 5,000 – 250,000 165 – 350 18.0
Berth Grades Handled Pipelines Length Rate Hoses
1A 5,000 – 250,000 100 – 230 11.5
No. (in.) (m.) (cu.m./hr.) (in.)
2 300 – 13,500 50 – 135 6.5
1 Crude oil 1␺30 1,500 12,000 3␺16 3 300 – 13,500 50 – 135 6.5
2 Crude oil 1␺30 1,400 12,000 3␺16
4 Crude oil 1␺40 1,675 16,000 4␺16 Also see ‘‘Water Depths and Ships Drafts’’ below and ‘‘Arrival, Mooring and
Unmooring – No. 1’’ below.
Maximum Pressure: 15 Bar. Notes: Ships for Jetty No. 1 with a draft greater than 16.5 m. (18.0 m.
As emergency shut-down could occur before ship’s pumps are stopped, maximum) depend on the tide when using the entrance (Also see ‘‘Arrival,
tankers bound for NWO Terminal must guarantee that they have tested their Mooring and Unmooring No. 1’’ below).
piping system up to the maximum delivery pressure of the ship’s pumps Bunkering: Possible at Jetties No. 1 and 1A only through the appropriate
before arrival. chicksans without viscosity blending. Bunkering only from barges, permission
Maximum loading rate at each berth for all grades is 3,000 cu.m./hr. to be obtained previously.
Fuel oil and marine diesel oil is only available by barge and is arranged Possible at Jetty 2 and 3 only through the appropriate chicksans without
by ship’s owner or Agent. viscosity blending.
Radio: All vessels bound for NWO Terminal should pass following information Ballast Water: Ballast water can be discharged at each jetty. Discharge of
soonest: ballast water restricted and, if containing hazardous substances, only with
AA ETA German Bight pilot station. appropriate permission. The onshore ballast water unit has a capacity of
BB Arrival draft (m.) in sea water. 17,000 cu.m. The ballast water is not allowed to be contaminated with
CC Arrival displacement (tonnes). chemicals.
DD Kind of cargo and Bill of Lading figures, if heated, average temperature Water Depths and Ship Drafts: The table below shows the water depths for
EE Free water below cargo after loading (yes/no), quantity. each jetty related to chart datum and the maximum ship drafts.
FF Vessel has to arrive with minimum IG pressure due to ullaging and Depths (CD)
sampling of cargo. Jetty Berth Access Jade UKC† Range‡ Draft
GG If vessel will load at NWO terminal it has to arrive with H2S less than No. (m.) (m.) (m.) (m.) (m.) (m.)
5 p.p.m. in cargo tanks. 1 18.1 18.5 18.5 1.5 3.2 18.0
HH Estimated time of discharging including COW. 1A 13.6 12.5 18.5 1.5 3.2 11.5
II COW (yes/no). 2 9.1 7.5 18.5 1.0 3.2 6.5
JJ Ballast time (yes/no) (hours). 3 7.1 7.5 18.5 1.0 3.2 6.5
KK Disposal according to MARPOL I and V must be annouonced in the † Under Keel Clearance
separate notification of ship generated waste form. Different kinds of ‡ Mean Tidal Range
waste - like household garbage, oil rags or batteries etc. have to be Tidal Currents and Flow Angles:
collected each in separate bags. Terminal does not accept any Jetty 1 and 1A: The flood current runs at an offshore angle of 6 – 10␥ towards
solvents, paints, chemicals. This kind of garbage must be disposed Jetty 1, and the ebb current has an angle of 10 – 16␥.
separate, arranged by Agent. The maximum tidal current velocity near Jetties No. 1 and 1A is 4 knots.
LL Confirm number, size and material of mooring-wires/ropes. In the vicinity of Jetties No. 2 and 3, it is 3.5 knots.
Handy size tankers up to 48.000 d.w.t.: Synthetic lines are accepted, Loading and Discharging Rates on Jetty 1: Import:
but lines leading in one direction have to be of the same material. Crude:
Panmax and Aframax tankers from 48,000 – 100,000 d.w.t.: At least 4 chicksans 16 in.
two breast wires and two spring wires fwd/aft provided with 4,000 cu.m./hr. per chicksan.
corresponding synthetic tails. Four head and four stern lines are 15,900 cu.m./hr. maximum discharge rate.
accepted in other approved material, but wires with tails are Ballast Water:
recommended. 2 chicksans 16 in.
Aframax tankers above 100,000 – 120,000 d.w.t.: At least four breast 800 cu.m./hr. maximum discharge rate.
wires and two spring wires fwd/aft provided with corresponding Middle Distillate:
synthetic tails. Two head and two stern lines are accepted in other 1 chicksan 16 in.
approved material, but wires with tails are recommended. 1,200 cu.m./hr. discharge rate.
Suezmax tankers above 120,000 – 200.000 d.w.t.: At least two Petrol/gasoline (naphtha):
head/stern wires, four breast wires and two spring wires fwd/aft 1 chicksan 16. in.
provided with corresponding synthetic tails. 2,400 cu.m./hr. maximum discharging rate.

See guidelines for compiling and submitting information (page xi) 1065
GERMANY Wilhelmshaven
Export: Transit of Persons:
HFO: 1. All persons entering the port area whilst exercising their duties must
2 chicksans 16 in. wear safety helmets.
3,200 cu.m./hr. maximum loading rate. 2. Crew members are not allowed to leave, and visitors are not allowed
1 chicksan 10 in. to board a ship berthed at the WRG Jetty until it has been cleared
800 cu.m./hr. maximum loading rate. by the authorities.
Middle Distillate: 3. WRG employees and representatives have at all times access to the
1 chicksan 16 in. ship for the performance of their duties. The Master or his deputy
2,400 cu.m./hr. maximum loading rate. shall give them all the information necessary for operations. They
1 chicksan 10 in. shall be allowed to inspect all safety equipment and all mooring and
400 cu.m./hr. maximum loading rate. handling facilities.
Petrol/gasoline (Naphtha): 4. Crew members and their relatives with a valid permit are entitled to
1 chicksan 16 in. enter the jetty. The permit must be issued by the Master or Agent.
The shore pass should be shown upon request to the Mooring and
2,400 cu.m./hr. maximum loading rate.
Safety Advisor or his deputy.
Loading and Discharging Rates on Jetty 1A:
5. Visitors and passengers with a valid WRG permit are allowed to board
Import: the ship. The permit must be approved by the responsible Agent and
Ballast Water: issued by the refinery gatekeeper at the access to the jetty.
1 chicksan 12 in. Without a valid WRG permit or magnetic card, a person is not
800 cu.m./hr. maximum discharge rate. allowed to enter the port. Persons holding a refinery magnetic card
Gasoline and Gasoline Components: are allowed to enter the jetty. The Agent applies for a visitor permit
1 chicksans 10 in. issued by the refinery gatehouse personnel. Before the visitor enters
550 – 950 cu.m./hr. maximum discharge rate. the port area, he must pick-up the valid WRG permit at the refinery
1 chicksans 12 in. gatehouse (This does not apply to persons stated in Para. 5). It is
550 – 950 cu.m./hr. maximum discharge rate. strictly forbidden to transfer the magnetic card to another person.
Middle distillate: 6. Only WRG vehicles are allowed to drive on the access jetty and to
1 chicksan 12 in. park in the marked parking areas. No other vehicle may drive on the
1,200 cu.m./hr. maximum discharge rate. access jetty without a valid WRG approval. Vehicles are not allowed
HFO: to access Jetties 2 and 3. All exceptions require the special WRG
1 chicksan 12 in. approval.
800 cu.m./hr. discharge rate. 7. The maximum permissible speed on the access jetty is 30 km./hr. The
Export: regulations under the Road Traffic Act apply on the WRG jetty
Middle Distillate: facilities.
2 chicksans 12 in. Arrival, Mooring and Unmooring:
1,200 cu.m./hr. per chicksan. 1. Entering the port area and mooring at the loading and unloading jetties
2,400 cu.m./hr. maximum loading rate. and berths requires WRG approval. WRG will allocate an adequate
HFO: berthing place with due consideration of safe and orderly handling of
2 chicksans 12 in. cargo.
2,600 cu.m./hr. per chicksan. Ships for Jetty 1 with a draft greater than 16.5 m. (18.0 m.
3,200 cu.m./hr. maximum loading rate. maximum) are restricted to HW berthing/sailing.
1 chicksan 8 in. Jetties No. 2 and 3: Ships for Jetties No. 2 and 3 with draft of more
300 cu.m./hr. maximum loading rate. than 6.5 m. (max. 8.5 – 7.5 m.) are restricted to HW berthing/sailing.
1 chicksan 10 in. Unless otherwise provided in the charter party, WRG is not liable
950 cu.m./hr. maximum loading rate. for any costs for lay-days in the roads.
2 chicksans 12 in. 2. WRG must be informed in good time if the ship has suffered damage
1,200 cu.m./hr. per chicksan. during the voyage. Similarly, notification of any defects in the ship’s
2,400 cu.m./hr. maximum loading rate. safety, mooring or cargo handling equipment must be forwarded to
Loading and Discharging Rates on Jetty 2: WRG and Harbour Authorities prior to arrival.
Import: Ships which, in the dutiful opinion of WRG, are not suitable for
Ballast Water: cargo handling operations at the loading and unloading jetties will be
refused even after commencement of loading or unloading.
1 chicksan 10 in.
3. Within the port area, ships may only be moved without tow lines with
800 cu.m./hr. maximum discharge rate.
the navigational aid of a Pilot and adequate tug assistance. All
Gasoline and Gasoline Components: exceptions require the WRG approval.
1 chicksan 10 in. The individual conducting a ship is always obliged to use sufficient
550 – 950 cu.m./hr. maximum discharge rate. tug assistance when manoeuvring at the offshore terminal.
Export: 4. The number of tugs available are quoted under ‘‘Minimum Number of
Middle Distillate: Tugs for Manoeuvring’’ (See below).
2 chicksans 10 in. 5. WRG is not responsible for mooring and unmooring or for towage
1,200 cu.m./hr. per chicksan. operations of the ship.
2,400 cu.m./hr. maximum loading rate. 6. In the presence of a gas tanker at Jetty 3, no other tank vessel, which
Gasoline Components: has not been properly gas-freed and which is carrying or was carrying
1 chicksan 10 in. loads as under IMDG-Code 3.1 or 3.2, is allowed to moor at Jetty 2,
550 – 950 cu.m./hr. maximum loading rate. unless the ship’s tanks are fitted with quick acting ventilation valves.
2 chicksans 10 in. During manoeuvres of ships, the cargo operations at Jetty No. 3 will
1,200 cu.m./hr. maximum loading rate. be suspended and both the jetty’s loading valves and the ship’s valves
HFO: must be closed.
1 chicksan 10 in. Minimum Number of Tugs for Manoeuvring:
1,300 cu.m./hr. maximum loading rate. Importships Jetty 1:
Loading and Discharging Rates on Jetty 3: Size Mooring in Ballast Unmooring Loaded
Import: (d.w.t.) without MA with MA without MA with MA
Ballast Water: 15,000 – 35,000 3 2*1 3*2 1
1 chicksan 8 in. 35,000 – 110,000 4 3*1 3*2 2*1
800 cu.m./hr. maximum discharge rate. 110,001 – 160,000 5 4*1 4*2 3*1
Gasoline Components: Over 160,000 6*4 5*4 4*2 4*1
2 chicksans 18 in.
550 cu.m./hr. maximum discharge rate. Exportships Jetty 1:
Size Mooring in Ballast Unmooring Loaded
(d.w.t.) without MA with MA without MA with MA
1 chicksan 6 in.
15,000 – 35,000 3 2*1 3*3 2*2
150 cu.m./hr. maximum discharge rate (propane).
35,000 – 70,000 3 2*1 3*3 2*1
100 cu.m./hr. maximum discharge rate (butane).
70,001 – 125,000 4 3*1 4*3 3*1
Export: Over 125,000 5 4*1 5*3 4*1
1 chicksan 10 in. Import-Exportships Jetty 1A:
950 cu.m./hr. maximum loading rate. Size Mooring Unmooring
LPG: (d.w.t.) without MA with MA without MA with MA
1 chicksan 6 in. 5,000 – 8,299 1 1 1 1
400 cu.m./hr. maximum loading rate. 8,300 – 15,000 2 1 2*2 1
Middle Distillate: 15,001 – 45,000 3 2*1 3*2 1
2 chicksans 8 in.
Remarks: Ships up to 25,000 d.w.t. at Jetty No. 1A can berth starboard side
550 cu.m./hr. per chicksan. alongside if ebb tide and 1 additional tug; above 15,000 d.w.t. only with MA.
Authority of WRG to Issue Instructions:
1. Access to the port area is permitted for authorised persons only. Notes:
2. Representatives of authorities in the exercise of their official duties MA ␦ Manoeuvring Aids (i.e. bow thruster and pitch-propeller).
are entitled to enter the jetties upon submission of their duty passes. * 1 Minus 1 tug if an additional bow thruster with at least
They must observe the safety and security instructions. 2,000 h.p./1,470 kW.
3. Masters are obliged to comply with WRG’s instructions as regards * 2 Minus 1 tug if tide ahead.
loading and unloading and safety regulations in the port area. * 3 Minus 1 tug if tide ahead and port side alongside.
4. All persons entering the port area must follow WRG’s instructions. * 4 Only berthing with port side alongside.

1066 Readers are encouraged to send updates and additions (page xi)
Wilhelmshaven GERMANY
Jetty 2: 4. Jetty 1:
Size Mooring Unmooring Four mooring posts serve to take fore lines, aft lines and breast lines. Every
(d.w.t.) without MA with MA without MA with MA mooring post is fitted with 3 slip hooks each with a tensile capacity of 127 tons.
0 – 500 0 0 0 0 Another 2 slip hooks with a tensile capacity of 100 tons, which take the spring
501 – 5,000 0 0 0 0 lines, are available on each corner of the platform.
5,001 – 8,299 1 0 1 *1 0 See ‘‘Mooring plans for ships over 200 m.’’ and for ships under 200 m.’’ in
8,300 – 11,000 2 1 2 *1 1 the Plan’’
The offshore terminal is additionally fitted with wire lines with polyprop tails
Notes: to be fastened on the ship. The correct mooring and handling of these
MA ␦ Manoeuvring Aids (i.e. bow thruster and CP propeller). additional wire lines is the responsibility of the ship.
*1 Minus one tug if tide is ahead. Jetty 1 is fitted with an approach monitoring system. The approach speed
Jetty 3: of ships over 75,000 d.w.t. may not exceed 5 cm./sec.
Size Mooring Unmooring Panels on the Northern and Southern bollard mooring posts indicate the
(d.w.t.) without MA with MA without MA with MA distance between ship and fender post (range 30 – 0 m.).
0 – 500 0 0 0 0 The approach speed is indicated by lights in different colours as follows:
501 – 5,000 1 1 1 1 Less than 5 cm./sec.: Green light ␦ safe approach speed.
5,001 – 8,299 1*2 1 1*2 1 Less than 10 cm./sec.: Orange light ␦ unsafe approach speed.
8,300 – 11,000 2*2 1*2 2*2 2 More than 10 cm./sec.: Red light ␦ dangerous approach speed.
5. Jetty 1A:
Notes: Four mooring posts serve to take fore lines, aft lines and breast lines. Every
MA ␦ Manoeuvring Aids (i.e. bow thruster and CP propeller). mooring post is fitted with 2 slip hooks with a tensile capacity of 75 tons each.
* 2 Ships more than 2,500 d.w.t. at Jetty No. 3 must take one additional Another 2 slip hooks, with a tensile capacity of 75 tons which take the spring
tug when turning on a flood tide. lines, are available on each corner of the platform (see ‘‘Plan’’).
Mooring: 6. Jetty 2 and 3:
Four mooring posts serve to take fore lines, aft lines and breast lines. Two
1. General:
mooring posts are fitted with slip hooks with a tensile capacity of 75 tons
The number and the material of mooring lines is dependant on ship size each. The other mooring posts are fitted with slip hooks with a tensile capacity
and intended jetty. The applicable form pertaining to the jetty to be used of 75 tons (see ‘‘Plan’’).
must be signed by the Master and WRG Mooring Advisor. 7. WRG directs the ships to their loading and unloading positions.
Prior to or during the mooring of the ships, the WRG Mooring Advisor will Lay-Days at the Berths:
check both the winch assembly and the lines. 1. Unless otherwise provided in the charter party, the lay-days start with
In cases of detected faults, the ship will receive a ‘‘Note of Protest’’ and mooring the first line and end with casting-off the last line.
corrective action may be ordered. In case of serious faults, WRG may refuse 2. The Master shall ensure that gasoline loading is to be reduced or
any ship which is considered as not being suitable for cargo handling suspended if the wind speed is too low and if
operations. a) any other ship is mooring or unmooring at the parallel berth,
WRG directs the ships to their loading and unloading positions. b) any other ship is lying within the danger zone of the parallel
Masters are responsible for the safe and proper mooring of their ships in berth.
accordance with WRG instructions and mooring plan. Tidal range, wind and 3. When ballasting cargo tanks contain hydrocarbons, it is within the
current conditions shall be taken into account. Re-adjustment of lines is only Master’s responsibility to ensure that the ballasting rates are strictly
permitted if wind and current conditions are favourable. Loading/unloading observed in due consideration of the respective wind speeds.
must be interrupted therefore when the wind force is more than Force 8. The Master or his representative must use the wind speed indicator
Under adverse weather conditions and floating ice, the Masters are also on the jetties for the determination of the wind speed.
responsible for safe and strengthened mooring. Higher quantities of ballast water require the approval of WRG. The
The Master must ensure that the mooring lines are always sufficiently tight quantities depend on the wind direction, wind strength and
and his ship is safely moored and that all measures are taken to keep his loading/previous loading of the ship’s tanks.
ship in its position. 4. The entire fire fighting system must be kept on stand-by during
The mooring lines shall only be made fast to the appropriate mooring lay-days of the ship, and a sufficient number of fire hoses must be
facilities. Only those mooring facilities appropriate for the ship’s size are to uncoiled near the ship’s manifold. Additionally, 2 hand fire
be used. extinguishers must be kept ready.
During bad weather, WRG has the right to take additional action for the The Master must ensure that there are always enough hands
onboard to start firefighting in case of fire, and to unberth the ship in
ship’s account.
case of emergency.
Each ship lying alongside at the WRG jetties must deploy fire wires, fore 5. After finishing cargo handling or ballasting operations, the ship shall
and aft on its seaward side, the eyes of which must be permanently on the unberth and leave the port area. All exceptions require WRG’s
water surface level (with approximately 2.0 m. slack). The fire wires must be approval.
properly fastened at the bitts without any slack on deck. Top Ballast Rate Minimum Wind Speed Beaufort Scale
All jetties are additionally fitted with shore wires having synthetic tails, which (cu.m./hr.) (m./sec.)
will be distributed during adverse weather conditions or when vessel has 1,500 0–1 0
inadequate moorings. The correct mooring and handling of these additional 3,000 2 1
wires is the responsibility of the ship. 4,000 3 2–2
If the ship is fitted with automatic tensioning winches, these must be put
on a brake. The Master is obliged strictly to follow the Mooring Advisor’s Areas Exposed to the Wind and Freeboard Limits: In adverse weather
instructions. conditions, special measures must be taken to ensure the safe mooring of
Access from the jetty to the ship is provided by the WRG gangway. In the ship and to avoid damage to ship and to the jetty. Please ask for
exceptional cases, a safe gangway may be provided by the ship. This must assistance of WRG’s Mooring Advisor when mooring.
1. In addition to the ship’s mooring cables and lines shore-side, breast
comply with the applicable International Regulations and the regulations of
lines are available to prevent the ship from moving off the jetty due
the German Marine Employer’s Liability Insurance Association, in so far as
to wind or current forces. The Master is responsible for the correct
these are applicable to the ship.
mooring and unmooring and handling of these wire lines during
The ship must be moored before the gangway is lowered. lay-days.
A second escape way must be prepared on the offshore side of the vessel. 2. The breast wires from ashore have an extra safety function and are
2. Lines – Material: not an integral part of the ship’s mooring.
Ships from 15,000 – 45,000 d.w.t. have to use wires/Atlas or synthetic lines 3. Cargo handling operations will be suspended and the chicksans
with sufficient SWL. drained when the wind speed exceeds 8 on the Beaufort Scale
Ships from 45,001 – 75,000 d.w.t. have to use wires with at least 35 tons (20 m./sec.) (Westerly directions of the wind: 350␥ through
SWL for each wire. 270␥ to 155␥).
Ships from 75,001 – 160,000 d.w.t. have to use wires with at least 50 tons Cargo and Ballast Handling, Tank Cleaning and Slop Discharge:
SWL for each wire. 1. WRG will provide the connection between ship and jetty. The ship’s
Ships over 160,000 d.w.t. have to use wires with at least 70 tons SWL for crew is obliged to make the relevant preparations in good time and
each wire. to offer the usual assistance.
Spring lines and breast lines are to be the lines with most strength and 2. Manning of the jetty and additional TV-monitoring:
are to be of the same material. For ships over 45,000 d.w.t., wires must be One member of the WRG jetty personnel must always be on duty
used. on the jetty which is being operated. One camera is focused on the
For head and stern lines, a different material as well as for spring and platform, and transmits pictures on a monitor in the control room of
breast lines is acceptable. Mixed mooring is not allowed. the relevant jetty. The lighting conditions on the platform and in the
LPG tankers at Jetty No. 3 have to use synthetic ropes for mooring. jetty house must be sufficient to allow TV-monitoring. If the operating
Tails must be synthetic of identical material and should have sufficient ability of the TV-system is limited due to fog or adverse weather
length. conditions, the cargo handling operations either have to be suspended
All mooring lines, winches, brakes, tails and shackles must be in good or have to be observed directly from the platform.
3. The number of crew provided for the cargo handling must be sufficient.
order and condition. Spliced lines are not allowed.
In case of emergency or if instructed by WRG, the Master is obliged
Exceptions from this standard need to be approved in written form by WRG
to ensure the immediate interruption of the ship’s discharge pumps.
Mooring Advisor and the WRG Marine Superintendent. Exceptions need also In case of emergency, the WRG control pump room personnel are
an approval from the local Harbour Authorities. entitled to activate the pump emergency shut-down. Members of the
3. Mooring Advisor: crew shall be permanently stationed, both at the ship’s manifold and
Prior to mooring of the ship at Jetty 1, the WRG Mooring Advisor shall check in the pump control room. The Master shall ensure that the crew
both the winch assembly and the lines. WRG may refuse any ship which he members on duty are furnished with operative WRG walkie-talkies.
considers not suitable for cargo handling operations. Cargo handling will be suspended if the crew members on duty leave
Spliced lines are not allowed. Exceptions need to be approved by WRG. the visual range of the ship’s manifold.
In these cases, the ship has to accept a ‘‘Note of Protest’’ and alternative 4. Prior to commencement of cargo handling operations, the Master or
action. his deputy is obliged to fill in the Safety Check List for the ship and
Because of the conditions prevailing at Jetty 1, the WRG Mooring Advisor to return it to the WRG personnel responsible. Cargo handling
is entitled to call tug assistance for the safe mooring of the ship at the ship’s operations may not be started without approval of the responsible
expenses. WRG supervisor.

See guidelines for compiling and submitting information (page xi) 1067
GERMANY Wilhelmshaven
5. Prior to commencement of cargo handling operations, all sea valves Safety Precautions:
connected with the loading and discharge system shall be shut and 1. Each jetty is equipped with remote controlled and hand-operated
sealed, and shall be checked by the WRG personnel responsible after water/foam monitors. In addition, there is a dry powder system
completion of the cargo handling operations. installed both at the Jetty 1 and 1A gangway tower.
6. In order to avoid pressure surges, all valves and gates on the ship Water supply of the monitors is effected by 2 pumps with a capacity
and in the product lines shall be closed slowly. This applies in of 500 cu.m./hr. each and a 16 in. water main. In case of pump failure,
particular to the last part of the valve travel. Adequate notice of topping there is a possibility that tugs are used to pump the water in the jetty
off shall be given to the responsible WRG pier operator. During cargo pipeline system.
handling operations, the valves in the product lines shall only be In addition, there is a movable water/foam monitor provided on the
closed in case of emergency, which must immediately be reported to access jetty, plus additional equipment.
the responsible WRG pier operator. Furthermore, there are firefighting tugs available at any time by the
7. For the duration of cargo handling operations and ballasting, all WRG pontoons.
venting and pressure surge valves, peepholes and tank dipping holes, 2. Escape routes on Jetty 1/1A: The mooring post gangway serves as
must be fitted with flashover protectors. an escape route for Jetty 1 and 1A, firstly in Southern direction
8. All peepholes and tank dipping holes of tankers, which are carrying, towards the jetty and, secondly in Northern direction to the lifeboat
or have been carrying, loads as under IMDG Code 3.1 and 3.2, shall hanging on a swing-out davit at the end of the gangway. In addition,
remain open only for the duration of the tank dipping. the mooring post gangway provides a number of descents for
9. Other tank holes, which open to the atmosphere, must be securely individuals to be picked-up by life boats.
closed. Any access between cargo deck and accommodation area 3. Escape routes on Jetty 2/3: The access jetty serves as a main escape
must also remain securely closed. route for Jetty 2 and 3. In case this main escape route is impassable,
10. Any cargo handling operations shall be stopped during thunderstorms, the following escape routes may be used as alternatives:
as agreed between WRG and the Master of the ship. a) Gangway at the house on the corner.
11. The grade and the amount of the product to be handled shall be b) Mooring post gangway in the Northern direction to the lifeboat
announced to WRG prior to cargo handling operations. After hanging on a swing-out davit at the end of the gangway.
completion of the cargo handling operations, WRG will only accept c) Pipe bridge to the South of the building on the corner leading to
those quantities which have been taken from calibrated cargo tanks, the shelter.
or have been determined by means of calibrated meters.
In addition, the mooring post gangway and the shelter provide a
12. Crude oil and ballast water must be discharged without interruption. number of descents for individuals to be picked-up by lifeboats.
During discharge operations of crude oil, the pressure in the 44 in.
4. Emergency Shut-Down Systems: Prior to commencement of cargo
crude oil line on the offshore terminal shall not exceed 8 bar. All
handling operations, the following emergency shut-down systems will
discharge operations shall be suspended in case of a tanker pump
be explained to the responsible Loading Officer for vessels
failure during the discharge of crude oil, and shall not be continued
discharging cargo ashore:
until WRG’s representative grants permission.
a) Automatic ‘‘tanker pump shut-down signal’’ via Redbox.
The product line must be filled and pressurised prior to
commencement or continuation of discharge operations. b) Automatic ‘‘tanker pump shut-down signal’’ via walkie-talkie.
13. WRG will accept limited quantities of ballast water which must be free c) Optical and acoustic alarm on the jetty.
of lead and detergents. WRG will also accept tank washing water and The ship is obliged to place the international ship/shore fire
bilge water. This must be biodegradable lead free. Water containing connection (in accordance with ISGOTT) in good view in the vicinity
detergent may not be discharged into the Jade Bay. Masters are of the manifold.
responsible for any damage ensuing from non-observance of these The HBO Port Regulations (WRG operating instructions for the port
instructions. Prior to any discharge, the water is subject to laboratory area) deals in detail with the safety interventions of WRG personnel.
The pressure in the 20 in. ballast water line shall not exceed 8 bar. Preventive Fire Protection:
1. Smoking and the use of smouldering and/or burning objects, as well
14. Completion of the cargo handling operations shall be ascertained by as the use of open fire and detonating agents, is not permitted in the
WRG and the Master or his deputy. WRG port area. All exceptions require either WRG’s approval or
15. Tankers which were carrying crude oil or product as under IMDG approval by the respective authorities.
Code 3.1, and which are to be loaded with products as under IMDG 2. Instruments which are likely to cause sparks, or parts of which heat
Code 3.2 and 3.3, should arrive with cleaned tanks. up to such an extent that they may cause fire, shall not be used.
16. If slop oil must be discharged, the grade and the quantity must be 3. The ship’s funnel and exhaust lines must be fitted with spark arresters
announced to WRG prior to the arrival of the ship. WRG reserves the to avoid emission of sparks and soot.
right to refuse poor grade slop oil. Stand-by Operation: During the lay-days, the ship’s main engines, rudder
system and all accessory instruments necessary to maintain manoeuvrability,
Special Incidents During Lay-Days:
must always be ready for operation.
1. Special incidents like fire and major accidents which affect the safety
of operations shall be immediately reported to WRG. Bunkering:
Fire on board must be immediately reported to the pier operator by Preventive Fire Protection:
means of the ship’s whistle or walkie-talkie. The Master or his deputy 1. The WRG Jetty Regulations apply also to ships which are just mooring
is obliged to pass information concerning location and type of support at the jetty for bunker operations or any other reasons.
required. 2. Prior to commencement of bunker operations, all scuppers shall be
2. Masters shall ensure that the cargo handling operations are closed and sealed in such a way that they are oil-tight.
immediately suspended and the discharge pumps are stopped in the Special Services: WRG’s special services will be charged to the Agents.
case of fire alarm in the port area, overflow of mineral oil from their
ships or other ships, or in the case of any gas escape. Take-Over, Fresh Water and Bunkering:
3. In case of emergency, WRG is entitled, but not obliged, to take suitable 1. If possible, onshore bunkering will be carried out by WRG in the course
measures to prevent damage at the expense of the ship’s Owners or of the cargo handling operations.
Charterers. Take-over of stores and provisions shall only be carried out from
4. In case of danger, or if the circumstances require, WRG is also entitled the seaward side of the ship by means of barges. Barges are not
to stop the cargo handling operations, and to order to arrange for the allowed to lay alongside during cargo operations of product as under
ship to clear the jetty respectively. In these cases, WRG shall not be IMDG Code 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 and during ballasting operations. Should
liable for any compensation for damages. it become necessary for any reason whatsoever to take stores aboard
5. The WRG first aid post is found in the entrance building at Jetties during cargo handling or ballasting operations, these activities must
No. 2/3. be suspended for the duration of take-over.
6. The ambulance will be available within 20 minutes. Exception: Crude oil tankers under inert gas and tankers with a
7. Telephone Jetty 1/1A: In case of emergency, a non-public telephone cargo flash point above 57␥C are allowed to bunker.
is available in the Jetty house. 2. The following provisions apply for the take-over of stores and goods:
8. Telephone Jetty 2/3: In case of emergency, a non-public telephone a) WRG’s permission must be procured by the Master or his deputy
is available in the Jetty house. prior to taking any goods aboard.
An international pay telephone is installed in the house on the corner b) Take-over at Jetty 1 and 1A is only possible from the seaward
of Jetties No. 2/3. side. Shore side supply is possible at Jetty 2 and 3 as agreed with
Prohibition of Pollution and Environmental Protection: c) All instruments which are likely to cause sparks may not be used
1. Pollution of the port area by oil, oil polluted bilge or ballast water, on the ships and vehicles involved.
refuse, etc., is prohibited. d) All tank holes must be kept closed while goods are being taken
The Agents are responsible for the disposal of oil polluted refuse. aboard.
e) All handling operations which may cause gas escapes must be
The amount of solid refuse shall be announced in good time. Solid suspended; this also includes stripping and repumping operations.
refuse may not be oil polluted and must be dumped into the containers, f) All instruments which are likely to cause sparks must be put down
which are provided on the jetty. on rubber or other suitable mats.
2. Soot emissions and every avoidable excessive emission from funnels g) All gas bottles whether filled or emptied must be carefully
or exhaust lines are prohibited. handled.
3. When discharging steam or water or when using the ship’s lavatories, 3. Fresh water is not available at Jetties No. 1 and 1A; it must be
suitable measures must be taken to avoid pollution or damage to the supplied by the Wilhelmshaven water barge. Requests should be
jetty and ships and persons in the close vicinity. made in good time via the Agent.
4. All pipes, valves, connections, fittings, etc., used for cargo handling Fresh water is also available at Jetties No. 2 and 3.
operations must be kept free from leakages. Voslapper Groden Jetty (INOES-Jetty):
5. Drip trays must be provided for all connections of product lines. Position: Lat. 53␥ 37' 59" N, Long. 08␥ 05' 46" E.
6. All oil leakages, whether onto the ship’s deck or overboard, must Traffic Bridge of 1,346 m. length ends in L-shaped cargo handling pier of
immediately be reported to the WRG personnel, who will then notify
675 m. length. Traffic bridge is fitted with two tracks of 5.5 m. and 3.5 m.
the responsible department. All possible measures must be taken both
width, all cables and pipes are led lengthwise upon the bridge to the pier
on the ship and on the jetty to stop the leakage and to prevent it from

1068 Readers are encouraged to send updates and additions (page xi)
Wilhelmshaven GERMANY
Berth Size LOA Depth (CD) Remarks 5. The observance of these directions will be controlled and, if
No. (d.w.t.) (m.) (m.) necessary, regulated by the VTS-Centre, whose instructions are to
1 20,000 – 60,000 8.6 Not operational be followed.
2 400 – 12,000 137 8.6 Ethylene 6. Continuous radio contact with radio station ‘‘Jade Traffic’’ must be
3 400 – 12,000 137 8.6 VCM, EDC made
between buoy ‘‘1B/Jade 1’’ or river entrance inward and buoy pairs
Ships of more than 120 m. length must be berthed with 1 additional 33/34 on VHF Channel 63;
Atlas-spring line fore and aft. The lines are available from shore, if the ship
between buoy pairs 33/34 and all waterway areas inward of this
does not have her own.
position on VHF Channel 20.
Berths may only be used by gas and chemical tankers which conform to
Remark: Shore based radar assistance will be given on the
IMO recommendations and which have a valid certificate to that effect as
respective VHF channels.
7. When vessels are meeting on reciprocal or nearly reciprocal courses
1. Resolution A 328 (IX) Code for the Construction and Equipment of
each shall alter her course to starboard.
Ships carrying liquefied Gases in Bulk,
2. Resolution A 329 (IX) Recommendations concerning Ships not During the passage of vessels carrying gaseous substances in
covered by the Resolution 328 (IX), accordance with IGC Code – nitrogen and refrigerants being
3. Resolution A 212 (VII) Code for the Construction and Equipment of excluded – with each other or with other vessels the greatest possible
Ships carrying dangerous chemicals in Bulk. lateral distance has to be kept.
All stores, fresh water exempted, must be taken onboard from seaward 8. Vessels proceeding within the fairway have right of way against
side. These activities are prohibited during cargo handling or taking ballast. vessels which
Harbour areas (NWO, WRG and ICI) may be exceptionally navigated by a) enter the fairway,
auxiliary and supply vessels if this is absolutely necessary for the b) cross the fairway,
transhipment or ship operations according to Port Regulations, providing c) turn within the fairway,
these vessels comply with the safety requirements. All other vessels are d) leave their anchorages.
excluded. 9. Particular attention is drawn to the observance of the instructions given
Storage capacity 15,000 cu.m. for ethylene, 16,000 cu.m. for ECD and by the shipping authorities prescribed as per Section A, Part II,
11,000 cu.m. for VCM. No. 3 of the additional regulations to the traffic regulations for
At the ‘‘Niedersachsen Bridge’’ it is necessary to order a bunker vessel in waterways navigable by seagoing vessels in the Federal Republic of
advance. Germany of the Wasser- und Schiffahrtsdirektion Nordwest.
Also see ‘‘Regulations’’, ‘‘Developments’’ and ‘‘Report’’ dated April 1986. 10. Inward of Jade Buoy No. 33 (turning area for large vessels), entering
LPG/LNG FACILITIES: See ‘‘Tanker Facilities’’ and ‘‘Developments’’. tankers with draft exceeding 16.5 m. must be escorted by tugs with
total minimum bollard pull capacity of 45 tons.
CRANES: Urgent shipping police measures may also be executed by Water Police
Braunschweigkai 1␺100 ton mobile crane
(blue hulled vessels with inscription ‘‘WASSERSCHUTZPOLIZEI’’ within the
Sudwestkai: 1␺45 ton mobile crane
Luneburgkai: 2␺15 – 18 tons portal cranes Territorial waters of the Federal Republic of Germany).
Handelshafen: 1␺15 – 18 tons portal crane Sea Lock: Regulations Within the Entrance to the Sea Lock - New Outer
1 crane for scrap iron Harbour – (Neuer Vorhafen) and the Sea Lock in Wilhelmshaven (extract of
One 100 tons capacity floating crane, with second floating crane of 1. Areas within the Outer Harbour and the Sea Lock belong to the safety
100 tons capacity is available on request from the Navy yard. zone of Naval Base.
STEVEDORES: 24 hours’ notice required. Bulk cargo discharge rate 2. Port Authority within these areas is the Naval Port Captain.
about 150 t.p.h. Port Captain is attainable on working days between 0700 – 1530 hrs.
WASTE DISPOSAL: All berths are fitted with garbage containers for the via Wilhelmshaven Naval Port Radio on VHF Channel 11.
disposal of normal garbage; no charges. All garbage due to cargo handling 3. Traffic direction inward and outward Sea Locks is performed by
or any special garbage such as paint drums, batteries etc., has to be removed Wasser- und Schiffahrtsamt Officials (Lock Masters).
on ship’s request and account. For further detailed information contact Port 4. Use of port facilities may be restricted or refused in consequence of
Authority. certain reasons if deemed necessary by Port Authorities.
SLOPS DISPOSAL: All residues coming under Marpol 73/78, Annex I, 5. Vessels with dangerous cargoes have to obtain special authorisation
may be delivered ashore free of charge. 24 hours advance notice to Port issued by Port Authorities and civil permission before entering.
Authority is necessary. Wastes must not be mixed inadmissibly; available 6. Between breakwater (harbour entrance) and locks, non-military
capacity approx. 800 cu.m. For further information contact Niedersachsisches vessels have to navigate within a 100 m. wide sector to both sides
Hafenamt Wilhelmshaven (Captain Wilhelm or Captain Eilts). of leading line.
MEDICAL: All medical facilities available. 7. Vessels exceeding 150 g.r.t. may be obliged to take a Harbour Pilot.
FRESH WATER: Available by pipeline. 8. Vessels are obliged to give notice to the radio station
‘‘Wilhelmshaven-Lock’’ on VHF Channels 16/13 before entering.
FUEL: All grades available. 2 days’ notice required. Naval radio station is operating on VHF Channels 16/11.
SERVICES: All services available including tank-cleaning, diving, compass 9. Lock signals and preliminary lock signals are to be observed. This
adjusting, etc. applies also to signals given by Naval Authorities.
DRY DOCK: One slipway at Neue Jade Werft, lifting capacity about 10. Military safety zones must be passed at reduced speed but without
1,000 tons, and one floating dock lifting capacity approximately 8,000 tons. delays. Bow anchors must be kept ready to drop.
Floating docks at Arsenal (navy yard), only for navy purposes. 11. Leisure craft may not hamper other vessels.
REPAIRS: Facilities available for all deck and engine repairs. Repairs 12. Only in cases of distress is it allowed to go alongside within the Outer
affecting main engine or steering gear intended to be carried out at the berths Harbour.
or at Wilhelmshaven Anchorage, must be authorised by NWO, WRG and 13. Bathing, diving and use of pyrotechnics are not allowed.
Port Authorities, when sufficient security tugs will be ordered to stand by. No 14. Pollution of water within harbour areas is prohibited.
additional charge for tugs if ordered before arrival. Permission for repairs
depends on prevailing weather conditions and should be requested before
LOCAL HOLIDAYS: 1 January; Good Friday; Easter Sunday; Easter
arrival. Monday; 1 May; Ascension Day; Whit Sunday; Whit Monday; 3 October;
Christmas Day; Boxing Day. Work may be arranged on all days.
POLICE/AMBULANCE/FIRE: Not observed in oil ports.
Police Tel: 110.
NWO Oil Port: Fire/Ambulance Tel: 621. WEATHER/TIDES: From 2005 tidal sounding datum will be Lowest
INEOS: Jetty Operator Tel: 882 460, 982460. Astronomical Tide (LAT) instead of MLWS. Chart Datum in Jade area will
Fire/Ambulance Tel: 9801. therefore be approximately 40 cm. lower.
Niedersachsen Bridge: Fire/Ambulance Tel: 112. CONSULS: Finland Tel: +49 (4421) 87709.
Dock Harbour Tel: 112 or 98180. TELEPHONES: May be placed on board all tankers in oil port. At some
EMERGENCY RESPONSE CENTRE: See ‘‘General’’ before first locations in dock harbour, installation by Post Office, who require 2 days’
port. notice.
SECURITY/GANGWAY: Shore watchman recommended to attend NEAREST AIRPORT: Wilhelmshaven-Mariensiel Airport, available for
telephone. helicopters and small aircraft. Bremen International Airport, 102 km.
REGULATIONS: Federal Republic of Germany – Jade: On the CUSTOMS: Oil port is Customs free port. In dock harbour each crew
River Jade from the sea to Wilhelmshaven all vessels are to observe the member allowed 5 cigars or 40 cigarettes, or 50 grams tobacco and 50 pieces
following regulations. of cigarette paper; one unopened bottle wine/spirits.
1. Absolute prohibition of head-on passage and overtaking for vessels
confined to the dredged channel with each other. SHORE LEAVE: Allowed.
2. Local prohibition of head-on passage for vessels amongst themselves REPATRIATION: All facilities available.
with IDENTIFICATION CARDS: Shore passes are only issued for crew
a) draft exceeding 13.5 m., members and passengers of those nationalities that normally require a Visa
b) length exceeding 250 m., to enter the Federal Republic of Germany. No shore passes are issued for
c) extraordinary pushing and towing units within following fairway crew members and passengers who do not require a Visa to enter the Federal
areas: Republic of Germany, Seaman’s Book or passport is sufficient.
between buoy pairs 15/16 and 19/20 (circumnavigation Minsener Shore passes issued to passengers are chargeable.
course change areas at buoy pairs 3/4 (channel entrance), SEAMAN’S CLUBS: No Seamen’s Club in the port of Wilhelmshaven.
33/34 and 45/46. ‘‘Seemannsheim’’ (kind of hotel) offers bed and meals for seamen awaiting
3. Cancelled. vessels. Church services, coach tours, etc., may be arranged on request.
4. Prohibition of head-on passing and over-taking for tankers carrying Address: Deutsche Seemannsmission, Hegelstrasse 11,
gaseous substances according to IGC Code – nitrogen and 26384 Wilhelmshaven. Tel: +49 (4421) 993450. Fax: +49 (4421) 993451.
refrigerants being excluded – ethylene dichloride or vinyl chloride Web:
monomer with each other and with all other vessels exceeding DEVELOPMENTS: DFTG Gas Terminal: To the North of WRG Oil
3,000 d.w.t. within following navigation stretches: – between buoy Terminal.
pairs 15/16 and 19/20. The existing INEOS Terminal is planned to be extended for transshipment
4.1. Vessels confined to the dredged channel, i.e. constrained by of LNG (construction expected to commence 2009).
their draft, have right of way on the above mentioned stretches. Also see ‘‘Tanker Facilities’’.

See guidelines for compiling and submitting information (page xi) 1069
GERMANY Wilhelmshaven
Lower Saxony Bridge (Niedersachsen Bridge): The Niedersachsen Berth: The ICI Berth is 5 n.m. north of Wilhelmshaven and extends for
Bridge is to be extended. It is planned to provide facilities for the loading and approximately 0.75 n.m. There are 3 berths (No. 1, 2 and 3), but only Berths
discharge of large vessels up to 250,000 d.w.t. with dry and liquid bulk No. 2 and 3 are used and these are inside of the L-shaped section. Maximum
cargoes. depth at Chart Datum on Berths No. 2 and No. 3 is 8.5 m.
Dredging: Maintenance dredging in progress. Berth No. 2 (north) is for ethylene and Berth No. 3 is for VCM and EDC.
Jade Weser Port: Operator: JadeWeserPort Realisierungsgesellschaft Vessels normally berth port side to heading south.
GmbH. Tel: ␦49 (4421) 409800. Fax: +49 (4421) 409080. Mooring at each end consists of 7 lines (3 head/stern lines, 2 breast lines
Email: Web: and 2 springs). Mooring and unmooring is carried out quickly with the use of
Large Deep Water Container Terminal. a mooring boat.
Fire wires must be tended at all times and must be from 1.0 – 2.0 m. above
SHIPMASTER’S REPORT: January 1980 (Updated 2002). the water.
WRG (Ex-Beta) Sea Island (Platform): Cargo: Berth No. 2 (ethylene): Liquid and vapour return are 6 in. chicksans.
Position: Between Jade River Buoys No. 18 and 19.
Vapour line not normally connected during discharge. Normally warmest
Pilotage: Sea Pilots (2) board/leave at German Bight Lightvessel by
temperature accepted is ␤101␥C. Shore can accept vessels maximum
helicopter. pumping rate in the daytime but is reduced at night. We averaged 149 t.p.h.
Berthing Pilots (2) board/leave approximately 2 – 3 miles north of Sea Island with the maximum being 175 t.p.h.
by launch. On completion the arms are cleared with ship’s hot gas for about
Pilotage straightforward to ‘‘Weser Pilot Station’’ where river passage 20 minutes.
begins. Berth No. 3 (VCM and EDC): Separate lines are provided for each product.
Two bad bends here make strict attention to steering and helmsman The liquid loading line is 8 in. and the vapour return line is 4 in.
necessary. Due to shore power difficulties the pumping rate is reduced after dark when
Passage Time: the shore lighting is on. This is due to grid distribution which entails the shore
Inward (VLCC – half cargo) booster pump being shut down. This in turn reduces the pumping rate by
Sea Pilotage 3 hours 50 minutes half. On occasions ships are not berthed at night as it is not worth accepting
Berth Pilotage 54 minutes the low pumping rate.
Mooring 57 minutes In winter discharge can be prolonged to 36 hours whereas in summer it is
Pilotage distance 41 miles normally 12 hours.
Outward (VLCC – Ballast) The surveyor handles most of the paper work, except Notice of Readiness,
Berthing Pilotage 39 minutes which is accepted by the Loading Master.
Sea Pilotage 2 hours 24 minutes Documentation: The berth is within a free trade area, therefore no Crew
Pilotage distance 31 miles Declaration or Stores Lists required. The Immigration Officer boards on arrival
* (to 8 miles south of Light Vessel) and on departure in order to check all non-EEC passport holders. Shore
Helicopters: Base for the 3 German rivers at Wilhelmshaven. passes are issued to non-EEC passport holders and must be handed in prior
First contact 1 to 2 hours before arrival at ‘‘GB’’ (German Bight Racon to departure.
Buoy) via GB Helipilot or Ems Helipilot on Channel 16 (working 9 or 72) when Facilities: Fresh water is available from the pier and is metered.
ETA confirmed and that vessel is familiar with helicopter procedures. There is a telephone at the control pier which is metered.
Thereafter continuous watch on VHF Channel 16 until helicopter contact Lorries delivering stores are permitted to within 100 m. of the ship’s side.
and listening on VHF Channel 9 until operation completed. Berth crane available.
Berthing/Unberthing: Carried out at slack water only. Deep laden VLCCs on A shore gangway is available and is landed on the forecastle on small
HW only. Ballast or half-loaded VLCCs on either slack water. Deep laden ships.
VLCCs can only proceed inward on flood tide. No barges allowed alongside during cargo operations.
River passage at Buoy No. 3 begins about 4 hours before local HW at The Water Police board the vessel on arrival and check all certificates and
the Oil Record Book. The Oil Record Book must be completely up-to-date
Wilhelmshaven and is proceeding according to fixed tide schedule.
and carefully compiled and signed by both the Master and the Chief Engineer.
Minimum under-keel clearances to be observed:
For gas vessels Cargo Oil Record Book not required. The Water Police
1. Inward bound: required a copy of the Tanker Check List.
a) From Buoy No. ‘‘1b/Jade 1’’ to Buoy No. ‘‘23’’:1.97 m.
b) From Buoy No. ‘‘23’’ to Buoy No. ‘‘45’’:1.93 m. AUTHORITY: Waterway Authority: Wasser- und Schifffahrtsamt
c) From Buoy No. ‘‘45’’ to NWO Jetties:1.75 m. Wilhelmshaven, PO Box 2655, D-26366 Wilhelmshaven, Germany.
Tel: +49 (4421) 11860. Fax: +49 (4421) 186308.
2. Outward bound: jetties to sea: 15%.
Contact: Captain Stephan Hellwig, Seehauptkapitaen.
Tugs: Six tugs used for any VLCC movement, 1 forward, 1 aft and
4 ‘‘pushers’’. Additional tugs have to be ordered well in advance. Regional Authority: Niedersachsen Ports GmbH & Co KG, Jade-Weser,
Moorings: Standard VLCC mooring arrangement. Springs run out first. Postfach 2051, D-26382 Wilhelmshaven, Germany. Tel: +49 (4421) 48000.
Fax: +49 (4421) 480099. Email:
Cargo: 4␺16 in. Chicksan booms available. Discharge rates compatible with
Contact: Captain Lutz Wilhelm, Harbour Master. Tel: +49 4421 480020.
modern VLCC facility. Official outturn figures average 1.5% less than ship Fax: +49 4421 480059. Email:
Crude Oil Washing: Subject prior permission this is allowed. Local Authority: Stadt Wilhelmshaven, Rathausplatz,
D-26382 Wilhelmshaven, Germany. Tel: +49 (4421) 297256.
Air Pollution: Monitoring of gas emission from tank venting system carried Contact: Captain Arndt.
out during ballasting. If readings high, ballasting rate must be adjusted to
keep readings within set parameters (parameters not known). Terminal Operator: Nord-West Oelleitung GmbH, Zum Oelhafen 207,
D-26384 Wilhelmshaven, Germany. Tel: +49 (4421) 62461. Fax: +49 (4421)
Documentation: As per ‘‘Guide’’. Important that Certificate of Financial
62382. Web: Contact: Gunter Ramstein, Harbour
Responsibility is on board otherwise vessel fined (up to a maximum of Manager/Superintendent Tanker Dept/PFSO. Mobile: +49 1715 578711.
€ 5,100). Email:
Shore Leave: Permitted. Ferry is on call when required from Island to
mainland berth. Refinery jeep is then on call from Gate House. It is forbidden
to walk in Refinery area. Taxis can be called from Gatehouse.
General: The Sea Island is in the ‘‘free port’’ area, therefore, no personal WISMAR: 53␥ 54' N 011␥ 27' E (See Plan)
effects lists or other customs problems. Authorities inflexible if certification
problems arise (Certificate of Financial Responsibility). LOCATION: In the Baltic on the north coast of the country in the state of
REPORT: April 1986. CHARTS: BA Charts No. 2117 and 2359.
Berth Approaches: The main effect on ships approaching the berth results
from the flood or ebb current setting south or north nearly parallel to the berth. DOCUMENTS:
Bonded Stores List
It is of extreme importance that a ship which has to turn before berthing Cargo Documents
reduces speed in ample time and does not commence turning until its speed Crew Effects Declaration
over the ground is reduced to zero. Ships scheduled to berth port side to 3 Crew Lists
NWO Berth No. 4 should start the turning manoeuvre in the fairway about Maritime Declaration of Health
800 m. north of the berth. 3 Passenger Lists
NWO-Terminal (Nordwest-Oelleitung): Cautionary Advice: Due to the Ship’s Certificates.
strong current at the berths of up to 4 knots, extreme care should always be On arrival Master to complete Master’s Declaration and Master’s Report.
taken to keep the ship moored safely alongside the berth with all mooring ISPS COMPLIANCE: Port is compliant.
lines tight. Especially during off-setting strong winds and with the tide PFSO: Angelika Wenzel. Tel: +49 (3841) 452312.
changing, the moorings must be watched carefully. Shore wires are available. Mobile: +49 160 9893 7477. Eckard Kurfeld. Tel: +49 (3841) 452351.
Berthing Procedures: Berth No. 4: All max. sized ships planned for this berth Mobile: +49 171 386 4549.
will run on a time schedule without anchoring from German Bight Lightvessel
to the berth. Ships are normally scheduled to arrive at the turning position
MAX. SIZE: LOA 230 m., beam 35.0 m., depth 8.40 m.
about 800 m. north of the berth 2 hours/30 minutes before Slack High Water, DENSITY: 1007.
then turned if flood tide manoeuvre, then turned and backed up to the berth RESTRICTIONS: In brackish water and with normal water level (5.0 m.
mooring port side to. It is emphasised that the ship should be stopped over on the water gauge), vessels piloted by day and night with max. LOA 140 m.,
the ground before commencing the turn and ships must not be turned off the beam 21.0 m. and draft 8.0 m. can enter safely. Ships with greater dimensions
berth itself. If the ship is behind schedule and the ebb current has started to need permission for the Fairway from the Wasser- und Schiffahrtsamt Lubeck,
run, the ship will then berth without turning and moor starboard side to. and permission for the Harbour from the Port Authority Wismar. Agent
The angle of approach should be as small as possible. requires notice to make the application.
The Offentief Fairway is for ships with max. draft 3.1 m., and the Flaggtief
SHIPMASTER’S REPORT: April 1988 (Updated 2002). Fairway is for ships with max. draft 3.0 m.
Chart: BA Chart No. 3669. Also see ‘‘VTS/Radar’’.
Pilotage: Pilot boards by motor boat from the seagoing Jade/Weser Pilot APPROACHES: The bay is sheltered from all winds. From the Fairway
Cutter which is stationed near ‘‘Buoy 3/Jade 2’’. On boarding, the Pilot Buoy ‘‘Wismar’’ to harbour entrance is about 16 n.m. and is well marked with
requires the Check List for Vessels. buoys and landmarks.
Pilots change just north of the berth on entering and leaving. Time from PILOTAGE: Compulsory for all oil, gas and chemical tankers, and all
pilot vessel to ICI Berth is about 2 hours. vessels over LOA 90 m. or berth 13.0 m. or draft 5.2 m. Pilot station at
Tugs: Tugs are not used by small vessels but stand-by astern whilst vessel Timmendorf on west coast of Poel Island for pilotage to Fairway Buoy at
alongside. Wismar. Call ‘‘Timmendorf Pilot’’ on VHF Channel 14. Pilots to be requested

1070 Readers are encouraged to send updates and additions (page xi)
4 hours prior to arrival or 3 hours prior to departure on VHF Channel 14. TELEPHONES: No ship to shore communications.
Tel: +49 (381) 206 0350. NEAREST AIRPORT: Lubeck International Airport, 50 km., Hamburg
DEEP SEA PILOTAGE: See ‘‘Baltic Deep-Sea Pilotage’’. International Airport, 100 km.
ANCHORAGES: Anchorage in outer roads, north of Hannibal Shoal in SHORE LEAVE: Crew members permitted ashore.
the following positions: IDENTIFICATION CARDS: Shore passes are only issued for crew
a) Lat. 54␥ 06' 26" N, Long. 11␥ 20' 54" E members and passengers of those nationalities that normally require a Visa
b) Lat. 54␥ 06' 26" N, Long. 11␥ 25' 24" E to enter the Federal Republic of Germany. For crew members and
c) Lat. 54␥ 04' 56" N, Long. 11␥ 25' 24" E passengers who do not require a Visa to enter the Federal Republic of
d) Lat. 54␥ 04' 56" N, Long. 11␥ 20' 54" E Germany, Seaman’s Book or passport is sufficient.
The depths are 10.0 – 16.8 m. The bottom is sand and stones. Shore passes issued to passengers are chargeable.
Good anchorages and safe shelter can be obtained at the inner roads. AUTHORITY: Wisamar-Fairway Authority Head Office: Wasser
Anchorage at the inner roads, south of ‘‘Platte’’ and east of ‘‘Mittelgrund’’ und Schifffahrtsamt Lubeck, Moltkeplatz 17, D-23566 Lubeck, Germany.
Shoal in the following positions: Tel: +49 (451) 6208. Fax: +49 (451) 6208190.
a) Lat. 53␥ 59' 50" N, Long. 11␥ 20' 36" E Wismar-Fairway Authority Local Office: Wasser und Schifffahrtsamt
b) Lat. 53␥ 59' 31" N, Long. 11␥ 21' 45" E Lubeck, Revierzentrale Wismar, Am Leuchtenfeld 12, D-23570 Travemunde,
c) Lat. 53␥ 59' 02" N, Long. 11␥ 21' 47" E Germany. Tel: +49 (4502) 75727. Fax: +49 (4502) 8475527.
d) Lat. 53␥ 58' 22" N, Long. 11␥ 21' 00" E Port Authority: Seehafen Wismar GmbH, Hafenamt, Burocenter,
e) Lat. 53␥ 58' 30" N, Long. 11␥ 20' 42" E Kopenhagener Strasse, 23966 Wismar , Germany. Tel: +49 (3841)
The depths are 6.0 – 9.0 m. The bottom is sand and stones. 251 3260. Fax: +49 (3841) 441328. Email:
PRATIQUE: Pratique given on arrival. In case suspected disease or fever Web: Contact: Ulf Wiechmann, Managing Director.
on board, radio details to Agent or Harbour Master before arrival. Tel: +49 (3841) 452300. Email:
Harald Forst, Hafenkapitan. Tel: +49 (172) 914 496.
VHF: Lubeck Radio and Arcona Radio Stations listen on Channel 16. Email:
‘‘Timmendorf Pilot’’ on Channel 14 (24 hours).
‘‘Wismar Traffic’’ on Channel 12 (24 hours).
‘‘Wismar Port’’ on Channel 11, Monday to Friday 0700 – 1530 hrs.
VTS/RADAR: All inbound vessels with a beam of 6.0 m. and more have
to call ‘‘Wismar Traffic’’ on VHF Channel 12, when passing Fairway Buoy
‘‘Wismar’’ or the Buoy ‘‘Offentief’’. Second report when passing the Buoy 9,
and Buoy 21 if proceeding alongside the quay.
Between the Isle ‘‘Walfisch’’ and the harbour entrance at Wismar, the max.
speed is 8.1 knots. From the harbour entrance at Wismar to the quay, the
max. speed is 5 knots.
TUGS: One tug of 750 h.p. available in the port. However, it is possible to
order more tugs through the Agent if sufficient notice given. Vessels up to
LOA 90 m. do not require a tug. Vessels LOA 90 – 120 m. one tug, LOA
120 – 170 m. two tugs, over LOA 170 m. three tugs.
Exemptions are possible. Please contact Agent.
BERTHS: The harbour is on the east side at the inner end of the entrance
Quay Length Draft Cargo
No. (m.) (m.)
LP1 120 8.23 Tankers
LP2 130 5.30 Chemicals, general cargo, bunkers
LP3 182 8.23 Timber, general cargo
LP4 132 8.23 Timber, general cargo
LP5 115 8.23 Grain, general cargo
LP6 87 8.23 General cargo
LP7 180 8.23 Dry bulk, general cargo
LP8 151 8.23 Dry bulk, general cargo
LP9 162 8.23 Dry bulk, general cargo, Ro-Ro
LP10 175 8.23 Peat
LP11 179 8.23 General cargo
LP12 149 8.23 General cargo
LP13 183 8.23 General cargo
LP14 215 8.23 General cargo
LP15 184 8.23 Forest products, general cargo
LP16 149 6.70 No cargo operations
LP17 169 8.23 Passengers
LP18 149 6.10 No cargo operations
LP19 125 7.62 No cargo operations
LP20 152 7.62 No cargo operations
LP21 119 5.80 No cargo operations
BULK FACILITIES: Owner: Seehafen Wismar GmbH. Tel: +49 (3841)
452343. Email:
Facilities: Bulk cargo is handled at Berths No. LP7 – LP9. The terminal has
one shiploader for bulk cargoes (fertilisers and other weather-sensitive goods)
and one fixed shiploader for direct over-quay operations, serviced by a
conveyor belt system running the length of the berths.
OTHER FACILITIES: Ro-Ro: There is a ramp located adjacent to the
inner end of Berth No. LP9. Modern facilities with sufficient traffic and storage
Dry Cargo Terminals: Owner: Seehafen Wismar GmbH. Tel: +49 (3841)
452343. Email:
Facilities: Shore cranes of 6, 12, 16 and 45 tons.
Three mobile Atlas cranes.
TANKER FACILITIES: Owner: Seehafen Wismar GmbH.
Tel: +49 (3841) 452351. Email:
Facilities: Transshipment centre and storage tanks for mineral oils and
CRANES: See ‘‘Other Facilities’’ and ‘‘Repairs’’.
STEVEDORES: Working Hours:
Monday – Saturday (1st shift): 0600 – 1400
Monday – Friday (2nd shift): 1400 – 2200
Meal breaks: 1000 – 1030 and 1800 – 1830
Overtime by agreement.
MEDICAL: Medical station with doctor in Old West Port and local hospital.
Notice to Agent required if medical assistance necessary.
FRESH WATER: Available from shore hydrants at all berths.
FUEL: Diesel oil and fuel oil available by barge or truck.
DRY DOCK: See ‘‘Nakskov’’.
REPAIRS: Flottenservice Wismar GmbH. Tel: +49 (3841) 250141.
Fax: +49 (3841) 250142.
One floating crane of 100 tons capacity, which is also employed for
operations in the port.
SURVEYORS: Germanischer Lloyd. Tel: +49 (3841) 27010.
Fax: +49 (3841) 270111.
SGS Intercontrol. Tel: +49 (3841) 26180.

See guidelines for compiling and submitting information (page xi) 1071

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